W finmfififéu vlll I. J. ITAIILI, 10130! AND I'IOPBII‘I‘OI “‘-:::_‘._::-:_‘::;:;_:t r;".:: " Zia—{r'ir'siéfiic-i,’ ii; a MONDAY gloamc, ‘J ' .The Legislature melion Tawny.— Both House‘ of course elected Abolition oflicen: Wm. JiTurrell, {(Suqquclmnnld Speaker of we Senna; Geprge W. Ham. mmly. Clerk; Lucien J. Rodgers. Auih, (mt Clot-k; John G. Min-din. Sergeant-at- Anna; .na Jami}. Rabxeul boorkeepef.- @- G. Olmsteud. (Patten) ISMr-ker of fine Home; A. W. Benedict, Clorlc; Wm. H. Dennison, Assistant Clerk; Alexander Adair, Poul-aver; tune-"C, ldunkia, Dom-keeper; and Charles lilcl, Sergeant-5L- Al’ma. A number of "nuisfhnul'wexe also ale-clot] in each Housowucob .Kluuk was voted. for by the DemochJ of. the Smite. us one of lhe Asaiuant ‘Sergeg‘ntM-Arma.‘ The Gown‘og’s meg-agenwua lre'ceived .and read on: chnv'm‘iay, and the usual number . o.' copies ordefied m‘Lbe printed. Nothidg Of Special intermt lmn'yet b‘een done. “’qu. Cuntin'u Annual Message will. be found in thib paper. A. number of i‘ls‘ recommendmiuns nré ‘p‘r iseworthy—but file poor inon Mm mudgu- ”Curliu nn‘d no [more drafts,”viill ln‘lnlly thank him fin mlovnng the iu‘e‘. 9f the rich Philadelphia hiya} ‘leaguerl. discOuraging lopnl‘houn‘tiol tn volunte’rs.‘ ‘va-udqpted, coulil kfop out of the urn) chase“ ‘sulrsdiutos, whil: classes would dlone come w'rl of nu-rciloss corifcripliun. Governur “:35. 6m JSlate h Indra~ Hmn I??? nléazgfiq: m the war. TM»; is ‘whut, " halve lung «Yum» >upposell. n in: final ho Inn.- ut lml Wukm Mate hf “in “NI. H" ulmu an“! a (Ivlvmiin-wl Hum! '1 of the tune m 4 would prcur vun‘m 11l least ample junice} [IVFW' HI :lI’C ncvyldvd to U'! hose q'mtn uqd OwiaUAAti!t is 4 mfio drop’L'l mrnuérisn EOM say- “on. (imrga 31;" fi (h- mynrrnim.~q,.l.ia.arm! (In Saluhhy'w-wk, in-xlw . up. “Jr. “(in was unP of an able.‘ «my-«nun nf the pix-t gnlmnti'm, afl'l in lii: gumfiilv-l mmv ‘(1 .h'e hilllflnl pn‘itfuns ofuud s-nd, imp»?! mo» in Ilka cuuxzcry.— H ~ mu n (:Thwgurl ‘lr-L‘ut 0 31mm; nl, ia‘nrm Ir much-«(I (wliu- l'-iinn. u run he brig-d l- m 1 nhwédml ; lo ~urn;}{_wx and when-’s‘ Irhlch was the Jimmy; aim (1' his political Mu.» u'l'hus has another Hui wont man and rum pzilriut pasq-d‘muuy, lea 'ing {he migh h' ‘(Mt'llls now dunking Lh‘b- 'nunuy to in, n Mrp. lo (lumrmnul «I: the null men wfln l ave mum-what Hu- :1941 on WMI’. ‘4'. \" fin-Mum, n lx-x m lulu. nml vatl'llll, h the ,Vdiumll Inlfl/f'qeuar, u' Hum fif‘y yt-nu \\.A< luuldxa llh-‘picr: of lhul livm w [l ism“ that m-dflu done by our gl‘fiv'l'nménl l'flngl‘h‘ll'lllfl nun-ml ulmn w 1 Mute uuthdxilh 51m umpiyil ‘ out-n in (hr Hu-ulln vi In his! lm-du-al Hurt", kc , although ‘ aux-endingguN-Ugm In [hen-I prmonuls In the fidlh. W} (1: deluyml, wln-u so much #0 vnrt :- ’q'mnnhly might. wompx’ac‘l‘i'on f ' ”Some of our'Shotluiy PFclmngos. says the Patriot «It ”(31011. 1“!"ch i ndggnauon be_ ruuw Hun. C. L, Ward, ini his Atl-lrms, ch-i'ges their par'y with nupnen-us frauds (.n the,fr‘anchlwl Lit ”[91:11 '1». quietl— ‘Vlu-n Mr. Lincoln figures ciut an increflse ‘of one hundred and‘ fortyJiiv'e thousand voters (145.55!) in four years‘s, in only twiwn. ty-five States, and yet my: hb trepanls our «Amignuu as one of the prin ilm'i‘replonishv ing “want to repair 1h? r- vnges uf inter nal w". nnul the'vustenf mat rial strength,” it is a pretly' clear admissm that election frauds were numeréus-«wenlif shoddy did not commin them. We hue no evidu-nce' Hunt the ahbddy lenders diij not commit them. which. “km in coxfiun'ctiqn inith their great love of ofiice militheir refinleq unvemtinn lbnt nopurteriwhnt‘ It would cost Lincoln shbuld be re—éiected.‘maiies out I cfie agninst them 18 strong 13,11” heretofore been necessary~ to germ]. a “cop perhead" intq banishmeht or to the bnslile. fi-Mnyor Opdyke. of Nay York, wi‘a elected.by the good people of (Jul. city, in opposition to sinful Democknu, who had long done evil and only évil in rho city government. He mg: not oqu honest, but still beuer, he turned 01", to‘, be loyal. He Dues Thnrlow Weegj, afiother loyal nun, (01' n libel. [he sun" mu called for; for if Wead qu not a. libeler. Ojdyke was the biggest meal unhung.‘ The trial in on band now, and Weed seems readlved to prove thu Dpdyke ia‘evcn worse than he said he l was, and I: likely to luccecd from present. uppenanccs. It. is a max Lal scandnl t 9 se‘e l the saints thus exposing each other’nnipe 1 { "auctions. The party shéeu rejoic‘ed L over the ,bpppy reform in morhls thn Op. dyke would inaugurate. He had virtue And honesty enough to do the whole 61". [c in, pérhaps, all‘rigln for a mint to do mch things; but. it would be very‘~hud in - film“ to claw, lie and swindle M. guch I. “u, Kwill take a greai dad of honesty m,“ IO much WHYw-Louiwille Dem- fi-Admirsl Porteydoea- not seem t4;l bug‘s-[exalted opinion of the manner 1 in file]: tho‘lnnd‘ruwck on Fort Ember was abducted. or.;tatber, :bandon'cd.— The Adiiiml's official report_ and his reply to Butler contain some scathing reflections, ostensibly lhrgwn at. poor Weinel, but re plly midget! for the hero of Dutch Gap 1, who in we eommznderpf the lam! ‘ ad of course resppnuble. This f ' 1mg!“ to 'poule charm: of Butler ‘ ‘ dliu for alt time. but there ‘ii' it why am the President will M? K light, being wedded t 9 Bpn , ed .. undthc poquilit’ ornpm. V 7.. ,~ RUN)». x IIM:Mil 7; .’ s*- ._, «59‘3- ‘ . Wendell Pump- ‘delivered it mum in Philndelphin n few evenings ng'o. on "The Next Notion-I Sufi." After I review of what he considered had been done, by the >' )Vnr, in furtherance of his darling scheme of Abolition. he sold the next step, after‘ the amendment to the Constitution prohib iting slavery‘in I“ the Stefan. should be heather. forbidding “Any State to enact 23 lsw which makes any distinction among‘ her citizens, on mount of me, color, or: nntionnlity." - Thiswwasljust whst might‘hsve been ex pected, in the develOpment of the one idea of the negiophilisu. 11 does not surprise min the least when it now boldly preached by men of the Phillips school; nlthongh it will- doubtlm prove unpalsteble st first to 'those‘nmnng the Republicsns who-to-dsy ldeny thst they ere in ("or at negro equsli t,y,,s stoutly as they denied being Aboli | tionistrl. for 'years ngo. But. to this emb -1 plexion must they come nt lut. Nickie equslity follows unconditional IbolitiQn 'just so logicslly as two anti tw‘lnjke" rent ; and however some of the loyalists mdy kitik 1 against it, it‘needs not the gift of piopbesiyl 1 to see tlintbefolqbng it will become 11. oar-l dinsl point ofthae abolition creed. J Our ohjeotion :to Mr. Phillips’s "Ne ‘ JStop,'.' remarks fize¥mding Gazette, is nd so much to the step itself—for those wli wish to take it—ss lo the manner in whim he desiies to‘“enforce it. We see'in it an other advance in the‘revolntionnry work 4: .usurpntion by'the Fedfigrall Governing-Jute powers which were never granted, uni which its fon‘nders'never intended to grunt to it—ol‘ powers which, if exeioised, wil totally ldestxoy that system of local sell government which constiiutes the Very v 1 tel essence of our republican institutions:- In‘ other words, the centralisation of WWI ‘over the internal and domestic nfllu'rv N. 9, '1365 the States, in the. Federal Governmen would be death ta civil liberty. ,‘ r If any Slate—Massachusetts, for exampl —cbooses Lo'degrad-e-igs while inhabilamia to thé level of Chinese, Hotteptmi and N2l - place'drem all upon: the ammo footing in poliiical. social and domestic life ,—if their fancier nnfi inflection run inithm‘c direction. let. lemfindulge the propensityi‘. There is no disputihg about. tastes. Resi ‘ dance ill-lunch a flute of society is not coni -I[rumor-5w But. he protest, ixf‘bbg name 011' Icing-[affix manhood and common sense, agai t (trains nuy‘such monstrous notioné fiof (-qunli y upon us, of.Penusylvaniu, W]! i [fave yetfiwugh self-egteeru lift to believ that whilp men are. by the ordination '0! wiuefProvidence, superior. in' many of th attril’ers of humanity to races whose nor mnl ,condition is yet. barbarou§, or at lens .l-iui-lmrbnrousyand who believe, furtlie i linujtfihoy are beVat fulfilling their destiny b [striving to preserve and improve um sup 'iurgly. N 9, no,‘Mi'.‘ Phillips—don‘t, lore you: next slap Qn us: You may, ifit; pleas you. Luke 1 your'embrace the African GE’- ‘iilla. and iii! him as a brothPr—nnd 9 may all Bia+¢saclmsetla ?\'llil you. But, (1 allow us tl‘ liberty to clioose our company . A ml, perm t 113 to suggest, that. when tlx Amer-kiln ‘ongress presuqneu to exercis the péiers tho! you wouldfonfer‘upbn it, our'Govern Dent-Will” have 020 mg. what it is nowi rapidly drifting ,to; ‘a gigantic ceni 'tr:llizé({despotism,lnndwthe Staten mere sub jvct. pxovincea'. ~ I ‘ tho weathy y by the pur sL the '[nm'el' thin le uv'voep ‘rnm ‘ylmt the us becgn ham-d u to ‘kcf'p up ,1 nil] {3.001110 " .I it i~, grutify nl: {(‘i-‘tli‘e Irma lat, 0:10.19 lnkr': um llu-friglns‘ for“ P‘énnsy‘l 1103 (Immuni- Ntate of Mzgfl m hefiulefial‘l will’liours, a, . _ Allus .dml in ‘ fivfillne‘i; “f In? ME -u H! Um pay! - Tim PRESEN'I' OPPORTUNITY u’viving pant: mix (at 190‘ Ld Dude? [he :IJuet nmv ale nre‘very jubilant (int 611 rrcont §uc.c<~§§es. They a’re giant. and can, i‘uwd arigh‘t, he madeof permnlnent vnlue‘. , . n. .7 l l‘hgmore thoughtful men of thel nation are 'ufivuiling the notion ol'lhe Administration: with mucluanxiety. What ‘will Mr. LinL cnln and his pal-ty‘ do with these victoriesl Will they ame themright, and make thenl ,lhe ateppiuz stone ‘ n speedy ,und» honorl üble pence? That is jnyx. now the steal. que§lionf T y have given to them a. go‘ls; den qpportunity for accomplishing grgn and beneficial ‘reaulu. ‘Will they use i? alright ? _ ‘ \' We have not. the slightest ~(‘lo'nbt that mi Egon, may! .pfl'er Utaetxlemehgmade tl e_people,(%tlxc South, would he respond e_ to proin tly by the‘peopleithemselvesl‘ .Lhe lendefim‘ight scent it, find» leek tnL ' rally the m es tonélv and mine desperate lccfnteats ; but, if the deduation should 3* fox-that, once from Washington, that each and every due of the seceded States‘woul be reqeinetly back into .the Union. withou any humiliating conditionat. merely an ill i basis 45’ '11:: u'nahqzded Constitution, we béliev Ithe rebel lenders‘ would find themselves ' ‘ nacgnd‘ixion in which it woald ‘be an utte f impassibility for t enNon‘utinue the co - teat. .. . \ I ‘ Now is the. aim 'This.i\s\the tide in ,oq afihirs which fiho dbe taken I the‘ hand. So says the Law (er Intelh’gckllnd th '- peoyle reopen Amenl - \ u .—,—‘—-———-o . o—A———- l THEPEAOB mssxoxormiau .: g. - 1:45 334 hPfl) Ulnlrl' IlLe‘ur ‘hlfin; Cu‘nfwlr u Evfivm! pry c-(F. clncihfnlgw [heathen mm [diam wi‘m are y tile! rant sull'ering. and be flayed bn “The New} York THéunc of Wednesda ‘. referring to‘ the abortive‘ mission of the Blair: toward Richmond, expressed the opinion thiit “‘Mr. Blair, (the fuher,)‘ be lievingihei he might, _by visiting Richmond; you the way 10 ajnsc and lasting pacified tion to the country}? proposed to go there, and the President, while he refused to givie the visit. an official character, new no reason for pmontinfiit. TM}. Blair, aoconapanied by his son fontgomery, accordingly re paired to Gener‘ll‘G'ranl’s heodduarcera be fore Ri'chmoqzd. but. was not permitted to proceed fun-flier, because the Sectotary of War, believidg no good could be efi‘éited by his proposed wnferenoe with _the Con federate chiefs. saw fit. to intimate to Gen. Grant that he did not approve of Mr. Blair’s proceeding, nor believe theft could result. in anyzgood ; which Gen. Gnhbvgry ; naturally interpreted as a hint from’hi immediate superior not toD allow Mr. Blair to pan: hi: lines on his way toßichinondr Mr. Blair has thereupon returned, per force, to Washington.” { The Tnbune thinks am. the Secunr'yor War, in piercepgjng the impure! [:3 Blair by a telegrap to Ueneni Grant, had indeed ”made I give mistake, one Hm; Ehe country will not. be inclined perms: neatly to icqniuce in." Right, for once; Mr. greeloy 1 . j awn“ 311111 @ll9 din of battle behem-d no mbro in the mud: When mm mm thesjm mn his course by dly, and the 111906 uu‘el up his pals pgthw-y at night, and 3459 no mine on our eonntrf ain‘t-cue}!l bleeding md torn'by civil nu! When! { .‘iNagirhowg of impugn“ recer on I?er at Saturday. ‘ 3 ' \ \ "rm: mm any." TE! COHWOML rum-lon. I GoVJCurtin, on Hood-y inned his proo lunntion, declaring thu Boxed J. Rondnll. Charle- O'Neill, Leonard Myen, Willinm' ' D. Kelley, M. Runel Thnyer, B. Herldey "Boyer, John 11. Broonnll, Sydenhun E. «uterine, Theddenn Stevens. Myer‘ Strouu. "Philip Johnson, Charles D'nnilon, Ulyuee Mercury George F. Miller, Aden: J. Gloss brenner, Abraham A. Barker, Stephen F. Wilson, Gianni W. Scofield, Charles V. Culver, John L.‘Dmuon, J. K. Moorehoed, Thoma: Williarm. and George V. Lawrence, have been returned an duly elected in their several dittrictl u repreicntetives in thel Conga-soft!“ United Stolen, {or the term 4 of two yours, to commence from and alterl thefourth day of Xorch next. It will be observed met the name of Hon. A. H. Cofl‘roth.the Democntic member elect in the 16th District, is omitted. The Gov ernor he: no power, legnlly, tornnnul the ,certificete of election Hr; Cofl‘roth holds, I and give it to his dofented competitor; Mr. ’ Koontz ; sud therefore (he Attorney Gene»T nl has filed an opinion declering the re-' turn: irregular. Upon thin ground, the i Governed: proelnlnltion goes on to uy “That no such returns of the election in the‘ Sixteenth Congressionnl District have been sent to the Secretory of the Common wealth, as would, under the Act of Assem bly of 2d J uly, 1839, euthoriu no to pro claim the nun. of my person I: having been duly elected 1 member of the ‘House of Representatives of the United States, for thet district.” The effect'pf this will be to till-ow upon the House itnelf lhe decision at" theflcue, which will, of course, out the Democratic member, Ind give lhe lent to on Abolition ist. .Iu thig manner In the right: of the. people trampled on, by tho unscrupulous party now in power.—.Rcading Gazelle? 36‘s”! the New York Sun. (Icy-1:) “lehlly competent men are leldom found in the public" service, 3nd it has almost come to‘be a rcpt-ouch to hold an office un der Government." _ g ‘ There’n light. for you, shoddy. A Bygonu.—On £ll9 sth of In; September, at Aupurn, N. Y., Secretary Seward skid: “We shall have no ‘drafc, because the army is being reinforced at. the rite of five to cén thousand per day, by volunteers.” H‘Ayer’a American Almanac has now arrived and is‘rendy for delivery gratis at A. D. Buehler’s-’Drug Store to all who call {or it.— The number. contains a treatise on Scrofula and“: kindred complaints, which is well worlh perusal. ‘ It allo sixes much gepeml mgdicul information. which is use ful and should be kept against a time of need it; every family. 'ltl compilttion of jdkes ahd anecdotes is about. the best that reaches us,nnd these facts Lug-thei- have givonjt acirculation which is said to he the lurgest of any one book in the world. ——- ~———~—a-bo A Q‘Goy. Seymour, of New Ydrk. ralired from oflictl on the 2d instant, and his luc cessor, Mr. Fenton, wal inaugurated. fisherman is still at SAvon'mh. All the cuuntry lhrough which he marched I: again in the hands pf the Rebels. r—~— -» -——o-e—~ -7,,, a ' éSI-Imyéar. The Chicago firm: has admnced 1t: subscription pnceJo $141)" year. ‘ ‘ E‘WVIJ' is a game in which Print»: sometimes mu, but we people never.”—, Lawn.- ‘ ‘ . IMPORTAXI‘ TO SL’HSCR]BERS.—Sincé the ‘ll of Au’gus't, 1864, our term: of subscnp» liou'buvo been Two DOLLAKI ifpnid in admnrr, and 'h‘o DOLLAR! um Fur" cents if not so paid. Those whom“ and [my us between 'lu's and the 2131' or Jam“, i-an'lnve the papn‘ hr. our muse: terms. After Hmt time our published rates} will be RIGIDLY ADHERE!) TO. g, ‘ fi-LAST NOTICE—After .the Is: of Febniary, non-paying subscribers wl‘ll—he stricEen from the list. The‘enormous prim which we Are compelled“) pay for everything used in getting out tho‘Coxruzn. leave us no other recourse. The coming \Courtfio com- megge on the 16th inst, vil!‘ afford many opportunities for sending us mono], and we hope thbse in smurfs 'ivill avail themselves of themfland thus spnre u the performance of a duty that will be M unpleasant In Item. RECORD YOUR DEEDS.——The ittemion of panic: holding unrecorded Deed! is direc‘m to lhe’provisiouu ofthe Act of Assembly, which requires the!— “All deeds nnd éonveynn‘ces for real estate ‘in this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for_Recording Deeds in the county where‘ the ladds lie, willuiuiz month: after the execution of such deeds and conveyance; and every such deed and conveyance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be ndiud'gedFRAUDULENT AND VOID spins: en, subsequent purchaser for sv'nlneble cousiderstiou, unless such deeds be recorded before the recording of the deed or cbnveyance under which such subsequent pur chaser or mortgages shell claim." ~ This is a very: impox‘unt hotice, a: those holding unrecogded deedl will see the mpob : cc of bowing then recorded without. further mmion on cum in ended and the Lord my: “well don'c, than good end feithfnl serum."— We ere non-y tom him leave our towi, for Inch pure, enugetic ind Able mlnmera nre,-we are Sin-q tony, no; u often found an they lhould be. ‘Mwilh him menu in his new field, end hope his flue any be u we“ filed in the fu ture u it hu‘beeg during his stay “long us. —C'¢rl&lc Democrat.\ . 4' A In Snot—on Bethany but. e men n med Tito Venudlen In. “INN in Centre vilie, in “all counq,by Ilowu-d Rupee).l Ven udlen, it name, use a downer from thingy, 1 and Rupert with seven! omen “tempted ‘ - I um: him, when, during the alteration, How ard shot Vemdlen with e revolver, killing him almoetinlmntly. We fol-bur eommenlin! up on theme,u the new will undergo judicinl 1 investigeflon, Bupen having been committed to jail by Coroner Smith, to mix his trial.— Tho occurrence he: ceuu¢mldmbieexcito~ meat in the neigtbérhnofi—Gerk‘d: Mat. _ fin. wit] 2! PHI-debut In over tony mill?” in debt. So much for mum, K ‘‘ . ' CM . aim) ec &mill. CORRECT THE BNROLLIBNT.fTh. u roliment in man, districts in by In too Inge, Ind the drum will be unmerciful nnleu tome (ions In nude. The following clum would be Itricken ofl': ‘ Dend men, \ Men in the service, Nou-renden‘s, Those who have served two yen", All drifted in 1863 who paid $3OO, 'I hose under 20 yeln of age, Thou over 45, ‘ Alienl, Those having mnnifznt diubility. Many are enrolled tile. or more, Ind some are not enrolled at 111. Then o_ught to be corrected. Every ‘dinrict should but public meeting: to examine it: lint of the nines en rolled, l'o detect flu orron, and bring them to the gtlenfion of the Bond of Enrollment, which' will be in Gettylpurg on Fridny Md Sntnrday, the 29th Ind 21”. of funny inst. ‘l ‘ lILITIA EXEMPTIONS.—The talk or I" Jung" lisble to enrollment for the St: - gm‘ncgording to the provieione of the net 0 Hey «12191864, hue been med. hy the one“; on at the, levernl district: of the county, end In new‘ it: the Commiuioner’e dffice, for re cord. The Connniuioneu will hold the BP peoll from the nueument of reel end peraotfil property in Ifew weeks, end as they Ire also required at that fine, imrding to said not, to determine who are exotnpt, or not liable to do military duty, we would call the attention of person! who intend to make Ipplieetion‘for such exemption, to the following section, to wit: ' “Any person claiming that. he is not linble to military duty, on nccount of some phyliral defect, or bodily infirmity, or that He in uempt from tbé performnnce of military duty, by any law of this Slate, or of the United States, may, on or before the‘ day specified in sth notice, (the day for holding the appul in the town ship) and not after, deliver to said useuor, an affidavit, stating such hots, on whlch he clniml tthe exempt, or not, liable to do military duty. Such affidavit. may be made before any person authorized to administer ouths. Jim”. » . ‘Every one‘ who intends mnking application to the Commissioners for discharge from the enrolled mililis, will at once see the impornnco of complying with [hp above section of the law, so as to facilime the operations of tho board on thé days ofappenl. ‘ t fiWe learn that the Caledonia lron Works 'belonging to the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens: are now owned udcnrried on by AM & Stevens— the Hush. Ahl, of Newville, hgving purchased one-half interest in the works. We h‘give not learned Que amount paid b. the new partners. Lieut..Jnmea Pott, of M'Connellsburg, has resigned} his position as ,clerk in the ‘ofice ol the Pennsylvania State Agency at Washing. ton cits, and lcceiited the nppointmem bf Su perintendent or the works. ~ I ‘ J ARRESTED—John Shriner, 9f Freedom township, vies arrested, and lodged in juil,_on Moi-day lust, for slealing Mr. Sher-{fie sleigh. Hg painted the lluigh blnrk immediately nftir Healing it. lfiPFfllibilionr were gin-n by .ghe Metho dist [L'Sabhzuh Szhnul, un ’l‘hurldny and Fri uny evenings, for (he hemfit u: the Inbrnry.-—- The chuxch urns cruunlcg on both occasions, and the cxcnises guvi' high “tang-Hum. WJJmc-s I“. l-‘ahm-stuek has auld his fuzc residence on the éolar of East. Middle and BJlllanm struts, :0 ll 3. ECG. Vl’ubucetock, for $5,000 cash. 1 W)”. G. Cornelius Ilnrlzell, ornmmnd‘ township, one day Lust week, cnpl'urcd m'ue full grown worn a! one lmul. pllc Irxuln-d them to n large hollow teem-hemilse whole family had midvnlly 12km up Winn-r qu.vrlcrs._ “E’Our Carrier returns thanks to the pat run of this papa" [or (he libernl manner in whivb they responded to his cull on New Year a warning—more liberal [llm‘n enr before on a :imilnr uccnsion. . , - Emu: Fnox —Arm~ [he [hula ur Getty!- bs/rg, two young men, J4me: and - Grucy, ofOrrstuwn, member! oanpL. 'i‘ompson’s com pany. lo'llh Penn’s. Vols., Were‘ reported as mining,A but no definite information could be given Is to ‘ioir fate. As time clap-ed and no tidings cameos to their wh‘erentoou, ill. hope was givon up by their friem-il, thoJuppoailion being lbat‘they had been either kilied or cup tured and died in some southern prison, until a few weeks since, when a letter was: received by I triend from James, aiming that they were prisoners of war in Andersonviile,"Gn., Ind were both in good health.l—ohamberaburg Re :pon'lary. ' ‘ , ‘ ”Therein :trongauffaco indiqntions of oil in the western part of Bedfonl county.— Somepuliu from Somerset’anre my cup;- Ed boiing for it in Janina township, . fi'Dr. Gwin, formerly ‘U. S. Senator from Cnlifuinia, has- been made Viceroy of Sono n, by Emperor Miximnlinn. ' : fiFuhionable calls—Abnhu'a ‘upon -is Mandi, for “300,000 more." . ; 511(0sz NOTICES. INFORMATION FREE . To Nlnvocs ScrrunnnsFA Gentleman, cured of Neri'ous Debility, Incompetency,‘ Premature Decny,and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit. nlhere, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of chm-30,) tho recipe and flirectiOus for making tin liulple remedy used in hircnse" Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’l bad experience, and possess a sure and vnlunble remedy, can do to by addressing him at. once, at his plnco of busi neu. The wipe and full inlnrmaliou-nofvitnl importance—will be cheerfully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 80 Nassau Street, New York. P. S.——Nervous Sufl'erers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. Dec. 5, 1864'. 3m . THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Sm Jul" Cunn’s .Cnnnnln Fxnu PILLS. Prepared from a preqcription of Si; J. Clarke, M. p., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. Thiajnvnlnnhle medicine in un failing in the cure of all those painful. 3nd -sngerons diseases to which the female con i ' ntion’ia subject. 11. modemtel all excen an: moves all obltrnctiona, and a speedy cure or .y be relied on. To Mikricd Ladies it in peculiarly united.— lt nill, in shori time, 'bring on the monthly period witthlnrity. ,Each bottle) rice One Dollar, bean the Government. saga? of Greu Britain, to pre~ rent counterfeill. \ CAanOlPThere “gallonld not be taken by Fem-lei during the \lr ran: non“ of ngnnpcyy‘fis they are an to’ bring on lil curringe, but ct any otherJ a they no Info. in silence: of Nervous an ' ll Afl'ccfiou. Pains in the Back end Limbs, Fn 0e oh Ilight exertion, Palpiution of the Henrtpflyslericl, ml Whitel, these Pill! will efl'ecn. can when nlixogxcr mnns hue foiled; Ind nllhohlgli n powerhg edy, do not conuin iron. calonKel, nntimonywknythg hurtful'to the constitm cion. \ l Full directioh‘rin the pamphlet uound each package, which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Drnggiik Sole Agent for the Unixed Sum: end Canndn.\ ‘ JOB MOSES, 27:Cort\lm\dt~s:., N, Y, Nil—sl.oo Ind 8 postage :lan inclined to any authorized Agent, will inan an , eonmining so Pills, by return :I,“er A. D. Bnehler, ‘ [som 14, 1865. 1y DR. unsmw‘s cnmna m" Thla Snot! baa thoroughly proved haelf to be the beat article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Headache. I baa been found an excellent remedy in on v mae- oi Sore Eyea. Deafneu has been remfivesg by it. and Hearing Ina often been greatly; improved by it! uee. ‘ lt ia fragran: and agreeable, aa 'oivaa ll aaounm‘un to the dull heavy p n: caused by diaeuu of the head. The aenadiona after ruins it are‘ delightful and invigofitin’g. lt open: andpurgea out all obstructions} strength i one the glands, and givea a healthy“, action to ‘ the parts nfiected. (7 ‘ i More than Thirty Years’ of sale éd use 0! ‘ ‘ “Dr. Harshall'a Catarrh and lleada e Snufl'," has proved its great value {or all t ‘ common diseases of the head, and at th' ~ moment Itanda higher than ever before. a It is recommended by many of th _est phy liciana, and is used with great sages: and latiafaction everywhere. '. Read the Certificates of Wholeuée -Drug gilt: in 1854: The undersigned, ‘ving [or many years been acquainted with 5%12 Mar-'1 lhall’a Catarrh and Headache ‘gniim’Efand sold , it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully *te, that we believe it to be equal, in every r act, to the recommendations given of it large cure of Calarrhal .Ul'ectiona, and that it iaékcided ly the beat article we have ever know tor all common diseases of the Head. 3LI: Burr & Perry. Boston; Reed, Austéfi & Co., Bostcn; Brown. anson 5: Co., Bost ' : Run], Cutler t 00., Boston; Seth W 4 Fade}? osgon; Wilson, Fuirbnnk & 00., Boston; shnw, Edmund & Co., Boston; H. H. Hay, .leand, Me.; Barnes & Park, New York; . .k D. Sands, New York; S:ophqn Paul ‘ & ' , New York; Israel Minor 3 00.; New York“ cKes son 5; Robbins, New York; A: L. Scovi. (3100., New York; M. Ward, Close & 00., Ne‘él’oxk: Bush a Gule, New Yol’k. ,3; For sale by :11 magic“. Try it. i 5 Nov. 14,4864. 1y ‘A CARD T 0 mung § A Clergyman, while residingin ‘uafs‘mer in u ,a "missionary, discovered :1 Info 1" sim ple remedy for 1h; Cure 0! Nervous Wégneu, Early Decug, Diseases of the Urinary :1 Sem inal Organs, and the whole main of di rclers brought. on by baueful and vicious 1153 mm; Great numbers have bren already curedlby this noble remedy. Prompted by {desire to bene fit the afflicted nnd unfortunatml will fiend tho recipe for [inquiring and using thin medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Fan or CHARM. _ _ Please inclose a 1 emfuped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address A , _ ' , ‘ JOSEPH 'r. INMAN, ~ 0 , Station Dr Bible H 011”, Oct. 24, 18649 _ New York City. Tn]! MARKETS. GETTYSBURG—«Snunmr LAST Flour .....1..0 00 1.010 50 Rye F10ur............................... 8 50 White “beat 2 40 to '2 4 Red Wheat. -1 30 1.0 l 40 Corn, ‘ 'l 75 Rye, ' 165 0~1t6.............. .........‘.......\....u. 15 Buckwheat......... .. l 25 Clover Eeed............................12 00 ma DO Timothy Seed... 3 50 to 4 00 Flax 5eed.......................,.....,. 2‘ 35 to 2 50 Plaster of Pun: ' ‘ ll 50 Plaster ground, per bag. .......... l 'l BALTIMORE—Fmvn us! Fiona. .... \\'ben1.............. .... R3n........................ (om UM! ...-........... ... ..... Bccf Cattle. pe’r hund Hugs, per hund.......................17 00 1018 75 Hamfiuag 00 was .- Cluver-5eed,...........‘...............1b 25 1.015 50 Flux-seed. . 3 331.0 3 35 Tilnntll\-=ucll.. .. 6 00 U) C 10 \Vln:k¢-y.. 3 «50 L 0 3 75 MARRIED. ‘ On the 3.] inst, at lhercsidcnce ofthe bride’s parents, by Rev. W. R. H Dmtrirh, .\lr. E\IAN- L'EL HANK lo M‘ss ELIZABETH SUCKS, ho'h of this calmly. ‘ ‘ 0n t'ne sth inn, bit the résidence of the bride’s father, b) Rev. J. K. Miller, Min-HENRY S.’i‘UOT, ufl'umbuhnd [p , lo MISS HARNET 8., yuulgefit daughter of Jag-ob Deardurlf, of Franklin township. . . Oét. 4th, M .\'cw Oxford, by Rev. W. F. P. Du‘ia‘ Mr. .WILLLUI S. Nfl'GLE. of Ens: Berhn. to sts'ASN MARIA REIULE, of Hanover. ‘ Oct. 20th, at the, same plnre. by the samr, Mr. ISRAEL KING to Miss MARIA BOBLITZ, both ncnr Abbot'slown. Dec. 'Zmi, at the hnuse ol the bride, by the snmn, .\lr JAMES R. GIT'P m Miss MAR-Y KATE SNYDER, lmth nem- New Oxford. 0n the same day, by the same, at the house of the bride, near Ihnuver. Mr. SILAS C. YINGLING to Mini HANNAH E. REIGLE, bulb of Hanover. . ‘ On Christmas morning, in East Berlin. Adam‘s county, by Rrr.A. G. Deininger. Mr. WILLIAM J. lIETZLER, of Dover. York co., to Miss ISABEL, daughter of Nichol“ lIeIIzeI, ‘ Esq., of Monntpleasanl lowushxp, Admins co. ; 0n the Is! ofNuv.,‘oy Rev. 8. L. N. Conn-r,‘ Mr. ROBERT McKINNEY 0 Mia! MARY M. FITZGERALD, all of hugs county. On the 13111 of Dec., by the same, Mr. JAS. A. HENSEL, late at Kansnl Territory, :0 Mir: LAVINIA S, DIEHL, of Adams county” On Dec. 20th, n the Eagie Here) in Getty» burg, by Ibeaame, Mr. BENJAMN LANDIS, of Buimuglxtown, to Miss ELIZABETH MUS 'SEI‘., of Liberiy township, Admus county. \ On Dec. 27tli,in the M. E. Clmrcli,nt Akera villt. by Rev. J Brnnson Akers, Mr. ANDREW A. SLAGLE, from near New: Oxford, Adams county. to Miss AMANDA AKERS, oI ALL-rs ville, Fulton county. ' On the 29-h BIL, by Bov.’Mr Alleinnn, Mr. JOHN 3L )lISNIGH, of this 311 cc. to Miss VICTORIA A. KUHNhof McShcnyltown. 0n the 2'11!) uh,” the Lutheran Parsonage, Arendtsville, FL, by Rev.‘J. K‘. llillex‘, Mr. WILLIAM E. DOLL, of Cambridge City, Ind., to Mix: ANNA MARY WARNER, of Butler township. thin county. . Or. the 12th of Oct., in Washington city, D. C.. by Rev. John 'C. Smith, Hr. JAMES A. BINGAMAN to His: LUCI-NDA C. MILLER, of this county. , ' ' I) 1181:). fiOlmual-y nuuces 3 cent: per line for I“ oug- {our lines—cash to ncconnpnny notice. o'2l the’hh hut, in Mouuljoy wwnlliip. Mr. ,D VID Li’lzfl‘LE, Iged 71 your: 10 monthquna. zidays. ', ' 0n Mendy lut, in this place, Mu. MARY LITTLE, wife of Mr. Henry Little, aged es yurl sud l dLy. , On We lBth of” Dec" 1864, MARGARET BOLLINGER, wife of Christian Bollingér, de emed, of Liberty township, fixed 71 yearn 2 months and I! dun. ‘ 0n {be 22d of December, in In" City, lowa, JAMES H. KURTZ, non, of A. B. Kprcz, for. merly of this place, in the 30th ’2'" 0! his age. Al. East Berlm,on the 15th ult., Mrs. ALVINA AUGUSTA, consort of land Stambzch, Wed 28 yesu 4 moan): Ind 18 days. In Franklin 11).. on the 3d inst, Hrs. RACHEL LONG, consqn of Daniel Long, aged 73 yea" and 4 dip. 0n the 92h of Dec., in Baltimore, Min RE BECCA LENHART, and 21 yean 11 months and 23 days. Sh: was buried at the Low" Bertnudian Church, Adam: county. , Communicated. 1 Died, It Cnhwwn, Dec. 29th, 1884, JOHN WILLuI WEIBLE, only chm! of Joseph L, and Adaline Weible, Iged 14 your! 1 month Ind 19 (is, I. A sniff, faith subdued hll fear, He uw the hippy Can-In no”, His mind mu mnquil And serene, no terror- in hit looks were seen ; Di: Snvior'l Imfie dilpellod the gloom, And Imoomod his passage to the tomb. LilLlo,did the wnm of thin 01’ his lcbool. mans lhiLk when he left school, Lhn he would never greet u. again wizh his presence Ind sweet smilel. No mure will he be new at 11:. family fireside orlin the house of God, bug, be will be Mi” more mined by the writer in [he abhool of whhh ho formed Inch 1n honorable Pflk In school he was always dihgent and obedibut to hit teacher. But why uhonld we repiue Ikbis dopnnnre, far he pm In Mon to bliiov‘e\hgt by Jun gone to ouj-g}. bliulul immorl‘lityw‘md um hue hum. U! him it conli b- an nid: * "Kong hefi im hat to ibu— Jinn. “not”: but In pain; 5" m ; , _ , '! f A ' ,~ ~,\ N ”nuanced In Act ofAuexnhly pmd the 17th day oany, "42. thb'fonowin. Sma mencis hereby published by the Comminionen otAduu county, which ellnhiu flu amount, ductiption and value o( the Re [and Perlonll Property, Tndeo, Occppuuonl nd Proreuiong, nude unble by the seven] 3c“ of Mummy ogthil Commonwealth: h . H i W ‘7‘» —--.—.2 =5 t" 1 - ~, ‘ m: .02: 19§1=3w33~a§1w3 5’ 5 F—f 1b? SEI, :mumflvfl: 331:1 m 3 3 . n p .. 1‘ __&n; =_‘_,,.s :- 45°? O°E=' 'ac¢'*=s’3:°'==€ nae: " 30101101794110 3:312:52“95‘23512E§12°:|?”:’°~'2 3 Tommun. I“; ‘BBIE-Efinta' $134: i:§c§9§i§\p‘_ U) ' 4201‘“ §»9l,fl°§l-3“M;2hb"F2’ir-;E'= ‘3 ‘ 'a ‘a 3:~'§.cl£m¢ -u5-58.:'=s : _ =5 salary“! 5312:; :goqg, =l3 .. =3 -E 9- run 995"” - :- ~ 1- ha 0:" . l 1 ‘ .‘ ." . _..___._..._._ ‘-—"'—V—_——’—‘-‘—-—-———:‘—'——u§- Getty5burg,......r.......'...... 231709 4297 22909' 611060 4400 2900 870 595 3:11.110 Oumhemnd, 24110761 1271191 181172! 5370 ...... ......1 1395 2,“ Germany,....................... ‘- 127747 '6682‘16600! 2915 ...... 1420 0x!0rd,.......................... 1599711 7951 0:743 5280 .....; as: ...... Huntingt0n,................... 202198 15097 .5818? 9805 3318' 6,00 Latim0re,".....‘................ 1461 8 1049 26781 4510 .. .. 2115 1,00 Hami1t0nbun,................. 2192;1'1103 10740 7415 :1.... _ 1135 100 5trnbun,........................ 10903 186414 402491, 71781 3936 1,011 Franklin, 252391 19995 32901 13-2151 1w; Men5nen,".............‘........ 190310 1457415809 1080,. 233:. 1,00 Reading... . “80161-14852 592341 5.1101 ...”. 1550. Humilton,... 202626’10075 2005:: 9230 193.» ”no M0umpiemm,.............. 279468 17950 24173! 7755] 2960 Uni0n,........................... 220510 8757 13003 2613 .-.,.,_ 3"", ...... 2049 I’oo Tyr0ne,.,‘.5..................... 103357 11303 12100 3825 ...... .1045 C0n0wag.,..................... 197459 9534 34638;. 449 ..;.;. ...... 291:. 4.00 Butler 159608 13298 10900 8460 ......\ ' 1750 2.90 M0un1j0y,..:..................“. 184290 14169 1449 5810 ...... 274 a Freed0.m,....................... 311949 04611 13711 22070, \...\.. 933 Liberty,......................... 13505.5 7925 3490 40115 M,_ Berwu-np, 90050 141111 9320 3910] ‘ \ ass nerwick bur, 46185 2250 18800 4705 1115 409 21111123101111,.................. 64445 1507 22190 0005‘ 113'! 6,00 111311141114“ 93536 5539 mm 2150‘ .. :545’ ___§_-‘__. -—“"‘“——“‘—-"—~'—__——'— T0ta1,..;......... 4174029249 6604211196987] mo] 29 no 4311301301,“ Acme—J. *l. Walter, Clerk. ‘ 3 Decrmb?!‘ 2|;r1864. a ‘ Quarterly Report . I" THE FIRST NATIONAL BA“ 0? O GETTYSBURG. rendern‘l oh Hu- morni ing of the 1s . day of Jununry,.bein‘ :he 2nd day at J nary, 1865,: , DR. Note: and bills discounted, Furuilure and Fixtures, 700 00 Current. expenses, ’ 1,637 N emittancea and other cash items, 500 25 Ninth National Bank, New York. 398 49‘ First Nufionnl Bankahilndelphit, 6,789 53' Due from other Banks, Brothers McKim, ‘ U. S. Bonds deposited with U. 8‘ Trans. to secure circulating not", 100,000 00 U. s. Bonds, ‘ 26,350 00 Lawfulmqney, ' , 21:07.5 73. *ottl, Cgpiml stock paid in, Sfirplus mud, V . 443 30 Circul‘g notes rec’d from Comptroller, 67,500 00 lndividnl deposits, S. deposits, Dividends unpairh Duo the following Banks. Fir". National Bank of Hanover, Intel-en, 4m, ‘ Totftl, I, GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier of the First Nationtl Bank of Gettysburg, do solemnly swear Lhaj, u:- nbove statement. in true to the bgst ofmy knowledge Ind belief. ‘ GEORGE ARNOLD, Cubicr. State of Pennsylvania, ~ V County of Adums.} ‘ 'Sworn nnd subscribed before me this 2d.dny o Janulry. 1565. A. J. COVER, J. P. Jim. 9, 1865. 3! ‘ ........11 .12 2011 25 1....... 2: co to 2 ac ,l 73 to 1 75 1 53 to 1 75 95 1o 1 oo .......,10 oo tols 00 HE pnrfncrsbip haretofore existing be tween the undersigned. under the name and Biyle of FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, in thiaday dis‘solved by mutual consent—Jamel F. Fuhneswck retiring. e - JAMES F. FAHNEETOPK, - HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, . EUW. G. FABNESTUUK. HE undersigned, remniuining partners of \Q firm of FAHNESTUCK BROTHERS. I‘l“ confine the bn'siuesa at '.be same plnce, under the same name and style 0! firm. .m. 9, was EV! MUMPER having purchased Samuel L Wem’el’s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is prepared to execule work in his line equal to any establishment inlhe State. If you desire a good likeness,finiihed according to lhelausg improvemnuta in the" 11"., can at. the above long-established Gellery, in West. Middle s‘ree‘, Geuyeyurg. , ‘ Lian. 9, 1866. Give film a Call-L HE place to obtain a perfect Photograph or T Amhrolypo, executed in the bent mnner, is at MUMPER'S GALLERY, in Middle lueet. Jun. 9, 1365. 0 pre‘serve A coon likenen of yom‘self, your children, or your lricnds?‘ go It may to MUMPER’S GALLERE, tho best place in the county to secure tint clue pictures. . Jun. 9, 1865. _ ‘OR RENT, on the Littlestown Railroad. 4 miles from Hanover and 3} gniles lrum Lutleslown. The House is 40 feet by 20, said there is house road: for a (Imily, node good store room, fixed 0! well rill: drawers and shelving—no other More within 3} milep—in a well settled country. This and is in Union township, Adams county, called Sell’a Station. There is a switch there nod> everything con venient. Paueuion given arms in anpril nex-L ABRAHAM SELL. Jan. 9, 1885. mi ‘ Notice. r i _ ‘ R. W. L. HOMBACH'S ESTATE Letters testamentary on the estate of a W. L. umbnch, lute of McSherryuown, Conowlgo township, Adi}!!! county, decenled, having been granted to the undereigned, residing in the name place, they hereby give nofiqgg to ah person indebted @043“ cum to meie immediate payment, and those having cliaime ngninn the mine m present them properly authenticated for leltlement. ' . CHAS. F. HUHBACH, Exeéntor, ANNA P' HOIBAUH, Exrcnlrix. Jen. 9,1865. a APT. H. CIIRIfI‘ZHAN, havingjuu return ed lrom strip to the West Ind all the LAND region! in God'l grant Mbyrinlh, he would inform the citizens at Gettylburg and its viclnily thnt he is prepnrcd, flol on'y to ofl'er UIL inns, bur. LANDS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. Pcrdous viaitiagflarrisbusg would do well In all, as he- will furnish all in lormalion. H. CUBITZMAN. Jun. 2, 1865. t! ' 7-, For Sale or‘ Rent. PARK 1’! About. 100 um. in Camber lAnd wwnuhip. Apply to the nndersign ed, in We". mam; street, Gettynbnrg, . ' FREDERICK HERB. Jun. 2, 1865. 5 < N addition to his 300‘ And Shoe Store, Jim; I ingaged the lervicu or an experjenced Shoemaker, and is now prepared to mhutid tun lon-k to order And to Intern! w a" kind. of repairing prompgly. [hm 2, 1865. WATCHMAKEB k JEWELER, No. 149' North SECOND Street, ~comel- onum-ry, PHILADEL-& PIIIA. An assortment. a! WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, constantly on hand, _ 5;; UNABLE FUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! fi-Repniring o! Wawhu and Jewelry promptly attended an. s DEC. 12, nu. I; v "‘TCLxxéE?"6SOO3- Bounu, -mhbon-’|——--’1 -* "-“" "M 5 " M more", Shaka" in: Balm 3"ng A right” ‘m “ m luvmeeivul m- mno who» u M»: DEB-$22 ”m: '‘- n in: » "henna-fill!" ‘ “'7'” ”031" “m“ “‘é " - , “2* ‘Si .v :7? , : a 4 . .37“ gag; - Valuation and monument!» 1885. ~ Dissolution. HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, EDWARD G. FAHSESTOCK Pictures ! Pictures! Do’ You Wish Store‘ Stand Lands 1 Lands ! John L. Holtzworth, I. K. Stapfi‘er, JACOB wrung, SAMUEL MARCH, ABRAHAM KRISH, ; Pub‘llc Sale. ~. N TUESDAiY, 1h: 281 k any 0! FEBRIYARI, 0 next, the aublcnher, intending l‘o quu fuming will sell at l‘ulmc Salty-thin reli-‘ dun-n, *1 Reading township. Atluml countyl hall a mile Eon: Hlmptuu, the {dlluwiufi‘per lunul profmrly, viz: . , 2 Warm HORSES, 3 Cown, mm} hut 6! Young Cattle, Sheep, Tvrn Wagons, (on. We horse and {he orllcr unr-hsr:c,)Bpring qun, ll- -k'uv:ly llugfiy and llal‘uPSH, Lime .1: , ILA" “mama arLiJgoi, SI: igh and Sledfllllrt‘shgnu “nu-1m", Urnin Drill, Cucuhr Saw, Hnim-r Winnom'ng' Mill, Cutting Box; Horse RIM, Plouglu, lhr rovn, Cnlti'vatora, Shovel'l’lunglu. {'m n Fun-kl, Meadow Rollergnmible and S‘ngié-lrccx. u "I. rietg of Hone Gen”. Riding Sadnh um} Bridle, Rakes, Forks, Shovell, Multinks. ”I! by the ton and Oats by the bulhel, n‘nd n grout ‘vn ' 1y of other articles, too numerous to mum Lion. ' A ' 82‘ 70 254,540 1 anle to commence at. 10 o'clock. A. l, on mid day, when nneudnuZ-c wlebe given and terms made knowu by , IEMANUEL-NEIDI'JH. K L. I’. Walker, Auctioneer. ‘ ~ ‘ Jul. 9, Ham I'. A ‘ sloo.ooo 03 79,296 so 5,721 23 WM ‘ Public Sale F VALUABLE PERSONAL PRflERTY. 0 —Un TUEhDAY, the 31st day 0! JAM?- ARY inst., the subscriber, innemling to go East, will sell at Public Sale, u hIS roai-louce, in Freedom townshly, Adams county, 1; miles fxom Moritz'l tavern, on the road leading to. Milleratown, the following Personal Properly : 1 HURSE, 5 Milch Cows, 4 h of Young Cattle, Brood Saw, 3 Shanta, 'heat Drill, Wire Hay Rake, Wheat (In, Herr ,_Plong'h, Fodder Cutter, Rocknwoy, Buggy, Carriage, set or Harness, Hay Carriage, Spresderl, Donhll nnd Single-trees, set of Horse Genre, Lo] Chn‘m, Crowbnr, Sludge, Unlock, Guln Cre dle, Rakes, Forkl,. Shovels. heclbsrrow, Grinostone, Cow Chains, Iluy by .1112 to‘n, kc. Also. Honsehold and Kitchen F rnitnre,viz: 2 Dining Tnblee, Breakfast Tnble, Kitchen Table, Stand, 4 Bedstenda, large Looking Gloss, Case of Drawers, Corne‘ Cupboard, Eight-day Brass “Intel Clock,‘l{ockin¢ Cra dle, 3 sets of Chairs, 2 Hooking Uhklre, Queen-- wore, Tin-ware, lnrge OUNtG" Kettle, Iron Kettle, Cook Stove, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, Vinegar, Apple-butter, Banal Churn, Meat Vessels, Tubs, a lot of Pine Humbug] lot of Oak. Fencing Boards nod, Posts, and I greet many other articles. too tedious to mention; ”Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. IL, on said day, when attendance will be given' and terms made known by 9‘6 26 462 77 23¢,540 17 ‘ _ WILLIAM L. loll!!! Reuben Golden, Auctioaegr. . , Jan. 9, 1866. u" ' . l? VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—The nn. 0 dereigned, Auignee of Bill- Flekee Ind Wife. will lell as Public Sele, 61: lb! premim, on FRIDAY, the 20“: day of JANUASY, It. 1 o’clock; P. M., 'the following vnlunble Reel Estate, to wil: / A TRACT OF CLEARED LAND, airline in ‘ Sequin township, Ademe county, Pm, Mljoln ing lands of Isa-c'flonlors, Christian Thom“, Henry Thom-e, end olhere, containing 60 Acres, more or less. The improve ments are A large Stowe HOUSE,’ \X with Back-buildings and Smoke —. Bonu,double Log Bern with Ihed numbed, Corn Crib Ind Hog r’en. There I a 'well ol never-{nillng waster near the door, 3 good spring a: the burn yard, and I nreuun pne-ing tlvough :he ferm, eflbrdlng an Ibnn— daut supp ,v of water for flank. Tfie greater pori ion of the land bu been recently lined, and is in I high-late of eultivm’on. There in, a young Apple Orc‘urd. end e variety 01 “her' fruit trees on the preTnieu. »_ Also, ATRAUT Oll‘ TIMBER LAND, cone mining 22 Acne, more or less, men the IbOVQ described lend, Idjoining land: of Henry Thomas, Jacob Shall, end othere. - The Above Inc: of land will be e‘olé Mgéther entire, or the finger land will be divided into lot- to suit purclmlere. , fi'Auendance will be given and um made known by ABRAHAM nuns, mm... In. 9,1885. 2: - J » Valuablo Personal Property T PI'BMG SAUL—~OI: THURSDAY, tho A 9th dot of FEBRUARY next, the tab. on her inlondlng"to quit for plug, will self“ Public 'sm, n bi - residence, in Reading conn :hlp, Adnnu county. Pm, about olrmllo Ind o hall north of Hampton, Ind lull a mile out of Adam S. Iyen's nore, tho following valid ble pe bonal property, vi]: 4 2 WEEK MARKS, 4 Com. Sheen Md Bogs, Narrow-trend Three-bulge Wagon, with Limo Bed, Hay Corrlnges. Wmuowm.‘ Mill, Cutting Box, Grindslone, Plouglu, HArrqu, Single Ind Double Shovel Plough, Corn Forkl, Single lud Double-treci, llurle Gem, Riding $331“: and Bridle, ‘Hiller‘Cua'lu, (fnw Cblinl, Rakes, Fun-humid many other tux-wing utonolla. Also, Household and Kitchen r urnitun, each u Badl and Bedalea ls, Bureau, 'l'uolcl, Choirs, Cook Slow: and fl‘xufu, Ten-plum , Stow and Pipel lron Kettle, Quouumue, Tin-wore, CrocLer-wtrq, Wu!) Tubs, Men Vessel,Bnrr2l3, Bang, and a variety of other ‘. Inicleg, too numoruus to mention. _ , 3'33). to commence at 10 o'clofi, A. IL; _ on uid doy, when ntlendaqco will to given Ind term and. knowu by * ’ JOHN HIM-IB- an. 2, gm. w- Orphan’s Court Sale. 1 IN pannince of In Order of the ormu.‘ . Conn of Adnml county, will be are“... i Public Sale, on the premin: on SATURDAY : m. 21:: day of JANUAM‘, mg, m. “up ‘ Bum; of Geo. A.W. Bowenox, damned cou mu'ng or ' A TRACT 0' LAND, dilute In [hefty :onnfilp, Adnms connxy, contuiqmg Jinn. ‘ more or lan, Idjoimug lindlpl Lewis out-I” holtm, Michel liilchohn Gui», And “has. The improvemenu It: I aim md'a h." nor, Lug HOUSE, Log Same, with am 'dyéryfira TIER”! R‘on' the trncz a . goo c _ be “dis ins ood' - culfivgfi'on. luring been tuned. I» n“. of - @8319 g commence. It 1 o’clock, P. I on said daynrbn Btu-Mane. will be :5?“ and warm“ ufggstiyg DY Rs 3 K V ‘ ‘ ' A” n ‘ Bycu. Curt—James mm, Jug .‘ - “4 ~ Jun. 2,18”. ta. #2 ‘ L“ ‘1“. " Commissiopeti. Public Sale k ' ‘ §4, .. 4: U V, » «"1. _ ~ . #ng . A :x' -, w sw: M ”$24332: 5.»: {3.33 c”,
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