, . } nooufo Jump,” | MI Co?“ ===-' - B the V 0 SBA .34!!qu odd , ‘ or t at d: n can u» W 26 Adv t 8: fifirfin'flrllng my" ' 9'" '3 WM" Bolteo 1 PO3 PhZVENTXNG BJLDXISS, and curing ‘ ' 6;, than Chen is the [cut p‘rflck «mum; or ‘ ’PORIER and Dealer i“ 'ncn rum can}: nmdni . ' " cam ouss t qzmwnz. r 67: nxuomu scmrfi'o DANOIC", _ .41 you) Bow-rd Strut, between Lexing- “a .n éumduu’mou .1 n" 3“”, ‘0- ul Faun Straw. hummus. POE nuunn' so run um, Lanna. 3'03"“ A “n" 9' hand. “F "fly {on In unequalled lo“ and manner. .1311: F‘?‘ 1“" 13, 1500. l. 1' 603 did tilk] lcfiu text-n ud up“ It ‘— “ curl nudity. Iberian Cehbrily mad {he lncnu‘mg dc. mud or thinnoeqmlled pnpgndol, marina the pmpriewi am on. Lrhl u only necessary mutiny n digcgrulng public of [u wperior qnmiu over in] other prepuulon u want in me. n dun“; m bud Ind. only from dandruflnnd um; cuuaeuul diuml, cum the hair to my luxurilnfly, nnd fire! it A rich, ooh, guns, um flexible wpeuma, Ind ‘nho when the lair i 5 Iqouuing and thinn‘ng, h. will give Hung}: and vigor m the roou, nnd restore the growth to than pun which have become bald, muting IHO yum I (nah cmcnng of hair. -‘ 9; g 8102; . ILRY, BIL 3 A 35, SHIVIR PLAT BD,'AB3, tcn— \. 3. WA 3585'. Gold and "mini, to. lo Noni GAY Sun". 51!.- . ' 08 , 0., h: in “ore n handful usortfl “dag!" and ”turn: of RICH JEWELRY: 'nlubla r ptesynu, embmcln‘ ; grout urict} of“. Ga“ Ind 8‘1: Broubu, lonics. Cut “a, 3:, W-g‘mfllmslm, Finder Kim M v] hub“. Bub], Pen), Upli, Emu-11d, ‘lCCJ‘diet' Gold China, "on t Guard Chaim, "ii-dug” Locke“, Gold Thimhlcu, CufiPins; p", Chucd Ind Plain Gold Ringl: Pencils '1“ Penn, Shen- Buuom Ind Smdn, Hold Ind? J’}Wl, Jdfinceleu, Pin! lEu Rsugn,Bc.‘, There an hundreds of indie! gnd gentlemen A L 3 o', i in Int York 'h‘o bu; had that tun- rutorcd A nrbiroffilrcr Haunted & Plum] Canton, ,0“. Bukou. deen'. Csndlenicks, Butler and M: Sumfl’url U-ndl: Ducn Knirufipoom, fay”, Luna, FuncyArtiL-lu. kc ,nll ofviucb I lupecdufly ofl’eral on the low-en terms. 1 ' “'1‘!“ Country Trude sud Dealt" general- I In {M to ’give mo : 311'. had exnmxne :(‘cod- and Prices, being utilfied am my SIL VIB WARE cunot be urpuaed either {or am or qnlb'ry, or the laten and mm: hen”- “MIN. [Feb 27 use. 13' Lawrence D. Dletz’s ' - ottbx auras. 'IANCY GOODS. ' ' [HOS/ERR TRIMIIXGS, ._ “3.1 m TOYS, NIH}. Ind R ,uClu-up umy phce } . Baltimore. _ 151 F gnu Stun, BALTIMORE. F'eren prompfly nueuded to ‘ Eng 18‘. 1860. 1y “‘ .013 *W G F 303!) 1852. ’ Chartered 15154. Local: COR. 0? BALTINUBE 3 CHARLES 51‘s., - q , )lq.—The Largest, Hon Begum” I Popular'Cor'nmen-inl College in the "I“ . Deaigned expressly for Young In Min; to obuun a Tuowcu Pucncu. git-III“ lacuna: In the shortcut: possible Dd It the In” expense. ‘ W and Beuulifully Ornamented f‘irm ;hx, _‘ ning upward; ofSIX SQUARE FEET, {I win or I’uuuuur. and a Lnrchu pain; (the fines: of the kind ever nude in 1“! country) “patenting the Intuit); View o! a. College, with Catalogue stating torms. an, in! 5. mm wEux-y Young gap, on applicntiou, Pay 9: Candi. Write \mmediltcb‘llnd you 'u} Wivtfig package by return Inn“. Addml, E. K. LUSH-JR, Baltimogc, 91d ...}:‘Eig'flf‘ ,13__ ,- _- :3-‘ - .. =t- 0t 8t Son’s OFA AND FURNITI‘RE \\'AREROOMS,.\'O| gl5 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (he-tr; ‘ '_ -Dr‘ now. my ct...) extending from Gay to Frederick , HALYBKATE WTUBAT‘W , . ho inr‘uteatnhlithmeut oitho Lind in the! PILL: 0’ I’os -516 mg. cu band it large Msortmeut 0!, An nperiont nnd Sloth-chic pupa-non 3f novsanuLD AND OFFICE i-‘l‘ilSiTL‘lti-l, em- mos purified of Oxna- nd Cabo- by W» smin; Bore-tut, Bedshfllds, \Vnshntnndn.“’nrd., bnttion in Hydrogen. Bnnctionnd by the “I!“ . )lsttreuu or um. Cotton Ind um, ' est Medial Authoritiu. both in Surefire Ind % Badn, fit", Tetc—e-Tetes. Arm Chain, , the “DIN Stntu,nnd prescribed in tit ’W' on Choirs, Etageru. Mitt-hie Tnhlcs, 501- l ticeT-z‘ . ' bps. umpuou and Upholstered Chitin, AS-i The experience of thaw-d: duly prove: “summons orcurmos FL'i‘LViTL'RE, , than no prep-wipe of Iron an be “-ng ‘ nod Clint". Oifice Chairs. Barber Clmiu, < with it. impuritien of the blood, dept-en no! can. uni Crndleu, 1m mitts, iinli Furniture,‘ rim! energy. We and otherwise niehly com. ,um Ind \mnut Frame Looking alum. Side: pinion: indium in net-wt: In elm-t 0m: We, Extension Tables, of every length. conceivnbh we- , rumin- ditpou-d to purchase are invited to I'3”in ill l“ unindln in thh l} by {all nni give ohr stock nn examination, which . been tried, it 3]“ WV“! nbnolutely‘cnutnn m of “piety nnd quality or Workmnnship it not ‘ Md! 0’ "'5 {0“0'138 complnintl‘nu: _ on e; by any esublishment in the :uuntry. 1n Debi/Hy. Arrwcu Afwhou. Emno A. MATillU'l‘ & SUN, ‘so».Dynp-Pu'd. Comm Dahlia. Dyp Son. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. eatery. Inn’pient Cnmnplwn, Savfulou 3L5. iB6O. if I Tuberruitgg. Salt Liliana, flmngion. : """‘ "‘. " "’—“"““'—" ll’lutm, orou'a. int n- ni . ronu‘e , Burr Mlll Stones ‘lleaclta. (Hawaiian, Maiden! Fawn, . AREAXTED—B. F. 1’“!!le on (u Pm, fig. 0 STARR & CO. 00' In cue: 0! Quinn. Dunn", whether the I 8'“ “4 Chm 51'“ result of some ditenu, or of the continued "Mtg N- C. R- R- Sum ‘dliuuuition o! nerfonn nnJ Inn-enlnr energy hum". 30- ““1“” {from chronic compinintn, one trinl of thin reo— “MO! FREXCH 3V3“ ‘turnlit’e bu proved moccasin! to‘ n extent )le" ‘Ud Deni"! which no description nor trimmtion Bfiflmfihi 30150! Clotl {would render credible. inrnlidn long bed nflhfl' “4 Gum Bellini ‘ridden u to have become forgotten in their Cniciltod Planter, nnd .\iiii ern!, of Warrantrd own neighbdrlloods, hnre suddenly M—lppeu. Quilty. “'o' 001°“, COM'AICDV 3M Esonhu ‘ ell in the bury world aif jut returned from )3“ 3W3" 0‘ “1 53"“- [Hh 37- 'OO. U iprotmted tru’el in n dintnnt innd. Some very 'itzgnni instnne'u or this kind nre nttested of fe male Sufferers, emacinted victim: of np rent 1 mummun, unguineoun exit-tuition, {rifled . changes, nut! that complication of ntrron‘n nnd ‘ di tneylic ni'rrtiuu to nlrnod carotid?" which ' the physician in: no nnme. in Sunny. Anxcriuxs of nil kinds. and for reuonn fumilior to medicnl men, the opention of this prepnfiitiun of iron must neceunrily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it in vigor oueiy tonic, without being exciting and over— henting; nud gently, regularly nperient, even in the most ohstm-tr cam of continue" with out ever being I. gnstric pnrgntire, or inflicting n disigfienblc urination. it is this inner property. nrnong otherl, which mnkcs it so remarkably eflcrtunl nnd pctmnnent n remedy for I’ll”, upon which it nlno nppenrn to exert n distinct and specific nttlon, by dil persiugtlie local trmlcncy which form: them. In Durst-nu. innumerable An Art its causes, a single box of these t‘hnlybente Pill: hu onnn run-iced for the most hnbitunl cues, including the nttcndnut Costireness. in unchecked Duknnan,evenvhen ndrnnced to Dunn-In, confirmed. emacinting. nnd np p-iß‘ntiy xn-iiignnut, the clients hove been equi ly dccuive nud nstouisliing. in the locnl pains, ion of flesh Ind ltrtn‘th, debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which generally ind'cnte incu‘xn‘r Coxncnnton, thin remedy Int: niln)ed the ninrm of friends and physirmns, in u-rernl very gratifying sad in tereatmg instances. in Scranton Tcnnccwnu, thin mediated ‘ iron has had for more than the good efiect o! ‘ the most commonly balanced prepnrutionn of [ iodine, without my of their wail known lin , bilincs. i The Attention of rennin cnnnot he too can ; fidnntiy invited to thin remedy Ind rutorntive, in the cases pccnlinriy nflecting them. l in Rucnrux. both chronic nod inflamma tory—'in the intter, however, more decidedly— 'lt bu been inrnn’nbiy well reported, both on nllerinting pnin and reducing the trolling: nnd atiifueu of the joints nnd mulciea. in innurun Fun; it must necenuily he n grent remedy nnd energetic mtorntive, nnd its prom-bu in the new nettlemenu oi the West, “’1“ prob-bl; be one oi high renovn nnd usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole hiltory of medicine, vhich exerts Inch prompt, happy. nnd inlly mtorntlre theta.— Good appetite. complete digestion, PPM no qulution of Itrcngth, with on human clinical. tion for lifiTe nnd cheerful exercine, immedi ntely follow it: use. Put up in nent lint meul boxes ennui-in; 50 piiit, price 50 cents per box; for «16 by 3W.“ Ind dulnfl. Will be flat the to nay drou on receipt of the price. All ictten, orders, etc., Ihonid he addressed to James H. Bosley, OWSION MERCHANT. ‘ If"): 12$ a! 12! Imm Shut, - iIL‘I‘IMORE, LDC ‘ ‘ ‘ i n: prep-rod to receive and u“ on (Beanb piontu kindl ofCOL'NTRY PRODUCE. Ruin; “prince of ten jean in the (‘onuinioa Lacs, (Md vhhiug to continue ths: 310119,) flmnyul! that! shall be Able to give snu mxo! to all who {not me with consignment- Nlo nnend to filling ordcn tor Urvccricl «no, udnll kinds of Fertilizers. ’ fit). 6, ’6O. 1} Ski; 75:" ——?—’ ————-' v. 1- ~:' ' flames Broa.’ YERSWUNG GRAND ACTION PIANO FURTES, celebrated for lupenor quAhty ETOSE Ind elcgnnce Ind beauty of Brush.— ' ese Pinon have alwayl taken the FIRST P 1133113! when placed 1:: compemion vmh pm" makers. Challenge all cor-‘paxhon. A ppleudid Msortmem of LUC IS XXV and plain" the thugs qn hand. Also Second-band QQBQI Ind PRINCS'S {HPRUVEU MELOD FON tom $4510 $350. * ~vet" Instrument Warnnted. . " GEO. L. “'ALKEB'S '3: Q (ff-“. 0 Ind Helodeon Depot. ' I. E. crafty; 4w}: Su., Phd-d A. Aug. 6, 1860. 6:11 ‘ Clqye Anodyne OOTHAdgg 93095,. cums Q: 9‘ .1 lIINUTEV Out 15 Cunt—Clove An 1". 'in not figure the gum: or teeth, or im “may “feet the bruth. READ WHAT SXTIS‘I‘S SAY OF IT. Hears. A. 8. six Suva-«Gcmlem :—ln ‘in Qqqm of my p V clice, I hue extemiveiy and your Clare Anodyne with much menu, {or the relief of the Toothuhc; sud u I can {mdy recommend it to my patienu,l deem it ntjut to intonn you of the high opinion I hue o! it our othur remedies. I Am yours, wry respectfully, l. anm, Baum. ‘ who lent free pct 31:11 to any pirt‘of the Bat Stun upon the receipt of 39 cent: in pout-go “amps. ”Prepared by A. B. 8 D. SANDS. Drug pui. 100 PORTAL car. of Willing, N. Y. for“): by D. ‘hunnu, Getty-thug, Pl. :9... 1, mu. m 3am“ mm” ‘2! BLPHIH: Banevoletntd Insult»: —-——-————-—_~ w k! do: 03:3qu 1 week] a ounnent. ,\ sun or 3“. “it! OHM Sick lad Distressed, I 1111- I o \CRXAKI‘QG fig“) BLACKSHITHING ' rut Viral“! Ind Epidemic Dina-u, Ind, 0 :41“ 'léfl‘fl“ Imm”, “for.“ lyfiprtheCmofDlluusohhe Send: bu friend. lid a. pub": tango continua . M the Couchnlkilg Ind Emmi in; buiua . ‘L $031.61: “"1”???” ‘héAhc"; in every bunch n his ultimatum: in Chm » u " “51H 3 “3" ‘ Murmur; “mt. Be [an on yum ad will . . W “- “1“: ("'3o“qu ‘ nunhcmnca orderdlU-da otcumlwts, , - . . .1a m°h°mw° summaswmus. Spring wmu,u.. of c ‘2: the but nmdd, sad and. 1 «prior work ' . ~ - . dhgm’g‘” “‘3 ma. fierqua nd human 0! all ”138‘ . 9‘ ““6? ,m kinda don u mwublo mu, pro-pa, ” , $3.! “"1, at! 'h‘ “ s and to tho anti-henna at customers. I ‘s‘?“ ‘“ '4 W": Cocnu Plow“ uh. in CM (0' m _. . a“?! J‘Esup'irork lEMudm'eflc: ‘ l fl! - , m ' fl" men (tncuor'o um m "4-“? so39l;ng 4°31 Coach-thing or emu-mm; an. mn. . ... Ila "u “”18 °‘ ’M mentally inn“ to can u spm,», I 0d" 01" max 1.. aomzwom-n ”'- ' nu mumn, run. 3 “mm?! ’“- u. ”- n r"‘. l‘i . > ‘ A. a‘ ~ » by the use of this lnvigontor. when ell other prepnnt'xonn had failed. L. M. hu ln his pou leniou letter:- irnumenble tesuffthg to the above (ecu, from person! of the highest re {inability It will effectually prevent the air from turning grey until the latent period of life; nnd in cases where thehnir hu Already ch;nged u; colon the me of the lnt'igorntor wtll with eerthinty restore it tn it: original hue, giving it s duh. xlonsy appearance. As: per fume for the tone: and n lhxr lhswntxn 1t ls erthulnrl)‘ recommended, mung In Agrcetble trugrant-c; end the grentfncthtlu it Ilurdl in dfessing the hair, whiz-h, when moist with the Imigorntor can be dreued in Any required form to M to prnerre in pine, whether plnln or in guru—heme the (Fiat demand for it by the ladies u a standard toilet nrtlcle 'hlth none gught to be without, u the price phcel lt lwithln the reach of all, horn; ‘ ONLY HS'EXTY-FH'E CEXTS per hottlg, to he had at “.1 respecuhh dfl‘g zgistl and perfuincu. ' 3 11. MlLLrllt uuuhl roll the attention of P»- ;reuu mxd Guardian! to the me of Rh Invigor ‘ntqr, in; (use; Ihrre the childreu'e huir Incline! [llO be weak. The we at It lay- the found-don for a good head of hair, :1 it removel tn, ltn ‘purities that may have become connected vith I the lady. the removal 0! which it necuury :huth fur the hulth of the child. And the future ’ appearance of its heir. E CAl"l'lU.\’.-.\'une genuine without the he Ilmlle of LOUIS MILLER being on the outer ‘ wrnppcr; also. L. MILLHB'S HAIR INVIGO ; ItATUII, 3". Y.. blown in the glue. l Whom-lo Depot, 56 De} 3L, Md lold by ell ‘ the principel Merchant-I 9134 Drama through. out the world. ‘ Liber-ldiuonnttopnrchnenbytheqmtlty. , fit alto deaire to present” the Aunt-lea ' public my New no known lurunuocn LIQI'ID HAIR DYE which After you: at selen , tific experimenting] hue brought to perfectlon, 9 It dye‘x Black or Brown imtntly vhhoht lu ljury to the “Alt or Skin—"united the but ‘lnit‘le of the kind in existence. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 56 De; Street, New York. i Oct. 29, 1880. 1" r . . NH DAIRY I ammuwfiwfigw o‘. B. LOCK! 8 00., Genet-. 1 w. .15,l!60. I; :00du8t.,..¥ M, huh. punk“ 0 lot-4:" of loan. lurk-(l. Shut (1:10 at" 1.9.411.) In cal-£2 but”... :34 In 50' M tool" to the rule s lam Wt cl Mia's-53::- u Minn boon chad, In] a I'3 Ho [B6 lACHINBI. Clove: 111 mm, foddon CI:- : n. Con Sham, and lowa's nu Improved Igor“ m Aha, STOVIS, incl 0. Cook Smut, Linc “(mu kid: ‘ A“ In um: m a rug..." emu mm» mu n 4 hi-fim Map, and mind: 0! Turning In Iron or Wood. fi‘REPMRIN'G of .11 kind: on Ibehlnery qnd Cunning: till In- done Io order on man nouce. Putter-u land. to order; Plough Cut. inn rad; nude : l’LUL‘Gnfi, such as Beyln, Wuhan-ow, “other. Woodcqck, Apt! any other: um menxioned here; And ugh; dlficnn: kind: of IRON FENCING, {or Cemeteriu, Porchu or Yurds. Also, lonislng Inchinu, one of the but now in me. Thin mucbiu work! with I lever by land; In] Hula boy can mange it. Call-ad uumiue our flock; no doubt but what w: cu: pleuc. Par-on: ought to In 1| their ‘dtlntlgc to buy mublnery a! any kind A! home, where it in mmnncxnred, no tbu they 17.11 very sully 3:: Any pm rephu-ed or "mired. DA VII) STRBXKK. Gettylbnrg, Feb. 13, 1860. Great Work on the Rom. HE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES: by I Bonn Junxm, ‘v'. S. Prbrcuor of Pa : clog lad Openlireb'nrgrryin the Veterinary College of HIM-dolphin. cum, etc. Will Tell You of {lke Ungin, ngwry and din- unctivo main of the union: breed. of Eurapeua, Alinic, African and American Hornet, with the pll} sxml formntion Ind peculiuuiel of the animal, Ind bow to “certain hi. lg: by the number and condition of his teeth ; illuurnled with numeroul explnnuory enkravingl. THE NURSE AND HIS DISEASES « Will Team: UR Breeding, Breaking, Subling, ‘F ing, Grooming. Shouug. And the fearful mun-genital of the burn, with tho best nodes of odminisuring medi cine, lino. how to treat filling. Kicking, Rearing, Slaying. mumbling, Crib Biting, fie-dune”, and other vicu to which ho b nubjec‘; with numerous explan tory en‘nu’ing‘. . THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES ____ im___._____ Wlll Toll You (I! the colon, quota-o. ud' Adam. “an? Truman of Stmnxlu. Sm “my? mum. numsuuxcn mm".— Duunpeljfiourrh,lufluenmnmchiuo,a hi xICOIPOI’t'Jd larch XI, “51. Pneumoms, Fiend-y, Broken Wind” Qum‘l‘. Chronic Cough. Rondo. Md Whistlingfi mewm s'o”. haw! 80" mm and 01cm. n Via Pram—a. a. lumen. Douyod‘hah,wflh other din-m oftho th—D- A. gum". loun nod Molmory 0m”. Mum-_Duid )I'Crnry. ‘ f TUB HORSE ‘39 I"! ”ISRASES Eur-um Camllb—Rdbefl lcCurdy’,‘3ncob Will Tell You 0! the annoy lynptono, “d ,3“... Andrew llelnuelun. ‘ TWP'“ °f “‘0'”: Bou,Colic.Btnn- 5 Intact—Georg! Swopc, D. A. Buehlchu fulfil"; Stony c°"°"°“°"t 3‘9"”: ; cob King, A. Heinurhun, R. N'Chrdy, Thou. P-hr. Durban. JI-nd‘c'. Ber-“nil“. A. lunlull, s. Fobueflock, w... B. McClellan. Blood: Uri-e. Bmm K- m ‘I-h-I' “a; w... a. when, )I. ”demand, Abdul Imm, BMW. Mun-“WI. “4 00'" “M John Wolford, u. A. mm...Ab.l-r. wnm, 13‘,“ °! u" Stealth. “'9’" Liver and John Homer, R. G. leCro-ry. S. R. Bun-ell. D. ’ "n“? 0W ’. r n l J u Pickin .J. B. _ 7113130333 AX!) ms msnsns a, :3? " “a" P° k” w " Will Toll ‘on 0! th- «mm, 'FPW'I‘v In ) n—m- Can an L. "mind In in opul ‘ Tm'“ °' Bone, 3"“ “4 3°C' float to the connfy o’t Adina. It but been In S’“"" [ting-bone! gnu“, smu'v‘lattes-ful’opamuon for more “no nlx yearn, Broken “9““ Wad 0‘5"” Founder, 5 Ind In that period bu paid all louu all u -B°l‘ Bruin “'1 Grove]. bucked ”0°"! -' pennym‘douluymml, Raving-1w ohm Scratch". 0‘3““ Thrush, "'4 0"”? I uurplu capiul in the Treunry. The Con “WW'U'KfiMVWWvEPu'P’LSW' puny e lop no Agents—nil bun-hen being a": “g "mhd" 4W" °‘ tho F‘"! done hymn Man-gen, who on non-13’ c‘lect -3" “ °‘ ' ed 5 the Stockholden. An non es ring _ TUB .3033“ AND HIS DIS'ASES in limmnco can npply to flop; o! the Ibo" W 1" 1°“ \ou 0f tho “"“V ”“9“" “d , unused )lnnagen for forth" lnfomsuon. Tmtmenl 9' Futon. p°u s'uvolfnd’f'rf 9"”): Executive Committee menu at tho Furry, Smrlet “n" Inge. 5"““V oflico of tho Compnny on the la! Wedoaldny Locked Jur. llbennuulm, Cnnp, Gallo, in every month u 1 P. X. Dionne: or the Eye nod Hun. kc" kc, ; Sept. 27 185 i ’ and how to noun Catt-(loo, Bleed-3 -—-~ —:1 --,_+.M___ lug, 'l'repbinuiug, Boweilng, Firing, The Only Mfg f'fi‘gl“|":“°‘vl‘ltvinm"am"l WORTHY or my COXFIDgCE ron “'3 °P"‘ 9"“ nssromxu rm; BALD As» our. TBS HOBBS ‘5O 'ms 91835883 . —-leny, since the greet discovery of Prof. Will 7'" y“ O! 3“”1‘ Method of tuning Wood, here stternpted not oniyto initete his Hones; h°' to Approach, “flu" °" restoretire, but profess to here discovered Sable ' 0°": h°' ‘° eccustoni ‘ horse ; something [but would produce rrsults identieel; "° strunge'sonuds end "Kb“! “d h° v but they here ell conic sud gone, being carried to Bit, Sandie, mm” “d ”Mk him " ewsy by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's "“1""; 'l‘°' '9' '"m ."d h" ° rprepentioo, end here beenforced to leeve the Western. The "W" bf'" the result - ileld toits resistless swey. Reed the following: of more than fifteen yem careful study Bath Maine April lOth ”59 “‘s' ““5““ "CW-"lit“- "W “‘4‘ Prof. o.l.Wood's Co. :' Gents. :Jru. let ::::l°““ °{ “'l‘ "M“ end “flu" terl wrote you is 1856 concerning your vulue~ ' hie Heir Rertoretive, und whic] you have üb fl" Mk contains 384 9“"! 'PPNVth’ iished in this vicinity and elsewhere, hue glitch ulustreted by neuriy 0" "um!“ Kunming. ‘ rise to numerous enquiries touching the [nets it “ printed i' ‘ elesr “d °P" ”P" “d "u ,in the use. The enquiries ere, first. is it e feet M forwuded to lay “dn’” PW" peid, °“ - of my hehltstiou end name, A! stated in the ”9"???”9 s‘" I’M“! 31,00, or, |' “ha" i commute-tine; second, is it true of All therein ‘l'“ ‘ ' conteined ; third. does my heir still continue to $l.OOO A m "n b. "d' by enter- .be in good order end of neturui «:01th To sll prising Inee ererywtiere, in selling the shore, ‘l an end do “n," inveriebly yes. 3, heir "d “h" PM!" "fl" °' °"" 9‘"th is even better then in any stage or ssy or. for acute to e i such ere exceedingly inherit; i‘o years WE more ”a, thrifty, end better p" “:3; cos-"lo: the Bio“. "f" ”m": colored; the same is true of nay whiskers, sud see-ts, JB‘HY'RE :‘r-ngl‘ ‘lfpi’n": °r ‘ ' the only cause why it is not genereiiy true, is me KOnBh ' g Pb" if"! h‘ "I', thet the snbstence is wuhed ad by Mnent \‘or :0' 1m ”r“ "t "‘ P"1 " eblntiou o! the face, when ifcere were used by ' ‘ ' ' m o wiping the (see in close connection ‘with the whiskers, the snnu result will follow es the Hair. l here been in the receipt or s greet ~ numberofletters mu ell pens ofNew England, ‘; ssking me if Iny heir still continues to be good; we there is so lunch fraud in the unufecture lend sale of rsrious compounds us well es this, it bu, no doubt been beseiy unitsted end been used. not only without my good elect. but to, sbsointe injury. I have not used any of your Restorutire of any sccount [or some months, end yet my heir is so good as ever, end hun dreds here entrained it with surprise, as X use now (it yours old and not 5 my hair in my heed or on my fece: end to prove th s teat, i' lend you s lock of my heir taken oil the pest week. i rereired your furor of two quart bot tles but summer, fur which i urn very grateful: l gate it to my friends end therehy induced them to try it, nanny were skeptical until after trial, and then purebred nod used it with uni versal success. i will Isl: n furor, that you send me a test by which lcun discover frnud in the Restoreiiie, sold by many, l four, with out Authority from you. A‘ pure ertirle will iuiure snore", and i believe where good effetts do not follow, the {eilure is reused by the im pure erticie, which rursea the inventor of the good. i deem it my duty es heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued eflect on my heir, u i assure all who enquire of me of my unshnkcn opinion ofiu valuable results, ire meiu, dear sir, yours, A. L‘. RAYMOND. Aurons Run, Kym, .\‘ov. 30. 1858. Prof. O. J. Wood : Deer Sir:-—l would ccr. thinly be doing you n greet injustice nut to mnke known to the world, the wonderful, us well Is the ones ected result 1 have experienced from using oil-home of your lleir Restorative. After using every kind of Restmtires extent, but without succeu, end finding my heed dearly destitute of hair, i was finally induced to try e bottle of your lieir Restorative. Now, candor sud justice compel the to ennounce to whoever mey reed thi), that i now pouess e new end beautiful growth of heir, which i pronounce richer end heudsomer thsn the origi uni wu. 1 will therefore teke occsslon to re commend this invnlnshle remedy to AM. who may ieei the necessity ofit. Rerpectiully yours, REV. S. ALLEX BROOK. P. 8.-—'l'his testinoniel of my epprohetioe {or your valuable medicine (es you ere swore or) is unsolicited :—but if you tuink it worthy e piece mung the rest, insert if you wish ; it not destroy end sey nothing. Yours, he” REV. 8. A. B. The Bestorstivs is put up in bottles or three sites, rls: lerge, medium, end smell ; the smell holds § e pint, end retails for one douse per bottle; the medium holds st ieest twenty per cent. more in proportion then the snail, retells for two doiisrs per bottle; the lsrge holds s gun, to per cent. note in proportion, sud re tnils for 83. O. J. WOOD 8 00., Proprietore,.m Brood wsy, New York, And lit Isrhei Street, St. Louis, 10. And sold by All pod Drowns end Psney Goods Deniers. (Dec. muse. 3n: Pooplo’o goat Book. ODERX COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.—By list Run Amos.— Llufully Refined by 1h). :5. J. ":10. It Tell! You now (0 theme all kind: of New, Poultry. nod Game. rith til the nrloun Ind mod npproved model of dmsin; -Ind;cooking Buf and Pprk; “so am but all limp)!!! n; of lahingmickling Ind curing the uuuo. It Tell IYou All the various Ind molt Ipprored model ofdreuing. cooking. Ind boning Hutton, L-unb, Yul, Poultry, Ind Gum: of ti! kind., with the dlflereut Dressings, Gnvics, uud Stuffing: npproprinu 50 each. It Tel You How to chooae, clean, Ind pr¢~ nerve Push of 1H Lilith, Ind how to [weewn i 1 when u-inled; 11.0 .11 the n rim“ and mm: approved modes o.’cook~ ins, ‘uh the difl'erenl X)reuings,Snucc3, and Flnrorings npproprinte to each. H Tell: You All lfieflriuus and mm! approv. ed model of preparing over fifly diluent kind: of Nut. Fuh, Fowl, (June. Ind Vegetable Soups. Hrotlu. And Slexn‘ with the Relishcs and dawning: appm~ ' ; print to each. h Tell; You All the various and most Ipproved mode: of cooking Vegetable; of every ducriptiou, 1110 now to prepare Pickles, (lumps and Curries of all kinds. Potted lean, I-‘ilb, Gnme, Mushrooms, tc. It To“: You All the nrioul Ind moat approved node: of prep-ring mud cooking :11 kinds of Plain Imd Fun-y Putty, Pudding. Omelcun, Friuen, anu,Confec!iuucry, Pxesen‘u, Jellxn,lnd awe?! Dubu or "cry descripuon. It Tells You AH the variant and man approv ed modes flanking Bread. Rush, Nur fins, and Biuuiz, the but. method ofpre paring Coflee, Chocolau, and In, and how to make Syrups. Gordian, Ind Wines of vuionl kindl. It Tall: You How to set. out. Ind ornuncnt 5 stle, bow to Cute all kind: of Full, Fluh or Fowl, dad in Ihon, how to so limplify the whole Arc of Cooking u to bring the choice“ luxuries of mg‘ble within everybody: reach. The book couuinl 618 page; Ind uprlrds q! "1" hundred Recipes, All or which no the rank: of tom-I “penance. having been run, Ind “Mull; mud under u:- ponoul lupu {nu-due. of tho wriun. It. in printed In I dw and open type, it “taunted vim nppro pride engraving. And will In founded to my Iddnu, lady bound, and pong" pdd, on ;eeeip‘ of the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, enn, 1.35. am A m m be nude by enm prum‘ men everywhere. In Idling the shove work, on: indnccmuu to $ll such being very liter-L Fct single copiu of flu Book, or for m: to qua, with other infatuation. ler to or Adam: JOHX I. POTTER. Pub! uh", No. 817 Susan 81.. Philadelphia Pl. Kev. u, use. 6- Hog-chum! Hots]. 4 so a roux-rs 81mm -9 ‘ rwunkuau. April 1, 1800. I" sconzsox,munqw£-; gkaa mmehapf M'n'auu ' ' l 4 4 lta Cathartic PMP• , "amps”. P. m... . unwed M. 0m mum-m to It. anfldoonh JMQR mutu ‘ in, on tho flank “do a Chuhrlnxmt, ‘ than h '1" uI" um I). prepaid porn :1, u» but of OYBTFP, In «try nyh. I} ”flu-(Maniac, 6W pom" : hbcnl Chan nfrsbhc Iw. ' I wUP, calm. , B‘6 TONGUE "o’B "If. mu. 3mm And mm 1008, 10! 031A]. BIRDS, n. u 62!: nun. A lie. flu: dJLI or LAGBB en shun be m... 3 Con. ”A u: m. o. r. xcxxxsool. April 1, 1860. 2 Groom Notions, Bw. 2 BE nndeninwd bu opoud A Grocery sad i Notion Store, n: Btldmon "not, :sme oppolne tht Cant: Hun. (hay-burg. when the public will conundy flud,ul!in¢ chap u {the cheapo“. 8110.185, Synpa. loluul, Cof fees, Ten, Rite. Cheeoe, Spices of dl kinda, lukcrfl, Chocolue, Broouu And Brutus; ‘ Fréah Butter and Eggs, Ground Cotes, Rune. “Come, Scmch Haring, Candlel, SOIPI, 8‘11; Tobwco, Sop", Snot; Confections, m kind: of Null, Omani. Lemons, Railinl, Bmd, kaen, Cakes of difl'aren: kinda,- Shoe Ind StoVe Poll-h; Pncy Goods. lunlinl‘Gin'b-vu, ;' Cotton B.x“, Wnddhg. Honiery. Hmdkerchieh, gSupuden. Pins. Kcedln, Cloth" Plus, But. tau» win: Nouom of all kinds. A than arm. 'pubhc'l putronagc is rupeclfully solicited. I LYDIA C. NURBECK. 1 NOl. 19, 1860. H ; somathing New ‘ IX GETTYSBCRG.——Tbe nudenigned inform (in: cililenl of tin (own and county. (hut he bu commenced the BAKING buoincn, on I Inrgo lair, In York “not, Getty-burg, nearly opponile “'lwn'a Hotel, where he will try to deacrve. Ind hopu to receive, ll libenl pulron nae. BREAD. BULLS. CAKES, CRACKKRS, PRETZELS, kc.‘ gt, baked every dly.§sfln -1' day: excepted.) all a! the best quality, An cold it the lowest ln’i ‘ profiu. Cracker-baking in dl it: bunches Inqlnrgely curled on, and order: to my mount, {mm tbil .ud ndjolnlnfiicoun lien, supplied u the Ihonnt notice. "in; erected I urge tad commodlou who-bonus Ind sound m but. worm: lid the nob Ip provod Dubber], ha 11 pnp‘nd to/ do a bury businéu. VALENTINE BAUPEE. July 25, 1359. 001‘ AND 880! “my, 8. 3. Cor. not of Centre Squat—Th. public In ro tpoctflny "quoted to but In niud than: at: am any In fond I but Quorum of 80073 Ind 83038;“ 1110 M m. The nbocribcr, huh; 3m “tune! fro- Pkilndolyhh, than M m with eu- All Immbmum,nlupuoom¢d Bow-ad Shoo-,hbmk h mun-mam plant! to hm ill-ulna“ h mph-u u. no“ Mala-I. Cull an! m ‘ly noel. Cuto- rub Bod- undate- drug: at had. I. I. my. 9st. 31, 1800. “ ‘ ' " h you but, 13‘ GO. dub. a you out a or“, wit you 2:“- “1“,“. {out “In uco-bm‘ ‘0? Thu. symptom u 000: the prelude to scrim “but. Bou- M of Ith In. a creeping upmo‘ and abotld be "c Idlldy m of an rifl randy. Tux-Ayers Pun ”d clan. on u:- dbot W Inflow—purify ‘ blood. Ind let the flni mole fin unobstructed halting“; Thym’m bu lb. (notion: of: body Into vigoront utir‘ ly, purify the syntax: fro the elm-traction which nuke disease. A cold unle- scanner: in the body, and obstrucu iu nuuml functions. Then, if not relieud, reacl npnn lbemnclvc! Ind the nurrounding or g-nn. producing grnernl ngmvuinn. suflering, Ind diunnc. While in um condition. oppreu ed by the denngemenu, lake Ayer‘l Pills, Ind ice liar dinctly they restore [be natural Action of lhe Iyltem. And with it the buoy-at. feeling ofbulth again. Wm: in true and lo apparent in thin lririnl Ind common complaint, in 1150 true in many oflln deep-scntcd nnll dungeroul diuemrers. The nine purgntiu effect expel: them. Caused by similar oinlrmliuns sad dc— ungemenls of the nnurul functions of the body.they are rapidly. and many ufkliem Hun ly. cured by the tune mcuns. None I'lmknolr the virtues of these Pills. will neglect to employ them when lufl'en'ng from me disorder] they cure. Stuomenu from leading phynicinnl in some of the prmcipul cities, sud ham other well know :1 public per-om. Inn- I loft-141., lush-l o! It (mill, 'o‘. d, "“- Dr. Ayer: )ou: Pill; Are the par-gun of all that in gran: in medicine. The; ban cured my little duughur of ulcmu Dom upon hr: bands nnd tee: Ihu hsd [raved harsh}. for yell-I. Her manner bu been long grievouly ulflimd with blotch" and pimplu on her skin And in he: h-lr. Ancr onr child It. (and, uh. nllo tried your Pilu. and {ln-{hue cured her. . Au DIGILDCI. A 8 A FMHLY PHYSIC. In. Dr. I. V. MMI. In 01mm. Your Pills In the prinuo o! purged. Thelr excellent qualmu lurpus In] cub-file we pouou, The: :1. mild, but very ccmln sud afloccul In uni! Action on an bowels. whlch Intel than: lnnluble to In In thodnily trut ncn of din-u. . HEADACHE, SICK HEADACHE, FOUL STORAGE. u in. Dr. and In", nut-n. Dray Bro. Ayer: I cannot utter you whnl oonphinu l loan «and with your Pills better thu w my :1! am we ever 1m: with s purgi u" medicine. I pine. gm! dependence on I!) eflectunl fllhnrflc In my daily comes: with dluuo, Ind believing u [do that your PHI: atord 111 the but we burn, l of course ulna them highly. Pimburx, Pm, Hay l, 1855. Dr. J. C. Ayn—Sir: I luv. been repeated 1] cured of the want Ila-Gull. In} body can Inn by 3 door or two of your Pills. l: unn eo stile tron I (on! staunch, which theycleanu u ones. Your: with u raped, 80. W. Pnnu. (fiat or Sham Cluion. BILIOUS DISORDERS-LIVER COMPLAINTS. In. mm in. a! In th Cay. Not only In your Pill. ndminbly wasted to their purpose :- In uperient. but I In fih'if belch-kl elm-u upon the Lire: vary mulled Indeed. They have “I nypmucc pFotcd man chew-l for the cure of biliou complaint: than my on. remedy l on mention.- I sincerely re joice “all we have a! length a pal-gluin- ‘ hich in worthy Ih. confidence of the profession Ind the people. ' Department on)" Interior, } Wnnhingion, l). (2., 7th Feb. 1856. Sir: I In" and your Fill; in my geneml Ind hmplul mt!" ever line. you nude them, and tunnel :euilau to lay they Ire m. but cathufic we emplo . Thtir "gull-ting Action on tho liver in quici and decided. consequently they m In Idminble "and: for drnngcmenu of than. omn. Indeed. I lune acldon found a an of billan- ("win no chain-cc that it did um mdily yield to them. Frutcrnnlly you”, Awno BALL. M. D.. Phynichn ofthe Murine Hospital. DYSKXTERY. "MINING“. RHI.AX,WURMS. In. D! 1.8.0“ dchlu‘n. Your Pull: have land I long lrinl w my puc uce. and 1 hold them in cult-em In one of the but tperirnu l hue trel- loud. The 11'":- Hve elect upon the liver unle- them an excel lent remedy. when gin-n in and! dam for Milan: dysentery and diurlmm. Their luxur contlng nuke: them very «capable and con unient lor the use ofvomcn and children. DYBPEPHIAJMPUMTY 0? 'nm “Limb. In. In. J. V. 111-n. PM» It “flit Church. In". Dr. A)": l hue used )0" Pdk mu: u tnordlmry Incceu in my lam"; Ind unong than I m ulled to visit in dialreu. To regu km the omm of digntion and purily the “006,1 th are the very bra remedy I luv. or" known. I“ I can coufldenfly ncommcnd the. u: my Mada. Yours. J. V. Hutu. Warsaw, W) 03in. cm, N. Y.. (Rt. :4, ’55. Dear Sir: lmu min; your Cnbunic Pill: in my pmdco. and find wen: u excellent pupa" m cleanu- the lying Ind purify the fountains: of the blood. Jon 0. fluent. X. D. CONSTIPATIOX, COSTIVENngs, SUPPRES BIUN. RIIRUMATIBII. GUI‘T, NEURALGIA, DRUPSY. P \RAH'SIS. FITS. ETF‘. mu- m.: r. Vu.h.,uoomu.c.~h. Too muvh cannot be and of guilt Pill: for the cm ofcostivcueu. If when of our fru lernhy have fuund them In udicacimu u l have. they Ihonldjoin me in proclniming it for the benefit of the mulliludca who laflcr from (but complaint, which. although bald enough in {Lu-ll,“ the pruxenilorof other: lint m worn. I behave cmliuncss to origin-lo in the liver, but your Pulls nflucl lb“ org-n and cure the dunno. Iron: In I. Mann. Play-kh- uil Ildt‘lh. MI. I find uue or KWO large dose: of 30m Pulls, taken at. the proper time, are excellent promo the: am».- nnxunl lecretwn when Ibo"; or partially .lupprussd, and 14150 very effectual to clunse we stomach and expel worms. They tre so much lbr but physic we hare that I re— commend nu olheno my patientl. Iron: 0» Ravi >Dr. Unis, of mg unfilled}?! 2’“: Church. l’uluki Hun-M2Y Sm nnnnh, G-., Jun: 6, '3O. Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful for the relicfyonr Ikill bu brought nu if I did not report my cue to you. A cold nettled in my limbs and brought on excrucinung netrllgic pninl. which ended in chronic rheumatism.—— Notwithstanding I had ihc best of phylicinna, the diunab grew worse And worse. until by the advice ofyour excellent agent in Baltimore. Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow. but Inn. By penetqingin the use 0! them. I Am now entirely well. Senate Chunber, Buon Range. 14.. 5 Dec. '55. Dr. Ayer: I hang been entirely (urcd, by your Pills, of Rheumatic GouH painful dis— we ihu Ind Allow}! me for yum. #201! of the Fill: In mnrkcv. contain Mer cury. which, Iltbough a valuable remedy in “:Int bud; in dangerous in a public pm, from m dmdfnl consequence. than frequento 1] follow in inaquu us. Then conuln no mercury or when] subuuace via-aver. Prim Ii oqu per 301,0: 5 low {or 81. Input! 5! Ir. J. 1:. H 8! 5 00., Lovell, Inn. #BOl by A. D. Butler, Getlylbnrg; P. Bobliu, Arondavilh; Puta- h lch, Fdrhld; P. A. Myers, New Chester ; 11. Butter, New Oxford; 3. Him-haw, York Syrian; Ind dulen genenlly. Sept. 3, 1860. lyeov Notice-03: Stock. STDCKBOLDBBS.~—Pnyuem a! the fifth [mull-uni nan lubxeflpuonl to o Ccplm stock of the mutant; Gu Coul puay, duo on tho hi I} Jan-07, no), in ro- Ema to b. m. taken «In: to Jon B. urn, the W. ‘_ fly the Act MAI-cub!)- nhflag to 0;: Caption If ”at: for th pram of ab ufipuou «Stock be not only all with. tho Cow-pay cu ”quite on. pact-um tall but.“ on an mount du sad ..an I. JAOOBS, Pm’t. D. loCoru-on, Scc‘y. -Doc. :4, 1:00. o . O Yep! Q You! Wetsuits-«imam ! phflcuulmm,&bo6¢, undo I Ihl'. “my?“ WWW W 31‘) Mulch-Inn. MOI-1m manamm‘ ~ "W“o :7 .73 I Im. “to! but 1 I' “ - " m mama. from . mm Okla um. . h,” “d lplen— WLBA‘I‘S Ind CAPS, ‘O.“ :9- "new“, an Mutton o! p‘nm" m m ” Eh M of HA” it full and can, ’18“, Mud-‘l. F"- 0! "tn'l ("bio-lbi. ”d billing-“0g; 8:1: “‘3‘ Dreu Hub, 80“ HI“. _ “3 me in“ de 1): 0' «on. cum-4mm: 0..», quu. mppmh triumad Cap. I'll In ":3 be,“ Vitae: H“! ud Om for Children. totem" with a $OO6 .5 lon-non! o! Woo} 11-9,.“ olvhich will be [old u vary low print (or win. A 1“. ‘ a“ 0‘ tonne“ of Lullu' nd lmn’ thk “4' Brown Vernon Bin, Felt Eu, 1," i on. 23,1C60 3w ‘ARBLB WORKS, corner or Bum. N Ina" “d Entfliddlc ”mt-Aired}; op pm a tho new Gout Hone. Gettylburg.- aning recently nn-ivod from Philndelpbln, Ind feeling fully comrflu‘ ‘0 execute all work in the finest style of tin an, We would rupeczru]. ly invite the nttention of the public wishing to procun Anything in outline, to fn‘or us with n cull Ind examine Ipecflm'nn 0! our work. W. gr. prepared to furnilh “(‘NIYXENTS, TUNES AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE NANTLES, SLABS for Cubinet-mliferu, and All other work apperuining to our bUlmEsstut the lowest pos nible pricu. We do not hentuto to guarantee thlt our work shill be put Up in a mnnncrlub “anti-l and tutcful equal to the but to be uen in the citicu, where nary improvement, which experience has migrated in nrniled of, nnd elpecially do we mammog- that our Come tery and Gun Yud work shall be so carefully at u not to bgnflected by hombut Ihnllnuln “in for year: that ernctncu of position given .g the comp ion of: Job, Ind no neceunry to continued cfulneu And u'mmetry. Now. as, 1859. t! Genuine Family Liquors. I. B. NOREHOUSE t 00., Import». W and Wholego'lafgeagln BRAHDXES, WINES 6138 b , leave to cell the ntteiatlon a! citizen of the United States! Rush to Bohlck’sl to their Pure Wine: and Liqnon,pnt up under , 2W GOODS 1-4. L. SCHICK, S. W. cornu their own .upervinionfior hull], and Medleln-l of the Dllmond, Getty-burg, renpeetl'ully Inc. in cues ”torn-d to snitch-10inch. Clubs, i will the nttentior. of purchaser-no Ell new And Military and other ppbllc bodice, who mum Iplendid stock of l-‘ALLAND WINTERGOODSI to purchue in lanre or mull qnmtlri", in: nu :tock in so large and I 0 well Imogen to cull or bottles, will be libenn, dult with. unit town and country trade, that it in Impou- Price List lent on Efliention. {libla to even Ina-kc mention of bin moat desire- OLD MOBEHUL‘S BlT'l‘Kfls.-—Becmnmeld- }bk floods. All he uh in for ”not” to all ed by the ant play-lulu: u the but remedy ‘ Ind enmine hll complete flock. They willgo known for DyOßeplh, ludigcttion, Minty, I“, well pleuod Ind noon return torture. end all Nervous belles. A: a beverage, it u He hot n full Itock or DRESS GOODS, clever, pure, wholesome, and delicious to the tute.._ deurlptlon. Pluln and figured Merino" and Sold by All Drowns. . Cuhmeroe, ell wool l'l-idn, :11 wool DelAinen Wins. xonxuocss 800., my", cotton Pluldl, pllin “a figured. memu’ au a Exchangl Pm, 1 French new, Arubian Stripes, VelonmL-Vcl: Nov. 5, 18605:? Janey City,N. J. . klal‘ilrußVellil If“: flou- de Lelns, 11l prices. 2:, -——-_ we utoc o ruvelln Dre" Geode, llin Elnployment. ‘ Ind figured Sllka, Flonncgl. A full and 50m l‘lK Inblcriben, dedlltg in o utopia article, ' {”130“, M: Print: consult”; on bud"- T will furnish employment to a row “tire S'Lu'mfn"Dn'urwo'h"s‘“"°mv men to not no meat. ‘lor their home. A pro-l hum" 1"." ,'_l'reoch. finch." "'4 Am‘dc‘“ , . Sit-111. Fluid and Knitted Shawl: for Chil {grenee will begun! to thou who are well M: I"an t l d i l quieted in the district {or which they apply. Good I' y "3" gran. I “M"“hhi For which unit-n they are willing’ to pay a I o "9" amp on. A lull “d conu all of irou‘ ‘0 3800 ren “ d ixleto stock of Notlonl. Perfumery: Jewelry» r, ’BOO . , P' y loalery. Gloves, Gentt' and Ladiee’ Gauntlets upeuu. For tar-titer partu «hm, Addreu . t w a Muntznovss t c 0 ”“1 0"" “d “M" °‘ ‘s' "W “m" ' ' at 5 Exchnnge 111:" , :11”;- Eh'“: "“1 00"” Reina-Jaw, to. v .‘ ~ c., 0., c. ' “9331899431. __"7‘_"°;'_°fi{l_"- ’- ALL cons: No tronbln to thaw Goods. Town hopeny Oct. 19, 1860 1‘ PRIVATE SALE.—The undenigned of- EA‘ fern at Private Sale the l'ropertyiu which e now relidu, situate in lint Middle Itreet, Gettyuhnrg, Adjoining S. R. Tipton on the west Ind lire. llcfllroy on the out. with on g," Alloy in tho rear. THE HOUSE in I. two-awry Prune, Weatherboarded. Ilth Beck-building; o well of water, with a pump in it, at the door; and n variety of fruit. web It Applet, pun, peaches. apricots, Cbufl'ih, Ind gripe-fill the most. choice. ZACHARIAH IYERS‘ NOV. 11.1800. t! 3011 an Practical Calculator, ' A Hook of plain Rule: and Cniculntiom for Bunim-n Operations, by Mum: 11. Ruuua. ancticnl Surreyor nnd (.‘ouoynnccr. New! Edition. Puhii-hed h, J. B. LIPPIICO‘I’T t Cm, Phiindelphin. . ‘HIS Work cont-in: 204 pages, and npwnrdl o! 500 link: and Examples, entin-ly And I omnghly rncncw. Inch u urine nor: by in the common punuita of Buniueu. It Im nlmdy panned through I number of Edition: ' in rapid "remain, nnd ls proronnccd by nil clnuel of buinen urn to be the Banner pool 07 nnnnscn. pertaining to cuicuintimu,‘ tbnt has ever born published. ‘ Every Example in the hook“ wanna on u ‘ rru. Ind ltnted In I phdn manner, '0 that when n parallel cue "hes. than referring to: the work «It: find no difliculty in radii, min! in: it; in n word, the general nmngtment of. the Cucnnon in so simple, that any onewho; known how to ADD, gunner, Inns-1.1, orv DIYIDI, as eulty solve my urdinnry example‘ that "in" in busineu, or arrive It the trneé remit of any estimate required. ‘ { The chief nlm of the Author has been to can chew theory and phiimophy in figures, liming only nt fact: Ind simplicity, believing that busio “CI! men cure little about lpcnding time in discussing the philoaophy of rules, or the science of figurN, deeming it sufficient for their, pnrpou to be able A? a lUXIST, by referent-e, to urine at the nu nncu. The (‘uccuron differ! in this respect from all Arithmrtiu of' the day and kindred murky—it is a key to pnc.‘ ticni business calculations—his, in {ligands} of the businens mnu. what the kt} to mathe-I mnticnl works is in thy hnudx of the tencherin the school-room—it fawiiitazes time nnd cor-1 rcctncn. | The Work treats ofthe .\(cunrcment oflmnd, of Lumber. of Brick nnd Brick Work, a! Stone & Stone Work, of Grain and Grain Bins, of 00M & COM Ilium)! Wood,“ Solids, ofCircn hr. Square. or irregular \‘euelu.o( Cisternl :ml V'nta, of Roofing, 0! l’lutcrers'. Painten’, Glnziers', anon‘. Plumber-3’, Pfiper Hanged, and l'phollteren' Wow It we“! “Currency and of Forergn And Domenic Exchange, of the Docimsl System, of Reduction and its extend ed application In Biz-inc”, of Simple cad Com pound lnterelt, and their entire npplicnllon to Bunincu tnnuctiona, with the luvs Ind lung" governing Ind regulating the “me, together with numerous commercial Forum—of Legal Tender, of Partial Pnymenu on Notes, of Bunk ing Ind Bunk Discount, otflqnstion of Pay ments lud of Puma-ship Accounts, of Aneu ment of Tun, of Weight: 3m! Ensures, of Square and Cubic Manure,“ the Square Root mud in Application to Balinen, of Surface, or Exclution, Ind of many other important puc tic-l sum” not citbln the scope clan “ver tilmunt to nation. Vucur SLIDILL , I: in jut the Book for the Partner, the le chuic, the AMI“, or an Profeuiond mm. It hnproven n nimble mxifluy to the 14'- yer, g, Jmico o! the Pace, the Convoymm, Ind Bod Bantu Broker, to the Anenor. the Bank", th. Clark, to $BO CM! Engineer and the Surveyor, to tho Cupcake! and Brickhyer, to the Slant luon and 1|:- Pguzerer, w the Paper Hunger Ind l'phohtenr, to [he Pun nnd the Tiler, ta, ta; ugh Ind I" will find It “18pm to their various! vuu hem: mu any book publhhod. n-hned (pea pm) to my pm of m Cum smo- upon mom. 0! the money.— Pfiu o! :ohgh om, h clout, 60 cent» 0" two «who (0:81 00. Bond In pockem has, Marceau, .I 0070‘ copy. Address. I. I. BOBBIE. lax 19:1,Pflwphh P. 0., PI- Manna. ‘- A" mun-m u Depo: a he. Jon Ml) {CW-bulb!“ um“, Gm» ...- rm messagwm #O3l as .5. WM“ ‘wu-l mud! ‘ . {3‘3l -. [mm 3.18“.» ‘l' Wm " bb' mam-“.mmu LW‘M‘ “w- :«mzm (N u Clans-hem let:- cg B. r. 1:11.an Cannon 8: Adan-’3 ROIIRER'S RUHREDFS RUH RER'S ROHKER’H RUHRBB'H PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTIV'AL CALCI'LATHR. PRACTICAL CALCULATUB. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATUIL '1'.I.Oook&80ns Gin u a Remedial Amt. 818 DELICIOUS TOXIC snuvmr. “a Patel-Sly dainod for min-gig Ibo us. laden «ad the Indy, 0’ unread. ad “I. 10-uuod “Gino," “Anmflc,” “W," “Mediated," “Schnapps,” etc" it no! u doned by In of the prominent phytlchn, chem'uu and connoisseurs, u poueuin. ll! of those nurume medicinal qudmu (tonic Ind diuntic) which belong M In OLD Ind 3033 Gin. Put up in 'qum boa)” and told by I“ druggbu, grocen, etc. A. M. amxcan & 00., (Elublilhed in 1778.) Solo Proprietm, No. 19 Broad nth-ct, N. Y. For “1e by FRENCH, RICHARDS ‘ C0.,-. W. W. a I]. SSUTII, and .n of the premium. Wholmle Druggiau ii; Philadelphia. Oct. 1!), XB6O. 1y - “ Quick Sales 8: Small Profits." AHXG pun-hand 3 km Add“... tortuaeut MFA LL AND WINTER GOODS, we are prepared w ofler bnmtlnl to in who may {not m 'in: u call. We will not Imnpt to panicnlnrize, In our flock ctmptilel Pur clzn nnd Domenic Dry Goods, Funcy Aruclu. Trimmingl, he, to, together with a hm u lonmenc a! Groceries nnd Queemvue, m which 7. would respectfully uk In examina tion before purchasing. u we no determined to ull n chelp :- the cheapo". Thuklul for the liberal encoumgemcm herewfon extended to In we would reapectfnlly uk | continuum of the ulna. A. SCOTT t SON. Oct. 1511880. Handsome Women. TO THE LADIBS.—HUNT’9 " 31.00! 0" nnsrzg." A rich and alt-put color for the cheekl or "pl. IT WILL NOT WASH OR RUB OFF. Ind when once applied. remain: dntnhle for years. The fin! is so rich and an mrnl, mm. ‘he clones! scrutiny hill to detect in nu. (‘ln be removed by lemon juke Ild um um injure the skin. Thin h I new pnpur-lion, ulpd by 111. celebrated Court Baum-I of Lun don and Puil. Uniied free, in botlln, with direction hr nu, for 31 00. ‘ HUNT’S “ COURT TOILET POWDle‘F'lm ynru I dazzling wlu‘uncu to do can: Into", 3nd 1: unlike anything the Med for {Eh pur pose. Nailed free for 5011 mm HE‘XT‘S “BRITISH BALM," renou- an, Menu. Innbum Ind all eruption of an lkin. Hailed free for 50 Cenu. HUxT’E “ IMPERIAL PONADE," for the hair, Ctrzngthenl and Improve: 1:: grown, krepu It from filling of. Ind in wan'IMHI to Inn: 1'!!! mm cru. lulled fico for SI 00. HL'ST'S “PEARL-BEAUTIFIEB," for the teeth and gums, clean!“ Ind whiten: tin-teeth, burden! the- 3mm, puriflel the breath “Tet-tun!- Iy. ruulrn ml "In: no nun" room- Acnn. Nailed [m !or 8! 00. HUNT’S “ BRIDAL WHEAT}! PERFI'ME," a double extract of mange blououu Ind co logne. Milled he {or 31 00. Thin uqnhito perfume in. firm and by the Princcn Run! of Eaglnd. on her marriage. Menu. Hunt 3 Co. pmeulzd the Prim-cu with an elcgnn‘ use of l'erfumcrf', (in wlflch all of the Ilmn articles were inc uded) In bundlomc cut glam with gold noppcn, valued II 51500, punicnlun ofwhich nppctted in Ibo public ‘yriuu. All the Iborq nuclei mu Free, by upmv, for 86 00. Cash can either accompany tho order, or be paid to the express agent on dc. liver: of youth. ‘ BUST & 00.. Perfumen to the Queen. . Regent St., London, and 77 San-om 15L, Phil-- dolphin, Pu. Fol‘ Sale by :3 Dragging and Perfume-n. ”The Ind: Supplied. [um 15, '6O. I, Pay Up ! HE partnmhip herelol‘ure exluingbnwren the mbu-rlben. under the firm we of Ann t Zlmun, 111., buing been dluoh'rd. they hereby give notice to all persona ludcm ed to Ihem. by Sole or Book Accoull,to cull Ind settle the nuns before the first «by of)“- unry next, In which time lhelr scconnu will be placed in the bands of In officer for collection. HEN RY 11. BANKER. “'AYBRIGUT ZIEULER. Nov. 2, 2960 Dr.'Esenwain’s TAR ASD WOOD NAPTHA P 27210315, 17m but Medicine In lbeworldfor dye Cu" at Coughs Imd Golda, Cruup, Bronchial, Asthma, Difficuuy in Breathing, Pnlpitntiuu of the Hun, Diplhcrlt, lnd for the relief of patient: in the tanned Inge: o! ‘ Coululnption, together with I“ Dime. of m. Throat and Chest, 3nd which yr:- dhpose ‘0 Consumption. " - It in Whirl, adapledto theradicalem ”MM Belng prepared by I pnctiul Physician and Dmggist. Ind one of great. experience in tho cure or the "dons disease: to which "so hu man frame [I linble. u it offered to the unlisted with the patent confidence. Try it nud be convinced thu it is ("liable in the onto 0! Bronchial nfl'ccu'ons. Print 60 cent: per Mlle. _ 8‘? red only by rep- DE. A. ESENWBIN t 00., Draggim Ind Ohmic”, X. W. cor. Xinth 8 Poplu 8L... Pmlmxg. “Sold by every Impact-bk Dwain ad Du!" In Medicine: :hroughou the Sub. ‘ April 2, 1860. 1] Hat- Boot. ‘ We. ORE KEW GOODS AT THE 810 01’ THE BIG BOOTa-Thé udmfinod'un mt mocked a. fresh apply of Esta, Cnpa, Boots, Shoot, Trunks, Cupet my, tc. Alto, luv. a good supply of Snddlcs ud Ema“, Dridiu, Collin, cc. ’ Shoes sad Boots of 5!! Had: nude to order by ant-nu vorkmon, and on than none-.- Bomnudo work than on but. Prim luv for cub. 008341! b GULF. Nov. 19, 1860. Rel-beck &: mun ‘_ AYljum natvodfroutho any “OW noel: of 630082138 any but my cloud to the “tram, Syrup, 0M Tea, nan. Charmin. .Spmo, ugh, oubncingdlvmuiu, gun Manhunt.“ ngrmku'ngtlogt‘ augment, Inch-0,, ‘3 0‘30” 1 i all”. M“ everything to In {and h - mx‘l‘lam nd Vuldy Bm. , . tho-Mud M W um Viaguw hen-9"?!» 1 m ‘°" ”I‘3 - ’ ' rum: min to u 5-]: up $135”; ‘ ’i ’ -’ \ o ' - In, 11.1.00‘ ' u ‘ ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers