TIE)I. - 32 - te. The COIPIDIB is published every Monday 7 morning, by Hut! .1. Snnu, at $1 75 pql'a Lngum if paid strictly IN unset—s 2 00 per annumif not paid in advance. ‘No nubacription dincontinuod, unless Ii the option of the publisher, until all "reage are paid. Anvnuunxu innerted at the usual rates. Jug: Puxnxo done with; neitheal And dfipatcb. - Omen in South Baltimore qtreet. directly opposite Wupplers’ Tinnitus Enablishmen‘ I.:—“Coxml.lx annxq Cruel” on thenign. Fresh Greberies, EW xorwss, FINE LIQCORS, kt).— N The under igucd hujuat relurned from the oily with thc‘mrgcst stock of new goodslle; has yet lnlxd in, Whil'h, having bought for-cash, he is prep-red to sell on low as anybody here or elaculmrc‘. He will enumerntc nportion of his stock: COFFfiI-ZS. SUGARS. Molnssel, \(‘heesg Macon, Potato“, Salt, Vinegarfipices. l‘andlez, Souths, llrooml, Brushgg. Halter-n, Bed form. Collar and Willatw “Late, SEGARS and ‘ TOBACCOS, lncgerloxs of [Test and common brands; wllh plfiorls of NOTIUNS. . fife has a fin‘er inock of LIQUORS alum i: In: unl y Cound outnidc oflhc ciliafviz: Import ml and Damnatic Bundles, [our kinds, the brgt {9r medicinal the: : Old Rye, very superior, for !he nine ‘ purpose; Imported Wines, nleu llu mutic «inc; Svlliednm Schnapps, ans, M'hilkiel“ kc. Every article is warranted to 3’11: what it is sold for. ‘ \ Recolla‘ct, this In the plate tmbuy cheap.— _J.el such} as doubt it call, and ther will be umn'incell. GEO. F. KALBFLEISUH. _ Jan. 19, was. ' ‘ . 4 7 ,La‘nca‘t‘et Bod: Bindery. smoky-E wuxr, . ’ G- ‘ 1100!; BINDER “in an“ auoz Iqutncrunn, ( . , LANCASTER, PA me'n a'md Omayrnnml Bmth'ng, 9f.’Br|ll'y d}- scripliougexecuted m the mom substantial mu! .pprovedistyles. ‘ aunnlvcus E W. Brdwn, £14., Funuen Bunk of Lancnulqr} AW. 11. [’clpcr, Esqqfluulcnglcr Cunmy [hulk finmnel Shock. Edi" ('ulumhiu£nuk. fimnuel Wan or, Huh York Bank. -“'illimn Vain-r, [iatngurk Conllt)'luflfl]§- T. U. ('nr‘mn, Fig.l., Bank ul’Ut-u'uhmz. ~ #mcr .\Lmtin,‘ Huh l'rulh'y uflluwgttcr comma. fieb. f‘. “puller”. EM; , Haiku! 41. , “ ‘ WC’WM a‘onalfisq.’ ileuqrda‘ .61 ' “ ’ April 1E; 156}. j ' ~~.;Newi Goods !_-—Large‘ sack ! Elmuhnxr unummm ‘ ‘ , JM‘NBH k mm. :3...“- jqcl rocnivml from the cilia.- n lax-5:9 flul'k afr‘gouas for Gentleman's wear, cxixbrl‘cing a Iggriegnf ' 3 ‘ “ ’ «‘7 L‘LUTIIS, Y . . u ‘ '_, 1’ CASSHHZHES, I , .- ' j ‘ ~ \‘Esrmxs. - ‘ (‘Mt‘i’fits‘ JUN. Jun, with many ulhcr goods {or rffrin am} mmmvr vu-M. ’l‘chy are Lrl-zm-ul lu‘nmke 'tp garment: n 1 1'" ihbrl '4l. fi‘llil'l'. Mul’in the \‘o-ry ht'it mun- Icr. . Thé FJEhiull! :lrn- ru-gululr rv't'Lin‘l], und alnflriugllundc m mn \II":lrIl My"). Thry ul «rnysmu e um! tit», whilbl their sewing i: sum: ‘uhe aulihnlml. ' . Tll9] 4:44 am unninu'lnl'e of flu.- puMir's [ni ‘ tron-gut, r‘evawLM gnmd nor}. mu! mudur..u: flu!" (in raft: it. ‘ . ‘ Ax (lullyslyurg,4\[vrxl7, 18122. ‘ ‘ f “ 'I ' -. ‘ ' “1' ‘ ‘ i ‘l‘éwn Property 1' {4*le TI'I SALE. ——’l‘he undersigned of- A fets'ntlluml'fi Snlv the l‘rnpurlyin “hit-h we now rhédu's. mum in‘ Hm 3mm mm, lifttfabuTg', g'ljnining S. R. 'l‘l'ptnn nnlhe “Ht , pml Mrs. liv-Mn-y uu lIIL‘ mm. wuh "11"“- ' ‘any in,lhc roar. Till} HUI'SI'Z immgfl ' .ufn-xmru'l’rzunc, Wmum-rlmmdml, “Rafi—- &t~k-huihlinq: n uell u! .\aAL-r, u xll: n pump in ;I. a! the Hour; and a surivty bf fiuit. 5113:)“ :u: '.applru. pTurs, purlrlws, .n'pncots, Chg-Him, any ’ grapes, nlll the. [510.32. ( Ilnirl‘. 4v ' , - - : ' ZAULIAIILHI .\HE'ERS. ‘ "Nor. PTA mm. 'd ' ‘ J - R say-made Cloth: 13:. , '(‘l m: :1; Aqu‘n aménaw gov. up hie m. ,fl' ant! impr-s’uwk t-((‘|ul|}_lll4;. consisting of gun-. 1 m m gfrsll ruricj}; \cx‘» cheap, > E 3 I‘rfi ‘ um. ' , trump-N (Maw; _ “ _ ' I ,’ Hunk-3 Jm'krts‘ ' ' l’nlhtuluvn“, ) F 9", I i I .‘hillq Lynn-H, kc. kt. 7 A'l n!‘ +1“- on u rummlnduéc. and done :I}. i,“ , gin-Zen lh'l- x, mumwr, uuu’l‘mili be sold wry “Jump. Mini u~n v I”. ‘ "‘ U"rl_!_~.:k{auxg,‘\u\.3, 1.55.5 M E P 1 mo Tunmg. ‘ no? I‘dfiVlfllef J.il!l~~~mmn. n Frunm-{L P 1'! mo T‘uuvr, I|h‘TH‘: ha [I n n h and the .umsjrnl puMiu in gnu-ml. tlut ha [nu-n IH. ‘ T 277132. nut in :1: 1 who m'vnnir-i. I 0 Tl‘miui: mu! ' ~)‘u-pairinz l'imws‘ m mmNnm Imus. ILS; ‘ j~:-':xnx.s-~ rmirc 5M.) t |--L'run,.z.~ nu my." e-‘x‘tlw‘h _ I ruched :xt Hus oflhe. ‘ [New 10:, 15ml. ~ D Yes;{9 Yes—o Yes. 5' H 3 urlénlzuwl “Imin mml r ; ..r. Lily ‘F quuum'u m liuelxeuplv n! Hull} wnrg .3”! {l;Jl‘l'2mly‘u’H-ul he inlmuL h) r-nn'mm- SALE: ,{JiYL‘JG‘ in 5;): \‘.ll'it-lla 'uuuvixrc. h n Eng mkru ,nnl Lin-NC" L, r than purring. Gum]: I 1M; nn thnmixd‘ou ..u.l abld ..L u_-_uiud«~r.y(.‘ “wt-{IE u Tim I. nw‘g‘ch. ‘ H. (I. (‘Hi‘i‘n : )'o:'k «t, (hm <'lng",;, Du: 29, "1:1: 3:1) _ 1 ; Cooper-mg. {HEX f‘HRISU Ell is rnfryirg v’n fin“ E‘uapr r. in; ‘l’flfiincsf‘. in u“ it» hrvun In ~. in \urk xtréci, (Nu'ryhul’g. 1* LUI'R BAH'EELS. in «ny Advil-ed lunmily. mind:- in ur-IH’. :u ~hort n--- fire) In} 42'. low profits». REPAIRING, of all 3km ls, “Hawk-fl in; proxxnpllly‘ 'md chmplya— ‘Every e “nu will he made‘ me nude: ”4441c,- ‘j‘mnao chsunners. - ‘ V Decfiza. 1362. 55m 7 , . ~ Lew Fall and Winter 00 §.—ANSCOTT “k SON have in If”: Gln an ngw selling a; cheap as the ,chenpen _ good mum; or Dry Gocda,_colk pisting a Ludiei‘ Drag! Goods. such u Keriuoes Cabvki, Behiaes, iraveliing Mi;- turu 1193 ch. he. Alsq—Cloxha, Cag— ai cruLSstinem,Ovcriéoatings, ' ' weeds, Jeans, Flannels, .k'cq - ' I. whichl In invfle’ the attention ot‘bnyusa. Ali we uh is an examination before purchnsiw glimmer". A. SCOTT & SON. Lyon 3+ 1862. _ . * .1 gCoal! Coal! Coal. . SHEADS & BUEHLER fire now prepazed to supply COAL, of superior quality, in any ’Egunntity Quiz-ed. Terms, Cnh. ’ = x._ Cone Ope! Come All} ‘ .. ’ fi‘fliey Also {equest than indebted to ’3 ”them to call ,and pay up. as funds are much , ‘ neeg'ed. :Who will be the in: to chll ? (mm 799 m {:3 7to 'l. ' ' “5? "ep. , 1862. , ~ 37-“, . John‘W. Txpton. " ASRLONABLE BARBER, Nonmmt cab . nu' ‘oLthe Diamond,j (nut door to MO - leuu's'lfnt'em Gettysburg, PL, where h: ' an at “via?" be found ready to mud to Hi pnsineu n his line. He bu mo excellent u liltan'ce n; will manure guilt-climax Gite ’ ~hini a cull. [Dem 3. 1860. ...»; Eamon); Branch Rmhogd. 4 ‘., HA“)! 0!? HOURS—On “a after non. dbp Jan. Eztlh 1863, Pusenger’qraiu will r en a ohm": f Laud Ewan: Leave Jnctlon m fidnist 10, A. x. 1:: Train It: 11. g. u 34 do. .30 4.30, 2. lg. N do. at. 8.30, p.ll. The 10}... I. train connect: It Junction {ox letimorb, Burrilbqrz, .Colnmbis, and Ennis, big-g. Tho 4.30 r. I‘. twin mnku connect-inf firmware, York, Harrisburg. and the Wen ' . D. E. TBOXE, Agent; , y, Jun. 19.1863, ~ Haney A" E :pxssqlnfimn P PAKBTHERSHIB.—The pannuship he"; mfoka oxiuing between the nndanigued, in tho pmfico of Medicine, has this (1: been diuolud. {the books of the firm will bltound in ch. Monica of Dr. Charla 30'1”. rho will mun“ tho pmfiu. : ’ WWII. door above the Drug Sum, of lit-Aging" CHARLES you“, ' . ‘ . _I ROBERT BURNER, Ann 1. 93":3. .~ ‘ . l ‘ I m Br n. J. STABLE. ‘ . 4:51:11: Year. @112? @1152. ~ coon rilnLl. at uni: nunlxx.‘ This is (he Holy Fast: Upon our hqnds, lOWAbowcd, L‘ef penitence be cast, . And let us sadly shronfi ‘7 ()ur souls in sorrow for Hisrdulh. He diedmm'we might live, » , And mT‘ekly yieldn-d up His brenh,‘ [fearing immortal agony, Tlmt sinners final: as we ‘- SfléthL-uvenly lwpo receive, , And gm. him joint h'ein be '_ .‘ U] lmmurlnlllyl ‘ I To“. tall‘, ye lolcmu bells! Your fungal music lull I For His drpnncd mm:— The suu'Lof 111 m), who dmzlli ‘ Eternal in the Heavens—our Lon“ Tull, Hill in swcqt accord; And bill- Iheli<lcningnuhons an-el in pmyt-r, \tfirilin‘g their bro“: m anguish In the ground, “'ch simrly, sadly, on’lhe‘pulsélcss air, Th'c requiem: resound. ' Centuries. Imin; {allh'll from the wings of Time Sinu: Christ, our brother; died, >11”:ch was ci'uL-ifie-J ‘And mud» aim sm'rffiuc sublimé . Thu! fills-d the “urld “ith MM: 1 j ‘ :Lhid raw'cuxe mun; pxofoun? , , : 'l‘lu..,'.:hcn [Lie sacred lm'v: ‘ ’ '.‘T'llluldn‘rfli frnn’i Sinai, am? the Voice diiine Shank .\TI th~ hills n'nd \‘aIIL-gs far :Lroitnd, I "And 09531.. .n .lll]l()>l seen wilfihin In; shriuq. (Zvnmries huu- pmsg-d, nnd‘ ¥ct once: murci | Ulir heart.» l_|iL xent’nilh unumiling wue ‘ i' .\.;l‘rl.2h.\uliltilj‘i‘hfizcfillh‘ringlobtslflps glow liniionmg, ‘lhl ir xiiShh'x-chl .\Juater bore, ‘ And, in a Quinlthfiuhg arrayed, , i 1m anmruplibl Shodylnm V Within ll”! srpulcilrc that augeh Keét ' ‘ Fur the lrricf hunts i‘m’whic’h 11:6 Sm‘lou: $16.11!. LN. ya; lnmnnv. that lAnmepmhchday it)” which she Sun 0: film-was heard to any, v - ‘ "Why um I thus inrsanxcn, oh, my God'” ! \S'lxnnJh alone the uluogy wine grass qu' LAM for it ransom gnye His life away; (Hy-9 urds murl- mou u‘flutyhn n \\ (re {A crnpokan “3 nmnyuumn hmrrix'gsm'rows brokcg! ‘ 1’ "My U‘vd! m 3 UmlL-fihyam Ilhu’i forsaken?“ Land -- n i; nxlialxod,";:\sihc bgmd his head lln that:ulmmi-mhle,‘ paniéfi paiin, - ! f \\ hen u ilh a mighty grief Mason] “"11: shaken, : .\ml trum 1:1: side the hip ud-drops fell hko rain, 7 ‘ T 1“ the Refleemor “I‘ll”: york] “'11: dead. ‘ Elna 1 nine ! let ulll'thejmui‘nj} fast, ' ‘ his it this AlJYnfnnguish ware the Inst; 1 l .\nll [ln-fun ltnort- should look’upqn {lre 11311;, ! ‘Hut only on Hm], snd'nfi’d awful siglit— ‘ ((Ehrist’: Ll‘lu'iflXViOH—Whil‘h to us appear-Ii ‘ Yhid thrmwh a)! the inn-Awning years}. "Hit-n toll. yq solunn bells ; ft mgaus, pm] i ‘ \ nurdrupcstnnlhems: lor we mourn “151055, }\‘\'|.n ulmu nn;n'.» 5 Il\' .linn sot the say: _ I (H h}: urnu :iuluu mn‘urc on the do“; gggiarsumm EbPE’FOR msffiT‘UfiE " 'l‘lurpuro than- among.“ “l 3” decpnir of {hi ll p.,:lnhrs. ’l‘h’ry lH‘llQld n nth terror the x :r‘i-igintc-I.t: on the ('unslithiion. the intern r" m Ill!:|l‘Z‘\Ll(Hl~‘l’D~'Urlcd‘ to as a “or measure, l w m-nu um power forgood or r-vil‘]:lnt4~«l in t H“ lmml‘ of the tom-ml executive}. thegrndnil s vullmuug up of the rights roservnl ,hy tlie («inching-o; to th.: Slums) and the clnims to’ :4 “01mi- <nprcmncy 51:! up by ll fanatical (foll y C‘S.‘ “'0 have no fours that all those things 4' uubiucll u 11l he able to subvert our liberty—‘- 4 iipmy ram-onsmy tor n peoplfl; nccnslomtfil I be luv-1;. tn lmow nhrreinxnnd to what on ! 11', they have llt‘Eu injured, to imply the proper rrme‘dy. .\lunarclnml institutions min hi)! easily mgmfteli on ro-p’ulvlics whith‘deserv'e the nune. unc hum nlune, 'during his ill-q -ti;me,'a whole geuemtion of men, cannot do jgt. ltrequired the Torre ofq-hnrnoterofczosar, ,the mile}; and wisdom of Augustns, nnd "the running of Tibet-145w reduce the B.omm Sen ntc to n cowardly_ dependence on their mister, and the Roman people to n willing, ntnlep; elynvery; and yet; how insecure was thipmtp' nrchicul non-e: Lbui estuhlinhed! .' . ‘ ‘Tlxe mount-(thy enggnlted on the re‘pnhlic of Holland. has nlwnys‘ controlled by the “mu; Gticeral ;" that is, by the Denmcretioelement ofthé kingdom; while in England herself no absolute monarchy could be established after the eonilhoowernllth. The nttemp; to :e-‘innugf urnte such a mpnnrchy drove Jamel lUrom the throne, and lost to :George 111 the brighteit jewel ofhiscrown. ’ f ‘ l “‘I do not often quoteßolinghroke," says Edmund Burke" in his “Reflections 0: the Revolution in France, ' “ norjhnve his works in general made any perninnent impreuion on my mindf lie is I pn-uunptuonn‘nnd n supu. liciul erjter. But he has cite obserution which, in my opinionl in not without depth and shlidity, Ile my: that ho preface o mop», ar‘ch'y“ to other governments” become yon cw hotterlingrnft nny description of republic on n monarchy than anything ol'nwnnrehy upon the republican forms. I think him perfe’ctly in therright. fl‘he footie Io historically, And it agrees well with the emulation." ' '- i Burke in right. See whet a. republic Itha Ramona unblinhed otter the bnnishment of the anqnins, (no! how contemptible, in com: pnrlnon, the ltulinn republics‘ot‘ the middld egos, built nponjhe rubbish of the Roman empire.. The repnblic at Hollnnd roan fromi the despotiun ofSpnin li. once into mngnificonn pr‘oportionsnnd Holvotio, who owes bot ori gin to her struggle ngoi an. Austrian tynnny, in etill strong nnd powerfnl. And should we deepnir of the United States, conquered from England by the heroes of the revolution, and the immortal genius of Wuhmgtnn? No! no! Our case is not yet desperate. The ma who, knowingly or iron ignorance, try to enslave nu, ere not mode of the stnfi‘ to inspire us with fear or owe. Theirreign‘will be of short dn ntion. it cannot possibly last over two years. All the people are required to do is not to go to sleep, to wsteh their opportunitiu, to put in their votes, end all will yet be right. Noth ing is lost 'AS long as the people have confi dence ln themselvesan/u Age. fi-A Washington letter say. the genera! impression is that. General Hunter is ‘a tip top military humbug; he is nlwaya fightipg withhis ofiicen but. never with thesnemy. fiAboutSSOflOO per head were paid - some members of ma but Cong”? [or Mileage slope. ‘ . ‘ L A WEED ; ‘From the Ifnnnaelpb HON. CHARLES J 1 BIDDLI ,’ ‘ DEMOCRA‘TIC GIN . 0n Satui'day mghtfithe Dom on Wdlnu; street-w :ddress Chafleg J. Biddle. 9 indie fluejbq dojminam. it} 9 last. ~ ‘refe i'od u? the dzpar ure fro duty; marked out. in t a Crime tion}. ”4‘: chewed! e Aboli the? {:llqu (ffhil ‘trro‘ubl s. The misé" pur y. ‘hlimlpi‘ nonm‘l. a tidefitgsco 'ed Mover) warning, ed tév, give to the Sece ' ion lea! they qge (“if“) mm to rgbe guise of a lf-defence. the 'qui .the‘Sout ern poop] The Inavefléuv 6d the w} 10' [um publictn “arty. Ano her mos h p§gf¢lulronsequcm of the “:16 qhht, Qhrbughaut he who]: Sega‘jsion leaders we)“ justifien of thpif foliowers. and their/op Unh'mm ‘ ofthe h'uuth. “ere cond mum. Jusl what it was pub! (1m foliv‘y would be, tlm uonifts mud it. H‘lhey 113 out ‘ fithui'l'fcnsury 01' JAY. D of H) . I‘m-ism"! of the‘ United Won! mvc better waned the deed In a magnifier qpilc rem Secegsilunisls and LhUIALOIAIiOI to mud; olher’a hunds.‘ An AM; or pmflgmatiou agniy i! the ‘ received with the highest deli nn‘d ‘lnll the secgasibn! (uncxié tum-[you so,” (In-y my! to the S ple.‘ 'l'lmn Davts deélnres th unsold Union, and w U have n “51H; ii—nf course 11%; mm H don) repeats and_ cu ulatltes 11 sentiments of Dawn. ' i o . m. Llixddle twlwvé. the firxt :923i01l of (In Hm Uriunndon, xeml‘ milimiy qua-ms. \vuu the b‘bulhéu} masuw, the ‘Sucomioh Ringers iurvi-gn lands. " F'Fhu[l).:movrnoy a whd ,uqt (\‘ilh them, :u‘ the ‘topgluct of nflhir the ji-m'muy.’ They u by lqglft mute, .luwlu , 0(14. 1 Free; manly 3 monliém‘thclmums I is wllhut. which isllh trzwl‘lad mummy—4!: iulellig Ilenri‘hc' l-nlxghlcncd b ' expel-Ic] 1': P. Simply by bein ' in. the n 'tlu-y; W”i""" to "our c 512 m 1 .‘ this lUpvumnDnL,‘ \vh vh is g: ( of tiny peoplg. 'J‘iii will is anszyjcfi to 2.11:1}“9 . ant. mad the ‘diaioyalty 01 i he Dom charge is but. lbe m, in; 025.1 {\m ,ghcmsch'os (il~XO} d to 2511 pf we pvoylc. Thou ondcinx imdjqi'ity of the Ame! bun pm; made mmfii‘cet. in ‘5l" e of chls force and {muddir‘ dagn' :4 fri-‘r ‘wreés and 11 Ire‘ hallo bl a Male bu. - Imismofv of Vast in; nblowficn‘rtruc to 1) civil» libe‘my. true to‘ ‘whitemaxt shun mind in UH: n> gm Congre“ much 45 on lhefortun ul‘thr: ixnlipu turns. siuuulfelt, dr pretende ic me may prpve ;; bu; 11L hfn'k no xylnn {lla term. pa} g L'rit . jfor [mace onPy aful, 111:] Y olnomlnlo. and d uiur. Any othu wg‘tfuw. file “‘1 )g' an :rjubt pen boll uim Lute [\my‘ Um I ’B' Idr. Evcxy Dru ,h tihnt POLL"? :uul Lind. . ‘ Lil bce'no renso 6mm nu-rimn jot-it ~iich can glm De vi,“ Le Lulu} to an I}: om; gamma it me g I; o xly Fence pa 1" pélrg n‘ whdgqpri Me. :11? .I, however, a the ’lgn re in public a chPlfizu' of public 59)! power of t‘hme' who hug pireflfoy some time. ‘ wnbefiwtth‘ey say It. is, i qr EN timé: nj show mum r vusfiefi'enditure of it. coasts the yountry. L HIKE RIGHT It gth‘e ancinnt an (ion §of4this peoplg to land the merits of publ‘ fired right. a fircaide eéer been enjoyed in 0" nn£d cabin in tha ‘natio: \i/nintoconu‘ovetsey. 1 * {he right of breulhi ngor} f"°‘?“?th- Belm #llBs‘ hpm had) Luge bed] ed a: ma] 1 life in}: t. it. belongs to ‘duty ad I. i§ the last. «in: wh 8 rep, nlative inn a spam on.- Mining at :1! ti ‘te'ouéu and flympemie in it! when? theflight jtsalf is que \placd myself on theextreme irighta, hnd mid defiadce to woulfil boyéme from'lhy gr “Tibia higtnonuilugonul defefid‘md xercise, ithin ; 'in an placeh, in timeiof pd times. Liv glshallgsse'rt I leaflvg no heriian-ritenoew by thefblenking-of Got! I I )he iyhgrit ",ce of free prim exum‘plie of ' mnnly, indepel ‘stitutiohal Qefence of‘ ther tllr. .- 44.0% Govern tative sued the Goddés; If was proposed? to substitute the head of W'shington, but he refused, and the coppewdhd cent continued till 17- 94 un‘rivallqd, {and has been eVer since. It. seems that some ofthe politicians of the present dpy are so ready to accept. the using? given themLy opponents that. they are ma king breastpins ourofold cofi rhead cents. Elsewhere copperhéads of fihinglon are snicken from dies and worn‘ in the-same. way. Jl‘hia is the method of turning an op- Erobrious nickname into good‘use, and mu ing it significant of loyalty and devotion to national tradition. “ Viuela GJppcrllead,” WGeorge “'erner, a private in the Third Ohio Cavalry. who had deserted. wns arrested lmt week by the ‘ rbvost marshal. Before taking the train {gr Columbus he 'asked Hermirsion to visit all eating house. Whén e hid ndmncgd aboht ten steps he .turned about, drew a pistolgn‘rd placing it at his heart, din-hug“! it, h‘lling himself inslgmly. : l -3 ‘ 3%; RATU‘C AND FAWHLV IJ©MRNALD (4-3Epi , YSBURG, ‘PAH, MONDA: a Ledger. ' AT THE .dT'thnt ‘; pgrms, xl monk, c: I have n: and ’wo | Mixed», lu’e policy 0? .xpreéeod Ly Houplad v’vith xuugjxtbul;L: Fl d have sum S'undm'ers to ‘d conse I arc-kill ‘ {or the 'e heel-2i; Cunatnu och, {nix 19y. use; 1,15 m! hop mtifive men to uffluence salvation of g to do this lona] mem ‘ upen argu their appeal s of Una db nce ol the injority that Influence in 'overmnent “ice [or an mnt übout cracy; the faction who Sm croigmy nlion Lillie lb has beef] y engine of free (speech, ..zot! gporluuco .greu ' Fthe in has the ‘ . m i s of war, ”hole is , that it}. o m cl that bane-"st, rind»; of rests of the nscrvnlives on thin; as but the fate n apprehen * ,Demncmt of a Panda A.l from the er To | I: w l'n ,Or an Inn \ be found, I that arvjust wane better :uch be but a mu‘ Without u'ro human ry Chrirtiuu s again bless Iwat‘bl funk v, ha mm [niou to f 0 { map ‘ hat the ma lnnd .it is on lxercxsc. pow nnrormler- !4 Democrats EDE are the on uun is possiq wh'ile waore t will efl'cct In) 199.5» cf »\ vailhm: ex: :- pclwy be as U have ample cu uqu to die . money that I , und l Th 3 uted preroga- ‘ s üblic men», ' Jen. his a‘. ' rivilege. It, - ‘e house,cot- I . It. is not to 1 p' asundoubt- I u the air. or? .'1 gm private E u lichfe as a; hich thosel H: 1 find me to I ,110 be cqur-l ‘u , excepting I: 1131?, I shall 1 {o ndnryofmyl gun ‘army that I und. I= rivilege I shall his house and co. and at all t; {\nd 3110qu ‘01:); children, I! leave than i lee, and} Jan: and me: {-v-Danid "75- (ed States represen nmeué is : hes. of “nu-m u KIWI!" nip mm. Puvun." f ‘ Prom theY Frederick Uniqln WE WANT NO- UNION LEAGUES MARYLIM When the Reliels nmrle war upon th 1 Government of the United States and open ‘ ly violated the lows and set its authorityn defiance. and when this Union which on i fathers formed bechme involved it. the u [ most peril, old political distinctions 'wer " cast aside and forgotteit by tile patrioti myriad: that rushed to the rescue. Th i Democrat and the Whig of former days ', struck hands «and solemnly resolved ta stand together (not [on political purposes untiltheir countrynndits'iustitutionswer , rescued Trh’ni all danger“. ' The legions ofEDemodrats who compose z ' great part of the Union strength of th‘; countryhnre'rcady and :willing-to perform t in good faith, ulli that cq‘n be asked of the! \ for the suppression of the rebellion and th restoration of the. Union, but they will no enter into “Ledgues” formed for polticu purposes and designed to perpetuate the‘ power of the Abolitioniéts, even ”‘al'llu price qut'ood,”lt‘ts {5 “League ” in Cincinnati .'hus'i expressed it. ‘ . , i The patriotic Democrats, whose stnu hearts and strong arms have been enliste , in the Union cause fr'om the beginning; Want no such half military‘yhnlf civil nnr 1‘ altogether political-“ Leagues” as .that i Cincinnati, which has (Keclnredits deterini nation to carry the i>lections at ever haz:ml,and they willnbt enter into or giv - them the slightest support or encourage ‘ment. The issue then.‘ is fairly made n between those who wish. to orgnuiz ' “:Len'gues ” and those who oppose them. If “Leagues” are formed against. the pro , nests and remonstmnci‘u of those who or conscientiously oppose in them. the Unit» , strength will inovitahl be divided itnd do , feat will follow. Uniler, these circum 'stnnces, will those fawning the formation 0 ' “ Leagues” throw the pple of Discord i :10 our midst? {Are thé; so strong as to b able to do.without tlrje support of thm i who cannotjoirtl themamd are they willin Ito drive them away? These me question ‘tvmjthy their considera ion. , , ' 'l'he Jucohin (hub: ofl imnce were 'secre_ , political organizations,‘ (1 they caused th guillotine to redk will the ,blood of virtn and innocencefly We ad secret political associations in this con. try which the ver ‘ worst men belonging to them used for tllei pecuniary profit and the att‘uinment of tlt ,nios‘t unworthy objects, until the wt-ll di waft-d but deluded ino'mbt-rs letired ftb ‘» them in disgn<t. Afteiivnrds mnnyof Lhivs 1 disgraceful Clubs bet-m“ e a. pestiferous sOr upon the body politicinnd were madeit sunk in the nostrils of;dccency: ‘ . 1 With our pn~t experience before us. iw ‘fceil sure that the wisg; the good, und'th patriotic, have fin desiie to inaugurate 1h ”tic-,1) of the Clubs in 'our State again |whether under the gnome of ‘f Unio , . l.e!tg_vuos,"or nor; Secret associations, tori ied tor the purpose of effecting politicalhb ijecls. are donation: to our liberties and d ‘structive of thevpea'cc and happiness of's icit-ty. ”we. have :1 friend in the Union w ‘ «mi him tort-and aloof from then). A i hitious political demngouues, possessing n ,pcrsonal merits or popularity, are among, the first to identify themselves with ,sucl iorgnnizntions, and use “them as a lever f 1 their ell-ration to such important offices n i they could not possibly secure by any othe ; means. The dignified. high-toned an ' honorable man who most. deserve suc _ i places, and would be an ornament to_then .' iand‘ an advantage to the public, scorn t ‘, stoop so low as to employ such means, an them-e we find so few of this clues .in elite The inevitable tendency of these se‘cre i political Lorflzllllla ions: is—to niuke me ' narrow-minded, illiberitl nnll bigoted. an i to compel them. to support, with their voié innrl patronage, those, alone who are in 11' ,order. no matter whether they‘he half ; worthy ondwleserving as those out of it, wh ' isre oppOsing them. The public interest i ,not Mconsidemtion with them. All the insk‘ik—Does Ii: belong to or? and if yes, the i'go it. blind. What but. this narrow-mindeg ‘clnnishneas secured the election ot men , few years ago, to important. public oilicmi, 'm (IMOI‘JH, over others who were out, ty'ii, iwhen they did not possess one-half th ’rjo’eh‘flcntions of their competitors and war nut‘hnlftu much esteemed and rcspecte :by those who knewthem best? ' ' I i We believe we truly reflect the publi sentiment when we say, the people have n i desire to see this’thingropeated through th . , agency of secret political associations. Th day for snch things is passed, and we than God that, prejudice and bigotry of all so! are: melting away like Inotw bhneath‘ th .scorching rays 01's summer’s sun. Eire - where men are ‘begi‘nn‘ing to take a mo liberal and wmprehensive view of matte *afi‘e‘cting their own social condition, an the;d‘eterminatiqn is daily growing stronge ,' that hereafter, honest merit, though u - aided and unsu ported by secret political Clubs, shall‘ recefve itiflust reward. If “ UnionlLeaggeo v, are deemed neces sary, and the gen _em¢n desirous of form— ing, them are influenced by patriotic con siderations, why is it that they were not formed long ago. when the Rebellion fir t broke ‘ out! Why we: their formatio postponed nntilthis hte day? Alter thp. war has been in progreSS for two long year , Ihd» the Rebellion is represented as bein upon its "l:.st legs.” “Union Leaglies ” ill-timedrand altogether out of pleceflon we sincerely trust that the patriotic peopl of Frederick county will have nothing’to o with them: i . i , We areas strongly attdched to the Uni on any man. and as ea‘fiestly desire to s it restored nndthe Re llion crushed, h t we are convinced that the formatiorf f “ [inion Leagues” for politica'l purposes, I not calculated to secure those objects. n r capable of advancing the,interests of t e peOple, or to add to the glory and prospe i ty of our country, and hence we are opposed to them. , ‘ .v “ 1 ‘ i- Gmiw‘Dowu—A number of Abolitioni-lts ‘who I. short time ago were high ‘up for mobbing, hanging. ‘lO,, now declu‘e they were Slugs opgoaed to such things. Théy have discovere th.: the Democracy are in earnest. that they are determined to pm tect themselvel ngninst outrages and flint. they mll stand. by each other in doing so to she bitter end. ‘ Mel-Lain Republican partisans appear to be m the last stages of mania a pain—- everywhere they “see sunken," land are striking about wildly at “ Copperheadl." Thaw “Copperheads,” however, mke things easily. Some spirited young Democrats have ado ted the head of the goddess of Liberty 0% the old copper cent In & badge. which. the Democratic party being a hard money party, u an exceedingly Suitable emblem, ‘ Y, APRIL 18,2 1868. \\ THE FEELING NOW ~ I Ne erwere the Democncyaoenfnest orso ' consolidated us they now are. Not even in the daydpf Old Hickory werelhoy 9° heart ily in enrhest, united, and eager to express ‘ their feeling? at the. bnll‘otrbox. i’J'he terri i hie renlities‘ziliieh surround us :13 a ’peofiltl. i the horrors ) to Which Sectionalism has i plunged the cm ntry, have eliminated from i the Democrats t elast remaining véstige of i that unhapfiy t ing of? disgenwion Which Lprontrated them twio years ago as party ; l ‘ while the monstrou§deeds of the h ur. the gigantic usurpations,‘thnt;open ViOl. titans-of the COD'éllluth], thei c ruptlons th‘oldofl i concerning this inl'nt‘uatitd Admufi'gtmtiqn and its partiznn army of cohtmc ms and ‘jnbbf'l‘fl, huve‘arouaed andstnetiuth nod the! ' rDamper-tits beyond'exumplc. The go to. l-gvther is in unit now. ~x’lnil thßy wl'll torri-l \ lily" rebuke the penpfiontd aluminum who lmveulared to uliuae 'them so on ‘agenusly ——tp ‘nssiul their character us n')»ur§t3\ und to I impugn their‘putlriotism'. if an eluction were held to—morrnwi in Penmylvaniu guys ' . the Uzi-rishn'rg I’a‘hinl, the “Demo ats iwnuld carry the Stute by 100,000.” A ’d we domot think the estimate tqo large. ‘ ‘ The same feeling prevails in Ohio—whené 3; (says a. gentleman of a neighboring town, I“ who has juct returned from a. journey fthrnugh thut Statohthe Donmcmts woulg i to-dny I sweep the State‘ like a ‘Vyliirlwiiiil, { and elect such an uneomprotnihing Nation- l . nltnnn as Vallandigham by 75,.00Qt0 IUU,OO‘O i majority. . ‘ '. l 1 1 l | We believe it. Pennsylvania,Ncw York, ; ; Illinois and Indinnn have nhnkiigvlint} that l teeling is. The Republicun party“; him its i {'llt‘atl at Washington, has prover‘La‘p‘enxelx-l ‘ (lofts failure. It has su k outlif- sight ln‘ : its‘own corruptionhu‘mll‘he heath-wait for: inn opportunity to rebuke its estructivicp headlong funn icism, which niips at final: 1 Separation and Dietatonhip. 1' And the' . time is‘ fast coining‘whon the (‘iiitnph OE > that dirnstroui orgu‘nimtion slmlt he writ ; ten. - I-ts hriel hut teirihle history inn ‘ulrefa l dy htlert written in characters of hlood.l—’ Landsleflulcltiycvicar; ' 'i v , i ‘ I -—'- ~AW~-—-—»——% l l I f WHO ‘WILLiBE FOOLEI?! ,1‘ l , “’hen the Republicans startcu .2 Know; i Nothingitm they suit] “it “us not I: lltioiil,f’i . and‘ now again, the Abolitfimiste. i; lll‘filllg. l people to join their league: say; it. ii: not‘ a~ gpolilicgl ammonium: 1’" This we have from 1' persons that have beien urged nntl‘ bluntly I ' refused tojciin. “Not political l’.’ hut John} ( Foruoy‘snys it is to open the cnfipaign for; Another Abolition President in 1864, mid; l Judge Woodrull‘, at a “Union League” 1 meeting in Cincinnati, on Friday evening} ofiweek before lust.s’aitl that the “League’s ' object. is to carry the coming elections. and l to organize to as to carry them by bloods/nil, if ; l necessary.” , ‘ l | This is “not political,” is it? Like all; x the promises, .pledges and tricks of life ‘ I Abolitionists, it is u imutl and 11,119, and lis too stupid and transparent to evcln-liolfl the htmest masses of their‘ciwn party. f’Siot political z" The following is ltd 9 mm from a. speech, delivered in Walshingtoh, ‘;ou Saturday evening a week, ltl‘Qb‘Jbly within hearing bl“ 'the President of the 'vUnited States, by um blood-thirsty viiinin, l Lane, the U. S. Senator from Kansas. ilt lwas vociferou-sly applauded by the Aboli tion League, the same kind of nn'fissodia- l tion as those whiqlLthé Ahoiitionkts are trying to form throughout the cnuntry.j— ‘ Lane said: - I . 1 ‘ "'fn Knnshs, wbére I live, a Cohpprheéd is not allowed totremnin in the State. If he doesn't’lcavv when he is ordornd tn. he is shop down. [“Thnt’s the why,” and ap ,DlflllaeJ Lam inibrmod by the (iovdrnor ol‘om- State. that no'lurlhor chk than lwst Shmrday. n. Copperhead, having rel‘uwd lo pmmfitly obey an 9:er to lem‘q the Stuff, was the same day. hdl'nrc night clom‘il upon ‘him,’ found with two bullet holes through his body. [“Good,”innd applausej l X bid'you Uod speed In cleaning out sym pathize” with treason (Democrats) in the Diémct of Columbia. '(Applames) ' It wohld‘not wound‘my feeling: at any day to find the dead bodies of rfihel symlhthizmfi. pie-reed with liulletl‘lmh-s. in- every ‘stroct and alley of the city of Washington. (Vo ciferous applamell I [would regret, how-- EVGF, the 10:5 of the powder and the lead. (Laughter. Applause.) Ilungjhem! and save the ropes. That’s‘ the best way.— (Loud applause.) Let, them dangle untiil their stinking bndienfi rub. decompose, and fall to, the grcund piece Ly pzcée. (Eh thusimiti: applause.)" ' ‘ ’ “Not ‘politicul !" ‘Let them updcruke luoh “not. political” purposes and they wfll find “bullet. holes” to ’thdr snt‘ufuqtiunr; Who‘ can be fooled by such fnmuics, rob bers and fools?—Sw.lmr'y Ilcnzo‘cr'at. f ’ ‘ -- llmo the Republican: Love the Soldiqn.—“JW Purly.’T~—At lhé late: election in Mauch Chunk. the Abolitiénisls triumphed by ‘n majority ofa few votes. and than cumcquende the Abolition sheet at. that place {alt very jubilant. an’ headed the you“. of the eleé tion “Goodman: for Ilia {in/dips!" Among the defeated ,was a Mr, 'l‘lu‘omas Sprawl. who run as art/independent canduJule for Coq stable. Mr. Sprowl retained l’meJie war some time since minus the us’e clone of his arms, bbtained in_lhe sexviee of his coun try. Being thus disabled Mom. :xking a living for himself Ind family by rdinary work, he Presented himself as an ndepen dent cam idate for Consti‘ible. lle3happen ed,hoivever. to be u Democrat—d 'géod figh r.- ingLDemocmt—such an one ns'tlle Aboli, tionistw style ‘wopperhenldfi' and the reault was that. the veryK mien who clu‘iniv all the patn'ole, and who puts about he'ing the admité lrieudl of the soldier. nlnt only vo ted against him, became a lull-dyed Re publiaain,‘and a man that have 'emelt gun powdeflrms his opponent. blitllhcy must needs henld the result. is “3 new tor the soldiers.” Weshould think he withers nwy well,deaire to behaved li’rom‘such frienfla. Such is the treatmentithe Aboli tiouisu bestow upon the men [iqriliug their lives in the field. . ‘Let the soldfn remem~ be: their real friend: at. hoax—they are only found in the Democmic'parcy.—Alan totem Democrat. . - 1 Nut for Abolitioniu:.—-Duriug' a period of eighteen hundred fears, the gurious mm. sionaries have failed to Christianiw five thousand Idolten of Chim, out of a popu lation numbering three thousand and Jury mdliam. In India, out. of a population of an: hundred and ninety million: of Idoluors. they have failed to convert to Christian“. y two thcmnd. In Afric: they cannot Count. seven fihonsand,whilewithin compalanvely nfew years. Slavery has converted over four million 0‘ Negroa into Christinnmand fit ting them to be (50 Abraham Lin‘cfln my) album «J Um United data. Whltido our Abolxtiopiall any to ‘hbtfiat Ad'crh m. - I ‘ J' ‘= El ABOLITION LEAGUES. irno um wnn An 73"? ' ‘ln these days, when the most «loss» rate etlb ts are being put forth by the lcn its of th‘elAbolition AdminiSti-ntion party to or— ganize‘thtoughout the whole country, itimay 'prove interesting to hscertnln who a (“chat these “ League" men have been £ll3 ate, S’l‘hey are the men whoihm’e dl‘ecl‘ared thiat “ any people, anywherm being inclined and having the power. HIV: nu: {atom to raise Upland shake off the e isting ‘ overn m‘pnhand form it new one:_ And t mtvuv Pun'rmx of‘snch people thnticqn, n): y r‘u’vo ‘lutionize and make Tum! on x 'of math ol' the territory as they inhnhits—and'xhore than thin; n majority nmy rat’olutio ize‘nnd put down! the minorifiv intérminglhtl with ur ‘dwelling near them, who opp so the movement."——-Ahrnham Littqoln, if hun gress, Jan. 12, 1848. - . 1 They are those who (leclni'e that there is an “ irrepressible conflict, Ibf-twc-e‘ slave labor and free labor,” and that “thi; Union can not continue to exist pnrt slgu'e 91ml part frt-n."—liincqln aml Sewardi 1 l ‘ They are the men who.i‘under loot-thin contingencies, any they woull be willing to '.‘let theiUnion slid¢-.”—‘b:u-n. Banks). 1 \l'hcy are the men who declare tlg‘at thny h‘al “ hcon' luhox‘ing nineto n yt-arairto hike n'n‘gteen States‘out of the alinioh,”t-\\lcn d n Pgiem. ‘; ll} ‘ They are the men who deblure that they nq‘e opposed to this Union {being rhsto‘rcd as it wnsX—thnt tlwy are opposed‘ toluny réetnmtinnyof the Union unless slnvvry is abolished—What]. Stevens’ Speech 1i" Gon gresm. ' A 1 l" 4 ‘ They are the‘men who cliclnre that they are in favor of l ting the. outhern‘Stgtc-s go. u'nlms they ca he umtlc tree fillntnyh— that they are oppo ' ll to any Unionzwith slhvé’fioltlers.~—llornc Greeley. :‘ -’ l Kl‘hcy are the men w o declare that they are “not;in favor of rest rim: the Constitu— tional i'ights of the slave onm-s to! tho U nion, not of the war’to th end. lbubnre uttt-rly and forever oppose to botlh—nho declare thnt the true object 0 his ‘nris to revohltionize the Netinnial (. vlellemelnt, and that‘the directional! he \ r ‘to {my otherenrl is n perversion of 't Cllll lnted to subvert the very object it] its (lest nod to g-tl'ectP—Speech of -Con\bn‘y, Rep lilcim momber of Congress. ! l V ' _ , ,' "filmy are themon who «in: ment, that. “the oonstitutifiv States is a covenant. with/(Jpn wi h lIell."—-Lloyd Geri-hm 3.51“? are the tili’member' ( their followers who c‘mlorzlao nnrl‘ doctrines] of “Ilelfic Cfii‘x," fi'hicll'snynz “0:11' 9 1H!) slavery, and so help abolish in‘.” “N 0 co-ope n holders in politics—no fang” in \rc-liginp—nb affiliation [w deg—no regognition of p exéept as ruthaus, o'utlnws a I "I‘m-y tire the men who (1' man who mates of the, Cob. time, is a traitor.”—Bqn. ‘\ ator. . ‘ a ' 'l‘hese,'de'nr réader, Mb {1139 men who inre now getting up f‘ Union gnaw—political organizations to perpetun elpower in their hands. - ‘ :3 “ l Patriots, Union - lovin “ g'men,‘ 40f fiha United States,what kindfif “Union" think you me these men in fa‘vpnei T_ - Nut sudh a Union as our fathm-s for bd—not such a. Union as; Washington up raved—as Ju'ck -50:1 defended. Not tho-g nriom 01:] Union as it was. Not‘such n Unhm, but an A‘bo< h_timr Dcspotism—n Unifin of more ‘abd colors and a c‘onsoiidate government ,of Stiité-s—a: strong centralde désputic imi ernment. fuoh us Alexmu a: Ifnmiljon nd John Adams were in fav 1- of, where fthe President could play the- espot, wit h full control of the purse, the uword,.and With full powers over the; liberties} of the nation to suspend elections andimaintgin power. This is the ijact of these; Unio’n’ Leagues. ”Exchange. 3 '1» ' ~. A i - ."> - .A SUGGEs'rio'N. - t We have 'a ingestion WE) maké to'our Democrat'lic frlknds. and lit is this. {The Abolitionists are very arrofu t and mso ent in} their power. lmd'nre ve y free 16 indulgell if) harsh, profm'ae and blimp emom exfirur si‘pns, many ofl which cont in tbojmnkost tretwon. A fricxlzd remqr ed togls‘i‘the ‘ other day hathe ately h dun A "ij’isn‘ , . _ ~77 n_ , , is}, omnsiqmuge. declaremm mew : ‘ :i- . AS‘ewVe..-:Ampngtlm rerolmlfml “domed Imm .wglmo be licked“: h It!" and we are by the Republican Club Of Gmrd. .ng ‘i‘d "*“Whv‘mfi “““mavrm- M;:tt‘m‘mfmam. ' . . . - t ‘l‘ S!!! in - ‘ "’ . 1. ifiimiregu’lmnwifgiuy ‘ 1:31:50" 1: ”01;” :lan Illxultqra'lyle purpg‘ge of thin Club to nil be: mrried‘an upon the mum. chubliétnfiqlicy I tam Hg ‘yrvrnfizgg'ip plittmx down the (It‘ll! doctrine. 'I Imp: the Up Im~ may be (/4594. $93!. .uut mm 1 l 0" .iy’gyery mum (who ten cnnfidrramcs. drapatl'rms, pluvige/j 3 (o {Elfogflllellbi tgzdrg?slf:lvlmzfim quart/2y, gnythlggmnlym (M “may bein/aaqered I}? la rgcpmlr; [Le] a rank 23““, dingo} tqtofragments.’ Do you 310'. vallspchllan- ’o'; WW!" ‘2 11/ ‘1; ‘blzut lu'clb Incl i 0 1‘; {page trmwon, reader? :1,» was uttergd by 10 1 936m1}! '1" I'M-TVA '1 “7 yWe thou) who delight .1n ‘ lling De‘moérau 7"“ "”3! ”fl" "' ”Pl'fwfl- _ '. ‘ umpgerhendg'n uwmi nionistsl” etc __ .We commend thlllresglutnon to OOH!!! Now thé timé will qoméw ,en they; traitors z diseply enibmered WNW“ 0‘ “1° OPM? willgeny that they everyttgrgdthcaewwi» ttonm “339935;- J. . ~ . and for this reason We would ragga-it t e ' Ansmusin incidenttiam 'rednf ‘ ‘ . . _. fi- cw prawn!!! “3‘31. Importancj to'cf‘j'ry ‘Dgnr- evenings nihce; «EM; chesur.Nl:W limp-1 cratofkeegmg Pave“ be ran lul,‘ nap! y, «hire, in the Huntilllgtun Street Balviluti lanai yhen e hears an Aht‘fllhflnl-lp dellver— Church on the occuion of the We luvu' l““.h‘m'°lf ‘hm’ carelully‘ "M" h“ treason tern exhibition. Th flue-nod the childub vgr Im}, and thert politely; request him ”ll?! of lnrael crossing theiiedSuw-exhibiud/ B'3 h“ name to “"4 If. h? l” a mag h? w.‘ and the "null childrén were naked if they "0" be ashamed ."r ‘fnld ‘h? plap h" “'3‘ could tell what it refit-muted. One little nut re to anything which lm tqnguemny ‘felléw immediately "ung out “Burnside ut r. and he cannot,therefnre. 139.1113; tolcmuh the 'Ru ahannock u ' ‘ comply with your request, LII he :3; a pm: ' 8 "*3 “.‘.” - J = tering sneaking coward ha‘wiill re use. an I “)mnndl’n Rout ”—Prentice I." h- -“ 1‘3“?“ “1mm“?! “ by“? '°° °°¥"""‘P' the! heéding'q-Moggéffiig Robbery," smm "Jll’ ‘o' ’ ”M". "’l’” ““1“ t” trutqrqus ‘ frequentlv appears lin connection who for be protectionoftha 59' mmrnt find} some fmdd‘ on the Government. A mu m‘ ""351 “ad promctctiulu , ' 's'“ unfit 7‘" Llionusty would bauto'pndulg, butfrtud, h. theg society of law-abiding anrl amicable .3 no lo or utouuds" , clti ens. 'Do tlnis.apd herein ter, whethhey ,gy" i...‘.'_—__. sbu I dare to vnupt of their ‘oynl'y ind pa- ' fiAbolition cued—(hunch. n+l ism, you an produce “the papmfj and Abolition lease—Liana. . meta" ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ t n ' proje td {he non-I'd ‘haz the‘ wax n [)och give them the 1} their real untimcnu I—Lwiabu ‘jAlraady Dispatch—A youné main, wc‘have _ ~__ ,W , . hen inlormegl, who had joined um Union ; WA Dcmocrnl. laid the other clay to a League, at Middlebgrg, has already sqgntch- mpublmflig .. If it. bu come go mg l’ ed out. ’his name, and rel'uufl I 6 have any would ratlier be 3 WM "“0 . M thing more to do with the infernal scheme. snake.” _ - * ' » We congratulate him for his good sent-é and So much‘ ’lo’r the make guutlon. ‘ ‘ soundjudgment. For this abtof dmnlinm‘ ---—— » “—— he will feel proud as long as he liven. ' lcv' fi-Look out for any weighty We! mll not be out ol‘place Lu slate also macho Deuces-sue Ina-gouty in Pennsylvuin, an! is 0% was a Republican. Let. every hqnorn-l falll ‘ ble young man go and do hkeari‘aeneé'un‘ bury Dcmo‘cml. 359‘)“. Temple. Democtalic Congreu- Gnri aldi bu 533.,“ u: . . mu; elect. from Delqw‘ure. bu been'relmrL-‘ Em, m: birden of which in “”5: a: 9d pend. to the great m-light of parties at abandon Poland 1" 13 Wmhington, who wlegmphed that: the” . -—~——-»---«¢‘w—-————- ' hoped to elect An. admiuzszralion; mémber ‘ . fiflIILLIONS FDR THEWWW in "nail stand. But -;Mr. Temmu ‘huq only mos, 2401'qu CEN'L‘I‘OB Wt ueqn n‘ryuick. nag“: Marina 9 ‘L'HONfl .‘. , L, , ;. 1a _ =I TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR NO. 27_ llorfic I};e’ss' ti | oft!ne;"[7nit .1‘ thundaleagu I ‘l' Congress find the sentiments ’s 'lmpenfling ‘ purpose is to us God we will you with shive 'shfp with them’ th them inso- Olslnvery men d criminah.” ‘ lure that “nny 1 ‘titution at tlgisA “tide, U. S. Sen- 1 wax-q unicorn. Abolitioujoy~lm “ .' \bcrty Lo bim- "A. hard [sit for the azublicam—Ballu. try, Aw. I The Republicans widh {suspend IboCoué ‘- stituuou for tear it will 111-pend than. , GEN..III4LELLANII REP 4411. The’W-r Departmnth‘u nt-‘leugtlr ,‘ h liphed thefpr-talitnirmr’ge report at fin. McClellan. 0 15th ocm r lut. ofhil Initi tnry operations from the evacutttion of “IF 'rigm's‘ Landing to the' bottle of Antietam. ‘inclusive. It is published contemporan ously with the report of the Committee on ‘the Conduct of the War, which it intended to neutralize its efl'ect. The littleneu of thii administrntion is discernible in I" It! acts. The conclusion of Gen. McClellun'el rewrt is as follows: ‘ ' hile it gives me pleasure to week of the gnlltintry and devotion tlmpfllcen Ind ‘men morally dittplttyed through this con flict. ? feel it necessary to merition that some of the otfiners and men skulked from their_plnces until the battle wazfover... Death' on the spot must here-n be the tnte of all such cowards, and the lunch of {the nlili‘lfll y commanders must bestrength -1 cited with all the power ofthe Government 1 tutnfiict it. summarily. The easy Ind dic ‘ graceful surrender-wt Harper’s Ferry de ’ privvd my Operations of results which ‘would have tormedn brilliant total to the substantial nnd gratifying s comel rendy related. < l ' ‘ Had the garrison held out, 24 helun long. ‘ er. I should, in all probability, ha'vo onptu~. rod that part of the enemy’s forceiengug'ed iii the attack on Maryland Heigt ; whilo‘ the whole garrison—some 12.000 strong; could tmveheen drawn toreinforco eon the tl’tty' of the. decisive battle. Cer ‘ ly, on the morning ‘of the ilBth,.l two it! time have Leen in a position to have estroyedn the rebel nrmy. ‘ ‘ I’ndcrthe sumo cirtttmstnncee, had the. Music-[zine force on the Virginiusi it Hur- Tur'p Ferry not; been gwithdrawn, I would « ime had 35,000 or toiooo 1m main to en-.~ counter at Antietam, and must have do strnyed or cupthred nlllopposed to me. An it Wits. l httd to engage an array fresh from , tt re’ceut nnd, tn' then), rent victory, and to reap the disadvantage ftheir being‘l‘rethly and plentifully suppli d with ammunition und supplies. ’ ‘ The objects and r suits of this brifl’t cu'mpaign muy be suxhuted‘up la: follow! :1 in the beginning of the month of Septem-l l.t~r. the safety of the National Capitol turf. seriously endangered hy the presence of I‘ i viétorinus enemy, who soon after crested. into Marylnml, and then directly threaten-1 ml Washington and Baltimore, while they ' occupied the mil of: n Voyal‘ State, I‘nd‘ threatened nn int-union: of Pennsylvania. ' {l‘he Army of the, Union. inferior in unm lieru, “muffled by lung tnurches, deficient in ‘thl'lOllfi Spiliplit-a, worn out by nit/merouu' lvittloa. the last of which had not/11mm tuto ccsaluL tit-st povered by its movement- that importunt cities of thhingttfn‘ and Built: more, then boldly “moi?! the Victorian! out-my in their chown; st ng position, and drove them hock. with ll their superiority of muniwn, into the _ ate of Vii~giniu.tltttl snvim: the loyal' Suttg'i frotu.invnlion, Ind rudely di‘spelting/{he rebel dreams of carry-4 ing the nut lint: our country, and subsist ing upon ou (“resources ‘ t , 'l'hhteext/grunq and 99 colon; more than, I.s.otlltlstmht of small inn“, and more thnn' [(3,ooot}:r’isoners were 3, re trophieu which Ato testy re shown; of onr mus. Reuderipj,r thanks to Divine Proyidenco for His blen in}; upon our (-xortiont. Icloae this brief re'- ' port. 1 ling only to n‘tid the hope that thq .ttrmy’n etl’o‘Lt-tn for the genre in which we no :engugml Will be deemlr-d worthy to receive : the ummucudution ofitho government and the’country. v , : Special Correspondence pftherk-ngo'l'imn. \Vgsspxcrox. March 15 ‘l lenrn from n distinguished gentleman from New Yprk that theré is a. movement on 1179:, in that city )anmg towards Hie impeachment of the resident at the open. mg ofthc next sessio of Congreg, in tho m put-r provided ~ by! the Constitutionafi ’l [‘s3 ‘movoment. origi mated with tha monk emfhent constitutiomjl- hwycrsjn tbooounu try; including two from the West, and il in; the hands of men‘ whose character fol- deci lion niid firmnean, «a well as for com“? is inutficiqm guarantqe that they will on x it t ‘mugili ' I . ' ‘ =1 A Singular Inacau qf (kc Picket Guard (to 1);; Anny oft/4: I’olomab.—Romancz and/[fiat- Iy ry’ t/w Shhflcr’s LtfcnuA friend wrmng ‘0 ya from the Army of #:he Potomac. rel-ta the followih: incidéntpf the increase of “Ii picket gda d of that army: 2 “I was n picket {hr seventy/five hm Inst week, In] the weatherman very rough, though “'9‘ got nlong‘hnd had one ohn im‘ crenw. Que of the 4‘pickeu from A New York regiment took qick on bentnsnd w. taken to apmuse ncanby. A womun being, (here disco’vmed the bmplaint and I doom tor was rapt for, but}l before he camojlw picket. was? relieved o! s young fem-leach! dier. Shoihho picked) had been in the IQ!"- vicn oightulen manthann had been in SVO Jizhmlmvmg heon wnth mar lover I;an ted ml the tune of wk 0 cqtrence.” ' 'l’hgu. solgjicr «lager-veg promotion infln u}- any ‘ ' \ a“ .....- «l»- Wherfiocrutic clubs have been found in cvory wail-d in Philadelphia, find the most eflbctwe moans ni'e [low being mod to in crease the influence and usefulness of that various nssocxalions. {This npirit among the Dcmoc-moy cunfiot beioo highly commend ed. lt qunks wellfor the party'nnd the country. It. shows that the pooplo h“. resolved to protect their right: at the bd lob-Box, and that. they} intend to adminiutér a terrible xfcbuke at the polls to the Aboli ‘tion party: which ha'siforleited :11 will to their confidence andr support. tho good work go on. | ~ J “ We are ooming.' Fathei Abnhun Three hundred thousand strong." NM ilia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers