GI)! (linmpilrr. fir": OUR FLAC I {he unlon o? in‘km-Aclu. union of [Andr— The (7-le ul' mum nulu- “Jul-l sen-r; The union beaunJ-lbc union nfjundsa— Andfihc Flag of our Uuiun furflcr] lo I. “fill. EDITOR AND I'RQI‘BIETDK GETTYHBIJRG. PA I MONDAY MORNINH, JULY 7, Ml 2 DBIIOCBATIC STATE TICKET» ‘ . ' FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ‘ ‘ HON. ISAAC SLENKER, Tu» mum eOl xn’ _~FOR Simvmun GENERAL, COL. K JAMES I'. sugar; '‘- ~ I)? PITTHIIIULI}. ‘ / - p 0 ' ' biaj . I , _-- _4- , guf ,-yt ‘ ‘a K! ' 3 Democratic County eqmmitteb. | The —l)eumcnuic Standing Committee (If Adan}: county will mm! at the house of CHARLIE Win, in Gettyshgrg, on Saturday, (In! 19!]. dqy'of July I'm!., at» I o'clock, I’, MI, fur the purpose of flung day dhe Dclegnw medians and the ‘r’luumy ('.onvon lion, mu! [fungal-Ling such other busiurss as may bcvdccmcd necessary. Every [number 5.3 ”$3ll 30 be present. ‘ ‘ ml“: following pnraons compose thu Cnnlynittce: \ . Goglwlgnrkrl. Brinkfiholr. H J Stu-Mo. UumbcrlnndLFrKnciu Bruin”. filming-Philip Ilnnohuou Tyrone—chob ('.. l'iucnlurf , Reading —fl’hmmm N. Nicki, ' _ -U»minon—Jolm Dcllmu‘. ‘ - Oxford—lfinry J. Kuhn. ’ Bcrwickflbor.— Frg-dprick Wolf. Berwick ”Ln-Samuel Brown. ‘ * I00n0\\'flg0:81llllll('l (l. Snw-fingx-r, .Ir a Ul_|ioi—‘-Dunfl~} Goim-Inmn. . Germany—4H3 l-l. I“.Slmrb . - . .Muuntplens-Lnt—J. E.. Smith. A Mountjnir—llt-nry linitlvr. - ‘ .ngdym—Anmw \\'higo. ' fliherly—sfbrahgm Kriao, of M , [[glmiltonhani'inot \\'. Mcf'onm-u Franklin—DE" Wm. I‘. Sum. ‘ ‘ Mcnnll'en—Wm. (Wm-«leer. ' , lihtlerL—Jossn-I)nlll. ' - , mplinglon~§nrson 0. Moore. .\. ‘i®p~Msllflfll Shufibmrgh. / ' Tmé IT BEFORE warmer-LEI ‘ Thq [inpublfcan editors, unablo tnldvfi-ml “Io VALolitian ncLinnu of their lcmlnra in Congresseindeetl, drivnn to the wall at all poipts—ésoék to shift um responsihilily for the presentistald' of thing‘x. with its vfiat nxpenfi? of blood funl‘ tl'CllSllN‘. from their 'an'ilo tho shouwr‘rs DT Um' Domormlio party". But nqsmmilila man nan lm plumbed by any such transparent dLi‘lgO. .Look at. a few items in tho record: . , v ‘ ' The Democratic parly wn: unanimously iam‘of settling our nnl'innnl difficulties ‘A upon that fnir and honor'nblo plun, tho ‘ Criitenden Compromise. The leaders of the Republican party‘ opposdd this, ‘nml having n-mnjority in Congress, DEFEATED 11'. Why? I’muso'such a settlement would ' lune. finally hmnged the slavery question— _romoved it from the arena of politics—and, _ in the lsnguago of Governor Andrew, of ' Knmhumtls, 5‘ woliLl lupin brokm the back ‘ hm we Republican burly,” which they can :‘sidor‘l “ a grcalér calJmi/y (han‘clvil war .'" - This Was in the beginning of the troubles. ~kWh” followed? Corruption of tho most sthpondous chin-actor. The Fremoms,tlio - Cummingsesfihe Morgimsfingl hosts ofotlmr Republican clans, put their arms, shoulder ‘ deep, into the public treasury, and millions ‘oomplly‘disnppeaml! ' 't‘ IN THE FIRST YEAR OF A nnm'nmcu Annmsmnlofi, WINCH mm: mm POWER v by: .pnomssmxs or narunu AND, RETRENGHMENT,THER§IS [.\‘DL'BIT 13!:va we: “mom 1 THE LAND my! sonaom' m 5 rwxnamxn Tm; PUBLIC TREASURY WELL NIGII'IN mu r 81mm YEAR AS MUCH AS THE ENTIRE ' 01!an YEARLY axrxxszs or my « GOVERNMENT. DURING THE Anmms'rm‘- ~ now much rm: PEOPLE lIURLED FROM _l'owm; BECAUSE 01*. m; CORRUPTION “ In the language of n fnomber of fileir own put}, (Mi'. Dawes.) vyhoso sworn duty it human) in‘veétignto those fmudé.’ " ' The 'present Republican Congress vomd ,seim'mmmox AND A lung 0F ML MRS for tho nogro iri‘the District of Cal- x um‘bixg besides other appropriations for his ', Mom in quantity yet unknown. Then it is 9533 M that ONE HU NDRED THOUS AND blankl are in thy 'aggrognte supported by the Government. at’vm'ious points, in ‘ than“ total igleneas. Saying nothing .of = the clothing. the 't rations ” of .this gnnibnr, - It I out of tmty oenha ouch, amount, to .. twenty thousand doliain a. da'y.’ 62 over ‘ 7 SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS per ”.in I 3 ‘ I ; ‘ We could add mum! after count or the umochmctor, For '9l} these enormities tho Republican party‘is reeponsibln, and if: léudcrs km'andfed it. They may seek to hide their heads‘frorp the frowns or hon _ as! and —p«triot§o,men.l by giving their or . ganimtion new names—“ Union party”— “ Pooplo’s party ”-——ar anything 011:0 but. its true line; yet. {Kore is no escaping the righteous condemnation which the people have in store for them‘ In the language of Sonata: ~ngnr, of Itldinna. “ radiadism must he dim-ad," an 1’ mm. 32! . On or 1'!!! Mn who puouxc: ADuoan-rs u humps—George W. Julian,'R(-publicnn, you Indium, iii a speaclll the other day in Con firms. mid ;—v“onwcs may arise in which patri otism its." any demand that we trample un< del- our fog; sum of Ihr; most rikal principles of nu Gail—mutton" End ha Add: um um Q 9: bun done alreguly‘ by the present Admin- W 603! no Abofilion organ! cgnsMer such In. a Juli-n yttrium f . _ "finch. Wm. Bop ins hasjieeq nomi. sued for reelection t the Legislatum by the, Dcmoqncyof Was ingfop ‘c'ounty. ' ‘ “THE CAT OUT (WE'RE BAG 3" ‘ When the Know Nothing leader! started their midnight organization, ”my nmdn pretensions to tho purest lifltl’ibtlnm.‘ nn-l awning/g iguana] all “ party ",sfiirit. “ Let m allioe Americans !’5 shout/ed they; AVI: «aid at the limo that their profoscionn were hollow. nunl wore made with a View to oh tuin [Milk-ml _{wovger—-:lo isec‘urc afivh for men who eould not otherwise get: tin-m:— 'l‘lu- rexult prayed the arrrvvtnqss of our 11'iilli0". When “Bam ” would nd longer oer“- lheir scllirh and [urnseriptitro'lpurln'es, they rinsed to ring perms to hirn. . ‘ 'l'hrrirlm-xt olgjer-t of olfaction was “ Sam ho,” nntl tn him they 'slill (Imin But humhuygery 'muct "min ho rest); ed to, tho hater to aecomplhh tbeiuehcr‘uhcd ,(md. it won't do to film opm Abolition ground; Honest people {fightJo stacgng-iwl by a frank nvowil of ’th’oir purpose, Hence, .notwifllQlßHtlillg tho sectional chnrncter of their party—film distortion sentiments ex preswl by their leiuling men «hiring twen ty years, as wbll as their open (li‘zre'gnrd of tho f‘onstitutiou and Lawso-thcso ‘demn gogm:q all of n. sudden pretgnd to hotho special friends of the Union, nnd,in Demo cratic eounlios. assume the title of “Union parity !" lint Ilan’llnis ngsumptionis nll 5.5 mm.“ was tlm “ no [tin-ty” cry of Know Nothingism, must ho apparent to every re fleeting man. The illuntmtion furnifhrd hy the mana‘uvres oi; the Repuhliean lenders in our county is quité sufficient to produce this (‘Ol'lClllfilOlL 7‘ - y . i Lust ram fueling their inability to cope with the _Dcmoeracy on n _fquare llf‘pdhli-j can platform, they mlohtedthe “ nomarly" dmtgec-on thin, hauls nomidnterl a ticket—7 1w“, by delnding n haw innocent voter-e, fireman! in electing spm «in it. . lint hey: IdidJFUmir (Hindi-latex turn out after ting“ ‘ dentin? 'l'hoy proved to the - quite its}; warmly Republican as if elected on 1: dis-{ ’vtinc‘t liepulllimn ticket—yua-ly man, and‘ nothing else. 'l‘horo—Was no mom rank! Republican in tho Logisluturh th‘nn llusheyl‘ —vnting as he did for all the megsurcs otil “an party. and for all. its candidates, even!’ supporting two prominent li'nnw Not/ling!” ltau'ch for Clark and Moore for. State: ’l'rerifiurer. ’ ' i ' I But. in spite of tho'm welllnown 11mll conolueivc fact“. tho mmo is o be tried: 'mmih, in order to serum: olli.‘ «x for othorl hun‘f'zry' “ palriotq." ()n Saturd iy’ week the soeallmt “ Union Committeo ” (rr rather :3: "s’nm‘ld part of it) assembled at tho IC-rglo llntél, and resolved to' hold a rounly cowl vention on the Min 64‘ Aunmt, to nunfimuei a cohnty ticket. It did more. The {ln-l puhlienn State Committee, headed ht tttnt‘l notorious Legislative ~ manager, Dix-(lure, i some time ngrwlmtfi 3mm tinnventiuq to; seth ennnlidn 05% for Auditor General nntl Survl‘yor (lent-ml; To this par/y Stole 4 “Invention tho so-enlh-d “Union" “ no“ port}: “Committee. romlvod m sand R 1“: Harper senatorial nnd .loiiaVL [lt-Imm" rumo sent:lli'vo delegates! This (Johnnittee thus carried out, what wo mid inflho beginning they} would, (Inc 100.15].- ri l/ar: IP-anVn’Zz-nu quarry/J If any net .hml linen wnuth g to provo that the leadoljs :i‘litond'ed tho; mittoe to host portahl' lhn machine their. part}, tlm solar-lion of dvle fur‘lllo holding ol by it: in a pmly State Convention \ l'nrnKli it. 'l‘lm lnlmbugsgnry of ”K“ \v linglulnl‘. \tllinrr- llioy will rmnnn‘ lli‘c‘~ num :ifl‘.sir'i:: nmv l'ullynmun‘i‘nl Afllm “ onl ‘ ul'ndlnrr‘ qf ‘\'flntll‘lll nnhm-gc, or minim .of lliq Img," ln'wl‘au-l lmclsl ('nn in.” man l Spill! tlmmlrim nl' lllnpinn lllrilnnlln-nlry. \‘ longnr lm Ilocnivwl‘by‘lliulsliullgm- u‘o «ihi‘nll ' 'l‘lm :nnflning‘np hl'nll llmkf‘ I'm-La hlln\\.s of ”no party," set up by [hash l'mi lion] , that: lli-‘l'PEdw smm‘ 5.0“” runaway now-nos: ~omcc-liunling nlonmgdgfillcs. . .ut Purl llnl'ul and viuinity. who; with praise “' Ll’ “'9‘ -. ~ V ‘ \vm Llny up mlilv, onl. n-p l-lg‘mlo Sani's m. ‘ WHICH IS RIGHT? , Lions, run lin N‘llll'l‘l lua>k in all the lnxm-y‘ "Tll‘e 10‘6““ ff t:ifl”“‘“°"ri‘fic 23%: of African ilaziness ill the rays of llm ltrnil w 'l" ‘ l 003 “0 S“ ' concvfl il‘ i‘ "n i y ini'slnn. lint, ‘wlimi llmsxc tlmu-ly belovml h ilmis'lnlo names, nml acorns tn liglillm-I ’l‘ ' ‘, . . , . ) liliill nnikxlmil baltcl‘ics¥is lo i-mlnro ”lo :1: (3:22”?fi;n\r\l:rknlo::lt:-:-Il:rating: Union as it was. and maintain the Coastirl l 15er ‘l' ' " " '. , l . , . . H _ '(m cto Ellie swamm, nml, ungmlol'ull}. l'len “5 "I ‘3' llmro'can I’o bl“: {won-'11“ 10ml: lliofi‘ lmnol’nclors to niminalc over tlcs n." the next olo‘ctlon—tho pnrty" l‘ 'F‘f' tlms‘ prnclicali-osulta of Abolilinn them-y. slnnilsmn “"0 ”9""! lfli‘qul of. “’0 9‘3”” in this line ilisnslrnua‘ oxpcrimnnt 0." our tlillfln, nhil-tlm’fibolllJmlfm-ly. Th“ “"9 Alp‘ilinn griomls at Port Royal. llm impm ‘V‘H le‘r’s“'“ll tho Dflmocrats and “Pit sibilily of iaising the lildcks to llié luvol of so mwi 7 2““? - ‘ . ‘ ; , lsn unmo or Ibm )u on mini 0 patriots‘u'ilh ncliglixtsignkling' ofrcnogmlel pull‘llhe‘ulxilcs dmi'n to the level olf tvluo °‘“°°‘s"?"’"‘g Democrats. The Dnmolcmtig blacks. With the View to the accomplirli- Party “."ll seek to “Show tbcyUmO‘l} upon??? ménl of this laudable olljv‘cl, \\'(‘l would 'nl “3 ancmnt b 11518: . The Plhcf party m“ geek l VlSOltlIO it'llinctliatc ‘rnsignulion (if Colonel 3:;m22filllzl:::vfrlt:1::lntle:;::rli‘l#l:l Fesslcnglcné and olitlio YankcoSupfrinlc-ml its life and slml, whiltli if. will be tlic gain;| fant ‘lJf-ncfig'o SCIIOOISI 31.111 lllm Tliloflrnollt,’ mon mince ol‘ the plunder-err; who will seek l m t‘kf” p gums, rosl'cclnc 3' n l-m of?!“ . . - . _ ' _ ! proprn‘torpf tho TilquNi andlns rononmlo IL‘J protection- as a cover-mg ll'orjtl‘icu: lrnns—l o‘“er whla have lgn’i‘g fin‘t'o l‘OflCllell tllo (ZYBSSXORS: Who ca“ doubb:.wlncln 1““ '1 i morlil lev calculatml to qualify them. for must ‘1“"95 the wclfiim 0f" the ”WWW". the éntisfn ton-y realization of this new 0::- Th" Dcnmcratlc P 3?” ‘5 “5 right “51411“ pcri‘nex)t.i~Putrioti(-I Union. ‘ Constitution, and must triumph. A _ flIE Elf : -—-————9 -~——-——- ‘ RIGHT MEN IN RIGHT PLACES. 'BO 1 T‘ “Over thé Chickalxominy,”,writ¢§ n aor 'respondcnt of the Philadelphia Pruitt. “they have pressed the poor ro’pdijter into digging trenches, and special 01-11ng; vaé been is- The 011' go Posy says :—'l‘he elections are approachi g. The jpmple‘ will soon have to pass u] n the“ conduct of their repre< sentntives io Congress; The anti-slavery cry is. not a potentias 3it was. Its repeti— tion aetuailyserves t‘pincrmse the numbers of those who care n‘othing for parties. yet everything for the union. We do hot helievie that‘one-lmlf of the Republieans in the ipresent Home of Rep resentntives, who hove ekhibited such on unremitting determiinntinn to make this war 3‘ war for tho ntiolit'ion of slavery, and {nothing disc, wiil Ibe reelected. Their places will: be filled? by conservatives; in~ deed, it is;more thnh probable that a ma jority of thin next House will he [hxmocratim ‘; We spinal: of these things because we are independ tobsenrrsofevents. Wespeak offsets. caiing not ihg which party may be injured 9 Penefitedjhy them. The insane and i‘averl ting cry .‘ot' slavery has driven thoumpds of lh-p’uhlimns into that conser~ ~ .‘.“ ___”__ I votiatn, w! ieh it tholchoico comes between lan IMFOLICY 07 NEGRO EMANCL o men wil on the bhlnjoct of emancipation, . . PATION, I end a Dd: rat; irill‘ make them prefer the . t ‘ i i ‘ No one in a few words has stated the er- lat?“- t 1.1 mm of the emancipation policy of Gorgas! “TAN": and the Abolition leaders better tlmanont- tingitho w; gamer)! Blair, the Poétmasber Generdl. lnl slavery, isl a letter of response to on invitation to eta reTguiu‘s tend a meeting in New York, on “1111de of no hing ‘th .March last. Mr. Blair Reid: : ' she who in? .. The difiicult question with whinfh we {or the ya have to deal, then, is‘the question of race.“ of molten and I do not think it it? disposal ofKor that, only exist t our difficulties will be lessened by emnnei~ él‘ potion by (hifigresa, even if such an ”twin; sell“ 11l y" constitutional. it. would certainly‘edil to mm“ aret the ctaspemtion of the non-slaveholding moo of i’d whites of the South. and might unite them U"‘°"' 0‘" against theGovernnwnl, and, if”, they new“, gm?“ °f "I? be wtponquerabla." ‘ ' w; ww— a & rfi'finmforul. mmtlghung M New Grimm“ come, no rm- cutting down the U. nag, followed ganlb— ranch us ling ufi profusion, rind was so notedjor his] the lasso pretitiéncy 1; card: that flamers would mme‘ Gen; M to the city and furnish him money to play with, thatho ca git-ins him halt of all he‘eouhl “in. : .wlueh is I sued that. every civilian is Loibo employed I at'splch labor. and, in [fine of battle, t‘o’fi'gllt thoienomy. If such in order-_comcs this‘! ‘wny, Ihm promml refit. lus'cdw shoYof Lsnow in winter time in Philadelphia, and: in the Lincoln lcamffifigm manmqyrcd u‘ I Wide Awake torch w; well 3 as anybody could." f 3' ‘ ' ' Now, accbnling tn dur notion of ”36* {‘lth 11033 (if thin’gtg " digging trenches amfi fighting the enemy ” fire just me most be-g coming work In: evpry: Widq Awake who,l like him oftho Pram, qnioa “flu-ch “during the Lincoln campaigti.”-—nnd seeing now. that. these gentlemen pf the lainpand mp 4 )guvo made a beginning, we hopc‘ihqy wily keep‘ on, until every Imm oflhcm is—pvhoret he ought to bc—in th‘e trenches and ti o pits, if not in’-tho min} 4nd the swam before Richm'oml f mm Fxfifsrr nmmnm or sou-m , \ CAROLINA VOLUNTEERS. l The title fit this 'regimont. uould at film ‘ first, blush :‘il‘lw" to he an anomaly in the Ifin-my of “by United Statm. ’l'ho supposi linn thntfiti'q'c tlmuqn'nd citier of the nulli :fyina. rel; iotH State of South (L'trnliml~ could Ix; ain‘t tn mmtnr under the “ Star Sllmtmh—d f'l ulnar," it; one m remote from i the ranguil prbbabilitios. that the bewild -3 cred remiti‘ttnuy paino in doubt, after I'm-(ul ’ illfl théch' ouot'thiu article. . (lontle road: in; nltlmh I there is‘suoh :1 corps as. “ The i First Rug‘t tout. of snuth (ku‘uhnn Volun , tum-x," woit n nut dosing lo niyatity you— lwo will exit «in. » I Gen. Had tcr hnsiorgnnizod, at Port Roy ? :11. a rozin‘: nt, cnmpnwod nl‘ runaway sl’avm, -‘ mnstly ”1‘ ad intn; tho U. S. tot-vim, who ‘ nro armod n-l t-qu'rmlq-l at the cost of tho 1 United S tos. :l‘hlsnoyro regiment is of f'K-orod‘hy'l on onmutistiom-d amt-ore tnkon : from tho mylvmia'nml Now York roili tmonts. mi II who lnwo boon promotml for r'thnt pm- . by Cory. lluntix'rl to the rank lofpn’ptru'n first. and soonn‘d linutonnntm— | Tho rogim tin ‘mmtnnndotl hy (,‘nlnnol Fos— {' sondon. n nof Senator Fossmldon, of the 'Stu‘to of I no. < - i At that he nogmps, like ohil-lrvn tnnd [_nt' toys, wide ulcnsml with tho “ pomp and oircuinsta {‘9 nt‘ plmtinuq war.” But. who“ : they were; hmught‘? (down to llm drill, their uncnnquolgahle tlialikc of all labor. gotthc i better nt‘ timir love pf glory, and so, on all fiwnruhlo @liymrtunitios. thoy ran away ! i’l‘hiq valia ‘ t ragimcint, originally consisting of ,spme? inc hundred mon, hns already ltlwindled.‘ (‘m‘n'm thi'oo hundred! Tho un r’l‘ing otl'o is 61’ Cotonol Fossondon and of l the white gmflcmmjin command, have sig "nally thih IM-l‘oro illcevis imtrlia oftho black tank and Ilo‘. Tllq flirst lily/(mm! 11f South aimliua Y ,unlrrraishttllictod with thog'dlnp l-tinnfimlfllx-forc an oflloinl roliort tof (tom-ml llnntt-r nt'its'cxis tonne, it, till .lm “mm at." The philan thmuic (thin-[é 61‘ the Missnchusettg sélmol mmtrrs glib ropnirc‘d tnfl‘nrt Royal witln Lprimo‘r.‘ :t’to and pencil i hand, to tench Ithc hlnok idea hmy to 51100 in tho South M I vigo ans yias in —tho Now England Statox, innd Lu d 'afiv the fill saltwic-s fur the sumo, [lmv mo trill: us V'littlc 91100083 in tom-hing . tlm- ‘rts- ifglwnoo as our ollh‘ors in‘tht-ir nt : tmnld t_ [Fitch tlu; Mt ot' “-:lt'. [ 'l‘hosoj'qynnlv'mml ptt'ortx‘, on tho part of the bit“ 1 id militaxjy [.mvor. to mice tho ghhu-ku tn rho low-l of: tho whites. nro isnd l fuiltu‘os. Tho \\‘hito ntlioors nl'tholdqok )‘pg. | irnfint nro :tlhpnntod. and may \w-lloxrlaim.‘ iwlth li‘ul-tjtl': “H lho nnt, nehmnod-nl' my Isaldivrs l tint n snuuod gnu-not." “ 1'“ not. {nun-(d: tllrfzug-h (lovontl-y \\ith tlmm, that's ”lat." Altlmuyh thoy may “not anroh {thrrmgh I(i‘m'ontry \\'ith thom.” thoy have 'nlrpady ggt thmiltknlvos intn ('nrmhy on (link {won nL; l'nr tho snldiorw' hl' thn \\'hito I ropimr-n‘tsihnld them in such contempt Itlmt thoylgmil thcjm in Aloririnn as Captain ('utl'no, hi _utonnn‘t Samba, and Mich liko \lilo 01-ilhtfx. - i ‘ Ac roym I.x tho New linglnnd philmdhrn~ ltit‘ to-u-lwg'tz, .k'uptunitod, as tht-y \\t'l‘e. lly Ml tho to'iioity nrrfl'nnkoo l-or~ov-r:lnoo. thoti hnS'elsuoonm'hfil lu-l‘nro tho in~u|mra~ lile toxi-rtfioo nf~ noggm stupidity. 'l'hoy ro litt‘fl‘métly {fidmil thoitr (hjfont. :r\hg\l tnko tho i'ng mnsni c'n'n be hm ,in or MI . ‘ ‘ ' I‘ ‘ .' . \ . . first Imatfilo [he gt-nml olmws‘xnl .\vw lnuM I'lmlq ;. mil; NG FOR‘ THE POLITICIANS T 0 THINK OF; man who: is in favor of prosecu ixg-‘for the} pugposc ofalnlishing a. Jixm' nfsl. The Constitution! ‘slavorr/ in the States—to say ut the {Territories—therefore, on .1110 fvroscculion of the wax :poso spoofiticd, favors a violation flint-ion. ‘ruld as the Uhion can hinder that insinlmengho is,con- La «liwm‘ni'u: The only true pm a Dcmoc'mls, and consorvwvn Lh pnrtjeywho adfouwo “ the Commutation. and'flm enforce L Laws." ; '_ ' ‘ trilhstnnding the many mam-L in my startling. reports. which mm the pnny of pm Potomac. I‘m" is giycn the ‘ooqu that 'l'llan is in a safe posilmn, and 2 n-rminly huh! it mm! reintorcml, rm being I‘m-idiy done. a ‘ THE mmbcnhcr IN COUNCIL! THEIR DASNEF IN rfEIE BREEZE, INSCIHB RD WITH—N Till-i QUNSTITUTIHN AS IT '15," AND ‘- 1:1”! UNION _AS IT WAS l" ‘. fl'hn Stale Cénvmili‘mi at Harrisburg, on i THE FEDERAD LUSSIWEQVE HUNDRED. Friday Inutflw‘ps anst, nusbiqinug agony" fl ‘ Y ”T i: ' _u I loln'po 0! {and {representatives of the tild- Tim f”“““"°""“"t"v‘,'r‘ a)” h"" \"H‘ Kp - .. F- Hi. ' ~ _ lln‘u/vam tlm followmm mmmh 0" that optnm, 1! Doinmrfiu y. The moat grahfy- battli- nt' 'l'humlay ‘au‘nl Fri“ xx before Rich ing harmony iprmfailwl. ”hl difl‘erences ‘nmlul; ‘ ;' , ‘ i 1 ' were fi;rgnt£r+, an} Games}: dvsirc to‘pro-l' Junm-nuA‘SunJiy. J no-‘Zfi—A.M mole u“. WI.” 4“, musio. nnul t‘lmr‘rt‘nre A smmre‘nml most «igtern‘inod hauloimu; of nur-‘couutri Mime impirin-v “HI 31111! rr‘mum on In? rial-t wing: nt'Slie m-mv oftho; , 1 . K “ ,lntnmnr can Flulrsifny find Fruluy. tho 211th; commute mi lifesoliltmns relnrtpd n s‘ll“"“3nnd 27m inflam, the nrtiéulnrs Of which.’ ly ‘mnwrvativq- amt!» patriotic series, willigh ;as nvnr as we can truth r. a: given lwlniw. 1 weerlohuad limioL-ln enthusiastic chairs -§ ‘o'" T"“"~"":".‘E’“ “b“ I; n. 3‘o 0:31:33 ‘ ‘j . .4 .'.. '. ~mn.cnn n gn‘u Hm. Jam" ’4- :ifirfcjfmrlfii: :Lifigfltkjmrr Tnceufomm ,in the tirinitii ofjfl'movor Cqurt: q _‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘H .‘ l- 3 C.’_ I_l°n,proh:d|l forth purpownfnccnmlrl .I.:uza. ‘of‘ Unmp 'cpul t}'_. {or Ammo ‘ Mi gnu nut flzlnklne'mdvemnnt on the (h-neml, and @3Ol. Jinks , “A". of lx'itts- :ri_;:ht.. ml in't‘ngnzo our intention in "V“l burg. fnr‘Silr'oj'oi‘ ”on rnlhnre lmiw‘t 11:22:3'; vifigxflz nftnrwtff'l fry $151"! an?! capnhlcé— rqcmémo tits. true Pat’i‘:uvm-Lg(sitnnt;tl 0,; fingglrpoii‘é; L:;L,.fi:l owptme mw‘n whii doservo, as 'rnlr'wu. Mu‘clmnimvilln, about he mu] m milos dis-l RECEIVE, 11 triu phimt endorsementiat that“. - also from two {attire-s. one flame, Polls in new. r-t [Prtmomlinf.'q next'woo ." $295” nilnl’lx; ‘Tllrw' shew'egotflimdtol '. - i . u , . .. ‘gxmp m s gun-2' van a a 195 cm “mifrlcntis rfl-IP’ B°.le old 03°50" “ lpickot duty. ‘ri’nn on. thnfMochn iosviilo! Pmmylmn'f‘, 11!“!!an {W‘n'l‘ 0f ”'0 mu’ ' ‘ roml. mid nnntlu-r from beiiind oarrhwonks try—arc thug uirlx in‘lho field. witii the rat tlmright ol‘n cmvm.- 1 'i 5 l bannor flllfingmmovirmm inscrilmll with , i AMM 2P- M- ”10 'riom_ ’5 iiifantrxsuul: “ SLEN K 31: 4ND} mm: 1".“ TH E ,(‘ON- ‘ :Im'tlnrmf Effigy”); , "ML" h‘ofir: £293.12: I .'.” ~v ~ -.- - _. . v‘nnuyn no co,ns :L‘:.:’:.‘:c::.n “$32.11!. 393‘»? um‘2'33}"3‘ifTsl2]332l??”l3s‘l233imikrié'r“z i_ t. . ~ : . . - . : :11 - I ‘ ‘ down into; ( and ighominimls Olh;(‘st.rtfl\\"l,lrli (ion. M 60111"; div‘isintr. wild livinn, le'dréj m cblmrts nra united. Impe’ :wm vntmwhr'l 0" n W"! £330”1e “03%: fit] and deter inml liomocmry. Courage, 33r?;::)‘.lmsrottiii:' übodlt “a 'lO m the 3‘“ . 1 ' . 3 . ‘ -‘ » ' '- - ' ‘ frmnds, com: ! THING Isd-‘lylszlntnhs'uu 3} 'l‘hn 15: l'vnnwlmnin Rmm (Bunktaii<) " ‘3- " " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' :und Campbell’s I'onnsvlvania Bittu‘ry wqm’ S iMEETING ‘IN NEW on pickot duty.nll of whu‘hm, rxcc‘pt one q YORK! hack Inc-him! thwhrrmbwonks , . , land rifle pita, “here 7:“ litib of battle Was (Mink—Anlmmensomgot- and.“ “P- ; 3': ‘ ‘1“: of NOW Yotrk. WilllOUtl 'Ph'n Burktniis whq ef, on picket ite ios,:wns hold nt- the Cooper ~yond the rnilrnml wor su' ’ umled by the ma)“, ovcnilm—-—nnmhorin;:. f'pnoriiy. and the Inst ha wits knqwn {of m“ ifft‘: If g, l 'l‘! 411$!“ tlipv wade trvi r m‘ut “INT w‘ny ' Iy] ‘ “.l‘ Inuiam ‘. _ 'ogthrmmhnuimniwm‘lv p int-farce. 'l‘hf‘iri it. in“! mfllujntml cmzom fifipisnnl known, but it qn‘oflumel‘lt’lflti nvt-mont, and gave it tlm'tlm grmtvr phrtinn worn txk‘on primno . I . [mi-sauce and ‘cfium.';i_ “g I . 'l‘lm tummy mlvzmnml «h it at the: rm :nt'g tint] ‘u . I ”l. k lfflt'llillllP‘a\'l”(‘,"‘“) "immnitnhygmnm {tni "5 9".” 1100.1"! ”.’E' 9 :“hvro nur fnxétos worn (li‘ pm up imbihd' tal {smut-5013M .thn Aholltmn- i rilh- Pit“ :mal mfrthwm-ka‘ «in an ‘pminp ‘7O, ‘ Ml}! :I‘sol‘t the nuo hlnjvcts inn .flm nm'tht-t‘iy eido of Hm rnvinn, w m tr.m'i_cklill‘.\,.or ]{y., MLIWP «mm-W luv-"m“ "wh’ tfirfi‘l'fl "1' . \\' ~.1 ‘ ~ ri-hr-le; with the most «Inky inmm cu; .22]: I‘oo]. .nn‘l 'l'ffhn'rq, nl“‘_'”.l4tttwnptp.l In sin-m: I‘m 1v rd {WM ‘irvi 1 5° "“0“" in” “NW“ m lgrnuwl. but. “30 Hulk-h nni grants sl‘nt “311’ ' lnmong ”mm liko hail. np‘iiixin gtluiwmihl‘ GREAT I Afinlitinm'm‘ll ing of Hui p‘ respo'ct to ip‘ur Institute 0:11.) it is will, f‘tro mmt prnrhifi Iy-mlml llm'ln hem-fitof lhci main pun-poet: Hm mm] 11ml: f isb: in (:‘Ullfl'fv‘fi nl‘ the‘wn‘r.l “nor, Mayor épooo’hém «'mn our next. , ‘ x PnEspENt lECQLN AND HIS OLD ‘ T :SPRINGFIELIL ‘ minus-{non at Hl-riviufiold, ninL ”mt “H‘W‘ rm" :xln-ntly "flu in llm .\‘nrllnu'nStMm. Hlibnul nu-nmfi-s‘l‘m-‘u-m-m -0 léllu ("1"lillllill”mlgl'lh‘ ‘l invw {hurlilulmn they Mr. 31.311mfmf' ”L, nflpo-mt' 1%)? {rm Mfg-6m If“! ! \\'itlmul avg/41ml cilmlian, A! on Um l'W’lW‘ \‘ntmlnus l‘éllém ‘A Majnrity. "choos and mu- ' 1' . . I 302!) n uli‘ng-grm-Ix and | L i I‘l3 1,.m: g 0 ‘n ":13an nr —n lnlhél-S. 1"] ‘\guinfl I-u-In Q mnl Him-z, r Nl!li',‘,llllf hum-l mul. (luvs, 1 Right ,nf sniff-J muHIl-u-e' 5 Fur lama 114"!" [lndium-4 Ihu 1‘ - thugs ;, l 1) 111-gums or ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ ' 29 2,013, ngfnficrnm mn'l _ . i m'huljing tn or . J \‘nzidg in HIHS .\gmiml I um} (- nl|nllun|l.Llhu's Slullv, Jn- im: Int-gram: . ‘ - Illl_ll!lllill;(lll1br ’ ‘ ,1 V;;u «,‘ 7' 3 no my r 'J’l momma thlnl. asuM‘r. nlun‘p: ‘ :lg'a “Pl"“é‘l lxr “'OO Inning" ”IUD“; Hug: {no ads» whip; [Lumn m nllmr Slutmx' PM I‘m»! \\'.ml Min-1' s'l ilm In ry kiwi rt-jvl‘lqd Uimu-vlvos. in‘... , ‘ I 1, FROM. mum-mm. ‘ ? '- ‘ ling Piyllm frmmk 'nf Hm U m F.4vingfnn. KL; on Hm \\’ifk‘“”‘n.: Est.“ l.|'o:i:lml,~ 'cm afinong Um rvsnlutimn \‘ulingin [Ms . . .‘ ‘ | how. It I: Tl Ifinmlu's linligl nocrnog livins‘: . , ‘ 1 nppncml In Him . \ I'lu‘y “Infill-V \\' - .' t have :m (\\':l H: A vomul A largr‘ mnol ninn was 10-“ ‘llxt uh. ,1)“ if. 'l‘lm fivlLr-winz' "1 I adopted: " That. \\'hiin ‘ gross \\'-ill 011‘. .1 .nj mmwuflfi ‘ Um nl-nlifiqn} 1 declare a; nm‘n on the mm 0 with J-lnw-rv ‘n‘ omnm‘ipuliqw}. fur Um pnrpds in \‘inl:|liull“ rmtnrulinn nF \ 1m nttnvk‘npm in~lrumr~nt; WI by all {‘nmlillu .\ nfinnnt holinvn that (‘ n— nrrfly‘ I'midom. “I'VE“ yn vr ”ms-muting thy: \\':nr or I'dn‘n‘rv. \'(-l \\o :m‘ Trno' In viniofm’. Ihull:llu'inlorfnrwwn Huh Hour-ml liuym‘nmmlt ”th MN. of¢l|r~l"rlirr'rl'y by r ijlt/n'v‘flly Ivv (‘nnjiwulion (if-fin nu-ipatiun, \\‘nuhl lw {Ho Unnelilutinu fur Hm lil‘lll ”to \\‘:n- in “gun-11, nml riuhlls glnrnmoml Ivy llmt icll ’\\ (“mid juk'lify rosibtunco nn-h aml lwnl mozum. ‘ ulik'p ‘nmuwul in Abolition :l 'T.“l‘ol‘s\i(ln .Ith San”! oquglly 'llillli'l‘mps' to thy lui 310N110 Union. ' g “1”... ___- . i'l‘hnt wo mm at tho North’s e—lmth lwihg peace and per RESSIONAL ’DEMA- GdGUEs. . ' -, o ninnifost that. the loading Cohgross do nyot desire to THE CON It is nmv;q_ui Ropuhlicnns in‘ soc this mil-l ; money can In l-rolongnlim‘ . nflimling tlioil‘ ‘ portunity for poacc and a to. annihilate. II to inflgméQt-ar l of loyalty t‘lér&l the rebellion? ‘ impossible {qt 1 resume theirip‘ of conzlitutiq‘n and pcrsondljc I continuance lo] and they wipu pmcojf it eoul It is no (lou Republican hi i constant seséin members sliall ! They would m.| they could: to with its oxpiin will pass away.“ President min .1 cal views and I have made fdr ! lievcd of the I has been luv“! (lacy fiionnm l to not nann'e‘xei (on Human; I .chii sn long.' as gnen and lautid to carry it on. ”1 its .my 1 secure power. besides riordspntl partisansinn np— ixlmidoi' in contracts that filorfitinn of the Union would éncd their cqnfinucd ell‘orts ispcrnto an}! brimhiuq'r what i mrjy yokho slumhpring in ‘ Lugs. so ‘lhut it may become he sau'thcm Slatesycvcr lo accfii in the Union on tnrms i‘ «finality. ,Thoir political ‘l3 Will host. hofiocurctl by n thq‘ whr .for years to camp. «1 not haw an immediate l W honorably securgd. all, design: oftho loading Ina; rs t 9 keep Congress in n tifll the official term of the xpil-e on the 4th of March. kc ia [wrpctual Congress if may: begin to [iorceive that ion in] their chap‘LQs for jobs ‘ Tl‘nyfiro feanfdl that the [at big mbuldcd'to their radi- adb t 6 too mp mnrk tht-y nimehonJm coipcs to be re | ung‘rcssio‘ :ll pressum‘ that 'm, ' 4cm- upon ,him; and 'old‘Fcontinual session song; ulixé “body guprd.’f—Clin; 1 - «a..-» ——--—v——- (fiddly—A spasmbdiq nfl'ec nchihl 'jl‘ubes. which are my ‘ onakions phlegm—“ Brown's. half? will in mm cases, give f t Elfoflong standing. por ; fiz—fthey will alleviate in ‘ ' V Asthma or 11’ tion of the Bro cred with adry, Branhia] Tm inxtgnmliatmii: scvére with Ith time. 1- I ! frilpml having triéd mimy :thm'a with nav‘benefit. {opnd [ln dhe‘Trochos."-—R£v. D. l (”J ', ‘.‘An old lad ' remedies for‘ Ad great? relief frq Leta“, Franlfurt,‘ I a “filter hale heén' appélimcd’ SOI3M Bun inn Taxes forms slugs. Ariahntpment of five .1“: all pc on: paying their I 32‘? Septglflhcr. 1. ..’LT“ {up}, at ”us State, is ro- L a . 1 i - WET; 1m Collector of: S‘chb Borough oszGett per cent. in 1011“: Mics beford the fiy‘ Genorsjd ported mum. 1' ' ' ~ s» ‘ 4 ' frHE GREAT BATTLE B~ ORE RICH MOND. I The Whole oz 051;“ *’Call’l ror‘ce nrnn I-lllt'ol‘. “ t‘hm' lny llkl nl‘wyur." mul 'th «lurk will! imnmling was Roy-t up on] nhnul‘ i) l'. M.. \\‘ln-n Lhn hat lnrrw. \V(‘l'(‘ 'onvt‘rml hy l Ml‘lll-Li‘ll l-ul qliflilly. .: ’ lull-j in tho MlOl noon. the onl-my mnflo ti ohm-in‘ \\Illll:(‘fl\'flll'}'l Alum! nun hpntlrml ol' lhmn cimw‘ rux'hin vlnlowh nml'nlll-mptlwl ln err-\\' lhfirnvino, w “-11 lhr harm‘s Immilpm mirml. A :qnaylron ‘ l‘ on?! ‘cnvnh-y. soninu lhr‘ lumilinn in \\'hil-h 1 it} ('ll'l‘nly ujr'ro plum-11. |n§4ln fl'l‘llzll'fl' durum llw liill. who" ‘ Ilm “\\':lll'!) m: nlalmmln‘nmyllhoxr‘vhmfics and "01'. , ~ : . l I ' l l 'l'hn'infrmlry ill-'hl \\‘. r: lli‘l‘n rnnn\\'l‘ll.ail:itl omnlinm-sl unlilLT l'. 1‘ .\\llon :Irnln‘ut lmq rw-h-rml’. w-ry Ilim-h Aflf'li” ‘t'llicéwill nl'lho l'l-im-\ l\':uvi.| lmvg, wlm hogg'ml ['o ho nllmv. ml ‘I'llt‘ll"‘|'lIIIlL’lll'l;)<l‘i1|llvlh\'lll(‘lll,l('y.rqlt imafihlvnl lhvvl armlvlimnnfimm lln lmlrh— t'l‘lu-Knul-‘r furl-file In an to I'll I‘m-Id. I’o - l“l's'(‘(|l'|-~' \n-m mu’n-1 «li-{tum} ll"l“lV'. Ilg‘lu‘ wlmt i~ lgrm\vu.,a‘vlMain-iinffi r.~\i.lvfiv9.§ 1: .\l Ilnis lmw' lli‘HY ":Ellnlhc-‘mlinulul (:11 ‘ mun-uglinu w»? lll‘Hl'll in: lhw right w nu; y [mun-hm ltzlL'lflL'l'Jt'Jlll finfi'umfwnun IN. ‘ Y ln-n-hn: :nlmml l'nur mill": lin lmlgl'l . cm H‘ - Imrrymgnlunw .\W x! mung-“:1 miynlmiln Al', :nnl‘rulunm' “numb, («11-lull"; as full :1.» l. u »c-rw‘ l‘lfljll-l rc-nrh. ‘ ‘l l ' i l : 'l'hl'n «:nnw HiFlllizlt‘i‘: nmlslivk cnh iorq 'l‘" (but. lulhm-M lty :m N “Hwy lmllrr ', lulr-l "i-nullv mummy l‘lm l-r Molly“ Um ;l:l~'t fhl’ ‘llm Imiu I-u-wtl Im-r'. .'m flcll' \\'uf: givnfnl ll“ :l-wlruy it; A! l‘hi‘unm gum" tll‘lilf'lilll‘ lrouinn-nt '1':|ll|l‘:l nvr-tho 'mim-m‘n. nil-l‘ ‘N-eing lho \\nrlv'f nl‘ (E'Nll'l lion going nix.) ; mic-I out. "Mn”. {II-pm'llm nvmy nr'v plow; .upnu u-," mum nl'\lht-m :1 [ho smm» linm' lplnni-ind hwßum-ILK Two ours all: “Haul llm rnvmy Puma Gwllfl: lh ir way Ihrml'illl lho \\mxln’, am llnu y ‘ll ‘gcuqrul‘ lmllllc' ‘onkmul. I ’ ‘ . l i | l i A sunlulon om rgon of. roglmnnt from in \\uml. will a prom' l m- albumin" 'nf lil’nl irillv pits pnrlinl y in‘ mw imrof Tina nl‘, HI-u- l‘onn‘ylmn :1 rns ‘n'nl‘ gave lh rvlullq, It" uxlmnlugu in front I l‘dll‘nr. \i'liioli ail-y! ,lhimmvl‘ll :lurin I tho av. ;',_‘l‘.'m (illuck Jun-l (‘.-mm gt-Imrul. , Issu- A-rily‘mul [howl-ions- Ill'\"‘f|rlll" i~-ur- in‘ fl; 1 by llho mfmmninhir-I in ('hivl'.‘ inn- monl npprprhll-«l nhout' .nim- o'clock. hy tho {1 l uwloll} \\‘"hiApi-rinu lnl' ,llm nvw~ that I.” ll pnhliu properly ntt l ‘\'llu" lluum L- nnliu ‘hml‘nc-on diulmrhpll,‘ 'llin it” lho Ira L'pnr .'m'w \'o:~i-ls‘xll|ilpr. chnrlvr nrnlurml lo sai unthinconlvny tn lho _ : llzunlvtnn lluxul» 'l h‘ lrulh‘at laid tynvhd‘il l upon the u-yvs phlh 'dul‘lléft. Mo llt‘llilll ’hml not mltlim‘wfmmu vh «Wight lhoomlny sin front and in_; mail lain 4m- lure of' hi~ lsulspl'rm mill guiml hf» colinocli m with ‘it 9by milrn:ul.~ , l , 7 l Fairly in ’llao ‘ nclinj'v, I‘dflor's woundéil .wnro -Ol’-l1‘lt‘(l l n r molér limpital than tlml in uhirh' ”ET lay, 'l‘l‘n lloglflmw, for: tho first limo. \~ re b nnghlnp mulisol to work. l‘ml’nre noon aha l'lznntylvnm‘n and ' Mnkknchuxntle troop; MT?” (luinos Millsl ‘11:“! yii-ldwl “I‘l- gronhid ,b number“. nmll arolireul under 01 llcr—hun hig'comrnissdry] and olhvr lu-nMrly hcfor they h'cnl, mlil‘ "dosh-(lying; a hrillgo ovqr ll ('2 Chicknhoniiny! las they cracsml it. An ttack: in great} :l‘nrcé upon Smith's div’isinh was also made. The Vermont troops yum] lNow York 3.1.1,l 'nndmhors, with L‘lyrc’q battery and Cowau's,i ropnllo-l'il wilhlvrrilrc slai‘xghlcr. . I l } Supojmlmumlin‘g' in regimf‘nls; ns bravo; 'nnd resolute as ligegs, the“ reb‘ols’mllé‘cl [their fresh men; in. s ccsbiVo waves upfiinl i‘Sum‘ncr, and tllcrcb carried ”‘0 gcnoi‘nl' nwmll. to the lines of locker nml mency.‘ 7[Un .thc loft.-Exl'.], The ground“ is .a, 'swampy \\'llllCrnC‘Ss, dolly! withzclcarings, ~,in'mrn, 'mul wheat, and oals. A bank: all lalong the front we 00 uilyjmnudl bu Mon oven from a balloon. The") oodé will hide ‘tho mhs‘ ol'il. They ill £9sk hourly iall ‘ of a battle in from of o corps d’annec, or jol.tlm_aliviaiousoithcr. ’ 1 ’ ,l The fight; of today, the ore, nnol be dc>crihcd, save by n. on ‘ mudlfin lo! Ih}- positions rcsPcc ivcly old‘ y tho’ opposing _‘ parties at its cl 9.. n d l>y,'.lhc jitt of ihol 'killegl imd w. mlcd. On the fiche] side. .howoiler. it. was hanufix-rimld by .thc Reall fmsl. 011.1 policy 1' rwhicll thp'ir lemllensiaru‘to V be so mugh ho: ored, of pouring ll'rmli and l :cngcr troops upon our weiiryimcif, and en ,dmvoring [O'crdsh us withisupor or eight 01- “”1“"‘1 vujfily superi rlcxllibill’on ol‘ ,iforcu. Twice ' I along! olfro t. dill the I_hlomly and dctqnniucd all k clllng to our llincs of batllo land our ',flp—pi and re .doubls. l‘nrtcrl thunderolll on xcm with fifty cannon; lSumnor’s, ”Hookers, and ; Ayrcu’ guns reaped them with a Very Heath :hurvostu ' Their logs in {killbd um} wohxlcd ”a; horrible. We but do to now If our iown dead, wounded. 'nn mlss'in Equal ,lhoso‘ of the Sovpn Pin «3ch elm! ill} the meantime, . notw' hstnr‘hding the llmproportian all numbers the niozn-lino fl 3 at c-ycry point about. be [it fins in the lmornmg, and the ho hind it pm in 'heart. ! ll g I The eowgrds boiiin if. never who in heart, uinlisons be on them H on}: ‘i—d, ‘ the ——-.l.h,'lhe 7—lh, ha unlikeqkickw 4 091’s. 311405 “8’01“ -——. w“ o; overtaken in ‘ a his shameless Stamper uwayfronl the. rebel ‘ - bro, had his gwclrd ukq‘n aw y byg' a brolhpr. : ofi'mernnd to bani-xii“ the tape 1 lwith.‘beforc hp üboo .6]: Led my 1 from the cut. (goth _con duct. bf;— but. what]: we use? i ' all go.‘ The 1 mormw {3 cl n.O, hangLn 1 ill! promise ‘ Idoc} not unite :to crlml ‘ ndr rccrimii i .uuuon. : . f 1 lEU &gaged. I‘n. ; an. [fliri-sn‘p Hm] Iro‘wq :‘lméma mlh iiia m up!" lormsml. Um“ \aflllr'orks, t‘lhll The train dohvvs n 3 Pennsylmnin. i~ In” ‘ by n shell. \thn w “to km. in: vnluahln i Ten guns “’an taknné’ flunk nth-ck, cnvrrm which hung amund drifted tn let-much ll 1". M.——Them in or firm host minds in hour of thn night. ‘ Mu, no; strong: onnn nilinn against. the In hers of the c-uomy. : Don’t tnAmm-rmyv on ‘litfle. CM. RIM-k. of l—hiw hewl hlnwn of? , IMO, Hinton’s bun”); g-mnmnu-lvr h-nilln.—; f frnm m by n unlulnn ' "y the thick rmnka; I‘o NNXN‘ and slowly a mum-5| of the llm-o Hm nriny M this late I' they llc‘mvle Mm], Wu 1; mlmninh‘dn our pm g-ncoumulnted: num nd Hm! we mhst n»- “lmm shall 'rniit the y of resisting'vnr rc~ ppeals' forfi reipforcc- grievom rn-qmfisibi fusing McClellnu's moms? ‘ ‘ LATER—I 2! A. M. prismmr n relu-l m: Jacki-019:! army. H the valley of thq Sl and (‘aynu harp yeF-tn 1 sun's army. The n mnrning'. Tho whn 'snitl that in the nu rebels hall from 'six :; troops. This will ex l umlcr which our me ~‘ swept away, [uracisol manta-xwom swept; n“- szlorllny ghc. drove l-l lo the n‘ Jnc s‘ nmmnn nvbr mror byth l Sykes’ rogulnr‘. mil I t 9 the task nf stoppi (‘nmmnml lmtl to lml (,‘minl, llt‘ Purie lost: gnod conduct ol’qll tainml' this unequal z gaw- wny. inxlr-ml, bu 'l‘hoir loss is mnrmo The' regular glib} nihilntotl. Nonr y «i killml or wonmloih sovarely. Mnjnr l l a kinsmnn ol' Gefior. Colour-l l‘mtt. of n. A also killed, and Lie and Sweitzor. (lur loss in nfliro : (16ml, the «Hawaiian extraordinary. and _ lrmps so ,nnyil-hhn inevitably bur-:0. 'l] l’nrlvr's and Smith rl‘lu‘ls in lumps. ' Coirnt do Paris (oak or. who lmlnugml In said! Im '11:“! lit-on in m-ninlr'mh all Winlvr, lay iyit-h, pnrt of Jar-k- (1H it was Jim‘s‘.‘ "a rkjon our right the ‘ to eighty thousand lainJho onormnm firo I'm-b borne duwn and ll .'Lq‘nnmc of mi rogi l y M the Sewn J‘inos. [onmylyanin limr‘rvrs lni-king‘ regiment of ’yb-Hny ting-y wore I ma hoops roinfiwcod. d 11"). prayed Iynfiqunl 1; “Huh, nndfilncnm's fid-lfil, 10 thém. Il'llé ms {‘o the rch‘inrknbly ho figimoms that Rus u'm-I‘: on Porter. They not one or Lhegn ran. 3‘. e flnl'alntry is about an ‘vnry nlfim»: in it i 9 “.01th gull'vrc-J also i nelteL'dr tho ruguhrq, [l Mc'llollnn. iS‘ killed. cw York rogimc‘n’t. is licnslifl. Colonels Black ‘ ' V k is. very mnrkdd. luv '0" ih‘numhers was an Ithe robstinucy‘of our . that our 105 an wag-o ho ‘arlillt-ry in- lmfl: ‘ llh‘i~imv~' pilml Um ‘ho Jim was horribly cfli-Nivn. AtSavngo's Stalin fill the grant. street , nml~lwgm In pm'o‘ t [ln‘ Sofa-n I'inns. .'l sln-ioking fill the hi! l flip, \\'mflndml nh'nzuly :fu-nk in ‘llw mum. l0_;:l_':b$ 'yunl us alf'lol' [he sanmlmmning nml It 11>. “1011. 4 it if (*Mimntmh that non .100]; panin. the is'_ known me have, ‘I nhficr him (‘k-neluls lfimirh. ’ 0n flu: n-Iml 'ginlq full (aty- tllmwuml :H‘IIHII. “om-ml ,[A Inn-u in mmmundm llill. An‘h-rum. and It “as MW at”! cmncml. An Hui: k midnight. Itmlios s|lill~fiidt2<fllM rm Sum 'l‘ln‘ gnu-mu nf' tlu- m meimw scnrm mo w: in qunct. of mixsi'n; I nnl fiml lhoii' ln-f rvcixm-ma, onl-him rm' wrm. Each, \\': almvning mm-rmv, lu .sImH bring: or Him-o|. to llmmwlvos. 11 i. [thléhvhon the firing 'ril_l"on it i 5 unw I.:qu l' [NS deml cmer the 3l~llli+K~|'Z~ of Hm \\'nmh. nwlfivlJHl Hm air. and mloning \\'onlilv about ia-mik. (h-m-‘ruls mm :IIN‘H; (Minn-IN their [lax-in bmnpnuio’fi any! 111 \‘uth auxin-(y tl .‘. inn“? what of lml-n i]. m' y‘iliwing. :mnl ul' El c :l Infi-urnml‘niglu! . Some of the can if. MM‘K, (‘nwxu Sn) nr Hm’h‘l-l I‘vnmyh Juhn T’va-k :mmmh prnlrsmr. was :xnllnil m‘ul prm-I'lsml law ‘ 1i” llm .\[c-xictln “1‘ \\'-‘n! out as :1 prim“ nu!» Ih-uilm-m. and n l'o'lfmrmlmvlqnvl. ‘ liml in Hm \\'.‘ll‘. and 1 Hu“ plm‘l'N‘ «If M“ l‘ “'11“ flplwfnlt (l nm- 0‘ pram; (Hum of N. '1 quvnlh' :xl‘tpninlml H tho .\‘lminielrnlinu (‘. \\'hu'l» lm run for ("m in a few value'nf lmil l-n-w-m \\nr lrukv lir~l in nill-r hi: :‘m'vi ('.»L mm; diml‘fll H. “1- \\‘:l: shot through without a. gzmzm. 1 I'Uliili min of lho Rev. om Mulch Ilivino and MI :30 [ha |..-Ir in 1538. with; lmiilinnt ‘III‘CKNS r l-rblufnhl. \Hu‘n In { in'l'ho ;1~l I‘pnmylvn— h-I \\{HTIL he 'II‘PHIIH‘ .'I ‘vlo «‘l‘lewilhdirlinm Illm mink rulmm-Il to Not i'nm. In 'lh‘l‘)? )m ' tlugjnulynmof‘thn Sn '2le{§l, inn] \\'lk‘ .k'uHm {.\w-limr, A ('llangn‘of [l4l<l‘l¥lljsi runmvnl, ul'Lor gin-Ff, :md (‘zu'n‘v' with- E vlgf-I-H-ul. \\rhn-n llu ul h?- wm :mmng Hm rm- trj Hu- Hm'vrummum. 1- lmfidol hi~ rs-L'inn-ul‘. ,lm growl, un-l expired . gnpvn. ~ & wink nlxn fr-Ilgnt tho . [£o was :1 grmluulo nnki aclin‘ )mleiri'tlzC w .gzln man of lino whoa ~Imuia :hfvilulinzl‘l‘inn, r hid nssouiule oflicws mmw‘ of t? 0 27th Mznsnrhl h‘r‘ml oflnix H‘gimon nf \\'ost I‘uinl. um] Uhlhczlmpaign. “( lmly anniumrnbm and muvh lu-lm-ul l and rvghimnt._ ~ ! ' v lr-xrl} Us! Michigan 111-pin among: lhokilk-IL ' inl mm. ”is r} ' r‘qmlnnn‘wlcd by (‘1 11M VIM,” islnl'sn rolmflml lc-lirn: n urmlnuln of wil‘my-m \\':n tho mm 44 \R'Eifnfix :I‘t ‘l‘uill Hui]. l WM “:1”! (.'ulonut,Cnr- m'nv lwltl a lu'isnnrrt tcu'rmi by the rolu'ln I l mme‘ . I “In New York Ynll from his Inna-n. ”u ‘ it is. mun- lu-plmblo (mar, {l% lvi~ body m 1 “rt-1L nhlmugl; |ni~' ) (Lluuo‘ is: wnll knmu lmviug: HM vulin llu-i Tiwn' u-rm»: :m-l nli'n ”mm: vsrvorni 3031 3 ho has lu-on .'lf‘llllL' I. =24mmualflnziggulv.‘ innl'l \\hich gnparity 1m 61 'ly and Luisl‘action. | lE= Im- ". \\'st Ff‘!‘ to fall a rtfiim’flt‘tl kllfi‘cl, but hut: !l¢‘§\".‘l" inkk‘ll.lnri<- ~..! nun-ward“ (L 511: - ‘ mm [wins (nun-l, 'l'lni t in ‘\‘Ms’ Ym-k pnlilic‘s. LVN vanrk Lr-uiklulnrn iith ":5 (‘ln-rk 401‘ the l~ln§r-snm(‘ (imp past ‘iumhr‘i' gvnrml nl'tho lol'qyflm'ri I 'k.‘ divilit In, {-dwilll gunner", abili- LIEI‘TENAVT I“ ”H! New York "0h his Imrso- and m li\‘ml about an houruf For yours he was a , chant in Rome. New ' murmur r 6261 I‘vnnsylvunin, standing in l’iflshurg District Attorney inn 110 hug“ brother 5) stair. - ' . LGNKL fix I M.E\', ntéqrs; wzh “not from r muy 'wnumlwl. llu torrvg‘oiym;hiugnunnl." omfi'mg‘ldry good: met- I York;L . ,nsu. ssrznzm. ‘9 I'm}. raw-m- or high Jlé WM UnnmlSlutns u‘r L’rosyth-nt. Fillmoro. r 1 (Sue-ppm! McUIL-Ilnu's Afiakmw, - , 7 1.; fi-portod mortally 'gini‘cr-hy; pron-Minn. i rylfiunny, his; Imhcr I; cpptn‘in 'of the Pitts» ~ ‘ luna.‘ loe snmn regime] wounded, is a civil 9! Ne camps of n mili - l hnvma been for you . burg Blues. 1 MESE “mum 4th Michigan, suid‘t a gallant Milt-or. He in firm?! of Yorktow fur on v . Thcbghnvo is only list of oflicqrs killed is war largt} M. ‘ four {rundn lmvo dwellings abouvrher rvplqtiqn. ; ‘ j Imv‘hllmm killod, was was :scvoroly wounded ‘, Latin-fused to take a. I thniboginning of tho I , Tlfie list of wounded ‘ vngb’s Station alone, lbcui taken, tllAchq' i Izawng‘boen filled to LATER . non AG; h~~ The Late Movemen . a : 151—13,3110 .‘ siti c and r 5. vdc‘nml Wash-n Forlg’rz-ss an‘oN s quos and Fitsz 1 ix; aninghm m h (110‘ lief; wing orlhc Ihr we ,or end to. st, t cir'prepnrauons ad “'o’ emy’s recent bulk. 1' rec. On this I . Wumycmx, July owning states that formation has just. per telegraph from nonncingthathner Porter have succacd importapt‘posi'finn 0 army of tho Poto take on Thursday 1 to take which lumber) mrrific smack upon G the Star mmnrks: . ’ “Until it films they had-been :ble ‘ loft wing of the urn} ing the right wing, as 1 was a. mutter of donb W 6 made in tho aught. Now. howcv point for which so mu most skillfully rem 4 “odr loss proycs to than we were led to 1 tho swamt-nls of w who left the ‘Wlme‘ morning. It thntvcaly 1 me bcflain here that '. gag into line as the "y, (igstmd of remain [p to ,Thnrsday last“) i; ! whdfihc’r tho sacrifice F ’bq'tjflelhpd Mailed , itglq clear that the I h was risked 11,“ been ed.‘ ¥ l avoibcon hu- heavier “cho yesterday from I or huge genncmen llgnnwrou {hunky m' IMib’x be 943 m- sntml for. tho that tlnyl. the unny of the Polo mac now stand-4, in the position Tram which its chieffiromtrd tho hpemly fall of Richmond as innvitnhie, goes far to campus-to the cmmtry {m- it. ‘ A _ ' “Um-loft. firm]: mm mm immediate! on the hnnfia ofJamos Rive‘r. while our ring". is prolmhly upon the: ithprcgnnlnln pointumlor shod fio ham bot-n vmn' by‘ Heimdonmn's form on \lenostlnyjnnt: . “The form Intel y follllirml to guthmt Point a'ml‘tho Whiw l ‘ouqo and inle'rmedi nlo dumb. as we" as lho thirty-five miles of railrnml from West I‘oint to our-front. in now n 6 longer noccumyy in' tlwir Into posi tions; thus practically adding much to the noun! fighting strength of our ’nrmg. whom; =l3pphos or every dipoription‘ can be lnndqcl lhrfwt from the transport! nlmm’t immediate. 11' m tln-ir enml-w, under the protection of the mwy‘s mudmatnl / A _ i “We nml. hardly‘i add the new position ”Thur ntmy IN upon thigh gmuhd, on which pt. can mwruto to gfxu- greater ad'vanhwe . thnn of late in tlte§swnmpo of the Chicka h‘ominy.” ' L I ‘ - , '—‘—‘—‘ M t 'l‘ " THE LATEST. . ‘ ’fho sminingly mast con-act. andmnnoot i ml nccnun 3 9f tho builds-fighting hofam Rwhmmul nreso cfinfusml and (gantrmlixx tnry tlmt it. is difficult. to dntorminn tho m‘tunl pmitinn of nflhir‘t. 'l‘hq {Most nul ' vicos nre from Gonoml McClellan himwjf, {contained in. a dispatch dated I’mrkloyi‘ . “'mlnosclny ant-r 1150". in which hil stntm { that ho hm succr-mlgd in gotting‘hia army 1 tn that pnint, nml wan being roinforrod by : tho trr‘mpq sent from WMhingum. {"0 also 'snxst that a severe hunk; was fqught. on l'l‘llf‘stlfly. resulting in tho repulsio of the Confinhrrntm. I'ArrkL-y' is in Uhrhrh-s (th‘ I rounty. and as noun“ We can «hiltt-rminv, " t 6" mil'os ht-luw City Pninmun] thirty l'nmi‘ Richmrmd, mt the crmv flit-s. but about fifty milt's fullnwing' tllé Iwihding of the river. "”ler are various wtimutm of tho‘ Imam sustained in the amoral cttgugctnfixts, tho ‘ , l’rgqs dispntchqfiutfing lhn joint. faksuullit‘s 5 nt. forty-five thousand. of which fifteen thonsa'ntl is given as tho" Federal 1653!, um! tho ronmin‘ng thirty thomaml on that of -t|w (.'.int‘wlm-atos. Tlmeu in ant-on is. \tm'v sgvr‘f‘e on hath sidns. (it-nt-‘ruha M"- Cul] and Rt-ynnldfi were Wollnll‘vd unfil lukt'n' prigo'n‘t-rs. and (h-nvrnls Sunnwr, llt-Intm-l tnnnh‘ liumr-a, (:nrmnn :Lml Hwhls \H-wnhn . wounded, hut wvm ltulurn from ”w huh}, ’t‘lm‘twn last. nntqultlrtiving,in ha|timnrn ‘lon Thursday. ()1 ”up ('mu‘mh-mtus it'ts “-- pm'tt‘tl that Lit-Its. .hmkmn. «31' Virginia, null V Ilihvu, of South gunning \\'t-t'c kilh-(l.- I'J'ht-rvpnrt llrtt 4HO". Magrunlnt‘ \\'.ls tukt-n ‘primnr‘rw nnt t‘nntirmml. 'l'lwCaulk-«lnna Inro summsml to hnvfl‘tukon tho mn‘t lgrmnn ore. tho thnlmmul lht-iytu mtimntt-fl :n thn’ dlutnlwl cnptut-ml hv Lin-m: Mum; {lrisulwrs \\'}‘re :ll~l)(‘21_,[|!lll‘('l| by tho lit-:h-t'ul :n‘mfi', }hut “my wvro I’mm‘tl, lulu: :m im'umhrmu-n amhwvw rvlm-I-11. n’mn‘y of “Will tntkam; tilu-ir “my 'ltK'k to tho Uml't-th-rult-s linm. lAll tho hL‘itlgt-i xvi-m hltm'n up‘ity (it-n.- ‘. Mut'h-Hnn 2“ ho l'grlfl‘lgilll‘tLzllltl'Mth lellh'T‘ l lv “Ind ~t WK" ni (filth. tmt luv :‘X|\l‘ l 3mm- uln 15“”wa "l'ht- (Vt-ul'w t-I'ttttw My: lldlit‘Vl'tl t‘u Ihnvc nutmnnlu-I'vd' ht" l“1"|1-'Hrl\ m I'VI [y 't‘nguymnvnt :ltHl‘lth:|)’K lighting With tlm 151'th s|. Ih‘spvmtiOlL! ‘ ll 5% hlulwl that tlhp l fllr't'fiVO {mum of (ion. Mrtflvlhxn was Innu lty‘vlivv ttmuqtml, ’\'hilo. thu ('unti-tlnmtm :n-o Hippo-ed to h.lVc‘h.ul'uuc hundred and eighty-five lhnitfinyntl.‘ ‘ ' of 1!. arrived thiq filctrs Killed. , (hum. July I.——-'Au‘_lviu-os from Arkanuu :m‘ to tho onl-«L llxl'xlHiu-n. llimlmzm, \anll ; 5.000 rein-ls, \\‘:u lixi Um Vicinity" ‘ul‘ 5!. ' (”lul‘k'fl. Col. VHF“ “handgun-:1 MN 1““ guflmluiking the guns. [ ’l‘hg- sill! ui-m nt' (hm. (hulk ii‘finitl Mln jm'ilit'ul, he Irvin: hunlvlu (a hriwi up hm ~sumnlim. and .‘ns’mjuly lltlvin}! Inn-u [-19,-1- ‘in;_' nu ha“ rulinns lurlnurc lhnn :\ \\'vbn, I It is rn-pnrlvd that Pom. 'l".n;rn;:u hn-l 'giw-n lhc nuHmrih-m of \‘u-kvnhu‘rgmul ,JII-tv4lliylzLut tn surrmrlvrllw vilv. I hI~ ropnrlvdwiaUhhunlmd. Ky. lny pun m-|lurl‘~.‘tlmt a sight l::x|< ncn-‘m-rwl m llnlly .\‘prilnzd. and llml u‘lun‘mlmr-lmn-nl «II hwlvu lu'nms’ «lu‘mllion hzul luld-uf‘lnluvc M. VmL-t -lem. Nu balm: m givb‘h. ’« §’ aéfi‘fl‘hn first train of mr< lmlwmn Mnm~ lphi'Lmn‘l K'nrinth “mm the m'mnlmhnh of ”mm plum-~15 tlu' l’cfh-ral form-é. Icgl't Mum phis on \\'rdm-s'ufivv'\wka‘ but “id nu! h-zu'h ‘ils {lnstlnulinm Almm tm-lw‘ mm hm” tho rily ”w lrnin wri< xilhvkml by :l Inn-u fnrvn 0" l'nnl'c-nln-I‘nto~.'\\hn killml :1 umnla-r r-l' Halon-:1] mllhwx ulna who p:|~‘~l'll_'vl‘-f, unl tn: '1; n Immlwrnl primhvr“, inciu-hupuvwn: ‘ thn- Inllur (Inr‘ ('lllrllll'l‘hllll‘lWU lllflle’". Tim I lm‘mnuuvc “as (I%!nyle 'nn-l the mus llmnt. ' ' : \Yulfu‘mum Jnlv l'. Thorn is nnf us much tnlk'm him-u Inn lm-n tnurhing nn :uljtmrlfinvnt. ‘n‘hhnm'h tlu‘ l-luillm- «If «HIP st§~iun is Inué-li nmr- 1' ha rmhlunmngitfin tlmn ignwzll ‘nl :l lllln two or Huw- (Luvs [Cw-rodent lnfhdinmn- mnnl. It i~ full I||:ll“‘4;n_;,vrv~~ rhflllld Hut lulrrv :m‘nv. when mililnry all'n'n'wt mu- m :I Pri~i~ M liit'lmmncl. mnl wlu-n illl. "mu-p «tum! that u. nnlafimfinn Ly Eng}:m-l“{uul anrn nfnu inn-mint? In inn-Wm?!- in ilnp lhn war. is immim-m. lmlf‘ml it i 4 slnh-vl in' high ollioinl quark-l"! llmt inn-I'm lilul "mi: a olgnjontmn an mll‘nrr m- In:\sl_rlrr~miy hwn gin-mum! the nnlulmijlmlhm lm< «km-Imm ml 10 gm}! up it... lojms for u miglny‘mnwsl. ‘ A onrtnin Mr. Shulmrlh. who'is :1 mm man ‘ ufnrtnrr-r nl l‘l‘livillflu‘f“ llhmlo lubind, um liiiM hofnro Mikkrs. Hui! MN “m |.(hm nxiwinnnrq nppointmlj by High (Rum llllll'l_|l In invostignlo ‘mrmin munch-rs of; xpopnh nurM and comrné'ts. that ho mmlgnpplica lion to Sonulbr. Simmons of that Nam Io enable him to obtain ‘a. cnmrm-Li 'Sc-nalnr ' Simmom odminml ncnnu-nnt fnrfifh' thous- ‘ and gum. for which he charm-d lair. Shu harth tin-snug little sum of fifly (bog/mull ' dollars. receiving ten thousand on the spot. Mr. Shuhhrth was fiakflll whetlwn ho was mynro tintt‘tho 0154’ of compimualion to, Séliéimr Simmons and tho roooiuTnfsm-h mmpvnmlion by Him was in violation of hm, ’ He answered that. ho ulntll-filivul that it was maimary‘to‘ mzuho componpatinn {9| fiuch services. and lmii hoard of mimy use: in which it. had been done. lln ono (‘mo' as high as two dollars Iwr piano! was . said to hnvcbubn promised lo: procuring \ tho order. < J i ; . Hero. is ovhh‘noo of‘thn most 139? th nor-. rupfion fastened uponla United Slam-s Sen 2 atol- Ny thr- positivq tlfiiimonymf one or his own condiments under oath. mid yet we . have not noticed than. Mr. Sumnermr Mr. Wade. or any of the ip‘cnalom prominent in oxpvlling “Jone D.‘flright for writing 5 Im tcr about fire-arm=.:have movcdngn‘inst Son‘ utor Simmonng IfSh‘ubnrth’s testimony can be believed. Simmons is ascoppdrvl of the _ deepest dye—soiling himsc-If; hn‘d robbing the Government. ‘~‘ Mn is far worse than an open traitor, and §lkgui¢l be promptly kick ed out. of the Senate» ll’such ovidgnco‘im plimted a Democratic Sonata. Mnb‘umncr ~g, would not pcrmitnmomont mp‘m‘without ' * moving his oxpulsidn; hulms Simmons hap pens to he an nrt‘lvodox Répnhlicgfiz, i, is qur‘slionahlc :whcthor mny. nofioouwifl he taken of his corrupt ‘pmcticégs.—lWriq( :2 ll Union. ‘ __ ‘A: X‘ ’ ‘ -. i McCLELLAN'B rtuinly Boon 13' of this Lublo iu- Lgton, an- ,~‘,.._———->g- I ‘ " .., . ”Fulton applied steam to thQ’Elfi‘J ' *' "ms oftho ago; Morse has WB3", , ' "“ .-....“ ol'JnTlt ihémgs- . fidn “I. “‘l7? \ ”mi: do- ‘ Jim. Hp finale. upd ‘ha gfint ’l‘ every WV prices §hin we , «indium .‘nd‘ “filming“ tqn, Dc]. StatqsmanP] = _SENAE‘OR smifivfi}
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers