'..' ~», /J .;.-..l\z‘ .‘ figm‘ a; ._3 i MN sla NM W 338. NEWS“ II GREAT 31m mom monu’gxn TERRIBLE SLA (10!! T 1512 Rapping of Gen. cuey’s Division. poxrsntmm mx’uw manna; onpture of Prisoner- 'AIIINOI'ON. June i.—-’Hw following dispatch was received at the Wpr Deput paent this Wrnoon from the Fun: or Burn. 1] n’c-lnck. June 1. ”or“ E M. Stanlon, Slrrftnrt/ of "in :—-We have had a dnsperam Milk, in which {he Hit]! ofSumner, Hointziemnn nnlh‘Keyn lnMe been engaged :xl'nimt grmtly Fuperior numbers. antcrdnv at 1 o'clouk. the eneé my. taking advantage of B terrible atom; which had flooded the why ofdmf’hickal hominy, attacked our troops on the riglu bank of that stream. “on. W 5"! division, which was in the first linp, gzwo wny unnocmxnmbiy nndflis— preditéhly. This cmfied xi icmpomry cpnfu aion, during which gum: and baggage were lqst,but llcintzlemnn and Kmmvy most gnihnfly brought up their troops, which qhecked the enemy. M. the same time we succeeded by on exertions in bringing across Gem. glmirk's and Richardson's divisions, who drove back thn enemy at the pain; of the bayonet, covering the ground with his dead. ' Tbii morning the enemy attempted to renew the conflict, but was everywhere re -pulsed.. - ~ . ~ We haw taken many primnen. among “ham urn Gen. Petting-9w and Cnl. Long. Our loss iu heavy, but that. of the enemy must have been cum—mom. = ‘ 4 .With the exception of Casey's division nor men behaved splendidly. Sevqu fine bayonet charges have'becu made. The b'gggnd l-IxcclsTor mmle two tn-day. "' - G. n. M.-(;...-'.m, Major ('n-nvrn! Ufymmnnding. . A Balloon Reconnoissance o! the Battle Wamnxn'rnw, June I.——‘me diwatchee from belbrc Richmond Imluv we )mu-n that. (during the whnh- of tho lgtllo n" lhiHlnm‘n in; of. Lowe's bullnnn was nvvrlmking thu' rrificytouc from an altitude of übuut two ounabd feet. * ' Tc} graphic mmmunimiion from the I‘m!- ioon, Gun. Mchlnlhm in dirgct communi rntio ‘tvith the military wires was Elfl'C‘Pisv fully: intained, Mr. I’m-k Spring. oi‘l’hila— delphln. acting RS operator. 'Every‘move mentpj' ché enemy was ohvious and instantly reported. , _Thisin beiicfied to be the first time in which a balloon reconnaisuance hxii been successfully made during a buttle. and cenu'niy it is| the first timo in which a telegraphic station has been_ established in the air}to report the movements of the enemy and the progress of a battle. The «damage to Gen. MtClcllun must have been iuimense. 4 . [The foregoing is all that was received up to 1 o’clock this morning. The storm of last night is supposed to have prevented the tiansmission of detgila.—churm.] - M.» *T THE GREAT BATTLE AT RICHMOND. Particulars of the First Day’s Fighting. [Ariny Correspondanoe of .\esncfuted Prgssj HEADQR'u 01: Gun“, MqumAm} June 2, P. M. "I'wo (lays of the battle of Richmond have been fought, on both of which our troops have been victorious.» The loss on both hides/is'henvy. The battle was opened by the enem making an attack on General a Casey’s ({ivision, encampod near Seven » Pines .on.the turnpike lending over Bottom Bridgg} and within Feven milesol' Rivlnnoml. The attack wmsfmnde abbut. 1 o'clock bu Saturdayafte‘rlogn by Gen. Hill’s div‘n. composed of five ' ebel ln-igmles, the trooys. being for the “gist pin-t from Virginia, Soutli Carolina and Georgia. The tight. herea was disustrokf. Gen. Cgiwy's division ’ was forced to re! re ibefore; superior num bers, leaving all their Acaunp oquipnge and Iwo batteries. Col. Bailey, in enllem‘oring to SIIVB his batteriesy'wim killed. . Someiof the [mops in this division from New York and Peuxikylvunia, belmvad very badly. Many of the officers were killed and Wounded in endeavoring to rally their men. General Heintzlomnn, on ascertaining the result. ordered forward a portion of the di visions of Generals Kearney and Hooker to regain the day. General Kem-ney's man. on being brought into action, charged with me bayonet. driving the rebels before them. and regaining all Ithe lost ground—__about half 9 mile—whenmighl coming on, opera. tions were brought» 0 ;\ cloxo. Gen."Sumnérfis tifo divisions—Sod wick's and Richardson’s—c ossod LheChickaEc-miny about three o‘clock on S‘Ltuhllly afternoon. taking] a position on Gen. Ileintzelman’s right. Here they encountered Gent. Long. i-neel's, Rain’s and Huger's divisions, the flower of the rebel many. The fighting was deg rate. every foot of the. ground being hot}? contested, but our soldiers were too much for them. . ' ’The enemy would stand manfully at a distance of sixty yards and receive the fire ofour troops, but they were afraid of the bayonet, and in every imtrmco malt our men chargedftliogy were victorious. These two [livisions did nobly, driving me rebels at every point until dark. . The enemy's 1685 here was gel-y heavy many ofthem being killed by the bayonet. Ghnt—Pettigrew, of South Caroliya, was mken prisoner, and we have about 500 other prisoners, among whom—_—» - ' -' [At this gain the yvire ceased to work bet Ween iimingwn and filnqnyswne, probably broicen by the Shaun—Reportin, General MoGleHan Getting Near to Rich . mond—More fighting. Wumxc-ms. June 2.—'Advices frdm the Army of the qumac.,dnteil this afternoon, show that thei-e has been fighting ‘wday. Our ndvfijca is oonsidgmbly in front of the position it; occupied. preyious to the battle of Saturday. , AM the military intaiiigenca meshed to éiy at. tha War Department is of a cheering phmctqr. / , FROM FRONT ROYAL. nion ,Anhyl in lie-possession il‘herp. ‘aJlazre {if-m 17mm and Fifty Pn‘mxd ‘ ~—a7ld Eleven Railroad Um. RfiCAMUBE s??)me TROOPS «... .ngnggx, Ma 31...; dispatch re- THE EVACUATION 0F CORlNTH oeived at e War {)epartment this moru~ . ~7— . hag dues their a brigade of our troops, pre- Th? Evf'cugf‘Wnfif’ms on {Fortnight ceagd‘by fdnrvcompnniea qf ”#6 Rhoda 'lhe hen! 5.01;): lnhune publishes the fol- Island Cavalry. under Imog- Nelson, enter- lowing ' dispatch, dated Saturday week, ed Front Royal (on the Manama: mum, Which it says was approved by the “army where Dbl. Kenley was defeated 9. week‘ “"90“” , ‘80,) yesterday morning at 11 o’clock, and I X esterdny morning our reserve divisions draw gm 3,115 enemy, COnalsllng of the were hmught up. and our. entire front Eighth Louisienna, four companies (,1 51ml moved forward: the men buying two day’s Twelfih Georgia. Regiment and a body oflmtiomm their hm'ersncks. During the day cavalry. Our 1035 is only eight killed and .“9 15917" “P 3 tremendws cunnonnding, five wounded, and one mksmg, all belong-‘ shelling the woods furiougly., The =rebels in to the Rhode Island Cavalry. ' : hardlyshpwed themselves, butmepliedfeebly 7 {Va captured six rcbel officers and one truth 3 f 9“ 5'10“- hundred and fifty'piivntes. Among these f hast night we threw up breastworks along ofiieei‘s are Capt. Beckwith Wm, of the the _entxre front. and slept on onr arms Forty-eighth Virginia, let LlPutfi. J. R. “Mun LOOO yards of ihe'enemy’s bran:- Dickwn and Waterman, of the Twelfth Works. Atfi‘ificlwk {WP morning General Sharp's. 3 Pope entered Corinth without the alighteat We also recaptured 15 of our own troops , resistance, and took possession. At the ukgn ”hone?“ by the enemy at, Front same‘time the mayor who had come out or. Boyalm week ago, among whom are “Jim. 9. different road, met General Stallion, and Wm. T. Collins, Fiiat Cayimy, gem-£6 11. 'snrremlered the town to him. Wu. Adjutant. Fifth Sew York Cavalry, There were no inhabitants. remaining ex; Liens. Duryea, Filth .\‘ew Yorkan Fi'ed‘k cept women. children and old men, the ye. ---.-- ...,. ____ __ “w _ _ Tn‘umfhhe First Maryland Regiment, ' bels uuoyeedmg in carrying away absolutely! » --..wfl..- ._7 V m “'9 “mm a large amount 011”“ng eyerythiug except a few provisxona, which, ‘ fi'l‘ha killing of Abel by Cain was the tuion, including two éngines and eleven I“); the évarehuusgs and railroad depot, I first criminal came,said zlnwyer toamedical mind eels- . .. r . furs! 3233") .d before we “"W‘Ed‘ The! Mk ‘ friend. "Sqré enough" replied the doctor, Ourudlttn“ was so rupxdthat u. smamwd from we hospital, and “ser = "but before‘thnt happefied, . rib rm nan w. mm, m; uni-ems not «biog aluminum the post-afica. They did notlomottdun's ddemndymeomfimmm burn the eddy aw "m Shanna-h. leave 1 5111619 m. 994 M been; manna :fim surgical 031°11qu ‘ . Field. v Wq.W MA dispatch frm ‘ ‘ " , n the Auoc'. ' -'| gmrwgmydom yum-thin “lung“? PR” ‘Mfly ”00!." how th 33:: 1;: out kallod .nd wounded 3 "3' “1.6 for two week; ”3 _ ”is 0 the Pnrm ‘ ‘ ,Th ' ‘ 312:: MN» mLe $552,133.23"? ram '‘“ ‘fmoug “lamina lend "f“ dur Brut. ‘ mo'r ’°, “‘“mflunrdmn “an. 3.“, lap“! thbpneg;s[l:;yel;49nd {wall uflfidnfnl? 582:5." marched snuth. Hitting!) 3' M Benureunr}! - ' q ”“3““ T’Q‘il‘ve. . .‘ . - Left ,- l . WJSMlcremperso “Mnlscmx Mn 9u; , . ! “‘_" lt- Allconcur t) n, and “”93"“ Bank. In fiat...‘ .d‘lsf'llfi'h from 32:21.60“ " 'roors we're ”1:: :tmmo;§ which Wm- rvc‘njymi nt 2.? My 0! .wl’. 'r'h y much M ‘ , a «PM the Firm New York. ' WWW“ lon ’"bik‘fi‘fiwa‘t “'6O five mihv “2:11?“ vogumandimz, *mera‘Mhhi‘zil-g 0" thaguolnle .d.€ll\'ph’ “‘1 Mlm (l: Y‘vndmfiyéggt‘xm‘i ”we“ lWW’ral mileq 1:3; "mm “Mk 2: 13:? :md ; but 'tbq ‘9'” .‘‘ ( - myth)“ wry encountergsd the ('nemy'g 53:21:??? lu-engrriodl\T:{‘E;Or:e:‘:y;nél”y “e? captured a . 1 9mm" 'elmveh H ~.. ahllskogx' “mm":iefivsg?fixagzflfilx‘gm»fthe rebel—l. 93”“. ‘ re dean-“W,“h Kline r9l. Dev Fort-mt {lmports ‘thutnéur? FROM GE 7 ‘'“ ’‘- King? :IKWlmcheslen wounded U ; Ni “MEC‘K'B ARMY 0 “Hunk—s' ' " ' .' ' m ,- - 81>mnall> -| .PU V ul.s“§9”“‘ft§2“v‘w£sga Porn" LENS? ”my 0’ ME REBELS- \ on y "”94 .thre Were“fi}§liiv;3§“‘l§h ”We! ‘ __+ ‘ r3l" I"°'°- x‘s.‘° ‘3 ‘ °‘ mamas“ mm Jl'Mirrfémhayl-Ye" York Bfllitia, a German} ‘ ml. ' { to?!” two. _uch lmvd arrived there, ,efm‘ml. Wum‘rm,‘ M , ‘ ‘ commnmlxz; |?i?rl;§?:ilfi till? disgust of thpir I B’flvh wnéx rlncéi'vedflfil‘itm'ilw (““M‘lng dip ‘ . >v. it n , ‘ "100 ' 39W! wanted to so] f’x‘vilfni‘flf" “Puma“ ‘ ' "Wham" mum- Bowen, of Genéi‘gl Saitofi'b 7-5 Ith.zrx'3]ln “I n 1 llg’gfisod them as foflowsv 8 Slam wTo Hon. Dining WRm June-1. 1 mm; 22:32:3131222. *wwmmeage ' nfifizéiizz-Jé‘mm’ mv‘ -',m we I. ' ' 1' 5:133: s°£°“‘. W 1; mn‘m "$.25 3:5: a Bram-. 3: may W: iififinfi'izfifiz'rr ' e oner to] ' ' - ‘7O" Mmt ‘7 .rs 2::mway'i 1m?" ‘0 NP! «xi-“ 551,312:; ' gt{3l", IdOOf MT” capturgf‘. fnemy, ”"3 10.000 , "Filmed at 11m- 9," I" ~ ‘ ' ““‘.“‘~” 0" the e - tb’axton rgected the whofe r: imecfg m“?“‘ 32" their arms. A rfi¥gyfir§¢ fillrmvmg mt he 3ch not want c‘mflmflin h: ymg‘ umganllenmed thM Col .. _lst :31 when mum]. ‘ ‘ls oom— cut the mill-om ' 11‘ . “"3 Enlcothgd The Heb : “Mlle frantic md '3 “I". "f retreat he be els Retreatxng-énartinsbur ‘tlwmselves ale? 1 to” his mm '° 5“" . 3nd Charlwtown Evacuated g.¢anture«l hind“: ”:9" "‘"m- rWe have 55W Yfmx. June l—A SbPohl d" mars. One is'nlrefim‘vMK 13nd a ”umber 0' :2 she Tnbune from H:lrper’~x gerrymfigg ning "HI“Y Severn." LipmnflllMd is run ' “$.53!“ Allis u‘ hA" ' ' '“ilw ortlp I" re “1 be in l' - have eVncuau‘d MY; -let "6. Hl9 rebel»; 1' "3 r m “"0 0r ”I’9 l ' ‘ ‘ un an 1 ”M“: 11 -‘ p (“35' “1 t?Wl'|.~ The damage Jsgglbrg “3:1 Umrles-r s‘l ~ £cosd§mmfix de‘ire' (Siflneese; Imlumom n’nd Ohio Will'oudyig t f‘é‘} t 0 the I ‘ . ‘ - . :*""‘1k"_1 Major GenérnL . ‘i'“ 7°?“ Mum m; min MM“; '"Wd' BENIN or «if? * ' ' - ,1 -T';.:Fs“”°% ‘ ' mn‘mmw COM gfltgry 70" Saturday flfl¢'r}‘oon r)r‘('lxr:i]m]“ JVA‘H“ - A I‘Clunlhhnrg I’m“ sm'w-al mile~ b 04041“ ‘V lumh'i'l 8):)? {11:11:4'. * g"‘3‘| :w . V ' ."“‘- .. ‘., " home. " “a" “umb‘l‘a are roturmug‘sl2l!?”atlntnfprisogzt ~ was?» ‘22,: .rliuea hie“ “flinging {12,13,113 Cffi‘MQQueuce 3 slvhfit f? 0-“1 “101111 1 ”Le Rho! (11%an ‘ ham: :1 91911119“. ""1 tho; I"- w}; pnvutm : me ‘ ..fr “w“?m‘ 0! mom-0]“: 0 ed“ Prisoner IMPoaiXIi'E E 331; hfiiffimnw- '*' DOAH. GEN; 117215110” bccrm‘fis STRASBL'RG Retreat of the Confederates. General I-‘rcmnn! [hf/Put: a Pbrlion of Jar/men’s . 'Army near A'huaburq—Jurksnh m 1"ull liptncut. Wasnw‘crnn, Juno 2.~—-Intonnntion Was received auhe War Department. this even. ing that (Jim. l-‘imnont. had encountérml and beaten. near Straahurg. yosterdty aller noon and this morning. a jiart of Jackaon’s rebel army. which in in full retreat. Fnznoxr's Hmww wring] . Nom- Straahufg. June 1. 18432. f ’ General Fremont, with a strong cnlum-n, left Franklin last Sunday. nnd hy rhftid l foréed 'marchm crowed the Shenandoah A Mountain ranges, muréhing nearly one hundred miles over difficult roail~ with but little means of trnnaporml'mn, and no sup plies in the country. ' This morning. wiwn five miles from Strusburg he overtook .l: ck— son in full rétrout. with his Wlinle force, on the mad from Winrhc‘stvr tlo Strut-Almrg. le. Cluserut, cnmmanding the udvnnce hrignde’, came upon thn‘ enemy strongly‘ postal with artillery, which Opened as soon 1 mi the. head of the cnlnrirn approached.~. .Gen. Fremont brought. his mainjmlnmn' : rapidly up and formt-(l in 'line of haltlmhnt ; Inclimn declined to light, and while hold :ing-Colnnol Cluwrut in chg‘rk with :1 Por ! tiom of his grnnlms, withdrew his main force l and continugd moron-mt... , , ' ' i i In the Hkll'mlsll fiw of the Eighth Yir-l ginia and two of the Sixtitltlt Uhin wvrev (wounded. The ant-nu"; lm‘s is unknown,‘ ‘ 'l‘wenty-llvo primiicrs warmtakcn by on -'- cavalry. ~ _ I I ‘ Limit. Cnl. Dmvney.‘ of the Third reg J; ‘ mont Potomac Home magma, in askirmish . lon ‘l‘humldy morning. drove a large pnrty : Ol' Anhhy’a cavalry tlnlbngh Wnrdcnsyille,i killing tno and “minding three. _ . Strasbqrg Occupiedfi -, ‘I NEAR Stunts: nu. Juncjflp—Genbral ‘Fre-l mom's advance .lnrigaule; under Colonnl ‘ Cluseru‘t, occupied Strn‘shurg last night without resistance, Jackson rapidly retreat- ’ inf: béfore our fnrcos. ‘ l , ' l A midnight reconnaissance three milns beyond b‘tvasburg on Sunday night, camel upon a rope barricade and ambush of Jack- , son's rear guard. ’Our man retired moccas‘ ' fully, however. with the 19335 of only three wounded. , l Colonel Figgelmeniel; of General Fre-5 mom’s staff, With only fifteen men, bril-y liantly charged amme to flight. a body of cavalry. commanded by Ashby in person. 1 [The foregning dispatches are from thel New York Tribune’s corx-ehtmndent, tmdl are approved ’by Col. ’l‘ra’cy, A. A. G.—l.'cp.] ’ LATSR FROM FRONT ROYAL. Reconnaissance Toward flinchelteru- The Enemy Driven Before Us—e—A Cen non and Twelve Wagons Capture}— Six of the gsryland Regiment Recap tnred. ' [Army-Correspondence oanaoointed Press] Fnox-r ROYAIq May 31.——A reconnaissance; was made this afternoon from this point.—~ Our troops discovered the enemy in large force. consisting of infantryT-fitillery and cavalry. some six or seven miles from here, On the \Vinehestter road. » Our troops opened fire on them smith-one them for some dis tance. taking seven prisoners and one eleven pound cannon, manufactured in Liverpool, in 1861, and, twelve wagons, several horses and mules. and also recapturing six of the let Maryland Regiment who had been left, in as house in the vicinity. Their names are John Garcon-an, of Baltimore, having a. frac ture of the collar bone; Corporal William Fowler, wounded in the thigh ; Edwin-«l anhmont, wounded in the thigh; Henry i‘nier, of Little York. BIL, shot through the climb. seriously ; Thomas Mitchell, shot in the leg ; and Sex-gt. Üblerfiir: Uler. serious ly wounded in the thigh. In this afl'nir we loet one man, named Crawford, late a mem ber ofu Virginia regiment. who had been captured by the enemy and released very lately. He is from Wheeling, and mm try ing to obtain a lieutenuncy. Ogtichnrd Hyu throne. of Monroe county, 110, lst Vih ginin,nnd Wm..\mes, of\\'etzel county, \'a., same regiment, weie nllghtly Wounded.— Tlie low of the enemy was not ascertained. ‘he train from FO - evening ' 1,600 Mflnnornl Prmths’ thkon "at I'ifllburg I from the reginn of ]binary. and were pm ‘of the robels being hey report that the s: univorml among i: are anxious to go figknowledginp that ‘ t." Four hundred JP {will arrive here to~ ’A dlzpntoh to vaqrnor Johnson from Gon..\'egley. d;ledyusi¢nlay, snys that Wyn coov's Cxuxxlry; made 31 dusk into Winches: irr and scan-god Stony‘s u-bel cavalry in all diyflvtiolla.‘ llis'men are chusimz them over rhe country. The :ajmech affix-Gus" (-rnox' Brown is exciting a powerful influ ence over hunflrcds wfld ham bucu lcd in~ to accessiu. =I Our Imam—“'9 hoax" incid‘enfly. that . us the brigmls- and tlivisiopf x-épnrtd ol'llw U nion casualties in thezhnttlps 01' Saturday and Sunday last, at “$0 Fair (ml-cog, near Richmund. ‘much Gem. [McClellnn'c heml qunrters. it is Lemming; "mun-ant that our Ins: in killed and wmpqlqd. “peciully tlm latter. was mubh grentp‘ than was ac first, supposed. 'l'll'erebol IMS in known to have Lem from seven Ln hm fthoumndrnml we now beliov‘e ouru will rflch Un- former fig urPs—sevon Ithnufinnd : in-atmd nf three thnlhantl. as m iginujlytrf‘portcdu—Was/dug tou Slur 43f Friday. 1 F , -: «.2+——~<—. POLITICS OF OUR GENERALS. Among tlms'e under. Jim! to bénl‘ Demo cratic antecedent; arc Ql9.flulquing:-—\lc ('lellan. llalMck. My _twvll,’ puller, Dix, Wool, Burnside, “UNLI 'hiohl<. M:m~fi«-hl, Keys. “ointzvhnun. Fm: :klinJ‘. F. .\‘mifln, ((lc-cm.~ml,) Limdcr. (n‘ czw~d.)‘4\ndvrmn. Rosana-mm, .\‘figel, Dumfor. Slllrgis. (3. A. 'l‘hnmzu‘. W. 'l‘; :lan T. h . Sherman. Hunt. MbClornnntl. Crittvndphr Logan, liuussvnu. .\‘Hmn, \Vyman, I. I.} Stovmgs, Mulligan, Strides, Col. Cmcornn, iul Genry. Among (hash of Rep: ltliugm nntgcednnts: I’m-mom. Buhks. Sum”: Luna, *Pnpo. ('nrliw I‘lwllmJlfvlor, iSchouck‘. Humvr, l’rontisrg Ferry, Terry. {19:13. and Pierce. ——4 - $- - Wt‘npmin ' Rams éna n gond etm‘y of Farragut. It ,mwns t up: hufnre tho Lom lmrdment of the Ports 'lpolow New orlnnns, the cmnmnndorehftlmlflnglish and French _wyeels yf war yiem- at Hand hull desired to crimmpnicuto with the EFnrtw. This-was n ;m‘ml to. After the t‘o'reign captains re turned they informedg Captain Fnrmgnt that it was bible“ forE‘lim to attempt. to take the forts—that dd wonder: veswla n- flout could reduce théigl or pass them.— Farr'auujrt replied—“l w Is «ont here to make the attempt :_ you may righL—but [mime héro to fluke New Orlca s—-to piss the forts; and I shall try i 9 on 1’” Dirt-d Railroad (fimnniralinn Re'hlm'n (brat/l and R:¢‘l«mmzl.—h“t mu thought that the seizure ofthe Mam his and Charleston railroad, at Hluntsville by Gen. Mitchell, destroyed all ‘tliroct arid speedy communi cation between the Sou hem States and the Confed6raté capitgl. uch, indeed, was our imnressioh ; but w learn Tram a gentle— man who recently pant: over the 'route. that there is irect mil dcommunicution from Richmo 11. vizi Alilnnta and Mobile. to Memphis and;Corinth.¢r-LLoui:villc Exfirac. 12=1=1 a Our Secretary of War is s strange man. ‘He likes to tuk 'the country by sur prise. l But a few weekj‘ago, he announced that there were more soldiers already enlisted than we had 'eed for, “and many kofe‘musteredput of tlfie service Land now, all at. once, we are toldlltugain that the cup ital is in danger. and up urgent demand is made for more (EOOpQ‘. What alre we to think of an officer whb actsfiin moon!» dictory a. manner ?—E:fie Obsa'yer. . 19(ic-n. Greeley is dtillgiviug diractiom M lo'how the {var shoulid he conducted:— Why doesn’t, he strap on the epaulets. don a Major Generai’s uniform, mount: Free mom’s Rocky'Mountaih horse and take the field himself! The oohntry loses invalua ble services by his nbsdnce from the army. ___“— ... _ __.__. @The pa an my mat Gen. McClellan. though strucE by a pinto of a shell nt Wil liamshurg. «wiped nhmjunfd. We are not. surmised at. it. An officer who could stand as many attacks from pokitxo‘mns n: herhm done, mu\t b’e h’mbpmof. ”A Ger‘mnn woml‘m at “’insted. Con necticut, thinks “ we in this country don't know anything about war yet." During the exigtence ofn war in Germany. she was compelled to work in m blucksmith’s shop for three years, so scarce were men. [@“We are glad to hear that the circula tipn of the New York Tm’mnc u; rapidly de< area-mg in this county. That mfumnus journal has done more to poison the public mind of this section than every other in fluence cogbinodr—Erie Observer. - .- -..“; .. , ... RM! old darkey in the humid of Co lumbia. was heard to excl-aim: “Gmshus, golly, what good times (1889 an: ; no massem --no work ; :m’ Nasser Lincoln gib us all we can eat, an' make de white trash foot um bm. Golly, but dese’l’ublioau?an good fellahsl" [B-“Tell me ye angelic hosts, ye messetr gems of love, shall swmdled printers, here below, have no redress pbove 'I” The shin ing angel baud replied; “To us in knowl edge given; delinquents on the printerg’ backs can never enter heaven 3” ; v; ’"Y'V‘W ”WW . i In. mars Lama. 31'!!! OLD mnon “and! my ': toe“. continua-r t amp. tr. _; We trust that none of our tenders will: MW. i I . -..,__ - . ’ \ ' L“ ~4¢:i‘::‘.:1:::1:::::';‘::’;:tizm'fisri ' siliieii'sliili'ialhi‘uiii3s3lll3 3‘ "”2 “m 'm’ MM") H m . . . . . z ' ‘- 9‘“, ~ RAM; or turn om; ‘ ‘ndtstnignnhed (‘ltlll‘n of )few hark, exp» 5“ “"“cd the ‘"minimum. “‘i‘h rd’gnn“ to 1m - (ha 'k'ilsd 1 ' i . fig; 9;). Union party mov’gmen;v 8°? up 9, those Scam, Ind that btrenltn it», "e lobe ““181”ny “r 01k :2; Wounded at the V ”victim in that Sflté, tn sextant coun- KOV‘me‘dflfiniMelfiflhju-tto such ruled and d“ lm- ‘1 :3, l are Richmond, '8 .‘W of which the “me EN“! attempt. 'rggutattona as on tm-pongiw, ”10m, in ",9 beVPfY PE"? ooiserve the names oh tut-to organize in PeanvlfiF We ungaime," my “"95“”. Hr nflirms ttmt‘ tha‘ ntnm r mm ‘ ”Fm" and county—mem id-r'stand thin Mr. hm n ,Vhigof Echelumm‘ “ {““W. the (maximum dud in N" 0‘ 00min“! h. and” commnnd 01.9,“! ‘ old school. He was “I‘m still ‘ promi-ime rebel Staten, in“, in." Congre]; h “I re‘ Jullow-thwnu'mxtn.‘Cupt. linxnr Cumrzuu. nent, member of the Conslftitntionali Union Itrmnzd by the Lonstitutiun in lexlslntink for t 'The first Intelligence 1'1“] ““0 Of the" party. Lint year, when 15‘: Un‘ion Conven- thctnh ut nuty d.“ whatsoever terms but to that (abutting: n contained in the following lot. lion wna‘held “ Syn-use, New York, Mr. i minority. if thin bettrno. ucucioubaa dmmyfll‘ tor from I‘rof. D. Gilbert. dated. .0 Duer ‘,u Pin“; on the 51%“ Committee of wgoticgirnmrft.‘ It Is not true, and than“: Pntubnu'uit, {line 4. MM. 0" that organizatioand oontinuot tube one of immozmni: u n‘t‘nch ot a revolutionipt u. 2' D. A. Bettina, Esq. :T—licar Sirz—l hue m [but éommtttee. u well I‘B'OTthe Constitu- Re “Mic“ "I. hint, another: lfl‘dlng‘, mtn moment to my before the mail clout-I, _ tional Union "an” i ingot,“ n ,htnrs that 'whorver who. of Conui- that among the wounded who urtred her-”lnt 1‘“‘""°“ ““ D“ ”i?“ W .1.. mustattaarzrrn -.A. Wet!" wt "I?” om» memo-aim h Union movement in New; orlr which fins ‘ "m" to th" o°"mm'mi , (“an ron',(-"“3"b“"‘ “n" Ad"""*°°“n‘."- t . . . ." ‘bm ‘0 n M? (:m‘orumm, mil-lung” by! Cupt. Chrttlmnn;woutulod intbetottleg.—- ortgtnolly d'med to l‘ai'w‘f,“ purpooe'. iconstitutionnl n-rtrictions which these AhoJßall entered Above thuhnklc on tho which : mu turned by the rank agent: :I of the A—tlition traitor: are seeking to are“ “pm“ me! and was reflected or turned out 0! tut-0n...” " “WNW" finial "1d 5“" been "‘3 ‘ mere .ruilfl ofthemtd l'ninn. mex and Lotuor . the tibin, putting wound this hang up to “up icombim‘mn for ofice amt spoil fhereftteed. if“? other nui‘nltL Republicnns (gm muggy“, the knee, where the bull,“ roundvold-1nq1t10u ,...»: ‘ . i . ”naive mytnnig M do’ With i find wrote citled tn repudiuting the o‘ldeniou, and in fog... ed one,) was extracted. lie ht quid comfort» DHOCRATIC STATE comflxom . this‘letter tn reply‘w nu mutation extend- inhodowing at. new: Gofernment' in hitch their: bio : wound not dangeronl; and“ will, in nu In ,ccordflnm with a resolution of the Dem- ted to‘hitn tohe present at the tor House t'nnnttcnt notion shall we supreme, 1 I ' probability. be nhle to hem-c {or home 3., m, ocnttic smm Executive committee, um" Dxloc-l interview, as s representtttive pf both the 1 Tu: Unto): nn- wu—rnl (Io: suturing A. dnyu. I saw him and exxtmincd the wound.— uAcY or PEASSYL\‘A_\'IA trill meet ini STATE ' Syracuse UniOnCOmmittee oild‘st year, and Alf u t This lsthe banner which the Demon-"..,.! Ila in in St. {oscph'l Hospital, in” which A“ CONVEXTION, at. HARBiISBUItG, on! FMIDAI',i of the Constitutional U'iion ' Committee ito party fling: to the breeze.’ Thin it thein‘tot-‘ “'6 “he" “'0 he‘d: brotlxht. , die in: du)’ of My. 18ch “.10 o'c-lo —, A- 3H: "'9" ""3 “°" i“ “a"; e‘m‘ince' r'im “M. in.” "m” ”"1““ "'Pm‘" P 60“! (D“"i°'.°°“'r°" “down“ sm’" "“1”" to nominate “ham,“ Ifo, Acut'rot} 'ngul,‘ Duer any through the matter wttb‘ak n .oveo‘ pntnuttc heart. This is the only ford toj Ailo,.blll in the confusion of moving um“ “i“ Swim-en Glxnuntijnd to ad pt such . glance. and hasvn'rittnn this ndmira'ble .e-infety—‘he only refuge from de-pot‘uum or nu.’ from the smtiony the ilusfltul, I court not mrnsnros es Indy he' iljeomed nee inry for} ply to the invitation. It sweep! over 'Bl] ‘3?<3l'J';—s‘v 'filld ”Wm- Will See them to-morrowumithi-n the welfare or thé "emaicrntic nrtymnd the. the around. It leaves no floo hole‘for dis- ___—5......“ ' l Writ»: to you. t‘lu-itznmn inform me .h‘ WILLi \M ii.P\\fr;l%SJl, ‘ unicfnism tbltide in. 'l‘heioijfiots and oimsi A RIGHT STEP BAcme-i Reiln is woungud and Frankiin Keith 11:2: Chairman of ”Fun Slam: Exi Com. iot‘ the false ['nion ’pnrty hire .th forth with “mm “'9'" “‘5O kmcd- maxi-tom wounded. i __ -. “T““fif” _w .7 ”A? in clearness that no one c’pn an to “PP.” You can assure the frivnda that they are in‘ one SIBOM neighbor ofthe‘SVerltinqlt testy ;' ciete. - t ‘ . g 07"“.“5‘ “WNW" in 1?“ city: hove over:- —§eems even dislmed‘ito“)rovuké news-‘ ‘ ”f—T—moqoo ~3— —:-—r—: l thing necesmr: for their comtart, and are at. Wiper qunrrel with “'5 iWe never ave any“. . WT)!!! Compllflj life-mu who i sore thorn tended by the but of Sui-gram. I will no fancy for such busingas, and le .of alli m the aides of eel-tam Republtéonjleat'len. them an often of ponsihle, nnti uttcnul to over, when the thermometer} ranges in t e “in_! We were told the other day by n subscriber. Wunl. that may nnso. hour; in hasn‘t, . (ids. What it is that put: our néi ihqr in i that “fame” gentry. a netgithor.oppettl— ‘ 1). (”mm sujr-h in humor we cannot pmitiveii amen-tn: 9“ winm vcty ctiroestiy t° discontinue It" Whether it, was our‘nllbsion to th . rcpt-c. i and. as an argument. urged that he could ‘ seiutntion 9f Athuns (‘o' My ”in the ecretiy it!“ ”'0 NP‘Y Y‘Wk ”“5""? sotnuch “h"i‘?“ i called conoln‘vc of Rnliitbiiénlt (not Union) _O‘” onbsqnbor kn?“ the 79'6"“ “7 be Bn“ editors at llvnrr'leturg, or our exp ures of' Abolition s"th “a would not have ”.0“ i thia Abolitinnism ofhia party. that. “ iinchea i any “90‘0"?” 56’“ “‘9 Baltimore AMT”?! hi’g toes," or somethingtelse in our. onducti “'5"? WOW‘L b“? bur nubsorther (I‘d “ oi'ithe ('ompUtr tlutt (ides not pl» 3 him.i"a"t}l'“l“"th"' ‘l‘“ lost tite‘llendere n ce‘tuin it is. that he, nilows‘ his “ vii Dtls- I SU3EP*‘i’d‘ “"3 S""f““".'/’/*i"-’7 "W '3‘? r ”“ shims ”to get the better‘ ofhiajtulgnont. :I’H‘T! 0‘" “"s“le “smelt a "3'00", film] he we“ and (:00in thought e mat-t The leader was too earnest. by half. Why to over, lit-,wouhl not‘ihtwe nllud l to the? ““0“” I‘d' “0 "“"N‘F" l'i'iis’l“. about "In“ veiy singular mosque M tho' Prod: ”a in 33mph" his, neighbors tool“ 'him" none of which that t'unctionnd' undertake to re- hiabusingss, WWI)“ Th” dxdi'northmler iict'e Secretary Cmut‘rOflVfiOln the en-ure , (like todiqtnte to him Whfi‘l’fllfiifi 1199110 Id I'o!in upon him by the iimior Home 1' Con- ' Ruimctii‘kfff’f- -:- i ! grtiss. for the Cu‘mmin‘gn corruptiniiis andi - At insthmr 33““???be if! 1053.8 on hm. myfnrth. Camet‘mt doqhtrml at (it 3dinner i Said he, " When Know Niothutgtam stu. bed at he Joni-s House infllznrnishurgmhnt he you aptwowlgml me in ”'0 mine W 3)“ ‘0“ il’a appointed Cummings. and was innwill- 1 "WW“! the “WP”? without "“0“"er and mg m ehirk the respoimiilfiiity. tim- um, urged evmbwty a}. stop it- Why dgd you not: Congrats censured“ him—hy_ 3uite a do “1' WWW?“ itfi-‘lmm'i ."m." midnight number of Refuhlimh voton,' " ‘ And llfliilflK—’\:olll' onthi nml your fcnm'pimcies thin in stops ”he Tt‘eaiiit-nt, «leciitt' 1; that If“) Nb 0‘ their rights Cullmiics fwd l'ot'efn-i thd' appointment of Udfilnliflgy‘ “'t‘lsflaix not. 1 ‘fm' Tm“? ”WMitlteffioltngnkrmo 1:0 in int, 1 ami‘tlmt 1w nlnnio was iit‘flpnnn'litle t erefor.§ "W [O‘d‘Wi 3‘?“ .nruinqt “1”"‘3 .‘0 ncknnwl- Till the nppoinjttnvnt in“, to (refit mild-l “if—‘9 “’9 fixt‘mmplc’s Y?“ S}“‘“_‘l‘r“‘“f‘h‘“l-—‘ rstiflnnsc, impiopor, iii t-vidvnuuiihy the' AW] "”‘f'i ””f! u“? """l"""' "i gl‘ViH'é «1161 vol? of cmtsure nltetulyj nilu'nletl to-{nfni \fu ' i“_'”i‘le “a!" "‘ l""e"“"‘l :10 ill" ‘ ’hoLlmn "”15 lm ’e our noighimr tyili inim-m u.~ it! what I “i 37"“? WHY—mm“ "_"lvh . ”0“ 0“" Pf"! "i“‘limH the t‘cusurv Lusitmrod m". m I iF:“‘)‘[t lifts-fire, inrhn'moil to EWTT"; u ."m ngnm ; by the assumption of dulumings's a “toll"; , " ’"‘{"‘=’ _lti' \um “lid"t; n 'l-0 “Him now i Illl‘lill by the Pfl‘zfiitit'nl‘iiitilol‘ii'. _ ; {that It “at: iwfnro... lint ‘\uu mvc nought 'i‘ilmt we should Minute to‘ the itealing ynurhplork m the “mu"? nun-kin: .1 amno 1 . : . ‘1“ fl . .\hoinilnntst—hut nm 101- [hp [won n it‘ done lny ltt'pulahcnnwh unlut) o, as n . ‘.t‘ _h , ‘ .l. . 1.; I iiiic ‘0 finalist; owe it) tho mitii . 'l'lm‘ was "rim n“ 4tlt>lllillllfllt m. It: I" “- "L Pu ‘ J Z . . ~. .1 , know iiiuilimvu/L'I'KU ill! for lint” the [nib ! stun-nth: : rtmatltlyni [-mtnzm‘nt telnuh- 'l‘hc (it; .1.. K “‘H d.. H i '4 hi ! _ I i —. . ; 111/I‘ll L 4 ill , .ur _\\ )u “0 “unis" as extimo‘i by hon '“ yck. ).uv*es_ ,do within“ it if it amt mt: iih'o times} as ntttilotiu-rs, or (/w .\rmn' flurry, dosnryt‘ to be, much [M ii tlnw ~ i - initllburo to tin: IDOIH' by any L-(iilfl in tha‘ t v H‘ . ' i, . . . , “I'l'l‘ lili' cum'ni’tntmn drolipetl, tho .9- l:uni:nmlweare quitesure that on nmgh-i .1 t, '. J' . '1: i“ .cd I i MII hit! ”1“ ‘n ”u; ("(56 f mi”!-lfliulviunnitmin [inning Hg." ltt‘ I.“ ,bttrr ’Ori‘vfiu, O y‘u :, ‘,'- , ‘ .np” cnnajnlnruhic‘ mart-1 of a “hornet’s [IL-”tel I” own party m'rfim'l”Wu/m, ' . “ "in" nest "Ithn'n he :nt‘ticipntetl. Mr.‘ Buchanan occupied the Pros: enlhnl} A} ..i .. , ~...... .. ..‘- ‘ chair, tht‘ Stalin-'1 ti‘chtetl Iwith “_ -orrup—? DEHQQRATIC JTRIUMPHE IN 7DEB tinnlsi” For weeks nntl months on fivcursi ' 1 1' MOIWB, lOWAX they constituted it! hoi‘rbyu NOW, H e “('nl-i A corroelwtndcut writan t) (h? Argus iur iteing on the :nthot‘ harm," it i mum .' from Desi Molnvfl under dam; t' M’W sth, As long as Simon Chm-Iron claimed 0' be a ' guys: :vuoiu alumni! 9“,, eircti‘ , took place _Degnocrat. the Sentinel was unspnrin in its ; to-dnjfi, "flit! regultk‘tl in u com tieté Demo- Jenhncintion of his qtiestimtnhle t ansoc-"m-mit; triu'mph. ,‘ 1 a ‘ tinnit. But so soon M an: tnr‘nmi R muhli-i ‘t't‘hrymzis Curatinhgh. our candidate for 'Cunr 1W 1’00“le 3 “,mrvellously ilu‘opcr ‘ Mny‘nr‘, wris Qiectoti over Wm. H. Jmtshtier, mm nin our noighboris Pym. ‘ (it; I Ilblnihlicagn, Aloli’tinn. and Know Nothing ANNE!" P 030“ 0“? DEiBIIbOI' P 3 tends tcnntlidute,‘ by 90 mhinrity ;nn‘d eleven of the toil nuite gratified hdmuse‘Gov. rmgue‘ fourteen Aldermen ttre Democrats. ' has! n chosen United. States Semi: r from i ‘f'l‘he contest wait a party. one. and out: tr'fi Rhogtie Island. We will wager a bi! 'npple : ulnplt adds another to the list of Demodrat “l“th "mild have bed" ""1!!! 50 h I Rt“? ic victor-int}. Two years since the candicinto WNW" been elmted. iAflerGovfip gue'u ' elected to‘tlay‘by the Dvmocmts, was defeat renhmination for the :Guhernntorin' chair ed by 21_mujofity by Lntnhfrfivho woslthe by the Democrats, the'Repubiican ' "VHF, Republimn candidate to-dny.’ 'l‘his'se Ind tioni met, Mid knovfingl "1M itrwoni be 3 trial of strpngth olitlte pnrtieg with the jute hopeless job to run anybody again him. . undidnteigfnnd “Tith such n Beehive result. resolved to show net fight at all}. Butf in an intiiontion of ttheicllanges that are "patriot of the true stump” as hols, and; taking place in Our midis E 0: the last after having “ raised rngiment'nft ‘ rc-g'i-' two years the city E, hasheen‘under Republi mentt‘or the support of the GoveJTlment’ can control, and its destiniee’now pass into against rebellion "on he did, whénn motion the hnndspi' the liemocrtiits.” L was made imthnt nep‘nbttcan Con nno'n v - in» «w to give him their support. it waj ‘ omptly} BUYING im mus. u._. use” pool ~1- with hid: the ‘P' lix dayh and store, ”The union of lakes—the union of l: . Thr l'nion' 6f Sum-s naive Would “'l_‘bc‘u‘nim: of hearts—thann'km uf A'nd the Flag 0! our t'niol forew i 11. J. sunny, gum-oi? {Np Pwl'll MONDAY momma. JUNE 9, 1862, cuuutry Wed dam! There web urn" rm met hues: wit: WI 416 ..tent's for you. Butthey math a virtue ot'lneces-i Pm“‘°l‘ to “‘um the ““95 ofthe sity by hacking down in good tim to his; South huibgen received 135' the movie of irresistible popularity, pad we amp t that 1“” Border Mates.) ought it “lief! “10 ‘lf" the Sentiml only praises him now nae . holders oflsuch " tnoveme 0f "'5 utter “b‘ [no other course 'iu let};x it. in the pr'mises, i surdtty. , A“ yetwp h'“:° ‘o‘ “3°“ a “"319 and because the hops; is entertain Ptlmt | 'paperfint‘h the esception Of, “'0 ‘3' three by such seeming'hut harmless fail-nest a few 3 m Dd“ are, WWW? and Eifmsounilwhich Democrats my ;be aghin gulled “#0 the: ore to moist Intents_ roe hotel}, I at’has "Union" movement advocated her ute. , spoken oflthe proposition With favor. I‘ho Caudor in thel long tun, is a good thing i Inuleville‘gJovrnal is of the i'PP‘iwbn “3“ neilgltbor'! Advocate twhat rad/1] ’e the f“0 Writ otltlle South Win nopept ‘PW‘E 0%" principles of your WW» let them i 1“, l dud the nt‘fllwral of the same city}, a paper so deeply dyed with Abolitioniiam, “a the 1 whole loynlty isi equally unquiettionable, people will give you credit for being honesé‘l'zurl"°fjbe 17?”? 93131110323 . ~. ~ 3 , "we gave lon 155 v: inn 1 omit-y.— m your oonv.l_tions, though they “I“; ’lO- l \Ve don’t‘liolieve there is i sluveStete that 31ml: "‘3’“. “5 in very ind taste, partl ,“ at y has the slightest dlupnnitinfi to makes trade in tlmcgllke these. i iof the sort; and we knové ‘very well that the North. will not stick t ' such ohm-gain. One pelt of the North wouzi like the eman cipation very well, but they would not a gree to‘ pay the money;§the test would think the emancipation gitself ill-ndvised, aml, of course. would object to pay for it.— It will he a long tithe before the white man in this country will agree [by his labor and ‘ tail to pay thousands of millions to eman cipate and colonize n'egroes. Common 1 sense will condemn the wild experiment. “ In short, it is a tmk difl'icult enough to iput down this rebellion itself, and the men 2 who do it must let the negro alone. All 1 men will‘ find this out before they get 2 through.” ' 3 We agree with the Democrat exactly, in , thinking that the “ North would not stick ‘to the bargain." Ounpeople Will eventual ; ly find the war debt alone heavy enough, without helping to pay for the ftteedom ofe l parcel of lazy blacks, who would be unfit to lenioy the liberty they obtained. The men l who are so anxious to abolish slavery should [be willing to foot the bill out of their own u‘pockeLs.-—Erie Observe-r. H‘Tbe Anny Surgfeons, who are Equip ed to administer to the sick of the} six or seven hundred conmbpnds. old and young, butt and blind, that mp jammed together in Dufl‘ Green’s row, it} Washingtox‘), com plain of this species orf extra duty, which interfere: with their oblig‘nions w trio sick and Wounded of the nfmy that. nré congre gatgd in that city at this time in great. num bers. ‘ ' , QThe Jackson, Ol‘iio, Standard. 3 paper that last. fbll professed: to be sure thét “the crushing out of the rebellion” depended up on the election of the ”called "Union can didates” to the Legislature, boldly dgclares now :——“Takingit almgézbemhi. is the most disgraceful, hypocritical and woythless Legislature that. ever met in the State of Ohio." ~ . 1 “Propcrty in Dininp‘ThO Wide-Awike 01“ atom, in’the campaign 0f 1860.Vebe&199fly| [G‘Some of our Republican friends do denied that there was any "property inynotlike the idea of our publishing the ex man.” With their usual consistency they 1 positions 9! the Cong-suiting Investigating have ignored nut munition, by ptjrchuw Committee. They should not obmphin of in; the big and link ndgroen of the Diuriat ‘us for citing the mums.“ of Muir own ot'Columbi. “$3OO pefhead. 3 . witncnes.‘ 3:i a OUR FLAG 1 EISI DITTYIIURG. PA t nth—- -\ or; ECM The House of llepmsenmxiveg, oh ‘\’Vet‘lnes-‘I dly week. hid'on '11": table Seinnor Sumuu'ui bill to “low negroés to carry ch. mnila of the Unhed Sines, whit-l: pnssed ilue Senate¥ .bout gunman} ago. AThis was 4!ng in pnrau-I .m—e ofthe ucémmcndntion ofthefloule admit-3 tee on; Post Offices and Post Roudn. .\lr..y COL" fnx, (Republic-um) of Indium, gave the venous of'Lhe (,‘omminfl- for lhelr action,‘um). ihese were briofly as fullmnz— “Not a single pervon of any onloryfroml any State, hnd QV'EI lmtitiuneol {or IhiiJ'QPEIIL: No,- I’osnn:\st.-chnel-.il lmul ever n-rnmmemlod it‘ _no public Bpinion ilemnuded it, 111. would not. only allow neururs lo be until, ennlrxicto'rs, and therefore akin-rs til" the (im erunitutmut In- ' dinns und (‘him-se fill)”. it. “uuld impair the} security.“ the mnilsrfur in‘Wllfl: Strikes blpcks,‘ lndlnns and (,‘him-m ure- nut allowed.“ in until? :iguinst the whites. and. ifmbbngd while in jtln-ir, 'humls, we could not procure l’g’gul testimonyh IIS nuwnofthc m nl cgirrivrs, nguinst‘lhe roh‘bursfi It wo'uld also allow shu’ehuldiu; cun'mctqw to: use their slaves us until~ currierl for them, in stend ofJ'n-e \Ahitc-. “hum thl-y .are now ‘pmn pell to employ, and mom-y would thus he ‘puidl outfit our Post (mice treasury tor the lnhbr ut’ Ilnvu, whirl: i! nuw impossihle; and M this ’ bill could not, even ill‘lirgt‘lly. «id in crushing' out the' Rebellion, u Irish ltr.t|mu;:ht the main. duty of Congress. ur crippling the power which] sunning thin treason, a large mnjurily 'of the l'u.t‘tltiice Uumlmuvc concurred with him in. recommending that, it. do not was." 1 Thia pregnant parngrnphia notonlyufprci-' ble vindication oflhe action '5)! the commit tee and theflmlse. lull. it (‘Xt‘mf‘lili ~ in 3:81;:- nsl munntr the cthc and vikioiinlr‘nullljrc‘ of nearly at“ the lugiJ-Itiuu 111-vial! hi! tho. Senator from )lxlssncluisctti, in his effort to! mnke the m-gro qnofllmi thr- [rirnniqhnl u’hjcct2 oft‘ongrrssiupul attention. ’ ‘ ; f l DEMOCRATIC TRIUMPH. ‘1 E Thtl special «lonian in t! c [hicks and Lélligl‘L L :distrirt, ordered Iy the ”mentor, to fill the; 3 ’ » ___..“h . ”again-y in Chum-,...; P-(“hhulpfl i,_v_ we ‘leilth'i WT)” lUtlh l’onuuh‘u'uin ll‘l‘gimonl lush lot .\lr. t‘ouper, took place on Suturilny Week, lan iirli‘illeil, “untitled :unl unis-ingut the llnt innil redulted in thé rllult'l' (rt ions D. 51:11.53. ‘l°_l’°lbr° “in"“m‘d- Captain “7’“ F-WAW‘H. “:4, hy hetumioriry. T-te Align-min Imm. Uf Cunnimny :l, t’urmcrly of this county, in it”! snys: .\ll kindnuul e\ cry innlgihahl sto- ; among ‘lhe wnulnlt-11. U - »l f ‘r_v.nn‘l :Iny njmuunt ul'nmm-y fmm nhront \r:|s-‘ " ’I . " “ “‘ , lliruupht‘in Pll‘lllzllltln tn (-.irry the 111-uuhlirim: l‘WmmN-I no uhsem‘c 0! 3 R'V’ “I'." li\" canditlutt through the“ contest trilli llyingt ¢9|-' Wei-L, we firm-ll ('npt. W. l". .\lAtzh'H'u t‘omlm. 0"” hut "ll “" "ulna .Tl'“ l’elll'lu hxld' lbron n_r, stationed tcinpurnril)‘ at the I'vintul lapel}, chentedllwturc hy snmlur means, mud \tjuulrl, on the Humane. We found ”why” "”1,” not full Into the s-une trap again. In spite of; ‘ . ‘- ' v n“ the blurs and innenduei ”In! room he lton-' nnd checrtul, nmkmg the heat. of the. quail!" jun d up to lirrjllvlice thi- 'puuplc nzninstimnr #0 lll‘ lmd llu're. In pununnefi' of unlrrn Hwy nnmlrwu{evexrawmrlpn down in_ingokc th‘pahl destruved nil the lorry honta Md other mum omnidu: Fl)rllf_\'ill):l lll‘.l~f.t‘l")pl’nlt lptlll! l'Lvtlie craft hetween that point and l'illtmrul'l‘l't'l’l'f use ul lllc term "lureeklnrnlge Elem-tern, } and .. . . - by the usuxvnption that they thele-lilack llt‘llllh- . l-neof Ihet utnpnmes of the Hilh urent Nutme lit-um" wore the "till!" pn'rty. tun] nll oppoflil ’ a-y Junction—the balance in mm]: I“ lhilti to them more diauninnids. nml till low .11111 l r; ore. ‘ "1.0"“ efforts m ”whim?" “3' the: Demgcn-eyg "We'nlno visitml the Hospital for sit-k null lmuuphml mo t I!!lll_\- lur they-" Evie \reri; dc- . w ‘ ' . . d. l . . . tel-mined lo nt‘lmil‘lstel’ a titling "‘l.”ch ”Pi the “wounded soldiers int. he trick, continuum up. deetroyeré of the [ln-are of our emthtryxtt the wards ‘ “”‘l P3‘”"”l'- -\'“o”'~' 1'” ”WWW” firrt opportunity. inul they dulit must ell’hetu- ill] ilnty there we found our frivndd llr. C: H: ““3 - The Dvafrm‘)‘ .“W‘ ”Elli li\‘l'lyz ““1 (:oimsttuimt mt. hi this county, um! llr. )li'Ku, squarelLqu hnvc mini-rm! n memhm‘ I.L tri- ht‘ll I . . . l t l'l _C II lt . umph, which goes boundingr ”‘Ll'llls'h theiland _ “er4?“ “fln‘éni' n:- P‘o “l o ”L ..‘m' ~. ~ km“ to nerhhliflmifin, 'ml l't‘uiire of 'lhc llospi‘tnl I! well located sin-“l autumn;- hope to n dirtmrhrt eonnlrj. Erhis hut "Why! ply "trimmed. lltl «‘leilnline-n is rrmarklrhlt', been regarded “' { elm-t: ”l"! doubtlul district. inn! ovary nttenliun that humanity euulil sug- In the lull ul lam, it elected Henry. I}. _llonu- 1 ti m'd ”H: “mm“ hooker, Republic-up. At the election of ism)‘ .30“ ”l ' ' ;' e Dr. Cooper heat Lnngni-i-ker ionl H 3 otos , , _ .' . . IT . in": ofo W’“ of 2L1182. NW", hhwl-yrer. “Emmi, \\ ATl’J.Ct)\lPA.\\ li.l.l‘.(,Tll).\.—OnSttnr. got the hnrd eflort< 'ot'onroppunénts throughout day hilt thetollm'int!itl‘llllm‘m‘ “’9" "‘“lm'i'g "'9 District. "“‘Hlmniml‘rl! ’,iln‘ymnoniri “‘9 Director: ofuthc Gettysburg Water (mummy: Aholitmn element‘in Bucks, Stile! beats chnr ‘1; W \lct‘lellon F ltlluehler Umrlel‘wfliw, 584 votes in the «l strict. ' i +7 ' ‘ ' ' ' h ' ' = ‘ bet the’trne frieltds of the Union; Ind tho deJ | 6 11. ““5““ ““1 .AWW" "0}”!- . The "0-" “1 tendon ot liberty ‘lml hm, rvjilire in mu m..." orgnuiged hy nppmnting G. \\ . .\k-(llellnn‘l'nut ut [Saturday huh] it ill nvgrnnd irihuph‘; the ident, and H. B. Iluucll Secret") Ind Tlt'fl-‘ beginning of are ction in lawn rof cunslitu- surer . tionnl liberty an frudom. Lhnt will ewehp ' ... 1-- --- -.- «I ‘ over the Noith li r I torn-do. The Idvocntes" \ otmob violence a d incendinrisiu, who menial CONDITIONAL UNIONISH. ‘ dig the very fonull tion from beneath the [tent-3 \Vo purpose to remnin in ntul uphold. the lite ofgciril libcr . who would destroy the Union, obey its rightful government find freedom of I loyal presl, and rub a patriotic lawn in all Mimlnt-ouistcu‘witlu a you! comment. people at the right to think and weak, but‘e ...‘V_ Y. 7min. ' . been rchukéd. Tl e proud prestige ul a nutlon- ‘ ‘ . - - I . . . . i ' ~ and «1 party whose glulriuus principles of cunstitu-l ‘‘ “3 pmum? that Garnwn' Phillip" ’ tionnl equality hAiig-‘sprend our continent with the ultra Abolttlo Isis generally. .hal't‘ 'anl towns and citiu. whose Influence luu spotted been willing to nvo just such neonditioiiad. it. with mnnufau-wnirs and made it _wllow uith' . . . ”3. golden harvests, is nri~in;.r again with its grand Holmium” l'hw‘ .tthey hold that 'I ;, record or thclmsi, to cheer the hem-N and I'_VlS not"comi.utentwlt agoodoontcteticf'. strengthen the hopes ofa patriotic and liberty - ‘aud then argue to‘the illogical concluuon l°"'“‘b'l’°°l’l°' ‘ i that; it‘ the Federal Government domuotfi lin the exercise of unconstitutional 'md insurped pow”, abolish it, they will now??- - main in {And mpport the Union l" I» “111 . what the‘ Tribune meant by the condtlw'l which it hunches to ita continuance in tln,_ y lt'nionelelLuhy Aryan. ‘ l --"~ 40.» ——~—~————— '- a’wl‘heConstitution wan made for peace. the war power “uprooted for war. .ln I 1 war, when necessary to preserve the life 0“ the nation. the war power takes the place ‘of the Constitution,juat the snmeu the Constitution takes the place of thaw“ power in times of peace. The Imin {has prates 11101". the violation ofthe Constituttoqll, in the exercise of the war power. You 5““ get down either as a fool without 'sny hrttm. ‘ ora traitor who sympathises With them hels. There is no use of strangling hreqth with such a person unleils it _il to point out. his ignorance, or spin-n him on tui— tor." _' =1 mnkofifimmfimlmom I The Democrntic State Gummit'ceof Minneso i tn have called 3 Suite Convention. to be com posed of double the man! number ofdelegues, to meet at St. Fun on the second lot July,‘ for the purpose of pe acting the Dcn'toonuie 'ur gunizntibn of t State. The ‘ committee says : ' j 5 “All who are inc imd to step up to the helm, ofthe Union again t its ‘open and furtife foes ‘ in the North as. we I u in the South—who see no benefit but muc evil to the North and South' in the proposed to version of the wanintn one for interfering “'5! the pcrngntit‘e of Stntcs, and forcing into f eedom those who have not asked for it. and W 0 can never be citizens of the ['niled Smtes—4who are opposed to being grievousiy taxed to; pay citizens oiother States for npgroos to infest and corrupt Northern communities—whoi view with alarm, violence to the ypirit and iehu-r or the Constitution un-I der any pretence, had would rebuke the car ruptiou nt“\'ushlngtou, which has scandnlix'ed' tbcchnhhc and thjnggue conlinlly invited to come up to the we k, as Democrats of old, to snatch thgxr beloveh country from destructionr and mart it In u net? career of peace, prospnrity ’ and fraternity.” I j “ON—a i @sz. Hrsn '5 recent emancipation 01",: der. it is said, on re iable Lutherity, excited the. most intense feeli gs ofindignntion among“! 1 portion of the so‘diers at Port; Royal. 1‘ 1'92 quired the exerciselof stringent military ditci-i pline to repress the ndigunnt expressions ofthe; men. Orncna’ vau (msrtial atChnrlot - ‘nnd Lieutefiant M: {keeping their win ,‘clothunnd mhlcr 10mm! D. Villier \ cum-rod. xx PAN?S.——A recent court, wn,Vs., found CapuinWest I ey, Firs: Virginin,gnilty of” in camp, drolgefi in mania I .. them. At lhb inns ccfnrt of the Eleven“; Ohio. fin 3, ‘ Other lent-rs. received ‘liem linco‘tiio nhm'e. from munlx‘i-r of the ciinilmnyfishim ‘thng übput one-half of tho Company. (.nnm berim! nl-oul 50 on going inui action.) 'wL-ru' either 'killcd, wounded or missing. The Philadelphia lawnmbffinturdny, publiahifs the following: . ' - Company K.— Killl‘d P-Rorgcnn! Eclvmrvl “'crtn. Wonnilcd—(hiptuin Henry (‘hriumnm Sergennt .lm. if; .\hhnu, Uorpomlluhn T. I‘m-f {Torporul Com-ml Snyder, (lhrpurnl Frunklin «sum, David Adm-s', Jurse AdmumJnlm Ali-:Ilnl' Jnnws .\. Bingmnnn, Dunk-l Atlonll‘nrttJ'mir-h Coilinn, Jzu-uh 11. Doll, Abrululm Keim, lulin pylor, Just-pl: Want, )Juhn Wilson. fipim-l \anren, (firm-g9 Weisnmntle, Daniel Shéiillvr. ‘.\li~sing-—Wm. A. Cass-llfAlrin I‘Znig: Frank lin Kenn, Lmi anrenvg, Jnlnf'l'hmnpmn. (in Friday u letter was rn‘ceived t'rox'n tlm flurgmn nf‘the 23d 1'». llngixnr‘nt. conn-ynug the find inlolligonco [hut Sorg. FuwquK I‘lumu', mu 0“ l)r.-liuu:u.’uf this place, “52.; killed in the haltlo. 110 mus buried an {he field, am) the grave nmrk‘mi. llis {author has gone to the scene. with A View to bring hmne the body. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 'i'liu-ulmn: will {ill with son-mi: 41w hour‘s ofmuny relatives mul frii-mls. Tin-y h‘uve' tin.- sympathy of the cuntnuinity.’ in which ‘wZ- deeply nhurc. It i.~ \u he luvle thin tlm wounded will speedily hammer, and‘ Ihu missing return The above specimen of Abolition logic and treason in from the Pottsville Mint? Journal. Tried by its standard. Dani; Webster was “afool without any hadn‘t"— These Abolitionists have a holy humid the Constitution. Where does‘flxe “WI! , Power” spring from. if not. from the Com . stitution 2—nnd how can it be exercised!!- cept in accordance with the Confliflluofif’ 1f the Journal is right, then it is within in}. power of u rebellious minority to dun-0,“; suspend the operation of the Constitution pm! to render the liberties of every a. citizen in the country subject to the ug ponsible “War Power,”—-a palpable My? dity. Such doctrine would suit hiya" but. not the} loyal people film an" - all". for an Constitution mutt. maxim id: Union. ‘ " ”..‘ i-E- if) I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers