13 ME , 1' 2 n mm: 3‘ ‘ to“: 3’ XS ‘ -—-—-—~-- «I.» ~-—————— ‘ , ...» ‘39ng Candi“ in finished as; in gdvunco. 4‘ 5:2 5!) 5f map pun} m “Vance. §fnpdbilim (fiiuulluuhCu-ds, and- every (hi‘hg else, iln lhofiob Priugix? lino. ‘glone ajg‘figflrnte style, mum; loyal:- living pus”. Blanks. a (mi usohmeut, alwn‘y ogfinnd. CALL! ~. é : - . r ~i ‘ 0 MI fiARCH, i ikarr .6 lL, --,_ 4 0ar; ? V" , i may, AUGUST, flaunt-2R;- 3 ,_4 E . ’ ‘ 'l3 I’.“ . y .x.. ‘5 -~‘ ...:. L - I ' 3 gfiw »: 'W% 9 9 /15 16 22 23 ' 29 30 EOYEMBEB, ‘- b 8 12 13 ‘ )9 20 9 ‘26 27 puma, . a 4 _5 _ 10 at u ‘, 17 13 19 “H. SE—Theseleuer: seen in the Cntbolic pid Epia’copll'clmruhes, on tom}: stones, and in the pmye} books of these sects, at; not gen pnlly undericoori by (hose nut belénging to he übove ehdrchgs. They are abbrevimions prbo Luiu phrnse. Vila—"3,2s“! Hominum BnhM¢r,"‘w}' 9, .‘flhcsus the saviour pf ‘s‘?” §omt mum: of H late} I iw‘ihe Roum}; alphubel ; then! was pied win-\re J now is/ Many qfour rcndeu can yrojmbly remember Inning (can the name of John 1.9621“ hon. N “I i Goon AanlL-Jf the bgdf‘u tired, slew.— “ tho bomb 3419100", lie down! in a warm bed Ipd ”main then, find in nothing nintil ybu no well. If nn>action oqmo bowel; does D 9! occur at. lhe usull Bonn on not an mom till they do act, :1 least not for thirty-nix hours, ptgfihile drink largely of cold wafer, 01 hot in} Iggy-pile in [he opep pit to [He extent of 9 genllc'peupdration; keep tbiiup until thing gi‘n lighted; this one suggeltl‘on; i 1 practiced, Lwould aayemyriads of live! ek’ery' yur byth in ghe city and coimzry. 1h: bést mediclnu in ”a world are warmth, abstinend ind repon. rllymali of Health - fi'Mwomag in Monlércy. .Mnsaaohuaem. Aim produced, during her mat-r?“ life, twenty. twins 1 ”All on; married women were u‘pro— Jafic “the Ynukee women, the var Would not ”vigil!!! diminiph' population.—Duylpn Em: v'Elpecisny u Massachusetts import; frgm hfiermany and Ireland they «a take the plmcnn ”M baggy": citizens should be made to de ‘apihthe army. . ‘ ‘ ’ Tn Rand—Negro equamy in now the do pug '95 he radicn} ptrty loaders. The Senate 113(31qu of Repreacugja'ves are occupying “fit “In! with leghlnfiag negrucs into mil road nth-WW: 5:110 territorial orznni nilolg-u fat as . ' on, thin that cduntry 4i! "1&3 dowixmm fondle thin. And ampumxmon nmfigm‘m to the party, 's3“th thnr there it a madam. notion in g; And i‘p/tho metntimo “n {reedmen are ) lug by thug-ands, had him, i: even rfidm'ng the buck raccq-Cux’l Demo-4;, 3 I ————————¢.lOO———-—————' Piano Fortes. ‘ CHARLES M. STIEFF, ; ~ MANUFACTL'IIEB o 1m?!) AND SQI'ARE rum mmzs. M3“‘fficmry 103. 105 & IC7 anklin street. I “ 1“room, No. 7 North Liberty street. a I Consmm a huge number of‘PIANOS 6f 1""! 0““ él'fifncture on hand, mu: thq Full ___«...w_— ais23§233§223Pg°r'9’r""g~ -‘l‘hoolden membér ohbe pnited sum 3 logo’or exchange wfiffifiéfifafiénthg ins-(1:3; 'is Thaddeas Stevens” entirely satisfactory. _ R. seventy?“ ycnu offpm'g'ffzfiggahgngz‘gsflkn‘lmy: on bud at hp“ ‘L‘: Gufidd'fil Bulllmom, Sept. 5, 1864. 1331!)" Batu-e no aid to be m thé United burg“ guy aouund heathepl. Idol gag: no word 'ghippcd in. two heathen templefln San Fran ,pishq, The thne’sp have large gglonics acu }and 11l our California, and the work 0! their Anageliutiou in an inning one for Christians glam/sect. ‘ Notice. V :0. V. 'splqmws ESTATE.-me‘rs* W finmu‘ti‘ liopfqnébc «gate of Gtrorgo: For Sale. I Howard Association, - er. .o 9 can um. «Miami. VERY desirnble FARM, ndjoinin the! ”11-ADELPHXA, PA-—Diseue'n of the county! decanted, )xlnmgfi bear granted 19 {be A Buro'ugia of Gettysburg, containing 3 J P Nervous. Seminal, Uriuuy uud Band . My! I‘M!" 3‘" ° Wm} NW9. 12‘ ACRES—Buildings and Lnnd good. .ii 5) stems—new And rfliflvle treatment—Bu re ». , a 1.2 V“ Mllcifl’f Pear?” "“I.in 'Win be sold on \exy accommodating 1' lpuns of the HOWARD ASSOCIATIUK—Iem "ti fliwfli limit: “1‘!“ “f 3; ”5'31““: arms. .' GEO. ABNU u_ by muil in soiled letter envelopes, free of W‘ at 13:36:13?“ $15223. d Bram . Gettysburg,oct.s,lB63l ’ t ‘ ' silage” Aduiiil’iss, Dig J. szsuu‘m 139308; _ M . ‘ ‘ , WW“ . , owar ssoc alien o. 2 Son 'inl fit' sanmu scamvw, John w, Tipton 1 Sum, Philadel h' ‘ ' ‘ . .. . ‘ p I Pt. -%l¥§n‘;! WA“ ngféz‘ Essmoiuam BARBERNOHLeast c ‘ “MAS“- J? ‘ ‘ .. an 0 tin i nd next the t “’7‘l’3; " ' ‘ ‘ If“; flcflkld “D? m. lrllnb’l'noml,)DG?n;sb§r(g, 1:3" “PM; ILLINEIY DGODI. Baum, Ribbon, . fl9“ "3“! 3&9“- ; :‘lfi‘ nun?" bq‘found retdy to aloud t 9 :1 Jam?!" Shin” fut 8‘11““ gm" ' mm ' K‘. “"59”“ “MAR. Hglsoexcellentss- '9“ '3' or c up: "n' 900 D'Bg'tg‘flufl, t 1; 1:333; gisumce and will «an: ufisfaction. MGive “PW“,- u‘" "3“ °f ’33” “‘01“: ‘. . . -.- . N‘“~ "r" , Denali“. M ““0!”me ‘» .7 7. —_.._..!1 . ' _ g E have just. rndvedtnew autumn: . 355‘? (It 11¢; Wn. Fmr-umgw-q», Thu 4:01!un .. «twinning $0 use: we {mu-u 1 WQQ‘; ; ca; 3%" Mm; ”’99- WWP“ “5311'”: mm» buyers, A. myaom iif ”h ’s . “ ‘ i. 35‘. ' * ' ‘. a: :: s§..§ r. ‘r; r» 1: a.» .3. m K j E 9 3 b s. =- ;::‘.: 3. 1-, a a‘ 9 w n 16 I? 22 23 n '29 30 3| 4 5 a IL 13 mg 20 as a 2: t‘ ,3 a": lo 15 16 .17 2'.‘ .23 2| 5 6 7 21 13 H 19 20_ 21 19$ 27' ’2B l 2 3 -a 9 ‘lO 15mm G 6 7 u 23 24 'l'.» 30.411 MEM 7 :1. ~4. a '0 1r ‘ -1 18 1:4 R 45 EMT 4 5 :1 l‘.’ 1: x 9 25 zu H .41 g 2d'29 ,1 a :r j 15‘ 1t 2': 23 29 :10 'I u 21 23 ¢ 6 ll 12 H 19 25 ’l6 6 7 13 I‘4 20' 21 '37 28 a a 9. 10 H 17 ,23 at so, 31 '29 z 3 4 .t, 10 ‘ll 13 L7“.lfl- 19 '24 25 26 3| .113 1-2 7 3’9 1415 16 212:23 as 29 30 5 c '1 121314 wjo 21 26 21 23 =I ‘F 6 Ln Us 1,25 2 3 4 9 10 H 16 17 18 23 2% I’s 30 7 N 2! 28 1 1 2 c 7 a! u 13 14 X 5 10 20 21 2‘.’ 23 27 28 2,9 60 24 252 by thrilengar I-is used urmquy there was no 1:1=2 . e , » [ Blacksmithing.‘ : Ahddhhufy,\ermont,l_ ‘flE undersigned would most 115va”qu his 3” was, "G 0" i:1 inform": the pub!ic that he has comm‘dced | l 2 o ‘_ 1 1: bottom 0! the matc tho‘C-hiuot. The}; ml, nd this \ns one j tho I'm-€ - uhd agne .n. The law expzpasyr Sampz. . 1 ESTAUTJSHMF..\'T.--GHOAF.ECKENRODR v ‘ msmumxzm) TMLUR, -- ; adopts this mefbod of informing his friends and the public generally. Um! hl' hna openeé n. Tailoring establinhmenv in._mttilnnw sure: i Gefiyaburg. (Jute Poet Offichggr the Diu- | mond. when he in [NI-pared to ‘ all work in ’ Jlis Ikm; in me best mnnnex‘ and N, the (“15- ‘ {Ag-Hon 'o!’ ruzwmcrs. Hx- employ none but: first chs3 Imm“. and rum mg ‘ ‘ . , 11m msumxs mummy, b 0R RATS, MICE. ROACHES, AN rs; BED ' he can wmmt chlxiounble (its and arm and E BUGS, MOTH-S; IN FURS, W()('LENS,,inbunutin! :ewing. He asks A Share of thef A ~ 'NSECTS 03' PLANTS, PUWLS, AKI-{pnbh’c’s pannzc, promising to spare no ef-Z MALS, Jun—Pub up L 1 25-.‘. 50¢; am! 51 00 for! to Joanne it. H 35 charges will alwny. bei 31”. Bottles nod Flasks. $3 and $5 uzu found an moderate as the timr-a will allow.‘ ‘ {or Horus. Pun: Isuzu-5:103 :. &c. 1 Cutting und Repairing done 3'. the ghoncst “0:215 infallible, £01224er Lxmwu.‘f f In°tivm [Gettysbuxg, April 7,1862 “Tree mm: P 0730211 ’ " .‘(ot dangerous 13 fine Human Ffimi]; ” 1- ‘1 RH: came out of the” halt-s lu-dn " ,m—Sold WHOM?” in nu Inrgc cities. ’fi‘Srfl-l by all ruygxsu and [Mailers every ‘ when" fl?! ! ! Burnt: ! !! ofz‘l‘ n orthlou imilmions. fl'St-p mu “CtrSTAR'B” name i! nn each Hut, ‘Bome and ‘l‘lnsk. hem": if": buy. WAvldrc-u HENRY B. COSTAR. w‘mmpu Dar-n" 43‘: lil::\.\b»~.\l. X. \" W‘Sold by ull Whnlrlu‘m and Hamil Drug ghl! in Guiyabu'g, Pu. Feb. 29. 1226+. ' 1" H 2! 18 4 11 18 23 Universal Clothes W’ ringer. ELF-AHJUSTING .\.\’D ADJUSTABLE, “ITH Gnu-WHEEL ILPGL'LATUR 3 yr 17, 2; run KAI r: n SHEADS § bL’EHLfiR, ’ ‘ Gsnxsuuna. I'A. From inunnmmble reuuwméudaliuns, we gather lhcjollunmg: , ‘ Loner from Mrs. Henry Wu: J Dumber, in TB6l. [am most huppy m upguk in me very high est torus ut the whim-f: ul twine.» \\ ringer." The hardy}: [nu oEjduLlnng-uh; ’ Walk is, ‘iu gxy upminl}, thl: wxflnging: and th‘cHunnlur of thinnwhinu funj bane the sutv~l.u-lion of: ffinlinv; Ih‘n l:ej_h4£lh.m;ed one of the most toilspmo pzlrts‘of, woman's work into a wry 1 pnmmn'c umuzcinom. The ldufidreis looks upon it Mn great hle~sing. I look upon it. as 'nmuuu tbxe most useful articles m the boure. : -BruukLyn, October, 18“. ' ‘ vaice—S? w. z [Mny_2, 1864. my G‘gl—Large Stock} ERCHAN .fl AILORING. m DI ‘ 1 \Cons & . have just rrceived from’gae uties a large stock of goods for Gentlemen}, wear, embracing a vuieLy of ‘ ‘ ,CI.OTHS, ' ' . CASSIMERES, ‘ ‘ , "EFTVXGS, 25mm", .‘lvnns, 5%,, with many other goods r qmng um] sumhfer (gear. ' ‘ They gre- prepared m“m:lkc up garments at the qhmiekt nnt'um. nml‘fin the w-ry but man ner.‘ The Fashion: nrc reglil‘lrly mac-inn). and clothing made in mm; dosft3l $l3lO. TINT nl - make ncnt (it-y whilgnheir revving is aura to be suhsmn'hl. . ‘ Th-y ask a l-rmtinuance of the pnfilid pn lrunmze, retain-4! hr goon work and um utt charges to (mm H. ' Gsltysburg, April 7, 1862. ' 4 Noiah Wazker '& 90,. Cno'r’,utnns,; wgsmxg TO3l BUILDING 65 A" 167 [Am-mu; Sun", *7 BALTIHORE keep constantly on lung; Inn and well na loned stock of all kind: of goals A mm‘lnute » fizz:- prices. fl , " ' 07g // . They~'anpply order: for the fine“. tq the lovegt priced arpiclea, either rqndy.mad| or . I ‘ ' ‘ .1 undo to measure, to any part of the“ bouutry. They keep 1130 an gmfive stock of FCRX [SIIIe cows, embnejnz’ evgry.article 01 Gentlgmen's. Underwear. Also, MILITARY {moms and my vim; or mum, Emu. mings, as well A! 111 assorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. ” Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864 Lancaster Book Bindery: GEORGE: wux'r, ‘ 120 OK BINDER. , up aux: 300 x MANL‘FACTI‘RER, LANCASTER, PA. Plain and Ornammlal Blinding, ,of every de svrjption, executed in the must su‘bslautinl and npgruveld nykgs. REFERENCES. »_ E.W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Bantam" W. L. Pups, Esq. Lancaster County Bunk Saulnel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bunk. » ‘ Samuel “'ngner, Esq, York Bank. Wilfium Wagner, an.. York'Connty Bank. ’l‘. D. Curson, £301., Bank of Gettysburg. ‘P'clc-r Martin, Eéq., Proth‘y oanncustér cm, Pu Gco. C. Hawthorn. Haw, Rtgister ” - “ Geo. Whitaonf Esq., Ilecm’dcl “ “ April 13, 1861 * BLACKSMXTBIXG BL'SINESS, I at Dunner‘éitliegler’s shop, in East. )tiddla street, Gettysburg; where he will at all fime: be prepared to‘do fllacksmithi "york Lo:Cur rjugas, Buggies, \VagonsLAc. “first: ha knows how to do all jobs or the kind wilf not be qnes tioned by than who hire a knowledge of his long experience at. the business. Come on with your wax-hand you will be satisfied “than you take it nuy~and for which he will u;- cgaiw Cash or Country Produfie. -’ ’ . ADAM Homzwong‘u. Jan. 4,7"4. 1f , ‘ # # . , ’ New Goods. EGRGE ..KRXOLD hug just rem-inn! from 1h!- t-Hy a large gupply of (‘LUTHI\G, Men’s and Rev! wearyconsxsung of all kind) of COATS, PAVTS, VESTS, - SIIIBTS. DRAWERR CRAVA'TS. mam; TIES.GI.U\'ES, mama,“ A large stock 011791301115. I‘A’SIMERES, CASSINIETF. ”Ml/RILLAXQB. AC.. &c., “II of which fliaIQJMJ as clwnp as can be bad elsew‘mrt. (n Hmm cull, nntl if we can-z n-Jt plensq you. in a suit. randy mndu we will mkp your measure and make you up one iuv shortnmice. O [Muyfl(),lB64. 1 Ladiés’ Fancy Furs! Ulrnc: :1 ml Col .I!’:. As my PM: wvrc all purchased when Gold was :-I :1 much In“ rr plemium alum M pit-sent. I am rumbled to dispose of them u: very n-r. mpnhh- prim s, and I would llmrrfure sulici: . mil {rum my lriemls of Adams cuuu‘y and vi cxmu'. ‘ . W‘Remembcr the name. numfier and street! JUHX FARI‘ZHIA, 715 ARCH Street, above 71h, south side. _ r X’HILAIH-ILPHM. Lax-l have m) partner, Mfr C(onuccuon with any mher sturo in Philadelphia. Sew. 12,13“. fin: =6’ . a ”Jzness ”eye T E; Corner Tenth nnd Chesnut 'Slreegs, . PHILADEL‘PHIA, ‘ ~ sznzm rm: MAMGEMENT or . L. PAIR.HANKS,A'. 31., for the 1.1“ lunr gem-s ".mcipnl mu] chief Im siness mnnzngu- or Bln‘u‘r é; inn-105's Com merchl College. A MUDEL BI’SINESS ELM-3E, Cnnduclmton a new system 0 E! usiness Twining. through the establish 6“ legit.- nmlc Ofltcvs and (‘uuulinmlh e , ram: cm ing difl‘rrrnt departments of e my Cum mcrce, uud u rlgulnr Buux of ole and ls auP‘ giving Ihe student n” the udvnnhges 01 Actual prxctil‘e, und qulnhfflng him in' the shortest possihlc mum and mgsl effective man nrr for the various duliés uud employmcms of bufiness life. .’ The Course- nfivmruclion in {He Thenreticnl D. hfil’lmenl emhr mes Book-keeping, Comm”- -vixllC:lh-ulnliun=.Leann-s on Busincsa A (fairs, I’l-nmuuship. (‘Jmmenidl Law, Forms, Cones pomlt-ncc. .L'c. In the ‘ BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Ihr stmlenluulors upon fibefimdumi use, which invlnde~x 1 continuum: kgzhore studies, with their pruclic .1 nfipfi _ nin ull thr‘ir tie-mile. Ille will in turn fill‘ihe position of Accountant and l’ruprielur in the various Deparnncnts' of \l'hnll-snle nnzl‘llolml der, Furwnrliuu, .luhbing nnd Commi. iun Busx ness. Banking, )lilliut‘actnnng. \limuxrr, Steam. homing. &(~ , :mll finally will net as Cashier, lluok-lmepvr and Teller in the linnk, in ench of which- pasiimns his previous knowledge “ill be in)! w the fullest practical trst. ‘ , This lu~lliutiorf afl‘ers toimung men numer ous mIVI-‘n'ngos in" [mast-aged. by my other commercial a-nllcie in the Starr. ll is com~ plulc in all it; nppuintments It is the only lllbllldlil)u in the Sum- comlucted on Ictuul husiurqss principlrs. The com-35 of instruc mm is unanrp'ascud, and may be completed in about one lmh the time u=unlly spent in other institutions, in conseguenre or an entirely new arrangement. and the ndvption 0f the new nautical systv-m. Diploma} awarded upon the completion of the Camel-vial (‘ourseV \\ hich embraces a." except thehig'ner sets of Bankmg, Manufactur ing, Railroading, kc. bend fur zl Circular Feb. 1, 1554. 10m Wfimfié‘é NTEIKNATIONAL CHAIN 09‘ ;& COMMERCIAL C LEGES, Established in the‘following cities: ~\ PHILADEI.’HIA, S. E. Corner of Seventh and Chesnut Sts., New York, B’rooklyu, Albany, 'l‘roy,,l’rovi dence, Portland. llurtford. Burlington, Newark, Jim-heater, Bufl‘nlo, Toronto, Clevgjnnd, Detroit, Cnicngo, Mil waukee and St. L‘gu‘ls. Thorough theoretical n 96 practical instruc~ Lion in all brunt-hes pertuming to n fiuisped BU-‘incss Educ-anon. The Philadelphia College stands first in the SL'tte,buth in point of reputntion and local atlriiuutgos. The point aimed at is, to pla‘ce Commertinl Educntiou where it belongs—in w front mfik of neri'ul instruction. To this Md, :1 most thurough course of business train ing is adopted and cnretully nui‘nrced, under the personal snpervmnn of competent Pra fessors in the various di-partments. The most perfect system at practicul training ever de- Vtsed has been put in operation, und is suc cessfully can'wd out. nit'ording to 3than nd mingutuch as hm: hitherto ’79‘39 consul!!- ed possible only inconncctiun with the count ing-house. After hecoming proficient in the Science of Acmnts, PenmnnsiupY Comm“- cinl Cnlcnlutioht nnd Commt-rt'iui Law, the student is advanc’cd to the Practical Depart ment, where he becomes nn nctmtl Bonk—keep er and Merchant; phase; through the different Houses; acts in turn as Teller. Cashier, kc. lenrns the duties and responsibilities of each 051 cc, and becomes thoroughly informed, not only in the forms which are in universal use, but in manngingthe affairs of business with 5533-113 and despntch. ‘ s‘3sglarohipa issued at on point. are 3M, '0" “3 “dimiwd period, in tho tighten/'4 Col -158“ compising the " chain." Diplomfl 3w; awarded to thou only who fulfill the Pres‘llibed course 0! study, And pan the requisite exunrmmom . , For funk" inform-non lend for a circulnr. Address: .t BRYANT, ST‘huTox a: 00.. Feb. 8,136- 1y Philndclphia iMil New-'''Thdlewtim --also— T JOHN FARE!- A R\ 5 UL] pawl). ‘ivlmd FL'R MANV— .U/JORY, 50. TM ‘RCH Sin-6|. ahm9 'lh, PHIL.\U’A.—I m_vc nmy in «are of my uwu Impo'fnliuu nd M'mufiu'tnw, one “he L ‘! Mllh 2‘ mm! :mL 1H..\("1 H’L'lnw :um'us uf FA} ('3' "YRS, fur Lmlifi’ And 'hEMu-n's \rvnrJnthß menu 01' Gem's Fur w. ~‘ ’ fim‘www w; cannula. gamma mam: gum; lan Pavia: 11 strength lheStanch Intestines, mac them ~m ofl'euive Her. and mg then to -nealthyute. _ ’ They are n are preventive of Lung Peter. and a. certain med: bull Dam imam :o the Horse, my w Wm, Din : e In p o r, Founder ,‘ Henv e s , Shvering. Coughs, Fu vets, Loss of Aipefite and Vital Encr gy. to. In poor, low-Spirited animals, it has the most beneficin’. '"ect. Theme ofzhc!!! improves me wind, stmngth ens the Appt‘K and gins w the Horse 0. fine, smooth nT‘d- KIORiV shin—thus impror km the appear-“Um, vigor and spirit 9! tbil noble animal The property this P 0“ (in? I~(.<:t§cs in in miug the qumnia) ‘ot‘ Mnk 1n l'u\\'.', giva it an importance and \ultll: “bid: shunld place it in the bands 0! mar} person keeping n qu. By Itctnul Mywimutt it has pron-n tint it le increase the (mouth!) of Milk and Cream twenty per cent.. und muke the Butter firm and smm. In fimeniug Cattle, it gives them an appetxtc, luuscns their hide and makes them thyim mun): mater. HOG 8 . , In all n we Swine. Coughs,‘ ’ the Lun; kc. B} from hm] w : pap< Powders ml of S thorn Di vented. Cholera Pnoe 25 cu. pal-Paper, or 5 Pupamfor PRKPHH 1) BY 8. A. FOUT‘Z 8: BBQ, AT THFH! " WHOLESILE DRUG MD MFDICINF DINI 10. 116 Praxfluin St, Baltimore, Id. For Sale hv I’rnggi‘u nnd Storekmpen throughouuthe United Smma. For sale bv A. D. lhnauler. tht'ysbuv Lunghlin k Buulfuld, “hm-Img, VA; C, livnderk (‘n., Pinsmfl‘g Johnwu, Hollm & (‘uwdenv Philadelphia. ‘ ;\ov.‘.’§.l~~;4. I) . L. Lyons’ Pure Ohio IATAWBA BR \VDY, and J F‘PAIIKLIX-‘y CATAWBA WIS Equal in valllv :lud Cnenpnr in Price than Emma.» and Wimp uf the ow woild For Summer (‘umeinr Cholcrl lnl'nntum. Bow cl Uunnpl:.inr, Cramp. Colic, 8: Diarrhtzn. A suxe Cme is gxlnruntivd, or the money will be relnnl,d In supper! of (he abr/Vt-emlemcnls, are pre sented the Certificuus of hr. Ju-L R. Chilton. Chemlst, New York ; {‘r. ”ler Cox,CiLemxcnl Importanuhiu: Dr.JnmL-s H.‘.\'i\:hol.-,Chemist; Boston; Dr. N. E. Jam», Chemical 11 vector, L'irck-villr', 05110; I’ruf. C. T..Jnckson, Chemist, “0‘10“ ; Dr. Chml'phnm bhepnrd,Charleston, S. C}; and J. V. Z. Hlnnev, and G A. )lnriuer. Consulting: Chmuisza, (‘niuagoY all of whom have analyzed Um Calam'bu Brandy. and com p Imeut iu the highest tI-rms, for medivinnl use. Annlgais of the Massachusetts State Anny", Jah. 25, 16:18 “'he'n evapomlcd Lhrougn clean linen it. left no ml or ofi‘méhe nmner. In every respect. it. is a run: spilituous liquor. The Oil which giVes to this Brandy its fluor and aroma, is wholly unlike fusil, or grniu oil. It: odor par take: &' box!) the {nut and oil of grapes.— Wixh acids, it. produms ethers of A mix frugrullee. The substitunon of this Brgfidy for Cognac Hn-ndy 17;“ do away “£7,311?”- utnclvrc of fluin‘uus Iplrixs, sold~ this unmemolb at bums sud abroad. , Bespculiu'ly, A. A. HAYES, M. D., Assuyer to State 31:135., 16 Buylcslon at. ‘ i». By the game. ”I 1864. l have analyzed “L. LYUNS’ PURE CA- T WBA BRANDY,” n ith refer‘nce to it: com position and character, bemg Ihe Fume as thin produce.) in pus: years. A sample taken from ten cask: lIHLX'UCd rho samc results with regard to pnrit; ; it slightly incredsed amount. of th! princqile on which n: finer depends was du termined bv warm: on with former samples. The indications ohnniysis show thin this Brandy is pruduu pthe same process as moetof the xmporud .dy. ,Ileapectfully, 1‘“. A. HAYESMH. D., , ‘ Suite Ass!) er. 16 Boylestoq st. Boston, July 20, 1864. MANUFACTURED our BY H. H. JACOB 5:00., (To “hum n“ Orders gilwld be addressed,) Depot, 91 Liberty at", New York. Nov. 14, 1864. 3m . E. & H. T., Anthony & 00., . ANUFACTUREKS 0F PHOTLJGBAI’HIG BI “ANIMALS” wuuunmu no BETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. 11—h) addition to our a-'n bursiness of Photuguphic Materials, we Irc Headquarters for ihe following, viz: STEREOSCUPES k STEMEOSCOPIC ViEKg. 0: these we have an immense assortment, including Wu: Manes, American and Foreign Cities anchnniscupes. Gmups, Statuary, &c., 4m. Also, Rm h'ing Stereoscopes, iurpubiic or private eihilnlion. Uur Qamiogue will be sent to any address on rewipt of Sump. PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS.—We were the first to imrouiuce these into the United Smes, and we ma ul‘acmre immense quantities in great vnriet , ranging in price from 50 cents to $5O each.‘ Our ALBUMS have the reputa tion of being superior in benuty and durabili ty to any others. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price. I?“ ‘7 ”Fine Album; 1;} .de I'o 61'5"!“ "‘ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Our Catalogue now embrnces Mel-"FIVE TIIUUSAND diflcrent subjccrs (to which nd ditions are continually being made) uf Por n’ajts of Eminent Ameniwm, 6m, viz: nbotn 1m) Majur-Generuh, 530 Statesmen, 200 Brig—Generals, 13¢ Dwines, 275 Colunei. X 25 Authors, 100 LieuL.-Colouels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Uffivors, [25 Stage, ‘ 75 Nuy Officers, 50 I'romnentWOmon fl 15‘) Premium Fowlgn Yunnan”;z ,’ 3,000 copies of Works of Art, including re,- ptodnctions of themes! celewuted Engraving, Pcintings. Shines, Sic. Catalogues sent on recelpt 0! Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt of $l.BO, and sent. by mm. Free. Pbotogrnpheu and other: ordering goods C. 0. D. will please remit twenty-five per cent: ’of the amount with their order. / ' E. tu. T. ANTHONY'Ie 00., Manufacturers of Photographic Motel-ink, , 501 Broedwu, New York. mi prips and quality of our goods ennnoclfafl to luisfy. [New 14, 1864., 6m muk and/Farm T PRIVL‘I‘HiaLSF-X will sell it Prinm Snltthltnfl 'jlffi MUSL PROPERTY vuown h Md " ‘ ‘s‘ Ski! 41mm"? ’he miks west of G _ K pin Upper finish Creek. The imp ' ’ _' Em; Mer- 6!“ chm aims" Immomlso. HOUSES and a BARN. «ta-"'l2. 2:".- - The Farm sequins FIFTY-FIVE 403380! choicn Granite Land—most ludow 59mm. #l2er accommodating. _ Hot. 7, 12964. L! ‘ GEO. AREQ’LD. Annual warps up usxm, a C m! clap, Inn-19 by 30'“ W9l}; i w -mm twang: - I 3mm 3‘ my ~' * NEW in???» ng‘lilgxs, (Jones of mm. y ' l rmm'l an mét i o streets, op'posiu O ‘x v 3’ ‘ ' the Court Hnufe. fieuysburg, Pa.——\\‘a no. walla gfisgbnngxfgogsfgélfitmn’ pupa-yd to fnnusbmonmngnts. Tombs, Hnd- :And hove Mllgulmnm'r Syrup 52¢.ch Tome; ad atoms, \hu-ble Hunues. Shlbl tor Cabinet, ' JlMrake I'illa act on)”: War": I", 313kers,nnd allolher wurk appertaining loom . oh», that [Jinan «Milk business. We win guarantee smisfnuiun both ' ' an to cxecmibn and prive. Cull and no on GREAT SUCCESS AgTENDING n' I H designs and specimens of work ' A Feb. '2, 1853. ‘U Good Thmgs from the Guy! E are receiving mace A week from the S; city a wri‘ty ol articles suited to the; wants of 11x15 community, viz: Fresh and Salt; FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Side ; Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples, Potatoes. Orkngzs, Lemons, Confections, Tobaccos, Segus, filth mnny other articles in this fine—all received in the, bestorder. and sold at the lowest [xx-5151:. Give‘ us a cull, in B.dtimore slrcul, [mu-{y opposite Fahmule-liswr». , g. _ WANTED—Butter, Eggs. Inn-Pg, any-al] othrr country pro lute—for which @ll9 lnghest c.sh prhe “m he pnid. K j“ . SH [IA-2 i‘ I‘UTA i‘UßS—hcst qu'diy. at. low: I'3l. lu‘iuq prnfils—ulwq’s on 1159);}. Also, UYSTERS, fine and {gull—in ”1;; she” or“ shocked. Res: ‘umms and rnmifieéuppiiod. i STRICKUUUSER $2 WI‘D'QKZKEY. Gettysburg. 331‘!" 18, 1.863. g -' s Sheads 8: Bnehle A EALERSr 1N A D , CJAL AX LUMBER, _ S'TD VEA'fi': TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WAR “CC. :- ALso —¢ ; A SHUTTERS, nuxns, - SASH}; ETC. Corner of Carlisle and Rnilrand Err jig. oppo sit. 'Rnilrmgd Depot, GETTYb‘BUi’ffi, PA May 9, 1364 ' “ New Goods. 35' . AIIXESTOCK errnms [lf F ‘Are ~cnnstumly rL-cv'mnf: dmiq‘g and de nmhle goods, from )x'im‘ Yolk. 1’ ndvlphii and Baltimore, nnr! nrv prop xred (n ‘ er GerA~T INIHW‘ESIHXT to those about. pnl’cllghing. Huvi 5: selected With great c:lre,frum the thrcc lmdi ‘ markets, the public will louk to lhrir own 1 rests by examining o‘ur stack .befare buyin; wwhere. Gull.“ . FAUNESTF'TS’ anflflflfil. . , Rc Front. U ' . q .u 4 - .-~—- $lO a Day! ‘ GEYTS WASTEfl—Tn s--ll the '25 ("EXT 1 LEGALTHNDEK SI‘ATIUXHI?’ I’A‘CK AGE." Each P.|cka;:e','conluln~‘ 33 Song; lpngfi; nt' \lusic, 18 shouts of Pnper, II! Enve ‘lnpegl Ruler. lPen, l I’cn Hold r,l Lead l’cucxl, I Design [or l'lhlur~'lcl-\‘vs. 1 0! Child's \proq. 1 m: i‘hnhrui-lerod ‘Cnll xr, l‘fur Chris tvuing Rube. 2 [or marking Lcllch‘, 13 Secrets never bmurc ,uxlmahe l, Wurxb many Dullurs; and other inurmition. Al-o, om- heaulifnl amide of Juwuuy. Liberal indmcmunts to JAgcms. Send Sump for Circular. 1 ‘ S.\\l['l’}L BUTT. 4“: South Third SL, Philadelphia, Pa. Jun 613.1864 1y New Yong, \l'w'ne=tl\.. “null 30, ’64. - - TL) Till-l PUBHI‘. Thirty yenrs ago 1 “iii in the List stacez of Pulmonary ('nnqiinptivi'i, and mien tip to die. I resided in Pliilail-‘iplliil, and Dr. Joseph Pol rish, then oi this cit}, ordered me to Maren; tonn, N. J., a (Institute of nine mill-a, which took me two days to get there. Un niyurrivnl I w-is put to bed, and there hurl tor I):.th weeks. This nus lll_\',lltlll\(‘ plrlct‘, where nil my family lived and had died of gullrulflplluu. Ilr. Thornton, who nttehded my tuilwr in his lost illness, \t‘tl: called. and gave me one wet-k to hx up In) nll‘nirs. He had seen nlltny {lllnn‘i ily;go that way, and thought I was to go, too. Then I heard of the relitedles I now otter to the ptihlié, which cuied me. It wetned to me thut I could feel them pcuettdting my whole ayitem. , hey soon ripened the matter on my lungs, and Iwould spit otl‘ more than n pint of oll‘rn sive yellow mntter everymorning. As soon as that began to subside, my emigh.t’et(r,p:tin, night sweatQ—nll began to leave me, uni! my appetite become so great thiit it wan with dit lkully I could keep from taming too much. I soon gained my etrengthnnu I have been grow. ing in flesh ever since. For mmy tears] lime enjoyed unint good health, keeping the liver nnd henlthy with the Sen weedfl'onic or he Pills, (H l annul' n bilions tempei [y Wt‘lulll is tno hun dred nnd tun is. an HIV reemery people w'unld: e, tor and near. to see it‘thcir cases mine. For ltilS‘lllll pose 1 pay prz/t't-ssionul \‘lslli‘lll the large ci lti'en» Toe eonsumptires wish to we the one thnt mltkes ,ihese'niedieinea, and who v. ts euied ol‘eorfsumption hy them. To multe new lungs. is inipouilvle; but entities in the lung; and chroivlc ulceration: of the bran ‘lllttl tutu-3 can be healed. Such else: are dying: hourly under the ordinary t§utmtnt ol‘ physicians, and just Inch are core by the proper use or Sehenfk'i Milmtinie lgyrup, Senuetd Toiiii, and Klaintlrnke Pills. loin now a healthy hinn, with n Inge (airity in the middle lnbeof the right lung, the lower lol‘ée very much helm izetl and complete in)» ltesion ot‘ the ple'nrit. , The h-ft lung is shunt], And the upper lobe ot the right lung in in n tolerubly health} condition. The grent ren son why physicians do not cure consumption is they ity to do too much; they giro medi cines to stop the, cough. to stop chill. to flop night eweitts, hectic ten-r, nnd,»hy £0 doing, they derimge the whole digestin- pnwcr. lot-lt ing up the societions .inil emittuitlly the pi tieut sinks and dies. After I make it caret-ll examination of th. putient \nth the Respirtun eter, and find lungs enotuli left to cure, Idi rect the pntienthow Lo u:etlie three remedies. Ileinott the Ctlldt: qnd the-436i" all stop ui‘ their own accord. No one Lam be cured of consumption, liver complaint. dyspepsia, Lil tnrrli, canker, ulc'erqtgd‘ throat, Illllufi! the liver and stomach nro' made health)‘. In New England this canker, chronic eaturrh, ulternt ed throat, elongntion oi mulo, is more prem lcnt tliun in any other section at the country. ,This is frequently Ciltisrd by a foul stomach.— ;You may but" it out. with c.iuatit' tltne nnd lngain, :iiid tlll they will get is temporary relief. i Correct the stomach and liter, and they will i heitl up themselves. I Good nutrition is the remedy. If yon have ‘nny disease in any port of the body, it tt'i rtnmin there and decay more and more on I you can get the stumnch in the eunditio to digest food and make new blood to tith the place of discuscd mutter. This is the only way to heal entities in the lungs and tile ruled bronchial tubes. Correct the stem ii and liver, and mum: will do the healin' Bluny persons have an idea that certain edicine: are great purifiers ot' the blood. W n blood is once diseased it cnnuot be purified/z it is dis ensed the some as the diseased platter in that system;but get the apparatus n ordex’, the liver and stonmch, and gite it git-my of nour. ishing food it will make new b ed, which will take the place of that which i diseased. Schenck's Pnlmonic S) “1915 one of the best preparations or iron in us ,it is u powerful tonic of itself, and when Zho Seaweeu Tonic dissolves the mucus in life stomach, and it is carried off by the aid 0! the llandrnkc Pills, the Pulmonic Syrup is #l:}th into blood. This is the only way to ie coibuinption. It I cannot get a mind up etite, and food duel not digest, 1 cannot car the patient. Never mind the cough ; remov the cause and it will stop of itself. Thil is e mosttrouble l It??? with my patients at y mung. They _lll "Doc. tor, l feel stron er; Icon, at; my iiigliuwwt: are better, and Il'eel b‘tter every way; but my cough is had yet 3 ’ and they are “pa. iahed to he i- me any that does not matter, remove the cause and the cough will Itop ut itself. Scflmek’s Se‘veed create: 3 good up— petite in ’ho’nt nine days, when there is no -- lung dog-e, unless the liver is‘ so congelled AYER’B thll t f Mnndnke Pilll cannot unlock the ducts the gall bladder in that short Bpsce CHERRY PECTORAL. '0! ti o, in ordefi'o lllovrthc stale bile to pass The World's Great Banned for all. Keep the liver and stumneh healthy and Coughs; Golda, Inotgent (gn- th ein less danger of consumption or any magmatic! for atelier oer dialing}: it hard to tlke cold when or nmmptlve manta those crgsm are healthy. Thoscthatare bili infidwed gages fit", low spirited, dreary, feeling :tupld, coated of disease. . ltongue, poor a petite, nervous,stoniaeh full This has been so long mod and I 0 unl- iOf wind, "Uri-g "K ”mi ’5 ”3““ {leilszn my known. that. we need do no mor loss of memory if? one bottle 0' 391555913}? me the public that “m quality is in. .c , SEAWEED {flotation ho: «scum; h np7to.tlie beat. it ever has been, end thii it 'MANDHAKE LB. It is only a can of_ one. may he relied onto do all it hits crcr do , ‘ dollar and.lwbn¢)'s‘*‘l=mts, wittfl'lt 915 cc: Pmpuredby DB. J. C. Arnnla ~ Itions. This in will . ”(in many cases, to Fanatical and Audytiwl CI 'aa, :ntisiy 3i hat the tn, iolh‘fian. Frequently’ Lowell. m. ione bottle males ’ t “gentry; up; Sold by All 53-.qu every when 5 goat. Anytgengeuat d, ljoyalimdwz’ - 0 node .0. " y “in: 0‘ "I '1‘?“ A!» “a; . $5.; Rdnfryuf’. Bechlah’fét‘nbum piluocmionallymnsafgt marge-gr 3.9,; (tug. 8, 1565. cowl; / ”It!!!” 3 NEW)" ‘9” “9“ “l “"3; “9°“? ’ - ‘ t ‘o‘ ‘ .t ”1 ‘ . F; t”: ty. - , contamination is va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth nnt lthy habits, the depressing vices, and. re all, by the venereal infection. “'1 otcver be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending “from parents to children unto the third and fourth rencrution;" indeed, it seems to he the rod ot'Llliin uho guys, "I will Visit the iniquitien of the titlhera upon their children." The dirteuxes it originates Luke various mines, according to the orgnns it attacks: In the lunguéfierofuln produces tubercles, and finally bunlptitm; in the glands, swelling: which htyppymlc and be come ulcerous sores: in the stomach and bowels, denmgelncnte ulnch produce indi gestion, dyypaia, and liicr complaints; on the skin, 0 ptiie and comm-om :ttl'tctions. These, all having the Nlutc origin. require the some remedy. vim, purification and invigom- ‘ tion of the blood. Purify the blood. and these dongerom distempers lemc you. With feeble, foul. or corrupted hlood. you cannot have health; withvthut “life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot hm e scrot‘ulous disease. Ayer’a Smaparilla is compounded from the most ctiectunl anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this nfllicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is for supe. rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who hate gin-n it a trial. That it does combine \irtues truly ettmordinury in their efl'ect upon thia chm: of complaints. is indisputably proven by the great multitude , (it"puhlicly known and remarkable cures itv hns_mudtgof the following diseases: King] En], “undue: Swellings, Tumorl, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotehes and Sores, Erysifillas, Rose or St. Anthony‘s Fire, Salt cum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deuosits in the Inn ,Whito Swelling}, Debiity, Dropsy. flux-alga. hymns or Indigestion, Syphilis and gyp ticlnfectious, Mercurial Diseases, WWW“: and, indeed. the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Arm's AHLIUCAN Avenue, which is furnisllk'd to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directiona‘ for its ute. and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other retnulics had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in orderu that every reader may lune access to some one who can speak to him ot‘iu benefits from personal experience. Scrofuht depresses the mid energies, and thus leaves its victims far more lubject to dinette and its fatal results thou are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly thortcn, the average 6 ration of humsn life. The rut importnlt'ige of these considerations has led us to ape years marketing a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the .public under the name of At “L‘s Sinsnrurm’dtliougli it is omposed of lngredfcnu.‘gme of which exieod the host of Sanger; in nlternthe power. By its aid you ’nny‘protcct yourself from the sufl'er ing and danger of these diaordm's. Purge out the foul corruptions that yet and fez-tet in the blood. purge out the causes of disease, Ind rigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar virtues this remedy i-timulnte: the vital functions, and thus expels the dirtempern which lurk within the system or burnt out' on myportot‘ it. ‘ . We know the .pnhlle have been deceit ed by many compounds of Mrmparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have *en proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its outpacing excellence for the cure of the ofilicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the sunie'narne. it, is a wry different. medicine from any other which has been before the rmople, and is far more of t‘ectusl than any other which has ever been available to them. _ l __ \ «a ‘ V L‘ 1 9 ,» >3 " The above is}! come. Lhkcnvsq ()(Dr. Schenpkl when many years ago. :mrr he I).er rcco‘mfld. from Coniumpliun: hv a comma of His: "Scuncx‘s I’l uumc Mum." The likeness, ahhnuuh it dm-s nul uprmuxt him nmthilg hke us had us he mu m the “um, }(-t it isjn strung murmur. with the hula :unl ugfiwufi [nuks uf’the l’ortrm holmv, “hivh is the trué likeness of him at the yum-soul tune. The cp’m! trust between these lwo [ml‘lrllili is so great that many would not holimc them to be “31 same person. Yet there nro Hundreds of [lNL sons, in and around I’hilndclphiu, “ho will recognize both ponmils to be true repreaenm-E lions. Win-n the first was taken he weigh:- . 107 pounds; at the prescm lime his-weight. i 220 pounds. ‘ut—z peculiar mint or Ift-(‘linn which we in Scxtorum Lurk: 1 the cnnstitutions of iultirudénpfmen. It 'uhcr produce: or is .nducud by an en -cl.vh~d. yitimed state ‘ the blood, wherein m fluid becomes in imputcnt to sustain 1e vital forces in their igumux action, and mos the system to .1] into disorder and EE 7' :4. a?” I; u v; .y.‘ .. .~ 1- ‘2‘. » Keyh’y.“ t‘cm [Si-“Wife. I numfiinfiwild botsunpmopninunowugoyh'ioodlnlth, "liking unity no ponndl. I’ IN concludo by raining thm cnrul Inn Ind. In Ncw Yorkflnd which An all amoral", And 'l‘ my one who feel: any known I; tho mum to \im chem. Fim is Mr; Furl", renal-g then In No. 107 Uousmn nth-el. “or hub-ml called upon me hi my roomn, 32 Bond u“, Ind wished me to call and see her. I]. “.1: I coum do no good; that. ho had bud all tho but mgdicnl nucndnncc, and I“ uld mum too far gnne with Consumption» ho ed' but the had bun-d at 904:: great cum I .- made, and he desired to gratify her wllhes “ lulled. and found her lying confined to h bed iu the last smzc of brouchlll consump tion, and without doubt must hue dled soon 1 exnmlnod her lungs, found bow bronchial tnbcs ruff much affected, bub-no canines had formed, her cough was verv severe, the spit. box was hull‘ full ,of thick pus. Pulse Ho, legs Iwollen very much; and was" thun All, aha hurl chl‘onic diurrhuu. Her howds hm} been moved eleven times that tiny. I told he: that she had lung: enough to be cured, but that this dinrrltmu had been of long standing; and herstmnat h mm in such an ulcmted con. dition that I was ufmid nothing could bl dono. She [music-«l {should try and do what I could for her, observing thut alle could not hm hm; tn the tonditiun she was in.,nud I could not nmlte her nu) worse. lgme her first A don 0! my Mandrake Pills, nnd the Tonic and Syrup frt-t-ly. 'l‘lutt was on»l‘uesduy.und by the non Suudny the dinrrlmm was carried oIY, her nmwtill‘ hud returned and she could alt up ”1 bed and tut ltcr dinner. She is now well, and pure me u long certificate, certified to h! the flu. Dl2 bowling. Mrs Bartholomew, 83 West Forty-filth street, c-ime to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. She was low-spirited, skin enllon, tungue cont. ed, bowels costire, no appetite, And last unk iug imp che grave. The said tumor had been running over fourteen years. I gave htr Suup. Tonic mul Pills. and lohl her lu luko lhelnJusi as the direction] were primed. ‘ 8119' came U:\(‘h in my rm)lu<,3Hlon«l slrt‘M, in Him “C(‘k‘, sumvu Imt hellor; her tongue hmlrnc gun to r-louu u liillc around the Cllgl‘s her skin “ hiker and her eyes brighlrrguud th. tumor diwluirgiu: \‘L-ry oiTéneire matter, much ‘ Lister ilmu it hml ewr done licfure. She krpv. gradually imprmiug, and“: übonl lwo'muutha 51m mime to my room; wry much lrfighlrneil, mfiug 1h it the tumor hm] nearly stopped ruu- Hing“ um] um: he'uling up, null that ei'rry dor tur h n 1 m'd hvr thnl it'il. o‘er healed ll would muse her duuh. i lull]. her lhut Ihr iliaczma hail all left hrr i)‘SiL’lll, nnd nature noul-l hrnl Vhe ulcer up. They are now lieuled,uud have been l'ur about n pear, mul she is us beam? and ruhlm n “L 001”! n! you will ll .d in u dny'; walk. film is glad lur any one In all on hrr, mnl lukos great. [lx-.ius lo \iait any out: [lull the hours hiu uryuiing like her cunt:l and lrics 10 yr them I.) uume nudivc me. g The re“ cn-le- is )liaa Snofirld, from Stum orll, Conn. Mm. linrllwlomcw gut lu-r doun l u «‘0: mo. nnd slu- hns het‘n l-ter éim-c n! he! .lmuso. ~Wh+n she lirsl (ume lo my roumay‘slu. n.l- nun-h vnmcinlL-Il willl n dislrcssing‘q-onyb, 'pmil'g Llrge quunl'llics of bluod. J examined ‘ tr lump t'rilll the rcspirumcler, mul nmll my ‘ rllclit-e nuver lound nne with one lung ,0 lnr one and Lu:- othcr lung no sound. lo'nuM no; he mm h (-némlrugcmuu. I llmnglll :lul ‘ 'onlll «2w; but to my nimnislnmm the l'u'- mmc S)"'l’v Stunned Tonic, and \Lmdruko ll: ull doomed to go right (0 work. llulung i all llenlul over, halving n cnvil'v II lnrge :m It'lmac (12¢; pc-od nppxtiwpfine spinlslund s guined sunn- thirty-live [mundx 11l \rel-Ju. S I: has smm: cuugll get, whirl: 1 Ii“ nm illink $ ll lwne her lrcfuge June. lshoul l lhink ll w nld l 1: ol‘zrung inlclcstlo some nnpn-jmliul p yieinn lo visit these c L 404, particular); )11-s - nficl-l, 0: any of lhunl who hue been cured b m 3 medicines. They are numurous in New 1 rk‘?bul' the above \l.!‘re all dim-r {mm c u h 0 nor; and if my medicines nre doing “lull l P W 099“! they are. llu-y shuuld hlu’e llw 1TH”! n l [he nfliicted know ‘whrrc um! hun they I! ybH-ured. J. 11. Sl'lll‘lXL‘K \I. l).. : )r. J. H. Svhenck cnn be (mind an m: prm. ci nl office, So. 39 North ulll Slrcef. l’llilmlrl p n, cum-y Snturnln}, from 9 A. M. nnl‘xl 3 P. M H: gin: n-llige. free nfchvrgc; but lor m ll: laugh exnnnnuuon lu- «lmrges 111-re ul- ‘ 1:? Price at the l'ulmomc Mum and“. Wl‘ Tunic enrll $145.1)“ bolllb,ol $1: lhe hull dn n. \|.unlrnl\e PI”: .‘5 runs per box, and arm anlp l.) nll Dnlgglsll ant} Utzllch. g. _ i no 6, null. Lm ‘' ‘ ‘ Dissolutiqn F' PAHTNI‘IHSHH’r-The' ('n-pnrtnrrthip ”Min: bctm-rn the snhsurihrn, hns diwulved um day by nunnu'. l~hn~MH.—— .1 mum 11:35am to our Hit-"Rs and tin- public re “her: support oxlvndml (H um um i! \IIH In- ID“ at the store: nud we xnrnesl -1;"qu Hume huh-bud Imus lo CA“ and immediate pgmtnt, as we urn dc-iroua llle our business without dolm‘. ' I Iti husi ‘ the I‘ noun pumu' linllfl‘ street, emntl. in the SHOE , .muu, w, “ill also continua mu uJuumcturu ox nnd ll Shoes heir long: experience infill the shove , they flutter tin-mach" that they can a public, and will De" cheap for Cake A. COBELV, l J. s. CRAWFORD. uuineu under the mime and firm a! ia; Co. ----..- [Rem—Bl9?; [Established 1850 . A. Cub N OT E OF REMOVAL LAWRBSCP D. DIETZ k 00., y beg leave to notify their Mandi, and the public gnu-m flutvlhey fad from 50. 15) I: Wynn mm, m ,4 ions four-amrrwohonu, respectfi custome have re the com : I 8 BALTIMORE STREET, ward and Liberty, vhon use, will an: conduct “:6 Whaleulo Bush between ‘ for the f‘ ncss, no) Hosi- ‘l , Trimmings, !! ‘umishlng Goody, ‘ Perfume”, Nollonl, ~ \ Bmtionery, Camry, } Toys, #O.. Fe. ey mm the “gallon of city In! chucni, feeling confident of their ofigr hducemen? in privu Ind 100 d!» to which comm-y nyimy,‘ [- quality‘o I \ pro N“ “i“ Mi" mp: Itul' Ocderl tiou. A- wan-ac: n. mtrz a co.. 308 [Rumors and, Baltimore}, 3925-- __ _ - \blo Printing a, j ,_ I r I fl 1 MI Cum-lAN, ..«1 ofhiq in n A: (ulp lo m, asks [he 'Ds'lumvn I. :xryfllmr Inn, N CL'LP. SINRSS.—A. rich him in no [midi-9rd menu"; an. m: and the will be can. numbertburg «0 will con 'k «gem, an at ammu bu‘lirms um! um , do lhei! .3, an", ,_ Adap infln‘ cl )mheldl, npnperl. office a then may ipr! 004‘ . “m 9 Ml, )’ EE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers