LOCAL DEPARTMENT. fi‘ln the list ofwoundcd in the recent great lumen before Ric hmond, wp notice the follow- lng anus : \ Nubia J. Sipllnpr, Rh‘lt, head, flight. Joseph Hamilton, K. lag 16¢, slight. Thes‘e are numbers of Capt. Bailey'l Chm- EMIN : [h addition to ,the nhm‘c, lgttcrs rccoife‘d hen: on Sntugdny, dutcd on Stpturday mick, ‘nnnouhce two additional wounded—Hiram Lnd'v and (I. Cyrus Carson—lnd that‘Cmig Wisolzkcy was killed. It WRII rumored here on Saturday that Cgp‘t. Bailey bad in firm ghm . 06', but it was not credited. The Pennsylvania “93;!qu bchnved imam, gallantly. ~ Our State may be proud or mgm BARN Bt‘llNT.-—On Sqtnrdny mqrningw’evk, the Barn on the property of Mr}. W. ~H. Mc- Crnry, near Bendersflfle, "03' diapovered about daylight. to be on fire, And’wns onug-cly consumed. It is 'not kn‘own how the fire origin‘ntcd, but is iupposcd to hai’c been sot on fire by n (ootmnn, who Inna ohmi'ncd leave to sleep in the barn duringlhe night. He has not; been seen in the neighborhood. since. - The Barn wits insured in‘thc Adumlepnnty Fin; Insurance Company 161“": amount at $6OO. TIIE r‘UUß’l‘ll.—'l‘lmmmts no g’eneral town relebrafion of tire Funrth in_ this place, bur many of our ciljsem'l bewok theilnsohos lo the nrigboring stieuml and groveg, in smn‘ll par- lics,.nnd oujoye'd themselves to their hcnrts‘ ronlent. Businésa qu. bfconrae‘, suapendcd, flunk the town wane lrhtlner a deserted appear , ance. The day wns ush‘Eed in by the ringing of belli,‘firiflg «f cannon and stirring umrlinl mam-L41“: Inner nceo‘mpunying the “’Ad‘nms ltiflqs," Capt. McUolmughy‘,‘ on parade. Pm mus—anxnnbsdny week, Rev. Mr. ‘ )lt'l'llm-e'n Sclrool Apt‘nt the day in the wumlsnl And ou‘Tuesflfiflusl, IL A. Lytllc’s Gymnastic Clnls haul 3' Pic Niclon the lmpks of‘larl'h Creek. Uu HIE snmé day Miss Mnry ”(Ciel lnu’s ’Sl‘lcrt, Svhoul fipent the day'nlung the “mu strm’nl. “In-y Ml had a pléusnut lin'w. ' . STATE TA X.—H.[B. Dzlnm'r. Esq“ (‘uunty Treasurer, on Thursd‘yny last, [mid un-r tlu- u._ firo quota of sum: 'l‘er due trum .Adums coun ty~hoing tlu- first Lu «lo so. - * . ,léfif‘hr. Jami-s Org-s5, of’xixis county, has been appointed Assistnnt Army Surgeon gm hush! the Daniel Wuhsu-r. Atlor 'thv haul.- of Fail-HAM, within l 1": hpm-c nHU hours from the tinu- they cmnmunrml npgrnliuna. Dré. ('rous and Taylor I'lrmfoml llw wbumh of fiftmvn lmndrl-d snhliori. v'l‘lu-y lulvnnul invus‘nutly night ngmi dJ)‘, and only [nu-Look (i one meal during that Lima. ‘ ‘ 5 x TREASON NOT ONE—SIDED. ‘ The great. m'islnlu: lot‘the prevent. day is. the [nrmlispu-ition (if [in' public mind uf the .\‘urth to lnnk nlum trmsnnins nu nltugulhcr ONO-ji- Wl’nir. confiqwl uitlthiiclt tn the Smith.— \\'e cannut, an): the Patriot k Union, cnlo‘rintn fihisdispnmtiou; lur whilu wé see clearly enough tho enormous ~\¥lfhedttl‘s€ of the Suuthcrn ru lwllimi; while \\‘i- u Ollltl urge upnn the muslin tml nuthiiritics the \‘ign‘uus uso of all consti tut‘iugnull mums to m-u'sh it; while we would rut-sigh tujmt punislinwnt “Ti." lmuling traitnr iuth‘srrliel St lt's,flijlil “little rt'lltl'ltlnl‘c as llh' must llidlllnl- .Ajnttlilitinisl in the (land; “0 4‘.|l||,lkll, it\re \\uului, shut. nut eyes to the tart tlmt Ilu-rc nro truiturs _uutsitlo (he Coul‘t-(lvmtc Statrs—lt-JAlt-rs ul' sorts and fag-. Lions nn-l part-V tit-s, high in [lUxillUll in the North, “filig deserve lipnhlic rucr -tiun nml cmulign pnuishmutit ~ns tic-lily}: lhuis ur ”(gun-gum, or Toomhs ur \Vigtull, or an, other leading traitur in lllt; ur lnici orlcnuttscls of the Suuth. 11. is nn im— pngsmn'thnt we czniunt get rid ofthnt lhp tiuu- I'orjmiiic'mg Quilters with mwmctl l'nion‘ rc\i 'lfi-rl. aurh mt fiunlln-r‘nnd \\':ide§nnd LON-joy null Sti‘wus, (lreecl; fun! li'urncyy ntnl (Lirrison mnl Phillips, [ms :xlr‘cmly p:-ssc-l. or is rapidly passing} “way, and that the thy is lll)l'(il:l:\lll \"hl‘"; thqso fwstileut promoter; of rebellion ngnimlflm Uonstitutinn, these h‘nky 'thigulnrs of mutiny initlie~ nruiy uml nny, \ull ‘be brought m n. A sudnlt‘n summ try “PENN"..— l‘uhlicV feeling is rapidly ripening tn tin: point. anil giilessl we gn-atly mistake the sign: .0! the xiuiea. the Administration will shun bu loudly t'nllqd npou’l-y a. voice mun-significant llmn‘thnt {lf mort‘ party, to runsign'thgso ml-n, ill'ung with lllu-ir'b‘uuthorn (‘n-lulnurcrs, tn the “all: of Part _\\'xm‘on mul l.:|l‘:t)ctt¢, tlwre to await (In;~ righteous judgment. ot’ the law- oi lhrir country. i ' j “J i:m [Q'Thr Chicago I‘gst of (he filly ullqinkos NeW'l-anhuul tn Luk in the following manger: Th} silly lnlk 3f the New England m-Inlflhc- tunin. lh It the ngrivulluml int-weer: [mid but a sum}! portion 0! the tax. was 'ulmunhy of r the Senutc. The fact is. this war l..us luwnm gmhond‘m the:. people of New England. "ro tecled'by nu outrage-nus unrifl' from nll fqrtjgn cnmpi tflionfielu-y lu‘n'e had an I'il'll.ll'll\'(‘!l SiliCQ the war o‘omrconced. Thu-(- is not 11 manufac— turing company in New England tlmt will not tuliu from Into 2" per cent. on Us camtul flock furuthe year ending the firsv. of June.— This is not co'ufimyi to nny hrun'fih of industry, but includes all branches 0! innnufm~tures.- in the. sale of ‘cutlo’n liihri'es they now have a monopoly, and for twenty yohrs more has not. bun such an amount of irork 415' hns been ’done during‘ the yeujust clmwlu .'l‘he zldmntagas reaped by New England from the mu: are not. confined to (homers-profits in dollars and cents "man the nut. supplies it. hag sold, but It hm enjoyed thé more tJmn iequ l nJvantnges of having had full employment. in its fnc‘tories in? ill its population. New Englnud with her the mriel closed, and New: Englond with lfer fac toxic: nptn, even if not. making profits, nro very difl‘erent., .It is hard to impeach 41m 103'. ally or patriotism 01' any people: _hutJudgu ing of the present. by the past, if this war haul 'lmd thé‘éfl‘eet of closing all the~fiwtoriea yd «tanning all the mills in New England,t ore would come up may lrom that. section in favor of -- cc. “‘ Gil. Hmu-n's Nlano Bmmnz.—Thb-rumor Jun: Port Royal by the uni“! at New York in 1' that. Gen. Hunter ordcrgd his newly organized ncgro brigndo to Joules Island, to join the an. ink mm; b. that. acnml oflicers iefusod to go there in coinptny with negroes, and that therefore the projecf of tending the negroda ‘ VII lbtndoned. .5 Two aurgponi's‘came o'n board “I! Ericgson, 39m. home by Gen. Hume; for re: fmiig to. Imus brigade surgeons to the negro regiments. _ ‘l __ Tn Loss 37 malt": Room—The lass hy 3h. gem ao‘od injhe‘L-chigh "Hem. astigm led It. fir}! million dollars. The Philadel ‘ . ’ \’ f . gmuitfir publishes up elahomw report ‘7l-‘- dimlers, which says thnt. about-one hundred persons were drowned by the sudden unof- ghe wnten. At. lunch Chuhk, inert wu ‘ high 109 k which guve nwny,,engu§fing 9. Inge number ofbom on which at leuMifiy par were “sleeping, I" of whom perished... Aim: point the wnter was twenty-sewn ,fcev. ‘héllhgfieiniiix rm higher am an greatflood .o _ (Sun at Wu n! Bum—At. I. unit-men! of Ibo!“ I. thousand men, women And children, thinflnilel north of Salt. Lake city. I luvlesa has! fanned. Some time since, havin} osm mim Vim“ depreduions in the surrounding country they were, on the Hill nlt. confront ed with I force of 250 G. s. intnnu-y and unit lery. A fight took pl-c'e, in which' 174 were aka primer: find the leader of the outlaw! 111 killed- Several soldiers were lulled. : HIGHLY myonum'! Wmndme between the Omar) Q] (In: Loyal Sta!“ rind (la Ifrm'tlmx. 800,000 More Troops Ballad Out.d WAsumomx. July L—Tho following ror rmpomlnnco between the Prpsidcnt and the Governors of sow/oral States—dihtninod attho “'3l- dophrtmon’t‘twtny—‘will ”(plain ibu‘ll". 7 'Tn Ute President of the Unfit-d Slates—Sir.- The undersigned. Governors ofStatcs of the Union. imprcatwl wit}? the belief that the citizens ofvthe States which they rcsnective- I? repro‘went are of one accord in the hearty ( eairo that the recent "recesses of the Fade ml arms may be followed up by manure: which mint ensure the speedy restoration of the Union : and believing that. in view of the present state of the impdrtant military. movemnntq now in progress. 'and the redde od condition of our cgfl'octivb forces in t_he I field rmulting from the ueuol and unavoid nhlo ”intuition of the senior-J that the time ‘ has arrived for prompt and vigorous meas ures to he ndopted hylthe people in support 1 ol the. great inlormts committml 'to your Irina-co, we ro<poctfully roqn’tifiFif it meets ‘ with your ontire npproval—thnt you at once call upon the sevmll States for such ‘numfiér of mm as may he required to“ fill up all the nyilitary organizations now in the field, nndxl to mid to the/armies llf‘rPthfll‘C organized such mrlilionnl nnmhor of ny-n as muy, in 1 your ji tlgmnnt, be nor-mmry to garrison ‘ and hold tmséssion of tho rfiirncrous mili tary [motions that have hoot: capturdd by ' ou'r nrmim, and to spobdilyicruyh out the ‘ rvhcllion Umt PXlflt-‘l in “Hevo‘mx‘l of the Scull: l horn Bmm, thus practically r etoring to tho! 'civilized world our great am good govern- 3 ’ mont. ' . ‘ ' ' We all ‘bencye um u. ‘dEcisivo mm, ment is anr at lmnil. and to" 'that end the ! poop of the Union] statos are desirous to' aid = ‘mptly in furnishing "all roinforco moms that you may deem needful to sus tain our government. _ [ ,Isrpnl szhurue. J.r.. Governor nanino; . IN. S. Barry, Governor of Now Hampshire; ' Freilorirk llolhrook, Governor Ql'Vormont; Wrn. A.’Buokinglmm.Gnvm-norofConnpoti ‘ out: E. 1). Morgnn. Governor of New York; ‘ Charla: S. ()lllon, Governor of New Ji-rsoy; ‘ A. G: Curtin, (low-monol' Pennsylvania; ‘ A. W, Ilrmllnul. (jovornor Eof Maryland; 1 ’F. H. I‘m-pout, (lovernor of Virginia: ousJ ‘ tin Blair, Hurt-r)“ng Miulijgiui; J. I’..'l‘uni ylo. I'rr-sinlt-nt nilitmy lldnrd-pl’Kcntucky; ‘ Anglrmv Julmmrif Governor of Tennessee; ‘ 11. 11. (humble, Governor of Mismuri : 0. I‘. 3 Mortpnéflovomr‘r ot‘lndinnn‘: David Todd. (iovohiwol‘nhio; Alox'r Munro-y. (love;- ‘lma'lo' Minor-solo: ltichmd \“ntc-leovernoM 'nf “lull-ls; Edward Solomon, Governor of ' Wi~cousiu. :' i _ . atom or 1m: mummy-r. x Executive Alana-ion, li'lelr‘n/rron, July I, 1862: ..Ju yI, ..nz. _ Gontlpmom—Fully mnvux‘rhrg in the wig dam of Hm views oxprmwd‘ («7 me in :0 putrinlir u mfimwrhy ynu infllmgommuni ('zlli vn nf‘thofl‘ t'l clay omew, l have (In-id ml tn mill HMO fivrvit‘o an :lllllilinnul flirm-of Huron humlrml - llmusnncl (.'HMJKM) Jn‘on.—. I stigma-q :url runnumnn-l that, tho troops thuhl he principally nl'iul‘aullry. Thu qun mn] your State would he —‘—-. I u uqt that Hu-v may‘ be enrolled without (ll'l:l_\'. so as (n l-rill: this umwm-wnry :mtl Xinjlu'ir nu'~'. civil “\Jo a specdyaml satiafiL‘ctury (‘mmhninn‘ ~ ‘ ' j An (mic-r fixin'u flmquntnlof the soveml States will he is>uctl by the War Dopam mcnt tu-murrow. - . . . Annnlut VLINPOLV, I‘rosidml oi the UnitcdSLuws £63"de has suddenly rise!) in mluv 10in pN-mimu of sln'n‘d 9 per con . It is Said lo [3&- rnpidly going out oflhv can try. ' ‘ ' Special Notices. «,—- --.-. ." . Purify tflo Blood—Ni! a ‘few of the woundimrders th.lt :Illlirt munkin-l urine from the corruption 'hzit nmnmulutcs in the Moo-‘l. (it all lhc discoveries that hove been mgnlé to purge il‘out. none have been fnund \\‘lli\‘ll could equal in I-ll‘ect.A\r.u's ('mn'umn lixrnm‘r or Sunni-Ann“. lL ell-:lnsl‘s and renomles the Mood, imlils the vigor of healtlfiutn the sys lc-mamd purges out the lnnnu‘rs \\ Hill: make Illfl‘flSC. lt stimulates LYL“ heiilthfi' functions ul'tlle hmly :ui-l expels thc’dimlllers that grow mul runhle- in the blood. ha extraordinary Virtues are not yet widely knu‘wn, hut when lhe_\"nrc it will no longer he :I.‘ queAt‘ion what; remedy to employ in the great \‘uriely of nlllict ling «liq-:m-s th.\t require no ullqmlivu remul}. bush a remedy, that couldhd'rl-lie-l, on, has Inn-,1 lnen sought for. an} noll', for 'the first hum the public hove one on n’hich they can depend. Uur sluee here does nor. mhnit cer '.llie:u.es in show its elfrcts. But the 1:le of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing? unythinj: they hiwe ovi-r Like". 'Sqll‘erers from Serofulu.’ Serul‘olmls Su'u-Ilixlfls :In-l Sores, tr) it null'see tlu- mpidi l_\‘ mil. \\'hirh it cures. Skin IJEBn-.l.~'L‘s,:l‘imph-:1, l'uslull-s, Blob-hes, Eruptions; $20., are soon cleaned out of the system. ' . St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erwipelas, Tlél ‘ter or Salt Rheum, bivuld lle.i._4l.¢lliogwm m: Mi, should [nut he home while tlney.c:ln be so :pow‘ily ('urc-l hy Arm‘s SAIL AI'UHLLAK ' ' ~ 5) philifiur Venereul Ifiseaselik expelled lt-om the system by the prul nged use ot‘lhis Snrsn parilln,‘ and the patieug is left 3x3 healthy as ll' he llu-l never lmd thu disease. Female Dismsn-s urs- mum-51 by, Scrnfulp in the Mood, and are grm‘mlly soon curvd by this Extrm-L of'Szlrsa mrilln. ‘ Price $1 ‘pcr bottle, or 6 hutllcs forgfi. i l For all the purposes ut'n. fiumily physio, tnlio Ayt-r's Calh‘urlic l‘ills, which nre ewryuhere Knlwin to ho l‘lle bcsy. purgnlir'c that. is oll‘rrctl to the Amc-riunu People, l‘ric‘p, 25 cents per Box, or 51mm for SI. 3 ' Wl‘rcpm‘cl by Dr. J. (‘.IAYER S: (70., Lowell. Mass. Puma 25 Cus'rs P 151: 150x5 l-‘n'x llnx as mu 3!. ' WSol‘l by A. D. Bunnun,nnd dealers «:{crywhcm ' [Jlian 9, '62. 2m lIEILTH AND PURE BLOOD ARE IN- Sl‘ll’AßAltl.E.—llocolhtt that 11l _ sick‘noss arises from impurily (it. the [)an3: and that Junlson's .\lminmin llerl: Pills}will so surely find out mu] cleanse these impurities from the system, that disease cpmnu‘t exist. So simple and innocent are the herbs and plants thnt eoinposeathem, that it, is not ne'c‘oss try to have them sugar coated in order that the stomach can hear them. In most macs} Pills are sugar Waited in_-cause the nlaturiigls ofi whiph they Me i I'nmle My 30 KIiPIPK and malls: 'nnt, that other ; who a delicate stomach ecu 131 m hear them. These l’illa deal with dlscnse Fts his, and _wil ‘ not only cure by ren oving thoma'nse, but wil build up and restore lhe braked constitution.— There are many who have so trifled with their .constitntions that they think medicine cannot help them; let. not ni’en these despair; incre dulity and scepticism is overthrown by a huts! of testimony which is truly irresistible“ At first the virtues ascribed to tho MOUNTAIN 41881). PILLS were dgemed iii-Ibnlons. The pnblicklmd been so often 'dedcit’ed that they could not believe the simple truths advanced Iby their discoverer. Yet {new undeniable, nt tested by witnesses of the highest ehaméter ‘ and respectability, have proved, and are prov. ing ‘cncll day, the virtues of this .“ mighty healer." They mark by thnir miraculous elli eney and power it new era in medicine. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. [[J line 30. lg) , firSnmns & llnzunnn'a 3'4"“ i 311.“ wor— thy a visitjnst at thfis time. We doum. wake-(her, even in our largest cities, so {inc 3 digpmy or Sim‘cs can be _found._ Their large main is' Tull of Suwea of every pauern; ulso. evéry va riety '0! Hollow Ware, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin Wnre, Planished Ware, Japan Wure—embmd ing, indefimrerytbing in the house furnishing line. dose, Sausage Cutters, Sausage Suifl'crg, Lard Pulses, la, _tc. They are prepay“ to sell wholegnlc ind man, Tin Ware and Sheet iron Warn: of mcir own manufncturc-kegping I sulficien. nimber of hands to supply any dc mnnd. Their assortment of Lumber is very urge; Also Coal ofcvery kind. ‘ » $25!) EDIPLOYMENT! . {s7s! AGENTS WANTED l—We will ply from $1.35- Io $75 per month, and all expenses. topctire Agents, 0: give a. communion. Panicnlnu sent flee. Address‘X-Inu Sumac "Ac-mu Chum", E. JAgKS, Gemini] Agent, Milan, Ohio ' [Sch 2, 1351. 1y - UNION m 01' THE SOUTH. , “gives great [in pie-sure to lay béfore our rcéderi thg follofiing leuor. written by Gen. Cabin“, an nbie Kentucky Inwycr, and I Ufiionm in the Edark .days of our_country my the battle of mm M .when he joined the army and belied his co: months volunteers. lle " or m. Logisxazuug om. s: Scoossionists utte‘lnpted‘ .1 out of the Union, he bat! thnir lréitorom slam-mes. : ing from n Uniop man of ties it to some cofisidomiti -} honest men oh.“ flux-tics; if they can take the time thing but. {fie negro, shoul over it: 5 1 I Jun m, Ky.. ' Mb. 1862. DEAR SIB—J i ' '3‘ * * * This horrid’war wbnid soonieml if tho North orn people understood 'lfi'l’cl' the state of nfl'aifs in the So th. Norman looks with mnre. horror on tho! “Norfpantbnnoss nml wickodnmsof the rebellion than I do, yet I confess that I nmEOl‘lon dlishusted, ifnnt en raged. at tifi follj pml madness of the nig gar worshipping aim-s in amt outnf Congrt-ss. 'l‘hny, nmr-m: other gluingw equally erron éons, think that every slaw-holder is arubel, ’ziml dust. the roixiilinn is this effect nfsinven ry. It i: the work of wickml anal ambitions poiilicinnq, using} the non-.mucmm-n and igmornnt poor wiritoa, gs their tmls. I as; sure you that tho shnvvhnltlt-rs of Kentucky nrufthe . L’nlon main and lhe'non-a/rmclmUcrs‘ an the iehvls. fill: may soém strange in, , his may sou... ..';r' u._, . , mv-wv 60 isnlnml. I‘ will give vnu a . dt'lSlgllCd lms lmost c fimt‘ l Imm» pr‘rmymlly, . Firstly ”k for, except. 1"! G 0 hard, there art} about twenty ‘"8 has all the “no; fi ‘ notionc ol' whonL is .1 sl:tv¢>—l".sc M new a My: .m "1 half l‘thom nortln'om men by ‘ 50",?” (‘a“".‘l°t«s"’lov ‘ lolitltnr-n and slaw-holders are I;”‘3’ “PM” (.om’hs, ““1 . ‘ Auain Inst ‘Tvmr I was (rivet-_ggfihuze" too-numyrou rhlaluro from;tllis county.-—-‘Reg]i'hmpipalafisznm’; tpllocincts i’n' lfl'is “9"“th six ‘ style of Palm LL-ut' Fwn hoayy slnvolmltliqg cnmmnni-f omm, Lml‘ies' and “3433 4 wlnqh l rmivgnl large nxnjqri-; "ammuvs Household _ A wo rvlmrcnhorc are but l¢_\wl ing 50;”, ovu- dismw-re ,ntqn two _to our, aTtor raven"! [he yt-llllint‘, hought d' of n arly ovmy Slflvt‘lloltlt‘l‘ in ’ turér, 10 rents pt'!‘ Ih. clan i'ilh our non slnvuhnl-lors, free bf charge and try i . ’th‘nt the abolitionisls want to) Uéntlrmcn, the un 03 am] _mulge llmm their rr/nuls, everything in ynur line .2: it), lloracc Grcolry has (Ll-“class Vnriz-ty Store.‘ ml lwlioved tlmt the non-slnvo-l For the “HINTS he the hitter finbmie‘s of thcinzti- )lanurc, Shovels “ll 1 ml fthnt thhir hutrml of flu ‘ “"“‘"}’sv nml 5‘ 6"": 1 fix} Elmo intense than that of ““1 L“|““!"’v of “n k'"‘ ‘ (lom‘t Agninfl‘hisiaonc of “ref?” m“ 1‘” T‘s" ‘" ‘ Intlc’s in tly- Spars—having 7,- 1‘1”“): cull. HAI. lnc2e nt‘ Wt? are rstmng‘ Union. Out-i 0' “m”! “gm“°l'l’°‘ r, hilly onuntnyrwith a larger nl Oftl)‘ 1,000 «4ano3. It is ton A d so it flnrks ovm' the wn t th‘rnlmllinn vrllx‘hml, nro tit, l wulnlt tlu-so North .giw I nlm tn~ lxvlt‘rrtantl that nrll lC‘ll‘ own lfitximws and htnl) ugi .rllun. 'l'hs-y. in End, m-e htn 111-. by giving our lm-l then it, : ml thus rtlhluling tln-m to mnxjg the lgmh'nnt mul‘ impul hn u: when the .«nmkq of tho the pmplo nllthc Nm‘thm‘ill h 0 our tl‘nullln-s arose from ':m m: tlu-n \Dlvvu, and that o w' h I“ mullnrvnlivo mon _in lmlivinnism :filil sun‘ssinniim m grave of infamy. Truly; I ‘ ‘JI 11. Commas. ___...“ _+M_..__A 1. Swim. u'¢/.-.:—'rxm Now York at (.‘.-15'. Smltlms rhiw'wml in rhc ll'hlll of his will: at “mm, M. leN. Sdntt (fnnfiolfly Mbs {lnd .in her last illnexs‘ Ly 'son-inAhu‘v. Her Ing was ' mu. qr (.‘.J I‘m! states 11 ! telligonoo of | on the 10;]! ; Mayo) was a hondnughtw ten 41 and: 72 years E Hl'RG—Snr‘lu-n’ mar. {44 {-0 m .1 7r. ‘ M2r6 [EM “yewFlonr...... While \\'houl. i;t'(L\vllC.tt..... (‘ou' ..........., llych‘..~-.......1.u Ours ..........1..: Blfl'k“ hmt ... (Ilovchm d 1... 'l‘immny S+J Flux 80041.}... Plan-r of I‘m- Elnslcr grm'Lm lbw ...1....' i..............4’ .. .L.... ..,5... ... '.....‘ l in...“ , 1n ‘r hn-z....’..i...... 1 00 ‘ 1“"“1‘_“.'v |.\li|l‘.la—-—l-uw[.u' ”.41. i......... ”"T'" 5‘ 1240 5 2:. ............,.J...., l [os:o] 5:. Lu” 6:: m 7;: g........... no 10 60 L............. J..... 37 In 410 I.‘ r- m) m 5 25 .'d 2 3m in ‘2 25 ind.......“....-‘... a 5n To 9 00 my... 4 25 u 5 no 1a....” In) lnls an 4"... 30 on :H ' 60 00 Floor ISM Harman”... ..I 0:“! "..-...4'. .I (‘laror Sm-J...1 Timothy 59de RL-t-I(fx|ttlv,p¢| Hogs, per hun| unyt.......'. ....l Whixkoy u-r InnuuLN. . A A. N .A Guano, Pt-ruv L—‘l‘uuusxrav maxi: ‘ 5..... .... .1.-... , 4 .75 ..............L..... {I [.O . v H:\_N‘ Hour, from w Do. (nun s Whom. ......w ‘ 1 00on 1:. -...........?..... V ‘ 59 II) c......... ..... Curfi....‘........ (bat 5............. Uluwr Stu-. 1.. Timn‘lhy Semi 1‘1:\5(0r....:.... .1%Li2.1E3:7. omia of F. N. 3V. anori in PO - o tho Isl. of‘sJuly, Ly lhn Rev. ”.33”. “114.1,“! u-Kns, or “pringq, to “if“ LYDIA JANE uglhxr affix-“Jog. Wicrumn, of ’ nl{.. in Philadelphia, by Rev. ‘ (E [ABLE-3‘ 11. COMFORT, of Us ‘K.\TEUAI{L:\OH,of Phila- M the resiq‘ tor-stung. Y. Q! James F. I'u i Mount Holly wmmu 93,41. York Springs. 0n the :01 Dr. 'Sicss, M 1!: place, to delphia. ' uiiccs cxcc‘cding six lines momma Wm hereafter . lhmgml at lmlf our usual ndi Ir all over that. numbct of vertising ngtc' iioes : ''liA ‘ 1311-21). * infinshifv, on the 2d inst", Mrs. R MAN. wife ofJnlm Hartman, gllor of Wm. n'ml Sarah Settle, moixlh and 29 days. ' ‘ ML, in MPnallcn town ship, KILLS, Jr., aged 66 years 9 «bub. ‘ ! Vet ,'.\'I'.C"PJSTIANBUCHER, ‘1" p, aged 82 yen: 7 months i In Franklin MARY ANN ll of S.,t\nd um Aged 24‘years On die 27!. SAMUEL HA ‘mnnlhs and 10 on§ntnrdny of Franklin lu‘, and 2'l days. Communicated. résidenco, in (‘.nfroll's Tran-t, r a} shot). “my, .\lr‘ 'ruuxus ~ in the 381!) your nfhig ugc. nh‘ :, than hzuh kft us, 1+ wt- «Trell'y fl‘d, . nlf nu. hmbherefl 113+— " 41m sgrrow's heal. * Dio'd‘, is! M Junn 15th, Mt A. MARSHAL ‘ Dearest. b "are on But Ms (: He can °tide. Ellh's ESTATE—Letters ‘» lion, dc bonis nnn cum BRA'UA“ A or“ mlmil teawmenm an hum menu lnl coumy, deems undersigned, “I hereby gives n said estate to ‘ those hnvmg cl then pmpfirly ‘ A .on the aunt» of Ahm vf Union township, Adams wring been [named to the ng in the same township, he i to all pun-sons indebted to ‘ e immediate payment, and 1: against the name to present wonticntcdfior settlement. I MUS LEFEVER, Adm. July 7, 13552 Lt Sheép. The subgriber, residingh iaunt. township. offer: the -vq weave” of TWO EWES ‘ which eifl'her strayed away- Ann-day, the 2lsl-of June.— will be paid {or their return may lead to tlufi rec-«very. ] 11mm (mums. $9 REWARD; ‘ .4 Mount lg above rewald gn 3nd TWO LAMB g or were stalen 9n : ,The above rewm 0|" infomntionlt ‘- u 1 fun; 7, 15221 I I - To Bndga B ' . EALED prpposals I‘wiil ‘ 1 office of tho Coinmiss county, until Friday, 1114’ 2343 1 building a WOUDEN iBRID wnga creekJ nL Bear’; {0 T lending from Pctcrshultg to: ‘ Bridge is In he built. it her i'l l‘ixtcngi’ two spans, h 9" pit-r. The stone 1m e mi: free of charge near th ‘Bl'ill_ to Ive constructed of the hcs‘ firms and Bécchficnta run he s by parsomj wish (la-no! letting, or by npplicfi torflflerk to C-omlnissibnerst . Muss u. i ‘ WM: Bi (:A‘l 129211151131 , ‘ (‘omniisfiiontrs of Anon—J. .\i. \\'ALTKB, 'luk JunoJO, IRG‘I. 1d 1 1 {mm in the three as also a member {A o, and when the carry Kentucky ed nobly ~ngninzit This letter, com this sfqmp, en£i~ In at the hands of he Repu'blimna, to consider my think seriously Schol $5 ABATEMRNT.—An! n k I’El:CE.\'T.»w§JI c all‘ and Buildmg Taxes in 305:4: School District for t q cu may he paid to the Col qcm or to the Treasurer, D HR. at before the first day 9! 80$ ' . ‘By order of ' ‘ . T. D. Q Amst—D. A. Barium,‘ Sec‘ June 30, mag. ‘3t ' The Rebel I T RM‘".\(U.\‘D.—G {NE ANKARA-THEE . 11d —'l‘hc undersigned ml 5 u: people of Gettysburg and .1 \u-ll selector! Bun-k nf oudq lulluwing named "nit-lo in [9 To the Ladicéz' Yox will} June 30, 1862 r n nnvmmtlxmn' r siqn'wl hzu Eqsvnl Ml kinds:l at nholesuic i< it-HillL: wry meal: fl amine t!nb_|n‘nnd unfliogl June 3|), 1862.5 ‘ I t • .‘‘ l u ’ Rallroad athu 110 Sale. N plum mac ol‘nmhfriuv riven by an Act of . I the lwgiglmura of- 1110 lhunnmnwt'nllh .ul"l ‘ l'vnmflmnin, the :suhfcrih r, 'l‘ruugt‘e lnr the! lluunlnulllrrn of Mid ‘lnlllpslmvnl Ruilrund l‘innmnr,"\\'illofi'urntPubllirflllv,li£('rnuw'§ lhflloml llulvl. in Lin (lilowu. .\.laxhs g-uupt)" UN Tl]l'l'»sl)AY, TL“: ' BTH WAY UHAUCH'ST' M; 'l‘. l _ l = , . Ilhe LITTIESTQWN ll.\ll.ll|“l.\h, frnm it: S‘lltfivl “q . f, :FInI-linn will: Hut-Minn Imml lh'fnu'h milrnu-l." L 11E‘\\|FKI;KFRPIIIFF’1L§ ( in llunnH-r,’ York qmuly. fin iH h: minus, in , 1' v ‘ .'. .‘. _‘ "l ' Lilllwltfnn, .\tlann‘a ‘n'lnlv, inch-ling lhl- ' .1: thK'Uh-‘é‘i j Hugh! ul \\'ny llu-xul'nr lhu Ro-ul BIL] 1111-rm’l',‘ _ L'LU‘J.“C}" , , ,\ Ilnc Sllpvrsnurlurg-‘nl 11l softs llu-ru n,,1g1l lilt- }" ,' , ’llilhllfl.‘ Lmul mul Gruun-ls ..'-«m «to lmith “ltd l‘nélunp- A” ”10”“! “It“ lho 9""?“‘“d9""f‘l “'l in}: to will lluilrenll ( mnplnv, hmfiit. n! ”’l‘ Lluvluu'u‘lvush [urn-es. “M“: l" I“ mm 'SthH‘l. 'nn whim ',lw .10 "lake :my mum m-wsleu-fr llourH I”, l“ llrick‘l ENGINE mmh-lc-nl [_hil‘! n cull lu” 5:13313‘n11‘il ““‘hir n‘l‘fxr ”lu- mulmé'. 9. good»! nru J'u.~| ulml “t! rvl'on m-uul l”? llUl'f‘H " Pnime v|,'\s_.'——\wll‘ mudo' of gum! mum 11, ‘nm‘m TURN ',l'.\Bl.{H—-,lhe IN. Plum the sum; qualily fill. gum w rill] l , Turlnpik'n- ":31! ('\‘loml- In .'hlmns cullmy. 'l‘llls mum l‘pnll n “..‘. HF (ERU‘UND inf] “Ell gu-Irnnloo to all [\\lw Illa}: hyvurqn ‘xwliélc‘ wlrvcl. runnin— ‘lln-Ir.|~=llrmmgv,(q|lire Sillishl mm; H ‘l'- ulxull LOT ”4,. .\\llllll- Ity.l|l.:u.l-l put-'O. EQB. 'l‘l Yl‘\l I'4.):muminiug linen-e, [,fl'rflfqlls'fzfi ._.J. “..'”-Jkr , L :mlulimldxuushi I, York 4 ' I , .9’» pulflic rdud lrulm [lam-l V " NOW 900 ") {UL { tongtlu-r‘nllh all mud qpnn" (lUODSE—IJ'IHIC “”10"?“ (‘rllt'F,‘lrillll'lllsvs‘, pr’hi- l l u l . 1‘ “I's ”51‘ Ck “3"?” Id umulrtonnnrvs wh: tnl’ """‘J“f‘ "‘“NVM ““d 1'” “"{3’ ‘I‘IPN‘NK‘V w sulill Udmymuv: A" and chmt-nngsorllnent f swam: (Tull? uckvl'urs, l'stH‘rnwé which “my invite lllP‘ tu'nlion (If I 9 pl m] i,1'.'.1...m.mq “3“] in ”Ming by?“ pun-lmsol “infirm-o n!‘ ‘rw " and belonging to the llama-4, \u- are rrop'urm unripe nfllr‘f‘lhl ‘ I‘lmr‘gnins. (bur-Vsuwk lm - lmmllnrui‘h ilyn'i by HIV fllhlilinn (If :1 clu in‘ \‘uilh-ly “mm- Flylvs of LADIES lbl‘l‘Zsfl (fimrhs; mnllcriul lur MENS‘ \\‘H.\lt, lHlll’l-INIML QUfil-INS \\'AJU'). M11.1.1;.V l-lIIY (: lUIISI} An. q-l.q||>y;i~ing n cum-Irk- gxssorllucn of “fr" Illui‘llm‘uiunlly‘ \\'unlml. (‘.ull curl} :\ ll mgr: lml’ghmljv l'ur yours-431's. - ‘ Efillxli jwqxuzlm's. . April 7, 1861 l _ =l : . E L‘ “1K“. 2 ‘l'; j: ,*l ' t CO , 6314?. ; ims. Hamil .ll urn, . mm {a uivs‘ I's, “ml“n 0F vGRUUSD, in LLil DEX'UT is orocuwi.‘ lh)!’SH‘\\ilh :I “’0” n lurfio “rick Fltmnl‘l'r srzxulil: mama“, 1..." fronting: 15071.0( mi Lh ing hack 5w Icm :—. llauufi-r“, framing! on ing _H sullmn- prrl llrs: LAN“. (turmcrly ,Ihmli umrn- nr lusgin \\'ufil .\ L-nuuly. sillmlu on “10 our to \\'vslmiyfsm-r, singular the riglrt=, lil Icgm, inlprovonu-nts 11 some; lu-lunginu h) L Swill-hpfi, ”and Cpl-s, 'I In". and minor mu‘ls l the repair of said on muu- wherever nit-" Le. Tfr.M•r... ENE l N) to] w 4151.01 m k 111' 4 l 2 +.‘.....l 75‘10 2 00 T...” l 10 ....... 7 00 ”“5"!“ lo cumin]!- nflcrlloothx>f s;ui.l_dhy. terms nmdc Lnon‘n‘by j l Jfl In!“ Littlcslown, Ju'nc l 4 Sealed- ILL lm reu-irm V; (“five of IP. jA. up In llu- ht of July and l'AlN'l‘lNH llm m h-r. For ['u 'tht-r? infu‘ ing Committ’ce. ‘ . June 23,1862: Ml Mercantile h‘axes.’ . HE Rmullors of [-‘droigh Slrruhnndizo, ‘2‘": T “ill tnko nmi e,; “m? ll” clu-ir Int-eases niust 1m lined but”?! l 6 Is} at Jnl'y. «in that due the time R fpn ins: ,lhc nbm‘n Tux ex pires, and the (‘n' my rmpu‘cr la enligcd h, luw to enter suit Hmmetdintdly. ‘ . ’ x _ n; n. BANNER, ' ' ‘ Co; Treasurer. 4'15 :75 :35 June 23 1862. 3‘3: Sa 0 qrrying. A W. FLEVMINH continum the business . orsnm: (inn (hnjnd solicits Hm con tinue-l [intrnnagefil mg public. It is his con stant endl-avnr t 6 give snflsfaction.‘ Charges moderate, lkcsidclpceiin rmk‘unriulgo street, Gvuysluurg, ‘- ‘ ; 1 [June 10, .1862. _‘ 4., -, 1 , 7.- - Gettysburg Ma blo Yum EALS & BRO“ h HA ‘l‘ YORK STREET. M C‘HTTYSUURUII'AJ—Whu‘» llwy are prepared to fund-ch nl‘ kin‘ls of work]in Ilmir line, such as MdNI'MJiNTJfi. 'rmlnsnmm- STONES, MAN'I‘LES,‘I&(‘:, . L the shortest nn lien, and as cheap as 12in: culenpcst. um; us n culL » - L t , ' Wl‘mducn lake‘n iln othnng'e for work. _‘gvzfimrivycmeggg _ IBR nttentind‘jnf t 0 ha in: is rvspvflfillly 1 invitedtonlnme nd sink-ml“ nsnurhnt-nt ol‘ Lmlies’ fine Kid‘. nm Nth-(mm. IKNl'l‘S'nnd SLlPl’ERS—Lnsting mm, (cc-.'. Am, :1: . April 21. ‘ A ilk. y. MLmsNY's. )EI‘SU‘NS in damn. Tn din-.'.}; imd fiullinn- I able HAT or (IA m be atmmmmlntcd by calling at i J. R, ‘. McllMl-ZNY'S. Ins-Lune mum—dag; Thir'y-houL- mm F Alarm Clocks, chemp nil mommy's. w—r~—v"—** -4 ~- » r ~—— » 7- 7+~ ADIES' DRESS 'llle PIGS, in gre‘m m. L may, at g ‘ i . ‘ sums-ts. , .\‘GLISH DAIRY :HE '53,: my 6mm -4 mp», now lobe by; at." n. G. mums. HEPHERD maids, Sprfing De Lain”. Am, jun open‘ed it ‘ ‘1 A. SCOTT & SUN‘S. STATIGNERY,.ISE a! kinhsfit Dr. R. mm. b NER'S New Hamil; ngg and Prescripdon 'tore. , , ’ ~ ’ GLYUERINK mid ,CAMPHQR. 'SUAP, tor preventing md (firing:l the hit’es ol' Hui quitocu and other insebts. ‘ DRUR. 1w mums Drug sum. MRS. wmsib‘iifidfifiifiésflmifi} ' children, it. Dr. [M 1103-5883:! Drug = EW SPRING GOODSaé—jnst agent! it. the New Store at 4 ill. 8'? HOUSE. ‘ HESS TRIMMINGS, ini grenfimrlnty. It \ g f g ~ scmcx's. NUALZOILm i i ' a V W ‘ = D” J‘ ’lan .R'S Drug Stare : lders. !e received at the loners nfrAdmnn m 1 ofJuly mu, for I E across Coho. ng, on the road bbolumwn. The I style of"anrfl ’ {cot long, with ‘ ronty can be In?! _r. The Bridge is liliwr White Pine. us for the Bridge ng to bid, on .thc ibn to J. N. Wal- Hardware ._ ND Gnocmmsl— ‘ l ‘ A The subscribe" hum his: rutu ad from the cities with an im ense supply, mum. WAR“ AND GROCEIUES, which hey arc. olfiring at their old sl‘pnd m» llultimqre q'treel, I! prices to suit the times. Our uoc consists in port of ' ‘ f 1 1 umwmo NATERIALS, - 1 ; i . , CARPENTERS roots, n i , BLAcxsmru's'r ons. l dozlcn r 1 muss, SHOE FINDINGS; l 5 » . ~ ,égmmr MAKmn'sm OLB. l ! ‘ HOUSEKEEPERS nanns. ‘ " - ‘ ALL KIND OF ”£o3,:qu ' GRUCERIES Oll‘ AL “310$. ‘ (lily, Paints, Jun. kc. There a no nftioly- in } eluded in the Efljernl dqpsrt enmml'enrionod nbme but‘rwhnt can be had' t this]&o‘re.- Ewry class of Bltchsnlcs can ncfiontmodnu-d here with; mole and findings, nd :H scl‘xeep érs can find pvery article in heinlizé. ‘Give 'us a call, as we are pre‘vparcd sell. , lofir for cash as any other house on! the Cl . ‘ ' _ ‘ ~ . 103 m B.’ Afsl-IR, June 9, 1862. > DAV Z F.‘ LEIL \ Now Spnng manually.- ‘; 1862. MISS McQREA Y- 1 ‘ 1363. , AS just feluruml from lh cit n‘lldismow‘ H droning!“ unushullyl gc ugl heguti fulassu’rtment'of | l l ‘ BUNNETS and L . 3 9‘ l > , BONNET 'PRIMMIXGS} of the latent stylrs. Also,‘ DRESS nmfms, and ,Ilress Trimmings, filmwls, Hamill“,l and Fun; Gouda of ov'ory description, all pf“ hirll having been ilurclmsod for cash, will he 305 d M. pricu tn suil he limes. . ‘ l - filling M. is'now prepared to hlAnchiand do up BUNNE 3 ln the best mum-y, and at.) reusmmblc pri 'l‘S. ‘, . 'AnsmLL, . mum, YERS, lAdums county vmnnt of FIVE wud on all Schuél for Gt‘ltyshurg «at year, which Jmmus Wauxn, . Fumxsrocx, ou mhor no“. 111:121 ucsox, my: feated ' u. ,\lc('LEl.L.\N‘ I'SING- CHEERS. ’ nucntiun of the ‘l3 vicinity to his ; consisting of the rt: . Him] that fife un ing that youxan nnets and Shoes. which are ngndc e of Perfumériqs’, ckings, Bend Col» ' otht‘r nrticlon in ention, \‘it: [loop ttyle, tor 31‘ and x a piul'e, the lure incse make, Mn 15 ‘pmnck Silk .\litts; he greatest wash mcricn. He bins rmu Ihp manufac ye and get a [neon , April2B,luz. 2n?" . ‘ <' , _ . - _ l - ll .- - . r , ‘ Natlo-al Hotel” LI .ES’I‘OWN, I ‘ [BE . dam Gmmy, . .. ,; "E Ruhsc fiber having .m -n‘ llle uhovc commmll .113 Hold. i; propu'rml an rem-ire nmkcmonain be traveling: public, in‘lhc must nppruvod style “is chum-s \\ ill be lumlcrm and his ant-n 3 on unremitting to all rho may flu'orrhlm'w‘lfl Lheirpntrumlgo. , "is table will at all limes be supplied with the drlirm-ios Jul llw sl-ason, uml his. bu lye furnished with the cluniru-sl‘ liquurs. ‘ , w-ryti u; ‘ in'plf levlir 3,8" [uni ‘. to 1 I we ‘ I rem ‘ 1,. Ch Ms’fin 0.1!), 1 'I I (3." Tlle shining is ngnsivc umHuf'H-Ebésl rlmractvr, nml co-lupolmut uml,ntt¢nlih- hust lt-rs constnnfly in attendant-o. _xpril2l.'c;*. u ‘ M. A Forward: MOl . IIE SIEGE GOING ON. T- ' ,l’lCKleG n l Ilm‘ing removed um hcml Clothing Empnrium fl-om m (‘bnmlpcrsburg street into Bq‘ few doors north of Dumwr 5; plt-n‘surejn‘nu‘nouncingj to my l'mhlic ‘genomlly. (lmfll rup than e'vrr to nyonmmodulo HI thing in my lino. My room l! am-ll lm’fifl'smncjy palm-red. um) I of u splendid fismmm-vll nf I ed? has a‘Tmost I: is Kept in afirst- i‘nrkifor'nfly and For. and Shun-l : on! :of Granoriu-s kl all twhich he \\ ill y pmdm-e. Give Ilss, No. dls Eu: jb Bunk. *7 CARR, Agent. "loes‘ El! 1 "Si? he V i TS.—-—-Tho nude:- 11 l_‘(-rfnnmrivs uf lmlil, all ,which 'hc Islg. (‘ull and ex ('lm‘linus. 3 HA" *(--r m SPRING ANQ SI'WMETI 1952‘) my": LATFST sum; makes it cm} Idicnlly the (‘ iomhlé Clothing ( ‘ of GcliyshurLi In tho Man‘s DprrUH-u‘. mus! ('nmplvlc "Harlin-m. of f rm: «mm: m. TS,‘ ] uusmuss (It M‘s, . VESTS ND PAVT. (of! , ? SPF: EGAN“ .' ”HIE! Olll'i Boys‘ Dcpnrtmn‘nl mn nriu-s 1‘ ,rioty of styles. 135ny mm b“ ' iunnml bowl to fun! wi'h suits “alum?!“ nun-. 1 g-‘UIL'XISLIING'FUU such as. L ‘ oil r I. I ’1: Amt, Ajgenc ~ .I re qt 1 o'clmk in the Altnnduncc gin-n flllll 9BR” L‘JSHHRB. ’ ‘c jug Ilu- ,Vfirkql/u-Irlt r: ““12. is ‘ I ~,~ * ~ I' o osalsd A . ‘ at he Sync nnd Post In; , in_lfl‘ow Uhom—rl yen, for lflmsg'unmu v C] Irch m. NM (Ilu-s -mul‘jmrufiplv [0 Build -I'. A . .\n'lsus. ' .\‘A\ I'm. ..\L\ HO", ‘IJE‘ RY J. MYERS, ’ , Wliuihliugwom. Journal of DAILYJ‘IVE DULY N.\1..U1-‘ (‘umll' muly ('llithm, sinpflc u SLIM} In 3|, 3 '\'t'ur. , men-nay ‘JUI'RNA‘ lnrgt- quarto, rnnminin llmn 'nnymllwr \\'N-klv Iry. binglo (mph-«x1512, SI, 3 yepr. , Slwiqu r-a PRIME, STUNE,‘ I I! 9) Wall tron, Xew June, 16, 56:2. ‘ . Sp taclcs,‘ O'SEI'H ”IVAN; 5i J Spawn-'99, in ilnm hand n. largo nssnrmm Szool Sprout-It‘s, and is’ “s'” [Mar him with n nil ' Fresh Rein] STIEENG'NIENING 'l are constantly Id-lh already lan-go‘Aml fashi-I HATS, IgAl‘s, Img [fore manta llUll ’USITHINqLWVI‘ in]: no supplié‘n to our unable‘slnrk 551'»; g « W 5 A?" surmsf. x ‘nf Spr ng um {Summer Am] pr ‘ \' (‘nnvfiit I?!“ to 51‘s 1] 3 mull‘xCaP-s of I}. thel Itiszsl)ru3, Uur JES, . L I i ‘ 11 um TEPSJN'; km, was nrvqr morn c‘nmpletr. I 441“ , (impugn-men and Children on." he Mmmnvrlnlétl filt'llany thing in this line, as we an-‘ilu‘lh‘r ”Kn- mred now to give Ills and firmer h rgz'lin: _ihnl! ever bnlnro. If ynu want Il‘nrgnilrfi, [mod flu and filshinnflhlv goods. m" ‘3: lb ' sigh of ”)9 BIG 11¢ PUT, in Clmmbcrtbnrg sin-e}. ‘L t 1 J . ‘ ' J"|\l.;"LP,'; ' .h ne 9, 1902. ALux. mishap. . 9-1' ‘ ~-———é—~- ,: ,I—--—~.— ‘ . Howard Assoc; lon, 5 UILAhELI’HIA..—For x was“ or u... P‘b‘ick an-l Distress-«l; an] - ml w (.h Viru lcnl‘sn-l Chronic Din-as", n " onpe in!" for {hp Hum 01 Bissau-9 of tho Sr}: 1 U want! We have every 211 on ‘ llats, which in quality please. ‘Hoy‘s and Mn «very ducription, and 0 stock ’of - N -~’ ,MEDICM. ADVICE given gn‘u il,h3}lhq’Act ing Sum-om. i i “RUMBLE-REPORTS on Spam 10:21am .1" Seminar Weakness, 3nd nun»; Di 2“ of the Sexual Orgnmg, and on the E _ REHE DIES employedgin the Uiaprns’pr aan do the afflicted in sealed letter envy! pas; frfn or charge. Two qr three Stamprfo pbsL-sge will be arcepmble. ~ - ‘s‘ i Address, nu. SKILMN Hammer! .m -ing Surgeon, Howard Aisociation, New? ‘éonlh Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Jupo 16,1862. I] BUIWE’I‘TYS OOCQAINEV .antivchShilligg Uni Frépamlions, To: “I; “.01 Drug Store.‘ ' , 4 . ;_..—.——— . «fi— ....» ‘. ‘n- H AGO, Arrow Ram. Corn Sam-h, Rico-80m ,and Gelatin, for Inle at IDrr NORM-211’s Drug Stan: < . m ‘ ‘ 'l. SGHN’K 1m! i'ust thrived SI lul .nf . lllt‘JPLboking‘HJl3so3' l 1 :1, . NEW 5 9 nFfigt‘nuM' mun“ I'l‘:hr|h ""TSI. l""’ in t ‘ln and {I rluln ,3) u'r: .m; ynlli'. ,' inns} H,\i.i‘.m dilurs uul Pnflnri I'ork fly. 5" .. I i' 'g; ! SQmel‘ .1 In nl"~'llu- ‘W m'hf “Hamlin-I, 1m find [lt 0!? film-l, who}? proparfl‘d m s! 3‘ n 1! (IL. 9 ‘ 3 | old glild and 'rib- N. [l. Cash paid for: June 2, 1862. “ 3001's, » , 8m ‘ Dr. Robert Hefner's 3w runny mum in, : N ‘ PRESCRIPTION s'rmm, ' cuAunnnswso Bffllls‘l', innunune. Having retired 'from (be «him ymptlco of miprofossion, I take plmmr iii unnnuncing to: he citizen! «Gettysburg ad vicinity, that I have opcnad n L‘ NEW DRUG 8 RB, ‘ in he room fompxly occupiu b 1 Bra. R. k C. "Quin. an an olfico, mhero w?" conamuflyl hep on ham] n ln‘rgc lnpply o 311 kinda of FRESH mums“ =. ‘ ‘ MEDICINES, a. i CHEMICALS. - ‘ ‘ ’ . i PERFUME DRY PAINTS, M‘Qd PAINTS ground in "il ' « OILS, exprosuwfi j STATIHN inh, Pens, Poncilb. Paper. (‘0! PATENT Hamill All the popular} Patent 110 1 with a selection ‘Ol pure WIN and WIHSKEY, M; medicinal 1 always on hand. in a wordnn evdrything usually found in ' of this description. . A large supply of fresh Dru wind, and Minor: arr grfivin . fering to the public on very terms. My Mcdicines have all under my,personnlinspwlion from the most rofi Mo (mum‘s. non only rocomnflml than as but ran m-Il’ lhv-m 'henp. N.‘li.——Pilll‘lcfhhx\ n A‘l‘T tho (mum-m of nl3] thmnic di. FA DVl‘Cafi Gll ‘ . :37”, 1862. if _:._.+ ‘ , Dmsolutlo F mn’rNEnsmP.—The-p 0 (More existing hc-twm-n t in the pructire of Medicine, h dissolved. The books 0! the {'i in the possession of Dr. Char will rontinne the pficlicc, women one door AIM/vet Dr. R. Homer. ‘ CHARM" ‘ ROBERT zipril 1,1862. ‘ - ‘ ‘ ' . - w " "' . ‘ ~ Vmegar—Vm x "E undersifinml lms comm: .‘ I'm-lure ofVim-gnr. on \\': n. I‘t-w doors north bf We“. Mi. ”slung. llc has bot-n numufim gar for nemly one gen, nn’i! it] s disfm-lum. Thv 'Huporiorih‘ ovqr nll min-r manufacture-l V m it. being [mule entirv-ly of I!” kind hcing mod in its 11 fret- from everything injurinu am! at the same time pleasant. hi" all the prl‘scrvmiyo qualit (‘idur Vinognr. He is propur this Vinegar‘in- any quantity. in' for yourselves. . A n. MOUSE ement. cd'ant.\§lx “Hum-r 3 of my 01d Firm“ in limfirmglrn’ct, a Zieglur" ~nkc driezmlsfmfiuhe Inc-[gar Bit-flared 'm iwitf' every pnfintqul .urlrhul vN ’ 4 Certificat =| WE, Hm un'dorsignod, hot . we Imn- um! in-nur fl mls p‘nrpaws, Hm Vinegar In mid by A 09): “Wuhan” liml llcfrcprosrnts it :0 hr. We In it and belic‘fi'e it. lo M superiur tor-nnyolhk-r umlmlzicturml \ ever aged, Mid would n-con persons. ‘ IS ‘ll‘d he 11.-re 'um s'rqm on; u Kora: 1962 ml:- ill be nd a NCI ' Wm. Boyer & San. G '< , Jacob Nurbeck I; (10. ' _leofl & Giilospir, ‘ John Chamberlm, l-‘r .q. Lm'iJ’itzL-r, ‘ ~ A. F. Gin, Oxforfl. any 12, [862. I)" ‘ 152:1 Important to th ABUR SAVING I“ WASH’IXG XI The undordgm-ul'iq mm hnih fur. sula. G. \\'. TULIIUIRS \\';WHER, n! (ivttyshurg. unvl pl_ them to (huge pdrmus to my who tlusfi‘o u lnhur-“M ‘ ‘llii mnrhinb is gum-n up m pr nt'jplc. uml is rmlginlt-ru-l h} srdn 'it in INC. Um hr t that hrqulghl lwl'u-rv tho publir. _ Atunnq the many mhnntnzo m‘ r nl] others may he vficnljuu in: Its «implicit; ofmngn nhlwst impossihlc to gel out 0 91]. Its spec-d, \vhiéh nstu op'crntor and the locker on.» c , 1 1.1 n¢ is“); 112118 ‘1 our ’ to he [tn] l‘l‘ t “glut , th’ut ; \\ilhl ”In!“ all. The facility ‘uilh \Hlifl lowlm bulk or quantity of do ‘ washgd: . 1 km. It washes equally m liJlllcsL fulvric. or the cnarm sukh us bed-quilts. (mlmlurls, ‘ «Fm (‘nn he mnnn’ged l-y ul l. yrurs utnui‘. :Lh. “nnsum‘t-sfi less snap pr mos: of washing. M: \\':ll last as long :19 an 5:1 10 cure. ’ ' - 1 BIERS {large 198. 10 .'phlit'. (New! nllN‘l’: {fuse-l :Ill‘nl th. Saw": hulflhc‘llhor luy 12, 1862. 1' _ » Comments; ADA \IS COUNTY, I‘.\.-1 sigm-d, l)ers-l:v certify lh‘ um! me using: no“. (I. “I'. Tu! W‘nshiug M:u~)rin¢‘; an.) an In! I is 'ust. the Tab {ln S. Slgcrll he‘), and Rupefsmlvs muthimz In Ye M'er seen us you; cum]: r 4“ speed with liulo- |.|lmr, it ‘wnrk in the most smist‘ucl rVI“ lllt'rvfort‘. rm‘nmnwml II infilm county with grunt [uh-n Kit-mg" Go) or. ‘ Muritl i jlmi mu“ 'luhs [6—ll 'nlll'r mun fin to run-urine .\lmls, h'nm l'plon I‘. Pnrrcst, Sm} ”Iristinn Mnsm-in‘nm, (‘nlll nlm (Elmml-nrlin, Hart Alyri!‘ 12, 1362. K, NJI'S ‘1 Assignoo’s N V "R undersigned, Inuin r A=siunm~si undo: :l lil‘l‘g inihofit’ m' rredimrs, of‘iun Winn, uf Franklin luwnalllip, rum-1‘ is her-airy giwn to 111 II 'm'l-iu-siunluhuul In mini 1 in "“41“an [mynwnt to Iqu fi st. nunmul residing in l-‘r: (Chums county, nml‘l’lne Inst n toiwnship, Franklin county, . 'claimsygaingx. the azum- In ["1 U autheulimucd for :K-11-irlm-I JUHV ' ' ' JUIJN May 19,1862. 6!. f «ml Iw ‘on ‘ and MlO . 1 ' Removal—Em HE undersigned has rpm T l‘RlzlhlishllH‘lll nonrér ‘ ( hnmhershurp sum-AL, mijuinl lor's Drug Store—a very chm continues to mnmlfnolnro, Im‘ ly an hum]; evgry Vuriety of i TIN-WARE. ' ‘ ‘I'IiESSED AN J JAPA] n (I will always be rendy m 5 Rona-mu and mu 3W) dam in the best manner MI, and no ell'nrt Apau-d to - I'l liun. The pulrlic'a cumin solicited. .‘ A. I GI-nyshnrg, April 7, 18622 ‘ _._.__-_..__,_+r._ _4 _. ; Chcgp Groc FRESH min-u o_r Gm pricoa—spleyulid SW! A 1 MM; [u-r pnnnulohvst GHF Inll other thing: in proportio and judgehv yoursalf. - ‘ May 5, ’62. mum-z r wsuu ann'rmcnsxmo c 1 l n Inge umrtmnal. of. cakes, gilded [mun-s, grow an hr nstpins‘, km. ha, which tl utonishingly low prices. ‘ A3lB Y—HAMS L—A lar. ‘ llamsjust rrcoived and mm 9, 181:1. (7000111 8 * OLLOGK'S .LEVA [N— hcst baking powder in H 1 RNER‘S 'lhng Smre. " URE GROUND SPICE P ground expressly for Dr mfg New mug Slorg. . 3mm BRANDY, WINK AN 1‘ medicinal pummel only Stone 0! D The Old and Reliable. RW SPRING GOODS. _ l SHALL PRUFITH k QUN‘K SAL“;— . wnum respcctmlb any 00 lbs citizen! of On graham and rlrlnhy. tlm be Is now ncclrlng 'M. his store a lplundid '3 ‘ ' 1 3mm 0!? swung 00009. ‘ ‘ The Mm'k runsilll in van. y! Vnncy :9. Wm“ vm‘ nouns, of «may dcsu‘uu‘lu . SILRS. 5 Muzmmm'n, ”5. GHAMJES, r g _ mumps. , I noun/mums. 1 ‘ gummy“. 1 _ . LAWNS. ‘ , cummb, ur n‘l qualit . and flunk-mt flylfl.,'Mfl| in" he sold at I‘lilt‘KH T 0 DEFYLUOII’KTI'I'Iflf. FIfRNISIIINI} (mum!L I of all-kinds, including Silk,,l.ineu and 00% Hyndku'rrbirfi. (Hows, Stockings. her , ..' Also,- It spltndid assortment of RIKBQRH, mew andfihxinm. Umhrolhu (ad Punt-alli— I "Mm-L of WHITE GOODS wit} be fouqd I II and mph“, «ml cuswmerl mny rely up;- nlwayn‘xeuing good goals a “no: '0'"! pow blo prim" ' ' Y ; - 1‘ {E'owmma m}: srm-‘m. ml distiilod, Ilih' Din]! kinda, ha; Brushes, kc. Em. iciua,,tn¢flher :s, BRANIHES' } purpose! Mb. I! l bdr ‘tm braces I firskcinu More Gunman-V call and oxnnfi CLUTHS, T Ins hood to ‘ v'rMch I am of ccnqn'modnting b’ebn' purchased ml sum‘rvisicm I ran th-«fnrp [and and fresh, of all qunhlios nn-l glmi‘ flu-il2l, lat-'2. Rm")?! given to T AIBRMH‘SVILLK.— ‘ { The undonig‘guml have just reluran link: the titles uilh‘n splendid stock of flaw Spfil‘fi' (Incas, such as in rarely fogndt'in acouu slow, mnhmriog ' ‘ "I, . Gamay \ ‘ : ; . . UASSINERE‘R. I ' 3 = UASSINFXI’H, I 8 .orrias rrship hon- Indlwai‘gp4¢ in flay Imm "ill be fimn‘d Il'umer, \dgu LA nms' sums, CUBUKUH, Au'imms, ' MLAAINES, . (mammal, Nuns. ' ~ ‘ (.'munAlS. ~ ; Insulus. , i , ' ”mamas; magnum»: vmmimu, ‘ j Il.\'l'.\‘, GAPS, “001's and snow, 1 _ n mmmma, QUEENSWARg, mummum. 1 . rug Store}! URNER, , “KER. ‘ d‘ the mnnm Ilqvnnlmrrul, MI'FOL' lit-L -; lg Lh'is Vine ‘h'en {:c‘m-rnl this Vim-um :r. ronwibti ‘m shl 1' [ur URIIHS, . 1' ‘ 'A! - PAINTS. ' ‘ s ‘ r OILS: ; in elm" «N 1 9 conrrul Turin-Inns cannun Mil In the umwrnl mutivlwlinn'm‘und whirh ill” will sc‘l I'm- 4‘.\RH. uriu snug days In [gruultvl‘ Khmer. l‘ull in hurl we thy" yuur-lel\'cs—~lo tumhlv In =l|uw (:(NNIS. ,! fL: M «3. rmmmnlly nn )umd MIST-q Rm? RA". ~ I‘LAXK & SP'ANOIJ‘Iu, 5% A rowltsvillo-, Adams cu., [mi 2m x - . ! . no acid of with)“, and p is mum'g. Ie tame. and nnnd in pure 0 whulcsnlu' "’ll'htl exam- LINE!!!“ d‘ I! Apr” 21, 1‘46! . ' c I Now Mercantlle gFlrm : N HMMITSHURG. § ' I 1 , va GOODS mild ' I an PmmamL. The new firm of SVIITIBk SIIURB respwtlu‘ly int'qrnr lln-h- fripmlé mu] Ihe 'puhlic generllb', ”mt they huvcjuaf roturnr-I from tho elm-I gill: n :ph-ndixl 'ussortmeuz of (30041:, qoulli‘l ing 01' {unlit-1’ ' ' ' . g' , DRESS 000.118. 2’ pin-h M I'r’mts, Dn Ham-:1, (Yhn‘llihs, lumnl, Gr: gun-lira, Rolfe: of "nil kindsyt‘pucu, Silk, Swiss Jm-nnnt. Chm-IL nnd Cnmbrlc Melitta. Ilihhons, MI! 5 good assortment uf lunfl 0' Uo‘llars. Cam-mg: nnd Muslim; at old pflm. 1 cwms, g _ »- g I (‘g‘l'lil'y that led, an \‘uri "m-tu rnl‘mml rlm' all Hull. fairly loslml wry i-l-slu-ct. my we lmvu ud’il to all 'shurg i 14i in twp., ' ’ CABSNEREB.. ' L . ‘ , VES’I’INOS, j Jt-Mm. kt. km. for men‘s weal-:1 i miADY-SIADH ULO'I‘IIING. I IHMTS. Slums, j z IE ' ,1! 1 N a .—- ! and uni-ring HH'ImVEIr ouds to sup -1 nlghum. the mm-lriun. ' cutih'lwN-w mp \\hu lmvv Is Lcn-r Hoe“ . - A _ HAW 'Asn harsh a" mirth“. A good stock _ungytluu Ylally ILUHHVUH‘I. ‘ ~ ' €’ I. QUl‘JEN'ZfivAltl'Ll ‘ ’ ' i mu‘cs m 1 MEDICINES} a good '4an of prime ‘ * ~ ‘ , ”HUI‘I‘IIHEH. Jun, ‘! and all kinds of glimh, 51ml" Ii are papers", found in a muniryj‘nre. Huvlngbougm for ('n. h. we tum Bmm] (0' sell at we 'h'm-y hmr‘ lurid-a. ‘ Uur motto is —“Qui'L-'k :finle‘s gal >3an Pnutil -." ‘ ' i IMP? mm‘hinfl hc- ly'lmx hut: >n. mulging it h-r. . cs' mike Nu“- !fiapte itsn‘lf desired to be m‘f'Thu-Jc roads are really: Very bmuuilhl, Tun! wo mun iv. diminmly Imam-atom! that a nil! sell Iln-m u-rg.’ clump for flash, or to pl cr tun! rustmurr: Maui: nmullm; l‘lcaao call :1 oxmniuc hol‘ui‘u punhuuinm (‘lsclhcrm '6 wuuH l\‘s’[|l'«'fh|“_\' [alum mu: thanks to m" Irioml: 1“:le 111.. ml p-unmsge:extended, luau thus lm, and-nqulmllv ask u muliun’uiw tlyc‘rfilvf SAH'I‘II’ L; SHORE I c ling-:t Md ml ’hv‘un 105:“: kcLs'nb'. ' d. frum 1,0 to Eunniffl-urg. .\M‘. April 2:], IV”. I" I V t : Now Goofisv. ; (i En'tGlZ Ansum ‘ . .- j “.13 just rcu-uivcd from ‘Philndclpliinl I huge Hark ..r . r I. u 'l' n H. (1A 5 S ml H u u.q,_ “Lli'k. 'plzliu 11ml hue): Silk Warp, 47"! 'h I'lutlu. Irnr Snmuwr mm (To-LIV, (u hmuui ul :1: [ix-Influ «1:! ',huli m (li4pilin,Jéxxlxs,Drillin , Mt-rim) l'ul‘ imun-s, \Zo-h'ot fifurlls, Hamhrm [lt :uu! Vrflint ‘. .1” NW) lumhdmn. In “walk ve ‘alm k n!' liomLMlu-ro nrc many new and he: y ’li‘hlé‘lylcsu - ' ‘ : ' AIM H mm- Math 0! (mums. men Is, CARPET "JCS, nnfl hullu-qut'a. [VIII Al-‘nnlurgt-srmck pfImAIIY-HADfi [W L IN), of ur own mnnulucmring; in zrnt Vlll‘f‘ ty. nH til en. [uh-me and rhm '. CNN and let: p». .\ll. “'3l: King Is in rufinwliuu with "ID; mlnblishnwnl nq Ilflll'll '0 int nud‘ismke LIA] Itlmlliug in almrt nr-lcr. " ' I ‘ Avril 28, 1162. 3m -. ' g ml..- V . -.._. -2. H. I_..‘_V _~+ \ Tho omglal War. Man. i - AZARID‘H wuwm AND IIIJ'I‘ARY II MM‘ 1w 'rlm snurumw 37.4119; l"ruul Hil- landmark-Al3? .'rlatt'f‘s, “ml lh’o “abut Sanding (hg'l'lw4 in flu- luvs: style 04' I ‘p ! wing: It gin-9.50 I'm-onl. run! run“ val-Ith I'm-La commuting n" ”M Ruilrmuh, that. the War Departnu-nl. inum-difivly.immunised m pulflil ('ulilm, and disln'huled’ ono' Ullmaau-I «3min unumig Hui (mum-a And Colonhls of flu AVRIL}. \~ Aw it. is tha- mfly Slap thud. in null-onud'gn GHQ-ml, i! Is |le most urn-um Junl Authenbi‘. muffin". its la'rgc sizeolii‘: h] sfiiinvlu-u “sh-mn u‘! a ng‘fl ll" Lin-_Pfimzipnl Plum-s mud all fig“; mrzungiu-~ Pnjnu. Gem-ml lrclnllnu In“ c,‘ k|\o\vlmlm-I}.Llue (grunt importance of?“ In lain mowuu'uln. .~ ' ‘3' xlil‘n" bffll,"l'il'_fl only I Dollul IQ ‘ll an) 'nlhér her full with SHBIH"\ I. I Jhe wnak r~ 0 [un- nut-ii; L‘s lvhpvnndd ‘ r Hulk-lumif -r¢' m-st-q N-it In 0" Hl}; Hm! we ni grhns il. Anna. and [urfurmiqg ry Fll-uilll‘lf. : _ g In" every family Im. 43 h or,’ _ ‘ Inf", .1 y ! I’M-rock, ; ‘, M‘ussvlumn; h:nnlwrlin.. , ‘h-«n appoinléd' ‘ orkm rm m ‘ ”MM-nun and Ada‘uiu \wumy, Whit)!!! Lmfiim; Isigqnurs In [uh-5 unk‘t-ignml; 0'"; ule luwnslnip, nut-4! in Hunll'unl i d “war I|.”ng EM“ them prowl-- w A mun, WHEY, ‘ Auiynrn. .sezuuilu..y Chlpnur 1y I .. _ emmwle mth ‘iul‘cuynmafis. In Hugh «in, $1 NI. Bissau-ml und’ unlinked an “urn, $2 60. Haunted on “nflin In“: ”nuns, 'ml VuruishJ-1,52 m; Sentfm—ghy mammal» of Price. ' “'IUIIS f". “Weill”, . ’ N 0 9321 ('.hextnut St ,‘l’Mlm‘e ’ ’ I 7 '— -w— -. z < l Ware. t m»: Mw Tivinhiq m ‘Diumnnd, n m: A. I). But-ll al lnrfition. I!“ th-m ronaLmlz WA-a ,v-virylnu-Higrnt mm: ivm n||.[(-'vuly nflh-Zal map, Agon“ in" of: rapidly by selling Illix. thapnpcrl inserling mm three rN'c-ivq- h envy Ivy Maik f - Juno 2.", ““72. 3!. ll HH' WA We, j a REI'AHLINQ Imm: ‘ ‘ ' New Tailoring STAB." ISIHIEN'Tn-Gflflfllflfl E Msummunn 'mlm mlupln lhis mulmdnl imonnim: his! the public grlu‘mlly, um lho‘ hm Tailoring cambliuhmrm in Bullinl (:enynlmrp, (law Pm! (mu-a.) m": mmm, slum“! he is pmpzrrrd‘lo fin ‘ Ins line in the heat umnnrr, and lo . . faction of_.ruslnmors. ‘ Hr. émployl mule QM final class lmudsmml rm-«ifihg ', I ’l‘lH‘.’ m‘smuss .lIEgmLARLY, ho ran wan-rim. ‘ fiuhimmhl‘ tilt and 1m“ ‘ inhuman} sawing. Ila uh 3 than 0‘ Que pol-M's palrmmgo, prognisidgjfl Rpm. no - furl. lo .10-avrw il. “in charge: will tinny. h. lmmd us "Hula-mm m 1 Hm Hun-s will nlluw. ’ Unttiug‘nnd warih; dope-at the oh nolirc. , [(k-tlyshurg, Apt“ 1,1862 I Prfic‘m mung":- «null-r Tn" solit '.-.! piumnmgv- Is “.\UHHHR rlOB. i flaunt ndnch s m 3,9 and lo ‘HB u 2:: "mm. ..' “a" and 890 om: 131:0333 nsmnlly on In“?! thin mu! fancy } [fluted inc-k 0“, )- uy selling pk. .. lot of Minis for side nhl‘lp““ht :ILM}SPIE‘S.€ 1 HF. undersigned has opt-nod alumina . I|, (1‘ .1: the corner of Yin-l: and Liberty n x httysharg, \rlu-ro lac will keep everfihilg in thc eating lino hi xenon—also Alm'b'lgéf, .1 (“i-int, tit-gun, Tolmcum, m“. H 0 in Ii“ 10 lining up a Saloon for Ice Cream M. the I - o plncq‘. lle haves. by gunuon m boldness d, Ml ‘ire to please, to r'cm-ivqa liberal that of magma. HENRY W‘ CHRISIBR I yr», 1342; A ‘ ”__o j CARPRTS, (‘EARI‘ETH -—?‘ splendid M 400: . Car “up—lmm! and than “it"! CPI , nnhe Nat: Slum of 11. gI‘AN'JLBR}; ' he purest ‘ and ; lac—M Dr. R. , MIR-ted MW Roman: I|qu firifixni‘fo‘fi} «mm Now ong ‘ 1: ”01mm; 8 4: H 1 0 K in find n to their mum-Ni. ‘my stock of‘ _ . DM RRES and VESTIKGB, ‘ i‘ t Itylu. 1 f. SGIIICKg tI. I ; f]: Now Spring vasnmfi ‘ l . V l Now Restaurant; ECM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers