II ikalik4l-1 er, "5r A-‘t-.—-7 17,. Thrown“: :- mli-hgdrgnry 30min; pruning. byfihuu J. Sunni, st $1 75 per hmfinn if paid strictly xx inmates—42 0“ per annum if. not. pdd in ndvmce. No , subscription dilwntinued, unleu ax. the uption of the publisher, until all anew-get;l re paid. . , " Anvnrnzvnx-rsimertadauhensualrates.’ ".‘ios annss done with n’cgunrelu and i . (iii-patch. - O ‘ i Drum: in South Baltimore ‘tn‘et. nearly aylpmitc Wimpleru' 'l'innimz Eutflflihhflll‘m —-"Cnum|,; g, Pan nu.- ()1 nor. "‘9" thqsizn. ‘ ,_ . ' _ . _ pas-mszszmmz «35522.33, ' j . D. cCogaughy, . . T'ruRVH AT LAW,‘(ofiice one doof west. ‘ 1 "X of Run‘ 'l‘; drug Ind bookjtorgcmm- ‘ Gun} ”'3 reel.) Arrorgn up Soucrru'n r_on J‘A‘rrrru no r‘nsxowa. Bounty Laud (Wait , “lira. Ruck-pig suspended Claims, mid I” auger claims again“. the Government at Wnah inflon. n. 0,; ulsoAxneri_c:mClaimsin Englnnd. Laid Wain-nun? loculcq and aold,ot houghtflnd ' hilflll'sl prin‘vs gh’ren. Agents engaged in lo ading; warrants in laws. Illinois nndlolher wnurn Stump, ‘fl‘Apply to him purlonnll, m- .y latter. . x _ J' o , guy-bung, 30v. :1, 's§.’ i 1 A. :1. Cover; ‘ w ! 71‘0er EY A‘T~L.uv.wxn promptly mom: to C lloctiohs Ind all other buainewen- ‘ tru Led to‘ bun. Uffica .br-men Fulmeatockn’ .3“. Dinner .t Zm’gler‘s Swres. Baitimore birect Ge 'l‘yshurg’. 155. u {Se-41:. 5,185". l ..,A....-._V. _ .‘., zfidward B, Buehler, , TTOKSI‘IY AT LAW, will faithfully and przmumly attend to all husinoanemrpstrd im.__ He bpn-nks the Gal'mnn languagrn-f ‘f n! the Same plum, in Knuth HnlrihfinT-e el. nmu' l‘ornm‘W drug ~lure, and nkgirly o--Lr [Mum-I :2 Zuglur'u ‘lure. ‘3' ottvahlfig, .\iurvh zu. l; l \_ V I‘, Wm. A. Duncan, [5 . 'mmxm .n‘ LAW. Mimi-w: in the _\' inn weflvornm Ql'k'cunL'S-In xrv. (iwtlyx inrg, ‘. _ , [4m.,;‘.‘..-+59. if . ; .10. Neely, - ' AI 'Twnwx' .\T I.\\\‘.—~!’,nfi‘rulwr am”- Lium pvi'l- l 0 'cdlvwiun of Penn um. Hug um! I! VCR-p. 13; min-a m [ll9+ ‘42. '..n- «N Hue hmmm. ' 1 hyh;uw,r.‘.l:nlxu, 18:13. If 4 V , I}.” \ «cur i ‘J..Lawrence Hill,‘ D. ? {Rl\7rsv(ll‘-rln}w“g\3?fi‘ ’é y ,dunr (Wu H. I m .A I '— xrnu-inn Umrvh inrim‘E-T'» .'.p; ”31;; -1|l("‘lllh‘lv‘rfliltl\l;'0 i’ivk‘ing'! E '.vu r‘e- Um c uixhiugfm Imm an) Drum] la, ...u pwmrmeulm‘a-h-quvlulh iuriv‘nd m 1 Im- an. H» 5,13. mm». low. 33. l'. uuh‘ 1, n . I: : u,1.. :; “I“, I). 1)., rm. f. \l in uh-, V'lul. “. [..SI‘LJ u!" '7 NI-ril'uf‘. April 11,'.3.:. . ' 5" . , LID Chm In. " opc "MI Kr IP: H Dr. James Cress, ' {f‘Lzlr'l'lf} mn’su't xx. limnklul fnr huh . fir [VCll‘UUHZQ'llt‘l‘r‘f-an!‘ l‘xh-ndull lo pm“, I‘m.‘—_llis lrivu w ‘l} n" he -.ri!l umlinuc Elm |lit"l‘ ul his I.::n'o~:‘i«'n In Henydmrq :Iml . 14’ _ A I'IYUI ‘ HIM! -‘ \I . I ~ ' i w [runny- "In lPx‘lJt nu um In Hnmw or «ql‘rl. ‘ ”9mg” "9 gylml ("n- 1.94, unto-z n'm! HID-‘1 r~- lmhle rgmedira I'll)!" nil ntlu-r it vlnlizm nudi r-i “hunk, winrh Inn-\‘e l-eou n-u'nmlnrn-le lxunl tlnel9xiwvimne mul \llll'lillhzlll 1:) HH ‘ lurks” :- «)f’lfm Mm“: Ln-lwiic l'rg’dliunch, ' llfllliglluld lhuiv m-vrl- i..j,uliun=, UH"! an an— !lgm-ninarnni. . rung-ury‘ thr yilh him“! Kr-I- ..fil'lz‘ IL: _ ,- «J uni." in‘ H"- .'..” v-u | M‘Yur'r. «in-H. in the x Hal-Hm, ,Irnr-ulrn Hz-z-n Wlll}, . . 14l?_\~l,x.r1, .‘rl'ul Notice H . 7 1m: arm m" ilrw. “MAI: &- TAYLOR 3-: H 9"! hon-om dismhrl h) ”mum! cu.1.~«-nl. nu '_ swan-ugh» Uh. Huh MI! 1-12. u~ Inning ' rh'm- nguiucl up nuix-‘rjr-l [0 ‘IN fi'm \‘IH , yin-o [urn-rut l'1(nl Ll} t‘—v.. A‘ .1. (buy. (or ' a Ullil'lul'llE. . , ' Dr. Wm} Taylor ' livfurm' vhr vfih Ant 1'! M £5l \fi-JMt! and? ti. «JII‘XH‘T-i 1.73211. NW”. \ .-- pl." 33-1 111' hi; . I!" . , A: a 1 i x 1“" u...“ .l ...p ..u. . .1 . ml “I? [u l v“ ( "'.tzn'lnl" U-‘h v‘ (LEW-inn. l'n. rh'llli‘fi ‘ rm ~.- V I Vm: ha- iu-LAfi-I vn'rim .1 s|er ht t. . 35". ' hams; |~‘n.':. 1n ‘ .1; ,1 ‘ V . 1 ‘g» Adams Gown}? ; \| :1'! n \.. . 1:... 2 57:. .15 \\ ;;«-n\:l'.\m'. 31 Jul-. 46 .iI 7”: h; 1,23,]. ‘ _ I'mr'.’ »-s' . . .\. l 1:] v \_!;y..].l ,-_ I ..l 'lft."~3:\r}' ’l‘u L ,Hrw ,1 .'I I" a“: .‘Kiliz. .\ . 3.».- EL i’n'v mhuz-ri ll' In q-q -1 warn! yuypc. U. ,L BAI-qfiler, R ”'1; z: i . h mh KM; ..\. Hoiznqunmvi. I). Mr:- tiru mm. .4 ‘L. :i A; -:II. J. ’L‘ ' lursh, Snuucl D [flutvfi 7"} H. fi'lm-{rm-k, Wm. H. \ViLun, 1L \. I'n: .lua’. Wm IL \lrL‘ll-Hm, John “'Ol - it. I? ‘ ' yulnun I’M-kiwi. \En-IT. ’l‘tlfi'l .-. m (‘u fui'lghxx'u. :U-dit'l F. Gin,‘ J - x' H. “T2“?!ll”, “. Hirhcllu-rgl’r., ' _ gas-I‘M! \‘nmpwia’v it Hunted i'l it: opera [in 15 to Hn' cmunyul Av} mas. H has hot-Hi" "luéqméz.xl upvnl‘um h-r murc than .x‘lx )‘QH‘H, il."! in 11““ ’u‘rioll has :mi! all 1115395 and ex -1"”“55‘ whim-Ll um, unamnam, having .Ilsn Marge 'srr‘fpnu capiml iu‘ th- 'l‘rcuury. The (‘on)- p‘nuy mnploys no A zunn—ull business being ~ dune lyr'the _.\l m ggl-I-I, who Are annually elgct *mlle the Stockholder» '.\:xy pvrmn desiring an lmunuce cnn apply?!) any of the above :1 unv-l‘fluuag‘gcr; for My! ¢rizltonuntimL I - _ ‘ big-Flu! Executive Cumniilu-u rum-'9 at the \che of ghe‘ug‘umuzmr vn. Lhu 145: Wednesday in every innmh. :1 2, l’. '.\l ‘ Sppt. :7, [8584 A“, Mathiot~:& Son’s ‘ on .\NI) l-‘L'Rxn‘mm “unknnnxiasws. ‘ :S '25 .md 27 N. Guy street, linitimme, (neJr ‘nyette SL) ciLfindinx it‘oui (lzuzm Frederick il.—the largestest‘hblithflzt of the Lind in xht‘ L'uign. \lirxys on haihda. lzlfgq-ausmun‘eut u! ; HUI SE“ DLD .\X‘Q'GFFIUE l’l'liNl i UJEH‘m bi'al'iug Burcia’gfimbtczgds, “’.lshsmnds. Ward _' {F-Iboe, ‘\l.l‘ltres~‘.eg of HM“. Conan mrl Hair .'priug "("l‘. hflfam‘TLl‘r--esTt-vv§_ Arm “Hui-x, ‘ ' Jim-king Niall-a; Kt'lgn‘r-‘S, Marble Tflllh". .\v 1. J ”(5.. Ilgtcepliou and [‘..hnhlnrwl Hum-a. AS pHR‘I‘Ifi) {COM [”3 UFI‘VJ‘TAIH‘I Fl ' I“ Fi‘l'lifl, -\'~'uo-l . leiri; Uflil~ (‘ll’nirfi llarhu' FILE!“ '(‘rih‘ "and "rlldles, Hat Kafka-Hull Furn'flifi-c: ‘ (:ill gn.}_‘\\'nluut Futile Looking (JEN-"€331.10- pmlm-h, ‘l-lernsiun 'l‘n'lllofi. of ovary lgnglh; \ I’eminu dimmed In purrlmw uro nnitml Lo “ NIH an] gi‘ (- our stock an e-Vnminatiuu', whit-5‘ for fariuy «nd quality of workmmhhip is um ..: equalled by rug gamblishmeut in the :oumry. A < A. .\IATHiOT 5: SUV, ’ . Nos. .55 and 27 N. Ga; strait. . ‘ ‘vlng.% 1860. ’ ‘ ‘ ”‘M—— ’—?" ‘4 ”‘-\-"L *--*—" I‘— ' ' Removals. ' x , . Eundeysizned.beiugthe authnrized person to m'ute remgvals inao Ever Green Oeme (cry, hopes ghat such :ls contemplate glue removal ‘ of the remains of deceased relativéo or friends will mail themlelves of this season of the year to h‘ave it done: ‘ Removals made with promptncss -—l.onns lpwfind no elfon spareql to please" ‘ ‘ PETER THORN, , um}: 12, ’6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. ' Come, One and A 11! ‘_ E subleriber, having re-opgned big 83- g_‘hon in {be Noah-east cornefof the DIAL " mend, invites the ngxentiofi of his friends Ami the public generany. to his excellent ALE, ppma, BROWN s'run'r. wwe, CHAS!- "" PAGXE,TOBACCO, SEGARSJCc. He hopes. bygn-ict attention to business and A desire to plusen‘b receive a. "barn? share of custom; ‘ * 'i. .H. W. CHRISMER. th’ylbvrgflhbg. 24,1363. if V . , ‘ oidflold and Sllver _ WAX%ED'_TM highest price ’ cash, 7 pan ’[or old Gold‘ and Silv ;a‘ present. is l favours}: time” BeH, the premjum on juheipgjgge. ~flgo, Gold gud Silver Cojn .ppigfiaagg; amd the highest price given; by .‘ ‘ . ‘ JOSEPH‘BEVA)‘, . Wacbmnhefktewencr, In the Diamond, j ‘ “Feb. 29, 1863. ‘ . ' -'• ' t lir lEEE ME .bvrt )lcCuMy, Jncoh =I • A DErimo b.r .7©n , A 3 At) pA i irm i ut j , Du, 2N. . . • Br 11. J. STABLE. 48th: Year- ; , Good Things from the - ty! ,WEJre roceivin‘g twice A week from the city a variety 0! article: suited lo'lhe wants of this community, viz: Fresh nnd‘Sall FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Hunl,‘Snlt, Apfil ’ , Rotate”, Orange‘s, Lemonl. Cunfecxiuns, 'l‘of‘kcoe, ‘Segns, ‘wiih man} olhcrvtrticles in this line—~11“ reveived in the lie-st order, nynd sold {it the‘lth-gprama. Give us a call, in léullimorc street, uenly opposite ‘ thnestocka' slgle. \\'A.\'Tl£l).-—lluner, Eggs, Lard, and all other country produce—lb: which the highest cuah rice will he paid. ' . bi‘fiilfi't‘ ROTATUL‘S—heu quality, at low nu living profits—always' on hand. Also, (In'STlilis, line and lreslw—in tha shell 01 marked. Restaurants and families supplied. ’ ' , STRIPKHOI‘SER a; wxsouum‘. Gettysburg. May 18, 186.3. 3m , Removal. r . "Eunrk-r-ignetl respL-rilul- I. ‘ r I) ‘.ninrnu lrlw I'm-“idemq ‘ M 353? nfflf'nyshurgnvnl vic-inilthnlfif-k'g‘ h!- hns rrmnved his “'.A‘I'PH AN“ JEWELRY .\T( IRE. m the mum nr-pm-hv vlu- Bunk. on anL umm, \vnprn' he luh‘ud; Ll‘t‘plllp’ m 3 :mcon. Int-l‘.! uf' W AT('lHjI.“. JEWELRY..>ll.\'lil: and .\HA'HR N. \TIID WARE, SPECTAFLHS, l'!.(l(‘K.\“ Jun. kc. Haring hH-u ,mnm-Nod.with n {inn-Claus L Wan-h and ‘JI-W'l‘lry Store in Baltimore, furi m-vr-ml wan pint. h-_i~= prepnn-«l Ln ‘lurnizh : Her} '.lrlil‘lP 111-“fl u? [incl at [he lrnwl-SL.cllyJ pri: m. and :11l purl-hm“ will hr glmr’nnlied may r. :xr. «wan-11. 3‘ ~ . lv‘rmn a lung ornnrience in “’ntch—rnmfirin‘fl mprginll)‘ nflhw “'.\‘lrhl‘i. he in [lmpzwwl m nl )" n 1! Lim‘n! m Wzll-‘hnnurk promptly, in lhfl he 1-|.mm-r. nml g‘unrnnly UH- performance “fit... I‘lu- Trill kl‘!‘|llll\\'n)‘i “a l) md n lwrgo n.~~nrt l'lLu' uf‘ Sl'l‘lt‘ll‘ M'l.li.".llml>‘).-c- of: , 111-lo lilac-«u - :lu-I ll um: nauti-fiififl 1'\[I"Tll'llI-- in axing-ling liwm m lhc ‘igfit, i 5 , pfl'llilrl‘ll to fit .01 film "rt-Ii “_.zy'. “ mu: .1 gm i-.l;!:\' “mu; m :\r:!ux‘ in Hm 1.“: M3lO. and q art-M \h‘r'ntv nt‘xunurlh on Man! . JEWELRY rrpwirt‘u in ihc ””‘lls' gnfinnhr. , \ Jusm'u Isl-3'33: Guitydwtrg. 001.5. man. 11 ~‘ J acobs‘s Saloon Rammed. Y HEMudn-eignrrl lune leufiO-i .MCOM— 3 Sn r Imm, in (Ihuuhm'shnm ~'m-ct. uml intund (a keep xtjn the hes! sfimx hnpmg lhm the [-uhltc will appreciate Ihoh "(Furl-Eu) menu: Ml gwmgllu-m .n l‘ler pail-Inna": T:."\l\\lll r}- wiu‘ UYSTEIH ngulauly pgu-l II.) [Lt 11 up 1" nus-r 314»: YUI \'(.('iil(,‘-?\'l£§.\‘ MIL? I'HXHI'H. HA.“ .-\,\lb I-I(H=.~. and wlmmt :Mryhr-n; U. n lA..’|'V hr rniiwi m. «ii! he ‘wru-I. “I"? In}: Mm I‘m-z: .\:,1:. 1; mm. Nagy; \\ :\'r'.~. 'i‘lm :uc ‘.\.»h‘rmlnel N do tlLH.—' nu x" If“: ‘ Illurl 'l9in Mo manuvrfnul fu-l ("‘lL‘in uf' I - . - . . . l A Imam“; ...1 \.ho mu) '.(H. , 1‘ wrung»: mpnm. JR. " ‘7. Jus+tcu_.<un£:3;. "‘ ‘% Gollyfbnru. Sum. ’ll, I-{H ’ ' Come _with a Rqslr r 1!”? .umierk‘rzul-nl “MM "I.le ym‘pmvfinv iE-rflrfn ‘l5“ mm)’ hivmlu :ml'. flyf‘ huhl'c ,:~"V‘l't‘”\. Hm! he hn'r gamer-1m llm ‘l'hthim: lumilAwu‘. m .4 uniml ~ nM amnrlju I‘n-lli-rmm-l. Lam- Jun-g l'.|. Hi: =tm'l :uy’ruuh p.“ u til-Ju lnnvh rm rzvdclgn rxnlgmm- rH-r) rule on mmHl\';:.'l:oL)T.~'. SIIHES. “_\’ls, V nyfi. Tr-xvd.~l.‘Knlh-»>, ("min \\':m~hl~-. va-_ ‘ 0114-. Hun». P 131015. nudiiu k): "“1"” rnluug u nu h ungh‘ ‘ly‘u' lumul .LI u but dafihd'lulhiug and Luim‘r i‘iwuw. ‘ f A ‘ l‘uvln uhux hvqu'l- r. In thr' 1n; xmime he 3min“ (‘vl‘l‘\lvudi m pH: him .: m!!!) #l\iv:- “uni: In L-‘cp m lugr'ml .1 du-‘L v. '2‘) wrc‘lfi mmfiu- :\:i—- :ul, \Kil'x Ilm hn, n u!‘ l ~1".:P wire, '!4» 551‘” "o mmm :I lying! at ~mr H prul‘h. \'n Hunxbhtfh shun,- 3.1045, .unl an? mi‘urx mud; 1m fluid} huym. J \(‘ols BRIXKFIIU! ITI- June 15, 1803: ‘u Give Us a Call; . ~ ~ . ' ODORI k (llllLESPll-I luu‘ésjusl rocofred‘ C “Jarg- nml splvndidjtuck’ 01 New; (inmls l which tlu-;.- 'nre selling as clwnp ."8 the limes.l will allow; Their stmek has lmen poll-cud wilh cure and Li of IL and 11 quality as the niglrket‘ will ntlorl. 31%.“15', we huge nll kinds,j llarll .md .\‘ufi Crushed, Pixlverizml,GmuuL‘m-d,f X!'\\' ‘lrle.ln~, Pom Rica and Cuba. TEAS,[ hmu-xinl. Young Hymn nnd BLH-k Tens. ML)- I.AN‘x"I-<, .\‘ow (Menus, l’m‘fn Ricqnnq’l Syrnpsl of Illll'crrnt kin-ls. TOBACCUS,; tn‘ suit all} Im'crs' of the wen-d, Congress, 5P“?! Navy. 3 (Juven'lhh, Rough and ,Imdy, anurnl Leaf, l and Fine Puts; Smoklng Tobnct-o, lgilferenl. kin-ls; l’ll’l-IS, a Lurgc und fine :ISS ILmlntf' SEGARS of various brands. CURL OIL| I.A\IPS ,xml Shmles, we have the bést assort- , "tent in the place, which we sell low; also, a” No.l nrliL-le 0! Coal Oil. DAMS, pluin and fing‘lr L'lfl'cd, Slmul-lcrs nnd S’ulvs. FLUUR, of‘: [he he~t qualityvvhich we ahmvglgunrunlce ;§ ('ml‘l—wnre. Tube. Buckt/ls, Water L‘nns, &c.i We 111’s» keep Notinns, Confevhons, Fruits, Fish. by [he sma'll or by llxc barrel, Sull,§plc£‘=,i (l‘uncnlnze. Slxrrch. Man-king, lmligo. Candles” Sonya. Curry (‘nmbs and Cards: if largo‘b ssorl- ' menluf Brushes. Baskets, Ropes. Cord-t, Crock ery-mire, &C. GIVE US A CALL] ‘ _ Gehyslmrg, .\lny H, 1863. . g ' - Nance. : . SAAf‘ \'.\.\' ORSDAL S ESTATl‘L—Lelneru I m administration, (19 honis nun With me “ill gumuqd. on the ”cum? I‘snnc' \Lnu Uri-In', hm- ol'h‘tmbnn twp.. Adams conn ty, downed. having been gmliled mgheunder 53;!llfl4l.rl“iflillgin Ibesnme township, hu beleby ghee umigu'to nlt person; indebted m mid mime cu niwkt: immediate payment, and lhosg bm’ing chu'ms 'aguinat Um aauuc to preset“ them properly nuthenlicnled tor selflement. JOHN F. FELTQ, Adm'r. fl .\'o\:. 9,1863._ Gr“; ‘ ..7:___ .‘ -4; <3“ - ‘Notice. a V OSEPH HARTZEL‘S ESTATE—Letter! 0! J mlminislrnliun on the estateot .10 pk Hurt ze‘, late of Franklin twp, Admms co., (tensed hiring been gmmed to the linden—i 'cd. re siding in the' .s‘gune township, be here )y give: no’ice to all perm)“ indebted to, sni estate to make immediate payment, and these hav ing claims against the same ta prese‘ht them properly unthentiéated for,cettlement.' ABRAHAM BART, Adm'r. ‘ Nov. 18, 1863. 6: = ‘ Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continue: the lgusjnil A. of SALE CBYINGTand solicits 'the‘c - tinned patronage of the public. It. is his c'on sunt endeavor to give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Besideqce in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. ~ ' - - l’. S.-—He is a licensed Aancer, under the Tux Law of the United Stnu-p.’ , ‘ . .\‘0v.24,1862._» __ ‘ a S. R. Tipton . - ‘NZ OULD most respoctfnily infirm zh . lie that he has comm”? mail-$3 BROOHS. He will make them on the mm; or as will best snithia mammary. Penona in? Broom Gui-h yinmmgecflL Shopin MCCO . ughy's Hull, on corner or first floor. . [Nom 9, 1353. IJKINé 1171;:th KER—sséoitwfb! Spripg find Sqéuner Clafhing ip Mn")t _ J 5; A 301%! amiss Trimmifi'Gs-in'hln 3.1. riety, nf.‘ ~ . '~- bCHICK'S. finficrt‘ant Notice N RELATION TO THE JANUARY: DRAFT. {1 —lleadguar!erl, Provoat Manila], Sixteenth [Mir/cl, I’ra'unylmnia. Chambershurg, Novcmc ‘ bqr 25, ”Git—Primed alplmbeticnl lists ofthe mime: andgesidonges of all persons, of both l (“13595, enrolleézua liable to mililnry‘dmrifp | this District, are being prepared as rapidly as pouible. ~ , _ (‘upioe will] a! once bq forwarded to the ser eml Enrolling Officers. at u hoie house: as well u at. Post Offices and other public places they umy'be anpectcd. V Any person enrolled»mny appcgr before (he Beard .01" Enrollment and ('l dun lo [mn- his naugefitricken cfl‘ the List, if 1.3.- cnu ‘shmy to the”; li=faction of the Board 11ml. he is and will am. he at the limi-x (Jaumxry sth,) filed lor the _nut drznl‘t,‘ liable to military duly on account of ' lax .Hienagn. ‘ ,' 24! Xun-rcniJam‘e. , 3w'usumnleness of A go 41h ”Hum-it l’crmmi‘cnt Physical Disability The tixnglor so nppcarlug'befuru the Board and Lhuming '.o hzu'e ‘nnmrrs stricken 012' will Hpirn”wit!l (In: 20th (,I'_D‘écmnbcr next, after maid: day no cases will.be heard. ' i Pvring: \\ 110 may be cognimnt of other per (an: liable 1o mjlihry duly, whose im es (fa rm. "Hicnr on (he I.l~Ys.urcmqllestedl nod: t_\ liu- anud offinrollmenl. All per; 1 cu: rolled on information :hus rcrcivmlurc "filled" tu aw.“ Uiemaelves of 1.131- pnvurgp ut appear; ing Within the time limited and chiuuug to h-nc th.:ir mum's rtrickc’n off, the same as if the) 3m! been mfgitml'iy cfirollwl. - Th}: “(mm qf Eurolimé‘nv. “in Me fa session dvxiijf umii 20th prux., lo ncL on burl: uses nu muy‘htgprcu‘lq-i. . (ii-21.). LYSTER, ‘ ('nfit. I: I’m. Mmfi 103 th Dis. Pu Nov. 30, 1855. 3: Notice. YM‘OB REX‘S ESTATE—Left”: ‘of ud'miu . idmllnn on the ash“: qf J'nmb Rex, inn.- «_.l Hurlur luwnahilu Adams county, dm Mud, luring Iv‘rn granted In the undv-rixzhml;u-sid mg in 1h:- ‘snmn lowusfxip, [ln-y hon-by giw'e no rm: to all pncsona indebtml {9 snid estate to make imme-dmtc pnytgent, nndxlhyse hating :iunsugmn‘sl the sum}: to pregnant them pro wr]; ~:xMilieu-III(med-for sctlh-mcnt. . ~ - ‘ASIUS REX, ' , BL‘KKHART “PERT, Nox‘. 23,1853. 6‘ , Adminidrmors The] Great; ‘American Tea Comp’y, {.l \'E§~‘r‘.‘x' STREET, _\'ng YORK, "HV’l‘i-E nu n-zmmnmn. hm! Cl‘t‘lfi‘l! .'r 39w 5“ rr\ in NW h\-mr_v of ' V i 8‘ HULKS HANG TEAS l.\' Tlllb‘ (‘FH'NTgHL (flu-y Inn-1n introduced their Mlor‘tiuna of TEAS, and Ml 2 M-H-ng thvm m up! 0601‘ A; ’l‘Wu l‘F..\‘Ts( 0: ("mm ‘ PEP; NH'M) .\BUVE : I")ST,,\E\ m: m vunv; v 1.0! 'nu: :11 u «xx mm: mm: .\qnd. r fi'vxlianlv n! Iho Company iaghu v‘nr‘ir ’l'm ’l'.\~‘TH> nul onl} Ilu‘uiu hi: I'm |..l]myw¥~u~ribn of luv-”IV‘IAS 4H 1n uxmlhr. \‘ul'u‘fnn'l,pgrlu'u):_lr :rx‘lns‘fur [l‘rm uLU' In ‘,Jiti-u' oh'omnnv.ix!llhcholp<lhc Tm buyer 1-'chnu=le my! 0! Ilwi: onnnnmts sth sent-h Tran 3‘ are lvl‘ l mhptnd tn [lii mni-uhr \\ Mus. all/N not Ixnl_\' mm. but point: um lu hun 11-p i-ou’harguius. ‘ '. ' h iC‘may ’tn ser‘ lhe inmflé::l«.h’le nr‘rnntupe :1 Th Hrnln 119.: m [hie owllnMulmu-nl nver nli‘ mlw <. k 1‘ ' ‘ [I 1m :~x 'll\<j‘!V':t nf' Trn‘Zu‘rAho .\lnrkrt—-ifhis liu|(-‘_i~ valuable—h? lms nll Ihr hcnvfitscof 3 ‘.\-cl‘ trim-Emu} sgé'em or daih: lmsmest cfnn n-nnr’mr- caymal. ol' tho’judgmom of .'l pruffi~ ~3lle I! Tea Faster, and me khawledge of su pflfiur'qfl'twhwn, ~ ‘ f" ’l‘hn ‘r-n mm .'iH Tl‘fl. bhvera—‘mo Immt‘r If "'...."u “u' M, , - '. ,v . h-ap'un- “10115:de nt mules from thix umlhtu 0 '.\h .il if, “3“ talk 1' “‘35," “_P”. -—m I»an hush-mun: good u-rms lu-le ‘nd th.; l‘. l‘.!” mm ' . . . \ , Xv'“ York nw‘trchumt' . . ‘1 0 run Into, ihe H‘Tllfl'. udfmfd n fnw 4 l'trliv-‘l run IHJ‘ler TM; and “ill ho :errmj “HMS ."I‘ r-rturs. and 7'" PUNQX’IHU; WIN! 1.5- J“ ,3, W 11", 11,011.41], (1",; mm (lmnwhlx..v,'l..._l thinlf'm‘ tn the \rnmnn ;. ‘ i- . in: mm to g“ “Hymn; {Darby/”'7,” ”qt/“find 1' KOn mum. to takAe tlus prm‘for bell" turrx: and Ith Tins ‘4“- “'AIIRASTBD as rfiirt- ‘or “’m-‘P? _ ‘ wuflL I v ‘ l “ Yest. m 9 want to lnk'P lnm—mn p'xw,“ We issue A Price List of the Compnny'sf “Alllright!” 'l‘uen tumi‘ng to lbenmn Tonywhich will be sent £0.11“ who ox~dcrit;sWho;modll;romblimz fhi f comprising . z ' “ 'on live thwwnmnn or fittnr'or or nx'smx YOUNG m'snx, IMPERIAL. ant? \vo-an. and nromifie tn Rwy. her}; «to. ‘ PU\\'DEH,lT\\'A.\'K3Y & SKIN, 001.03“. ' “ Fri-pl: I” and swvornl-nmls offthe hand. . “WVHUNGJ ORANGE & HYSUN L’EKOH-J "'l‘hon in the name nf"n'w; by vil-tue'of JAPAN TEA 0f “Very.“‘fit'rilniony 001 W“; the anchorin in my vealed, I hmnriunce Md QHU°_I‘JYP&- . . . _ [you man and wife,”und he stepped forward Th” 1'“ I”: “or “I“. {zggenh’j’f’ff’sn'é’zfl beforo the woman could, say a. word, and ‘lnev . _, lg; . x . ' " "I : Four Clus‘t‘i. n-nnelyx CA ‘l, high (‘A, ~1. f kifined her red 1i ,5 , Fl) Eu, fixhb'l‘, that every ghiunhy uhderstnnd . Slap mmfi her] hand in his face and she tiom (ltitl'lpti/on nut] the prices liimxeil that clulcliell hi ‘ l - T} q l ‘ u] the Company nr9,idélermiiied Cot ndcrscll the . - l“ s G ”I; i“ new 'ms my whole; Ton "'llll‘!” . )ulnpw in to take 1.0 w'omnn away. and to We guarantee to sell ALL our Tens at not Pm'fllt her m [."e Jinn?“ S‘llppmwd. "hp" over TWO ”:sz (.02 cents) pei' pounJ “bu“ Fin'seli-zirwervntign he_lut hnn a. rap on] the rust, believing this to be attractive to the “”39. “10 Wilmfln DIN-tiled Him the ,new mu"). who have heretofore been ’pxiying Exec-l hu§band. who’in.tur_n pitched mm hemmd nova pnorn‘s‘ ' for hboiit. five minutes there was .3 general GREAT AMERICA}: TEA Co\lPA.\‘Y,' l lmftlmg, "'3" I! display of legs, garters, mail i hymns” no Joanna, thing: decidedly nctoniahing. ' , No. 51 “my St., New York. I At Inst the pariir-x were separated, when Oct. 19, 1863. 3m ‘ “ I the man and the wnrmn took another trim < ‘ ‘ ' “ ' "' ‘ "“‘ at enchlotlmr, the blood and hair flying in Sheads 81: 131181110; nllldirectjnnz. Dan'n'cnrne tileftt’n'p, oim‘ DEALERS IX -, 7 ‘ EVPht'tlje bible, clatter wentthelnhairi; ind COAL AND LUyBER, into thg street went thejustzco with nbl: pk . S T o l’ 1.; S . . eye, and the bosomfihis shirt lbokjnglike - “NAVARE, HOLLOW~WARE, go, 9. Warranty deed covered withred leaisu ‘ V , 11.50 - ’ A crqwd rushed up stairs and found the- SHI'TTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ETC. man nnd wnman lying on the floor. huggingl Corner ott‘nglisle and Railrr-mi‘fitrects, oppo- each richer like young bruins. their: arms‘ ' site Railrofll‘l Depot, GlalTTi DBL Ru, PA: ‘ and legs mixed up worse than tomato-vi es. { bcpt. 28, 1163. tf ’. , . ‘ [he won-Mn on wpl - .I‘ l a: W" . ‘ "'7‘ "“ :“ "’““——‘ ’l‘henéwl marri dean lewer u n ted. ' ' ‘ Noi More POlBOllB. _ when. throggh thjmd oi, twn iziielgirgters, PROCESSES for the Preparation; Imptove- it was discovered that‘th‘e night beiore thei _ . ment,_a_nd Imitation nY‘LIQiJOiIS Ulf All. parties,‘ occupying adjoining shanties‘ in ‘ hihDS, induding Bundles, “ Intsi'“ hlsklcay. I_he lower part of mwn..lmd got into: qmtr-g (iins, Rums‘. Porter, Ale, Gldfl’i CONN“: 3“- |~rél over a stove pipe. which was claimed by "”i HC~—E“,9TI defile? in “GM" "‘3 ‘0"! both, and from words they had come to .Ifnnwn surf-felt it to be of the‘highwjmpt’f-l hlqws. Each party had hastened to the m“! l 0 ”18 Drohmble C'Onducm’“, °‘ 1"? b'“? 1 iustice’a office in the morning for a warrant “(:9. that he should be ll%ss9s3?nofccr‘aln . for (he nther. with th'e result. as stated in nrmntinn which hit. I ertu een strictly ' . cnnfine’d to wholesaie‘hongea. Thia‘sinfqrms- i :30“. tt’l‘hehlnat news from thehre Fm. 12:“. inn is mm. to:- the first time, placed #ilhinl _ue‘Par‘ies a gqng m seal?! 0 anot 'erl‘ the reach, and adapted to the succesnfui and :J 3 ice 0 :QWEWY.‘ em. 1! '° the gfinm _mostprofi‘laple 1159.0! ALL dealers. Parliculan Gila” oft ear ter’lrble “rum."m‘ ‘9'" will be mailedJre’e uf clinrgenu those lending tmg '.‘P “9.50!" and mm - ‘3 ”"3395: “(3“qu LEE & 000 KB, P. 0.4;“ 357' £l9 with whisky. _Fdr an actual fact. it In‘ Wubibgtoiz, D- Q - the richest mthm our kuowledge.—La ‘ REF-‘N. B No other: but dealers need up- CW Democrat ' Ply, I; no firmltiowwill he sent to any one) who does not n‘ccompnny lifi-pddreu with the pledge that he is a dealer injiqnor. Nuv.l6, 1863. 4m For Sale, A VERY desirable? FARM. adjoining the .Borough ot Gettyiliurgmunhliuing 39—4 ' 12+ ACRES—Banding and Land good. avg Will he sold on‘ \‘uy accommodating 3‘ ' terms. ‘ GEO. ARNOLD. Go‘ltysburg, 0cz‘.‘5,1863. tf . New Goods. GEORGE ARNOLD has jun. reccived from Philadelphni, a large atock__of CLOTHS CABSIMEREShOver-coatings, Unssinets, Vest iug‘a, Flmnels, “Balms, Jeans, kc" all ofwlnch will be 591 d cheap fox-cash. Call (And see them. Sept. 28, 180 p. \ - URE BR ANDY, WINE AND WHISKEY, fox medicinal pupa-ea onl ,nthe New Drug \preof gr. I BURNER. LOVES, Cpsihnem and Vutinglfchup at . ~ : - {PAH'NESTOCKSZ ‘ 1 • • , .4 it , 44 turfr : •m • ... c c tltb., * -I • $ :* 4 s , - _ -.- s' -ij j / / ' • • j ... “nu-m 1: mean an vnip Punm" GETTYSBURG, PA-, MOND.4.Y: DEC. 14:, 1863- . 0311;: amt: ~———»————— _ —3—.»_—_»_—.= Broken the golden chord, ' l Severed life silken tie“; . i N , Never again will the old (113}; come, ; Darling, to 'you and I. V I ' A HINNESOTA LAWSUIT. ‘ ‘ In the ani-rurnl minim? Winona, fur“- ty nnlée north of'th‘< oi'v n Hm Minneso i (:z‘sme nf the Midiwimw Rlver.livm.mnong ‘mnw nthor people, n .inHy good fellow of a .jmtiqe‘nhhn‘ peacq, wha‘ce ideas of matters { are much Hi}: the current at a deep nw'r. Once started in a déop river. it is-Qnéu‘d to I turn them. Mn 9. fair (luv lswt work. nfmr the 10 x I‘."qu dispenmry‘lmd prn «wept, I “Her tho' chairs ha} been wt in a short row ! nmimt. the aide o the oflir‘e. and sundry :{whipped qhilu- e'ftnhaccn aildfinutilnted ci gm- snubs hud been kicked under the stove, ‘ , there was n wooden stop on the stairs und , a vigoroiu knock at the (100?. ; l T i “Comp in.” said L}mju<tivr~. a! he settled I into 3 tom] lnnk 5o [no-fitting a man of lmv‘ : duly r-leclpd to dispenswthe favors of the. blind mm“. ‘. . 3 g ' A;striut woman matured. Sheihnd on a I short Woolen «Iresu—wnoglen-solml stunt":— bpnrtfid rod cheeks, bmrk Imir,‘ mm ova" Ihlrg sag-ppm] like the- lm-k of n hhnfl guani— hfia anwose acm-nt,mld in thel worst ‘ pmm‘hh Enzlwh, «he mid : ' ) “ You ‘luw man ‘3” _, é “ \"vs. (madxm: b 0 spntml.” I . “ Wain ray-er. Wan! paper to lake! man." 1 Jnxt then a stout Freyoh half-brow] on-' fired the mam“ Ho wnq‘uunhk- to wmk h Ill‘ 11 dawn nf \rnrrla, mu! Innkm] pithvr yam} m- landfill. The lecn saw at ulwn‘ H m Her w.“ u max-rum! In vonm nfl‘. :m'l s:an in [My frmn'm. who nit-ml with man’- lwekwl lips wam'mnglnm juflicc and the dam: : ‘ - "\sznt' rnrmr tn hikm t a: nmn." ‘ ,“ Y“S,‘4fllfl Impor. K{or .u-n mm. {.\“me woman. thought mojux'i: P] m» no good man. M" take lmn ac qn (k 98 (km 3" ‘f A“ right. m“ vow» fix vuu in the jerk of a lumhfi 1m! 1” qmdgt‘mjudico. as hé turnml “h the man :‘fiti <u'H: ' ' “You know [his woman-mm you take Iwr :”‘\ , , 'l‘jm 'nnn “hank his head and mutterul ‘m-imrvnuzihlo wrfrd~ ' .. V —-~A H ~~ Io>——————- " ‘ ’ Too Smart—W» %ow 01: n‘ man in a cer tain Westetn city ho was ‘very fond of due)“. but. on. accounl of the number: he bought. a! market; was not unfrvque‘ntlyk trgubled‘fiithdodgh ones. One day, wish ing for agoodly number, he went t 0... poultry dealer nnd said he was at: afliic boarding house keeper—that his bush-den were. raveniiue, especially when thing were young and tender. ' “Now,” snid oun chmctl'r with n w' k, “I mm‘l. you to piu‘k on; :sll'the Cough na mnll ('th tough ones—’you’ve got.” The delighted dealer finds no gichulty in picking out a-number‘af tough ups. , f‘Aretbene all the rally tough cues you hive got. I” \ ~ i “All !” mm the reply. , x’ A “Then," said our epicum "I’ll Qake all of the camel- 1011 if you. please.” ‘ , '~ fi'l’ha wenltfiius: min in Indhnl he comuifud su‘; ‘ 6.?Eflrhm‘pdptfl The wmlunieifommty on him taco of the globejsidoitgt ’ bums Wing. . NEVER Maui. Dead tha beautiful Past ! Scattered arbund it! bier- Pale thoughu'lie thick, and memoricl or days {bu were so dour. . Mommies! ~ Fold them. up-{—- ‘ Lay themaxcrerl by! ‘ l - Wlmz nuns iv. to drum of {be Past? . .Tbu Future for you and H ‘ . Broken the silken chord, Sr-vorcd [he knldch sham. ‘ Linkin‘g us with the beautiful dx‘lys That. never can camelxgain ! , gamma; 1111;32qu AT GETTYSBURG. Mr. .‘.ewnrd, after the fighting was over, went to Gettysburg to do What is more in his line than fighting—dunk»: a rpeech and have “nv‘livqu time." His xf‘coch was so intimrfi'ant that (vaGorcrnpwn! censors por mitted it. to mme over the wire: atpnce. so tth all 10an citizens onulll I'93th at break fast the mnnLing after it fin delivered.— Séme strange rvflécfiiom it must have him on rise to. in .the minds of Pcnflsylmni ,Amr‘ng 015 largument.‘ unwl by the De— maicraizy to {lie people in this State was one which wig-grated itself as a certainty to the mind 9f ever}: int/ellipontr tliinkpr on the Hal-jr-cll, namely. that on A‘s'cpamtion ofthe Union.; Pennsylvania \vnuld be 'n border State, and if not‘llie nctnnl ballle-grou’nd of the stringgle which would enme, would be liable, from its situation, to forays an!!’ in cursions from the enemy. The ranges of Pennsylvania valleys and the destruction of bur property val-e foretold by Democratic .crators and primed by Dembcratic newsm pers. 2TO all bf which the Republicnnfi, with-omg voice, replied. in mockcryrtlmt all th.:‘semrophccies ivere imaginary and, but lhreats to prevent men from onnscion tionSly voting; thnL thqrq would. he no separation, no war—4lmm would be no fighting in Ifg-nnsylvaniu. or anywhere also. 3030):? was louder or more freqriont'in his, nswrtiom of the falsity of the DPmocmlic arguments than ‘ Mr. Seward. . Over” and river again—in alnws! every speech he made—the idea of mus and battles. conse quent on the success of the. Republii‘an Jun-f}, was laughed at, n‘ntl‘denied‘as a (le vicepftba ppposite’pnrty. If, then, thr'we years of. brilliant n_ml surpénrlous mon ducity had not furlvade surpriga at any cfl'nrk ni' ”in! kind, what “‘olle ‘bnvn been our huturnl 03.2}:Ilndlinn nu 'Touding Q“- foilmv inL' eura'ct, from Mr. Sewa‘rd’s chyaburg t HA t ? “Ho .iutioiqiutod fnrtv ymxfi a:o_tl~:tt the huttic of hpulom would hevtrmght upon this gran-ml, nml that slavcxy- would nlie.'f—- [Lon-l cheerixig.]' ; a ‘ Noih‘one thing is evident—Either Mr. wanhl tohl {m untruth at Gettysburg. or 0110 lmhvs l or-n nmrnthful for forty yhnr-t, durlnu :I'll Wilit'il time he said there/would lm no liJhting. If he anticipntéd.:fmtv yvnrn ago. that what he 'e:t,lls t/h/e 'bnttle of fxmulom \mm‘ll he fmrght o t‘ it! gmllt‘ll. that hia lih- ainoe tlwtt/Kntirip‘ntion hnq been (1' Name of ful-ehryih, If he vhd In t ulvlivigmte‘ it’, then hemnnjns't keeping his hand in. c.) that theft-it» Impartmnntwouhi ohm-wi- nn a; alt-:(Jw‘t- in hi~ action. For' ni,lr‘vivnq n' 'hhrulv knnw levlvh one of the t'ulselmm st( twlie’t'e. Looking at. our foreign-dim“ Chas. it would seem that they were qmtn i~ pmsxhle ’to one withont nt leaxt'inrty years of systmnuyt’ic niendueity a: a training. and this ily‘liri‘fis‘m to that he lwt': hut. on the other hnnd, the premieme “hm: he Has exhibited in other things lmhtily wurtu‘mts our credence in that prophetic gift which hit so vainly claims- Anyhow—and that it) the main point —Mr. Seward? smtementa ere irreConmluhle on tiny hang; of truth?i He probably will not ‘rare In ,ch about that. BuL wlmt will the people of Pennsylvania say to‘me mnn tvho vlor i'orty years has beenpoolly—nay. gladly—.cnntemplutingnn invasion anenn aylvnnia soil, and the death or mangling of fifty th’onsnnd—dfihis fellow-citizens, and, so far from endeavor-in; I‘o prevent it, [me an shnpml hii course an to inauro it. and 11f ter it is accompliehe'd congratulati-s him self and the country ’on the fulfillmentof such hopes? -' But more: , ' “He said he.wns now sixty years of age, and for forty years he had been in pu‘ulic life. o This” however” was the first tnnehe hml l-rer (lured to address the [twple rési ding on the borderq of )[ztrylhnd.{' 5. What doeshe mean by that T‘ He cnnxfot men'h to say flint. in southern counties of Pennsylvunia there ever existed a time in ,tvhich he could not. have toms aa'many un truths ns he'Vyante'd to. That ‘would have i Been purposeless falsehoml.und we‘hnve‘ not. i found Mr. Se‘hmnl at. that yet. -What we 1 suppoaolhe mam to say ia,‘that so olose to l the borders of e alaveholding State be nev- : or had a chance to nnnthematifi slavery“ 'ljhere is nxattl'flr of con’gratulat' n for yon, .1 fellow-citizens! Who almll nyt 'we havei gained nothing fly thii wnr [A half a mil-‘ lion of our bravest men-n e dead—(lend by the most‘hqrrid form of' ying—nfler endu ring cruel tufl'erings— nknown million: of : money have been 3' tL-mourningand de~ solution darken eve homehold in thehmd hut Mr.'Chase’s a d the contractors-'2 glint 'the result is t I’. Mr. Saint-d, after forty years’ lilence [my ventilate lhis oratory Marv—,uot in (hehas not [quite got. to that‘ yet'; a few. million: more of money and thousann of men will nccomplinh it.) I lslave S to. I- not this: mighty achieve ment or such preparation-7i: it not acheap prie that we have paid for this pfivilege? D- we not feel, that. the lives have been - all lost. the mopey' well spent. the ag i onies, the heart-eaten welt nufl'ered. which have secured for us thh‘ inestlmble boon? ' . , How long is such I, mockery of the feel ings of this people t 6 be endured? Penn aylvanin soldiers he??? fought forauch an object. Hen are tste slander: and ill-71 __ ...__~fi.-.- _ mm on those dead heroes gkhis feet 10 be I 34;“, Richmond. 19ml)?“ bonnet 901 d nuengedt quld Mr. fiewm ‘hnve dared fr"- $l3OO. The I'ollow‘inz appears in‘the to stand 'bel'oruhat nlnlnrt, living hoot, Ru-‘hlmosd Ifiiwlggg—ig‘ggamedclofsg-ngi , . - . .- ce 1 ‘ ms: on o mnum "ho? .m that 3mm!) he Ind-Igngd. and Mama 3;. évxcellrzn. trim}: unfiino arm nor Inga that they were fighting (gr such 119 mm. A” use wishing to examine the «330 u this! I ’ . ,dm'u-can have it sent in her midonce \gty - “Tum Ind bean I gmtiuue between .addmaing anon: Lo‘Alphm’lliqnch omce. fiewghdjvflnqounw limit-Ind South. if“? 5959‘” ~ - ‘ ‘ ' TWO DOLLARS A-YliAli. 'nml it wan n‘ow 'lmina determined in this content. lle mu luixinus lo per slavery (he :bv peaceful mum, and by xliprul means, l if pohiblo; and nmv he mis' (lanky-l to I hen it die, by the fate of war." ,[Aé fidauqe.) . , ‘ i With '8 ‘(lf-Villsil deceit Wom'JlmsG nur :50": “ml brntlwrs invoigh d into an army, 'to light .211 the noblest and mo»; qimlted imusa that‘man can give his lilo fm ; and iwheiulmv‘liav'e died in line glorious belief itlmt it Was their t-mmlry—(lioir Union— ifor illmrh Hwy oil'nrnd ‘up ‘llieir lives—\— ; wlu-u llioy :zu- eolwl in the ground and cum 1 not rim ii! iii}? slnnder»comes Line Ilemqu ' who had falsoly ,onhjammd them, Sand; { btnmling on tlioir limlics. denies them their 3 pnirixphsm,‘tlt‘nios ”1011) their life’s opinioh, l and degrades a ll' mplmnt snu‘rifice‘at. tho I lmlipn of «ham inertia barbarous quarrel for I n cauée Hth the majority qfieso dead pa. itriols‘liutod arid dunked.- - omler‘ it was .tlmt. Mime x’wliilrnml ham“ and cycli-Hs skulls Wbre liot qu'ickcncd into wrulhful life iaqd didlr/ot . > x i ""SLH'L .'ll'l'l trnm‘ilc under his we," ' ('animgled Lyra. scum of instill. which, not remitent with _unblusiiingly acknawlrdging ’ a lvaso tlnccij. prurjiml on them living. ig ! tl'illutif‘ll to thnni, (loud ‘mnrtyrfi to a hply‘ ifziuso, motivv: the moat :iblxdirént that ilk-i 5 ‘ nature; could conceiva—Agefi ' l - A RICH INCIDENT. « l In 'the vvicinlly of Bethlehem flgoré 110‘ :hldas u ilcll, l’zn mar named Mr. D., whd is: ‘O. rank Abolilinniq. His wife, however. is la Sbunil Democrat—llml the two have ol'lgn I had political :nghmr-nu: ixufléch the lmi l‘buml ,(‘nntemlwlj for the elevation of the ; ljtluck man in exacial nnxl political life. Re lcoml)v Mr. I). went, into n p‘iecé oftimber to trim}; ‘ wngll, anal dux ing his nbslmce g 1 [wags-n lmyl of u‘tswtlling negroen can“) to . lhe, l:gwnn=o‘uml mkezl for something to mt. IBlrsf'D. lmlll tlmm to walk in and she would uvt‘xhcm dinner. Sh» put them in ‘lle purlm“ zmll in a w'ry’hlmut time had u-Veral fine chlx-k‘rn: killed and romling in lthu «l‘ovc. About [hi-t tinio she SM her flux-hand npplozu‘lllng the house, and me’eh ‘ "mg lximlin the yard plle told him Lhatsome of lll~slmsl Month had‘cnme dnwn' topay .him a-‘vinil nml he 'should hurry up stairs and cllnngr: hi< t-l‘nlhinz. llc diths dime ted rm) soon came dowp stairs dreused in )his lnwt Sunday auiq. Hm usl'nnishment mey be imagined when his um. opting-ll the puxlur door. and 33!”!er lfim "1&0 mp pres tence 0;! cigln at [on filthy dzu-kies. By this r limr- dinner \m— r-wly and Ith descendant»: 0! Hum (“11!th wait to be invited a van'l ktim» to sit day‘xr nml help H’s-Imelvm.—- ‘ 'l'm-nlrl mun c'wl‘tlu) julw was too good to ‘94 mml almn'. l-ut lm l'nlt tnrxv to lose the (likkfl‘ll‘, \rlncll kw lmd prumiéqd ‘tn den nver to onenf tlle'll’wtvl-klgr’pms M Bythle~ ‘ :hem at, 6.0 cents a In r.—L'u.\/I»n A‘rgus. . ’ ‘ l ‘ _‘ -..: , ..4 onus»; —-—~—— , l ‘l' l NEGRO EQUALIH. ‘ l'l‘he‘Drg‘tnn ’Empire remarks, that. when ‘onr iofiifulheri wild “nil men are pro-atoll Equal,” xiii-v nit-2m! th-it 3111' films mnn were Named wnh wivml yolitiml rights. Any_ other inn-quelntinn ol' Lina declaratinn “jrmld vimkv them hither knm’ei or [OOlB, lor when they signed the lloutiinent they {were nearly all suehohlcrs. and h? ordi nx-nvvs Qf the ('nn'stilution and statute laws they afterwards fixmi the Hutu-i of the ne- ‘ gm ns'ouc of servitude and obedience.— Tlmse nre orjnui whom God hm, c‘reated ‘ equal. andvun bliniler piece n'f folly could : well be per-"petrnled than an attempt. {oi legislate the negro into the pmitinn of equality with thn white men. .Sauh an at.- tempt is *nn insult to the hints at ‘natnre and the mtefligencnof mankind. But the men who’ nqw hold power believe, or profess to believe in negro eq lny, and they are using all the powers 3*:- G wernmunt in nnh-rj'ohrmg 2r nbuut. mm the. presPrvu tion of the Gnvurnmvnt il~clf i 4 subordinate? 1 ‘to thi3~Wlfour uriliinn negrnea, naili‘nlly imlo e . ‘anp..hleqi‘support im; thmmnlws‘ in it own iZl‘ '- v, are, we are toldyto be free, and to be emluwu ' ‘ h oq-inl tighta with \rlnle mun. Alnhttonism. now. not only demands negru equality at [the Nurth, but iw‘ determined to force on the poo'tle of the South the same policy.— At the. Sbuth Wu behold a carnival of blood and horrors: in the North at‘rgfi people striving to, prmnrve their 'libcrties innit the dignity oi“ their race lhrnu_vh the ballot box. Let the people (it the North Mainly. demand ol'the Administration that the war Plinll not. he waged f’orthc pu-pn-e of es; tuhliahing negro oqualityin thelSnuth, 013' efl'ecting the Fflmv purpqgse at. the anth. 1 and wetnuy have peace and a restored U ‘ nlon, tor theßnly interest tim Aliolitionistq : have in the war is money and the success-“if tkheir leveling policy. Let xm injunction 1 he placed on ([ll9. propelling avheclu’md the v machine that is tearing asunder the opuu~ try must stop. , - ' . Pawn—The prim- of‘printing paper has again advanced. Newlrupor editm-s are“ now paying over om: Jmmlrcd and [1771/ per cml. mare for ‘pmper than formerly. ‘ll‘ this ‘ mlwmoa continuan. (and we we nofirospect. ‘ of anvthing else.) we really fear many country paperu' Will be odvupelied to Ens: pend hnd go under. Subscribers should think of this, and pay up promptly, 01-‘mu merly editors couldgfi‘ordjo trust for one, two, and own three yiax‘s. but this practice! cannot be thought. of these Limes~it~cost~l too' much. We inu-nd .to collect, fund shall make .1 “forward movement" on some lines lhandred delinqurms before“long.-—- ‘ Thin we are Wrmined on. V“; have hin ‘ ted to catnip non-paying pmrnm long enough. We will now «Ar-Quack Volum l‘tfl’. _: .' . ‘ L Making OJ: whim! Baum—One of. our exchanges any“ that it has héen informed by wld‘lv. that. nhe hm discovered a plan by which!” kmdmo! only»: mm be m 512 with out butter. She cayetylm taken :; piece of fst‘lnlt pork. melts it. down and strains it through a pieee of coarse thin muslin. apt! then set. it aside t 6 oool.‘ 1M! than .whue and firm. and is used instead of bfiuerjn making any kind of cake. Try 'l2—“ will be ng‘reat. saving in these times. when but. tel-53¢ thirty cent: n pounJ. , moonmummon Hunt-1’ (‘1: 00m 11' MWATL ' 00-. GM. B. ”comm Rzmcuded for flu. Nominal)»; to the Nat Fruiting. . f a .4 7 wamn. Droembrr 4: .'l'he Comelsvmive Union Nationd pom mmoe met. at. the nqmet Ham at 3 o'clock. . i ‘ » Gowrnor WM. 3, Cumpbellpf Tune-qr, I.:ka ehlirman prom.‘ * , s . Hon. Amo- andull wmud psi).- ,2 newt “resident. of the cumin . ‘ -- L William C. Kurd, anew York. "to!“ W! permanent lrmurer. - _ .3: The convention m-sémbled at. 12 o’clock". in thalarxe hall. The (onvrmion wu Isl-m dressed (hiring its e'esainn by tho-following . named gonllemen: llon. Garret. Dyvig, of Kentucky: .1. P. Faumt, of NEW Yurk; LiPu'tenanl (inverhon Jacob. of Kentucky? William C. Hurd, nf' New York; Genoa] Imali‘r- Cnmlm; A Nurmn, MTG}!!! ; J. Son: '. Harrison. othin: Sumué‘l'l‘. Williams, ‘ \ .Murvhunl; J. C. Phil'ips. of Ohioyllmxl. X, Inn Bapo. ’M New York‘; John M. James. of Mhin; J. Ih-unm-r. oi 'Kerilucky; Paul Shinmnnml‘Loniwulle: Governor-Campbdl .pf ’l‘onnmsee; 11. I’. Stevens, oLNew York, .tmd many other». - ' Lone” were. rand from Him. Johnna“ ‘ Rnlmmm. of l‘.-vmuylvnni‘l. ”011.1 Emerson - Elhm idgf‘. (If'l‘mvne-see, “’njbmizton Hunt. 'nf Now Ymk, Hun. L-nnus Clnldn. Him. i E'lWl‘H‘} Ilulcf!m,ol Mumnchwfils, Hon. “'- ‘ find of. I'vnnw‘numi'l. (w’pvo nr Trymblo and Hum. Jnhn L. ’l‘hnynr. of Ohio; Hon.- (hl‘lmrH'fWalkcF, ol Irltnqis; Hon. John B. Hu‘mn. 0t Koutm'kv; Govérudp Cnlby. of Yarn} mt“: Hun. C. B. Culvert. oanry-= land ; “uh. l'.. Imm stu. of New York, nnvl mnm’ other; ‘ CI Z - cam_ 11- All expreszml‘lhe {£l9leth interest in Use 'sllccess nf this nmrmm "wand nearly ML the enrm-Fl (lmirn fur .lhn‘ nomination of (immignl ("home 1‘». Mchcle by this gun v ' 'n. h. duh-19mm to these nummom‘ (*inll‘ m fuvuuuf Gem-ml McClellan, t xhjvcv. 0!! hi; nmninmiun mug' before the coun-mm“: ion lla‘ unmidrrufinn, and rvuuh 4) m ”louduplium ol‘ the {ollmviug resoluiiou, presented by Hon. J. B. Brun ne-r: ‘ ' i Rraolml'. 'l‘hni [hi-i Committee nf Cnmuh .l intion ndnpls nnd‘reuflirms 4110 Kontucky 'pixttfnrm of HILL anal I-Ilggi'fil‘i to the Corn isorvnliva Union Natiqnnl Commiuvn Um lim'mexof Lit-urge 13. McUlclinn fur tho next' iprosidmirv. r_nri 'FflC-HINIH’IH'N‘ in the (mid :vommilti a to tnko mnh nc'tion in rngnrd'to {the-nom'n'nlmu ol'mndidates for prmidant Jami Vice [u‘rsidcllt us they mny‘deem'ex :‘ll‘?if‘ntu \ ‘~ , i huim: (Im’disollQ-‘ion Ui’e names of “an. . \V. B.v.Cnm;ilir~H.~ nl' ’i‘vnnosseo, Gem-ml. 'Lml’m (:3me and Gum-mar Thmnm E: ‘ Ul‘n~nl]efll‘, \w-re inqnlioued with great intcrml for VlOO L‘n-sident. ‘ 'l‘n-(iny [l:9 nutmnnl committee convened . and adorn-«l liu- t‘niinwing younlutiop upon 3’ motion (if-Jimmiltrm l’qpe; of liflilpnky: ii i - Wilt-rear. Hm ll‘lVls‘flry couvenlinn' ixoldfin 4 Cincinnati (,1: tim 4th int-innit, buying 1'?- ~‘ cmnmemlod 4r) {his committee the name of Lfiz'B. ¥McClrilrn lor the presidency 'mld . .inm'iefur the viveprcsidqncy, and it being {dvemod mh’ikubie tohave n. fujure meeting‘ ‘Oflhis committee l'qx- nominating candidates ifOl' the lniesidency and vied-presidency i therefpra‘ D ‘ x , l - [maxim]. Tth the resolution be referrgd Z 49 a meeting oi‘ this comguittpe, L 0 be held . n 1 Inriwpon leuco Hail. Philadelphia. on the 2341 duy n! tim~ mumh. nml that, ullmom ‘lmrs be eflrncstiy i-equnstod to attend in: , Hm! city, for the consxdemtion of fit reso ilutiun and Sucb'nction :95 may be ‘deen'acd Ahtivisubla. - ‘ _ -' ' '. The [n rmunant cocremry ofthe commit.- tee is Mr. .‘tcvvnn, Of New Yurk. -——— 7 ‘ —4-.————-—-—— V - harm Tums; _' wa‘an anod lhqfime; mm! in 1857. A'l‘bcfy \N‘m “._ml for rhhlwre and charlatnm, :11th for tho rnnl luiiing‘yfllindustrious inn Werests of the nation, H] y were good—4:o {chine theeru-m-y WM go!“ and all mLm- -. aim of g-nnrlugexo vlmnp. Malcontqnts cla 'mored furn-vulutinn.-—nnd thewfox-e com ‘plained of the 12mm. Sow. hovuwer, we“ .f/mre lmrvl tlim‘xs4the hardest ever known _ wince the revnlutinn. Now is the poor and limmat mm to live? The co‘ntmcgor arid robhar of «nurse got»; richnfl the sufior ’ings afio'hm-i. The poor man‘howcvor “my; 40 Cf'nii for a pound of coffee—Che jmme monm: would 11mm bought, him {our ‘ 1 110(1de in 1357. He pays 40 cents for mus- ‘ vlin. U" chm-1 have bought four limes ,ho ' Wiffitity for the same ‘money iu'lBs ':—- Doeshe got,foqrtimmflnewngesnowf Who does n'nt, he must suffer in proportion at he receives Iqu. ' ‘ . . Thew'x‘lre trul'ydbrrible timM—nnd ”my are getting warm every day. How cguho lnborer pay his real and keep his mily from starvation at present prices f—Allcu town Democmt.’ ,‘ . ' WM nguery nr Abohtionixm the omm Qf (he I Wad—Goneml wanna: Henry Harrison,‘ ’ in :1 letter which he wrote in 1820, said: , 3, "I am and have been far many years so much nppoiml lo .ahwery, that X will\nevcr lhvo in u slave S'M‘e. Batj belieub the ,Cnnatilulion has gmm no_ powervio the. Gt'IIerfl"(EOVPTHHIOHE Ln :ntorf-ste-in 'thiu matter. um! Huh. (0 Have slaves or' no _ 'slnvr-s. (lefllu‘h upon the people in each I, Saw. Butfliwirlp um uonstitu‘tion’nl objec j~tmn, [am puuumlcul than. the obvious (en- Hlency nl'such inlh-Eflg‘enm an the pa’rt or . .‘.! Str.tes~'whirh lmv» nn slaves with lhq '. prnpéfly of thwir YMMV! ciuzém of the oth lers. is to product- A state of dinoo‘rd and Qjeulousy', tlml wit! mghc and prove fatal to {he ’ (Minn/K , r—l A ‘.QCD -————-—' 1%“le Cincinnati Ezquirér of Monday wen-k says: V ~ We L mm»! Vymterdnv. frnm a highly re— .suected mcmhor of utezs‘riety of Friendi rmident in u m-ighlmrm‘g county, that the ’ snciqty to which he is attached recently sgnt a committee (9 W’ivksbdrz, to tastier ain the true nunzhot' and contlitibn of the ' "contrzsbzmds" 'at that place and immedmfiq vicinity. Tho committe’a lmi‘cnremrned and repbrt that they hnve found forty thouululd, one-third of whom wert- entirely)! nearly nnkpd. ‘ Four hundred deuthhpocc ’on u ‘ awn-age daily. _ y i WA new England clergym n,e'nforcing_ }on his onpgrvgminn the not: ity afpracti-' ‘ ml godlmms unvl contrzufiing the early ‘ (:blistiuns '.Villl those of the present gener ‘latinn. very propcliy refiurked: ‘fWe have 1 too many‘ resolut‘mna/nnd tdcfidle‘ action. 3‘The Amnof the ,Apfistlca’ is the ‘title nf I‘m books of the Nc-wJ‘I-ntamieut, thélr rew - lutt'ona have nonreaahed n 3.” ' = The fire! :Wzrril{;r.—“And Adamnufid, This is now/bone of my bone undfiah of my flesh ; aha shall be called wom bo caune she was taken onto! mm. Tingling shulllu man leave hi-x futile; ““4 hi; ungui er. and ammo, unto his wife; gm! th., shall be om: {Lgshfi' Nn ml‘ds. 5 ’ W‘Buynum has gal. i new Lflliputia'n. snmllerjhun eilhe‘r 'l‘um_ Thumb or Con:- modore Nun. III? N U years old, 22 Subh es highmrl wmghr-H poumh. A ‘ fiTfie‘ surname hibunul of Hmdrid ha} just gwen fiml j-nlgmont in a suit. which had been under mignion 240 yen“. Ind‘ which iuvnlva the mean-Sim) to th.- heritanceuf Bruno, me invader—Hid - qnoror of Pen u. __ _ ”The negruuw 1:1 Cincimrtii hfltjiflf comuwnc'ed, the ”tru- uf‘ a/newnpaperin that city, Ilmolml "£0 “Swirl to the negro race. It is mliod the .{r‘iin’fiz L'z‘fim. 1 , 35;?"th rem lEIH n! fin“ ‘mufimr'coni pczers, lineumvru udji Schubert, busing“ exhumed, pnfifingmphevh qufi-ehn‘kd... Photogmfig)! is beifig fifn mtg” ‘ _ , ..va . - 33-May“ (ii-neml' Tm: ;. ’: successor wastupminffiow G . _ ‘l'. Em‘ Liegtenuu& in “fire“ "1 '2;- . 12:=C;iing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers