Whilst; g 12 [OUR FIJAG- [the union nf lama—4h:- union of Judah; :‘ The Union of Slum: prhé “’U'Utl sever? The unim. o! lrmruJ—the union of hands ( 11“! {hi Wu! 0! our l’nion foreverl " ===:::::~::: _::‘:::‘J'_: 3:”:1i;:z 1 _ ' ' €l4l:an wxrox AND ruuuumr A,. -77 J . ‘1 r ‘ ,_ - py'gvyygnvuu. rm ORDA)’ MORNING, Democratic County Committee. [“5 Demdc'f'nii; S'undznir (‘ulnmittee n! "fdimf‘wmhy'mm meant the Muse of Inn is WILL, in Uehffiburg‘, git-Saturday. (1w 4M lay ofAuyuH :fiamnl. At 1 rfcl'ock, I’. M. for the pilrpoSo of firing (Luvs flyr lh‘e lxbhfix-g'qt' um um nce' mecthmc‘ mm thc‘t'pgim; C3gnicn. siow,’;;{y§ Mimic-Wu}: such other Tmsifit-ss as jt'i'f u: deemed necessary. Every member is nrgei tobu present." 1 I V. 4 mm: HRINKERIIOWF, Chairmau. fin‘be‘ H 410“ iug persons cumpose the pa “WV” ~ ; , . - ,xauuyggmm. J. grjupupog, an. J. sumo, freedom, M. .\lcmeden LSlruhnn, ngen. 1‘“;le nbaugh ; LibcrLf,'l". ,Mchuire ' Unni'xlwulidn, nlel Samar"; Frna’dim Ilcuj. uuxdgn-Q'; [infi . er, 15.1?bn'ngs, Elfin-Mien," Jqs 3,31 KW} Py -8,311) n’ELk'thO'd'q;'H’nmti'ng kn, J. 1!. 3m. li-r ' 'lmimurc, {nigh Biuclxt. SrL; Reading, T. . {NC .4; '_H~|,'inYl'du, John Dcnunc; Bcrwu'k qr” opr Wolf: ‘Bwnick (pm). John Miller; xlord, J. .5. Oil: ;v(.‘unmvdgu, Ernucis Krich en; Moun‘plvqmnr.‘ J. E. .\Hllcf; l'ninu, Wm. 15a"; (iorflmny, Shfinn S “2:11.11; .\lountjuy, 33' 13. mm". ._ {3.51277 (max. m r ' ’Anfither New Dodge. . After KllO ‘Xothingi'sin haul reached its summit and wits lmp'idlkv: .011' 4b? dowmhil] lamid, flfi—lfgrig‘s foufld jt 1391;12ka go to: _fipgc to n .u‘ew dodge.’ Irencc.‘ to uyoiél the - responsibility for tlle odium which {Atgéthd 10 ‘t‘hqmfilnighf nrgnnimtiqu, thgy 11115131911, 1;; 311$1'1néf‘1y111'1i5, a .1911; 11111541111“ 31 “ People’s I’m-{ff 1: 1' H ' Aftetsniling nlung thus, 0. ytar or two, it w—is (Bum! (hqtjn 'order 'to shfi. fy New Eng ”. 'lg'n ‘m ,1: 1’ I 1 1 '1 ~ 1. , ‘ Inninnd 11m bm’th‘x‘fias’t. Q'sqgnrewp 111111-- ‘plpvexjy; baaiflin‘n mqst Eeéifliog.ilfir'll36ll\:na 1 @3193}; rife 111 mm pf “ Republi’r-an.”—- ' As Pu'éh they nominn/tpd Ahm‘mm Lincoln for Préumem. upon a ,Macrnrm of hostility . _io tlfe equality 9f the Sfxltosin}}loir riglm 'm fife fi'efii'iprigs, (Ind,. in an Qfil )Ipur, that .npxnifla‘tjnn _xyns ngcfssfizl—thbujgh not by ,3 majority'of thr- votwg of the. Eeople. Al 7 , oat 11111111191191] 1})1111 §ry Iqu {ll¢ rgood lucky gemfificxi'ns'bun; (“I Jhydlx‘y tllrlt plleirprin fiplea wc'rt- .1163“ Vpndolrscd, nil‘fl wouhl be ‘fstfihlig‘l'lpgi 'ti'ntgugh 31111150. I E ‘ ‘ But What do 3‘“? Gaelic-din? :THM {gm-Iy, nder but a few 1116111115 61"}50‘1' r,:slJrcady ‘iedrrqrllslljck9‘ll at tbed'rospop‘éigiligy resting; 1 :Ipr jfi @ginglgerfi; 111131 'to nvnfrd fits crush- ‘ 311 g efléclfi‘whioh» iwnits them in terrible ‘ [deft-at. Republigafi Jlendms urb figsitively l fry-m of Qechthf “locofofifos,” Mike} 1 used to mm'm 1.119112—‘110 11111}; 111th 111 m! in codnty 1101111‘111310’11s. éxnn'iér 1e “catch- 2 111%}: mm?“ ‘: finicfi." 'Liké; ' ow 50111—1 imm, the Republican party ié ; imbued up t 9 fnce‘its .rr'lfsdequ! ‘ :afiggiit'itrs 'rc-cfird ‘to 'the jlu’idgél reoplent the balloting—ruin} :- ' {he issue upon which their mind 'ed' {be [Prmitléncy ;—-thu§ y} lafhoyyledging tllut the Republh . Q'unded upnn wrong principl imfilicntion, that, the Democr: IFQ‘M.‘ . . This new name dodge “in ad 'fieating man. A change of n (“change the character of its 1x39 'in-i“ still stick t 5 their old hot: irfiz-‘fimt, the fieople having 5 L’a‘ngl th‘e {catnip}; _consequen‘ce's id ”150314th @9323, ‘they; the Padang are fo to file adop ii oognoinen in order fio 'reMJI t ?ln‘v‘e§o'liig§g h‘z'u} ivaiéyy‘.‘ " ‘ I «TENS W 396 11.19 inking ,up, 15;:qu state of the cnse‘. ‘) i Lb; Axings which were to flow f .. (administration ham; failed 4o nppbnr—‘in- Stead, fie Irma civil war, pr stration in buggy“, ~Lh'e funniest kind qf ‘V‘Enrd Limes.” Ilium: Republics}: lpadef'é blink .py can étfinflton thi’s-recprgl, {at @hemtijbt'rgic i; to fgthg’ @1113: byrrpakilng stl'a'igh . gt. Repub {icd'n {pogligntio‘nsf 121:9 Dodmemtg will «.maker’iheing'f, pa usual. .\Let usfiiave a man , Jj'fio‘ufegtlino petty t?ickery—4nd then the ; {people wit either endoi‘se chef Republican fifty; oi- they wfill decide that fine country ”qungfd’n ’ye grivgrhed 'b‘y £11231; finrty fixing, kn So fong preserved {L‘pencéably _and presperously—the old ant} flways nu -3301151 Democracy. j“ " New York snd Obit): 1 was to; 1*? Democratié Stake Cw .firal‘ Committee of IsleyYorlg was held at. fill’hm’fin firedrgefsd‘w E‘t’ W 11?" a 1.314),». éitiop gas ggqofyea frog} 1.1115? lpepgb'llca‘n State Cbmggitfeg {or a “may; copyegfiqn 9f fire hm parties. The propésnl was rojccgcgfl. .The Convention. while lloldihg that thc’: .wa’r should be vigéreusly proseclited, regard bgt‘l it. as the duty of the fede‘rnl governmqnt. $0 Half} 93;; “firms of peqce apd gcoommo ,dnfliogi 3:o“the dissevered Suites, assuring ‘them bf all Ellell‘h‘léllfs- plider'flie Icolxstilfii 8011‘. ... I. _- r u : ..- t . .‘. lain State Convention will be held at Sy‘ m on the 4th of Septemben. Bhiggequently (he sub-committee of the :Répub‘icnn State Copamittee called 6 SW} figfiofifip}; it? 31529; aif'gj'fagua'eé Sepgembgr z.. , . ' ' ' The Democratic StateCoavenfinn of Ohio on ,Wednmday, nominated‘H. J. Jewett for 'g‘ov'iéigwr, aid ‘3. Scoit Harrison for Lieut. V 99%}? "4‘ pryppgit'ipp {mm the Reputy— Msfite‘CommiflL-e for a “Uniolq” ‘ticke't _wu promlxtly‘rejg‘gted.’ A se‘ries/of reédl'u "tiongfgneazdopted. Thethirt'irecommends' ‘39,th L'egislat‘urcs‘of the seven} States to «hold; Féfiiofia‘ ‘Conyen‘t‘ion for thé pxix'pmé lamenting ‘tbe preééfit difficulties, and'reL ‘s‘ifihg 'peabh: Ind geserfng thé | Union— hThé sixth resolution condemns the Presi— -4%}: his late httempt ' to'shspéud the 771‘“ 133:3an _ér Key glow); agd ghio WYBB’M'RJawake to be «ugh; in 11mm :1 “Wm" “no party" trap—mud 50 they will iiiréu w,» «my???» gr ' Party up? lII} the Union Revival of th: Pet Bunk System , Ilol‘ore the “°‘ niendcmfnt °f ”d“ V'ml‘l “ I Hy a'rccent not oI Congress the Indepen ivery 1MB? pro ' ' ion. £ss.er thelmqu'ity gentflrgasuryflyslem, under thr-operations 'loll' the hurtheth peolen, entertained the (,f' which the publilc‘mnngy has linen I‘TO' lconviiztién t the Union could not he served from pausib‘ihy of loge. 15 gfrc-ctuhfly llnminmilined if] Ifce.‘ Democrats were not ,‘rrlapenleg; and the jam link system. as it ihlone in this op ion. {army of tlwlmding 1 Was called, phich pl‘pcded it, revived. Ellepuhlicnn or ‘na‘ 0",?!eg chlared thati YAg remarked by‘the Albiin)’ .479“, gm; {anr would not bring abnck the acceded lmoney to be mixed it" loanr—thrée hundred IStntqs. Them iitudoat‘thc undertaking l millions.to which three hundred millions lmpmsmi moat, “111145)?“th inipmctim. ‘, more must be added—mil luo dcpositod in bility. A 4 for t 0 Democratic party. it wns ‘ Planks to he selects by the Cabinet oflicqrs. almost unnnini us in deprt-énting the me iTEhe Bgnkg are ”(i be SOlvonha-when the ofi'nrce on the rt ol' titre Federal Governwn‘pmy is‘ dc-pmitod with them: If they ment. 'l'horn al‘no more boid nndoutr "‘1“?! out insolventafiterwnrdn, it is nobodyis ppoko’n enemy coordlion in the country/1 innit, but one oftlielfortuncs of‘vmr. than Mr. Dougl «, whofielnst’spcech ilnlthle] ’The Banks q,“ 0% V need ‘and 19”}, §lcrriito WM apo erful argument. ngsinfgttbej Josh", ”'99? “930%: will be those most use of tot-coin olmu‘nslof {amounting I dams)“, {rm-I (”‘39- Itho,bmpp. M . Lmrohrm his Inaugurall 5T1”; system ,5 no: addi’ms exprcs d the iopinion that {01.061 The American ‘peol would not hold ithe pocériell States While 1 irigd. A haul: recéii‘p . his oath of ofiiocll impo-vid Lupon him certain ivalommcnt, and en l)l»ifflltli(rni froflwhich lie icould not shrink. iaunting more fr his Inaugural Idress, thken in connection 3 ten the Goverurn I.vith his late meme togongrmahows that it; has go 113 an the original programme got-the A‘dmipistm; i pimtwu recur-rem tion contcuipifited nothing more than to! gqrcs. Generally the maintain the -‘Zi‘dl’l‘? symbols of Federal i Oi" tbe'yaccouné an prism-saion’ ot 539?!“ and Pickens: to ntg‘ yql'sbip of mlmnsi ; ternpz. the colledltion of r venue in Southern . sglwkhplderg, that e l I’orts from “l'li’bom‘l a” By means 9f 0| i {This in no .‘imngi ‘ . l IpliglorloHa hlogkufie, Inpdt lrwt hi fihcéutlulm I m st 'l’ ccrtainy. Itfor .oom:> Ink-um; of ”removing the; mon. l 142,1“ safedepmitori I Certainly heithth the Adrnnistrntlon or the f Aie ”loge of the At): [mettle contemplated i3Bl raising ofun army ‘ thb emufimo'and tm tof JUOfiW inch lito nuir hiSouth and subdue ' wiper of broken ‘mer uecmdon in its stronghuhls. 1 . I “get us 90‘ decciv ‘ The c 3335 \IxI-uiuh changed the policy of c at of this mgmsu lyre EAdlnliinistrotiop are ‘nilgewlg furniliult: to l inithe hfmé‘e of the I‘3. I the crmnti‘y._ .Thc Uom I who party unani- crisis, “1"? to go into juiuml; f‘lmfi’ll a scttl mom-byl.paoceful_bn‘hkersl and to lbe Jim-am Iwhilc- that wag 'till possible—and’ml‘ h the soldicr, as] i when the country. was r tpidly hurried into I relih hiim decimatc ivvnr by the Iprocipitmwy of loot blood, that I dohreciatodhnd perii {party mtli equal unulu ity rallied to the A ofibroken hanks. :dol'vuco offtvhe Govern out. They tooki i. _.-~~ _.. this stop ’h‘iecauge it win 3). solemnidpty— I I The Republi 'liducmed -to re re the (ilonstitutidn, iohe'y: in the RUN Repuhli the luws' unLl To: u“ e Govern en}, :i e, others—4h Mnemocmts did Ila: nll \[ltheir disli e”~ .:Jiizidc or are )out in {the principles ot',lthe pull? in WI?» . th'ir own. This 's ; terfvre Wltll dutyiflo the inoverllmcnt. utl; “ilhole loaf." But 1 int the sump tinie the) cilidinot cmtnu‘ny M lwell Ins inl firmer-i Iltheir cherished princit]l+s—nor (liid, tlleyihPifyy révulsmn agar l l§rget that everprlnn fclrlflpoaccfnl settle-JP?" party, llepuhilcu‘ ilxlm-nt of our nalinnal t rubles had heen'g‘tmlrotmgnd in their? ‘ (hung-tell by the Ilmrty iii finger.» In short, i thchr humbug .purpo ‘ IlglomoL-Irnts. by supportin {the Government I>inly of Democrats to I ndininistored byl Ropu llama. did "Oti Bu 'Demncrnts, being 'thelroby lief-‘93“? Rbpubli am. or‘ cease to nrelnot so easily “cnu inutcrtnin golfing} honvimi I‘ns oftl‘ destruc- i the Republicnm are S } tivc and réwlutiénary t mlencies of that I thin: to get out of th ipaity. Here- is prgciwlykhere runny Re~ {they can. Thoy are. I puhlicnns luu'o liillh’l-u ilnt a grcat‘error.—l to the‘liepublicnm, 11 [They 40011:! to rognrd the I(forernrmzntbland ‘ ing’fhut abuse. and d the Republlctanlml‘iY us he and the same.‘ 11:! ilf‘. The Democrn thing, and the mnlililu-ho 'plQDes the latter 1 the' ‘lmvehlwnyg stood {as dihln‘vnl Imlrho loam-I'. ii'flheGoYcrnment Il pririi‘iples. and they w Illlid one thing—:t‘ho llepuhii 1n party another. l tl'eio' A few, for fen I Democrats Imago to inéixit. rpon the Idistmc- : Rflti factory to thomwl ftion. While tlieyl'riill I‘E‘vei’ fail Ito pcy- rto Republican (exlmu a fox in their duties its citiilel '3, they will never . for Every ohe that is In lcemeto u'nr upon tlie‘don innnt parltyuntfl ‘to tie Democracy. 'l‘ .it ie‘a‘wgpt from“ pnwer. Flint pnrfy niust'liro ght to rqflerl. upo inngu'er at ihe bar of pub 'csop‘ipion for its ! tor-I _s'ts. The Repuhi .‘ncts. The cry of twang-ion nditrnitor \yill . thisfinpdhnncenro ”fill“ l not. deter Democmts‘frn the «metric of l Bud-there ium help for itheir undoubtedpriv-ilege fexumining the ! condemncdhvhilst u": icnnduot of our rulerf, n of condemning I ful,hnd will not only pr ‘lthut. conduct .when demo ding coudcuiuakllen lthcir pmition in mion.‘ ngocruta know tl'eir rightsn: citi': ' many. of the countins i zcns, nndgnionn to umintuin them, though I nnnihmted tickets, and ngornmont parasites and pensioners hel- ‘ nest prikmrntions are lou’ltl‘f-aron untilthey nrelhoarse. llleptlblimns may clin l’ :Il‘hero fire indicationr‘E‘a llaaire on thcfofte as they please?! gpnrtfiot' the llepuhlicnn I dors to ‘scrcm ‘go min in their'old co * thr-ir‘ misdeeds from pu lic scrutiny .by , sureld that never was tl ‘iihundoning their pany’ rgnnizntion and the in-cscrvutiqn'ofthj Jo§fipg their identify in ‘giieot Uniori pnrty. L non-I. Reliublican lend! :I_r;t‘ them disavow Repulilicnnism if they ‘ ‘ivitg to the “finest to g‘ iillcllinse, and thereby acki wledge that itsnnh‘o Jpcoplo,)but their ful ‘kflldliiful‘mCC has run ~hut t cannot be per: hapfilwriting is on the w; mauled by the old tripko aw. \ 1 ———l—T~-«-»: ‘ Its lenders woulfl not. ”50th t us expelli- i #1“)?th .Pari out if it could .\iill’ld cloned They know its TlIiG 03005395 0f Darniz: “weakness, and wish l‘to coirer it up} The ‘ tic-nllondem °lf MW‘HCIIU , Nari/l .‘lnm‘ir‘an cxclaims :1: The test; of “(LE to reiroltthe public nlind her-once to the Union is t e only tést the} Bastian llot‘nld has hoop plihlic should reqniroin {inmmrtim sense.” i pnpi' until noni. anfl st Adhergnpe to the finion mlnnot be made a. Igov nmcnfi; but it says purlL'an test. except pcrhnph in the case of healing everywhere: those men who sell: {the Chicago platforml [lt li‘as been ouraimlto 'uatnin thegorem above the Constitution and lthe ‘lUniloh, and I men fifl’lz‘tt'flXO-‘i inlol l'QSlfign 'tfof' and Wm WWW. rm viewing g: ...:‘2; '33:: $1.23 and Show; “‘53.“ hundred Unl‘ff‘s- ncmpyrap who all attempts to make thi nn abolition war, haveat all times and under-all circumstances or to foist. upon the com ry the dogma of adhered to the Uiiion ne (1 no such test Suhnher. WHWY‘; and 3"?“3W- These men applied to them. 'lt may xiinsiver for men hai'liidone m‘s‘fl‘m’ enoug “ The uni-should . . . . ' . .1 be b ought to us speedy! a termination as oil. man-sliding prepommfis- BM Demo- Po’csq‘fle’ having n. due rei rd to our nation cmts insihtlwonn qlatform Icomprelu."mlillg ul Mum-j III?- [,rlim-e M]; an only be alone 63/ the Union, the Cottitution, the law, an "an apmqlunfnqig Ia! Ila- NM]. (ft/lg llrang unli economical govei-nI rent, rh-aponsibility. of i ‘l4”in "WW?” I’""Z“I"4fl“ "1.5!! ”will?! 01’0” . .. . . ment ncd. From thia t 1 \m opponeJohn rulers to the 1’60”“! and 0. +l?th rogue “nth A. Andrew nud‘tlmse u the Suite, House “I“ party in power.: Talk dffidehty Ito the ) who lfurry their political reju‘lii-gs into all Union as the only lmrtimn Rest! lliis the of t. cir actions and rel'u "to istenato the Administration act (1 upon lth’is principle? ’odyut 0f men who are n Republicans. If an ere-Romawcins 0: l’lmdelvhia ”in outlarixfiorxia‘l illiflfifi‘ii‘gv‘: upon it. whenithey nominated Mr. Charles ' 1“,“?de the aanl . 5 O'Neill for Congresél? Are loot pemocrute , _.- «a» _ i “:lin pronounced tiaitors by the Republi can preas because t ey insiot upon tho Con~ Istitution 1g tné supieme hmi of thqlund ? i In fact, the party iii poworihns forced the Democratic party into the [iosition of self- I vindication.‘ The premonition of defeatl and the desire to :3va the coming retribu- ' tion have alone influced the Republican{ leaders to suggest he avoidance of party issues.—l’utr|ot d’: Uiu'on. i um, 12, lam janu'm to be L-AFR un _tn Iguantrof ‘thé . fd'éorlti’lfue ' ”(Inge i'eakxh finally 4119‘- 'm‘ palifyjis s. an . by r" tic party if 'cclye no re» lme will not qrs. They by—thé Ing ckchea gfi; has brought Republican u'on of a. new ‘le end they ownyey, tq g promised Lincoln’s ' q” ~- 4..» ___;___ a g “ No? Party." ' “Willing: Q‘Brienlhas been removed fi'om the frpsipidn of'mnrker in the Custom House of fiévy {ark and RobertVohbui-g, a negro, nppo'mte 'irfiiis plhfze.” ‘ We clip the {havg from the Pine and Palm, mi Ibofition purine}, pfxbli'slied in Boaton and New_'Yorlk'simultaneou'sly.‘ it is put forth in {but sizeet with a g‘usto, as spewihg the adva‘r‘me 9f “liberal piigciples" in the gov erfixnétit, when white men ‘ran be turned out of pubic employment to make room for nogroes. Innsmpch as [he announcment comes from the other side, we suppose we may take it for myth—it is not “a secession lie,” as our opposition friendsare dubbing eyerything that dmi’t suit them. ~ | ~A< - .— ~- General Cadmiumzmgn is stated appa rently tipon authority from Washington, that the yennsylyapia delegation in 'Con gress have upunixnomly request‘ed the Pres ident. to an afxsign Gen. Cadwallmrier {4O neon:- want] in accordance with ixié rank and abilities .35 an oflicer. ‘ A‘Yb Sunday thtiny—A wlpmittee of der ggmen of Spfingfield, Ohio; his ig'ppointed .«- I ‘ ' a a. prayer meetmghthe othqr day, to draw up 9. protest againat planks (being 13:34:19 By tho feda-alymps on‘ Sunday} " ‘ carcass ‘ ‘ ' - __ ' ‘ ' ‘ "M“ “ . . : (relation hailed thr math I -1 22: Saturday Week, in the Senate, Sir. Ken: “'OB- i I t 98 P; “which“ i no y presented 3 respectful but 21th immut' \lr Divan ‘ A ~ . m from the Legislature of Mar '1 Ad ‘ ' and ‘w 8'15”“! “I. "a"! and k > . , _\ n ,sgtinst the “Phlnndedtellen—yem 56 1155136 So t ' ‘ uowarrwtnble arrest (ItJ Ross' Winn: an! thirds not voting rill ' f ’ ‘o’! others, citizens of Maryland. gflcralong dis-:mndcd. V y F. VON not “‘3- ‘cueuion. oth ' ‘ A . ' ’ ' ” ‘ , u c right of pgixunnmhe thwart-l Jr. inllnniliizhntp naked lcnw‘io present it was accepted and orderedt to be printed. _ rumba! of petition ' mutual States Mkin in. Ring, of x. l’., sutmmgi n rcmiuiign f 0” woeful adj“! met“ if thr tiresam “5; that the Secretary 9! War be empowered (Ci tional dificnm‘i': ° ’le'xftluined '5 hi 3 ”11-l pity the upon: monthly when practicable, ex, 50° {ol' desiring Wl‘V I“ them ifll'qpml film-0‘ ‘ firzagfizgflrinh; to'trumincl‘the action of that the lCongrcssla , l Globe didtlwt mmflmyi > A p at ). in intervention ol'uu'y luv. the record ol' pctitionl presented umlerthe rule, , fussed, g L l ‘ Mr. Blake uhjrcted, when ‘ ? j n motiou‘of Mr. Fessendcn A eSi-nntc took’ M! Ynl'nndi ' y , _ _4 , , ~ . zhnm asked wh t» , ‘22]! 1119 House ri‘solutiun fixing tile time of lid-l mt"? right Or MtiliOL 7 ‘1 ' bad bumflfii imminent. , ~ i l .\lr Allen of Oh'l'i ‘ ‘ . ‘ h! . . i ‘ oil‘L'rc-d ‘ ‘ ti 1‘ ”k Millions mored~ flint it; e so amended [the etTect “I“ 'MMJH “‘3 l'ezilELTlihznmtf l‘na ti) enbhl‘c both House-silo adj nm at, 12 ol' ‘0!“ SW“ shall I“? dOWfl their arms the wuri l‘de 0,. Tuna”.' Anguslialh.» yam-gm] ~* fought to cease, and that, lit: the? 3tiilgmcnt nt’:9 ,4 hr" .11.; ”on”, i", Allen moved to' m e up j this House, it ii :10 ptll'l nér 0le(5‘(“ of tlic opc. : e bemte rcsnl-ution ,prhridin that 1 joint guilt!” on the part Gillie tuitedfimtcs to int: i. ommittee oi both brzlnt' es of ‘ongrm shall terlcrc with tlw insfitiitioii ot‘ shimmy l Um“ on the Prreidcnt an ”,1" '3', him tn set‘ 'llr. lii-Knight askild if? the resolution wits. i{innit ‘.‘ day tof;pnbltc tin _ llintign, thanksgiv- ‘ 00‘ EHMMW the mains the one otfered I ‘ ing and prayergto be obs ‘rvcd wii'th eolenin re- 1 {CW ‘13." since‘by 3”— Ci-i'lcndeu ' w ; liligious genealogies, and Willlppliclllnng‘: The Speaker decid the all déhate'uu the: if err the success pf oulr arm and llle reiteration snbjact W" 0‘" or 61' er * I ' 0 pence. , ‘ ’ . V ‘ I , r,’ . , Mr. hellogg,froxn-tl crmmittee on 'uiliri ' . . . . , . . 3.. ii linuLovep) inorml t 9 s end the bill by add- ! ry, reported a ,bill fixing the number th mcm- I lEng, hfnd p] reaming t c hath chnptcr ot‘ bém'ofCongrcra at. 239. l’nsscd‘ la . ' i 'l ‘ bin '1 . . , 5». I Mr. 003: otl'ered the following: ‘ I: h r. \ ullundlgliam sqgg steal the §erinpn‘on{ Runlvrd, Th!“ the member from New Yuri:f fit e )lOllll'l.‘ 4’, i 1 , i who endeavored to introduce a "Solutinn d 1» ‘ The original resolution its ndhptflL , ‘ nl'tuucing over; fortyi _mcnilu-rs pf this lluusrfil l' Mr. ‘Binghamnfi'om th‘e udjrin’ry cmnmitt “I to "3th for ipropohitiona to adjust our "ml , i. . . cc, , tionnl difliculties “" I cowards an] trv l '~ " ,ircporti-il hack, with In: an ailment, the hill to 'd'e'scrves the censhte‘lof this Househndn‘llmhfldl ',_..1. ‘ t t u ' hue” and. confiq-ate “1] l" 1"“! :elltplo)'ed lor' patriqlsfil‘or' the lhlnehood, atropunce am? in tlsinrrcctionlr'rpurposes. l; r 4 stilt to his peers, contained in his ullllfll'ull ll )lr. Holnian inbred to In the; ill on the la: menur'v resumflon' l ‘ I ‘ ”hip? and tlémiiniled the ye s all nxirs on his! llr. cum" "mild ”mud! the gen"? .‘"; ijmotiona Yeas 4‘7, nuyr 661'." Sal he Home re- from Ohio that Air-PH?“ was not nuttyin, ifnsed tn lily theihill an theitnhld. 4 his sent. “ ‘ ' - A ~ i ll ibe House hiare conc red ill “m Senntel IMr., Cox said he wished his resolution to' :joipt resolution to adjourn 0‘? Tuesday next. luccmu'pany the resolutinn of ”w gentlemnn' ll Mr. Binghnm'h amcudtllltint lids then flan-lfrmn .\fn’lpfln Themation wnslust. t ‘currcd in. ‘ ‘ l .l , . Mr. btcmnarepnrted the Senate bill {q in-’ E The question-goaling "P lithe m‘ssngc ofthé 'cgense-the [my ol‘ roluntcers, ant! approyini.i :ilil 9.115 Unetdy fliill, .\lr. Btirnctt‘ilemnniled the yeiis'and nnv: it flung any? Ptas‘dem “udcr'!lisl)l“°c!umution , n . ‘ .' . k ’ 5m on 1.; B ‘ iAgrt-cd to; yeusjeo, nngys 4 ’ Sotthe bill was on mg .0“ the volunteers, ” 4 l' _R, unlii'es— eilwer, lpaisedl V, »[’ . ‘ , Mr. inllnndighnm said he would not ohjevt" cit i L g 1 i ' J I. ‘ “WILLIE“: ‘iiwe ‘ The Speaker lierc liiid before he House 1‘; to the bill if gentlemen would grant the .\‘cus hm: t ‘ m “ms of :meiisnge from the P‘iilen‘ tin M wérl to a re- ! and nny-s on a slfiparnte vote‘legitlizlng.r the Pre. f 3? 0, fecumlif'he‘isolrtion adopteil‘l-‘y ni‘c ital-item Wednesday 'mcmfiucxu' 3‘ greed t") by I’“er M‘en's' : mom) lgcolgtles! ,icnl‘ing on birth fair infurmntlihn in re’hrence uh I Mr. l’nllundighum tlléu [tidied tn strike, out ,it no 1.3 ey 11" ‘1 fithefcnptnre pf thie llonijllk‘rnl El .7 Tile Pre- '‘ w sealant] section at the bl“ nuthtirizilig and ‘ fit the I‘l‘lim'l E 01' fiaidgut replies that he iis i' puss saion of “dilegnlu’ng the “as ofgthe Presidentl A I l L“ iuli'ocntq " uniofi" plat-ts, save Kn telegraphic di ‘inlcl; iinnouuéiuw, f \ML “ mkhfl‘e' 9f g 3.” “km N be excused ‘ xtety tn nccomrplfih tint. Ely‘s-cnpturei and couti einenh. '. ;' Di rum aiming. ’ile my not npprove or all the ’ beg mnfit beqcoch-fi On Monday, , ill ,the Set iitc, ilr. Truinbull 1 mcnsu s and acts Efjhe Presiilént, though . go in with t],¢m__~_.l[:rescntcd the pctitipn oi fi‘ntllllbzl’ oi citiicns i this: , ere some \lmg‘he “mm w,“ “ml " Immle of better stuff, ”of Chicugq, 111., asking thutl the nr be ”use-1 . Ie louse refused to excuse hinli iind pop-l- En.” They See tllflt.{lcptml with nll puzaihlc vii: r. iiml til“ no dis? glfilllfiirlglmof the roll on the VO5O to‘ strikc _‘ rod. and. {fill lm‘b‘ficriminntiogin liiior oi birt Jpluce belicr‘ciit‘u-r 0’ {CV Mm!" ' . '. 4 ir (liflicultim as best iglfctllilrefi in thesnlistincnt ”i igluhteei‘s. Ur- l the “ct-[ltd nllui-ilighnm s Illollon to strike put “I“ m, byiigafim‘s'idcrcd to lie on the table. l .9 E.. l 37:11] hCLIIOH, thc )‘CtISJVCIE J 9 “lid the . ‘. :-: . ~ .. .i i' r mivs ‘ “- ‘1 ’ ‘ W")! l'N‘QH‘Cll hath-,l Mr. 'lruinbull Piowd th ,t, the Fenntc pro.‘E ’l‘lie~¢‘..ezt' h 4 , : ntmt‘izitidul tit, their :gcccd to consider the House lincur] cut to the of u lb'i m" t 9t} rcciirrc ,0" the pnsmge .4 gtand "A,“ whore'lll’m tu Gollfifl'n‘chll‘operly icil f r insurrcc- for-ml; :::_‘lvl}en it I'iissi-d i'lllllllilLE-rt‘d in the, "pun hi 3“. nnlifhtnllluumuy purpore,s.{ ‘ I ‘ 0n “Twill:hiel'l'm‘thifm:l "'9 3011319“ I Imminue to stimd‘ll The House nnrehulnmntwn 'nzre Ito. mo\"d If: I: I" mf ' "mil" Wilmmmm ‘’ . ‘ , ~ 3] .13 ”k. '11! , ' 'l L . it! c uythchill 104 pntnsliu-rtniii Ons “hmhl my .beu r ru lnrltpo .prt‘scn edfim lic memo- (Times flmIiMHhF I'm} 15! . os, may stray oll'imj'iah from niurutliuu six httudrcd citizens ol‘ The l‘hu‘ir’élllied tl :l‘ M ; 1‘9“?! to. i g I v- "v . - K I ' ‘ ‘ I F .'. . _ lml) pnaiijma, but, 9'33“”- "me, f" Y., (leitrcmu {-7 I"“‘"*"i:iiilr the nets of l‘llc‘P;l9:lttl:‘:‘ltrc'-D«"nufl- “UM , two willzlte gained‘iiflnd asking that. ntnciiilim-nls be iropoqca to ‘illlll ordénfd ilie Rep 9,», , A]: no“ m ""Icri‘ (1 people hinvt: been JUIC constitution, or it call bk; lasll fur a ”11-l 3“- King of N‘eanl'ha l: I: :lzthle. roll. . l V . ‘ . . ”l. 1“ x _ .' ,_ ,ii in one oth ‘ “w“. ow’u heqt m- :21: Coli'l'lutllllféla in orilcrt‘lnit so in urmuge- [ol‘ the reanlutiqn, tlrcihstitution nffithe hair-k -an lazuli-rt: knon‘ “N .t min: intuit: \rliuilr wold ciTiusc a ; ade. involv‘ed ifpni‘nl'of intcriintinnltl luw «on ing in illl‘il‘kllflfflS.” ccgrl ion o-lltingtillitics. 4i i , {renting the right? of— neutrals. mitt he “us in mm,“- T 119)? stand .r. Brcclunmlgte nlso pr 3‘.“th n letter in l furor of furthcr connidcmtinn berm" the resu cmncriicyhre lmpe— cmmectiom with the memorial. suiting tlmi 9. I lutiou he put upon iis‘iiiis<ngo. l servo, [Wt ‘ti'ent'tli— similar petition ims iimr lifing l-siimcill and" Mr. Wilson, df'llnssq said mic th‘f‘t‘lllln" tn ‘ , c ' . . ‘ ‘ ’ l H '- rvery conLty. ln Wlllcll {lire-Ill) minimum! up mun names as nnmud t‘he‘rcgulutiou to snit'ihciie‘ws‘ur the they have already ting; which helinmgnst [in-sewed.“ Laid on ”10:0"101' ride by striking nut thi- “goal; “set on in nearly or all the .|“e. “- . t . , ~ .' ‘ ffoot a ltlocki‘ldc,” nud liki‘filllg :‘t'ln‘c tlic Hiking to ileum.— .‘ ff 119"? l‘ntdpllll're‘fil rill if iliziilg theg‘ports.” hm] striltc‘out ”'0 “on” “‘L‘ “WEI" 3,, their” “flute "‘3 :1; Z: the l’rcwlfnt in clull Itg ("it the yultm- i ”0‘19“?“ PT‘:“‘°“s'(~‘°"K'9ss-'i ”NM“ ”"3 “’s' m Democrntg willl t , , l ol|\llllm “’ltfi'lnl'Portllllt nml klmnld‘imss. .lr. lireclunrnlge raid the rcsulutibu mu well a nmv d‘r untried one. 9 have s;qu its york , a. la‘rgé’dgpom Tram urges its "ng, by 4L9 IV to its :‘cugtomerrs. nt' 3111).»; fog; its r'nmey. ‘- discouutq'. Home a ‘z 'of commjerpia; pr‘es lbtmks f 'ln‘nd so My? Ii 03 meg: is no suryi: ‘ ilily as inn individqul L' ' it. I I 'ary dangl’r. It is il - , , re the bdrtlgrosterp I - oftlge pubiicmoncys.’ xntic porm,l sealed by 's'. and filied with the _lmnts? ' bur-«chm as to the 9. Th.” I‘D‘flps raised tion. to mye it at this {he hands 'of fawn-it? Lt thr-re” "J'lwy 'will {is food and his clothes in qhnnxjgy, or in the :» able paper curwncy iAn Ohio M. C. in he Flight. Ml4r Biddle, a Republica member of Con n- ’ sifroip tho, writes nliterto the Cleve hlhd ILeader concerning is equrience at. the battle at Bull Run, fro - which, 3'9 make the following extmctz' ‘ “Well, the further-they themldiprs) ran, the niore frightened they ew. andralthough wt 'mfh'nl on I: raphlly as we c uld, the fugitives passed us by scores. . ' Th 9 heat was awful, altl ugh now about 6; the men were exhaust : their mouths gnped, their lips cracked and blackened with the powder of the cariridgos they had bitten off in the battle; their eyes starting in frenzy—no mortal ever :saw such a. mass of ghastly wretches. ; As we paused thepnor, dementmL exhaus ted wretclu-s. who could ndt climb into the high, closebagguge wagousgthcy made fran tic efforts to get on to and Into our carriage. They grasped it everywher'r, and got on to it, and into it, and over it, and implored us: every way to take them on.‘ We had to be rough with them. At film. they loaded us down almost to n stan(l_.still, and we had to push them off and throw themout. Final ly Br'own and i. with a limol each, kept them outmlthough one poor devil got in in spite of mi, and we luggpd lthe coward two miles. I finally opened the door and he' was tumbled'ou‘t. [v'vmc [bl—The Cosmopolitan Art Asso ciation has sficqupbed to th‘ pressure of the times, and thgy’ have discmitinued all their publications.—Those who (grew pictures in the late distribution will g§t them, minus the frames. Some of the Ynkee subscribers tire vqry indignant at the séindle, and pra pose liqldigg the agents responsible for the money they paid for the puplicatiom. mm mm. Robert 5r mbs has been appqintéd Brigadier ,Ge er I ‘in the C. S. 411111,??th will take the gel immediauy. .» ‘ n l Mr. Pearce ol‘jeémdlo its 4 afterwards \rithdrlew the ohj Mr. _Suulabnry. ‘rcucwol t was then prevafleii upon to \ ‘_ itptional path, ml - more been} for > organization than Mr. Powell renewed the ulfiékiionl Mr. Wilson now movedfilfl mks to increase the pay of \‘olu re may tux their il] furlh‘or delude MEI 6 fix seuied— It” .‘- to amend it by addipg the bi The bill wn‘s read, when y ‘ Mr. Brcikinrngc rose in and remarked that. tho; hill 3' like the joint. resolution No. help noticing thut‘ some in: isanship. nshjp inthe’ aboli watts are beginning bf that State. The ' n out-nn‘dgout wax -11 it stands by the n lapguggp worth the resolution \'\ ere left out. Mr. Wilson, (iumnumiug. will allow n‘vobe 9n tlnis’_bi deavor to afford him my 01$ qpoh the_entire resjolutiod ‘ I Mr. wacll, wlmhad cnlk ‘nays, now \yitlldxiew them; nmendud was pnsséd ‘~ Mr. Vullnndiglmm introdu {a a jbing mo lution refcrring tb a cnhveniig’m of hue Slates to amend the‘ conitilutiun. Db his gmot‘i‘on it was referred to tind'clornmitteg" bf th'e‘prhqle an the state ofthe Union:- ’ 1‘ 3 I 1 t The House pusdegi‘the Hamid hill renting a‘ imctropolitan paling sysgem fp the {District of QColumbia, and to ehtnbliah a {rifles mm— F’rlg. W 9 am even r 244. ' 1 7 ti Mr. Calvert ofl’créd I preamlb’r sensing forth ‘tlm‘ rhile iii: theidu' wf Cdn r ‘by fithnt w; .aegdnty oi {11,36 by proper niegislution to strengthen the ii do jibe gov uernmnnt, to maintiiin the ‘i emu y of the glmvs, it is no less ithcir duty‘t exnihinejnto who original causes of=diase.h:.on, and apply" such remedies as tinny restore; phone, ‘hnd cun fclnding with n'rosointion that: itgjointkcnmmit itee he afipointcd, consisting (iti inine Pumper: of the House and four of thq‘ Sonatel to con igider and report sui‘h amendments to the con lhtitution to restoreifionfidellcdfind inhure the preservation ot: the lUnion. , l 1 ’ .\ir. Lowjoy moved that the; rcsoliution be Itnbled ring the House voted to do so.‘ kYeas 72, :nays 39. I . I ‘ {i I Mr. Mny introduc’eifn. preamble concluding with a resolution setting forth {that bh Repub lican party have achieved thn‘ir‘snéciss on n :seetionni and social issue, uni is niponaible Ifor the present national misfortunes ; Ethqt‘tho uncompromising spirit of that patty pre- Evented compromise when the some wins prac ticable; and thzit it. is impossible by ‘force of ‘nrma to subjugute the seceded States, whioh are unitei to I|. man in defense of their sacred rights against the most cruel and merciless usuages,&c.;and in view ofell the public calam ities, recognizing the necessity which controls humnu nfl'uirs, it becomes the duly ofCongress‘ to provide for the appointment of commission ers to procure an armistice to preserve peace at nilevents. and directed so to compromise as to preserve the Union, if possible, nnd if this cannot be done, to provide for the peaceful separation of those States which have 'secedcd and others which may hereafter secede. : Mrssrs. Binghnm Ind Lovejoy :evemliy ob-; jected to the reception of theflresoiution. I Mr. Hay mored a suspension of the rules,‘ but the motion was disagreed to. . 4 ‘ ‘ Mr. Diven offered a resolution, as foilo-wa :—-' That, as rebehi are now in arms against this, government, nii suggestions ‘ or resolution: looking to ocompromise withithe tnitou on either eoynrdiy or treasonable. ; , , i Mr. Thom“, of Muchusetta, toid‘the ro ?n.ila x . J, i when , and known to a" the Senators; Hunt it “as one of t‘he first measures of the sesxioh—hqd hot-n op en ‘muneudmentnnd dglm‘e for wed“: in fnct, i nc obj ction. ‘ and ituwhcn" SZE ._it. was the pet menaure of (he‘pmjprity 9f the Senators; who bad, though ifé Irvx'cd‘ifnn’, aunt 1p the bill nd moréq ‘fl'cred. 'foith outbursts of lhoir pntrimi’zwl"). They ; aye, he mid, just in the shnpe in which \\'e de " ‘ ’ ~11 = am A sire to record our votes upon [li V I the desire sometime Ago to nbtnin n} vote upon them that it was \t‘ith tliificuity than». Senator ; on this side, in the name of the i-oirstitntion, 1 could obtain leaveto speak upon it. ‘Sennters’ i nnlor has now cooled. ' The resolution is: well known to the qguntry; if we are to It'nte upon ‘ it: uthll, let us either vote it. down onpnss it. 3 MR.) Polk reiterated that the’resoliutinn was Eup the first day of the seesion. ‘llc said the ' country were nnxionsly looking fol-9a vote—— ' Thelresolution is not no“; anieudahle, and he i hoped the Senate wrould pent-cell to vote. ‘ J Mr. Fesaendén mid that his side at' the hpdy (Republican) was not rend; to vote on the res olutioo, but itzwns not through four of the members onlthe opposite éide or by unnvcrsion Ithroug’h argument. 'Tlmt the only question _ With him was whether the points eohtniued in t the resolution were of Any prurtieul utility.— He believed they were not. He snidthat from {the first he thought 'the resolution‘ought to «here :b'een pmende‘d‘in its plumseologyf lle? » dld not nttneh impoflnnce enough to the reeo-j lotion to give himself ony trouble about its pun"- isago. There was, heimid,‘ no use of a vote.— 1 It is too late now to get it. through the you”; 1 ‘ lent if a vote was to be taken he should votel 1 (or the resolution: . 1 1 I = Mr: Fessenxlen continued. We did not listen 1' . to the speeches of ‘the other side expecting m 1 il'enrn something which wonldcause h thungel :dfaentimenti We listened nttentively to the l hhnomble Senator from Kentuckywllr.‘ Breckin-g i ridge) become we wished to hear his-eloquent, . arguments. k‘l'hnt Senator olw‘nys says a good ideal, and all that he does say is good. Wehi [on this side, argued all we had to argue. l llr. Breekinridgc—lt‘the Senator from Inine 1 will allow me, I' would state that l have uotl ' yet heard any attempt to argue by the gentle-i Imm of the other side. i ‘Mr, Dixon asked leave to introduce a. bill. ] Mr. Wilson objected. He wanted a. vote. ‘ llr. Trumbull made some remarks, the ouh- 1 Ii: I out smiling, umltd very much ‘, bug h could no! 'umm fcng‘ules of '—l‘f ‘lhe Somator lluowr’l will eu értuuifv to vute I fi‘or ill; ygas and +ud We, bill as stance of which was that the resolution was nbt a party measua, u be looked at the mat» ter. That a vote was béing urged, but he did. not mm! to vote now; if it was insisted on he wOnld vote against. the bill. Tine bill, he said. would not pn'ss without first being comidered. Mr. Foster obtained unanimous consent. to‘ move that Ilia following be taken up, which was passed : ' " Raolved, That All business before the Senate M the close of this session shit]! be postponed till the next session, and then procecdvd with as though [here had been no adjournment. On motion of Mr. King, the Senate Vent. iri- to executive session AL three minutes to twelve o'clo’ck the doors were again open Ed. At one migulc to twelve o’clock several messages in writing were receiv ed from the President of the United States, when, upon motiqn of Mr. Doolittle, the Seg ate went unto executive session, vi'hcre they re nuined half an hour, A joint resolution having passed to prolong the le‘sion'fllll length of thee, and at half put halve the Soultn ad journed. ' ‘ The Home banned the Stung hm {p increase Eire pp! of thf regular nnnv nmi pigments. the ”gateway. disposui of 597”"! “mug" 0‘ go Buhliqupunnnce. A i \ I. Mr. “”I;inva announced Hm trinm'pll gl' ‘hp l'nign in Kc‘tqcky, “hid: was rccelvedi‘lth mun wp'lxu‘uw.l . “ HE. Kellogfiithen reported ‘hM xhcéPn-ahien‘, had no furlhekobmmuuicnfiun lo mnh to Can an»- » ‘1 1 ‘ , ‘ ‘ The Bprfikeit Mid, “th- ‘ylmr fur Ihé adjourn: mom having arhvod, i therefore de‘hm: this House adjourgcs ’in! 11M." ‘ f The mvmbori‘hen SPPHrn‘ed. all in cridefit good humor. “ s ' , 13 ‘ ' ___.l_4...._«.g>—- a \rk' I {J “bilge-«sum: by the the United States, tit-11w call. fi‘he total ; f 01"- Flfig. ‘ i ' i 1"? 01' 3202000900 is upon r9Ol. property 'We abseng‘g ‘ but an efibn is being inade and incomes. The quota. to he Paid hf Fentr in different Tr rter? in, Ithis titan: tin org'ngii ryivanin is $1,946,719, - izeqnowimr y untertm Min OH the" - Seetiona 9, t . ' o ' hinnfiartfl”, te leaders inthis nipvenieat! declnro the mold: (it! amntifiinjflgmtfl are either the ayowml and ln_tter enemies of; and mllpctnrn, and their thities. "'l‘hcih‘uc» the Democrftic party, or its sect-9t fans. ' rvtary 9fthe'l‘rmsnrywfil dividntlm Stntiu, “1101mmfor‘yqfifilfl‘tlwvn engngt-din the Territories and Diatric't of (‘nlnmhiu film, work of disaffnimuon. - We want Demo-9 convonient distrirtn. and hppoim an assosn. cnts against; in): nmled hy this, scheme or and collector. who tnmt he t'recholdm-s ot' the Repubhfi'ln !M(lr'l“ tor-Acupe rospnn-‘ and rm-itlfptu in envh (liitrirt. Thvv mint. sibthty fdrtlhmt mtmlomls, and to morpctn- give witnhle bondsnntl mkemtth to oam-utq ate the disgstmhs- rule: of the party now in ' their other: faithfully. Their up mintmom power. It 15th snrpt-isimztlmttht-y would is to take phim- heftire the second 'l'ucedii'y endeavor to} cprt't’nl their trnusgrosxions of_ Febmnrv, 1962. 7 11nd” (he rg'agn‘l aof n mm: nrgnnimtion‘w ’Sootiomt'lfi, H and 15 enact that the di< fox-.thnt trauma-he cllnractortntic ofi 31 partyl rer't tax bill _hv the ant: ivflto ho beamed wln'ch‘chnngrst’tts Dunn: and tun pt‘int-il'nlqs Imtl laid on tho value of all lurid-t and lo“ pe-tziodicallfy—A—bnt we hhuli be surnrke'tl it" of ground. with thnir iniprovenmnts and Dammit-mt: are tduiiod by the machinations {lWl‘llmg lmmm. whirh srwrnl nrtiolm sub of ”,5." Wliy‘fifl‘bnlti‘d. 1 _‘ ”fact, to taxation shall b 0 enulm-rntud and . If the ltoptlllltcnn party and the‘zt‘lncngto “vultfod hy the rt-«pnctivoitsxewqrszlfi‘the mtu platform hnd‘n it tu-oomomhum to:the poo-t one I of thr-m is worth in‘ mono or: the Isl. pie we weigh} hm:- nothing of the‘ or'gimi- day of April, 1862:' l‘rovitlt-¥i;‘ltowdvor zution of unewzparty: That is ll’fllk‘l’slltlvel that all property of whatever kind omniml; l lit-come summed that its >hhrt, hrilh‘antnml within nny ol' the fut-ognin rith-scriptioxh. ‘ fatal career ts‘a ready rnn utlordu g titying' and lmlonginu to thoTlnitetit'fitutoa‘or nny ’ twitlonce‘ of :13 great reaction in [Jamie Hum State, or pt-rmmwntlx or specially exempt ’timvnt. T111}; thtfi' :tt'ofendy nntl‘anximta; t‘d from taxation by the lawsi of the Stutn , ;to abandon Itit, tshnws thmr rptt‘lcél, vrmvic- wlmrem the same may be situated at tho itiontlmt it cn‘h'nrver cnrryunothor election.‘ time of the passage ol' this not, :lOflMlH'l‘ ‘ Will Denim-nits; help them to ropniifits shut-j with sat-h jn-olugi-ty helongittg to titty indi tercd fortune? f; ‘ l - , , vidlmlru‘hn notnnlly roaidt-s thorougslmll lm i The hutujtljmly lioixfot' tho'cohmtw is worth tho sum ol’ fivo hundred;dollnr~l 'in ,the main ‘ongnce at the Democratic nr- shnll ho oxmnptml from N.» nforoiéid onu~ ‘ gtmlzution. |Bt§tvr oxlwrirnnc hasi already morntion m 1 vnltintion. ntuli'rnnt the direvl. Hiéiimwtl‘tllq litiotglfi (It' livpuhlicnni domin- tux nfnrcmid. And provident further. thnt ration. ‘l‘ltfl'j Nix-(y hm lwcn in porn-r four in makiitg ~tivh inst-sclm-nmhu‘ remit-d shnll ishort inontl‘s‘, :tnd within tlmt period run: he htt'd tonny wilnntim thnt muvh’va‘ly-mr 1 national profperity hm ho‘en dentrtn'ed. liu- made undFr thi- nuthrlity «if the Lune or nine»; hug bceuipttrulyud. civti wsn' mites, '{iorritnry at nny period nearest toisuid‘ Int tho incompqtenjé'y of our rulers knit cankotl tny of Apr”. L ~, E the ltumilixttingidel‘t-nl ot'tlm Futlcrttl army, ’ Soctinn lt‘u (lerlnrnu (but any oneifurniih- ‘ 'nnd tlmt‘utu‘ 9 presents tho tt-rrilo pt’mpgrt ' int: n frnndnlvnt “it of pm‘partv filmll lm ‘ ot' fruitless \tnrficrmhinz taxation. land the third» unm not PXf‘N‘tiJng 5500 ‘iith cnstix. luttfr prnstmtimi of m'n-ryimlu-ttrini Infil‘fllit‘ Sr-(‘tinn 5‘2 providtw that From ninl w‘t‘tt-r twhich rendeiwahwople prnspcrqm [ind an- ’ thofir<t dm’ ot' .lnnuurv next thor’oinlmll In: py. Such are thr'eonfoqtn‘nfim of ithu trig lm‘it-d. collw‘tod and paid. upon (it? nnnuitl umph ot‘um‘ Ly tliutml'ii~t-:Lto nnnintdu-nd" income of every person réridingqin tho . the whole cog? ry. and in>i~togl up'm t'nrc- l'nitt-tlStutvs. “'ler such lttmmo its dot'iV ing nnrrmv 2GO, ti nni is~nc< into-the [Admin- ‘r-d l'tnm any kind nftn'qpnrty, nr rrm-ntion. l‘istrntipn of the iu-ImrnlGm‘nrntnmrt. The mrl'ietlmiin thgtinitnd.\‘tntnurirnM-ii'ln'hrn, evil< which it c ‘ [t‘lltuft'tl tn Ming ii‘pnn fic- nr'i‘rom an): other murvo whintovetuiit‘ nut-h _‘country we ‘ngum‘att-ti lny the‘ di~hmmsty nnnmll inmunletatxrnmlxtho‘tninot'righthnu~ {ol‘ its lendersf, w in divrrt u tar-rm rilutro of, 111-Pd dollar“. :I t'ni' nt'thrm- rlt'l‘ m-ntnm on {hp mnnoy, Wlll "_v from tho poo'plmt'or t'hnl . the "mount nt‘sm‘h cxros‘a of hurl) ium-mt nmintonnnee‘of' he (‘inxu-rntni nl. inin tlmir- "WWO Fight lllllHlt'P'l dollars; provided that {own private we .Pih ltlundorinum dplum upon “m-h pot-tinntvfsuid int-tune tw'bltttli lute idoring ix thelorderot' the day. l)i.~ :lti't' in di-rivml t'rmn inthi-st utmn trnnvnry mutt-4 the fiold and éo 'l‘tl}!li( n mmmg tht rulm-‘q nrotlwrm-vuritinhf thtiUnitt’al StutOs’tht-MQ are the visible fuih nt'llm'udmini-ltmtiou' filial-l lw ln-fr'iod. mllw-Iml “lin [mid a tnxof' iofn' party tliut n'uritisod [leave nntl profit ‘35 nor omntnm. UI-on tho ilit‘rlititw.gtilits or pority to‘the poultry. . -» | nliividvmls.‘m-orninu upon nny prnpértymé ltmnovrnts 3m- zKim-v mkod .to ”Midi!“ the -nritio>,or~tovk-mun-din thlpUhitod Stxttm ltopuhlionn pn’r {mm the swift (fixtruc- l-\'_:m\' citizvnyt’thn t'nht-d Stntwt rtpkidim: {tion to’tflrichi it' is tut-hing. andv-lo contri- " 111-mud, ”H'l‘t' 4nd! In: lvvil-tl.‘t-olh-rtt-d.and mile 30;“ 1’0” 4!,in h)’ uniting! 1”. its paid. 11 tax at" firo 1m? m-nlum. «.\i'vpting 'lendrrs in Hip initiation nf :1 nm 1.21“); 3"“ ,l”"'“"" "f "'i‘l l""""“"“1""l“‘il fm'" ihxtsetl “l""l ”j.” .n.1.-d dovntinn tn the "I nth-radon(rt-awrynotonandottn-rsef-nrilimt niou. 'l‘l‘myii'iH mtchut no surhjfl ttorin;l ot't‘ho gnvumuu-nt of thu Vuitvd “futon, "lp‘licO. 'l'he‘ll) morratir‘ party hm, imvn' whit-thnllpnv‘pnw:nnlmw-hnll per 'lntum. ‘Htt-G'N'd at Mia "l'itix»nv~s\t"iti:.'" u vaniuil Th“ it“ lWWl“ itrovidvd .~hMl ll“ "‘“ml 'tinninnd it will ‘our tlm‘opithc-t. in t-ndott llpml ”-0 mnnml inuime ot'tht- uni-mm m.. n rt'pt‘OM‘“. 3| fl inulgt‘ «if hono“ Lot; lit-ruin nmnod tin-tlu- )mtr nt’xt pr oi-dm'.’ .’ the salvation (if t 1 w i'ninn Im how-at] rward; IJH‘ limo‘ for lbw-vii": uuid tnxv tn “tit: tlu tns horvtt‘nl'nr'olr it (~:mlin:ll i-rinvip c. Atfyf'nr nyxt I:?(‘f‘t‘tiill'fllhp‘firui of Jt'mw' tlib call of [liq Gt w-rntm-nt, Jh‘mnt‘lfli‘ ""1 mghtnon llluldl'l'tl and shtydwmx (I tho tercdlhernnks‘ thonnnyin the .t-opniui sand .tan' whon m £190..“ t-d nnlli tnudu tion of twn to inn ofthrir ummtn‘ntsi tn nitl‘ I'Hl'ht'. shall how-mt: it lir~n Inn tlu- Noimrty .in the inroat-rutint ol‘a “:Lr uhn-h tint-5 hnd. 0!‘ "flwr sfillrt'w ol Enid tut-unto {in tlw -nnlhnnd in inangnrnting.'nnd which they , “"1""!!! “HM: s"mf‘ “Ill! £llO interpt nnLL 'stri Va by H“ [itttlg‘t‘fnl Hit-Hilatn melt And “fl-“I: 0‘ twist“ of mllvr-h'ln mm: mud. Iltm' hnvo thr“; Mien rr‘quitml fut tltviiir loy— l’rovnlo-d that all bwnl tnxr-s aim-fog Intuit: nit) to tho (ilui’m‘mhl'ilt? -l’»y in~nglt and this; ’n-opvrty frinn Which the 'illL‘leU H 1 (tor sion—hy tit-nimwintiun n< St‘t‘fliflityl)ifi[u.: drrit‘cd shall ht- tit-pt deducted. ‘ 4‘ mni traitmw—Lhy: mndiwl P‘xvlnliuni froml ' ' “'“ The new Pg; v. public pmitioim) : Let tlu-m now me? thiw scheme jttl) m '6 the Republican from the reshdnsi ility nt'its tnuwgrel lny cooper-mini: it the formation of party. nnd thew “ill discover that th: need to cover lip re llt-i‘Ot‘tlan (If \\'i‘ urtl'ul enemies", in «l to impart a l‘re~l of power to the m (horsol our trnuhhj Nam—the Dehw ’rnt‘o purty muat n decided «(and ‘tbr the (‘onstitutimh ninn mul thellm'a. Cult-as this is do verv t'oumlntiom Tt [-uhliv lilierty )\ undermined, and power he Wroslfil‘ the people and 'eated ulnsolntely if rulers, who mnv gm on b‘lnmlerinn plundering until li<gnvermm~nt nnl. pntism shall hiu’e nex-nnu-lixlxed the] destruction _ot‘l on mmtitntinnnl in government. WI en 1110 ltmw are oh disregarded, the filhlltllllflll lroldly :1 pled upon, freed m of speech mu prers nsmiih- Semttm-s- mul'llt-prereut threatened an ( (a, unveil in Unnfll'f‘ muse tlxeyflgtc to p ntcat against nsurputinns 4’ pnder: when ti conmlil governmentju tulvx'heatE-Il >y 1c )3me and Cabinet Miniltca-x: whee to stun for the {Jonstitptinn and th inuliet rights nt'thc Sthtm and the ) ale is t a traitor, it in tilmeitn inquire. wh ri- nl (lrifting?—time for the Demoe . tie to take ’a firm xind tleoinlml stand in dL‘l nf mnstitutimml liberty. ‘ ‘ W'e utter what tqo'know to he the: vniling. Eentiment tjnmng the Democ‘rm l’ennuylvnniu fish I we cnumcl the stand hy their m-Enimtinn in :r spli patriotic devotion to the Cnmtitution the Union. m “l elem,'(li~'tinct, u “ table is<ue he nmdqflgnimt the unit-[fill the blundringu and; pluntlerings of the; ty in power. Shoxtl our ruler-z that ' V Democrats will an min the Gnvennt theyrwill riot emlqlree it< mi~deetls and corruption. Let the defilils‘etl ," Ult savers " rally to the defence of the C". tution, nominate citnditlabfi for the Lt lnture. and the people are ready in coni their sulrxiort.el'aQ'tot¢b Union. ‘1 fiCongre’ss Imp passed an not add om. iSuvh was {our dohars per. mqhth to, the pay of} the hon-commissioned bfiioers, musicinnwnud privateé df the Lyoipmeers. Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, inoved 10 reduce v the. proposed increase a, two dollars per month. He remarked that the expenses of the Government were it the rate of a million‘ am! a guurtrr per iluy—E—und he could not see where the money ins to come from. 1% might have been deducted from the salaries ofmiembers ofCongressJ’ostmes ters,Govnrn men! officialsmnd from the stealiugs of con tracts, without any damage to the pgiblic service.--Patriot d- Union. I WGen. McClellan has orderd tanhe troops under his‘éoxfimxm‘d shall be drined once each wepk by‘ the sound of the trumpet. The men now know [nothing of the trumpet] drill. ; . : 1 flllpn. Jznén‘m S. BLACK, late AM ”The! General ind: Secretary of State of| the Uniied Splipsg having resumed #3 practice in the Slipreme Court of Pennsyl; vania tad of the U. S., has fixed upon York. Pm, as his i‘esidence. V Fiahin Ly Lightning.——Onc day hut Week" _..—....-. “he liggtning struck (he dam nfiymj 33-1119 Republican State Convemionf of. smim's grist. mfll atS_onth Hgdley.‘ m] Maine on Monday; rernominated Mr. Walsh-z “d slafic‘k‘fi'sfih"? 1:311:23 aetitzmfi . 1"“an {‘l’ Govexfnox? "Bepubliunisqx 9," mngilfg’suriég of the wéietf/nhndunwg pace? to “and 9a sflo‘yn leg: 519 1b?» Picky-915 ouoké‘nfi, M'flddbfi avylnlolyet. '1; " 1 ’wm taken by bani“: lug‘eqhm' | 'l‘ Baum?” mi ‘ 1A 00131.0? the t tn bin pufied by Congress, such-aid?!) 1m Official. in publish ed in the Row York Expreusmnd dimers ve: ry materially fromtheone going the rounds pf ”IQ prm. It appears that the‘prmmrd tax 91: watvhes and curringcsmfld‘ an excise upon dpmpwtic liqnnr- mntujned in the 01'- iga'na} bi“. were rh‘ickl-n nut. by Ihe‘com~ mittee ot’ cpnfi'n-n’ce of 51m m 0 homes.—— Tho bill as [-aslr-g.laxz-~ 11m mcomps of Hi— idents of the Unites] States; whpre Mia in: eqnws Mn over 380”, Hwy: pageant; and the incomes (pf non-residents, whvn over‘SSlm u‘yd deeming from prppg‘fiy. inc;l filmed in 9, v "—" ‘ ' ’ lam-age] 7 An Engagemgnt in- Missouri. I Inill‘ty‘, The Aunt-ium Pl'Pdfl icli-griiplw In'op +s‘,""s‘ ‘ {mm-mm" at I)“: S‘fii-ingw, ii) .\l'th‘i. i)?- S‘lv'm: inm He-u. Lyon‘s fut-cm a'mi thaffimi‘vil -13 Mid Matt-s. "Tho (lncpnh-h <tn'te~' that a “finitiilig r hum . party ohmwahy was sent out in) ’it‘lltfi Lyc‘gu, the at am] :facing n regiment. 0t“ in‘timtry (imning he If- nl‘npj: thp ram! they chnrgod.’ killinthhiriy (\ the or the (‘mifcdemteq nnii wounding forty. 1 $ll be! On nppmmihing Cunt-h. Gen. Li's-m nil !i'fr"'n‘\'niicetl upon ‘snmn three ‘thnuanmj ('uh :l 21:11:] fodorittw, whr} I'nh-nntt-d. _lt wnu nnl hut-“1h I] dns- whether any of the enemy “'er kiiia-dfi— ltoml (ieu. Lynn did nét [oxen nizm, hutgmmlo 'm. "f scvnrgil prisoner". g ' i £27.33: “ Gen. Lynn then rciirmi tb Sprilié'fic-Nl. ' the Thin" 1g thut. m mmt of the Confodemtm tives‘ War: mounted, they miphtg by A Empid '%; be'; mnément flunk him and take Sprinéfiuii‘l‘. ”11:33 Them may be some heavy onq:gemr-nts in Mm“ Miumuri hefnro Inna. ; ‘ : WHIP: ’l‘hiugs ‘nre cnmpnmtivciy quiet. OIL-”m “can” uplicr'n‘nd lower Potomac. L“ " . , 0 bot ‘ - *0” '"W 1 *9 we, 8‘“ in said that Chnilm‘flumneri "It Party ‘ Schnr {mm Mnsmchnsettel, wrote} iii-“fir “we, to thp District Aunrm‘y at Bostomq‘ few ‘? dnysgbofmte the defeat of‘the Federhl fprufi M. Bull Run. in which he stated I.IIM. his had span the President, and after you? ex? ortimr had. qbthined from him a [warning that he. thafrwident, would give pagitiv'?’ Lorder! to Limit. General Scott to mnkb nli' immediate attack abort the pmition ofl thé 'rebel {oréem—Palriolif' Union. 5 g ' —a- - ~:. «.00 --——— , ‘ i 3. ~ From Ilu [lnlmnorr Amrrv'rdg, i E Marin of Barbamm Trmlmcnt (bnlrmfirmf ‘:--Wenm’gmtifiml at the apportunity “1“)“; fed of contradicting the rumors of bdrbw :l’ous treatment. b) the Crinfedemtos offlovir lfern'ment soldiora after thg battle. Froni ‘itroops passing through here, andfgariicu Italy from the members of the l lchigfl "regiments, “ho. have a huge number? 0 ‘ rc l'tg-of l to it of and {mis- wounded with them, we learn that aim attention wan paid to the wounded which ‘the most humane could have desired 1:006! soldier affirming that when he called ups: the man “ho had shot him down for so ‘ water, the confederate supplied him {iota \~ v his own canteen. . , i We repeat that we are glad to lens-m ' this. for. revnlting as the clumtori ofl 'ihis contest is to eVery American feeling, it is agreeablexo learn that needless 1»:th have not accompanied the terrible aka 9:“: r at Mannsms, as at first charged; mini“ , {Q be hoped that the same m and; {a} l K the dictates of humanity will beblisenledi everywhere. ; ‘ _ If the press of either section were lnlfl ‘5 as eager to say them things which are cul bulatcd to soften the feelings of the two 100-" lions toward each other, as it is to p?- genmtion paragraphs and to deal in the -: rihle, n vast deal ofevil might be prevenlod. , Let every humane act of either side‘bo' thronicled, then, if only for the honorofl the combatants as Americans. 1 l‘ ‘ @Bills npproprintingS‘ZfiflOOflfmml passed through both Hon-c2} dunng the", ayecial session of Congress which cloaod‘onJ uada '. i- 1 E! .. g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers