mm flnmnikcr. OUR FLAG ! The union of hing—the uniqn of land!— Th. Union of Sum nono would levzr i ‘ Theynion of henna—me union nfhmdl— And ihe Flag 4)! um Union turner! .LTT.‘::."::; V‘ ’ 2' “—1": g... "';-.’.—:— I. l. ITLIILI, IDITOB AID 98011112103 GETTYDBITIIG, PA: MONDAY MORNIxfi‘, AzPRIL 6, i 963 BENTIMENT FOR THE TIMES. Under no palm“: (ma-41mm. 7m! even in Jnmm rtctmui, OR AM”) THETIIROES OF 01"”. W/A 11. tan Um Guumxmmljultgfy Wu! mm fncnd: with the [radon or” ‘b’pach or oft/Ac l’rru; any‘vnorc than :1 can mil: (/1: freelmm of Mg baWot. The [not .tiousneu of LIA: tony/u: and (fibbpélt isa minor and cnmpurqd my}: the li‘ «woman: Qf {blutrary [mun—F. I’. BLAIR, Nen..ifn_Lhcr of the pram-n! Povtmu-Au’r Gen eralgnd the intimate friendofGenJuckson. DEATH 01" GEE. JAMES COOPER. ; Brifindier General James Cooper, in com mand of the United States troops gt Colum, Ohio, died there on Salurgl'uy morning week. The remains renéhed ;Fre‘derigk, MIL," on Monday. and were interred on Wednesday‘, with suitablg honors. . Gen. Cooper represénted this State in the Unimd‘StMes SgnntoJii yenrs, and held «the:- important ofiicinl positiéns.~ He read law in this place, and resided here until his clectiqh to llhe United Suites Senate, when he removed to Pottsville. Sometime «he: the expiration of his term, he retired (to his native State; Marylnnd, having puf 'chn.~ied the beautiful Draperty of Frederick A.,Sphley,~in_ Fredefiok. 15an the soon uion of the Sopthenn States, he entvredthq United States miiitnry servnce, first an n Col'qncl, we believo, and was prométod to a Brigadior Generalship. . Gen. Cimpcr was endowed wiCh‘hizh in teilectua} and oratoricai powers—was kind ofhenrc nlmopt to In fault—rind always .the_ gentleman. fence to his mnhesi DAY 01?" FASTING AN?) PRAYER. The Pmldent, in compliance with thq Tequfst of th§ 899 nm has designated Thux‘sday, the 03.1] of April. as a day of national humiliation. fasting. and prayer, and cohclugloa his proclamu‘tion mu follows: “ Let us than red. humbly in the hope authorized in the Dlvine Leachiqp that the united cry of the nation will bo heard on high. and answered with blessings no lea! Lhnn‘the pardon of our national sins Ind (he reatotlation of our now divided and suf— fering country to its former lnppy condi tion of unity and peace.” STABTLING DISCLOSURE! Mr. Valhmdighnm, of Ohio. in a speech made aincehhis return home, uses the fol-I lowing explicit language: . 1. "On the 12th of last. Decemlier. when I from the cityl .of Richmond i’ 'nrmn‘finnl came to the ‘cjty of New York mt there; was a dispositiéh to cnmprmuis , ml return. delegntes to the Nationul Gangresx, and be i nbediontgto the Cnnntitutmn and lnw=. and! thus restore the Union an it. Mm, the Presi-' dent, on that, day. rejected. the pmpmninn. and tho damning evidence of that rejection exints in New York over his own autograph; Icries. “heur. hear :1 but there is n,n obliEn-l tion of secresy at. present. And the letter linsl not yet. been giwn tn‘the puhlin. 'l‘ho' day after. the Federal army crossed the Rappnhannoak into Frederickslnurg. under 1 the belief that Richmond was to full and; thus end the rebellion: The day previous. Abraham Lincoln rejected all ylrnpnsiliohs‘ to return, over his own signature; and the _dny lifter. the hoprs ofthe blind man~iu the White House were disusipnted in the de feat at. Fredericksbury, nntl the loss of 20.- 000 of our sons and brothers. He alionld have entertained the proposition on the 12th oi December, but. he heedlesely end wickedly drove nwny all overtures]? i It iazworthy of attention. that, although .Mr. Vallnndighnm (with ‘Mnyor Wood) made thia‘rtntement several weeks ago, not. I single person cannccted with, nor organ of the Administration, has undertaken to deny it. ' “ . ‘ - 4'. _ HOW THE PEOPLE'S MONEY GOES. *' ‘fflenernl Bunkefreferring to the diflicul-l ly ofmpgorting the bouisixma nogroos un-lI employ , says that more than ‘sxxty thou- g and dollu-e were applied to the support ofl deponclent and destitute roomy ml thel month of J «mum-y! "—Ez'cmyc Paper. Thole negroes used to support themselves ‘ under tbntoompuleory eyetnxn of labor call ed. intha‘ smith, “Slaveryflfxfmt which. in‘ fact. iq no more than that gnitcrsal necessi ‘ It}. imposed by God. at the mm, on Adam Ind till his descendentsfiio 3611;}. a eulmis fiance by‘th‘e sweat of thdi'if biows. The ob ligntion is usenfiullj thpume in all cases, y no matter by what-mane“ is called. The Administration, in emancipating the slaves. 3mg only given them ithe liberty to live in idleness 'nt- the n‘xpense of the white {‘Bo. ple of the country _who are\requirod, by taxation. to furnish the National Treasury ‘ ‘ Iwith the revenue which the Government, 1 I"twang other objects. expend: in mpport- ‘ yin‘g a net of indolont—blncks.—'-Sunday Har- ‘ fury. ' ‘ ‘ ”The men who are organizing the A ~"10ynllUnion Leagues. are wolves in sheep’s ‘ V clothing. They are the same old political fincksnnd tacticians whom the country has ‘ leo recently repudiated. and they haimsumv red their new disguise for the purpose of ‘ holding those moderate Republic‘ansyho b 63311 to he disgusted with their rule. and .‘ of- mnking proselytes among those who are ,gpt toboled astray hy‘wortls and promises, . which correspond to their own feelings. i We warn tho Democracy of the wolves in. ‘.nh’eeé'a clothing. the loyal men of the country on those who stand by the Consti tution ad the constitutional acts of the President; not than who call the Constitu tion “A‘ compact with hell," and ‘who ‘ Infinite trampling upon that scored in fe‘trumo‘ntthe condition of their support of l ibeGoyernment.——Pl¢H. 'Agz. _ _ ‘ EXACTLY ALIKE. ‘ “if“; men are 1,0 pay $3OO per head in casino nigger: free. and then $3OO more to ‘ {m Wives from the draft. Thus (he ‘ value of a white man and nigger iu‘plnced at the same figure. only the former hat the givflqe of paying {qt both.-AI/cntown ~ mt. , ' ~.'l’kmmy advocates clump speaking in j thou-my to cheer the aoldwrs. Good food «ad pompt m would be more amt-Mable, WHY IS THE NOETH “DISLOYAL ?" Imm“ nnt atrik? ‘lhow Repubfiqan bu}- nalix-ts who nre constantly crying out mar tho Damon-Mic mnjorit‘rm of the int-(H me fi‘disioygl," that the question must "We in rvery mind that sweep" the charge, Why am Hwy dis-loyal Y The people of: the ‘ North were ficvar accgsed of indifi'erénce to their ohligntitgnl to their country : fil‘d of $1" 'the Nonhgrn people. ;he Democfau inere suppoped to be the mast inunse in thqir fading: of nationality: and 30‘ zedloug in patriotism n: lobe muted ofidu‘dain ofintt‘rmtp {but stodd in the way oflheir country's right: and ' progress. 1‘ lii: admitted (remarksflle N. YQAUJ‘H) Him in the beginning or the war. the' ménsses were united. with little regard to par‘y, in the purpose of standing by the govei‘nmem and uphollhhg the Union. at all unfu— \ f N 0" *5 'BO 1H”- ””8"!" “milk!“ ‘if the f i In Purine the buninmimmediptoly before miunrity nrrnigning the". majority ml “'9 _'t e Logislature is concerned. there is ample charge of disloyalty I . Disloyslty to Mint, . 1 mp ‘tn dispose ofit between this mad tile and to whom? To the Constitution? XO. 51h offipril. l! Iwe hd n Governor wllo the majority are only too true to that; it is" uhlyhc relied upon to pron-d: the rights pf the minority. holding Possession of the giog'f :9 dltizerfs-ot‘ this State front Executiye ernment, that has Ostentatiously thrown ' aux-mug“, there would be do cause for 0” its allegiance. ‘ k j i hpréhonsion. But unfortunately. de. I'isloivdty to’ the Union? No. fdr the; uitih is timid 9nd pliant—the authoritiles Democratsrof the North to a man, seek liar 't. Win-hinzton cnh wind him about ”ml“. the restoration of tbeol‘d 'Union. and i't is “80"! as they films»- They take plonsui-el the loaders of the minoritywho procittm soul-hing Min “9““ A” Occasions, "l": their "ll“"lz'"'"‘l'*° ""90“ i,“ desl'mlcll "1 ,‘ ho’pi‘nplp of this >[good State‘sullor the cilil All ”Nita" be true, ”‘3'“ in the chat-grin 3" onaolq ences of htving 2. Governor without that the .mnjority M. the North is dialaysl ‘ utficio t moral damages to resist any hir ‘o the minority—is récusnnt h’ “’9 kllcw’i on :w rich the Lincolns a‘nd Stuntdns tion of the minority when it bids it dennrt ‘l' hoqé'e'to impose hpon them. i from its Allegiance-to the Constitution find?- 1“". evidrnce of Gov. Curlin’s weakness the Union. ‘i . l I l refer to the exeeution otthe draft irithis If it were indeed true that the people of“. 'tatola:t full. when New Kbrka’nd othchlqm the North—for it is no longer to be deriiml ‘ liicli‘furnisized a less mm" of’t-oliznrem‘ in that the great mass who are defined hn‘ilcr ; reporlion, law: (a this day c/rrnpallevilirdn/flmn the yard "People," are now rallying under . Ize ram-uti/m Q/ Ma! draft. Why was this i— the Democratic banner—if it were“ true; Vhy was Pennsylvania chosen as the mic that they had’bécome disloynl, then:u tor-i im {:"l‘he answer is plain—because the ril-le responsibility would fall tome-Mina. utharities at Washington know the bbse The qpegtion_wnuld he, who find what, have' iota} orb-(‘l' Executive, and know that ‘he made men, dislbynl_? . ' ' ‘ ‘ l ouhl submit. quietly to any imposition. ‘l A terrible responsiliility must Mist uhon ; l 0 “0‘ mean ‘0 5"? that G‘W- Curtin 0" any the rulers of g country who, after hailing. ther Governor ofa State should resist the sull‘cred, from more want of‘stntr‘smanship; i itecution 0f“ constitutionnlact 0f COM-"'99"; one gin-at section of the 7country to lapsei in-i “t if‘he had been 0 man 01.531159 “0 “'00“ . to rebellion. has so alienated the mnssés of I. “"9 ilm‘l‘te‘l “[3O“ the oxpcution "f ”l“ the people, in the other hnlf, that its own fldraftrzimultaneously 3" Ali “‘9 5‘5“": “ml organs proclaim them dislnyal also! n r , hat no fiu'nrilism 3110““ b 0 shown. . 1 ~,, 7* - >—- ,~~w“ ‘ .i It would be easy to point out other woak‘ THE VIGOROUS PROCRASTINA'TION ointslin Gav.Cui‘tiu's career. but the lirnits OF THE WAR. ‘ .‘- ‘I in letter prevent. He is ‘a candidntcffor‘ It is' worth while for the people to can} re-nornination. llopehe rimy be nominated. sider why such a. [long sucoossion of (limingl “22033:; boat him L-well, It was gnixrg to ‘say‘ ters have come union in since the Peninsula ! 30, , but thigh], boo qmnll in figure. (30,-: and Mnryland‘viétorioau It would nbt he 15‘ 000 iii“ he nearer the mark. Cameron is l waste of time for Prexident Lincoln to con- fighting him with all hi; might, and lit is‘ sm“? whether, With every niaterinl “nil . sniduvill .continue to fi;llh him after his:i moral mlvnntagn, somethingmore “ad 1795-; nomination. delm Cov‘dde, the illufitrlons‘ tor might not justly have boonexhectedi’lu snielleit," is fill.” him +150: In this éoml from our armies; whether‘the inndeqratejtesti‘it makes little difference “.1”, is hind-f return for our immense rxpenditur‘o o‘ lifel most. for: the! Div“ is bound m. takegtho: end treasure, against “ll inferior foo, does foremost' as well as thh fated individual} riot ~,betoken.somo hick in those who one wholbriu’gs up the rear. 1 molding 9‘” military‘oporationsf sainefiault Ytiu will of course pulilith the whole‘ lot of orgahization. sonic incapaeityain :the or: tcrofCol.Willizi;n lloxnklm. of Vashingtnn, ’ganisipg minds. - What prior advantage it: coulity. “imam“fing helm the ontost 'm n ”‘9" “mi “'9 did ”0: P 0559937 “were are canq‘lidnto for the Demo}rntic rumination. there hrovor soldiers or hotter gen rals in 0014‘: Hopkins mg in on} sgnsfine‘wr lie-’11,; ”’8 “‘4‘” The experience onceiacking a cindiduten—l mean if the sense of in-‘ has boon supplied; our soldiers-are now, ; triguing and taking peritonal‘ exertionifi to; for the mast 1‘5”" trained and dlsd’phf‘f‘d 'firocm-o the ntnninution. llel hn: nrvor‘ ”Min" “hm? hm there been all! “‘3“ thrdsthimself {fin-wand as u ointli‘lnto {or} ,Of money gra‘hte-d {or expenditure! "“5 pophlar favor. nil woultl not{ do n nioan ‘ ‘not the administration received all, fib‘ ncti‘hn, oi- cns‘xt lvota that his‘honostlc‘inn-‘l solutely all. and inoro than all. thitxkhins science' did n t. “rpm”. {M the highest “Sked? - . l ‘ plalpe in ‘the n ltion. Ilut ho, lmd many} “- What 1““? we to 5,110“ for “”52 :rdlll’tr°iLfi-io Ids who Ml )lirell his ‘ cnnxlid. Btr tight-1 eferywhen‘. ‘ i ’. .ll forirhrd'mrmnr- a, hisiiterhnz integrity and The nrivfmtages which exclusively'"loyal"; tho: '. unllnuntedl cournco Iwith, Which he journals count up (those, nn'melys “‘lll‘bl‘“ all“ ‘t‘tl hinigelil: against. thr- plundr-ring wedisi “0‘ P 035933 a your or ””0733?” 1‘3“), sclignns of the ’onmylvalh Railroad (‘mn are monstrous. lot it be admitted ;lbut has: “mg. , “‘ni end ”mod to. WSW}? the ,0- i" yotpccurretl to President Lincoln "‘3'" sto‘ltir‘m of ti . tonnage tnx. which would his friends. to make anzaritlimetitnl com- ; PU lifithfiOO a nonllyintd ”... Tron e'tiry n! putntion, by “‘9 rule of three, 11°F 195$ 11, th 2White—his ifriofirlé “lilo admired and time it will take {0" enough 0‘ “”50 lm'flo, dd those . nonerties, jwidmd to' have mouse victories and monstrous advantages :éthqiéa and the' {bogscsson translerrml in a to accumulate in order to amount to n fintl‘i‘pokition (if rho é uaofuinéss. But it is: mt success—to the overthrow of the rehellionl to lit-Junless t é people demand the nomi‘ Hit-turns out that no man of thilh ggnérmf natio of Col. llopkiiis in spite of his de tion; at the present. rate of progress, will , (Slination. 1 ‘l‘ .live long enough to see the‘ Sduth con-l' dn every (N .quered, or that. ninetenths oi‘ itn fightingfregépfafion of lowa will be used up in the undentakin‘g as : hirif re the H lat p'reuant. conducted, we tru<t it will not“ hes tatcd to Ibe deemed unpatriotic or" trenspnable tblwh oh the Au isuggest that President Lincoln‘gwould boiwnflllpassed, n justifiediin questioning the omninoteheo 07.;resl‘7lected th lomniscience‘of General Halleck Ind Secre- 11114 Lgood 0p; itary Stunton, respectively. andll oking for! mini this man Vmen capablepf doing within a omewhat'| thigh" the fa lahorter period and at the expen.e of it few l cu" id argiim l million less lives and a few bi[li us less “anti; derisxve uneasy, what they must take so long't‘o rte-i “mile a 19” loomplish. We do not. for an inls nt dream lcofie,_nnd l l of suggesting that the American temple will i hn'sienrned ti not submit forever to this milleniuni of citiien and at ‘lmbecility. but we merely Isk, and ask very» Cornlnonwefl humbly, if they pasitivnly,musr. pay quite! I 1 do not 1 such a price for its enjoyment. And if thu' throw hi; im questions we have asked are disloynl, mil my man whcl. hereby retract them before\they are fairly pure—for no . uttered. Far be it from us to._’ve nid Andi his Democracy, will not comfort to the enemy by huggesting that“ scrutiny. ‘1 might, fro‘n they‘mny‘ be thrashed better ‘2l “sliortf’? mndidates whb ‘willinot than in this "Long Particular EMetre." £0154”; this w°lfld be pe which tho administration ‘in its infinitev not be publiclt' persona yisdom has attuned fits equally infinitei , If time penmitted I poweli.—led.' I l . epistle until yiou and rote me a bore, so I . stating that the Denim: Store havaagréed upon a : resolutions upon nation pen of Senator Buckah no 'doubt whilst: a: 50¢ House. Q'A few days since 'an exciting discus-I aion took place. in the Ohio Legislature up: on a hill-to prevent negroea from becoming citizensvofthnl State. hi the cfurse ofhtbe discussion, Mr. Hill, A Black ,Republican AbolifiQn member, from Med}!!! cyunty, remafked: ‘ . ‘ 4 “ I would as liéf be nu‘ Afriéan as some Dutchman I hnve seen.” ;_ ‘ ‘ When this fellow's term .ekpires if: thé Ohio ”3551 mm, he should fluke Ipplica— lion :0 the muomu. “minimum, for a bigger office. ', ‘ _ v Sauca for the com, Buz‘zvu Any for ma Gander.-Intelligence comes frém PQrt‘Roy ll thnt Lient. Col, Gardiner, of the Seven~ teenth Connecticut Volunteei’s, ,lml been ordered inio arrest. for obtaining Hie signa— ture: of I. numberof met} in hisg’regirnent to peace résdlntiou. "in order to affect the election 9.: home." ‘ ‘ K Thin. better than Ihflhing else that could have he‘ dongshom the Til-cit»! chancter of the so much partied} resolu ans sent home from regimenuin Ehe field in {nor of the hdmiixistntiou‘ policy. I‘ appmn that themen swallowed to expresq only just: such untimenuZu Jaime the ad: ministration ; if they “Maui“ to adopt Dew; . , , mocratio maelgfiom they are ordered intoi .34” .pnnt to—dn arrest. f" . ! delivered In the Stat {Hester Clymer, of should read it. ‘ = 56‘ See Asb‘mun'x View on first pass. . ‘ LETTER pm)“ HARRISBURG. : JOINT RESOLUTIONS UPON THE —— or «r l STATE OF THE COUNTRY. l . ‘ {I‘Y'IRU'G‘ March ”' 1‘ ’3' g The followingjuinx reunlutmm upon the 1"!” n"’"’”",£,°‘h l’r‘fnd‘“ '3' ”1611313 of the country, have paw"! the Hnuse Legislature degermmed thin mar-tun; to rof BepWYImJ-ives A; Harrisburg. T ‘Py adjourn finnlty on the 15m of Apnl. The ‘ . , _ . .have tlw nng of true mend. and are cred to Mouse wanted I receu from the 27th Inst. . ‘ . ‘ ‘ bin to the Democr no member: who vofid untxl film 2m. of May. Many 0! our Demo- 11; . ‘. 1‘! ‘f . (1.”. "t ht. 'l5 1d ‘ *ylor them. Ofco ethese regolubans w] c {‘3‘ non ough "‘ ‘ won ‘ac :- bedefofled in tthenMe,n-here the Abdel!- a Flnohmmn restraint. On the lawlessness of . 1 . . . , ‘ . 3, , tmn Blackanakes are m the mnpontyx the party m powem‘lf the Legnlaturo would . Jiewhvd By M, Semi: and ”m"! "f I? (- 3‘9" ngn'm in the “PM“ of the summer.- unmlires aft/1e ('nmmonwmlll. of Par-nu!!- m 1 The mompnt this Legislature adjourm. our 'in GenqalAuembly/ met. That éurinstifuti r n‘plen,“ Washingdon may put into axncu. ,are ussxlilori M! an armed rebellion an 1 tion same lachemé bf despotism and thme . “"k'hm'ip? “if”; mm b." the sworl‘l. ‘V t. _ : , '. ‘ '0" t e at zor y unconsmnunnal me! 3Wl} b”7"° {Brawler} rrtyjrmntluv'e body tb “Conn-P“. and star-91in: usurpafibn ()me Ink-Most agmnst It. l'l‘lm wan the now (“kc-n l‘hy the Execuhvo, winch we have 5 r many members‘bf the House, hut tbie nnta would hot flour to llm recess, no (He mp 91' ndjmu-nmfnt was fixed upon'thl‘e ug‘designnled ' - ' Luionfyyhgn tho-,bill for the lhefljonngge Tax hgg been 159,. Col. ‘Hopkins has not nounce the corruphor. My uf 186}. rép’mfing this Tax, (1 to Warp ‘n;embers gs they ‘ oaths aim] as they valued i n of the peopie not'to sus: om iniqdity. He has done of intimidatinn, of s‘ophisu (a, of contemptuous sneers 1. ughter. fivhich would have 'ourugous: mun hesitate or . his bodes}. intrepidity he ‘ gratitude of every bones; bburdene tax-payer in this flow fér %om COL: 11. will gnce. but 8 assured not. for . public amiprimu 7:091:11 is not man who: honesty as well as , 000,000 m 00 The‘ Tribune indicates laden: of the Governm. Suppose \the Qover ent should require Three Hundred ’l‘bouéand Men to fill up itho thinned ianks of ‘he Union army for ,tbis year’s campaigns. , Let. it. draft Half a ! Million, wllicb would bé perhaps one in five of those subject to (may. Of theso‘ Three [Hundred Thousand vmuld probably serve, Awhile the commutation of the remainder would mrnish Sixty Millions of Dollars wherewilh lo clothe, arm, and equip the remiinder. Would no this be better than to have this money go leewhere than inm the g‘renéury? g The share 'of New Y-rk in such a. draft would be 100300, 3nd f two-fifths commu ted they ,vduld'pny 12,000,(¥)0 into the military fund, while 1,000 would serve.— Conneclicut’fould be wlled on for 8,000 : men, and one million m d a half dollu's in icommumtionr—N. 17., irgua. _ . \ “-..", “...-.. .s an experiment can be corrected by the [in box, policy as we]! {:3 principle refill that our poopie shall await the prodq reform. which is slow hut sure. and ‘ I! from an unlawful ahd nncnristinzfy‘ . t it nets. which lmVe dread h ‘.l - . I . filamitiea‘upon lliecoinl'trvfoxl‘iilL: I; m. way 0:3“? Sunflower. Admlrnl Iforter take the lid of all pltrioiic men I. t I in geezer}; In getting, through S ‘el'a and in averting the evils ”that. threateno I; re. f t.“ ‘ yous, and emceeded t enty or institutions. ; (iii-£5211?” flurther m Brit‘- an Rolling 2t]. J‘hat this Gene a _ . l .‘-w" '6 encounter “5 3:11 force this State he. ever s9l,???ng :42? :5; ll of (_on}lrdomtes who compel! 11th to rprnnin in futnre devotcdly‘ true lo t “ on- irirnléélfiearrivnl of Infantry. L‘ennwhile stttution of the United Slntes n'nd bimbo . el mo “suites obstructed the' channel. Federal Government established bv dalnndlanh' 0 lon'nse‘ nllnoyod the garlbpnts, “d Is determined to maintain them 'wi h ln-I-jl'v (in i w mlamry “rived the COufederatels utmost, porter against both domt-st‘c "d 1 lin lnecumu utell Euclid! force flq"o tends-r foreign toes. , l I.ll%!“filjrolttffissrxtretliely hazardous. The . 3d. That this General A<sombly ~.+ gm; Ililrinherzswll Ille,§klrnllshltyg which took 2651’ manifest (inference hetmfen tlh nd-i if“. t 3, um... 18 rf‘trent‘ wmi ten ‘or twelve mmwtrntinn of the Government a (l thel is n 22 k | hmi'mlrnl.’ lhe QOnfetlerato loss {.‘OVetriment itself. Tho one is trartilsi my.) ’ n?“n’ ”151 l‘ézl‘l’fcd‘ttfl behsmlML lmllN in duration to I I 0 ‘ ' - - ' “'o‘ ‘ are 3 ‘ lor which the omm“ eliétfidlmrjlgfieof ”a: A Culro rps’ctnl (rays: Lint. Wednesday are charged with the conduct ofthelgn ie'l" infill"! (Ville rams Lancaster and Switzer thn other is Pornmnent, Intended lb 'tsii \llmk hm crtnnk to run the battotim at founders ‘0 endure l'orc-ver. i J ’Jnlt‘ .s "Irg. A< f-oon us they came within on. That this General Awmhiv i umE 'l‘lngci‘ le‘rfms °”°“"d“"“".‘°"d9“s fire. exorriee of hit right to difi‘nr with th. ed‘ Hm d “Twit” W“ Struck filmy times.— eral Exocutive, enters its solemn r test. mer "12%”. low m“ shot nw‘ny, ““3"!!! her against the Proclamation ofthe I’l' silent gut tnmnemnlely’ turning a complete of the United States. «Lttod the In cl vof 'sometso as she t\'§-nt'(loxrn, .A“ the crew January, 1863. hv which he nusulll i to‘ 3"“??? him ogcaped. I‘he Stritzerlnnd was emancipate Slm'M'in Ct'rtaill Statea. hol in: ' stlzllitoijl 'y “ G4-lpoun‘ri hallipeneth-ating the the name tobepuhw'iso. unconstitutiona and t " liun~L- bho goal”; d‘mW “‘9 l’M' ma - r il;":73s;t.t':':tfi':'“\itrn'=' wed sth. That thisGt-nernl Atso " '. ' ,‘ - “34 -‘ for“ "Wu ongsi e that. the power which has retail; 3:: fi‘t'm'd 1'0“]?1 httr t 0 ””3 10"” molt“! 0d the summl by the President of .the itell Elixir-. 1 he 10*? of life on her 195110"? ascer- States. whereh ' ufitler the q k F l - ' ’ normally, ha ll)”; prorlaimell 21:10:: {l} lit}: 1 9,0" “l: wilful; tho Hartford nnti‘All’ln‘trou martial law ovnr State: trim". “.1”. m not‘féjmil: If)". In .utltery at; Grand .uli more exist, nnd‘hns fill‘pt‘lllli‘rl the writ. or’ Leas 1"rlllliilllt; l‘lmn how It! For! Hudson—i .._,, , ‘ ‘— rnrpm' i-t‘unwnrmntl-d lay the’ Cnmtitp it)" ”his; I onlrt 31H was struck l'qurteetiittmes, ‘.... ‘1'.”")! “VI and its tendency is to subordinate Pl il “.’. . Lu} 1 lrvt'! ”’3“ killed. llotltu‘ve-ssols [Nu-"5 I - ;u|uub .t, military authority. find ‘0 tubrert oi E's-l returner tho'fira vigorously, and hotsh‘were 1‘ «... temlot freP government, “ I ) lmmo or less "‘Jurfdfiv \ "I‘ll!” 1 fit I. That this (11-non: ‘\K§6l ‘ - 4 V A‘IIIStJTON, " l ‘ half of the “In?!“ or llllli‘cnnllirjiifi {513? wq‘pntrimql‘ron‘l thr- lllxsmsllri-i sllllnllron' Mm II mom-n ft: it::i'*;‘:":lf°'."- '.“fitmr‘ms‘lm °' tent of etiiatlt-i ulllull h the -' l' l R i l li“ w ”1:!“ 0"l I 0 PM“ cnmimmmm‘ ll” be “Wire out O:I;ilt'at~tl;p;ili {lon l”lg-Item» no thy night. of- 1:: “ll: of' nry ofthe United Staten it: hurt]. l 1 nmcl :Irv Ll .mllulllt‘ll It :ippenrsthnt tHr-y hml Ulmn thor'enl'lo, unjuet in itq very Iture' imgbe‘ {liq-”Mt “nil m 0“? formidable l’m“ nml wholly without tvill-I'allt‘ot? the {I llsti-I ”mm "m. mW.'.“ngrnmmmm tlioméelwi tution. O . I ‘ iliim hfiimfilgnmod the ‘ll'filml tlii‘rlvg-ri‘ 7th. 'l‘hnt thisflenoral Ami ‘‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ '- ‘ N’l‘w'li moun- H ‘ (in: ".l proper furthar to (ll'Oltu-e ”$111138: 'm;;: 3”“ tin-I ,WSI‘H" "nil” “lo 3‘91”?“ hre oil with all the‘trul)’ loyrl Peopli- of lh li. tutu ,e mlolml-“mi .d h“! ”“0 ”“'|lih:tnd~', shei would lulil with pit-mute anil (it'llFll ml}: . “I“ ie with“?! (“‘l‘“le by lmr Pom-i ntanife~mtion ofa diNIIT ,0" ”w PW“ fthe Itinmufr. :I.N:I;»tuo remorul of all pm board“ seceilenl Statos to rctux nto thnir nllle Imp-o ‘ 1H" “luff ”In“ worn “Wild: 1 l to tltelsrovernment oltho Union. .lan \mn'hl do}..::;:,:;,:;p(:fn 13;]: {Emit-2:3“ coined “1 in sue an Wont. cordial} “ml at .‘ ,_ ' ' ' . _ ‘' - } rim [lro cnflpemle with them in lilo h‘stniult ($135. grating?» olt‘l Aliltniml Lirmgut for tho pus. peace. and the procurement of Fllf‘ll [ opnr ’fiafii- , m iI" will?” 0“. the limit. '-I he gum-antic“ as would give recur“); u “all r'l Intifi‘iril’flmn n Ourmt-n 1“ descrtbul' thoir intern”: and flt'lltu, . , ‘ Imam ‘. It .li'i: u~t lii-gym: crl'}l'-lfill'l*‘_llo“fem,” 1r- ... ~ V _ «... -.. z: ‘ ii'r', Bth. 'l‘lint Ru-nmjlvnnin will nilh ro to!n ”Hung M“xi/ll,"hiltil'nmlugmyimsm ‘ t i ; LOYAL LEAGUES' , ”I“ (PH-"ltmmn Mill Union M thel l 3st, it: A l(.'nllrl‘lll'rflifll d-an‘hj‘lurrx‘ ‘1'??le " Ra’nh-rd, That we Ilenollnciutlielmortingwiire. Will, he the hm. hope[-ul-ir lire Ilonl. :3” .. {I rn.lll- ‘. .: .U .'L ‘_" “”5 i Wall) unllvn up in this! unit noitrhlhormg villas amnl in! till wrong“ 'whiph mw h-wn imp" ''_ " i lili, ‘ m‘ llln‘rnmglnm boul‘lwith tlu.l tum-Irv and ll' It Tr‘ rl‘ l . _ a \\ - sow nlm - , .. . ._,. , i , . ) ll‘ it, no; " «l’ "9 committed or "H: “thl n) W "x“! will «no II I ntmt totmnl tin, Itilper tut ”mm“; or “o"me [mun hHI l. t.._ V ‘ . tt . - inrlqi ;;\ \'i;_'.irr.u-L lite “M 01‘0““! u mn' L. I’ . . ‘I ‘ no? Lut‘tult-r lip ““.‘ K. ““1? Q‘ 3"!‘l‘i ”W CW“ ”‘1!" " "ml omit .Ilwinu’ in kI ’n .—I i L. ‘l""1'w‘", I""r0n"K-'. Mwhfl “'1” comrnviiwmt “.uhm‘ t m “mm” L); thn 'penl-quil «hm ~ . K - _.l il-‘lf‘ "3 .‘. HT" 11“ Older».JUlllll‘flLilthl ngvuta ,tur goternn unt «plnmit-ry. pnwt‘rlu‘l agent-y of tho Sltll‘l'uun (ll ll {we 1““’r"”' :1 "712“" .xrziLlllghrr-ml Ilnuteyory 1m .51.. il’Jl‘llO‘O “f of)“. nizing 5:.” nl lt'ngltés”. “le‘l‘x- ‘ n ' l I"~"'l"l"‘§¢"" ‘ ""‘il- “1‘" 'l'l‘t‘t‘n‘i' :l .\IItIL inn llmtl l‘t Ollfrjll'lfllllt‘nt [how lo: é‘ln lit-nr’nl ‘ 91h. That. hthi-z Gnnornl Aacnmlklvl MT]; "fir"ml"“l"‘?""‘f"“ll"llmfl lIPl‘ ll“. to (10-1 m lit‘rlltind mid Milking: rimilnr‘it tn.thl- Willi-- with [lit-'.lt‘l‘ti‘" :mrl limp“ the Infinite; I. “3“; N'” l""'~‘l(""'l)“' _ili_lP‘l'H llllll'lllt‘gs'll' fillotl l .\wuk? t'lltlis nl Hun, mpl appear to IIC‘rIIn-I of (‘finwrt'ntn’e “fillfllllf‘ltt-:liuun.r tin or) l- .'lnil \lll‘l lurk, of lu-r q-ruw P‘Ofliell t 0 the trollm ’lml hllit‘t'rr-d 1,). ”u, ““2" atm- that}: “f ““1“. .\vnnm," Stain: m ”mi; 1.” till i'ltlpndlc. .\.".i-u,‘ The ”limit unu‘p,‘ apt-(l iglnu-ir: Hut ur :uljun- nll ht-tmij‘lrntt” if ‘ttuv ‘ limit, nml ruiznrili the mnw 'I~ 11l l’l T:V::f: supp-WW] m be H“) lit-mun. My”? ll‘ultlt‘d. ' ”I“? bc‘ “lm‘hmc berm; MIN d Into did. int" :1 mel ptlll'lflse nil their nmt ton n 'l‘er to ltm- A“: Pflwwum'. h” stvnm ll " m' ”w"; Ilium!" “'3‘!” mi" l’rfll'mwi‘m rim“ “ “mu", i with all ntht-t‘ lnvul l‘llli'Wlo in uiw. all .. “mm“ 1‘7”” IWH-VU'M tho “”5: l‘ “ ““‘W‘d . “it thll llll'mtwrntw Witt)- 0’ Tlmqmy Jeflenwfiri ’ I‘ I ' ' .....I i,' -.. ritv tn the r“Ullll;OlJ1‘\'Pl \' «polio: 3' it .‘.?“ : LIT 011 tilltrnl Il.utlg“r'frntn our I hoot» iliiifii "mire“ """k"’" ”I not "5" ‘l'll‘lllly "'o‘" A ‘ 1"”, 'lmm" ll'l'i'”"""""' “f" n"‘"""‘ thiitinw thufi'nion ltllll Hint-“ It'll: “‘nmfll‘} .‘ l ...... ' 7—“. l“! itlengm- '" “Y" "'"I '“e ii" ll'” “'9 PM“ ' ‘mh‘tul a “4,1,1... at .'"l"“".""‘ M" itlmv him-e Ol'tldlllulr llv the tau" 1: "ll filming l t ‘ ANARCHY , ‘ proudly to tlm lll~lnrlt':‘l¢‘\'idl'ut'l nt' tl-clmtihy ( “"“"“"~ g“ "hum“ " r““' li'fllr'fivn'ti tll|~ Illepnh‘m ‘ , till,‘ 3to It |(‘ ' 1 1‘ ~. . i‘ 'l‘ l; . A lrvl’tlm- Donn-entry .tu 'lll'.(0fll-‘1‘lllitln to he 'l_"r l""‘:"lli'l' f‘ WWW-“WP“. - '.'\ prom lii-tit! ‘4 l i .2. . . 1 . .l‘"‘ A "'lltlr-n multirrhl’ at l . lllllgton ' “”113“ ”l ”1" s‘“ "m 4 durmg the r siilv )fll'l‘h' 'l""l'”"l“‘vl" "NW”! 'DHHMI Mil-WV. t-n I'M i lit I, lint In llip'.]ll‘l\l_"n‘\f‘l)l nl'llixé Gon- Ia rim-m Ella—"UH” "my, Im‘nt.‘ m ho «H‘HW :rpcintmry xlll'l rntitrol in the F.§.]e,;.|lu~,\...m_ 1.-,-;n-l:.tnr nn‘ilrlltw...n_ wm (Irtltux‘lv 1., .. .... .:i:lllli\~aeillli'ly. “h’mu-vtt' Ii .l'r‘cn vs prue- 'nnnlnmrrnli tlw Kimble “'hirh arc- 'mmntoil """l- '3‘” ”l” ”"“'"“,"“’9’ “'"‘,'.“f"“‘i:‘“'d: “5 1"” "ll?!“ "'"l ““iJ"“"“’"'-' M} ”‘2“ l'l’l;”“* i a" anl' .tnmfln t‘n'lVl-ntmn Mn 1 nrtlnee, full ui Imam-luv: Allin“; tlll“!nllivrs tho '“J'im”; 7“" “"t‘ -‘l‘"”|’"TY T-"PF' “7N In'Nl-‘t ml't'l‘rllffiil‘ Will! o‘X"'|'}l'lllllfll‘\’ ru ‘(l‘lv il'nu‘t'th‘ o the .\l:lh‘l.}llt‘ll lltNJy {mild lie anVl‘nll-l’tt’l'nniiditumu‘fipinnuln‘ ,iggtpuq. : lint ll Frill-git- murl or 111-miatrale‘ uus impudmi mun, ’l‘hnmgu U mu. 1141.. It“ lllvl midi”. ‘chn\Hn(-\L for ”wpmpnto 01".er , X 111! ..wh and ”1.. l'llr"'lli“ll4'll U, politic; (rm! onlitl- m legitimate pourrs, not one lil'wsp'lllt‘fi' mm lllltl 'l «tutmrlt l) rpm-tr, lu-zzt'll it”. “n. 1,. :flnlqnllni-PHIS to ‘tho I-‘miérul‘ (‘I I :titntimi m] ntt-F’lin;\. lill' fut-coil pivsuéo hr {(-mlu.‘il‘lil'r"‘.““lv “Ml "0‘ 0"” d""l‘ W- -“"“u"-“" fl'i~l.s¢=ntiwl ”H‘ l’ 'm'hn to will“ mu! "11.- .7“ fixinllvlpnco-lmg [lmvml i.” he n 0‘5”." to li’OlN against lllt' "Poppet-head, r.‘ltril‘<" 11l ‘ lrit‘ioil WI: y-pillt-lit'ur nuyptililit-hi alliance; ’Wo (lvr ”_ . ]_,.‘,“‘".e l”. ‘|l.| t... .\‘tl‘wldptmillt' inmmtmn the Instrument m the pirit ungl‘ thelnynl Sloth; m lmmeit t" lbvgun'm '3‘\{Nll.llll~ll to ('tnttl'attl Iltme {ugly )‘t'ul’i‘Tllli mp {pm-i,“ mm to lot-k m“ on 1h:- "in Emoanmg intentlr-tl by 11“ li‘lllntl} *, and to (If lvltllih‘iu‘ngu'oe. “hit.“ Mgm", ithe “u”: ."" “'0 W‘“ 3”” of -‘b"’l"}“’l 'f‘cc'mcl'k’f- tlmt he “.14 Unitu-tl Shim lh-ul't l‘mnmlw. .pr Ivule {l‘mun‘t ltltn’reironvulsion ml wars. titry vi-tm- (Ill—"loyalty" to it“; 'oi-emmpnt i :“l l." ;“_“""'"-l"-‘|' “M"- “113' thru- hints ye shall imwr. £0” and liv lri‘t-rl to hire in mlmnnzu, {W'- llmt Wllllf‘i‘thti General. ssonllily nll'l lvr‘l‘CVll'P Pi'vryl-oly who I «that: until W“ lqu. , “ ._. i fHm .\‘lr. (lllllrti unit the .'ultlmrilim lhll‘l 13m iioitlietno‘oh‘ll Ilenminnos the {on 3 oi the‘ minim; “ml“ml' m’flfi?manril¥¢i ’l' n m"! The «Lore Is one of It some: to! resolution: I Deacon to the trrln of hi». contract, I , 111-{L‘rl’l-t lon, a)" the (lineman-l menta nt of extermination. the 'usurpa lotus ontlte : PA'filFe'lfil“ mfcliltionlle.l’rninfrAlic Gom-ral' , «~- » " illv.:n'ljfoltllsl;l:ff.{i‘\thw;amni'linn“ ‘hornuuh- laxl-(‘unrm and the d?ptitic a ’ul‘luncomti. l Committee of Mozart 111111, Neil“ Yoihlon Tnehi . Tl" ‘SE' "’3.” “r“"l': r'a‘l‘ml'lgll’ 5" l,” S'J‘ E: . _ _.. .( nounrot nhe 055' of"? tutlonulrrhzu-tntonts 0 Congre§. ‘it lfithl ulny evenil-g lust. and contains tiuthswhich it 'l'l'""a' l 1'79 I" "i”(r'j’mu """J'mw ”f In» h" 'lcess‘on q; uninirraotm by ”K. (40 stltlutton. mud to mum“, the Ulndphcy 0 quid) fl l'"h‘l “(mm he w .11 l')"tl\ D .- i , -; ._ . (llllnil lmuxmalurn lm‘u'l litlk’llo-ti'iru 'iu-m up—. wand destructive .'llll-(P oi the‘se trity nml oy. llj< pnt‘t dull parcel olitlt itiiqnithua l! ‘k ‘. t3' i e "‘o?th M ”“5 ”If“: proprinung s22,lvtizurm m mlvnnm l""' ,m ifporplftuuy cf govurntnont. :Inllomhe peace logiwlzmon of tho null fiuntti who non-l “ ecu 111 min . Let Drnioertutl Ilint-e nothing Indiflhq [Put-Its; S} "mun {“i. H... “41.4.4“ ill?“ mim'lYlOE ”'9 Pmt'llr. nntl It «lot-3 tit-re. izovern tlm mutiny—thr- ntton Qto Nilgli. ”4910 W'“! thesmdnrk lantern. midnight tum—4.l:}l hick :Inl quIIIIh-Il or Hint -.\'tnl<-. mur tolrtlllihétm Plum}! declrfl": thut. tlm'l‘leople ' tufflorcc‘ {of the (We mil of the-people. isl'lrm‘m “g““n H" “M"lc’“ 0“" “”4“”? {mm rvpnltltmn-Il " km“, N" l'nitml SM” 1 ‘ . . A. nto nre'tinallernhiy qppnsml tn any i‘ buoh a pain-y carried out (lefielbpos nn'nr- - -—lct. them orgnnizc cvgrvwhcire Democratic to "Jun”. ”m pay of non ””"""l“"‘"""l :dli’lslon of: thr- Lmon. and Will persistently s"le tit ouch—tile only r‘otuge ll di<_:tfety tho ‘ cltihs lnnrl m mm, action {w o . nilil-eru :Iml przvntw. l-l'tht‘nrmy Qfiiwru-vnn. [exert thmr' Vhf’le .lnfluence nnd Power; 'lnl‘ mom l-ignts who are linflliuting it mm I " - . W," M MOM“, ""‘l to "NthMP" “it'l'll int-"’s‘“ “IN" :lllntll‘l‘. the Constitution, to maintain and de- 1”!ng (or in the future. Such‘thingu go on i fiel‘lh' m ”1"": ‘0 ll‘cfirlnml’lfl-Of 0}“ ng- Lilla for the relic-l olrthe soldiers nll failn-l, {tong it. ‘ l . Him“. luv] [9 Wnrse.‘ The eflnftZtrijlroscrihp cerium hithvrs its. the hut. Imps of our Lllh K. nnvl were delimited llv thi-Isacrssion from tho lfihz Thgih thelmr; nt‘this State must, be and stifle Pllblic opinion and .fhe‘ “o‘s 9,“ 3 meted UxiionT—lcttliemiuhow toilheworltl that. LW“ ”l ”’9 li"l'“l'“m" 1" "”MV- 4‘ mnmtmnm :Ile enlarged. and thnt It Isthe Pft‘ss‘mu'nl'nt. among the sowe film Pt"? ii» i lheil’ [illrpnscs‘ are pure, in’d tht-ir aim the "u- , Th" lflnl’l‘Jl-‘l’l "”1 1" PM!” tho I'"""""“" ‘( uty of the 00“!"qu “I"“!quth ol' the 0‘ tlm. nat.on. in one which t‘PrncemlNl . Qllfllll‘lt'l supporl ot‘ the (‘on‘stitut' t” d d‘i .\lttl‘orlhttn be lmplelu in mmpnfthoii. pitur- Suite. to see that.bvnlll-nnstttutionalmenns, ‘ With will Inevituhly recoil u the tyrxin- ]h’ W h , , '_ w" "n“ e ,ishi-Il party fivhe‘mqi. 'l‘lmy would uw thn thls emls’lmllhe ohlnu’ged. ‘ : [nous agitators who are. mak Ig_it. The jig a! Ingtnn. "n" the YEMOI’QIIOH of the it" 3nl'li9" MJIWY': ‘W ”'9 ""|-"’“~ “1"le 1” 13““. Flint. the million: Composing our people Bl"? not. so ignorant as of. to know nl‘ nfnnd_\\c can feel assured that from every? make party capital. Thov are hit; "or“ inrnuei mortfithe Warmeit thanks oi" the whoowns tho country__find esunpnder wttchftowor «round the tem’pleilof liherty willlevmfiiOSr-C‘I'NCW'W El'll'lirlrr. l 395 mg. Thelr country called. nnd‘nolily oftheir inalienghle right offre speech, the come up the cheering cry,‘ run is wcu'gj , < --d ' A l t ey'reepond. Living, they shall knowidlrecuon‘ and government, diath- countrylvl’ulrioté— Union. ' , h ‘ Wfilmn Du"! 11. 0n l"?! ital." l" tho :npeat‘p:n?l Eglt'lmllii’ wilulitllldl n nation's It? suit themselvt’s. is not as ‘ ifice which i I ~ - —«-'- «-—+‘——-- lglllnm'aw' l'f‘fl‘iml l'9 ”3mm” "f! "film" i . ylng“ my 5 n ive‘in our t. my ure likel to make wzllin and with- l ‘ 'p'et'e' '9 "I” 0“ ,l" n mice "H '-""' P“ lmemortes. and‘monumonts shall berniwd QM resistance): Let. them thg’ytnke “fin-iNEW .BCEME T 0 808 THE PEOPLE» "lloliefipierrt‘l Rn impiert‘e! l Himm'm' We teach posterlty to honor the patriot: and ing in time. If riot. and dimrdtfl ond intes— . Here Is the lap} scheme dented for the ben~ thee to appear within three months uimn themes '3‘” ofi‘cre'd their lives, upon their line violent-e begin, retribution ‘will fall lbm ot sachet the 'ra'nht’nl in the Abolition , the scotl'ohlvw and when the ,xwmifimri Icountry suitor. 'lhe‘rw'do“s"!d°rl)hnn'3 “90“,!th hardy attempts theynre mak- ranks who, notwithztnhdlng thc.immeiue host" “M 1"" h‘md“ he +lmoninhrd mm w "W" ‘shsll be adopted by the "Mm“. w bei Inglurely Ilepeedi . '"Mmeittloet now feedin it w bl' m ~12“ - _ ‘ pit)“; of the rope tor Robeapn-rre. who watched over and cared for as objects truly,' and come it most. tl )oh their ‘ g B pu' l-c cI" I fem-"m “n- "0““ ”0““ “mm “Al“ “in" it i“ ""e‘n'“ worthy a nation's guardianship. - low“ hedd—Pm‘ol - provided for. Say: a letter written horn till-l to add that lhttton' prove-ll ntruo hoping, 14th. That. copies of these regqmfiom be I ”:_._;-_ I Ii “ ton “Huh 8- C- :‘ , 'So much for the emieceeiit rule oglaction. forwarded to the President. of the United ._ While. Men,llearl.—, Int ofthe " A “Emmi" W “‘0 Well“ is being pre- l ‘PM‘*‘“” M‘“ States, to the Governors of the several .Phila. Journal 05 'a:-—l;nst PM“ I?! “‘0 ”We": “Hill; ll'll'i'oimfueul' E'Not fl few of the "Lettem from the Skim, and to our Senators and Rel‘l‘Q'en': of Union u‘yqlun to whit (In a‘ y manallu,’ Army”'whioh appear in Aholition papers. tatives‘ in Congress. ‘ and glee (Ina an Admnnlnn’oé yam-Ml Myzhe denouncing Democrats as “copperheads" {unfilled grafllemuly-A to. the} troops in the ' and “traitorn,” are written by unpriuciplod field.” . ' l ‘ [and cmurdly politicians at home. . ,it is hardly needless to “lure the rchdiri ‘ ' ’ ' ““’“ thin the memorinl referred to, though. it mayl .60!" T"! In’ll’lfl'LTTh’ ”TM"! 1"". of receive some ”We". signature: did not emir- i Fillrht’l‘ll county/Dino. have indicted (10" v j i, - ernor'lod for advismgthenrrml ot’Dr.olds, ante from them. The fact is,_it II a nice littlel "bowggfora timeoonfined in Forllmt'xyotio. scheme by which it is hoped tolput money till. ~— 4~--—~ ”‘......“ :--~-4 ' the pocket! ofthe many Abolition otltm't,who,l . ”A re" Flyl“ 0f ladies’ '9“ h" be’“ though they no no; 'flling 3w Ihonliier the. Imported. winch envelop tho face like A musket and go into the mnb,‘woald he agreed iLmask anti-futigeugft-e: the-rchlti.‘ E to In arrangement I)”, which they could rpontl ”The Pnril‘Tatrie” contoimndencrifk their elOquence “ ”-th P" 'diem. Whnti two of a proeul of taking portrait- by tele dcrice will next. he resorted!» to defroud (helmph' ......“ "... ___... ~ - . ‘ - public treasury? . ‘ . l 1 Mix inches ot’mow tell at Albany, N. A~~—-«o~:——- 7—— '., on Tuesday. - i- at the" most rigid i instinct, indicate ~ ‘ eceive hid Support anal and 1 would ‘ 5 {or the world. .. ‘lnight extend this our readers would “will conclude by at: of the Legislnq series of admirablé nl afi'uirs, from the 11, which you will u a: they pass 111% Canal. A Great Dom-mic Gum—While the Re~ publicpns callithe ram]! of the recpnr‘elec tion in Rhode Island a “great Union vicio ry,” «meaning there}? Abolition.) if we glunce over the‘ recnr of the past we will find tbnt it is like the victory 'ol‘ Pyrrhus over the Romans, a few more, of which would utterly overwhelm thg‘m; It: 1855 their majority mm 8.337 1856 " f‘ " 4,786 , 1857 " " " 4,408 1858 “ - “ “, ~ 4,352 1860 Lincoln's“ ~ “ 4.537 1863 their “ i 8 2.800 ~~j:~:tvrM~r~ - he phn and calcu nl whenjt' says: These figures show x clear Democratic {tin of about 2.000, and indicate. unmista mbly. that in Rhode Leland, u elsewhere, the power of the destructives is waning, that the Democratic standard is being ad vanced at every successive charge, and gives the fullest assurance that at an early day the Abolition cohorts will begrouted throughout the entire North—horse, foot, had dragnons. However they may crow over the result in Rhode Island to keep‘ their courage up, they no‘dnuht, in their saddened hearts exclaim. with Pyrrhua, “another such a victory would ruin Inc/'4- I‘alriolé Union. ' flJohn Van Burma in already disgust ed with.the “Loyal, Leaguet.” He has published a note disclaimingill connepcion with any “lu'gue of which ‘Mr. Charles King in chairmxin.” The Republicans h'ul better not crow too loud over Weir: new convert. a telling Speech, : Sennte, by Hon. : rkn, county. All RHODE 131:an ELECTION , . mu NEWS. l i A (“ixp-xlrh Imvnf'omnrsnt. Kv.. snyt’, that on Monday l-m. ”1|". Gillnnn ultnokvd lhe relwls in a strong positinn'of their own mpking. and whode n-fnrcm twice aspen! it's hi: mm. Afler fighting five lmun,‘he drove thorn from. ilnoir position. In: one dispatch lm eetimnmq the Confederate lms It chi-N- hundrml. and. in mother n in hand: ed. including nrimnen. The Federal 1685 in killed. u-nkznded and mining, does not ascend lhiuy. , A body of one hundred Federal (maps Mtackefi the Confederme guerillas pear Moscow. Tenne's~ee, on Monday last. and dispersedthem. Subsequently five hundred Confederates attacked the Federal ”mm, [mt were regulsed wub; loss of thirty-five kilifll and‘n large number wounded and taken prisonern. ”The Federal lass was six i i. killed Ilind thirty-four wounded. - / Thu: inlefligence' from tb‘a vicinity ,-bf Vicksburg conrolnrates the reports ppévi ourily rowivod of ma failure of the 9343““- !ion intendt-d to 91m): Ilfiines’s Blufl' by lres i of 11in nal ble eveninz. about a an“ [gas six Shrink“ whilst ing up ‘ llowbill Estree above‘ Third, Puffinused one of ther most brutal scenes, and nnewhich should make tho men who stood looking on hung their heads with filmmn. A negro, who was driving a horse and wagon. came in oollispn with two woundeé soldiers; one of the soldiers hap pened to get. over the crossing in front of the riegro’n wagon. the other poor fellow. who Wu oadly wounded and unable to get out of the way of the horse, come near being trampled under foot—this poor «)1- dier caught the horse by the head. The negro leaped-down from biggwagon and a scufle ensued ; both these soldiers being so weak as to be unable to stnncFon their feet, By this time a crowd of met} :r'ud women had gathered; one big brute. fix it would be disgracing humanity to call; him 3 man, struck those two cripples and knocked them down; immediately four more of the crowd fell on the soldiers, aid beat them in a most brutal manner. The Police then stepped in and ’arrested the:. two soldiers, and took them before Alderman Williams, whilst the negro and the oth}r brules who beat the soldiers. were ullowoll to depart in peace. When Mr. Williamsaieard the case he discharged the loldiers.’ ,3, ‘ ————~———-40.00 >——~yQ—--——- : Fitment—Genet“ Fremont has been in ; Washington two or three tech soliciting an ‘lvotber com-mud, but the Republican papers ' any i: ha.- been refused him at. (he! ifi‘niguflon 6! Gen. Halleck. If this is :0, Gen. Halleck it entitled w praise. Among thqhoat of military shaman. ma humbugl of 1.116 dny, Fremont in the mount. . ’ ' . —.'—-——-u—-o -..—.... { [e'The election for Count Supetinlen dent of Commcn Schools will take place ‘on.tbe 2d of May. Adv. next eek. f . ‘ "h ” ‘ '_ The latest minus from Euro w.ahow POSTAGE—On and an" (In- hl'fl of J“? the nvahfldon in ifcflmuhn null gu‘miu ' “with: nll letters (IL-posited in the Post-office [or mml~ . Tbg‘.ingurgents, so fur from yivhlglg, seam ing. on which the poulnge is short} inslcnd ur mum delermim-d ltrmc]xffiw-1."Ioir purpwr: and being sen: forwnrd u now, will be kept mu! “ lcrnml remonnquncc "r ”an”: hf” “Ml" her» «alluded to “mum. wmk Prunanm inter, "“‘ed “3 "I'M" w-re no sump 0" ""m" lemma is no! onlyl'rmurud by an overwhelm- This is n Import-m fact, winch lh/e public mg vole oflhe Chzuxnh'vr nf' Duputicsfin Horhn, will do well to impn-u on their minds. Mm but rebuked hy [hp public wmimch qr En (ln: time die postage on drop 1m"; grin be SP:- 3" "msm’mci "l“llli’s "um-ml hm v . , A ‘ ny.n : re a no ruumu are 1,. Nu "m“ ”find or one " non: :_ imnt nln-mlypobzg‘hs to give indicnxlioflm o? n 3.01”": the fir“ 11"." or {0" days 0' genirejo yield to the pressure, and Hunt. [minis Inn w’éek our town mm more Imm usukny 11.“; prnpgsed ‘0 and th: war by otl'frmg “I" . ' 3 . _ .. . ‘n. ~ ne: um- among and relurma. bpmpu‘hy huh“ occulonod by Fun of April] ' bunk. with the Poles ‘lcems‘lo prevail A“ m.” Eu nen. A Inrga nmoynl of money; ‘dmngcd' rape. ‘ fl . . ‘ LOCAL DEPARTMENT. hands. {Such M mu); have any; Mi 'nn'l "we. the prlnier. could get rid m lome Mix ni mi'a osubl\islln§enl. “To hue use for alHdm us. .‘1 I x: .7 < ! ~ j 39-11;. mud ”an the mm Regimen: Img. been pnM. The boys, we bnve‘no dyubl, verb much rill-acid“ They lbw-Pd hlreihyd um}:- money long‘ngo. ‘ ‘ " * . ‘lplun. u... ua mo 3:“. mm m mitert‘itm. Mylziwce, f 0: sev‘lorni yegja Marl will no doubt, create a ”25.01%” M;n_, pastor of the UnitwdrVPr-csbytcrinn Church 1;: “mliqn in‘that ciliy. if rumm- be itrue this this-pinion, haresiiznctkhil charge. Ind Mt ah nigg'er regimqnti. instead of going: to‘ that Wednesday 1." for Phiiadolyhh. i i amt of war. willgbc kept m. the North hr ~ »- —» u - u , —. - , 1 i hum up and uncut while (imprints. mu] nid . ”J- S Gin. E”\q-y 0{ XH' 031.0%, hfll in enforcing thé con-wriptipn. "I‘lmy gnu been appointedflhil Engino‘er on 1: Railroad tiu fifty dolinfs bounty far enlisting. whom he nude from ‘Townudh to the Willinmspoi't I white soldiers "9" in service: Who” “7"“ and 51mm Railroad. iu-Klfiadfdrd counu’. misih‘."}f."";”ff ”Wmd' '"“ 3m?“ 0'”? "'6'" Slau_ . » i l‘)- \e t 0 ‘.lr!‘ ior fo‘en I‘“an l.‘ wnuhl - _______~-“,,.1,~__ - _ _‘ svem irnm thu- lhnt. the Ahohunmqu c 0... W‘Drs. Cress nnd Turin haic romevdd‘fiider "ill-Th quler Linn whit. ~men.-.-v their ofifice to the One iqmeriypagciipi'edhy h‘r. i 5‘15“" ‘S‘Z'jf'fl- -. .. ‘6... m __ * Dorsey, in Baltimore street, whey-y; ‘ili lit” 3,3,...” Cam.(y,——Afll>r footing up the rev found M h“ timed mn'dy to “ten ‘Llo pMep- turns of the recan MWthip electiom, ihe sionni cans. , ‘ , _ i [Meroor Radiator rmyfa: - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l .'f'nking the min for Judge us Most, my Rial-e imaten about one hundred and fifty in f; the county; hat the average vote shown I °j ninjorily in 91”quan In 1360!“ curried orl six or seven townships, and «Lincoln's my “ jority was About thirtnen hundred. Now ' lwe curry nintéen townships—half of the i”. whole number-41ml elect. ninoim-n Ju-luns tn _ and ninloellgwwssnrs! \ In addition .10 this, 51- ”w air-cc pnrt of'hur tickep m Coolepring ! Lt““'° see )L"—lflw rl-néuon to which tho , i Aholitlonists have been inviting our unen in.“ tion. i ' w i Dn-nmorni-s, the tides are iiriglitnnilizi— ' ‘ The glnutli nl'eihrflukinu «Way-fund i! yuu " sdr) your duty. ain/ don‘t/brat! to turn on! u! Ill». ‘ fer'rrtiou, m-xt Fl 4”, you Will again trend 3 grwn' earth, luieulhe‘n pure uhnnspimm inmi gaze "pong Mun rkv. ()nn Inoru fire ‘ ' .nlong the whoi line! Fo‘rwnrl! » 1 - L ...... . 7 I nQE‘L-it Dvmooruts cvervwhere nuinhin- Hull. lhé oniy true frivnth of tho Uniun nrir lhc’thnm with 3mm] by Um Cmnlimliun 5m l fim‘crmnmii qfitth“.stiu-r4. 'l‘n’wk up. 1H ‘ 11.315 of lnyally in ‘tlin country. nnprnvui hi” the Ahniiiinn‘ not! «If lhi‘ mlmimdrniinn nml of Hm iqkt Cnngrme. i: to mm‘t th.- commnn wan-m nntl puirinlium ni‘ the nn-A of tho pool-In ; mnl prm'psm' iuu-ll' that tiny very mpn wilt) [mm-rill? 11) m.- “Ms; urn themsehos " Imam" Uninniqs. Tin-y lulk' loudly about " ‘lTninn " :m'i " loyalty; but, an the (inu- tiny mnun limir p-lrly. Hm shot-(ms of ”win put grin-mum. un'l Hm 'p-r; pe-tuul‘pn nl ihi-Ir [mm-y. Lu! nognnn hu dN-eivi-(Xl-y Him- s‘lu-vimw plum. l'un |--t a” «(mid ‘by My- sax-rm! prim-irks of em:- Miiulidnnl gnvbrllliivlll. ns lhny vnluv tin-Ir livw, their liberty, and the hghis ul‘ proporly. ’ ‘ ' ”—7...-___. ..-—...»-.. 38'3”. O'Ngnl Ins removed higioffivca to 1,1 cnrnqr'of Baltimore Ind High Itrefith,(fome( 1y Dr. 'Gil.bcrt'a,) where be' will i'qlwuya found rend; to attend to culls fund tbwn conuuy, [tight or day. i Whining the thunder storm; ti few Su’: dnyyn‘ o. lhe lighming struck a hqule betwce Tam-yawn and Emmnaburg, killingloneicéi ored mun, uhd sererebz slifimin «nmher.J This i.‘ a very rnvc orcnrrenye forihis 3.21 m: } _._ _ _ , , , , . L , ElCurpelings: 910., embrncingaall the ne styleq. br-st nmkié. for spring trade}. 30w ope ing at‘pos. Bluekwood‘l. 832 Arch ILL, PM]; chd Adv " ' gg-m: MST W 001)! DrYTrcférrzo} but gtjecn'hirkury win llflifl'fll’. . , ~ ’ ’ r «U... a ~ 1* . . ‘ ‘ THE EIECTIONS‘. Tho Towhship Elections’xhrdughoM Fméms we lenrn frdm our emhnugesmvu gone largely in favor ofthc Democrals. “h," are all hcujthy indications of ivu‘hliu opinipn, and render it cortuiii thnt Pennsylvania, in ille tuber next, will bolowi'n'hclminglyDcmoqrniic. The tiny uf flux-k Rep ‘hlirun rule; will souwi'be mer in bu; Cunnnbnwenllh. W‘Pu'l‘vl Hint; it “'rrc ‘so in the nnlion. ‘lllit womust patient“; “nit nnul bgar [Le infliction {or neérly {3‘lo yours mole, and then 1h; countr‘y will Int-“ire llm‘enl‘ol fth‘u Aholition inrnhus which is {min ing in lo 'lhe earth. This iR tthsilu-r lirling \\ hich in bcginiiiuu to show itself imithe (l‘rk cloud which ims broodml orcr 1h; Nntion lfor the hut twp ycnrmr—lmnc‘uater‘ln:tlf.’a'gancrr.'_H ‘ > ”The Republican papers Neely charge .1 lhe Democracy with oppofing o “vigorous pne vcdution of the In.” What the Democrats op -1.90mi: just (hut which prevent! e, vigorous { prosecution of the war—that which bu perm lyzgd all on: own eflofll, and given energ and { strength to the enemy—that ihich has divided the North nnd united the South. This is what Democratl oppoee, and what they will’ever oppose. And they on unalterobly apposed to the real purpose and aim to which the we: is now directed, which can result only in ruin to the country. But to_the preservation of the Government, the maintenance of the Constitu ‘tiou own! the resmntion of the Union, every ~Erna Democratic ready to devote‘imaefl' and ‘ all he has, now Ind forever. fi'Wa hue Vern Cruz dam {o the 4“: m. which late that Puebla bu not been taken by the French. nor did my; input; to groun wry rapidly. < ’ THE POMS}! REVOLUTION : ”in! Nrgro 1 ' ornL—Jrhe first Sex! England regim I. under command 91' I .wlma man frnm 1‘ rmont. (301 mm! Pnttel‘, ‘l9“ Boston on Tfirt‘iay mid arrived nt Phila delphia on Wed‘hmday afternoon, when: they win he qun'rteréd for a short time:- The ropimqnt’iq hot full; but it is nuppmml 1 that comploment {will'be made up in Phila dolphin. The arrival of the sablo nor ‘4' " H'fial are Jn’m Hm n-u'm mid Run/y- AllnntL’"——Tl.o ntm‘n qunstmn is m on"; asked us ip our cnrrospmvlrjnr‘o that m- "‘"x -ply thrunuh Hume ‘mlumns. t mt h-ully Wm do nut. knuw whrig thmu gun!h~un-h um almut. In 111 M “‘6’ ur» nut t-lmr llml tin-y] r‘nnl‘tl :In'avnr the q'uutiun {haunt-(mu. ' ' I ler-v i‘ mu- ('mhni‘tliml—lhl‘ "I'M. “leB - m‘vnllirivnlly tlxulant lo‘llluw a bum mu! rnmnum- pulmviun [n.mnkx- an t xlt‘n kin" o.\pl’(>rul‘lon nLjhn Ah letinn gum. nnvl rrlnrn 451 T: ly tn Dnmm-rutzn Im-ulqvurh-H‘ in timed!) do good svrvico, ('gra «Emul'l luv oxen-yum hy'flimh ve-ntu‘rr-mmh sy-zrm- that Hwy .ch nnL fail in!“ tho l'mmleol‘ the VHU', lny.,—.\'. N. Argus. “; ‘ . COUNTY 80PERlXTEXDENT.—Gouyp burg, March Slat, ”Bl—As the time is “If “v hand when the present Superintendent of the County Schools is to ncate' his position: i‘ mu: not. PUMP, be out of plncc it) mention the names of those willing and m to fill the post. As An oldmnd upefiencgd tucker, n svholnr and A gentleman, Dr. l‘iu'm (in? of York Sulphur Springs, is eminently fine (a fill the position ;andl beg leave to present hi; name for the considernlinn ol the public in gainer-l and £llO difl‘ercnz Directors in' partly). lar o! Amuqs Coax"; A SCHOOL MAGAZINE FREE l—Cuu'l Scnoon \'lslTon.——\‘o:,. VIL—Tfio Publisher of this favorite Monthly, in order to tench 11l schools, will lend the eron one year a! m to one person, (who will tot as Am“) ntiny post-omen in the United States. This in u in. plnlleled ochrl Address, with 3 cent lump encloledflur particulars. . i - J. W. chmpnv, Publisher 9 1303 Chestnut- smez, l’bllulelph'm, Pu. Communicated
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers