nifl‘&”@§éfi2ral. Anal-County mammal Society- ! Al in election held on the oth inst, in Bondergvillo, fur the election of officers, in loeordsnce with the proxi-iunu of the Gun atitnfinn of the Adams County Aurimlmral Bocfcty, the foiluwing Perinns were chosen : mum—John Burkholder. Vioo Fragments—Wm. 8. Cart, Wm. Wallmy. Recording decreury—Wm. B. Wilson. ' Comlponding Mercury—Cyrus Griul.~ Thinner-40mm linunznbu. . Man-gar: —Ehnhu fenrune, Wm. Wibk. Wm. I. You". Jouinh driest, So!omnn Benficn J _ WM. B. wumox, Sec'yw ”Advice! from Vicksburg direct, rei; eeived "a Cairo, report chm the I‘epnke of Gen. Shemn’s force in the attack on that. place no compieto, and that. the whole off our troops under direction‘ot Gen: Men Ulemnd, who hafl'atfived‘ and alumina:- mind, hnd re-emburked. ' The Rebels fol lowed on? troops as they fcll back, until they come ‘il'lip range (f the punbonts," jhenthey were 'driven back with'sevcrcl loss. 'At last iceounts‘lhe entire fleet of: transports with'the troop: on board were; at Island No. 82, on their way back ‘to He lena. Our 101 in the attack on the Rebcll fortification was about um thousand killed‘ and 'woundcd and one thousand misxsing.’ Capt. Gwinn of the gunbuat Bordon. died of wounds received in‘ the attack on Thom. an' Bluff. Nozhing sl::er been heard at Vicksbfirg fmm‘ General Banks-or Sdmiral ; Farragut. ' ' B'Therc seems whave heyn great des— ! ha‘flion— of Government property at. I.4an No. 10; cansele‘fisly and' ascldssiy. The facts, Is we have ”them, are thcac: Gen. Davies, understanding it to be a part of Rebel , policy to take Island No. 10, u'ud thus cut 06' river transportation, and fear in: they might be sncccsdul, sent an order, , w the commanding officer to {pike his gunk, ‘ destroy his ammunition and evacuate the: place. This order was not. executed. ‘Davics them sent anoihn order to his Ad-i ~Lu'tant toL see that, it. wns executed, and seventy-map guns were spiked lust Mon "day, and about ten thousand rounds-of Immuditiou rolled into the river. The' one ' hundred am? fifty men on the Island p‘ro tcsted,butthe‘urdcr was executed; ‘ WA flag of truéc to Savannah. recent ly sent from Fgrt Pulaski, ascertained that lhv'mms Georgia and Fingnl were both re. gardedfis failures, and available only a‘ flaming batteries. The Rebels are busily’ btrnngthcnihg every pusition Eulhc vicinity of kin city. " _ ' a ’ld')! r. Bayard has been re elected Scum-Or from Dclnwnrp. and » Mr. Chandler has been re declgd Senator from Michigan. ”The flag at? trpce steamer :‘lew York Mn ivcd 'nti Furtrcss Munruegon Sqturduy. [ringing 500.rcleused Union prisoners. _ @flvflwrm Jurors for January Court. GRAND Jun. - Train—” Samuel Lobr, (Foreman,) Adam Minter. I ‘ Bcrwirk 'twfi—Jncnb Klnnk. '- Cumhefinnd-‘i—chry H. (”roman ‘ Got!) shur —K‘llflr[_'*fll“'Hl: Mennllen—Slr’vid Dull. ()xford—Hrfi’ry Wicst. _ Hmuilmglbnn—Jobn \V. McConnell. TCFrmuny—Jncob Yonly. _ Italimore—iAndrew J. Myers. Mountplcnsant—Snm’l Goiselmnn. Snm'l Faber. Strubnn—Llieorgq Grass. ' - Butler—Henry Hnrtzvll. ‘ ‘ ‘ chdjncqlncoh Smufl'er. Huntington—Eli S. “you. ‘ Freedom—Phineas Rodgers. g Bax-wick hon—Joseph Wolf. - ‘ (‘onowngo—Wgsh‘mgton Kuhn. " Hamilton—John Patterson. Union—Joseph L. Shorb. ‘ ‘ . Liberty—John Mu=selmnn. Munntjoy—llonry Bonner. rTyroue—Beujnmin Miller. ‘ _ 4 . GENERAL Junv. -. Innkth—Snmnel Bm-her,~ Elihs Spangfer. Oxford—Goolengje, John Hnnos, l-Zlizis Single. Humiltonban—Jno..\lickl‘e_v.J.ll;.Bnumgardner. 'Mennlleh—Henry Eppleman. Judas linuanznhn, Nicholas Wiermam ~ , Gettysburg—John H. Cnlp, Wni H. Cufp. Borwick bur -—Ad.-un Kinnemufld. Hulnilton--Damel..\liller, George Mym. (‘umbcrlnnd—Coruelhs Dnughcrly, Geo, Hugh mnn. Huntington—Adam Slnj'baugb, Daniel Beig man; F‘ank Gardner. , Moumplcusnni—Nhholns lkltzc'l, JO5. Spang-r . let. John Mlllorw ~ - Box-wick twp—Georgie Baker, Cyrus Wolf. Freedom—Wm. Paxmn,‘Snmuel Moritz. {lniou—folm Hostecter. John Kindig. ‘ l.ugimore’—John Stilzel, Andrew Shultz. Liberty—UnmePCnrey, H. D. Renmnn. Germanyg—thn G. Burs, Edwnd Cronse, Alonzu Sunders. ' Stmbnn—John‘Brinkeglmll‘, Moses C. Bonnet. Conowago—Joseph Drayer. Butler~¢lncob S. Deitrich, John W. Dull. Mountjny-‘—Elij.-h Eckenrode, Smith Barr. Reading—i Andrew Brough of J., Joseph J. Kuhn, Benjamin Chronismr. - Tyrone—Peter Hummer, Esq., Conrad Brume. D“. 15, 1862. - ‘ Medical . Card. OCTORS O'NEAL & SWOPE have asso ciuncd themselves for 1.119 PRACTICE OF QDICINE in Gettysburg an‘d ila vicinity.— Olfice in Wills’ Building. opposite the Bank. Nigh; gum willdor the present, he made at the residence of Dr. Swope, in Bus: York street. Dec. 22, 186.2. 3m 2; , r . _ Spectacles, Spectacles. _ OSEPH BEVAN, sign of tine WMch and Spectacles, ill ‘5l: diamond, ,haa now on hand 3 large! ngsortment of Gold, Silwr and Sled Spectacles, and is prepared to suit. all who will favgr‘him with a on“. N. B. Cash pnid for old gold and silver, June 2, 186}. “ Restaurant HE Chambenburg Street. Ronni-ant, (ra— cently'Eckem-ode'sg in flow condyctod by tho‘uudenigned. OYSTERS ure done up in I“ nylea; FRI'ED CH lUKEN. BEEF TONGUE, TRIPE, BOILED EGGS, and I nice glm of ALE, cnn “All limes be had. ‘ CALI. IS. The Saloon has been A's-painted um fimdjnp in fine style. V . ‘ BOLLIXGEJI a fiAUGIIEK.‘ . Gettylburg, Nov. 8, 1562. A - Dissolution OF PARTNERSHIP.—The partnership hem mfore existing ‘between the nndenigneé; in m pnctice of Mediciixe,‘_hu thi- day been diuqlved. The books oi the firm will be found in we posteuion of Dr. Charles Burner, who vii] eqnpifiue the prnctice. _ tonic: one door above the Drug Store 0! DI. 1‘- Homer. CHARLES HORNEB, ROBERT BURNER. April 1,1862. . m Gn‘ouxu SPICES, selected In ground expressly for Dt. ROBERT HOB ES Raw Drug Stun. ‘uthOES, at good as ever, at from a} to (1?“ m. per yard, can be had II SCHICK’S. ‘ OUNG lan's‘ Fall style: of flats and Y .an 20 per cent. lower than usual price: Ol- -=‘ R. F. McILHENY’S. iHERMAN EXCELSIOR Gnod COFFEEi A In Java and cheap as rye, for lulu n . , CODORI l GILLESPIE’S. N GLOVki for In Ind Ban. on ‘ I! muggy,“ SOHIUK’Ss ‘ mat-MAW 1— 'l , m:oldandkome. ll —‘ > New your 1’ THE AGIP-lnfln‘mlnlmry and ChrnnlciNEW SP’RING GOODS. ' TEW‘GOODS AND GREAT BARGAHS! Q Rheumnism can lye rated by "in; H. L. i 8141.1. PROFITS & QUICK ”SALES.— —'l‘he undenigned would ruperifully I LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC IllX-; J . l. . S C Hll ,0 K Innonnre m the r’i‘gizgng of (if'llyxbnrg and TUBE. Muny prominent citiienl of my, and would rupncttully any to than citiz-ru 0! Get- mrroumling cnnmfi'. that. he has opened 1 lb: Adjoining conmieu, hnve unified ‘lO its tyshurg Ind \‘ixiuily, tlm he in no» renewing FEW hTORE in Ghlyshurgjn (he mqm lately great. utility. IN success in Rheugntic Ifl'ec- ‘lt hinslmo u iplcudl‘d ore-spied by J. C. fining k. Um. on Ihc Nonh tmnn. hu héon hitherto unparallvled hy uny' STUCK (lF SPIIING GOODS. [West corner 0! [hp Dinmnml, where he will Opecific, inrrmiurr-l to the public. ‘Price 50 Th! stork consists Jn par: la! Furry ang‘kecpal-rgennd Iv ll {elected slork of .l coma per boulo. For sale by—alLdruggiwL'l‘nnd Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. ~§ DRY GOODS (m CERII'IB QUEBNSWARE, ' twrekeepers. Pr'pnfefl only by H. 1.. MlLillZß, SILRS, l , ,CAII STING 10.. , '1 Wholesale and Renal szngJ-IMY. Bf lin. 0’ ‘ MUZ.\\!BIQUF. l . o! "c". descripiibn, amo’mz which till he: lAd‘W" county, PM Am)" “3 ”NF, Omnfii'h'fi: UIIALU* I ’ ‘fhund Illa latest stiles of Spring Goody. The "Dill, Vanish, 3PM“, Paints, D) 9'5““??? “j ; DEL": PH, - ' ; Lulies purlirilnrlfi are requested to all Knd led Ollfl, Enaenres nnd Tinctures, Wipllu‘w BOMBAZWS , examine my stock} 3‘le {WI snfisfied it [mg .lasn, Pertllmery..l’ltt'nl Medicines. 113-} fic- ‘ ' . “A 0055; never bun aurpuJed'ih this plucc‘,for beauty ”A. D. Buehlr‘lj ill the Agent in UC ny— 1 . LANAS. lnnd chenbness. Gbnllemeh, also, are mqnesl-I burg lor “H. L. Killer‘s Celebnted‘flhehmfllc’ , l , . l CALICOES, led to cull. M there is no urticle in the line of lNixture." ‘ [Jn.'ne 3, nun. th nfyg‘l quallrien and daemon} gully. “Mg? wxll lil‘lN'l'Ll-HIEYSWEAR m“ [haywlmm henc “ l bellow 1‘ PFICES '7O Fm) (:bIIPETI lO_.\. commédnted with. n? izrices that will astonish l _ I'Ll’..\|rslll.\G (10(335 - themd ; I lof fill HIV”. im'llldinz Silk. [3i .3“! find Cotton- I grill alto keep 50h hand : Image supply cl H. mlkr-rvbiel‘s, Gloves, Stocking .kt , , GROCERIES, whiny will he mm very clamps: inn, 5 ‘Ephndld nnsorlmentl lol‘ RIBBOXi‘ Myalock ol QUEESSWARR m." Will nlnn be ('O5 Mid Edgingfi. ['mbrrllfis " d Pumnuls. found handsome, fi’u‘rublc and chenp, whilst «Lock olellTE GOODS m be found full my CARPETING (“mm be surpassed. ~ > . completz, and customers *3’ ”13’ “Pun I: ia‘my inu-ntiqn tn keepafirn rlnu Store‘ 359. [l3lllllB 3004 30°“! ‘“ m" - lowest W 55" ..ékoeplnc on lmanoJiing but gooa good“— prices, V . O, lamina sell chimp—r. su- ngndupled the monu— l’PllUmOn fill find it to they advantage to “QUICK SALES IA. D SMALL PROFITS." '1‘!” "“3““ my dock or {in ‘ ly i would respectfully ‘olicit n slun- of the 0901.115: 8 \ IF‘! I" 2 , [pul-lic patronage, if: 1 bone by nri-‘l attention ‘CA 31 [ER "IV WTIVCS' to lmsinus, and b£ dealing honestly with in" , all utilities nn‘l choicest “v. 't‘ ‘ ' 1 cuntomers, to givel midamian In all. 1, ._:.._ \ ~ 1 ' . Will 21, “562. . J. . . SCIIICK. ,MICHAEL bl MGLER. A Ready Market. 'lO 0 BITSHELS GRAIN WANT i O. 00 ED.—We h'o taken “I! shouu-lntely occup'ed by Klinefmer, Bn“3r.gei .t Co., with ndeterminnion to pny th highest ukot {wins for all kinds of Grain. Youiwill nd us supplied ..with FLASH rIR, GUANb oi til kind], GROCERIES, Wlmluaie and Rmil LUMBER, COAL. aw! every other snide i our line of businl-‘n znld‘ht the lowest. pas ihie fines for anb. Call and emmine our itoc and prion Ltlore purchasing elsewhere. ‘ . , ' I’ll-111b, BRINKERHOFF & C'. E April22,lBBl. if . 4 Town Property = § T FRIVATtI SALE—Th!- underfizne A [era at I’rimle Sale the Prom-nyin ‘ 1 He now resides, sinus in HM! Middle :5 I Gettysburg, adJoining S. 11. Tip‘ion an thl Ind Mrs. AlrE'roy on tlw emz, wx'lh Img Hay in the re:.r. THE HOUSE is“ {,7 fivo-stnry I’rmuc, chlhevbnmdm], willy“ “ck-building; n wcl! of water, with 0. pm if, m the dour; and a variuty of fruit, Bu ‘ ayplei, pears, peaches, npriculs, cherriesj grapasplll the must choice. ‘ " ' . ’ ZAUHARIAH XLYEI Nov: 12. 1890. tf ‘ Piano Tuxiing. I ROl7. BOWERWIF Liulcslown, a Pm ... .l’iuno ancr, informs his friends M} msionl pM-li'v in gonna], (but He gn‘b imn. not. otlwmisl: ounpicd, to Tuning lepniring' Mama, at modernze_ prices. fimmnos entire sntisfiti't'ion, or no pay. 0 euch’ed at lhisoflice'r. [Sept 16, 18 Lancaster Book Bmdery. EORGE \YIANT, T ‘ 'BOOR' BIND .‘I ‘[ up BLAXK.BbfIK uncucwsn, l 1 fl" ‘ LANCASTER, .P Plain and Ornamehlal Illmlgzg, of every srription, cxouutcd in the moat‘bubslamtiul approved styles. - ’* ' 1 Rzrfinmrts. E. “Y Brawn, Hath Farmers Bank of an‘n W. L. I’mpcr, E§(l., Luncnén-ri‘Connty Ban Samuel Shock, Eiq” (‘nlumhm Bunk. ' Samuel Wagner, Esq, Yprk thk. \Villi‘nm “'ugm-r, l-2~q.. York County Bank T. I). Cuznn, Esq.. Bank of (IQ-[l3sl)llrk. Peter Mm Lin, EM- l’roLb'y 0! Lancastm‘ co. Gm (3. ”a“ lhnhl, EM , Register '.‘ Gm. \Yhiwm, 15qu Recorder April 1.7, 1361. « Hanover Branqh Railroa INTER ARR \NGEMI‘JN'X‘,S.-&Pnsse ‘V Trains run as follows: . Leave Hanovornt 9:110 A. 1., and 11:30' Leave Junk-Hon nt 1113!”. IL, anfi 1240 The 0:30 4. M. tr‘uin mnkes connection at Junction fur the Norih find South. The 3‘ train mnkos ronnm-tion for the South only Through Tivkots nre iuued It; Philadel ) (-‘olumlyia, Haniahurg. Williamsport, Renvli Bulkmoro, York, Wrxglnsy'llo, and all pi‘i pal way points on the hue o: the—Northern :rnl Runway. N . ‘ D. E. THOSE, Ticket Agen J.m. 20, )SCZ. To Disabled Soldiers, : QEAMEX AND MARINES. AV—D WIDO ’S, ‘3‘ OR OTHER HEIRS 0F THOSE WlO ‘ HAVE DIED OI: IBEHXIKILLED [N THE I R \’ICE.—CHAS. (‘. Trr‘lxm. Atiurnoy for (‘ln m-v anti, Bounty [AUX-l1 and Pension Agent, W b inglon City. I).'C.—l‘emirms prrwurerj mr 0L diors, Seumon and Marines of the present mu, who, are disabled by reason of wounds rccciied or disease colitrncted while in sen‘iccmnd‘l’ nt sions, Bounty Money Lind Arrénrs of Pay $1:- tl‘ined for widows or other heir; of thosé he have died nr been killed while in service. Bounty Lung! procured for sérvivoa in nn_ 0! the other wars. CHAS. C. TUCKER, : \ ~Washington, D. C: J. (‘. Nun, Agent, Getgx-shfirg. ' - N0v.18,1861 Notite. THE undersigned, having a large amo nt standing on hi: Banks for n umsidem 19 length of timo, principally made up of smll accounts. takes this method ofnolifying th se imdc-Mnd to him, that he {weds aney,4an«l it his frivnda will ml! and shale their nccoun‘ i, he will fee] under ’many obligzxgions to themi Sept. 23, 1861. J'. L. SCHICK._ _JnOh W. Tpiton, ‘ASUIONABLE BARBER, North-east car ]j ner of ti)? Diamond, (next door :9 \w - Clellnn's Hotel.) Gettysburg. Pm, Wherc' -e can at all times be found ready to attend to 11 businéss in his line. Helms nl§o excellent Mn: sistnnce and wiH ensure satisfaction. Gite him a call. - 's‘ ’ [Dec. 3, 1860.2 New Restaurant. % HE undersigned has owned n. Restaurmit, at the corner of York and Liberty strcols, cityshurg, where he will kepp everything n the outing line {in dea‘son—nlso Ale, Lager, Mid 'Cider, Segnrs. Tobacco. Arc. He is likqwi 9 fitting up n Saloon for Ice pyenm m. the snlfie place. He hopes, by mtentiou to business milk a desire to please, to rereive a lihernl share of custom. HENRY W. CHRISMERJ J Mny’s, 1862 l l Gram 8!. Grocery Warehouse.l ‘ RANITE STATXON.—The updkrsigned his G leased King's Warehouse, at Granite St‘i tion, on the Gettysburg Railroad, where he is now engaged in ‘tbe GRALV, PRODUCE and i GROCERY liltniness on a large scale. He Lpays the highest, market prices for'Whent, Rye, iCorn, Oats, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, 5:61;, i and sells Gruc'eries of all kinds, at the lowest . living profits. . . ‘ Give him a. call. No efi‘ort spared to rcndfr satisfaction. . PHILIP HANK. : Sept. 1, 1862. 3:!) ~ '= 1 Latest from New Orlgans» CST rrceived and lor sale 5!. CODORI & J ‘ GILLRSPIE'S Mugs and excellept, supply of Orleans Sugar and Molasses, with a. stag: quantity and variety of Sugars, whitih we age ullinglow—either wholrialeorremil. Syrups of all kind: from 35 to 65 cents per gallon. ‘ Sele, 1862. ‘ ‘ 3 1 Officers and Privatéé’ ILL find I. splendid assortment of Ann: BLANKETS, Gum Blankets, Woolen Under-shins, Duvets", heavy Water-proof BOOTS, Bats and Caps, and every other article that: soldier goinginlo camp ml] need, 3'. Nov. 3,186 A R._F. McILHENY'S. Gettysburg Marble Yard. ‘ EALS & BBQ, IN EAST YORK STREET. M GETTYSBURG. I’m—Where the: A“ prepared to fizmish all kinds of iork in their line, such up MONUMENTS, TOD’BS, HEAD STONES, lAN’I‘LES, &c., At theshortest no ticg,‘and u chesp u the cheapest. Gin an n cnll. who.“ taken in change {or work Gettysburg. June 2, I 861“. URNEJ‘T’S COCOAINE, Wood’s Hui! Ro storstive, Shilling Hair Tnnic, Ind other preparations, for ale u Dr. B.- EVRNER'B Drug Store. . ADIES, call Ind ace the chupgu lot oi SILKS ewe: offered in Gettysburg, which 1.11 mm open and randy for 551 th . April 21. FAHNlcs'ropx's . OLLOCK‘S LEVAl'E—the jute-bani test baking powder in age—"gt Di. 11. 0 ER’S Drug‘ Store. ‘ r BS. WINSLOW’S SOOTBXNG SYRUP, fol: M chlldnn, It Dr. B. {1083,1238 Dug :e. _ . ; Vmegar-p-‘Vine‘ HE undo-reigned has commel future nf'v’ileg'lr, ori Wm |»ew door: nortH of West Mid! burg. He has been mnnufncu Ir forum-ally 6m year, and il hUI‘ ’isfiu tlon. The aupr-rioriu' 0 Fr Ml mixer manufactured \"m‘ it. being mndc fntirelrof gm“ Iy kineP bring used in ~its cofl ; {mm everything injurious“ ld at fine sun}: time [HI-awn“ Is all the prosérvmivr qualitié Ir~r Vilmgnr. lie is prepared a Vinegar in‘nny quantity. {qr yoursvlws. ' AD vhich reel, 'est pm 1 as and ! ir'rd‘ E the : hi“ and He ,ders ‘ - Certificate. ' 3,1110 undersighvd, hPre 'V . 1 we hMe used m our filml purp’nceu, tho Vinegar man «l by ADAM I)lsnl..nnd find i! mums-mag: 1.01)». We hm‘i nll h'clil-vc it to b!- snperior in any other mnnufm'tured ‘Vin I- used, und_would re9mnnvj soni. " 1 xn summits— ‘ i g ‘ 44 T to<llhirrin rs Inn jnut returnrd (rd-w tbr- rities with nnfii'tclmenee supply of‘HARDJ WARP. AND GR , mum, “moi, my me bfi‘erlng at. their olt s:nt in Buhiumr‘t Rtnoot. at prit‘ci tosuit. th imes. Our stock Ponaiats in part (If V ‘ ut'imeG MATE 111.8. 1 . CARPr-zx’ .g's room.‘ 5 ~ .1} A‘CKSHYI‘H'S TOOLS. ' , “ COACH FINDINGS, sum: thmx'nsi 'x -‘ mums": mam-firm Tnors. . -2'*' HOI'SEKIIHI'HR‘S 'FIX'N'RFS.I g (G T 2 o Aliil KINDS “1" iR‘LV, s(‘.., 3 ROCERIE. 01“ ALL KINDS, ‘ D‘l'. Roper? HOT FOHH. Paints, km, (4;. There it no article in—l 3W 1““an DRiG ‘3'" ' ‘ foltutell in tlm ”verb! rtr‘purlnunti mvutinnt-rt ' PHESCHIP "0‘: STanEvlqlnnr but whizK win he lmui nt this Sunk—- c." ‘Mt’rnf‘erfi STREET, atrfisnrwt. ”Every rims of .‘lt-t-hinil's run Imm cammmh‘twl iIIVtHIZ arctigt‘d fromi the actifie I'T“"“"°_ Of'hore with‘ttmh nnditindingzs. nnti llouscknnp fut-Magnumi ifk“ pleasure 5“ .““,“f‘““‘"““ era (‘zln tind ewry' rticlv in their line. Give mount-mot" (.eltyaburg ““dW‘c'mU’Jh‘“; us it vu‘l.:ls \'\e uro vremred In 51‘” a: low for me (:lut-nt-‘Eil-‘t:v DPUt‘ éTOPé lea—h 'as any other It usg out n!" tlu- cily._ ‘ ‘1 s 1.. ,5, n"2f‘.l. 'A x ht- 'rmmifqrmovly ocvnpied by Drs. R. & (‘.: Juno 9 18!)“ ! i;.\lxl'||iizil-;\';\];\FT;PN mains in office, where Ll “‘II conatnnfly 1' -. ' 2 ' 4 ‘ ' _ 3;}‘l";)“r;‘{l(i‘g‘"rge supply “filifln‘” 0‘ ' ESEt‘UNI) ”Riv-“i! Sitcom mmmLx A 1-1 . V ‘ ! ——t ‘ MHDN‘INES, i " N . M V til V, . . CHEMICALS. -- t. I 9W etjcau B Firm PEl:P‘L‘\!E“'\'.. \IX BSZ'xII'i‘SHL'RG ' ,' ‘ 3 TOUTJ‘PPO‘VDERQ. ' NEW GOOD.q "ml v . UYES’lrl-‘Fsy‘ . ~ I - p LHW’ PRIME!— . ANTS. and It» :TI 0 now i‘v‘n: n?.\‘rli=T¥l t—sn um “wot-unth- AINTS ground in on. " l,iilntur'm tin ir irifl'l'lnlzlllli l'.u- pnl lil' 23m r-tl‘y.. ‘ ‘ (”Lsy‘otprpatpd “flaming, - 144‘th ”Ir-3' lru-ju:t;rrtmnet trnti tlw vitii-i ' \ ‘STJ'f'lanßy nfnl] kiml=. fit”. it <]-'+>flditi usuqrtuu‘nl of '(;.....X.‘v t-nix_.~tsl— ,Pcns,l’.¢-ncil<. I'nper. (‘otnh=t Br‘usltes. etc. , ""4 0’ L'M‘WI I ' 7 V “PATENT‘MI-IDH‘INES. : . D, 1‘ Es* 5i “- n 9‘“ 9~ 11 the pnpuhr Patent I‘lOCl'l'ihei,"nco'hpr ‘ lv‘r!l"t‘l i’r‘n'w, i)" Bar." 2 t turn-e, lit-\rnz. Or. n'lt'lt't‘linn 0t pllre,“'i.\'i‘:S-, :BRAXUIES [{"'_"»I"-l. an-s 0.1. x?“ kl‘ltt'fi. .\i;»tt:t'-Ifi. ." “ct, l“’HlSKEY,tor—inedit-inal lt‘ifP‘WN kn”, :z-"u J-acnnvt. (ht-(1k mu" Hunt-nu \iszqu. yum hnnxd. inn \\'ord,m_\ “wok embrncv-s “H'j'm”: ""“I " gm“ ”fit-"”7“”! M .l.:tulit-q' vlhing-naunileound in a firth-clans sture ‘ 0'“ ”‘V'P‘HWUN "n'i ““‘Ln‘t i" "W. Phi”— iiswicst'riptinn‘: ; ‘ ‘i, CLOTH“: J‘‘ ‘ ‘ .' g , lam:- wppk 0F frt-ail Drug: in: MM rc-E C-‘bfhiw'fl‘; _ :1 tori, I|an othvr= Ir,» arriving. “Bit-ll lam m-’ ' ‘ \ FAT” IS, g to the puhlic on very :traébtnmodnting :. My Medicines have n2l bran {'lthtKCll r my persnnnl insprotion mug“; Slilll‘l“ isitln thqmost reliable houses. [mm tht-rct‘ure only rcc'vmmend thtm us [“er und frrsh, nn SP" thom chomp. ‘ B.__P,\n'rtm'mtl~.\TTEXfl:to9;./imt tn rontmont at all thrn'n'u- dimming LADyIcE G.nt\'t':ts.‘eaa it)" HI. 1361. tt H: , i cfl % % éW/CJW/fifl @75” so he‘ it: to me. Boyer 3: Son? Get ‘ Jacob Norberk ‘k' Coi, Codnri A: Gillvspieu Jnhn Chnmherlln, Fran L Levi Finer, ‘ AH“. Gjtt, Oxford. lny [2,].862. ly* ‘ l _.__..;,, KTJONAXA CO‘UMERCIAL (JULLEGES 1 12m: \T‘?" N E ‘ ' i PHILADELPHXA, ‘ S. T qou. 71'" .\.\'D Cumsx'flgfl. I 'ork City.Brooklyn.Allnung'J‘u'nLßufl'nlo, Itroil, Cleveland. Chin-:lgn and St. Louis. nok—ke‘eplnrr, Pcnmnnchip. ‘Comuwrcinl E‘metic, Uummercin! Luv. Forms, Cones ience. kO,. pmctian-y taught? ‘ nest Qolléges being und\ r (he same zoneml iocnl management. and ’nnmn‘g in each the Wages of all, offer gram-r fiwiluios for I‘ ting instructiun than any opber similar [mionsin the country. . ~‘_ lia 111 Ari! plum ’ TI 14nd ndr imp‘ inéti cholnrship issumi by any one if good in all unlimited time. ‘ } Philuddphin C(nllege lms liqen rcrently , ed and refurmshcxl in n‘snpcrior mannc‘r, 5 now {he Imgest 'aud iionyprfipemus eniul limitminn in the 11m}. ' ant A: Strmtou‘s series of Text Banks, cicg Bork-keeping, Comme ml Arith , and Commqrcial Law, for “IF, and sent ii. . ‘Fo; full particulars send for'n'a cixcnlnr 20,}862. 1y 3 l[ ’ Trees! Trees! T 171851! IE un’dc ui'gncd invite nttcnii n t their urge angmcll grown stock 09 , mm AND onumxmutm: s, Shrug] to, embracing a huge nth cn‘r'nrlete also men: of APPLES, I’EARS,~ PEACHES, FLU S, CHERRIES, APRHSUTSfinnd NEC TAR NES, Standard for the Orchnrd, and Dwa “‘Ol- the Gn‘rden. ENGLISHJWALNUTS, SPA 'ISH CHESNI'TS,’ Hummers, am, RAS BERRIES, STRAWBERIUES, CUR RAN Shad GODS EBERRIES, in great variety: GRA'ES ‘of choicest 'kinda, AS ARAGUS. RHL ARI}. to, (cc. -Also. a finds ck of we“ ,fqrmd, bushy x‘EVERGREENS, ylhjmble (or the _metery and Lawn. *‘ . i D IDCOUSt TREES, for urge; planting, and : gengral assortment of , '3 , ,Omu 25m. Tans ‘Axn Fnowsnxm Saunas: R ‘35, of choic varieties, EQAMELIAS, BED INC" PLANTSch. 4‘ ‘, ' . 0n flock is remdrkaHy thrigtf and fine, and e oEeri; st prices to suit lhefimes. . . - fi'Calaloguu mailed to 9.11 ngplicnnu.’ Address EDWARD J. EVAN ,‘ co., } Cehtmle-leries,‘ ork,l’n. ‘ ‘Mstch 24,1861. ct > ‘ ,4,- \ I “ Carta de Vmite ?’ HPTOG R—APHS I—We hm juptlintrodnced P splendid massive column id our Galln-y nui‘t e now prepared to furnish (M new style‘ “Ca e do W'isite" Photogmphsl—lfour for n noun 1 TYSON errkmzs, Eicelsior Sky-light. Gallery, Gully-burg. Maich 10, 1862. 3. E dash-f all ,persons indolitdl! to us to call And make sfitlemem, :bgving mlde go in our Inume:l ofdoing buhiness. 28, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BllO’S 3 ch; Oct A' PETS, vUARPETS.—A lplcidid lot ofl C enacting—good and cheap-dim, open'ed at the New Store of ‘ 3|. SPANG LE IL 11‘ NKS and Cnrpet Sack! chen}' It w - PICKING'S , Uh}; BRAXDY.WL\'R AND WHISKEY, for E medicinal purposcl only, M the New Dru wre‘ f Dr. K‘HORSER. . SOHICK has just received I lot of (I. heap Looking Glasieav ' . mg nttentipn of the Ltdiel in; rupectfully 'll. i vited ton Inge nud'nplendid “comment of -iel’ fine Kid ind IomwiBOUTS and SLIP ‘EKS—Luting Gtiterl, te.‘ to" It ’ u. ‘ IL 7. infant's. ar. i ed thémnnu hing'on Inn-er. fie street: Hel i ing lllig Vine ' givengonéml this Vim-gar gar. cousins 1 n. no acid of posifiou. and It is strnflc, “If; taste, and found in pure Ia whohsale .111 and (-xnh ,3! DIEUL. ' peHif‘y that 11M. fo'r Vari fncturod and 0 be. all that fun-1y lesivd '\'l‘l"_\‘ res‘pr-ct. ~gm we have M it to all Om rg, Ili in twp , E- Notice. April 14,1302. 3 l Removals-Tm Ware. ;;I‘VHE undersiyncfl hau‘ removed hi: Tinning , e<l-nhli:lnmenl£ nearer the Diamond, in hnmht-rshurg strq'et,’ adjoining} .\.» D. Bur-h- Jrr‘s Drug Store-4V wry (-emml lucnliun. He comihues m mnnuf cmre. and keeps confini ‘ly on‘hemd. every vgriety'uf 4 h ! TIN-WARE, 1 _ _ I’RBSSED AK?) | A ' l JAI’ANBD WARE. and will always b? ready to do RHP+IRING. »- “0””le and SI’OCTYNU 1' also dnne iu the luff. nmnner., 'Pricos moder ate. and nn efl'nrt‘jpnrod m rPndcr fu‘ll saris- I‘m-(ion. The pubuc's coutinnnd patronnzl- [rs Folivilcd. 5‘ ' A.~l’. BAUUUER. (‘n It) «lugfi‘ngpri’yTv, 1862. . Hardware alums, kw . ha. "M n; “'31": t m-2.\IW-.\l".TDE_(:wrmxn, ; BOOTS, SHOES, = A 1 A ! . ‘ g HATS .~\\:h r‘wa, ‘n‘l min»: A 100d1 s!scL_ pf Cpunu Yam, unmw \mc. ; ‘ ‘ ' - QUEENSWARE. ‘ . ‘- Ipnms "ma ‘ manwn‘ns ;»~ I mpnnd strut-k of prhfi" ‘ (mnctqmfi. kn. , My! 9'] kimk nf gr) ha, gut-h .x: 5"!- genbnflly fvunvi in a country s'lnro“ ll Hing bqu'gh! for ('nz'l. “'0 mm 'lli‘mi *0 ~ol] In tul- wry lmvecb [nu-ow. _(mr motto? is—“ Quick Sales and San Prnhtfi." E . - w'rhece Florida bro rrnl‘y «rm-y hMuH'IxL and wn wnnt it distichlly nndrnmml that wu wil| sell them wry 04191]. fur (" nah, or 1.1 [mum'- uml rufilome m sixuuontufi. I'lmi'fl‘ ml! and examine lm‘fnrc puihuaing NSF-\‘hl‘rl'. ~\\'e mu” rocpnoliuuy 'mrn our Hunks to mu fricnds fur Hm liherhlfpmmunge "remit-d mus thus far, null fispr dullv usk a contiuxrnnce thereof. 5- smm a suuuu‘ A Emmitshurg, .\ld., Apr“ ‘l], 15162. Iv q I V O 1861!. Bargain? HATS. CAPS. BOOTS AND SHORE, i TRUNK?! AN!) (TRAVELLING BAGS '——‘ Having just received 9‘ very large supplyyof the above goods, we are pQPpared In sell {hem lower than ever sold in this [Hm-e. My stngk is must 'compld-Y embmcing Every style of Shoes 5911 Hats mn‘de. '- ’ ‘- ‘ w‘ HATS‘ASD CAPS, “ cansisting 012311 the :lutest 51.3193 for Spril‘zg and Summer. 1 . ' noo‘rs Aim nons, [or Gentlemen, Ladieq and Children City-made and Enlaéorn work from ‘25 cents up. TR'L'VKS of eve‘ry description and kind. [3‘ol” and examihe the bugu'ms at. ‘ ' Apri121,1862. 5 R). F. McILHESWS.. Howard Association. HILADELPHIAwg-For the Juliet" of the P Sick and Distressed. afflicted with Viru qut and Chronic ‘Disenseg, and enpecinlly for the Cure of Disenses‘or the Sexual Qrgnnn. MEDICALADVICPgiVén gratis, by the Act .ing Surgeon. ‘ , ‘ . VALUABEE REPORTS on Spemstorrhgna or Seminal/Weakness, and other Dianne: .of fire/Sexual Organs. Mel on the NEW REHE DIES employed in the'mspensnry, sent to the afllicxed in sealed le'llar envelopes, free of chime. Two or that! Stamps {or poaugo will befacccpmhlc. " 1 I: Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON’, Ann ing Surgeon, Hownrd Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphil, Pu. ' Jpne 16, 1863. 1y 1 ~ " Cdme to; th’ Fair! I ND DON'T FORGET TO VISIT PLEASANT A R] 063 NURSE!‘I4ES.—Penonn wishing to k‘hnt Trees will 6114 the stock in the gonad remark-lily fine, nhd offen‘m It reduced priceq. The 4pple number. 1100 ruieties, embrtcing all the npproved 30115.2, ’ N. B.——Seo the indek board near Flon, Dan Post office. ‘ 'l'. ,E. COOK t SONS, Sept. 2, 1861. ‘ ~ hafnium. Frames. ILDED‘ FRAMESH—TYSON BROTHERS G have just received from Phll-delpbie Ind now ofl'er to the public thetlargen and but ulortment of Gilded Fin?” ever brought to Gettyebur¢,u astonishing ylow pricen. Plane call and examine :hen. Excelsior Sky-fight. Gallery. York urea, opposite the Bank, Get iylburg, PI. .. [March 10,1882. Removals. HEundenigned.beingthe nuthorized person T to nuke remgvnll- into Ever Green Cemeb lery,hopes that such as contemplate the removal ofthe remains of deceased relatives or friends will nvnil themeeiven oi fihie “neon of the year 1.0 have it. done. Remouls made with promptneu —lerma low, and no effort spared to please. .' PETER THORN, March 12, ’BO. Keeper of the Cemetery. ['ls Ladies yin find a 1005! ulorlment of T Dun OMS, cheap I: unnL—ull uni to: than n A. SCOTT & BON’S. t * ' Something Nev. HEnnrloruigned re: ectfnl- , i T l_\' informs the rgsidentw fi ’ #3:? : ot‘Getty-thurgnnd vicinitthnt _ ‘ he hit! opened a WATCH ANN JEWELIHW STORE, in the room immt‘diatr-ly in the rear of Mr. J. L. Schick's Store, nnd‘t'ronting lh-.l Square, Where he intends keepit’g hn n-mort-‘ imam of WATCHES, JEWELRY. :IIUVI-ZR and “SILVER PLATED WARE, BIJ-Zb‘TACLES,’ »IGL9CKS.&C.,II:. . : l Hming been connected filth $1 first-clans Watch and Jewelry Store in l‘illimore, fory several yenrnmut, he in-prepmi to‘tumish - every urticle in the -line; at th ' 'lovrrst oil}. prices, nnd all purchuu will heaxnnntied u‘ ‘ represented. . I From u long experience in Wntdhlrepniring, I especially affine Wntchgl, he is priyrare-l to do I all kinds oqutch-wnrk promptlj; lh the beqtq unnn . and mutant? tho‘ performhn'i-e bfit. ! _ He :1]! hip always on hand allnrge mason-1 ment of arr-:CIIACLES. and spun l tncle Glasses; and having much ; experience in adapting. them to tilt? sight, is; prepared to fit all who nutl them. 1 . l HAIR‘JEWELRIY mnae to order in the best; style.‘uml n grentmnriet’y of pnttqtns on hand ‘ JEWELRY repaired immanent st mnnm-r. ‘ , . JOSE“; BRYAN. 3 Gettysburg, Dep.’23,1861.' tf fl ' . f . ‘ n . .- .. ‘. | , Important'to the lanes. l T 'ABOR SAVING .-~ . | 1 “WkSlllXG MAQHI~NE.—I The nnde’rsignwd ii no.“- l-uildingzfland offering? for male. 0‘ W. TOLIIL'RST‘S illllel'l-IDI “257 nm, at Gettysburg, find infirm to sup-, ply ham to those persons thr‘tghnut they county who desire a. labor-Purina“ nchinr. l This machine is gotten up on nfilentiroly new: principle. nut! is consitlnred by th; <5O who hnve‘ 3PO" it in u=e, tho heat. that hilt cur been! brought before the public‘ ' ff ¥ ’ I Among the many ndvnntnges 0 hi: mnchihet over all others may he mentioned I otnlluvring: I lit. Iti simplicxty ofconstm'rti n, in thing it‘ umnshmpossihle '3O get out of on yr; ‘ l M. it: speed. hiv-h‘ astoniplrls‘nfikc thel opt-rntor and the-(locker nn. _ I ' 3d. The tncrlity with'which it :lnpt' ltlr-ll‘ to the hulk or quantity of clothes {3:lch to bel washed. . if _' 4th. lt washes equally well tllo [int-st. mull lightest fnhric. M the coarsest «in! hearth-SL, such’ n: hi-tl-qnilta. comforts. hl-m on. k". I 'sth. Can be managed by a chil t'rum 10 to 1' 12. yours clings. ' . ' ' I ‘lith. Cansqm‘rsfi less soap tha, nay otherl procoua of wishing. ,f } 71):. Will last as long as any otL'ler tuh “ ithl na’m’v rare. ‘ t ‘ i. t Kth. Suva: hall thelahor. ' N l \ Mu; 12,1862. S. ifiHERI-‘Y, 1 l: ’ Cgrtlficate. E! . » i I 1‘ DAMS COUNTY, l‘A.—\Vt~.r, tho nndrr-: signoll. hereby rertil'y that “ngli'm‘g used. nnv are using now, G. W. 'l‘olhnm| '5 lmw-Hml' W fishing )luvhiné. ”ml are hilly engiafiml that in .I:ij the; Tub Mr. S. Sherry re Nuns it In' .he.:tml supersedes anything pf 1e kin-l we; hm-ys-‘m'er 119”" as yet: cornhinin ns’it ant-5,; grout cpectl with little lnlmr, 'nn , pirfurming; its Work in the most sntist‘nctnry r" sun-r. “'1“, then-foré, recommend it to \‘n‘ry family in t'ie county with great plou§nre . Gmrgp (lg-yer. l Marin ”Mair, ,(‘nthnriho Menla, , ' Strah Shah. ‘ I'ptnn T. Forrest, SJl'llh E. “urn-ft. ' Christian Musselmnn, C.ulm‘r~ r‘;,\ln~=glmnn, Jnhn Chnmlwrlin, Martha. Cfmnl-u-lin. u April. 12, 1x62. 5;; . l g . Coal! Coal! 00* QIIEMW k. HI'E‘IILER are now rc‘pnrm‘ :0 ‘ supply COAL; (If snywrinr unéitj’, in Any qlmntily v10~ir(-4l. Tq-rnrs,Cush.‘ ~ Y ‘ (‘ml 1 [MIN Come. .Hlj.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Mf'f'l‘lmy n‘sn‘ rolwm‘l thaw gvhhrm] to lIH-m Mon” and pen' up. 'u flym «u-o mush m p [m]. _ '\\'hu \\ ill ht- the firm to L. ‘H'.’ » ()Ilu'e mfm‘i {rum 7 I" 7.~ , 3‘ ~FP‘». 21.18’32. I :15 , ~ . . New Flrm. '_ GROCERIHS PRHVISIUNS. FYI fl'FJ‘llN‘. FHl‘Tl(>.\'h‘.‘N()THL\'S, w. Thn unnlrre‘iznod h-n‘c‘gont‘ ix:lw§w.£rtut-r~hin i'n u”. vaorv nn-l I‘rm'ninn hnC'V-d. .1! the “human; urw. (iiHn-cpitu "in YmkEcm-I-l, .m -rluor rngt of Will's Hun]. nemydgm. “hf-N [ln-3' \\ ill (n‘nflfi'flly Loop. run 11 In“: Irr “Ir, a era-MM! . win; 0! gum]: in their'lng‘e, \jiz : ('UFFYYIIS, ' ' i' '5l , SI'HARR. ‘ . . .( MULASRTS . 3 \ ' swuir‘s. J' TEAS} \ . %§.\LT;~ ’ ‘ HA‘JS . ' SHUI’LDITRS, ~ lel-IS. , ' . Flhn‘ . _ ‘ ' POTATO": ~ Bani: kn, FLOUR ANDFF‘.‘E D; \\'M\ nnf qnunlity of . f F cguacnuxs‘.‘ ' ‘ .‘ ' ‘5. ‘ FRUITS. g' l ‘ ; SUNNY“. t'.,v~ .. kc. Thoy ”poet Ms‘n to dm! laud In‘CDAL OIL and GOAL 0”. LA “PS—[lmm im: a gnnvl nrlirle of the fnnfier and a fine no rlm'L-n; of the lam-r. ' _ gx] ' Having‘onhrqed tho Store 11nd Wrre nnnme, they nr‘o prepared to keep n lnr'm‘. morkmll of whivh will he dispmrod ofnr the ldm-st rulqs. Thg-y ofl‘cr such bargains M have never hereto fore bun had in thia pl‘uce. ;_ ‘ Give us a trial. .\'n emu-t Ipnrmhtdipleaw. GEO..A. (mr‘m ’l; , JOSEPH s. G! ,I;st ECM Bargains! April 28, 1802 . New Tailoring é! STABLISHMENTa-GEOI.Ef‘ ENRODE, FASH’IDNAHLE \TA M‘R. ’ adopts this method oLinforming lk‘fitfimd‘ and the public gengrnlly, that h»- nlmponni .1 Tailoring e=tnblisliment in Bnlcil‘br'v ftrl‘ct. Gettysburg, (laté Pow. Office.) m- .tlte Din: monq, where he is propnrecl‘to d l work in his line in the heat. mfinncr. ant?! the satis fnclion ofl éustomers. llc emplpyfi none but first clan hands, nnd receiving '* , , , THE msmuxs BEGI'LAtPiY, ‘ he’ can warrant fashionable fits 3|; nmt‘nnrli _.____ __W . substantiinl a'ewing. ‘Jle asks nis I‘re of mag v - Something NéW public'a pmmnnge, promising 10:er .nn of—q NGETTYSBFRG -—ThPur‘dr':rqi ‘ . ‘I fort :10 dcaen: it. Ills $113131!" “PP: 913“." be“ [‘ thr- ritizens of the tbwn audit-033;: 133% can n - mu ernte 135} e tum-s “’1 I a Div. lhflfl comment-ed the BAKING phci'nfi'a on a C-nttmg and Repmrmgbdane M the. Shogun} judge smile, in Yorkwroot. Ge‘ltvshurg ynearly? home. [Getus “WL‘ffi’i‘v‘; 5'1”; 1 opposite Wattles“! Hnml, when- he will try ins - I deserve, and hopés to réceive, a liberal pntfmi- ‘ ag . BREAD. ROLLS, (fAKI‘ZS,.UP.ACKERS I’IeTZELS,’ hm. kin. l-nkcd awry diy, (3.".3. days exrepted,> all of the best qmllity, and sold at the lowest living profit‘fi. Cravkebbnki'fix in ‘ all its branches is largely cArrird on. and/omen to any amount, from this and adjnining-l-oun-‘ ties,snpplied n! the shortrst notice. Havingl erected a large and commodious hike-hniisénnd smart-d thc.hrsl: workman .nnd the most up. pr‘ ved machinery, ‘be is prepared to‘ d. . he?vy business. ' - ~ Fresh Remfbrcke n ts. TRENGTHENISG OUR PO. 1 o.\'.——.We Me Constantly adding new su p is: to our already large and fashionnhle stock I' : HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ANDIS DES. We have every gtyle of Spring “1 Summrr Huts, which in quality and price ca at fail to please. Boy's und- Hen'r Ham nn. Clips of every deicrifigiou, and of the l-u‘ui‘ 3;? ea. Our ntock'of y, ‘ ‘ BOOTS, ‘ ' g 7 . SHOES, ' ‘ V . ‘ ' GAITERS‘, «ha, It, was never mm complete]. Lidia: Gentlemen Ind Children-9m be ucommodntbd with any thingih thi; line, I; we ere be lt-pre'pnred now to the flu and grater burg in; thll ever before. If yop‘wnu't burg-«inn, and flu and fuhionable goods. call u the :igfiml‘ the BIG BOOT, in Chambe’nburg street. 5 . JOHN FULP, June 9, 1862. ALEX.;COBEAN‘. s ,New Goods.» 4 PRINh GOODS z—crioxcn doonsx . S ‘ PAim-zs'rock BROTHERS have jun réceived and are now openingghrge and choice assortment. of SPRING GOODS, to which they invite the attention of the public. Having been purchucd with carp“ reduced priceltwe are prelim-ed to give qur customers bargains.‘ Qnr Bloc has been iargjely increased by the addition ofa choice variety of the intent styles of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, material for HENS’ WEAR. CARPETING,‘ QUEENS WARE. MILLIVNEILY GOODS, k 6,. comprising a complete assortment of everyih‘mg usually wanted. Call curly and select bargain: for yourselves. ‘ FAIINESTOCK BBO'S. April ’I, 1862. ' g FRESH Irrivnl of Groceries pt réduced A ‘ pricey—splendid SUGARS d: p, 9 and to cents per pound—‘best COFFEE at, 22 cents, Ind ocher thidg: in proportion. cw and Ice and judge tor younelf. ‘ ' , I" 5, ’B2. FABNESTOQK 330's. 03381108, Prinu. Ginghun'l,'Bfilliuu D am, a A. scarf 1 sows. Cheap Groceries; I ?R@?E§s§®NAL @ARDSS: A. J. Cover, TTORNEY AT LAW. W 1" anptly attend ‘A to Collection and all (mu-r hun‘lneu en mmpd go him. (mire betwu-u Fnhneslnckn’ and Dunne”: Ziegler'l Stores. Baltimore alreet Gettysburg, PA. [S'PL 5. 1859. ~ ~ D. llcConaughy, 3 1'10!!st AT, LAW, (oflice (me door wu A of Bnehlet'l drug Ind book Mormon“; hurshurg ureet.) Anon!" Ann Snucrron to: PATIITI no Fusion." B‘ounty Land War rants, Back-pay nuspe‘nded Claims, and all other claims ngninut tho'Gorel-nmtnt “Wash ington‘ D. C.: nlsoAmeric’nnClnimn in England. hqml Warrants located and soldmr bo'ngh gand‘ highest prices glVen. Akents .engnged in 10. eating wnrmfiti in lowa, llllm'fia and other‘ weszcm Stilt" fi'Apply to bun personally or by letter. ' ‘ ' Gettysburg, Nov. 21. ’53. ‘ .—F . . . . .‘ .--,M§r__.w.. Edward B. Bushler. ‘~3 Anonxm AT LAW, win fnhhfully and promptly attend 10‘s" buaiuessentrusled w him. He speaks lmeermnn language:— Office At the mm:- Vplncejn South Bullfmorg .ltroet, near Forney's drug “oregand uenrly opposite Dunner A: Zipzlor'l “are; , Gettysburg, March 20. . ‘J‘. b; Neely. TTORNEY AT LAW‘ will attend to anec- A Han: and all other busing-es intrns‘mljo hsi care with promp’tness. Office in (be S. E. corner of the Dianfiond, (tbrmcrly_occupiod by Wm. B. .\h-Ch~llnn, Esq.) ' ‘ ' Gettysburg. April 11, 1859. .‘f . Wm. B. McClellan, TTORNEY AT LAW.-’-ofi’i!32 in Weinlid ‘_ div street, one door west, 0!. the new Con)! Hunse. . ' . ' ‘ # Gettysburg. Nov. 14, 1859. ‘ Wm. A. Duncan. . T'mn'xm'rvr I.AW.—(lffice in thé Norm west cornef ofCeum: Sqmlre. Gettysburg. n. l ‘, [Och 3,1939. ‘l' J. Lawrence Hlll, M. D. ' "\S his office one ‘ u I I dnor west of “new Luthernn rhurch in . ; ' Ch-tmherahurg slrefl. mid opposite T’iv'king‘a store. wlu Eu those wishing to have any “l‘nhxl pPEMiOH perfurmed are respectfully invited to Ell]. REFEHEW‘EFZ I‘m Hnrnvr, Rev. (‘. Pu rmuh, D. D.. lbw. 11. LlB‘mzhc-r, D. 1)., Rev. Prfif. M. Jucohs. l‘rnf. M. L. Szwver. _ Gfittysburg, April “"53. ‘ , Professional Cari, .u'm: n:sn(-;).»i...i Mm miépen Dr. .\'. (z. I KEIRJJ‘Z, of iiinipiom. I um now prn. purml to nttcnvl m M] call-1,1" hm ,hnur. [hut may 1m mnnie npo'n mm: 0!". Ki'irle rhaa been lor one‘yenr Clinical As-i‘fitnnl—ih the fluhimnr‘z Infirmary, :md for three :vL-nrs n Malina-«I [loci -11-min the I} =|limnre (‘i'y wnd County Alma- Loust). mid Ifw-l freo‘tn rccnmml'n-l him I.” the {oufidvuce of'th': pnbliv. I-‘hnpe, by strict ut u-ntimi Jo hlisiims_=,,y.n m'nrit for myu-lf :fiyl ILU'PNH' a, continuance (if (h- sumc Huron-use , whir‘h has so 10.1; liuexi‘m-cnrvlod M‘ \ho ”L 1 1 amt-p. ‘- 4' i' s. n. KLNZICILWI. n. 1 DR- STEPHEN SW] Littlestzwmfwt. 27, IR ‘2. 2m 'the firm: Nntuhu "one SM‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘~ Dr. SIP ihvn Sum-l 4 l (‘u - - Bastress 8: Pfitcrs .‘ ' {nilin‘cv UL.- Y'nilml PAY thy highest imsh prim-ea forufl‘kinds of Dr. Sh-phon Su‘nut. ”'l' r GIL\_IN, _ Y> ~ _ ‘ innthur 01 “ Dr. S\\H'l~ Inf}; ‘ ‘ F..UFR, ' ~ Dr. Sin-(4‘s Infnllzmv Lid S EPS‘ kt, [mutiéin mu] 1"" l 'vl at tho Thick “'nrchoueo in New )xl‘mi. ‘ 1 '., if ”_ “1 “ J ' Cummnuv nn ‘hnnrl a large “summit-n: of Dr. ”WM,“ ["hu‘m“ L'i‘ minim-Innis. rt whnlrcgul‘oqgm! rm.iil—~ulsu,-"‘""“‘-" "" 5”"“""’.“" j I.r.\nu‘:::. ("i—AL, (J‘I’ANU, mun-21:, &c. 1 W Swmfi» ln‘hllihlu Lin, AP”! 2”, 19.22. Iy‘f , ’ , Hull Smilih iumu-Hinu-l) ~ . ‘ ' r . woe a na. 2 Sir , Ade-“1s county ‘ knuu n rum-xi) for >I-mix-s ‘IVTUALFiRE‘XSVR\V‘CB('UMPANY.—X . 1,," S“ Obl'i lnfzfllih‘lo l'i L Inc"! Ohm"! M”“'l' 1'“; 135” ‘. Lapin: immediuwly um] wns Prnm'mlV—Gor ’.A .~ I “ Pf. qufll-‘s Inf-m'hle L n” I'rmvlenl— - ymentmtu rnlxr-ftrn i'ift‘lelll‘ .qrr,(,,,r,/_n.'.\' ' f , Dr: Sm-ul'u h.r..‘n.m.- Lil 77,,,,;u,,,_nm,i,l .\I ‘ll‘l'dr‘v. a ‘ .m'ho mmm miuulv. I'lirru‘u-r (Inmwlhp—Rnln-rl .\!t-('urdy, 111001» Dr: Sworn l lulnHiMr‘ Li King. Audrvw Ht-inlzohmn. ' "‘7 nnJ “Inum'l-x mum dinu I) .V'WPI’T‘F-G‘mrf—"f SW".”.“- D. A- ”WM". I - Dr. llSwm-l's ln'ulhhlu .l. \l‘Hurnly. Jm'oh King. A. Hunurimu’nxn. Vr- rpm“)- [or Sup-4 in 1]“. kn ('rl--Ir\'. 311'. R. Rue-ML -L- R. rlr'rsh.">'{‘nlll-I Dr 5-“.‘,l_.‘-¢ “”2411,“ 1 Durhorvw. E. G. l-‘mlnn-ctnt-k. Wm. i}, Wuhan. I 'E'l."l'l I . II a '|” ‘M n. A. Pickkng. Wm. R-.\l‘(‘lvl‘wlnn,JJl-n “'n]. ‘~‘f.. ""L "'“‘ ““‘ fowl, R. U.‘MA’ (Tn-my. Jnhn liirkin’z'. AlwlT. I‘VE“ I," . r,,. . “flight, Jnlufl l'u'miclghlm. Abdin-l F, Gin, 'l'flr. mefi< I": ”lil‘l" I. J mos H \lnrdmfl. \T. Hit-hrN-«rgor; . lc-rnnlly mung Umlu'. 1L 13%?This (tummuu N limiflot thi‘H opt-mo C‘h‘d‘" ‘ 'Q ‘ ‘l'io'w ltv 1h:- A-mu‘ny of Adumfii ll his lawn in Dr. Swm't'x Infullibl‘n ! suv'ceuful mwrulinn for vunre‘ll’umin‘ix :rcnrs, “friend in vm-d." u..d m and in lhnt pcriml‘h N pa” n” lush-s and on [have v.‘ M ham]. [1 mos IL'it/unllflny ("Munmk‘nfuringalnn uhlrge ‘ Dr S“ c-MK ll 11.!H'Yt- Lin sflrplua (-npjtzil in the Tn-flsury. , The- f‘um- all Drugblqh. I'nw 25“,“ p: ny cmrlqu ro‘ Ann's—mull ‘ hvlfiinr‘“ luring: , ' d m- hyJ‘ho Mummerc. “ho Afrinumlfinv Moon; 9. hv the Stm-k'mldnru.‘ Any pr-“ruu 'déciring } ’ n Inmrnan ('nn nyuplr In nuui'nr Lho flhuve named Managua for further infotnnuion.‘ ,¥ WTIW Ewmuiv: (‘mnmul‘w- many: at [11:33 ofiir'e oftho ('nmpnnv nn the lam Wedncrdny in “fiery mnnlh, at. 2. I’. .\l. - f ' . " Sept. 27, 195:4. . ‘ 1 ‘ -.- . . ‘. .\_. . . , Stlll at Work} A OACH‘IAIKING Axn unmxmu'rmxn —Th¢- undrrsignml rr=pv lfunf infnrm! his {riondu and the pulvlit- ”Iva he continues the Cnnchmnking nn'l “Lu-ksm mine husinos; in‘flvery branch at lli~ Mtuldisffinenfl in Cham hn'shurr: tun-cf. He has an find, and will mn'nth-turotuntdorullkinds fl'CARRL‘G-ES nt'uums, SLEIGHS, Sprint 3,103.,“th or! the be“ malarial. and made hymn efinr work-' ‘ men. Wflt‘mumu and Buicxpsm'rumu ah TO HORSE 0 all kind: done an. rnnsoufihlv qn‘loa,'prnmptlyl DR. SWEEPS INFALI. and to the smimu-tion oi rustdmors‘. ; ’ ‘I-‘UR HOBSES i 5 unrivaled Cucwnv Puom‘c: when in ‘exclu‘nge for cases “q ancness, Ml5ll work nt market pr‘n-es. ' . Bruises or Wrenl-hing. its 0! mperious desiring «Nit-1H; or\v"prk in the ‘ curtain. "Mgr-n or s2"!qu Conchmnking or Blucksmilhing lint‘rflrc n- Mnugr, kc...“ “illfllan-urei spcvtfully innted tn m" on 3 ‘ ! nnd Rinubune run be 9113* ‘ JU‘HX 11. HULTZWUIITfi. ‘KEuwd in their invipieut mg Gettysburg. Jan. 24, ’59. i , 1 A ‘ use». are beyond 1h» puss“ ——_i>~'—-—'——————— goura No case of the kin‘ "“ dampen“? 0r hapelesh but it 'hy [MI Linimt-nt. and it} {n will ulmry- 'remove “the Lnrr the bones to travel with con _ -VAiLls.\"l'L\l;l SACPEB. :uly—zs, 1859. 5 ' , A. Mathiat a Son's on AM) rmimvm: wmmoousw». 525 and 27 N. Gay reet, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending Trom Gay to Frederiék It.-—the largest establishment oftbe kind in the Union,“ Always on harm a large assortment of HOCS‘EHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em. brnci Bureaus, Bedsteads, Wuhstands, Worda robes, Sinttresses of Husk, Cotton snd Hair- Sprin Beds, Shins, Tetc-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etsgeres, Marble Tomes, Sen lee‘s, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS. HORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs. Oflice Chairs, Barber C‘hsirs, Cribs and Crsdles, lint Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt anu§4nut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Ex iision Tables, of every length. Person's disposed to purchase are invited to cell and give our stock In examination, which for variety snd Quality of workmanship is not equalled by sny establishment in the country. , A. MATHIOT k SON, ‘Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gs: street. Aim. 3 1560. ~ . 'zq Queensware. F you want Inything in the QUEENSWABE I line call at A.SCOTT & SON‘S. whereyou will find the' belt assortment in mu. March 24, 1862. ’ RUNKS, Umbrella, Carpet. Sat-h. 112., very cheap It ’PICKING’S, UK COATS cheap It . ‘ ‘ PICKING’B. [EST-BATE light-741], Thirg—honr Ind Alum (Bloch, chup a P KING'S. 4-44 " DR. SWEET’S NFALLIBI‘E . I LIINIMENT 1n: , ,GLEAT REMEDY FUR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEW LUHBAGO, STIFF NECKAND," SPEAINS. BRUISES, CI'TS WUUNDS, FILES. HEADACI AND ALL RHEUMATM; AN' NERVOUS DISORDERS. ' For all of which it is a Ipoedy "I remedy, nnd never ana. This Linlmo pared from th’e recipe of Dr. Stephen E Cpnnectivnt, the famous bone never, been used in his‘pmrtlcc for more film you: with the most nstafiiahing succl As an Alleviator of Pain. it is by any propnrnjion before the public. the most skeptical may be convincegi g'le trill. .Thiw Linimont will (‘urn rapidly and by. Rheumatic Disorder-'3 or en and in thoufinnds 0! cases Where 1! [l‘ been known to fail. ‘ :For. Neuralgia, is will nfi'ord i‘ rqlief in every case, however distress! It win relim‘e the worst dust-.- of He il‘vghree minutes rind is warranted to 1 Toothache also will it cure instnn JFor Nervous Débfl‘lty Md Gen } lsai'lndc ariainp from imprudenre or ex ‘L'iuiment is It most happy and unfailing Acting directly upon rhnncn‘ous n } strengtliens’nndarevivifics“tho'syslom i stares it to elasticity and vigor. For met—AS nn rkfernnl .rc claim that it is the [mag known, um] lvhne the world m produce nn (qnn vim-hm of ”lii (lulu-sting vomplail give it n trinl. "Ir it will not fail to: medium n-lief. uml in a mnjurily u! c etfécc u. lav/:rul‘L-uro. ‘ ' 'Quinsy and Sore Throat m I «(tn-emery nmlicnqm uum Ilamgernu timely upplicnliun nFllns [Linimcul w iuil to cure. ' 1 y Sprnim’mw‘ =nmctimowu‘t-ryllbit? gnlnrgamnnf ufHu- juint-A ie liuhlv lt._ neglected. Tlu- Wont muf- nmy ho rn by this LinimL-m. in twu on tlm-v ll:l_\3_ Bruifies. Cutq. Wounds. Bar‘s. Ul - Burns and Ecnliifl, .ml-l “will; to the uonnh-rful ln-ang pu-prr’itw 1t “[l, SWEET“: [VFA'LLHHJQ LINHHM “In-. 1 ucml lu‘curding 'u "iri'ljlith. Aim I'l'H lfi.\l\'>‘. FRUS'I'T'ID II‘HLT, .\.\U |.V\.\l'.\'L‘ ILX'HZS AND STING“. ; :A FRIEND I trnfl Vii-mg. swan LIXHHCNT. an an PVlz-rafll "Jiml, 'flml will :ullmnlu-y film‘n any «)Ith jurl-n'lrnli: nmlit' rum Nrwms himrdcrl Mel and M n, cwntne f‘u Sprfiinn, liruisns, Mu, in sun puwvr‘lul strengthening: pm ju-‘tfiwunflvr am! a -lHlliblHl|l 993‘? gn’cu it a trial. uu'r‘ tilivntes‘nf remarkable ”mu. 1-I-rf'orum-I by H. within ti:ela;ttuoyeurs,u EVERY HORSE. oi Should have this remedy at. ' I; use at thefirn nppmrnnc effectually prL-Vent those 10 lo which all bur-es are limb]k der :6 many otherwise vnlu worthless. I \ , hNI-‘ALLIBLE Ll IS Tli 11. SOLDIER'S PR And thounndl have Io A FRIEND IN m To avoid impolition. obu e the fighter. end Likenen of Dr. Stephen] Sweet on ‘every label, and eleo “Blephep Speet'l In llihle Liniment" blown In the glue of etch do, without which none are genuine. 1 ' mcmnnsoxh co., 3' Sole Proprieton, Norwich, 00,1115 nonam a: ALLEN, Mm! Agent‘s. ‘ 46 our su- :, Nu York. 3-80” by all dedérl ev hm. ’ De:. 8, 1882: ly 18th Crying. ‘ W. FLEIMING conun‘ u the halinu . of SALE CRYING, unfaolfciu the con ned pntronnge at the publi¢. It in hi. can : endeuor to give uni-faction. Charges odor-to. Residence in Brown-ridge it'nu, Myaburg. K ‘ l ' : . P. 8.-—He in a liculedAuukonnr, Ind-"Io in I.“ bf an {lnked Sum, :_ . 1'". I‘, I”! ' ‘ '- 5 «mu, INTs, . x 0 ‘ rrrtnin lii pro wrfl. 0! nd. hn twenty \ rivnlod If which '3' a un- lmdknl y kind, 'l5 HOV” 'modxgto g. . dache o it. rnl LM. on, this remedy. sum, it nnd r - «If, “1?. 9 Chill- Evorv should" 0“] im. ca will «fim‘u _ I-H-l" 1\ nm or te. andll or If pier, I EET, or W N'l‘. I i Ham 'nwnev‘ivnv}; ia I'lo EmllM" Lin? HenL" li‘mrul (mv' leu- E . . 3: ~ . 'nxnlrnl Ir “Kern-m invent , it rus B.ltili ninunl h t!” lu-t .Iml “min-s‘. )in 1-711 run-. 1 Hr- u'- I!“ m knnu’u In M‘l. "4'an nflqrh im ‘ulululn lnHJu ('l'nw‘. inn-m cum-Q 'l' th-, )"m m curl-s I'm»; rt! X‘l-nn-u nu u‘ll!‘ {aims-n”.- ll'v hut, b\\n WurH iqun-Inl lug: M-MI u people. mni .nl , o ‘ nilm-nf L 1-“ in. xlcm .\l rlfilu 3m'l million! i-= !'§;'\ n. r.“ Lam-l) _.-!um'id hm"! L fJ-r wh- by {,u would. ‘ . NEED. , wn' ISFMEHMJ: It “My L I Hm-In :L'in 'll1)l'(-‘I"H~P“HV " . For all}! [thun il is lruh :mmlir. ‘ fluren. Wuun-J‘. h‘ing, he dim: z-wl Iprnivs. rxqiu- H.l - of a]. \s bu In“ 1-, ‘mw flmuarlml vu- I: at lhe Incl. " ERS.‘ ' 1' “LE LINHIENT by Any, nm} in n“ g from mmum, «ct itmngii: :1 and ‘ Carla. vatlchr-u, spot-4i]; 'pnivin ly pron-MM and on, but. mqfimwl :1 “fly or n ‘rnflionl . however. in no may he ullovinmi ilhfnl npplirntinn ant-n, and enable pgruliu: use. ‘ MB up V. for in; time of anenqu will uiduhlo diqenu-a. .- and whidflz yen bl_e hmusjmurly sums- . l .M :- NEE D !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers