ilw - fiiRIUUS. ’WBI NOT 380011113 0 The edministrnion pros. in order to «indium Mr. Lincoln in his .um'muy w‘ ‘W of the Southern Pence Emianriel, ia Wu], endeavor-1h; to prove that peacel binpouihle—that the South hu aotthe’ alighut idea of treating on any other basin! than; that. of its independence. Auarting tho-”the impractibility of peace. Mr. Lin oola’e enpporten naturally enough do all they can to prevent it: attainment. We are in favor. on the other hand. of doing muting honorable for the procurement of a consummation a 0 «levoutly to bewiahed. Jfltbe true, a: the radical preu representa, M “via hold. to the recognition of the Wmcy a a sin: qua non; it it desirable that such ehould be authoritatively and' each", ascertained. The Niagara Falls confluence would have resulted, had it not l been broken up, in drawing from the con? Monte government the truth on thin all ‘Jmponant‘ point. and Mr. Lincoln, if he; really believe: that Davil’ ponition is what hie follower: gsert it to be, committed a} anioiilal mistake when he prevented the Bomb from declering itself ucordingly.—l This idea in forcibly-presented _by the New ‘ ‘ York Oomma’al Advertiur, which an: "Ith certainly amietake that the con ference desired by the Commissioners did ‘ not take place. It was virtually granted cushy the Prelident, and then revoked ‘ ‘ without alleged reason. '1; places him in‘ ‘ thoutiulde of coqu-ting with rebel emis luhl. Ind withdrawing precisely when the could havglenrned something of their plane. ‘ At come time or other we must begin to 'w There must be :1 commencement of l negotiation], and no One ca any the time in not now. The nations of" the world will .not endure this reiterated and dogged de- Mmlnation to fight on and fight over, withbut wish orthought ofaaettlemenl. it in M5l". that. the rebel leader: mean only WI”. and would not accept‘re—umon on any terms. Ifw, [elusilrnwitiuthcfmal .um afprowcala and diplomatic papa". Then ‘ In ahall the better know what further duty 1 lies before no." _ ‘ \ Just Do. ' » ' Dunn Iliowxnow on in" ~ ‘ lons-ON. ' ' Al Person Browhlow in the leading-nup rk‘ler ofthe Administration in Tennessee. I. my muse and interest some of our ren .éeu to see what he thought of'thé Republi can undidete for the Vice Presidency efew inn ego. The redoubtehle Person‘ held ' dl'th thus: ‘ "He (Johnwn) in a member of; numer oul family ofJohnaom. in North Carolina. who ere generally thieves Ind liars. and . though he in the best of the family I have ever met with, I unhesitntingly afiirm to night that there are better men than Apdy Jo neon inour-penitentlnr,‘ Hiarelativen in the Old North State have stood in the etocke‘for crimes they had committed.— .Ind hieownhorn‘cousin. Mmdisoifigohmon. wu hung It. Raleigh for murder and fob- Im-yl " ‘ ' Is he not the Int man living to talk about respectebilitypn the More” one? Certainly he in.” We don’t think that enything could in ‘uc‘u to write thus about the family of lay andidete for office. whetever we might think proper to buy about himself. And tho I: we hope we are a praying man. we donw‘believe that, while praying tonl, '0 co ld pray at any poor martel u the good Pernon prayed at Andy Johnson. in in church at Knoxville, in the latter part cit November, 1355. This wu his ejacula- I on t "To (ha wnichful providence. 0! most. merciful od. we are inddbted inr nil our merciee, and not any workzor merit ofours ; (or may Qf us entened the scrambe i 0 elo ' um to the executive chair of the State the present incumbent (Andrew Johnson). with I per-int. knowledge that. he had abuqéd thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. on the floor of the State Senate. As a ewinfller. advocating unllwiul interest. We knew that be voted In Congress against ofiering prayers to Thee. We knew that he had opposed temper» nee, which is the cause of God and of All mlnkind. We knew” that he had vilified thoProtulantrngion. " * ' Yet. such ' werothe party £503. 0! most mi'ghiy God, ‘ thlt‘wo wentmto the luyport ofourinfidel Governor blind." Hprcy on us! W 9 cannot heip fmcying it)“ I‘ome preachers can pray worse than other-I can curse. If the pious shepherd ghinh proper now to make Andy :1 bell ? hot-her of his flock, he can say 73' his next gayer that. be was mistaken in 1855, and \g the Lord not. to remain deceived by .fihat, in the holy and raging fervor of his Poul. he uated at, that time. The Parson mill nuke it. ail righb in his next prayer, I. dare say.-Lwi¢vill¢ Journal. "INDIE“ MALIGNAN'I‘. ‘Ge’m‘gs Bergner. in his villainous sheet, the Harrisburg Telegraph, gloets over the flc¢.fhll “the houses of 'copperhesds’ as well to ‘union’ men were burnt indiscrimi nsteiy," inithe recent disaster at Chambers bnrg. Ats time like this, when our nflict ed neighbors are bowing their heads in A common sorrownwhen men of all parties unit’s Tn sifording relief to the sufl‘erers without inquiring into their political oreeds. here is an almost hellish mslignity in the expression ofsuch a sentiment as this. such I: we scarcely conceived even the Hessian Bergner to be capable of. The man who an thus gloat over the misfortunes of his political opponents, would resort to deeds ll gluingly infamous as those perpetnted bythe rebel hordes themselves. The peo ple of the Camber-lend Valley have much to is, to the charge at Bergner—they have frequently been vilified and misrepresented by him. Now that they gain take the full Ines-mint his meanness end malignity, we hope they will cease, with one seeord, to when“. a sheet which seeks every oppon 32'1” to slender them.—Sltippawburg Senti- um Northwestern PIMP—The New: and‘ World Are showing up the mlre’n must. of the ‘ Harald in the alleged plot to enablish a liordmeotern Confederacy! But one city 3011er plum any faith in such a conspira cy. ngd u. is even too absurd for serious con uiderniou. Even the States in the Union would 'not be worth counlmg if there: was Ibo shadow of truth in these inventions.— They-Ire It best a transparent bumbug.—- The 0311] secret pohtical organization we inov lnythiug Mars “the Loyal Lezgnes,“ composed mainly of men far more ready to input!!! the patriotism of their neighbors than» 00 pa: m par-mica any patriotism mongflleir own ordain—N. Y. Ezprm. l A “Sumner Sm: ed—Fufly Lieu Lost.— C-Ini‘l‘uly 25”?“ steamer B. )1. Run- M. from Hutches, struck n’ snag fifteen mils below Grenville. Min, on the 213: hm. at 10 o’clock.P. n.. and sunk '4O the hurricane too! in five minutes. She had marl, 600 people on board. mclud‘mg 440 men of the 10th Min-curl Cavalry, filly ra- Jug”. Ind furlougbed soldiers, and quite a number of übin gmnengen. About fifty )xvu'waro lost. 319‘ of this number be 1011ng to the osvalry. There were alsn on Ito-rd 11l mules, 62 horses and 100 “guns, and amp eqmpage of the regiment. all at Vbichflvith the boat, is a total loss. Mm—Some of the Shoddy organs still Paint in heading their war deupntches ‘Tho Warior the Union,” in the face of In Liaoofn’s declaration that the war in {h the‘Ncprn. Why are may not. sup: M! ‘ ‘ ’"Wu‘ is find, etemhl :9 union." lAN QM Ito: Donglu \ p >‘ V ADVERT’SO Jurors for August. flu Jun. Buding— i-Cbronuter, (Formnn.) George Brown. a - Frnnklin— ndrew Cluck, Peter 'Bobml. wharf—Wm. C. Smllnmilh. ick hon—A. J. Bowm. . Tyrone-J‘bomu Ehrehnrt’. Nountplenlnm—Pcur K. Smith. Lsflmoro—Jool Griefl. Mountjoy—Jnme: “'inlroao. . Oxford—Frauen Hnrubnll. Mennllen—ancia Cole. Union—John Spangler. Hamilton—Samuel Hufiboinl. . Huntington—Juan B. Chtoninut. Germany—Joseph Burker. Libeny—Jnmu O’Brien. ‘ ~ Cumberland—Joseph Walkn. ‘ Conowngo—thnniol W.‘Giu. ’ Berwick lp.—Jouph Grim. ‘ i anbnn—Sumuel llcCrgAry: r; Bumillonbnn— Joseph Bowling. g Bufler—hmc Boyer. .‘ Freedom-John Butt. ‘ '5 Gun“. Jan. { : Butler—s 3. J. Pnleru, chob lonermn. Union—Enoch vLefever. ~E Derrick hon—l". J. Wilson. - I Humilton—John Drllone. Christin Inch. Oxlogg-exicholns Ling, Inlthiu Hamlet. Hnnungton—Dnniel Beizmsn, TllO3. 0. Neely. Nemflfng—Nonh D. Snyder, Enoch Ronnnnhn. Geminy—Geur-ze Sto‘nuifer, Andrew Long. Mending—Peter Brown, John Nitchlnnn. Gettysburg—J. Jafl'ersou Myrrs, A. P. Bnughnr. Ben-wick lp.—_-Jncob Kinnemund. Mountplenunl—John Bowman, Jamel Devinn. Luimore—John C. Hacht. Franklin—Jncob Eicholu, Henry Denrdorfl. Honnljoy—Jnmu W. Burr, Pmncil Alliton. Liberty—Michael Con-9y. Humilwnhnn—lsanc Robinnon, Jn. Wnunn, Jr. Tyrone—David Meals. ‘ Cumberlnnd—Wm. Ron, Duid Shrifer. Strnbnn—Henry A. Picking, John G. Gilbert. Conowngo—Frnncis Kricnlen.‘ Freedom—Daniel Sheen. v July 18,1654. Register’s Notice. ONCE is hereby given tonll Legnteel and » - other person: concerned, Hut-tho Ad mfinistrbtion'Accounu hereinafter mentioned will be presented It the Orphnn’l Court of Adam county, for confirmation and allownnce, on MONDAY, the 15th day of AUGUST, 1864, I). 10 o'clock, A. 11., viz: ‘ 59: The first and final necguntopffihael Dietrich and Samuel Foulk. Ex nof the will 0! Leonard Yuzy, deemed. 60. The first and final account of James Pecan, Executor of the last will and haul menl. of Jacob Feeser, deceased. r 61. The‘Guardianship account. of John Henry Myers. Gunrdinnkof Adun Lenka, of Latimore township. 6 ; - 62. The: first. account of Jacob Arendt. Administrator ofJucob Humm, late ofOx ford township. deceased. 63. The second account of Wm. Sterner. Executor of John Bart. deceased. 64. The flat account oi Francis Marshall, Administrator, with the will annexed, of Louisa llemler. deceased. . 65. The second and final account of Jacob Wisler, Administrator of the estate ‘of Joseph Eihelmnn,decenm>d. - 66. The account of Ephraim Daurdorfl? Administrator of the estate. of Mdry M. Demoree, deceased. 67. First and final account of Anna Manuel. Warner. Adminiatntrix of Peter» William Warner. demoed. g 68. First and final account of Micblel Reily, Administrator of Paul Weber. dec’d. 69. First and final account of Michal Roily.'Executor of Mathias 'l‘olau, dec’d.‘ 70. The account of David Dull, Guardian of Mary Elimixeth Group. (now Jones.) minor child of Jacob Group. late of Monol len township. dcceaaed. Z ‘ SAMUEL LILLY, Regilur. Register-'3 Ofice. Gettysburg} July 18,1864. td‘ Tavern License. HE following npfilicntion to keep A publiq house a! euterlniumen‘t, has beenvflled in my office, with the requisite number of signers, and will be Presented M the Court of Quarter Session, on WEDNESDAY, the 1m; day of AUGUST inn: AMOS PETERS, Lntimn‘ro townlhip. . JAMES J. FINK, Clerk. 'Aug. 1, 186‘. 1d OR RATS. MICE. BOACHES, ANTS, BED F BUGS. .\IOTHS X.\‘ FFRS, WOOLENS, C., INSECTS ON" PLANTS, FOWLS, ANI MALS, kc.—Pur up in 25c. 50c. and $1 00 Boxes, Boules n‘hd Flasks. $3 Ind $5 line for Horns, Pvnuc Ixsn-rvflosl, &c. " Only infallih‘lc remedies known." “ Free from Poisons." “ Not dnngemuu to the Human Funny.” . “ Rats come out. of their hole: to die." ”Sold Wholesale in All lug. citiel. WSold by all Druggiutl and Retailers "cry when. ‘ gB.” ! Bun“ l l l on]! worthless imiluionu. [S‘Seo that “ Coatn‘u" name is on each Box, Bottle snd Flask, before you buy. ‘ fiAddress HENRY B. COSTAB. fir’nmcxnn DIPOT 482 Bionru, N. Y. ”Sold by an Wholesnlc Ind Ruuil Drug -33315 in Getcylbnrg, Pt. Rob. 29, 18M. - ' PHXLADELPHIA , Wall Papers. HOWELL & BOURKE, N. E. Cor. Fourth Ind Max-ht Strut: Manufact'nrers of ' PMG’PEB HANGINGS‘. Window (grain Papers, Linen Shade: and Hollands, - Solid Green and Bnfl, Chocohto Grounds, , . . Figured and Plain Slade: To which we huh. the nttentiOn of STORE ’ KEEPBRS. 311).“,1864. sm- Cabinet Furniture. T p. samomxa a; son, _ ' CABINET WARE ROOMS No. 220 S. Second 82., below Dock, Well IMO PHILADELPHIA, Have count-ally on htndj very Inge u- 1 acumen! of Rosewood. \annnt, 05!: and Mx- : hog-lay Furniture,“ Intent designs, nd superior workuannhipmhich they 03‘s: for uk u rut lonthlo prion. Bid: and “guru-Grundy )0 1 order. [ii-r. 28, 1864. 613* , ’“‘ Queemware. I" you want Inything in the QUEENSWARE I line cull M. A. SCOTT §_B.QN_'%, when you will find the but ufiortmeut in town. March 24, 1862. “’ AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Starch, Rice-flour and Gelatin, {or sale at Dr. HORNER‘S Drug Star. ARD PHOTOGRAPHS made at aha Ex. C eelsior Gallery are alwnyl urn-ruled (o 5; ve smilhcriou. TYSON BROTHERS. OLLOCK‘S LEVAIN—tho pure“ ind K but. baking powder in use—4t Dr. B HORRER’S Drug Ston. E but jun. rucelved | new monment 5‘ of Queenswnre, to which we invite the attention of buyers. ‘ A. SCOTT t SON. PBIXG BALMOEALSguié receind It S FAB. TOOK 3805’. A 059 Cid) {or Cloning, O nu! on my L jml [l32l'an ll FAHI'ES'IOCK 3&2 Let Everybody NOW IT— K CHAMBEESBCRG STREET AHEAD lining just returned from the any will I nplondid uuorlment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS &' SHOES, Vinson! In, dhpangemeul to my neighbors or my other portion or the town of Geltylbum, “an the plenum of announcing that Cham bers‘barg street in lheld and that the place w bu: H-u, Capl, Boot: and Sheet, cheque M “Cg new find, and; opponile the Lulh run Itch. Tho “nation of an: Ladies in punicuhrly Influd to the aplendid nuomnem of Gniwn, Slippery lorocco Ltco Boon, kc” {exuded for Lndiu' Iran. Alla, Trnnh, Carpet Such. Umbrella, To buco. Cigar: and Notion, in endleu nrlety. Here in the plsce to buy goods cbenp, u I ma determined not. to bu nnderlold by In; other uubfilhmeut in town. 'l'hnnkful for put f» Von, I m youn entirely. . JOHN L. Homzwomfi. March 28, 1864. Good News and True, 1‘ THE CHEAP CORNER, A . [S GETTYSBUBG.—- & WOODS Ire opening on: Another Inge usortmem 0! New Good- n r « their chup corner, which they will cell st the love cul} pricel. We buy I“ for . cull at the Invest pricel,lnd can. therefore, all ,the sine qunlizy of goodl u, low no they can he bought a my other figure in the State. A ' Inge portion of the-Shoe: we , lellmre nude to order, of the —‘ but material, by good Ind expcricnced workmen. Gin in u call. BOW t WOODS. ATS, HATS. . Huo for Men, Km for Misses, Hm for Boys. Dunkud llnu, Huts for Children, Straw Hus, Hill for Ladies, Allkinds of flats, and Slukers, by ROW & WOODS: BOES, BOOTS. ’ ' Shoes for Children, Shoes for Mines, Shoes for Liditl, ' Shoes for Boyl, Shoes for Men, 'Glitern ornll kindl, Slipper! in variety, Shoes of all kinds. 'ROW & WOODS. OTION AND FUENISHING GOODS FOR CHILDREN, LADIES t GENTLEMEN. Spool Cotton of all kinds and colors, . Lille quvn forChildren,LadieslndGentlemen, Hosiery, “ “ “ Linen Handkerchiefs, “ “ Coll-rs and Neck Ties, new styles, « Gulf; and Corsets of best fits Ind Ill!" slylel, and many other things in the notion line, sold at the lowest prices, at the corner of York nreet sud the Diamond, by _ RUW:& WOODS. USIC, MUSIC. DI Violins, Accordeons, Violin Bows, Strings & Tiilpieces, for sale by RUW «l; WOODS. EOAIZS & TOBACCO. S Tycoons, El Perul, _ El Rio Sellns‘; big Ingengidndl, Napoleon, Common, . _ *Congreu, Plnnmtion, Honey Dew, Anderson’s Sollcé, - For sale’retnil or by the box, by ROW k WOODS. RUNKQ, SACKS. Trunkn,lurge and small, Carpet Bag], Run. Bags, Gothic Such. Common Blabk Sacks, I! thg lowut prices. by . BOW & WOODS. ISCELLANEQUS. ' ‘ BI Lndics’ Bonkets, Ladies‘ Satchels, Po”. Monnniel, Pen Knives. Razors, Razor Strum, Window Paper, Wall Piper, Pocket. Books, ,‘Purser, , Palm Funa,lerge; Palm Fem, Imnll, Umbrellas, Carriage \thpn, kc. We Ire continually increasing illi- Yuri-l] And assortment of our stock. Prices are’ high but we bought mmy of our good: before the late rise, and will dell them as near old‘nw pricesus pmsible. ll is our nudy ln lellgonda that. will wear well, and give ntisfnclion to our customers. To enable Hi to do this, we have effected nrrangemenu by which we con get the best Boots and Shoes that are manu laclured. If you wmiv. lo buy trash in the shoe line, go to a Dry Goods Store. If you want. good Shoal buy them of ROW & WOODS. Cor. of York at. and Diamond, Gettysburg. May 9, 1864. ‘ , Grain and Produce; AVING liken the large and'comtnodioua Warehouse recently occupied by ank ’llerlh, Elq., ! IN NEW OFFORD, " we no prepared to pay I. Ac highest. when for all kinds of PJiODCCE. Also. lell at the low est pricey. LUMBER, COAL and GROCERIES, of every description. ' A. P. MYERS A: WIERMAN New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. tf K Black Smithing. HE undersigned would molt respectfully inform the public thuv. he bu commenced t e ‘ BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, at Donner k Zlegler‘u shop, in Ban Middle "root, Getty-burg. where he will at all tlmel he prepared to do Bluhamithiag work to Car riogel, Buggies, anona. hf That he knows how to do all jobs of the kind will not he quea tioned by those who have A knowledge of fill long experiencr at the business. Come on with your work, nnd you will be notified when you take it 'Awny—And for whlch he fill re ceive Cash or Country Produce. ADAM HOLTZWORTH. Jam, 4, 1864. ct Isaac K. Stauffer, ‘N I ATOH AIAKER AND JEWELER, _ IeU'AC'I’UIII or BXL‘VER WA BE b "(PORTER OF WATCHES, ’No. 148 Nontl: Second St.,- Corner Qunrry, Paxuonrlu, PA. . Ba bu conluntly on hind In assortment of Gold and Silv‘er Pafént Lever, Lepinelnd Plain Watchel; Filo Gold Chnins, Seal: and Ken, Brent Pins, En Rings, Finger Rings, Bucc letn, Hxniuture Cues, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimblea, Spectacles. Silnr Table, Delert, Tu, Salt and‘ Mun-rd Spoonn; Sugar Spoons, Cups, ankin Rings, Fnfit and Butter Kuhn, Shield-,Combs, Dinnon‘d Pointed Penn, etc.,—nll§ofwhich will be sold low for cub. M. 1. mBIAS & COJS beu qulity full jew eled hunt ’Lever Movements-constantly on bind; the othe: linkers of superior quality. N. 8.-Old Gold And Silver bought for cub. Sept. 7,4863. 1y ’ Jacob Harley, (mum town-mm: h a_un,) 0. 622 lARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA.— y Denier in Fine Gold and Silver WATCH -8; Fine GoIerEWELRY ;; Solid SILVER. WARE-ad tbohut make “SILVER PLATED WARE. Conmmly on hand I large snort ment of II“ than goods M. (an: prion. Witch“ Ind Fine Clocks Human, by skillful yorkmen ; also. Jewelry repairing; Engraving And all kinds of “Air—work to order, st short notice. [B'Don't forget the on: nun, No. sn linker Street. Philndd his. April 1!,‘2264. 3m£gJs3m Battle-field Views. FULL «I. of ant Photognphic View: of the Ruth-Geld of Gennburg, form 3 Up «mild 314%. for the Holiday. The finest yet publilhed can be seen “the Excellior Gallery. 1 ~TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg. \ New Bakery ! EWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South Walbington "reel. hall square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Oonunntly on hand, the but 0! BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS. kc. Per sons wishing fresh Bread will boderred every morning, by luring their lumen and residence: u the Bakery. Every effort made to pleue Give in a calll [April 20, '63. 1! Come on With Your Jobs 1 EVRY HOOVER. WU] do I“ kind: of l I R E P A IR 1 NO to Clrringel,Bugglu, agonc, in, In I nest Ind Inblunglnl man ner, Ind It the lowest living pricel. His [hep in in Wen m-eez, between Gumbel-abut; Ind i liddfo Imou. Guuyubnrg. Bo promhu to do good Work, tun-143k: n that of public pg uomsp. {April 4, ll“. 1’ i New Spring Goods. HALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. S J . L . SCH l C K would reupecfiully u; to the citiunu of Get tyuburg and vicinity, tint he in now receiving at hil store A uplendid " STUCK 0? SPRING GOODS. The uock connisu in put of Fqncy tad Sup]; DRY GOODS, or "cry dueripglog. SXLK . MOZAMBIQUE, CHALLLES, _ Dxnuns, . i nonuzmss. V ALPACCAS, - LAWNS, outcoxs, of .11 3mm.- ud choice-t ufien. which will be lO] It PRICES TO DEFY COKPE'HTION. FURNISHING GOODS o! I“ kinds, including Silk, Linen sud Cotton Hendkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, kc. ‘ Also, 3 splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Lsces sud Edgings, Umbrellas and Pnnuols.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS wilZ be found full snd complete, Ind customors msy rely upon slwsys getting good goods .2 the lowest poul ble prices. Gentlemen will find it to the): airway to cull and engine my flock of . cLoms, - _ ’ ' CASSIIERES Ind “ VESTINGS, of ull qullniu 3nd choice-t nylu. ’ thy-u, 1864. J. L. SCHICK. Come to York Street ! HEundeuigned has bougbtouL-the Grocer) And Provision Store of W. B. Male, in or]: street, it tew door: of“: of 8!. June: Luthcnn Church, and fill continue the buli neu u the lame place. He has incrcned the stock, tnd is now prepsred to ofl'er I most ex cellent‘tuortment of goods in his line, Inch u COFFEES, SUGARS. SYRUPS, TEAS, Snlz, Pub, Brooms, Buckets, Brushes, Will ing Machines, Bucking, Clndlel, Keedlel, Pinl, Combs, £12., with I lsrge lot. of SEUARS AND TOBACCOS ~ Alla, Coal Oil sud Goal Oil Lamps. Cnllnnd see for younelvel. Hu nuomnon‘ II not only 1911, but be "H- u €llin u the chant“. ‘ Thihighen price plid for old Lend. DAVID TROXELiJR. Gettygburg. March 7, 1864. ..., ‘ Hardware and Groceries. , HE nubsnriberl have just returned from I the chic: wilh an immenu lupply éf ARDWARE & GROCERIES. which they an oflering aubenr old mud in Bllumore street, u. prices to wit. the times. Our nock ennui-u in pm: of 7 BUILDING MATERIALS, -\ CARI’ENTICR’S TOODS, BLACKSIIITH'S TOOLS, COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS. CABINET NAKER’S TOOLS, _ lIOUSEKEEPER‘S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS‘ OF IRON. kc. GROCERIES OF ALL KLNDS, OILS, PAINTS. kc, kc. There'ia no'nnicle included in the several deptrlmentl m'emioued shove but. what am be had It thin Store.— Every class of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools and (indium-mm} Housekeeper: can find erely nrticlejn tbeirline. Give u: l on“, I! we are prepured to sell as low for tub n In] home out of the city. > JOLL B. DANNY-ZR, . ' DAVID'ZIEGLBR. Gettysbfirg, May 16, 1364. - 1864 Summer Arrangement. UMIER COATS, of I“ kinda. very chenp at y ' ‘ PICKING’S. ‘IASSI\[ERE COATS, All nyler and‘ All ‘ - colors,remarkably cheap,“ [‘ICKIXG’S. / .kRSEILLES, Erock tad Sack Coats. no. ‘ tori’ously’c‘hunp, at. I'ICKING'S. ‘ ‘ INEN DYSTBRS. goud mawrial nml well ‘ L made, Clfl'flp an dut, ll ~ I'ICKIXG'S. 1 ASSIMERE mus, plain and ruler. m:- louishiugly chcnp, at l’l(‘KL\'G'S. INI-IN, Duck, and Canon Pants. nnmm- J manly cheap, at. PICKISG‘S. ~ OYS' Coats, Veal: and Pan“, unusually chelp, It . I'ICKING’S. . ATIN, Silk and Marseilles vests. posmnxfi' very chenpflu . PICKIXG'S. OLLARS. Skirts. Suspendcrl. Starks, “11-l precedenleally cheap, at ‘I’ICKING'S. [ iOLINS, Flfes, Flutes and Acrordeoua, shockingly cheap, M I‘ICKING'S. LOCKS and ch‘elry 9! all kinda, chu loundully chomp. at PICKING S. LY NETS, drlrlngly cheap. at ‘ . ~PICKING’S. GREAT many other things, cheaper llun tluLcheapesl, n: ‘ I’ICKING’S. ‘ F coirae errrybody whownntsio buy food Goods nml ’cher, mu pleue all n , ‘P I C K I ‘N G ' S Jun 027,1864. 4r ' ’ Noah Walker 8: 00.. CLOTHKERS, WASHINGTON BUILDING, 105 um 16'!- BALTIIOII Sin", keep cp'nnuntly on bud n lug! and well u wnedyfl of I" kinda of good: u modern“ prices 77 ‘ They npply orders for tie finut lo the loweu priced "ticks, tilher rndy nude or mndt to manure, "h“XP‘" of lb. country. 4 - 1 They keep tho n‘txunsiu flock of FURN- ISBING GOODS, embnclng Ivory nhich o! Gentlemen? Under-rut. Alla, MILITARY CLOTBS und exory‘vuiety of flgliury grim mingQ, u mu u n :Ich “out of nun? MADE IHLH‘ARY GOODS Bnltluiore, Feb. 12, 1864. .103. ”now. 14'1“! a. w. wuss Hanover Tobacco Hannfoctory. ELSE, DELLONE l 69., hnvfeunb. lishod lChewing Tobacco Mann nclory, in Baltimore Itreet, Hanover, PL, where Her chnutn. Shopkeepers. and I“ otli‘ér dealers Ind 'conuumers, can u. all times he Aupplied with oil kind! of chcwing Tobacco, such as NAVY, SUNNY SIDE, LIGHT PRESSED, NATURAL. PEACH LEAF, CAVENDISH, Ind nll other kinds, usually 'it up in pound lumpy. Also. half pound: of every description put up in boxes o! .11 since, contoining in weight from filteen to one hundred_pounds.— _Allo, Congress Tobacco. running from eight to ten to the pound. Alno, Flounder Tobacco, running eighteen to the pound. Also. Coarse ind Fine Spun Tobacco,'nnd all other kind; and quoliliu of Tob‘ltcca now in me. The un dorsigned have all the above named brands on bond ma ofl‘er the snme for Isle at pricea‘leu lhu: can be bought in any of the Eutern cities. Their Tobncco in I” mnnnfncturcd out of old Mislouri snd Kentucky loaf. ond wornnted to be 0! o Inperiur quality. They no thnukfully soliciting n libertl £llth 01 custom. WELSH, DELLOXE t GO. June 27,1864. 3m Cannon 8t Adair’s NEW lABBLE WORKS, Corner of 31M more‘nnd East Middle streets, opposite m Court. House. Geuylbnrg, Pu.—We Ire prepnrcd to furnish Monuments, Tombs, Hesd‘ “ones, Marble 51.0295. Slab: for Cabinet Mnkers, and another or]: upperuiniug to 0!!! business. We will gust-mu sniilfncflon both In to exccution and price. Cull And no om design: and specimen! of work. Feb. 2, 1863. t; L. SCEICK bu just. received I 10: o J. cheap Looking thlm, 2" FALL k WINTER GOODSY—A good y manner". of Full “d Winter Good: .5 up u [.115 gyupelt A. It 800" t 9111's, HE undcrsigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in I" in branch", at his old “Ind, in East )liddlo street. Gettysburg. NEW WORK nude in order, Ind BEPAI R I X G done promptly Ind It loves: prices. Two first-nu. SPRING WAGONS and s 833108 for sale. JACOB TBOXEL. Dec. 1, 1863. _ ' ~ OILING—FRYING-LSTEWING—STSEP. mu—wxm was mm: mm uou'rs s 1100». 7 " 3'B] nu flan. of I gamma. lamp}! ‘it can of a. cent'l worth of all, I very conform bh bmkfut can be cooked.—N. I’. We. ‘.Simple in construction; sully kep‘ (I: order, rend] for an in o mqmcnl. comedic“ to hire on hum—Drudggm’n Crank». fiPinb'l lump in one o! the moat papal-r novzltiel of the dny. The utility of h is un questionable, 5 great unring in mode in beating Imjl cooking luau Irliclu, Ind cud. made to cook men]: for 5 grant m-ny perlon|,wblch h nctully done on we ambulance curl whlch ‘cury the liCk toldien.—Sa‘cnufic Animus. Q‘For family use, hospnlll um, blmch, picnicl, filhing, nurury. or nick loom, it In in Article of comfort beyond I" pmyorugn to m com—Ilall': Journal of llzalll. B‘l have tried the appnlu. Am! my wife And I proclaim the un- n hon "In-_blo nd indilpenuble nticle, Ind'we now woqder how we could huego long done without SL-LI'IJ. Coal Oil Grtular. ' , ' ~ ”An econouiul conlrlvnncc {or getting up but. a short nollcc for nunery and "null household purpouep.. One Impounnt pntnl h the suing in cost over coll nut—lV. Y. Enn wy PM. PRICES FROM TWO T 0 SIX DOLLABH. ‘ CAPACITY "on OIIJO you: qunnr. tun! uncul coonn n on mu mm on Icun. Arnnged for Kerosene or Coal Oil. or (In. A'Ducfiptive anphlet of thin, p-gn {un ilhed gratin. Also, THE UNION ATTACIIMEST, Price, 50 Cantu. To be ltuched to I comnion Kerouac ‘lep or (in Burner, by which Wnler um, I). Boiled, ind Food Cooked; llqo ar nnged to suppon a Ihndé. ' EVERY FAMILY NEEDS ONE. S‘Agenu Wanted. WILLIAM. D. RBSSEL, Agent, » No. 206 Purl St", New York. April 11,1164. ‘SIO ‘ . ‘u‘ rfis‘ines ‘ v E. Corner Tenth Ind (‘hunnt Slueu, N. PHILADELPHIA, ‘. _ axon 1n: “no“!!! or L. FAIRBANKS, A‘. 3|.,. for. the last tour years Principal and chief b:- lineas manager of Bnnn 8 Snnros's Com mercial Collage. A MODEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Conducted on I new Iyllem ol'Aclnsl Busincu Tnininz, tbréngh the establishmem of legiti male Ofices Ind. Counting-nouns, represent.- ing dim-rent departments of Trude and Gom merce, Ind I regular Bank of Deposit and Ll lne. giving the student til the advnnugu 01 lethal Ipractice, and qualifying him in tho shorten ‘pouibic time and Inn" (I'M-five nu ner for the variant dulies and employment: of buliness life. - ‘ Thc‘Com-se ofinstruction in the Theorcticnl Dennrtmen: embraces Book-keeping, Commu cinl Calculauions. Lecmres‘on Balinén Afiniry, Penmanship. Cammercinl Law, Forum, Cbnu— pondpncve, kc. ’ ' In ihe ‘ 1864 the studententers upon the (irednming Course. whichinvlmles a continuance in the above studies, with their pmclimtl application in all their dctnils. He will in turn fill the position ofiAccoununt Ind Proprietor in the various Deplrtments of Wholesale nud' Retail Trade, Forwarding, Jobbing nnd Commission Buei ness, Banking, .\lnn‘nfucturinz, Sliuing;stenm hosting, &c., and finnlly will not As Cashier, Book-keeper and Teller in the Brink, in each of which positions his previous knowledge will be put to the fullest‘prncticnl tut. This institution offen Q) young men numer ous ndvnnuigea not poesbs‘ed b; any other commercial college in the State. It is com plete in all its appointments It is the only institution in the,Sl-te conducted on nctu‘xl business principles; The course of instruc tion ii unsurpassed, nnd mly be completed in about _one half the’tinie uum‘lly spent in other institutions, in consequence otnn entirely new nrnungtm'nt, end the Adoption of the new practical ayetem. ‘ Diplomas nwnrded upon the completion of tllevCommerrinl Course, which embraces all except the higher sets offlenktng, 11-nufnctnr ing, Railroading, to. ‘ Synd fqr 5 Circular. . 1' Feb. 1, 1864. 10m - ‘c: ’) ‘ % NTERNATIO. .\L cmux b? . COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, Established in I e following cities: 7 PHI’ADELPH‘IA, , BALTIMORE, S. E. Corner of Seventh and Cbesnu! 813., New York. Broolilyn, Alfiany, Troy; Provi dence, Portland. Illnford, Burlington, Newark, Rochester, Buff-10, Toro’nto, -. Olenlmd, Detroit. Chic-go, Mil ~ wnuku Ind SI. Louia. Thorough ‘heoretical Ind prnctiul intrac tion in I“ branch“ peruining log finilhed Businen Educ-lion. . The Phil-dolphin College stands first in the State, both in point of reputation end local edvnnugee. The point nimed It is, to place Commercinl Educntion where it belongs—in the front rank of uefnl inltrpction. To this end, I most thorough course 0? business train ing is edopted and cnrelully enforced, under the personal supervision of competent Pro fessors‘l‘h the vnrions departments. The non perfect system at prscticnl training ever de vieed has been put in operation, and u suc cessfully carried out. sfl'ording to students ud nntnges such u have hitherto been consider ed possible only in connection with the count ing-house. After becoming proficient in the Science of Accounts. Penmanship, Commer cinl Calculations snd’Commercinl hit, the student is ldvhnced to the Prncticnl Depart ment, 'l'!th hen-mes an actual Book-keep er Ind .\le Int; passes through the difl'erent Houses; nets in turn us Teller, Cushier, he. lenrne the duties and responsibilities of each oflice, ntid becomel thoroughly informed, not only in the forms which are in universal use, but in managing the nfi'nirs of business with system Ind dcspntch. . beholnuhips issued at one point. are good, ior an unlimited period, in the eighteen Col lege: comprising the ‘- chnin." Diplomas are nwnrded to those only who fulfill the prescribed course of study, Ind you the requisite unminntion. For further information send for I circnlu Addynss: BRYANT, STRATTON 8 00., Feb. 8, 1864. 1y Philadelphia. Portable Printing 0506:. _‘..__.. OR the use of ‘ g] Merchants, Drug -2-1 gim, Ind :11 bulineu " :45. Ind proleuionnl men ‘ -' .J , who wish to do their . —' ’ J.. own printing neatly \ ‘”’ and cheaply. I Adlp \ L ted to the printing of fl} ' handbilh, billbends, circulan, labels, end! and Em." “"'!P’Pen- Full instructions accomP“”Y‘“g "Ch °fic° ‘"' nbling a. boy {en you" old tc work them_suc cusfully. Circnkn sent its. Specunen h “of!" Call to. seen . ' Keane-3P“ 'An.s'xs'l>;mssco.. 31 Puk Row, N. Y., And 35 Lincoln “not, ‘ Boom, lfm. ‘ luxury :5, 1864. 1y , O __ ‘ 1 PIUKING hu tho lung manna: a! 59:1“ All Summer Clothing in lon. ‘ Still at Work. rxsn's ‘ lampEeatingAppu-atns. Busmfiks DEPA'sz-m An Interesting History 5- 0 DR SCHENCK’S OWN CASE, wmu ulollsa Bio". co'escurnox, And 50" h" Nfloflic Syrup. Scanned Tunic, and Mat-Ira}: Pall; at! on the Syum m Canny lluu 1)Iu'al(, and (In! GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT I H ' \ xg Th: Ibo" in n corn-cl ernlvu of Dr. 81 hcnrk ‘ hien mnny year: ngo, nNcr Int—Md Heaven-d; {mm Consumption; by n tour}: of his "Ht‘unt'x'n l’uumvur Starr." Th likouen,’ Illhough ilducu nol "pH-um. him nnrlhinul Mk. II but! 111 he an 11. the worn, ye! h. in in' “run; l-nnlmu with the Km!- nnd ngutoul. 11ml:- owa Portrait hg-lmv, wllithl "it Ime' llkl-Mll of him I! the ptnenl time. The- cum. trun hetivun thew lwo portrniu in In xrent'l Hull. many would not mm“: them In he llm’ umbprnum. Ynl lln-rn are hundred] uf perm mm. in Ind around I'hilndclphin. who will' "mum" lmlh (mutant in 2»- mn- reprnenu‘n ”mm Whrn Hus lint mu Lulu-n he weigbuq‘ In? ground: , II the [uncut Um: h'n luight is" _220 yuuiull. ' ‘ NH! You, \Vednesvlzly, .\lnrrb 30, ’6! TO THE Pl'liltll‘ Thirty years also i wits iu'tlte l'tst tats-ge- 0! Pulmonary (‘nnnitnptiomund Kl'H‘n uptn Ilia. l resided in Philudclphixt. and Pr. JU‘t‘pll liter rish, then of this city/ordered mt: to More:- ton'n, N. J., n distance of nine miles, illicit look me two duys to get there. On my arrival ] was put to bed, and there hid tor mans weeks. This was my nutire plncf, where «1’ my family lived and ind died at nmmmintoq. Dr. Thornton, who ntteudrd my‘ bathe: in his last illness, was culled. and gave me one wh-k to fix up mr nfi'uirs. [lt had seen all my forn lily go that wly, and thought lvns to go. too. Then I heard ol' the remedies I now otter to the public, which ruled me: It seemed to ‘mt that l could feel them penetrutiug my whole system. ~ They soon ripened the matter on my inn r, and l would spit ofl'Lmore then :5 pint of ‘in sire yellow mutter every morning. As soon Is that begun to suluide, my coutzh, fPVll'. p.\in, night sweats—nil hogan to'lelu'e me. nml my lappetite become so great thnt it w:.s with dif ‘ficulty I could keep from eating too llllll'll. I I soon gniuedmy strength and l lune been grow ing in flesh ever since. For in my \Eurs‘l have enjoyed uninterrupted good health. keeping the liver and stomach-healthy with the .\'.-a.- weed Tonic nud Mandrake l’ilis, as 1 am of n hilious temperament. .\ly “11;:th two httu drcd and twenty poutl'ls. Un ‘my let ”my people would send for me. for and near. to see ifthcie cost-s Were ltkt- mine.. For this pur pose 1 ply profrssionztl \isils in’thc large ei ties. Toe (‘nnauntptites wish to soothe—Jute thn‘. mukcs these medicines, nnd who this cured oft-onsuugltion by them. To makefiew lungs, is impos~ililo'; hut tuition in the lung. nnd chronic llll‘l‘hlilons of the hronchiitltuhes can be healed- Such (uses urc- dying houtly :under the ordinary treatment of physicians, nml just _such are cured by the prul-(‘li use of Seltcnch's Pultnnnic Syrup, Smulct‘ll Tudicr and Mundntke l’ills. \ ‘ l i am now in healthy man. with a large cavity in the middle lobe of the right lung, the lower! lobe very touch hchtizizctl ntiuLcontplete nd-l he=ion ol‘ the pleura. The left lung is sound,‘ land the upper lobe of the right lung‘is in n tolerably health} condition. The great ren-l son why' physicians do not cure consumption is they try to do too much: they give medi t~ittes~to stop the rough. to stop rhtll, to stop night. swmtts, hectic lever, tint], by so doing, lhq dcrunge the whole digestive power. lock-l ing up the secretions and cventu'llly lhe‘pa-| ticnt sinks and dies. After i make ‘it curetul‘ exntuimition of the pullout with theJh-spirom-i eter, and find lungs cnodgh left to cure, ldi-i rect the patient how to use the three remedies. ,Remore the cause and they will all stopof their own netlord. No one can be cured of consumption, lirl-r complaint. dyspepsin, ca; tnrrh, canker,‘ nh‘emtt-d throat, unless the liver and stomach are made henlthy. In New ,l-inglnnd this canker, chronic cutnrrh, nit-emu, led throut. elongation ot main, is more prern lent than in nuy o'her section/OI the country-n This is frequently nittsed by nrfoul stomach.—‘ You may burn it out with cnu:tit‘ titne nml ’nglin, and till they will get is tempomry relief. Correct the stomach und liver, and they will 1 hell up themselves. ' 1 Good nutrition is the remedy. Vlf you have In, disease in any purt of the body, it will} re'nttiin there and decay more and more untill you can get 'lho stomach in the condition to‘ digest food Ind mnlre new tlood to take the place of diseased matter. This is the only w" to heal cavities in the lungs and ulceratedl bronchial tubes. Correct the stomnch and: liver, nttl nature will do the h‘enling. Shinyl persons have on idea. that cemin medicines‘ are grout purifiers of the blood. ‘When blood is once disensed it cannot be purified; it is dis ‘ eased the some as the diseased matter in the system ; but get. the npphrntul in order, the ‘ liver ond stomnch, and give it plenty of nonr ishing food it will make new blood, which will take the place of that which is diseased. ‘ Schent‘k's Pulmonic a!) rup is one of the but preparations ot iron in use, it is n powerful tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic dissolves the mucus in the stomach, and it is carried 03‘ by the aid of the Mandrake Pills,‘ ‘ the Pulmonic Syrupis made into blood. Thili is the only way to cute consumption. If I' cannot get n good appetite, and food does notl diggt, l counot cure the patient. Never mind the’oough; remove the cause mod it will stop ofitself. This is the most trouble 1 have with my patients at my rooms. They say, “Doc tor, i feel stronger; Icon eat; my nightswents are better, Ind lfeel better every way; but in] cough is so bad yctf’ and they“ are astou iohed to henr me any that does not matter; remove the cause sud the cough will stopsot itself. Schenck's Seaweed creates I good np-j petite in nbout nine dnys, when there is nol lung disense, unless the liver is so congested, that the Mandrake Pills cannot unlock the ducts of the 'gsll bladder in that short space of time; in order to allow the stale bile to pass! 06'. Keep the liver and stomach healthy andl there is less danger of consumption or any, other disease. It is hard to take cold when those crgans are heolthy. Those tlmt. are bili-l ous, low spirited, drenry.feeling stupid, coated; tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full’ of wind, everything thutbis lentetaséiasEzgl’g} ion ol memory, try one 01! E 0 x " , ""‘ _fl—fi‘“ SEAWEED TONIC and one box ofSCHENCK‘St A Removals. HANDBAKE pILLS. It. is only a cost of. one: TBEnnder-igned,beingthe suthoriiedpergon dollar nnd twenty -five cents, nth lull direc-t to makeTemovuls into Ever Green Cathe tions. This is sufficient, in many cases, toktery,hopesthot suchucontomplntothe rcmoml utisly whet the medicines are. frequently'ol'the rennin: of decanted rolottlvos or friends one bottle nukes A grant charge in the sys- > will nml themselves at thiuouonottheyeag to ten. Any person that enjoys ordlnuy health? hon it done. Removals mode with promptnen. by using the Senwood Tonic Indjlonknkoj—temllow,‘ond no ofl'ort wdtoploasa. rimmionollymmgetlhi digestive org-n1 ; ‘ ' ‘P .8 THORN, ' t. not o inlthy condition thin they hocorno , lurch 12, 60. Keenan! thorn-Mm ~ fleshy. I can produce a number a! my old connnmptivepnticntl novenJoyiuggood health; weighing nenrly 200 pounds. l will conclud hy rel-ting three curtl l have made ln New York,end which are 11l different, end Wish my one who feels any interest in the mm: to vielt them. Fll’lt is .\lrs. F-rlow, fending then It No. 107 Houston street. Her hulbnnd cnlled upon me at my rooms, 32 Bond ltruet, and wielved me to cull and see her. He nld I could do no good; that he had had all the .hut medical attendance, and all said the wns too far gone with Consumption to be cured: but the hnd heard ul somegrent cure: I hnd made, und he desired to gratify her wiahcs.—- l'cnlled, and round. her lying confined to her bed in the last stnge of bronchial contump tion, and without doubt must have died soon. I exumincd her lungs, found both bronchi»! tnbcl very uthch infected, but no cavities hm! formed, her cough was very let'erc, the spit hox wns‘hnlf full of thick pus. Pulse 140, legs iwollen Very much; nnd worse than all, she had chronic diarrhea. "or bowels had been moved eleven times that day. l told her that she hnd lungs enough to he cured, but tlmt thi dinrrlura had been of long standing, nnd lieastomnrh was in such an ulcerated cong dttion that I In: ufrnid nothing could he (lone. She inwinted l ehonld try nml do what I could for her, ohurvlngtlmt she could not lint long in the condition she was in, and 1 could not make her any worse. 1 gave her first a done of my Handrnke Pills, mad the Tonic nml Syrup freely. Thlt was on Tuendnfinnd by the nan Sunday the dinrrbmt w“ carried 0", he! (pm-tit. hail returned nml she could lit up in bed and at her dinner“ She is now well, and gave me A long cerfiliealc, certified to by the Rev. Dr. bowling. ”n Bartholomew,” Welt Forty-filth street,’ e ume tn my rooms with n :nmor on her liver. film was low-qtlritctl, skin Inflow, tongue cook ed, huyelu‘cortire, no nppetite, nml {Mt link lnz into the grave. The suit] tumor budhecn 'ygnning "mer fonrteen‘yeun. I ”IV! her (Syrup, Tonic and Villa. nml told lfl'f to hike themjuet M the dime-lion: were printed. She I mine back tawny roomg, 3‘: l‘mnl street, in twu weckr, lome'whnt better; her tongue snd b:- gnn to clean I little irouml the edges, her Ikin whiter nml her eja_hrightn,und the tumor discharging rcry (Men-it': miter, much faster than it W" rlnne befhre. She kept gradually impmrmg, and inmbont two months she came I my rooms very much lrighlened, laying thajxhegtnmor battl‘nenrly ilopptd rnn ninz, nml was healing hp, and mu every duc— tor hut! _told her thntifit ever huh-d it would curse her denth. I told her that thc dire-Ia lmd nll let) her ayuem, and nature wonll lwnl the ulcer up. They are now healedmnd have her" for about a year, and “If is a: hearty nml rohost n woman In yon {till find in n. day'l' milk. She is glut lor Any one to call on hrr, amt lulu-s :rmt pains to visit my one thnt the henrs lln.- omitting: like her can, lnnl trlet 10 gr! them to cumr nml rec me. “ The next. raw is..\lis~ Swfivl‘l. from Stun fnrd. Conn. .\lrs. [hmhnEmm-w 120! bar dpwn tn see me. and she has ln-en nu since m. hm house. “'h: n ehe‘fir-I vain!- In my rnmnsuhe w-u nun-h ciuncinled wilh a dlslrcssillg cnu'fihv willing large (llLl'llfilil'fl of Hand. lrxnmilw-l her lungi mgh the I'Mpiromflrr, Am! in MI my prm~4h~e nrrt-rjounal um- wim uue lung ’5 In! gum- and my other lung m pénml. lcould not give much rnrunragcmrm. l Ihmmhl rh’c wrmh) lii: : but to my mmnin‘hmrnl [he [‘"'- mnnir Syrup, Sum-rd Tonié, «mi Mnmlrlk. J’illa nH :rnm-II to :0 Huh! Io mnk: Iht hl‘ng (‘H all hranJ over, ‘Glliw I utily at huge M :1 game reg :' gum] upp» lilr, fine oyiriu. Ind Iza- gn'nzed same thin}. I'n'r [mantis m Wrighk Sh: hm .Inmr cungh '_ N, nhirh I do! nul lhmk will hm"- her Infure un‘c.- -l nhonlrl think It wuul-l h: 01 grenunlcrnnoanme unpro-jmlh-H! phydciun lo vioil thus: «up, [unlit-uh“; Mus St-ofifld, or any of Ihrm uho hIKP bun turn! by my mcdirinm. Thi-yur‘z "mm-(mu in New Yuri; bnl Ihc nhow [hr-e 3M :h‘der {rum nth other; Ami if my me lirlncl nu daiugybng I n'ymcnl Ihey arr. lhr, phuuhl hotel!" rrmhl un-J lhe ufllll'lcvl knvm’ win-rr mid how they any be l-ured.. J. 11. S‘Q’llfithK, M. U. Dr. J. 11. Srhcm-k can bv- hmnd M his prin (‘ipul ollicr, .\'n. 39 .\'orth 6th Sll’efl, l'hiin-Ifl phin. crrry Sulurlhy, omm 9 .:\. M. mull} l'. .\l.' lo gin- ndri'c. lu-e of charge; bufhir A lhmough nxmunnlimr’hg than.“ urc-r d”)- lzlrs. l'rirr uf the l'ulmuni: .‘fivrup mu] .\'m wen] [Tunic rmrh 5”,:5 prr boulc,m 5:; the hnH dozen. .\|.mdr.nkx- I'llls .‘b u-nm per box, and art [or sub. by all Drug-gist: and Denlcrs. Jum- 0, 180-). Im .. Dissolution OF PARTNEIISHH’thhe (‘o-parinnuhip exia’liuq lu-lwr-rn Ihr, mln‘rriiwrs. Inn ‘hccn d|~snlwd this ‘in}.hv fmmm'. calm-lII. , \\'v'rotnrn Ihnnksfinnur lr‘mnhm-l my public for die lllu-rukanpym! exlrmlrd to us. Our ‘ bbuks will he I .11 flu manna"! we «arugul ]; request lhnse imh-hlrd m/uq' In rxll nml ‘mnke imqumlc p.a_nncm.. as we nrc «11-sinus m acme our busiucs- wiihmn dclny. A LBS .\x mm Conan", mux «Tm. . Jm. 30, lan; A Card. HE .Inblrrihcr having dispn’wd ofhii in- T tort-M in lht Slave of Q'nbcm'k (ink: m John .\'. ('mwfirr-l, Eu}, n-spcullully ML. the conlinlulneuf hil Inn)": In" (-nstmm'u m pmrunizc his sutxe‘sot-éwbcr'r B‘rgminx may hr hm]. Feb. 8, 1304 Another Change N THE ”.\T AND SHOE BI’S‘XNESS—A. i ('uhoan hniu: assuriMeAl nizh him In business John S. Frau-turd, who puruhnsv-l th; iuicr‘mt ‘0! Jnlm (‘lflpf rcsgwt'ltully un nuunrn l 0 Iho ciliM-m or Grltyqlnng uud (he plflnlir gemmlly, Ilm the lm‘iness hi“ he cou linnwlfit ”H: ()M Stand on Ulmmhrnhuru atr‘get. by A. (‘UIH‘IAN .! 130., whn will (on sumly kerp on hand a Lugo‘ flock of Goudi, in the line of I SHIN-IS. HATS. “.\I’S. THINKS; r (‘ARI'ET ".\HH; "\IBRHLLAT‘. M 3. and Hwy mill aim runtinut the .\in‘nufawtnrnvr Shut-I. ' ' " _ ‘ Frnm their long uprriencc in ail flu- above branches, they flatlcr themith‘e! lhu they ran plenae’thc pubiic, and will sell «:henp (or cash. . . A. COM-2.! .\', ; J. S. ('BAWFURD. Doing hnaii‘ess ymlcr the name uni firm of A. 00th & Co. , _ 5 [Felt 8, [B64v . Estabhshed 'lB5O. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ‘ LAWRENCE D. DIRTZ & 00., respectfully be]: John to notify their friends, customers and the public generally, that they have remov'ed from No. 15l Frnnklin street, to the commodioas lopr-Itory “flu-house, ' " NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and: Liberty, where they 17'“ for the future conduct the Wholunlo Busi ness, solely in - / Bollery. Trimming, ' ‘ Furnishing Goods. , Perfumery, Solionl, Stationery, butlery, ’ Tuyl, ten to. to which they invite the attention of city ma conmry purchasers, feeling confident of their ability lo offer lndneementl in price: Ind quality of Goods. . \ 1 Order; by null will receive prompt n‘un fion. Address ‘ LAWRENCE D. mmz k 00),. 308 Baltimore ureet, Belting-'5. March H, 1864‘,3F ! Removal—Tm Ware. HE undersigned hu’ removed his Tinting establishment nenrer the Dinmond, in hnmbersbnrg urea, ldjoining A. o.smm ‘ler’s Dung Store—n very cenlrll locution. fl. coqtinues to mumflczure, and keep: conun ly on'hand, every variety of TIN-WARE, PBESSED AND JAPANED WARE, Ind‘l'i” dwnys be ready to do, REPAIRIXG ROOFING Ind SPOUTING also done in the but manner. Prices moder gm, and no efl'ort spared 1o render full util faction. The public’l continued patronage is lolicited. A. Y. BAUGIIEB. Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. JUIL‘" (‘I'RP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers