II El Aim A 1.1% I. A* ” ' “ ! gfilfitmmz, : iqssmia: 5:35:53. W & ‘l' #221. B. McClellan, . 'o' flOfiXfi—Y AT L.\W.-U!fice in Wanna; dilrrecl, one dour vesl‘ 01 the new m n I'ue, ‘ , * ’(kpysbmg, NM“. H. 3859. " . Wm. A. Duncan, ' " TTORNE YAT LA W.—-—Olflce in the North» wen corncr ufijcntrc Squre, Gctlyxburg, I. 1 [Oct 3,1859. 1,! A. J. Cover. ' TTORN‘EY AT LAW, wnl promptly attend .1 : to Collection: and all othei buslnesl en‘- E flanged to Mm, 'Uflire between Rabneltocks’ - and Dunner & Zitgler'a Storey, Baltimore street, - Hutu-burg, Pa. [Sepg ’5l 1858. Edvard B. BuehJer, . floasm’ AT LAW, mu fnitbfully “a promptly luend u nllvbunineu entruued whim. ~ He speaks the Germin lnnyzunge.—— 015“ 3! tin Mme place. in South Balfimore Aunt. “at Barney's drug store, uni aim-l) opposite l).ner a; Zieglev'n blow, Can't-bark. March 'lO. ‘ W-"+ - , H —-~~r—-.—-—¢- D. McConaughy, TTOJIV‘EY (T L.\ W. (uflice one 'door west 5)! Buehler': drug and‘ book Itore,(‘lmmo luv-burg "rec-L; .hrouxn' Aso Soucn'on yon Pun:- uu Fusion. Bounty Land War. um, Baakppny suapended Claims; and All olhor shim: «ruins: the Governmental Wash lnron. H. 0.: ulno Americnnflsimsin England. 1.1 m! Warrants: located and solinrbonghtmnd ‘hizhut priqcs given. 'Agvnu ekngngnd in 10. ..tflng wui-rnnu in lowa, fillinoil and ullm Homrnflmtn ”Apply {u ln'm pcnouxlly or hvht;r~r,fl ‘ . (Istanbul-i. Nor. 21,213. ‘ J. C. Neely. I ’ TTQRYEY‘ AT LAW. will Mtend to 6011“. ‘A' fimu' «us all other businesa intrgm‘d :4» hit ('M’e» with prmnplnerli. (mice in the S: E. I«orator oflm- Iliumnul. {formerly Occupncd by \VM? 8. \L‘i'h-H In, E-q ) Gettykburngpril H. 1539. L 5 ' . Till}! i'uvulor pu=<m~~c< tie ‘ cmuim‘n- wrruurm Till-1 INJt'iuors t l'liUl'Ell'l‘lES (lla l(‘llAß‘TU.\hl ' and 's‘ flu-t- {rum ill \I ulw pr Alkali” that can in the’lrnst injure the TcHh f lrs:.\(l'lu\' "um; untilwu‘ unanimit— rnlmixw gmmcr unwrfialrxa’runnh. i)“. WM. 11. lll'llli'h' ’l‘lll‘fl‘li I'UWDEP is 1""i"““"“‘l‘“l by all iiniincut Dentiatsi l n-p‘rml .1: Dr Ham's Dental Uiiiccf Fulfill! Firm-t. lirnuhltn. H. I). i Price.‘ 25 Cents pér Box. A librrtl A 1... uuul lauded" 111-tier“. ; Addceas Principal iftfice, Trd Bdildmga. No. l‘Sp uce;St.,H.l Mil mm by 4'....\e11,l “1.4,; .t (Jul Awhile lluivl ; J. k I. l'udliluqlnn. Tint way ; ll). 5. Umlh“, 202 Utiudwuy. ..n'll llrli-ggiau. ‘ ~.} _ i .A—, - ‘ l ”(It'll-nla-(innr'n' .\‘wwr. ,3 iIiL “"J. TL iill’liil'g i l'irr‘l’rwtlrl-t~n- I}. unwell. . l TOOI‘HACLI 1 DROP 3 ‘ \fiecrtlury—rll. A. iiut‘lilel‘. M For) we , U“, of Hi: ’ ‘ 3 TWllA‘”.‘—i)fl\'ill .\l'L‘rcnry. ‘: .; ‘ ‘ "l’mH‘ll “1“”: | ° .Hucm‘re Cal/..,umf—ltohrrt .\lcFurfly, JacoL , ["o44”de ”pm“ unfit”. ' ‘ “Elizifije‘f‘:::;’:7‘;:‘;;:' D ‘ Bholilrr J'a ( ll i'r narti- u‘mrli Third?“ in «ii mags? ..t—r . ~.. . - ll”. - ,~ 11 £1)! Kim. \. lit-iiltulmun, u. ll'('urd}'. Thm I“s2lll,s‘°c'*n:f”rlf.,:f\3l,ll3,l32“ {,O A.» Hui-sin”. S. FAlln‘estnck. Wm. BJhClt-llun didrquiug “m‘rinpu rmi‘wl 1“. . \vun.u.\vmnn, .\l. Eluht-lherzcr. .\hdirlmim .‘ 1")‘3 m- s', m 3, J-yhn \Vuimr-l. H. .\. PiCking, AhriT. “Wight kind he” Cilil.i‘”“‘l {H n -lgrcal’ any.” ~.I vim H rrnv-r. R. U. Sirzi‘ruarv, S. R. Russell. I) kt‘epih" n hmrh: :1}- H x - 1 v . n. a . ' ... n ‘ " ii ‘4 :l‘fimm A-w-w lull": , 501 m PIG-Lao, J. x. l pß'nwu‘L u. ucmrs monumm l . . tie-rm; Cnmpn‘n'? 1: limited in it: opera-h“?! f ‘°“;?- ‘ _ .j‘ 1— ‘ . 1 Aims tn the county at Adumw. It lms been in ‘F I 31"“:“(1‘3'3‘ {Uruhé‘fiml 0m e,| lucceiut‘ul efu-mtit‘fi‘r for more than pix 30.11'5‘1' uufgm‘ttt. ”'OO s'" .' ' . I - and in tint period hm; pnid nlllossos and 9.x- ce, only-12 Cant: per Botti nausniwillwut mm unturnmfihnviugnlso fliJrflél A liberal Ili~rnllxnt made‘ tu dallcrs. 1 _ uwpluf capital in the Treasury. The Cnm- Adarefis Principhl ‘Oflioe Ti‘i' L p‘mv employ-inn A!Cnl§:;fl” husim-ss lwin:i ~ Bmldings No. 13‘ °ruee 3.1. Ni ‘,do'lc hv Hm L mucus. whom-e snmmlh vim-1-. qI“ xli l_’ (Hm-1E?“ h t ’f‘ I 1::th the Sty-Mollie”. Any pvrsnn de~vinm_r’.h'tjnm :lgtfllj‘, §l~ { “i fix“); .3 , n'u [nxlinnqc (‘nn nnpiy to any alt the :il-m'c hw- U Q L'. : ,nu” :1 _' ' . nmnrd “nn'i-rers fm- flu-(flu. iaform‘atlun. } 'A. :1; ...: init., ..u- Lma “.15, an ' Q‘l‘hr‘ E'h’i'l tive ('ommittec “m" at the {‘l :‘fij—l-‘f; ~ _* V,“ i ‘ nit-a oftln- .(‘mn .un- on= the lust \\'¢dncsd,n~l 5 ‘ , 7‘" *q _. “ in every month. .12: I’. XX. - . I 5" ‘ UL. “ \t‘ B'l HIM”) 5 sun. 27, 1338. ’ 1 .jNEURALGIA {LASTER “j." ‘T *"" “"—T‘""‘*"-“‘_“‘ ' ' For lin- cure of .\‘lil'lt. LCM " 1' N Marble .; arfl RBmDVBd. for Tdutlmche produscdwl colds. t "E sulyelcribr-rlhaving remmod‘his plan. nf' ; {O9 \L \‘fl-lg \v (li\ _ ha’i'w“ ‘0 Rust "Mk "Tech 3 5l“""- ‘l'“- ~ is immrdiniel‘v chiral-inv- dio‘r‘np'ilicwi tnnce bel?i\ft. JlWtesLChurch,wonld mumunca’. Tlfirv “..‘ lx're g "hind! hud |nre [1 tn the pub id‘th-tt lie imstill prepared to‘f‘nrniJh hl|fnil;\.g in ll 9‘", m“, ”L: do um ,3,- all klndc 0, wn lin bi“ “WNW“ “5 Mund- I lfiiqor. :ind in 9no un‘itliuisitnt resnlh wments, Headstun a. 510., Sun: of every vnriuty of 01:3?“ 1;: up my: s‘lqu \LGIA pL_\ style and finish, ’with and without haw: undi nevei‘lhil W 1;“; waif-@1303 to all “ am hots, to suit purchasermand at prices to wit [Min \ mun. \ 1 , ’ l1h:- tunes: 'Pemingdcsmng anythmg’m hislinel mhm at r. llurd‘s Denial Qlfiet‘ mllLfind it n tic/aided advantage to cmmme his . you“, get. runklvn‘, k u i \ q‘ " .1. . ‘ . ' l < It.” and prices [JLS‘OIL Purclliguinfsffiegtig: lr . Pm” only 151:081125 each Gettyshurg, March 31‘ 1839. ~ ’‘i A lihornl dil uunt mildly-“to dunlorsl ‘F‘Vi '“M Advil-em P.lncipnl ‘Office. ll‘r ' Cannon 8t Adam’s i Human sNo 13' ruce Stl'? NEW SPARKLE WORKS, comer of Rollin“ Said nl<u it; (‘,1,“-._.u_?.\(,wk & 3c“ more and Eulmddle streets.dir'eclly op?! Avenue umpi‘. J. k 1 l‘midiu-rmn 713 posits the i now Court Home, Gettysburg—J wn“ D ,5. [Lido-‘5 202 l rnnfiwui- am "Ming roc‘ently arrived from J'hilndelphis.nxnl mfig'gg'“, ; ’ fEDcc. 3' i 351 ' fuelingrfull-y competent to executu all wax-K in . r- ,_ . ~—~———l——‘ _._- , i - -h . L.--_:. the finest 8;!th thq nrtflvqwonld ruepettt’ul-, v ‘3' 0 T If) E . " ‘ 1y invite th attentioo of the public wishing to‘ We are dailv rewiring rdcr; ‘0 send procure “Um“! “1 09‘1““, 1° ““0"“ with a some mm- or niu‘re of Dr. lurd‘s Donna I call tad exfminc apécimcns of our‘ work. We l i". whivh “e Inmnnt gl] Nnne mic in are proximal to furnish .\mxmmx'l‘s. Tmuss 0“". HM “may,“ p 1“ Ml “hm, ~ ‘ um minnows, mums Mnxrm, w Jim £- 0. with ,1 "climate ‘is 27»; SLABS furlcxtbinet-mzikera, and all other work iAM skm”: Blur in [men mundi-‘e ”Er appertaining to (Hit bTisines‘fi. at the lowest pns- ‘ ”mm “3pm the drugzijts and Morin üble Prlt'édl. We do not hesitate to guztrunme IMu lit-hip] the “r”- m; hiue 1,": up In thaloxlr wwrk shall he phi up in a manner sub- 1 in white omhoatetl boxes seven int-hes nhmtial and Luteful equal ~10 the _b9s! to heT with mm,.,,,l;cnu__mf.i, b.“- mum ‘ loen in tho :c‘itiu, wherdevery inrprovimcm‘ Imm}. of Dr. llnrd‘s “o‘. 1m \VHQh. .m. which exp‘encudc has suggested is availed 0!, 3 um: Drop. d gm» 0: 1‘04“ l’mvder ti “9 03PM “I d“ We LEW-“1M “I.“ 07" I'C'MV hum Plnsli-rl. Ana :1 min [:l9 little in]: tetyfind Glue Yard Work shallbe so carefully Teeth and their Din-gm; , the chtym not as nut to be affected by frost,but slmilmniu- ? ”Hen-am [hellp and th proper tie-u Minn for year; that erectncss a; position glven‘ cmmfm'g'rwlh.’ worth ' mun mé cu .tt Lll9 completiofpofu job. nml so an'Cbbdr) to ‘ to ci'hry younzlrimu or W‘Emau‘. or pure ”o",“m'e'l It‘fimmlnflsilmd symmelrf. ‘ younk children; with an dry other he 330‘” 23,1849. 'vf ____ l_‘__' nrticli-a; prirc per pack‘ngir $l, or six p. i ' - - ”for 55, sent by exprcm its directed.‘ Exprces charges a‘lre not hch, if my, a dozen than on opel it inar chenper‘t six or a iloxen pnolmgea tit one tiny. fnmiliv‘will wpnt all. or ”T surplusfian posgd of to neighbors w th public hen no one cnn estiinitte hoiv inuch‘ pain, so unhappinesl and disfigurpmént, expel: of time and many wodld be afu‘ed couniry if ever! fsmily tot-day had one packiges. which, in itself; is u ‘complet Dental Remedies. Address Wu. 8. Co., Tribune Bhildings, New Yorkmn name! and nddrcss‘ plainly. That remi 'nny he made with confidence, “3. B. refute the Mayor of Brdoklyn, to G. fitml’residcut of the lain-mars and C Bunk, Brooklyn: to the; ,ditor of the ‘ camManniactuncrs’ Gazette ; to Joy,Coj Publishers’ Agra“, Newaurk; to P. mam. l-lsq.. who knows agood‘thing w] gees it and whlo ha; «beaqy ordered a. ‘ unpply,etc. ‘ ‘ i 'lOOO wands warren to intrad cc Dr. Hurd‘s‘Denhl Remedies into every 00 My.— '.\len 6r wmneu who want to make mone quick ly, cin do bctt with these articles th n any thingi mark%. "shey‘laro new, use 11, low . l} . . . . priced. nmfiwe re spend-mg thousand In ad vertising them 31' the bedefitofqgt-ntn. Boxes of samples to fixing a. dozen of the e dol lar packages L qve specified, with ci culars will be sent, 0 recsfpt of S 7, shout hziif prlpe, to Indy person ishing to’ test his or ll?” skill in aelling with he view of becomin. a (gent. They-can he 5 id in a day. fiWe‘ would nlhur pay salajies than Commissions t: those who prove ihe elves eflicieot salesme .9 fi‘xo'w is 3 time no go into the bdsihess. For allergies an references see above. V £111.37, 1861, ‘ J. Lawrenca Hill, M. D .\S “-h’umre 3m» ‘ . _ H (1901' mm: ohm: “" ‘ug‘hfifigw Luthcmn 'ulnm'h lu ' ‘ L'hmulmr‘AMW =Lr- ct. nud'npposite Piuking's mag-r. whnrv‘ Hum» “man; Lu Inn't- fi'i‘enml lmeraliuu pm tur'ued .arc rgspcmfulfi' iuvit: ‘l In full. Rnrfim‘v'w. Hrs. Ilurnl‘r. IL". l‘. I', Knuth. 1).]5 , PIN: H. 1.. lhuzhcr. D. D, kw. Pnf. M, .Jm-uha. l'rifl. .\l L. szwru'.’ Gouyshnrg, .\‘pnn I, "3.5. ‘. if _/,—-sAdams ‘CQunty . ‘ , i, fi\I’.,flI£fi[SSI'RAXFECOHP'ANY. ‘ lncoippmu-d .\luch .la, 1531. : ‘ 0. news. , , 5 sun at Work! A OACIQIAKING AND BLACKSMITHISG G —l‘hq‘ findersignyd re-pecrfully informs his frienxlm and the p’fiblic that he continuu the Gowhxhnking Lad filicksngithing business in every brunch at his establishmém ix} Cham be burp étrcet. He has on hand and wili ‘ mzuhmlnretoordcr ulltiml‘s 041C.-\RRIAGES, I“! “HES; SLBHQflS, Spring W.u;ous, km. of the cat mmerinl. ‘and made by suwerior.work me: . firmunxusu and Bucusmrmw of all kinds \ljnne M. reas‘bnabic “Les, prompt!) .an to thgis'afijjtnmiou o! customors. ”‘ pvunu Pnooucz taken. in exchange for W“ M. mnrkev. prices.‘ ~ A Q‘firsons desiring‘arficles or work in the (lonhhm‘king or Blnuksmifihing hnc, are re lpec-tfully (muteJ to can on ‘ ‘ 1 JOHN L. [LOLTZWORTXL Gettyshfirg. €311.21. ’59. a. . , i Last Nance! , TO’PNE is hereby givau that the Books, ‘—‘ ‘9“? 9f Dunn & Zueun, Jag, Juvo ‘11“ p nc'gd in this blinds q} A. .1. Corn, Esq., Tn; collection—the 'death of Mr. “Highlight 4 Zingk-r compeliing us to take this 1:95: I’9squ Sauce haying heretofore been~ gii’en to all ‘5 cancerngd. of thg necessity of clqsing their M:- can» without delay, and they fin?“ neglect od-w “and to sl}: lune, has compelled us to his um come. . ’ - ‘ 'l. l: ‘. - BANNER MZIEGLER, IRS. yang. 5, is“. 3:, ‘ / ..‘ v" - q +—_——“‘ , - RemovaL J; , - ...- n. in? SLtLOON'n—GEO. r. Ecxaxaonn has removed his Oyster establishment [Q tlic qglendld new Saloon in Jacobs & Bro‘a. Build i93l qn tho North side of Cbnmbersburg street, when he will st «.11 than! beprcpa’red to serve uppl‘ko best of OYSTBRS. in every gtylu By twin; a good uncle, he expects to receuse l 1153251 ‘ihnre of publlc patronage. II‘URTLE 8 P, CI¥CKEAL BEEF‘ TONGUE, PlG’s r ,TBI E,BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE 0 AI, BIRDS, ten, in their season. A nice ‘lfl of ALE or LAGEK cen always be hnd._' come And try me. -4 G. F. ECKENRODB. ‘fipril 2! 1860. _ ' _ ~ 8‘! PRS‘J‘IUM award“ to Tyion Brown-s; 1,1 the )(e‘nallen Agricultural Society, Bgp“ 60:11:11 -by the Adbms' County Agricultural : Bmi‘et}, Sept. 1831, for has: Ambrotgpe: nu'd' Pho‘ognphs, qvu :11 other: on exhibition, , l # M 7; ~ G Fall ‘nfles of Hats hind h f 9: 30119112“. lower thn unsl prim. » V ' . R. F. MCTLIIENYD.‘ HO U 'l' H WAS H, ’ r sum-z REMEDY FOR A _ A BAD BREATH. ’ , 80m mot-ms. . ‘ ; CANIER, DISEASE!) BLszmm arms, ~ V _ NURSING SORE .MOU‘I‘H, .\nd lb: but specific now‘ in me for any dia used coudmon omm moqth. It in pgrficulur. I: beneficial to person: wfiring 1 , .mu'lcmflfms'ru, comylctelyficuroying evnr‘y mint oftbo mouth, ‘ulnurbingsnd rvmmingjnllfimpuritiea, insuring OEM :03" who make an ufh.; No Young Lady or Young Gwllcmen who is-gfiijteJ with I Ihould Jehy npphing thing remedy. for it in n .conmu curefind N appealed and recommend ed hr every .physiclun anger whose notice jg bu been brought. i , ‘ x 1 A BAD BR)“. “‘ll n no offence for whh 1) Huge is no excuse while DR. \\'\(. H; {IURD‘i 9108'“! WASH can be pmgred. ‘ 4 ”my person! cury wida them t bid breath, {greatly to the annoyance ‘nlnd often to the dia gn-t 'af than with whom may come in contact, without being: couu-ious‘ f the {ML fl‘o rc lieve yqurgelr {mm all my; regarding this, use ,Im. WM. 8. nunnfis mum! WASH. (Yldnnllness of the mom}: is nfigrentfimpnr lance to the gene“) hcxlth. which is oflen nf hams, mm not unfrequenfly arrionsly impair ed. through want of propu- ngn’dou 1&0 this subject. .7 A ' 'L‘SE pa. mt. n. m'nn's mum WASH. L Urepurml ..c Dr Hurd’s mum Oflicc ..‘x'o. :7 ‘ Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E}. D. 1 Price, 37 -Centi§per Bottle.l A liberal disruum made“ to dealers. 3 Addyesy Prinlcipa Dmce. Tnbun‘g Buildings. No. 1 Spruce St, N; Y. Sulgl Mun by (‘nswclh Muck 8: (‘O.. Fifth ’Avennr “0101: J. & I l‘mldingu‘n. 7H» lßromi wuyzfll. .5. 3.lmm, .‘U'.’ chu‘iway, and by all Druggisla. ‘1 ‘ 5 DR. \V.\[. n. fuumm ,TOOTH PdWDEni ~. r W ‘ .RemaVals; gr HE undersiqnodbeing the authorize T' to make removals into Ever Gree guy, hopes that such as con'template the ofthe remains of deceaaé’d relutivos or f will avgil them: h’es uf‘thia scuaon ofth ‘ have it done. emovals made with 151-02 —-termu low, and no efl‘on‘spxu-ed to 1119 p 1 PETER 'mo Man-ch 12,150} ‘ Keepe; of the Cgm ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, in 5 my, at ‘ "‘ SCHI , ‘YSQN 3RO HERShaVe constantly [l3llO soxtmphtx of plum 5n m:eg,gllded f _mnl,‘g€ld~ and plated 'yrn-V‘Slhifl“. ,hq. M. w iq(h may an- S!‘ u: ..'“: .fl: "["1 pi. 5.2; i'n. wlc t m A SWEET BREATH BAD menu “T--- “#7.? n “, .l- “BTW “..’... .. ' . w .».., ‘: The Great Discovery 3 Attention! _ ,OF Till! AGE—lnflammnmty Ind Chronic ECRUITS WANTED !—-5,000 nu nonxzu ‘ Rhengmuhm Cu be cured hy using H. L. R It! All) In" wurzn to report them ‘fllLLEll‘S UHLEHRATEI) flllEUfllA'l'lC XIX- selves immediately at the remit-noun in Chum ‘TUHE. Rainy prominent citizens 9! thin, and bar-burg urea, Geltvshurg. and receive, at 0. Mia adjoining cou ios, lure unified to its mero nominnl price, full uniform:- andlhe ne {great utility. Its slam-5a an Rbcummic gfl‘ec- canary equipments for a winter campaign. 1 Lions. ha been hitherto unparalleled by any have taken special care to pruvide for the con 'spccific, introduced to the public. Piice SD for: of my men by Visiting the titles and [ny ‘cents per boul‘. For e‘All: by all 'lrugL'uts and ing in an unusually large wpply ol _ ismrekcepcn. Prepared only by U. |.. .\IILLEB, Overcoat; of every description, .- ,I’Wholesnle and Retail Dwight. Ensx Berlin, Black Cloth Dress Coats. lAtlmm; couniy.lv’.l.,llealvrlu Drugs, Cbcmicnls.’ Casaimcre Business (‘entL (Mia, Vlrnish. Spirits, l’umLs. Dyealutfa, but- l’lutnloons in endless variety. {tied Oils, E~:encc= and Tinctures, Winduw any quantity of Winter Vests, Glass. Perfumfl'y, Pan-£l. \lmlxcfines, tc.,&c. : - Undenhiru. Drawers. Hoi-‘ery. f ”A. I}. Hue-MP! 1:41;“, Ayn: in Galvan: , ' ‘4’ Gloves, Suspenders. Buffalo and .burg lor " 1!. L. )llilet'sfii-lrbrull-d leuuntic’ Gum Overshaes, and Gantlemcn'l Shawl]. Hlixture." ‘ [June 3,1861. t( i ‘ l - use -—1 ‘ m—~->—r- ~- ‘~—-.-- 5 Trunks and nfipet Suckffirslvmte Clocks, 30 I A. Read? Market. : hour, eigh day and Alarm Clocks, Violins. I: BUSHE‘LS‘ GRAIN WANT- Accordeons, Pistols. inevolvers, Kniven, Pip” “100.000 Elm—4V4: have Liken ihe and excelle i smoking Tobacco, Cigars, and house lutely ur'Cup'ed by Klinofeller, Bollinger Nations in adieu rariety. Now in the time It C 9,, with u determinationm guy the highen to buy chea . lCnll soon. Haring purchased gmurket pricm fur allkiuds oi'lirlxin. You will my goods c ‘ fl f 0? 9-55“; l 9““ PWP‘JW“ m i’fitxd us supriliod with I’LASTER. GUANO of sell them chlzaper lhnn they have ever been of lnll kinds, GIiOCEIiIES, Wbulcsnle and Remil. fared in this; plaice baloru. l“. B. PICKISG [LUHBEIL CO.\L.aud every othi-rarticle'in our; Oct. 28, llfiul. ‘line of buiincss. Fold n: the lowest. posxiblel ' 1 rates for Cash. Call-and examine our flock and} iprice: before purchasing elsewfilrre. . ~ i ll; DIEUL.BLMXKD 1105'? ECO. 4 :5 April 2‘2, ISUI. ~t." ' W, line-‘mmntryi sopt, adjoining the Borough of ' *“+—_~' ' Gettyshur ‘on‘the r ad leudin to FairliL-ld, is GettySburg Plough-MI i now offereflyfit Primfje Stile. g < { 'FUE subscriber, h'u‘im: purchased Ihe' The Farmlcontfiné 12; Af‘RES.more or lean,l i Foundry of .\lc=.~‘rs. Zorb:lu,;:h,S|oat& Co.,' 10 3012 acrcis 0i which are in timber, and about [torifierly Wurrens' Foundry) has commencedao acres or- window batmm; there are two ihuntxen, and 15 MW prepared to qtivr to the young April; mid Peach Orclmrds on the prom- Ipublic a larger assortment qt )luchnwrv lh'H'l , isesnhe lain islthe "Bid granite snil,suscenlihle gbas heretofore been otl'crmi.j~uvjh as THREHH- of“ high “59%“ cultivation; lime acts well IING )IACiIIXES, Clover llullensJ‘odders Cut- upon-it antlicnu always be had at the: Railroad tiers, Corn Shellors, nndllorgnu'gs late improud; deOl' “‘h‘C'l is in sight, at 124 cents perbushel.t [Horse Rake. Al4O, STUVES,é such :3 Cook ‘ Theimprovqmehts aruTwo-story I ‘Stm‘cs, three different kinds: ntd five different \Venthcrboalrdcid ”01355), with l isizes of 'l‘eu-plute.Stm'cs. Li euise Mill and cellar, Bncbbdilding,Bake—oven. i§.uv-nlill Pasting-3" nud allkindk 01' Turning in ‘ Smoke;houae, ti Luge Bank Barn. (”ml or “IWCL ~ -. . 3- ; iwithhius, Garb Crib, to. together with all i» WRl‘ll’.\llilh(y of all kind on Machinery necensnry chubuihlings. _iu complete order: and tastings Will he done to larder on short. tlwre‘is u p‘mii at the dour and :I never-Ciilmg. ,notire. l’utterns mull: tn unit-z; l’lough Cnst- spring'of “‘9, close bv. Willobv‘s Run} ‘inz; ”“1.“ made i PLOWH‘H: ”Ch “5 3634““ bouuzlsthe 1251 endm‘lhc liar-ml Thin“ptopot-‘ lll'ih‘hcrow. I’lovher, “voodtuzk, and many 5 '4‘ will be ahm‘t'n 115' Mr. Jol.n llortiuu. living‘ other; not mmtiuncll llv-ro: .m eight different (in the [.reuiiscil, or lby tbs Subscriberiiu (let-n Imm of IIIHN FENCING, tar Cgmetcries, ‘ Wham s g L . l "mm“ W "“48- , i i ' Na. 2:. mmm‘mxn F.11’..\1.-Thi<Farm Mi": “W“Si'lfl MMMW‘F, “7‘9 0f the be“. is also aim d 5 me and verv denirnble property, nim‘ in the. This nl:\~:hine¢uuilts with u lewr situate an tl5 g‘nnerownfind‘fimr miles from tb)’ “n"di’mymue b“)“"‘"v'""\"l~"‘i" i(Emu/shunt“cahtniimns 133 ACRES, mom'or l Gull tut-11 examine our SflOL‘kiz ,no doubt but‘ less. Aho (30 35,4“ are in timber and 25‘ mt what M: can plume. l'wrwjhuls‘jollghl to see it 30 acres in e dowi“ This land ih lll\o of the their advantage-to lmy nmu‘hiugry of any, kind ‘ red gravel nillimli‘k‘lcnr offlioneqy easily cul at hotro. win-re it is mammiituged. so that. they tinted. pro uce‘s wt“. and is capable ui‘ being “9 nW: Ulfi‘b’S“““."l’““ NW} "N mmmired- ' highly imp m-eid. 311 u want; to make it one ,‘ ‘ >l).l!.l ‘ STERNER. in? the best units iu;llm ncizhhorhgod is :1 [4o9d (”5‘13 “I'VE IT"- 11, ”Hf :fnrml‘r and in lilttle lime, win-vb can always- bu "4 ‘—““" '" ‘ pt Gettjgbhrg or an Littleatown, at +1! blushu'l. There hf :i y tun: Apple Urclmrdjfiulltwo spring of miter {incl mull in stream 0 water L'rosacs‘ lid ofthefl'nrtn nmir ho buildings.— | ~m4nts‘ an a um.- m'd a ’ v - i itunlillayEtailnhe-mieu. )3; E . I 1‘ iizemlurg Double Balm, ruin a. g * in $1.61: Uorn ('rib. -_s\\ anti nlil net-char)" out-buildings, l n Ll selloul-home ull clust-l;_x.-iu; l drllcnqnnt ueighhorhoml and good i 'ii! ipropért'y will he shnwnly .\lr._t Iner,li\‘iiigupgm ituor b_\ Mi. Jubul iii-g". If um; gusy. 1 it muukm mu. PROPHRJ‘Y, bu Antigua or‘ lnnd. s to 10 ommrh“ hr. situuté (inc-hult'oi a mile S. IW. .townJhe terminus of the ltm‘lro’ud. E amt-ML hire a Two-story ....“ ,L “JUN-2. with Slik‘kl", Tr? Ii the inhi‘énznry machineryf "1‘ ‘ n: inn-ii. A large Tho. " ‘ ”(IFSJH with Baseml-nt, Stablrfl i ll t'ery:de=ir.tblc piapctlv and will icrmmridnllitinz ti-rms .\ir. Thus. g on the {‘I‘UIHIH“. wxll slmw 11—. «it. ~ _| » min. ARNOLD. ‘ lrg. 0m“ 14,1361. 3m . l No. V't Gettysbu‘r- ~ | NTEA“ mm: MILL. cm: ER UP WEST amp Y.. Fil‘lh ”110ml éby A“ 5 .\ND RAILROAD STIH‘II: S. NEAR THE F 1 WMmYn—The suhu xihL-Ij. I m’ilzg I(asedthe 51mm Hill nf\lr. (I W. Hun-u V. in thilence, has had it Xhuruughiy rupainfi‘. by phu'iug in it. ti 1‘ ur-fvéanr} machhwrg In 1;! mdmg Lime- Hum“ TLI; ml” 15 ow m opufntiuu add I am pally ln'supp‘lv 11* dL-nan for this uceful fn-rLili/A-r. (mum MME.s’l‘L).\'H is) now voucrded bv lhu‘iz- whr‘l lune 11:?th I‘, [0 be :3 muflx brltcr Fertilizer tlmn Bu ul Lime._or in deci nny of the ulharFonilizr geno’hdly np p'ieJ to land. The following,‘urlhicute from Mr. DIEHL, an extmhivo mr‘nt-x‘, and highly Ic spectnble ciuzcn uf.\d.u;rs'cuuuly, “all attest. the tr'ufh of “IF flE‘OT'iUIIZ ' I #73“ -I h-ue been nym; t‘ng Graund Lime stqne: on my Luxrl for tho lxstzfo'xr years andl fun] it to be a hctwr tc‘flillzcrjllmn the Burnt} Luna, md (1110“. It hm g \on utiafucziou in the first (INLi I'IZi'HH DIEIILJ' ( Numerous mhérrcrtifl fill") of like clmrauter‘ could h1r§11rq«1u“(-‘nl. I. II this i.» jiufiicicnl. ‘5 ”fl-Mum” uw M~(‘Ilt‘?tEIl"lU send in their orM-r: nn«l~‘to gnr it :l trial. ‘ W Ihr. ;. HUI. H mm HOOVER. ME ISM MEM = No. 7T m I-—,— -~—-——- - --~~~ ——~ “1 - ..,-- ——— 4 New Goods. .\HVESTOt‘K BROTHERS \vnnM "‘qu- F ‘quy inform tlu‘irTrit-ndifiund the public. llm’t they I) urejuzl n-ceivel rlll 4'30 and Inn!!— smnc‘srock "9f tum. no wixrm: GOODS, "rozxsiizfiuv, of Q l..zdi¢s' l'rcn Gin-I‘. Slnwh’ (":nflw. Cassi ‘ inert», ’FLtuuvla. Hiughmélk. .\ludme, ; &c . alsn guermuvfi‘rv. {rm-Trim, ”ha, which wall be told at shaft profits. Hav ing chdnze ]‘ our termi: we u n? 54“ tur CASH. or_wll! gm.- 6.) il3s' credit Lo: plumpt-paym; ‘cusmmz-ra. ~f i i F.er Brand. In‘ J” rtucuy [lute u 3 W 041! ‘eiu'ly It I‘he siq‘n of the RED FIEOXT. ‘ _ 008.18.1861. u’ i U test 1861. Latest Ngwés. 1861. (‘ST M we “ gre going to part-s: we received {J Iv. downkh um R. F. MVILI’IEVY has inn “opened a a mplete nswx'lmcul‘? of HATS \N'D C \I’S. inz‘llxdmg the IM9“ till style 511 k. Braver, Slouch. Cn.~simorc add “'uql Hum—- qlhs'vs' am} Infium' phin nmlgfuncy Huts and C ms, whic‘h’ fur nozxtne<~ of finish and qualilv 'sl”an m-ylhing ofthe Kind M‘H‘ (”fired in mi; pXMß—nll 01 which will be mu! m nsmmshing- Hy Imv lprirés for Clab. ’Am‘), BOOTS ASD 581101-19, including a fine nssqryuem of Lmncs' {\{orocco Uuots. BxikinsJiuiyermmd Siipp:r=. {GAI'I'EHS .{ND smwmzs 5,1 75 CBN'FS X'Eli [PAUL .\H in vmnt or gum“; in myfiue are 'leweczfullg invitud to give me}. cm. 2- MIER !El , Fifth Broad by all E mail Remo uilahle send in ‘2} and Come mic! ‘ C(3me an] I} ~ :55 And give me n frirn'Hy c 311,: ’ 7 a; ‘ For nll good: “ :1! be sold at unheard H 3503, Tnm'ercome the udlooked xqr crisisq‘i. (m. 28', x 7... ' .3: 1131EI l 1 Hat. Boot. g Shae. g 'E ORE NEW 'GUODS AT “THE SIGN' 01‘ 5M : THE BIG lll)a)’l'.«—Thc undersigned have fun. received a fresh s-npplyLot Hus: Cnpa, Boots, Show, Tl uuks, f‘urpot ugi, 4w. Also, have n glmd supply of bliuldlés and Harness, Brilllés, Collars. Jim ’ S‘hdes and l; xuulof all kinds mad; tq order by firm-rare workmen, and on' short notice.— llama-male work ulwnys on bind. Priceslow" ‘P'or cash. ' (501311.15 .L' CULP I (‘ngOS 3' four, ning u \ Tooth '0 .\‘ou .tise on Inns of {ant Qf l‘ econ 'l3 with ixcssary ck.lges (m. 23, 18:31 |- ” New Goods 8: Lumber, {i ETER HOBMTZ, at .\rothsville, hnsjnst WP returned f 1 om the city “uh a large and ‘?select stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Guoeus ”were, I ware, Boots, Shoés, "st,° Caps :fTranks,m kc. cheaper tbsn§enn 1 :2 He also hm on hand a lot QWSTS,RAILS 'nndSHISGLES, ol'cxrellcnt q n ity, Whit—h he .;will dispoth of at the lowest living profits...- Givc him a CA“. He will always try to please f. May 13.1861. 3m . ore on 3 orde‘ L large {we dis -fit, for ering, e, loss 1.0 the flheso I set of mm A: COM Revolvers. tanccs .‘J: Co. 1. Grit tizen’s . mori ,& 00., ? SEW lot of REVOLVERS, of different {A styles, embracing the Ingest, receivebat I ‘.'\.\lSON‘S, northwest came: of the Dipmond. ‘lflavihg purchus'cl for cash, atftbe be.“ rates, he is prepared to sell as low M the lowest—if notlower yet. Drop in and “amine them for xonru‘elves. No trouble to allow gods. Juiy l, 1861. J . Bar» cu b.e second Flour, Groceries, 8:0. I HAVE constamly on Hand, FLOUR, Corn ’1 and Buckwheat MEALS, Hommony, Soup ‘Benns, Dried Fruit, bud Pickels; SUGARS,‘ jCUI-‘FEES, Teas, Syrups, K. O. Molasses, S‘new 'crop, g} 30 cunts per gallon. the very best ind for baking) English Cheese, and every other article us‘uully kept in 1. F 105! and Grocery iSLore. Give me a ‘call. W 314 GILLESPIE. . Gettysburg Dec. 31 1860 9n;at n' F you call M Fn_hneutocks’you will fiqd the ,;I hpndsomest DRESS GOOD§ in town. De: illninei. Cnihmeres, Figured Merinoes, Cobm-gs, lJFrench Merinoes, all Wool, as low as 7!; cents 'jsyarfl. Call soon. , t. “ FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. ‘ Oct. 23, 1361. ' i DESTION ASKED‘ AND ANSWERED.— IQ, 'Why is it that H. G. CARR sells HOSXERY Ist «zhehfi fer cub? Becuuse ha buys for cash but! buys nothing but a. good micle, and sells 1‘“ A very short path. Ladm and gentlemen, “give him a on". Don’: forget the place.— Right Oppusite tha huk, in York at. (Nov. 25. person game moval rieuds CM pin ell 3 t G. CARR has just received a very fine ‘ _. nsaofimem of Gent's Comm Bole.— IGo'me and examine them. 1 A RGE PHOTOGRAPHS for $l, a the Ex ; ‘ celsior Sky-light Gallery, York street, :oppozile thq Ba’nk. . ‘ a- "a: rg- K’S. n hand fancy ""9 :ll ‘ um: PHOTOGRAPHS gnde from nun =1 1 picmrn It granny reduced nun, at the g;.-._ .. «.:.113v~v Camry. 5 ' Ladies, ValPabm’Reql Estate ~ ’l‘ PKX'ATE iSALE.——No. l: GREEN. MUUNT.—.—Thlu‘begnzifixl and very dean's. um} either 125 cents p. and Pouch! nan the hni the south 0|? 'k'uc imprm lmh'story .\fl Smuke-houi whh “'4gd ‘HOg Pen. {chum-11.11121 a henhhy :\ j societv. T | Wm. Kecht ‘ Black :uljoi : No. 3 : j ‘ containing: Inn: in‘timb from Little. The imprn Frame .\II hmihq n 1! (tur ML‘N‘h: ‘ suit; LNG Im. Thi‘ i be sold on ’ Biddle, livi Call and se 6 lUclty‘bul ‘ _' ~ > ‘ . . ,1“ ..,,_,,A____. ___ ‘ I 'Arfih Stragt '6! \nrfifl\vnrz‘rnxrnl‘sfi?_(mmtx .1.- mm: y MIR. B.lL\n'?xi.\'ucct. 2-lunr~ hulow flllL I.smnh K’H‘JHEI'UEXHNHWEA. We mummy-5:0 the Full trade 4 11h: onq’ pf ILr: bu-st :LiwrlL-d» stocks ,ur Englial. fiuu‘l .h.'-riv‘:ln (’arpvtil‘g? ‘ m be {found in this thymuq‘ullnscd fur msh ul‘wrylow mus, und inlqud gelling thcmut extremely low pncci. “‘6‘ MIT?! all UH: new sunny Velvél,‘ 'l‘upccn'y. Ilr:{ssblL.l 'l‘inroe»piy, Inznfin antl \‘emmxmvlth h_ mjmynhvl .\m k nfUH. mynxs, Ru a, .\lzus, Drua' 'rn, .‘u'. Now is the time tor pué‘mson‘tulnhtlip thgliUS in‘ the (Tm-pct Una, M wep‘rxlf 51:1 1!! :1 u-r'v cum“ whammmd ‘ ',l mom-11 to h" a: roproaemcd,‘nnd nfi-ménxm tn the lchhruer. up> .lud 3011 uxuhmvely “Jr cash. ‘Slll. ‘. 3m gunmutoe h give vnnro ~ WE‘WM' . Sept. 10. P ‘ ‘Tfixe Spotl~ ; ' .\MSDN ii- smm" New Yurk. mfldng pnrn 4g chnres to kce full and IncreuL‘ the “wk of [l:3 (‘lonhipg Enid Yul-let); Sturg, on the Nonlmnst cantor dl‘ghc Di‘unoud. Gettysburg Iwimre sa‘les ‘w lumlb ut anondshingly low prlres. Buy“? for 4.31:1), he can hell low for 'ufish—vlower tl:\n",ever nml no uliamko. CIW in «LL the Sum ‘. nu‘d Ag.” Bowsugn “I” wait. on gun with Hl9 zyutmt of Moisture. showing “$O4l Cluthing, Illinois; Shoes, $O.. 01'vach kind [and price. '_ iI ‘ ’ [Dec. 2, “56;. To Disdbled Soldiers, qEXUEN AND MARINES. .\.\D \\ IQUWS, k UR OTHER ; HEIRS U!" THOSE “11!) "AVE DIED UR BEEN KILLED I.\' THE SER VICE —Cn.xs.l‘.'turxru. Attorney for l'luinx nn‘s. Bryn-my [mad find Ponaiou .\gru‘t. Wam ingxon C 21)"; I);'(J.7Pell~ions procured tor 601-. diets. Scum‘vn kind .\lnrinos of the presmt war. wbu :nrgdfinbléd by ream: of wounds n-c H‘EJ ur disease dongrncled while in scrvicunudfi’en sionq, Bounty Mono; and Arrears of Pa} oh taiued Mr widqp‘u‘s or otner heirs of those sva have did or burn'kmcd While in service. Bounty guild procured ‘for servings in any of the other maxi. : mus. o. TUCKER, “ 1 i ‘ Washington, D. C. J‘ C. Nun.“ Agcnl, Gettysburg. Nov. 18,186}. ,1 f , ‘ _ '_— T‘ ‘1 ‘7 1‘ ““““ L 3. ott 8: Son, EALERS in Foreign 9nd Domestic Dry Goods. Fnuc ' J‘JKIL‘IGS, Queensmu-e, Gro ccxica, kcqf. W. (garner of Chunberibqrg and Washingst n (streets. We have just. received .our Stock offloods, suited to the FALL. AND “’INTER SALES. 10 which we invite the atten tion of buyers ufpretty, good and cbgup Goods- For the Lndzes'. wqr have a good 'lssonment 'of DRESS GOOUS. SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS, kc. Our stock ‘offClo ha, Cassimexes, Cassinens, Jeans. &c., for Sign: and Boys, is large, good and cheap. ‘ . 36.00”” one, come ,all, and examine for yourselves. . A. SCOTT 4: SON. Oct. 14,1361. ‘ ‘ ‘ _, Hanovqr Branch Railroad. ; WINTER ARRANGE\IEXTS.—Puuhgen Trains run as follows: ’ 1 Leave Runawa- M p. 30 A. 2., and ”:30 r, 1.“ Lane Junction at 11:30 A. 11., and 1340 P. I’.’ The 9:30 A. u. tram makes connection at 1115 Junction To} {lsc North and South. The 12:30 train makes cdudectiou for the South only. Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia, Columbia, Harrisburg, Williamspon, Reading. Bdcimon, York, anhtsv‘lle, md nll princi pal way palms on the line ofthoNothem Cen— ‘.ral Railway. , D. E. TROXE, Ticket Agent. lan. 20, 1562. . l 738. 0. Fields, OOK—BiNDEB. Papa: Rule: and Blank: Book Manufacturer, 3d story, Small's; bundim. Centre Square, YORK, PA. Bankm Caunty‘blfices, and Counting Houses furnithcd" with Miami-malls, made of the be“ linen paper and On the moat rmonable terms. Binding of every description executed with neamess and dispanh Drders b) Imm promptly atmnded‘ to. [Aug. 26, 1861. 3m* 7 I 01111. W. Tipton, ASHIONABLE BARBER, Northeast corv (F ner of the Diamond, (next door to Mc ‘lenan's 31nd,) Gettysburg, PL, where he can a: all times be found read} to attend to all business in his line. He has also excellent as sistance and will ensuxe satisfaction. Give him a call. ‘ [Dec. 3, 1360. xsszs’ mm CHILDREN‘S snoss.._Al M hrgeusortmenz ofMilsu’tnd Childrbn's E . hm, Magi: Ind “elated, n 1 April 22, ; R. F, XCTLHENY’S. ; Hardware & Grocery Willis—The mbucribni still have: Iplnhdlnl S wonmom om A ndw.muunow:u=l:s. n weir old eamhlishq‘dJ find in Bullificu sweet ‘ 2 L' The; havé jun retnrrml mm the (‘itles 'will) In immense Hock of‘Goodl—conaislinfi, in M of _ ' 8' '_ BUILDING MATERIALS, such as Kain, Scruws, Hinges. Bolts, Loch, flhufincq etc. ATOOLS, including Ed" Tool. at are de scription, SM". leemfbintls, qugu, Emcee uudéflita, Angers, Squales, Gjuagel‘, lhmmeu, etc. etc. ‘ ' nhcxssnms mix find Anvils, Vim, Ru‘pa, Files, Hone-axes. Hone-shoe Nails, etcfliith them. verv c p. ‘ CbACH FINDINGS. tuck 1* Cloth, (Mans, Daxxinsk, Fringen, Cq rm, (.\luns Gila-lath, Sp ngn, Axles, Hobs, ’Bpokefl, Felloes, lama, POl a‘. sum. em, etc. ‘, 5 HO]! FINDINGS Ismflico, Brush ‘lnd Fro ch .\lprocco,Linin , llindinga. Pegs, Luau, B ripen, etc, will: gmml munch: 0! Sb , maker's Tools. I 0" INBTLMAKER'S 'rom.s~n gum}: u norftnt; also. V‘arnisl‘l. Knobs. elm, etc. ‘ ,I ‘II’SHKI‘II-IPERS will MFG find h largfl I'- son‘nellt ofKnivcs and Forks.‘ant‘mia. A mug and Silver Plated Talvlé and Tea S‘poonu, ‘nn dle icks, Wailers, ShQn-lx {ind Tongs, ad in) :, Enameled and Bring K'L‘tlles. Yunsffubs, Buckets, Chums, Curp‘p‘lng. no. etc, ‘ Allso, a general aadortuwfit of Forge-{had Rol ed mox, own cizl'und kinds, cm, 3 mm, and‘Blister Steel, whicéflhegwill‘gella.» cheap as (Ire cheapest. ‘3 -r, GIIOCERIES-«a fuli 9nd generallnssortmem. nut-l: as Crushed, Pl li‘critcd. Cljrifuod, nnd Brawn Sugxirsflxcw Q cubs, West. Indies, and Sufikr—boube 310111513015. and Syrxlpd. Cgfl't-o. Spi: es, ClmuDlntP, fink,“ onrsp. nut“ dairy §alt, Liuiced, mm and § rm ‘o3], trurpcmine, Flbfi. etc. , ‘ 3 ' , I*;qu assortment of cad nd Zipc, dry and in oil, also Fire:proqf ’uln! : in fact, ulmofl. evu‘ty nrt'ma 1n the 11an war}. Couch Finllinz, Sh 'u‘ FindingL Iloufycichp ng, Blackxfnilh, Cuginel-mukcr’s. Palate :4“ mid Grdcery mic—- all bf which they are Hales-wiped I'o sell ail’uw [or #9311 Is any housc uut‘nfahe City» ‘ 1 g ‘ mm. 3:. mzl'xx-‘lx, .é . ‘ ' mg“) th‘u‘Lm. Gettysburg, Dar. 14,181} ,1 n ' g T Prof. Déferath's . ‘meAL ELHGTmC OIL !-—Thia great ‘est discovery is nqu crq-ulnga meniscu sat on among the Meaic'nl Fn'plihien of Eni’rnpe am! this country. I: win chre‘ ibe‘ imwzmg (nqt everythiugz) - ! ‘ ‘ H g .- ‘ \x‘AßnAx‘rED twp ; E ' (‘ui'e Fever and .\guc in one dy; l . V Cu (- (‘lnlls in five minutes; I ‘ -' ' " (hfic (‘rnup in one migflt: f L‘uxe “mines: in twp mlfijur M‘s ; ‘ ‘ Cu 6 Burns and Scmyhlséu (en m‘uutes; - Ouf‘é Sprainb, “'ol:quan Blzmpea, in iron) one 5: lolhrce dzlys’: ) V l g (‘ui'd inflammation in oyoéduy; . ". ‘ (Juh: Neuruluiu, Croup,"'l“oubh.whe, Burn“, in W 5 tohminutes; f ' 4 - (‘uke Homonhage, _Scr£len,.’ Mince“, in‘ ten i | dnyuf 1 ' I Cari Bruisck, Wounds, ' ' ‘ days; 1‘ , Cuirerfinrnchc. Stichr ', Am». in one (1 if: Cdre'Fcloua. lirukgn B casl.Sult ‘Rhuum, in 3 ‘ three to 31x flay: ’ a (Wire Quins, Palpitatioh, PlLUri‘y, in one {0 . ten days; ’ . ‘ mire .\atlmm, Palsy. Gout, Erysipcln~'. in fin: . to twepty days: ‘ .< n ('q‘res qued Feet, 1' ilmmm. Stifl' Mints. ‘} 1 ,L‘hronic Rheum It mi. jut-n Thrown“. r .I x 10L Fever, and thy [Amie innde [0 {arm ' ‘by a few honlrr. 5‘ g, l _ gl‘his Oik (De 'h‘mxh'sl‘i ng'lhl and [-‘n‘fl mu. m 1535 a grad“ quil} Big-divine fur L'lngllcn togthinu. sw. 4 ‘ I, ' ‘ ”RIGIX.‘.L ,IH~.\'L'IV I, HLIX‘TRIU Hléfi. R‘es! it has cnrcxl fiqru v§~c~ m." )Mrv thimdxt hopelr-s's than nhvnwiici‘n- mmrjxt. list: those win. hm..- in ca‘ It. Hwy m u-H ylfu llxaxtnl)'()il zu‘fi'c r {so} after .11] rem mu h-ld miled. “'hen ya): 3‘? Mr Eluuri'r ”11. L.- ugh: #()u ask fur Prpf‘. D; (hfnlll’s, :la it is thy 01 1y \Jegitimnte Hll‘cnil: Uil pri-lmrcd; 71AM n ncl‘mher, .1: all when m.- imuumm, rind I. \v I] lan he rcfluonti’tic ftp nv. ext-cpl 'my name hg irJJuriting "you [the u Apprr and m_\ Imnac blpw‘uiu lhoghxs. i ‘ : 4 c; , t ‘53 READ +6lB} ;' L , mm, Liningatnn. grmiw V'Ork. manor 0 [he “Jun ly Law .\hgalmmpwntc mu “1.“ he uni T re vfn sWnHuu ’nd h!ifi:|{"l\ Ly nm~ :‘jmtliy Laftiup. The Nil “‘1: naumxpaududvig salad} in; tthimrll Uuur- . ' A, - ,3 ‘ A‘n 31kg i erflCnnmm. (_' .Ilc:fjBtr\-ct. ahun‘ Ridge 'R'luii; calh-d “fly I (1:. 73nd Lnld ' an. the Oil cirwl‘yher u] .\‘C-um imilédi'um! (tn-up 5 -' Illumcrsusupply you! win-‘5" 25 Cunt” pl'r bLII‘Iw-und fdonbt n xunfin ‘ 4 .‘ {llrJugmixhulLu .\(n .lgnnyory cmmty I‘m, b’ruzrlit u b 61116. n fuw pyhucu, aux-l .~u .1 lu hpd afar-d it in his f. mil) 'ur sunlh u g] mug. and sifliilw.» whit-h Lr m-m [v 16mm”! m polwns after ‘mvin-g the S :nrch‘l‘mqr. ”v: “Illa“; it almadlofglll oxlu-r In}: (as—hm! so it i:. Perkuxn are dui )‘nfl3fiugint my oflicx“, 217 gputh} Eighth Slr-ce -, Phylmmlphiu. and telling Wear“: \vondL-rhll cum in) mil-Ms. - K ‘ “High; 22'- cenu, 5.; ('0 15, MM 91 per hmtle. Imrgelboltlm the eige‘pv ‘t. Thi: mluablv Oil ii Isul‘d‘by nll Drnjlggf < my] dealer; in the Ignited Sums. L'sé uou’e oxfiprbuthe lirmh‘s. a ‘Hd by “H Drlxggi:ls.r. Du pm. 2!? S. Eighth sl. Imil;.dcprm. twcc.‘ m, Im. 3m . ~- 7 _ ‘V , | , é . {T A Fresh {Supp-Iy. ; I TAKE this «mélhonfltn imt'orm Lhe‘ mhlic zhgn Unu't‘ n-(‘mvcd )nxxizlt‘w city of ll‘vhiln lua- phi)! :\ Hiram .\‘TUFIK‘ qr Goons, catn [irirfiiug all 0.11 m: newt‘ilkfuylas m ‘ ; 1 LADIES maig‘s. 00113. g { snAWLS. A - 1 i E CLOAKING cxlorn‘, ‘I " ‘l' GLOVES, 4 ~l‘ ' ‘ 3 :‘ uosn RY» ' 1 iv“ BNNE’TS, ,‘? g m ‘ , q umnuxs, ; g 3 ‘ ‘ Envmfi, gs well u a fine summit-at M g E I’ERFL'MERY AND? mxw son’s; , i‘p fncl'everythiug than it usually found yin a stock of Dry an} Fancy hands. ' §h. \ “5?“ Wm! K - I J rOll THE GENTLEMES * we 'as complexe a nock'); NAMES. CA 3:111 ms, (mobs SLIII. my run BUYS‘ LIMA: well as C: ' E 3. STOCKINGS, HJKERCHIEFS, .\‘EL‘ : TIES, SL'SPJN {Sting} as was ever bcgtmhg I. this market, dics’ Dress Trimmirfgs in‘greal variety. Eniging Cards, Envelbpes, Note, Letter and Rlper. 5. ~ ‘ ~‘; I isli ’Linen. Blencbl-d‘anrl Brown .\luslins, tgguw éase .\luslin and Wide Sheeting. : ck 28‘ 1831. l,‘ .I. L. SCHICK. Hrrfi—m . it“ s E ‘ Another .03, l ‘ 4v ,‘CCIDEST!—The (‘gu-s ofi the lrnck.nenr A York, but all safe? 5 !_ H. G. CARR’S is the place! Lndie’séjuay (me and see his fihcnlectiutof Scarfd and ’nder; fileevas, Spring Si; rts, ‘loves, Stock ,ugs and, in fact, even": ing in the Hosiery yuy. very cheap for c’ash, r country producu. i‘GenLlemcn, a word to yofi also. H.G. CARR hasjus; returned from “if 'city 'of Philadelphia, having bought. ‘9. fine :1 aortmem 9f Waullcu Shirts sud D.'nwers,zilsqlhe verflutest style of Woollen Comfuns; in rm, everything to make peaple comfortable in coldlwenther. . 1!. G. CARR has jus ieccivcda very fine Assortment of Liquorlfiw’hicb‘he is iflllng #ery cheap for cash. :E’ 2 g ' Don't forgci the place i-iglit Qppmitt the tank, in York street. 1" l l Gettysburg. llec. 9,186" ¢ ' I I ‘5 ,5 ._.—h-. . Ngtgop. ~ 1 v V ’ 1 ACQBSTO‘ fiß’b E T TE.hLetteruo{|d ministration on the es ta 0t Jacob Stover, late ofifinmiltonban toga ip. Adams cq’umy, deceased, having been mod to the under signedqesidiug in Libeflz township; be here by gims no'ice to all pa'rs‘ons indebted to Enid estate to make immediate‘gpaymunt, and those having claims against. ghé Qnme to yresent them properly authenticated f 1? settlcmt-nt. . ‘ FREDERJC ‘ )IclSTIRE,.—Mm'r. . Dcc.'30,1861. 6t ‘ ; . , , YSONS’ fifty on“ pictures are sechrely T sen‘ed. . Tysons’ finy cent pictures are water brag} Tysons‘ fifty centpiccurea are entirely du bl Tysons’ fifiy cent pictures are unsurpassed. Tysons‘ fifty cent piéturep are warranted. T'ymns' fifty cent picmra are put up in hu ‘or amp}! cues. ‘ [oa. 21, 1881. a LARGE nsnortmenfl o£ flefi’a heavy-W:- A tar-proof Boots, Cilf Boots, heulero gun. Em, just rewind find for sale cheap, u 3 Oct. 28. R. F. fit ILEENY'S VTT“ *”"‘ Ww' ‘ f "an pnopvu ” , ' 3 53%“: W 5 ‘Sfimg E = ”WWW“ ’ DURING tie put )efxr Ia hgu-e introduced ' to the notice of the muffin] profesuion of “ii. Quill“? NW PW? ('ryxlalrzcd Chloride of Propylaml’ne, as n REMEDY FUR RIIEL'MA. HS“; and boring rectivcd from many sources, both from physicians of the highest inundin' Ind fromép'mignu‘, the MOST FLAMERING TESTIMONIAJLS OF ITS REM. V:M.UE in thn‘ treahpenziof this painful and obnimne din- case, we Arei 'duced to present it to the public I in I. form RfiADY FOR [HMEDI‘ATE USE, which we hot»: grin commend itself! to “lose who m uncerhng firm: this min-nag c§mplaing and to fl}: méhica’l‘prgcfitiqnor 'who :mny feel disposed!» thl the pom-(s of this Emlunifle mmedy. ‘ ‘ T V ‘ I " nmxm Pfiortnnnxx. in'the form above spoken (11,131+ rejcoutly been extensively el - with hi: the DES XSYLTARM‘ HUS. mun, and finhgmnxun Sl’t't‘ESb (M will appear from xu‘edicai jour 3"“. is c'l dime use; wit igggned {rim 1 ibpme, angd at. July [Misc A. 1 gram “'o‘ k ‘25 and 27 Fayettejfu)‘ sL—the 13mg [’niou,‘ Alwx UUI'SI-IHULII lumping “lII'HI rehea.".\hyt ' Spring Bid Rocking (' Ifos. Recyj NHKTEDII Woud Cl! Cribs x‘xnd (iii! wind in hoards, l'x l’rrsnn'h call and g ‘tur writ-[p isqtmllcd y ME mom éuur, ix} one to (firm: Fancy be ntit, and ‘ilxall Full and Ll‘ imiu- Irmn, tho :Ilflod to- All In} and mm hands. A rendqr It gum]: u: I ani‘ & of rhuse culi. awn. Jnlm l-‘ar I’hilnrh-l; = o 1. "IL. ”-2! P tiun ml for the} lit-f (“d with ml especiu “for Organs. MEIIXC' I. Eng Surg n. dhacripxiin 0 (ion, hubi a n poverty. . (:in VAL L Kl. and at! e 5 Di oh the ' \V peumrfi, cm em dopcsfl‘re I‘ far puzlng‘.» w Address, 1) ing Snrgehn. Nimh ,ereet the Dirpctbrs‘ (“infant Jan. 17, lat; . .-",.._7-:a'. ..fim . . Groc nés, Notxons, face. -i THE under fluid has npo‘n'cdw‘xhrnry nml’ thian . Inn. in Bdlxnnoxc HQ-vtunmrly oppoflte the [flouk't “01mm.Hextphixrg. where‘ the puMic wi‘l‘cohstunth _nnq.~oun{gm.mp us ‘the cheapest, JSL'GAHS. wraps; “onus“, llufn fees, Trash Hike. (‘lm-w. Spircp ufinll kinds,l .\lackerel,irL‘h co! to, ,lrrooms igmd} Brushao; Fresh ButterFndEguu,l£rr)xl2luil'oflqe. H‘senre ofCQll'ee: "my oh ”firing, (Zunlilvn‘fibnps, Sn“: ..'l'Qbacco, ‘eg: rs. snufl': ('ont'cct'wn : all kinds_ of Nuts, 0r nge‘b. Lemons, fluid: 3. Bread, ’Crnckflk. Ufl' s uf‘dinerem. kinds Shoe and Stove P9l 51:; ‘unéy (s.omm, Mushnsifiughnmn, .Cutton BA 3, 'ndéinq. Hosiery. mm lkcrckwfi, Suspcddenh, 1’ us. [Kamila-s, Home: .H’ins, nut- . tons. wipiNn innq uf all Hudi. A sfmre ofthe' pubiicjs 117, trongé is Ypllfil‘ClXXllß‘ w Evin-d. ' 1 | Mug. 0. NU§¢BEFKL j .! tf ‘ l ‘g _+ ._‘ “"7" . Ta... . \q; to the Fen—r}; j ’WGHT TOVISIT P .I'IASAXT 'JI QElHES.—l’erson§ wishing' i! find the stock in (the ground, , ahd ofl'erod at reduied prirea.‘ Mrs 100 ynrieuee, ‘mfimcing [80"5. 7 _ i A: indox’ hoard—near i‘l'ora Dale, . gT. E. coax A: sum, -3. 'E. ‘ , I I'réprwlufl. I . ; ” F" . —""'?“"”"‘~‘ ; I:Sombthmg New f > N GI; \‘sgsvnkL—Tbe undersignhd inform. I thq c ‘zeuls of'thc town and toutl‘tyAhM he bu com euce‘d the BAKING busiriese; an a. largmcal ~ in Ym'k street, GHQablil'g, nearly“ oppoaipe: ‘nttlcs’s{ Hotel, where he wilLtry to deservc, I xd hopek {0 receive, A libeml )rntronJ age. an .AD. ROMS, CAKES. CRA(3KEH.~',_= PRETZE ‘l, km, km, baked every dnv, (Hun-i days unlined.) 8“ of \he be“ qmflity, Emu! :old I M. the low 43¢ livin 'profits. Bucket-baking in 1 all Its hm ‘ chos is firgely carried on, and orders . to any amlEunt, from this and adjoming coun-z 'ties,supp{ed at. tlhe shun-fest notice. Haring! erected a lyrge «mi commodious bakeahouse nndf sedated the but ‘Workmnn and the? most up— provcd quhinery, he is prepuedé to do n In": bmrucu. . July 2;, 1859. HI (I T pub! MAKIKG different county. 1 tion to‘cu exchapge‘ Gettys HR at z T m men: of = ters, Gun‘xl Oct. 28 mm tick, l‘heipublidw-l accounfis in the, la‘ , ‘3 * ‘ 4r ? I . rufqlly put up rg-ndy pr hum”, fu}! directions, and c: u ~be ob. ii We'drnggists n 75 icon“ per ‘whdlesmle of , '5 ' 'LIMUK a-(‘ltnxssig§l ml ‘l.mufu(-l.zring film; . y . ‘ L’hllm} . I fithlot a: 8011’: ‘L' xntnawmmkm 5. (bay street, Bgll'uud xte ding 9mm Guy to i ~~ üblishuxonl oHIw H’ hand a I'm-gt: nss‘j UEFH‘E FERN“) 4. Flla‘u‘lldi,\Vflgllallll‘ thus of Um". Cotton} iufi s. Tl‘tt“-l‘-T?IEK, sr] ' “gens, Marl-1e 'qu ‘ud [Tyh‘frhterod (‘ll ()FVUT'I'AGI'I Fl" "(‘l’ (‘hnir«. ".Afb . ngflnrks, Hull “rxum- Lnoking (ilu XIX-Mos. of every 1. d to purchase are stock an evnininul 11:1}in uf “'(ujku'n'un falnhlialnnrnl in [h l A. M.\'l‘Hl()’l‘ 8; Nqs. 27-31:“! 27 N. G.“ (f‘ , 1" , _,~_ Druggjs‘ts ys ( H AND 1 mm 1 014 m; ‘ inf, 0 (wk 'po: lulu-1 dql 'ups! Faucy’Fp nus fmfinn, 01 718 Arirh Strut-1. )uwgnu 7131 MM Nth Skr'v‘s. “(|qu Sis Market 8: ,) l’hilndol phin. Inn-omm and \l‘umr‘u'llu'lrr m. and "lull-I 'm #l] kill": 03-. XM‘Y 1H H>‘, f 0 Audit-U. 3”~~vs'_ :‘ul! :k'h'xHrl n"; Wear. Huang 1%.)“ mann m-unod ujrl in swrn ,xm‘ "final Hume‘nnd pmm‘ul of all [11(- vnrénm chim- M E‘nrc. :uinMod tn'tlm «(uni-u: flur f‘q-naons.‘l would tespcmful ‘xmnhmrinn ufmy stnrkhnd prices vfiouxl‘iqg m purcl‘mao, As I nm on lIIIL‘I'IA \ t’l‘)’ dcaixzflllu int m I-mopts. t: by? Imp!" put: “the; finr nub, F npe'niomod und gcnmlwvrnt 1m! prnwm munfimrv (muHo: ,amfi'lllm I should d'L oscufimy am!“ “Rum-awn cm! «1 firm: it \ull he totlu- intermt \c~igu pul‘Lh‘bh g, toégiwlmc n c in; I‘m-r 1 l'urL lot éhe nunw. num‘hm- dud sin-M: (.\‘gw l‘ur 51mg.) 712$ Mn)» 50., 1 (sum. :6, mm. fun yard AesociatmL, ll’ll‘iA d—A likllcvolt‘n} In<fihl- Night”! 4"." hpm‘ifl 'l'rlihlnnmt-m, ' (the Sir-k 11ml “isfl'cismi. :ucl em .nnd Epidemic Dinfl‘fc-i, and lb" l'uu- at Disguec: ufluc Sexupl I ‘~ ! mlzm. giwn grziti“. gy [he 2m onl} “ho npplv if) It! or, \v'ljhfi ; ’luir (-omlilim).l.lg9. ncuup'l- HM, &o_,) mud in cuscu‘pf um um Hue} fui-niflxyd‘ ffl‘? 0” huge. ‘ lL .l’Uß'l‘S m} Sponfiamryhmg. cm: 3 0| the erunl tfirgnns. and ”mum-1s cnlployu-l fin the hi.— ‘to tho uflhctml in sowed lctwr ‘of flame, 'l‘wuul'tlyfwslalaps ll 3 ' m-u-ptnbio. ' L. J SKILLIV Iflfl'fllhvx, .\tt {m and Asnn‘mlmn, Elm. ‘,‘Smmh' Pll‘iludol‘rhifl, PA. “I order of ‘ ‘ 4, ZR‘IL n. RHA-R‘l‘Wl-ZLQ. I’ru’l. ”1.1 x; .\Vr'ya - . E - 1.) e i VALENTINE 85“: an Towxisley Ahead. Idetsimled respectfully informs the e um lie conunuu {he CARRIAGE ’ND REPAIRING business in all its I-rmp, cheaper than any shop‘in the ' ll work warranted to give satisfac tonjers; Country prpducataken in \for work at market prices. ' ‘ l A. M. TOWNSLEYI ‘ rg,June 24; 1861‘ , ntion of the Ladies in res fl-ectfnl,ly d to s hug. and Iplmdj‘! snort adioa’ fine Kid 8091.1, Lasflngyaii- Uvetsboes, Judas! reqeived at R. F. McILHENY'B. H DMRY CHEESE, a vei-y fine!!!- mu, 9e bad a: H.- G. (gun's. ‘ J SS.3.QH’S“ F: Mountain b Worm Tu. Hnanskumxs mm 3001‘s .1 . sl3va . POISOSOUS MINERALS AND DRUGS xomms, TA KE’ Imam; Do you When observing the uni, inclin af your children. consider that it any be more than a mere Cholic Hm! nliicu than»? a In nine can” out of ten, the cause u! the Hull! lulu: er's Inguilh is Wong, and #4de bg «u ma lwlud lo 115 in OF FAMILIES, Do not let your children nutter, when I%;pr, "M Jan in ‘ ‘ " ' JUDSOX'S WORM TEA I 8A?! ’15:" MISSAKT CUE-l '0! WDVI Hm: angel: better npd ”for would 5“ be la lune it. nlways in Lha.houso. A linlp deky when a. child in mkm m may often be We CM!" 01 its death, while acting without deli}; and by ghing we smux'mm HERB TE“ imme-v dink-1;, you will not. only nave the chili l long und' tediom “linens. and 3 uursell‘ much “penny but. also feel huppicrin knowing that. )‘pu hu 0‘ dom- your «luty, and perclmuce “well in life. This Inedicine‘is combined purely ufr R s*“ BS‘ I*." l) ROUTES, so! A run-ms o‘v i CALQMBI. on MINERALi ' ~13 yarn is 11'. V » I 1 No more filthy Vermflufia will be ud by Lhnse who out: use this Tun. The on ‘ nctiso .prim-iple of all camp thuifuges up Worm ‘Kullm in MERCURY. A ; 1‘ out: so i - i ‘ 1* ~ 0 . I s o« NI . ‘ To : 7 ‘ g , TIMER CHILDREN. I 3‘ 1!" win firm-1%, Safe: \‘egrmhle “eyeing. ' This “'oer Ten I'M! divrmemd In I: almi- ME 2 my way among the Wilda of Nortlmré Muivn 'L—s. full acvoum bf ig you will'find in our AL. r ; nmnolcs. Ask for thei-‘Rm-w nf Tuld . [mung-u." busy”, onl-o Mum. and when you have re: h. nm‘l .jrc' (ntmr ‘ it \0 your neighhurs, that ‘hey may I 0 know fl-‘redcrivk ‘ of and be cprsdhy this GREAT REM DY ! 'i d 'nlhci l ‘7‘"— J gr‘t‘mémmg. wnsorv‘s WORM 71A .L “h; m- KILLS "ways, [ll3. \\ uh!- ' fluid ”nir jn Chain, gblm, Sol izlirs, AS- N'l't‘UßE, r Chairs, ‘u-nituru. hm; Sule. Inglh. imitvd to on. \\l|ifl) hip is 110 l SEM NEVII “IRIS—l! PLMANT TO 7 .____ . GET A PACKAGE—PRIDE 25 C OBSERVIq—AHVNINI‘ find the Numenm hire of". 1.. .111)st ~t (‘O.. and uml of Tezuro, on egrh package of this Wot B. L. mnson a: co.,i SOLE I’Rornlflg‘or 50 “Hindu Sanz-r, Saw You?! milvntox's Wally Tm ls MM by‘ in en-ry Yxllagoflnml h) {lll Druggisu H 1; (Hum. .\‘gvnl I‘ur’.h~tr_\sl)lu'g. ' ' ZUIIIIU'3’ aux. MEE July 2:, 13m Lancaster Book Bmde mum: \vrAx'r. ‘ G‘ ‘H “lan 1H)» _ M‘n nun; "you MAH‘PH‘THH‘. 7 ‘ : “WAS?” MN . l‘lmn in"; flumumlml flmrling, of e. snrlptign. vw'cutdd in the most when; npprmT-d 51““!5. ‘- ‘ A ‘ newnmrufi. » A E. S". Brfiu'n. Yul. Fun-morn Hunklbf I. \V. I. l'mpo-r. Eu; . Lunl'uslm; Cnnnty Samuel Sluuflx‘. l-lul , ('uplumfiin I!uuk.[ .\mr‘nucr 'lYan‘c-r. Hill” Ymk Bunk. ,i \ViHiun‘.’“Uighur. !‘l~q.. Yolk (‘u'mty 11 T. [L'Cnramn‘ Esq“ ”ill-1k n; Hollyflbnr' Pun-r \lgniu. Huh. l'ruxh'y'flfLuucmlrf (loo: (7. H 11“ (hum, Eu; . livgbl‘t‘r “ I Hm. \\'hit~r.u‘ Em” Raw-mac: " E {\prik 1.3, “if”. ‘ - I , Trees! Trees! Trees HF. undersigned [Mile nxientinn large and WM! gmwrl Mgr}. ‘ of FIH‘IT 4le) ()RSUIEX’I‘AL TR Shn‘xbc.‘ {h- . mnhrnpinq :I l.:rx:~ nnJ ' tnwornnonl n" .\I‘VH'ISI I‘EAIIS, PE I’LI'TIS, (‘IH‘3HIHHS. .\l’lllf'UT’S, 3'. TAIHXES,.§LI-filurd for [Lu ()rt'lni Dnnrffinr Bhr Gnnlcu ENGLISH W. Pl'\.\'lH” ('HHSVI’TS, ".\ZLENF H \‘j‘lfitllßH'lS: STILVWIHNHHHS, RA NT.“ "ml “OUSRHE’HIHICS, In 5:78“ HHAHL‘F, I’l‘vlluith-rt kinds. .\hl'A HHI'HARRJK’O" 31'. .\lm. :1 fine stm‘ turmc~l, bushy EVERGREENS. su'ilth t‘anFry and L Syn. ‘ luzmu‘m’s Tum-2s, m- super and El gr-m‘ml nsm: (mun: of ‘ l m: \upx‘ru. Turn up Fxn'mznmn' ‘. IU.\E.“. 11f L'lmjtc rtlt’iulit‘n, (\. 15F: HHVU FLA XTS. Xv. ‘ J ’ (Ifn- stuck i: 'rt-iu ~rknhly thrifty and \"l‘ nth-r it .It prim-u to wit the [{m pgfl‘umluguon mailml to all npplic AfH‘ras Ell“ M”) J. EVASS‘ k‘ ('enmu Sundries, 1’55 Sept. 23,1861. 2111 ‘- ~ v Alexander. Frazer, (WUW‘K AN.“ \¥'.\TF\l—3(.&Kfllt,lms J his slugp to South Bahinmrc Mn dvmrs south of the C‘cmt lluuw. “her ahwg‘s In: happy to hm-ud to tlu: cal cu~tomers. He ii Hmnkflil for'pnst fn hupcwm .rrcuhe Hm (-onlinurdcuutn p.|_hlh_-. [00“) squ, .\prnl s \ Gettysburg ReStaura-t.‘ 7 ‘lll-Lumll-mglml.lnuiugboughtnu Clmnlel 1 11. lhu-hgvgulll u‘oulinuc tlm 01TT§S~ Il‘l'i‘dl IlliSl'Al'FllAXT, at the old as ' ,undu‘ )lrl‘onangllg’u lllull, in ('mlnle stree , whrrc‘ he will nlwaj: lbe ready to some n , IlChß‘l hulkol'cuatuumrf,(lYS’l‘l‘lllS,.Cljll_l'KE 43;??? TONGUE, IeILH, ll‘l‘l CHI-LU! J;_., W h noxnzs'rw wuss, Aw, unveil mirror, llc “ill ypurc lmicl'l‘urlto render sails! Allan at all Mm may [Ml‘lrollizw him. lle onl my a mll. - ‘ V.\l.l'l.\‘Tl.\E\\'H Slim l 1 July 1.43.21. {Sm ‘ Fme Liquor? J L a. mini lmdudded mh: Gr‘ cry and ’ l I . Action . gate, a department fuqllm all 0! Luguors. and wing laid in In large and in. unurtm‘cm, he i rites the nllemloa of bdyen thereto. In em rues BILfiNDIES, WIfiES', GLYS, Will-SKI 5, tan, pfdifl‘uent kind; gm!" pflcqs, some nwéng the beat, to be had ill tho culeé. Au his mmlo h‘ “ quick gale“ d glut“ plums," he Willing-ll cheap. waft-hen}; for Ibo (ush. To be enhviuce 1, it in onlyncc SMI') to give him yuur thnage. T U_enyeburg,.luly 1,1851. L - ‘ '“'" ‘ ‘ . ""'"U"-"'"‘- Umon Inn. ‘ g . HORGE k. CURWELL. of “M Ul33]. In“, J, on the (‘hambvrsburg 'l‘urnpik¢,}nenr thor top of the South Mounmin, takes thin method ul‘iutorming his friendmnd the publi¢ that it I: prepared to accommodate all who hay pa- x tronize him, in the best nmnner, mu] at modal-q Mo charges. No zip” ,will be Ipard co [in snisluc‘ion. Ilia In 10 and Lax- will he fol-G well prm'idrrl, and his bedding unexcepqlmhlo. Large smbliug lor horses. He only; uh 9. trial. [May 8,1861 f. 3m -. ...V .l - - - «k- z... ' Removal. \‘i u _ Wan k CLOCK HEPAIR‘INfi—aLOUIS [EPILER hm removed his Watch t Glock Making Estnblishmem to 80¢“ BIL limore street. "“0 (100 m “0““! OIL Dinner 8 Zieglcr's Store, where he will he glad ti": ~ ceivg a continnnnée of the panes!“ of, 130 public. By close attention to busineln, - work‘and moderate charges, be Rikki - fi' general sntisfficticn, u heretofore. ' 7 ‘ . “e"yxburs, April 8, 1861. - . : Tmmng! Tmnmg! ; ii, HE undersigmd respectfully infoxl’lu‘flu China; of Gettysburg and the pubglm‘ln e "hum he has opened; new Tjnqh'u 9.. hbliahment. in Chambersburg street, 511mg,- oppotlite Christ Church. Hi: will mummy-2% and keep constantly on band, ever; 1' : TIN-WARE. PRESSED wd JAPAN-Y ’ and will always be rfiady to do ”Pk ‘ 300 nm and SPOL‘TING also dug, in m. beat manner. Price‘s modente, gnd 0.5-0" spared to render mu satiafccligg, 41.5“ 9 the pubUc's patronage h nutmeg, 1' ' , ' A. P.~ A. '.._ Gettysburg, Jun‘e 18, 18160;:J1f1‘f‘ L”: ' mems '11:?th unrtment a bong; m ’ - me 5, kc“ fl {ha at," “m“ i _~ _’ ‘ A. 5001"! 33mg II II lEi . Sign!“ porlrn i| Tu Tu. e Agent lyeuw .1) A' ft ~ Pl. ’n‘ry de‘ Ilia! I 111! nriner, Matt to., Pa, MEI lulu-pll4. W‘l‘Et‘». ME rd. and" [AI-rs, 5:, hr,‘ l'lifl |‘..l‘icl.\ ._ (.\LN'S“ ' 0' IT“ ‘fo’rtlm‘ lantfrrg. 'S‘marns. ELIAS} :3221 emévod I; d (n! he; will 5 d! hi! )rsyfil‘ - of Ih. {s6l.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers