Q R." •••,, . 7777‘ , Vii ,# t . ..4- 3 ‘ u I “ran MARKETH. we!) t-fitn. mm 1 . ‘ -’ SIDE!” ‘ ; “We have lost naming—nothing lmyond a , “WT-~- host 9’ precious lives," shit! the Nuw York in-' RS”, F109“- depvndemy in smoking ot‘the fight at Fredt-r- ! “We ““5“- iVRSb‘U'K. “ And let us think Gott theft-we have “Cd Wh°~“--" them to Five and plenty/more in rue,” if C0rn............l neededJfl , .‘ Ry Again, this week, it 8851: w !0 L 3 ............ .. “Since Christmns last set its star in the hort- ‘uc‘mhfl‘ "PM, Dd Angel Voices have sung ‘in our hen:- rciorerfleed ~--- WES—Pence ,on‘ earth, good will to men. “mm"! 390 d“ The irllmpet's clnngor and the cannon'n roor‘ Flax 5eed...... have titled the hemisphere. ‘Garmeute have, PM“? 0' PM!!! been rolled in blood. Thrice" ten thousand HM‘" ground, P” “53‘ men “We agen the end of mortal lite. .\iourn-{I P0rk..... -- t‘rs go Ibo-It the streets. Wives the widows.) . Widows are yet more desolate. whoa-e sons , Fianna.“ “ F fallen. Orphan: grow numerous as! Whent....... Jr 3t of dew. Yet the angels sing. Hightnflumuuu nbm‘e the roar of battle, and the outcry of: C0rn.......... armed men, still the air cheers us, singing, 0at5........ .. Pence! Good will! Peace, when the mom] Clover 5eei.....,... cvililvnnquishod. Good willoornewhenlhose “mm”. 3 cd......... who hate mankind are hurled from power. ‘ Beet Cn'ttle _er hnndl “Until thEn none 'need he e for niet' blood 9 P q ’ . "on: per hunt...” never was shed for it nobler cause. Uur chil-I 1iuty..,................v dren are fallir/np But they that full for n Wor- L Whiskey W" thy cause are Gon’s witnesses, nod man‘s mnr- - Gnuno i'erln’inn, p“ t0n..." tyrs'.’ This continentbelonga to LiLerty. -Wel ' , A, ‘ - tnre ransoming it from Sutun ntn price or; liANm’Ell—Tnuusofl Idling ’ Elood, n 8 the world vnts rnnsomcd." ‘. i mm”-V fimn Wrtgaanu. ..........-- \ llenry Ward Beecher, the editor of the in- Do. from smug... dependent, in his recent fraternity letture nt Wheat uosmmaid: - a me ~ “We need more "WHY"? “‘0 “0“] "10'9‘C0rn......................:. hLOOJShEd- Bloodshed is the wine ot‘tlu; nzl- ‘Unts time. God reeds them on blood." ’ iClovt‘r SW] A writer in the indey. ntlcnt this week apt-Elks 1 Timothy 5eeti.........m....:- “5 folimn; t i Plnntr-r .. “A leading General who, was in the battle, M 7 tulia member of (‘ongress that he felt reitev- i‘ ‘ . ' ml when the army was solely Withdrawn, ands Pl‘lVa:te sax-6' 99'] in his opinion we were now nenrcr t'icLurf than , THREE-STU!” :Fl‘lm'l -'t,1..-\.‘ i A ever before. 5 . _' iA Dyl-Nt‘l-I, situito in hot iork SQL’CI . h'l‘ht: member of Congress had another com- ithed in’ti e 'lEblsyi)ic. (tn the some fart-int: View. The reverse, he said, rendered good sized Sinhlcztnd (‘nrrntgc iiousoflm the Jnuunry Procinlnntio'n oFemnnt-ipntiuts an ‘ the necus'snry otttLhtttltlulQ"l "Plémgmfi Ilt‘complished fact. It we butl‘hetten the ene-t fit'st-cl‘tcnresilicnce. ’T_|H"”"“""l ] l” "W thfirmlghl‘y nt Frederichshurg, Home is no the [”l4llsz and make MUM“ Ehlf it’lling What the effect might lime-been upon who “'ioll to purchtfiv. ’4 the shn'ery question. . . ‘Gcttyaburg, Jun. 11', IM3. 3'- nThis is the brigéit side of the subject, and; . - . . im dark (Llys like t test: it is well to look utthe A Farm for. salt le-orfiil side of everything." l N SATURDA Y, the lith tidy oi ..RY Bittad—blooxl—Mood—tnorcblood.isthe cry; 0 in~t. the submtiill'l' {rill oli'vrut i’nhlic of tilorndirnl party who noknohletlgn- iitt‘k‘ii- hole, O" the yi‘t-tniw=, HIS FARM, s“.ch ‘in er “5 {lomin- “ml “4'" “0“" but- control or lintlcr tonnship, .\’l-li.t~ county, adjoining the Prairie-tit. mood for “hut? _To :thiit-Vc ‘ lands ofJuhii Shoe. Toht .5 lim't'rJlmiryx LU" n. vii-tom; over the 'roht-lx' in arms :i;_vni~t the bnngh um] dlln.r:l_(.(,m”“inz 11.3 Atria. one (PoverMnt-ut? No. T" ”1‘1"” ”‘0 1711 mm? or ltasY Illltit‘r good tumor: nnd good cul in :No‘. The hlo'od "silt-543 slit-xi at Frederitks-pmml ’A'hont l 5 mm“ ,1”. in Tilplct‘ :u (1 3;) " W 811! h [KM-("i “1'0.” 1“ domoniuc ’s'“: by the turn-e in .‘lcaulow. -"lim improvements :1 '0 il preachers of the irrrlepemlut “Ole-It tin-re Two-~10” Hid-(2K ”UL'SE, with ”VA, is ‘0 them “31'“ bright b u “f the WWW}: two “ri(|\' “.iL‘k-illl.hllll“_",fl”rik‘k $3 4] _‘ “If“clmd heme-n the :I:or§flit~roi§ no lulung‘ B-l'lk lSnrn, Wagon rhcti, (‘orn fibula; “but the .elloct might hau- t-en on the elmery MVP”), [“0 nover-tmliw: “ ell: My“; _._ questions T” ”"0”” ””4"?“ u” cmf'm".xt-v-cllt-ut watt-r two .‘imle Ufi-hnrds of c] t/it‘G pinion proclnumtion nn ill't‘tllllpiiahcd "Etntfruit “ith [’ultr‘s‘ 1,0“. Ms, Cht‘t'ries, J”. This‘ is “bright" and “tilt-trim." . _ i ‘91?” pltliu’t‘rh “M be “Mr-M entire‘ And yot thorn are men [lrl‘il‘lltlinfl to tntvlll- l hf‘tn’o trnvts tho ohm tontnining 83 acres]: genre whoi-t-tus’e "” "‘0 uh” m" 50w KW] ”"L tht- minor :35 lame; n: mnv best suit lmr' Hump Wiliacirhnfl the l‘n-ml. nt omit-r uprau- I :0", 'l‘h" 53“!“ ".1 “H. 119“, timed. i i “1191‘ iiesirés n‘o snow-w in ;ho- fit‘ili'li‘ilil h In.» ‘ ‘ {535.10 to (mmnut'c zit l 0‘ ‘iUt'k, 11,.) ‘ not for its objeot .tlpl Tt'~‘lii rho :thtillitln "ft (m filiil (Liv when :uttnrilmt't' (till he 3h -\§Lt\'rr_\',thnngh .ihu I'niun fail amti li\lis‘ oi :l‘h‘J‘lL‘llll.‘ liliulc.hlid\\l—l bvd - I . Mood flout tinny ite h‘.\gli|t’uls i—ll‘dC/tt'll(fl ‘ . '§.\.\ll'EL LES" ' (hum. ‘ V . ‘ . , nnodn l'uusc qr'l)‘1:I/uviu. A lady who jrm‘bxrs 16 have (ixiwntlv-{l Aumu (am.- in lmr Hives gaynliuns un (he .~ul._,im t, Inns vn'nn- in (110‘ (-fuu-lmiun that. (”pl'u-x'ia i~ nmintv mum-«l. by the wimxofu ~Uflin'i‘HJ ‘q mntny ulymn m’r-n salt i'nm-lhnury «ii-4.. She :1.-<’rdk m can” the-‘ullvmxun ul' [mu-n)“ and guzmliun-x M‘Hfih'lrvn tn thmuuuh übnnvntmn and manuimuition (\l' the ~quivC‘R hf min In finul. 'kumxterlsom:m-Hworthyui'gvm-ml ab untnm. ‘ - A Gum] R'hjlfls'hm -_‘\ gn-nzk-umn rf'N-n‘t l_\' <9o“.ng 0| numl I'wwntallulh.'<livl _Mx‘ 3\':I~"ho:nl|ly. tin [of “curing u! mmtxihu lions and] l:II’;_'v sums Loin: m'mul and o—x }u-n'lml m my): mum cvn‘ury cmnlylmwnl-y mid thnugli it would be [Dr mm» (-n-nliluhlv .I‘o‘ute the mum-v £llll4 ext-u-n-L-l lnr Um J—lll‘-‘|ln~‘o nl'u numb-n 1452 :u.'_~u:m- )umrk‘oL ‘uia-r whose I.rnsfnw:ts 10:3 life 11-ul hop-n rum ‘gd i:. the war. or fur lhc- Hwy-7n MINI"):- .widmvml muHu-r \\ how hu<b.unl 11.1] when in barn/112‘ ’ ‘ _ ‘ 4o --- [fi‘h ii murmured “Tut-tho Wu‘r I) 11 ml.- ‘n-cnl u I” l\‘UK‘ll()llll'lzx‘ll‘l‘w‘fi'lu“lA'Al'LHy of lev- l'ulum u: :ulgun-wul. 'l'm- p xlmc. :l i~ lux'xhcr ~l u---l. wJI; h-u I} the rmaou 01’ {hiy- rvluml y: a 1r“ (1 l.\‘.‘. W“ 0 mpl; rshmd H .n. u (-nweidt-mhlo diffi mnzy n-(‘urn-d In. t'n- “('“lnllht church in Lunmiung, umkdm-tmm [44 In .mmu‘un-nru (-l. :m Abnlhin 1 M rmun run-210.1 nu qu’, -chl‘s\c\e, hf HEY. Ml. “Pow. r Special Notice-5. A Ca‘rd to the Sufl’uning. I ' The Rev. WEMHH "(munth-t, \\ hzlu laboring as u Missionary in Julmn. Wm rurud n' (‘on- FumpLiun, “bun : H n 1: v-r menus hm} iuiimLhi :l recipe olduih‘ed lung in lmluml lihhiiinn ro— siliipg in I! o glt’AHVCll‘} nl .h-lldn. 'Th ,e TIME-9 In: ('lll‘t‘drflll'l'nl num‘ on will: wmg sum-ling 1m in (.‘onuqup-imx. lhnnrh'lis. ham '1 lmml, ('nughs and (‘o'd<. "mi tin.- :Ivhimg 41M m r\ m‘is depression cflu—ir'i In. Ki.l:~L' dismal hf— Di-sirou-I m hem-Ii! in: UUH'I'B, 1 “ill semi (hi 3 receive, thi l haw 'jrllll;h[ lwmu “'ixh in", m w” who m-el it. (ice or x'il'll'Jt‘. Address. 11m. “in I‘HMHUIVE, 4 , 4.:‘J Fullon Avenue: Brooklyn, 5. Y. . Dec. 15, 18C?. Iy MARRIED. On the 13m inn, hythn HM’. F. H. Hofl‘hvin‘s, Mr. BENJAMIN [.Ut‘HMAN m .“I<“I.\TILIM\ L'UL'HMAN, bath of Bermuk township, Adam: ‘cunnty. « . ' ‘ 9n lhe Hill) inst" by thosnme. Mr. GEORGE REICUAHT,uH‘nnIuI us tcmnship, York coun iy,‘ to Miss CATHARLVH HARTMAS, of llnmilton lownshlp. Avlgms cmmty.‘ . ()hLQhe Bth msL, l\_\‘ lsmu- Rubinsnn, Esq, ~Mr.‘ J. EDMUND S‘Axnms m .‘l'nu MARY ~JUSEPHINE SANDERS, both ofLihcrLy town 'sh’if). . '“ ‘ ‘ '01! "le 1511 mm, by Rev. M. J. .\Hcm4n, Mr. GHURGE “RIMES. of AIL-ms ('ouu'k), to Miss LUEISA HENRY, qt Yurk county. . a ‘ fiOlfitum-y notices 3 cents Per line for all over {our lines—cash to accompany notice. _on the sth inst., Mrs. LUCY SMITH, wife of Smnuel. Smith, of Mount. Rock, uged'ubouk 30' years 3 7 z 1 . 051119, 15th inst, in Fganklin township, MN.” EL ABET“ NOEL, cause?! of Andrew Neil l deceased, aged 88 years 3 months and 19 duvstl . oa’ubc 3d inst, Mrs. cam-Iv. win- of Rabi-n McKinney, of Mountjoy township, aged 59 Hairs ‘5 months and 17 days. ' 1 Ala lowa/6i!” Dec. 25th, JOSEPH TAYLOR, {gm-1,, “mm long 31nd painful illness, whic}: me here with christian resignation, in the quhn \ year Of his “39- u ~ , l 1 " 0n the 31H! ML, M._his residence, in Adams donut]! CARSON G-'¥OORE, Esq., farmetly {of canine. used 35 yam- On the loch in“, in. §tmhan township, ADESSANNA WINTEROQE, wife or Mr. John Stu"? Sn, aged 71 years ll'month; and 13 A: h 3pm 12m inn. MARY ALBERTA, dmgfl. w- pfluob‘W. ang Snrah c. Peters, of Budé‘x ‘ i cowuhil’o gged 2 months and 19 days, ‘ a, m m inst, Mrs. JANE BLACK, relic‘; ,of the line James Black, 0! Cumberland mwn- I chip, Adlml conntyLPaq in the 82d yeaiof her “0n ' :5. sth inst.,- near Mount Rock, Mr: JAWS BRADY, aged 28 yen-s 11 months and [7 an”. r 0n “136th inst, at his home in_ York, JOHN L, ,0, qus. J. Myers, of New Oxford, aged 23 yell! 9 month: and {1 days. On the 27th ult., of dlpfheriu, ROSALIE 3L, dsughu? ofJobu J. and Clotilda Weirick, aged ,3 years 6 months and 17 dnys. ‘ 0. “I! mm of December, WILLIAM C. WEAVEK'K“ 6 years 8 months and 30 days; on a“, 19th, MAGGIE VIRGINIA 12., aged 3 year! 5.1! 11 months; and on the 7111 of Jan.. HENRY THEODORE FREDINGHUYSEN, aged 1 yes; 11 momhs 9nd l 9 days—children of Sen?! .3. ad Margaret E. Wuuer, of Suaban township. . ' ' m'iIfiRELLAS of every variety at U‘ ‘. ’ PICKPTG’S BE WWW” ' “f“wm V 7 ._ ,__ - H 1!] Fresh Grocenes, Vi" 1‘: “““1'1’” , Ew NOTIONS FINE LIQI'URS u).— GET[‘lSBUKG—Slnflui‘dbaan 6 .‘0 , N The undersigned has just Mum’m 4mm "'~'” i i 4 ”Hi: city uilh the iurgbsl stuck at new goods he X 2‘5 1 1 40' “B,”:th in. which. having baughl tur cush, ' "NZ-"1W! :5 t 1 301 eis prepared to sell as low as anybody here :.... > : ‘ 355 r eisenhere. Jie wiii enumg‘rnta A portion of " : ‘ y 80‘ is stock: COFFEES, bUGARS. HUIAGSES: t I" 55 ! been. Bncon, l’mnboc-s, Snli, \'ineg-\r,>pices. 60! undies, Soapu, Brooms, Brushes, ”Mm... Bed 12 ords, L‘ednr and— Willie! Ware. bEGARa‘ and 00 OBACCUS, large lots of has} and common 00 mods; With 11l eons-of NOTIUNS. on _ He has 1 finer atock‘of LIQUUHS than is un 00’ ally found outside qftiie cities, viz: Import ” g e and Domestic Brandi”, tour kinds, the best f r medicinM use: ; did iiiye, very superior, for he Mme ‘purpase; Imported Wines, also Do , estic Wine; S< hi doing Schnapps, Rams, ii'hiskies, «kc. Ever mrliciq is warranted to b .whnt it is sold for § ’ Recoilenghia is ti L suchms daubt. convinced. A ‘ G! =J.m. 19,1863. •d•• t BXIFL‘HZOR-E: J.m. 1», {HOl}. 1 1‘ ‘ Public Sale ‘F \'.\Ll'.\lH,‘. 111-I \L ESTATIL-J "0 w“ “illmul rv- vncui l'nbliv Sal-em ("Iv Huh-L, 1n lwk-rh'kl mIDSATI‘RI JAXIUHRY I”th I‘m}, :1! I” U‘clut‘kwA 400 .H‘HE." 05‘ L \\'D, shun-'1 (”I!th num- mu! Hhiu lin'umul :uw! HthW'rml :i'nlit'r 02m (,1 ha lil'ix-k,dl\idc.! into I! 5 IL‘rm‘, gm. I!l.}-.U‘~(Hll‘l11$ nn.l' spring] Mach. :uhi TEN LUTS, aovcrul nE thr.li-\| Hwy» .Xi‘u. u ~nui: FARM U!" ‘5l) .H‘ 1 m M [.l‘“l.~lir\\ll.l"lfl‘l.\ Improve-I. withlml ‘5». ,h-p. .\J.ul (,1: LAND nnd suhslu ‘ H-mw’ at \l-unmu. need now u»: a slung l ’Jn'lk mill. n gum! —!.md for u sture. Ttrx imw-th‘l ..uh, I- :Lxm-e in 5 ymrly pu‘yn luilli full-nu. mic haullbills.) ‘ __ i . ‘ ‘ . HL’UU SEALER“. I Jun. 19, 1~::.:. IJ l‘régnxnck,.3 I - a" -< I ~- ! x Drs. Cress & Taylpr, ‘ {l} (‘l.l~:<;'m' [un'su‘lhxsr—Tnoa 1 mmml gt'ullculcn, having anSUL" 1 Hr um in : in llw-,.[ur.|ctice of Hedi! i‘nc lSuugc-ny, why imir pmfisflonufi scrfiw l'lL"‘iH/.l'1]~(If-“I'H33hurgtnld viginity“ ‘ 1.1111: I‘m] l'rgo :ur:Vc.-I«Arexicncqin tM: ‘I Army. mnl 1-.\[4"~lVc huspx.3fl krM-fil-p, l grv-luu'-\2H_\F-vn'l‘l.:.\uur]mr;m:l'_'e, "Jiglc .mva w Clumw ur .wloql. Home “a a; :[llt‘ L-us‘t. sated und moat rclm Zc_ rdm ifrnm n'l oflmr Manna!) uged cnl su‘x 1“ hit 11 11.1 w lIH‘H xwmnmmndcll mm ths‘ jlfi-vionrc .unAI >.xxltliuqu by przxclit'c In! ‘uidc'c-x Enurn ltmcnnuxzns, and {ii lnl‘nau mum injurious, such as anti“ ‘ur‘l-nic, lllCl‘L’lll_\'. blue [Fll]. Mmd letting: (Hi 9 in Baltimore strrct, uppo<ile ALUM SJIHN‘S'VJp. .YulunH-om‘ fnunlius anemic ‘ or vh.\r_'_e uur'mg their übsunco. i rl)u,J.\\tEs CHLSS. Du. WM. ’ll‘u‘x. Asz. ll|,l-\“}3. : ; ‘ ~ Change of Time. } ‘ (W ETTYMH lU}-RAILIU).\D.—.Un and I .‘l:-xwl~.x_r,Jm_1u:1ry w. 1863, ‘lhe Mu Train “ill lune Gettysburg at SLA. 3L. pusswgms for all the connections. NON ‘ Sgut‘u, on the Northern Germ-:1! Railway {churn about 2 l’. M. me afternoon I‘ wm ludfe (hug-shm‘g m, 3;. 11. )T.; cnniu'rlinn“ North and South. Retnruing rmch Gem dynrg about 9 P. 3L. \Vltb |m grrs tram Ilnrrishurg. Plliin, BAIL. kt. IL3: nrrfmgefiu’m persons ‘Mm the gun m'ur the line of the leroad, having “as to transact. iu‘Gettysbuig, can take tlia Train up and have 1; hours in- (lo burgfllnd‘nluln in the Even‘ug‘Trmn. Jun. 1.”. 1863 Hanover Branch Ballroa. - “ASHE or“ HOURS.—On and fifler Mon. 0 day. Jan. ink, 1863, Passenger Tragns'wxll run 11:, Inflows: ‘ ‘J ’ Laue Hunn'ru' ‘Lenve Juqctiol lst 'l‘rfiin at 10, A. ILI lit Tmiu at. ll,‘ 24 do. at 4.30, r. m. 24 do. 41(830,“ The ID A. I. train connects atyuuciwi BM‘IIIHM‘P; Harrisburg, (‘ulumhiar and H:- burz: The 4 :20 P. x. mm? makes' conne iur Bahimo're, York, Harrisburg, find the \ ‘ D. E. TRUNK, Age Hanovcrfhn. 19, 1863.. I . The Dally Papers. I HEREAFTER I. will alteud m the den of tbe'-Duily city pipers‘to snbscri myzcll'. The price of line Philadelphia ‘ quirer " and Rnltimore “ AmeriL-nn'” will ‘ rrnts per month—payable in advance— ”{9 limit of-; February next. ‘ll'he Bal " “Slzn‘7 an l “Clipper" will be delivered ('o‘ Bgribcrs .nt_4o cents per month. Persons! Slrin: to subscribe for any of the daily p 1 Will call upon Ille' undersigned In. Aha A- Express Office in Sheads & Buehler'a Buil EfAll persons subscribing by the m muat notify me two days,before the expir of their time whegher they inten’d contin their papers, or their‘nangca will be snri from the list. ( JOSEPH BROADHEAI Jun; 19,1863. 3w - | N otlce. » . BALTZER BECHER'S ESTATE—LA ters ‘ . ofadministmtion on theestahe ofJ.B 1:- er Becher, late of Butler township, A ams county, deceased, having been granted} the nndersign'ed, residing in the same townshilfl she hereby gives notice to all pet-sons indehte to said est“; to make immed’une payment, and those having‘clnim against the same to pre eat, them properly authflicued for scttlemon ‘ BIA BECHER, A 1111’ . Jnn.19,1863. 6H _ ’4 T HE American Excelsior Coffee and B ma, for sple at Dr. R. HORNEB’S Drug Snore. m'ronus' celebrated Derby Goad—lE“ Powders, for Horses and Game . or bale a; Dr. HORNER’S Drug Burg. ‘ WE haw-just received. new assortgeut of Queenswue, to which we invite the attention of buyers. A. SCOTT q 80*. Elf-SONS in want of a cheap and fashionl able HAT or GAP can pe accdmmodgted iii—gag}! , 7,7 3. .3. McILaENY' - _ NGLISH, French and Ame: fog‘nle ‘M pr. 8.: HQRXER‘ OTTONADES, and a nriety cheap, at. ‘ A. SCOTT & SOS . ~i ['B 1 so «a; I+7 NE 47319”) unfit“ J! .. ......... 6 75 : 1 50:31 ............. 'B3 I 80 g. 42 . ......-...... 8 621,0 2 59 ‘°| ........u . 5 50X in . .......... 5 m 1" ........--...2() 01) to ............._ 4660 681 188 6 87 2 75 0 oc s ‘2'; "I oo 2 .00 6 25 7 00 l 40 _\ 6 00 3 fig 7 (H iSiiii \ (H: lel‘ iZSJ ..r-H KI“! and i !- lmu‘ mm! I and lust ‘ nuts to o! ,“ {ng lnr‘d "1 W: unJ‘,‘ N A" lry‘s,’ [we ‘r‘ “cl!" 1, mg- ‘. .ith i 5 and . p ’nnnl ruin \ ill! \\ ill son- My, ness ‘ 0051 ’tyhs- u. McC URDY, Preside for ‘, - 0 .ns» ' tion ’t l: t L e lla’ce to buy cheap.— I all, and they will be . F. KALBFLEISL‘H. , Aucti HP. undersigned, neering. having obtained [drama I Stamal‘lxclse Law, beg: end. and the public get;- ues the business of Ant ylng, and will beglad to -. ol'the liberal patronage I equal-lance of 1031:“? I isin;_r satisfaction to all Rednlence in Germany‘ b‘ uddrcefl, Littleitowil, _ ,~ JACOB KLUNK.’ l under the L'nite { re to inform 1113 fr any, that he’cou‘ti ‘ meeting and Sale C ceivu a cun’linnanc 'mmm to- him. A‘ rrnnxs him imprm ‘ urges Inmlerule“ \Vnfllli])——-|)OSI oflic n‘ms cannuly. Pa. Jug. 19, 1863}. 3L* '? ' . ‘ N snc ”335's 1-: mh‘iatmtinn on t e u!" Léuiznore tn :t-ancd, Mung brie .1 .urdfiesxding in the gii'es notice to all ate tu mnkc immf vmz chims ngn'm. jm proyerly aiuhcn thG. E _, "I‘A'l‘h-v-Letters of afi e estate of imac ”st, ‘Uship, g'Atlams county; ugranted to the undeg umc township, he hm- Hersons indebted to ”La late payment, um] lhofe .t the same to prescut imm-l for semememl. } JUUS LUNG, .\dm'r.‘; 5 X pan. 12,1863. 6:." EE- am; Town Council of the Borough of Gen - Lyslnurg, hive so » ovlilit-xl tin; Tuwn ord];- mu rum-ally pnéacdfin’luting Lo Ijuy-pnckiflg uhllshmculs, and lo; Hnytuml Stnm‘ Black's, 1 Inn Hue Homngh’ limits, {.5 in r .ldJVilhin ‘\u_ni<, iu-meL of“ within-100} rd: of any ihtiug.” B) the Tuywn (‘o‘xfivil. I JHSH'H LITTLE-J, urgessl _z ted—)mmrun (.‘L‘L‘r, Sce’y.‘ ' 7 Euu. 1:, Imm. :n ‘ _ : ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ For: Sade.i ' ,6 25 HORSE POWER ENHENE wm': 3110i]- (-rs «ml :1 hug!- L-pppL-r \‘fgurm, mud-9 lur g Ellery, ma§hiixg 400 huslu-Ig Porn daily.— l'b‘u 331:1 :11 [IN' privtu Apuh‘ to . " CLARKE, j.\LII‘AI“GU 5: CO,, ' on. 25111:}61'517W 1 Frch-ia‘icl-g (ii-Ly, MG. , . . A; A_ é. ~-7—-~-__.. ‘ ‘. 331;) Reward. V TEAS <tnlcu from Ihe premises of the unb ,l whim-r, in “b'nxick township. Adams :r‘r‘. \thiu the pa}! month, n ilum‘bl‘r uf' ‘tlyim palm-Rem vads lur proxmrty, :5, I-': of Hammer and “PH-ll Tllrupil." Nari; 111-urmm- [NHL-Sufi. "\'_r. A‘ rovmr-l m" 510‘ 1 hi. [unnl 201‘ the tié’g-m'my nf said puwrg. . ~' JUI'I}; Bl‘i‘lil‘lil. 'l‘nnm-r. 4}? H‘ rm; dchiwgcé until UH: ”first ml; of {nu-1“ no“ the rc‘x‘prd “11] not bc‘pgid. - ‘ >‘ ‘ - .\'. I ' . an. .1. 1553’. .iL' I L ‘ . . ‘ HOP o.‘ L . “HY PATTI} \L'UU'I‘ I-IS'l‘.\TlT.—Lr\nprs ..t‘ :Txlnhn':li.~xr..liuu nu“ IlH'aLWf‘ih‘ u! Juhn (‘.u -'h.|u'- u! Fumklm 1?. [n . .‘u .I!u.~1'()lll.'l'\.I]l-~ :u-l. hiring in of) ul-udtd M“ 11.0 muh‘rsigu . ‘ l . , gt MILL}: m 11w¢dx w in“ Ilellls 51¢ lu'nhv I“: lumen m ixll Iv‘trmnd id'lchtwl tn said .m- in make immm! no iIAII‘IiIPHL and lhhw [Hug ddimf 11;: in~t filo ~fnw-m prvsu-nt w prnpv‘rly nutiun'fi‘c mu] fllr “(‘Hh‘nu'nt. V ‘ SALLY((L‘xlllikfil'UH, .hlxu'x. M 12211, 18112. on I ‘ I --Largo Stock! wnING‘ . _ i JAL‘HiIS 5: “RD. \0 just row-ind frgx lhv uiLuN .\ inrgl- stpck gunk l.)r (lcznlbmru‘s “Lair, mum-Ming .I iciy of > I I ' LLUTUS, | . ‘ J CVSSHEERES, . g ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ i VFSTYXGS, “ sainqrz, Jenns‘ ’ $lO., éwith nniny uIHLr goods ‘ spring §nl|¢~lliilhlbfl wen. : Flu-‘4' 4pc [u'opqrcd Lo make Lip gnrmmit: at New Goods ! Isnrmanu sh‘urtcs‘t nvuice, :n‘d in thow‘orvhuzt mun ‘V.‘ l ’ . . 'I he luminous .14 I'm-B'ulJn‘l)t rm uncd. ‘nd thiugmude in an) aU>irAd duh, They nl - umke mm lilév “ililsl their sewing is gum in; su‘umulial. I ' , ' ‘ hwy :15ku (-fipfinu'nnve of he pulxlic's pl— rugdvol by govt) \i’or' and moderate .rgcs tu‘eau'u in. ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ “cityspurg, April 7; 1962. f 1 L H Fancy Furs! OHS F‘XREIRA. «No. 718 Arch SY ow Efixllih, 50m ‘O, Plxilufiiiulphinfim- Ker am munufac I I-r of and dealer i' ‘ kinds 10" FANC' \ Rs. (m- Lndies' an tihlrcnzs burr. I J( {e to sny Re In end: of Adm“ m: I xurrouxiJingcouz ‘ that l‘ lung no‘ ' store, one of t! gestund‘ he ~.Jnlht beau , .ul assorlyhbms uk'nll Linda And qualities of . SOY FURS, for L “1103' mm] ¢llildren3 Wear, r 3 will be \i‘orn during Ihis Fall and Winmr. ‘ [y Furs were purchasml in Eqropommvions .a the rise in Sieriing Exchnn a, and the! New 1): ty imposed on nll Furs, im Q’rted sinée the fin“ .. A . ‘ :sbdfmlgust. . ' 7 I would Mao suite, that as 1 lg ns mystock .1 ts. I will olfcr it at; prices rppnrtiondte to -\‘ ut th‘e'goods cast me; but iltttifill be im'possi -31 for n}e to Import and pufucturg any In re Furs, and sell them at. t F same lg‘rlces, ) iug tp the unspttlcd state I the affairs of 11 Country. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Remember‘me name,nu‘ ' ; JOHN ; 1 .‘ 7123 Arch Sn c‘pt. ‘l5; 1862. 51m . Natrona Ccal ' ARRANTED NON -E. ‘ equgll to any KEROSEN VHY buy an explosive Oil, re per g‘ullon will flxrnish yo ? Mud? only by PA. SA RISG CUMPANY, No. 11” \ ILADELPHIA. .Sapomfler I HE FAMILY SOA} \ Grease can be m: s ng_SAPO.\'IFIEII' lmßEcmoNs .A\ X! SOAP is‘ as‘ ‘ king 3 cup of coffee. . Patenlees. PA.S. (I )IPANY, No. It” ' eb. 24, 1862. 1y :5 Sassns & thmisn’s Stdre is well wor th uvisitjnsv. at thistime. Weilloubt whether, ev n in our lax-gull cities, so fine a display of S res can ,he /t‘osnd. 'fl‘heir llsrgc room is full of Slores 6f every pattern; lso. every va riety of qulow Ware,‘ Sheet; on Ware. Tin Ware, Planished Ware, Japan are—embrac ing, indeed, everything in the h use furnishing line. ‘déso, Sausage Cnuers, Sinssge Staffers, Lard Presses, &c., m}. They sire prepared to sell wholesale and retail, Tin Ware and Sheet iro‘n Wars-e of their own mannfahnre—‘keeping n spfiicien‘. number of hands to ‘aupply any de mand. ‘Their assortment of anber is very large; also Conl otevery kind; ‘ ‘ dpRNING GOODS.—The. finest assort -1 meat of Mourning Good! ever offered, can now be seen and bought at lower prices than they have ever been sold béefore. Call It once at the sign; of the Red From. April 21. FAHNES'EQCK Bnos. EW FALL & .WINTEB. GOODS l—A good assortment of Fall end Winter Goods a heap as the cheapest A! A.SQQTT l SON’S’ - EW SPRING GOODS—jun! opened lube :XAW 319:0 ol ‘ 11. BIL‘ANGLER. J: ADIES' DRESS'TBIMMXNGSLin grout n—' riety, I}. - ! ”CHICK'S. a 1‘ PUBLIC SAUL—in Imr-mrmce of an- A (hurily KN?" by the List “ill pnd_ tubul mcut of Georgclb‘hryuck, dcl‘l‘fla‘fld, win in: ofa Rated at Public Sale, on lbe prrmiso‘s, on ERI DM’, :h. 30m. :1” of JAxUMnfiiusxqf 4} LOTS 05‘ GROUND. fronting on Washington' street, Gettysbgrg. opposite the proper“ of Edward Mulch , and others. . . « , Also. 4'LOT.{ut the came: oliWuhin n} and Brtckinridk streets. The [fissure i a! good link: 01 cultivation and likewise raludble’ for building purposes. w’l‘he sule' will has positive one. , I f I Q‘s-Ila to commence at ‘2, o'clm'k in “war teruoun of mid day.‘ 1' , ; : ' MOSES MCCLEAX; Eiecnlor. Jun. 12,1863. is 1' ‘ . ¥-,_,. ~ V ~—~rc VI ~-- ~ ~ For {Sale or lRe - t.) ‘ HF. subscriber flats for 5111- or rent his T Large WABESUUSE in -Li I'lcnown, at the terminus of Ihe Littlestown Mama.— The building 13.32 by 75 feét, t- 9-ito'ry and cellar, nlculated to do n Slurp Grain ,6 Grocery ‘businefl'. The‘lnt i'p 100 byt2os {221, ufl'ording ample (pace for my kin of business. A bargain can be )md. Early, :- uplication it; desired. ‘1 ‘ ‘ E 'W’l‘he Warehouse property qu be ex changed for a Farm. JOHN QUTJ‘IZBA. Jun. I'2, 1863.‘ 43' ~ 11l —~-r ‘ —<'.-*' - --~ ‘4 Ho! for ew Y r! ('9'? arrived,3nt CO JURY & Cl .LESPIH'S, J :1 fresh supply of 1" ES“ Gil“ DENIES. ut‘ ullkinds, the has} and nicest ew prouuh: to (‘nc‘gshurg A Pylomlinl article 01‘ FLL‘FR on lmnd—nlm Nt-w‘Yark IIUCKWdI AT .\ EAL; superior No. l {MtCKEREIq 1‘1" UITIS and ’(‘UNFI-ICTIUSS. 11l rge inrietyml l'xeehia new lot of flednr nunl WJlow Ware; al rge and fine nssoilmeut of (fninl Uil Lamps, wi 1) un_ excel lent nrlicle of Coal Oil. We are-n éu prepared to alter Lumps It; be used fur C l Uil. -0n hand all choice brands 9.” 80:2an :1 dSmokiug and Chewing Tobaccos. ‘(live us a call. W! catinot enumcmté u. [Quill of on ankles.— Ynu will find wary-thing that is Tllmlly kept in a first glass quily Grocery. ‘ 1' CUDURI Jr. Gd‘LESl’lE. ‘ Gettysburg, Dgfc. 2'o, 1862. 3 3 . Secqnd Arnva . ‘; . ORE MEN Ci‘xUJ‘ill FOR {—3.000 ABLE -I‘]: mmncn max AND, BOY‘ WANTED HIMEDIATELY—LI‘o , g ‘ To buy Overuontairom Picking, l 'i , . To buy ()y‘hrcnnls ”pm Pic ing, Tq Luy Oven-outs fr m Picking. To buy Dress (‘rxfigafrnm Making. A . ‘ I To buy I'm-‘54 Finns from l’ic 'ina'. To buy Drvsi Co It; fr, ’ m 'l’ickiiig. To buy Busiiicss"‘om.s frum Pivki 3. Tu L'tjy Humic‘s Cons from 1 “king. To buy [fusinms ('onts frqm Picking. To [my l’nntzilnous Imm l‘iL-liilig.‘ 1‘ .L : 'l‘J buy l’mimlv ns frpm l’ivki .g. 1 _ To llny l nm'iloons i‘rém‘r Pit‘l.ing.‘ Tn liuy drew 1 mmmo I Vesls from Fix-Rings. To buy drm‘s 1: cpan n Wits "0W Pijckinr. fi‘o buydroes :fi-om lon Vests {rm Pit-hing‘ To My Buffalo nn'd (hum Shoes fr m fiicking To lmy Cluck: (Wall kind? from P cking i To huy'tiuli‘ns zuxh'xrwrdvons n- m E'ickiug To buy (Hun-s HM! ”min-3 from I? (-king. T 9 bury Shins nnq Ilium rs from ickippz Tn buy Trunk: nu}! ('3vrpv' Snvka‘fr m flicking. Tu huy l’mbn-Hus'unrll (‘ans frofir ‘icHing‘ To lun‘ Nutiuns. $2.312: from [’ic ' $.43“ Nut .\'h‘\~‘..\ Miiv: Xhu in M) an .u-ficlos ut'vhrtlnnfiJ .mwlill : at n.'.uni-hirl2]y IU“ lhiL‘L‘~. (‘n‘ll .~_:, no: ‘- . : ‘ Office ‘ongay 5:00 . ‘ ' Mfm‘t'l: Img T JAY (‘mqua Ix nu. I;.\\ A In sol ul‘, Tnhm ”mt If xih} lvlpipu, NM Thn llnllll‘rFiQ‘XLl‘i'll" Inning hut-i SI‘jFI'LH’TIUN MEAT If. Hm. fl." Tl’t"~'ll’_\, is fimvi‘pzopnrvd to} on ‘v, It)“ i ' . \l-ZW TWENTY .fi'li 1R 6 Pl2ll - of UN: l'nilvti $141!!“ dosigmur-ui "I‘u‘onfim." Fr.-.‘.t-«¥[r'x:xi.‘.‘e :11 the {llo' (Imn-innn‘nf. lII’KLQ‘KIiw'M-w—annd :1 .‘u': m (‘unirua gpv‘raH-E [PL-hum 'l‘lw CUI‘PI‘IN ‘ “NUS hruki'pzuo $7.", Slaw. :-.'.r:.).} “my 2 E Tm- Imuwrziz BUNDS in‘ 51' $1.20, 5.70”. Sig:p_:nnils3n(m, 2| Ink-ream>iiqorcx~anpcrllnnu Inn-um 'fimn hue! {pun}! :w, HIII'.‘ I’.\§‘.\ LE i.\ GU Semi—Ann” lll'fv. \s .‘ifln {4 i-quhL .Il ‘prmninin m 1 20] LL) Ll‘J‘uu! EIUJIT mm .\};.\'l'.\l. .h ‘ l‘.-.r:nl:r:.,“cr(h null all “I'm Imm knmv and H‘HH'Hh Pfi‘m‘t, :t “HST :mmls. Canal; ‘IL and the immenro” runs, km, ‘dcq in full um] :uupic pr‘u n! the inu-rrsr nu}! Custom; Dmies,‘fl Romulus, serves v ,Bm', .1105! .lu'mlm Mmuke tlwsq I‘yunds'tlli [lf and KM] .I’opu‘lur , ":qu u (/u' “(dike/s . Suhsvripliuns jfiuuivod at. PAR in Tcndcr Smog. or ['l [Us and uhecks'ofbfi [l..rin I’llilndclphh’l Subscribers by m" rot-rive pr‘mxpt mQélLtmn, and ewryfm-ili exp] tuition \\ 11! 0:0 lnfiurded oh npplicn‘ lh|< nun-e. J r ' I 1 A full supply 0|? Honda will, in: kupt 01 for immediate delivér)‘. , j , 1 JA Y L‘GUKE, Subscfiplion A 1 Nov 10,-1362. ‘3le > ‘ . Cannon & Adam’s ‘1 . . Tl-IW MARBLE \‘URKS, d‘ornér ofl Balti more and l-Inrtllidtlie sl‘rtetfidirergtlfbp [unite the new Court lioxmd, Gettysburg.— llnving recently agrited‘from‘Philmlelpliia, and feeling fully competent to exeénle‘nll “fork in the finesl style of the art, we “foul respectful ly Quite the Mtenlinh of the pnlnli Misging ,ga procure anything in outline, to fat or u might! call nnj examine Specimens of on . wor We are prepared (0 fuiuifili MONUMENTS, MBS AND. IiEADhTUYEn“, MARBLE M .‘TLES, SLABS for Cxilxinei-makers,andiul other work appertaining to onrbpsiness, m[l loqut p 054, iible prit-es. We ’do not hesitate t. gunmmee llmt our work'shall be put. u u n nuumer sub— gtantiul and tasteful equal 0 the best, to‘ be seen‘ in the cities, Wher every improvement which experience 11185:“ ,svdgge'sted iv. availed of, and especially do veglnmntee that our Ceme tery and Grave Yuri v‘ro'rk shall befio carefully set as not to bet! cted by £los),th shall main min for years M efiectnessiuqusition given at the eompl ion pf m‘ 10b, angl so necessary to continneg/gtncefulness nud‘symmegry. N0v.‘.",1859. gr \ J . ; t} 1 t, l he: nnd Street. I‘AREXR.t, ; et, Philn 'u. I. I IN . l o . .\ . til. LOSIVE and :n a few cents A with a perfect. if MANUFAC~ 'nxc'r Stun, l No Curq NO‘ Pay. ‘ ' FIE IMPERIAL OINTMENJ‘.— . .. ' For the curb ofevery species of Rheu matism, as it diséolves the coagulatedlflymph which fixes itsclt‘abont t_he joints, (causing them to become stifl nfnd painfulyfind “)oan removes the primary gauge of thisl disefise. ‘ :For Coughs, ln‘fiam‘maiions, or. ighti’iesg of the Chest and Lun’ ~ it gives n Bar and speedy relief. Also for (gimp and Sore bran, and should slimy; beinaefl about the «”l‘hroixt and Lungs in cases of Scarlet .Fever n‘nfl Whooping Cough. For all lac-ted plins, snob In Tooth nche,‘ o|"an and Oriel: in the Book, or where Mercury has been; uefid and becomes fixed in the joints. It also glves immediate relief for Cholic Pain: in ‘Ad lie and Children; ‘For Burns nnd Scoldsflit inmcts thelfire olmost instantly. lt.infallibl'y cures Felobat Bruises, Sprains, and all FleehiWounds; also; Mumps, Ague in the Breast, Chnppod Hands and hips, Cornsl Chilblnius Eor Frosted Limbs, Hemor rhoids or Piles, on} Ulcernted Saree, lnilemed Eyes, kc..&¢. ; . ‘ Also warranted” cure the wait obgtinute Contracted or Feve ed Hoofa,Wound:,Scrntches, Wind Gulls and 81»:th upon Hor es, of Foul in the feet of Cnttlfi. ‘4 ‘ A POSITI E WARRAxni. , The public are fiequeatedtotry itwif it does not answer the rec mmendntioo, return it to the Agency, (bottle hilt used,) and receive your money again. " l Directions for uq'e enclosing each bottle, HENRY'S. BUTTS, Sole Propretor, . ‘Waverly, Tioga #O., N. Y. Where all ordain!” melt, or ortherwise, will be promptly Intended to. Price 25 Cent] per bottle. . . ' ‘ [ fi'Sold in Gettysburg by H. G. CARR. Nov. 11, 1862. a \ l - Oi! Geufimeh‘we hue Cloths, Canines-u, ‘ = Canineth, Treads, Jeans. #9., I! champ d: curbrfou-d elqahen. A. 8001“! hISON. ' , Town Lots I in; \ |\dv,%nyq on Illmk goqu W! 11-0. IL‘NIXG. MEI \ le’l’ ‘ ‘. AGENT, HT, \T’ ‘ ‘ I. m 2. ‘ up miuunl Iccn 1 my of ' t’urjilx‘igh‘, u! w . T. nth, us “ Five ~ll'l‘ nl'alhe lite?! hy 18-;2. r v sums at . ... a 1 the ”ER {'ll}. Any mane} tn-iulfl‘d, b" {hut lhuée B uni-I ‘ (HH'GAGH uptiln nl‘ Ink Sim-Ls 3mm! sm! rhdm-t‘s of 9114103111 j "he onumrjn mind ti ‘tiisinn Inmlevfbr flu; in liquidation :m‘ plrinci} Hum-e Stumps gun} I n 1“. quh mica Lo‘ga!‘ :in‘ks at ‘ M will ity and [will fit * 1 p and I eat]. ‘ ‘ ““‘l': “""r'rzfirzsnuu 147:. 1-2"; * " *rvkr . F ..~.. l” " " ’ :I A ’. ‘ Good News for E‘eryboéy! «COME TO GULIHIAN'S, g ' I" TAT SAMSUN'S OLD “TAND l . , ALL iifiW GOODS! ; CHEAP! ,an‘u’! élll-lAPT/ ~. Isaac Goldman, inst from llaltifilore. bu : 0 net! 3 (‘lothing ‘nnd Yurio Store at Sam uoptc‘s um Corner, on the [Mn {map-in Getty.- gbuflz, where he ofl'urs a hrg tack of Goodl in'his line. and which he will tell It prices so low As to Salonish all buyer; 'His‘nssortment, which will be fonnd‘nmle o’fthe best materials in the best manner, coxnpriae’s everything in the line M Men’s & [loys' Wear. viz , , Over Coats, n 1 large vnriétyl; Dress Conts, a large variety ; ‘Sack Coats, u large nrigty ;- , Pnntaloons, nlurue varipty; ‘ Yeatsgnlnmc Vurie‘ty; ‘ ' Shirts, Hondkerchieli, l . Gloves, Suspenders, Car ’ ' Knireafi’prt Monnnie’s. - - Gentlemeo's Dressing Ct Heavy'lloots, hot to be? Segrtrs,; Tobtfico, _ Fine “bonus , tof Pipe to, to. r - ‘ Give him a in". No trouble to show Goods. Bly selling good Goods, nt mod ,ute profits, he hopes to please all bar-chase.- an't target ” he Spot"’—S:\nlson's 0M Co ‘11". ,Eettysburg, Dean 15, 1862'. I . ’1 Annual Reprt 0f 1]? Farmer! Mulwl Fare In: ante Cowl-any. " of Dover, Conou'nyn, Ntwllerr 3rmd Em! and ' West Alumina/er lowmlnpx'. m (/1: County of York HE President and Secretary 01 the abod T named Company. in compliant-e with tho Isrh,Sect|on of the Act entitle? “.An Act, to prmide for the incorporation- of Insurance Componies," approved April *2, 4836,1113)“; the following report: fl Valuation of proruerty insuredg' , after deducting snrrenderedii‘ ” Policies,‘ 31. .. {52,150,367 74 Totalnmuunlofpropertynt riak, 13432.7” 85 Vulne'ol'AssetsJ’renniumnotes, l' . assessable, t, . > 97,439 50 Exponseslorl’hrcnrreptyenriu-, eluding[’rintingrflval Press, ' ' 86 09 Cnsh in the hind; uthcTrens-i : an-r, um] 0 her n 5 Vets in the, ' 'lmnda of the Scot-entry and} Agents,‘a portion of whit-IN ths’not as yet been zonvertcd ‘ . ‘~ ' into cash, - 5 1,251 or. . The Company, during the onpenthyenr, has suwtninedno losses by fire. ' ~ lnsnrnnrcs continue lo he cried hy the Compnny at the CSttlbli:ll(‘d r'nt s, which rates are nnnstmlly low, for the {writ of ten yeurs, und. ‘its risks have heretofore an only upon the snicst kind of rrnpt-rty. . Vltcre losses have ot-cui-red they have always" been prompt ly. Pé‘id- Tho-benefits thereforefpf‘insuring in this Company nre eqnnl to 1 10M ofttny other, while the risk£ are considers] >ly less. - t-Thr following named pc,sous are the no» thurizeli AGENTS ofthe conipnny: I C. S. Gerber, Dover township, llrnry S. Bear, L‘onowngo, , Jug-oh F. Krone, Newborry, j ‘ .Mnrtin L. ,Unhltng, Manchester, , 5 Michael Heinz, West 5| molt‘estpr, J. H. Bunylnuun, Purmlise,‘ {Emu ll:-cl.,Shre-\t'slmry,' ’ t ‘ .«hjzun lilmugh. Hopewell, : . S. L. lehn: liellnm, ’- .Bt~njt\min LDI'SY‘, len‘rus,‘ 7.. B. H‘cindel, Windsor,“ Jesse llucer. (hydorufi, ‘ W Jncnh (:lflt‘lllgl‘llvl,.l“llH'iCW, - ‘ John Evans; Franklin, ' Janit‘slfiri‘llith,“'arringtnn, , Alexandr: (‘1; Mn Cindy, Ben. hhounm, _, Levi Uhrhnislvr. "mnptnd. dmus‘co. ‘ - I , J 0“); “wows, President. ‘ \V. .‘l. l‘u'mw, Sqt‘rclill)’. l g .' Jz'n. 5,1 M: 7. ‘ r The Magic Time Disemr, ill-Z l'l-lli'FlCt‘l‘lUN' Q!“ MESH-SANS“, being T u Hunting nml Upon F 1400,“ qr luulys or Gentleman's \‘i‘uch cbmlvinexli; 7 y‘: 7 U ‘ (hxc,of 1h? pvt-must, mos‘ rbnvenient. nn‘t} dncitimlly the 1103€ and clwup‘lA{Wm-piece for alumni um! I'MPLHII- use, t-voq o&qu It [ms \\ ilhin ithmnl msnneu-u-d “vial: i : yinyhinery, its bwu winding tr whmcut. rel‘tlcz'ing n key en lirl-Iy lznm-cr- znr}. The (Inprspf ithis Wait/h nrc ("nmpnsed )f lucn mntnlejytbq' outer one be ing: firm M (-1 rut gob]. {l {I <nlle improved ruhymctinn I» '(‘§' nfnveuluntlfn i: wnrm'ntcd nn aprurntu imc-piucc. ’PI :9 sum-rbly en gmn‘ul. pug t- :c of LI Inf" div. 3. 3.204 00., Sumple “"iuc :cs‘ in ¥nvnl mor co boxes, 101- “mm ‘il‘O‘uk‘gnL? to buy an w'hqul nl9. $ll.l, sent. by e'xpreu, win!) hiu pnynblh n doliVel-y.~ Suldlurs m-m‘remix pxumnnt iu (Hum-g, as we cannot cqyccdfiiom those in bqurnly. ‘ .h «h'mw .1: _ , ntmmm Imus. k GO,. dog-marten. PM, Sulssuu 8: Jo}! S‘tsl, New Yolk Jam. 5, 150.1). 6t - ‘ General 112005111111 ; FXPECTED l.\‘ G ETTYSBL RG.—‘El'oryhody, Jhe prepay-ed. The undcitsignc'l would i must les'pcrlfnlly invite thy st enlio'n of the citii'ens of Gettysburg and its irinitylo call, 'nnd rxninihc his well selected oak of jzoods, 1 as he hxsjust r'rturm-d from‘ th 'c'ty With as l fine an nssortmvnt of goods ‘ll ' line us you .will find in this or‘nny Ulher‘; n. ‘ Lndigs. now‘ isthc time to lljand get those l fine :wnolen S‘idrfi' Shencnl/Scnrj‘xfine Gaunt lets, woolenUlmler-sleercsi ntid ll those mqe little fixtures! liir tllo/{ililet-i the way of‘ Brushes, €ol]th and erfumt- ie , all of which 3 can he had at No. laugh! 61) site fließnnk. Gentlcmonwn \ rd.to you. ,I . l}. Carr's is the place to g ,t/ the best nndiclfifapest under- l cl‘rthingrin the town its follows Overyshiils, ; .Und'er-shirts', Drawers of all k‘ ds, long find ‘ :short Stmflilngw from 13 cents u to 75 cents a pnir; Koldier , n l'elw remarks you: IH.G. ; 'Cnrrfi/ls the. Fillies to get tho good lßll‘ck- 1 ‘skirf‘Gnnntlct‘t, Army Socksmllllinds of Army 1 Kitit‘es .nnd heavy Knives ;‘ also finite, fork nnilr L spoon all in one; the regular omit; Shirts and' DrakersLSlFoixing Caps, twain!) Scarfs of all ikiuds. Smokers, 11. G,. (‘11::- its as fine an iassortment of Smoking Tobmic and Pipes as ' you cm: thase u'p qnv place. .0 "ring Tobac .co and Cimirsrol'ull kinds and ices. I Also, I‘lnrdn'nre. Qheqnswnr all kinds of lSpiu-s, Groceries, first-rate (3i 1' and Grnpn Vinegar. all kinds of Fancy Syn ,nll kinds of ; Essences, Patent Modicines (lord, Oil and ILnnlpS, and u very har-dsorhe‘f' sortment of pl’erfumeries. Now is: the. tim Come one, I come all, lihd giye us a call. ,0, n'hforget the plucq No. 113, in East York 5 ‘ set, opposite the Brink, , H. G. C BR, Agent. ‘ Nov. 17, 1862.” . t 3 ‘ ‘*7 1 Proclamations. ‘ T l IHEREAiS the llom'Ronnt‘r J. Ftsnsn, ' ' President of the seven“) urts ofCom mon Pleas in the Counties corp tsing the l9th i District, and Juszice bf the C nits of.o.ner and Terminc and General Jail Delivery; (or‘the trial of {ll capital and other agendas in the I said dist ictA and Divln Zirqu limd lsuc E. i “'IZRMAf, Esq., Judges of‘ihe Courts of Com mon Picks, and Justlces ofgthe gourt‘s of Dyer and Terdiiner and General Jail, Dt'lh'ery, for the triallof all c'spital‘and oth‘ ofl'enders in I the Coil ty thdamll—haw issfizd their pre f debt, be‘ ring date the 20th day (flNouembcr in the yourlofonr Loan one thousn fl eight hun idred and sixty-two, Ind to mg‘directed, for holding h Court oLCommon Plus), Ind General Quarter‘Sessions of the Pencqj‘ and' General Jail Dellve‘ry rind Court onyer ind Tprminer, ‘ at Gettysburg, on Monday, [luv-lg: day of Jan vary m!— j NOTICE IS HEREBY GI , to all the Justices of thq.Pence, the Coroné‘r and County I hles within the said‘ County ofi Adams, that ‘ they be then and there in their pmper persons, i with their Rolls, Records, Inqnigtions, Exam inntions, mid other Remembrancfhto do those things which to their offices and‘ n'that behnlt ‘ apnertnin' to he dons, and also, grey who will prosec’ute against this prisoner that are or then shall be in the Jail of the siid Cgunty ol‘ Adsms, are to he then and there‘fto prosecute against them as shall chust. ,3- ‘ . l ‘ SAMUEL W 633, Shaft. Sheritl"! Ofiice, Gettysburg} '2‘ l - Dec. 22, 1862. to ' J Inn‘s:- LEXIUS ROBINSON’S EST43TE.—Letlers A testamentary on the eat: of Alexia: ob inon, late ofOxfol-d townsh , Adm. co., deceased, lining been granted no the under uignod,mlding in the nuns townghip'. he here by give: no’ice to 5" persons inflamed to aid emu to nuke immed'nu paypd'r, tn‘d‘tbou giving chimugninst the lam ‘preunnl‘ui properly authenticated ht settle nt. ' ‘ “2" JAMES RUB! ‘oN,'Ex°r. _ Jun. 5, 1863. O! ‘ E , qk‘ Ties, A gßags, uh», kc .u; IE9 mam K T'fiEADY .noomva‘." No; 73 mum): 1.353, mm mm: This uticie I; made of in extremely thick and “rang vowel: fabric, livenud and mlnuficured expressly for our own use, 3nd iz utenl than th’icker am: the cotton sheet- in; commonly used in all other ctr’mpos§tion toofing,.|nd consequently far more durable Frrom the‘supcrior thiyknéu-of this cloth, it rocojvgn, in utnruion, a far grater Minoan! of 1312 mar-proofgompoi-ition, and when finish: ed with the fimprpof 'coltiné on the surface, patients the Imm c‘ompleteiy finished—and, we at; confident, moat durafileL-roéfing now > 7 r>p - ‘, known. It nfiedl‘no final coutn'ppl‘icd on the ? . ... roof, I: all other kinds do' IT IS ‘fRE'ADY" TO NAIL DOWN “jg munfnctnrcd and put up in rolls shout oné hundgzd feet long, and’flr’ree feet wide; requiring only 90 be- unroll'ed, qud uni the roof. In this cbnvenicut an‘d finished am éspecially wofdiy the attention of HARDWARE MERCHANTS, . ‘ . I _ _TINNERS,'BITIL and all who buyEto sellpgnin. W 3 db n out. to such he ‘jpi'ospccl or enqrmou's immediately, lull “in mTcr a. ”A“; mere blc article, itf degunhd every where, and times WE C'ALL‘ATTENTIOX TO A FEW m lst. It costs only about mg? as much and is twice as durublc. I ‘ f 2d. 1!. is ndapml 10.}!!! Linda of whether sleep or flat. ‘ ‘ _' - vd. It is pot. afl'ccll-d injnridnsly 'by 1; ".th cold. ‘ > -. ¢ , , 4th. {MU grainnry workman-ban a'pply it sth. I: is not we “cm-apes!" zroofing 6:11. It is the East roofing. “ I . w _ This Rnnfinng boon uw-H‘n ovary Turin!)- ofgcliulule, from ¢:lnml.r m ('ulifnrn'm, and mu em; moat. pnsitiufly rcrmnnwud it u; he‘enfiw 1y proof ngninstitlm ylmngcs of [mu nnd raid that Mg :0 deslrh‘ctire to umny o'flwr kind: 01' Roofing, '‘4 'I ‘ 4 IT WILL NOT SOFTEN AND [l4l3lij no? r h‘gnuam ; . . IT WXLL :{pr CRACK} meow. {\YEATIu-Zm'}, , , ' It is fl;p(‘rf¢l:t gfiro'tr-Minn againet fire from {he fullihg cinde s and frnglpwta Imm burn inpbuildings adioininz this leyfing. ‘ It is so clus'm' degtrong that [be ‘ ! sn‘mxmxn ()F noonm‘mms i . . *. ‘dnoa not znjlm' It} It. is particulnlrly valuable on .Fndorieq, Fnunllriusfiujmr Refillinfirirs. lliLlillMiosqu all builflingi “here 1110 air is imprrgnlted will: gases or mnictnre, which rppidfifurrode, {mm the inside, all [in ‘uud rue-ml roofs. ' FOP- STEAQIBOXT DECKS. ' ' _ CAll-TUPS, Fuzz—AS, :nnd all mnfs u=ed fur walkinzmn, this article nnswe’rs fur incltrr‘umn any mletql muf—ns-ic will heap such u‘snge \viflufut ’ gnu-king or hrflaking; v' r ' ' ' ‘ IL is easily appl‘igd ofer oh] I ‘ SIHNGLE noorst _ , ‘ . WITHOUT mgnowxufim squms klso the GUTTE-RS can be formed of this material, saving this ox punie (7f METAL ONES. ', The cost of applyirg it 3‘ Verg- lighf, n'nd any ordinary ‘ruuf cfmbd finished in‘ the same Juy._ P up 5 E‘RYE‘ Y 0 U RJ knows: n“ YOUR TIN ROOF LEAKS, IF YOUR 'l'le ROOF HAS , . SMALL acsrmepEs-wn, IF YOUR TIN ROOF NEEDS FIE-PAINTING, ‘ LIQUID u a Gummmcm cuss-r ~ ‘ ‘ 1- 2 will efl'ecsunlb' clnie up all Lhd smaller RUST CHULES, mud form yhouvy elgstic bodv over [Kthe whole surface; that. win prgvent RUbT. fand last. ‘many yeafra ldugeé imam ordinur I paint. . i » ( \ .~ ' 1 5 15‘ man sumo“: Rom LEAKS, ‘ ‘_. 11? YOUR {mums Ink, “ IF THE JOINTS AROUND YOUR CHIMNEYS LEAK, IF YOUR SLATE 3001 f LEAKS, our , A ‘ coxrouxo‘ GUTTA-PERGHA cams? will coinfiletely fill up I“ thn‘crevices. in the shingles. cover over the broken joints in‘tho tin and rifle. form permanently adhesive, clxislic coati'nz uoupd chimneys. dry-lights, etc..and lg all dues: ultua‘i “will path“! any other article for this pur 3e now In use. This cu"- ticle is g. thick, tam: iohs compound of GUTT‘A-PERCHA, .v \ nnd‘lngredients used extensively in Europe in ‘the process of Kynnixing or preserving wood in milrmrl alructurcs exposed to ‘moistpre and decay. Thin very useful'progerty tends direct ‘ly to. arrest And preiem'decuy in the shingles, fix“! will onen save the neceafly {or sevenl years of putting on : new roof. It in well wénhy of I trial. ‘ . gar-An tb'e show ROOFING “mums will be furnished to; g g, Y \ x W CHURCHES AND cnznanms / _ ‘ ' it's 21:90:!” 0!? 'rwaqumc p B cm. most on ‘ REGU n‘ BATES. . . j. . manna. ABBAN cums “ u . mum wu'H “Possum AGENTS. ficxncumks‘ud earths you: rm by Inn. Address , ' I K, : mm mgrmggdu x ‘ A no. finmx‘Wn, 1; Dee. Mk lett ir ‘‘ I . 1 Tm”.-.,y.fir_ ..7 LR”: “A Desirable To ‘T PRIVATE SAUL-Will be oflcred I A Private Sale, maul the hi. of April no! . xho. “(K’SE «AND LOT on Baltimorr street. It! joining: the “Compiler" office. and recérny o» cupied by Dr. A. W. Dorm-v. The Home i large. containing M mot-11!, gut” and large dry cellar. «ml in flood repuir. The Lot? in 3‘ -fnl| one, 60 feet front, running‘lmck the lull depth, yn-ing 11 large gardt-n, a nevorJniling hell of good mm-r an. the doorgu m'w' Full», Stable. mu: an alley frbtn High "met. In Q‘ way “ofuccezw. Upon the wlmlefthill! one of my: moat plensant locatlona amt [he pruputg one 0! the most. desirable in magma.— l’nnaoSslon given on [lt 0! April m-xl', or pay aesslon ‘ot‘ part of the property may be haul M.’ ohce. For terms km, apply on tho promises. r . HONOR NIC¢DEMU§L Nov. 24, .1862. M e L ' L .x__..- ‘..--.___..- Cures of Coysumpiiom , ‘ Y DR. SCHENCK’SWEDICINIES‘ 1 Pmunxnrmth‘uq Jun 2, 1862. 1 Dn. J. n. SGflENpK:—DFRP Ska-As you hn’o. ‘ cured my wife of E. well marked rdnmmpllon, ‘ when «he WM, ii t weré ln the‘v'ery jaw. of ‘ death. justice to yourself, as .well ins duty to my fellow mun, impala my: to mldrq‘sl you this letter.“ and detuil the cond'tion of my wife, and the very remarkable ell-:4: ofyour; medieinet in her ease. Mére lhun ‘lhrec rears ngo,aho was when with- u copious bleedln‘g from tho iungl, lute-"led wilh n vet-y hill] rough, loin of appetite. pnin between ler shnlilders, head ‘ che. cold feelflmd a alludunl decline of her physical powers. j rullexl in onrefkmily phy airin‘n, who is regahied In)! one or {the uhlest prnctxtiouns in this city. ‘He continued to‘nt tend her for a long time‘, and during" thut lime she hud‘ several nltucks of hmnqrqhage from the lungs, which made her very ‘lrcukhani brought her nigh the grave. . Jl' ' It «us when I felt that her elmheee for life' were very bad, that Mai} Edwun} French, of )inoreslmrn, New Jersey, Who hm heen cured. of Consumption uad Bleeding lroyh he hinge, and who knew Dr.>Schenc‘k when l: hm Cou sumption nnd came neur dying. an kuegv he wusw-urell with his ceichruted mefli lines, gent. word to herbyullmemns tnumilyml) .Hl-henék, us he would he sure to cure her. :A thh time my wife was very bud. Slit-WM mp 11 ”dosed in flesh and strength, had no npp‘ ite, u. very mu cough, which was so distressi; as nearly to deprive hm- ol‘ sleep. She llfldTl puiu un-l ‘distrrss in her lungs, and 3‘! was 0 ’iJil'nt to in ull that she was fur gone with con .(tmplimuin the n‘flernoons she would l‘guve fev-r laud creep— ing: chillc. ail-Lu! night Trek nwmt. ; ‘ . I DM gom 1, o Id rOfit.s MEI Mill After llr.Sellenekilnd given her \Tfitnminu lion with his Respirometerrhe pn nlell but lg) my wife the part of her limes [hull Imm badly diseuied. She hlldliulc‘Chllfllli'HL‘U \ltllietline_ in am remedies, as she hull used n§mjrly every thing in mE'dieine \Lilhm‘n the I'm! benefit, uhile her' dl‘U‘lltt‘ was [ween-32in; }o the gle- Emu-lion of lhe \‘ilulsgumli woull douhlless' pump terminate in llenm. She 1e ,mmeni-ell mine; (he l‘ulmouie Syrup; Mandi-a k- Pilland Sen-weed Tonic, and .eou‘tinued ‘0 use them about 11 month, peei'uiz Dr. N-henel: mwe I) week,when sheexperie‘nretl a imr ell impquQ mom. There‘ was this (lillerem-e n‘, llxdslfect of these medicines fror'u nll ollielsp—lnneml nl'drying up the secretions and mu ternisnlher medicines had done, they seemed rs, ripen [he "mailer nnd expel it in the furm'q l-xpeelom. linudwhich was very regions, nlzthe smuo lim‘e the seeretinm “erl' reqmexl €Ol their un lurullnuil healthy mmlhluu, mul Il‘elbluod be’ gnu again to (‘jl‘eulalt naturnlly. . ‘ i The myrlivlneq 'wcrc continued Illm-u: time, In lhe disease was it ell germ-11. uml qlmtinmtely tcsich th— action nf_lhe mellieirgw‘ K ”At length lhe‘iunner began lo ripen; un‘l lhq pnugh e t'nme lame, and free discharge all eumer M'- eurred riyhl frnm the spot where 5' wire felt. lhul her lungs were diseased. I?” appetite and tlizpsll'onvimprm'ed, and slie ellj yed when she hurl long been n slruugerm,sw t, refrclth int; sleep“ The medieiuea enmin d lo Ml. upon her blood nml pnriflev‘ it. un lnfier‘four or five months she hud'regulued her strength. and lelt lhu! her system v 7.15 pureel from all disease. She is now well an”. heurl_ and able to attend {l} Hu- duties at her “unity and “"1 not gpeuk in terms of [on grr-ulrpm re 0! the virtues of ynyr mediyiue». film 1i desirous e\‘(r‘\‘hullyshnll knn“ “hut they lulu: done he FM MEI ronstl her, and will he film! to dirrut. any, um: to the romedios that “ill cure’wlml I'M] deJroyer (if Hm hiunau I'm-o,(‘nn'wnwlium Ire idt- MG“? A‘rch slrcvl. nu»! Mud. Luuuing nrrysoll will IN} very hnppy tn hme any um.- 0:1] (mus, at upr rl-gidrnrr, und hvnr fur ilmmsfll N nf 11w grunt virtue? ul your very \nlunh' chicincs. Yours, Iruly,, (i. W. {Axum}. i mauve of leifinnu, 607 lrch 93.,1 I'ludu. ' PmLAm-m-nu, Pm, Dec. 7. 1861,» Dll. J. 11-. Suuch—nvnr Sir; A: it. Is dpuhti-d by many that (‘onsumptln is ever cured, in order tn rt-nmi'e such a übts, (llp‘ render willlisteri m'ihe following 'p .tin stale menl of fuels:——lu I'w lull oflrluu l} ecntracted ll hmu‘y cold, whirh pruducctl‘u/dr , hacking Cungh, attended with hemlurhC, 10. Drum)?- titeJ‘onstiputiun mul nu inereusiw ilehility. ' I plueed myself under the. cure of a emi'ncut. physician of this rity‘kuml rcmuiucd nder his cure several months, and fullmvt-d. like dire.- lious strictly, but kept getting ~ weaker “{d worku- nll the time. 1 lost, in three or {9” months, manly-eight pound: of flesh. l was exrnerlingly fechlv, hml u very had quagh and. pain in my uhest,heetic {cw-r and «unions night lwenlsa Ahmn, this time 1 WM taken with in ' execs ire bleeding from the lxinggjxl’na raised new}; A quart ofhlom]. ' 1 . i In this nlnrming conditinh’l fulfil! must die spun ifl was not spr-mlily helped, ulnld many of my lrienrls thought lhere‘wua not itch hope for me. I prficurml some; of Dr. Si, ..NCK'S PULMDXIC SYRUP, which seem to agree with me. I then sent for Dr Schenck. who énmc over in my result-nee: in llnqlhp, nnd'ex nmined my lungs cum-fully withhis'nespirvnu-a tor. and found my right hing very Ethuch dis eim-d and my other lung in nu ulceintcd con-- dition. ll: prescribed, in mldirioin to his Syrup, the free use of lili MANDRAM: PILLS .end SEAJNEED TUNIC. ‘l determiln dto give his medicine a fair trial} as i Mi that il‘he ebuld not cure :Ie n'o nne else con 4. ll I'M not long before I felt his-medicines ‘wcro doing me 206 d. ‘ a l i . I found my nppelite and utrength hmprqfiug, and, best ornluhe l'ulnwnic Syrup: icemed to ripen the runner in [my lungs, and, [ r,dnyn, r would snmetimca bring up 5 quart {of matter ahd corruption. l continued using ithe medl cines for three or four wonths, llfl'fl‘ijl al} the inmler was expelled Irom my lungs, and they were entirely healed and 'souml. [inguinal my flesh and strengthrnnil nm well d hearty 10-day, and able to attend to my b'ESinesl M usual. I huge recommended Dr. chenck’l m'edirinea to-many of my fricndthO were complnimnz, lwuys with benefit. 115 m lath ,fiod l hud the’ilmlzmmption, EMPWIVI entirely cured by Dr. Schenck; and lam full penned eul than, if the consumptive: would severein the use ofhia' medicine- and follow 3 rictly. the directions,themujorityol them won hecmd. 5! am doinghusiness a). the N. W. rneflo! seventh and Cherry streets, and wil be Very happy to give any informalion I can all who will call on me. Joan-u 19. Hus. Dr. J. H.'Sehenck can be consul d n: his principal office No.‘ 39 North Six! strict, ‘ Philadelphia, every Suturd ; and 7. No. 81‘ Bond urea}, New York, "cg Mandy ; at No. 444 Eighth street, Washingtnn, DOC" our, ther Wednesday; “No. 108 “am re strut, finigimore, 31¢. every other 'l' hurl I], Ind once a man-h, in Boston, Mass. 5 I , L, Dr. Schenck’r Principn‘l office in No. €39 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pp” ctr-w letters for advice shuuld ulmys Le directefi. WHULESALE AGENTS. New York. cit), Connd Fox, No. 8: “reel. Bouon, XML, Geo. c. Goodwin 1 H Llnlshnll street. ¢ ' Ponmnd, Mm, w. I*. Phillips, No. dle street Pittsburg, .15., Dr; Geo. B. Keyw nod um: Mania, Koch, Unity, Co!nmbfam\ on; ' St. Louis, Mogflenyflfuhley, con findViuo streak: ‘ Bulfinn‘re, 11¢. Seth 8. Hanna, No; timer: street. _ I Washington D. 0., SJlmuel-B. Wnlt Seventh street and Louisiana avenue". 4 Chicago. 111., Lord 4; Smllh, No. 231 And lumpy Druggistg gcncrally. . a PRICES. » " ‘ Pnlmonic Syrup, $1 p 0: 130"]on h * Sea Wged Tonip, $1 per bottle, 3511‘ Mandrake Pilh. 25 cent: pct box. Dec. 22, 1331. Im ‘ , L ÜBHW’EGOGOAIN Wood’ B “and“, sawing fluirl'npb,‘ 'npl'nfioni, for pk a)». E. Ii Btu; Store. , _ f 1 , El ~~: Barclay Co., No. 49 Mid- No. 140. ‘ Ohio? » 108 Bil- , core* Lake 1L hm“ :m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers