l ' wh-I' - l" ““"A ...-b. - n 4» z, 2...! l‘lg ' | l m .--" —- mm : l“1 ma“! *1" l‘ll'na/t ml PM" ‘0 Janna ' --AM. ‘- . ”Ivan.” ‘L “a “My up)“; a ”W” .‘f est duo in J I”) last incl ' . ..‘v "- - ' I . 1 “1 wave '' ‘ . M ‘Bfibruuu. ""mulu.quenn.,Jlulgmemu llfll‘t I‘m-I.llm “m . “Rum". “fig “r if, 7W a“- _-- Wong:- ~ It} Hm ‘mg be been It‘h l .A. flux-ix JM Dlvnsed - . , Cnmlmm' n on Oh ‘ Imm.. ownrdg t «If 'J" I ”mug the!!!“ ‘e . Dmue Prov ”m unpaid ') In uomr or tll-mned against, Corps was all? clow of Jul ruin ll! "-. ."I d!!! is :u) . ‘ -u v ' w ‘ ~ l ... . t‘ ‘ Jr“ J. mgfigy unugfiggpzfl‘gn l’Pzré :zfili‘e m :33 $111,311" tlleygllES-ISSL n ml??? fur , 3E1“): mt“) theeil‘fiflclhllor ru llxitlltln 'hole ":le dlj —’—’:‘ “' ”RM : m: r) "nom- .' -' Inhl‘ w ;I"Ca . Ilitv n blu- CL , eor tl . m an! -II (by 1 ~.~ *. 2 .-...4 lléflulld :3 "Us (‘ .ur p9O 1 “(q-of d «mm M - ‘lut by a. . Run 1” I“ re Umted ( ous ‘‘ Ir com . . ”'l'“ l-It ’ - mit ommw G. “W“ . gn‘ 'mm b “ch sud _ lmml . eleven -“Y the 1 Slfllp. In tho ”mm" W ng’ ‘‘"'m; 7* 11.0 'terif .y 0 (lip on" 1“TM“ 1 , ,0! fl» )(n y fl 1]”- IPYOCecai Jllen__ regunnnu t ”(Ull‘l‘ . e ‘ mark“ ' u {on d. I "m ‘s ‘4 i mgim: ~ V. F . Inn-y" OdOV f I rlh'wrhfl Arec my! “I" - armed d- of :h' V M BU” xpeudn land In ‘ n ”,lan ‘o I VTM c‘eto b“ m ”m“ b 0 how” ad’_ n the com . the pm 00n IMO If -and, In all ’ Illh-d I~ Jne bo}. . , "resufmo . new of a! ' expend cube; '. F” ..- Thu mtcfi] - lcbmns v n ,of n {3011! wq. )Pfll’t! md ‘,‘d ...w _‘ rupect ' domed '( 'V m pm: the ‘ may mM = e lame I ed .6 40‘ ' 0 ‘h‘ nmu / ll” huh X . cI We hm- . Tct‘mvcr 9 8 Mac - Ivan- 070 m \V. ‘. "' remdv I (fill! )a. . vChum "1‘”! “Id " mer b ’J "d ‘.‘d“ I F m” «mam, 1.... . e, A- . . mu ‘9co . .mm . for den. H) 1, proudgd cer f” hatua’o a l u !Md .w . ”um“ Mv'lbw r, ‘ ‘ PM“ ha“ geyhgmds mmmmr ”mm- Th w'mvn (‘ fur tlx- 3 ref: of th I ‘9— renr. ,P ylnentsm Pl mm - 1 mega! ' ... an“ “mum W h". ‘ '0! the ‘4 mm sun ,' . 'Pmnin' Tom wugt eregimem 0' Javernm, L elem-e 0- $l.“. Mus mln No line 9 mum}, the day - ..~-- my». ‘l-fl ‘scsn ' 00k and x" {o ; mg two .-9mv, ‘ ._ Hind a _ wit. 1d" of the \I w - Amy ,5’ hand. ,e, the bu “#2O“ I” at ‘h “r“ W 3 “1...“ a“A 'm“ tem 1 bO. 1 Vtha- "Umbe, "#ll Inn. l “the Id n -at . ltorl .9. I“) ‘ llu ”In! C- . . i lubafih'l‘wu vI,l -. I [)ulésn-ml N ha! r; hf Offiw "911 mm. . and the "Zeal by [h M Pumh mu" H “Den! BreUwby [h ' I the em “mum” J“ v ‘ "mm 4‘ H more," and 90‘ um mm} _, “”le theyuc ah ,n, joined maths“ : “the 1- ‘3 28m . awe ._, ae accou Will exhi .VPrt of th 01mm 'fpeuxat' .I' ' p ~ - . ; . . .t, o. m as “I as M. bx _. e " re. '0" . l V :‘cflfillflawwr'fvmw a i{‘,urxnmmrmrm'lfiff‘mmr ule‘LZflf' {h‘mll :fsfitiorrionrgffi‘om' m. 13.13;: an???“ quiuhsfghyo 1861, “311': 02' “be 1m IMA§¢:°°°““‘ of m'l" .“3 Lb“ "4w: of.’ ua“ “equate, 113;?" ”lluum mg“ for Pore .pn-u-a' “mmhud” s‘‘‘ . ‘ to capital Mm cam-w com eor flu: U j'xonud a: k' :ILWhUII calm. farm ‘ll » an, in. le ‘ “hm. w o".th ”any“! ‘EI "u wide I”. raked l Imapfmn W; ~ ~lnuamdwmga‘k blmll b 9 pnnymfwhich nllcd‘lMlo 3 brlgudier “beencm axis t 5. 'o] “ «I! .rc ,us tu‘ ’nallut' XPeudizM ‘be 1",, . ”t. lon . ‘ "4mm ‘ nt. ,‘ .. ' ._n ' l _ 1.- -. an“ . V 1n”... r‘ , "'3 ~ ~ the 83 the '’es b loulble f X Since 'l ll l 'l‘ LU”): ad” ' 1'5““ ”M ”mom“ nrfiflyd ‘ "now“ one mmwn “ww r. i gemml- lg 1.. , but ‘ r opaa .ryme ha mted qY: rude .or (by v.wt 1; MH I p ' I.“ I‘ ‘1 h a large ' "ty “.0 0‘: u lllcm . ‘lxe uh y Infl ‘I 3M ”Ml d lbfin Jugs . . 9H) the: bank. wOllld (- \u, l nJI V l yr mg": 'nuvur' ' '1“ . IlOldm-of" aCl|.Of \Vlll } “‘lnn‘imm mu‘imd 0‘ ’ I'Mllnlt‘nt '- 35P“: d b] [h i. ‘e by “la n ISM '4-‘4 0l [h rollllgafi .‘ w con“ -“’ ll -’ ‘ °-3,J n‘ -n,.'‘q ‘ ‘ . I ‘ 1l . .v I ,- . ‘ OFF“ 11. ..n-a. rum ”:3 ”WW.”- aanm‘ _\ dolluw Kl "lnrtmxo bondcneachlmsemi v and an g- ILht hund H 1 '1 mnlnln “(to lgo'ernm _ °l!|' reluo .e “k | '3: mid “300 m. n fllne¢.{ “ l“Pg“ us ””3 "Icm . ”me to Ann“ 4 My. 80.3..” , - I ‘ y ‘ q I I ‘)Pmm Ir and H.mPmmH' l M mm . . 1861 0u to 8": ‘or wh'eb “a of n. In 1} - (Malay \ 'rmlzn “mum“ aw “u w‘“w W and ‘m” be Hm” fornnctl n: {mum} l a (l, . mu.“ :cncr l '“e d for . and p the P‘ eat-l 1 Iw - punt- when x.. . as. - lluch ”MW". mumm- . , < flush My. . echo ei 'h loumnd :- es, are": "Mon (.0, : :lx men a(0 proc. 'l’ectcd tl . elzn mo Pl'esenzed “ (12- f “to" ‘3 “up“.d 'r, the n. ' Hu- (‘O, "mm muw‘dmmufl—“U;” romeo) W 10“ ‘bf ‘n'mg home * munshhw mm!”- -Th=_mom om,“ npn-ung tln' -be dune o Ire arms a'9 Adjutant ("h M the T 0' Vhe.3 0 CPI. 21" Hillel]: by th tOn I}. CCelunty mnin ("'"O'N’mm ‘ , ,' , . blmllh'. - Wyn . l'lnf fifty sh 5' thing 0 - ‘EWllolce lh-rv. and whiff“ ~I! 701500;.“ 3 300 a u - “mud S realm-y D" 13“! fth :L‘ 0 Surpfi "531%,, ~ °~‘" and fi} “grch-qlm-Shcriw .' or ""“"'l 3 32229 M r ”In nfixenmkd mn. 7 Cum C ares‘ chp ' mxmlnnv s b .Xpemeof r-- _mmof ‘1 "0113 00m .. e hiring a d .‘t Gin ‘Th “tel fO,- “ ”me ~ 3 Pem' ”v therefor " 3'68 0: th .1c " ‘,“- u ' “Maid l‘uu ," - . mo “h“ amp”. we CM. f a “win” “Img. do‘ (vover Petition . " With 0 tum of . ”Idem at of g], ' 5 ‘Un rvl |- e. was f 1 ’ e tunes “0 ram . um— a la” m‘thoriufkvmr 6:1?!” 00:“ N. or ) .eaum- .pa metu l‘ ‘ wand ..- l “mem . Vith th Out fr $5060 “ind ll ' e whl-h Pecle , e tut th - - gm . "hum v z 4; .i to a”. momwl com-w . wwflnnd I ”m: n “mus [h ”a” ‘ Arms}: 0 X 4" 01“ the T- v 00' h 1 ”mm. ‘ took 1 P ymenu b e in; I(. w 5 ml, thnt z ""“' ' ‘ wav “to U ‘4‘“: [,.l , non of ‘-. Hum, ‘noox 0‘ gum}, dWe bee . Jon-l I’m“.- 'be,L I) P Ice 0 3‘h com ' “mum ya" ---u 3‘o affect I. he prom“) ‘s‘ u- ‘3' " Nerultin “lmcam ”“95 or zafie 0" era,” .l n dlstl‘lb “mm 'l‘ .Y Depa ‘3O teem J “ember [a " Mon.) Chunk. nod. Ll. . M. by n” n. hue o, ‘P .lgalso. than}, or [m-dtlon- ~or mln flap. and xg.and q. ; .Pé 01mm "5 "la! b" ' "llama." 11‘ "led 6 he Yep” ‘ em 0., "I 9‘ Irec L Um). . 31- the 30 h ' Imnd' mm" lands Md 'i“ m" be p 8.913" is ' Us” I)“. “(lame the M o “4).”... 1”,. uc-.them 1n " been to ' " com - : uverumeut. » nun: :11 ac“ r)unncnd h. 4' .b. c' ‘ ‘uf Mr 1.0“,” .""d ten? Kuhn- I“ med t "M 0m lew ll “mm“; pmmor I. ‘glmcm- ‘‘ . 900 H mod _m. ... ofzhe , Y the p 1 all ~t'fl lb . ”Cums“ F 0 that I 9on gum. "mm. in ' lid, kl obv the (‘ ill“: nu d . um] um] \,. “Wuhan L ”m ("an - bed; Ih l “‘3 have!)e '0 rage; l mnluhon Bxf‘eny‘u mum-3k Peulltxaglo . t)’ be rel’ ‘ “033 cu '0 lvc "ml 'l' me ~. Wll n. d a“. fomjnouw ,3 .L 10 def \ mter , ‘,coulpau' . Unnlgn » . BY6 a‘l‘ .9n th‘m -,'o 0° lud- I “‘U’ud' l'e 1’ film b, level] I' ' ""mm pv' "l'llrnr [,..f "'8 "1" ll crmvmiem the mo“ emu an! raml 1, n \ lrvln¢ llt‘xxnll Comm . 30 nddrmr ~ I dumb . fram- UPporr . "lg a. 011531.. - etch of Arum fln-l { ,“’“i.!o be 1 we 0“ ‘h "' .. . m_. ( figs: 3’ the 54 la- m. “’l‘ ar_\'.‘ . Wmael‘s f-ednl . ‘ u. I," y limbo . :01 th gnu mu 1‘“ the la "" “"l‘ mum ‘ ”on.“ n gunned" f. "ulwyjuqlnlh ace; .‘ J{h ,~ $444 8' ~ , Lne)‘ 1. ”ch we“. ‘fenn ° all ch“ 9‘221' lo {h nmg act. ' 1 Monday] 9 Regen FPO". the G ' mflda A'- nut. m wunlvmn a] ‘"' (Jen‘- I: of ram » «:me ‘ Lam-hos r .‘Gdnm . .; Hm d- Ms anxou all, {I nrmg.to larder . A e". -> P Con fur-b mo.- Over" , "Cut efl’o (li. cro 1., n' ": 201 M -‘3 “ruin mon . .th mum. . “Port“ Oes . Med or: ', . them . c 001)“ re In elm .7 an .= C and mm. V ”s to "“1 A ' MW" “"11: . law-saggy}: o‘,“th “13333” "2:. 33110: aggnwxxgwiiomfiuwe "£2. harm n. 3,. “'3de Mm; on.“ gm? m. 83;?» up: u sped .1..., “:33? clonhed‘ “smegma m, nag-13m Wm W . 'lr"mt ' r ‘ ‘ese AI _ l’mc .‘0 01' [1 tax In 1,, ‘2' .eer‘~“s in d- - 0 11l- '.' he” ' my?“ H mm or ‘l' PM“ a “nu” l pawl. B”. ‘.to r - Pralnm. Verna: ine be, -r’ coed-d p, Y9t at St. film «In ,u. Llo d In.“ 1861 (xi: 'm: then ‘‘ "m [up ‘l‘bor 1 “iv“ be ‘ Id? o,}; “ellO V 9 or re: 99 ,and |~ 'ehtmTh "qm l‘ Jto and P‘ POrmug . ‘ "ml "1" ukm“ “g . mica '.. ct qu‘ed Q ‘ If. .3 0f eh“ - ‘Or do“ -.en a me" > I.“ com 1- J Welfare mg 111:; mo, IWe 1,. emu. D“?! ' .2. has farm m MW“ O“mV m “ 1“ Hum“! 'A“ Adm .thof “1m l “WWW" bu .. "0 re ,5 n mo) m‘ofn 0-5 Plum With l ' eve clan u will or of our b a when l . "dummy ¢_!.:un.h .on lumm . ..,.-‘ tn (1 . s‘mnnts-d . “del \] leulth. - l 3L. the - wOlzld be: . n In!“ . l)Ur or.“ Gdnca 'Wcl' 3 lm ‘ nlu « "me“ ”PM“. .“n ” rhea so n “nalg M: u "°°""“Emhe. “l‘lCll w. 003 .. . um . 1. Av I~l<t . echo" f « requir- , - Huh 10l tb w“ they tlon "d ‘ ”hm. ~ -. I"u, m, 7 Jun.“ . Mon th ~ A l that - ~ ,- should ,4 salary, «ram-2v IlluLlo an 1:. the fi"-. .l 11;“- <‘ 0 the Ag. 9‘ Illould tn t thu ‘.6Wu t . Nolan: ‘mn ' YOunu. n .1., "l mMb K "“1”” II "I ‘ m‘w bq a ma” flaw” ‘ 3M mm“ 1.1)". "M on m. y. of “an“ _ expemés V? thou. e Gael“?! it c Oflfflb' ‘ v be‘ {nixed au ‘ct of ‘QI U‘ lAd ecr rcgfm s’fillthe nk " .men atd ’ l'l’F‘lr bum. '”'l|ml, m U "“0”, or" Hmfipan ' 1.10 m the no a! “mob; d ,Im the“ mom» rOl. “tutu-um. ‘v zm'i‘ and arm” ‘ Prlldwtto their re ' rovid- (figure. L: “Ch wfie ,~ cuts. The‘ m s ofier b le-e If." ' "m- ~..m ,“ulhe, ,1, I I . y a“! . a mmonw ebtlr ‘ ~mpomn bo- ‘ ”mg" Peru. on: asm' “Incl: 11-1- cm..- 1 P'YmenL ~I%ex = -a u 'afi' ne.er , I! walla . Glob" cmcmi. (mun "I ~ lmay Len “no.o pro . calm}; efiunem. 3mm . 9m...“ . v a: be r, n u.“ . are a, tlleg - presu - orded uop .- nt .co .’m“ “ . "mm “mm . « Ferny . y “19' .. 'l 01' 1| ehtzO 8d a lenu: lant nund 1. y oruan. - Rdop‘ th - With 1 lo: t 0 the mnumt V"- J““K"“ 1mm“! mum d ' lnm‘be “I'd. the m‘ i “1”!le lsubsmed, “3 Resp-w .B _ 'l‘ I‘ ‘ Obcuf ‘n'Phllad t‘ Ima ch 8 Pro ' the} k . (20.“ In, ll!!! d y has “It or”I ‘ “no”. I; wk.“ 5 ' mmum l nlgmemtl “York d ;,&c.. l; * ulc Lur "emu (Jhxbt' \ Cred him nlplua“, . e Guam; Per ma “#3qu mic-la. ' 'lllei}, P‘en mm ""d H e (“mu ”mpmd ‘l n In” “mfe 'to the hm A Khan, Rm 0r :2" J‘y the sum) p 6 were mid éV ‘ . .qukels ‘ 911300111121 1 n Ject _Wuof C “8 for di ’ nmom, - The In- Unor to ih Rube tert- um ‘ ,‘crenn n hide: o .huvefi rrP}! by tlw‘a. (fits and Pr‘ . WcSte‘m v. .uly. rphu’ Ato the “V. we! ént have“. “a ”Mata ‘S'Mlerdn - “ ' “0;: ‘0 1. Feet. 1,, I" °“|' people' ."emlmo eln‘ ‘ m "J~ Fisher Y '7'.“ : wn' “d hm” [WU gt muddle ugh “mum‘h “Mme d. xrnm'ww ‘mo W'im nge vs in “furnish “conudemm ‘ Awumnm , “153111” Y? to Ibo (' vs-gmfieu a. Vcm numb-mg "tn-dam. 4 new! «1.. u u y . t_d ,9! bhull' 4mm" - Bro PM i, r: em, -a. Valuulee ed mu: 9 T ll“? 1, - ‘hel . lowa ‘ltlh . 1)., Nut LMIHH'H’". " PM. ‘ A ”If mm Yme mm? b. no to the S‘ ‘0“ that nelrdep .n Y the 5‘ In 0; rs fro >OPe ‘ ream D 9 Con . l r fathe Mum . ’3. in .1 I ".11.”; 9f mu _ - A - , ~- , - Late Or: I: 4 m the 9m “DnSl- 'y CP'ft T celvnl ‘th 1" Ind ‘ . Catalil' ’ c J “in l "m mnwunhh y I‘lueu' be I me, or w. expumm ~ lufwuxu .to - nvc‘bee ~te a OH]. - . menu}, , ‘ fro} .epr In Ind . film! 3; .-F. In ._ornec J the “Mk. 'Se‘lmedb' mi to the! [ES "m “Mb. n. ue c. -‘|rrl‘bur”,rtt bof . n "at bth rsann!;_, emflntar It he ." the U. mm min . Mermuned 1 hr 11 w »Il.m 1- 1:4 g Imm ”self. 3 afintmm ‘mmma 3 xheStuh .wulry m.ln on ' '{lreJoayina 7 6U. s ‘ Pfennig)" ”emu“. of “alumni mo". and * rrectlflb a‘o «‘Jucu ; "11-m.“ 1') "a. ' mom! uv .. gage m‘ I {un- W] ‘9. MW" ,\_ mom . a realm“ :- the Sn "‘ltbo..S .In Vilbo he Sta .0n pla that 1h - , 1“] “I'm v :13. Pro conmmmi w sulvyectlb :‘lan WM 532;,- 101 cm“. _ ,IJ be . lun n ants ha to, In t«ltem; '_u:d 4 te will b 0 far 9‘ 9.7 ml] . I've th . . A th - . 1; .. .....r. , age as lur. firm . Ye gun - 30 m. -. Y wee e 1 85t ' "he, ‘5 .Mt ml H a ”my 110 n”n r.1,x1w,],«- . “ elmmod n 1 :. who.“ : Dense .th. “Tahoe f ‘3 'lth due, . "ea cred' 'IO (lug "Icuo , e d], . Bram , l I ~ Rule - . thlatur. ‘»l‘ 9 y n '0 {h 0 P 01" .‘ th mm tl v Out, Inn . u lune t Ifo llle‘ ,‘1 0f 1: - 30luuo . ‘,‘llJ'. Sflllh 1 , .Il An 2- . £311.11!) P“ ‘ ‘ Inem Imdh ' an!“ r' . e, "on“ ‘e “M D Pa ouplt u“ b . nor i I M 0 ”Emmy ”1} my! "anm) .- ”Hem. Ana-1H to? eth.be u- eparnme yment of th Pllhe in “lance ~ ‘ Item. > Not . gmnd kn P (-nlorc.‘ . "130 m . . tuned i 1 Am. aY‘‘oerM.mm“l w I n A l 6 q ‘ 9 mm. d I l l. l (‘9‘ ”1(- ml‘ ray 'l,lll t) l“ 0311-!" h the cllorl a] . ”I deal“ “s‘“ ssuunn 0f .r 3 th e V l m ”I,“ V ‘ WIMP“. Non,“ lmm“ w‘ a P": x ~1!) of E. :l’ Immed" posted - nflkon . g the co -L' d), e; I i H m“: be s“f files E i "W! m> H mm]. wlvm r me.“ me a. . Wm: . men: ,{ mph-u en: tu; , . Jhc - néocuar. ‘ tatesw Only-fiv- .‘ on in. m. “-1 as th ‘ LPlrfure .‘ ‘ “d‘hat ‘ the S‘ ur m. '— . - Wicked ‘ “I“ I .UUMIW ‘ l. “mm” H_L on that um i might wi - VHS, re - tux ft, . “‘9 shall ‘‘ ‘3 nrnn ‘ , ”hum MM“ “d mm . ~ ‘ : Kimmy“... . ".11 law], ‘ «Im. ff I M rt. 0n th '"9up 1h . Hulr(-d,_-_ r Eh!!! yea, 4mm. h. 3" “h » 1.. ‘ nout y-, Na I’mls r- .‘ [bum I, ‘5 (ll’llcred a nouts fl‘‘fr I e arms bil 9“ my“ loam” w.” l.u" t ed" w ”(l been? 7 “A,“ mm I (helium .‘ . ‘ lhe cull - 4’ m: ,In 13119.15" an“ s Cluu a. - not to ' teal-u ' 01' fi "3 Ol'Dh ‘ ”m ' {lmma- v, E - .1 1s ano. l"m , ”are mm. “us r am}; 10 11, .. nmrched r- ‘LM llt‘for ; Crease - cto her “ecu 4 _ an’s ‘ i ‘u‘3')‘riylilhgllrtrlqllfiln 1;:le :gptilnim ‘1 flat: ortlcf-l-ll lr‘lg‘refit ruznt‘slflalldfill't lto‘vovért: ':1 f". ”"3 gnfifljlfl‘ “OHM hassl‘lme “$312? tinitial) "'i” no West-m, P?’ 0233?“ RSTATficergn Sale |I" n ' WIAI -: ”a cab W’Kmmuiq‘fld. ‘ :xnpnmp Mu". y llr‘g ,‘v = ‘F In l'relzv . f? um'. npO- rec .-t In cred' Pct-emu, ' - am... _ Ilflrnloruf ,- —e, snl- _ . ,‘ LY PM“: A Cluul' - ~|lnh| 1 . LI! 9,v. m 1 I (ll! t fit, lid “Ce-3:"- ommc d nbe I “d. u l“. mu ”Nb" My“! m “am“ I mm! a ’ new” ‘ ‘ 11*, M,.; We anJ l' W) ldi l. 1 ex. '1 that, the Elven by m npunu.‘ .weor .1 . .\d. \t IV l the (m ‘ . ‘ Memm. xo' .lm .. '. me nso 4 ~ afarwy lane be. 1 - tax be a pa “1' not I 0 (lrhlnl ‘ .lue ofn , nun Im. 1”]? will“): A”: {mm 8”" ‘ 1 "ml Jmh Iroguneut‘ - ”Rule .11 u. [‘l - . vl' nulv d-- nch 1 ~ tn pr°_' Humed b I"! m, of l. . Mir" 3 n . (... lllllur‘h- ~ In,» '‘ I ‘ ‘I l I lor 3 ~ mm ‘0“. t ‘nml (or mx“ F 3 mum» l‘muhl h ‘ lu . y the .. lhud I ‘l‘um-_ ,mm\l . L’nen l- 7 SM)“ hi l {up “ml; ol . NHL-ll my "l' ~ l ‘ among v p .xnmu :u Mud? l 1 U ly. . ‘Mul {0 lh - “Ye lye I . (Me the Q Sta 9 ”cc: 'w. IA '( an]. ' ”mtg mn -h “H ”re“ of ”‘3 0‘ H] [Hinge on ‘ all UK" .rl to . 01)! Phil -~ I ‘5 PUbll 'e" ll”. | lawn ~ 7 !. ’ 131,5 ‘l' v I)" ”N: . "mu w. tum 1W q I.9mm)” ». ‘ lllr‘ (‘0 , 1 (.d. - the DH “Una , . .Ca: aMNof a -l Cum- ' - lax th 'Sllu. :.\_\p . W 0/1, New”, 11l ._~ mnfi. »c- hulls .' humt \ -lc we! -a r. llll].l ~01”. {mu ~‘ H 1 .lcr ,~ . Vlce, t} ."a .ho It e w v “luau. - ’l'mrg nr H ””3”," the n.i '- ‘mpd mpg. O'l‘lf‘ntr Juvh y A wuxur ln. Jes a nul'v With I u tax I u.d be P“..nmnt Cuumv ._ In L-t' (I. Al . . VAJ A u once] H “PM” . ‘ a man L and , ‘mmm N Huber! .M"an . c ..Of _ . v “.‘lJUln- v yuan. 1.“ if t lm“ l "in!“ than A l leml'l'oot ‘.. (in an! _‘ ‘Pnsmn nlk” 5 . 211 l “I lmnw... ‘ . port . ‘ Will he "ins; "(1 Dulh lull lan ‘0“ ".1 .. W ‘ .rf ‘ - “Pres“. l . 0“- of. I “ “mum“ , um] . > . “(I If)" ' 9 "9603-1 . -l_nng -h‘a ml: the b r9B r‘ .onof 1 ”no: ‘ . I'm 01* IP. Ada [smm] “1; “ mmnmn it I‘ ‘md to w] - nml 11. ‘\v~ . ‘ ‘eflurn lull-i 1] (lie “I ~ ‘tl N‘ms ‘YOi‘O f ~‘ ,Y "“le ‘‘ 7- ten-tr “rdenzm F‘lmlnbl i“ “”11 I\ _ “'WI ND“. {Willi 1? fl . l 1" .5t luuk' 1 ouglltt 1 ”le‘nw -L~ (home! 1‘ "1" ou ‘ rut- .eartill "min .1 Imus and ~. mm M”- non tr- ..Y tip-and , ”mam.“ . "rd Ht.“ _; ”.51”... Jam. 0“ mg mn- y . 0 'o‘ nl I. r‘mom fit 4 ‘ Pl‘ll‘l Lln St: ‘ T erV 113.; ,: L! bv It! . mad} . fleet. 0 ~ lf'v Varm ~.: t In.“ luv]. .1 . 5. mm . . lnr . . lrx \u' - , “]-|p~ Pm L 0m 1“. .m. m - ,qumu; ‘1 '‘e N” I“h b. ,rum I mm. “m. ‘ Tm“ ""c "mm mm] int pmdmm I . [mu “m v} ‘)”m n . rmrgltol ,J'vnuu. 01‘ thew?“ . Dltlm K Ie to (in JLtmt.. cw pr 3h. m. tory I» It. .. 3 I . firm"! Juwhmlml ' “up ”It“ £11111;un JIM-Lin. . , lhe am! I.] . ” ~n-re Du b ‘ escrveu to" per . ‘ “Xfltum; 'l‘ ”Perly behllzlm' v. .‘ 11a...e ' ‘ngln'nq - w}; ammo“ or .1 om, won” . 1).}: rm L dc: om” .. - Alley Jumhw . ,Icnr cmt h’ re used 1; owns. 1. 4cm. to I he M.- N [here - ._n.n_d ~ g. “-45 , ‘ the ~7 . . rend“: _u-ml 1] v lmh \I- ,‘ l tlne- ~ ~ ;- n- ma ash“ .' .‘ v the 3.1 J the m.hepa I . “-11” on“! vlmh I 5 n “u“ I um” Mil afsault u . 111110“ f, Hln , l mt 1h {l, . .u. 13“] -Ll lsxAgo 0:. I) |- ILI), g! . M. n ‘ "‘“WU‘ ' 60‘ ‘h PY . mm ‘m w I“? l A . mm” . . mm t! Pies. um e reeuup f “Ith .m‘ [m I mono h ‘ “ruled ... .l ,' \uuwhl mm a V PNlm” M f Jam! n" ( l mm A ‘ ma- Sh ‘ ’mgmwm l m pkmen A “mend ,1“ would . spxp‘,l.t_l at my nr our (4e ~V tlneJ. ~7 . but an- . u ".0, Mom, . yuan.“ lnh..rd . »__ Pm” 10 cunnm‘m’ . a.) w Pen I‘ t, men had} 'VOlllnleer lnrml a ‘ .‘P.Ai .n ms Qhruugl ‘v u max-l j A - tum Is tl - - .'°|’c nu) ' JVurElty ol'F ‘ Tl"! L]. ."- The], ‘,‘nmnj..g" "u 10‘. uul m ; IMAM.) ._ . . men m 1 ‘. cOrin. -Plt 0! - ln‘.’ m d _ “mt th q " no]. ll ‘1"; It w.” - lam l. - vlm. 11;”, "J m”: 'h l l 1"” horIVI “I m ”m Di] ,9, ‘ Grub“ “Ye aR v ‘ ““1“”de ‘.‘ ung tn ' . but. 1». r ’ ulten ‘.. . tats . l a they ~, ‘ enable .‘ "Under-x l“, C l|.mu- nun lur . howl ,u 1. l' i am"? a‘ a m In“ my Luigi] 0: 1. . ‘l'Jmktnle ‘ . lie drum hr llm P n (-d Inn :13 ll} m ' . ’ "“1 I'3. ‘t‘ * 1"le ”ltérA __Y u mlmr, .“g .‘ll be :‘h . - Punk, ," "We 21 E" |- MN” and.“ I mummwukv mg h" on A ”mg t‘lel lu dunup M ‘ nuo, and 4]; “nor. ~ hID the u l 0 al‘po‘ - hats at t l Cplumu Md . fun; the ‘ |I~ Jump. nnfim..- 1 ._ ‘ , ~. __~-‘ ‘ . . , ‘ q‘ ‘ ‘ {l , lusqn .' nun thu- . umm . It, “Mun n I"de IM:ml I. l a result M‘e “Hymn” q “Imam mam gm! W“! up :qmw" “my “1:”! dochuml of l? - tamlm no Ml l ‘ ‘P' . your m In] - in: mg M ”"Dweuhh berw - l r!) In th new :1 z,. ‘ . --.. H, . x ._ - m- ‘ m , v ‘_- I .h. I emu-l and 1110;“, utowex may bepquleice ms . .‘Jtu. 1w “l {he .501] ‘ 'l, .Lulmist ‘ hell 1‘ l w “pm”: ‘I. O I b upon an . ”MUM. “M dI '0 “(mm H3' rc ' ‘ ‘ [the ' mmlm o realm». .1 of J“ .0d km . need re .. ‘ Man I]. 4 x llr rave. .. r - ‘as m H). w»! . elm." . - . 0" ”I gor In” "lush” I c)“ Ime' ml ”o'3l ll . this have . {nu n)" tlm‘ ""tl rlflo P-lIM 5., . I erg . , .llle la ’. 1 turn. ‘ll um. '- l u .1; s M' ‘ .l ‘ 5‘ is“ i"I“d 26 --. ‘3’ and “'5 bud -‘ made L ndam- -A u 15. P V “Minn; ”Inf-hm”. Imm “.0 nlat cheat. lejhuuenat Mnephem. hunk of “’0 of. ‘ll- .10.} lim , P Foual InM‘Hd flown] .‘ *mm. -- .un .Fu , ..\t.ld.. In: w 53 Oll‘r' _r ofP. -en- 'Dech-m‘ ‘V M.- V“ hmr prepay”. FL 0“ ln‘ v N we" whu-h 0;. Ie Imam,“ _ ,Hoctod ym.’ . u~lm‘w :, le. cm: or ,LWylvun; .flre nl} ‘ '9! helm F ”41'? m 9.! n c "lore 34M full I“an! By .H' “M B“ , "-ilnl . l we“ r>i.“m to t] . db! mm {you 'l‘ w”; whlcll I 1.1-, |e halllln a . I‘m-Mir l I»: mm]. tlmn o . Juulpufu hurl—.l - (Luv; - ‘ : gmmmnn' m. an "Ile é:eno mw the ntlmr . nucwsmm x 111-s been ‘ "In Le Q ln- rolurl ~ en . 101 (L f'pr‘tl . "8‘! Ird . mm ".240 'ole h; ‘ “My 11, . .--_. r . ‘ ‘ .I A l .' ' latg (- “fro 'ou. . )9 07d" 0f “19' .~’ ~ ' “5!” Hum?! V. - ‘1": mnnlh the. “ml on the In‘,tlvlu|lltl\lrv or 3° ders . and it .11“ “(.l“ waulv f September 'o’“ It ' 180 i l on" “In“ - - “cm “fut wry E: end. hues A 7 'u l (, “Th“ : mor (actentitlvd ““m of tlm' .. -, 11-an to K. jMdmtoa ._ or mm-cl- , y Camwikei n‘ Um rim-a ~ uh lu‘t, ml -“V the a ”ul’cs‘of” ,» '‘* ---_— _‘ , 5 gflmznfio A“ act f mum in ~. . u!) that In W hl-x't }-, Hu: 1 I'ch v'e (- Wars ‘'i I‘m-[my lf v 0 tax a'- ct the 1.- “3 ' Seco . ' l monwmm "nof ”m mir _or:1 0 bet 1 Tum-em , 0510 f! the 3Am ~pgid I ‘H'ps of pl '1 w, m 1.000 V’ " alrcad b n ”‘lB find at}: 312 OF 1'” ‘ nd Su ‘ l- -L~ ' of 8600 Olnlj baited n I“? of tl: C‘_ l‘ul-tlmp .l, , an an,“ ,' ndxlltim‘ Ila-it phln “h the m‘y ”n inc"? edV eOfl lro 0* y! i.LSE “U ' pply: ‘. m ‘ for t I Pin-01mm?" 1 am. of h ,rl‘efluulltio ; . ; 9“"an .‘0 Hus t.. 5 ‘ 0 Nater 4‘ 0n s‘” PI y husv . 1 l’llelfl . f #-—(:‘H(; . . 1 » he. "amigo of Eg‘milémn:L‘hirggugg‘;wli “‘36{giilxtoen‘l'f>g\llll; t 4,97 g'xfl Plecca of 1': at?! of Phlhdle‘l I'E“ the «::??bmtissumet :lehzi :huuldi:3:.‘“"i’j'fi:nl.ms3ll33!ll'rou, l’nfilfi",“lß-‘llmn a ‘ n 2. -l)epnr:l «Mun d mint-"Lilaf '1 s 'l‘ ,S'eLq and . 9 111-tine ‘'3 e5O -- ur en fx " 0 Stat ~ " . lid ”1 .' Wand 1: " .Pm‘m“ _. _ aent.~ 0.: 'Y‘ s nmd - cavalry eSmr nfla ‘ Ty; an] "lures“ - 0 1.. “"l ml um“! “3" 30V 'MWIHV“ qll ~_ nthese 5- e by‘. u. , - -ri b ‘1 has a] -l l . l «th ,5 ”Bureau full u com. . “mu-25' .l ' “MN v. ‘ ”ms ‘_ k We” “h 0“”: u ”3,10“ ‘ 991 m Hon . I «- l f peted bytl -n a Pen Jl‘ ‘ m 53-" l. x‘ um.t ‘: “my“: “ "o “In“ Pin“? I ”Rab". an? R rum] 3" n: 0 Dmpdrt '0 war I. ‘ ‘ “Drum". Mus, .h- f I hm. 5.x. 1 . Vnrwtv 'l' ..h ..r . : ‘. ' - . - y Ind 0; ' ”3‘ oth - ho ... .keu \' H" (au- . V ram 7- 4 l and the ct ‘J‘ .vrdl. an F.- Ju-lged , her 5.) .er kmd n..._.nc 0- "1h :\ 2.. "m“ V.“ ~' ‘0 . abrcs. mud ii-lqyplfll libhilmlelplllgfx‘ lhlrdu [jihtgur ln'fi übl. :1 a} of TGVellu33l2‘lriflo‘lm‘l"fiat! We fills-31")"‘mmnl'll; (1:; .. n: with - 1:1 w lithe . u .neu] 1" 'v "- A]. ' MM" r. 'V .w on i ‘ l-‘p ‘ l the “cc "um um be at ré'eu V 3' "9.l .‘lllu‘g 0! Dn- , «Huang t‘r Jun! 2 A 7 . {3!- dun- , called “ml the \‘p i‘nr i "“"l llm—J ‘9 l‘ "M'" I] .OHINLMI u' of addxtionnl tug“ c‘fllrlbut; :tlll‘lllrrtlmu‘!“ “b"l‘gfl-l‘llfllumgy at?! if)“: . I ’ -0' Own . cjrts. ‘ . ..H’i ' ) . i“y«r‘.um-k of 0:1: $9.3,” “nrhll:::: “mm“; a; .ro n-crhl 0;”? lumic - ‘7‘.” "1““ mH. . . ularlv ! . ”mat 'ls I“ l ‘ .5“..an W'— .. 3Zfrom 1V 31'“ an fl‘rniury (I: {finally KEV 350‘. Jul Ihl ply menu .- {uu‘mn . Mk «Minn-y purity" ’33, Ipc lulu-u: .upaum «Mu uh Muril I'2 “81. and May 12b Ila-HOW, Ml : ’ ‘ l'.‘ 571 S 5 1,11%“: 6! N 0.51. (.1 :10, m {pained-r an AM“ )2, flux, Lug-Ll, anvM bill In Tina-Ivy. New ‘ “Anny-. 11. "HUI-v JIM“ [mm lvlnlv'lmry lmn. mung! Apr-jut, 1w: , 12pm 3! Alma. am so» Q. ml. Mu“ lmm 1m: undur wt ... mm. In 1. aniM.pMi¢g§b&.beod - not! Imlumla'. Nu m, 13W, 37 Pm m Ind rm. , nqmnwing nay-u, (HXCXIIIh‘e of ’ml‘lflnrv Ion“ nbuvq nonfiuwd.) Mm. 30. lull. ‘ ucr‘tns unv‘xum xmnuiu hoe-aw n-nm mm, mm, uud'l’ an April “hind!" H‘ JAM-1,15. . - » 2.6 mm Plum-hunt! ullmn, nfunduJ, ‘ ‘- Paid for military ox;mum,w - Aha-r. ‘ 9‘.‘ P 44 flur redeeming 10ml, act ' ”m 12, » ~ Unupondod a! minim-y It uni. “Nu-r 1 'Atn uxw‘m'n ml nrl Balant'r In Tremnryyqlmm ur nlhmrv nuurru. h v 31!. ’6O, on, Rw‘d Irv-m manna}, wurua 4‘ 'dnitiug flwml } rar. ' 3,011, . ' ¢ ." ““ ‘ 3,”."4 1 l‘gM for ordinary O‘IWWBI II A thin. , , 3 m. i'nul‘mndw! "(ord'v' rm Mum Y.. ‘ Len-nod [an-n Cum-d hum»! . lununlnrnln urmml u! mimlry (up mlm, Rec‘d frumkuc‘y of Umcmmtun, , ‘ . Bahbco in Tun-1t!”- shown, "43 1' Ifwiu be kwmmmt vn‘ds on ‘thp 30th of Nu? lumkingfqml 31m:- on the .So-ptembor, whiplmcmmnis .doficiom-y inflie iimnunl Huh-d in tho: ijomlureg'x m ('hmmimionnna of the , r ink Stale Im. 9n hand 3' sur and equipments. which 305 Which the Unitcngtuteshml hnd 'pny for at cost. Arr hue}; mndn “ith the (3951101 for {ln reimbursement of 11... equipping and arming the militia. (Enfhe lbth ot'Aprilihe Pre<ident. by‘pmclan ntlon, called for in military force of $5.000 "Tu. of which the quota maignvd to; Pennsy vunin was at fimt sixteen (alternated: redutetl to fourteen) regiments to serch infnn ry or riflemcn faithe term of throeiz onths unless sooner disfihnrgmi. 'l‘hii i‘flli i?;lS‘elltiill§i:18- ticnlly rcspnndml to by the poople of Penn sylvania, The first militaryiuid from the loyal States, which the (tovcrnlment rcéeii'e‘tl at Washington, was 11 Pennsylvania. (corp: lh'hich arrived there prior ft) the 19th oi“ April. On that, day the liaisage of other .corl‘ns‘t‘rom this and other States through Baltimore was inugetlcd ‘ny force, and during‘ nearly two Weelfl afterwards the com'nunl i ention bétween Washington and tiié loyal‘ Staten was almost entirelficm off. 01 the! 19th I réceirwl n. ranteshl'rom the W tr Dun pnrtment that the troops preparing iii t‘hi‘ State should he clothed. armed, equiPipcd, 3 bummed, and transported by the St; te. in i [consequence of the then inability oit' the‘ i United States. 'l‘hi~'.requcst Was, of (juizrsc. ; complied! ivith, and twenty-tire regi ients,‘ I {being eleven regiments beyond ourthota,’ i i comprising 20,155 men from :Pennwlimniu, ‘ . served for the term at three months,_undcr : the President's proclamation above reterrerl ‘ '4O. As the furnishing of these al'olul‘iteerni iwith supplies want, necessarily. under the! circumctanccs, a hnrried operatiOn, and 'q; complaints were made in regard to the I, and» frauds were alleged to linve been p r- ' petrated, Inppointed a. board of Commts-. , - l :ionem to investigate the whole snbjeqt.; A , __‘,_3.;oo'3o[ 01 row of their report with the evidence the I‘Wi‘er to the rtivnrt-z of the Static Treasu-i ken by _them.' has been already laid lit-fore for and Auditor General for the detnik of" the public. It is the intention 0f the iAP‘li' the financial nfi‘nin of the-Commonwealth. ‘ ‘o‘“ Gwen“ ‘0 0P?" the account, of; slut-h The lepm'tiu of the Surveyor General and parties rut-appear by the testimony “1113"“; State Librarianxill exhibit. the state of thel LM‘dt overpaid, ““1 this course has algreody I depatfiments finder'their cure. i been taken in tti'o of these (358%. |‘_ The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund; Un the expiration ot‘the term ofthe throe tlurinn the last. Spring received from thei months men, in July laid, some etght. r ten ' .17lritndglmiia “"4 Erie (late Sulihury and thousand dun-.hargett Pennsylvania olun-t Erie) Railroad'Cnhmnny fqrty bonds grunt leer! ivere thrown into Harrihburgw thout. company for $lOO,OOO elmhtflllilamortgage; notice, and detained. helm; mutinglto he to Fecute the mniejtexecuted in conformitv ’i‘uid' for an average tune of some tt-nidays. with the. it‘hirrl 'section of the act of March 7 heir te-ntS. camp “l"‘PPagiei nnd cobking the 7th. 1861. Thin c‘omPanv hm aim aar' utensils had been M?" from them at Wil posited in the State 'l‘rezinsurv its bonds to “““hi’m‘v Md" and they “”in her dar' thenmotgnt of five millions of dollars in ac, titute 0f nll tnpam 0“ sheltdr and 0i pro» mrdanoé with the 6th wci‘i‘m of the. some I paring their food. The Commissary It' the not. On the 9th of May last I zrnnted my: United States furnished-uncOoked rattions. Warrant authorizing the State Treasurer to i nml, under the circum‘atnncesof emerficncy: deliver to the said company One “‘o"de a} deemed 'it necessary to make artilngeo‘ dffinid bonda. lining to the amount nttone‘; ments for aiding in the cooking and bktkm'g: million of dollars. This wax-ram “-3: imwdg ot‘ the rations, and also fort‘urniahing meals in conformity with the 13 ‘_ the five per! to such of the regimentsas ”rived uring cent. bonds ummigggd= in K}, fifth ““30“! the night, or under circumstances req iring of the net (except thone belonging to ”lei instnnt relief. The expensei ntteiidingiy State :ind now inxhefsinking fund) haying ”1‘9"" operations amounted, “0 far as ascer-l been previously surrendered and cancelled,‘ tamed. ‘0 $744 20‘ and Itrmomme" “‘9'": and satisfaction entered on the record of the Leg'nlnture make on approfriat' n’ to} the mortgage mepqoned in said fifth sec~ i pay the'm. It. ought, to be shite tha these‘ tion. "Having received notice from the expensesirouhl have been 1119“ hrg 1‘ but‘ cnmpfiny that the ibonds so delivered to the? f?". the liberal and patriotic 93-0?“ f the company or their Prbcoedg had been appro-i citizens) and especially the ludies‘ot' lint-ris printed in maxed-nee with the provisions . burg; their free-handed hospitalitx .3nd of the law: on the ‘llst of June host I np-i F‘,’“°"°“~“ “‘9 to 9‘l"“‘o‘lri‘3d and hungry 901‘ pointed John A. Wright. ,5 Commissioner diers cleservo remembrance and gratitude. to examine and to report to me. whether-i, At the special session of the Legislature, said bonds or their proceeds had been up- which commenced on the 30th of April last, proprinted to the {imposes required by the: I recommended theorg.tnizationot areserve ‘nct. His report has not yet been received! corps. ‘0 be armed, (Fauipped. clothed. sub by me. : ‘ isistetj, and paid by the State. and (billed k in understmdithut arrangements have in camps 0f instruction, in anticipation of M M been madeunder which the We éxixé‘lWit‘S 0f “16 Conn"): and by the gilt-ond connection between Philadelyhfi.‘ ‘1 01‘ the 15th May Inst, Such a corps was and Erie will be chmpleted within a short? directed t 0 be raised, and a loan Of 83,000,- tinu?‘ Iti- impogsihle toestinmto too high- o'oo Was authorized to detray the expenses ‘ "1052-!" " orthz‘ ‘rk the! gut: that and other military preparations.— gnaw; of the State since tflze 27:}: of July “fit.- “wjbillx, as paid, tire forwarded ”to Wa~hififiomaufl partial r‘mmymcnls have nquuiv mddo. § ‘ ‘ It; will be ob§érved that the receipt! from ‘ inrdiynry soul-eels of revenlue. for the year 1861, lmv‘e decreased, lmtrnfi payments have - been ‘ms‘ule on sglue of th m since the sut tlement at. the end of the sénl yeur on thel first‘of December, anl m 'e may rt-axonul blyheexpectod inaddition ‘tn the payments to be made by the National Government its? hetein‘nftnr statotd, the bnlzlm‘e available in.‘ the twunry willbfa lnrgs-ly‘i increased. [ It will also be observed that it has not yet. lmen found necessary to (3111] in all of the; loan efi'cctéd under the act of the 18th of" May lust. ‘ f - - 3 In some items; the ordinary revenue of! ““3“"! in exooes of that of 1860. I The loan authorized by‘ the at of May .13. ”(Hams Mk 9,” at par. ll‘hi‘ccurrence. moat prétifying under all the then existing} circmmtxgnces of embarrassment. nll‘ardsi ,triumphant evidence of the confidence of} the people in the stability and integrity of the Commonwealth. and of the determina- ' tinn ta summytgflm Government. ‘ l ' ’t‘hemwtlons of the sinking fund during 1 tho lnatyenr have been. at shown by thy; proclamation of‘fith of September last, 325' follows: C’ ‘ , ' Debtxcdeemed frbm 4th nf'Sept., l 1360.’m1norsept.. 1301”. $300,801 01 ("'3th loans. 1 s3oo.oin ‘OO ' ‘ m int. on wnificgtt-s, 3,330 ()1 . or relief notes, 1v t" . Cali“ li‘ilbru ’ _ 1110 “me [-hl “wean m AV EOQgggumfisgga 351-?“ M k we“) '1 .uls't “film, 92f)“ Maire hm'le:V to mmo the moshemm Misses-mes Erin the sth en! 1' ‘9 su' 2 'form' “101's. th .. - “ t .. ‘ 5Q . s ,‘__‘_ thflflgullrondte 035131; AIM], 18 ue' , Lol‘ps 50”". tel?“ ”uffici y Prepa" I’ol- ' Hint camcompméo Elle Suggvar th 1 been faclmd, Pregcg‘ulexint 1n “:1“! ‘ _ lndymulw pflns-b- - 1;, \v; ury e Onm ”med Wills: 50f fl mber' 1 Jll ‘ Pflr :3be mil?mMehomd 501;, vaiflnd l-egiuf (“fiernbg me, it": the ”tie “DWI-m tuck“: u-V“"--v u, Jaime: 333”“ s33“;le ”“3: “ad 531%“, ““drvvzr°‘°imf§l””“nse"ff Ma? 1 ‘Yestye'r the 34m» 'a much am he; 3 m an Lh, '“lenv act to "8:118 ”or; 0 83,;“pau' a \'ir.- .‘n 110 - com of ”all “mlchw sh. "em ee "er Plumee my 00, "ahead \vemy.‘ 11 I“ of! Hum HI I pan ho b ould' Y'fl; w t‘Xm .X‘edf ”4‘ol. Ya.s_ “veil, of: "9 a “flu: Mmew sow i m 12,: em v. rm” 5. or W» ' mzp ' ‘ ese‘ a . “Dir of . pgn‘ ”In. fith‘t Wymfger‘ fax the a: “id 4 i. MCL'EEW"! ”1:1? “‘l'idld' The X 12135, nndv Dad, one C! Rm 3‘ C light a"?! of caVal lee‘ 515:1: ‘d the e and ‘ . Unéo' n ' m Ci; “mm y recl‘uileflmfiin. L “Win. . ”mpun . uckeys .- u“('lry. ‘ :11: h ggo‘i’mnfoif u’egfifl‘ and [Lie Co“lns 3:?” (gm wurfi?‘ “N G ““d 12?; are a} a” “la is,“ “in?!" in Vina“ .“fii‘fl.% "‘93“ “ton “pen "flised‘ ‘ 0f 3“.“9’41 < ' was “0’39 00 0' Den ”hind y i‘ n. I'}. con 1 “lfiib'm‘.wf_,s SLICh ,i mem- . 11,.) ‘1 tl, 3 “ml .Comm ~uo Volu 1' Wu . er of t F” ‘ - . 2‘5 - ““19 ch “had ‘ 01'11 e tOre ”Sign "‘ w Pl" me” 51"" the n "waving, “he Coéhfind L 350 '_ e R act ~‘e pro Es m; ed t bee I«Song, 8 in; ”on '01“ ‘ flu» or 113 m fort .0: C 8 ”Orv - 111° Ylsjon laud o n mad 3. bu In P . U “’I “(1; f 0 .- ‘7 "m ewy ine, her?! mps eCrn. rem“ 50f ’"Pto'mn b e for t :5 Guns 1 pwlrd , and “5900000011 m 13°31;an filth m, they ’ ”1 dine P 5 )vcreu lems.” “lo 1“ I 3' 2 6: the ex Irrnm, 5 gang, ~ ‘Cwfiecuredb' ,isslgedetng rLßnal (.10 d m, “'e-re l renc fl ”Mn: mpg”. ‘ 3:504 Pecaej . than" Cements Ire‘ .-r ' yarno o 4 Por" “Pu “ed 3: “ken '9 "*sz "Wm -“‘81 I ' "‘“Hh "° 0" ' “if ‘ 22‘s? fix’armfir‘mmfiim Biisigtheisii-m 'ni‘é‘sshe .sm Jigs or Alizsvhanes w- ~ 3’ "11133133"? 5' Six ' w e ' .Y Go .311! . (pad the, 'Bof cu Ina. It . e,_, ”Wflmm; finds figa’fiéiyg' m-‘Bgsmes‘offiumfi’fgqoifiu’gsimefikmfg“ regime? “t n?“ Joann,” ‘ z , “o'mfianpuufw may ifiixgi’m: Gmfflf‘pg‘lm‘fimom :“les S'ipengEeers, find“ flags fir last, I ha Imam“ of J ’ V’yabigvfim' 0n "lee ofthelncnmspbzihe'mg‘l two" (33393 th “103103570 prelhe pen” 'e Pro—; “’1 “ad 001. W 3 °22d-of»wflr 1);. ”an”, "land; PO.“ ‘ e we,“ the ~ .“nm mum, - . ‘£Q;M }h¢§,‘LChJuM Jilrtmen: 111-9“. , “0;- “Inc, I fi‘nvllent‘ beiglmenu them in. 9 ‘ ‘ngm ’w‘lxe'w‘irésb "“d M H" an 9"I! In on; " - Miss-22.4mm? sim- mi“ 3' n 2" . ~ 1&1." “I! .0».I 'y'OW e . s *5 l ”'34“ “$3173” us.» of an"! W ““2“, Sam, ‘ J Thc’Ommén' l ruencgrhgarnt‘ti'émeuhi hm”) Ge‘hh- em in "I ffom W e Dame 1 ”quested I thlg 1,1t4,1X8 to 41,4'0 S 4 'Z,Y:2 04 i 5,000 00 ‘ ...... 3.87:.” 3! .ma. cl.m,aoo'7-1 |>u Luann». v” 15.0 mm : - :3,¢;w W % ‘ | 100.000 on 2,812,150 00 .NT so 1.4 m 4:; 27 301.510 08 I in Inn Lu .3- ‘ 000 6') 2.150 00- !Er! ‘m > KUM a- l_ '- $710.30? 41 cum!“ I LIA LSLI. EC] ME MEI 554,an :1 6007000 on (lOU 00 51,515,005 7-: i thr- fiat'nl year; "ember, and UN" l'rst Monday in. furthe nppafoup . lul' (hm pqid 4le port. and Lyme! ing Fund. 'l‘hel u: of unifornw; about $190.01 K), . . ugqu tn take, 4 ngommu-x have: 111‘ Government. ‘ he mi’limry ex-l 4L.1 00 dv 'heou raisedmnd are in the sorgice-nf the L'nftod Slntwfi xhul Hm rouninilju two are in the com-<0 ”of! orgm‘ization, and nearly ready to rafuozahul _ 1. In ulditinn 1f» the roquisitimi: on the State. the \VarIDL-partmeut hml giwn au thority tojmlmeflnus indivitlimh-tq raise‘vnl unlecr: in Pvnnbfi'nnin Hun. «ii that sys tem wm found to 'cremo much q‘mburmcs mnnt..n general ordm- “unissued by the Wu'r Department, onitho 25th ,otvSuptefJuln-r hut, placing all such qrganiml ibns umhsr the con trol 132'th Gochmnzand bhoytly :jfteru'uhh a rcqni Vision “21% unfit-.011 ‘lch Sgt.|‘.c to in crmsc an quoczl )0 70,4”‘1 lm‘n. 'l'hoke indopel dent orgnmznn- 1%“. a: {be}: wore calle‘l. {bus Lemme I’cunsyh'unius’gowlmfbnL~ and, aspbmpletqd and :cm furwurddm'! of the qu‘gtue thclb'tnto. ‘ i Th». tate rogihomshaw hmn néunxhorod, ‘ nhd t 1: “ hut to film dzltoiis nupnhcrwl 115. 'l,‘wo oathu :tlu'oemnnllu rcgimént: have contim‘etl in firth-100 11mm the late requisi— tion‘M-le i-Malju their hrigimlgnumhcrs. Dvducung thef remainhlg mdnly-threc Lhr'eo-m'omhs regiments. 11er are ninety two rogiuu-nts in aenjco funl Jun-paring: for it. ‘ We have ahfio in service nnd preparing twanty- 'om- compulim. 1‘ 5 Thai llpwiug table ef t 1)» Misting Penn sylvani‘a \‘ulumepr force 5 givun i for infor mationT ‘; ' " .1 newts-rs n a nun». E 66-rofrixpont‘ of tnfnntrr, $f which; 8 wi-n- rifle regilunua, ; ‘.l rcgilficms ol‘czuulry,‘ ‘ '» 1 regin‘ucm crummy, : , r ; ———— 1 9 ‘ .E 1 34,356 com" \‘lu N shrug. 5’ 7 commeim- u‘f iifanzrn I 1107 G compplias qt épmlry, i ; 57!! 6 cump‘nnius or Aylilleryfi { 4.36 Eulistn‘aénu in olhorlhnnl' ‘nqshvlvniia orgnuiutioun. ehzinualed, the (mar: at which nrojinicourle flinging com missioneJQ E L,’ 5 6.400 Tot-Ia! in sex-rifts, F E 93,571 R"“‘:"“"".J“"‘“"°"°n SZRJICI. 12 regixqenu of: [.mlrv, , ' 13 92 l I regiment of cAmlry, ‘ 1,1336 ! I rcgm+eul of uqillery, ; 1,q77 1 ‘ . 15,305 'pakrnxza null-numb” synfuel. ‘ ‘ l ooh: any of‘cm'vnlry, ’ 1 _ [O9 «fcumauuics OanIHL-ryfi fl' $24 , : X 1 ‘ +‘ 733 i 2 . In service, i j 7:37:7 Preparing for ser+ice, .1 16,038 Pennsylvania] co tribution, . ! 109,615 The Rugimcn; preparing for agar-vice are incomplcbe. Thom that may not; be filled b'y the will minor will! be consolidated and scm.i forwalrd. Of the regiments in service thb 11th: and 15th‘regiwents of In fantry are at Arnnapolis; the 28th, 29th. 313:, 66th, 69th, 71:41., 72nd anMOGth re giments nu! on‘e compact? of luflmtry are in the demand nf Majn Generii Banks; the 45th. 50th. ‘55“), 76th and, 100th regi ments 6f Infantry are in South ECarolin; £ll94Bch Infantry are :6 Hanan: Inlet; the 108th Infantry and 11th Cavalry are at Fortress Monroe; the 77th; 78th Ind 79m Infantry, the 7th and 9th bavniry, one truop‘ofhme, one squadron of athl ry, fwoibaclnllions of artillery are in Ken- -.pa, _ .l-A 4. VII- -.. , W, e--. . . J h v~r~ , ,“L ’ saryinccoutrmnoutq .r cm is also in the The militia system of thd cdmmonwcnlth l "Md“ V" hfll'cml'l'd'e'h 5“ ”in! “1: Mai 0:1: Arsdml at llarriul-uri ' Ilarze Innmnnt of is very imperlcet. I reco mcud thc‘mah’. “w”: “.°"',“‘°""dj Th“‘"“” “.“ud‘ h'm'il’N“ aeonhtrnmcnts rrnl arnur Vnltion thr artillery lishmcut of a~conrurissioh ‘t'rurneand rc-riulgfic fifj‘of’g‘fl'fl‘fifi 32.121373“ mimr‘”? and tum" arnrn.“ The ; lljlllllntr‘Gellcl'll' in port a system more adequn to the cxigcn. ”m... ”m. u, ‘ cm.’ w i’mf PI “ succ sslullv entrant-«l i lcrtllecting a'rms cy of tho timing, , I! , Doc. 30, 18051. . ’r " i I throighout tlnx State. an it is educated that I enrnestly r muteth the Legislature i“ ‘ . .' '‘ ‘ ' "‘4 “‘I" i the nmher nhvivc state will ho largely in- that provision be wide for h* niilitnry ill-E . _ , Tgflmg' 'i i I create-l Probably a: l trill {3.0 )Il' mush-ts struction of youth. The miutmcnt of: i]. “I”: l" :‘H'fi‘wr "Np‘iflr'?" “film"l’ arr-l iflesnncl severnlpituct ot'urtillcry will military instructor in the unhnnl‘ schools I:oo"J!llllell‘l(‘f'lilslillfl‘T‘Anl‘lJ‘lllflxh‘i‘liiifint-hx: iiitliiiitl‘ ntlll he collcctcl. .'1 . ‘— , .wnuld m a short period gut leathers to the‘ meet. uppuzito the It ink. Genrsbnrg, «him, The care which haul '“i' hulowcd upm common schools who woul he cumpctun ho hum-x to rcvoit’t‘» n lilucml .lezllc all on: the emnf'an, u'tlpe volunichmgaml the «Jami; tntrnin the boys in attend- on: on them—"y?"Pit—"yum”. llfi “'ngrrnnn ull hiw ,rrnnrlt t nose and sutlicieur‘x of ‘hcir suppliee ot‘ull lt would in‘ruy opinion be isc also to mu» 5:“ r 111"! l“: '.""M"3". ‘11" II." E'bfémrfi’i “"I .‘kinvly. and the; excelle t mrarizemcuu oi ride fur the purchase or easing, by withaxl'idit'u'ibio"..i.ri§::.i,.l:m:nir (“EJOHIHm the Medical Dc’pnrtrmir t nirlergthe cputrnl cnuuuun wealthmt'n buildi "tiny a ruilir ry mm a mu], . ‘ i 1 ' I ~ I of SIN-Jean General,” nvy ‘U. Sunlith, arc‘school, nnd t'orleurploying coiuputcut ‘iu-l ‘W‘lmuis Knnuuormt ulao rcmo\‘(-< Griemé pr‘DVGd by the fuct t‘ at more Vthanltjlfl'lo structors at tho expense aft 2 Sitate, requir- ! 52'7“)" 5"” SW“ rm!“ m"”""§-j"_“ Siltmti men‘hafl! hecn :for yuri us." :cn‘rall) shod. ’ iug lhglpupils to dcfrny th otiur expcuaea. ' t:?::“f;'i'{|l“' ”“19““? “Ma's hfn‘fg‘llfdnlf periu sat Cgmfi Curtin sihce ii” tilt!) of'No-pnpil should be adruitt . this school if; ..i L : .. , l _ [ canto, fI -3 Apri last. and that dun n'to that lst Jun with!" having passed a ,th THEM cxmuin- l . Notice. _ i‘ >1 inst. ,hcre died but 49 mdn at‘thut "mp, ntion on unwthemptics and u! titiuzshhjettv 1‘ t‘mmnvmrs Esrawn—Lmersoiad‘. viz. «ll from sickness. 2 (belonglnQ to rcgi-i‘of instruction exfl‘pt “13 1' my art pm- ‘s' miffim'liun 9" ”)9 3’4“}? 0* “m" ”Nit", ‘. menth‘t‘rom othcr States Itiho‘hhd bum in- per. , I rcspectfully urge ha r-uljvct on lgttf’l‘“ 'quflfftu'ut‘rtPutin-hut. .tdnmr codnm! jured on r:rilruml~'. 2nc irlfntalty killed in" vour earlybonstderatioa,“ 'thatonal, per- l:f:|:_‘r'rg._i‘;il::2in Ta:36s:?iilltlll‘lll'fl‘l‘lghilcullileli'ilrj' (”amp Curtin. and Inh in lla‘rrhburg. ‘ Ihzms vital, importance. ‘ ' lll,_‘T._,;\.. * “ML. m :9“ ”...;UM imluhti-d toluidl Tui‘fucilitato the mark 11sz! allotments of. l have taken measuresttj tenure in make lntlflwlltflc paymonr, nu-l :ILme'l' theirpny by our rolunte sin tlhoificld furthe' cient attention of the Gen ‘ “bruiul ¢|~lnu~=xflglilm illO mm- m lumen: | mu I. run rt of their It‘umili :t home’. I ap'roin- ‘; to the fortification ofthe vf I ""UPWID' “Illll‘lPl-ii‘tlilfli'iifr\lot"iviulm’s. ’ ted lion. Edward Coin Tim‘s. E. Franklin, on the seaboard and the | Dec. 30 130 i. m i ‘“L “m"! ‘Mml’ and 11. C. Humps. Esq ~ commissioners to rangcmentn are n the c ‘3 ’ ' visit the camps ofour l lon on and south or effected which it rs'buped‘ the I’lotomac, and also antes Purl: and .‘l. . torv in their result}; \V.’Beltzhoover, Est s.,‘ to; viirit those in t I send with this dressage Kenthcky rind elsewhe or ill the \Vcntgrn 'rnndicntion from Given] country, to call the att‘ntinnol the troops'the Military Engineer .‘ .10 the system ot‘nllotme It, and to encourage' \th'hington. I him also them} in adopting: a n ‘cticnl plan for car- I the Secretory of the Navy t tying it into ctlect. Tine scram] reports of flouting defencel'on ,the theseJeommireioners arelhighly satisfactbry. I have his assurance that th ,P‘ot' details on the quiveral subjects eon-{paredat the earliest morno . ‘ ; I nectod with the rnilitar,‘ operations of this! .1 had a correspondence th,tlle authori- I Stew I refer to the refrtsofthc Atljntnut‘ tics and some of the Oil-310 0 Eric on til? 5 General. Surgeon Gen al, Quutcr )lutcrl subject of the defenseless c u ition of that l General. Commissary Gleneral,snd l’uyrnas-- bit}, and the part of the tate bordering ”I terGeneral. which 'tccontpanylthis Manage” on the like. On examina on it is found i The duties imposed on me were so onor-‘ that there are no defences the lake, and I nun that I» found it necessary to invite the that‘tbe ordmnce at. the c?! of‘ Erie was I temporary assistance of gentlemen {on my' withdraw: by the Notional government in l SMTtIo lid me to perfoim them. ‘ “the summer of 1861. Th' Secretary of“ In thiu'capdcity Col . Thomas A. Scott, Ithe No'vy, on n request. mad . directed that I Gidedn J. Ball and John A. Wrizht oon- the crew of the United ‘t,atcs steamer ; tributed their Valuable services front the Michigan should not be di nurded,es hnd i middle of April until they wore called away been usual,_nnd that vessel will rennin in I by other duties. Col. Scott remaining un-Ithe harbor‘of Erie during the winters—l til hd‘bccame cnnnecte ‘with the War DoJ Should the National Govern . eht unrquct. I nutrient. (‘Ol. Ball an H the 1!" of June,l 4le fall in its duty by pro J g adcguhte: nnd=¢ol Wright until he 23d of July rf'orl defences :t our nsnilable p n . l‘lust .dndl the time thus devotcdm the service of thisl West, [ earnestly recomr -n that the E State} they have refused to receive any ogm- ‘ Legislature take prompt ea?" for that !l pennzltion. L purpose. We' should be ally uiahed, by ‘l Coln Joseph D PO3l. A. L. Ru<sel|,J. recent indiutions from nbr‘nrto be pre- I Browh Parker and C it! Biddle. were in . pared for our own defence, as well as for i servide up to the 20th bf December. The i the suppreinion of domestic manna-Hon. Depattment- 0? Telegrn’ph 10'] TNMPOTM-I In selecting: site for n N ional Armory, tion has under the exojiivocontroloonl. if the public .good he alo ca considered. it Pom; The ”stem dud economy of in! Pennsylunia‘will he prefe ed, as she at-l roam ment show had lsithfully and veil fords the combined advnuta .s of acentral 'i he t‘uliielled his oflioe. 1 . ‘ ' . I position. abundance of ninte‘ 3] and skilled II It ts but just to all these gentlemen tilt! ‘. mechanics. and o people of gndouhted Icy. ‘ I shoal“ bear teétimonj to the uo‘tiring zeal nltv. ‘a . - I and clity with which their duties were]. I commend to the attenticfi (if the Ugh-W performed. - = lltnre the report of the . Sufifljntendent of The _quotn_ of_ the-State haying heen ' the Public Schools, the flourishing state ofl 71.189 123:5": UM 0 -,2° .1 ME 16,038 more “in: filled - Ind‘ her ‘1; ~7 , _‘_ Organized, I was ' b m: ""7 f"N‘G’wh' h " "“" ' of Numb: an: "id W the tummy ‘° 303 the rapid prmrer g, “'." e- r , sonal Inf. 12:3? 1“ (haven-e with a per-E ”sl,?bleoh of j ust congatugtiguedumuun; :ngzgi‘gi’eixwél‘i‘ilxs3"” b 5“ stunted t. .fl, lhich had been [Eldemfyon'ry "“Dgcmenfi Hm’e "pom of the Lunaz‘é HI» in] [inn 9“”, five her-changea'inis‘qesu'm‘: Funk: was then 010 ml eor {u employment .of sl2l3ng Ind gr wme”l ZPenmypluni? 1:31;: Indebud w ,m~”me huge: go .1; m. Ba, ‘ . ; . cases 0 3.1“: '.' .fi . imam. and am. pm- , e lingual“... 15th, ofe 3i?! llgoétimn]: 0f the A” of tho i S'dfpflfabm‘g, of the Iglgtrzijguin‘ldprlu I 3:211:12 Pfizen; lhcm Ltgpilaa'maltgenuzr thé ‘ . ea. , or meg , .._ n c g in!" my warr’ants 0:1 thz‘frrxzonzfd W, North??? 32:: :ndg’OF use 3mm and tblnL‘Bec. 3Q, 1861, “£0313“; BOOZ. Add?“ not ' f- 0- . 01' “201 _1 - ”...—W 3 tion to ”firing 820.0901?» Minn”: ajfngugdphua, and of mfigfnfljdfi," 9‘ fl. Restaurant F0r—5.31" to ”we the ammo: In high}. be required! Mflmng §ohMl for Idiocié and £00?!“ THE: l'ublcriberinwndiuz w i 9. “‘°- 01‘ thi. rundrly 1;" a 11:;th “wiry. ' 421$ Chum “ Media. s‘thhlt that: in mi???“ m" ””904 '5? :3: 19‘2“" Treasur "9 r'Wn f ‘0“! Chlrities .n‘ - ~ " “”nhin Chamb ‘um 5' 88,500 out of h’ m‘“ ”‘° and I .re '9 ‘dwllumred “1'- The Rem“. H mm“? "rec: for COmPemmo ' V min I paid the' . recommend that the cognun, ‘ " snd will h, m " "‘lagoodrunot‘cu"V expense! ofnlff my Pemonulswmalw 0"]. {lid 0f the CQWD'CSIth b. mnt'nca ‘ndlgflfion {kl-tress, Cheap for Club. 1%,“ IP3I the lctuul t 0 Military depalfmem 3 5'1““? - ~.. mud m“ Getlilburg,yov 11 8126} ECKENB'ODE' on tm“ponucx‘pcnsgs 0f persons empioyid‘l Kinder fife joint rc‘°lufio":ofilfith ‘1 ‘7'““—~— . 7’. 7. -_ -—.__... . cfiived any firtfirrnce, none of [ham re .rttg‘cogmxsaioners have beenl ‘Ppo‘ntédz' ‘ DIVIIOLHDOhday Goods ' it com -' ', Vile ,‘ ' 1'- ~. ' penges bf the wmlnissiopeumtw'n' and CX-eg be forth 9 revenuejaws, Wham names "mt R 0, SOAP Sagas" Mngufxcturer of F"... Peltlglta a)...“ mud usagppolnted ,0 in.’ com t 'flth aubmmgd for {he advice, an d ; i_nd Rum No. 3'oo VE‘M‘Jkaymolmk! :1"? °f uflblishin» 1m; "'1 “’° '3l- the‘ 0:11.313 e Sean's}, 1“” hoped that $155” ""~“ °" fiwdl~elJ§s SgélidilphiL—i ‘8 .1] - "' l', at")! . one?! IX (3 lb! ~ 'I e und‘floul .. | 0 ’ nu ”cg-31:23PM and flu ”undid dosh: {EDS fbe Present. assign of ‘hztgetfipf'uu'l . Barber's §§,%f"“” 5°“?! ( L I hate?“ :me My accmlnc is "Me d :sollldenng the great 1,1,”, Tango: 3311”,! § . mm 5““ ‘ ‘ 35'5” Geneul‘tp to’ em' “a. a" "“ i'llPormu‘ce’n ch. on‘ ‘ " Wmam 503 p. I I ' > ’ ‘ out an; of In “a. ”d I at etfpr&l4“a"' ““1 sum-n: { no"? Sm!» en. ', ~ , P “a" 3 DOC-15,1351, “ . Fur-"“31". ’i , i l ' V ‘ s i . :PA. G. CURTIXX i Eucrnvn Guam“. ‘1 ‘ ' ‘! qurishnrg. Jun. 8, 1852. f ‘ I '1 ‘ X duet the efii-‘g “Gong-amen? 'l er npprohc'hcs ;' dies, and n - use of being"; 11 be satiafac-i \.\IE to 'tl-e pr'bmhes of the suhucr her. C in Mrndleu lmhnhip, Adan“ fault" [ln -1451. \revk in Dumbo? hutN u dank hruu‘nfliull (‘nlfi with a while fare, spppmrdm lu-eigllk nr ‘ten nmulln OM. The owner in greqneslefl lo conu- forward. prom prup"fl\'.—'p"3‘ f'hlifts, andJah-itny-zly. JUh.‘ HENDE . Dec. 23, max. 3t , 3 capy ofa=com~ 1 "en, chief Of. ‘putupelllt' at ‘ area-MN to ‘ c eceuityt'or vlnlmro,‘ and 1 x shit“ be pro‘-; ‘ Last Notice! A. NOTH‘E is herobygircn that ill. Bc i L ~ Jun. of‘Dn‘Hl a; Zuzana, Jul" ‘¥u\'e been place-l in the hand: 0! .\. J.Al'ov£u. ‘sq., for cullrflion—thc denlrz of Mr. “’nybl‘jght.‘ Zieglermmpellinu' n! tn lake this last "$011.! ‘l'Nulice hn’img heretofore been gin-u .tu' In" ‘concvrmd u! the ne - ”it; ofclming'hrifi nu-' counts wixlmut delafilnd they having neglert-' ed lon-(lend to the nun, hats compelled uh to hike this course. > ' "3.5513: c zmuum, Jab. 1 ‘ Ang.5,1861. 3t i I 7 “IE following nppliculion to ktep a pliblic 1 house oFcnterlninmrm,’ has been film! in my oflh-e. with the mama number ofeigéers, un-l will be prescnted n! the Court of Quaint-r Sen-ions, on Monday, ”"2015 lay ofJuamvrv I’Cfi .' JACOB W. PETERS. Butler mu nship. ‘ Dec. 30, 1801 Nance. 3 THE “Adams County Tcachers’ Aswcinflon" will hold its next meeting wt New Uxfbrd, commencing on Tu-mldy, Mr Hill of Juufiqu-y, 1552, um] will continue in session tllre'e days. The Teachers of the ‘cuunxy, and all friendt of Common Schools. are invited to be present.— Dr. Burrowl, Sula Snperiqtrn'leulja eXut- led In be in attendance. Bylordcr of the Frisi den“ of the Angocintion. - 3 Dec. 30, luoi. m f Notice. ‘ ‘ ‘ OSEPH CARR \L’GH'S ESTATE—Lotion gJ' ot‘nmninimgflon on the «tau 0! Joseph Cub-ugh. lane at Fra'lqkhn town-him Adam.- ‘ «mod. bl ‘o' hr" ' ‘ed ' ~thv it; Estray. Tavern License, Juux ELCHULTZ; cw}:- John T: )lrllhenny.lxm 6 Jun. I‘. "I r~. ‘. .. ' , C. W. Huffman. I)lur‘ugn Aluminum: .Amxs cursn”. u. ._ The ('ummouwmhh of Penn! . r ‘1 ‘f Vaniatothch‘bcfifloflfld county ;(' 915‘"; firm-ling: - ‘ ‘-_,_'>‘ 1‘ ,'3 “'«rommamlynnnhmymrnhn V l‘hnrlul W. Huffman, late of Val comm-1:3 u]! n"ll~‘ill',_’lillll’hi‘ fim'l and rhnth-li. 11111er and teln‘monts. in Wlu+ hands or pOsm-uuiun some: they!!!” may Imp that he he and nppear bcfun- Bur (‘onrl at (“on men Pleas, to he lmldm M Getty-thing. in u: for mid vuunly. on the 20th any n! Janna nut. t-ht-rc to nn~WI r Jnhn T. .\lflllwnny, a; plea in dvbl. and nix-I) [hut you summon persons in whmc hnmlé or poiahl‘mn the II i gnéds um! chmlck. innds und h-nelnemn, l nu}; anLom. may be. uttm-lml. no "In! 11l shall be nnd nppclr Mfr-n- nnr nnid Conn. [he «lay and place ufqrrm'u-ntinnml. tn nus“ “In" um” M- uljwldl "gains! tin-m or hi una nhido lhejwlgmt-m M the ("amt therc' um! lmu-yuu the” an“ llu-rv this writ. W 1 nevi the Hun, lhflu-n J. I-‘Nn-r. l’n-Ild ‘ Judge. at on: mid (‘odrfl M urn'wburg, t“ 2.1:! day nf Dwrmhcr. .\ D . IHIII. l Ji 1". BAILEY. l'rm. ‘ l’cr R. \\'. lulu-J, lkp. J'rol Du'inl S “'llitr‘nml Juim .\.] .\‘uope. doing Lupine“ Illl‘ll'l‘ .\‘u. 9. Jun.‘ flu.- u.mu- .mJ ‘t'vh- ul‘lWhElwk I‘thWotei Suupu. : \-. ' - ‘Allavhmun ‘ I'.VW. ”14"}an Aim)” cm \l'\'. sl. “ul(_ ‘ The (‘umumnn‘o-dlh of I‘u-pm .l %"a mniu In the Sllvrifi' ul'naid rum s‘, %zrcnting: ‘ A... We vummnmi van ”ml you um ‘h 3’: ‘9'? C. W. ”urban-Jan- ul‘yunrmuu y, a by u" and Dill‘, ulnr Ilifig‘ufll”: rlu (- Irla. lllllfii mu] tenomenu in ”he“: hmdx .r posscxr'mu Rut-\nr-lhr buuw'ma‘n 1:. so Ilia! m [w and :Ippcur bclwq mil: O'un‘n 0| ('umm m fluid to he boldvu ut (.‘rllphrrgniu' um! m ush! mum)“. on the :“l'hxill- Jn‘unury “-3.1. \. 1).: ISA-‘l. then um! (ht-re 'r'u amw'vr Dmirl ,' White nurl Jul-n .\. Snupv. doing hu-iuen lI'IL der ‘ht- mum: nml sulc nf Whilr & Snow-brill .dcbl, u‘ud nlao‘tlml you mmmon all ,rwrsogh fin who» hand: or pmqwsion the said good- “yd clg.«!fol-. lnulh :uui‘u-uomonla. m- anly of thqm may h}- :ulurhcd, H; Um! they till" he .md ur penrhofort- our mid ('uuil a! Ihr thy Ind pIAp-o nfurcmvulicinrnl to nmwvr'whn! slmilbv uhjmh ed ngfiml l'uem nrhnuuuh nhidr thc- judgm 11.1 uv'lbr ('xiurt ,llwrrhu. :mnl have you the-u n u! there this writ. Wilma” the Hun. Ruhrrl J. Pia-her. I‘reéidrnt Judge of uur omin! ('uun. AI Gellyahurg, this L"llh :lnymf her-‘vnlu-ruh l’. J. F. ILULHV. I‘m/h]. ‘ Per l!._\\'. BAILEY, [lr/r. l'ruM'y. By virtue of tho above “'riu. I luv. Mm Pt! I!" lolloutfng dowrihcd lh-nl 11-Inlo of “'- ”"mflhh.flll‘ dvl't'u-izrnl lhc-rein. \il.: A ".\M" Ul'l' HF (HUN'ND. 1m .tlw Sui ship of ('hnml'n-rdmru sun-rt, H:-tl_\'d»urg. n oinin‘.’ In“)! Juhn Nlrnlt on ”w ”A". I .\!;.,.‘l'mu~:n .wzms m: L.\.\'lr.mm. 11‘“. in Gettysburg. mljuining'thl- “Jill’o'hl the Nuzth,luls ol l"uhn~£o~-k~ hmr‘ on '( WM. s.lmm, mum, 3]....47‘ Shorim’s Ulfichh-llyshnrg. Hrr. ."n","“.’ I l ‘ 4 , ‘ Somethmz New. 7 UHhln'lornigm-drclpwtful- fl‘ I ly iufimm the "with-my 1:3" ()I'Hrltyshmgundll it'iuih_.!l|n: n'Jvl ti '“ lgc'lum opt-um] n \\'.\'l"'H .\MI JEWILI STORE, in [hr~ rnmn Imnn-di.m-ly in the rur Mr. J, |.. SIMIR': Sunr. un.l 'lrnnling I Squall-(whorl,- In: intrluh keeping nn 1“!" mvnt'nt' W.\T('lH‘lS.Jl':\\'l".l.l',Y. SILVER u SILVER ‘l’l..\’l‘|‘ll) WAKE, Sl'l‘lt‘TAt‘L PLUFK’". £l2. .\l'. “ruin: l-m-n runner-l6] with n first-rl: “MRI: and Jewelry Shire inhflulfimnru. “from! genr- pzul. Int-as prepafu-ul In) In": cv‘ory'urfirh- in zinc line; at [he {our-pl c pri: «p. nnd ..H puxclmafs “in be unnruulied n prureutt-d, ‘ l-‘rmnl a king cxpl‘ricucc in “'nlvh-ru-pniri 'pr‘inll} u! lim- \\'n:chc<. he is Inelmrml to I)” kiml‘ 'ol “Mum-119$ prong-ll}. iu the h mnnm-r. mug gnarnmy HIL- pcrlurnmnqe ol‘iL “c will keep “hwy-t on fiaml at large aux-o moutpf Sl’l-iCTAI'LHS‘ and S'ch- ’ 5: VS tuule Glasses; uinl having much V" ‘fi' erperimicc in nduptin: ”mm In the skim. pn-pured to (it all who um] tlfl‘ll.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ HAY}: JEWELRY umlc lo Miler in glee 1:! ,!('\"e, and A great unit-L3 of punt-rm ou la .uzwi-JLM' npuiru in an. ”mum mzlnnrrl I | . .msm’u 81-ZYAS. 1' Gbltyahvxrz, Dem?“ [551. U ’ .l, Iwk“ !1 : 3W1,“ .1 sun; Coll. Catch, Q? r; Mamas, or 30!? _BR[,\=E"'A‘- flhfaat. which milk! )9 W 95? checked- with a. simple fl . U" “ill: {f M! m ' minutes seriously. Few an awan i the impa-moe cf mppw aims/l alight fluid in its first stagq; Mi which in the beginning would yield a. mild remedy, if not attended :6, attack! tha lung-a] gleam}: @fanc/u'al ,9? “won first introduced dawn yea" 0:0 it has bad prom; gm they m th- baf g‘zrtidé before the pubéio’fcrjfauflh‘t #alda, game/Lila, at/uruz; Walnut/z, the Hacking? WA in flm' ugw . mi mmwm a} the Lift“? i’" ‘ ‘~ ‘ l mu: Speaker: and State". ! will find them. (factual for. clearing 01¢ Wing the voice. A ~ sad by all @mggists and W" )ldicine, at 25 amt-*3 per‘boz. 118‘}. D. Buniun, Agent,Gouub'lrg Dec. 30, 1861. 601‘. 1 , Cheap ‘ . » ' '1 VERCOATS, . ‘ ’ovxnconsfi \ > \ e, DRESS cons,’ ; . mums cm'rs. ' = ‘ ‘ BUSINESS COATS, ' Bram-:58 (mus. , .' MUNKEY JAGKKTS, ‘_ noxxnt’mem, 5 sum”, . 1 sum,. . .‘ * DRAWKBS, 3 muwms, ; ‘ wens, ‘ , vm‘rs, - i PANTS, , ~ . ‘ uxrs. ‘. . L'ots of them, : ,hulc chapel “up”: chehpeu, I“ of our own make. to be h!!! C ' Clothing Eélporium or «GEO. $Bl5O . J‘gn. a, 1‘52. u Caution. HHREAS my Wife, Unfit-1, him ' mo—hnving [oh my bod “who“ ‘ ‘ the pun day of thumb". Inn—l Imbya‘ 1 lion} all penons not In mu I!" On my hi.‘ ; u {Will not be relpouible 'M‘km m: ‘ .mlcommc. , mm: mm ogurd, Dog. 16, 1561‘. at!" - ‘ 5 . v b .‘ ‘ IMM!M _1 -I II I:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers