£th Kamila. ;. > . :qoxanzss. \ ‘ Bath Hail-fin! Congreu lucmbfed on 4109111} lu‘l. ,_ ‘ . , I "on. Schgylér Cnlfumf indium. wu elect-5 rd Speaker of the Home. - Colt'u [Ol, Co: 52, Damon 12, King 6, MAllocy “lOWSubbim B,’ 81-ir 2. Stilel 1. Mr. Colfax input“: of can- J Jidernhle Ibility. bin: nnk Aholitioniu. . I In the Senue. Mr. LuneK,(At)olilion,) gave nod:- ot- bill to repeal th. 3300 eumpuun 'clllue in the l-onlcription lami ' 1 in the Saute. on Tueldsy, 1 resolution my i submitted in reference to the b‘gck ply, bounty 1. and frenlioulof deceased "when“ A umlcnL “u given of the introduction of: bill to it vreue the bounty for volunteers, Ind go mike the nrcnvnry appropriation. ‘ i .7 , in the Home, the elrction of oflicerl VI! proceeded with. resulting in the many. of; lion. Eduard McPherson, of thin pl ‘3: Oink; N. U. Ordwny. of New “smite, berg-Intal-nfinl; In: Goodrnon’. Doorkeep tr; Wm. _S. King, Penman". A n-lolutiun wu pruenud um! mluplgd umnimou-ly ten-T daring the thnh ol Congreu to Genet-. 1 Grunt. And the Army ungu- him, And providing low medul lo bu lulu-k lulu: preuenlrd to. that other in the mung, of the ['u-oplc ol' the L'nilrd Suites. - ,Q. . The Prnideni'a Menage wxll d before (‘angrou on Wednesday Mlernoon, and the un u‘ul luql‘mr of comm-ordered to be printed. é-fii- ~ «any-‘l— vu— THE MESSAGE. , The Preuident'u Mum-:0 will he found In thiu iuun. Afl‘wau predii-ted, he tnkes decided Abolitinn ground. Says the New Ylltk Juvrnalq/ finimcrcg . “'l’hufl’renidont'» plan for reconstruction or rutnrntinn nor-m - to he leu I plan of “purification than n device to perpetuate tin- o~fl'~-«~t oi lu- Aholiuon men-urea in .the Std‘li‘hl'ln‘fitfi“. ' ' ' “Afais man would trust. the_prnclnmn tinnr Mid thu- m-ln oi‘t‘nngremlo‘thu luture m'tmn’nt tlu- mum-mud the people. not. thru-t them tnrwnrtl now M‘the special _ ‘(WIIIIiIliuutllr parifit-atinn. As we rend t.he_ Mun-mgr. Mr. Lincnlu anfllll to luy that there i,- tn In- nod-rum rXf‘l‘pt. on thel condi hun 0t nholttiitn. Wicdoinl u‘Bultl have look .iy I'nr punt-e without. any welt condition, Ming thaliw‘u to their own otiect." ’ ’l‘he Win/i! my! that “lain, party mimi frrtn. lurking ‘to the nlif ‘V hing Pfl'li «lei-tinl elm-gun. it is n credzpthle specimen that [Edith-id dexterity ;" but “is a menu: nl' ' recovering the South unilbrocnnstructing the Uniuu, the ~scheme in {amply absurd." The “'.nlhingtnn Ummmlionnl Uu‘an de- Tlnrrn th-t the power! assumed by‘tlie ‘ ‘i'rr-ident in thus inter-Ming with the , «.uertiqn nhlnvery. “urv uttnrly incompati , übh- wfth the (mull-routines of the Con-titu . Iltill." ' z " w A ' . V The Philadelphi u fig/say: “ the Message nnenus more war nmi‘nmre Lincoln.” ' ‘ 1. x-z'. 4: . u . THE WAR NEWS. :Alrvlfll‘fl from the nrmy of the Pntnnige atute that the FP!lt‘ruldnfi-rs nownéi-upy the mnw Imutinn they did hol‘nro the lute advance. The repuit thumb» (fonierlerxiti‘w imtl ’l'". a three to tln- nnrth side '0! the liq-idnn in not correct. The pit‘kets ol the rag-active nnnieu occupy their former posi (inns. At the upper fur-ls the Gauthier-«tag; )uvr_picketn on the nnrlh’side. Ju- hereto-l ‘fure, but from Sinnerville to Ely’g Ford the‘ riv'o-r «yin-nl3: them. . _ The _Ft-Iterll army“: to be reorganized.— "l‘lu-Eo Mr murt- rumor; nHt change In the | d-Utlllllnllll, liul llw robin-hunt, (it-n. Plegfi-l ‘ huu‘un hnd been fixed uponia. pronounced ‘ unh-umlrd. ' l .‘ ‘, The r: treat. of Gem-ml _Lnngstreet; from ' lii-t 'l'tnnnsee in fully continued hy'_Con ftilh'l'dh' cliqmtchcg ru-(‘oivrd by the way of , Fume-u Munroe.“ (it‘lH r:l Burnside having ref-viva heavy l‘t‘i‘nliu‘oetlhinh. Gen. Lung» . ntreefidetermuwd tnruiee the Aiepe nt’Knox \ "li-file. ‘untj m-uurdmgzly' rg‘ti’red ‘frnm ln-t'nre ‘ihnfdnce nu Friday night Lint. Inm‘ing "ward: the nmuntnins. wh'ere it. mm believ ed it "and wuuld lu- tnmle.‘ The (4‘bllfod9f' um. Inn in the fighting at lKnfljville in 'rn-pnrted nt nix hundred. principnlly nf (L'lwl‘nl Hood's division. ‘ y » ‘ 0n Tue-day n hri~k tim Wu: gain: on he~ tm-en Battery they; and PAH 'Mciultrie, {Shark-ton hurl-or. Gent-rgldiilnmn‘ hm round firing um Sumter. and the hinge! of ’ l-nttarin ure lu-ing altered eastward. The A . . . uhmledemte lmttrrienfire represented as . keeping up a slmv kuy destructive (it-cl on‘ 2 “49 Federal walking parties ' “j Rue-ta nthicrfl trnm Itién. Grant's army. ‘ frWr-gflent it. as entrenching at Mission lhdg‘emith the: nrmy on the on osite lrmnk vofthe Chickamnux'n. A great, want of formic- J iniinnt'a ohst tvle tinny inrwnrtfinoveumnt. ‘nnd three thnumnd horsesf’nre needed for In! artiilery alone} before it can he.render-‘ el-efi‘mztive. Thehhorses hind started 'to' 'duth by hundredmi‘ _ o l r :Guerttlu u‘. uid to be active between: Cummings and’ Knoxville. I . Hin "portal thit General Morgan pan-g NI than“): Cumberland county. Ky.. on the 7th indent. ytoceeding South. _‘ . 1‘ 11.: Om-uyldfin'n gangsta—Tim \Vnnhing- (on corréupondcnt ol' the Ph‘rindolyhin In~ auim mya'tlut yum" .\anmn i; “one to any allonjion ol' the Conscnption Act. but Provmt‘flunlnl General Fry will recom zmti‘ul the appeal of the three hundred .'dollun‘ commutation clan», and thin will wake uch dnfted mlln go or: furnish a ..mlasliluua. There will be nrenumn bppo-' (ition to this. as the Secretary nl‘ War, and' other; belie", ”I“ ,high hounlies will, \ ring men. and volunteer: are worth more than conscripts. ' ‘ 3 - ——o-o———v—-- . | - Genflul Scot! and Our (Evil Wan—lt is stated that Genenl Scott.‘in : went oonv ver‘ulion’on the developments of the war, l ‘ marked that the fightmf hul only cogn- . meneed. and that the real "rd 5 dating yes fiettotake plece. lle uleo adds: that the ‘.gdminiumlian had tooled any nearly every golden opportunityhnnd thus, instead: of ending the rebellion. an they could have B done long lines, hue extended iy, go the' distant tonne“ ' l I===l Suici:!¢.~—Mr. Georg Hoffman. of Mona— ' gh'nn township. committed suicide by hfng'ag himslf. on the 26th all. He left III! home in the morning of that day with hi! Ixo3o go to the woods, :3 they luppOa-. ed. to chop woogi. and he was afterward found dead, suspended to I tree. No came I: Assigned for his committing the tub not.l No In about 74 yen-s of age, and leaves" .- number of grown children to gout-n his ‘ Applomble end.— York Preu. ' [ ‘fik dam-uch" fire occurred on Wed ' fleshy flex-noon in the dock u the (00¢ of ‘ Christopher “not. Northyiver, New York; Itofi‘imtod in n whoonar lulen with. buy, ‘ Ind sham twenty sloop‘. burg“, and: . ,sthooen, lying “._difl’eront docks, were mu emit-01y destroyed. The 10:6 will reach :bom. 8.300.000. . g ‘ ent Linco‘lnpcqsidering the n eat ‘l'] in Twang-ct the highest ”‘50.!!! W all: upon the people 10 , . ' gab religious lonian "-th'e oo “"°- «a!» z ‘ i ' , ' ’ . ’ " fi" “'r‘ mm mantis-rue arm ‘on. leClethn.‘ mo, woundeddn u. "'o' In 873 “9., P' 7' [foii'wm enclose . la.. or our killed. end | THE Bd'l'l‘LE 0p LOCUST ROVE. :wounded, sioo of the 138th P. V., kindly ; . ‘‘__ ‘ (i - ti'trnished snoby Capt. Welter: ‘ " ' ADAMS COFNTY KILLED AND WOUNDED. , 87M Regiment I’. V. V ___. L ‘ Killed—George Hitsel. Co. I", Jmh Humming??? 118:3 1"} huge. 000.0ka 1:99... Co. K, D. I, . , 0 men, . . Dear 'cr:——l ' e ousn » Wounded—Wm. Eicholts. Co. B, Wil . 0"“ 5‘1"?” '° 1"" ’ . lion: uccoy; Co. a, Levi s. Frey, Co. (2, Iwu'“ °'.°‘"' “Pumi‘ '°.’ Wh“ ““ Willism Quiggle Co E Willisrn Ze r jdays, imperfect u it in st. be, from the Co. E. Vol. Bomb Co E. Cosh Borthf‘éo‘. rlimited time i hm tospore forthis pur- ,0, James Hintis. to. I), William Bmm. l pose. ’ , ‘ 3 Co. 3. floors. Armor, Co. D, Cooper Klep- I For 1 while before on. Grand Army; mm: 0,0- E. icommsriced its movement, it wss evidentr Mm'nl--C°’P°fll Rough. 00- C- - .thot something more than usual momheJLMB. War! by first Lind. Eurasian, Itopis, from the multiplicity oforders they—l, 1380: P. V. fwero constantly received by Brigade sndl Killed—Charles F.o3den,Johl RIM- Regiment-l commenderg,§n‘r:gsrd to the! cowl]. ‘Yiieltlli‘mlfi' “32:811. be Inum rotmtions on nan , .1 _. oun . vi ~Ro rtJohnson, 'At five o'clock on the morning of the! John T. Weikert,Thomu Fullon. ' 26th, orders were received to prepare to V3O. 0. MWWW- wag”. I3BM p}: msrch st a‘moment'a notice. and before; Killed-Jones Eppelman. Cb". 8183.8. you.were quietly estrogyour breokfut, we. Wounded—Hire? D. Little. Eleskim ' ygd-e—rrhavejust been received to bemdy Val-if? (Ernelius tim Msrtiu Fehi, Ben -' .. ,mnn . eer. , ‘ i‘° “"219? m°"‘°“"" """w' ” 1“? Ml Col. .1. “.'- Schsil has been sick for thirty » 11l 'W It Germsnl Fordlnz. l doyl, Ind u ltlll In Wuhlngton.. All are l , _ ‘ _ Dec. _6-'1863- anxiously nwsiting his return. Lieut. Mur , _ After snight of feverish snxiety and pa- , fin. Kt filo earnest solicitation or his su é'r'fiL'iLTf-‘dafléi'; "$3.1"? i'v’. "sm"? ’K'fifl‘" fifth?“ ‘21:?” °‘ ’5“ 3g“: {im‘if'iii‘ Jynh-lrflifléhn' £6??wa ofgwhich you shell be .531“. 19:33:23 ~ .10 eeeutno e .on ~ ' t - - ' marched toward Omngg Court-house. about 3,52,: gigafizd'f’f'fimtmy‘f‘ghfifi L4_milos. when we, found we were on the ‘most .blwsinpd by fiiajor Ruhl Adjt. wrong rand. and immediately faced about, Mum," Drs. McKinney m 4 Swldmn'nand and hiyausgko-d near our crossing point.- ‘ Chaplain Everhsrt, 51 the field an“: ad by *2::.:?J".‘;:*::::?;°i-r.2111;322:223: ““2“?“ »?"9'3*§‘”s’sfi"fiif“d 3“?“ . ' .ie a. u l ,: no r. i, umus, ’men were him“! in M dondlliOl {0" 1* Pm" isilmmanfsmxmn 9:!“ stk, and Sex-g. trncted struggle : but every man win-st his i Mnior Culp. . . ‘ pout. ready for my emerimwrl. We had! But 1 mustcloso. The weltliei‘ is cold, ”35“.?“ b‘" .ndfeg' W 33": ":39 t 10:12.: Isnd bile tm‘gps are of courses littl‘e unconi ev: en ‘our seco ivmon.w , °_ . e m m n- ‘n. . ‘ut legit there was a good deal of ring on l arts '9" n E“ 200100, their skirmish line, the won ded ere be-L ’ in; brought hock Ind {tstiptficers were.L 'husily engaged carrying 0 rs. It wuss loin the 3d Division would soon have 3‘ hand in the fight. | We ulntvly drove the rtlhels before us un- l , til we arrived st Orange Grove, where it was. ~evidont the biittle must. take place. as the f ionemy were found Increasing in numbers. i ‘and were ’stuhbornly resisting our further , advance. The line was formedithrough a! dense wilderness. The second Brigmlop r-ucn‘nd l)ivision.on. the right. front_line,§ joined on its left by the first Brigade ofourl Division.‘ then the second Brigade. Col.‘ Keiflér. (in which won the 138th P. V..) _ then the 3d Brigade. Col. Smith. . The 87th} was mettle right of our Brigade. nnd,on‘ the? left ofi the i3Bth, P. V., on the prolongs . tion at the first line. _ l ' The second line was formed in resr. bo~' bind a fence. and consisted of the first Di- i vision. Gen. Birnoy. Our Brigude wits scarcely in line before the right. of Prince’s [Division mu drivi-u‘ back by superior num-I iorl. - ’ T it had scarcely fallen ‘lmck, before the? i enemy mam-l again-it the centre; and it in I [turn abio fell behind the se'coml line. and then this what; _:I.Is threw its fu weight“ sguinrt nur ‘li-igde. (whifivns entin-ly. Motipported.) and drove nl‘hsck shout, «ire. hundred yards, on the left ol the first.l ,fiiil‘iainn. it was \iitlent to nlljltut our Heft was the wenk éint. and that the ene _my wore nl-o “ware of it. null were making I strong etiort w‘tli'n our lei flunk. At' this juncture the 6th Corps. (irnfiedgwwk. ' . arrived on the double quick to our suppoxt, v , nnd itjust come in time to love us from a (tctnl‘ilt-l'ent. Gen. Sedawick order-mi our_ hßrigade further to the left on at‘jll covered ; ‘with who'd. nnd said we mmt hold that po-' ‘aition at _erery hnznrd. and’he would see ltlmt we had help at hand if n'eeded. WeJ ’ clmged' position under a very. hbavy fire, whi ' threw the troops into momentary I confusion. but they soon _rnllieel and form ed the new liiie. flnlerfliJ’tl 'llie onslaught of'the 'em-my; but they anon discovered: that the position could not be taken with- : outggrent loans of life, and we were left uu-f molested. up it was now growing dork very l frat. ,_ ' , ‘ . 1 The firing soon cease‘d a'l alon-I the line,’ except sn qct‘usiollll shell or sltnttfhut. came crashing through the woods to remind‘ usf our foes we're still in front. ‘ i '1 Soon sll Was still. and in striking contrast ' lto the horrid din oi the hour before. The, men laid upon their armstn nleep.-expect-} g‘ in: to renew the contest at early down. but“ the mniing'of the day tound no enemy in; our front. After of hasty hrenkfr'ist. we' marched to tho Msistance of the gallant; Warren. near Rohisoii’s tnvern, on thei Fredericksburg turnpike. Wurron. with our gallant comrades of the aocond Corps, wns fighting them all day and driving them , before him. but. now they wormmawsing' agninit him sud threatened to ov’erwhelm him with superior numbers. . 5 After an hour’s march, We formed on the. left of the Second, who wrre making tlhe i earth tremble with their honey artillery -,- lt was but a short time belore u' chirgefi'u ' made. putting therebels to flight and end- § ing the cont tfor the fith‘. A few miles: beyond tlii'gré'oint we bivouacke‘d for the night. rested .ie 29th until i P. Mn‘r'llen‘ Col. Smith called the‘field officers together and stated to them that. he h.ul juat receiv- l ed orders to stormrthd enemv’s works in our front. He detailed the~ 87th to lead, the column u i skirmish line. assisted in , the rear by the balance of’our Brigade. and‘ further supported by the lst. and 2d. under 1 Morris and Keiffer. This wits rather a eprprise. as the works were known to be: very strong. and were being further-E strengthened every hour. as the enemy could be seenbusily at work all ,the timt‘.l But night came on and ,the project wolf sbandoned. z ' :At 2 o’clock? A. M.."on the morning of the 80th, orders were .receiwd,to moi-ch imdt'edintely, to storthe works on the Orange turnpike. The marrh‘wés made. twink-23nd on arriving the 87th P. V. and 126th ."V. were detailed as the forlorn) hope. Etch regiment deployed a com my' of .'kirmishers on its front. to take if, al quick movement the rifle pits. which were about two hundred yards beyond us. Co. K, Lient. Hawk, deployed his company. supported uohly by Co. I. Lieut. lamina. and started forward quickly, and gained his position. but. not without the loss of 'three killed and three wounded. Severn ' times the men took up arms to commen I the attack. but it won ‘finnliy abandoned, i on.account of thegreot loss oflife that runs ‘ ensue, and of the great probsbiiity of being" repulsed. l n the evening we fell back to our old camp, Ind rested for the night. At 9. A. MC. on the let, 'our Brigode was sent to the relief of Gen. Gregg's uvslry, which was being sorely pressed by the enemy. Ourl int was the Junction of the Fredericks— bar; turnpike and Orsnge Plank Rood—l We hsd here the first. night’s rest since the, 26th. and our men were completely worn, down with constant fi hting and msrchin'g.‘ 0n the 2d, we. formed the reor 'gusrd, in connection with the cavalry. and were the" last ‘to cross the Rnpidnn. We guarded the: fording until the pontoons were taken upu' when the enemy appeared. but o few well ‘ ‘directed shots soon dispersed them. Thel 3d of December found us in our old camp st Brody Station. . I When 1 1091: back and contemplate what‘ we hove ~endured, 1 almost shudder. The} weather was intensely cold—rained inces-, santly for a few days, and I know the bulk f of the 3d Corps had not a full night’s rest. for five days and nights. Ration: were short, roads in nu awful condition, and om poo: animals had note grain or feed {or forty-eight hours. Mnnyiof our woundad perished on the, field with cold. The 3 r‘oons of the dying could be heard all night, j from where I lay, precluding the possibility 3::me emollient. 1‘ “ oi my friend: this went with me, 2 full d hope. into that containers no more. iTho Adjutant of the 126th Ohio, as noble s nun Is our hvod, u omen; “to missing ; LOCAL DEPARTMENT. votu‘sranmxc-run DRAFT.-\—-Cnpt. Eyster, the Provost Murshnl for this Congres sional districtggives notice thst ‘ . . “ Such Townships or Boroughs es furnish their full quotes or volunteers under the recent culrof the President for three hundred thous ungl men, will be exempt from the pending drsft, should one be rendered necessary in. January next. . ' l "The seversl Townships snd Boroughs will receive credit for all volunteers that may bel mustered into the service since the August draft, the number so credited to, bo,deducted from their prqportion a! the quote unsigned the State under\the recent, call. ,1 ‘.' Colured‘ m‘en‘xt'olnntmily enlisting will he sccepted as a. part of the quota. To such, however, no hounties‘srill be paid." A— cotemponu'y say»v By order of the Pro vost Marshal General 0 liosrds pf Enroll; ‘ ment ofrthe sovernlfiis 'vts have “prepared niphubetlrsl lists of all-per! I who were en rolled p‘reviohs to the lust Dr i. These lists have;r been printed and Are n w posted up throughout the districts for publi inspection. Thesevlists embrace the names of sl those en rolled in both chores—including Nth“ ‘were drsfged in August last. The ob tof this is obvious. The enrolling oilicers mép‘by some orersigfit, have omitted to enr'oll cert 'n f persons. Where this hes been the case. currfnl examination of the'lrst.wil’l iho’vv in] and their names cun he added by returning the ( some to lhe’enrolling oliicer. or reporting them i to the Board. "an the other hand, the new! of any person appears on these lists, who has been improperly enrolled, he can see it, end have the privih‘ge or nppcsrirg before the 80: before the 20th inst, and "Péé it strick en $2 The mines of "line not previously drsltsd. and helongingJo the first clsss, will oi course go into the ixheel for the next draw ing.‘ Many are under the imkresslon that be cause the‘entire enrollmeht is thus published. they must ell spprsr‘hel’ors the Board by the 20th inst.. ind present their claims for exemp tion, and l‘thm sKevth-t time‘tbey wiil be de prit’ed or the privilege of on cumin-tion.— Such‘ts not the cur. The order says :—Any person enrolled may (not must) uppenr' before the Board prior to the 29th or Decemberflsnd (him to have his nsme stricken 08'. i! he CID ' show thnt he is not lisbie to militss’y duty, on account of ‘ In. Aliennge. . x .« ‘2'). Nam-Residence. ‘ 3d. Uns‘uitublencss of Ago. ‘ ' 4th. Manifenl. Peri/men! Pkg/«ital thbilily Any person coming under any of the nbore specifications it will be propel” for llim to Ip penr before the Board'befgre the 20th. Any person who does not come under the above clusificntion Ihouid not appear until Alter he knows .he is drilled, when he cnn pit in his claim for exemption Ind be entitled to [II ex aminttion. ' Slanifen, Permanent Physical Dia- Ibility "Late. to oonfirmed crippleswor those who have‘l‘pme permanent diseue that in incura ble and that will forever-l disqnnfify' them for military duty. The idea it to weed out the list of all persons wh‘o Ire li-ble to military duty {qr lhenbore causes, and leave 4 sounder clniss 1:0 draft from. The‘qnolu of the lub-diltticu have not y‘et been made public, but u noon lithe, are u vigorous Intern of volunteering will no doubt be encelQd upon—not only to void the draft. but also to "cure the Inge bonnie: ofl’ered by the Gorernment, and the choice’of canpnnieu (end reqimenta. am. {he meeting-Bf the" Director: of {he Poor 09 Monday lut, the following persons were rte-\sp'innud, for the coming yen: . S!efiard,3lcoanlp. Phyaiciln'Dr. LW. C. O'Neil. " Counsel, Wm. lcClean. Es‘q. < Trennrer, Jacob Shudn. . . Clerk, H. G. Wolf. ‘ ‘ ROI FOR THE HOMDAYS 170:1? plier prising friend, E. a.) Minnigh, inr‘gtepgri-g for the Holidayl. Hi! lio'ro already pine“: n gt, appelnnq. Wi thout “king fing. to onnmu nte the articles. he desires 11l «my, ‘.lntnevelf befgre by' he bean $539 to menu to the pub lic such mcomplnu lilortment of Top, Toy Books, Confecfion‘, And Pnncy Anicln, which now nlreld! moo hi. Ibelvu, quibble for ‘Holidny presents. Hui-o [ln tho but. bind of Cigm Ind Tobacco. ‘ hi- lull worth a Visit. to his mm. The sooner you can the better. - D». 14. Ijl , . ' I -- -—————"-+- , ”The Salk»! lam that “fined In in mii {or the unblbhuent on Kabul Bank in in". phce, under the Agcotcfi'xm . The Fume n’i’nd loch-hid Bévlngu Imutznioe h to be tho_ buisof mason, n under-and, Ind will be merged In the Bank. Thozflplhl, I‘ve hear, in to be 850,000.‘ ' , y .a-rb'u Republiun 8m; Centrll Column. tee of Califonh amen- Geuylbilrg u tho placc o! holding the nut NufionlLCvnwenfion, Na Churchu.--Wo learn thl»! our citi zens ofthreo different denéminuiongintend building or purchuing suiuble buildings for houses of rship the coming year.— We are inf mung thu the English Luther ans intend erecting: new church on Car lisie sci-eel. forwhich the sum of $3,000 has already been subscribed. The Methodists Ire also, active in perfecting mngemeuts to build I splendid new church on Frederlcl; “not. The Catholic: Ire also ”manta?! purchasing Marion HI" in the ‘.n the of ¥ark street. or intend build msi ntmmonhonly. 3w to then all. -—Hm W,“ ’ - . K .1150 anhip Chmphke, from New Yolk toPortlnndmu taken possession of on Sunday morning hat by some sixteen of th. pusenngern on board. The first on gineer wughot in the chin and the mend engineer killed. The captain and crew, ex~ _oept the film engineer, were landed at Par tridge Island: and made their way to St. John-TN. B. The vessel and cargo ire val ued It “80.000, and it is supported the par ties who seized her design taking her into n Confederate port. It is said that the Cheapeake is the same vessel that some time sinoq captured Captain Reid and his party whilbt nttampting to get the revenue cutter Curbing out of the hnrbor of Port,- lnnd . The nboct Aguum Ind the Miami hue startejuin pursuit. menu's! Chnrlner'n-fighc with the -Federal force under Colonel Hatch mulled in n repulse of his men. They uptured two negro picket: of the Second Tenneuée, whom they hdng. The negroes unlined by throwing the rebel wounded into the riv er, drugging them with rope: Around their necks. Ind remain to touch them with their binds. The fight lined (our hcurs near Moscow. Tennessee. m: bonds, notu, Ind book «counts of the' late firm of Henry B. Dunner nnd Why bnght Ziegler, trading under the minor Dun nerk Ziegler, Jn.,hnre been placed ln my new: for collection; on. of thefirmilr. Zieg ler, "in; died some two year: Ignl, nnd the gather, Dunner, hiring left tho. State, it‘lpe . coine- Ibuoluu-ly nebelury thnt nll )heimnnt- I lerl be closed without delay. Therjiore, sniu [Will be brought on all cl-lml thu r mnin pn pettled on the 20th ‘inst. Frome'Lthe' time ‘eln led nince the qnltt n 01’ bnsin .e, no one GETTYSBURG—SHUH" “‘l'" _ iclpptuke ofl‘once at Ihlssnotitce beibg strictly -................................6 50 to 6 'l5 ; curried OM. vL _ I . . 6 00}, S‘Personl having chin): ngninqt the firm ................l 40 to 150 i 's'” present them “if Plyilfllfi | .......1 581: :3 : sgl‘ Dec.l4, 1863. 3: A. J. ¥OVER. l 301 A. Rare Chance“ - , 3,2, 6 ACRES ,or LAM) ma :1 00..—n. , . nndernlgnetl nflen 60 Acre of good ‘x“ ",1.“ for 31,500—0n0-hnlf cub, o the 6m ’ 9° to 2 5", or April next, mad the Minute in nr equal ‘ 1 00‘ nnnunl payments, without inure-t. , About 15 ‘?‘“_°ilcr¢i are excellent Woodland. Sher: i! n - ‘5O never-{ailing spring. on the tract, with stone ‘inficient to put up the buildings. it in pnrt of thOfurm now occupied by the subscriber, in Highland ‘townahip, Adam, county, four :1“?! iron: Gettysburg, ncnr the Fnifficld road. \r y I licnionn debit-pd. ‘ i. - , r w REUBEN comm”, n-Wo learn that Mr. Thomu Him". of New Oxford, fell from u scaffold at. his Forge; in. York county, one dq hat week. md broke hi: right arm. . . 100 = v, dr- lb a l l 4." f =_ol Flour. Rye Flour White Wheat Red Who-1 L... Corn ........... Rye.............. Oul .....h...“ Buckwheat.... Clover Seed .. Timothy 5e0d......1.‘ Flu 5eed............‘ Phser o! Putin ........ Hutu gyound, per bug........‘ ...-.... ratific- .. ... ...-u u «‘.- ... BALdenn—rmn my. . 7 62 to r_ 75. 1 s; '.o 2 05; . l 50 to) 55 l 12 to 1 18" . 78 to A 92! . 7 253° 7 505 25; 33,32: , Raflroad Elactxoq. 7 75 It 3‘25‘ THE Annual Election for ol‘Pre'fident and 29 go .031 00 Twelve Menage" tor the Getty urg Reil -88 m 39‘ road, will be held at the ofice of the Compony, 80 .0 in the second story at the Pasiengé Depot, in lthe Borough 0‘ Gettysburg, on th SECOND .MONDAY 01" JANUARY next, (J nunr} 11, 1884,) at lo’clock‘lu the Afternoon. At the some time and place there will I. held the regolar annual meeting oftlle Stov holders. . ...;DAVID WILL§, Sec'y. tree. lg 1863.’ tar, . g ’ .' i F10uf.....‘ Wheat. .... '11ye....... C0rn...... Oau Clover Seed Timothy Seed‘ Beet Paula, per band Hogs, per hund........ Huy......‘..................‘ Whiskey ......... ........... Gujgno, Peruvian, per ton ‘ BANOVER—Tannsnn‘u Flour, from wagons..." ............ Do. (tom store-. 4 Wheat ........ Rye............ C0rn........... 0nu...........‘ Clover Seed‘ imothy 5eed......... P1anter......‘........... !!!!!!1:1=:1!111:1 Special No’ucou. The Singer Sewini lllia<:l:dnea.—onrli LETTER A FAMILY SEWIIN'G MACHINE ip’ {-31 pining oworld-wide reputation. It is two-1 yond doubt the best and cheapest and moat buotilnl of all Family S'ewing .\l-chluel yet oll‘ered to the puilic. ‘ No other Family Sew- ' lng NuchineJus so many useful nppli-nces {or ; lleromin'g, Binding, Felling, Tuckizg, Guther- : ingl Gauging, Brniding. Embroidcriog. com- . ‘ Land so forth. No other l'.-mil; sewing mn c ine has so much cnpncity for a great variety cf ork. It will new all kinds ofcloth, Ind with ll kindai ofthrend. Great and recentim-‘ prove rnu‘mnke our Family Sewing Machine moat re ‘nbl Ind moat durible,nud most cer thin in 3 i 021“ All rote! of speed. I! make: the interlo ed stitch. which is the but nlixch known. ‘ An} one. even of the most orflinary capacity, can kg, at rglnnce, how to use the LelterA Family\%n:ing)lnchine. Our Family Sewing Mgchiuefie finished in chaste Illd u qnlsite shle. \ . ‘ The folding Case balm ‘anily .\mmne is npiece of Cunning wo manship ol the most; useful kind. It protectl the machine when i not in' use, Ind when“ übou\\!o be operated may. he opened an a spacial“ and substantial [Able lb Iniuin the work. While Inn“ of the-Sues. made out of the choicest woodt, Ire finished ln tlie simplest and chuleit mnnne:..y69fible." othere are Adorned and embellished‘ip the menu «out? and superb manner. 1‘ \\ 1 It. s absolufly necessary to see lhe‘Fln’rily. Machinein operntion, I 0 ll tojudge olite‘grent capacity and beauty. It ls hm becom‘ln‘gkjl popular for family lewiog as our Munofncuirlng ”echoes are for mnmfficturlng purpo-ey. The anch Oflcey are is" hopplledzwlth ullk twist, thread, needlel, oil, ten of the very besiqlmlily. Send for n Purnur. . TH SINGER MANI'I-‘ACTL'IIINGCOMPAXY, - 458 Brondwny, New York. fil‘l‘llLADELl’lllA, 810 Chestnut'Bt. ”G. JACOBS l 3110., Loénl Agenu I‘l Getu nburg. [Amp r 7, 1863. J Important Discovery. , ‘ ’ merm Tu Mucus. V BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFLRS no 1- ing in the cure of Coughs, Coldl. Anhmn, Bronchitit,l Sore Throat, Hoursenus, Dimcuft Breathing, Incipient. Consumption, ind Dis euu of the Lungs. They line. no taste of medicine. and any child will take them.— Thousnnds haubeen resiored to henhh tint had before despair-ed. «Testimony given in hundreds 0! can. A single dou Relic“: in Ten Minutes. Ask for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers—tho brigh‘ ml Ind only genuine is stamped “Brynn."— Spurious kinda are offered for sale. rem]- fiv‘e cents thug. Sold by dealen'gen ly. ‘ JOB “USES, Sole Proprietor, _ ' 27 Conlnndhsh. N. Y. For ule b" A. D. Bonn, Ge‘tylburg,nud dl Draggisu. [July 27.- feb. 16,’63. ly ‘ A Card to the Mating; The Rev. Wznnux COBDIOVI, while laboring u o Mia-ionnry in Japan, In cured of Con lnmption, when'all other men: bod failed, by L recipé obtained from n learned physicist: re uidiug in the great on, of Jeddo. This recipe bud cured pent numben who were Infier‘mz from Conlumpllon, Bronchitis, Sore Taro-t, Coughl nnd Colds. Ind the debility sndnervonl degreeuion canned by these‘disorden. than of benefiting adieu”! will send this recelpe, which I have brought home wlth me. lo I" who nead‘it, free of chime. Addreu Rev. WM. COSGKUVE, ‘ £39 Fulton Aveoue, Dec.ls, 1862. 1y Brooklyn, N. Y. MARRIED. 01! the lath insL, by Rev. A. Euick. Mr. HENRY HULL, ol' Humihonban town-Hip, to Miss ELIZA LAUVER, of Fairfield. 0n the 29m ult., Mr. FERDINAND E. con to "in CATHARINE LINGENFELTER, both of thdelwwn.Adml county. . 0n the 3d huh, Ir. AMOS CARBAUGH to ”in CATHABINE BAH}, both of A 3311" co. 7' 13m. fiOhitnnry police. 3 cent! per "no for 11l over {our lines—cub lo “comp-fly angles. 0n aheiasch um, in Adnml cqhitty, ur. JACOB LdHR, nged 62 yun a menu-_.nd-xo dAyI. i ' ln Adan. county, othho 2d InIL, Ir. ABRA i‘I‘All Hm, aged 68 pun 7 month. nudge ya.’ ‘ On the 25th of Oct, Ir. JOSEPH HARTZ ELL, of Funklin townnhip, used 50 you. 4 south nnd 25 dnyl. On the oth inm,ANDEBSON, inf-at non of Georg. nnd Rebecca J. Pink, of Arcnduvine, qed 3 months Md 1’! dnys. 0n the 20th ult., in Dnvidsburg, Don; gown. ship, York county, DAVID FRANKLIN, non of John S. and Snnh Shefer, tged 2 you: 4 months sud 20 dnyl. ‘ 0n the 25th of October, Hr. JOSIAH BOW ERR, of Mountjoy mwnship, aged 35 yours. On the 39th uIL, JOHN WILLIAM, lon of Emanuel Fissel. of Tyrone township, aged 1 yenr 3 month- Ind 16 days. On the lat instw in Peunbnrg.Wll.LlAl FRANKLIN BOWEBS, in the 27th you.“ his I e. 4 ‘On the Id hut, in Cnmborltnd county, llr. PETER Bull, need so you! 11 mm!!- ..a 9 (up. . ’ 1 Tax Appeals. I * ‘IHE Commit-inner: of_Adlynl cogntz here-I h T by give notice thn they have fixca upon the following time. for the holding or Appenls for the leverul Borough: Ind Townshirn of Adams county, M the oflice orthe County Com mlSllonCl’l, in Gettysburg, when end where they will attend to hen Appeals, betwyn the hourtof 9 o'clock. A. I. end 3 o’clock, P. l, of each day, as followu: , The Appeel: tor Getty-burg, Cumberlsndfi German}, Oxford, Huntington, Lnlimore, Andi Homilwfibnn, on TUESDAY, the 19th dny of JANUARY next; ‘ l . For Funklin, Stnbnn, Neu-llen, Butler, Mountpleuunl, Mountjoy, Ind Conowzgo, onT WEDfiESDAY, the 20m dny ofJANUABY next; For} Reading, Hamilton, Liberty, Tyrone, Union, Freedom, and Berwick Borough and‘ Township, on THURSDAY, the 21» do] of; JANUA RY nel. ~ . By ole]- of the Commissioners, l J. I. WALTER, Clerk. ' Dec. 14, 1863. hi Dec. 14,.18G3 630! 700; 150' m , Notice. 1 mm; LOHR‘S ESTATE—Lenin of .a. ....1 ‘ 2‘25 ..u 7 00 ‘ ministration on the estate of Jncob Lohr, late of Union township, Adams o&qu de cen'd, hu‘ing heen granted to e under. uigne- reaiding in the unit; to nship, hp hereby -ivea notice to all persons i drbttd to said um . to make immediate p: ment, And thole Inn » -_ claims spin" the n c to pie. aent them p ~ prriynuthentlcnted for sulement. JA OB M. ROLLING-ER Adm'r. Dec.'H,lBB' 6t ‘ g - ‘ OSEPH 3. 8.“! Q _admininrhlinn 3h Smilh, Inc of Oxford , having been granted to in; in the nine lownah‘ notice to all persons Ind!) 'l9 mnke immedinle payment} ing clnims against the nme properly authenticated for he“! 1' mus L. 321‘ nm 14, 1863. 6: ‘ A Albums I i LBUM S H ~ ‘ _ m—Lnjmlm ' Just recgiv’ed n l-rge and benugi ul snort. pasnt or Phélogmphic Albums, whi h we ofl'er Below city pricel.‘ TYSON BR THERS. ‘ nec‘ 14, 1863. _ ‘ f C A R'D‘ PVH‘OTOGRIAPHS ,', I k , of distinnglal-ed indivlduala,'lnclu ng I num ber of our prominent Generals, arid the old lncro John L. Burns, lor sale M. the lcounier 9! the Excel-ior Gallery, Gettysburg. - . TYSON BROTHERS. Fla] Wool ()uuon Neck-tic. Crnvnls, “_ _ >_ _N ~ _'_;f 7;;‘_‘ I Collars, ? battle-field Views. ’ 5:1; 'S‘L‘flj’ FELL set of our Photognphquiowu of 3.lmm, Sho'es, A (EE‘BImQ-ield of Gettysburg. form s comm Socks. splendid [lit for the Holidays. The: fine-t yet ' Woollen Socks, puhllsw can be uh It lb. Excelsiqr Gsll’ery. ; Hudkerchiefa. Q'YSON BROTHERS, Get. sburg. Pocket Combs, ~ ..__~____‘_} ___ Reading Combs, \‘uYQung Men I » «LBufi‘nl Shoes, ‘ ND OLD 31?", do up: Alluw yodr mbthen Gum gombn, A and your vi sto wear on! lhefirprecious Horn Combs, lives our the old min-lab ' ‘ ivory Combs, true men and benefac rs, [Sm “'alch Keys, an EXCELSIOR, WASHER, Wslchflhnins, frowns and cross words on um Wulch Guards, upon il. cheerful faces will gre Poi-k 3! Glasses, TYSON BROTHERS, 0. Looking Glasses, Dec. H, 1863. Clocks, ' ‘ Spectacles, x- ‘ Razors, . ' Razqr Straps, Shaving Snap, l Sbsving Brushes, ‘_ Violins, Violin String, 'iolin Bovu, . orhe has glhonsnnd ‘ 1 thin sforsale 111-scan. customess u the low not b found in my, (. More a 9 count}. as: prices: g’ ”PI ING'S late anlvnl oY \New Goad! embraces 9W“: in the Clothing lino for lien and Boys GIVE Hill A‘CALL. Gettysburg, _l. 26L1863.‘~ l 'xchsmm ' . Exchsxoa I ,c‘ The Excelnior Wuluing Xachiue ‘ 1564):“ in (he World. Cull ind exunine it t once}? Office at the Excel-Mr Sky-light. Gil ery. _“ m___.”TYSQN .BRO HERB. » ARI) PHOTOGRAPHS nude . the 2x. . celsior Gallery Ire nlinys 11: naked w e nlllhction. TYSON BRO HEIRS. ' Jury List—January rm. ‘ Gnsn It". 4‘ 5 Relding—J‘homu N. chki. Foremost ,‘Hnmilmg—Henry Stock, Jno. Snydu‘. 1 Gettysburg—Henry Culp, (amen) ‘ > 1‘ Union+.\bruhnp Rife. =, } Oxford—George 3mm. 1 - ’ . lllmiltoml‘onurDlniel Snyde‘r. '- ( Berfiick twp—Adam Kinnemund. ; ' Conowngo—John Ke‘ogy. ' I , Litimore—Audrew Shula. ‘ . ’ lemma—George Bender. ‘: lountplunnt—J. E. Smith. 1 ‘ Berwick ban—LMichul Hafl‘mln. ; , - Huntlngton—Emnnnelfimilh. ; : Liberty—John Nunemnker. ‘ Tyrone—Wm. Mooney, John Com-Id; anklin—Henry Hutmfi. 4 SLnbnn—Pettr Mukley. l ‘ lonntjogbnhnm Henna. l ‘ ‘ Freedom ue P. Topper. ! . Gum _i‘lederick Biuiuger. '5 . Buufiuh liller. I ‘ Cumb Ind—John Hamilton. i Gun”. Jun. L ‘ Hamiltonian—Geo. llnll, Andrew 8. den. ; Stann—Dui'l Holu, Philip Hinn, ’ocob L. . Gnu. _ ‘ Union—Donlcl Haring, loco!) Butcher; Sr. ‘ Behrick hon—Wm. C. Beck. 3 | Heathen—Solomon Romanflmob Bpr, Goo. Hinnigh. . . i Tyrone—Jud) Hum“, In“: Brunt." human—land Fl hr, [um Inns} ‘ Gauguin—Edi“: Hench], C. x. limin. Hountplcuonv—Lowil Will, John Blinking Pin. 8. Smith. 3 . Butler—June- HcD-nnol, George 8. Kevin. . Freedom—Jeremiah Sheen, Abnhuh Krilo, Bcubon’ Golden. '1 Oxford—John Hun", Chnxlu Soneft. i Banding—George Hoover, Singleton Eisholu. Hnnfington—Emnnuel Brough, chob P' Gord . m, Wm. B. Gnrdner. ' Ii Berwick tp.-—_—Samuel Brown. : ' ‘ Franklin—Philip Cuuhnll, Dorid WWI. ‘; Hezekinh Lauhur. : ; Hamilton—gear! Hoover. Goorge Kills. . Germnny— etdinnnd Rather, H. S} Kline, ngnol )1. Study. . Libolty—Ernouuel Overhollzer, Slm‘llßeud. . Cumberland—Chub. B. Polly, Dnvicj Wi-ler. Conowngn—annu Krug, Jens. Wulunlm. Hountjoy— Dnvid Cllpiaddlo. : Dec. 14, :863. 5 \ . Hay! Bay! 5 ‘ mm an: n Guniwuti ~ oxronn nicns for 1;”. - o'. 9, 1.03,. ‘ ‘ ‘ I Last Notice. otice. l‘S ESTATE.— the estate 91 'p., Adam: 12 undeni; he he gled‘ to and Letter]. of Joseph J. I 0.. dcc’d.,. néd, resid eby gi'vu ‘ aid cum}: i hou hav om than t. . #thu'r 13001: ”a: ‘Ehoe NEW ' STORE. THE undonigndd hu opined t a“ Boot & Shoe Store, on Bullimon “Net. Ganyh burg, A few dootl “ion the Court-home; Ind hujnn opened a fine uni-uncut. of 300 b, VII: 3001's FOB KEN, 83038 [OB HEN; Book for boys, Shoot (or boy: ; GUI SHOES FOR MEN. . ‘ GU! SHOES FOR BOYS; with QJu-ze lot, embncing every‘ufieu, of 88023 FOR moms-...!» to: CHILDREN. . HATS AND CAPS, of nll tom Ind aiui, with leiel’ Ind Gen tlemen‘l GLOVES. Indetd. hil ulonment will be found full lnd alumni", “(913.11 of hi: goods of the but qualjty and It : uylu. , , [limbo h“ on hand It fine varietyafSEGAßS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCOS, kc. Duormined not in be underseld, he of": good: It 'lhe low": profit: the time: will I!- low. GA" and see before buying elsewhen.‘ ; JOHN L. HOLTZMORTH.’ Dée. 14, last! Picking’s ‘ REAP 4- - CLOTHING STORE II the [“160 ‘0 buy your ‘ DIVERCOATS AND DRESS COATSL your A “ mu cons VAim comss cons, oinr CLOTH cons $l5) ,CAsswmn; cons - your :; FROCK COATS AND BUSINESS COATS, UM GUM COATS AND MILITARY“ COATS. < your , SUNDAY, cons AND EVERYDAY cons, your ‘ x WAR! COATS AND WINTER COATS, your 9' GOOD 'COATS -AND CHEAP TS, bee-nu he will chuper thin dy e e. 860 to < . W. _ hcxxxa's CLOTHING aroma, g on * 1 . BALTIMORE STREET; GETTYSB RG’, - ‘for yan . CLOTH PANTS AND CASSDIEBB PANTS, for} your 1, - PLAIN PANTS AND FIGURE!) PANTS, for your ms. mm AND comsn mums, for jfiu‘r ‘ . 51"le 94x13 mm FANCY PANTS, Tor your GOOD PANTS A’ND CHEAP EPANTS, bee-use his price: are’ always a diule lager ‘ X than llnybudy olse’l. I ‘:_ [B‘ PACKINH'S‘GI ‘ is the best. place to getl ' CLOTH VESTS AND CASSIMIEEE VESTS, to get . g f SILK. VESTS AND SATIN VESTS, ' ‘7 lo get ‘ 7 PLAIN \jnsrs AND FANCY vfis'rs, _ \x to get. I = WARM vss'rs A'ND CHEEAP VESTS. , to gm, ‘ STRAIGHT \‘ESTS AND RULLWG VESTS, to (34 i- LIGIIT VES'ES ANDflEAYYi VESTSL - to gel 5 . COARSE VESTS AND QHEAI? VESTS, to get 1 .\HLITARY \‘ESTS and $5116} of Vein, cheaper than any other I in qho county. GO TO PICKING'S 7 . _‘IOI [fl' 1! y‘ou want. an 1 ACCORPEON , ‘ Gd to Picking. If you 1:: t a, i ’ POOlO5l KNIFE , Gq to Picking. ‘lf you want u ‘ SILVER H‘EIMBL‘ Gd :9 Picking. If you wnn‘t A mu: Emil! .. . .Gq za'Pick in llf yomwn { {SMOKINGhmACCO 1 G Picking. ‘ 1|! you walk \‘ “ QUHEWINGE TOBACCO{ ' 8011.0 Picking. ‘ If you wnnp J ‘ SUSPENDERS 3 Go to Picking. If you wnnm , 1 | ' STEi-gly PENS I Gq i 0 Picking If you want. ] GUOD PENCXLS ' 04 to Picking. "you W; t , SLEIG BELLS s l . G to-Picking If you w: A ~ ‘ NEWISUI'I' ’ Gallo Picklng' I! ynnmnni s I, oooq SUIT ‘ Go‘ to Picking If you insult IL ’ I CHEA SUIT Goflo Picking if you wan CHEAP LOTHES V! ‘0 p: ' ’ :fllillfl; runh, Carpet’flnga, .. Traveling Bugs, '- éWalking 'Cnneu, Umbu-an, Ge‘nt. Shuwla, , 3 Clothes Brushes. L "n! nnnhe‘s; Tooth Brushrh. Blacking Brushed. Boot. [Hm-king, Buckskin Glovel. - Cusimerc Glam, Kid Gloves. Thread Glurel, Comforien, x Fine Shirts, ' Course Shirts, Cnssimere Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Merino Shirts; Lumbwool Shifts, unit Shirts, \dnr Shim, xcl Drawer I, {en Drawers, \Dyaweu, old customers and new For Salexpr Excha. are. VERY deslmhle‘gkls'l MILLJvilh ._g—v A 38 wuss or L. 240,11: Gerdany @ township. I will exchange hit a Firm, ’ - Ind pay the diflereuce, if Any. ' _ . L-EO. ARNOLD. ' G‘eltylburg, Oct. 6, 1863. If, ‘" , For Rent. 1‘ , , ‘HE property I'CCCIIIIy occupied by Quid ‘ "egg, 2 Acres of band with Dwelling H USE, Shop, Smblg, well of unit, _, ‘fruk trees, kc.,||tnnte on the Mumn‘l h. burg md, within hnl! I mile of the ' jborongh. ' Poucuion given :1 my time. ‘ H 0338 McCLEAN. Dec. 7, 1863. 3% Another Car Load. BINRERHOFF keep. up with “Rachael by getting new $00“ almost "of, week“— ie Ipom no alert sceomqu-te lil numer ous customern. “ Quick ulel ind mull prom-{'l- his mono. ‘ ‘ j Doc. 7, 1863. 1 - A 3,“ _ >.. k The Dead on the Battle-field. ARIERB an reqneued to luv: u my ollicc, In Getty-burg, I delcriplion of the nation on "air 11nd: of graves. of Union Soldiers. In, have been buried in secluded lpou, nnd penou vm confer: mu tum-by hiking known to me, or to Ir. Bumuel Wuvor, Ibo loamy 0! Inch pun. ‘1 ‘ DAVID WILLS, Agent, he. ‘ Dec. 7, 1863. 3'. _ r Still at Work. ‘ ‘ E undchigfied continues the ‘ CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, In I“ “I bunches, at his old "and, 5- Eu: Nlddlo urea. Getty-burg. ' . 5 . NEW WORK nude Murder, Ind < ‘ REPA.I R l N 0 due promptly and It loin-c. pgicu. : ' . Two finmue SPRING WAGQKS and I BLEIGH for mu. . JACOB wam. Dec. 7, 1863. ‘ ‘ VERCOATSI OVEIICOATS |--A new lot, O let tranche cily. Call and amine, n ' ERIN KEERHOPF'S, ‘ Norman; comer loq Diamond. , ‘ US? [coda—d n i’iéfiifii’g—gwinglifi m Cloning. coun "0‘“ 311. 11. S. !i-20's. BE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Met yet given notice of on, intention to Withdraw this popular Loin from axle at Pu,i\nd until ten deys notice in given. the undersigned. ne “ GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENT,'.' will continue [3 supply the public. Th? whole emnnut of the Loin authorized II Five Hundrgdmlliou- of Dollars. NEARLY FDUIL lIUNDR'IGD MILLIONS?AVE BEEN , ALREADY SUBSCRIBED F 0 AND PAID INTO THE TREASURY, mom, within the lost seven months. The large demand iron: ehfoed, end the rapidly incieru-ing home de-a mend for on I“: the blsie for circulet‘xon by National Banking Ansocietionl now orpnixing in 111 ports 0! the country, will, ln 1 very short period. ebeorbthc belence. Sale: hue lately ringed from ten to filteen millions weekly, frequently exceeding three million daily, end' no it is well knéwn that the Secretary of the Trepeury bu ample and unfailing resource! in the Duties on Imports and Intern-l Revenue. end in the iuue ofthe Interest beirlnz Leg-I Tender Treasury .\‘otuflt in elmoet n cert-int, that he will not find- it necessary, for I long time to come, to «rein. morket lor on other long or’ permlnent Loans, THE INTEREST AND PRINCIPALOF WHICH ARE PLYABLI IN GULD..‘ ‘ “ Prudence end eel! interest mutt force the minds of thou.- cuntempilting the (emotion o! Netionnl Benking Audcietionl, etwell u the minde of all who“ have idle _monex on their hands, to the pro‘lnpt conclulion tint they Ibould lose no time in enhecribing to title moot populnr Loan. It will soon be beyond their reach, grid edunce to n handsome premium, on wee-the result with the “ Seven Thirty" Loan, when it ween" sold end conic! no longer be Ilu‘lacribt‘d for at per. , O l'l‘ lS A SIX PER CENT. LOAN, 'l‘i’iE IN. TERI-181‘ AND PRINCIPAL PAYABLE IN COIN, the: .YIELDING OVER NINE PER CENT. PER ANIIUM‘nt the preunt rate of 3 premium on coin. , ‘ The‘ Government reqdirel all dutlel ion Im ports to be {mid in Ct” than dqlien hue for flung tim. Mn lmoun ed to Ever A mun-ugh! A Million of Dunn" dull. I lum nearly “shroo times greater than that. required In the pay ment 0! the inmost _on All the 5-20'3 am! other permanent. Loans. Sm that. it is hoped it; the surplus Coin in We Treasury, I! no nt dgy, will c'nnble the. United States to rename lpecie payment; upon all liniiilitiel. “ The Imm is' called 5-20 from the fact. um whim llll‘vBOIId! m‘uy run for 20, your, you the Guvorhment has a right to pay. then": of In Fold at par. nt‘n’ny time after 5 years ' THE INTEREST [S PAID HALF-YEARLY, ITiz 5 onthe fins dnyl of November and May. ' I Snbsctht-ra can have Coupon Honda, which u'rr' pays he to hem-er, sud are $5O, $lOO, $5OO. and $1,000; orkegiatered Bonds of sumo denominations, and in! addition, $5,000, Ind $20,000. For Banking purposes Ind 101- in \gstments of Trust-monies the itegiatcrod Bonds are pro-f'rruiiic‘ / Tin-so 5—20'5 cnnnot be Last-d be Staten,- citigs, tuwml or counties, ind the Government tux on then! in only one-nnd-m-hnlf per cent“ on tire—amount of income, when “wines? of the holder exceeds Six Hundred doll per nnnum ;' nn other investments, such as income from Morlgng'i‘fi, Railroad Stock _lnd ands, elm, must pay from three to five p'er cent. lax» on the income. . Bunkl and Banker! thro he C'onntry «pl continue to dispose o I; and in! order: by mail, or otherwi ‘ mptiy nttend ed to. . Tho'inconveniences oi": yl} deity in ' the delivery of the Bondai nnvoidnbie, "if demand being I 0 great; but an interest com mencca from th'e dny of “inscription, no lonjl occuioned, and egcry efl'ort in being. mlda wt» diminish the deity. JAY COOKE, 5' ¢ Sunscnmmu Aaln.‘ ‘ ”4 South Third Slushfifihdclphh, Philndelphil, Dec. 'IY 1863 f ' » BOOTS ‘ AND \SHOES . Boots 8; Shoes! a ES'r.\nLlslmENT.—-—Tlm unlimign- Que inst laid in a fine flock of the Belt \l‘rhirh he will dilpom a! 1!. the law'- oulble. His asaortuum. ombncu l a N ed ) ci workp es profits \ d hie-sole (33A F-S‘KLV” t I. {BOOT FOR BU'S, . with: In 1 '8 ‘ lb y I "2 ,tl 1001's for man, CAVALRY BOFTS, \l] kinds oi KS: '“ - e Assortment of ‘ \ SHOES FOR' LADIES, also for CHILDREN. He hnl unlock-d hi slgck with care. suited sbe thinh exactlym the wuutu of this mark Id uldiflohl will conllnutly be ’made is (h trade mny require. The goods he offer. no nmmy well mndo, and or good mtflinlmbut race tho late-t “flew. Particular attention \Yill alwayl be paid to these poinzl. _ ______ Remember the place—YOßK STREET, nur ly dpposm the Bunk. Call and~ no log your nlreg. . 7 5 Th'e boot and shoe-mnflng‘ bdgineu In car ried on M heretofore. ' , ‘ WILLLUI SHILLEX)’ Gettysburg, Dec. 7, 1863. ' _ i - Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s 7 FFUJE nud Dwelling, N. E. cornor of Bid ? iimore and High “reels, near Pmbyteriuu C nrch, Spay-burg, Pa. Nov. 30, 1863. If ' . J 200 Tons Hay ANTED.‘—HENRY UTZ,‘ min! for Sling ' & Young. will buy My qu-nmy of llay. paying the highen market price therefor.— Persons having May to sell would do well u give him an curly cull, in Gettysburg. Nov. lb‘, 1863. 2m , Notice. .'LE'S ESTATE:— W on lhe cuuqol ‘ Cumberlnnd tp., ‘becn granted to m Gettysburg, be hereby gi L flog: indebml to aid e-ut‘e to make immedxefi ply-meat, and those having chin-u ngnimt the nmeto pro-ant them properly ingenlicued for \lg-‘ulement. AVID ZJEGLEQ, Adm’z. Nov. 16, 1863.. or ~ \ 7 Notice. ATHARIXE ELLIOTT’S‘ESTATEp-‘bettm - of administration on than." 01 Cuhuino E ion, like of finding lp., Adams county, da cemd, having been granted to the under signed. residing in Gettysburg, hq hereby jive. notice to in person; indebtad mum catate to make immediate payment, Ind lbou_ having china: ugai at. the. name to present them ptoperly Authe‘ticfiged for “Moment. ' BUBBHT EIrLIOTT, Adm'r. Nov. 16, [569. 60. ' Clothing. EORGE ARNOLD bu noise! up MI Pull G .nd Winter “who! Clothing, lM liege“ stock In town, confining of Over Cont], ' DH.“ COM.” ‘ Badman 09:11, '.h. ‘ Military Manual. M . Pwlduu mu. Under uni Ont-Shim, Dunn, liq-Katy, Glovn, 81., in gmi "tidy, cll of which will be laid cheap for cash. Cull undid-$30.. 80]»; 28.1863; .~ . F YOU WANT - . [ll GOOD ALE, mrgm town Stout, Scotch Ale, tad Winufcflr“ ‘ cuntsuza's.’ - xonh-u» come: on the Din-and. Dec. 7. 156?. . ‘ BAKE}! PLANTATIOH BITTERSigI Old '1) Howteud‘l'onic,‘ “Dull. HO” £8.78- n-ug Store. . > , . ”4;"; , ~ Column—as ‘7 :k ’ misnoums 9::ng SHOES. BOOM. ATE—Letter. nf mite of John H. township. Adana, m gamed to the um. township, person: lndebled It“ Equal, glad. u t O lame' to; anucued lor let-3 ITH BREAu, = lUS DREAM, ‘ , Qdminiurntorlfi i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers