In em; Dilmlil. We hue not I particle ofdoubt thnt if the pwple of thl‘l country could select mem hen of congrms, with specie] refer-end! to the settlement Sign mtionnl difficulties, they would cl!“l "finch Imen an wouLd restore pewem uietto t 1600 ntry wit - out nnneoemrrgclay. Publicgsentimont in this Sate run: so strong in favor of com ;romise, that the plo would scarcely ‘ leave 3 swimen oftmmliulhncompronu ting. emf-backed Republican—but sweep ‘ nesrly the whole crew into utter oblivion. ‘ r rTho ple of Pennsylvania do not value I ‘Ahe gubliun party before the Union.— Thelf won-1d rather see it break into a thou— un piebed, than to preserve it—«m the Tribw‘iould—at the ex ense of the Union. On this subiect the llhltimore Aann forcibly nys :-—“ The great ditficulty in the way is the fact that our national Represen tatives were not elected for the crisis.— ‘When they were nominated there were cer tain vacancies to fill. and certain party triumphs to secure. But they do not come from the clone to which statesmen belong. and they are totally unequal tn the emer gency. The settlement of questions born of the emis is no part of the barmin they made when then secured their nominations; became the crisis was then only impending. The thing that have to be done befure 8:300 and harmony can be rc-torod, cannot done umlei party rules and are in fact altogether above and ouflvride of party tac tics. Men who undertalul to grapple with the momentous ieaucw of the present must be profoundly conscium of the importunce of the interesh involved; and they must also have due rcgnrd to the verdict of roo terity. Some of tho~e who have led greatness thrust upon them-who have un expectedly and «uddonly found themselves in the midst of revolution. With no antece den't knowledge to guide them. and no na tive Ibility to comprehend the exigenciei of the hour—will perhaps be infamous here after. more became their Accidental oflicisl mition forces them to be actors in o drum. of which they do not know any of the parts, than becauvte they are indilposed toperfonn their known duty.” fi-Tho New Orlmns Delta. dechu-en “at the reported seizure of a Unitedfiutm hop £231 and the romp"! of 260 patients by the uisiann outbontiea, is a hoax. Her-rib]: HomicidA—Mnn stabbed in the street. bv daylight.—Cinrinnati paper. “Dayfight” ought to be arrested.—B. anl. chcm Nmioos. GREAT DISCOVERYI—AmpIe tests, bath by Able pnctitioncrs tnd chemical anllyail, hure demonltrnted the great value of Prof. De Unth'u beautiful combination, called “ ELI-IC TBIC OIL," {or the telief and cure of pain.— Hut the pooplo thunnlvpl ore rendering 'helf \crdict in a thinner both unmistakable and nqthfuctory. More thin two millicn bottles lure been told in A very short time—a grut proportion of those who bend other: recom mend It, who bod tried it. That it's . Iplendid discovery. is every when Icknowledged, and nu'hiag lit: it w” ever before prepared. The only genuine Electric Oil it Prof. De Gratin}, which in to be had at All the rupecuhlv Drug ginu in the cities, and at wholesnie and nail, at the proprietors’ pxjcu orthe agent hero. Sc. Advertisement. ”SHIADI & chunn‘n Store is well wor rhy a risitjus: u: this time. We doubt wlnelher, errn in our largest. cities, so fine I display of Stores an be found. Their large mom in full of Store: of every pattern; Ilsa. every va riety of Hollow Wm, Sheet-irqn Wire, Tin Ware, l‘lnnished Were, anxn Wnerbma ing. iudned,ererything in xhe house furnishing line. Also, ansage Cutters, SJIIS lge Smfiers, Lard Presses, tc.. &c. They are prepared to sell wholes-uh: and retail, Tin Ware am! Sheet iruu Wury, of their otn manufacture—keeping n snfficicm number of hands to supply eny de nmnd. Their usortment of Lumber is very large; also Coal of every kind. THE GREAT ENGLISH HEREBY—9m Juan Cunn'a Cnnunn Finn: PILLS.— l’repured from n prescription 0! Su- J. Clarke, N. D.. Physicinn Extnordinaryto the Queen.— Tbls invaluable medicine is nut-tiling in the cure ofnll thou painful and dangerous diseases to which the female coutiludou is subject. IL moderates In excess and removes all gbatruc tiuus, Ind a weed; cure may be relied on. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly united. 11. will, in 1 short time, bring on the monthly penod wllh reguluity. Each bottle. price One Dollar, bars the Gov ernment Sump of Grent. Britain, no prevent. countarfeiu. CAcrloxPTheu Pills uhonld not .be taken by females during the fir“ three months of Pregnancy, ‘3 they are sure to bring on His carriage, but“ any other time Ihdy are ufe. In All can of Nervous And Spind Afl‘ectjons, Pain in the Back nnd Limbs, Fnziguc on alight excflidu, Pzdpitation of the "can, Hysteric: and Whites, thuc Pill: will efl'ecl A cure than nll other man: have failed; And although I poworful remedy, do 11 \contain iron, calomrl, antimony, or any thingoxfinnfnl to the constitu lion. Full directions in the pamphle! Around each pncbge, which Iholfld be artfully present-d. Sole Agent for the United Sula and Canada, , JOB MOSES, (Llte I. C. Buldwink 00..) Rochester, N. Y. N. B.—-Sl 00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to my Authorized .\gent‘ill insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail. Jun. 11, '6O. lyeow ‘ 'rmi OXYGENATED ENTERS—Nature. in her gnu hbonlory. has stored lome remedy erupted to every disuse which “flesh in heir to.” But it requires the investigation and re~ aetrch of the philosopher'to discover and Apply um remedy. Such research and investigation bu succeeded in discovering a remedy for met no“ dictire dilpensnlion: lhe [)YSPEPSIA! WM: nll its lessor and numerous (will; end it . may be safely asserted that untiE the appenrnncei of the Oxygennted Bitters n case of Dyspepsin cured In: a rare experience in medical pram-l tice. Now under the influence of these Bitters. the rule is to cure, the rue exception, fnilure to cure. g £BOK THErLADY 0? 101 m JONES, ESQ, Well known Ind much respected in the southern part of New Jersey Snnnu, N. J., Jun.l7, 1860. Messrs. S. W. Fowu & C0.,- 1 Ein:—l have taken more or less of the Oxy-l gehued Bitters for the lut three years. end; tun been much benefited by their use. Ihnve' been much troubled with Dyspepsin {or many, lan put, Ind found nothing that afforded me I nny relief nhtil I used the Bitters. I do mast, cheerfully recommend their nu- to all who arel mm with that compltint. Yours. to, ‘ ‘ DEBORAH JONES. ‘ :20)! DP. WHITE. ‘ [Axum T 109; co., Pg, Aug. 16,‘58. ‘ Ihnve mod the Oxygennted Bitters in my practice.vith decided EUCCCSI in dcbility nnd genus! proxmtion, fit, and confidentinlly re commend it in general dehility And disenu of the digestive orgnnl. I". H. WHITE, H. D. fi-Prepnred by SETH W. FOWLS 1 CO.. Boston, and for sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettys- ‘ burg; E. Hiteshew, York Springn; Wm. Wolf, H Beriin; Solomon“ Chroniner, Hemptonr Inch Fulweiler,lummuburg; D. R. Hollinger, y Afihtutown; M. Smut, Ne! Oxford; John ./ , unknown; sud by dealer: «eryvhere. Job. 4, 1861. 4‘ ‘ TO CONSUMPTIVES —The Adntmer, h". ”beet restored to health in 3 few weeks by I "dab-pl. remedy, the: hulng “fend seven! you! 'in; severe lung gflection, um! um and db“, Omufipdohil union: m nah hmto his renouncmn the mum orcnrc: I'6 a who Gain n, he will send I copy of the ”mimic: met! (free a! charge,) with the W for Wag And using the name, i will In a II" Cure for Consump- Bmchmt, te. The only object ‘or them in tending the preoctiption is to “It the m, t! cpl-ad infimmfion «twin-m to N hula-bin. And he wiflwtmr will try his remedy, u it ”than nothigg, and my prove a bloc. v', " within the prescription will plan 3:1 “{MLBB A.“ “1.805. .c " ‘ Whats, Kings county, of. :3, mo. 1, New thk. iIiCMI GmYSBURG—Sncun u". Superfine P10nr.........................4 50 to 4 75 Rye P'10ur................................. 3 00 White “he“! 11 to l 10 Red Whent................................1 03 ‘0 l ‘2 Corn . .............. 45 Rye..........................'..........u.m 62 Out! .-.. 17 Buckwheu..... Clover Seed ... Timoly Seed Flux Secdm... Plucr of Pnil Hun: ground, per tug Pork BALTIXOBI—Pmun u". _... Am... 5 25 to 5 31 _... 2 15 :01 65 08 to 72 ~.. 58 lo 65 ‘... 28 to 3‘ G "a u 5 11 ... 2 60 to 2 87 .. 8 00 to 9 50 7 75 In 8 15 ....13 00 mu DO 1'! to la 61 00 Flour. Wheat Rye Corn... 011:... Clover Eeed. Timothy 5eed................ Bcc! Cattle, per hund....... Hogs, pcr hund.............. Hay.............................. Whiskey .................. ...... Guano, Pernvhn, per ton HANOVER—Tannin! u". Flour, from input"... ....... Do. from aloru-.................. Whom .................................... Rye.....................-«..."mum... C0rn....................................... 0M1.......;..................... .......... Clown- 5ecd.................... ......" Tim0thy‘b‘eed...............u....,..... P1uter...................-.............. Public Sale. ! runway, a. 1m day oil/uni ml, the ] lulgncnber, intending to discontinue fum flng. ‘ill tell It Public Snle, It hi: residence, sin Bnllcr town-hip, Adnnn euunly, within in]! 3I mile of Middlcwwn, the following 'Tlilllble Perm-11. Property, viz: 4 HEAD OF WORK IIURSI-ZS, (one of them I brood mlre, with 3!oal,) 4 had of Hilch Co", Young Calla; ‘lot or Hogs, n Nlrrowou'eld WI‘OII' Blf‘Clr- Iringo, Wood Bed, Limo Bed. Gnln Drill, “one I Rake, W'lnuoning Mill, Culling Box, Plonghs, , Hurownfinltiuton, Double Ind Single Shovel ‘l’loughe. Corn Fork, 1 pair of heavy Breech lunch, 1 pair of Front Gnu, Bun Cluinl Ind ‘Long Trncel, Brmk 01mins. Colllrl Ind | Bridlel, Wagon Saddle, 1 m ofllmen. Sleigh. r large Sled, “11W. tin-i Chninl, Cour Chill". 2 l Log Chline. Double Ind Single-Trent, Sprud lers, Grind-none, Wheel-barrow, Grlin Ind :Cloffl" ('rmllee, flowing Scylhu, Axes, Maul: Innd Wedges, Forkl, Rnkcn; Hly by the lon, ‘Corn nud om by the buihel, to. Aldo, Tlblo, l(‘lmirm Kitchen Cupbonrd, Cooling Stove, Slut Vessels, Cider Barrels; I qqumy of Bncon, I lot of “vet! and bored Posts. Ind 1: lot. of Chestnut Shinglel. with I vuiety of ‘ other articles, too uumeron- to mennon. E E's-dc to commence at. 10 o'clock. A. .\L on said day, when nuendlnce will be given and ltcrms nude known by Feb. 25, 1861. u- Public Sale. .\' Tea-fay. III: 19M day of March next, the O suhscriber, Admininntdr of theutnte of Barnum Dnnnonn. dcrensed, will sell M Public Sale. It the late nuidence of said de censed, in Franklin township. Adams county. within half: mile of Mundurfl"! .\lill, the [ol luring vnluuhle Personal Property, \‘iz: 5 HEAD OF HORSES, ll hem! of Cats and Young Guile, 1 Brand-trend anon. will: B( d. l Narrow-trend anon. 1 One-horse anon, (he Wand-work of: Hind-earring!- for n Broad (reed Wagon. 1 Bocknwny Buggy, 1 Sleigh. Mluny Reaper, Threshing Machine. Grain Drill. Fodder Culler, Winnowiug Hill, Cutting Box, Corn Sheller, Rolling Screen, Hung!!! and Harrow”. Single and Double Shovel l’lnuglli, Feed Trough, House Grunt, Double and Single- Trcc-. Spreaderfl, Log Clnin, Ilulter and (‘ow Chaim, Grain Cndle, Mowing Scythe. Jnck screw, Grindstone, Axes, M-uh Ind Wedges, unlocks, Forks, Shovels, We, and other im plements. When, Rye, Unis and Porn. by Ike bu=hel; Hey by the van; 1 lot In! Lumber; I Shot Gun, and n vertex, of other articles, 100 unmeronl to mention. ”Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.. on said dsy, w hen ultvudnnce will be given Ind term: mndc known by ' BENJAMIN DEARDORFF. Feb. 25, 18131. ts Adnwn'urulor. Washmgton Hotel, KW OXFORD. ADAMS COUNTY, PA.— N The undersigned. luv ng bike!) the Ibore nmned well-known Ind populnrhonse, former ly nceupied by In. lilcy, Ind more recently by J.F.Beck,uke3 pleasure in Innouncing to his friends and the public thn he is prepared to receive and enteruin guests in I style not to be excelled by any country hotel. The house huing been repaired Ind newly furuilhedwilh everything calculnud to make gucau comfort able. the public any real-Issued that they 1111, u all times. find it inscondition united tolhe comfort and convenience oflhe traveler. With good rooms and clan beds, it nukes I most desirable place for trunient Ind permnen boarders. ’ Ilia bar is always supplied with the choicest wines, bundles, gins, kc. "is table LI Ilwnp supplied with lhe best the markets Ifl'urd. And 11l other npplinnces suit able Ind necessary, for the nrcommodnllon of mun end bun. with tuithfut and obliging ler unu,and hie own per-om! nttention nnd super vision. he will leue no man tampered to merit the public pnlmuge. The proprielor usnm those who may fuor him with their petronnge, thet they Ilnll ever meet I ith I cordlnl reception nthll home, and that everything «tenth! to the convenience and heppinel’l of hi: guests shall be extended to. Aha in connection with this houu, in ex tenlire aubling launched for horses. HENRY L. BERKIIEIIER. Feb. 25, 1861 Patent Mica Lamp MINER—A Luu Cum: 3" run mu. :0? Baal—This gran invention commends itself to every one nsmg COAL 01L LAMPS._— It gives more light, require. leu cluning and will not. break by the but or cold, fdhng or lay ordinary usage. For ule by Storekeeper: Rencmlly throughout. me United States sad the 'Canad 11, and “'holcsalc by the Hnuufucturerl and Yankee. HOELNING k HUMP}! REY, No. an N. Second Street, Philnd’n. N. B. A lug: uni luperior stock of COAL OIL LAUPS, always on hand,“ prices defy-mg competition. Also. the Portland Coal 0:1, It Mnunfacxuren’ price. [Feb. 25, 1861. M Last Notice—Gas Stock. OSL'BSCRIBERS OF STOCK—Fument T of {be FIFTH INSTALLMEhT upon AD DITIONAL Subscriptions to the Capxul Stock of the Genysburg Gas Company. due on Lhe In of March. 1861, and of all ABREARS 0! Subscription: to said Capiul Stock. In requir— ed to be and: without. delay, to Joli. 8. DA:- xn, the Trensurcr. $8; the Act of Assembly raining :0 Gl3 Companies. if notice for the payment of sub acriptionl of Stock be not. complied with, the Company can require one per cenlum per month intern-t on the Amount due and unpud. I. JACOBS, Pru’t. D. IcConcam, Sec‘y. Feb. 25, 1861. td Notice. DA! YEAGY'S ESTATI—Letm old- A ministration on the estate of Adun Yet”. to of Stnbu towmh‘ Adame county, de~ cased, hning been raged to the undenigu ed, residing in the same township, be hereby given notice to all persons indebted to aid estate to nuke immediue payment, end ehou burn; chin“ :gtiust the “me to present. the. properly numemiuled for leulcment. HENRY WITMOR, Adm‘r. Feb.2s, 1861 a: I Will Exchange, 37 {Air terms, I choice Farm in [on o O Hiuam, for Red Estate in Adm county Jm.11,1861. 4t GEO. ARNOLD. Henry Hughes. ADDLE AND HARNESS lAKER, Ginn- S nous, P 1... lining jut framed (run {an3 to the Gm Eaten. in w sppphod mu: 5 lug. W wt was; Bullets, Tush, Yflku, te. Gin In. n «1!. Aug. 13, moo. m ‘5 4.0010412 1760.01 00 116 650 100 600t0660 Cure Frosted Feet, Chum-ins. Stifl‘ Joinu, Chronic Rheumatism, Sore Throat. Settle; Fever, ud_ the lune nude to vulk, by stew boulu. fili- 011 (De Gnlh‘l) II Iniid nnd Menu“, 1! b a. mat Emily Modicipo for childnq teething, kc. [Adieu uhauld I“ use it. It nlnyl luv" you boner thin in find. you, and on bottle on..- cures entirely. ‘ 462 525 11210120 60 45 37 425 200 02'; nmmn Tlllfll.‘ inn up ovum I! on VIII Bud letter from Rev. Juk- Temple. Prof. 0001185: I In" been tllicud for thirteen yam with Four-lg“ ud other pninful complaint-a, And I but been unable to clap mildly or Wk my (11-tug“ for any you-I put. but week I got n bottle of your “ Eleo- Irfc Oil." The first night I slept soundly Ind well, ud My Inn 1 new In. I] wit. could not belt-n her eyes. Your Electric Oil bu don. in one tech vhu the phyllcluu of l’hihddphin failod to do in thirteen you). Gutefully yours, ' REV. JAMES TEMPLE, 310 South Street. ProL‘Dc Grub: )ly broth" ha been den! for Him yearn. After trying Inn, things, he nud your Oil 3 fev limen. And i: cured him en tirely. CLIFFORD B. SCIMNTON. (harlot—Then are uni-trou- imitation sprung up on the repnutiomn my :rdclo bu Acquired. The pnblic'mult bur-re. They Ire worthleu. Sold by I“ Drugghu. DepoL 11'! Somh Eighth street, Philudelphin. Pub. 25. 1861. an: 0 YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKBRST U YOU WANT A XUSTACUE! ~ JEREMIAH DLEHL The subscriber: (Ike pleasure in Announcing (o the citizens of the United Sula, llmt. they have chained lhc Agency for, and Ire now en abled to ofl'er to the American public, the Above justly celebrated and wotld-renorned Article. THE STIII‘LATING ONGI‘ENT is prepnrcd by Dr. C. P. Bunsen“, an emi nent physician of London, um! I: warranted to bring out 1 thick u! of WHISKERS OR A )[I‘STACIIE in from three to six weeks. Tlm article In the only one of flu- kmd med by !hc Pram h, and in London Ind Pan: ll it in unh‘erul unc. it h n beautiful, economical, loathing. yet stimultltlgg compound, utiug an it' my magic upon the roots, canning - beautiful worth of luxuriant heir. It lpplied lo the Icalp, it will cure nun-In. and muse to spring up In plnce ol' the held spots a fine grortli of new hunt.— Applied necoruing to dlrections. it ‘ill turn RID or Low; heir run, end restore gray heir to in original color. lem ing it so“, smooth, Ind flexible. The " Uscun'r" is an indiipeuslhle article in fiery gentlemtn'l milct,nud alter one week‘s use the: [cult] not for Any consid emlion be without it. 31 Friday, tho 8:}: day of Mart-l next, the O snhlcriher, intending to quil forming, mll ull nt Public Sole, It hit ruidence. in Franklin township. All-nu county. within-l mile of New Salem, (laugh-urn) the following Viln nblc Personal Propeny, viz: 4 HEAD OF GOOD WURK ‘HUBSES, l One-yen old Colt, 8 Much Con, (one of them freon.) Young CM.- tle, Bogs, Sheep, 1 Four-hone Nnnow-tmd I'ngon, the Wood-work of o Four-hone Three lnch trend anon. (well unoncd,) new Win no'ing Hill, Plough: Ind Harm's, Single Ind Double Shovel Plough, Corn Count, Sleigh Ind Sled. Cuttlng Box, Ely Curio“, Bone Rake. Single and Double-Trees, Four-horse Spreader, Horse Geno, of null delcriptionl; Forkl and Rukel, Cow Cluins, Log Chulnl. Feed Trough, lllk Trough, Ind o vnriety of other oracles, too numerous to mention. fiSule to sommenco n. 9 o'clock. A. 11., on uid dny, when unenduhce will be given and tern! nude known by WILLIAM TOUT. Feb. 18,1861. u ' P PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The lub- Icrihers. Executor: of Jon: MILLII. de— cmed,wlll sell at Public Sole, :t the lute real denco of said deceued, in Reading townlhlp, Adam: county. I mile east of Hampton, on Tunday, the lit) day of larch next, the following valuable Person-l Property. rlx: 4 HEAD OF HORSES, 2 Colts, 9 lilch Cown, Young Clt de, 1 Brood Sow Ind 3 Shoots, Sheep, 1 Brood trend Four-horse Wagons. (one of them with bed, bows and cover.) the Wood-work of. Broad-trend Four-horse anon, (well leuon- ML) 1 Narrow-trend Two-horse Wagon, l Rocknway Buggv. the bolf inleresl in a Thresh ing Machine. the halfinterest in I Corn Shel~ ler and I Grain Drill. Horse Gears, Plonghl. Burrows, Hay Ladderi, Limo Bed, Wlnl‘oviing Ill]. Cutting Box. Douhle and Single Shovel Ploughs. Double nnd Single-Trees. Spreoders, 4 Log (‘hmuel and other Chains, Halter! Ind Cow Chaim. Forks, Rakes. Shovels, Picks, Muttocfs. Crow Bur, Grindstone. Wheelbarrow, Grmu Cradle, lowing Scythemmd other for-- in; uticlel. Also. Household und Kitchen Furniture. viz: Bed. and liedstnda, Toblel, Churn, Rocking Choir. Smude.l'ooklngSlove, Clock, Loolung Glue, Cheats, CtbbogeCulwr, Tin-wore. Barrels, Bench“, Apple Butter and Dried Fruit. Bacon wd Lord, and I v-riel, of other uticlu, too numeroxu to mention. “-811: to commence It 9 o‘clock, A. [,on and dny. when ulcndnnce will be KIVCD Ind term. nude known by ADAM MILLER, SOLOMON MILLER, ADA! G. MILLER W. 'l'. quun, Auctionect. Ewan. Feb.)8,1861. u. Home. w'XZ%C!W.. ..{~ ‘. .. ’ up...“ . . De drath's meothe Oil, OR the (Mining (not arcquning.) Wu rnnhed to Cart Fem nud'Agnc in on day; (‘11:. CM“: h: fixe minutts; gnflml in one night: in was. in twu to {out dlys; Cue Burunud Sums inlenminmu; ‘ Cure Bpn‘uu, Wound: Ind Bruises in from on» three days; Cure Inflammation in one dny; Cure Nonnlgin, Cruup,Tuom-che, BurmJn ten minute“ Cure Bomorrhsge, Scrofnln, Abscm, in ten «1173; Care Bruins, Wounds, Tenet, in one to three dnyn; Cue Esnche. Stu! Neck, Ague. in one dny; ' Cure Fulani. Broken Bren-t, Snll Rheum, in three toaix d-yl; Cure Quinsy. Pnlpilndon, Plcnrily Sn one to m dnys; Cure Alana. Plll)‘, Gout, Brynipelu, in five to twenty do”; Philadelphia, June 9th, 1856 DIA'IIII CUIID New "Inn, Shy 19th,18$8 YOU \usr x'sn’cnm BELLIA'OIIAH'S CILIIIATID Stimulating Onguent, FOR THE WHISKERS AND HAIR The subscribers are me only Agents for the nrticle in the Unitcd Shun, to whom I“ order npst be uddrcued. Price One Dollar A box—for sale b 111 Druggists Ind Denlers; or A box of the “(igu ent" (nu-unwed to have the desired cfl'ecl) will he sent. to any who desire it, by mail (di ru-L) lecuroly pncktd. on receipt of price Ind pounge. SI lrl Apply to or nddreu HORACE L. HEGEKIAN k CO., nlcaolns, ec., 24 Willhm Street, New York. Feb. 25. 1861. 6!!) - Public Sale. Large Sale AGDALENA XOHPOBT’S ESTATE.— batten of adminhtntion on the eat-to of - ennllonfqrt, Into ofStmbul up" Mann county, decanted, bnving been granted to the undersigned. raiding in the ulna township, be henby gives notice to a.“ persons indebted to aid auto to nuke immodim payment, Ind thou huing chuml against the um. to present them propefly nntbhnticntod {or settlement. JOHN G. BRINKERHOFP, Ad-‘r. . Feb. 4,1861. 6t Turnpike Election. THE Stockholdcrl in the York And Getty!- burg Turnpike Rand Company are hereby notified Lbs: an Election for President, Man ngen And Treaunrer, to conduct the thin of the o°“:me will be held in the Bulking-hon“ of Chulea 'eiser, inThl‘bq h 0 Yo: on Wednesday, 1M 131‘ day ofmh «41,. b: mm the hours on mdfi o'c k, P. X. J 833, Scc’y. 1.3.13, 1351. u \P“ 0. CAR by n fim‘ of E. KNITEQ, FORKS, g! , . ' Patrician: '. ~ m N W‘x’q', (MM%_o,' 1M“, tie luhs zhflflflfin‘b qfii Twinkdll lo llt PIN]: do, fix Morbud “VI-Mp. Adm" county, than! 1 all“ M. 000M217, use {allay} vduble Persona! Pmeny. viz: 6 head MM HORSES. 1 You“. OOLT, I 2 .\lllffl'm S. 2‘ Durham Hoifer 7W3- HAM 3011..)wa Bull 11 {Mid}? Young Uaule, I Chou-r County éo'nd Boar of flu.- um km“. c Brod sun, 17 heal of M. I Brond and 1 Surat-mad Wynn, 4 net: of Wagon Henrsfl thz' Spfing \Vngon. wnh Hum-as, tC-m.\g¢, l set. M Carnage Hatrnen, 1 New Jersey Reaper, Urniu DnH, Corn Shell", Cutting Box. Ruuhmg Horse “the. Patent HnyFork, Hay Bo", “'mnmnn; Mlll, Ploughs. Harrow", Single and Double-Trees.(Whitman, Grundatone, Cross-cm Snw, Forka, Hoes, Sh inch. Spain-1.1 pair Buking Irons. )lnmcks, Picks, Stone Drills, Slwlges, Log Chain, Ladder 20 feet long, .\lunng Sqlhcs, Crow Bars,‘ Chest of Tools, kc. Also a l-rgc and elegant variety of Houuhuld and Km hm Furunure: 1 SPRING-SEAT SOFA, I Sprin. Rocking Chnir, 1 (June do., 1 Marble-mp l’ior Table, Curd Table, Looking Glnsscs, Bureaux, Bed ltelds, Dining and Brenkfut Tnbles, 2 Seneca, Wish Sunnis. (Home: Press, Ingraiu Ind Rag Cupcung, High Corner Clock Mnntle 8-day do., n Duublc-burelcd Gun. 1 Single-barreitd Gun, Ind I "may ofotbcr articles, too numch ous to mention. » was]. to com-once u 10 o'clock, A. 31., on aid dny, when nuendance will be given and lenm made known by GEORGE W. BOSE. Feb. 11, 1351. u Public 13.03. N Thinning, the 1M duty of Hard next, the nub-crib“. intending to quit. fanning, will so l as Public Solo, u bin relidcnce. in Hummu bul'x, Adam county, the following Pornoml Property, 'in: ' 4 HEAD OF [109838.(ou l nun vllh (0:1,) 1 Two-yen: old Cola, Con ad Young (huh. I Plnntuion anou, (three-lush mad.) Limo Bed, Uny Cnrriage, Horse Gem. GnimDrill, (Pennock’s Psalm) Wiunol’ing Hill, Cutting Box, Ploughtnd Burton, Double nnd Singla Shovel Plough», Double And Single Tr. Sprenden, Lime Sled, Grnin Cradle, Torn, BIKES, Ind n "rial; 01 other tuning Imple lulu. Q'Snle to commence at 10 o’clock, A. 31., on said dny, when utendnnce will be gym Ind u-nnl nude known by JACOB EICHOLTZ. Jon: Hun, Auctioncer. Feb. 11,1891. u Personal Property 'l‘ PUBLIC S.\LE.-—-The undersigned will A lell In Public Snle, on M, Me In day 0] limb W, nt his residence in 800-ugh town, :1 the rond leading from Gettysburg to Hanover. about 5 mile: from the former ploce. the following Personal Property: 3 GOOD HORSES, 4 good )lllch Con, some fresh, 1 fine Durham Bull, Young Unule, n 100 of Shouts, l‘l‘hrenhing LII-chine Ind Hone Power; Bees Ind Bee “iron. 1 Fodder Cutter, Hominy Machine, I Four-horse Wagon, Stone Bed, flny Lnddcro,l One-horse Wagon, Plonghl, Enr rovrl, Home Gen", to. All", Boy by the ton, in lot of Cheolnul Rnlln. (‘nrringe and llnrneu, Hounehold nnd Kitchen Furniture, #O., to. ”Sale to commence in 9 o'clock, L it, on cold day. when nllcndlnce will be given nod terms nude known by JAMES SWUI’B. Feb. 11,1861. u. Public Sale. N Thursday, M! '10: day of March next. the O subscriber will I!“ M Public Sale, in ii: residence. in loumplcunnl townlhip. Adams county, hnlfl mile north of-Squure Corner Post Uflire, and one mile from Seufl'l Mill, the fol luwing mlunl-le l’erwuul l’ropcrty,ril: TWO WORK HORSES, 2 splendid Calls, (1 one-year old and 1 two yenrs ) 4 Co". (1 ohbcm fresh.) 2 heu’y Bulls, Young Cattle, l Broad-tread Three nud Four~luone Wagon, Lime Bed Ind Fen-dTrongh, ‘.‘ i’lougln. llnrruwShovrl Plough, Corn Fork, l‘ield Roller, Cultivuor, “my Lud ders, 'lO feel lomz. Forks, Rakes, Slim-ell, llnl u-rn, Bun nnd Emu mains, Cow Chains. Log Chaim. Stretcher-I, Single And Double-trees, Horse Guru. Jack Screw,Grniu Cradle, Clovlr neg! Urn-lie; Beds Ind Bt‘dlltldl, Tables, Chairs. Ten—plate Stove Ind Pipe, iron Kenlo, Men Yes-ell. Potntou by thc bushel, Empty Barrels. and many other articles, too numerous to menlion. , ”Sale to commence at 10 o‘clock. A. IL. on said d: y, when Attend-ace will be given and terms made known by was WILL. J‘con Run. Autioneer. Feb. 4, ISGI. u' Public Sale. HE subscriber, inlendiuglo quit farming, will a? It. Public Sale, on Jammy, W l ltlt yof Jlurr and. Il his residence in llomillon ban township, Admin coun‘, on the Cold Spring road. ebout 1; miles north-cut of Fair ficld, 1 mile from Eikcr‘s Blacksmith Shop, and i of: mile from the Cnshtown road, the follow ing Personal Property. viz: 2 ll?“ offlrst-ntc WORK HORSES, (one of which is s tune with (0:1,) 1 Two-yurlmg Colt, (blooded,) 4 Hilch Cows, (fresh,) 1 Durham Bull, 5 held ononng Cattle, llogl, .gmong which in n brood l0',) Horse Genre, reechhnnde, Cruppere, u not of Clrringe fitness, Suddlu, Bridles, in, l Three-hone Wagon, gqnlte new.) 1 Spring anon, Hl] Ladderl, tone Bod, Wlnnowin‘ lill, Ploughs, Harrowl, Shovel Plonghn, Cul tivator, Corn Forks, Single and Double Trace, Grindltone, Crou-cut Bow, Bone Elke, Forks, Rekel, to; Hey by the ton; I lot of Bacon; Cupboards, Ten-M Store end Drum, with n nriety 0! other Articles, too numerou to mention. fl-Salc to commence a: 11 o'clock, A. l, on aid (by. when atundure will be given Ild terms made known by 030. C. GRASS. Peb.4,1861. u Public Sale. HE Inbocribeu will {oil A: Public Solo. on FM], W 64‘ «wild mt, o! theirreei once, in Smbon lovnlhip, Adnul enough“ miles from New Chester. the following I’eno Property, lez 1 COWS. 5 hood of Young Cattle, Sleigh. Horne Gears. Coll-n. Bridlel. Grindstoney Shovel Plough. Bc. Bede Ind Bedding, Corner Cupbonrd, 1 Stereo, pad other Articles, too numeron to mention. fi‘Sole to commence It 1 o'clock,P. 1.,0n uld do], when onendonce will be given end terns nude known by CHRISTIAN MILLER, GEORGE F. KILLER. A. Ln", Auctioneer. Feb. 11,1861. 3‘ > H. G. Carr , ASjnlt received A very fin‘umrfinent o! CURRANTS, FIGS, ILAISL S 8 PRESS-8. Also - tplendid onido Lxcflomh' (mum'— 111 at which are used for booking purpoau, kc. Just call nod exunine them. Don't forget (he piece, righ‘ oppolite the Bank, in York “reel. Taxes for 1859. TATE and Coumy Tlxes for 1859 outstand- S ing in the Borough of Gettysburg, must be paid withou‘ delny, u the Collector 'u come pellcd to mu: up hil Duplimte. l'pon and: u are not puid by me In of [Arch non, lulu will be brought. EMANUEL ZIEGLER, Collector. Fob. 11,1861. Notice. ILLIAH PANEBECKER’S “TATE.— Lettcrs testamentary on the estate of Wil hm Plneberkerfiate of Union twp.,Adnml co., deceased, having been granted to the under ligned, residing in the umeto'nship, be hereby given notice to all persons indebted to nid estate to muke immediate payment, Ind those hnving claims against the nine to prelen! them properly nutbenticnted for settlement. mount, {:llsz Ex‘r. Feb. 4,1861. m ~ ‘ ' Notice. ‘N 7 M. WISOTZKEY’S ESTATE—Loner: of Administrltiou on the ante of Willinm Wiaolxkey, Inc of Geuyaburg, Adam: coun ty, deceased, having been mated to fine undersigned, residing in the suns place, be hereby gives notice to all parsonu indebud to aid cunt: to nuke immediate psymonl, and those hung clsinu against the sum to prmnt them properh nutheuticated for letuement. bum 21301.33, 83., Ada'r. Jnnuuy 28, 1861. 6:. ~ ' 800" t 801', m telling Cloth, Cu- A. timer", Cuinatb, Jam, an! d! link omutic Good: chap. am sad ml CIEMEI Paarsséié'fim, £53325, J. J. Herron, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. —Ufiico on Bultimora street, nearly oppo nu Fnhnutock Brolhtrn' Store. Ganyaburg, Och l, 1860. L! D. McConaughy, TTORXI'H' AT LAW, (office one door we“ A of Bushler'n drug Ild book Iwrc,(shnm~ her-bum urea.) Anon“ AX!) smm ”on. you I’nn‘rs no I’nsxovs. Bounly Land Wu runu, Etch-pay suspended Claims, and all other claim: Against tbc Gournmcnt uv. Wuh ing'on. D. 0.; nlsoAmenctn Clliuuin Eu‘lmd. Lind W‘rnnts located and lold,or bought,and highest prIL‘ES zn'cn. Agents engaged in lo cntlng warmnu in lowa, Hlinoil and other InternSutu. H'Apply to him person-n; or by letter. Golly-burg, Nov. 21, ‘53. J. C. Neely, TTORNEY AT LAW, will “tend to colloc tionl Ind :11 other buuineu inunud to bu an with pronptnesl. 05:. In the 8. E. cornvr of the Di-mond, (formerly occupied by Wm. B. McClellAn, Bug.) Getty-burg, April 11, 1859. d Wm. B. McClellan, TTORNEY AT LAW.—-0!fico in West!”- Adle Itreet, one door we“ of the new our: Hon-n. Gettysburg. .\‘ov. H, 1859. A. J. Cover, HORXEY AT LAW, vull promptly stand to Collection: Ind All other business en lrnned to him. Office between Fuhncntockl' and Dnunerl Ziegler'n Stores, Baltimore street, Gutylbnrg. Pt. [Sept 5, 1859. 3%. Wm. A. Duncan, w flokxnx At LAW.—Ofice in m North wut corner ofConu-e Squre, Gettysburg, -. V (Oct. 3, 1859. t! Edward 13. 8119111913. TTOBNBY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to all buslncu éntrnnad to lm. He Ipelkl the Germnnlnugunge.— Odin At the lame pluce, in Scum Baltimore “not, near Fomey's drug “are, mad neuly oppulw Dtnner 8 Zleglcr'l uore. . Gettysburg, Much 20. J. Lawrence Hm, M. D. AS his 054:. on. .4 doorwanohhef’ %" Lutheran church in Chlmbenburg “not. and opposite Picking'l non, when thou Wilking to have any Denul Opultion performed are reopectfully invited to can. Run-mu: Du. Honor, Rev. C. P. Knuth, D. 0., Rev. E. L. Bnugher, D. 13., Rev. Prof. )1. Jacob, Prof. )l. L. Sung. Gelsynbfarg. April 11, '53. 11.; . Tmmngx filming! HI! undersigned respectfully inlorml ll:- T ci'ilenn of Getty-par; sad the public gen emlly.thn he has opened I new Tinuing fi mblinhmeut. in Chlmberlburg street, directly opposite Christ Church. He will mlnufulura, snd keep wnsnntly on hand, every variety 0! TIN-WARE, I'IIESSED and JAPAN-WARE, and will tl'lyl be Ind; to do REPAIRING. ROOFING Ind SPOUTING Iho done in the but manner. Pricu Incidents, und no effort. Ipsred :0 render full ntisfn‘ction. A almre of the public'l putromge h ooliciu-d. A. P. BAL'GHER. chylbu’g, June 13, 1860. 1y $lOO,OOO Guarantee. UCK \‘VHITE LEAD AND WASHINGTON ZIXC BUY TIIE’ BEST. BUCK LEAD, 100 pound: will cover A! much surface A: 120 pound- of other White Lead. BUCK LEAD, Painting done with pure Buck Lead is twice“ dunble u oUler lkudl. BUCK LEAD, Is whiter Ind more brillinnt than any other known While Lead DUCK LEAD, h luperior to the fluent English White Ludfor lonneu and beauty. BUCK LEAD, Every Body Should Buy Buck Lad WASHINGTOX MEDAL ZINC, II Inpcrior to any other Zinc in u}: world {or extreme whiteness and brilliancy WASHINGTON lEDAL ZINC, II nnriulled for body or covering property, 50 pounds will do u much pninling u 75wunds of other line. WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC. KM no equal [or dnnbility, it wean twice :5 long as other Zinc Pndnt. FRENCH, RICHARDS & 00., “manufacturers, Tun up Nun? Sun", Pnlunnrnu. ”For Isle by BANNER t ZIEGLER, Get.- tysburg, PA. [Dan 10, 1860. On: Election. ETTYSRURG GAS COM RANK—The An nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the 'Genynburg Gu Company, for the purpose of electing I President Ind Six Man-gen of mid Conpuy. to serve for the canning year, will b. held a. Hon-icy, an «I. day o].th um, between the hours of 1 ad 4 o’clock, l’. M.,of said d-y, It IcComghy’s Hall, In the Borough of Get tysburg. I. JACOBS, PM D. McConcaaY, Secretary. Rob. 13, um. td Assignee's Notice. undersigned, lining been Appointed An‘gnn, under I deed of trust for the benefit of creditnn, of heel Buywl sud LYDIA, ht wife, of Union townshif, Adan comfly, notipe I: hereby given to :1 penan knowing Ihmselyn indebted to aid Antiguon to nuke immedilu pnyment to the undersign ed, residing in the sum township, Ind than Influx claim: ngnlusnhe “me to present then propuly authenticated for nulemeut. LEVI D. MACS, Amy-um: Feb.18,!861. w Notice. AHUEL PAHNESTOCK‘S ESTATE—Let ter: test-mentally on the estate of Bunnel Flhnntock, late of Gettynburg, Adnmn county, deemedyhnving been unrated to the under signed, residing in the “me place, they hereby give notice 10 I“ person. indebted to uid estate to make immediate payment, :96 those hning chime against the same to pre lent them properly authenticated for nettle ment. JAMES F. FARNESTUCK, HENRY J. FAHNRS’TCCK, EDWARD G. FAHNESTOCK, Feb. 4,1861. 6t Exec-Ito". Removal. HOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR SE STORE—The subscriber has removed hi: olunlo nnd Rcuil Liquor Store from l’Ailrood “not to York Itrert, opposite the Bonk. where he will keep constantly on bnnd I full Inpply of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Ll- QUORB, canal-ting of Brandy, Whiskey, Hol hnd Gin, Wine, tnd nll other kinds of Liquors, which be will lell u the lowest rates. Give him a clll. G. W. BOWEN. Gettylbnrg, Feb. 18, 1861. u Bargains! ABGATNSY BARGAINSI—We would call the attention of our cultomen and other! who wish to buy cheap goods, that we are do. krminedto close out our entire flock of Ladiea' Dre" Goods, Sharla, he“ km, at can prices, {or cash. Our flock comprises all the actual! fulfionable atylca, in French Merino”, Cash. mere], Delainea, Printed Merinoes, Plaid], Ameline Cloths, Oriental Luau“, Wool Do. laines, all‘t‘olorl, Lyonese Cloth, te., to” long and square Shawls—closing on at. greatly re duced prim. @lllng are nupectfnlly invited to call and a? our stock and pflcel, as w. are latisfiedt "I: can plea-cum quam and price. ' A. SCOTT 8 SgN. Jan. 18, 1861. The Farmers’ & Mechamco’ AV'XNGS XNSTITUII'IOH 0! ADAMS CO. S pays humus manual 2,3, 4 "d 5)“ cent. for none on deposit. Jamil, 196 i :1 ‘ 0 not forgetm ufluLSGO'flhm, D Hyou run to buy cheap Dre-S Ooodl: such in M mom, Do W , mail.- rlaioet, Ooburp, z¢.,.xl chow-uh mu: 6 m. 'r-v. m‘~:‘{‘av‘}. - .l’ National Hotel, ITTLESTOWN, ADAMS ($O.. PA.—The undenigncd, huing lcucl mo Nation-J Hotel, (Railroad House,) in Linlestown, uku um method a! informing the pul.lic of thc fuel», and o! the funher fact that. he will spare no ef forno plan all who mly puronizc him. Ilia Table will ulwnya be found to have the best the market. may Allard, whxlat his Bar null cou- Lam the choice". of Liquors. None but aneu tire Ind ucommodmiug Houlcrs w I” be talent ted uwe Hotel. Will: good bull, good fare, and I“ the other nrmagemenls of the houso good, not forgetting to mention moderate charges, he cannot {all :u give satisfaction. Ile therefote when” a share of (he puhllc’s pn- Wntgu. JOSHUA PRICE. WM. n._nonsss Ind VEHII‘LES can nlwu; u be hnd on hire at the NMlunul Hotel. Jan. 14,1861. 3m‘ Grain ! Grain ! HE snblcribcr still continues purvhui'ng‘ 11l kinds ofI‘ROUCCE, It his old stand on‘ unbeuburg mm, viz z—l-‘LOUR, WHEAT, ' 331,003.31, OATS, 8138051 ch for which the highest. {nu-kn price: will be ghen. i B‘l will lino continue my GROCERY and VARIETY 8109.3, and will keep constantly-i fim hind Groceries, Salt, Oil, Fish, Cedar-ware, 3 Dry Goodl, Confoctio'na, Plaster, Guxmo, tc.- Tfipubllc Are invited $045", I! I run determin ed‘ tell a cheap as the cheapest. JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1860. Flour, GrooarieaJidpc.’ HAVE constantly on bad, FLQUR, Corn 3nd Buckwheu “EALS. Hommony, Soup «as, Dried Fruit, snd Pickeis; SUGARS, COFFBES, Ten, Syrups, N. l). Moluses, Sin-w crop, It 50 cent: por gtllon. the very best ind for baking.) English Cheese, and every othel article usually kept in l Flour and Grocery Swre. Give me n all. WM. (HLLESHE. Gettyuburg Dec. 31 1860 9m' mm ERNABD DEARDORI-‘F’S ESTATR—Let ten 04‘ Idminiltntion on the estate 0! enurd Doudorfl, ht: of Franklin township, Adam. county, decened, having been gmud to the nnderligued, residing in the am: town lhfp, he hereby give. notice to in punch: in debted to aid 95““ to nuke immediate pny meat, and thou htvingchhm Igninlt the am: to present than propetly “mentioned for let tlement. BENJAMIN DEARDDRFF, Jun. 14, 1861. st Adm. . Notice. EBAS‘I‘IAN WEAVEB'S ESTATE—Letters S tenement-7y on the ante of Sebastian “aver, In“ of Oxford lwp., Adam. county, deoeued, lining been granted to the under signed, residing in the ume wvnshxp, be here by given notice to A“ person: indebted to mid came to make immediate payment, and hon having cinimn ngniut the nine to/fi-‘eienl them properly nnthentieuod for nettlement. _ ‘ FRANCIS MARSHALL, Ez’r. Jun. 21,1861. 6: Tyson Brothers, ROPRYETORS of the Ia'J'CFILSIOR SK I'- ? LIGHT GALLERY, G 13cm. _PA., ta c pleasure in announcing . '— pnbllc that they hue removed lotheir‘ . nEn-nsln, Sun-men? Gnu“, Muted - - o 80th Ilde or York street, opposite we Bank, And one door.- below their old smnd. The building hns been erected under their immediate supervision, and neither pains or expense has been spared in rendering their apartment. both comfortable and convenient. All the modern improvements hare been added to the workin depurlment, so that they now possess every facility for the production of first class pictures. . The first premium wus awarded them by the .\lennllen Agricultural Fair for the heat Ambro typee and Photogrnphs. Pictures of all the various styles, (including Btereoseopic,) nude on heretofore; all work executed in the best manner and guernnticd to give entiresutiafnction. They hope their friends end the public will remember, when they wish pictures taken, that the Excelsior Skyolight Gallery is near them, sad that pictures made there are nlwnys equal and often superior to Ibuee Innde inlnrge cities. in no instance do they insist upon a snle when they fail to please. The “ Excelsior" is nlwnys free to the public, and every one is cordinlly invited to pay it u visit. when they will hare no opportunity to decide of the justness of the patronage and in creasing reputation which it enjoys. S‘Lndies will find every convenience for the arrangement of their toilet. tum 0.11101. can. .1. 'n'lox, PHOTOGRAPHERS. ‘ , Jan. 21,1881. )4 91. 9 1 6 . PICKING IS XQW SELLING 6 . OVERCOATS 1t panic p‘rices. ' ' OVERCUATS a! panic prices, OVERCOATS M panic prices. DRESS COATS at panic prices, DRESS COATS M pnfiic pricel, DRESS COATS at iumic pricel. PANTALOONS at panic prices, PANTALOUNS at pnic prices, .. PAKTALOONS In plain pricel. VESTS of nil kind: It punic ptirn, VESTS ofnll kinda “panic prices, VEST‘S oflfl kindsnt panic prices. Under-shirts, Dunn. Soda. Glows. Com forts. Gentlemen'l Skulls, Ind Genu' Furnish ing Good: of every ductiplion. Aka. Huiul lnstrsmnu—Accordeons, Plum, Fires, No tion, he" to, now being 50ch very cheap, and n! prim to suit the tines. NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY—CALL SOON. Jun. 14, 1861. _ . Collateral NHERITANCB TAlPPubulhed by the I Communion". 0.! Admin county in com pliance with an Act of Auembly: The account. of chuuuu Inn, Bach Regine: of Adan:- eounty, show- the [allowing amount. «Counters! Inheriuncc Tu, received for an yen beginning Dec. Ist, 1859, and aiding Dec. In, 1860: Received from the puma-l Reyna-nth“ of the {ollowing decodenu, Vii: Polly Bishop, 317,77} Mug-rel Boyer, 4 50 Pnnm Wiliou. putitl, but: Riddlemour, latilda Sanka, pardnl, Polly Minty, Funccl Wilton, Amy Dana, 11 50 land: ScAntlnn, pint-l, 38 00 John On, 90 00 George lyerl, JohnWeiblo, Chulotle Johnston, 1 80 Christian Bhully, . 87 88 Elizabeth Lime, , 'l5 ea Matilda Soul-maul), _ 1a: Pen: Pnufin full, . 46 24 Tom, :46! u Regiam‘l 5 per cent. (at collection, -23 08 Balance, The Inbocriber, uppolnted by the Court to audit the public oflcu,urtiflu that. me than in correct, J. C. NEELY, Auditor. Feb.18,1361.;‘1fi - The Election 8 over, end “though every one un‘t hue hit with" entirely uliafled, it becomes us to "bum. The uuVimpomnt quenion for £l] men, Ind panicularly the people of Adam county, in where to buy me but. “a cheap!“ fell and win!" Clo‘hing. We unheeiutingfiy ny, It SAMSON'S—dal'n (ltupol—N. 3. corner of the Dinmond, in the old County Building. Goayebug, Oct. 16, 1860. New Goods! New Goods 1 AHNESTOGK BROTHERS would mpect fufly inform the public that they have re turned from the Cities with the urgent, cheep eet end prettielt Itock of GOODS ever opened in the County, consisting of Lediee’ Dre" Goods, Clothe, Ousimeru, Cnslinete, Vantage, Domestics, he, all of which wil! be ofl'ered no lor, uto defy competition. mm m e call. No trouble to show Goods st the efgn of the RED FRONT. Oct. 22, 1860 '. Photograp V ‘ _. ALL 11's muons Iguana gin" Ladies, ..a .. r but :tho known in die In, 10.. LG _ Pyou an It 1' ' , " '.‘. 2's ALLRBY,S32AJ-ch Street, Butte f 2mm: pass (I £3“ ‘ A ‘ Bkg Phnndqlphh. LIFE SIZE in 011 a. J as; cashing“; 13m! . ' ‘"‘ ‘_ BM“ PdrulluhAmbfotypu.Da-'Pnnc§ mam-n od,n~‘loiliv ‘ ‘3; ”Wm,'&c.,for 01m, oddliou, Firmly-Md. 0:1] soon. ‘ ‘ ‘ J»; map, In. (Ru. 1:, "so. 1: 0:; a. Mfume-roe: norm-L; ‘ X 30W”. Bung! “w nommmns “tritium :31 North Third IL, Lower Bide, Ibo" lur ket. Pmuuuruu. invite the attention of Turban. Bookseller: and Conntryllmhtfll to their «cry large Stock of School Book! pub lished in thin and other.cidel, mini) with Miacrllnnoous and Blink Boob, Paper Indy Suuoncry grncnlly. b'. B. t On. nrq puhlfllgt" era of may Poplin Works, .11ng which an the following: ' Till-2 SEIUBS OF NORXAL ARITflHKTICS, By Edward Broolu, A. M” Pooh-nor of 311th cmnllcs ln l'eumylrnnis SIM-e film-:1 School. Whatever llclp! the student to & woman v:- bnsnxnnu of his study. cusnrrla by “1' Teacher. nets :9 a poo erful stimulant upon him, while it relate: the Tuchbr from the h— hor of making explanations which would“ -, unnecessary will] a more perfert Text Book. 7, The series there named bun been publiahvd but a short time, and yet within I few month, without advertising or pufljng, the demand amounts to almost one hundred lhonsnnrl co pies. Some of their ndutntngu may be briefly stated, as follows: 1. They contain more new mutu- thin to, aimilnr series. , 3. They exhibit a. number of new arithmeticx ' éfl‘polutions to problems that. have heretofore hécu (unfilled in Algebra. 3. The matter is arranged more philosophim tally than in others, and is therefore belts: adapted for instruction. 4. No suljccu or phrases, signs or figurfl. no introduced in lessons previous to those in which they are fully explained, and the pupil in than 4 led along without the necessity of frequent an). troublvsumo explanations on the part of the . teacher. Very few elemental-y worhs hsve this merit. 5. New model of Tenching m Inflated throughout the series, and under the name of “Social Arithmetic." curious and interesting problems are introduced, which may he need with taunt-3e in wakeuing up the nttentlon, and ahlrpening the faculties of the school. 6. The key ll not only what its title imports, but it in also a complete treuisc on the nn 0! teaching Mental Arithmetic; being filled with hinu useful to the Teleber. The everyday practical value of Mental Ar ithmetic to every one who receive: or eye money, if only for the daily necessaries olPlile, in now unit‘ersnily admitted. it therefore be comes imperative upon teachers to practice the but method of teaching it. The books are benutifuliy printed on thick white paper, and nearly and tastefully bound. Their prices Ire as follows: Normal Primary Arithmetic, Normul Mental Arithmetic, Key to lienml Arithmetic, A very libergl deduction to Tcncben,lnd those who buy in qmntitlel. Single copies sent to Teachers by Mail, on‘nceim or one thinl of the above price: to pre- 3y postage. SANDER’S SERIES OF READERS, ' Consisting of Primer, 12} cents; Spcl!er, 15 cents; First Render, 15 can"; Second, 30 crnu; Third,.4o cents; Fourth, 66 cents; l-‘ihh, 75 cents; High Schoélfifi cents; Young Lndiu, 8‘ cents : and Sander'l New Speaker, 31,00 -. dc: gnntly printed; beautifully illustrated, subsum t‘mlly bound, and acid at lower priccs than any other Series of Renders. ’ wxrn's COPY Boom, An, 1 ‘xm; White, President or Pennlyivanig “Commercini Coflege. The writing in beautiful, e! simple,prncticnl and easily taught, the ‘7': , nr’boiug founded ‘on natural hub“: an!" prfiflplu. The ale has become very huge lit? in financing. 'They Alford I liberal profit to dcdcn. ' ’ PILTOX'S OUTLINE MAPS Thle series of fill Superb anl in now Adopt ed ln nlmou every school of null! in the ' ['plon, when Geography is taught, and bu no equal. . PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY ha: been intro. duced upon flu Hemisphere )lnps. all in de tails having be :30 "ranged 1510 presen't I most gorgeous amen-once, whlle they do not interfere with «oh oh- or the subject! usual ly shown upon llnpn, Incl-n cull, uiuuhl and , understood by TeuheWupfl. Price $2! ‘3 for full set of nix Hope, ohr 5610 me lsphere )lan alone. ' ’ Oct. 22, £B6O. 611: Hardware & Groary TORE.—Tbc subscrlborntill hue n ”that!“ naiortmcul offlARDWAREhGROUJZRIES, M lhuil' old ambushed “And in lithium. siren. They have just returned from the OM“ with an immense flock of Goods—consisting, in part, of BUILDING MATERIALS, Inch .5 Nata, Screws, Hing”. Bola, Loch, 01‘1“,qu «c. TOOLS, Including Edge Tools of~evuy de- Icriplion, Sun, Plnnes, Chisels, Coupon-Btu“ and Bill, Angers, Squnm, Gun-gel, nun-Inn. elc., etc. BLACKsans will find Anvill, Vices, Mp], Files, Horse-shoot, Hone-limo .\‘nila, etc. with them, very cheap. COACH FINDINGS, such u Cloth, Can"), Dwmuk, hinges, Cotton, Hon. Oil-cloth, ' Springn, AXIPI, Hahn, Bpm, Fallon, Bo", l‘ulu, Slums, etc, etc. ' t SHOE PlNDlNGS—Tnmpico, Brush Ind » French Morocco,Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lulu, Boot-trees, etc” with - gaunt-ail assortment o! Shoemakar’a Took. CABLVET-MA KER’S TOOLS—e gencrel u rorunent ; else, Vanish, Knobs, etc., etc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find e largo u sotunent ofKnivee and Parke. Brimnnie, Alb-u. end Silver Plated Table nnd Tee Spoon-,Cen dleniékn, Wailers, Shovels and Tongl, Smi lrone. Enameled and Bras Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Buckets, Chums, Cnrpeling. etc., etc. Also, 1 geneul essortment of Forged and Rolled IRON. ofull sizes and kinds, Cut, Shear, end Blister Steel, whleh they will sellu cheap u the chenput. GROCENES~I full and general uoorlmene, such as Crushed, Pulverized, Clarified, And Brown Supra, New Orleans, Wen} Indies, and Sugar-house Nolan“ and Syrups, Cofl'ee, Spices, Chocolate, fine, conree. and dairy 8a“, Linseed, Fish and Sperm Oil, Turpentine, Fieh. etc. A full assortment. of Lead and Zinc, dry Ind ln oil, also Fire-proof Paints; in fuel, almou every nrticle in we Hardware, (lunch Finding, Shoe Finding, House-Keeping, Blnchmith. Cnbinel-mukcrs, Poin'tcn, and Grocery lino .ll of which they are determined to tell at low for cub u My house out of the City. JOEL B. BANNER, DAVID ZIEGLBR- . Gettysburg, Dec. 24, 1860. It 40 00 12 50 2 69 11 87} ma Sanda’ Sarsaparflla. HE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY Jon 1" own or ALL mans:- umxo no! 19 00 AN ”(PURE STATE OF THE BLOOD.‘ Why it 1': no Highly Haunted and [fairway .Uul. Blown—[t produces the combined elem of a tonic, altemure and Itimnllflu 10 63 - medicine. ‘ BICAcsI—It purifies the Blood and upell ”to poisonous virus which engender! all ulcerous, nd empclndiuuu. Bzcu'n—lt nu powerfully upon the ”cram ,' of the body. And u. once m 0"! 3 3n impurities. Blcwu—lt does not reduce the spa. Inn I. vigqrnelit—thus requiring“ dc- $438 83 tendon from businm or plenum. BtOAßll—h mty be um by donate fem-le and children 9 :11 uuonl with safety and benefit. Blunt—lt new: bill. S‘ASK FOR $15339 SABSAPARILLA, _ . AND TAKE N 0 0?“ " fi'Prepmd by A. B. BD. SANDS, Drng- \ guts. 100.Ful!on SL, cor. of Willi-n, )1. Y. i . Forule by A. D. Bumun, Gettysburg, PI. ~ 1 Feb. 11, 1861. Im. Clothing! Clothing! JACOB R’EININGER, bu jut returned from _ the citiél with we make! and magi-tut , of SPRING AND SUHKEB GOODS {or title» . men's wear ever ofl'ered in Gettysburg. He has every variety. "Vie and price of goode. Whflo gentlemen cln elm-Ayn find (Xolh to nit Mn. tutu "they cu It the nu tile have—their . measures taken and I. m put up to out: upon the diode" notice, in Qbo nut IMI- ‘ - till manner, and (“We “:19. To mm; :. bargains end an my: to Winch” . Tlilcn'ng Eluhmhmnt o! »‘_ »_ ' JACOB BEININGRR,. ammo meet. “ . MI, 7, 1860. 15 cents. 25 si 25 "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers