, , NURSING SURE MOUTH, » And tln- but lprific now in us: to: 11m] dis lI‘IJ copd‘xliou uftlm m‘uum. h. in partlcuhlrv 1y benefits! to pi-nona wmring ‘ 4 V ARTXFICIAL TEETH, 7' compietely dmtrog in; own min: of”: ’n‘oulh, 'lbloflpingnnd removing all impuritiei, insuring ' -. A SWEET BREATH . In a“ w‘m mukel‘usv uf it. No You"! Lad; or Young Gmdcmdn who Is amicted mlh I. - ' BAD BREATH ‘ rhould :leh\}',npyil; ing this 'remr-dy, for it in a cumin curé. ind m hppmvnd :ml recommend ‘nd by nary phyls‘xcinu under wliuse dotice it bu beefifizronglvt} _ A JBAD "HEATH h 5:: Mfume for Wit-ll were iu,no excuse while Fm. wx. uluvno's MUL'TH “as” Otn i» procured, , _ ' Many pcrgnnl carry with [ht-m n bnd hreath, granny ? the annoyance any ohm :‘o the dis gust nfl me Wm: whom Hwy come m conmfl, without being (pint-mus of-lhc fact. To If:- Jicvq youruelli fr‘am all fears regaljding thin,- can DR. WM. ;13. "mos HUL’THM’ASH. . - UhlnlinSl of. the mouth is of great impor \«lnnrc to the ‘pml‘hcalth. ‘which i: uftou' af fected, and m. pnfw'qucngly s-firiously impair ed. thronth want of proper 'nllentiu'u tu thin luhjcct. -, . '- l'Sii-DR. W“. B. HYRD‘S “OFT” WAS”. Pawn-ed M. Dir. U‘urd'n Dental 061 cc, .\O. 77 i’uurtb Sum-t, ”foolihn, F 111). frice. 37 Cents ger‘ Bpttle. A liberal (lisrioiml made f 0 dcanlcrq. 'Kddress ~Pr§§cipal omce. Tribune Buildings, 0. 1 Spruce St, N. Y. Sold Man by (“unvrlh' .\ka & ('Ol. Fifth Avrnuo Huteh'L s I. ('nddingmn..7ls Brand ‘l'ny: D. S. Ihr+rs, 24g: [fifumumy And I.) u“ Druggistlu 1 A , 423. WM. n. Humm- TOOTH». POWDER. This Powder pnwcuvq 21m - . ('ARBONH‘.» WITINITT THE IXJl'anl'S PROPERTIES {ll-'W‘HXRPU \L. ‘ ' find Kl:fr::c from ill mag or .\lknljcs that can In the_leual injnlc the TN‘HY. ‘ ‘ [1"; “1m man-r; Murmu- \«vrnwn'u.—— ruummo wmmur grmmw Tm- mum-11.. DH. WILB‘ HFRD'S TOOTH I‘HWDI-Zi‘. ~ls,recommomledjby all Eminent. ”mums. _l‘i'rpnrcd. at llr. Hurd's Drnlal Uflice, No. 77 Fourth, Slrcc}. ‘llrunkly'n. li. 1). 5 Price, 25 Cents pex" Box. , § A liberal discount mule to lll':llt‘l‘<. 7 . \‘ Address Principal Office. 'l'nbune‘ . Buildings, No. 1 Spruce St.,N. Y.. ,‘Sold Mm hy Carmen, .\IMR 3; (‘O.. Fifth fivennc ”och l‘."' k I. ,4'mlriiugmn 111. “mad , u’; p. S. Mnruea, ‘JU.’ lirumhmy, and by all Draggi‘als. DR. NVM. B. lIUY’JYS TOOTHACHE _DRO¥S, For Jlu‘ cure pl" _ , . . ‘ ; "NMTHAW‘H'Z ' .pr winced lag “pom! non-«s. . - It. in pnrtivulnflv Mann-d m ”U cngu-s of chil dren‘lflfictcd with TUU‘I‘H \Hlii. ' ‘Pnronln cnn-‘rufiuvo JhclnSthl‘S them find disgmssiug \icarnum Lumiwl by s ths ()‘F SLEEP. ‘nn‘gfl illeir'ohil-Eran from great syfl'ering, by ka'épin‘g‘n hatth- ux’ ‘ ‘ . DR. W“. B. HERD'S T()OTH\(‘HE DROPS in ‘hmhm'xse. "‘ Frugal-ed it. Dr. Ilurd‘s Damn! Office, No. 77 Four: 1 Stu-ct, nrbnkiyn. I? D. ~ Price, only 12 Cents per Botfig A ”barn! 11:53am“ made (a «laden. ‘ #Addmss Principal Oflcc“ Tribune ' Buildings. No. 1 Spruce St., N. Y. _ Roid «130 by Cantu-1L .\[Jck 1: (10.. Fifth Atonue Hotel . .l. k 1‘ (‘ndxlinztou‘ 715 Br-nk'd- M) :70. 8. Barney :10: l:ru.’\du‘n_\‘. mid. by nil quggiflq. , _;- -~— 1“-—~—-».—~'—~ —~; {' DR. \\’_\f B. HITILIYi ‘2 NEURALGIA PLA‘STERS, Fnr Nu; curr- nl‘ \lll L'AIJIIA or Toollmclu- urndncrd I}; whiz. ‘ ‘ 4: LOFAI. .\‘EL‘RALHIKH h immoflintely nirvfi ‘9 their uppfical'mn Il‘ht-x— ncLAlik‘m :\ rlmrm. and are pcrlrcflyfl human: in man nnuro; do not pmducc u‘ WNW. nnd leave no unpleasant rg‘sulm. } DILWM. I}. ill‘HD’S .\VI-‘I'H \Lh'IAAI’LASTHRS: finer fail In gin: s..:i_~{m:iun to all \xhu lexl thvig‘firtmu ~ ~ ' ~ ‘ I‘vagtred at Dr. Jlur-i's Donia! Office, No. 77 Fourth Stu-0:, Brook!) n. E. I). - Price. ‘only 15 Cents each.- ' A liheml dict-taunt made I'o dculm-s. Agdrtggg Priggip‘aa Otheelj'rljbupe Ridings, N 631 Spméé'ScJEY. Sold also hy L‘mwm, Mack k Co.,‘l’ifih 'Kvenue'flotol , l. .i I ('udulingxnn, 7L5 Brom wxy} ‘D. S. Burucc, 21:: Brwdway, and by all hruzgian. ‘ ./ [Ducfifl‘ 1851‘. 1y 4 l Nt) 'i' IC E . i We are daily recrii’in: nrders toficml by mail -' Home one or more ofDr. Hunt’s Dental Reme iesrn’hich we yannot till. None are muilnhle ' them the Neurnlg’m Planter. n h’ich we send in An (‘IH'CIO o’n reeeint‘of L’rxce (35 cents; .\nd ‘one smog; Hut ml accommodate person in pincer, where the druxgists and store-keeper: ,nre behind the: age, we have pint up package»; in white embossed boxes, seven inches by four, with compartmenti'eaeh box containing a. ~ bottle of Dr. [lord’s .\lqulh “fish. and Tooth Ache Drops, a‘lnfi of Tooth Powder. the .\‘eu nlgin Plaster. and-a valuable litlle Treatise on ‘. Teeth and their Diseases, the best means of preserving them. and the proper treatment of (‘hiltfijeu's Teeth, worth ofitself the enhrernst 'to e'v‘ery voting mun or wonfztn, or pnrcntswith ‘yonuz children. with sundry other necessary uticlu'fprica per pucknge $l. or six packages as: $5,110“ by exprejs as dil‘ectegl._ As the ‘prress charges are out much, if any, more on n dozen than on one, it is fur cheaper to order i \six'orn dozen packages at one time. a large” tnmily will mmt all, or the surplus can :2 dis: pmed of to ineiizhbors with public benefit. for noone an “tin; me how much pain, sutferiug, unhoppinesl and disfigurement, expense, losrl Mf bingo and money wonla be saved to the country ifer'erj' family m-dny bad one of then pnc‘kn‘ges. which, in itself, is a eomniete sntxot‘ Dental Remedies. Address “'l4. B. Heap ki (‘Ol, Tribune Buildings, New York, and write mun nndpddress plainly. Thnt remittances ‘ mnyjbe mncle with confidence, W. B. H. & Co. : r'efi to the M-Lyor of Brooklyn, to G. W. Grif- ‘ ‘tjth. President: of the Farmers and Citizen's 'liank. Brooklyn; ‘to the Editor of the Ameri ‘uu': Manufntturers’ Guano; to Joy.Coe 5130., l Publishers} Agents, New York; to P. 'l‘. Run , hum. E {he know a. Md thing when he; , sees “311 d ‘who hits already ordered a second supply.etc. \, ‘ » [00!) AVGEN'I‘S WANTED to introduce Dr. Hurd’s Dental Remedies into every County.—~ his“): Women who wnut lo‘malu- money quick }y, tum do better with the‘e nr'iclvs tlxhn-nny-‘ thin} in market. Thcy ire new, tuneful, low . priemnd we are spendEF'; thousands in Ad!" tort-i them or the hen it oragents. Bore-st of samples cgntnining a oxen oi the one dol~: liw‘packsges above specxfied, with circulars will be sent, on receipt nl $7. nhon. hulfpriee, m any person wishing to test his or her hkfll. in billing with the View of bet-omina an agent. They can he sold in 211133. WWI: wnnld ratio; pay salaries thm Commisnons to thaw who fixove themselves efiiciant SllFimt-n, 38‘an ‘u the time to go into! the, business. For‘nddrqns and references See nbove. . Jun. :7, 151:2. ‘ , Baudenignedheing the authorizcdycrson ‘9 make removals iwzo En er (ix-oer) Gem,»- tdmhopcs that such as contemplnle the amoral atmnmuu of deceased relatives or friend: Mari} meaning of this scmnnmnhcyeu to hgye x‘tzgloqe. Bangui: made wjxh prnmpmeu ..,:gms low,‘and no efljor! spared to plexus. 16;0 IWO its“ raorocauas ma. rm; stud} ptimm {lt may reduced rates, .4 q” gcelsiot Skf-lighreflnflfx \ J ' Removals. ‘ PE “in THORN, {Super or we Cemetery Aawba a Isabella Wine. FACTUBED HY BLIRKHULDEE .t (LEON, lu-ISDERSVIMJ'I. .\{IAHS PA ——We urn happy to nunnuuce [0 u of Adam! county lhxn we hmu dthe manufacture of Pure Wine from A—ancl tlml We Are haw prepared to n, m qupply the trndevquuulitiea of |lrL-ndy [ound iLe way mm tho market. u pure mu“ lm: mood (h? test of the :5. Panama xvi-him; a. pure article, ‘ 49 swpphud a). homé‘wnhuut tHu rLsk‘ ht: impu-Ld uyun by 1m; impun- nrtirle. |‘ur sale by A3l). vanufn and l-.'. H. i "3" Gullya}»urg,und IS. llnuuzwfi’elcnf { {york Sprhlas, I’4. ' l i 1.',6,- Img. ‘ of be .\nw Lurxl ‘gl‘o Disabled SQldiei-s, : Bum AND .\IAHIVL‘SP, .\xl) wwmva. S N ”THE“ HEIRS HF THOSE WHO. "J“ E [NED UK ”HEN KILL‘IEU IS THE SEE-i VIC .403“, (Lyceum. Alz‘wney f 9: Gluing} ants, B’unly Lnn and Paul- 911 .Bng \\'.tsh-; lngu 1: Lily. I). G.—l’ensionq procured tar Sol diers 14mm") and )hrincn ofl the prrsent war, ‘ who re dinnb‘cd by reason ofiyoundsxecelrcd‘ m diva“ contracted while ,xq‘nervicemxd Penn qions. ouuty Mona) hnd .\qrenu 0] Ply oh.‘ uxim QM widow: or other bud” of tings; who Man! or bet-n killed while in gel-vice. ,‘ In”! Land procured for ‘ervivoi in any of; my: wars. (””sz TUCKER, _ ‘ Wu ‘ ingzon, U. C: ‘ ..b‘xgu‘. AgcnY, Ganyeb r 3. ‘ ’ :38, lam. if . ‘ I} 2* ‘ ’ ' WSW“ -“ "‘1? I A. Scott 8; $Oll, ’ , 1' “QM-IRS in Foreign uni Uomralic Dry?) I Gfuods, Fancy Articloa, gpeensware, Ora-y ;, ~c,,,\‘. W. Corner OH3 gym-rubufgand, 1140 a streets. We e jual. recciwd‘l “I ck of Goods, suiml! we FALL AND. ‘ H 1 SALES, gov-whim \A [invite Ihr Mien-5 .ffmycn of pretty. good ,Id cheap Gouda; I" Lmiieu. W 9 have’n. gob?! lshortLanllt o!" ‘s GOODS, smwmfimnnnms. km} stéé'k of Maths. Casi-i ‘qrca, Cuspinetm [ ‘. , c.. for Men and Boys. is lurgr, good; lusnp. ‘ . ; t ‘ I ' ‘nmo one, come all, and cxum'me for c (an :A. SQUTTJ DON. . 4,1“61. H‘z I 1 Be tlfi: I jaw -00 ' J ‘ Arch Streidt . i Rina? WAl:ii§l()[‘sE.——HLl)EX .1: mrK- l l R, 832 Arch Hirett, Zidnors hcln“ 91in: i .ldc. Phihdelphim W 2" frmmnmmc the E T: Ale with on» uflha lu- t;_uq:nru-1i s“ka 1 MI ”HIM American (grr‘rkwtinzn lo bcl i thin citymurchnpwl Iqfifihh nl ‘rzfi'ylo‘w; ‘ .ml imeml selling mum}! («u-34‘): y low } We hue all tho no ‘ 59105,; \fclwf.‘ I y, Brussvla 'l‘hr-‘O-p3‘.lnqrx§m «1111-. i. navilh :1 splendid 51th MO“. CLOTH H. . nl4, Drugwf. 520. qur in the {time for” n‘ (-rs to ohmin hnrguifit in Iqu mchy . “c M“ sell at awry : [all xulvljxn 1' rand-j u 98 nll [toéds ‘(o be 2| ‘oprcu- 1c ,nud' >l. ire sutist‘m-tinn to the gun-hpér. ‘ : PW.- X-uy and sell cmlus'uvciy funcqsh. ‘ s” I“. 15131. 1- 3m . ‘i‘ 1 , 3 i The $l3O ! ,' 1303' ii Mil! in Now Y n‘k‘. making part“ I so: to keep Full and “xi-Nine the flock q ('l‘L3lnillg,.4|n‘l \‘nrivm 3K!fl‘t‘.: (In the: t 1.! CUFII'TJH'UIQ J’im (snd, (h‘lLVsbul—g Emlus :ycjunrk‘ 'nt nifnnisllinigly low‘ .1 'Hugin: for cub, he‘cnn scll‘g low fur! ouur than Her and 1 q migtnkrz Call! xhc Store. and .\luv 110ngme firillfivu't u \riilA-Lho‘ Lyn-«ten of I luasure, shmviu) luthiug, Baum, Shots, fifth. of M'Lzr‘y kiln rice. ‘ . §fioec..2,\ )bfi‘ ‘ Gettysbu “in.“ mm HILL. 1:. SWLVI) RAHJBOAD STR FUl'Xl'llll'.-'l'lle sfihwrilu St nth “ill ofllr. FAY. Hm hnF’h‘nd it thorout'hlv rep" it. “:9 n:>l'rii:lf}‘ m mhinery “Wis. The mill i-a uowin ruhlfv '0 l-llllplr any dcm; lfi-rlilizor. GHQL'XD Ll} (‘lflll‘étk‘d by thoul who ha} much better Fertilizer than (la-d any of lhn 5:141" Fcrll plh-Ihn land. The follow Mr. Dunn. an extensive fur splwlnblc 9mm" of .\ulnmt 'llm truth of this nssvrziuu: [l." ‘——«‘“"T”" 1 ‘ 1;; ",1 11:1' o'm mi trvEm: Another R 3151 03d , J 1‘ istnnfln m} lunll‘fur the ‘filln-IXTjV—TIm ('\l‘: d the xrnrk ear; fiunl ll m be a holler foclil ank. hlft all :nl‘e'l l r E ( [Lima and cur. unit. I: {1 Ti, (.‘_\ll|l'S n the NHL-E Ladlos. ‘juert lin :hpiiru crap, - guild su- hi~ line Sg-lw-lE n 0? Sc‘amfs and“ lxllllliul'nlfl nllirr coriifiun r'Slcm Lu, Splint; fil‘ixll ‘fllm‘rs, Stack. I cqultl lu‘ prurluéml. |le [M nml. ln {nets cu-rgthin rllu thm "Lhil‘lf; r'kL’li'l‘nrmox-sl urn l‘uqn” \‘l-rv cheap fné null or thunny prwlqu. l mulch an-l m gtve u u m.‘ nth-men, :\ u on} to gen rq'lfo. , ILG. ('.\llll 3llqr. 11. HUM: fl Istrcturnedjrnin the liq-«of Plulanlelpluirlu "T'T", “ ”Ni " g bought a fin? n==nrtgrtont uffqullc-n’ 6W GO mml D.‘:l\\'cr'<,nlsu the l" ry latest atylcof 1 . IISESTOGK ”ROTH lon (‘nml‘urtez in fact. {-Wrythirlg to nuke“ ? , L‘vllly inform thr-lr {ml 0 comfortable ll; cold “filth“. 1 )llmt hey tho ju~t I'm-civvl 11. CARR has jun leak-find A yory fine“ som stock et‘ FALL .\Nll I-nunt-nl‘ Li: nors, wlri‘hh ~he is sellmg‘ vanuldin'ruf . l mlmnp for (“\L. ll l‘ \ -Latll-'~‘ Urcu Comic. Sh. u‘r furqcl the plltcc—rléht omnsilA the 1- . LXIIA‘FN, Fl‘lllnclL; GEng .in York “reel. } l I t i Irv . :Ilm Quod" ‘flzlmrguncv. 9.15171. | I «lift, jWhit‘h \uillr'hn 54 WW“, {,7 _ \_._’L.._ if ’l'mg dhimgel 0:le lnnn “hi" ailnoad.“ Hui ‘li‘llngue 01"}1‘1315 l‘lfimallnszenlor ",”“"'"”'Vr“ h] ' i {l g‘.-%HJH PH‘} :1 and lizfln r. ‘r. 1 En“. T" A"__-_ ..V, ’ '1 f "u‘ h ' of.h| .\lul‘u \\ herl prmr—l my): I m MI POI" L‘fld inf: w“)- ‘ has} I hnvi ‘ S‘hir WQu = p 061) BE Lanover Branchfl ,Ix rm: .\l’.ll.\\lH~l\ll-].‘T . Twink run n= follow-1151 .\yc Hmowr :H mm \. fi‘ m! 'm- Jnm-Wm .\4 'nqn \3 In 0")” a. ‘4‘ trnln nuluii {ion for Un- .\'ul'l!i nml .‘T. . mute; L-mmmlmn Fur ML :wmh rough Ti. kph are i~~m H to PM] nbh, H.ni~i=l,urg “Vim" nipurl, Emoro. York. Wrighlu‘lll . and :1 I|." puinx‘ uu~thc hut: ut'EL agent {.Lihm). ~ H D. 1:. Tnuxmnokm l 3 2119323 ’ *i , ._.___,~, ..,U _ . ~ 4 _ - 1 ~ Chas. 0. leds,_ 1 ' T! $.11.“ ,£:.-ix :‘ ’l‘} (‘Oll 9.8 M! )ml tl‘.ll' _! i LB OK-RIXDER, pup“- mm a ‘1 mank‘wox-Jcm 12mm, Üb'd'H (1 Book .\l:\n’nf.lrturcr, 34 story Smun's'“-‘u ML“ I‘VUSLU‘I'ER. ing. Centre Square, YL) K, 3’.-\ Banks.3l"u .. All iq mm: or t: ryOfl‘xccs, and Uonntinletiousei ‘urnished . leip?t‘lf|l”l\' invited to uh Blank liuoksgumlem' tlihastlihen Impfl‘ r(‘ me nne! Come MI! . n the must rcnsomb‘c g ‘ ms. Winding bf! Aid give “79+ friendly q " geicriyfiun pxe'clltcil it 111 nentness arul‘; F ”“1 goodsrfillbe 50“] fifth. Orders by mail pfomptlymxugnlea' T 3 overt'ome‘lhe unlock [Aug -a. 1.361} my ; ot. 28. 19"1 - ~—.r~——~—.._.‘_~_...L_..__.__:' 1 ‘ " —' - John W. Tipton,‘!. 1 gift; .. SHIOXABLE BARBER, .\‘nrth-Fnst cor-INF “in“ new 01» the Diamond, (nut daqr to Mr-E. 1 TH}? Blh nn‘s Knish) Gettysburg, Pm, than} lxe'gw.t ""3”“ n r all time! he fomid remfiy t'o nttknd to an opts, than, 1 was in his line.‘ He has him exdcllcntna- 1 “ah! ”I gnml ’1“ nce and will ensure tsfaction. Uive'BrLdlo“ CONN! . mu. 1 [UL-c. 3,13% {l ~hues and H m... ._.____ , , . ' ; )yifirsx-mte w, I . “Jr-I Hmil (‘nu wvill] gnnd‘ lever diq. gm. 1 Cm can hail nixl him Last Notme! ‘ 1 flimsy 1° “, OTICD is hex-Hy giren ‘Lhnt (11": Banks,' Oct, 39, 186! «Sic.y ff Dr‘xfizw 11¢ thzliLEthf‘sA, Ilium-e} M 1:63;}; “Ich intro, :nuzo ‘. . arm. 5.l ' EHcction—l-the death a} Mr. Wnybrigcgnt’ RTE“ Bum er compelling us' to tnk this his: resort. ‘ P returned I i 2 having heretofore-b gin given to all ‘ select stnck or drum} or the necessity oftlpsifig their ac: a ere. Hurdwm ts withnuzdelxy, and m: having neglect; 1 Tmn'kg, &r., & attend to the»sanm,hulcompelleq u: Lo': He Msn has ‘this course. ! - ‘and SHISGLE BANNER & ZfEGLER, IRS. i‘kiil dinpoer of (3. 5,1861. 3!. ’ . GIN him 11 cal. f Mu}- 1m max v », . w Revolvers. i‘ , xnw mof REVOLVERS ’ut different A stvlos, embracing (b 9 late.t,;reneiud at . A) SON'S, nohhwefl cor‘ner of‘ lie Dinmond. Having purcimnel for‘ cash. a; t e; but nus. he in prepared ‘lO sell As low a he lowest—if notiower yet. vDrup in and examine them for yoursaiyoi. ){o trouble to showl gods. July 1, x 53611 ; ' bcc 1 fO.- ; Zie'j Nazi cou cd I‘ mkb ‘ Remx EW SALOOX—GE‘ VRODE has removed his Oystcx lent to the dim new Saloon in JL 'o‘!. Build -09 the North side of CL var: street, erhe will M all times ht; 2d to serve ue be‘st, of OYSTERS, illl .. 'atyie. By iug u. good article, he exdacts tb recen'c a a! share of public pan-bangs. TURTLE P, omen-Ix, ' BEEF moxqu,‘ FIGS 1,11 mm, 30mm and must) EGGS, w}: A“; BIRDS, &c., in theiT season. A niue‘ ofA LB or LAGEK can Always be had.— e and try me, - l}, 1“} E‘GKESRODE. an ‘2, 1860. , i ‘ ' ChaEe of Time. lm’rvsnrna m.uLßoan._ou and Mien Waldesduy, May 13, 1861, the Morning; En will have 6 tysburg 4! 7:40 A. 9].. with‘ -engers for allihe connections. North and! Ih, on the No hern Central linilwuy, undl m nboug 1 P. 31, TM gftaruoou Train. | leavc Gettysburg at "MS, P. 31.; but} 'engers by this Tram cun‘ ‘gomo farther thnn? 'orer the same evening‘ Returning will' Ih Gettysburg about 5J5 P. 51., “jitb‘pnsxeu? ‘ from Harrisburg. Pbiln’delphia, kc. By‘ I arrangement person: from the country,“ the hnepf the finilroad, having busiuensl annct m\GuLty.<bm:g. gm lake the' noon: 1: up and than: nearly two hours in Gettysw . an’d refiim in the Afternoon Tram. { y u. mommy President. I this] uea I ay 27,1R60 Notice. IHE urdersigned, having’ a iarge amount standing on his Books (91‘ a considerable! nth of (immprinfipnlly made up of final) until, Cakes this Int-thud of notifying those‘ mmo him, that. he need: money, and it“ friend! will'cnn and nettle the” nccqunta,§ ill fee! uqder nun] obligations lo'them. ' -pt. 23. 1861, . ' $l. L. SCHICK. len ace ind his he NCRISH Bum BHSE§E,ltcry anim— age; mm )9 319 Inc! M :5. G. CARIES; A Ready Market; ]O() (H (’) BCSHEIflGRALV WANT , ~ _) gin—We lune taken the hbllae hue!" occup'cd by Klinefeller. Bullinger L’ Co . with a (lcterupmnxinu to pvtytbe Eight-:1 rum-km. prior-g fur J” kind: of Uni". _ me “'3” find us mupfied mzh PLASTBR. GUAM) rnf all kind‘. (JRUCIJRIES, Whnlrsah- and Retail. LUMBER,-"o.\L.uud ever} otherunicle in our line‘of bueiueas, mm atJhe law-en pouihlc rates for Cash. .64)“ and c ,zlmine out-slack and prices before purrhnsing alum-here. DIEIIL. BRIXKERHDFF a: C 0 Ayn-1:24. 1351. if ‘ F THE Milt—lnt! un “awry :u’d (‘hrnnic O "helmmlhm mu h - Li's-d by minz'u In: MILLER.“ ('iSLHHRJng‘HHI-JU“.\TIC .\HX-l TURH. Muuy prominent citizens of this. and} the adjoining" counties, libve lefilified to ital great utility. ‘lt- man‘s iu Rheumatic afl‘ec .lio'ns. has been hubvrm ifnpnmllplcd by any; niacifir, introdul-od tn 1h - public. Priu-e ‘sol cent; per bottle. l-‘nr min- by u” tlruzzien and' uwrckrepen. Ptvfmn'd unh‘ by”. L. MILLER. ‘ Wboicmle and “Ch“ llriggist, E§st Burlin,‘ Adams county, i’n.‘ don!” 31) Drum, Chi-mink, (his. Vurnish.§pirif~l, Paints. l);eatufl'<_ bot thd iflllx, Bunny: and ‘incgums, Window ‘,Ginsl. Perfumery, i'nlrnt \ ediclrieé,:&c.. it. i (WA. D. Bu‘ehier in 1!: Agent 'n Gettys _h’xtr: for “ H. L.j.\iiilL-r's C(lchrnu-d hhcumntic iMlxtyre." “ June 3, 1:86]. tf fir__. A, . _.__.____._. I; Gettygburg : ,5 RE lubscribvr, l‘mv ! T Foundry of‘lc<<rs.zo ; (formerly “'inem' Found ’busiuess, and is’ now pre ‘ public a larger :msnrtmon hm: horctmorc been nfTL-red IND .31.! (.‘lllNDS,4.‘}o\'er H tel-4.60m Shelle‘ra. nnriMo Horse Rnke. Mic, ST(I\ Slpvea. three different Lim sizes of Tun-plain Stine. {Saw-mill Failing“, and all 1 iron or Wood. WRI'II‘AerNC nffl” ¢ and Tuning: ‘will lw dun nojtice. I’xltlfl'vus mmu m infik j-cndy mndc: PLMZG “'jlhr-row.‘ lezhor. \Vuu other: not m‘nmioxu «! h: rel mm or} max, Fltxl'lxl l’orl~lw:‘x.r Yards. I IAM. \lm'lixing .\lnchino nowin‘me. This mauhine by hand : any ljl‘tle bu} can Cu“ and examine our a! what we mm. plt-aio. Per-l their }IdYNnMQ‘Q to buy mac n 0 ‘hmmu “'hf‘lt‘ it in nmuufn! c.p&‘Fr3'c4sl)§gL~tunyparrt : ' : :._ {:t-M's'lwlrg.Foldulr’k. 180 "I 1 .1l f} x F L. and Rt!” 1- ’M V In‘flinccri’un 1|) Ht; 18‘ mix, The Him I i nul} . 'l7 ,h‘l‘li’llifi, ‘ 0"“ ‘ißt-uzliugA ‘2“ ull pri'w‘r— 1"“ scm (‘c-nv “('3 f ‘ CAP: \gent. Lsurr 1 ' Mm. ~ I H II - 91 H 1. '. ‘ L; ‘ST‘ a? \w were. Alo~pulvh 11m! u! n cnmiil‘ la n" ‘. 3W land-1“; “L or. Ham-h, 915+! ‘ nwl Ill‘l‘lu\.:‘t.il‘ ‘ which to; {mm ex ls: anythil‘ip oftht'l‘i “an of \vylHrh WE” b 1 )‘v prices for V(nah. ES. im‘lu-Hn'; {1 fine: FlO , Groceries, _&c. \ HAVE consmmty on lmnd‘7 FLOCRjCox-n I and Buck lien: MEALS, Hom‘mony, Soup Beans, Dried ruit. nndt Pickelfis- SU‘GARS, GUFFEHS, Te , Sympi,,N. O. .\foiasses, (new cm at 56 mm per gnllqn, the Yep- best kind fnrgnkingg El glinh Chqese, angevery other article usually. kept inq Fanrsund Granary Score. Give % a call. ‘WNI. GILLESPIB. Gem nburg cc. 31 mm 33* 7" Lakes, 9 , F you can at F‘nbnestol ‘ks‘ yo? Wu find the I- lmudsomesf. DRESS ($OO9B 9. town. De. Mines. Caphmeres, Fiaureh Sferinogfi, Cobnrgs, French Merino s, all Wool, as law :9 75 cents ayurd. Gall n. ’ I 5 ‘ IF4HNESTOCK BROTHERS. Oct. 28, 186 . UESTTON’: ASKED AND ANSWERED.— Q‘lWby is “:th H. G. CARR sells HUSIERY so up for cub? Becu‘use he buy: for cash ingbuys nothing but a. good which, and sells at. a. very short profit. Ladies and genmmen, give him a c’ll“ Don": forget. the place.— Right oppositegthe Bank. in Yorkili. (Nov. 25. ST PREMUM awarded to Tyson Brothers 1 by the “meme" .\griculturnLSooiety, Sept. 1860. and by the Admins 100 mm: Agriculturnl Smivty, Sept.“ 1861. for best Ambrotypes and Photoglaphs, 9m: all others on uhibitian. ‘ Butter. Eggs; HICKEXB4 And other‘markeziw, mutant Cl7to be (1 at ‘ AB. C}. 0483'5. Aug. u._ 18 1. t ‘ ; The Great D scovery oundry. n 1: pm‘flmsed {he| .bnu' 11,810" & Co.“ 'v.)' kfim comment-ed; inred‘ to‘gflcr to the ‘ of Mac‘uner)‘ than i. such amnnasn.‘ IHcrs,deders (Inh' Ignn'slnt improved‘ 'l-IS, sni‘i as Cook! ; nud [hie difi'nrcnt‘ Likcwlar .\lill ‘und iuds ofi'l:\lruing in; lEnds an} Mnehinery . tr) mfdrj- on short r-h'r : ’l’fle'ugh (Inst- IS, ant-13 :m 30‘ It‘Y‘. tlcock, ‘,nnd 'uinny .md eight rlifl'qront ', for ‘C‘cmcterics, 'l ‘ v ?-. onequ} the he“ workhfith a lmcr ‘mxlnu cjf't. 1k; ?0 gammy but nu m $3. to nip h ‘Hinr-ry‘df‘ any kind «uremia that; they ~plu+ed Inb- rop’uired. m: 5372 mm q “LT‘T‘W' I, g ¢ ‘ ; i I mxm IF WEST, Ems. x3e“; Tm; r. hxqvinjgtlr‘nsedthe ‘ linux3l, in- his pincr,’ fired: by; iplslcing in ' {Or grinding Lime-l perzglio and Inm hm] fnrflxis us‘cful‘ IC-STUNE is low: '0 toiled EU to £4: .1- {Burhl “be. (m‘ in izl-r: go: ornHyl up.. | g CPtfiél'nte from ‘ ’ner,fmrgi.hichly re- ! \couuty‘, pill utlceu t‘miC‘rpimd Limr us: flun; your; and zor Ille‘h'lhe Burnt. a uiwnpmi-xfnvnon pun-:11 bH-ZIII,." ‘ , ‘ I ,(‘l" c 4 ..f h‘iziaclmrncu‘rl I” i: fufl‘n‘ HI. ‘l. r m! :0 Send in tlwir .' I f % I"! Junk mum's". , U" ' . I! ”V" 7. ds. ‘ z : IRS :wngu’d rmpm‘t- ' ’11“ {girl [he publil‘,‘ fl '6 n lglrlqofnnnLhnnd-i ‘ \\'l;§'r}:}: unons.’ wk. ninth, (“3:53; “I |m=. JILHMS 0. GI (Wt-{10:7 ‘ high 11-} um a M n! Mmrg mm it: “n - lnmviwhltnr (‘.\.\'H 11 m prprinpl-pzuiug ". “'f cry-1 :iu'u qf' (hr RED Oct. 23%}«1. - H EIRI (3W5. min?! I. F. :40"! to mow. \ o N‘CQIVF( .\‘h‘thJ‘T‘jY has Ina! |'l|[o""}l\l‘s -\\'D p Mm m 1; Ems: snk. moranl Wife] Huh.—- Ind I'ntir ”IN and if finish ml quality 1d vvcr (Micro-“11mm mid ntiapvnni“ 'ing. .\lm; Wars Jun Mnrlmon of Lnflier' .irnfim'd supp)". . .\T fixmws PER «2.15 'in: lay line. are me : mp. ‘ inn, g; K ‘ntnrihfnrd ofp ‘ces, Pi for qrj‘pifl. ‘ .'I i 1 M ~______ 1— Boot,‘ T, 581109. f mmns MT Tm; SIG}: OF, I Bl)oT.~—l4hcundLr'fignedhavc i fimh s‘lljyply n" Hats, Caps. 1n nkd. f'nH‘pM Bags; kc. Alan, F l}! ot‘S.§«ldloa and Game‘s, , C- 1 ‘ : smg of all ikindfi $1344: to order rkmvn. an}! on whofrt notice,— -k ailwuya on hand. ' Prireslow cmm‘s a: cum. ads 83 Lumber. .ITZ. at Aron-lla‘k‘xtlc, gm! juat mm the city with ‘ll large and ID”- Gnndsl. Grnroirii-s, Hummu r:P Rams. Show, Knts, Caps .. rhenper ”LI" 9 11,1 3; hand a 19: of P S'I‘S,R.\ILS ~ orcxcellant quu itg, which he [at the 'lmrost liv ng prnflts.-—~. ‘. He will alway- try to please 3m ' , , ‘ , _‘- . ‘ (:4;—.—~_7.;.:'74;~27'jr11‘.< .. - . Valuable Real Estate ‘ fiat-aware 8: Grocery 2 AT PRXVATE SALE—Rn. l- IiIIEIZN- QTORJ'L—Tbeunbscrilx'nstlélh 'n-‘asplondidj MOl,'XT.«~—'lliia beautifuland very dqu’rn- kv p<sorlxnemnfllAllDWAß kélllflfEß'ES.‘ ble country Beat. ndjnining the Borough of at Ihi-i: old Cilnblished stand in Baltimore; Gen) ~L-urx', on the road leading lo Fmrfirid,“ slml. ' , ' '1 mm uli‘ered at. l‘rivalc Snlc. ' g ‘ Tlieyflmve just returned from the Citieq and“ The Farm contlins 124 .\CKESmnre orlleu, an im ease stock of Goodi—consiaing, in: 101012 stress! which are in timber. undxbom pan, 0? f . 30 acres of meadow bottom; mm: are: two BUlii’DlNfl MATERIALS, lunch as Sailafij young Arp‘le and Peach Orchards on xné prom- Screws' Hinges, Bolts, Loclfl. ”new" m. ‘1 ‘iaesfihe and is the red granild3axll.suscepfihle TOOLS, including Edge T Is 0! envy defl {ofn high state of cul‘timtion‘; lime acts well Furiphrin. Saws. l’lanes.Chiaell .(7‘9ngu,Bracesl ‘rUpOn it uu'lcan always be hag! at the Railroad and 1511‘s, Angers. Squares, G‘nafl». linmmcrs.’ depot. which ik in Sight; M l'Jljcemni-i rl.u~licl. 0“ 'Hf .‘ k ’ l FTheimpxmeme-nu aren'l‘wo-sllbr} ‘~ BLACKSMITHS will fifid? Aévlli, Vintl IWeatherbc-hrded HOUSE-I. \filh “'5“ H ‘ Rawngl’il“, Horse-allow, Hung-shoe Nails“ cullur. Bachbuildipg,Bake-oxen. .19“; cu. wi h then. \‘Pry cheap. 1 l: ._ ISmake-houhe, a large Bank Barn, ." ‘ ‘ .-*" 'CUALH FL‘IDINGS. such ~anh. Canvas; lwith binu, porn Crib, #42, Mug-Hm: ~wnh all l’i"““‘¥< Fringes, C°“”“’II“*' “’n‘flmh“. Eneceuary outvbujl-i‘ngn, in dmuplcle orderf Sillinlli All“: Hub-,fipoke filmy“ BU“"‘s‘ [there is a. plump m the door mill anewr-fulling ”UH”- lmflsqfln. “c- ’ 5 l , .' ‘spring of 'wn'ter close Iw. 1 \‘y'illnln‘s lluu 32*“ FlNDlN‘Gfi—Tkmfllm Brush ““d' I bounds the west cadre! line l'uru’z. Tbu'pmper- FEM“ “O'OCWJJFIMS: B‘"¢§"l§ - chs, Lila“ ’1 My will be shown by Mr. Jun? Honing, living final-1 :9. eff-y Yuma general ssorlmen! 03.; 'on Hie tensile; or b'“N mi s-rilu-r" ‘- - 310““ "‘3 °° 5' l “,..bm‘.‘ . ’i ’ h‘.m,b“ ‘ cm xsmmxsms mans—.,.; genomim’ ‘ .\‘o.2:, cmmmmxn mint—Thisrunnil-ortme HI'SO- Varnish.l\’n°h!’°‘cw m- I ‘is also almadsome and \‘cry‘ détximble proper”, " "UL EKEFFEM "u also fin.“ a large ‘s‘ aimate’ an the Tnneiytown run Hour mllci {rain mama ‘ “5‘1"” and F°rks~,B“'-“Pm‘: Alba“, Gettysburg, ,contaimug 133 _. ‘CIIES, more ,0, lan§l§l ver Elaled Table and ”F" lbpoons, Can-I Hens. About 30 act-ea aid in mil-er and 'l5 10 dlfl‘lc 3: “file": Shovels; and Tongs, SM]: '3O acres in meadow; ‘Tlxi‘s [and is also of the “on" Enameled “id 3m.“ heme ’ Puns,Tnb=,l "tied gran-l Jail kind. clear ofskones, easily Cu]. 6 ““6“ v Chums, carpeting. "c" "'s' ' I ft‘nated, prollucu well, and is qapable (It being ‘ Al5O 3 pz'encrnl’ assorlmcnl/ "f 1'0“?” "‘l‘; gluithy imni'oved. All it wan sto make it one , R 011?" “0‘" ofall “I?” “"1 k‘.“,“Fv “‘5" Shown lof me bqsl firm-slimihcns'igh ;filing} is a Bond and 11l tor Steel, which tlxeynhll Sell as cheap‘ “farmer and a little lime. \rhic ' can always be “‘3 thw‘33l’e?£' . l 1' ‘ had cith’nr at Gettglébnrg or iLinlcstown: a 4 GR I'4l!th full nndge’nprlfl agsnrtmcntn l”l comé'pm' hnihql. There l‘ “.‘l‘m'lfl Apple anli T (3311311051, l‘ulvenzed."max-maid, mini. land Peach (lrchnnl and two “rings of miter Brown bu ars, .\ow or!cam,:“"egt_ lmlvm, am“ incur the house. apq a urenp f water crosses Ifiugarim‘xfse “dim" and E‘xlll'rl‘l‘sv, (""MN ‘lllO south end ol'lheJ‘arm néurl he buildingl.- 5P3" L {’Wlfl‘l‘» ling, “Miss“! _""".‘.V 53““: 'The improvemenn‘s he, and "$.15 ‘3”; Limits , fish and bpeijm ' "I, ’liirpentiua, ‘liulfstory Sinnenodfie,3flke- 1-en,;;sso , V .Flsh» C: l; :‘ ~. . l lSmoke-lmupc.alarweDou'Jl(-l“nrn, Lfiflfl; , A!" “is figment Mlle-1d an FM)?» dry find; ‘wilh Wagon Shbri‘bv, Corn “45,1. "”13: in oil, also Fire-proof Paints -m fuel". alnir-stl .llog Pen. and all nécessnr onit-Exilrlingi, gnu-y {s:ch m 1:». llardyara, Cdrkliflh mulling“ )churcli.mill and ‘,sdlmol-lmus all clmelyy, in “'29 mullrg, .lioase-keep}? ‘.' 6"“ sllmlh’ in healthy and plantain! nciglih timid and mod 'l‘: It" {9‘3l firs’ singers, "I" ("I "' li\! Elle—t Jucluty. This proficrly “fill 'c shonn by Mr. :‘ O ’f‘ “31“", (401'me 3‘ m n 0“ ‘,Wm. Knnfiuuvcr. living upbn i,or In Mr. John' at "nug' “5 ““3 9““ out n. t "-V’ - . ‘ ... ~ ~ ‘ ~ . . . JOEL a. pAMER, Blankmlymnnz. i'ljle‘rmi em} . f i-. DU'IH IFIULFI’ . l l X". 3: A VAngABLEI m L Pnnrmm’, c“J b D g i :~ ‘ ‘“ ’ containing 38 Anni-:5 uf Ilium 3go 10 nt‘th‘l-h‘ “i“ “'3' °°--4v‘lB"°- " v are in timber. situat‘é‘ oue- ml of a. mile S. \'-l ‘M a "”V "“hm—‘M’W'Hy‘f' from Lilflcumvufthq termini]. "nl' the Railroad} 3‘ ‘ A Fl‘GSh’ supp‘ ' The impimremon‘lsl fire a! T 0-star)“ ‘ - I I‘.\‘ 'E.1.1|15 method to infi’au‘ ”he pnhlid‘ Frame \IILL lioUsE..dizh Sheds; 3.. -. l that I have ”Mimi front‘t‘xiyir.‘ ".rPthlj lllHlll)! all the ncdéssnty rn. clxinery i!" "[ Idt‘l'lhlg “ FRESH STOCK (1?? UODH', gufnn' for Merchant wofli‘. A lan‘ T‘wo-T “ "' Unis!" ‘ 3'10“!” new"! 9‘35“!” . _ ' story mu Humid with mnemonic, :mhio, l 1 14.411155" DRESS ‘0 DS. ' .tc. This i; a vcny pp<iralulc rnpnrtfi alid wxll‘ 51 .\WLS. . l “ be sold on acconiln’pdaling I mi. ”7.1 Thus. ‘ lj CLUAKJXG CLOTIJS, ‘ 4 Biidlo, living on Lthe prcmiaaf will alloy u._» H ‘ GLDVEH‘. ; l Call and see it. i l ‘ G )0. f.\R,N()LD. z: 'IIOSIERY, " Getlyéplirg,oql.llél,lBol. gillm; (_ ‘ ‘ 1.3 ‘ BOXNtTI-é ' .hi “J, :ji’ ' . , mu; jigs Tmmpgl Tm HE uudcrfiglxctl? rcfip‘vlcxfl ‘ ci'izcn= ONJ‘L‘IQ-shurg an orallthnc he 'lml‘s aneu‘vdl a mblisluueut. in (ll\§lllbprrll)\1r oppmitu Christ (‘lmtth Hl-\ and 1:60p candunflfi on hilml, TIN-\VARE, I'lll‘lS‘SED {lnd ‘ and will always lhe rvml)‘: tn Imorlxn nr’xdiSl‘UUl'lNG best manner. I'xtficm inc-{cm grind to render t'nllicnlis ncli the public‘s putrd‘nnge isxsm‘w Gettysburg, Juine lé, 118! , 1‘ ‘ 1 : Ai .1 . ‘ Aptnntmn ' mntrn‘s\mxTxmjm.’ R mm ”5 'ndn‘! flung“) sclvvaiimmedinlel)’ .Ir‘ llmplgvn4 borsbnrg HrnvL {Ecltj} ~bfi'r'z. nmninal‘ ' full Inuit price nfiv equipments for 1* ;\\’il - taken waging! rule ”’H'r‘ ufmy men by \fiqung‘l! inmu unutnifly Imp-MI; what: u: no“ deu'lipliv. Mack Hum film-u l'iuuh, ‘ l‘gs‘imcre Whine :‘ ‘ l‘nu‘nlnum i}. e‘ y annm} an (“inner w.“ L‘nder‘hirlalDraw'erd}. |l( (31mm. iNufiélulfrm tum. Uwr-hmf. MM up: i ‘ ”‘4‘“! 'mL‘t and (‘arg‘vt Rucku‘ txnjfcighx-dny} 'ufl U ' uvrlizf‘l3r‘~. I‘LHIL. INA}. ‘1 qxx'elivm qénfkilmr ’H (imd in cu-(Hs~ vu‘gq Ibuiv ulu Ip. (1'22” filmy Edevlé chmp ‘l'rrr A“) ' II I} em who Lynn‘i mm 1“ .i n thi- ;,!.u;c hymn.- bix,'_'*.l'\n!.i ‘ I§6l vi »1 i Ghee OT 1: r. C 0" UT 8 1 3 qn‘EiiTulu 'l‘il-ISS (“ twig v. Ist Mgsfi ‘ SIM .11 g In' 3 \1!) l :w KEN J. slum sum DRAW! Imm w; , WM VEST RANT i ‘ a mm Lozr of the ‘ a ‘lele (:Ich -st. nil ognfmrowul Outlining l-Jmpnrpum of Janf. «s, 15!}2‘1513 {LancasterißOu . I‘ GIiURGE \\'l.\.\'T. ‘ ‘ I 1* 12 pm 1. - fl» Axnhsutk floor: tam E 3 s . .A. PM?" and Ommnmlal ’u; , . v. . | rcnpjmn. executed m [th} mo appr 1» M styles}. ‘ | ' A I nnrzuxxug E. WJ Brown. E 4!!!” Enmndrs B W. L,’ Pelpcr. HQ , Luxy‘fiwte" Sung-cl Sliock,{l‘2<g.l, ( olur’nl Samu‘pl Wagner; F.sq‘., Y rk I! \Villifim Wagnef, 14qu Exork‘ 'l‘. 1).;(1nrton, 17.qu Bl‘llklff = Pctchlm-fin. Fish” “goth; 03“ Geo. (L'Hnwthoén,~E‘-Iq.. liegi 1 (:co. Whitson, squll‘wc rdt: ‘ .'.\,,}i|ls. 1851. - \ ‘ 1' ,- ~4-~- “7—‘*"+’_n l » Alexanden ' f L CK AxnmuwcnmA C is shop (11 deth Haiti 1 door snuth of file ponrmlo E alwn’ s be lmppj' to ‘nnend ti custo era. He ‘ia thnukflgllo hope to receive the coplin , publih. [Gettysburg s '_ Fine quu‘ G. CARR has added u . Notion Store, a dopar of iqum-s. nddxhzwing lnid fl sssonment, be invites tho “f thereto. It embraces BRA: GXNS, wmsxms, m, of at; prices, some a‘ma g the best! cities. As his mftto is, “ quit profits,” hé will’fill chimp, \' cash.) To be: no , in“, it is! give 11in: your patronage. Citysburg, July 1, 1861. , Umon Inp. ‘ EORGE A. CORWELLijof the Union Inn. on xho Chambersbqrg urnpike, nonrthe top of the South Mountaim+km this method ofinfotming his friends and be public that he is prépnred to accommodmehll who may pa tronize him, in the best maunbr, and M moder ate charges. So efl‘on willlbe spared to give satisfaction. His table Ind #1“- will be fou‘nd wellprorided.nndhisbeddingunen-eptionnble. Large stabling' for borsu‘. :He oan ask-1 a trim. [my 6', 3m. 3m Removal. WATCH t CLOCK REPAIRING.~LOUIS ZEITLER bu removed hi-u Wuch & Clock Making Establishment to South Ba]. timore street. two doors north of Danna; t Ziogler's Stare, where he will be glcd to 're coin a continuance of the patronage of the public. By close “tendon to busineus, good work. and moderate chargesrbe hopes to gin gen‘ernl utisfulicn, u horetcifoze‘ Gettysburg, Aprilvfl, 1591.: 2 ’ADIES' amass {Hui L ficty, It ‘I 111 g 1%.; 11h" inf})rfns‘:h9 the pl_blji- gnu cw.Tiu‘uiiug 9*- r arm-cl: (lxx'cvlly i? nmnuliu-Lun'. v ‘Ui’y \‘urivty of us we] , l’ I in I‘u'l snack [‘IHVQ! 31:1255z wagm. HAND i m-znn'.‘ f .\I'AV-“ZHHI.” n lu-ztj.\tl:lxu. 150 Ilnue‘in the '. 03111 m 5 effort“ n. .k' :I‘prc of: ('d. 1 I. w _.\UGHX£H. If . > .1 yum, an. r ‘ 'lrifl Pull-w ‘,‘Uq'. 001 mm ”noun-n u rqmr" L‘lem ‘l\lb|l~ in l'ha‘n: ml rl'l“‘i\‘l"|l.AllAl rmi nuri ”‘9' m - vr campaign. , I .416 flu lhj ‘ vam n; L. JEN 1.9 -‘ '.‘\ fut ,1‘ H . r ‘m i u —l \\ hicll ‘n‘uafih thinpu mm l. j In“ 3 Musk ":“H‘J “nigh l Gq‘uds 1 Idiom! Lol‘t-xp bud“) 11.15%}: ' ‘- 4}: \ «nuky, ~ 1 .‘ Infulu rm] mum Sh .\le fir "Em Lin nlm FML‘ CM 11:; 30 lath: \,';~!”l<‘.. ‘ 1 (-01:14. 1. 52“: ‘.\K\}w\_\qu .mg 61 'x< Km‘. r ,‘l Pi m: ‘uu, ('igmu 'uni \'u\\' L xi);- H-m- \leg 5.1.1“¢1.:~(-'i‘ nu pzvptvua-I‘ Ln .3 (-H 1 LL un n 1: II -I1 : , 1n ("‘¥_é‘ (‘ug‘r( _ Milli (‘u’ c ‘o' '"l;(‘ in ‘ MEE (.‘uxr- ’i k um: I El 1 m , (‘u‘rc l}? pl. Sm, Wounlh, Tellit'r, “:35 S ; 1‘ ‘ i :REflCllPusiifi' Nivk‘ Alarm, {olima Ilrnkcn BreaflLS: \ . ‘ , i th «0. to mix 11:13 s; l 2. ”guy, {'ulpitulion, hit-ill ‘leiliinlw; i l ‘ Paélima, ‘l’alay. ("mut‘L 11-Iz éipelus. in the tn'gtn‘ouly My; 3 ‘r 3“ ~ hum-mil Feet, l‘l‘lilliflni smr .10;me (fjronic llhcunmlhml. an .’l'hm.ll. blur: lo Furor, mud thc lame Lulu to \utlk. . in” n re'w boulea. : - ' : ‘ ; Tlii qil (Dc Gr:nli'~)il' {mill’amlmlcnanitm riml i migrant Family )leilici k for children tedtbi :nkc. - i ’ lOllfiGleAl, GENUINE ELl'. TRIC OIL. ‘ Yi-s. it has cured moril- C us that \icrcl thou: \l lopéless than any med inc infant: 1 As t on who hire ‘uqill i Ilia}; will tpll“ you t a my Oil gate relicl 'n r all remedies: h i’d tallied. When ycm nak'gfor" leclr‘w uil, b;- sure_ ‘lllllfik for Prof. Do (rim Ts, as. it is the“ only ‘Egllimute Electric Qll " opnml; '“l‘eil none liter, as all others are i unions, and ll‘ will “a: he responsible for ally, 'ceplmy mural hei in 'l‘iting upon the wrslppe and my numbi bldwniinfthe glass. l l 'l 131 READ 'rnis: l l )irm Livingston, ofSew l'or Editor of the}, Month’liy’élmw Magazine, wnme'fin thnt he wnsr cured lofm awollcn and "min”: by one «NIL; culiod. {Flu ()il'wns recoxnme (led as. n lady in nhelGij'nr-d House. = 5“; r ! ‘ g 1 AND 'THFS. 3 ‘ Mrslrfimninn, Castes, Street‘nbnvc Ridge Rond,}called‘ May 14th, and mi that. the Oil” cured ihcr of Neurnlgin, Clnlian 'f‘roup. ll Motll'els,‘ supply yourselfes ‘25 cqnta perl bottlel‘nnd doubtno more. , E ‘ ! Mr. Cémpbell, di Montgom _ county, Paw} boughta' bottle 5 few dxiya u _.' and said holl had I: it in his familyfonaw lcn glands and swelling} which generaliyfn nr in pernonsl nflbr kn ing thn Scarlet Fever: lie thinks it,“ nbend-oflall other remediesH—a‘rfi so it is. t Pei-lons are daily calling nlfimy office, 217 v South Eighth Street. Philadelp 'n. and telling}. me of itqwonderlul curative c Mcts. i ‘ Price #5 cents, 50 centalnn $1 per hottlel Large battles the cheapest} this valuable Oili is sold'by all Dragging nmlidonlcri in the United ‘S'tatcs. Use none othca‘t‘hut De Gummy} Sold ' all Druggists. Dem; 217 S.§ighthl 51;, Philz’delphin. [O9O. lii; 1861. 3:11 -,7 ‘l' ~_ ”é , ..,“... lAnother Vlctoixfyl l Anni-IRS, tnke notice‘ that. ii. G. CARR} F hnslthe ngpncylortlie sinle ofiSCHRINER'SJ mmovan “mm; .\nLn’s, «which navel taken twbnly-three First Premin‘ms throug’hontl the Statg of Pennsylvanin. and tile First. em-i inn: :1: the State Fair of Illinois. .« And also the} agency [hr the sale of.—\. I;?anin CAST-i; IRON and WROUGHT SHEA?! PLOUGHS,;i which have taken the First l’regium at all they Fairs that ever they wcre exhibited at, which i is some In or eight in number. 1 Farmers. the Mills and l’lougfis are warrant-i ed to give satisfaction. If they: don‘t. you Ire privileged to return them to tbi agent nt 09:. tysburg.‘ [OOL 213*1861. 6111* 1 DEM (‘urq Pun: 'Rh‘, If, , 1"- J I(‘nre I i»: Cure «pvr than ‘nho lo'lm ‘u‘u! \' ”'1: UL .\KNULH. ME indery. . n I3' 7) 1:12 \C'rrn'Pn, ’ “STICK. P.\, g, of nu-rv uln auhslngnjnl nml n\k nf Lam-aster , imply Bunk ‘ ; Bunk. .' ounty Bnnk 'ttyaburg. finncd‘ster‘coq Pa 'ér .1 u E I l‘ U H) ‘ ...__,_.'.._3_ 8261‘, , 'ER,II3§ remoqu are structhn few o.‘ where he ‘ will a the' cal}: ofhis past favors, and red custom of the g Aprils. 1861. E ,his Grucery and men! for the $316 u lairg and .fine (union of buyers “Nun-:3, wrxms, till-rent kindi and [to be had in the El: sales and small "ry cheap, for the i: oan neoeuary to HE fittention of ‘he Ladie} is respectfully T invxled to a large and aplendid astPt-‘ meat. ormmy fine Kid 1300'“, Lasting ‘Gai tern, Gnu Orersho'es, km, jusfileceived a; Oct; 28. R. F. ficILHENY'S. ——-——-v—-————r——-—éér-.———~~—, :' YSON BROTHERS have cofimnlly on hnnd‘i' r q luge tasortment of @in and fancyé' canes,‘gi!ded tunes, gold und‘plnted lockeu,‘. breastfins, In, ac.,wbich meg} ue selling at utoni hingly low prices. 7; Eu; 7 . .u‘, , g n .\‘DK‘FS, ‘ n it fine alum-tyne? ‘pf ‘ 71 gamma!“ AND my: HSOAPS}. 15 verytbin): that is‘ Final}: .101 an in it} FDry n'nd Fancy Gopds. :w‘ 1 won THE GENTLIFMBK ~ séomplctcastnckgf‘l‘gfl‘flfi.c.\3§[{li Goons sum fidifilFHlt mn’su us well as GLOVES.~ "I'UPKIVGSI A" ' | ‘ ..» ’h» .‘RCIHIi'I-‘S. .\‘gaux [rm . .st'>,{rz~:.\u 1y", nunys‘ ever‘nroug‘ht ULis m Irlwt‘é r' Ilrcss .Tnmmjrigs in pf -:u;\'.|riu-r_\. { xg (Judi, Euvclupes} 5611:, houn- und: ”a; . f u ‘ .Liut‘n, Bleached uni} Rb xvri \llx~li' \l" OM ..., mum"... v , Al-c \lutfinvemd \Vidi‘ Nightinm if. 1551. ‘;_J. fry. m'uxcx. __ . __ .h ww_ 4‘l”}, _‘ . . _ Second Arrlvifil ; \ : FA LL.—Lurl/Pr Sfm'l: Huff} Fl?r.’~ ‘ pm; k mm. nan-{ins econ-yd weir“ nrchnae of Full MM ‘ hm'r (Eur-11:3 my ufl'cr L‘hPJpLl‘ Hun wdr. 31.n'jum :3! the Imm flu onblé ra <. 1 [my fish jiolu ml} in and «with! I.lmm. 'xuorz-i nviurcd 1h ~l créh’ Ht! wm‘ ho urniq ‘xenxl‘ln'l'lls, Lamp“ .I:l§.\‘.Hz\"l‘-= I4~Il:ll~. I'urxL. .flllkh, rnnxmt hm 1;“)? uric-3v. and {hub H- Imf' prim-i ut’ I‘ve} are utlrred :n‘e flu!” i-tonrhingn 1 wk up at the bhOMKW‘, “MW. in thul l [namid a: M rcnsohmh mks .15 Cum [Lr E‘l.‘ Th? ir mmhlisimu it is‘iu_ ('lmmal ru| Sin-(:1, u fi-w {lOOll3 bémv’fluelxlr‘r's‘ '(m. g 1 [(fii. I's, Imm. y _ h , , _‘ < Prof. Dqunat ’Hi. FLEL‘TRI!‘ «:m. d_mw‘n‘cr) i~ nuw Him-t pun; Hw Mmhrnl fum‘ h'mumy. 11y in fur vllmvgz) V \\'.\ HRAXTEH T 1 01‘ my! Agile in 0115“”) 1,15 m hu- minim-d :3 up i’n our night; ,‘ Int-u: in [“0 L 0 folk" .1.. .nJind Smith in ran in ginu. Woundsuud Bru‘ three Anya: .1 ’ 4' nnm mm in on;- dig: “min. Croup, 'l‘ujrllx Ininuti-a; . I urflmgm \Scrofulr, m. ‘ I “.fl 3' V. , Fincy furs! Eanoy Furs 3! ! d f b ”v” 0N '5 ~ rm- “MIMI , Montana Herb Worm Tea. . m .\nh arm-. 2. was, mums Kxu nomn umu-ur 'lth nml’ 81h; ”:I;qu ‘ ,i Urcvh, mm of am: . ~ . , mm 5' J I’nimdu-I rumomL'a mum”; no mime? hill. hnnurtwr unuly i - v v 'I Innufm-h’llrvr of. nn-l' .‘VOTUERS' It‘ll” ”LED! é ‘ mnlvr In all kind; or! D» you When observing the uneasy «640 M 'ANf'Y FI'RS, f 0 90! yuur children. consider that. it any bu more .adios‘, .\Huus' :nd‘ than a mere Chulic mat ufliicls them ’.’ In bins ,'hilllrgn‘s “'th I ‘00.!“ out often, the cause orthc little unl'l'or menz unw nmtm- n'g anguidh is Won“, und'clwuld (m at once u-lured wad in store \iaalml 10. ' A, ~r;;:5;.x.,.-.- "I" "HI-'1 large and; ‘ HEADS 0F FAMILIES, i ‘ “it: (on: of ")1 Hm mrimw aLflz-s ‘ ' _ 32311332190313 nyl‘urs, miapmi m I)“: cpléiug: 31:?! 199 your clinildrelt gutter, when we P" Full land \s‘imr Seasons. INN-Id respectful-k ."f If .. '. In I invite nn 'enminfllion 0““ ”0"“: ““1 prices; JUDSO“ 5 WORM T ‘ [{nm LIN“: inu'lldlllg m puft‘haw! as I,mn"en nhlvd to ofi‘or thorn \cry desn‘uhyr- mdyfeménn. All my Furs lune been plmlmhed {or ssan apd made by cxpatienced mnl compa“ em. hams,‘ And the present monetary trov’: ulc§> n-udcr it necessary that I should dlspos¢o my ‘ gouds at ver small advance on cost. E g I Mn satisfied that. it will he to the inxfirest 'of those whofiesign purchasing, to give the av call. i H l ”Recollcct the name, number and strut: ”John Psreira} (New Fur Flore.) 718 .\rcll}m., Phumjc-Iphinl [Scpt. mum. ' 51‘". ~ « . : Cannon .8; Adam’s ‘; Ei‘v .\mlmm: WORKS, Corner of mm. N more and Enstxliddle sirootx.dim-nylop [unite the new Court "01150. Ucttvfimfig... lluving recently arrived from I’lnrmlrlphln‘lnnd feeling fully curnpetem \n cxm'mo all “'oan [he fim-gt Sty“? of the :IrL. WC “ uuld nipoir m]. l)’ imite thelnttcmion ol'lhc puplic uielnin' to prowl-e anything in ourlme, in farm us wvfih a call 9nd examinc‘spccrmcnsyf our work. ‘l “'e are prepared lo furnish MUM \W‘S. TOSIBS AND 111-2 A nsroxlzs; MARBLE .\uxrlirzs; SLADS for Cabinet-makers, “9‘l all other \g'ork hppcrtaiuing‘to our businessl_nt llu- loweptims. s“le prlcvz. s We do not hesthfiw tu gunrugmee that ougwor ' slmll be put up ln u manner huh. stuniiulnnd tasteful equul m the beét tr”. be seen in the cities, uhgro every improvcfm-m which cxper mrce lms suzzwtedvis m-uile f of, “and omerinl \" do we ganmnlep: that our (‘§mp lorrmid Gruf'c Yard “ork shall bhsn r-urufqlly set is no! to l»: ntfecllod by frost hut Hlmll ninin. Imin for fen (‘1 that elrmuvii :u'l‘posltimg filrcu at (he complnhion ofn jub. mm"! 1:“ llh‘ciafl‘v' to continued prlli'ofullli‘afl and >3 lumen). ‘l' = Nov. 25, 1359. tf~ l ‘ f 1 -q --.) . -—-—-*--*-"' ' ,_ ~7— ‘ ',E’own Property j 1 t T FRI“, TE SAUL—The Hunk-13mm. of. A fer; at R’rimle Sal? the I‘rupcny 'm “311' h lhc uow rash! 3, simqu in Emt Middle sits“, 'Getgyihum, gaininiug Suit. TiMnn on the 49;; 1811!] Mrs. Ms lroy on the czwtuvuh nn‘rhl Run; in the man. THE lIUI'SE is n h: “-0.515" I? Inc, \Vontherbuiu‘ded,with ‘ Buck-buihlin ; u “ell 01' water. xx nth apm pin " it, at llu‘ doot; Am] 11 writ-(3' '0! I'l nil, >u '1 us 39PM”); pmrv,‘ pm} hes. almrnu, yin-nib; and ,3! gmpcqwll thé mod: tboire. , ‘. 3 _" l’ ZACUARIJH .\I'YEHS. ‘ Nov. 12, 1,8180; tr , ’ ‘ 3 ¥ 7 . I ' 1' ...—— E Grocfsncs, Notlons; 82.0.1 17 [IE nndcrfsigncd has nponrd n‘Urm-cryj and 1 r .\‘mion firnrc. in ltmiumru «rout, uhrly :npposite (,hé- :(‘uurl Humv, ‘:(1t)~1fl~llg. \dhclc 1 Ihr: public “I'm cnn~l:m|!_\' fivaufiHng cheéninni L [lm cheapest,ihl’QAßS. S 3 HUI-um .\loln“e<.i('.,l'. [ft-(u. Tum. ilikzo. (flu-Lug Sltiu'ts of a” L uds.’ ‘ .\Lukm-ul. (flu-rOl «10. Broom: and fulfill?“ Frerh lh’:i[(~l'4llnll:g'_'<. Cruun-l ('9H'e-n. I‘3l chum If u! (fictive. .\chtclg Honing, CJlnih-~, SUJPH‘, $.41; s'l-‘uimmo. .\‘vg. rs, Slmfi‘; ('tmlutmufi .IH limds sof Nllli. on “gas. Lenmm. liui>in~. 221 cm. , (Jmclmra. (313 mg of dim-“1m k‘xnls: Siluei my] 3| Shnve l’l)‘xirl|l Fain)" Bomb, \luxlhm-M‘fnvlz“ ““‘v ‘ Crtltull “:lls.‘“':ld!linfl: “O‘RW'E ”.lhllkulfigll-f.‘ “blhptluh‘l‘x Vim. .\‘ccdhw. '4 10mm I'ms‘fnut ' mm. n ian'NoLiwh'UF .01 kin-Ix .\plmle 3mm [minis-‘5 fiatruutnge i~z rc<pl~c¥!‘u!l'\':}nli.l3o‘? ' _ ‘ t ‘ LYIH\ L'. :\,(.‘lHileK. ' .\‘us. :9, Han. H‘ ' u H _ ._ I] .7“ f V {'l‘ ~ 001E118 to the Fair! .1 ’ .\"U DUN. y‘l“()ll(il‘:1"l‘(\ VKMT PLEA." \.\T ‘A HHHEE Nl'flh‘lii!HQS..—-l'ur-'n-m “‘i'ling gm l'lmnt 'l'wl-finil] find I'm «wk in the flu mml 3 rczyarimhfy mic, I\!l:l’9fl‘t-ren‘.'ut rl‘_1hl"(’ll gm. TLr- .\pplc nuhnbvrs all)” \‘Jllighgz, unmfiu; “3H Hm upgu'u‘véd wrl‘l. ' . ‘ __ ‘5 X, [;_J—‘\~C 11m iw'mx blg |rl nmr I'lgr" Lyle - Pn~l nlhm‘. ; T. li. I'HUK A .\t".‘\' ‘‘l I St-u‘n. 3.l‘l'H‘. ‘ . ' A I'M/mfg! if V ‘. 7 J 5. ,/,A _ T ..u ‘l".th =on .\le Hurupc " - 1‘; , Townsley Ahead/ L ‘7‘VlfFI-umh-rfi;ned rcspdwtmf} furor!“ h 1i INN-1:611:11! lu- ct-nhxnut ~ lh-‘IJ'A [HI3II ‘r' MARQNI XX” RI'II‘.)JRIXH 13‘ ”WW“ '1“ ”I IS! «lnii'vrrnl forum;~ vhcnpur lh In an} -hup I} c 211,311.“ mg Icuvixyy. .\lllwgur!‘ \mrrnutn/Hu L’lH‘ 3:1? ; inn lul’\hh-In£-x'<. (‘nun‘gifi [llndure Ink Witt-lung»- for muk ui 3117 M! ”flu: <._ ' 'a ‘ .\ «\l. TWNS“. in trum onc' 1‘“ thgdmrg. June 2L, luv-L, '3 K .<___. ~- A. j; 5“ The Union,” , 3 ‘i , RC" STIH‘H'I'I‘,'~AHU\'I~L THU”). t‘ _ l A « ; ‘ mm,_>\m-:|,vm \, m. Ei I'PTU‘: SJ‘INEWCt‘IMiIR l’ngnymmnni ’. I.l;};‘l‘hie Hotlrl ii ceh'wl. with-mm? hy "‘ I‘He‘enger park to a.” [nu-h «If the ritu- and [E mluplrd 'm cvvoty [urticuhulu (In: cumming and _: wants of [Le 1» Sim“! puhli»; . ’. fing‘Tprms 253LSM) per day. \ :11 w; Svpl. $3.18!”. ly _ ‘i )0. 12mm: in A A | wi-‘N‘km tun one to three ‘ ~ I 1 nut-day: i :Kfmgixjh, in =~, iu unch~o \ELLXIMWVLAMINE' « figw 3239 SW ‘ « : Eummfi -: ~ 'DVIiLVL‘r th‘e p.;.~L1 yuu‘r “c {mu intloimcgl lathe "(NIL-1: 0t I'ne‘ mmluul prol'éséioil: of this con/Ivy the I’urr ('rwalalnzrd (71101.5!!ng Fou' Rl}E{:.\l.\« I’mpglamim, a; a REHEDY “SM; uud hnu'éing received from many 5." recs, both from plxygiciaus of the highest. BM ding and from pmieins, the MOST ”,an m 3 ‘rnsmummgls 0F .sz mm nu, 5 in the flea-mam éfithis paiufut and obstinn dis ease, wa otéinaurcd to présent iv. to the fablic in a. form FEgDY FOR “HIEDYATE 31:85, which'we hopén wiil oaxmnend itself tqéhose why are su fl'eripg with this afflicting‘comq‘lint’ and to the meaicni practitipfxer who :11 '~ l‘e‘e}r disposed to Mgr-the pom}: 9f ghia “Elihu: remedy. , l ' g; N ELIXIR PROpyrAm‘xingp the form ibon Ipoken of. Iran recently begn extensive}; lex— ‘perinu-nted with in the PEXSSYLVA-XIA hos- PlT.\L,nnd3with MARKED, SUCCESS (nix qu nppgug’ from {he published accouuta i? the medics} jour‘mgllfi « j W" is cmfiefiflly put u'p ready for Jinn};- diate us», withf full diiectiou, and can hb ob tained from 'nfl'the druggidu at 75 c‘enaq per bottle, and at yho'lesale of‘ V L 1 BULLOCK vi CRENSKAW. 1 . Druégists andMnnufactating Chomisi; ‘ J'uly J, 1861. 1y Philadelp is. Notice; ' I? , 30mm PLASK'S ESTATE—Lettglrfs m. mmenury on the esme of George Pflank, We of Cumbermnd township, Adams county, deceased, “Hing been grantadJo the unfin- Ei‘c’ne‘L refilding in Freedom tom-Lshipl he hero by givesnotiCe to a)! p‘ersons indebted tof said estate to make immediate payment, and those hlwinz clnims against the same 10 present ”1°!" Properly authenticued for settlement. JACOB PLANK, Ex’r. Feb. 3, 1862. a: The Second Session F the 'GETTYSBL‘RG ENGLISH ‘AND CLASSIC SCHOOL, for Males and. Fe males, will commence on the 11m 0' Muzcm 1862. and, continue until the lat of July-”‘l6 weeks. TERMSI—For E‘nzlish Branches 87.: For English and Classic $1.0; As only a W!" ed number will be receivéd, those who (195”:9 to and their children should make early appli cation. Forputiculm ndultesl : Rev. WM. McELWEEg leb. 3, 1862. cc Gettysburg, 11’1- A am: 43x3 “anus"! cum: ronmonuj' .‘ "my much better and safer wofild it h; to {yawn always in the house. A little d'Fl-y ; when a child is taken ill may nflen bethcc‘nsc 10l its death while “cling wlmbm delay,;nnd :by giving the nomnxx mam: Tm imbao ‘dintely, .\o‘u will not only save the child A long , and tedious illncsa, and yourwlf much cxpehlo, “ml. also l'qel hnppiorin knowingllml ynu hlvn . done yourkduty, and perclmnce mun-d its lire. f This medicine is combincdpurely of l :’ HERRSAND 3001‘5,; ‘ 301' A PARTH‘IJZ 0i" 9mm. on .\uxmuf ii 13 rum mn. - ‘ g I ‘ .\‘o thorn filthy Vermil’uge will b 3 mm; by l thuse who once luv this T 0». The only aqtivo lpnnciple Ff all plher Vcrmifugu and Mom ngllcrst lERCUHY. “ (”FE s'o P .0 -I ‘4 1 . YOUR‘S’CIIILDREN. b 3 ' Use xhis‘flimph, Safe, Vegetable .\[edicilfi ' This “'oer Teh was discovered in nu u’mi; unl \vuy mhong the Wild: of Northern m ‘u‘o '-—ql full account of it. yamwill find 1n nur Al ' mn‘hncs. Aflk for the “Rm‘mvgf Tutu Almafim‘.” ‘ of the .\gtut, und‘ “hen yam hxu'n rcutLiL-kdxd ' it to ymn- neighbors. thzn they may also kfnow u! and be Cut“! by this GREATREMEUYI! .1. I.’ 03,0 .\3 wo'r. .\1 T r: A'i KI I. I. .5“ ‘H '()It’JI-". s?,"th Mun—l. 4 mus“; 10 um}: GET A, max \«J‘EJ—Huuv. 25 usmflav n ~ I 1 ‘ . ~ —— l ‘ 01:5“ :.-—:Alwlys find the Nnmj‘uml Sifmm ture ut iL. JI'IISUN & ML. mnl‘flhc pufirmit o! Tm,“- , on and: package of tlliHM'unu 13m B. L. JUDSON 8; 00.. 2 so [in 9 up 1' RH: Tuusf, uu [jgnmmu Swan. .\‘Kw You. € WJI’KN(\\”R Wm.) Tr. \ is sum fiy on; Agent. in Hwy \’|li.~~gr. mnl by all llrqulxxs. ‘ ‘ IL “Alum. Agent fixr ’IN .\ Jung. ‘ July 2.315461. ]_u-'u\v ' ‘ , SWIV' .1 sugm Cold,€‘ouéh. & J‘ ,7t’aaiacncas, or game BgonoHlAL alumni, which migh‘ L. , )8, “(:9 chem-kg? chh. a simple mn . 00 edy, 7f neglected, ofim 1m r‘ninbtes seriously: Few ,‘aro atha; g“ the importance Qf stopping a [wish or . alight flab! in. its firsfstage; that. which in. the beginning wduld yield to a. miLd Wig, if not attendedla, noon. attacks the lungs. ’ ' @fiam’a‘gianchial Hindu were first introduced, eleven. years ago. I; ’haqbem proved that they are title km article before the public for-fulfill], fields, grant/Lida. 1111:1111, lflafall‘F/l. the Hacking Cough 1n W 0”! . sum inn, and nurne'l'ous'afi'ectimuy f flu filmy giving immediate relief. Public {Sneak-er: and Stage", will find them. rfi‘ectual for charing‘ and . sfirengflimilg' the mica, 1; Sold {by all @mggisls and @calsrs m jledzui‘rw, 0.3 L 5 cent: 57 1:2. \ ‘ V r . guy-- \1 p In 1 ul: n .\qu 1.1, th-nydmr-g. i I‘A lln [lll/,1) ‘ {Still in the Union! ) INIJHAH'I' .\. .\ll'l.l.l\"\N I)“; Imu- hum” I" Ihemlu-nnmr u! Iln-ir {rm-n N am] Hu- put.- li. gum-MI!) InHv.cnnllh.~Lli-M hAH‘jll‘j lll'a tumml linm HI" HHM ul’ Pull-INN)” In"! Ihf'imnniu him :1 NIIW .\.\h :E’HL‘HHI’ ‘AS SUI!’I'.\H".L\T HI” HUUIJS. Lbuuficr than (we! hum? (Hit-Hui in Que finuuly. . J : JIM-I'4 Fuug? l F‘mu ymulE.~ (“14‘an M [mulc pli1l“.l|l£|1lll u thm- v. in n ”:0 til-Nine in xfinny knnl~ ul' .hry‘n': I“ lll|]-rll‘l'l'lmh"l‘, Ihr} .de H.- nblml x mfiol -u-I'IH.I.I’(SAI.\S u w H :umuid} [Lo “mitt nululmgsf If our {HMMSAHHI \u} ml! 1 ml éxzzmhxé our sfm'k. whh'h ix tumplfi'n in H'un‘ MoerL'm-nl. \\ c are will‘" \u- wn'fiul‘gé Slu‘ll imlm I‘mcxnlgxh‘ \\ iil 1”“va rrlmy- tin-{4| “gr {hi-1r ’rnuhlc. Hu-ry ar‘il'fo unu‘xlly “mil in,“ FUN! VLI-s ('mlllll’j.’ ’alm‘q- “ill lu- tum-« I'm: ILInJ. “'l‘ are dcll rulinod' XU'l' 1'” Bl". l'§[ll'2|s3f()l.ll nnnxhurfiuutuidv n 1 llu-ICBUv 3H. nu} lumiu -' Quick Schra nun} Slu.ull-!‘rt'm‘t,~t.." .\u ”only: to uhmv gumis. ‘; . fir?*\\'e nlm lake thi~ occminn Wrr-luuflr think im- the Yul) gag-heroin [untrmmgo “I‘,“an hum-mgr” u-rch’ed. :uul iudulgv the nupuqlmt 1:) ~lriL§mlonlinu m hn~in~~~~, :qul n lug!) r-u unrl for Minimum-en ul‘ hullf‘ullr palruus ufi-l omit-Iver, to mail 1| nnuliuuunu- .-f‘tlwir Lind tuwrs. iuymlun' k SI'ELIVAX, Form-r “aim and \lmhmtin ~ls.. A ”Min! F. 1.31:). “ I'llii‘fil-101, I'n. Something New. Y Will-Ilin'ierfiimnl ro<]n‘i"lflll- W l I_\' Eull'uunlé‘llu- re~id’4-nt§ s\E§§ nl‘lieu_\'nhllrgfmd \‘irinilylflm‘ J‘“ lie h.” nlu-ned ‘a WATCH AND JEWELRY S’l‘i DRE. in the mnm immédini-ly in the renr of Mr. J. L. S'L-hile‘: SIUI‘C‘. and lrunliufitha Square, where :he intend-t keeping nn nssurh 1m nl of WA'N‘HFIS, JI'EWELPX. SILVER ‘flml 'SILVER PLATED WARE, b'PEL‘TACImf‘, CLOI‘KS. km, kc. ; ‘ ‘ Having been cunneqtcd wilh' a first—elm! Watch nud Jewelry Store in Bullimuxfie, fur bevornl yearn past; he ill prepared Io till-nigh every article in the line, ut Hm lowesl city xix-hes, and all purchaaes will be guurumficd n represented. a K ; . me 3 Ion! experience in WHEN-repairing, e'fiPCinHy affine Watches. he is prepared :10 do all kindspf Womb-Work promfitlyl. in the belt. hnmner, an'd guaranty the p'crl'ormmu-e slit. 9 He will keep Always on hand a large unort menLo'f SPECTA CLI'IS. nnd Spec- ‘ tncle Glngscs; and having much% rfperience in adapting them to [be slglxt,‘ii prepared to 6!. all who need them. I> HAIR JEWELRY made to order. in the best style, and a great variety ‘of' pitternl on tinny. JEWELRY repaired in the nemest manner. * ' JOSEPH BEV‘AS. :, Dec. 23, 1861. If Getty sbn ,o , - MlBB C. Sheads,’ ‘ , OARDING‘ AND DAY SCHOOL, open , :Mondny, September IM. 1861. ‘ i Terms—Per session of fivé‘ months, $75. For Music and Language; extm. ; For further purgculara nddrpss ' ' 0: LL SHEADS. . Aug. 28, 186:1. ‘Bm Gettysburg, PA. Holiday Presents. UST received from Philadelphia I 6!. Inc lortmeno of letogmph Albums, luinblo [or Holiday presenu, which we ofi‘er at. reduced prices. TYSON BROTHERS- . ‘ YSONS' fifty cent pictur T nea‘cd. V _' , ‘ Tysons’ fifty cent pictures Me wnter proof. Tysons‘ fiflyficnt pictures are entireiy dumb! Tysuns’ fifly cent picture-1 31:0 unsurpflsed- Tjsous' {my cent pictures are warranted- Tysuns’ fifty cent pictures aye pl" “P in “L." or small ones. [oa. 21, 1051. - —~—» - - ‘7- «A» 7» 7.4.... QUESTIOS, Tickings. Cheek!“ Flln‘di D to” cheap at Fnhneuookl’. We In" Also a. MUSLIN branded wnh our am; am, to which we invite especial attention, I. it‘nofl. by far, any cver ofl'ercnl in this mukgg’for the price. ‘ . . LARGE assortment of Nen‘u but, Wg. A tar-prom Boots, Call Boon, ”fittin gnu. km, in» received sad for “In chdw“ \ Oct. 28. B. F. Mama“! 3 II SONI ITO lEclll’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers