mat = §RG?E%IG:I§ 8&2! Efi?§23o D. Mgcbnggugyy, "ORXEY ff‘LA W, (bfi‘lce bun door we“ (I! Rnehlcr g drmz and bank nurvl‘lmm luv: mum Anonsxy Aanoucwnn you my" 9w luau”, Bounty {mall M'nr ”l“. ‘ Huck-pay aunpcwled Gil-Jim. and all oth" claim: ngulnu {he vaerume at M Wuh hymn. n. 0.; xll.p.\merimn Clumnm m..-ma. kid Wan-MIN located um] «nld.or bouglrlmnd highest prices gin-n. .\zvnh vnuaged in lo snlipg warrants in hunt. Hl'mnii And other venurn Staten fi'Apply to him pepounlly ,or by letter. (h-nyslmrg. Nov. 21. '53. . J. J. Kenton, 'rmm'm' .\va muss-mum .\T Luv. A —-Ul!ice on “alumna sheet. nearly omn llilo Fnhneilm-k Brolhen‘ Store. Gettysburg, Oct. 1, 1360!, u r J. C. liqew,’ TmRXEY AT LAW, kill Mind 19 run“:- finln And all other b‘unillf‘l inlrustcd m n can with pramptneui «mu-gin the S. f}. .cmcr,of the Diamond, {firing}: ympied by “In. Brndllennn. Hi! .) ~i ~ Ggqqnbum. April {£11355}. u ‘ Wm. B. Magellan, 'I'TORSEY AT LA “Cf-(mice in West Kid ‘Adle cheat, one doo‘ we“ 0! the new 'ourLllnuw. ‘ 5 ‘ Getty-burg. Nov. 14, ”#9.. ~ _ ‘ .._- - F . a? W Wm, A. mean. TTQRSEY $3; LAW. (mic; in Ule'Xorlh- A ire-{comer offlcntrngnl‘o, (:guyulmrg, ... Ipm. mun—39. M A. J. : "0W AT LAW. hull promptly attend ' to t'oflccflona nml a“ other business en ”..qu w Mm. om. )3 "non Fnhnes‘amks’ ,pqd Dnunnrt Ziegler‘i Stu u. Multimbre “Wet, Getty-burg, l’n. L [Sept. s’, 1859. ! .1, Lame Bill, M; D AS Mu afliu one ‘ . v dunr wen oftho‘.’ mm»- Luther-n church in ‘ p , Ghmlteuhurg urn-M. nm opposite I’kfikfing‘! ”are, when: Hum: ~wishint to have any Dental ppm-Minn p‘erlormeg nrer specnullyinvited to mill. [layman-ms: Drilllorner. Rev. C. l’. Knuth, U. l) . Rev. H. L. nngller. l). 0,, llov. {Pr I. .\l. Jucbhs, Prof. M. s*. Suevcr. J gingham. April 11, 's‘ , Edward 3. ; TTOBSEY- AT LAW, promptly attend to}. .19 m. He speaks the l (“Ego M the same place, 1 “not. near Forncy's dru opposite Dunner (c Ziegie Geuysbnrg, March 20. sun at ' o.\cnu.\xn'x; ”Gum - ——The uuder‘signed his frignds‘nnd the publi Qho Gonchmnking «ml Blu in every brunch alé‘hin eat: )er'sburg street. “it hilt} mnnulzlcmre to ordernllki mamas, snmuus, Spj the best Inntorihl, nnd mn mgn. E‘ernlnlm nm Ml kinds done at rcuonr nod to {he‘sntisfaetion 9t Cousin henna uh work at. mnykutvpriros. {1 _ ”Person: desiring nflic‘lon or' at]: In the Coachnnk‘ipg nr illuckmdilhiug [#9, u. re moqflufly iumed to all n / y . ' . JOHN L HOLTQWOBTH. Gettysburg. Jun. 24,25 ‘1 ‘ ML - __....__‘ _ HardW TORE.-"-‘l'homlhscrfber muhufifi‘imehm usertmnntoff-lARDW 111-IkGßOl‘l-IR'ES, at. web: 0!“ eaubflshed mm in Banknote “not. I u .'l‘l' Yrom the} itios with they have just returned .an immense stock or (H put. of BUILDING MATERIAL _Srrewn, Hinges, Ham, Loc‘ TODLS, 'inclnding Edge} Acriptinn, flats, Plum». Chi "I Bits, Angers; Squares] etc., etc.‘ . ELAL‘KSSUTHS will Raps“ Files, Horse-shoe etc: with them, wrv rhea COACKLFINDJNGS. Ell Dcmmk. Fringcs, (‘nttn _Bpr‘ings. 4x193, Hobs, Sp Poles. Rh g. cm, etc. i. A Sill}! gnomes —-T pico, ‘llmsh nfid Frenell Mo cco.l.inings. ndinzs. l’egstsls, [loot-trees; etc, with u g eral Assortment of Shoomxker'n Took. ' t CABINM‘JMKBR‘S Tins-4: general In loi'tmcm,‘ ulsn. Varniqh. l\ [mug-(J.., ctr. ‘ nonsnmmmns will also livid 3n large as- Mflmeuc MKnir’ea and Fan 4. Britannia. Allunm nnd Silrer Plated Table in le Spams, (‘nn 'ylestirkx, Waiters, Shore and Tnpwu lmns. “married and llmss, 'unles, Pans, Tulip, intkets, Ulmrns. CJTlß’tln‘f. etc. ale. ‘2 l Also, 5 general Maori ent of Forged null min-d max, nfull «m nnll kinds, cm, Sling Ind Blister Steel, which chit-y will Milan-heap as tho cheapest“, ‘ . ' GllUL‘l-11111-Is—a full nndipencml armament, In“ as Crushed. Puln-r .4.-d. Clarified, 'nml Bron supra, New Urleu in, West ladies, and Sugar-house .\lolnases 11l d Syrlps, Comefi Brion, Chocolate, lino, on: rse, and dtiry Salt, “Meal, Fish and SIM“; Oil, Turpentine, Fish, etc. . , A fixll ”torment of Leg and Zinc, dry and in oil, a‘lfin Fire-pron! l’u tn; in fact, almost every unit-lo in the Hard» re, Coach Finding, Slim Finding, Home-Kc ping. Blelmilh,‘ (Enhinelérmkers, Painter-u. ml Grocery line-- I" ol' fibirh they are detaining-l m sell as lo'w lo! cash as any house out 3‘ the City. 5 . ' .M :L n. mxxm, ; ' nlvm ZIEGLEB. ‘ ‘ fletlvehur Doc. 24 1860. ll i #4::— -4..-;.~._».-“7, Second val f IS F.\l.b.—Lgrylr loek (Iran fir», 1..; . JACOBS & BRO. ha Lo just rim-hell thcir MdJflII’ChARP nf Full kud Winter (‘mmls‘ vhirh Lhey (ifl'er cheaper" llmn ever. having: Might at the Imm liu'nr.|llle rnten. They Ask the pulylic to mill in nml Hie their [urge snort-l meal, eunrinrod lh It ewrv tuna can lie gruti. lied, Their CLll'l‘llh‘, PXFSSHIHRES, VEST“ INGS. Canim-La, Paula. Jenni, Sm, cannot. be ” excelled l'ur variety. nml then m- lmr prim: lt‘ \which they fire oll'ured are‘ really HStOllhlllng, floods ,mude up at the qhnrtvzl notice. in the :' lulu: Mylen, and at. us rengmmble rules as mu. he expected. Their esublislnnem is in Chum.l hernhnrg Fl'ecl, :1 law dobrs below Buchler'; , lira; Store. [Oct. 15, Imm, ‘ _ ‘ Marble Yard Removed, ‘g THE subscriber having removed his place of huiincss m Em: Yurlvg street. a short dis-' “we helm: St. James‘ Church, would announce 16 the public that he is nil] preerPd to furnish , I“ kipdn 0! “win in his line. bunch m “onu when“, Headdonea. {\'c . (rm. of ever} variety of “er mi fifllnh, wnh nun! without Mars and ”ken, to an“ purclmsummld n 1 pricm to iuit up Wm Persons dl‘fl'ring an) thmg in his line, will find it I gmided advantage to examine his lipsk Ind prices before pumhnsim: elwwhurs. ,‘ WM. 8. MEALS. } (Gettysburg, March '.‘l. 185 a. - A ‘ Last Notice! 0116?: in hereby gh'vu that the Books. g¢.. of Dunn. & _Zxacwn‘ Jugq Inn-é flawed in tho hands at A. J. Coven. Evy, {gulloctinnéthe denlh of Mr. anhrigm lingeuompellm: m to lake this mi rosnrt. “Wh'ifihhflotufute bfeen given to uni “me n e noceuiry o closin their m- " ' ' . ’ m. fichcin; delay. Ind ‘lhey lnu’ilfg neglect- I Plano Tums’ fibjlueud to the Lune, has comm-lied u: to PRnF. ROWE“, of Limestown, A Prueflcsi “h “I“ cqurs‘e. Piano Tuner. informsrhis frien‘h And fin ' Juku 3.; ZIQGLER. ms. .4 musicnl puhlic in mmmun: he gim Mai $9,: 5’ "m, 3; ; :lime, not olheruise occupied, 10 Tuning "mi H, _-—-——-————~—~~~ . Repairing Pinon, M. modern. prices. He pmngxses entire ”Visitation, ornopny. Order: pct-aired at. this 015 cc. [Sq-t. 16, IBGI. _ ' G. CARR «Us CW3 Oil anpa chum; than any body _eln in the cough—l v {.'{qrget the piles, rig!“ Oppasma ghe Bunk. ‘, mms’ muss rmxxmas,}n gmu ".3 ”“93 l‘ { hCHICK'S. ' TlLl. IX THE €Slo.\'-—DB.\W THIS WA Y, S .31“ unienlgmd huh! plenmrc ohm ‘.nounclng In the public ”no! he has purdn-ed ‘.(he “are of Mr. Alexander Burner. at Gnu-n -!monnt. on tho mnd luding from Getty-burg m a. Emminlmnz. nnt‘l will rnntinae‘hohuslneu on fan pnlwzed Icnlo. He will always keep on lbnnd 3 large stock nf DRY (IOUDF. Groceriec‘ (‘onfectionnrin. Quorum-arc. Who‘ll-mum”. llnrdwnre. kn. kr..nll (which will he $0” at priru in unit the Hmel.%.~\lm. Dye-Hum. Oila, Vain", Druzl. km. (Ann M- hml clump M the limenmount Flam Frirndt. givc- mv a null. I know thu my goods Md myl~riws cannot {Jll to plane. ‘ adv-Tho nndouicncd nlm rnrriet on the CARRIAGE-HAKLVG budm’u a: lee :lan plflt‘fl, and nfl’erq rare inrlunrwrnl‘ tn [inn-ha. u-ru. llr’ill warrant Id,- .I‘ul‘k gnml, While iris dam” we among the mmt modvrate.-l file-pairing done an ehnr' notice. ”(bunny produce I.lkm in urlmnga fin goudl. SILBHIAM PLASK. .\VIXG ditpowd of mystote tn .\fr. My". I‘]: hnm l'l.tnk, l hen-by gh‘e native to all pry-«mu knowing tltomsehm imlrhtml to me either by Note or Book At-cQlun,-to maln- im ‘uodiute payment, in l whh tn nettle lay my banned: without dblflr. I will he found It Greonmoun! nnt'll thp lal oflnmmry ant. AN tux-mum. not noun-d hétwt-rn this nut! that time will be left in the hand! M an amt-0r for collection. J. ALEX. HARPER: Oct. 21, not. 1 « One Price to All. ' HE unhmrihcr- lung (ht plea-um ofinform~ T inn their frit-mfi and the public generally than the-rim" received a flu“ lupply flf‘Fl" and Winur Guam. which “103' are cnnblad m If" u their mun! lmv rams ‘ ‘ r n n 4' Hi 11. flow wkxomixts in pnrt o! mothtfnlsimenl, \’rsfings, Smdnetu. muck and Fancy Silh. nnd Lndiu’ “ma Goo-in genemllv. ‘Brown and White Nan-Hmy Tit-kilgl. (‘Dnnburgm Shrefings. {Marker} and unbknchedj Comm nnd Wool Flunneh. 8100“” Van. of any ‘ deltriptipn. "an, ('nps, Boo“ find Shore. Hon. rum and Siillincry at all klndn, “adv-made l mnthin't. Hardwnrr. Bron-{Hem Qua-Murat. t{mt'l Drnzi. Clan. (Maud Pl‘tntu‘. ornn kinda: ' .\lnrorro nnd Lining Skim. {Pt-:1. Slum Thread, I" ”rim". In. . Wt Mm roll the reiehrmed .\‘cw 1 Anchor Brrlfing Chm“, wmcn wx H'Lm-wm- Inn-r. Ally: Shatter“: nnrqunlledj’mt'Angerl —in {Mt we hate errhthim: munlly kept in I country Storm. and are prepared to sell them, .we think. a liltle Power than mu neighbors, North, South, Ram. nr Watt” Friends, gin. u: n cull. and cumin for yourselven. u we I” ( 1.! all times pleated to she-r our goods. W. , 1 return our nim‘ero thanks 16:: gem-mm public * “—.’ —‘ fflg‘ { for tlw‘kiudnrfl thug {m- mXlTiffll'd tuvmrd us. ' und feel rnnfidrm _tlmt bv I wtrivt nttanilnn m afiflgfizm .....11 busines.‘ “5: GOOD )AND chum UUOUSLto lhiainvuentrusted merit a continuance rat‘- I": “HIE! DS "';'f,"“.}."'.'.‘i“““‘ff‘—‘£ Fuirfiald, oct. 14. 136.1. a Hi 3 ‘n‘ soum‘ ukkmmm z Morg,‘ and nearly I Only 016 Dollar Emu! ”0 000 BEAUTIFUL STEEL PLATE , . ESGRAVIX‘KISUI 'rnn LORD'S El‘l’lAYl‘lß FOR SALI-L—VApnnLl l‘noru‘rv inn" AwnL—The inlon oq rung-Arming the ’ [.ord’n l'rnyor hy an engulfing. nnd of orna rmenting llml nrmnging it in lunch n mnnner M In produce at once a model of acumen and . tnntc, mu con’ceircd nnd ca‘ iod out by (lus ' In‘, the (‘Clt'hl’fl'fid lian’k Kat Engraver, ofNew ‘ York City. It commoners lh quninitcly ox- M'ute-l war-h of “ Our l‘nthr- ,” and then follow .in' nnccenion the other [ln t: of the prayer. ' every phrase- of which in en _rnred in the mmt ' elegant and tasteful Irmnnn'T Nenrlhc bottom , of the piT-Inre is n nuherhlyiueruled head of 3mm .‘MVIOR, and encircling thenpper pnn ‘. of the (‘nizrnvinnl are ten unfold. each hearing ione of the my nwnxomsrs. The en ;graringhae received the mmt nnqmlifiad pmi-o from the religious community. M the-re i.- nmh. ing of n sectarinn’rhmrter nhont it. having been recommended by Clergymon of nil dc ;nominniiom. .\a nu ornnmg-nt it i.- one Of the ', moat rplendid erer pn‘alished in ihi: country, and in deitined to lake thofplm‘e of n poorer clues of engravinga. The siio of tho plnte is 20 hr 28 inches. not! is nanu-Itionnhly the cheap. ‘ e=t engraving ever olferc'l in this rounlry. ‘ \VhothMlm’ennri—wlmlhn‘dr-lighlnoslurly A fine engraving—who that would rereire the I ilnprefiaioni which High A work is calvulnled to import. would fail in sr‘ruro n copr when the price is ONLY ONE {)IILLAR. with the! chance ol' locurinz for the Film. in addition, n permnnont home or innlhér‘ Valuable gift? l, A! .n work ofnrt this valuable -Inal:henn tilul engraving i! worth there than the hallmarked for it, as will readily be ifrknowledgerl on An inspection of it ; hur‘fiho anbncnhers intend toi mnke a Gift Distn‘hnlion'to 'pllfl'llfllel'! of the onmringe, of vnlnnévle presents. u follows: i 1 lion" _lnd Lot in nrk Borough, ' 2 Buggies. (Quinn & l’ulmer'n make,wnrrnntcd,) l Rorknway, 4‘ ‘ F-l 2 Building Lot: in Work llqrbugh, 1,000 Velunhle Bookil, . , M bile. Flour. (wnfiantedJ‘ , 1,000 Gold Gilt thu to wit Engraving of' the Lord's Pray-en: i l 500 Steel Plnte Enmving‘ Birth of Christ, ‘ .\lngni'firont Lookin? Giants, Gold and Silver Wn plies, ‘ 3 , All kind.- of Jewelry, embracing Cameo.- e store orkgj BLACBKSMITHIXG egyectfu‘ly “damn pm! be cominues ,ksmithinyz huiincas 'blisbmcnt in‘Chnm of: hunk! Mm will d». orcxnnucns, I ng Wuupns,’tc.. o! o by suprrinr work; 1‘ Bmcumflnm of 'hll‘ rageé, promptly I untomnfl. n In exchange for pods—cofngisting, in S, sneh’ an .\‘uily, a. Glam, «In. etc. ‘Tool- 9! every do sels, Gum-s. Brae: a I Gnageq, Hummers, "m 1 An‘ynu, ‘ Vim, llUrae-‘shoe Kaila, I« M Cloyih, Canvas, , Mos“ ()il-rloth, gkes, Fefloes, Bows, ' Wlonnlinr, .\lnsnicL Gold Slam-(tn; kc.‘ i. A um worth rmm‘ so chm to $5OO 00 with enoh engraving mid: I When the engrariiugl are n“ sol-h meeflug of the pun-has"! Ni 1 he mile-d At thington mm. York. Pm. uhén the Gifts named than will be distzibuvted ip such manner In the pur c'hmers may deterwinr. 11n- pnrchnsers' he lcctingm committee of disintrrflted person: to mat! the awards! in such manner as they may designate. ‘ ‘ The propriotnrs. from the favorable manner in which this Gin. eqerprise ,has been rmeivod, And the number of'engrnvi‘ngu already will, hope to be nble to have the anoint. disposed 0“); the [lt of Oct" mating, and when All are nnhl they will qotify the pun-base", and have the distributidn of the Gifts pruceedcd \\‘itlt'. _ J ‘ Thia engraving lmh rnceivevl the commenda tion of the Ben-rend Clergy, our first citizens, uld indeed nun cunts, who emu- into it with spirit. , ‘ AUS'ED; 8 WEEKLY. I. 3‘. Alma. : (howl Wnunu. O -- r We invite nltcntipn w some of ma mom 'm-ndntiom 2 'mm In C munmmm n! u Joln‘n mot... tun! spam (lurch. York. l'n. Messrs. AIL-tin &' \\‘uhrlyz—The engrnvinq of the him-h l'rayrr" which in now ofi'cred for uh by Maine. Austin at Wclirly of this Borough is “got up" with much Inst. out] henuty, and ought to recommend imlf tn pub lic attention—anything thut will keep that no hle composition helorv the mind and memory is “likely in do good. The Work sceuu to tueouly “to require examinatiqu in ordrr to be admired, and [mm but limit that the gentlemen who have in hand its distribution at so moderate A rate. will be abundantly rut-count] in their nnderuking. C. W. THOMPSON. me’th 3". I. l' ”mu. Mm- of m. Momma Church, Yuri!l l'a _ Means. .~boln k Wehrly :—llx\ving had the pleasure of impeding Mess“. Ail-21in 5: \\‘ehr l_\"s splendid engraving ol‘ tho Lorri": l’rm/rr, l “ould cordially recommend it to the fiu'urnhle inn-union of their lriend! at York and Le “hrrr. It is not only a beautiful ornnme‘l‘or the dwelling of every Christian family, but also a maful and edifylng nrquliilion for Sundny schools ind similar benevolent institutions. F. F. HACK-IX. fifiditors or Pnbliahvrs of papers giving "lii ndvertiaemenffi intertiuns, will he entitled m In Engrnving an“. Ticket. by forwarding“): pupo-‘r fur that time to our address. or by in serting it until the timc- appointed fur the dis trihmiun, with nu Editor“! notice once in 4 Weeks, Nae;- wiH revolve the engraving trnmnl with n fin: gold gill. frame 'to suitiu rim» and A Ticket. AUSTIN t WEEKLY. York, June 24, nun. ARGEI’HOTOGRAI‘HS made Ir-m small pictures I! greatly reduced nun, u the‘ .xcalsiqr Sky-light Gallery, Notice. RECON)! EN DATIOXS \urk, Pm, Feb. 'lO. 186] A , _ , ’l. , _ -, mm t“*""> "r”“v- 7‘7“" ‘ l,t 'm.t . t ”006 W!“ . (tony-burg ; mm. ‘ 1., [LL BE PAID FOR ANY Rntflxfi TEA! Lilli-Linn. CORNER UP WEST 'm'miiw rnr‘xrnv mm up ('rttrnm' W “In“. W""‘ “CE" 00"”Ekrs S “9 “Mam” STREET“? Imin “"3 ‘ F Hti't‘l' (hi) DlRVtilßh'l‘ \L TRPF‘B .lIAIJI I.\ 1.11.f.‘.11).‘-—-lllu.n mi Hou- FiK’Nl)Rf,—.Thg Quint-flunhnring [mum the 9 . ‘ - -'' ‘ ' ‘ ‘”' Ix9ll to 1m: Sou un Dunn?!" 0' A'mo ire-q Hill of)". (‘.W. Horn". in tlgi-ptnre l ONES ue twin: pnhliihed. which contain; , “0.; i—l-‘or ”K quick ("motile-dubs. Tunth- in“ (“a it thmughlv repaired. hr plat-tug hi to m" mnlnifivrni Rn'zmfinzh 39"! 3‘} ache, Rhuuatiui, Seurnlgin, Pnlnin the side, it. the nereuary mochinery tor grinding Lime. ’l'reetl and various kinrh otfine Frnitnnd Fm” bad; or stoma/4h. Painter" "Mic “1' Cmmp ‘ "one. The mill is now in opt-ration and l um Treer, some ntthe finest specimens (ha; ltnre Fretted Hot or En". Burnt, Fresh (‘ut<. mu“. to “I‘lth my demand for up", “3m” '1'"? ““3 Pu‘ 0" paper. The Fruit 7"?“ "" Sprainu, Bruin”. lliurrhwn, Sore Throat, and Fertilizer. UR'Ol'NhD Ll\lE.3Tl)Si-Z i: nmr ‘ set with nhundlnt burdens of twill. “mil!" in all similar eotaplnints. lennroded by those who have le~tetl it‘ to he 11 {hm which nature pr-wnii in {Hotter Feflsnn- Toothnefie cured in len'minntm. Enrneho much Itcner renitfierthnu llurnt Limg. or in. The trees In repre‘enterl .ts hint": ”If” 1'04"! eured in five minutes. Headache cured in ten deed nor of the other Fertilixpn genemltv up. ‘running through the mil in n nziturnl po-‘ition. miuutu. Burn: my“: from mmrting in two plied 10'1““ The following Certificate-from and ill" Kunming!“ of Trvea :IrL‘ ht'lflliYHl “’nd minutes. Neurnlgiu pains cured in li\? min-A Mr. Drain, An cxteu-‘ve further, and highlv re. tgrand. Ital<o rnnminwiivwl'lnt'mfiuzMlMl ulrs. t‘oiic cured in ten minnow. .\‘pminn spectnble citizen ofAdnms county, win am.“ .repreunti the innnmvrnhlc thread-like root: relieved in ten minutcs. Sure thrunt relieved the truth of this assertion: of: wigurouc er‘ running through and over in live minutes. i gun] have been trying tllQ Ground Limb 'thc so”. The ”W! Elli-“ Mini! ('o‘ P” '"n 104» t'mm have bet-n f‘uml hv one Agent in ' ttone on my land for the lung tuur WM; ”.1 Ainrhn in Ali-1m“?! 0" lmlwf. flfl'i 9““ forme " n Siuu't- ”11}! EVERY lllfl‘TLE WUUMNT- find it to be I better fertilizer than the Burnt inmgnifitcnl l'llL'FM'inL'. Which will“ lH‘ltr hut ED. Tuv lT' Ttu' tr?! TH 11'!!! l‘ricei Lime. and warm. It has giien satisfaction _ prot’e gratifying to the p} (‘l of all who mav he-‘ :5, Mid 50 (0,,“ l’" ”m”?- > in the firfit "op. PETER lllfifllfl' ‘ hold it. Such an engmfin'.’ ll” “"“f be“! The-at- thing: we prove an the Ipot and hel’orel Numerous other certificated “like (Quinn-tor ‘llriniAtd on paper bt-fnro. The engruvtng of your '3'“. only luring on your cnu-n. t could he product-d. hut thin it autlicieu't. irnot- “0‘ only proven mlmirihlc m ”"3 “Rh! ol' wk liberal disennnt made to Agente; E‘Fnrmers are requested to semi] in llll’il' in" eye. hut in tit-rigned to [irate ohm?!“ nn- one wanted in every town : fllzu, A few good order! :ml to give it a trial. ‘poflnnt‘e l 0 1|" “ll“ lflke Mi "”0"" m the '"l- traveling .\gonte. All orders nnd communicn- MM. 4, 1861. ti JOHN HOOVER. timtiun of lrulls and IJOV ‘0 "'9l“ “ll” "’00“ ‘ tions should bcnddrewed tn (”wu- »-~———~ --——‘ , «~77 ~r~-;~ , ~ iwmtmy. ' l e. s. (I) z m.. , Gettysburg Foundry. Ill.CUL‘H'mnmi'fl'l"\'¢"l'."-fi"'B(llm'fl‘nlll'ji‘l-ll”|"- 123 South 4th "rat-t, Philadelphia. fr {m subscriber, (“n-mg wronged the l t in!” 0' 7"“ “m"v °"‘-v ”n‘W’Edl mitt-Trims Fun mm: COLBERT’S r Foundry or .\teasrs. Zorbnugh,.~‘tmt.wn., l ‘or [infirm-on‘“. Forest. ~‘l'l’h' Peach, ' IIALM I.‘ (ill.El\D.~For Touthm'lie apply it (formerly Warrens’ Foundry) hm enmmenn-d [ i “mp!"‘fi‘fl 1“?" ““‘irh‘rr-VTNFS' ‘ over'the Euro and gums of the tooth utlvfled. htt‘ineis, and is now prepared to nlltgr tn the ‘ ‘ k'" m. I‘m“ “"""“Z'"g" comprue pressing thehaml upon the fnce: repent if not puhlic a larger insortlnent oi \lnolnnrrv [it In . , Pfii‘f’b‘rr'e‘l ‘lo‘f‘"h"””' “I“Ckh‘T‘ cured. in extreme cnieu wet cotton with the lmt heretofore been offered. ‘llt'll n»: THRESH -3 ri'.‘ """amq‘ ("“l’M' l'lnm:, Alm' ‘ BAlm. and «war the tooth and gumc. For l.\'(‘- “.\ClllNES.Clovcr llullenJ-‘ml'gm Cut -5 fl)“- P"""' Pewh“"- “Wu“ “mm"! .llcndnehr. bathe the temple! and apply to the ' ters. Corn Shellers. nndllornn’s lute improved l are all "MM" by hmd to rrpf'st‘nt ‘ nose : and hire from ten to thirty drotn in hnlf' Horte Rake. Alan, STUVES, such Ens (‘ook t d)? naturn‘l fruit. and are accompanied n tunihler 0f “.‘"". Iweetcnt'd. {Struck thrt'e different kinds; nnd fii’efdifl‘crt-nt with Pfin'fihtunner nt great iml’W' For Croup find Sore 'l‘hrontJake from ten to aim: of Ton-plate Stovca. Likewncc Mill and J 1"""9- “‘d formi “ mp." '" “.‘” 3". h? 3 thirty dropt internnlly. on sugnr or in SWeelen- ' Slur-mill Coatings, and nllkinds of Turning in l "’ “WM" on "'"l’ [MW-"3 “In' """l'n .ed wurtn water: bnthc the throat freely and ' iron or Wood. l mm" “"d “’0" “"mhl‘ed‘ . , fhind onnflnunel. For llenduche. leumntimni WIIEPAIRIXG of All kinds on Machinery A (‘UIIY With i“ ““‘M‘J’WU mflm‘mW' “l“ ' Seurnigin, Lame Back or Side bathe freely with and (having: will he done to unlu- pn short 5' 2"““l3‘in'n' '0 'h“ “‘o' ““d "'m" an t Ilalm in Gilead: Mid generallv take internally. 'notit-e. Puttlerns made to order: Plot :1: Chit-l ‘ admirable """m'mf l‘” the “mil nfthe‘ For Burn! mix oml pnrt Balm in tiileml nnd ingot ready made ; I’LOI'GHS. such a: Seylur,‘ parlor, "“d “i” nehly‘beuuttfy “ydwo nf water and flour, to mnken pinto. run-r “'itherow, Plot‘her, Woodwork, nuil mnny‘ ‘ ‘l'M'm'M with horticultural ""m" I'tltc burn with the same. For Colic, thin frown others not mentioned hrre: null eightédifl'en-nt or"“1”“i'“l“""“_“""m“!"'"H' Thes°rten to forty drops in hot water: lmthe thefltimls of IRON FENCING, fur Ceiueu-ries, "‘PI“ 3" P'll’l"l“"l " “ ""3 ”Q 7." l bowels nnd apply wet finnnels. In the nhote Poi-chow or Yards. " i I "W‘T‘m‘fi'fi"dommhnnbf'” l the nualln don in tor rhildren, snd the largerl Alec, Mortising Machines, one of ’he he-t Paid '4 " “hm?“ artist l‘" forming f for ndults; vary according to age and eircum- l now in use. This machine wor'ku witg n quer “'0 fin" 0" “W“ '.“F'mV'W‘ 0' i shim-es. ‘by hand; nny little boy cnu mnfinge it: ""1- route. rtc. Jim. m order "'M'i - Colbert's Balm in Gilead in harmleu. Col-i (‘nll and examinn our atncltit no I%lllit lint ' mun)” W“ ”"1".“ “"‘h "W” "' “ berm Bulm in (illrnd given antisfiietion. win". we an please. Porronn onghtr o are it ‘ “mi“l-‘l 50"“ "i" [wire f‘” “ ”OW. Thou who have used Balm in Gilead will ' theirndvnntnge to buy machinery of uy kind 1' will hd mud! i 010“) “ii“ ““4”" W" t not be without it. ' ' It harm-.where it is manilfoctqud. so hut thr-v 1 'o'" “4" "0" ”4““i“ “PM". {0" "'3' Agints wanted. For terms addreus cm veryeuilyget mypartrephi‘cedorrepuired. l '“m um ‘l'" h? " ”lid M mix" "I- ~ C. s. (thinner I: m.. ‘ DAVID srflttxmt. ("Winifl 0‘ "‘9"?! ”c- t , Kn. 123 3. Fourth St.. Philadelphia, PA. Gettysburg. Feb. 13, 1860. T COll‘fll 5 Prime‘ mutter 0‘ """Ih tm- 2 N. B. Orders rent by Expresn to arty put ol’ PM” Md 1' "W"- "' “"1 tentthe United Sm.- ..x the Ihnru-Itnmica. * how t trtnt I” kind: of Fruit Tran, April 29 1861. s|!) to rem er them v ry \’iuorogu and fro- ’ , d- _ ._,_ V ,_~__t._ ductlr ,even in unfavorable "gum; Prat L- Miller’s )1 will trll lm ‘ to preparet e so , _ , __ ‘ wilhtxttinconrniem-e before planting ' HAS;lge‘nghgfitrgfni[wing-2.69mi", g.“ 'h“. "“" ‘° 4""!“1‘” "“°‘ "‘3'?" ran ntzsmntxt: on.“ mm mm ori2i~ l" "P " .'“! torrent eprnductue- Ml color without dieing and preventing the lie" 0 almmlnn crops, "_en in unfn- Hair {mm turning in“. ' “'“b‘ ""“""‘l °' """"‘"“" “m" FOR pnevtzxrtxn‘ i:.\t.n.\'t:ss. and timing Pr?por!'nd 9”! Phel- u'u‘m’m‘ it. when there in the least particle of Vilnrllt' or ‘Y WI" t+ll how tolpretmre and plant all rccuperwtire enerz'v rvuzninintz. - “Wt!“ ““i‘ ‘l‘mfg'fi'fiff; Tgfejl FUR hsuovtxt’: sccnmxn n.\.\'nßt't't‘., soar-o rovoxccesu, I it «.1 ‘ . , I! my li'ruvinljh‘ failurf‘ in a 10! off “"l “” """"°"“‘ "'l°°"°"sl‘t3!‘9-?‘T“‘“' A CO MEI nmnyrzroeu I‘hth prn‘wrly heated in: dim-Md. It will tell how to train and plum 0"" Pour Tree-s. It con min‘ (In: mnxl. ucuusl‘ul trentmeuu fur the" culture (“the Pliim. It will tell him to trfiin and cgliivnw the Grape; f 4 i‘Y will till how ti: cultivate and twat ‘ Strawfierriu, l‘ rnmm; Bxupherries. ; Blackgerrios, G o~eherriel.cic. . Y will I 1! how i mu! Peach new, to E ,reslorf lhi-ir :- m:- lienllhy from the i‘ dinmmus slice sof warm insects. h i will tell how to lake I|le of: ..ppli ,l mtionéovcr the sail nurtroumfing the “ tree it protect the Penal: ._nd other i lvnderifruik fro 1 the “feats of being i ”u'inlerpkilled lord“.- bud.§ The name é Jpplii'i'lion aha restores Peach trees g from (Thing their-How. , The nppli -3 union has lhlfbent‘fil'ifl.) élfc-cu lo I [ln-Mn; the fuliu r oflhe flees hmhhy ‘ and the ire-e vi arm". and proves: In } ll» lyrgollirlirl‘n y! of luu‘imu (min. 1. The nmnlicaliun to he applied it nut ‘ "pi-nil". All have nuificimt nm ‘ h-rixlzinn their ihnL—uiom. 7'" will 11’“ how to l‘rewrre 111 kinds of , Fruitsyith flu) or-n-qgar. I: Hi” in}! hit to he p Applel‘ nith much . more. . it wil tell how to Iran and nuns: Penn-t hmlune perfectly, and to snufin to the fight" flnvur. ' 'Y pres: is in run tron-.pirturen all n I glnnze, and forms "do in ornament for ill K'lmfl as Hi] My admired by I" lover-ifnrt, dniwn from nunre'l pro ducts. i j ' ,I'Y can n?! be obtained {or $1.60 in 1" money‘ nr po-t go-nnmw. Thou. copiu :nre publililied by 1 1 5 "L F. M. rmms, \ .\‘onr Render-grille. At'nmn P 1... Pa. nail-The In in now tamed pith Itnnm, and man“ in Ruby nil my mute, But will 5+ forum-din] by u 'rgu to any parts or dered. an no ipt of n on"; Simonnt. "A lamp“ 1'0"." on; be see at [his «flirt, when nnhschpfionn are run-river], ' Nov}. 11, 13613. I} 4 ~ ”_Hfi4... EEC 111 E MEC A CO BE x New Gk .mxnsmfx mm 1 F fully inform their f t am they hnn jnsl rerei none :uoék of 3FALL A ' Dods.., cousiiitinz of ladicfi' Drecl Goods. 8 «win. hall". Cani— upom. Plug-"oh, (‘.i‘nghams,‘ finding in. aim; omm- are, lhmwriea, fin, whirl: willibe sold t short profits. "IY-. ing chnn‘gbd our lormn, a now tell ior (‘.‘SH. or will give Guidanys' cr¥dit \o promphpnying custnmv-re. : $02.11 «a, u A» an of m..- mm FRONT. ’ " ‘ ' 1881. I'S'l" :- wf were going to pres: we meiud J sidenpatch'thnt R. F. .\iclLfll-ZNY hnsjnst opened a mmplote assortment of HATS [AND CAPS, including the latest full stile Silk, Bearer, Slouch, [‘n-timero and Wool Ha“.— ilnys' nml -lnfunls' pm" and fancy Hats and Pups, whirl; (or nentneis of finish and quality surpass anything nfthc kind n‘cr offered in this pine—ail of which will be mid M. mmnishing- Iv low prices for cub. _llio. ROOTS AND SHOES. including A line asmrfment of Lndies' .\lurocro Bouts, ankixmflniteri and Slippers. HAITERS .\SI) SLii‘i’i-ills AT 7:? (‘EXTS PER i’AIR. All in wnnv. 01 good: in my lina nre respectfully invited to give ma a call. Come one! (‘ume nil! And give m? n frir-ndly call. For nil goodnwill be mm M. unheard ofpriou Tn oven-omen the unluuked lor crisis. Oct. 28. 1861. Hat. Boot. Shoe. , ORE NEW GOODS \‘l' THE SH}! OF DI THE BIG HINDI-«The undersigned have just received h fth supply of "I“, Cnpn, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bugs. Arc. Men, have a good nuppl) of" Saddles Ind gunmen. Brid‘l'i' ('oflnrs, (cc. Shoes and Boots of all kinds made to order by first-rats workmen, and on short notice.— Hume-mnde swrk always on hand. Privv- 10w COUEAN' & Cl'Ll‘ for rash. Oct. 28. 1861 New Goods & Lumber. ETER BUBLITZ, M Arendtsvillo, hanjnwt P returned from the city with a large and it cut nook of Dry Goods, Groceries. Gueenl were, lhnlwtre, Boo“, Shoes. HIM, Caps Trunks, 4%., km, cheaper than ever. He tho has on hand a [o‘ of POSTS, RAILS and SIHSGLES, of ext-alien: quality, which he will disponn of a: the Mun-st firing profits.- Gin him t cal}. He will nlwnys try to please Ml} )3, 18st. 3171 Revolvers. .\‘EW lat of REVOLVERS, of diferent amen, mbncing the latent. received at SA SUN‘S, northwest corner of m: Diamond. Having put-chisel for cash, at the best rate', be it prepared to cell a 10' u the lowest—if not lower yet. Drop in Ind cumin: them for yourselves. No uoubie to abut gods. Juiy 1, 1861. FESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED.- QhWhy ‘u 'u. that 1!. G. CARR ulls HUSIEKY no r up fur cash? Because he buys for cull Ind‘buys nothing but a good snide, Ind all: M. I very 11w? prom. Lmliu nnJ gentlemen, give Hm I m. Don“. forget. Ihc plum-- lligm oppomo tho Bnuk, in York u. {Non :5. ‘l‘ FUR REACTH-‘YIVG THEJLUR. imparting :tn it nn unequalled E 101! and hrillinnry. making :it sni‘t gnd silky in its tcxtnre' and causing it to in"! readily. ; ‘ l The great eeiohritr and tho interning de: mand for this unequalled prafinntion. unnyim'e “he prnprietnr that one trial lit only neuritic; .tn satisfy I diwerniuz pith“: of it! IlL‘Fl’iOl‘ gqnnlilieu over any ntlwr pri [titration at prl‘d'll' in use. it clean-es the lipid and luip ffom. tdamlnifl‘ and tho-r rntnneunlfiieqnsu. calm-s lthe hair to grow luxuriuntl , and given it I ‘ rich. loft.’glouy null flt-xilllrl'nppenmnee. Md who where the hair i- Inserting and thinning. 3it will gite strength nhd Vigor tn the mate, fund'rt-ature the growth 16 thme park whjrh u have lat-come bnld, cuu‘ing it tu .\itlll a fre~h motoring nth-in. ‘ , t ‘t J Thl‘l’t' are hundreds nf.‘ Indie.- n'wl gentlemen 'in New York wlm haw: htd their hair reltored lhy the mo «If thid lurignuhir, when 11l other. iprl-pnrntion- had fnilnl. L. N. lung in hirpm-‘ f setiiun h-m-n- 'ivullutenl ie f lestiQ‘ing tn the :nhore run, from perum: of theJM'zhwt re- Ipwtztbility. It wili cfl‘ecninllr prevent the' i hair from tnruim: gray untill the intut prrimi l nt‘ lifv: and in rnneswlieee thehnir has nlreaély lrhnhgml ite mvlor, Ihe me oi‘ the im'ignri-tur . “ill with rortuinty redorcit 1301" original hut-. 1 l with: it a «lurk. glossy nppon'rnnm A: n per. ‘ fume foe the toilet and I linir llr~turative it in{ pnrtivulnrl)’ rm-nmnmulml. h Win: an amen-Ith lrngrunre: and the great favililiee it Ifl’uruls in ' (let-using thghnir. wliiclt.‘when moi-t with the inrigomtur run he «In-Heal in nny required {mm m I! to [wrest-rye its plxtfl‘. whether plain or In ‘ CIIT'S-‘LIQIK‘Q tho urent donnnd t‘ur it h}- tlte‘ indie! u n shut-lard toilet I‘rtirir whirh nune, ought to ho I'vithmtt. at tile price place: it. within the ren‘rh of nil. heing "SLY T‘VI‘IN’I'II-FIVJ‘: (fl-IX7B per bottle, to M had 1% 111 trerpectahle drug giatn and infinite". - ; - L. MILLER wquld 0+! thd attention of ['n-i rum and Gumfian‘ tmthe (In: of his lnvicnr- -, ntnr.‘in cues where the'rhithn’n hair int-linen} 'tn be weak. 'l’he um ul‘ it lays the fonndntinn 1 {or a [mod bend at hnir. u' it remm "tiny inn-l putitie; that mnyhme hectime connected with l thn whip. the yemovnl of uhirh in nerelmryl bath for the health of the child. and the future appenmnce of its lmir. ‘ ' ( (7.\l'Tllt.\'.-—.\'une genuine without the “wt stmile of Lill'lh‘ MILLER heng on the outer wrnmwr: ,am. L. mmmm mm th‘mu.’ “.\Ttlll. S. Y.. blown in tin: gluss. Wholemlr llepot, 5:5 lit-y SL. and snhl by all‘ tlw principal Merchants mud-[hugging through-1 out the world. I Liberaldismnnttoput-thaw"hytht‘qnnntity. [burl “50‘4““!er tn present to the American I pllMil' my .\‘rzw un Inn-noun h‘iI‘ANTANIuL‘Q‘ Ltqrm mm DYE which nftt‘r years at .cienJ lifir experimenting! lmrc brought tn perfection. l It dyes “luck or Brown instmuiy without in-’[ jury to the [fair or Skin—“urrnntud the hen” nrtivie oi the kind ig t-xistenre. l’ltlt‘l-Z (NIX ,‘ 50 l‘i-INTS. Depot, 36 De, Sweat, New York. ‘ : “€1.29, 1800. 1y I‘ lERS I‘dnld reqwrt ends and the public, hi I large and hand- D WINTER GOODS, ETTYSm'RG llAll.Ro.\D.—-Un and after G Wednesday, May 15, 186], the Morning Tmin will leave (:ettyshurgat 7.40 A. .\L, with pnneugprs {or all the connections. .\‘orth Am! South, on the Nnrthern Central Railway. and return about ISP. M. The nflernoon Train wil! leave Gettysburg at 2.15, P, MG” but passengers by this Tmm (‘an gn nn flnrtherthnn Hunour the name evening; Returning will reach (:cttysburqnhont 5.15 X‘. \l.. with punt-n -zers from llnrriulmrg, Philadelphia, kc. fly thid arrangement pormns from the rnunzry, near the line of the Railroad. having buxiness to transact in Gettysburg. can take the noon Trnin up and hnve nearly W7O hUI-lr“ in Getty burg, and retuin in tlw Afternoon Tram. R. .\ICCL'IXDY, President. Shy 27, \B6O Hanover Branch Railroad. L'HMER ARRANiiii\ffl.\"l‘S.~—.l’assengct S Tnins run :1: follows: FIRST TRAIN leaves Hanover u! 9, .\. .\L, making direct cnnncctinn at Junczion fnr York, Hurriihurg, [’hiindeiphia. and the Walt. SEt‘OND TRAIN leaves Hanover a! 2. P. .\I., with Passengers for Baltimore and intermediate poims. Through Tickets Ire isnued to Phihdelphil, Columbia, Harrisburg, Yul-k. Willinmspurt, Baltimore. and a” principal wuy points on the line oflheSorlhc-rn Central Railway. n. a. most; mic: .\gent June )0. 1861. REnndersigned. heingthr authorized person T to nuke nmouls into Ever Green Ceme tery, hapesthnt such“ contemplate the removal ol‘che remains nf deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of thin srnaon ofthayur co have it done. Removals made with promptneu -—-zerms low, and no effort spared to plane. PETER THURN, March 1:, ‘6O. Keeperof the Cemetery. ISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES—A M large assortment offlineu’und Children's Shoes, Black and Colored. in April 22. , R. F. IcILHEXY’S. OMESTICS, Tickingl. Chub. Flannoll hc.. cheap It P‘nhnumckl'fi Wanne nlso n USMN banded With our own name, to which we invite especial attention, A: it unit by far, nny ever ofl'ered in this Inukct for tho price. MSH “KKK, Blenchod and Brown Mum“, Pillow Cue Muslin Ind Wide Show... just received It ‘ BCHIOK'S. Change of Time. Removals. , Grocenes, Nothns, &c. "E undersigned hM openegl n Gre‘vory and ‘ T Noliun more, in Baltimore street. nearly. nppmim ‘he (”curt House. Gulphuu. \\hrre the public will constantly find, 6i'llinglt'hrup Ml ‘. the cheapo-t. SUGARS. Syrupn, \lolufq s, (hf. from Tens, Rice.‘('hce~ze. Spin-es of all kink,- Mnrh-nel,‘ th‘olnkc, Broom! uml llrushq-z [Fresh Butler (M Emu, Ground (‘nmm’ l-Zm-qu‘ ' oft‘ufl're, Scotch Herring. Pundit-'l‘, SoZpa. Salt :1 ‘ Tnlmrro, Sugars, Snnfi': (‘onfemmni.::lll kin-l 5 ‘ i of Null, Oranges, Lamond, «icini. Bromli.‘ (“ruck-n. Cakes of difierent kind-i: Shop and i Stove Polish: Fun" Gondn. Mailius‘. Gingham“? (luttnn-BMQ. Wadding. Hufier‘y, Hn‘ul‘kvrvhkffi 'Susprnnltn. Pinr, Needles, (1134th Irina. Eur tlnnn. with Nm'mnu of all kindsfl'j .fi blmrs nfthe' public) [Akron-gels mafia-(fully anliriml. I LYDIA Ci Nolllll-Zl‘K.‘ ‘ Nov, 19, 1860. tf l g Funrlmfé l Q ~ Still in the Uxfion z. ', mama-r a: SULIJVAN 113:: lan .- in cnu; IR the intention oftheir frion ‘ am the MM}. lil- gum-rally to the (not that lh k' hm juzl rO3 ! 1 lurnm From the cilioa of 1’): I\"|‘@liu nn‘ ; Imm. re. with I saw .\xn. mm, rm mg; .\‘UllT HV'l' ()F GUODS, rhezlpo‘r‘t'mn cw}: l before oll‘m-d in the county. ' 2 r i I [luv ng h‘mlght their goods fryx f‘ndi. M panic l [wit-M1 "ml all time when the {g-clinq in man“ Husk ol‘hhrics in unpncedonlm,v\lmy nru em: mm lo olfcr illrh BARGAINS '93 will necnnz-h, the null“ rreluluun. H‘pur filen-ls‘will but. '12!" a ‘l eixnmine our slack. with h'islcmuplm, in n ery Helmrlment, we are cure \vojcun uu‘crl . Inch indurrmonflfil \nll amply ”ugly them for: "Mr lr‘nuhle. [fiery nrlivle ufinnlly km in n (in! class munlry More will hp rnniulfiun hand. We nre‘dewrmined NOT Tl) "E V.“ “3801.!” nnywlu-n- which of the City. I our mum) in “Quick‘fi'nles and Small l’rofiké." X h-ouhl’ol m shov'v goods. . 3 , 3 ‘ lug-We who take (hi. necnliijm to [burn 0: § ~ thank: for the very gr/fivronuum rmmgr \\ e lm we ' llervml‘nro received. nnnl indulge Ilu- limp:- tlml s by Itriu'! allrmion 'o hudno‘s. panel a high rc pr-l fur the interests of Inthflur pnlfrnm :unll aura-hes, m merit In ronllnuand-e of their kllul fu'ors. msmun‘r 1 SrMJVAS', I (Turner Main and .\flumnin 11's., , April I. 18‘”. ‘K iffnirfiehl, l'a. : Come to the I'm»! ‘1 .\‘p my‘r I-‘urrmt'rmwgrr PLEASANT A RIDGE .\‘rnsnnlns.——L mm widlinnj Io Isn't Two! will fihd the xquk in Nu- ground roniurknhly fine, and ofl'ereil nl.; "Jun-ll prim-ll The «\pplc numhen 100 rnigies, emblat-iflg I" the approved mrts. ’A ' .\'. “.‘Sec fine index honrdéfinr “on Dug! Post om". T. E.‘ C(K k SUNS. : Sept. 2, 1361. , j l’mim‘rlnn.‘ Somethmg fiew . .\' CETTYSBCRG.—TIie tin-Ignignml inforu‘l I «he ritizent orthe (mm an vouuly. that he luu" commenced “if IMKIXG‘Im-im‘q. an a large- ncnlo. in York sin-M. “animus. nearly opponilrWanlon's Hotel, “here lm will try to dowrvo. and lmpou to receive. I liln-rnl patron ngr. “READ. ROLLS. PARKS. l'll.\('Kl{RS, szuxns. m.. am. baked afory day. (Sun duyn excepted.) all ofth best mmlilymnd sold at the lowed living profits. (‘l‘fackvhhnking in all Imbrnm-hm in lnrgoly married on. nnol order: to any amount‘ from this and indjbining mull lit-l. supplied u "no shorten 31min. lluvim erected Huge and cnmmndiouihnknhnnve And secured (lulled workman mm the man: no. proved muckinery, he is préparéd to do i hem; business. . VALENTM‘E SALTS}? July 25, 1R59 Arch Strent ARPET WAREHOUSE—J ILDEN & RICK. C NEE, 832 Arch Street. 2 door: lielmr 9gb, "ml! aide. Philldelphil. WC mmfiwnc'e the Full trade with on. of lhe he“ manned stovks of English and American Caryn-tings to be found in this rity.purclmsod for (‘Mh at very lmt mm, and intend aellinq them)“ extremely low princs. We have all the new styles \‘equt, Tapestry, Brusscll. Thrmuply. lngruin nml Venetianmiih a splendid smlkumn,(3l,ol‘llB, Rugs, Mats, Drugget, kc. Now it tle time tor purchaser: to obtain bargains in the Carpet line, as we will sell at Ii very small advance nnd guarantee all goodu to be as ropreaentedmnd give entire satisfaction to the pin-chm”, [Q‘Wo buy nnd sell exclusively for cash. Sept. 16, 1861. 3m > 7 Removal: EW SALODN.-—GEO. F. EPREXRODE has N removed his Oyster establishment in the splendid new Saloon in Jacobs 3 "ro'n, Build ing, on the North Ilde ol (‘hnmbersburg street, where he will It. all limes he fire-ruined lo smg up the beat. of OYSTEIL‘B, in everystyle. By keeping a good article, he expects ta) receive a liberal share_of public patronage. 'l‘l'llThl-Z SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEF I'oxul'pz, pic's FEET. TBIPE, BOILED and FRIED HUGS. N‘l-J CREAM, BIRDS. km. in their xensun. .\ nice glnu MALE or LAGER can Alwnyn be had.— Como and try me. G. F. ECKHNBODH. April 2, 1860. Taming! Turning! {IE undersigned rcfipeclflllly inform! the ci'iuns of Gettysburg and the public gon erally.that he bu opened a new 'finning es tablishment. in (Z‘hnmbershuri; street, directly opposite Christ Church. He will manufacture, mad keep eonsmnfly m: hand. every \'MiMy of TIN-WARE, PRI-‘SSED and JAPAN-WARE, and will always be "My to do REPAHHNG. ROOFING and SPUCTING 51:0 done in we been manner. Prices underuw, and no effort apared to render full sntisfaotion. A share of the pnblic'l patronnge is solicued. . A. i’. BAUGHER. Gettysburg, Junols, 1860. ‘1; ‘ Butter, Eggs, BICKENS, Ind omer marketing coustauh C1;to be hand u 8.1 G. man's. Aug. 26, 1881. ': 7' 6. CA” In: ’nst received ‘A very fine J workmen! 4 Gem's .Couon Hon.— ome Ind engine than. F . I :2;th Booklindery. Roms Wu. I', * G um no In“ mu; 0K BINDER. In“ I «nun, I LAW'ASTH‘R, PA. . 1’71"): and Drama-mm! [hm/lug. of every ‘de-‘V noription. executed in (he most Euhslnnfiul and‘ Approved style; , 1 Hummus. ‘ E- W- Brown, E‘q-v Ifnmu-rs Bunk of Lnnrnxu-r. )V. L. Paper, Esq" Lunrnuu-r ('mmh‘ Bunk snmurx Shock. an,” ('ulumbin Hank. Sumnel \\"ngm‘r, limp, \'nrk Bank, “'nlli‘lm Wagner, Fj~q.. Yurk (‘mmn- Built. T, I). l‘nrum, Hath Halnk’nffieltysfinrg. ‘ PcN'r Munin, Esq., Prothfy ofLum-nq..r co.,'Pn. Geo. (‘. {hm thorn, Esq., lit-aide! “ H Geo. “'hilmn. Esq}, Recorder “ April 15.18151. \ Trees! Trees! Trbes! HE undersigned invite attention to (h lurgc and Mel! grown ntork of FRUIT AND ()RXAMES‘TJL TRY-IRS, 1 Shruhs. km. embracing n largr flnol compbte nsnumnent ol' .\I’I’LHS. PEARS, l'EAl'IlI-IS. PH'uS. CHERRIES. AI‘RH‘UTS, and SEC— TAIHNES, Shlndxml for the Orchard. and Dwarf'for the Garden. ENGLISH WALXIT’TS, SPANISH (‘Hf-ISW'TR, ”.\ZLENFTS, km,‘ RASI‘BI-IRRHZS. ST“ “VIN-INNER. CER RANTS and (:(NNEBERIHHS, in grout varinlr. GR \l’Eh“ of choicest kinds. ASPJILUH’S, RHL’BARIL 811‘“ M‘. .1140. n fim- smék Orwell formed, bushy EVERGREEXS, suitable fol the‘ (‘emeN-rv nnd Lnrn. ‘ } Iml‘lnl'lbl'h' TREES, ‘ mr street. planting, and a general nssortment of ; % Um: “I:qu Tans axn Fwwxmx‘u Sun‘as. ROSES. of MIMI-e "uric-Hey, C.\Ml-3L{:\S,‘ BEDDING PLANTS, kc. ‘ Our flock in temnrknhty mm;- nud [lnn and we offer it It {prices to suit the times. ; fi-(‘umlogneq muiled‘zo u" applicants» ~ ‘Addrcas' PIN-VAR” J. EVAXS 5 CO“: C Mml Nurseries, “MA, “at. ' Sept. 23, IBM. 12m ; / ' 'nder Fraser, g ' ATOM-MAKER, has rcxgpn-d loath llaltimore utreet, I fen: Ale : DOCK AND 1 hi: pllop lo'. l'onrt flame. when he; will. doorl south ol' th nlwnys bq happy 11 t-untomera. Heis hope! to rcceivy 4n anon}! :q the oath nifhig thankful tnr punt futon; nnd [the mnlinued rum“: 0! lho oltysburg, Aprilfl, 18$] IMB2 Gettysb HRumlt-rsign T R. Bushev. lll'm‘. RESTA l' 4 Mcf‘onaugby's ll he will always I c-ulls ofnutonwra l TONGUE, TRIP DOMESTIC \\‘lX lie will spnre no K all who “my pm cnll. ' g Restaurant. Inning bought out ('lf rlos I gomimlc the (SET'FYS— .\i'l', m the old ”and, tinder l, in (‘nrli-le pin-ct, where rmdy tn urn- lip. 00¢ the IUYST HRS. I‘H It‘KRX, “HI-11" r 2. H‘E I'm-nut. he" iwith Es, .\.mz. mum: and For. ylrornu render mti‘fitrfipn to ‘onizr h‘nn. Hc‘onh' mum a. T VALENTINE WERNQIL 7'" 2 , I July 1. 1861 Fl - (‘ARR I I . Notion S! of Liqnorl, and h nsmrtment. he in ”er4". It. I-mhl ”INS, WHISKIH' prim", mm:- nmo ‘ viliei. As his mp plums," he will u will. Tu he ran give him \'nnr purl Coup-slung Jul e Liquors. an added in his Cram-ri- and. ms. n department for lhé sula wing luhl- in a huge um! fine) vile! thr nttm'ninn o! buvers u-(‘i nmxmgs. “1:333. , Mu. urdifl'rrt-m kiudt um! 93 “It ‘lu-Rt 16‘ be In"! "yin ")3 'm h. “ quick sale: nnd<§mnll *H clump. wr‘y rheufn. (hr [he im-e I, it is uni) nun-sat!) to I, 18,;1 5.. ads Clothing. ‘3 ‘ i Uhl‘! lm-l now got up hfit Fall Slug‘k .nf andy-mnde-(flmh- JIM-USS ('OJTSmf ewrykiud, great uric-H. BUYS" ML, ’l5. ("\xnmuxs. \‘hs'rs. ‘ “ Ready-u BURCH AR. G um] Winter irmronsisling of (H'l-IRCUA'I‘S, i MONKEY JM‘KQ Druwc'rs‘ Shim-L Hosiery, kn, kc. our lin» of husini then". for rash. a)" own mnmxfiu' we Humor fit 30 will so“ you thd and nuke yuu :1 Oct. 4. 1801 V Uramte. Glnmu. Elm-kn, v'rhh mhnnst evrry uer in ms, 1|" of whit-ll will [l% Bold The ('lmhing nte‘mmitly'nf Lure. “in: no a r-ll,"ml if I in n gu-meut muda pr. We 'nuwls. take yuur manure, uit'ixuhorl only.“ ;.' rge Arnold ..mIES‘ nuyss (:oth at you I'll! bargains. g ' s M-lling '6l? mm. “all, Oct. 4, my. rnsox's 'r i‘l Herb Pills. Max 3 rive n ‘ chief ofnl linn. um onl-.9 x full Iréount of]: w [an and Mumm - Agt-nh- for tin-I lperlecj “kt-"cu nf Tel-Elm. s triht “in strange Altm- Nu— ‘ulcd M‘x-xivo. You willlfiud n im n‘ndhniépc-npleiunur menphJ VIA-40h]: hud grulil, firm the NHL ‘ I ‘ md mnbnfaeturor 0f “ Jlidaon'u Pills.” rhqu Iprpl Ihc (reuur r in n‘woling, ban-inc yiuitml untr‘v ih :he iurlll. ,llq went mung e l_mliwm of llxr§lknrky ' {.\lexi o, and it WA! thy} that, "In ’ILLa " were aliscfweml. ; 'ng at aunt of hi.- ndvgumru find in our. “many: ‘and z ‘ \ 5 fact,thnt all fiseuses The him-mar I Sioimtnin Ht-rh part. of his I" nearly «very (0' Mar ‘ix yea-rs n “(whining and the “ Nm‘xuly A very ium-"4' Ihere. you wi Pamphlet, ISM! h is Rn en arise tron: l rum; mom»: 5 . Thn lnlnod is the Hf"! and when any foreign nr unhealthy mLIlu-r g lfi mixed with “.'“ in n (ma Iliilrilmtr‘him n‘ ry organ of the body.—-‘ Evert nerve feqls the isou, and all tie rut-l org-um quit-kl ran-pain. The Ill)flll:lh will not digest “It 20011 pl: l‘erfly. The lirer‘ l‘t‘ls” In nevrele anu clear. ol' hill». The union "I. the heart is Ir keno And :0 the circulation” is ferble. The! lnngs became clngged will: the poiwnopwntdi'r; lmtteTa cough—2lnd 11l from n sllglltimpuri at (he fnunmin-heud of life the Blood! A‘s if you had thrown lomq earth.' for inflame. ill a pure spring. l'rum which mn’ n tiny l’lLlllPi‘. in a few Inmuu-I the whole tour" of Ihe‘mrvam bm-ome: IlidurHrd nnd diwolored. Ar.- quinkly d‘)(-~“Cmlpure Maud fly in every purl. And leave ll: Hing: bc-hind. All the passage! lulcmm» nlmmclml. flnd unleu tho, ohs’trnclion is tenured, the lamp of life we“ die: out. 1 ' These pills n’only purify the bland, but regenerate II" the awn-tion: of the body; thej Ire, therefore, unrivalled n.- I . CURE FOR IllLlUl'S DISEASES, Liver Complaint. Slrk llrnduchc, ch. \Thi: ,lnli-lhlinun .\ledivlnc t'xpcls from the blood the hidden seeds of disecsc, and render: all tho fluid: and sr-crt‘llon! pure aml finenl, clearing and rcsuer‘imtiug the vital organs“ l'lcmunt indeed, it is in nu. that we are able to phu-e \\ithin _mur ranch. 8 medicine like the “ Mountain llarh l’ills." that will pus! directly to the afflicted parts, through the blood and fluids of the body, and cnu~c the sufl'cn-r to brighten with the tlmh of bt-uuly and health. Judwn'a I’ll]: are the [lm Remedy {n (riddle: [or the follmmng ('nmplamu: Bowel Complaints, lleJdm-hev, ; Coughs, lndigrslion, (.‘oldn, Influenza, Chu! Dilessl‘a, Inna-amnion. Cotlivemua" Inward Wukmn, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Diarrhmn, Lowueu of Spiriu, Dropsy, Pins, Deh'llily, Stone and Gnvd, Fever Ind AL'IIQ, Secondary Symp chale (‘on‘uplnintn tum». GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! Femtlu who "die health, should never be without the“ Pills. They purity the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, clause the skin 0! till pimples and blotchea, and bring the rich color of henlth to the pale cheek. fi-Tho Plump and Herbs of which the" Pill: are nude, were discorered in a vet; nur prisinz way emong the Tezucana, I: "file of Aboriginel in Mexico. Get the Almimac of our Agent, and you will rend with delight, the Very interesting act-cunt it contnins of the “ Great. Medicine " of the Ana-5.. OISIIYI.~TIIe “Mountain llerb Pills" nre put up in a Beautiful Wrapper. Each box ‘ contains 40 pills, and Retail ll- 25 cents per box. All genuine have the signature of B. L. ‘ JUDSON t 00., on each box. " 1 B. L. JUDSON £3 00.. SOLE PBi)PIIIETpRS, ‘ No. 60 Leanna Stun-r, Nzw Yon. : ‘ Age-nu rented ulways—Addresnpi above l wil. G. than. Agent for Gettysburg. 1 July 19, 1881). lyeaw 1 LARGE madman: of lan he“; W - A tel-prod Boots, (211! Boon, In“; Bro guo. u, Jud mind and hints chomp, It. oa. 28. 5 R; lbhlflflml"! ‘ f. flflflamk fimzw I DURING the {lust _wnr w.- )mvc introdncgd “ ire notice of t ’ .. .. pron rank“ conntry the I'urv' ('r:,./ul;:_nl ('lvlnride qr Propylamine, n: a RHVHDY FUR RHEUMA ‘ [ISM ; nnd having received from many mun-(fl, ‘bolh from physiciuns of Ike higher-Puupdng and fmmlmiienn, this MOST FLATTEIHNP TESTIMONIALS UR ITS REAL \'AbL‘E {a = tho treatment or this painful and übsumu dl}- ens», we are inQuccd to [present it to tho plug}- in a form mum- run luuunm: asp. which we hope \i'ill commend llnelf sosok I who are mfl'ering with thin nigh-ling cnmpkidt. and to the medic“! practitioner who in, {sl (“spout-d to mt ll'u powm of cm. nimble remedy mem mevuxnxmn u» form «1.04:. .spnkon of, bin recently been enemivrly 95;- pprimenled within the PENNSYLVANIA HO5. PITAL,‘ and with MARKED SWIM-:88 (uswill appear fran‘t the published accounts 'lle medical journals.) . ‘ i ' nag-ms carefully put up ready for land)» diute lute. wig]: full Ilirocliona, nn-l mm M at» (:3qu from I“ the drugg'mu It fit cu“ pp!" hinge, and at wholesale of » E nl‘Lwcx a cmzxsmw. Q‘ Drngzittn nndMJnufactarinx Clltnlidflh July 1, 1236!. 1y Pltilndclphia.‘ -+- A. Mathiot 8t Son’s QOPA AND FVILNH'I'RE \\‘AREIHNNS, .\'m. k ‘l3 um! 27 N. (my ”rem, ”animal-e, min-r Fayette n 1..) exK-nding from (in; to Frelh-ri‘ k lt.—tllc lnrgw-tostuhlidhmenl ”(the Lind inch lfnion. .\lwnjs n." Imm] 3 lnme m-mmm-ni n! HOFSEHULD .\X I) OFFN‘E l-‘l'RNJ'l‘L'lH‘l.c-§|n.. bracing Bureausflhdnteuda. Wuuhltundl. \\‘urd - rahes, .\hmrvswn of Husk. Fulton and H.|ir- Spring Ik-xla. Horns, Tflc—e-Totw.‘ Arm t'huhw, Rocking (‘lmirfi I-Ilugrrw, .\lnrhlo Tublen. SM tcex. Reprpliun nnul l'plml-lerrd (Imin. AS NIRTEDUUIADRS()Fi'UTTAUI‘;FCIIXITL'BK, Wood I‘vhuiru. Ulfit-e t'lmird, Bun-her Chair-y Cribs and l‘rnullcs, “n! Hmvkn, "all Furnit rr, Gill :lan “'nlnut Frnmo Looking (“much .51 lb bourds, Hxlnuionv‘l‘nhlrs, n 1 I-u-ry lenglh: 1 l'rrmn.‘ dippmul m pun-hue urv imihu’ 1.» (he uni give our shwk nu rmuliuutiun, whirl: fur vuriru nnd quality of wurknmndhip in but cfiuulled by an" cslnhliéhlllrut in the :uuiatry. 3 A. .\IATHHIT & SUN, Nos. 2.3 and 27 N. Guy sired. , ‘ Aug. 6 1860. 13" M :, ‘.. _ . ._ . Merchant Tailormg. ~ Jaw Imnns.-m~znm:n" Anxmm tan jlwl retnrm-d {mm Hu- rifiy whlu I In, go mm.- ml:l.ul'ns. ('.msmmms. numb“. Benn-r mum. Uwr-mafinga. \'eh‘n (Huh. Jeans. Driltingfl and \'rsliuqn. of Fury “VII.— lhu'iug requrrd lhe aervicm of \V. I'. KING xu Fun-mun, m- qre pnmnrod to put uprho I’: m goods in nyhr. mguul lu Ih. be" thy mnnn w. curing egmhlisluncur. havingdurfiwl m]! a I.- up: lmmmt of wurk during the I»an "won. I) of whirl: lml uh’rn mniufnrurm. Will: u I: run lumen-9.9! nu:- buuinen, Hon m nluw ¢ ...- cllllil‘Hfi-Umt we do lmuinns in n munntr not. to be‘ \nfrp-used. (In: Mark 0! yumlifi‘ujnot be lam-used in quuiily or Mylo. Hive n 1! cu". weluuo nu duum “a can please. ' £ Oct. 4,1861. - I, Fancyrursl Fancy Furs! lUHN’ FARE!“ u 7|! Arch Sln u-tum‘n Tlh nn~l‘ ‘lrvt‘l‘v (VIM! of l1”’l\(‘lSL-)l‘h”l‘ Inizl. lmpnnrr ‘ l~nnl\|rc-r (.T., rnlor‘rin all kind .\\\'Y “51:", unfit-C. \li~rc!' 'hi'ldrua'! \\ Mr. Having nqw m Mar"! and in .\ u~unl (urge lwnmif'ul mam-Imm" of nll the v.nriaun_u Ind qnuiilic: of Fun. ndnpled to [hr 4'! Fail nnd Winter Krakow. 1 uuuld rrsprc 1y imilo nn t-umirmliun Mm) I'lfl'k and p frnm’ihose inlvndl‘ng In purchnw. In [I “fled 'u ufl‘rr (In-m wry slain-Me indunu All my Furs have'lJ-Pu pun-lulled for and made by "perk-urn! and com bunch. and the prowl“ mnnvhry m render it m-crrmn- llm‘ I shault! di‘pou gondn at w-ry "null ndum-o (in mm. 1 lam MIL-fin! llmi i! “ill lw lo flu in! ’ofthose who design [‘urrhuil g. to gin tn". ‘ ! m?flerolleco.lhe mun'e. numlu-r and 1:! John Faireirzr, (Kim fur Finn.) Til! Arr Philadelphia. ’ [591“. W. 1H“. ‘ i , i I prard Association, 1 PiliL.\Dl-ILI’H;|A —A Honcmlrnl in: i lion (ambushed hv 'spwinl i‘Zn-lna {or the Relief"! :hc' h‘ivk and Iliuruseai. ‘1 ed with \'irulwl nnd Epidemic Dim-In, Mpeciully lur the Cure of “inane! uttho ~ 011 mm. i NEDH'AL .\ilfi'H‘K given gratin ii] "I" in}; Surgeon, m nil who supply by Keller, I du-rriplion of ‘Hwir comliliun, pine, 0' tion. habits of life, ha.) and in «m of u i f pointy, .\h-niicinr. flrllililfd {no vfrhnrxl I \‘AhUAIJIJZ RPZI'UHTS on Spec-halo" and other Din-aim of the Sunni Urgnm on the NEW RHMHUII-Z." employ-d in “no ’n-nmrp. son! m‘ the imlcit‘d In henied' eu\ulope~.frco ofchurgo. T—noor throes " for I'm-Kluge will In: m-c-vpinhhn, ‘ .\Ahlrun. mt. J. SKILLLV llUl'Gll‘l'U‘N ing Surgeon, Hol’ifrd‘ .\hoyinlioi}, .\‘o. 1.. Nimh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By ut- ~ the Dircclon. ' I ' ' ' nzm n.-m:.u;rwam., l’r Gm. Funru‘nw, Seay. , Jun. 7,1861. 1y - Chas. 0. fields, oommxuau, l'apu Ruler nnd 80k .\lnnnfuctnn-r, 3:! story, 8 building. Centre Square. YORK, PA. ll ('mlnty Offices, and Counting ”nus" fun with Blnnk Books, made ol' the hm linen and on Ilnhnoel l’t'm-‘qnuble toms. llimll every deucri-liou executed with mutual dispatch. Orders by mail promptly nul to. LAng. 26. ISM. 3‘ Flour, Groceries, Bw. I HAVE cennnmly on lmml. FLHI'R, (‘orh and Buckwheat MEALS Hnmmnny, ‘Sollp lit-nun. Dried Fruit, and Pith-ls; SI'UEARH,‘ CUFFEES, Tom, 83 rupi, N. U. Mu‘ur‘t‘fdhhl.‘ crop, at .'-0 rent: pr-r unllon, the n- _v but kind fin- lmkiug.) Huglinh ('heos'e. nnd Mariam“, article usually kept in u Hulr and Grocery Sure. Gimme u cnll. “'5l. QHJJISI'IK. Gauslmrg Dec. 31 1860 mm ‘ Union Inn. ‘ EORGE .\. (_‘UIKWHLL. 01' 11M (‘nio‘ Inn; G on the l‘lmmlu-rsl)_urg Turnpike, nenr the top ol' the South Mountain. takes this mflhod ol'inlorming his friends and the public 1!!!! bl is prepared in m‘cummmlAle all who my pc tmnizc him, in the best mxumtr, and at mod": Mo charges. Nu effort. will h - spurod la: Kin" sutiulncliun. His 111le and bar “ill be fpund‘r wt-ll provide-(lmm!hisbodding"next-epliofl'bk- Large ambling for hora-‘2 lie 0'”! ‘9”: trial. ’ “In; 6,18“. §li Removal. ; - WATCH k cum; lUiPAHHVG—Lg‘m ZEITLEII has roman-d his Wm’ “’E‘: Muck .\lnk'mg Establishmem m flow“; in“. tinmre street, two doors north of “fig? Zieglcr‘s Store, where he will be 31“! '6 A ceiw a continuance of the mummy“ “yr puhlic. By ..lnsc attention: to bufialeufi‘.‘ work, and moderate clmrgen, hg hope; ”‘3"; genornl sutiutnvtit n. M hen-Lora,“ I Gettysburg, April 8, 186], " HE giantlon of the Lndies is rén a.“ T'invned to A large mi ; lendid ‘ men! of Lmfies’ flue Kid Roof: Listing] urn. Gum U“*"‘!“': "a lgfl’me"°4 - ocm”- "1 ~.d”i IO mcdiru =I EOM I!!! HH holl ‘IIIJ ,and {on no cl lim- L's" IC“ ‘ and .xn-l N "'..! aml (lit- Nfl’ up: nth link nll'l r nh, ”th .' P" ng of ‘l and nded rsi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers