II Teiii - u. fine Conn." ii published every Monday :nor't‘xing. by Hun J. NTAIIJ, It 81 75 per nnninm if pdd Itrictly m Annual—.B2 00 W 1 Innnm if not pnid in advance. No nbkripfion discontinued, un'lm at the ‘optipn of the publisher. unfil All "rouge. are paid. ' A ‘ Vll‘HSllufll inserted at thoumd rates. 3;: Puxnuo dong with neslneu and dis mh. , 0%!“ in South Bnltimore street, nearly opppoite Wamplers' Tinning Establishm'ent —” IPILII Pusnxo Orncz "on the sign. t A ' BQ?ESSI®NAL~2»ARB3. J. Lawrence Hill, 11. D. As hil office one . , ‘7 door west. ofthe $ %" enn church in ‘ i-b’enhnrg Ilreet. and opposite Pickingll ‘ wh‘re ghooe wishing to lune any lientnl i ’ion pefifomed are respcctfully invited to i lhwxnlxcu. Du. lloruer,"llev. U. P, Lh. l). 0.. ll". H. L. Buuzher, l). 1)., Rev. M. Jacobi. I’rof. I|. L. Shaver. >- mysbu‘rg, Aynl 11,3'53. ; Dr. Jamég Cress, LECTIC anxtmi x, tltnnkful for pub lic pulromlge lwrcgfnre ext ulml tn Imn, 3 his friends llm‘élte will‘ionlinm‘ the lccuf his protrusion in "onyshnrg nnd ty. ‘ “Eclectic" means to choose or srlu‘l. e, We sr let! the Inst, sail-4. nnti mm! r-v -remedies from all other maturimnnrdi rebools. which have heen rcm-opnncmlmi the expericiue and a lizctiouud Ivy the [ire of line ables! l-D-lociic l’rm-litinncts, iscurtl tltuzic anl'l' injurium, much us un .h nrsznit‘, metcun, blu'c pill, blood lut kc. ea in tho east end of York urerl, in‘tlte ing owned by “our;. \Velty. tyahorg, Sept. 28, lfltia. 3m Dr. J. W. -C. O’Neal’s Fll‘l‘i tind Dwelling N. E. vortu-r of Bill itnnre tlltd iltglt streets, lit‘tll' l'resh) Ln-rmn ~h. Gettyrburg, i'a. ' . :20, 1353. If g . ' Dr. Wm. Taylor - is the iglmhitnms of “ruptur: nnvi \‘i that he will t'nnllnufl llIL‘ pun-live nf hi; win" :It tlnw oltl slag-l, 111-U upur to the tilrr Uflicr. (if-It} r'lmrg. I'm. Thankful kl. l tron. he lye-ere (0 receive it slmn- of e patronage. [Sum 23, lid-. 3. ti 1 D. McConaughy, . TURNEY .\T 1..\ \\',‘(olhre one nlnnr west of lluohlcr'n drug null bunk stun-J‘lmm urg strut.) AT-muxm' Aw .\‘umvmm POI! 'l'» A\D ‘i't-hs‘f-thil. Bounty lulu-l “Zur lhck—Tfny «Ihlwnalml (‘l.tims. uml all claims against Ihrllmwrnnuutxll\\':-sl|- I. D. (7.: HM).\ltlvricnnUlJitm in l'lnglnntl. [Warruntslm-ntml :In'i S‘llillJlr lmugltlmnd Ft primal gin-n. Age-me enng-d in lo_- F w-trmnld in lnwu. Illinois :nn.l otlur rn Sines [fiflpply to him Inersottally lHtPr. ‘l)ubttt‘g, Nov. 21, '33. t, AnJ. Cover, . “TURVEY .\‘l‘ l. \\\'.wtll promptly attend u Valli-Him“ .mtl .1!l utllvr hu~litlc~= l'll l in him. (Jilin! iu-Iwcon l“.t‘ltm-vxlmkw' l m -r k Liv/fink .\.llll‘tN. li:lilil]ll)l’l‘>il(‘l‘£ fuurg. PA: ‘ [St-pl. 3, Hill. Wm. A. Duncan, Lu! ‘ Ch: ltor ‘ OP6 1 mil. 1 Kr: n Plof dwel' Ge (‘Mu N info rim! pro! (‘om for 1 tutu VI le'ql l'Arr. I’lnlS -\ inwu Imml' hizh . anti" “‘P~ll ‘ ur‘b} ‘r.|~ v 51‘ I “_C'L‘ ,A' ‘A. TURKEY :\T L.\ \\'.—-Ullh n in the Nor!“- wv~l lul uur qut-nlu- .\‘n. '..|r\“ (in-ll) ~l»u_rg, [UL‘L I}. 1651’. 1“) Edward B. Euchlcr, TURKEY .\T LAW, m” inilhf'll”) and mmpuy [lend M nll husinr» O'llH‘lll-ll'd l. He spanks the Gwmnn lllllL’llHKi’s— In! the s-unv plurc, in .\‘nth Bahimhrc urnr Furuefp drug ~lure, and nearly to Dunnrr s Ziegler”: store. yuburgt, .\lurch '.’U. II In hn (Misc MI Ii U 0!. J. C. Neely, (HENRY .\T LVN. —l’.|rliruhr nt'pn. inn ‘l’.” my cdlwmm of I'A-n‘luns, [ nnol “‘H‘k-lun. [mic].- in tin; S. E. i nf HH‘AINJIIIDH'L what-z, 3.er G, 1:963. _lf v , Adams County g 1' Imm cunn ,Hv! "l‘l‘.\l. FINE INSURANCE(KHI’PANL— [ucprpora‘I’ed .\hnh [£5,185]. L ' (n‘rlCNHh. rilull—GL‘Ol’L’C Swnpe. rlfrmrllni—Jn‘. R. linsnll: ~ [fury—l}. .\. Ullcllll‘l’. ’l'rm urer—llxlvi‘] \l'CrL-er. I * _ Harp/in; Ummmflu—RMull". llcCurdy, Jacob \Kinz. “min-w Huintzol’mnn. ‘ . "7w [lrl--':t‘UI’Je’SXTUIII‘. U. .\. Hzlelxler. R. .\I dun y, J won. Kin'z. A. Heinlzvlmnn. D. \h- Orr-_ur). w R. u: l~d|‘”, .L 11. (lush. Sunnel INI I'rrv ,A, 130‘ .ui‘. H. (l. Fu’hm-slurk. Wm. B. \Vilmn. xiuuuz. Wm. l). \chlcllnn. John “'0!- 1) [Phi ”A L fur I" R. I} \lui Bren-n: JohuJ’ir kinz, .\lu-l 'l‘ Wrigh‘, Jnhn (‘u-minghum, Arum-l [-1 ”my Jame: I H. \|.n'sh‘\ll. .\L lfiicllulhergur. ml‘his Vumpnnyi“ limited in in: npern- Hou-x l the cuuuly 0!3 Adults. [1 hus lnrc-nnin puuces ful upemliuu Inr more‘ thnu :ix fears, nun] imthut period 1m: will -:||l lossesqmd 3;,“ pensefimv‘lhnulzny unrumenl, having nlso it large gun-plug capital in yhe Trens‘ury. The Com pany émploys no Agents—nil hnainrss twin! done I) ' the “an-mere, \rhonre annual]; alt-N -pd-h)‘ {he Stockholder-u .\ny,person desiring nu Ins rxlnce tum upply lo nny of the shove name-l \lamvze « Mrfurlher information. FQHNIC RxWive ()ummluee mee's at the office Bfthc Chi.- nuu' on the lust \Venluesdny in uvedy ynnnth, M 2, P. .\I. "' Sept: 27, 1858. ‘ Removals. HR nmlcrsimwdmeing the autlmrizcdporson to make remon. into Es”; (in-9n Come (erghbpes that such as contemplate the remornl offhe éemuins of deceased relatives or friends will m‘pil lhemt'rh'es of this demon oftheyenr to have it done. Removals panic with promptness —lernis lot, and no cfl’ort spurred toplease. ’ ' - . ‘ PETER THORX, -Magqh f 2, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. 3 t , r - g The, Great Discovery F iTkiE .-\GE.—lnflu.mmnwry and (‘hronic O Rheumatism can be cured by using H. L. )lILLER‘S CELEBRATED llll‘EUMA‘l‘lC .\IIX TL‘IH-I. Many prominent citizens of this, and the ndjniniug counties, halve testified to its great hlility. Its anchess in Rheumatic lEPC— kions, _hus beemhitherto unparalleled by “"3 nucifi‘c, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by nll druggids ling storehepera. Prepared only by n. L. MILLER, Whole‘snle ind Bamil Druggist. East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dulerin Drugs, Chemicals, , OH9, Vumiah, Spirits, Paints, Dye-slums, bot. ‘ lled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glue, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc., tcx 3A. Di Enabler! is the Agentjn Gettys ‘ burg {pr “ H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumnlic '.'hure." [June 3, 1861. If - L—v— “.~._ _1 , - > -.-‘ ' .The’Grocery Store N THE HILL-4TI» undenigned would 0 resfiwcmflly inform the citizens 01 Gettyg. bnmfigyicinity, that. he has taken the old “an on the Hill.” in Baltimore strwet, Get.- tysburg‘, where he intends to keep constantly omhaud All kinds of GRUCERIES—Sugurs, Cofiees, Syrups of all lands, Tobacco. Fish; gm, to” Earthenware of all kinds, Fruits, oils,md in fact. evexything usually found in u Grocery. Also, FLOUR & FEED of all klldl; all of which he intends to sell loyv as the low est” Country produce taken :11 exchange for nods and the higher: price zit/cu. He flatten gnu“: Lb“, by s:ricz unenlion and an honest desire to pleale, to merit a. share 0! public pn. nanny. {RY HUI. J. MwROWE. Feb. 33, 1863. if ‘ LOTHIXG Iv CLOTHING l—Plemy of.new goods jun. opened, Algae Beau, Shoes “ * k "#‘—" " ‘*—‘““*~,—"- \ Hula kc. & .“1 ch“ 3: BINKERHOFF’S CUCUIXBER P‘CKD‘ES. .I‘lnfge 10‘ Jun F°’ ? YR TbB’IAS' Celebs-um Derbv Condition “ind from “I“ ""féflggfifi‘g‘éffi‘ "D i’owden. fér Hones mild Cains, for-uh ‘§__-_ ---~___¥_________;;. ' arm. Hoaxsu's Drug Sun-e. F YOU WANT ‘ ‘ LL the but P-tent Medicine: cm J): Ind ‘ ._ GOODA ALI, PQBTEB st the new Funny but tad Prescription Brown Smut, 30.92) Ah, “3 Vilflrml at - ton of ' 0&8. HORNER. .- - 033181,“; ks. mswwm soomm smug!" n 7 732“” com! of the, 9-90“. chum“, 3: Dr. In young” Dxn; . l“: , 3. “an, ‘ a.“ {W‘Zgfi ”4%er ==oo Bv' 11. J. STABLE. 46th. Year- 1" PERSONAL I'RUI’ERTY.—On THURS DAY. the lllh of FEBRUARY next, the ruhscriher will sell M Public Snlv, n! his resi dence. in Tyrone township, Adams form", on the old Curlislc road. 2 miles from New Qhee ler'nml 6 miles from York Springs, the iollov inu l'ursmml Pmpnerlv, \iz: . - FIVE “E \I) ()F WHIIK HORSES, (two of which are Harri, with Cull,) n lluy .\larc Colt. ‘2 )exlrs olrl, 'J Yearling Colts, 7 head of Cattle, Hmong which..-nrc ll .\hlch Cown, heavy with um. I llrifcrs. hrnp with Calf, 2 half-:izrd “~‘ift‘l’s. 2 large "rec-ding Saws, with Fig, Three and Four-ho-se Narrow-tread Wnpun, Spring “'ngon. llny Curringes, llny ladders. 4i l'luughr and 2 llmrnws. as good an npv, n‘ lnrgc Cultivator, n Stun“ do.. Single rind Dou hlc Shovel Plonglmhthnn Forks. Lancaster, (luniu Drill, 2 One-horse Sloichs. llorae llnkc,. (‘rnging linx, Corn Shn-ller, Z Winnmving Milli“! .5 sets ol'llurso (learn, llnllvr nndCow Ctr 113,! Sprenrlrr, Single and Double Trees. Mn ovk,,’ Show-la: Forks. Balms. Grain and Cluverseed L‘rndlr‘s, 2 St-ylhus, .\luul xurd Well-grid. Rockn wny lluggv, Sprmd and 2 acts of “tll‘ll(ufi,l Urvtlmwlu (‘nok h‘mr‘e. Parlor Store, Corner Cul.bunrd,"l'nble, 2 Wood Chests, Srnlr, and f many other muck-p.lOO numeru-zz to martian.- ' Lei“ Snlc to_cnuuncnce M 10 o'clock, A. .\l ,I on salt] dd)", when mlendnnce will be given ' and terms math- known by ‘- SINGLETUN CIIRONISTER. ’ Loni: Walk“: ‘~neer.~ - 3 Jun. 11, 1:564. ta" ‘ .\' \IO.\'D.\Y k Tl'l-ZSD.\Y, the Slhnnd 91h 0 dnyd of FEMRI' \llY next. lhesubzcnlu-r will it“ A! l’uhiic $110.5: his residence, in‘ Muunlplmsunl‘ llm'u‘lllp, Adams rou'nlj'L on 1 llw’ my! hauling frmu “0") Jung 1:; Unnuvvrf. mi 1“ In) hex“ 1:1 .1 B-muughluu‘n and! .\lrShcr-v' Ipm“ 11, llu- lullouing Personal Property, \iLI! 2 HEAD OF \\‘UliK HORSES, l Two-lmrse] Wagon, (nearly nru .y English 82-], Stone Huh; hpxing \\'ngun. "Ur-e Gear: and Carriage ‘ llaruczs, Threshing \l'u-hinn, now Winnowing‘ SlilH‘nuing an'.~l'lnu-,rhs nml ”arrows, Shovel l’luughs. (Turn Forks, wi'd‘l mhcr farming Mom I :Ild. A In! of ('Jrgmntcr 'l‘uols, and a 1 lnrgd mviv'y (.r STUI‘J'I GOODS, mnhraciug Clofllé.‘ ('zl~~iln4‘rr§l. C‘|.~~jll"l. Vestings, “um and (,‘ups. Hunts and Show, Ih~.r-I.\-nmde ('loxhing ; (‘nli- . rum, (iiughmns, )ludins, Aux; Barrels, Boxes, ? and Hum)“ nlhcr nrli. IN. 1 Vm‘“ >111!- lu commence at 10 o'4 lack, A. “.2 on suitl days, when mien-lung: will‘he giVen and terms nude know: by ‘ ' ‘ '[TH I'EIEHWAL PROPERTY—4)" \‘ \\ mnEsnAY, nu- mm 0! FEBRUARY m-xr, ”lesllllx-l'ril I‘LWI” ufl‘er xn. Pubiic Sniemn thv |-nmi<cs. his PM“! situate in Hamilton h.nn tonuship. .\d.un< I'Olllll}, adjoining hands m Junw's Honnidaun, J ”[l9B )I-Irshull .m-Ilolii .-r.-, runlaininz llu ACH‘S, more or [243. of llu: \flr} incstuf Limestone Land. Any quantity of l-xncslonc run he (lqurit-d on the place. The imwnvonwma are n Tu‘mstury House, ll Barn, :m cxccllcnl Orchard, with u splendid Spring, not mbe surpassed. There are 7 fields, will: watt-r in each. A tract 0! uhaut 30 :u‘tefi ml juiuinz this firm mu recently sold at. $lO9 per ucre’. Al the snnw lime nml. place will he ofi'c-red, 4 Hunt-s. 2 Vow. 2 Heifers, Narrow-tread Wu gun, 2 Thhluug .\lnchinm, 2 “'in Mills. ‘l. (‘urn Snellc‘rs, Culling Box, Grain Dri'l,’ l’luughs nnd Himuws, Horse Gears. Gui-n (‘rudln ”mph; the ton. Log Chfim, Hum-r & (‘ow Clmins; 2 Stores, 2 Clocks, i Wul:h.nml u \‘nnely uf oil-ct nrlicl‘rs too numerous to mention. “' “ . SJIL‘ to commence at 10 c'clock,lA. 3'" on will day, when am-ndnnce will be given an terms mule known by 1 January 25, 1864. ts \ > , :-- 1864 For the Frmt, ‘ 1864 L‘LIHVER AND KITCHEN GARDEN. THIS I I} .1]? I)! EJ’EH’S All) A'TILL Y, W. G, P. Bnmcmiox. fiublishefi, . Ufiiro: 2:;Korlh Sixth Street, Phnla'denphin ”Terms; SI 50 In Year. ‘ '. . EDITED BY moms MEEHAN. ‘ ' The Monthly Cnments are: ’1 Ilium—Hum r Garden and Pleasure Gronmfs Fruit (PurdanYQL-thble Garden; Window Gar deniuw. Lommuniciitions—Emhmping the Views of the host writers on Horticulture, Arborficul lure. und Rural Affairs. ~ I-Idimrinlrfiiviug the Editor’s views on tine imnurtnm Hortirulluml improvements. Scraps nnd Qllcrifl—New Fruits—New Plants—Domestic and Foreign intelligence— Foreigu Uorrespondenee—fiurticulmml No tices. ‘ ‘ J With such Depnrunenb handsomely illustra lwl. ‘ These general features will) be retained. and the publisher pledges himself thnl. no labor or expensv shull be spared to render the succeed ing issues 'of the .\lflgnling every way worthy of the lam: with which his ymioun‘eflbru lim‘e been Illlpb‘ rewarded, January 25, 1884. . 1 84 j A First @lB3B ‘ 1864 ARMER‘S MAGAZINE for Pennsylvania. . Tu: Pxxxauniu FABXEB AA'D GARDEQ’ER, Agriculture, ( - Horticulture, . n d Rural Xlniri. ' ' Edited Ind Furnished by .52 Karl: Sixth SlreeNhilndelphia. when“: One Dollar «1 Year. ‘ l The six“; Vplume commences with January numbe’r. . : Hurhgobtfimed the serricen of eminent-and practitifl Agriculturists, Horticulturist; Stock Breeders and Bee Keepers, we confidently ofl‘er the Current Volume a! one of the but ever issued, lo: originality, practical though‘ and reliable information. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. Jflluury 25, 1864. ExcsLsmm -_._ "“ EXCELSIORH . axonsmkm The Excelsiox Walling Inching 1! flu but in the World. Can and examine n u once.— office It. the Excel-iot- Sky-“gm Gina-y. TYSvN momma. AL OIL—M- , 7 DR. 3. mama's Drag Sum. Mk manner; BITTERS. or me questead To‘nic, at. Dr. R. HORNER‘S mg Start. , Z=l==l , ,:_.> A ©EM©©RATU© AND FAMHLV S©URNAL Vendue Public Sale. 33:03 GOSM'AX 25, 18411. Farm for Sale, Joux mum SEND FOIL A SPECIMEN unvoru’i’o WM. 5. mum a: co =I GETTYSBURG, PA” MONDAY, FEE. 8,1864“ f‘ @311; @1152. 730‘ TE! EVIDAY lIBCK'IV. on: non 'rnn_z_n_e_l_l or lonuuzn Tlfllfi. Ea ' (urn noon.) Oh, formic men of former time! Oh, {Gr the power lhnt nerv'd them When arm’d fur Right, they stood *ublime, .Jc Abdjuiers fear’d and se'r'd them,- ' Eben, pure and good, ere hate began, ' ,Aud envy to inflame him, Oh. liow much better then we: than Thin those who now l 0 shame him! 01:, lur the men of former time, Oh, for the power that nerv'd lhjm; “'hcu arm'd for Right. they need üblime, And rulers fenr‘d and serv’d them. ‘ I, Oh, for the worth that flourished thell! ‘ ph, fur the polnp that crown'd it! ’ f 4 When, hurt: and hands of free-born min * Were all the rampnrts round it! ! ‘ “'benfsnfe built, on bosonls true, ‘ The “ throne " was but the centre, Round whi‘ch lore a circle drew, -Thut treason dum not enter: a ~ ’ oh, fhr the worth that flanish'd then I ph, for the pomp that ’crown’d it! l “'hen hearts nnd bands of free-ham men I , “'t-re all the rumpuns round it. flimllamufi. DEL‘USIVE PROSPERITY AND THE COMING CRASH. Mr. ML-Culloch. the.Complroller of the Cur’rency, by .{sddrmsed to Ihe ofliwrs of the new national banks a. cr‘sulionury circu lur in relulit’m to the management of their institutions, from which we punch theSe trun :m'xl timely remarks: » ' 1 Eur CLnJl'lnlly in mind. n{//mugll the loyal ' slates apfwur .rujzetfiriul/tr to [lt in a prosperous emu/£15014. that ENC/t is not theft/ct. That while lhe'gnrmnment is engaged in the suppres lsiownfu rebellinn af'unexampletl fievceness .nml mngmtude. and is cnnsmnlly draining . the muntry of its 'lahgring and producing .popnlatio'n. anll diverting its mechanical ‘inrlustry from works of permanent value ytn the construction of implements of War fu‘re; while cities are clowded. and the i cunnlry is to he the same extent. depleted. Z antl “ante and extrmugmu-e prevail as they ‘ never helm-e prevailed in the United Stuter. 1‘ the nation. Whatever may helthe external ‘ irnhrnlinns, is not prospering: . , 'The war in whlclrwe are invnlved in’ a stern necessiti'. nhd must be‘prosecuted {or the preseryalion of the gnvvrnmem. no nutterflhnt mnv be its cost; but the country will un‘quatinnabbz be Ihé‘pnarer oven; day {(1.9 mnh'uwd. ’l‘ho‘ seemxng prmperity oi the loyal states is owing mmnly to the lnrfiq kpenditnrcs of the government" and the ”burglary: Purreucv which these expendi ‘gures seem, to rendPr nécPs-zury. i i Keep these has constantly in mind, and ‘mnnage the" afl'uirs of your respective banks { 'witlh a perfect conucioucnoss that the appa :lren prosperity Qf Ilae' country will be prover] ‘ obe unrral when the war closes, if not before.- 4 and be prepared, by careful management. 1;! the trust committed to you. to help to [save the nation from nfimnci’al collupu,’in . stead of lending your influence to make it I more certain and more severe. { “Ii showed yesterdny‘ that the vaunted rprohperity of the country is false and hol ‘ low; that. while speculators and army con trnctors are acquiring sudden wealth; the i great body at the people are etinted in the } common necessaries uflit'e. We are glad to see this disagreeable truth m honestly ad mitted by at government utficial whose posi f ti‘p_n should make him an ’authn’rity on i questions of this ‘clau. There wu nev er a. period “when cention. eircumspection. and close management were so much need ed,in bueiness men as at a time when the country is borne on istrong current toward i'commereinl chnos. ‘ ' ‘ . “When the war is closed. film! before," ’l'saye the Comptroller bf the Currency, this delusivo show of prosperity will be proved !uni~eal. Passing over the admonitory “if f not betel-e,” itis easy to see whythe return 30f peace will be a period of fearful trial— , the more fearfbl the longer peace in deferr ed. We. must then _rethm (or at least be~ l gin to make ready to return) to specie pey : menta. But theemnt, of taxes will not l (liminieh with the amount of the currency. l “'5 are q’oi. levying mics en‘ough ndw to pay the interest on our pram debt and ‘ ? mii‘ntain shéh 9 peace establishment as 1 3mm be necessary won the war to elone to- \ day. 'l‘he inurest “on the debtawill not be 1 paid at a.lower rate; the debt (self. instill l destined- to a large increase. When the l war closes the taxes will be doable what ‘ I they are now, and nloney not half so abun- 1 Hunt. 3 If we reach the clone of the war without acraeh, the pressure will tlrlt fall with ter rible neverity on‘the laboring change. The ‘ diebanding of the army will overstock the labor market; the stoppage of the manufac ture of army nppliee will throw still anoth er Irmy of laborers“out of employment. The means of living will be upon-i", em ployment pxpearious, and money’ scarce. Busine- will be curtailed by the contrac } tion of iihrkets eonsequent on poverty and enforceg idleness. The whole debtor elm will be ruined by inability to meet their en gagements. in tbe'genernl scarcity of money. Things are already tending to such a com-_ bustihle state that the least spark will cause an explosion. ’ The dnnger that a commercial crim win come before the close ofthe wnr results from the cenéimy with which this mm of things can be {omega by than who stand It the head-water: 6! business Ind regulate thg volgme or the stream._ Those who lupply commoditiu It int thud. whether W ten or mum Windham:- lznc hon of the m‘uket und 0! the currency, r s'fife" .‘ warty, . mv‘vrm K 1’» h " “nut: 18 man" An 111.1. "37411.." will ban] in nails. They will diminish their business, refuse to give credits; andinempt to collect their dues. Banks,'for the same reason, will contract their'discounls and re fuse accommodation. Some houses will fail ; pnnicw ill set. In; and then at vyhole fabric of trade will tumble like a ouso nf cards. ‘ ' [From the National Intelligencerj ~7 PERMANENT CONFIBCATIOfi. We have recently directed the attention of our readers to the issue that has ”been made in the present Congress and else where for the purpose of over-riding the terms of_the confiscation act, as passed by the last Congress and approved by the President. It is known that." the existing act‘ was accompanied by an explanatory resolution, adopted at the instance of the President. and in conformity with his con stitutional opinions, declaring that in pro ceedings under the act no confiscation of real estate should extend beyond the life of ' the person convicted of treason. Such was the construction ‘which the President. supported'by the highest author ity in the lurid, gave the clause of the Con stitution which enjoins that "Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason; but. no art‘ainiler of treason shall w'ork ‘corruption of blood or forfeiture ea:- cept during the life of (In: person audacity} It is.safo to say that there were not two opinions in this country upon the meaning ofth'is clause solong as its interpretation was left to depend uponthe unbiassed con struction'and interpretation of its language. But when! the minds of men‘cnin'e to con sider it under the stress of cc-‘rtuin wishes to do‘what the plain ternrs of the clause did E not allow, a resort ‘was had to “constructioii constiued”_ for the purpose of extorting from it the desired signification. It is not the first time thirt the Constitution has‘ been suhiected to the rack and the thumb screiyfbut we have never' witnessed an in stancejn which the -vinlence done to its terms and spirit was.applied with less dis cretion or redson. , , ’ Disregarding ahke the plain letter of the Constitution. the known scrnples of tho Prflsiilent, the declareilweiglit ofiiuthority,‘ the ndmonitiuns ol history, the impulses pf natural 'jtfllllte, and the most obvious! coiiaiileratiniis of public expediom'y. thel mlvnt‘atus of this change in the policy ofl r‘ the confiscation not seek to impress on the: “A state with niile li'llllls of it's popula- ;l"1—'l"l"l‘°" 0‘10““ CORD“? [Hitler this head! tion disloyal :iiid t'xulud-‘ll iron] the ranks '3 chat-actor in" ”"09"." "l”‘T‘l' ”five" “58' of its political iii-epic, evideiiilv could not WOrst traditions of despotic Cu.ii'ei'iiirient‘iiii sustain ltsclfnnd.‘ loC‘l‘laT'iZF 3“ llrti}:~r “ml: ibu‘lifilrrituizigifhm 80 ml“, with ”mu m. of'» i ‘ s stilt . t e nlon. wou ‘ g . :1": 3, {:9 held 1;: and nursed by the gov- irovenge that, in meeting out punishment to: Erlllnt‘nl. [UNI tlmx‘xrvuhl 6r openenl‘lhf door 10 , iFl‘llor-‘f ‘tpycseem.m forest net lonly vyhitt I WWI ‘1'”""""' (“2" '°""""""‘ 77‘5'1‘13’ “if; 3 3.13353: 5..53i1i2‘.’."”0'.'.4 i'ii.ii’i.l:s;‘;7..i‘fi€l (In! It? “we 8 'mi-NI, (‘t'eii Hi i l. . ' _ Y rep‘riesentnliiiis ill. Cnngriu-s p'oiild te \"irtu- land on H‘? 5W1"?! "‘3 “5'9 “ll";e‘w“ "P 0“ l ally nonnncei of the “illnvllllfillzll%ll, ninl lthe attention 0 Urngrest an: Lie country, I the cnngrrs-vionnl districts would‘lie only in the hOl’t‘. W 6 SUPPOSP.‘ llmthfew lyill hnl m "W" W"? him-”h" ““i’ie‘l-‘rl’ioh'ii‘i l3sifl£§ii§§"§i’gfn§° i'iii.ii3“ii..'iq‘i§iil'i' nve- eiit. . 4: e 0 ion won t u .‘ . . , ‘ ' lie hurl-m anlde: ivith here and there an Ithareh "id "01““. If meeswlly d',';¢¢ledi_ indiiiidiial eth‘pllOll,=llle lllf'n who would .“L-'*'“*.‘ "the enemies oftho c0“""Y-_ 'l trike the oath and be "Hmwd ‘0 voter ”09k! l :l‘liere ran class of men who hltbltllllly) heihe weakest and least energetic portion ‘mlfllflke Vlolence.hforce. and passion, for; of the population“ 71¢ portion rift/:5 Sour/in." ienrnestnrss. or w 9 suppose that the pet», pimple w/m liiii'iz Hid most flhl'facl'r £1"!!!er me ; l'l" 93“““":llscnmmal8 bftWePn the "int l” but filled to govern um" look llf’r’l' (lie rult‘rulsif . off‘inyulty and the genuine sentimental-I the state 01', (It! China are precisely those Islam “H’s {"s“}de by thitz’cluss lhnt “'9? occuiiy‘ would beercluilnlliyllieteilout/i. 'l‘lieinnionty 'fl 003 an Ol‘Vflfllfigfi It they can tnlre any . of the vo§ei~s Would be competed of gnvorn- |POF'Hfm “3'o“ Dre“ lb?" '"A’tgomml “"‘l merit employees. adventurers from. alien‘s" ”-0 “I'"me Sizzling}; 'll’V ink for ten-I states. With very little honesty or princrple » "“053 “at”; 8h"; “if. a e shofuld bak of any sort, and without any perinsrient 120"]; i In t 1;. hie species o more . interest inthe state or 'connoction With it. 430"“ _‘c‘; “P 0“: m ”“9!“ men depend Here i: a gm: consideration; * 32:12:93? 0 NCO?“ than as prevalent \Ve cannot understand why one Union We "‘1" ”mt '9 may “9'" live to see man in South Carolina. Tennessee or Lonia- "13 day "he" "9 Shlll lack the courage to iana should count for ten in Massachusetts, “Sim“ our hon-0“ “Pinion! Wine of the I New York, or Pennsylvanian. We kiio‘per'i‘o igadtl'ixr‘po'hhfiileix £1303: ghasliingliflgoig I - ' s ave an _ _ _ . _ . hlfisotghivlzy (lileeygreiift?! the overwylielniin;l "11-,h'" the ”"89 Pl the" ““1“?“ capacities E majority of the population arein rebellion; it” fluurfirUSILTPSPe’i‘flOQW: mint“?| ‘But that majority are politically dead. in", 0“ .8 n - _u. In ru , .e 77.”. do nolcwm 1/1,," a” bamq/‘rcprucntatwn. present case II not one in which there in! Abstract than fmm the who]: populutwiigwcnzby 1'00!!! for any 800 g to“ of courage or con-i W””“°- "W a”; W l1mg::i:::.’..'.:::°::::::»:.ii:iiii a: the mirmntatii-e ii'ati'on. ou cannn , . _ . do tliahlegally 2 'l‘i’i'iepiitate is the state, and F‘_9“"§"'°J|h°.ms°|"' 1:91: ”‘9'“99'olo'; Of“ ‘ynu mini coring it, when; papulnhoa or 3:22er “:Ilzt‘fizeetont; 'e enemy. ill-19y ‘ none?" Then do you not see the grossine- a. 9 .'d i] l Ed)“ 15m o,f if nown_ quality and absurdity of pretending that "9‘". In 9° or P 010! Ql- 6 PFEII-l they are‘States inthe Union. with all their def); d b h 8 . federal rights unimpaired? ilforeovtr. “6 1: 5.", code .0“ H‘l _eneral_Jefl‘er-I Union mew-”of the eleven ’(Cttft‘fl slates are not s°“ 4"" 3‘" if“ conduction d‘fflm the; elm-m oldie United SLrtes. They an: enema ”“5“!" °fi '3'“sz “d “menu“ 95'” “my are declared to be '0 by the Supreme Court tiscation acts by the Congress ofthe United in the Hiawatha axis and have bltnsince (It! 1315 5919" 009' any one doubt that they tzf July, 1861. and their territory is enemy’s Y'“l‘ll.'°§?“"'.‘° $96“; movement made] Wrritory. otherwiw the President could ('2 ‘"‘ “echo" 1' neeany o'lo doubt! hever have placed it under military gOVern- it' “a?!” necessary—we :01?“ 5;! the de ors or blockaded the southern per-ti. the 'P’K“ ‘cfmeqaflfmp a s‘": measures Supreme Court have decided that the war 3;} ‘10??? ”P _ 0" film hgnl t: furnish at we nrecarryrngonisnotasimplepnrngnins-tJ res “:1 alwlm o'e'lf w 1c in‘ do .walningi insurgent'individuals, buta territorial CIVII ‘ltreng 0 l “3‘ ”"0 . may ”a fleet to‘ her. which makes every man, woman and a" “'de‘wm“ ‘3 the "9* ofinnurging the l child in the rebellious territory an enemy. ~ "ill?” masses? . I The interdict must‘fbe removed from this W‘nile, therefore, “'9 {‘o’ "0‘ .Impugn "I"; territory before these Union men cease to motives of any who myudiciously prmi be enemies, and that cannot (ll removed :0 km; "W "New. measures: we do charge that l is the law of Congress of the -13tli “Jug,“ all-och minus If. directly anxrliary to] 1861, renxins uiirepealed, and the great , “1; "933°?“ ° rumor? ofthe "15311281313 majority estill hostile, wit/mum grad abuse ‘3" ,003_ N 3. 800;. mg to their kin i of awnfirepower. We do not know that even 1"“! '" the" "Wif" "WHY.” the ”5001'- theiie Union men in the seceded ~Staten are 9“? 9“ 9:133)! ‘SATSEILQWPSEO ward!“ l gny_bettor than. the Union men inglhe or-r i an; c. 3333. for whatever selvuelrigyi of Rigid: fh‘g‘lziliiitftlrsntgigi “Kidd fgygosilieciili‘lflirh‘e; ! tron tends. to accumulate and intensity the more. mew a tease "12331??.fn2li;“15’221‘2§22i§i°"l‘f;,'li’:3;‘.‘ presentation and an electoral vote . s lipsjust so much “aid End conlifort” given 6 the leaders of the rebellion. Tha country will ultimately recover. but it will rise like: fallen mun groaning under a heavy load. The immensily of the na ‘tionnl debt. and thecbnsequcnt weight of fixation, 32 well as n more universal un »llingemenc and Frustration. will mike recu lperation much slower and more difficult ‘tlmn it msknfter the great. financial crushes bf’37 and ’57. ~ But what are the Abolitioniétg doing to break the full and nllevinte inevitable mlum‘ ity? How will their policy affect the energie‘s and resources on which we must rely, for recovery? These Abolitiouisls are deliber ately trying to render the great section for fihich we are fighting of no value when re gained. It is their purpose to derange and ~upiiet. its whole Ts‘ystem cf industry. The, years of feeluleneiiis and disorder incident to_ euch an overturning and the building u‘p of a new system. nrti the very years ‘whon ,we shall most need the assistance of the South in. bearing the common burdens. When the war ends. it is for our interest that tho South should be in a condition to help us pay taxes; that its industry should at once revive; that. ill exports at once help our exchanges and ease the. return to specie payments. But the country is so given over {0 fanaticism that only the discipline of aufl‘ering is likely to restore it tovreaan. L_.‘\'. 11'. World. 3 H‘The absurdity of the President's p an for the “re-establiihmonv." of States is Well expoued by one of the most. Radical of Re. puhlicuns7—Dr. ISI-nvunnn—in the January number of his Quarlvrv'g/ Rrvino. HVI-‘ly candid in'md must aéxe‘: with him when he IBM A Romantic Sam—A romantic incident occurred in Allegheny county. N. Y., a. short time linee. A couple were married. The bride was. benutiiul—eyel like the nmf find all that. The husband was pntriotlc; he enlisted—went to war. A libertine from Chnhuque county I“ the beautiful wife, nought her moiety, end opp-randy wan her confidence. He gave her Len $5O greenbacks to make the nooelsnry ir rangements. (Must have been a evntractor or else very “loyal.”) This Ihe weepted. 'The hour was net. The villain went to his hotel to emoko the tardy hours away, when the following tender noie was put imo bin hand)! “MR. ——l.‘.' I have to inform~you ll’mt ‘circumstancex beyond my control’ will prevent. me from fulfilling my engagement, to elope with you to-night. [expect my husband home on furlough soon. to spend Chrintmu and New Year’s. when we shall enjoy a hearty laugh at your discomfituxe. Meanwhile-,1 will keep your money as A Christmns present. for him. and when this cruel war is over. it will come handy tons ei-t him to stun. in business. Your: fiends-Ivy; 0.1. N." Hora! ‘ "Bevan of‘the vidaewkpafiic uhrly “war .viJowa." CEZZGI 1=I:=1 13= WORDS OP TRUTH The Harrhburg Um'onco mences an able article headed the "Mentlgcity of the-21%- publicuu Press" with this truthful party graph : . Beginning with the presidential campaign in [B6O, and continuing ever lince. the Re publimn pres has syuematiceliy falsified the issues before the’oountry. maligned the Democratic petty. and with a mass of var b age and pretended patriotism, covered up thetrreal designs and pretensions. Previous to the election! held during the put three years. they falsely accused the Democracy of being in favor of secession end a disrup tion of the Federal Union. and mogated to themselves the honor of belng the only true friend: of the Union and the Constitu tion but now. rince they have accumulated a large army. and grown, a: they appear to think. too strong to be resisted in anything they undertake. they openly throw off the mask, deride the Constitution. openly vio late the lam made in nnuance o! it, and declare their unnlternbl; opposition to the Union is it was. They no longer cover themaelves with thoagis of the Constitution nor bear nioit the flag of the Union. but defiantly mine the bloody {1 lg of despotism, end “159? th everything to the knaticnl one film of tho abollnhlilont of slavery. i ‘l‘ $l2 it , I . 'rwo DOLLARS ALYEAR WHAT THE GERHANB THINK OF EE! It is a settled fact that the Radical Re- ; publican Germans are apposed to Mr. Lin coln. The “ German American Monot shefte," recently eatablished at Chicago. by Casfier Butz. in influential Germsn citisen and Abolitityr politicidn. declara; that the fiepuhlicsn party of Missouri is done- with I Mr. Lincoln forever. and thus draws his portrait: _ I I “After tiniest-s of s bloody. murderous wsr. while streams of blood are lining spill- I ed unnecemsrily, while the nation (that is ‘the penple who sent their sons to the field of battle.) wslk in mourning. and ‘while only contractors. speculators, and A certain ‘ class of traders pile up riches. Lincolnecon tinues telling us his stories. and mu actor Hackett to produce; Faistafl‘ befoae him." The favorite of the Radicals seems to be Fremont, though they would not ohieot to Chase. The “westliche Post,” to concen trate the opposition of the Ethical Ger mans Against Lincoln. proposeslholding s Convention to give a united expression of their views.‘ All is not concord in the Ah- I olition honsehold,nnd it is not the _‘Mgppy l family"-that it unrepresented lip be. Mr. E Lincoln is in a sea of trouble. and will ' foundert in fact, we see no other prospect I for him than that he must inevitably go j under. Thus is it ever: "The wu‘ylof the'l transgresmr is hard." - ' ‘ I l The Hermsrs of the Fast and those ofthe West seem to be harmonious and Ideter‘min- I 'ed in their hostility to “Father AlbrahnmJ' ! The Boston German Organisation Society.l has published a lengthy‘review ol‘ Mr. Lin- I coln's administration. calling him a “com mon ‘politicisn, without principles, ideas,_‘ insight or enorgyrwhr; always encouraged the rebels, while he Tscouragedtrind crip- l 'pled theloyal people.’ It'condemns agvere- , iy Mr. Lincoln's.“{pnrtiaiity for the criminal | rebels,” his amnet'ty proclamation, and . says “it would be downright indirect ln‘ensnn.l to give the reins such to a man, again, at-i such times as them.” 'l‘h'g mldreai the-n pm- I coeds to argue what manner of man is re. 9 quired' by the future—“a man of hhnrncter, 'I courflge and decidodncs~"—.-nn’d finally . .nnmes this man M John C. Fremont. The I Society accordingly declares its preference I foi- Fremont as the next President, nndl calls on till the German Organisation Socie- I tics so to declare themselves likewise, and ' to work smonget the Radical Americans in this' direction. so that Fr‘emont may be nominated by the National Convention “as the csndida‘g of the ircedom loving people.” - 1 The Germans have msde uri their minds to try the “woolly horse" again}: and in I View of the blind submission they have ‘ thus [far given to all the decrees of Ahoii- I txonism. it is nothing more than fair that! they should hove s voice. in the choice of ' their next muter ; but we, who hsieknown Fremont from his boyhood, can assure them that he is not the man whnlosn ever he to themm "Pathlintler.”-—Walling!“ Lonslitulional Union. ‘ , r From :Ee Pimburg Post». HOW IT IS WORKING: Preeident Lincolti'l modevfof bringing the rebellious States back into the Union, by permitting “one-tenth" of the voters in each to constitute the State. is an,‘ admira ble dodge to mourn his ref-election} provid ed‘ it euweede. Already email hand: of ad ven'turen end otficeaeekerl in hrknnsu and Louisiana. are making errangeinente to bring them heel: into the Union. in pun-n -ance of the Pruident’o plan: and by the time for holding the next. l’revidentiel elec tion We will. doubtlen. hire lever-n 1 other of the rebellious Stem, under the protec tion of our armies, casting their full elec talel mm for the reelection of Iftho prol ent Preeidentinl incumbent. This, altho' it wouldmot rental-e the Union, would give Abolitioniun I new lease of pewter, which in all that it in designed to do. But therein danger upprehende'd that this “one-tenth" doctrine. aided by Federal bayonet will not he nubmitted to. The idea ‘ 'the Preeident using the army to carry electoral votel. enough to keep hitnuelf in power, is rather too “Frenchy” tube submitted to by our people. A correspondent in Frank fort. the capital of Kentucky. alluding to the feeling in the: State upon thi‘l subject, rerunrkl thet the lentitnent in the State of Kentucky in nlmost unanimous in opposi tion tthe despot at Washington. and if, in the next election, the conservative candidate for the Presidency ehould be. defeated, and it should appear that hie defeat bud been gained only'hy the intervention of the military power, Kentucky would not hesitate one mo ment to take up um Igaiut the un urper. q ‘ Let it not 'be understood thnt _the mere ect of taking up arms in defence of be: right! in synonymous with joining her for tunes of the “baotard Confederacy," for mu Ihe will m‘m do, but nherwill stand by the Union and the CouuiM-hn. and “if mad neu and folly, or blind ambition. shell hand: at or teer it, she will stretch forth he: mm with whatever of vigor she may still retain, over the friends that gather around it. end {all at last, if fell ahe‘mnst. amid the proudest monument. of her own glory, end in defence of the heritage of her fathers. And, let me ask. what. more wag. thy example could pouibly be laid down, end, if followed by all the lovers of liberty in the North, what more glorious than the malt. thnt would. inevitalily follow." mile Portland Prat is indignnm A! the propoaition to nob-age Neal Dan for the thifleen piano- be I: alleged to hu‘a sent homo from New Urlenu. f." 4 r,""'" "in xiii '6! ufifixbfi.» TIM” sixth plan! in tho pl'ufoitfi‘olTl-fo Republican ”Adopted 1‘ Chicago in 1860. “the ‘ime or the nomination of Kr. Kincoln for the Pruidong.~was u fob km: ‘5; ‘ CM = “Tho pooplo MI! View villi Alarm the mklul utm- ea which pervade. evo rz dowlwflfio Federal Government ; h t Inleturfi Mfigid economv and nooounl- 4 übility is indhpamiblo to arm; the uysm mnic plmidor of the public Lrafiury by TA vored puthm; while the. recent startling dovelo menu of fraud: and corruption: at the g‘edanl metropolm show that an en tire chlnnof “ministration is impenfivol] demanded." . mum: .Ir.' If there were my who imagined thotkthe. framers of this indictment would on cumin? into power themselves. practice riéia'eboi may end prevent systematic plunder ofihe ‘ treuury. the ideg, we dare say, has ions ' since been ob nfioned. Never in the eli tire history ofihe Government. Bee oorf'np tion been so univeml in the public ofl‘iccs. . With emu in the executive choir whore honesty In one ofthe chie'fest recommen— detionsJudging from the psi-severence'wlih which this quality has kefit before the peo ple. the country hes witnessed developments of crime in high places which shock and outrage the mom! sense of the whole civil izedworld. The Presirlnnt‘and thi‘ princi— {ml membe'rsof the ammo: still Warn 3' characters of pvrunul promty ; ynt Mr {"115 erol has been the n ign oi (-Qirui Hot. at the Federal Cztpitni. we Minuet ill-Lu] that the next evidence 9f ofligmi Villainy [my in who even the most trusted of our publié ‘ servsnts. Thehcoounts wpulc} seem to «how that on atmosphere pervades Wan' l ington lsden with temptstions ofafl (lescnp tions, to inhale which éis'fntcl to every vi!-n tuous sud correct impulse. Dishonesty up. pests to have summed.“ epidemic foam It the Netionsl Capitol, and pestilence itselfie not more insidious in breathing its horrid and corroding toints. This vicious contagiq ou benumbs the conscience and dealer:- all upright instincts of the henrt. Knitter]. 'rules triumphan‘tmnd when. through ith au— ‘dacio‘us boldness, it' is ihumtml in the very ieyes of the cnmhiunity, it is astonished nt‘ f astonishment, since rmcnlity is all the Insh {iom 'Almost every day exhumes spine now :felony, and the shameless profligugy that fsupa the fountains at the Fenlemi‘metmnn. “in, is distilled .thr-l'rgh every ramification lof the public service. I There are no words in which to filly com ‘ ment on the enormous statistics of nmdui fem-ruption that nnmruns riot through tlz ‘ ilnnd. It‘ is appalling. that. to the bony ' burdens impascd upon the people at such 5' - ‘time u this—s timo ceiling tor the most fnlgnl. if not cloac mnnsgemcrlt—ahould b 0 added th': monstrous impmitions extortedt from the patriotism of the ronntzwhy the ' hyenns who are pairing up riches u-oui Hm I grave of buried honor. There must, he rem iedies for these heinous evils, and they ouzht to he npplml inxthe mast searching, 'rmlicnl and eflicwni manner. No. 19_ Thn Senate. in the person of Hula. “In Ilouw, the Treasury Deynrtml-n! ih all its“ bureaus. and extending to ovary cumm' house and every special ngepéy in the "3,: lion, all stink ofcorruption and lhvftr‘nnfl' very soon lht| question will be, not who ls',‘ dishonest by worthy ofthe ponitcniinry, but who of than: 3111': hogan f—St. bruit chub licau. . PAYMENT OF SOLDIERS !n the l‘nderal Hodge of lteprssenwiven," on the filth. when thg Naval Approp'rlutlén hill mu. under cnnsill‘emtlon, Mr. Allen, or: Illinois. (Democrat) offered an uméndtn'e'ht ' to pay the soldiers in gdld or in eqlll‘fllcl”. ' for thy yenbou that nape; mnm-v had debrd- ' ciuted one-third,“whilo all articles nfctmi” mmption had increasedin price; Mr. Hu‘wéiid I and BIT..ADIOB Myer-i, ofthic Hinténpphaul ‘ the amendment, and it was, ofwurse, reje'o md by the “loyal." majority, whose rympy thyfnr the soldiers and cuiloh comiatfl dnly ' inivo‘rds. The “loyal” [dais nnwtaken lhe’ - ground thuL Mr. Allen's amendment wan, “an alkyd to depreciate tho (‘UIITHIjHH-r: Such are the miserable shifts to Whigh 35g: Aliolitioni-u resort to avoid moo in“ the}. question fairly. When, some months. "30", the {Reposition “"413 "Lula to [my tlw Prl‘l‘i' dent'u salary in gal-l, it was all right—(liq; “loyal” party then discovermlno ibglgn in I it {b "depreciate lhp gu'rmncyW-l'ut how, when it is proposed to 1“." tlp- I'llhliorfl‘ “#l.” sailorsthe full amount the ltuv lle-x, w thereil "(Hui/um 33‘ and the “it “.1" ”In" turn! up it: [10:0 uml aims {ugh !_7 S 9 Ll,“ . soldiers and sailors lull“! lose one t‘mrdml‘ . their pay to gratify thynllyffl—Pulliirl' if Um. . ‘ ' .2 ' In= a fi'l‘he A'arthumbdmd'Couglth-014-aan, bu lgain Appeared, us good Icahnltwm‘ u vigorouq u eve‘p The editor. Mn, WITH-q (may a promiuem. member of the Legule—‘g tuna) says: .. _ . 1 "Iflnw nfro'pg Loyal Lnnngrs in I‘Hfiif gone by, and ir brute- force! hum-Ih.- r9119] r 53 mobs, at Iha infligntion bfllmnkm-Ih. unld’i' bg the order of the,day..lhc DpW‘ymd party are prepared for Hm immeuo‘ 4:551! defrm-e m the destruction (V prowxlf‘fi‘ff' property, or even life fnr lew ‘ 0.114%; eVer been the advnrutns of hliv’nm3'orde., and the Drmncrntiv‘ party cah‘nM M’HOM" ronpnnnible (or! anarchy if do’r’ced'cu'puu' them.” , .1: . ‘J‘IHJJA‘I’M” MulignantDaeau.-A mafignnn L $3.13!“; diwasc.ulyled by some‘f‘blfick 'revé‘xjffix‘igw". prevails in Luzéfie 81311 Wayne; (mange-s, and other section: of n’firthem PvnnsyWul” nit. 1” range- are described as high“, «trying cam "cum: in n Tel haunt-.- * floor” of homes bug already keen (blob: ted. and in panic plan the deaths, unrmi ii: patchy. The disease 0103er I'M-1:81:10 - very malignant type of nearly. {even “a: “images and confined #an” children, 59d; n. In In oomvadyl~l than who have not .prlvloully'huhhb scarlet fever. . ‘ 7 “Tu: Sou-m m D:£rxx.”—W. 3’: M 4” fixes; the uposm'es 6(be whim! of some of Lincoln'u' momma-9i; vhf!!!“ HOW upon them. tbnf’sfi fact. T 1193 _feo'l" it; they {we afraid the napping; ml”, they relied. from this ”mini!!!” ”I”? ofi'. Never mind Lhuugh..l4m2hh great many “loyal" rated! 4- WW who are quite as ready to mdthcrnmh’d contraband of war, 'We ya; lava a flail: lafl."-—Aga. ' ‘ ' ""‘T‘flfi‘ ‘ -..—...; . bum: _uu ‘ moment his?“ his inpdml pm mav (or an tloétinnifi ‘lmuiiihm? 1)“ #035 km revolutionary edict of Mr. Una-9‘4“ v.l: .vihioh the Sum is {s'3o .plac‘njpj - ‘ hands of the fine-tenth vow. Ingpyrc‘ ’ ' tuition in characteristic of “in mg: “)0 Wu") lyillin. “to I“ tho Union um" ° a}!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers