. . . . ‘ I " .. A »3. ‘ M: a grim “ i Al m I ' lime to $WYin ‘ ll (‘9‘- _ m ' UT. of ”P?" xii-mi“ .0172?» h,‘“m -1" qr, Le l"it:sI1""'v11 ich ’I. of'n‘ m fix 1"“ e' or fan“ _their 19d exc. '1 VB ed Ir" 9x wash-Imin; him too It!” '- Mm 3.lmm ' a"eugbpkflum g his P‘ Vi." R‘i "5 s E ‘ In th ‘11.! 20 reg"? m c’xnr of mm vcomuofcredit Pam "‘9 3 tbnrn'n" G‘un‘l‘bfa, YEW ___ m' . Rb] p Pro ‘l' ut“llp M”h ‘ x 01h “ted In. e 1 to, I, ”31‘ wj "t ' ‘f e” 'u Vila '°n n 1! m’ffo’ I, ”r 9m»; 0x- F "1c“ ' bu‘ pan 1135‘: 3.0% in“ Clficl. "$5. 9 “,0 "hr 'l‘ ' his . Vb. 'th 0 fl; th ”(I L mat) ’aJ f ’2'. vl‘ e ic 8 >‘C * ' g I”. -t, richr'fiev Judgm h’ 0n r9p ”Deb? n “71M firm}, ““5"” ”x. °'l 9" yéh‘wj ‘5’54 ’ "‘flyr ent 1e: rm 131”"ch .‘a. m'on m ”13* 4r, 'n{ ,' !emu - I cou fn- nu .acII“ w d' ”I“ la, 0b“- "u,” -1“ it‘d I“ “l '0: clo '3 z a. n ‘un t] H}, u. ‘ [1 id h n«lh n 141,“, ’33.! w ”I“ wby we t": “taint ‘e"h or 3‘3“‘ a! mb—‘z‘finn'lrgfl :35, . gab. every ‘h' tl Pgrnv ole ed, 3'“! 9 ha". ed {a ‘9;‘ 191 m”! cle ‘3 ex 113m| e._ ) P andw’.-boemine4 Men hens-c 2" “If. ' new: «22 ‘pe, ”‘5 Img "‘0" °wn""l '“b‘ ’“m (”lotto ‘’ t y e n_, -. 0.1.1.; “fl~?§3“°hgb'°°h?g‘fi" 1h ‘-"-"’—=;2;‘:“.°'i Essen. ,fi ' .c ‘ “ab «3 I , 'ma. ' pee “ 'nfl w " ‘O. “509 ‘n‘l Y a , l” t;- ..‘“ "dug In any t w. . h‘vlhn H- L} or “AI"E' tWW 7 m't~ '_ "pub Ii "Pr:“-|’°r_, I}, :ma rknnllo Clo ‘Jtmn"“p—"‘.. E a be)?“ 3”“?va cawfiflcl;nr ffv Pro > 300"} be 0:!" di‘rc‘ion ‘j'mgfsidiii sln‘l(lln::3m:flfl "9w” ..'":‘o l)? t; "1103'“!!- b . “it . nqu pn‘t "rdp 39": L' .mflmn 10]. OM, “m nl*y m ‘rfll‘w‘lrul 'el ut‘ cc b red I ‘ l"n I ‘h. xn ry Pip lu .[ . t 115" 0n" ed utth {0 n- I.” "-r '"5 ‘II' ng; 0" use I)“ I" vhat thheint—thenoflnmi 6‘53; 'hcr‘otopir:§"do::"nl'nlt;r?"'in?“’22:92?"- 01 er 9r m,n I]. 4t. . n ‘f n re _u,‘,'.,’_. .a" } ‘it“!nwe‘squlntozdfigimsadqux;:72l722lavOTpg'fkuc‘lvmils:..'l‘l‘].l9:s3:} . __,, ~ . or ho b at”! )6 n ‘Ofac onrre Md; . >c‘n ‘0“. an)! 1...] '1 ”V pp ht}: thlngi n n u 9f u e 1A r I!» u I. 41 wmor nr U ‘ b ”hut-'8 Pr 9a .‘ aver clar' 0 ci‘lru mne- e (f. “li‘molhui "a pine": Tim 42%.." 3%?" cm ’ Dork": lA» 12%.! unzyfraL:h:u“3m:,"nm."~m.‘f :11nv0ugh (:nhqlo“’ 0r t”: “t“temf‘ e"? IL: mild “nil: 9-9 [:9 r than" gum”: "l'fih'r: Slat: mndenvcn;- “it: Preg3)eingr}"“nri ;fil.lp(;',l “1:3,“ 10.01%. can stilltnmulr" ' 8- f‘( '0" 19,- lL] ‘~ “m '‘h iv 15' um (I (an—mt 'n 218 shunt)" :‘l‘ftitu‘fy 1.911;; ‘11:”. 0f (:ii' "hnfifg‘ll :gmgrg‘u‘kfil [HIM l, 'remr;l.,.w 9' e e '0” <r. ~' r ‘lr' n» 1 ex publicncowtirrefig: for fifth? ”41.1 w J::§"'t‘::°‘isw mkclrl'l2l‘:‘i '3‘"'u|()‘tox,L “ u cap! it n crplutin; "'1 K '"irri‘"rphe~:ofihvc t]wltl,h”9rl.efilrnfp'l :0“ “'m(,." r n pa" “e 9,]. I“ to ‘mod (:‘Po .0. “hoe" n I""9 "“quh‘lp. 'v.. [P‘enfl‘mt “'ll. on, _ to“ “'h c 0 ‘hn fiat ,l" “in n‘ M r.." {dry I b "‘"d "t. h'lif Ir}. '* --p're bo}? M n "for uI gt e:‘ ”W n" n dit? h'rh‘q‘r'fltt'v 3w "‘(inenx‘ ‘I . '-~ 3 .“u n i"" . 1"‘ ns."l n - In“. W l f], "* [Oll ers-in spee ”... “Orrhves “8 de ‘0 PrefL-hul'slmg'“ Val fin-"HI, ‘lullp 30. f I‘d I(y 1)!) ow' P.Ch . .‘J aoH! m" \.l_ n’l " 1)“ n ‘ ‘ l'om 1"}, Org“ y " 1| In" “11,“ 'rec w_ -nq- ll ".V'q‘M 1..” prpwlnlbonn 1‘1"" }e en 12“ GP; to 'h—Th» -"fi 800 "W "_pm; 191 .enll “:1 ' 391:”, Dr,°‘§ n.”‘»k “‘1: "l [in "l‘n" I" u. ‘ 'pr ved AS?“ 00 a,n 1‘ OJ“ Sage Pin" yMT [“119 1| rtn ‘4‘, ,ps ‘ 'J'W a." gi“ qroq, the up}. om; file! “"Or‘ an; 'erc‘ur” M 00‘; my (1 e | lye‘ .efi '-i\.,‘"ve~‘or'- Two. “u ; Tl M , nmnndnem ter ,q;uc 519 1' ”Nu 99m}... "l‘t th up!“ en $05,, ”no“. “1.1,”! “r. ehrefiht [,O on.“ n. ‘B] "1p! in 1).. Pu.- lnpr 01..un ."un ,lsq he an - ' HUM mew.” _gl H 19" ""11 Q ”fuel“ .10“ hi}. (4' H 1; eke 9‘! gh- mac P 0- 113 } ho. (1] "a I‘s “‘l‘m 1,0 10 U to“ 3T~inr ““t' rof “'3", Path" turn mgnnfin Torlrmic :1“ ‘O5-: :g‘icbirnr?‘ey En“: 321'; thr ' the]! n”f 3‘1“?“2.1.;‘"ll.;'rr“l. “mull“ If> Jtl "n 3 30 ‘7‘“l' |- on e' '1 1a on H ‘1; r 0 0 ‘4'- (.1 "(I “n (n'. “L ‘l'? He! 9\v “t, (IoUsH-n lo - H '4! n ' [,O hi -I ,__l‘ 1e I 15: DVD . W ‘flr-‘ v 34” ”135°”:"°:?f‘11:°“'s:3" ‘33?“ Egrtmhezl“°r3}i§attli'" Jfimdffn‘3ff‘u. PNEIF'bm "7 “*‘zn;.“;‘ml2'un:';fl. (1 Ir ‘._ e, ‘ S 1n 9d °n~ l I I on. n ‘o -_ Hmi I. I", , “i MI 1:. -"m ‘N itlscl’fin- “ions"‘eg‘se fore'We 'or’zmoAWJ‘} ”1003‘: “tui “tg'urnlln ”gingham DRES'w'Y‘V ”be 1“"‘1. "00:!!!”6 : "lulu!!! flnlful “'lng {hwy—L. 1”“! c: 0f If}?ln“?‘lmielinni:noldrr;linn:'nd 41m; :gthfntrvw D THOCrKO -“ ~ Inn.“ " ‘52 "Ck "’m- ’k “‘V' ‘‘o ."ti .. o mam“ t. . ... Ion‘“(‘( «154 m; IH,, u ‘or. . I '” "0 one ""LF“ "‘h "P 0: W “In; A 1"" x'H '94 0n e- SA fl] l 3“ , \nn D- ‘ Wleq l‘gp , ; hjxh - M “Li. nth-. 3" 0 "“1 “d! In“. or“ x “‘1 "ca I'3“ ND *‘ T _ 't V’ K“ h?" , 2°” 93d U L “L' "t ’4 Ll' :se n .‘u . 13,. ~ 011-, _ “23.4,: W« “° i «w: ‘fiixpt?2‘o‘,‘oit'eiu.§t, vzhdzrmhlatun ! . .. - . r.‘ , ‘ l l - J“nc.’-°°'n¢‘~'"‘filh',"*'?s¥r WW” ! “‘53 “W“ i? wl’wrhén, 9%«122‘.-123:11:;c=u:‘,cto'.1;;n.‘c.g,nneio‘fufifla mm ; m'. 10*, ‘6V "'1 on» * no“? Ine 9‘" "'o’: q“ ‘’v ‘ ”0 18u ”I '"n “h -l or (‘Ol . I .e‘l _‘r n 0.. 11- ll ocl (1.1 n.) n “o‘3“ hora" '::si“o2vf” "lifif’l‘om ‘ f"catnnd a: 'h:shl"’vo:l:.d u: “rm‘,.!“'|.,‘t 3 'l‘Liphl; ;{'.n,:,%l~.:f:'|gi;: mania? m i 2?“ (i 5 'tion in I:s?an exicé ‘it PM . _9 ' I“ ("be "0m ark 4%“ "‘8 min ‘ll- t) :00 0f” 15“.; L' {9.39" 'fi 1-,- or. in y'd "fl - MO5, or 'Re r?" °n "0w v)" (1.. f‘d 219d.”“'0 "Pp ‘0 c"5 q- '01? "1| ‘ “I. Mlzimt‘mthe "913:0,“ irnr‘“::n i‘" 2MB ' rhythm—"r ‘ lfllbnwnAnqeoenqo2:l“. ‘ “'12:?“ lai“'l-LY:5"‘6:I"II‘¢]]:ll“::“"'r;l‘1'r):;n: .nro '\v st. ill of On - 0 (i "1‘; o n I. 1“,. ,9 L, ‘xo f 1“ n” (“f m] I”. e n 59 ~b r a 4 rth I; ‘II gu‘ hn‘l]‘n I: * W 1?“ this” ..‘;qu d‘m- b: ”was“ .aifwnr. . Am“: 2 gm: «2.: 1:29 ~;:::.~,.:;.1.,::x:°' "9? “Will 1:“ Lye Te. ”1:95 ‘thrnel Olinoll"_:rhe. "‘-. ’ lonlst‘3o"lfllo‘fi‘lg'i'lx"‘l(i(l If. 01“," "lulla‘jtunlm’n'. ecomenhr 1e”: he: l'flvrtjqpcl‘flts iq rick-(:41 {B:2 ol'fglplf :t‘ilt::,tl,il: ;V?I:A‘ fi'filn?'{;y;- 0f 1.l rs" “Pig 4‘, of' inn.’ 1311 lex _Vcn M] \l] 9r). .919...) c RL‘T L : ‘"d y” ‘u“ "5 he ”y 0r Ira un .V t ‘9‘ re. .2." “HP; in, 'if’ro 9‘lo We 1301- "'m.,‘ ”00 “I; “.901" ox lyi nk In.“ (In-Vi _q f 0 n n ‘39 10. eh m*3 ‘ H or. 11 en .3 ..‘. 'I . {0 HI twenthe l 0 boo," A. l “I'lozoonlrh 11““ l;‘:lnPhl‘lUllq tlt‘e Xfronfir ”loll“? “:10“ :1- or latentyto ne‘er on,“ “9% g'lsln'Clusn‘t'tl‘droq“ “‘(‘n fifirlh’l Af:II“I'i:r“n ,3.” the ('h (10,. x 0119 h that fist“ In" (S. .'y “”12“ I] fit, “nlhmh n“\v "h '"'i 9;— “pt I”, . mo 1 (Ti; hel‘ci undr (My; “"‘ei‘n'h “Crfibe L 9 r 93 ”n and h“? ”Iv-NIL fun". All“ n 18% 3°th 9,; of “'3'“; squmJCe" ’9‘; "M hulenh‘vle. "(1:11an "‘1 l: ‘r-vnr'in‘ wler 'econ omen Tend 51-9 in‘“, Aorémk,“ ”lac {ro ”luv? u) le Pnfl‘bé‘qur'" m C") 9 -. .h 91' oble en” I‘ll] 1|“, nlO 11].. '1)" 01". “fit '0": L’p Ore so” nmy'?n,ut:"e 3H chil‘lr' The)” ‘ finer”: ‘1: "‘WT'II‘IIIM 3'l: "‘lli'u‘viik‘; Luthx“ _rm ' )0 S 0 van en “1'0" .u“) I”1 Tel; ‘(w rt_ full “I“ 'it . WW?“ 0,- 5““on f ”"0311“; “ged’yéthle'lkn‘ns n‘r’lltlrui‘zl‘ll'nqlt' is" “Inn" enhv' m‘riné'thc}. 9r 3;?)lost‘fi‘écufjl ('3‘ ”1:11! Ilmwllisl‘h‘lérl‘sgt “In, ' - - ; ': . 'A. "I _ .be “(ii-3‘ - “‘1” 13)?” ’§:‘ sec: 'l‘, I‘m/Or ofhhw; [[‘elnlg y‘tth‘,(::f.|h:l V' 5 ’l~ '0 "v" 'e n r.. u ' ’).,- ‘ ”W ““1" -~ ““nul‘ gm amni;:~u..:‘u~..'° “"a '"nd'c ”We Fm s‘ny la., "an n 5,- 'l‘} in ”‘9 hdS-nt'n‘” '9“! m‘On' "IT: hug" ' Ir- "1., "“ ‘‘9 4.111. 37‘an ‘i _(be or_ 1" “'l.(“ll If; n t "I” .1 L-l Ou g, Vt l; I“ “II V t) I t‘ '- LUSH ‘\(~ In; “19 L I “'1 ”Us [,O ' ! ‘u‘l-' it '"PI- “(1 “F ' "u “‘n, ”In. I ’- II S hv 10]! “11" Int] “LE. - ‘ ‘d L‘s VO, ) “‘1 ‘ fee 15(1- ‘3l]. "fl r"II, VO7 lore up! .“n ant , It. _mp 3' (:1 thfi ’9‘ ‘l C’h tn 1,. v. ear ”I].“, gammy: o”- ”Ink. ‘ lat 1:6“ sgnnsinmhnv “nt cure ‘lr ‘1":1. “Ll ..‘l ": ' "*0 . A |. 4‘s r . rank OUR PLAC ! r; (L ‘« Tn n- - d . " i. 3. "an, IDI‘I'OI um nonxmu k=:—‘—_‘.§_:“f:..—::::” .7: “w a. _ . ,_ ‘3‘ . ' arr-nunvfia, nu , MOSDATQBRNING. FEB. 13. m , ”film. A. H. Cofl'roth. 11. 0 ‘ ~ Hut-li. McSharry null Murahnll,‘of .mbe Bane Itginlnluro. have out acknowledg menta‘for bubhc‘ dommentu. ‘ "1"" Mr" “'7 WD._WxIIs. Esq..,hns plum] upon our cal-la ufpimzphlet. (from the press of Little. Brown!‘& Co., Design.) containing the m!- dreu of Hon. Edward Everett at the con secration of the National Cemetery at. Get- _ tysburlgg _with the det‘licat'ory speéch of . I’midpnt Lincpln Jud the" other expncisbs ; oi the pccasian,ncc6mpnnied_by ' count. :; 01 the brigin of the undertaking and .\f the :5 thng‘gment of the Comelely groundn. and ‘ l, by a Map of the ban! field and mplun of :the Cemetery. ‘Wmlisfled for em» ban-l efit of Elbe CemeteryMnngmem fu‘ndr—nn eXcellenl paper, in clear type—and will nol _ donbt‘ puke an "Immense sale. Mr. Willsl has on: thanks. . I l ‘ ( ———-—-——ob¢———————-- '2 Fwleunfor 1864 'mDnnocradr' Vk‘tm'y i." . IM'l—The election for mhyor in ihe ~‘ city of hncgéter, hn Tuesday Inst. resulted ‘\ in fihéjtriumph of the Democracy. Hon. NR GeorgeSandel-son. the fearless and indepen : dent eéitor of "Phi! 1n!ellig«-ncer,' the Dem ocnflc‘organ of Lancaster county. wan elec ' ted mayor by a mnjmity of 117, a gain of \ 68 over! the October election. ‘ ‘fi'The largest and fluent. scoundrel in the frauld and treason departmentol the New 'Ymk Crntom Unuée. lugs escaped‘ and can. not. b 6 ound. It: is supposed 'he took pas sage foi Europe, and was assisted in him os .upo w the New York “I.oan _ l'nian _LoagueL’Mf which insulation he was a‘\'lce Pmideht. He has taken with him about $BOO,OOO of Uncle film's gold! ' I —— , ->- no.» - - Loyal. l.ourt.~l'alrher, the Secretary or the 103:1 Lelgue State Committee of New IYork, who was arrested for aiding in fur nishing contraband goods to the Souek; is to be flied by a military court, composed exclnai'yely »ot"»!‘10yal” people like himself. "The (‘iovernmcnfi’ could not trust the matter to the civil'courtu and 3 Jury 01' the people“ for fear of ugly disclosure: that might laminate olliers'oi' the rower" in, high places. The matter can be covered up with]: better by a military court, and will he‘lii' the clamor of the outsiders can be at all; aribdued. , ' ,—-—~---- «ow;---- ~— Wanté ofßenn'oltncc.—Vimlox, the cogs pondeq'tnfthe Louisvile Jmlrn 7! from (‘hnt te'uoogt‘. entc‘rs’info an elaborate detail of the f “uda committed on the sick and twoundElenf the army in the dispensation .‘bf the nefactions so liberally .furnished by thei various charitable commissions es tablished through ~the country. I? 3‘ small I“ tiqn. he says; of the neces ries 13nd lufij‘ies reaches those for whom they at intended. They are arrested on‘ theiri wily lo'contribute to the revels of the army ofiicialc‘land even at the pious agents of the. WWW: __~_.----, “.... . 1 fi-Evefy 'dclpgate thus far elected to the Democratic State Cenvention has eith~ er hull-:rltmcted to “abort Gen.‘ McClel lu! or is understood to lap in favor of that gentle, n’s'notninut‘ion, any: the Erie Ob imam " ’ ' ' ' ' ‘ The resolution for the xpulgionpf “5.3:“ from the U. S. Segue v. 13. on Thu y week, withdnvm by Wilson, who 11341 n - - it. Thus ended the farce and the L 6 'or thrqe heck? discussion. | flan. James A. Blyard, of Dehware; n his sent. in tlge U. 8.851313; on' I= “any”. Hon: George Reade Riddlehaa » been town by the Legislature of Delaware ' tofillfihe tenancy thus created. .the farm zo‘expin' in 1869. My. Riddle is also a ’De rit, ind‘uu for several yeua n , nip: 0! _the House. ; I gal-u ’is mg“ that. tz-Spe'aket Yepny ’hu bed I namm (0|; the. election of 5 Sea in plmof Major White, sails? to‘ ,x has resigned—the clemian to take place on 0 19th of February inst. There are thud who loom to doubt. the genuinenes- olx Endymion," vihilu Mr. Penny’s rid: horde: mower “action igequir’oly' r "W. Ila“ see what wé bhfl‘see." ———¢.w~———v-«-—- /*l'|le~Demoontio Stats Convention of (to-W to chooag delegate: to the w National Cogvention, mu n+jn Sew Even on the 24th 70! Febxu~ Wu; _...————«.oo-——~—*‘ ~ r*nmfumor Bumleue. of Kentucky, wfihu an efleer whomked pet-mimic,“ to “0016103 men in tin! State, refusin'g‘ cant-in. Ind nying um Xenmck’y will an her quot: with white men. tamer-I Kilpfltick in not: “alone? in _ the world. His full-I'. _mothcr, brothers. ‘* gist-33nd with m datum! his 011de died .2 We“ Point, Ned York on Wednes— day‘lut: . I --'n' . , ‘ ...—ww—u—w —— - ——.- _ Mont-nor Gimme, of Hisaoyfi, died .‘S?, W“ ‘9O ”4331‘“ “'1" I ( h ‘ 1 o/Ir' . or 1,, ,wem yuh ' fly” Imm iii»? this count‘oya. lllve “£39009“, and fitmennhfxn n Imm” I "um," no“ ,on Eto '' ._ , lo Eh " ' V 9" - Abra] P 01- 1-5 Ye Oreo 0‘ "lat. knows a the sou” . I pum “n I b . W 19!} ._ In hank ‘ lcnn i *ry an ,ut pal- e‘ mlmsl PM“. km are "sum". d"s d rwflskld the Yang". «H: scr Yam, 0 carer mm "M st“ _comin respo .loud. 7‘ Whenrghflt We "1 enougil and me Ratio'thel‘glngthegfibringcérg ”lullflmmj‘nm t, ‘ u not 01- our .Ccc, m I In”. Hm f llwv 0 “ho' , mania to l—lnnd eder “Inq - ,Dmgl met' “I” .:H “Mk lmo- ,st 1.0 char" .th d "cyof Whuol L x I». H mm”? for" “Hr "Uta Oppe can‘e‘ndef eapq' thee] . ”9.. Ohvin » nun“: ""n ‘ U H: » 01' Ab tMk ”lead: :00?" ‘tl “1‘ of t ”or“: -ch usf I-If‘ll" 1‘ mn- " “PM-Tm H Re“ mun" ehm of ..‘. 5". ner m 5 he n. mof ."0n .I-D ms um. ”In V c 0 ‘. he 0 \1: s _ I'd ai mm H ' ' bar 31er his?" We!” 01!! am] Ynlty,”j::'ou¥or :1. ”‘9 :3," "H'nllfille classgsmflles __pflh ’ blfinal 3"",‘lqul‘ “Hwy-m" - alyfmnotm 'llpnq- “I'd aplbnf’ghing "5 niurinmn it W'Tnllion Lnuly p 0 an Hon .9 vxlm .‘ “'“On “I”; 1""§"'"I"llk.‘ I p" "M h'ch their c'ff‘xmlJ 2° spen Vfiggffi‘ls if“, caungiil’e Tong}: "any? inunE‘T‘S‘g 09'3“" 1""! ‘ “Hing?” Inwljr'fil‘i’v *1 ail-im- om] . "(tr em- - " 0'” - en.“ «on 0 ln 1, "Eon? \v r;. lhmv ‘ (WI I F in: W‘ {.‘l. [mm . lsm_ Vlsed 9'“ to L'lnnrmlc Han-a _‘llcll hens .. Bw] ‘ hon M. 1, . 11..., “t S.~ ~.w or MW" .lhlvl‘ I Jwould '10" the be I. r- ulated "nhp "llor -l| leu.o five - .40. l 'nnul Wt”. “ m". "(w-co ‘ dim ha c-of 'n t . 10y. ”.9 u. {or .5 are lorlin In re; “Gnu, "1.10 "mm. or» ”M ) Mlmr . bur” um WP 810.. .ve hp mum 0 "In H- .."mn ”ls([ hr" 910.] .ml 3h. Horn] 3 buy (‘l' ln 3 hon I m.”- nmv. “d v. I" rpk “or IM” on be rY—I ”can“ “Hm" . n he '1 he“: 019.” 0m; \- a 1.1.1 -°‘hd g _ ‘hu. Jim... .. M-vn' Inn . "nd :- nmm are (3/ Sp". “Fran—d “"ER-r v 'l‘é-qui * hwn may b-tlvauc. 'M “f l,”""n-‘ “(h lu- L! {0 -mnhfi Ikmik The” d my 7”“an in in”; v'm u ’ .._ and, mo Y‘—it,"l I'm]. .lvlu, ‘ a I], mg fir '9l- ,Im: . 'd'UL ~_‘7l\i(.(.l< We 1 , "Id, I.‘ "kt "'d i ”Ofa‘. 1407‘ 1%”. '8 educ‘ Fled. Do “"‘____ re aPPx'ol)ri_.n:?:-led:.bu\:el"hin;re_ mllgttl "H as??? ofJ‘etL‘! Si'colll,:m"illfi (Eunr-‘FHIEI: Immi'lt,‘ “‘13:“: m lilfgswegnfg unallglllhw “1h Cent‘ued by so3san (the? ’ ‘ j‘moulmrmion “It is (fig-{ldeal a?“ wilu‘ilr nrmf'grll to qt???" ti“? in‘ory.',2:;.mu”nl" T Hm. age 0‘: ‘o‘." Gullah “a“? . spee. :an~ no fi' 11 3 Int 1 _uedit ‘,9y w- etto van; ' “hfil In“. "m“IL') I A ‘ He] 19"“ ' dldn d). d Abol' rQTO w] - . I‘st, Col P g“. h hm' “Me !”l a fun ‘ [Nu-t \' .‘P'd ”(h .01a or "Flu, "7' lulu] "41 .on Ocln x: .-.m w m 4.1", “Tore ~ was to LI mi 0 Man] ‘mxu find “elm U "I" I“. A... red I first, 596 t}, ’9l} u, Istsy 1:‘ en. an] F for It. at "or, f‘o nd-J‘ nMO “or m. -Hm u aont { “k. “"1 m hue ‘ulm’ . H and .. ' was eolvje "t ,I}, ‘"I are “he (1‘ 4. Hivi 4hr”, “‘tifihl .01?” “Our pi “day t! “Vé ll“-L‘1.wlli -l “r Hm I I [mm MP". O—Thnr - ‘ .n‘e ‘mthfl; (norm? 8 man Hr” ““er "g on“ huud ‘ ”39' enlnhr {‘9o: of “3 Pnp [hun- ‘ "Ow‘ HIV x' Junk 'PnC .ulqul ‘ u obje hlind :s m wlm’ y Woul “mic; tout red tl 'f by nyllght. “”ill "1)». rm Msup mgwm' “myrrh"? ' PM” ‘MM ~ I was: ct or orv rfro I ‘N‘c'ifi d n I rain '0 $0 "mt V Tim In q _‘TV; ’ hin- ”‘va f - ‘rol. Mu J". ]v 9r, ll qmo ‘ or. the cry g, mth .b . Cos on 5 «win » um. “lulu. flu.” umutlfi "mick a“: I. ”I rm we“. fly} I "NJ m m s 31“"? we a“ war". ‘ m a can] . vand‘ can 'Ol,, Iy u, .‘ks.. I out [9ld m 1 Cg-‘nurr. Id: of ‘Oml 4mm urgo .J'hn, sat Slave ‘5 he nt.”_‘<:tm, “Id Du hen ed “ 0|) vol fltl-Mh- -Inl(*h' “Em" , en" In“ I cene “”1 “Iw. palel .n “H and . the 5 and“ cont ‘9 ‘nshi ”anl ‘ fllle "{0 Jim“.- 11}; “I. "gm”. at 58 lpm‘hp I Ice ” ‘ mun "mo "h” ”mm ’1“. _ give expel, wed "med I hm- When, Awe r the- " ‘uru, Hmhod- ”13:. .. lmnu Mm” “IL I w an" ‘O5” "led dmM I. H good», ellch 590“, “care ’lc “51.0“ Vllvz Vario "lon N’so" 1139.. wrnvml ‘’.9 en urmu‘ was “at or chum 908‘ V MW” IP Ima man he G mesa" mu“ ldb‘ “a“ "3m rylml' Mu” "‘han ~ 121 “nw‘ pale men, “190' lamp «59¢ ~. nud sum“ .Th of‘h over A “1 es. u teak lmwc um“, ‘( rpm]. (Tn "('kw‘ lee], ,mm ”111 l ‘ Nab Orig. lull. vllmll V 2e en - em 1 “men . m-h wml . funk .Urev 1 "flnd ..‘-mu 4:44 “Qt uh 1, elnv w the "I one" “Mb“ wa” m” ho, and avand m 8"9 n, 00 ac Mhflveb as not. "3kg with «)ume On It! ofwy. “‘Ce anylo “1...“: . lan: "“é-m‘” ml . ‘he c“ p. U place ake em n, “*8 ofi 1 Ben “x ”In ad . the 91-21 mm ne 9 . "cl. 9 «Ipm ‘3‘. q- .... «M ."W 10 .umer .“mc‘ mm .n Other them them . BPi h -" is .nrovi] Paolaq .dltgo “’Vernl‘ "‘Mud ”null 41]»! I “mlinw hey U . l‘olk" mI. .Lhe b ”I.“ ryn me p, 0n eligibl 3t of JlLsau gwé , ledf and “ill ‘nhpq, onl), oft], '. mcwr L- ‘\: . 19110 mu] A“ D “H“ mm“. com ,n, “ afun etc 'l’ ‘hcag‘ n out Or. . con call (‘1- -\y [i 01m] .;em.,- used m- ”i ceufied mm?” ream. H. “C t“ N'shed Whe equay omg! 1 nine 10n th- {ram ’ 1-1 h ’ "an. ,re or v_wh(>n "1113.. . esme .31,“ .- ho” 1m!" mm“ 9V9 (in nM. “1" w- ISi _9zbu ‘L'lrou “‘ . Ut.9n,,- [Mme “l'h'l 1r Lheo ‘ lI—"N ’ flm"oc . .sm lcm J 13"“ l‘ 13,-de (00!. of dugmed he? “Miss at“ an ifolrugv‘lon of“??? We 3‘“: nfi‘fbgmn a. 31,05??? is ell-1?“? €03.30 "honntlT‘y‘Bpglgl‘i. b: ‘v‘;mn—lP_Cdsj?n.g“Mly a;:l[,l:-0Mlimi;l; ‘ met“ all the “d in (éegpfed ‘O. a - 'Efntu?el:,?l°°n .‘folin Fix-20c bél'i';3‘ed will? “rack 32‘ grid??? filling" and 62:). The "23:5 l|avegdnralzsfi 7 RPM“: on .r "be ‘ I anl I "moo “I ‘ pe'- e, m; ‘ 1- ,- '5O - 1:18 men I \ve .lve -L m - . hero “my P 0: ‘2 k" flu“, ‘L Is In.- '0! '6 too ‘ll. } um! “I MIn“WM ml ”WV Mu r “um. ed“ .1 ‘ re.” OM iludo "fism Plan” also 1.0"“ WNW 39,-- B.y sw- meal“; ‘mléh «l finnl- ml :1 up . "lio K‘lrc Ice u. w. No 2‘ was”; Enco’ yendab, l”hm,“ ‘1: win untedymu.‘ Whirmuwwa. nnmin al’oflhe‘m d. .y n bier “m. Ml B oumm M“I wynrkl d h magi , Hr lahed Amollnm 9101131 “In lune “w .Rn‘c cn Sam-o 'OnoH. Mum u” thvi‘ “yen Mk“. we oywm | cy; : ”his “E a,’ ”one; '.doul, m. Ilybp " the ‘°“ntr‘ 3 w‘. P‘Urpd 55 the ' “sme Pd. 1“ row” .0 dougJusrm lmw K"m . eyevon 8%. v. hour» » ”055- 80:. b suick 9x9 N; ,0 ' Who‘ . flmo fiver , “Osc- . .em 6» Mann: cbe “mm. “W a: v. 9!. 45-“, y. ‘-enm 1‘ - ur. Ya»; ng . r “P9l u "c“ .m ms, Em .nf swung?“ axe—.-‘,‘rsm..l..&°:m. fugue}? :::=;mi.:.‘::;in kinga'fismmem 0"1'351W“ "3'3?” mmmo3mm:{up “.Jt‘w eta]: «I; “I!" _ l 11‘ . O‘Wd . 'l‘ll ‘ o-l' ~. A p]. "neg film" ‘0 'c ‘’'y ‘ m ‘ 0- mpo c‘hi <-: eel‘m ‘1! OW' “le 0.6119 , "dad - rfl'm 818“ Jon 80f”m l 1" "4h 8 ocm - ~:_ 8. -f lllgto on“ 01va und . ’lnaz,‘ mg n] ’‘o I) "he re. .' ' Sue) St the 510 D {0 v : "lent (heirs ' “Ind“; 055 ir k mli‘i“ V . I over iI“ In“ con”). Athe nmgave Voluflézen‘bem o ”DEM-c" Sooltlack- upeno‘rnu‘xlnmul “Wines. “"5 7 the co; Imp"! 3f G 79d - fthe ‘ {She} llherlh berg,“ ‘ hmwi "lyi— ,r .ln 3 Lo - ‘Vnsb eca ‘ mm. .9, _. bod m ’s'” low PM .‘k do \d Ytojoi 1." . "“PW“ oortheq mg he] nof 03711:: I? lure ‘mmrn . ‘ p “..‘ Héialr SMow: mgndou flgg: €‘P9rt. liu°§hpeu 241‘ f ”PM: st pep .he folio ‘ “I‘3l?in mug ‘f- ed 1" mm 11' mm us de ___..-Mf- -.- _ LJNIB 1y 0), fen Me’gdo. aux. ‘p putl ”Senator DMiS. OfKefllucky. in :1 lale ' do'lfn this ‘ ‘unlmly” ,rgliellion. ‘l'. ii; foul speech in the United States Senate. asked ‘ libel on the pnrioliovm‘l‘d highly influential Senatflvilson. q‘fMassachusolls. whether, ‘aociely. ‘ . . ‘ “ill e rebels in lhe Soulliern Stnlei were; u “ 1," “‘""“" " ““" ‘ l n. . V . '. l ll'cmil'z‘! P/ull sand Llnyd Garrison up the “,5 O‘B‘ér t? “961“?“ uYn‘del‘flne {Juniqfu' :Adminiuratiam—fihsiox,’ Jan. 29.—At an: "Q"! "9 '6?” 58%? to “..‘: thém com'e? ‘f‘ ,anniversary meeting last night. a npig‘iled‘ The b‘luatenng lmltOl‘ of Massachusetts was dl bm: Occurred between Wendell Bbillips silent. _ lt a??h:l':1& Lloyd Galrrimn, ufiop the course -—~~—-—.-——«u~---—~—‘——— . ' :o . . nmnumtmm, ‘ fiPAn exchange says the “pbellion I,” Mm fotmer emphatically condemned on as gm legs.” We should mny llke w ,alhila ‘ge lmfetigs s3,)“an minnow)?! h’ l '.. M %I: .po cy o :95) em uoo n. v» ‘r.l 1:3?!th ong “1:6 ch?“ 129th'”et'hm' Philips nuld :A “Either the North must mo' ‘w 8“ ey,.nre"ma ° ° 0"} 9" eylin opxnion of unanimously crushing thel I." ‘n'on clad or not. RCPDUXQIIIS have President. inwsubmieslou, or we mun hang l bold quor almogal three Jeni-stump. the re— A different leader for the next four yeau.——-| -bellion w“ shndlng upon their) raid yet ll'Mrfillpso should give upbis hank sygtem, '. l' .l.‘ a. M be. i 1 bel lthe Minor: would be eighteen milhdns a [l‘ 0011 "mg- 4° 9 ”a" u-y ‘° W 5 {year richer In file immense interest, which. :11)“ procured An extra «apply. - , _ 4‘ goes In these uauonal banks, Whlclllin thir-i . —.v ,7 r‘ . r..," . -2». ,7 It or fort. years,_would pay the wfiole wn'r‘ A PeLy nsquldler.—J._smilh. Humans. of (£31,9-, gndvyul. this man ix? called a funny‘ the Bah'l'cr’a’l‘lfagaiiné, 'h‘é's tie'en kicked out :ciex.” . n T D “'7‘“ ”*“H » l .2 aggfiore’rmyf fplflgflthygfl-‘e'hg if?” i To be 15710!.—-A man named Isaac Fishel, I 2'l, 9:99,: °“‘ pe y "3‘“ °' .. e 80‘ An citizgu ‘9! York councyhvyasbrougm to and appointed}? a 51.200 clerkslllp, told . Carliele Banach, on fiaturduy lush. underi him the pn'y‘Vu‘s, $9OO, and dnwifig his 'senlénce of death, by cum-Lmzxulnl. Flslln lulu-y for him, "pufsm ii: his aim poclml."".i wus‘tl'ied “ Cbumbersburg. mule .daya every'hl‘oalh.‘ .. - n: 1811“”? 1:909 19.18 film-gear of olmergonxaufi ’ x ‘_ . .“_ V ‘ ‘ o' plolng‘ llz uglg‘waetu-ough 'ux Guilt me.~—'l‘hé‘3rinmss of ‘W'lhl has ' county, 1:“ summel'i mddseuteuce‘l to be, . shot at t. is post. 'e un erstaml ho wlllt islandelweud of “WW“ nub" ”"1 be executed on the 13m lush—lounge Dam. lmlov Prince were donut «all: .. 'l‘brmlp voerat. ‘ limoftho Royal Pamllynfl Great Britain 1a It Is now staged that tha.seulenoe lnu, will not a. likely. Lo-heumn'e extincrat mike“ wwwdem "in 3“” ‘ml‘l‘lmmm rue. ..~ ._ , 4 _ ‘ .‘A‘ ”a, b . lln use penilvnumy ol'tlris Male, or such ‘ _ ___.,_....‘“_‘__.._.__ ‘folher place a: in); be dnecwd by compo- Th—‘l‘fl'ere- 11149 8,000 'Dt’ea'ms ”c'ohfiécééa*;'lent ““1110! ‘U - ' 1 ‘wifl‘l’tliu army of tile Pafofiiac' If placed‘ ‘ “4 ‘—'- —~— . ' ~. - . . ‘ , A .v ‘. . , The Treasflrer of Pennslvanm has (In A sfiglo‘llfw lhe¥ fluid extend’over blx-‘i cofgfibved lo pay the menu-annual interest, ”[3111": ‘"’ ’ ' ' ‘ " :on‘llle dubl‘ol the State. at. (he rule of ti!- "' ""‘“"-‘w~"-v—L——‘- - ‘ it, 3‘ cent. 'udvnnce‘ in our currency. or ’ h%T,M’W(Q9desAhASjong‘ldullar ’und filly gems ‘for such dollar t. e nlmW»_ moment: “my?" du'g, 10 3:4th the pay ‘gqulmlent to upeue. .dm .3me of thallgunrdmm—gl .ldhw a... , ... _— [ J'W'hup gog- lbp Margo. at. asks! "you gyms? kins, ‘whiph sold for a qmrtel‘ gimme?“- ' l.- ;um fi;fl?§.‘fi}§?u?°t§£lyi.ftom Slkzfi- ,-‘. A DRAFT’I‘OB 600,000 KEN anmzos. fink-{3:20 The Draft Prdclamation.“‘- i . “OTb. "’1 gum In ‘9 s ‘v‘ n, l 4'“ Ig' . ‘Qnr {lw Irnln'n‘“. n Wm- red n 1. lea ps. mm- (m “m ”"9930” 5%, ([IInLWPOrt. “an of e. ‘ qu ¥ 019' "'Bok‘ "19) ‘ rd" co‘gh‘v HI, ‘a°3’oilvrr‘v“‘"d'g"‘ Mn"? TEL-« 5% ”$l6 Mn" “'lti n ‘ ”aha“, 'r. M" “ ‘ v.,. -)" tFedethhfln “'er “I'V‘axm "19nd!" undue “mm } “’“u pr'Pa W t' ’ 7?le “146 k :M’o “gym: «I “MR ”’l‘. 1‘" SM“ n" “11:”. n"1 fangs-"m D‘Bmim) ‘ l I ' "’n 9*?- n ' r ‘ 1m h" "1‘” . hon ,l' P‘Wré' ‘ su°”"_"nd 3” Th ‘ ng's em" r l F4r ”1‘90: "”1 ‘ 0})! an * .hcd Span rprhaflzgonP 9"]th my.“ ram 0* rxwu', ‘nd ‘O, ‘l‘dtnfiz‘ll arm! Imus???" 3n“, J]? ““1: mc“lu.n:"'"hn (finer-‘1 J '“1 ‘o‘ hp ' l"- I)" O' 0 _ . 'flr -of In ’o'“. ’ _‘p ‘"‘ h_ by ”an“ e;- d fi”'ofln{ml"om.¥;°il.. “nnu Lumbel‘qpkqin'm'k “In 1M: 12““ ._ _ - ”(mule “0:1?“ ”lirk. “19ml ll m n“ 7 gy. b 98133 morlm 1m" $9“ in“: 'th ‘Un . CO‘IRT . ‘ ‘‘9 "‘99 ‘9ml es '3‘: 1-1" .h.- .4 “n In: ._ (n Fel‘e .eder. tlhe nu. 4 I? d em, be” .Op, V I) Op? Wed Wicca Th '- “Pile' e'glu “‘9'. ' “’flgn ”nip .- ,nl 'fi’d ..' h.‘ 'Dn, f Incluip "Loud _“ene. 0': .\1 ' S . in Mimi-a 11k fiwhwnzmmmhem: wms' \_ ‘ac ,1 ”(‘r ‘1); m} ml . 1-" (‘lu 111 In], - v 9, -m we . ‘un I“ We, “-u.]‘ n. Wrdr'": In Med Emma; “in?” a» ' 1 ‘CV -"'"in}, ”'l'. e' ”Ith "‘lrnl ' “n 1 ‘Pt', 01”] 01'9" find and a“ in ‘5 In“ ”- \I m'Von' $54". on " ”DIR f' t. ”on "F.'- (~ ' 50., nl'm eca HT; u v: d 21... 1 call ”Clan ‘ "‘l' 1”“:er 14V” ‘ Med H; don” n]. mnhqtlmrny "P‘r i 151"... loge dp'nrd‘s? udcd. \'nd".(B)‘ My lon‘3 ‘ lonam'm‘ix'e: 235;}- ‘m, Wv 'lvx-«qg'r‘mmtrsmmnw“l7W 3;“ 1m .d 1"" ..‘."uda “as; ,3' . 01| I e . . - 10 ‘s'?)an :In hinting“?- 2-I‘lls , n 1 {Sprefl‘niwr‘ 0" ‘the flunk“; , Lollg_ ”Emu”. filly “pll'nlifl-fllehlh‘:Muth. ”"5 Mk era—rwk a uck o ' ”Do '3'“! J“ Wm“ Ch° Ar h' 'P- rmm » led" \’ 1"; .M" H 0'51:; M“On‘U ”'0 {:Yh‘e‘lqny' “11;. n" 21 "I. I?“ 500 Lgnzmmionnd No o'6o'] "I? ”1‘8?” mind" _ M 9mg“ forou‘°rlen.A""‘l-.; 08 )3 .‘l ”‘9l It 29‘ “an 49f 5 Or“ I“ . 9th 3‘) ' '. P 0I) ”I hr:' the J 4 Hui .‘sof . m H‘- . ‘ Mb” 9;? Ram ‘Rm "wf: err 99.” my. "rr o‘o 9 "'lch "n ~ "tut,- hu. , Itro 0f V'W‘lflog t} .3"! e a "ct t ~l§ee "h to en. flit. m;.. u‘ 10 our, 9r _ ”-11 r, ‘ -‘ I} 'M ‘lh 2hr ‘ac'nn "mall ha 'n G 1-H L- ford rn . - Co. SM; n . hy 9"l' '9 n» "cos prob 'ngo ."a the web". a“, 0.. _ cm 1c ,n x... . m... or {gum-“525“. 'kt’l'h'hgéfipfsr bums}; ISM"- '3'?“ dgt'leremrms awu'l:;?'l"'l"t WE‘V' FE?"- As::r-p°'“ti(:‘ pmtio‘ ”Jimmie n Md“? Of‘E‘MNITI-"Vinn"l‘ageml tirioe'aczoye ”(lyiid leclin’“"l:hed 3""? 1:3"! Le. “Mum! "n "f "u If» N . l n.- r'-: 'a" "'o' ' ‘ '‘v :f’nin I.‘)""l=r.. s~e£'9«lm,,"‘n .nm‘W's 31%) T main"? sniff“ prev?!" mfgmeruufla “12. w.,c°“‘mix.; “‘11". 1,“. , . MW; h‘N'MiO ”Hm, -::,__.m n, fincwjn. red- 'lnd 10 1, °“sly rix "““I'Co‘ "gfltsu c "“re °°‘ the ""11! ‘ 1 Trlid‘L'" '1): M 51)? Pun?” hiyaklf‘nilme‘é'r 10"” “‘0 but.“ "Io\:l"'10::.'l"¥ ah] “Uub‘fn‘mww'ek "unqe menn H 1 la , In, In rm gm .. 1 I‘M_‘ Pm '.f n u _.( no (-55 '‘- a.“ nd "0: SW11); muff; "T“dam‘ CW3: 11m. is x “:31, in ) I,,aplvh.s_ “11¢" [Jul-J um 3191:8- 1 “Mary “park-p LC. on n“q ”"rris.l [‘ir Flo e Mnchb “I“ I‘9 -. P f 91‘ in kyrsuitm‘h (k in "15.1 “I’Pl‘o . Pom“;l “36"" ~lof m ‘1 er-“ion “Fe-1,1? rP fid'vnsior; beagle ‘l’?- pnlzll “851‘ “I. "‘Of ‘he M“ red the (“mud WT!) _{rlu‘ion ’1 and “1“ Tho' .: “‘O4 L.',. 1"Iir;d F 0 "‘P ‘"3 "91 PM "3; . rel ' ' ‘ rnr 05c -~ A' \‘i; ‘4'“), (v. .. r "so“ flu- ..hy. 06 ”m re: - ml» -1 a Per __ e u .1 “be . .1. . od_ \u drfi 0. 'll. t.l re Son - 1 IL 43",“1'r'hfirmlwb \l' [mowgg’ Milka“-*w.l7,“fin..a”}!‘ulsedfi‘g- Hu‘,‘}:n<.ia‘2“nm“&:"9‘x ”(jubfiwmijgn‘hilW ~ I"! n t.. mr' .1r- *1 ran 6'. er- ..ni‘- 11' .s- re., 1 ""ngg‘n'glmmlljg m, a a“lls3}nyl’r‘WJflLfW-P 'rhfol’g;:§3“ile’gr“’vr.u i‘r'ln TI-ei2o6xo’63r3l‘9m‘f" “avv.":"“=u:h., 1 "1W ""rl W“ h“r “IHI "‘—\'n li. ”'11“ 399 re 9To 01$; We -Io TI. “Pom; ”"6." 'Sauh ,"' ° . - ... -. . ‘ v . = . 1.. INH- 1 0“] “n..," nnd- w. “(.29 r'u‘lr nn—Tl '1: tan‘ allé QEIVed “uh I ”Pd O “‘O3- 9 ”Kb .a's \' rd [l, ’of W”I l - ‘ .vr . - 311.11' I: r) Ib.. .Q anew um?- by'sdrnvkzamu’nfzm ,1: gs: "ewf‘ll"*n 23% “<- rm'm kmshm ‘Wurorzhcm‘m gamma: weprtuw‘m; m “n ‘. gin ‘or ““31 . fit? I .1, u wand 41 3‘ ' (2‘ 0“f . “r ...,_ “x“ gnu n“. Fan, "mix “'3 “'1 -- 'V "' ’"I “it; ie . n "L ..n 5. Pll ‘ . lay: »c 1 .=. h W, “'1 “‘1 fi‘ "”I'Pd ""119 ""10 - “‘l' “ix-1' “n “n!" - ‘he “he "' R'h. '1 u: ‘"f (*7 '“mo ' '"'ili~. 13m.N .‘Z‘huc ’ I‘o-l -'rl‘ p. , k." , .\h: ‘ ‘ dod ' It.“ In“ Pen «1 :ni, Wm... n, n, 'r “'it 1 . 1,0 "Ch I.“ dl‘t In] “L” -co' , II) he] or I the ('l‘ 1d .1 . 4)..” no “ I, ll ‘ Go 1-41“, ’Lq “hr “000 firth \v 1 I"'h‘ 3' T ‘V l ‘1 [u ".‘N‘ re, ”Id ".‘"m r- n 'l.» 1‘ "' 51 n (I'. ‘"r “In. "my P ”'ll On he ' )eg 3 C ew- _ . re“ (‘an . 1-11 rn h”, “'5. ‘ AV?“ "Pp“ ‘rfid OHJ‘Pram‘ thl 11 "T h, "dad POM "To“ "LJO ‘l‘. An 9 . ‘lOund , 01 '1 "Mn, 0‘1" a” ‘ ' 1;?! 59M 111 l 10“, 0f w.” 1921' ‘ "‘l (I “'1 b.’ - Mn] N 1:, ‘to . _Mu, ‘ “nn- “11' la , 'Wun : H“, lav out - “uh R"m ‘thu In" A (‘stro «Pn C 1119‘ "any 191”," 1 FI'I‘PO ”1 bei "I h” ”hf,r y _ , . ~,‘' - ,F .‘A , s 1 ‘ n,, (l _ Elmr Signs mfiong M 2: “01:: V. 'Drus- Ihufgr‘uwrzz‘é- ‘Nunfl E;ll||..‘.|‘Y“H‘ “'l'.“ by "'2‘ “1 'hc 01'1“”!!!ng Ind, “Her 'h-‘lm L{lf 1 ‘Slxp mufi "in I'l4 ":1. , ,0] \' run I," w‘ ', ‘2‘. Sn]. .1 n mi . , s‘“ nu g . (l. T'- 214 . Ir, 0v n..“ Id, W .0w lesl ord. - the )ul..,_‘ :‘H‘ut co; .“flfil Se“ 1' LA“! . nEfi.'l¥“ma‘;i {WATS " s32°°kih2¥ ‘12:? A ““1123???" 1'33",“ 35.2%! {n3l (I"‘xflill;k;di'|haw-”1w” I-1u.,‘:.r"""1 11.12",“ Fur”. i “d " "1' 1| ‘'l”I ‘ “'9 ‘'9 9n ]‘9l)? 1 ”ea: M""‘n ”J‘ m G “H [mun] ‘ “”111 me I 811!" 9‘ ‘ and 19;- Pin-L. '0 d - -gug 1: \v _ 4.0 y. re-l '1‘»: “hp I‘9 ‘ ‘u r- “mu. “. , “‘o': a ”to Our ebf‘h snu ""0 ““19 ‘ "Hi ‘ln “We "11 “'1 r ’T‘ "‘ll- “\l T". ' - U"u-“lan . 0 ~- £5: 6 ‘9: I’llco ‘L’ F 3m” -I‘n‘3 . 1 PM lecn °"N "enm- ”‘l'? "'Ol ''l IL ”or -- ”h ' ”la "“1 Mn ‘vru 0- ’ "'1 "’e ("r: V‘IIV ”r 93 ”[9. "’"il ‘5”) “In ”Mm "'«l__ .” '. eno, I Mn”~ ‘0 i 3 “rp T 11“. "“11“ . \V 011's - of“p “Ya I flu. Inn" ‘fi R“: _ '(N 1‘ we _ 411).] ,_ ‘ "Sen ‘r_P. , mum ”I: Km "pm,” Cr...“k llr Ovmlnrfle .1 wnund. Um“ e'gh S!- U.) P h“Ve '_ .AlMr N ‘ ”Ur", boll“! ”new” ”11~:n.f~l:*'1')nr."‘~l “1“ mp", Twain ‘ ‘Unhn 3‘ Impegn‘la'd about [0“ "mi" ' ~“nr ‘ Th" [i ' . 4* Mr Mlle lr‘ ill ”(I 1 “n ‘NhP'q> a I“)? . 3 —(‘l "y IM} .I an g n (‘0 ‘“w ' and 35 Pa ”‘0 - 21°F - l't‘lne_ “HOV ~ I I'l’.~ 1H 0‘ In "00 m" “o; m. {n "191, 'Tea 50 9n Lin ‘ln - “'o “r (h. 'lO u,‘ fun of rm "v. 31, " tnp .- K . =r t) "ck Ily a r”l reg” l.__ pm rk of "'7O , -‘. ~ ' I'o "on '«w “111. h, .'9 Old vflnd- -""m Cn .. (led .\l “'O5; - U". n 1 - trim “fin.“ “"< 11 ”ff - I“). .V (“I | "9 l) U - Join t “711" m; I‘. no 4ln 1| .“e . (‘nrna , h: 'l. ,- ln" VP" h- 19m" 9. “-h- Gen "In" ”he . Pnt," 'l “s ‘ H 1 0 1:". ‘\ .\l “m “ml 1" I)“ ”in“ Dni Wk. "”1“". R, "‘h I “hm and‘ 3‘ '1! ,3 “'ilr ~ n 1 , [ rAdfl Na“, “1104. 1 ”'Ol TllO "1" *[ 'l'lll‘uilV “ts-n rOlll [1 In‘lu' ""9 an to he 0| 'ln b. "'n:: ka'k " I“! (.0 ’ bus I ‘Flpl ‘ R r‘”l|'. 1.1.10” l‘ur lulv. 'l9 "i 1 Wu 1 , com. see ll .u” ~ .i" ‘-\-_ “I - h “HIV-1 100; ""‘cl,l “'"rk ”mun ~m-n inn ‘upd an. 0 Ptnv, 'anr In" an I, In" I.” .L D -7; .. .. lmv. , ‘xu rs “kt, -1" _\' I“. In 1-9,: bf ll 8. .. 9v? J’ or “I. w”: d‘, “cl. 3;; on. . »’_ 1 ln ‘0 ¢:.,. 2‘11“ End‘ “1!. .‘n-n nu. \ nip, 1c m The m. u _ e _ ‘Tc- 'I”I ‘ nek ~ .. (' J. ]) “l'i "no 1‘9”; I h". 1 "‘ft - ”a, b 933‘" S! v c“. f‘l‘u, ~ . 9k,a~\ 909‘.» 'ol ,» ; ‘33:upmrmgnmi;‘un unzf'unmfi": swirl?“ Qvn;,.'r;n,-.eac.g; Imm" u‘iizi’w :2, '-' “lock?" mac?“- 1 \-i o] I”; ’ :uih‘; M n»! <. “111,, :1. - ""h ' ”In em” 111 i ~l'o‘Anf ”man q.‘ . _ 3!, ;-\, ‘1 ”‘9 ‘ "’3l |.. "11- 1 ... nC.33 9) ~ ‘IT‘ ...: 4..“ l-urfig‘lln. HIM: 51.12:“ (h: dhqu‘} l" 103‘“1.1:?OA‘)011;3rg05":0“? If-dr‘n,g:.fle onto or 3D “PFTI ' ‘ ’ Hid-“ 1215 ‘n .‘r~:.~ I , ' ' .u . U ,-. . runuwhh-v ”no r"l1gln {fix (fhzxulnorl {PM}, 1.1:?" (Ynnag‘delgg pap§[:)oi”;el "i ““1"" lln‘mvpll i 1“. “Uni‘t‘tllnlf‘x‘—Th ' lrk 5 -I.:1 .- 0- .7, “:‘rsr . - , n , .7. ' 1).“ ‘1 'l' 1‘ _ . . 0 ‘ 11‘3“” I.;L""‘r. 11“? 1M 19; on..h‘,""- W 2"; $1”: I“; "' ll.oe,"‘“y.;lw{’,l’vsitli'f‘, ”up :39 in f""'n<l«¢.,,‘°snom "Um-n hmil'm‘lio ‘ "“h‘nm‘ or [l‘m "“r'l§ilclielfl( ”o‘“qu “M I: "1“ 10.8 “mfg?” °lth “F" 11:] 1" £00m“ ' tur ”‘9'"! 31"” ”1111..” '“Wh ”'ll.,qu “Rm . "-911 be “no Eu] 'v on ,"I‘eq , 9nd is; t‘ 3,~ 0 m ral n u\- 92]. ‘ lu-‘l I'ol '“I . ' 1‘11“ ‘ ts|" .l' S. ”19 »l . “‘1 un - 'a.e “11l . Ploy .”a p [|[\(- ~3. T 51"], ‘ 'l|' . “-1 mxnsw 1 ' ,vrnfiitrlm-u; 13-13:,”u3izzslx 1:“. Hwy '61?" “"‘l'k ”I? n~n -' Hc- ("é —‘ ‘e ' q 0!" ‘u "l' Zlr -“Ih” l' “nu e ”If!!! ~A ' "3:1 ”“10. In .I: 1 1 "‘w .' ‘ “ll . M ,"l “'1“. . 9 “-4 “It“ . 'rl ’lm -. - 1c! 'l| You“. E nu)"ll:9}:nnll’rlnml ”m “"re' ’4l. I .l‘lk’rnnl thflncfltl(;,lhp 9;: I. PM? (‘rl-ni,~l“‘l’l‘|x.:g SIR-£3“ J 1“ “LR Tl “IL ”P" "‘1 )5" 4 ’l’" I‘ -' e‘ '’ 1h ””10." - "ifix- “'1 ‘° ull x ' \‘.' ‘ \r we”, tl.” _"r'lh “Kr ~' .Vs :- ' ..‘” ..-- on \l. 'h“. c. . IH' , .1." 1‘ (“‘t \' 3".“ Sn me “lillh 1m... "‘M. ..M I” “.0 lw.._,n -_ nu 1.110 (8 Thu”): .. J‘ 1:11'1‘4: 1 “In "‘219- ‘no Jh' “'w 111 "inn - P“n '0 I ' . -r(-. "Mr HII - J "1‘: ' 11. “3119,” ""4.” : {llwtl r 1 ”‘1 r3] ”'9,- tlt‘ h ‘ ”mt [nrr- A‘ - “In“; F“ 'L 1! -\1 H‘ “u_ (,f‘i‘tf‘d 1n ”“u lll'1ll‘m.ltr:“1‘ “'iv' .' ' 3’ll”.“(‘;"llxo‘.';".¥'erhnr (lwo v'~‘hll‘l-., I ‘h‘ 'u” “nq “Wig J ”\"Hu,M"“l|n.,. 'I-t) \ . ‘ln In r." I'v . 10‘ 1 Ha, n'-I: . Al ~11“ ‘' 3 I'_ I) ,vI ' to ."A .(~ "my _:"l*r.\ 111:;“llll1lli;:'o I'llo‘l‘;-"n"1“": ”I" I'll?” [rum WIIJ‘PPro illt‘lpfrflln‘ie l:.99“p"lh:i“:flq “LYJ‘n'l'v’: : f‘lzllt'2‘ihurfl' (. ““19 (‘in-u‘l >7 Elf-1:." 1:- "1N- 1111'. ~‘ “1"] ' ll“ “-11“ I "11m? 'z'l’g im'pe I"‘Plv ‘9 , “‘hfl. 'Hl'r" - “1119 0" 11‘6" n 'J.‘ s. ' . - .‘,_ . \ ’ . ' 1(- .- ~| I“0 -- In ml“. -(‘ Q In. "’~.31"-""e IIIL 1) I|.“ 1..“ ‘ In] _lof l I‘"n "In" HM“. .l l 1) gm” “H u ~11 _n_ ‘(l.a . 1| 11‘ ”le . ”1h; l“- Ufa] 'lO (~ 1511“} ~M," "In“ "a! B ‘crfiv' - I], 'll‘.l "1h “'11“ 1'": 1,, “'Veflf i R.“ 1n; 11‘ :., p. 31vu. m, em__, nn ML - cu. Illa ~‘l ~ -;\ ~ ur.._- ‘ I], 1 f uh“, . n,”- 11l ‘l‘o‘ . to”. he) 10 _ 11:1,} .\ t'. m”. I -.\],.~ ~11; ‘11:»i»_”“&ll. . p‘luf, ‘i—‘u In.“ “‘I-up uh "uh 10” ' "Con. Tln- "( H ‘ _"rhsl; , “ ~- Whip, ‘111II'.:;,“‘“'I 13‘;11.{.rl‘l;|il ()r111e1“(‘:'r I}! ”In": I)..(:!(::Jlni,;"~“_‘un;li‘fnum'clllulxg [Ti-Ina“, 1:3. lurk ( Mission G. mnmhg. F“ I! ”In. '1“ 1' "'iinl ' 2"” ”NH“, ”1 ‘0 1‘1» "I"; “filifl- ‘(l‘N' ‘ 'ihl‘t ' "hi“‘o ‘h' h 1 "' \‘mm'. 1' ""TRp‘.‘ :r 1I;.‘ "‘liro. "1‘“. nml. r: . ' ""1 to '“y "111:1“ "'\-f‘.._ Flus}: ,‘,l'».' 'f'lu '’9 . "Iri. . J ‘ -I'l.. " elvlhllvr In“, :\l{,\r:"::. 1' "d Gimp“. “'3‘“ >[g ”lo “hath-aloha; "1:11,?“ '“i- '1 1,0 lurk'H-‘rc :‘llcr. 5""! N 31;, 'l'vl.:.".' ‘N: _‘ '1'“! ‘.. y .1", l- .74 Ic_ we I" 1| ‘ '”\v.‘l|n ”5—5 - ,‘H ..‘,“ “. Li” M'h re» - “hr v-‘ ulm . s'. « \-' ‘0 1~ \ 11'! ‘"- "“d ""1 ‘ ‘ I“; LOl. 11hr. h- n Pmuh , "U ..‘. ‘ ..l, ‘.‘ n.l, _. ’IIP. Jinx: 1"“ or INd the $1,140“ 0"" t: 'l'r'lin'.:w"’-:flt‘ '‘ . brow]: "I"ltuliiv-‘ll‘np “ ~l.Jll‘\' 5m h' ‘ fig“ ' u;,“,_ ”"M "rm” hm! “’lne ,- “ut he w ‘ ~ ~‘l-u '. g: “ E-F .”M M rI! In Mof l h I I l. v 11nd Ple, 0‘! I Bum .i‘ '"inlmr'mml um [1: he a ‘lqmv ‘1 : pd": 31.05!” Cir-1 um“. k ’ lJ_ Fir?" .: "m - . ;In - - rt'.,, '~- .‘ )9 ""~‘- . ' -' i. '- lh ""*‘:-1:'"""w. “”3""va 0! ‘11\Il“clt‘: 1“ "1 1r)-“-“|Ier"."-“- ‘ ‘- “- I: ',“ ’WIL log '1”. "' I -"l‘.~' 31%.! "'H u [IN ‘ "‘l‘. ‘1 :2 ‘v' 1-:.|,, . "I|.” If, ”We,“ ' “Dun . flu-e “I!“ "”r. " .. . . ,v.’ “Am. ~ '1 "g I'M“;t I'l’ic ““rln . “(lon 1)](1‘~' "llvl ' k 1;, ”1|”. 'o3of I! ”I 4 1‘15! "‘ ”I?!" n ‘,‘-‘}‘>h‘~'4r. ' ”no ‘ In, 1y u .r'u- - m‘hluuh‘” \u'” “a ' Jl' ‘3'”- I-—-- ."111. ‘ 53. ‘ -_J y' 'er .\. 1' h.' .1 “hurl".z. I 5. “g “‘HL h l 'n!) ‘~ 31in, fr. "Pk: == an expedition rPCPnti'v blah. purin’tent. into North Carolina: On the 26th ult.. General Pnlmm’ sent rm expedition to capture a force of rebcl cnvl alry in Jones and ()nslow counties. Northl Carolina. They succeeded in routing the enemy, and captured twenty-three men.‘ With their liorsies and equipments. They also destroyed! from 1:50.000 to 200,000 rounds of nork. 70 nt'beel', and captured a” arfie'numlier ot' mules and harm's. } 6n the annuit. Capt... Cody. of the, 24m Nt- York Battery. proceeded, with his]| co mnnd. to 'l‘yrell county“ N. C.. whet-at the captured five men, therb employed in. as in: of robberips. 'l'hey also took two rehiil officers and 1.000 sheep. The": is an importnnt movement in North Citiblina. A ruilrotid twenty fire mile: long runs lrom Beaufort. an the Coast. to Now-i be'm, which atunvh on the Trent, and the. enemy. fifteen thoumnd strong, have ltd-I vanced northward from Wilmington. and ;~ “tiring the Federal picketn below them,' have atlacked Nemlmrn. When the dis'i patch announcing thont’tuck \VJK sent, theiy; were momentarily expected to cut the rni -I road. The i“?dr_’fl\l force, which is small. In ‘ clobely hemmed MA. and in Apparently with out' assistance. The Federal forces have already lwt from eighty to one hundred‘ men nnd two cannon. Thi< does not look! my much ns'it‘Nurth (‘nrnlinu was anxious tu come back into the Union. i The World uys: “it. Will be sud news! for the country to learn that. the siege of; Charleston has been raised. General Atijl-J more has come north; the monitors and} gumboats are simply doing guard duty inside , the‘bar ofChnrlrptnn harbor; and thouoopai it our information is correct. hnve Been sent: in the Gulf, probably to reinforce General Bmks pre mrutory to the projected sioge of" Mobile. 6f course, Morris ishtnd is garri-l soned. and ncontinuous fire will be Kept up upon Sumter, the z-urrounding batteries‘ and the city of Churlestnn itself. But all; hopelol the capture oLCharlestuu muat be' given up for the present.” i There has been an arrival from New Or- ‘ leans, with dntes [‘o January 2.3 m. There] 15 nothing. nurturing: from Louisiana or r—- ~~—~--~‘--.r-- ~- ~ A l' @Alluding u; ‘Lha monslrnui ‘mrrnp-i lions which have been practiced. since~lhc advent of ‘Abolitionism to pom-r. the Springfield (Mugablmsetls) li’qnuLlimn, ni ‘ Lincoln paper. truly Myst: = l l "Neither the administration nor its party ”can stand under the load 61‘ this rank (corruption. There is no need ol’ig. li. i 1; anal. their loud. unless they make it so. It" ~ no honest and thorough efi‘nrt is made to. , ien-et 6m, exposu and punish the lhieveu.‘ then the udmiu'ulraliog will bejuslly held responsible for their crimes.” nit‘d :nh‘i'n ‘1“" ”If "R ‘ a,v -n] ' |\\: - I|, - a A '~- “In .‘Mr. . “IL. (I. - old his man -.‘ - I S‘Psg‘ ML bl'l‘ln.,":"orq‘: .u rm. wry-{lmg}: "”6 ‘95,.“ .__Q llrH ». “"4. 1,1.» A.“ mm“, ”'M -ms .50 '-. 3l d c"l'y ‘ ['l]. ,‘ um 'hu,“ We," ' BV.w a x; -(‘\' ”o \l.]\- Vtr .. I”, I." p'o .‘ Ida '‘ 0w .‘f 10 n" on "an, .' h ‘ f 9“. Hr y 0 ~ '01“ \ i '0 f' ”1(- ‘"g“F \ . 1... Urk My; ?1a1“» ‘o' am ’ 1““! 31"“ L.""‘“yh. 3[sth 0“ 7‘5 ""15. “3"" in LEfir ‘sin » '<- N -___oo," ly one?i rgcr" ")‘lu S‘Wm*larsfl “JIM - f“ EfiAger a '-’_ °tl°_ f “ml nA" “Cour: gr ln.‘ ",5 ernnn'll “5., “'3‘“ 'Nam ' ° tul "'"nif'h’ P"hm-1 :"HI. ”'0" ""‘l ‘ Fund drug aQOMHIY SE use T‘ ~ 51,: .u‘Pm 3;" 'lDele‘anl'v' Q'lr" “:3” that?!» ‘ .- .- '.l' Ir."«:“-c bEnum _ In! the ld'wiq. “"30 3 “-0 ‘frlm lulu.” Pfl'pfire'nd-to‘r “oh..- (:‘f‘tm'lin:r OW .- 3“ or best “luau. '“CP “huh-re °' 90" ”lieu ”We "7 m 110.1- .;ed m “I! F "Hd & “on - [X]; i, “m 10 'emll" final °":3l ‘1 hm, n “In.“ \m 3‘ Mucui "'9 Mgr"! saltm’m. 3“" be~:[‘7'::-.:'"h Cr" “mi"“k'ei. 1“” 1'1" 1%: "" insbmingng h” ao'm' “0 A?" "new“ s’“; 1": ”garbe'shnfxglury- at: “ya? “it: 'o'}?- ing' G‘Méi “ding ma"? u”; cl: Famglne‘ 50L! 8‘" nro‘ber'r M “II”? 2112 "‘3' ”a 30,5; 5&7 9w - Fund ”1!. 3 erm “I. [vs “('l' Vi: .Kom. P’nm. ”Mi. "leq’ ggdeu ahe com “‘O. ""ne )2 “Mom, ram" ng' “14‘?"an fin-. 1 Tn “fungal“:umher; hp, 5 ;_‘ rs ”'17." pm”; . 'rfinfiuit'ft t):itte§;l_E—_.— 07:30“?! 1140' "Hléh .\‘o f", Embroisag’ Gm: {or} 2|, 1:3 God';!li:Il-l hf.“i"tlfii.:~'d"ed ° (Np): ‘l.w ‘' a 3 claim leer p“h k ‘ win “"pn '9' r'm “"ng “"3 'he d"-""°ux ""cin ’°"'ed "“4, r ' 38‘- ”___?“ ‘ 50f lons ro'Pn ind; 5e "ii-Y rN" “'OO ihe“i‘l " 1i . '"d ““‘n .' ;. 1‘3“": A‘ Gen ‘ whim?“ 3"“, de In?“ '5?“ m3{"":m““' V 3.3“ “:53"? :52] *n’d'LW fiiaewifn‘g‘m 1.1:" My? Wed“ I‘3‘o333oib‘2m as a?” “g“! 0* 49:3“ “1‘53"“? 3'“ F'an°‘~=u‘a:;’ms“w for p.‘i"=°d .1 3‘2 mm" m ' riu' '-. . ‘ ”' '— ' k "‘0" "n: "05: ”'3' s r' " nnil “V‘ "'"n u“ m"‘ I" ' ' "ere mero cunmfifloo musk ‘ "0M o"‘ked "11 r fl'linl ”in "cm- 0.; “delu- 0' grief ' “'Drkmd d 0; ‘ In dl’iv us in; ”“n ’"3% u eta Im'l'nc” An slitch Mes b Hemmig‘llb l-'"' P“ '9" ’ l"mu ' "0r “‘l' "I' log enin megs/3 lw 1011 we 'Lc "F .y 0n vwl- rap 1: ‘hlne‘ Hm c"t "n "fir “'6 ‘ vex-IE {Em an . h “on "d L red‘ It('r 4’5"" 9er "Ch ' 9°“. ”Mo « 5 Bang ”p: ' or,“ "’“lf ' “le‘ 5 ”la 3’ theflz'MeZ'.‘ “ 4:3 ”win w 2.5% .\xP""‘ils:3"‘“en,"“lln: "‘9 "at: W 133? 143““ x a “an" 512?] “:3" °nt ("Wm Sual 0 mile, "‘rgp 1&5 b'—‘ . “mg S'E‘Chin'cé ew’ingg" I‘nce hum“. tame, ‘ Red?" If 91):,“ ”"3019" 1," op. of ‘Mfieteflpoéllaazfl’wgns i The my“ ““55in “chine 0w logzdi'mrv] i Tl:st 9 3.13" H?” “Vi ‘ “1'”: WOO ‘—’_._~ 3“ ‘“ring ”I! b“ er, ‘ “5.15:0: or ‘ng a“! filled in L 1 011' :30 [II-e B4’ a Drll‘lnlasl‘d c rife“? ’0": . :n‘d 0.119391 a“... Ind the,“ half; .0”? kinjuuxllinze‘ofule F ’umuflnilv. Aza‘h'mn? breningn, 1,5,": Men ch ~ rl5O - as, $lB3B n___ 110 ‘ b “s. ' ; V 9”; «11- ‘ rid 1 in] “a In] .. ram . oh,‘ cuargsg (35%;; .r éiitwéflfwuu‘firnamfz'mmf.’ . I ”I La “L "11“" of: IH’M in'" ll . “9n “Mm“e ma 0‘ “he "Nib-2:111: W " “Ye; °‘lheo H“ e 0": 'e‘vo clone; ‘0 b ch" "'O5 , “50nd " 1:10 «91’9”! 1' '' 3 0f Kn '‘7 ~ “3- h ”‘3 be hio ”16'! o'u ”H \. “M « ”We "‘ WI ‘- ‘Uri I“M "0": "'Orfl‘f": ed’mda OXVin ‘«- “5 bee 9n ”We? Wm '° 1‘1: ’ ‘hn "lbs: “ted '°° 5310. "‘ecr “my a th “Ber 9m3 ”*_. n waned, “re e“ md‘mze, eSou, “Mi,” ”my Ivlo,’ '~ ”‘9 Lo, ' , lWe, - I", ybe ~—-_ :2 - "3' “Mann," ' Ch“ ‘ “-0.,“ e or”, mm ‘ A . mm s._ .rd; . ' x 30.18“) l"agilnl “his m “For? “nd 3!“. ns, ‘fe Pc‘neei ‘ ' .\NED --__ < i 1 M "1110“ 19“ 35 machine 2301111,“, whifS-‘benigg'mr “Tuilhé’f UFN —.I PEACW; '-.. l“ 'm 0“" popaq‘v n “i’er' -n“ces r' Min mumme Ini‘ “‘4O Not; " l )1, R 0” “- ‘ ...fi “'ll.. “avidfr? h“.l:"’n. 503M376“ 5 cmon' rm egg'm‘tioxvs “1,109 . ‘ WEB} '-‘ 1 I ur n z'"ty. “at ”n ‘ 0w te n."A' ' 7‘- _ "- . “nine."gi‘ne'fir “"‘in: is 01.1.3310 5:: “mini! reorgl'gfxg $51.: "‘3‘" nLK-Lqm; ' - 1.. ficn "In As .gr'ha m I nV“ ' ~ ~ m“ ...: «was; «. '~d’ "cad?“ we}? P“rp.:ct“rin; “is “and'bbée he": “fld'e' deaf! Maui'm‘ , '" “' 0" B'illw'!‘ "‘e 'ymeu ‘o2s. 3' m man: In '3“! " ' #6., ”Ed "in, “Wain-me to" “"d “i" 351“" no“ 1 f”hn:"”2 1-. ’ e '0; ‘Or Se“ Presel‘ose hue. ‘01:: to M] tin ' y, F 131119“ It the "ins “kc in: ["7“ , Ch, 8 t, In Pr dunn .. “ML ‘ 'lB 0p -l a . 5i 3 Erlylu Hanna-[I ‘l‘ ‘ ""Iluu‘ “ ' r‘»«~-—¢--~»- v-- ”A captuin of o Pennsylvania regiment. hfis been declared. by 11 Court Mnrtiul.gullly of “conduct unbecoming nn>oflicer and at gentleman," viz: 'p‘fcking the pockpt of n comrade! We w'uh the Administrafion would doolgrojhe picking of Uncle Sam’s pockets an offense at; like character, But Instead of tpfl, it, seems to regard that pro cedure as eminently pmiseytorthy. .~,._‘_.-_ .....U" 7- . .. 'le‘Tlm Allministrntion has illegally at. rested mammals of Democrats. and plying: ed them into b'astiles, but} we nr‘e not aware Mud. they have proved a single chm-g 6 againslone oflhem. It. is. however, proved glut the friends of Lincoln lamb not only been robbirg the Treasury all the} time. but. nllo .engnged blockade runners. and doing all manner of things cowl-wand of wa r. ~, - “-1.119 Mb“!."l“r“" dd” mill?" bcstqnnli'ly. Send [ora'Pumut ‘ U—- ’ ~ ; ----’—~ - ~~v ———<- mntlc correspondenup : ‘wale jg, God , THE 31x53}; MSUFACTL'RINGCGMPAXY, THE American Excelsior pofiee and Boring" Ind Seward is his prpph’et." _ ‘'l: ~ 45’; ”WNW”, N9l; Yoyk, .{ Jo; {ale at. Dr. AIL HURARR'S Did: flukfi] --._- ...»——~—— ‘I" fiPHlLADELPm,'sloCbéstn‘szL, . Q 0!! LA‘DIES-‘Afl the: of, Bgfiélq‘pver g ‘ “figment-in ohfoot in NurtYmk um 33-0.. JACOBS & $llO,, haul “and; ..‘ Shoe; for sale at gufcurner‘cf 'ofl' armr builggmmm fi‘bonth’akhfieufibdrg.‘ _,l ’,‘[Ah'z: {3.1363, in ' d the Wand by , "39mg “99,93. _ " ‘ ' x 7 '. :Q I=Edll lE3} ; Hu~rpnul [ You Springs Perry h'krbhuhx Philudrliihifl L TEACHER? XXSTI'I‘I'TX‘..—'H'Lx lullou-in': . . . .3 . ’ Is u 113011110 h:.-lfl_\lsts nmmxmv-i fur lhv um! :MIIHIM n ml svmi-mmlml nu-vrings uf l‘lxc .\‘kmu 3 County Tt-n'clu-rs' Inalitme 1 ' l I") 1! THE .J.\.\KYLL “SETIXG .\T IT}.\DEH.~I\ ILIJ‘. f The value 0! Female Edumliom \liis .\l'ue ‘ Powers; the .\ssocihtions ul'll.c Srhnnl ann, Miss A. 0. Ihskcll; I|ch Shady Side ui‘ n Tcm‘lu-r's l'rmcssion. .\li.“ Kuhn: thguuzc | of Nut-wt. .\liss Sn'udersf Parental "WINDS;- ihilny, J. D. Sonrs: Haw Tvnrhn~ may Int-1}" V WWII OHIN'. P. Krczuly -, Trm' Aim 6? I-L!‘lx(~.|.tiun. C, “'rum-r , Sinccrily and Rah-Winona in Trucking. J. Kcrsey Cook: The l’rnper Train ing of Yvuth‘. J.,\Y. M 1 Council: "Rim: of Ihc V. Tom-her, W. C. SmlJoulnz l'uj-ulnr Education, J. H. Brown. ’ * rm: Tm: snm-nxcnunnsu .\T IJ‘I'TLESTO“ 3'. ‘ Woman—“cf Sphere last :I Tunclwr, .\li:s L 3 dm Swnpv: Tlie FJilljful Tcn'chct‘s [Ky-“find, Miss Fxlllil- .\Lu‘lfs: The Sn‘nuy-‘lnb 01 n Teacher’sj‘nohfision. Mil! S.|llio Winn-row"; Duties of Eduum-d Men. J. H. Wort; 21)]:qu Errms of Education, 5. P. Barnum-Ii: 'l‘lw‘ Teacher and Men for the TiluPS, l‘.’[)..\\'.' llalnlwy : Cling-. 0" Clmsicnl Studiefi Goo. _\}' l’rmlcrick;.\lurnl Qlmlitß-ntinns in Tum-hr", Thomas Bowers; lllome I‘r.|iuing,unl-erl H. l.\'l‘2l-. ‘ Bums or A Pri.\‘fll}~;l.—Wc seed}; un- Tri bune :h It the .\lassnclmacils ngislmnrc is go ing to hm‘cn negro chaplain. Aflel film: let the .\lns.~m~hnsel's pmple elect negro legiuln turf, and then the Bay Sill? will Mi m 1 «boh finr‘ paradise. - ‘ ~ ~ ’ ... ; ‘ ' “Embed llwre rhould be any m'nunder slandmgon the subject. we hustenttn say that a so cullod "Wm- [mum-nu” hears no [eluion whatever to a Warrior ngocrat- QT)” ng'slnture of Kentucky'hm «L jnnrned without eleciing u United States Senator. ‘ it mm MAnxmé. Gi-ZT'I'YSBUIIU—SA rumuv Luv “our: RV? flour while/When MWhent... Caén .._.... ".14...." Ry..................... (1n15................... Buckkhoat.... ....,,,.,,,, h. Clover Sm-d .8 00 to 8 no Timmy death».........:.........n...l on on 1 st h‘lax 5tu!......m.............,........ 2 00 to 2 40 Player of Pn’rin ...........:...1.......'. 1‘: 00 Hunter ground,er 1mg............. ' 1 50 BALTIMORE—Fawn Lm {I , . ‘ , ‘P101ur........... 7 00 m 7 1'! Win-M........................... n..... I 41 to l u‘. Ry: ...... ......M............'.... H 049 1' 4:» C0rn.......... ................... "...... l H to I H ('Ms.¢ -73 lo 9: Clover 5eed.......... .. 9 23 '.o {I .‘m Timothy 5eed.........,;...........,. 3 25 N: 'I 87 Bee! tummy." hunm..:..s.. . 9an '01:. .m [loin-‘2'} hum}............ ..... 10 Dir-(11:00 Mn,-........¢.........'......................:'t N: um no Whinkey. 0'; M Di! Gun-no, V ~rm‘inn, per 10n.....‘.... m) w ".\NUVMh—Tunusnn an? Hour, from Wagons...“ r... ....... D 9. from atom When! I}} a . nr-ru Huts. / 411 to I 41 I :1., WISIZIA ("UH-r SH‘IL. . / . I‘lmulh} heed "l:l-lrr......... Important stcoyery. 7 . , llrlnv m’l‘n .\hwnzs. “I““val~l'l.\mxw\\'AFl-,!z.~x.u0 unmit— i‘m: inle rnrn- ol‘ L'nuulm l‘uhm A-Hunu, lirmu-hflli. Suvt- Th'ruax. ”Ii;lt‘<"l)!‘fi~. lNTln'ulL Elm-11H"; Im-qfimfl l'duquuvl-xjg-h. :mtl l'ls l':|LI~ M HIL'J.IH~}:I. 'l'lu'y ll.l\‘\' nu I"qu of luv-livuc. MAI-“1w \MM \nH lnM- Ihrmq 'I huu= Huh I. Kn lu-u: “Nix-11;] tn Ll'nllh llmi hml lug-[bro dvquifi‘l. 'l'Lul‘unuuy Lyn-u m hundred. of cases. .\ sin‘plu dose nlxvur Hg Ten )lixum-<.. ‘ . .\ >|\ fo’r‘ Bryan's I'ulmnu'u \anrrfi—lhe “rigi um um! duly gvnninv ”R *hnnl-(‘Il "lh‘ym. '-~ Spuriuud kinds are "flu-rm; ignl' mlu. T\l'lH)- fiu- vol-ls u hn\. SUM by leuh-r: gem-rail). Jul.” .\IUSLS‘ Ndr i'lnprivmr _‘7 V-nrlhmll sl \. Y. ~ Fn" <nh- “y A, I). ”I “11.51., Hl-ll.\~hllv; .\ml nll Uruggiuls. [July‘z'L Ich, lt,‘,'t,.'., 1:; { «-.-. ‘ The‘ Great English Remedy, Sn: .Lnu‘s (‘I uunH ‘ mnmnnxrm» rum m-z mm.‘ l Tlll4 inrnlllshlt- met“: hu‘ is un'nllulg 3.1 I’m (“111‘ M nll lhnm- pmnlul :Hul (Ln-ja-muw «lH- Curt“: nu ltl(‘lll In Ilu- hrl‘lml: mn-lilulmn ‘ Imel. mu 3 all Inn-ms. H-muu x-nll ”11-um . Hum. Imm “lmtcn-r 1' xu~"-, llrllll ”ring-4 on 'lluu |lnnmhly lil'llllll “ilh n-gulnlln. l 'l‘lu-so I’ills .ulmnl-l nul lu- mht-n 3g l‘t-vu-‘JM ”1-.“ an pru-gnnnt ‘lnrmy'fihv- Hun "rum lam—us. :I~ llzn-y nll‘ surr In brill: mu “m.”- ri.l:.'e: hu' 11l 'rh-I} (Illllr unn- uml in FYI-I. - ‘mlu‘r \'.|‘l' Ihr) illl' lll'll\'!,ll'\".Ill'l lr' :11l rug -- ul .\frun‘.‘ null Spinal \llm‘tluuaL puln in tlxr liul'k~ :m-l ‘l.in|l.:, llv.nim-«. IX.- lizluu ma digh! «-\l‘xliun, l'flll’llllllllll of (In)- [lo-.nt, l.n\\mad 01' 51min, :“_\"lll‘ll‘. >3. “ 'll'ull‘wl lw. “hill“. am] all me p.|lnll‘llll=llrhrx 'nw~.l~i nu Ill} .1 tllxnl-lcr‘t-Il {ml-'m. 1h; n l'llh ' “ill l‘ll‘CQ'v'. :l curl-‘Mln'n .‘lll2 ullu‘r Imam lrnu Llilml. ‘ ~ , l-‘ull dirt-Minn: in llfllllllrllcl nrmuul c 3511 Iym-l‘xuc-.,\vhi«ll slmuhl Inc ran-Hilly [urn-sun 1. Th") 1 u: M n-m in n lml 10, runm'pvng .30 pille. :uwl hwy-In vm-lmiulg $l, "nil". l’llrl'ta m-ul Jump) to uu_\ ng‘nl. _ .X‘IH: “USES, ILT ('ulfihlmh Sin-ml, .\mr Vuyk. - l'pr ed.- I.} .\. l).lhi',llwn.(mu-hum. um]. all llrllzflela. § [FI 1). l'ithl-J l 3 3 Employment .\lil.\'l"'. \\..\.\T|ll|3.\\’eJ “in [my L m. slslll§?3}rl-I Inhmh. Inn-l nl. l'xpv‘ll-Aci [lg n . lhe .\grnla ur grin 9 rmnunfimu Purim v . l-rs 30".! "on ‘N‘lrt-u l’ml' .\‘Pum: \hmnk (‘<>\llVA\’\",-“. J.\\ll~].\‘Y (irnqnl .\gd‘ni. Jhlnn, Ull'n. , , [\hy I)“. [N-i ‘.l\' ! MAREINEDM ’ . 0n Tur-dnv’murnilg. l-‘th, 2.]. nl [mm-r Idalv, I‘lu-n 'iLk v 0 . 51m, tlw n-I-iulolnv n: 1!).- lrrnlv :1 "mm-r. in‘ “CV. D. 1' ll- we. a! Mlli ‘n..i..-,v.-|l.z. .r.J. F. (ill.l.ll..\\li.‘nr mum tummy. l’u.. 10 “iv! .\ \“4l‘2 UREH’NK'Ian’. rich 'L-«l daughn'r n? lholnn' .\hm!..u« l'lzlp-In-r. ”u I'm ‘31:! ||H..h\ [{(‘V 1‘ .\. In "it?” \lr. JUILV \\'. s‘. ‘Nfil'fz ul lhllmmnu W W)“ ' “\‘Hilii .\. IH'UKLVHI \U. dalwhH-r 01' ll.“ L‘flv' lim-Liv-Y lhn k‘h ,hnm. ul Hrlhdung, ”n t‘n-L'T'h n'll . h_\ H \. \lr Smith M York. Mr (illiH-‘LU‘I H. E\thi“o\'. nf l-iuwaJ'nnm, to Hi.“ .\\\' \I. TATE, daughter 4:! Ilolwrt 'l'mc,ufllu.»p!.u:e. ~ ' 4. _ DX' firtlhimun nae-mo..- .‘1 m-nll per film {oer (nu-r lnur liuL-L—rph li- Mammy x") (lulil‘o. ‘ “n “whiny Suit. ‘whlnnlp, of duvp-‘v. iwlho Pump n!” Nu; ‘ TH. Rrg. I'. \'.. uhlhnnnlv Flu °itm, \lr. JIHIV .\lcl‘llJ’. )Y, n nu-mlu-r of ('nln. .\ulnir‘s ('umpun). aged .‘lu nun. _ f'. Yt‘r!“l’ll:\\'. in Heading lmvn=hip. \lr. DAN n-zl. MYERS, in nu- 2m. “wanna use; ' 0n Ii)" 2*": nlv..m.-.nr New‘dhfiwd, \lra. I‘EIAIZAIHC‘I‘mH‘HTZ, ugcrl'“ years?! months nml as dn} 5.. , ~ .\l (h.l;‘lh-nh.rrr-_v. 0n inunlgu' Wl‘l'k' anur 3 lug: ”Int-<3. HHVJA \HV N'HHH'FJL' Hal . formerly Slmnfl'ol Adams fnnnl'y, ngl-Ilknhuut 60 reuri. l (m Woan-hw night. in Hanover. 3b. Al“ (HISTI'S SUl!“'Ali'l‘Zfiurnwrlf of (Iris [ll-"rt, néet‘l :Ilmul Jaye-ms. _ ‘ ‘ ' UII Hu- ZIHII NIL. AI'GI'STUS FRANKHV I’I'I‘ZI‘ZH. sun of Samurl .der. PHI". 0' ('um- I-g-rlaud‘towuship, nged l-I )c-nrs 1) months and j 26 dn) it Axes PLA’NK. Adm'r."‘r Gasman ‘ aoo an...) 4‘! m l 50 .......l I!!! [Ol 4‘) MEI 1333 MOM =I '2 _"v 14 my ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers