3-r h i ”‘1; W Kn. d Lt. t “'5 . ‘ - r. my ”i “3: 1 ‘ ‘ fl 5’ ‘,‘ . v the : . . V, “’13!“ ‘uE? to I' '- ‘ . STSV . I‘Mofldnml canny“ "37’ . 3 0n ‘ a: nl:., in the Cubwvmurch, Wm ‘ a PM again. Mr. DAN . 21:, (Julian; to] ‘ R ,d hwfl'" nub a. 3mm 0 Maj: ‘ '- F-)+ -, ’ On (it 3!“ uh, If York, .\IrgILYZABRTI, m o! It. Bit-bar! Cook. decrased, aged ,3 yourf Kid 26 dayl. May she rut in pace. h Wincheatn‘ VL. on the 23d 1111.. 3111. mm KEN-288, wife or Mr. [mac Krebs. game!!! 0! Gettysburg.) in the smh ye.” .0! eruge. 0n the 28d: 11"., MARY CHARITY ROI'GH WAN, tgtd 14 years 9 month} Ind .15 days. On the 1131 uh... of putridglun throat. SAM. PILLMUBE I)U.\'ELSU.\'.aged 4 year: 10months Ind 16 days ; and on the 22d, EDWARD DAN IEL SENTXAN,Iged 12 years me] 8 month: and the 25m, LILY SUE, aged 351:”! I mmxlh lnd II dnyl, ind ANN ELIZABETH, agcd H years 4 month! and 11 dayl. and ELLA VIK UINIA, aged H _rears and 2 day. and On the 27th, ALBERT WILLIAM, :Isz 1 year ‘ 'mamh; nm'. 20 dag -'——rlulJrc‘n M Mr. Henry Nye". (”Cumberland tnwmhlp‘ Adam. count). Special Notices. m OXYGENATHD ENTERS—Nature. in her great hbornmry. Img nored some remedy Adapted In every disease which "fix-sh u heir to." But it reqmres the invesugxuvon and re mrch of the philosopher ta diswurand apply this remedy: Such nscnrrh null imutignlion h: :uccccdcd in di‘covcring a remedy for that not: amictive dispcniatmn. the DYSPHI’SIA.’ With all it! lesser and numoruu! NW; and it my be'uley nl-(‘rlt'd lb H mm: me appearance of (he nygenuu—«l Enter: a also of Dyspepsia cured I’ll a rare experience in muflcnl prac tice. Now under the influence of these Butlers the rule In to cure, the rare exception, failure mean. If PRO! THE LADY OF JOHN JONES, BSQ., Well kuuwn and much respected in the Coutbcn part of New Janey. _ FLU-nu. N. 1., Inn. 17, 1860. Mann. 3. W. Fowu: & Co..— Biru—i luv: I.an more or [en ofthc Oxy galuod Hitters for the inn three yurl. sad in" been much benefited by their me. ”I." been much troubled with Dyspepsia for many yea-a put, Ind found nothing tint Corded me my relief until I used the Bitters. I do non cheerfully recommend their use to all who are silica»! with that compkint. Yours, to. DEBORAH JONES FRO)! DIL WHITE. lulu-1.0.7100: co., Pa" Ana. 28358. Ihuo used the nygrnatcd Hitler- in my pumice cm. dwidcd (uccess in delrimy and genenl pmnmtion. 813.. and confidentially P 6 (annual n in' menu dthllity and discus or the diganiveurguns. F. 8. WHITE, N. D. “‘Pnpnnd by SETH W. FOWLE h 00.. Boston, and for ulc hy A. D. Buehln. Gettys burg; bi. man“, York Hpflnfl; Wm. Wolf, Eur! nerlin; Solomon Chrouinm, Hampton; Juob l-‘nlweihrJlnmmnhnrg: U. B.l!ollinger. .\hbonuow‘n; )1. Sumter, New Oxford; John Hill", Lillliptown; nod by'denlen "Mullen. ‘Fch. 4,1861. 4w mil} PPBMO {41.533130 $lll6ll is now tuneful” ldméuod to exist in M 06!!! Lifo Pill. uni 9|“:th Diners, is every day dot-on! standby their astonishing rficncy in the we? vhlch they nre announced to cure. Ali the comphinu oftbe nomad; And bowels, wack nm “the digestive omm and uf the system really, biliotu and liver lfl'cclionl, night even, laud aches, piles, cosfivcnm. consump— (M3! rheumatism, u-un'y. impurity of the blood, -or biotchod and Inflow compluiom, soon yield ‘to their curative properties. A singie kill in vqriAblf «cum them the lidcoflha be“ fami ly Mich)“ nor belore the public. For ule 111 the proprieWr, W. B. MOI-TAT, n his «fire, 43:5 BruAdlray, N. Y., 3nd by S. S. Foruey Agent, Gettysburg. Ageh‘ 13. 1-}. TO COXSI‘MPTIVES "Tk Adrertiaer,hu- In; been rutond to lat-MIR in A few week- bye vecfimple remedy, after buying sufercd sever-l Jenn with severe lung Mection. And that dread disease, Consumption—b Anxioun to make known to hi: fellow-sufferers the mean. ofcun. To all who desire 11, he will send A copy of the prescription used (free ofcimrge.) with the directions for preparing and uaiug the name, which they will find u sure Cure for Consump tion, Luann, Bronchitis, &c. The only object ofithe advertiser in sending the prescription is 1.0. benefit the “flirted, and spread information which lie conceives to be inrnlnnble.lnd he hopes every Sumner will try his remegy, as it will cost them nothing, and any prove I bles sing. o Putin withing the prescription rill place address - RE". EDWARD A. WILSUX, , Willinmaburg, King: county, Oct. 22,1360. 1:! New York. THE .\‘IERICAN MEDICAL AND TOILET RECEIPT BMW's—This book contains Recipes anJ Dircvfiuns for m \kmg all the most valua blo Medic-l preparation: In use; also Recipes and in“ and explicit directions for making the most popular nml useful Cosmefics - fumes, l'ngueuts, lhir Restonives, me an Toilet Arm-lea. lfyon are suffering with any chronic dinome—it you wish . behutiful com plex on, a. flu: bend of lmir, a smooth face, A (la! Ikin. I luxuriant heard or monstndle—or if you wish to know anything and everything in the Medial and Toilet. line. you alumna, by I” In‘nns, peruse n copy or this book. For full pcrflcnlnrs, and a supple of [Le work for peas-Ll, (freq) address the pubfisbet. T. F. CHAPMAN. No. 831 Broadway, New York Nov. b. 3m RELIEF XX TEX PULMUSIC WAFERSE—Thenriginnl Medicine Eat-blished in 1831. um! first article of the kmd ’erer introduced under the name of “ Puonsxc “Hr-lg” in mm or any other country; all other l’ulmouic Wafers Ire counterfeit; The genuine cm be known by (he name BRYAN being “amped on end) WAFER. - Brnn : l’uhnomc Wafers Believe Coughs,Culd.\,Sum Harm-L. Honraeuess. ~§ Bryan] Pulmonic Wafers Believe Asthma, Brondnua. [lzflicultnrenthing ', Bryan's I’ulmumc Wafers Rollera.§pi_uing ‘ufllflood. l’nius in the Chen. . Bryan‘s l’ulmomc warm Relic” jncipicnt Consumpuon, Lung Diseases. _ Brynn Pulmomc Ware,“ More Irritacion of (he Crula and Ton-ill. _ Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Believe the above Complaints in Ten Minutes - Brynu’a l’nlmomc Wall-rs An I Blessing to all Classgs 313 d Constitution; Brian's Pull-conic Wafers An Idtplai for Vocalists Ind Public Speakers . I Brynn] Pulmonic “'afers Ania ll imple form and plasma: Lo the taste . . Bryan's Pnlmonic WM": lcfoflyrelievezbutefl‘ecuapidmdlsstingCuru. ~ n Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wnu‘era ”grim ,tog'ne utimcdon to every one. 'o {Mysbould be without 3 box of ' Bryan‘s Pulmonic Ware-n in the house. “mule: should be‘gjthont A supply Q 1; q . , 3mm Pnlnmuic Wafers _~ . - in his pocket. ; rope»! In! our object to give {or ‘ ‘Y3 . Bryan] Puhnonic Wafer: fl“ . Tully-fire Cams. r, ‘1 ‘3 “USES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. . lane 18, 1660. lyeor ’ mun: t chn’l Store in wen vor ayt'fifitjnn “flab fine. We doubt flanker, craft-ho}- Ingest cities, so fine A dispby of Suave: an be found. Their large room is fill of Stove! dun: pm; the. ”.7 n dcty of _Hollov Wm, Sheet—iron "A!“ Tin Wifi-Pbfiifl'ed Wire, annn van—mun hf, Miami!!! in the hone finishi llll'i' Aid), Sainige 01M, Suunpflmfiu, MPW,‘&¢., kc. _‘l‘hey m pmpmd to flfioleadend mm'flu Ware and“: mad Wm}; «mm: ownpuafutme—hem . “that nvjlho'rof bind-to Inpply my do .‘il.’ “d! mm of Lumber [I very ‘” ~ 'Wfiddevqkjnd. ' ‘ ‘ m; .~ :7 ‘it to m. a“; ‘ . . tg: ' .~ ' v ’ .. g 3“ 6.. DABI‘E magnum .v : 02.!!“W i: ”f . ‘uutln' “11m; ~ .. , 4' -’.6 ...‘zfifiafifi “,, Pa ~ . ~ n 7‘" ‘3: :u 'ngm? uh; Superfine 110'1r..:....‘.,............‘.....‘ 10 to 4 '5 Eve n0un";............‘..‘.........'.... 3 951 “he Wbm..................“.....-1 I's 10] 25 Red Wheat..................m...........l 03 to 1 1'! Corn ...................... . .............. 50 En...» as Out: ....;........... ’ 15 Buckwheat... ..............’..'.‘..u.... . ' ‘5 Clover Seed -.. Timothy Seed nu Seed .. P 133" of Pu‘h Haste: ground, per bug Flour. When! Rye Corn... U-u ............,.....‘ Clover Sud..-.... Timmhy 5eed................... ... Bee! Caulk, per bund.............. Hogs, per hund.........-.......... U5;...........................mm..." \Vh'ukc, .. Gntno, Perui'un, pct L0n......... HANOVER—Tannin! mt Plgnr, from wagon: “'ler! Rye .. Corn.. Outs... Clare-r Seed.... Timothy Secd~ P1uur.......... AMCEL FAHKRSTOCK‘S ESTATE—Lu- S ten lanmenmry on the estate of Bland Fuhncstock, late of Gen; sbum Adam: county, detensed, baring been grated to lhl under signed, residing in the same phce, the: hereby give notice to all person! indeb‘ed u slid nut: to make Immediue purulent, Ind those having dnluu against the lame to pre sen; ‘hem pro’perly authenticated for unle ment. 45038 P. PAHNE‘STOCK, HWY J. FAIINES‘I‘OCK.~ EDWARD G. FAHXESTOCK. Feb. 4,1861. 6: We". WILLIAX PANEBKOKHR'S ESTATE.- Lettm testament”,- on the estate M Willhm Pnewkef, lnle of Union hr ~ Anlnlpl cm, deemed. havin been granted to 1‘1: under signed, residing in kg; numewwuship, he hcnby gives no'ire w I" pcrsonl indebted to nld nut: to make immediate pnyment, and than having claims Ignhnt the ume to present them properly luthenficnkd for renlemrnt. MICHAEL KITZXILLER, Err. Feb. 4,1861. 6!. . SIM, (h "A day of March "at. tho 0 subscriber will tell a: Public Sale, in. his resldcncc. in Jlonntplwnnt (ownship, Adnml county, half: mile north ofsqunre Corner Post 045 cc, Ind bee mile from Sean's Hill, the fol lmring nlmblu’monn! Properly, viz: TWO WORK HORSES, 1 splendid Colts, % one-year old sad 1 two your.) 4 Cows.“ on em fresh,) 2 heavy Bulll, Young Fntlle, l llruad-lrrnd Thm Ind Pour-bane Wagon. Mm! Bed and Feed'l‘ljough.) Plough.) Harrowfiborel Plough, Corn Fork, Held WI, [‘lfltiuuw, Ila} Lad den, 20 feel. loan. Forks, 31k", Shovels, "21L lon. Bun And Burn: Claims. Cow Chains, Log Chains, Snatchers. Single Md Double-trees, Horn Gun. Jnck Scnv.Gnin Cradle, Clover leed Cradle; Bed: And lit-amends, Tabla, CW. Tcmphte Store And Pipe, Iron Kalle, lat Vault. Potato” by the bushel, Empty Barrels, Ind Inn] other articles, 100 unuuotu to mention. hen. KLI‘XI, ALclionccr .\' "'rdunday. Mo 20/5 dam of Prbrmnj/ am, O [[39 rubucnber, Admlnlslntor of PM]!!! J. Gut-r. deemed, will sell .1 Public Sn]e,,nl the la , Mdeuce of mid doeeued, in Strabuu towuuhip. Adana county, shout one mile Vest or Hunter-down. the following Pmonll Proper ty, viz: 3 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, (one (‘2‘ which in a Funny Ham.) 1 Yen-ling (Ink. 1 Fat Steer. 1 good Four-hone .\‘nnow-trmd Wagon, I lung: “can; I ‘l‘hréihlu' Inchine, l Shiremnn Corn .Plamer, Plough: nnd Ihr rows, Single and Double Shower PIOthI, Corn Fork, Cultivators, Single and Double-keel, Horse Gean, Saddle: and Brialu, 2 Log Ind l th Chaln,Wood Ladders, Grnin Crullo; [ln by the sack or Ton,l Sup: of Bm, Coot Stove, Templnte and l‘nrlor Stoves, Bed and Bedding, and n army of othcr'nrticlu, too numerous to mention. [IE subscriber, intendmgto quit fuming, will sell ll Public Sale, ”Juicy, (be 111‘ of .Vurch lat, nthil residence in Hunilwn bnn tmvnship, Adam: county, on the Cold Spring road, About 1} miles north-emof Flir field, 1 mile lrom Eikar'a Blah-lid: Shop.|nd } of: mile from the Cuhtown road, the follow ing Prrsnnnl Property, \‘ix: 2 had offlru-ruu WORK URSES. (one of which in a mare with fonl,) liwo-ycarlmg Colt. (blooded,) 4 Mild: (‘nw.~. (f *sh,)l Dnrlmm Bull, 5 bend ononn‘ Cattle, Hugi, (among which in a brood low,) Home Gram, Bmechbnnds, Cruppers. I. let. of Carnage “amt-18, Saddles, Bridles. It, 1 Three-horse \V ugon, (quite nun) 1 Spring “‘ngun, llny humus. Elune Bed. Wiunowing .\llll, l’louglm. lint-rows, Shovel Plough, Cul mulur, Cum 150:1“, .\mglc and Double Trees, Grindswue, L'rlus-Clllb'nw,uorlc Rake, Forh, Rakes, km, llny by the tau; 5 lot. of Bacon: Cupboards. Tun—phle dune and Drumnnth I Variety 01 other articles, too numerous to mounon. MINUTES—BRYAN‘S HE undersigned, Auditor appointcd by the Orphan] Court. of Adams county. to dis mbutc the huh-ace running in the hunk of Jon! Wouonn. Administrator of the flute of Joan Saran, dean-ell, anon; the portion 1:- gally entitled wreceive {he lame. hereby noti fies .11 parties interested, Hm he WI“ disdnrge :he dutiel of his appointment, n his office, in Gettylburg, on Tuadlly, Me HUI day 0] February um, “‘lO o'clock, A. IL, of mid day, to nuke distribution mung the parties entitled thereto. ‘ A J. J. “SKULL“, Auditor. JAn."‘,lB¢¥L , td ARGAD'SI BARBAINBh—Wc would all the utention of our customers Ind other: I’ vilhfio buy chap goods, am we no (I'- termiudw done out on: unite flock of Lodzu' Drvu Goods, Shawn. it... in, .1 con prion. for cub. Our flock caprioq man uwud {ubionnhh “erl, in French Irina, Cul nem, Pushes. Printed Merino“, Pmds, - Incline Cloth, Olden“! Luau, Wool De - net, All colon, Lynne-e Clam, kw fic.‘ long uni anm Bhvh—ciming out n greatly re finced price-n -' if ' ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ fi-fl‘ha Meg m respedrnuy mud to an ad many. out flock and price. .1 up u: “M um wee,“ pleue uto qux’flgufl ,fia,‘ .. ‘ ~LBOOTI‘BBN. in. a, not. . . _ .‘-I . _ m «- .—-.——~ »——_~. ~ 111 on t lochmico’ ‘ BALTIIORE—inn Ln? ....._....."................. 5 31 to 5 37 '. 25 to 1 65 .. ...-........................ 10 to 75 Do. from stores Notice. Notice. Public Sale. 98:1: to commence nlO or'clock. A. IL, on said dlf. when utendnnco till be given and term- [nude horn by I’ll's WILL. Feb. 4, 1861. tr• Public Sale. ”Sale to commence It 10 o’clock. A. 31., on said dny, when ntlendnnee will be given and term: nude known by JOHN F. GRAW,.4dn‘r. Feb. 4, 1861. tl Public Sale. with: to commence M. 11 o‘clockl A. l, on mid day, when nucndwce will be given Ind terms made known by GEO. C. GRASS. Feb. 4, 1551. u Notice. L ~ ‘ Notice. “7 M. WISOTZKEY'S ESTATE—Letter: o! unfinismdon on the cunt: of “ 111 nm “'uotzkey, hue of Geuysburg, Adams coun ty. deceased, having Leon gmntod to the undersigned, raiding in the same pluc, be hereby gives nodce Lo :11 persons indebted to gaid estate to make immed'ute payment, And mmehavmg dniuu Against. the lama to preheat them pmpul nuthenticatcd {or settlement. gLVID ZIEGLEB, SK, Ain't. January 28, 1861. 6: P!‘r!UMn AV , . 07 A sfiggfimfl ...wmi’flfiai‘iz humus 00cm rot mo. ‘»’ (Mainland 08cc, Adam co., Pi. ‘ My ‘0 in Au. of Assembly, animal “An Act to niu County Rue. nd Lotus," requiring the Commissioner: 0! the raga-xiv. confide: to publhh s “Lumen! of the Equip“ and Ex admire- ywly, We,l.he Commiuiona erl “£32! ofuid county, report :1 follows, to wit»: tom It! uh day of anuu’y, 1860, to the fiyyfl Juuuy, 1861—bolb dun in~ My“ WAYWGHT ZYBGLER. Esq., Treunru. and mummluionersfin Account wuh the Coup. tr MAM), u (allows: DR. "..-..- 4 50 to 4 75 ...........I 25 to I so ‘ 115 650 100 60010650 To cub in hand..- a! hm" Treuunr . n In: ”filament, $lO7l 84 Outstanding County Tun Ind Quit Rent! In land: of Coilecmn, 11079 23 Comm Run and Lena uncut-{far 18W: Bomugh of Gettylburg, $1386 79 “ " Quitßenu, 178 50 Cumberland tov uhxp, 1248 49 Gtmuy “ 9M 53 Oxford “ 1135 44 Huntington “ “‘6 'H [Alimurc “ .03 95 Hunlllonbgn “ HOB 10 ‘ ‘ ’ Liberty “ 6.57 M Hmlwn “ 000 u leulhn “ 867 91 Smbln “ 1357 60 ankhl “ M6B 31 Gono'ngo “ ”O 19 2 , Tywnc . “ 897 04 ... 60 la 78 32 w 86 ... L 00 to 5 50 .. 1 75 Lo 2 26 .. 5 50 Lo 8 50 .. 7 25 La '1 75 ...13 001015 00 17 so 18 62 00 5 00 .... 5 50 .... 1 15101 25 .... 68 Moumjoy “ “I Is lon-column! “ 1m M Reading “ I!” I] Benick “ 359 57 Freedom “ m 81 Union “ 1154 0! Butler “ 900 B 6 Bmlok be!" , 191 81 475 150 650 —-' 11839 50 Loan homunnkud sundrypeuonl, 19971 00 Abacus“ n Gnu Old-I. . one as Gall: hon Inge ”glitter, Shel-Hf, {‘oer (tutor IMO, I! oo Duh hm Wm. I. now», 3.41., for Jury fees for moo, 12 00 Cash fl-om H. 6. Well, for Jury foe: for Im, - 400 Cal: from )I. Elm-on, in full for county buildings, 500 00 Cut: hon V. t J. Winter, 1!: pm for old can" houe 1M 00 Cut: (ram flichul hupp, for old “on, Cub from In. Grlelt, on note of Joel'Griut. 55 00 (‘uh hon: Water Company, 33 00 Cash from J. Ila-hey, Z. Sfyen Md 8. G. Wolf, anL. for coal, :1 on Cu): from Daniel Fancy, fine, 5 oo Cub from Knit}: Cnfi, emu. a 00 Additionduxfmmaundrypar’n,lB6o, M7O Exam-mud Lu “ “ 135 00 Error in out-luding an: of former Treasurer, $55637 ‘5 =3: The Outstanding Couutz Tax Ind Quit chu appear to be 11. the nude of tlge following Collectors, to wit You". Collar“?!- IHM. John E. “eikel, Huntington, . $8 58 lash. Slmurl Sadlcr, Tyrone, a 33 1836. Samuel Weaver. Gettysburg, 160 34 “ “ “ Quh Rents, 68 m 1857. H. G. Our, Gettysburg, s 7 75 u u “ Quit Benn, 154 12 “ John lcCrury, Strubuz, 93 30 “ Jacob C. Piluntnrf, Cyronc, 84 R: 1858. Henry Biule, Germany. 56 74 h aw. Shuffle, Franklin, 32» no “ Jncoh P-Ilhmnn, Nounlplcunnt, :m; 51 1359. Emlnqel Ziegler, Gettysburg. 4H 18 H “ “ Quit Beau, 178 50 “ James Wilt, Hnnflngton, 89 97 “ Jame: Reiglc, Lnimorr, 58 05 ‘l .\. llnruell,f Unmiiwnbnn, 1‘67 94 “ Phineas \hrsden, lounlplennat, [7B 93 “ Wm. Siifer, (‘niom 2‘” as 1860. R. D. Armor,f Geuphurg, 93.) 10 H M “ Quit Rents, 178 50 “ Henry Bung} Cumberland, 688 .77 “ John G. Byenpf Gummy, 95433 “ Lurrence Dutch? Oxford, 320 H “ Wm. H. Untdnenf llnntlnmon, 910 on “ Andrew Shulu,f Lllimorc, 3|3 95 “ Robe" “Gunmf Hlmllluuhu, 859 If) “ F. Manama; Libeny. 208 H “ Emnnne! [in [,l Hnmfllon, ' 236 In “ Wm.o“¢rdeer,f Mennllcn. 857 92 “ Pew: Int-Hen} Stnbnn, 487 81 " George “that Franklin, 93; 37 “ John SmalLf Conowsgo, 6:"! :9 " Samuel ”ell-£4> Tyrnne, 626 O 4 " Tabla. like enrodefi Mountjoy. 134 93 “ Henry J.llemler,f loumplemumwo k 3 “ Emanuel Neidichd’ Reading. 588 '22 “ Jacob Balm Bmick. 4D 07 “ Eta-Incl Wilduin, Union, 048 lo “ Anon Widenf Butler, 62:! 73 " Dunn] Haunt Benick bor., 31 3| S‘Fteodon paid in fall before uukmut. Union mid in full line. some-cut. Thou markcd that 1' have ptid In M Brunditinglndluuingpnblic acconnu, $42 00 I “‘m. XcCleu. Elq.,Auditot-Ippolnud by the Court to and]: public-thin, 15 00 ‘ Printing, bunks, &¢., H 3 1'! ' Shana”- bill-of court can, 610 7:» lClerk'l pm we 00 _Absmmtoeouoctonotbperan, noo H 3 Fox and wild at Ictlpa, 48 so Genehdjlry and up undo-y, I!!! ll lAIMQIOH' ply, ’ 643 40 I Juflor‘n fee- for taping pike-on Ind I turnkey, . Wood, none con], tailing, it, for ; public handing.n , Repair: It prison, G mud jury and tip lum’ my, ,Prothonour , Regine: and Clerk of g Sculons' lies, 1 Tu refunded to Inndry penonl, , Court Cryer'u pt], Cenific-tu of comublen' return, Counsel fees, , Treasurer of Mm! Home, ‘ Postage und stationery for Count:- sionen‘s office, ‘Notes and imerest pdd bunk Ind lun dry persons, 16192 85 IQnit rcnu pnid George flimea'heln, 300 ‘ Wm. B. McCJtllu, £341., Dhuic: A!- toruey s feel, Jacob Rnfl'euspcrger, Esq, Commis- amncr's pay. Dnnlcl Geisclmnu, Esq., Commission- cr'n pay, James H. Mush“, Esq, Communion- er’s pay, Keeping prisonenu E. penilentlary, Isaac Lighlncr, Shenfl, conveying prisohers to E. penitemhry, 120 00 Justicea' and Conlubloa’ {cu for com mitting vngnnu, Rfllh’oad And Exprcu Co. f 0; freight, Lewil Zemer, in full for repmrl of town clock, ‘—t 70 00 Remoflng Ber-wick tr)». elecfion phi}, x 5 '25 Jamro Uirksonin trust or newtprinc, 64 00 Medical attend-mac on prisoners, 9 so Printingfnrnilmkfence :1 Court house, 26 15 Posts Ind board] for fence " “ 31 01 Cnrmge Ind filling lot a court house, l 7 54 Adam county fire blur-net coupuy ($4,000.) on own home, 13 50 Michal Rupp, court home keeper, 25 oo Dnid Ziegler, IL, forlhelving vulu, no 63 [lndium km, for public buildup, 16 01 Geo. W. McClellln, Esq, burdingjury, 1 (1-31, Bedding Ind clothing for prison, Gu pout, pm! at! hunt!" can}. ) house, On comptny, ‘ Preu Ind ugh for county omen, . J. N. Piuenxurtf, Esq. contmt in full . (or Opossum creek ‘mldge, 1100 00 ,J. I. Piuenmrfl’. Esq, cdntnct in pa: for Conow o bridgu uE. Balm, Chriuw tyicgler, contact in port forConow bridge “Mood-mill, 526' 00 Shad: 8 Bn‘efierfiron tighten (emu, 13 oo 3 Director: of the Poor ply, so 00 Wcm'yy n wring election, 39'! 12 } Do. m 1 do. we 4: . Do. pmidenflnl fiction, 526 75 Budd-mug" Ind (hm-‘0 on, 1890 16 Repair: 3: bridgu,‘ _ . 228 06 1M nghtnor, sham, fl): “lib-1!; , . ’ 3mm ’ I! 00‘ Emu-$02.20 eolhetun. % 3:1 "new: . , {am «lun Infill”), * A, ‘ -« ‘ _ ' "m a. ME= MI Bv WW” (I follow“ 534 72' .‘ _ 371‘WMQHW ‘ W! ' ’ 31.?!an . 0380 mm! “4‘l! ' Suntan: df'ltdn or the 80cm! 9;; m ‘ £12?" 1360, to m 1451: of Juan}, 1361, In alimony an: the {omingSum‘Pf he an n: ‘ , ....J we [ragga-u: fififinm 3131):}: $33: a; mgfifimd. . u u. x e o o‘ 0 mm: ‘ . v fifmnm. A Fomct alum“ cowl, u, Sumter prchiu “31:1, 290. ukufrm W , owlgim I.“ ‘ _. ~ - ' ‘ - ' h “1&0!me It :x%‘am%amfimmmlcfin’faamas, my _ a“ I:{llem u Geujl‘bm, the 81.5 6319!ng Cabre‘é dlo: "‘5 F‘W‘hhfi 9’ 555!“ 71- u-ry, “l. 7 A A l ~ Tatum “W "K I.“ 1. halo! big-ta, msm, CHISELMAK, JAS. H. lARNIALL,’ , WI, 3. (Lamas,- dommluiencrs of Adam county. Ath4. 31. “'AL!!!, Clerk. Auditors’ Report. the Hononble the Judge: of tbp Court of Common Plan of .\duns county: c. 11:. underugned, duly elected Auditor: to and: Ind Ldjxut the Paul: Account of be 'l'ruuu-cr Md Commissioners of Mid county, Invin bcln worn or “finned agreeably $0 luv, L report Ou- {olluwing no be A gcncnd Ingmar" 0! mid nccuunu from the “h db; 0! Jumary, 1860, lo the Bth d 1" ofJnnury, 1861 —b‘olh any: intlulivc: WA rumour ZIEGLER, $l., Tnuurcr. m Commiuiopcn, in account nth the County of Adam: ‘ To duh in hand: of former Truurer uh" nulement, 81071 84 Ouuunding county um and 11:. ml. bud; oteouecum. 1107’ 11 “out of oouny cu ud quit mu ”and for 1860, , 1183! 50 Inn-tron but-ad sundry pet-noun, :90” 00 Cub tron hue “clamor, mm, for jlqkufu 1880. 18 00 Cut n-ou Win. a. McClellan, 3.11., for my foal to: mo. 11 oo Ooh from IL 0. Well, today tea!" ”60, Guhftqln MAI-oomilfnflfotcou :l building. ' \ 600 00 Cut: from V. t J. Winn, In put. for old cout- bus I“ 00 Cuh from I. Rupp. {or old now. ¢ so Do. In. Grin: on nouovathiut. 55 00 Do. Wits: company. ’ 36 (‘0 Do. Busheydnnnd Wolf,for coal, 2: 00 Do. Daniel Fornry, line, 5 00 Do. Kai-h Cufl', cow", 0 00 Additional Ln'xlroh ”drum“, 44 70 Muted“: hon anndry person, ”5 0d Abatcmcnt on Small-on, 636 CI Error in ouuunding mm of former Treasurer, 50 00 4 50 CR. fiy onuulding tnxel for ISM, u A. ‘55:” L 856, ' 1357. 1858‘, 1639, 1860, 135.5, 1857, 50 00 u F‘QI, u u 1".38. 1859, 1860, 13.55, 1857, 13.38,, mm, Disbursements on county ordcn. Trcuuret‘s commission. “ Exonemfionn 11mm in bands of Trunurcr, . We. (he undersigned, Auditor: of the rounty ‘o!’ .\lth. I'l'nnsph'nnin. cle Ird and swam in 'purmnncc of law. do crporilhn! we met, did .nudil. "at: um] “Um according to bur, the .nvcumnl of‘he Trem-urrhmll Commilsio‘nerp 9f inlaid county, commencing on the uh day- pf .Jnnuury, 1850. lfid ending on lhe 929! day 0! “Inna-r 3; Incl—hon: Jays inclusive : um! said . nrcmmt I: settled above an ”Mend on record in teak-men! book. in the Commitshners’oflce or Adams county. in curred. Ind ,thn't we find I ‘ balmu—e the County by Trusurer of Two ‘Thoumnd Six Hundred and Forty DOHun and ’Eighly-nix Cents, ($2.6m ac.) and In mutant!- ‘in; taxes Fifleon Thou-um! Fan Hundred Ind {Thirty-four Dollars and Twedly-cight Ccuu, “315,4“ :3.) mus musmmuwr, .. AMOS LEFEV‘HR, ' dIESIH’ DYSERT, I Feb. 4, 1861. u Assigmeo's Sale. "E nn-ler-igned, A-zi cc of Con") HY- T "I am! “'1", will :51“ a: Public Sale, In the Wife of aid Anignorl. in thlmore (own: ' ',‘Adnmu county, our York Spriugn, on ' 1, (h 20“ lay 's] PM” "at, the follofl parlopll pfiopeny. viz: 3 HHRSES, 2 Cows. Young Gauge, 2‘ Two—hone W‘gonl, (one with bgd. bun Ind con-r.) Plough. Ind "Mum", Winnov’ring Hill, Hone fluke, Buy 1.: dders, Jack Screw, Hon-e Gem, Saddla 3nd Bridlu, Double Short-l Plough, Bakers Ind Chlina. (‘nw CblinnJ’iflh Chain tad Spruder, Forks, mm, and otherfurming implemenu.— Also. “fly by ‘he ton, Posts, Shingles,'und n w riety of other "tides too numeroul to men (ion. $15434 28 n-sm- to commence It 10 o‘ciocl, A. 1, on said day. whv-n mun-hm: will be given Ind term: made known bv H ' JOHN Imxn’ “madam Jun. 18,1861. :1 PuSllo Sale. 3 unbmrlbcr will sell it Public 8:“, on Wduoadcy, the 201‘ day of February nut, tn tholue midem of Peter lonfon, deemed, three Inllu w! of Gala-thug. on tho York lumplko, the foflowin‘ Pqnoml Property, fix: 1 Two-yearlin‘ COLT. 3 lilch Con, (coming to wait about the middle fill-nth.) 8 head of Young Cattle. 11 Sheep. Harrow, nculy new, Corn Canter, (‘lulng Box, “one Rah, Single and Double Trees, Cultivator. Clovenc‘ed Cndle, Baku ind Forks, Spruden. Cow Chum, And a variety of other Irticlel. too nu- Incroul lo mentlon. 4150 the half of 32} next: of Gnln In the ground. will]: to coining-nee a! lo o'clock, A. .\L. on said dny, when attendnnce will be given nnd lenna made known by GEORGE TATE. Mic-nun B. “In“, Auctioneer. Jan. 28,1861. u‘ , 5M 88 \ 2‘5 44 M 94 M 0 Bl 811 ‘3 1H 91 110 (‘0 93 80 60 00 8100 00 MO BE "bu-fibers, intending to quit firming, will all It Public Sale. It their residence, In Mountjoy township, Adam: county, nbout 1 ullu from Homer’s Mull, nem- lhe Nld lud lng from the Two Tun-m to Tmeytown, on Tudag, flu ”lining of 130 mm VII. the fol lowing personal property. viz: ONE PAIR. MUM-$B, 2 Dnught llorscu, l Three-fur old Cull, l Que-yen old Colt. 5 head of Cows, (four of them fresh.) 6 head of Young Cnule, 7 head ofshcep, l Brood—trend annn, l Spring W-gon. l Carnage. 1 new Rocknwny Buggy. Sleigh uud sleda. 2 Threahinx chbmes.Wbeut Fun, 5 Plonghl. '1 Hun-own. L‘uluruwn, Shovel l‘luughl, lb; Curingc. 6 nu offlonc (learnl set of Carriage Harness, Saddle: And Bridlcl, Gmiu Cradles, Mowing b‘cytbu, And I. Variety ofotlm' {Jr-mm; implcluenll. Q'Snle to commence In lo o'clock. A. 11.. on and day, when attendance w ill be given “a term: made known by J. A. ORENDOBFF t BRO. chon Runs. Auctioneer. 94 00 701 00 201 00 201 00 77 42 16 89 I 00 Jun. 28,121“. ts Sealed Proposals ILL be ncdved until m,m nm 5; day of Frbnary am. for the bnfldlng o! n Lutheran Church a Heidlonhurg. Plan. Inc] specific-‘bnlcan b. an by calling on the two lab-awed of the Conniuoo, residing in Heidlernburg. JACOB BOWBIS, GEO. F}. HARRY, PETER YEATTS, Jun. 28, 1881. Coal-41!”. 30 00 H 03 159 H 7 20 26 25 “...—,l §EBASTIAX WEAVKR'S ESTATE—Letter: ‘ can ‘ tut-menu on tho elute of Sebastian Aswan-$13.9: _‘. loflment 0‘! eaver, In. 070 mm twp” Adam: wank], . . i . deceased hiring been granted to the under- H CLRM\TS' "afififigtl’lflfl-Efl. _ igned, r’eaidiu in lame Lownsh‘p. he here‘ Allo I npludld trlkle 133080113 (Imam—g J 8"" noficc'w d arson: indebted to aid I" 0! which.“ méd for bainggurpouc, kc. tut-(e to with h-Jhu ”I‘9“, “4‘ “I J"! “1.1 and amino Ibgm. D?“ {"3“ m'ilufln'g ehlfl‘ "shot the tune to prune: phco, nah! opponltatho Bulk, ll York “to“. ‘ “I“: Mimmkated 30, moat. -, *“ ' mums MARSHALL, I‘3". 1.0.11, mm. 6; _ ' ‘ I 32 oo 0 not forget a: all» A. SCOTT tSON'S, “you m& 30 buy chat“: Dun Goodu: ugh u Mm, D. has, Primed 1.- r‘inna. Cobug,‘o.,su oluvulhumhk . . - c In. t u m «Mania; '0! Bnovmmks or the mrcusmn SKY LIGHT GALLERY, Genuine. PA.. I.- e plenum in nnnouuelng to the public that they have removedutlseir Nurnn Exnxun Set-non Gnu-v, located on the South tide of York Itreet, onpoeite the Beak, and one door below their old mud. ’ Ihe building has been erected under their immediate enpervinion, Ind neither pxim or expo-re has been epored in rendering their apartment: both comfortable and convenient. All the modern improvements have been ndded ‘3 53 ; to the working department, an that they now 3 33 ten et‘ery (utility for the production of that 335 11l ; :1?" pictures. “9 99! The Met premium wu awarded them by the .701 91 l lien-lien Agricultural Falr‘forthe beat Ambro -1306 60 t; and let pile. ’ “75‘ 59. Wanna of 3183.. various styles, (including 32 o|;Stereoecoplc,) mode as heretofore; nil work ”3 30 executed in the but manner and gunnntied to 303 e! , giveentiree-ltlniuction. They hope thelrfrlends Gal 1 , and the public Irill rcmetnher, when th wish 31 31 , plflllm taken, that the Excelsior Big-light 5 94 (inllery ll near them, and that pictures made ‘6 70 . there Ire Ilnyl equnl Ind often luperlorto 97 10, [lime nude in large cities. in no instance do 157 77 .they insllt upon 1 sale when they fail to pieue. 35““ ’B’ The“ln~elnior" i’e niwuye flee tn thepnhlic, > 534‘” and every one is cordially invited to pay it n 2640 86. visit. when they will have on npportunit lo ' decide of thejnetneu ofthc patronage eucl’in- $5553.7 45 555637 ‘5 Auditors, Public Sale. Cl. By’ expcnm of Compmy to: muyur, $77 92 Amount putdllenry Rune" {or long by fire, Balance in hand] of Treuurer, $2 79 Aunt—Jun Rwanda-'l. Jun. 23, 1801. at. Boston Post, ' AILY, $8 per year, one-hnlfin ndrnnce. D THE PRESS AND POST. (Semi-Week -13,)34 per venr. one-half in advance. THE BOéTON STATESMAX AND WEEK LY POST, (Weekly) $2 per year, in ndvnnce. fiCLUBS taking ten or more copin a! the Weekly in one picture, Wlll be supplied at on Donn no A HAL! A um, and; grntuisuu copy to (he gen" up of the Hub. . “These papers ere filled with I great riely of useful Invl euleruiniug runner. 1:3 editorials; domestic and foreign correspondence; reports: marine department; dnily nouury Article And weekly fiunehl review ; lkonry noun-u; poetic contributions Ind humorous nutter, form a. nun! denigucd to Ina“ every mu. TU ADVERTISERS.—.u «danish; medi um: than paper- no umnrpuudmcnotnting as they do inn and. valet, of holnholda sutured over m M Uno- ; 1134 read u the] In by I" clan." of the mmlnfly, they furnish In opportunity for m dilution d In— férunuon whichuu uwcely be chained ebo whm. BRALS. GREENE) h 00., w And 61 Comm 8%., Emma. Jun. 38, 1861. 4 00 Tyson Brothers, creasing wputnt‘von which it enjoys. film-lies viii find every convenience for the amugenent of their toilet. uuc a. TYIO'. can. 1. 7mm PHOTOGRAPHERS. Jan. 21,1861. Great Reduction N prices of [ll-in And fi‘gmd French No- I rinocl,l.ll-I'oolDelninu in nmtnnd nudinm Myles, union Cuban-reg 3nd Dclnlnoa in grnt variety, Suin Tnvers, Poi] dc Shire", uni a air: luL ul'nn'um Haida. All the above will he sold It LU\\' PRICES TU Sl’IT THE TIMES. Call noon. J. L. SCUICK. Jan. 21,1861 National Hotel. ITTLESTOWN, ADAMS 00.. PL—‘hze L unionigned,. having loud. the National owl, (manna Home.) in Ll-lnlon. Inke lhin method of informing the public at the fact, mm! of the further {not an be ‘in spare no of fort to plow All who my ptlronizc him. Hil Table will olwlyl be found to have the be“ the market. may alord. whil-tJil Bur lhul con um a» dude“ of Liquon. Nona but atten tive and neon modlti n; Hood": will be talen ted uat Hotel. With good beck, good (an, sad .1! tin other urugrmcnu of the house good, not forums; I» mention linden“ chm-gen. In anon-ll to give snlinfuclion. I]. therefor. ”Boil: a chm of the public’l pn- non-go. JOSHUA PRICE. n—x. n.—noxsxs'.nd VEHICLES can “way: be In: on bin at m." ' 111 m. Jun. 1", 18 . ’ 3111' < ‘ ' . Rnbnc Bale. = . 8 Ma, (1:290: day a] January 5:11., the Inblcn'ber. Adminluntor ol'Joux H‘AIT, deemed, Ill] 3ch n Public Sale, cl the late residence of uld decedent. in “.11an town :filp, Adam. county, about one mile vat of )luumubnrg, the following Persoul Proper ty, viz; A FAXILY MARE, Butcher (I‘o9, Sleigh Hay Ladders, Harrow, Shovel Waugh, Corn jerk, Double and Single-trees, Culling Box, "Home Gears, Saddle and Bridles, Gnin Cndle, A lolof Lumbar, Shinglel. I large lot of Cnrponter’l nnd (‘nblnex-mnkcr'l Tooll,Tpllow Au}! Vuub, with n variety 0! other amid“, too numerous to mention. ‘ 'w‘S-ale to commence at 12 o'clock. 11., on ‘nid day, when Attendance till be given and terms made known by ; ABRAHAM HART, m, Ab'r. . Jan. 7,1861. 13‘ ‘ . ’9 9 61. PICKI'NG IS NOW SELLING 6] . I OVKRCUATS u panic pricn. UVHRCOATS‘X panic pricu. OYERCOATS u panic pried. : DRESS COATS at Innic pricu. DRESS COATS 11. panic pricec. ‘ DRESS COATS cl. punk: prices. . PANTALOOSSM panic prices, | PANTALOONS In. panic prices, , PASTALOUNS u panic prim. ’VE'STS «unkind: n pnnic prion, I VESTSofull kinda a! panic pricu, 2 VESTS ofnll kind: “panic prices. Vader-shirts, Draw-Ms, Socks, Gloves, Com ;(uru, Gentlcmeu's Shawls, nml Gentn' Furn’uh ing Good: of every ocscription. Also, luical g|n¢lercnu-—Accnrdcnns, Flutu, Fife), No tions. kc, to, now being sold very champ, and In prices to nail. the times. 1 NOW XS THE TIME TU BUY—CALL SOON. ‘ Jan. 14,18“. . ERNARD DEARDURFF'S ESTATE—Let !r o! ndmiulumtion on the nude 01 em: Dennlorfl, late of Franklin‘ township, Adnma county, deeenlcd, hnving bun granted to the underflgned. raiding in the same town nhip, be hereby gives nouce to an per-mu in debted to “in! estate 'lO make immediate pay ment, find those lnrlngclnlms against the lame to presem them properly authenticated for let- Uemmt. BENJAMIN DSARDORFF, Jun. H, 1861. 6!. .hln‘r. I Wlll Exchange” ‘1 fiir terms, u choice Fun in low: or O .\lluonfilor Real Estate in Adam! county. Jan. 2|,1861. {I 030. ARNOLD. . Henryflughfisl . __,_ . mum: AND HARNESS um m . ' 4 121714" , 'S-cu, PM hvmjmmamg'og. J 52“ mom“ 3 r 523: Ti -j an.» Gresham-,1: not NW with a; N Amman,“ Wu“. Economy in Wealtp, ‘ 1 up moment at W Bun-u. 1mm!“ -%g”&m,§fr {gnu-0,19% AID {lt}? on} {cupid men, mid I béllc've Yuk“: "" “0"“. 900”- ! gum Philadelplifl .Ll'Bfiz‘mwflz Sun, for tho folk: All a; they no}. money by Aug. ‘3’ ll 0' ‘‘ ' - PuuLSm-emhm ‘'* fir: en a - nan ,fllnfiufiund err-Mm: hi hi 0 ' mummmm’ B I¢~BooQg3lm ehefilwwfiffifluttfi ' ' [Rum $121,458 14,000 GO 00 137 92 Notice. Notice. ‘ ~ .’ "~ f r W-M‘B be” ~i am 1 commutes .L'ib Pt’fii.iinfins.3 y: «as . - Noni) Third It.Q Lower Si“, above luv B . he], Ytuunuriu. Invite the intention of ‘ Tenders. Booheliert Ind Connfi’y Nerchnntl, to their 7: huge Stock of School Books, pub lished in gin and other cities, together wlih Xiaeeilnneom and [Hank Books, Pnper nnd Satinglry pmrtlly. S. B. k (In. Ire publish. ‘ er! Many? Popoiur Woe“ among which are the Ml 6 ngt ' 1 m m s’orlxomuL .mnnsmncs, 1 fly flqrd'Bruokl, A..\l¢meulorof Sinth-i' e‘nmii Tn'Pennlyirania State Normal 8111001.“ Whatever helps the student to a TIIOROI‘GH L'x- I nlnsnxnne of his study. cusmsrsn by his' Teacher, let; u a powerful stimulant upon} him, .I'Liie it release: the Teacher from the h-i bar of making explanations which would be" unnecessary with a more perfect Text Book. ~ The eerie: above named has been published: but . abort time. nnd yet within A few month-,. without advertising or puffing, the demnnd' amounts to limnsi one hundred thousand to.‘ pies. Some of their ndvnulnges maybe briefly! listed, as follows: 1. They contain more new matter than my iimiiar series 2‘ They exhibit it number of new arithmeti ui solutions tn problems that have herewfore been confined to Algebra. 3. The matter is arranged more philosophi cally than in others, had is therefore better tduptcd for instruction. 4. X 0 subjects or phrnsea, Aigns or figures. are introduced in lessons proi inn: to thou in which they nre fully explained, and the pupil is thul led niong without the necessity of frequent and troublesome explanations on the put of the jenChei'. Very few elementary works have this merit. ‘ 5. New mndes of Teething are suggested thronghpnl the Eerie-5.11m! under the name of “Social Arithmetic." curious and interesting problems nrejntroduenl, which may he used with Idvunmge in wnkeniug up the nuention, and sharpening the faculties of the school. 6. The key is not only what in title imports. bun It l: also I complete treatise on the an or Inching ieaul Arithmetic; being filled with hints mam m lhonher. The everyday pmdcal lalue of Meat-l Ar ithmcdc to every one who receive. ‘r pay: money, if only for the daily neceuarlu afllte, in not uniremlly ulmltted. h therefor: he comel lmppntivo upon teach" to practice the best method of tepching it. The 1100191 In: bantimlly printed on thick tilt. p: r, and neatly gm! tastefully bound. Their NEH .ure M follow": 30ml Prfmnry Arithmetic,..............1s centl. Normal )lentnl .\r1thmetic,................25 “ Ken010am!.ui1hmctic,..........,.......25 “ A very liberal dedualnn to Teachers, unrl those who buy ln quantities. Single cap’iea sent to {when by anl, on noelpt of one third oft c than price: to pre- palace. SANDER’S SERIES 0? REXDEIIS, Conmtln'g of Primer, 12} cents; speller, 16 cent); First Render. ”can“; Second, 30 cents; Third, 40 cent]; Fourth, 86 cenu; fifth, 75 cents; Bighfichflnfis cenu; Yonn Ladies, 8! cents: nd Sun '5 New Speakinglfio; ele. gully printed, mun-u; Illustrated, whlmn mm; hound, nd hold .1 lower prlcu than any other Berle: ofluderl. ‘_ W'HITB'S COPY BOOKS, " By 'l'. Kirk Viagra-idea: q!_}’ewylunln Cwnmercid College. The wrlfing in beautiful, yet limple,pmctical and easily taught, the syn ten being founded on “mutual habit. and principlel. The safe hnl‘beéome very large and in hunting. The} nfl'ord 'I libenl profit to dealers. . PBLTOX'S OUTLINE MAPS This Series ‘of Six Supefi) lla'pslu nowndopt ed in nlmon every school of note In the Union, where Geography ll uugbt, And has no equal. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY bu been intro— duced neon .the Epmlsphen Maps, ell in de tail: in in; been no arranged on to present I won: gorgeous nppenrnnce, while they do not interfere with each other or the subjects Musl ly shown upon Slope, and are euily taught and understood by Teacher and Pupil. Price $l5 {or full net of six Maps, or $lO for setoi 81. iepbere Slaps alone. ‘ Oct. 22, 1860. 6m ' Gram! Grain! [TE subscriber still continues purchasing :11 kinds “PRODUCE, at his old stand on hnmbu-hurg skeeté viz :—FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, REDS, kt, hu- whiah the highest market prifcl 'in be given. 3"! will also continue my GROCERY and VA RIETY STORE, and I“! keep constantly fon hand Groceries, Suit, Oil. Fish, Cedar-nu, Dry Goods, Confecjlonl, Planer. Guano, Re.— The public are iufl'xd to call, u Inn duel-mit ed to u": 1 cheap I: the charm. Gadg‘sbnrg, Aug. 6, 1860. . Flour, erories, aw. HAVE constantly on h-n’d FLOUR, Cam I and Buckwhut lEALS, dommohy, 8%? can, Dried Fruit, and Pickclt- 300 A , census, 'reu, Syrupi, N. o. usium, gnaw cro ,u 50 cents per gdlon, the very best ind (Drinking) Eugllab Cheese, and every other micle n-nn‘lly kept in n Flour ind Grocrry Bmm. Gm me seal}. WM. GILLESPIB. Geuyoburg, Dec. 31,}860. 6m“, Est-my Sheep. IE to the premiuu o! the subscriber. in “but: township, In Shy Int, 3 SHEEP. (2 own I lamb.) l“ white. The owner is requested to prove property. ply ell-1:. and mu than tray. JOHN BE LY. Juan, 1, 1861. 3: Ladies, F you can: Fahneamcks. you will find the 1 landmine-t. DRESS GOODS in town, Do nut”, Cashmeru, Figured Merino“, Cuburg, French Ncrinou, all Wool, as low as 75 cents a yud. (Tall lOOn. Oct. 22. FAHSESTOCK BROTHERS. The Election 8 over. :nd nllhough every one can} have kit will)“ entirely satisfied. it bot-omen us to “him. The non impormnt question for All men, and particularly the people of Adams county, in wliare u) buy the but find cheapen full Ind winter Clothing. We unhuimtingly u . ntSAMSUN‘S—Mut'. Mayor—N. E. corner or’lbc Diamond. in the old County Building. Gettysburg, Oct. 15, hum. New Goods! New Goods! AIINESTUCK BROTHERS would respect- F fully inform the public thlt they have re turncd {mm the Cities with the largest, cheap est and prettlcat stock of GOODS ever opened in the County, consisting of Lndlu' Dress Goodn, Cloths, Cnuimcrec, Cnulneu, Venings, Domenticu, ta, all or which will He offered so low, ato defy competition. ”Give us 3 cull. No trouble to show Goods at the in o! the RED FRONT. Oct :2, 18!}0 New Oyster Saloon. ETKR MFMAN, West lligh llreet, it re ceiving shunt. every dny, FRESH OYS BRS of the best. quality, which he wiU serve up in my ":12 desired. He ash s purl of the custom of the public, as he will do all he can to gin autisfacfiom A nice glass of Ale or Lager can 1050 Always be bud. Gettysburg, Jun. 21, “361. 3‘ John W. Timon, ASEIOXAHLE BARBER, North-east cox-'- F net or the Diamond, won door to Mc ‘lcllan'o Hotel.) Gettysburg, PL, when he can at. a)! time: be Gould read, to “and “‘ll bulineu in h‘u line. 111: has also excellent u sinbmce and yiflgnurrndlhnion. Give him . can. [Dcé. 3, 1360. At Broadhead’s. , . Carliale street, xhe latest Periodical: cm *lvuup be had. Thin ii the time to renew ‘uhacfiptions. Don’t debt}, but “come rig!“ along." - i The now 0:14 foflown'Cel-tiflcuo—a splendid 'nfl'air, 3nd cheap—can be obtained at Broad heid'n. Cull], inspect, we] buy. ' _ Nov. 26, ISGQ. ,_ BUUK 1.1%va ‘- .LJS 100 pound: will cover u_ much turf”: 2 pounds ofodur‘ Whit Lad. HK‘CK LEAD, . é l’niuilg do». 'in! pure Buck Lead}: when durable n 1 01hr lead). 7”. v; '5. FUCK L 311). '. ‘5 5"“, ‘ ' I: whiter And more hriflhut fihn.m.9hr ¢~ ’ g knuwn Wbfle Lu'd. ~ “ BUCK LEAD. v. ”4.; Is superior to tho finest Engfi-h WM“ Wk! aoflness‘und bunny. . . svcx LEA n, , ~ I Erery Body Should Buy Burl: Lend.‘ ' WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC, .‘ In luperlor to my other Zinc In the w M enreme whileneu nnd brim-mg. ' WASHINGTON MEDAL ZIN , ‘ I: unrivalled for body or covering proper”, 50 pounds um do u much pninliug u 'lbpolpdl‘ of other Zinc. ‘ WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINC, ‘ Hu no equal for durability, it we“: twice I" Inn" a: other Zinc Paint. maven. mf'mnbs 1 co., .\qufndnrcn, Turn A.\'lJ .\hun Stuns, Pnnnxuun. WEN sale by BANNER A: 7.lmm“. Ge}- tysburg, Pa. (Dec. 10, If“. I'm Hardware & Grocer! “: TORE.—The subscriber: mu [mu ll» lei S assortment ofIIARDWAREtGRmf; ' , at their old established “and in 81mm . street. , ; They hnvejust returned from the Chic! Ilth. an immense stock of Goodl-mn‘si‘n‘; In part Of lll'H‘DlNG .\YATERLUS, inch an MIT" Sci-e“. , Hung", Boltn, Lot-L's, (El-mm. etc. TUULS, including Edge Tools ‘onv‘e Scripliun, Sn s,l’)unes, L‘h‘uelsflongn, ii? and Ilia, Angers, Squurci, Ganges, “an 7 etc., etc. ‘ BLACKSMITHS will find Anvils, Vices, mum, Files, nurse-4:003, Horse-lbw Nam, etc. it them, very chcup. ' ,1 . cmcu rmmxcs. such as Cioth, Cam" Damask, Friugcs, Cotton, Mo's, 011-cliix; Springs. Axles, Hobs, Spoken, Fellocl, Bo“, Poles, Sham, elm, etc. , SHOE FlNDlNGS—Tnmpico, Bmh ml! French Moroctu,Liniugs, Bindings, Pegv, Lllll, Boot-mes, etc., with a general uuorlmeit ut‘ Shoemaker’a To'nh. \ .gBlh'ET-MAKER'S TOULS—n general 11-‘ ”kn! ; also, Vnrnilh. Knbm, 12km, dc. ‘ HOUSHKEHPERS will also find a large :94 sottmcnt ofKnlves nnd Forks. Brltnnuln, Alb-ti and Silver l'lnted Table and Ten Spoons; Oun dlestlcks, Waiters, Shovel: and Tougi, 833~\ irons, Enameled and Urns: Kettles, PannTflb’v, Burke”, Chums, Curpcting. etc., etc. ~ 1 .\lso, a general a-sortment of Forged‘du'fl Rolled IRON. of all zlzes and kinda, Can, Shed}, and Bllster Steel, which they will lellu than]? u’ the clump t. ‘ allWßßlfiz—u full and gnu-ml ”nothing such It: Urughpd, l'ulvcrizc'], Clarlfied, In ' Brown Sugars, Xew Urlcnul, Wen. India, l'q'd Sugar-homo Molnar: and Syrups", C 0199, ' Spicel, Chm-olute, fine, tonne, and dulry Bah, ‘ Limeed, Figh and Sperm Oil, ’l‘nrgcntlm, ‘ Fish, etc. ‘ A full unortment of Lend and Zinc, dry Ind in all, nlsgxb‘im‘gmuf Pinto; in flu}, ulmou every guide In t a Hardin-e, Coho}: Finding, Shoe Pludlng, House-Keeping, Block-why Cabinet-makers, Pnlnten, And Grocery ll ‘ all of whlch they are dctermlnerl lo lell I! {o' ' for club a any house out of the City. .‘ ‘ , JOEL B. DANNEBL‘ DAVID ZIEGLEIL ' Gettysburg, Dec. 24, 1860. tt “.‘ Clothing! Clothfng! , ACOB REINIXGER has just returned ”0%; J the clues with the prettiest and chew A of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS for e 6-72 men’l wear ever offered in Gettysburg. 110‘th ', every Variety, style. untl price of gbodl. ‘WhIN , gentlemen can always find Clothl to edit their taste: they can at the sume time have mar manure: taken and n garment put npto 6rd» upon the shortest notice, in the most Inblhhf . “a! manner, and fashionable style. To secure" burgsthu and save money go to tho llercluuita Twang Eatnbliahment of JACOB REININGER, Cnrlille unfit. May 7, 1860 New Fall and Winter. . .. , IMHXNGHO‘MH and Boyl. with "‘7 snide ofwu ug apparel in 1h“ line. fio< getter :10. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, Trunk. Carpet Sub, Double Bun-cl Guns nnd Pinch. n Bévolurs, And : lplendid article of w 'll puud'nd celebrated ('oll’l Revolver. “13.51! the mum fixtures to it. Buffalo Babel Ind Over Sheen, India Rubber Over Costa and 1.9.. lnga, Hosiery, kc., Guitars, Fiddle. Flnfcl and Fifcn, Jewelry and Watcher, together with mnny other useful articles, all of which will ’0“! VERY) CHEAP. You ask where? Why It SAMSUS'S, whore evety one on buy 3003 and cheap .goods. That'c the rpnl. "the, old County Building, N. 'B. Corner oftho Dhilodd} Getty-burg,oct. 1!, 1800. ‘ ‘ JOHN SCOTT Change of Time. ' ' ‘ ETTYSBYRG RAILROAD—On Int! “1",, londny, Nov. 26, 1860, thq 11023de Tnin will Kenn: chpbnrg at. 7.40 A. It, I} ‘ passenger: for all the connections. Konh'lull. South, on the Northern Central Runway, M,- mnrn about. 1.20 P. )1. The merino; Tmin will leave nettymurg at 2.45. P. IL; Qu' passengers by this Tmu: can go no further Ihnn Hanover the same owning. Returning will‘ touch Gettysburg About 5.15 P.ll.',bv“bpuun gen from Hal-rub _ , W 39 '_“ ‘8: this nrmngomen: :ng khan . near the {in of the Railroad, baring! l to trunsaet in Gettysburgwcnn lake , a Train up nnd have nrndy two hou'ru i burg, and rcuun in theiAnc-rnoon T . q R. ma nuuggggg‘ Nov. Dill, IsBo OWN .\IYERS’ ESTATE—Letters of lamb- J istmtinn on the eatnte of John M3l", 1“. of )lnuntplesunt’township. Adams county, de censed, having been granted lo the underlin ed 7 residing in the same tuwnlhfip, be hereby gnrcs notice to all rerson: indebted to Mid estate to make immediate payment, Ind lhou having claims against the same to prelenlthen prupcrly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH BEDERMAK, Adm’r. Jun. 'l, 1861 c: _ m") sub‘criber has removed hllPlongh-nd T Machine Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opposite Tue'l Blacklmlt Ghop, hm-bff the Eagle Hotel when he in bet ter prep: 1311311 nor to “tend to runoméi Plough: ulwpys on hand and made to order I the nhorlesfi‘butlce, and Machines, Beam u, 10., rep-ired. AlllO he will “tend to cleaning and repairing Clock]. DAVID WARREN. May 10, .CUANICSTOWX, Frederick connty,¥d.— MFHAVing been tenor-ted and re-furnbbed. the proprietor “sure: the public that a a“ ll only needed, u be guarantees full uddtcflonln‘ ex er, use. Charges moderate. HENRY KERR, Provider. Feb. H, 1859. if Alexander Fraser, ‘ LOCK no WATCH-11.833.115.31”!!! j his shop to the house lug! mcplgd bx idow Herb“, near the we.“ culdChmban. burg street, ouch, side, ‘31:“ 5.181 Quays be happy to attend to thopnlunfhll cum-0 , lie is thankful for pan (Man, an! hop” :3 receive the cominuod ”can” b tho palm: ‘- 4’ Nov. 2, $B6O. 1! ‘ _ . , “Randal-signed beingtluagthci m T to make remov’als hip Bret 94’3“... :orgboputhnlwcbuconumflwm' . f on cranium of decency! OHM“ ' " wifinvdlthcmclvuoflhigufin‘ . " . hvcndone. Edmofguilm“" ..urml low u no rt T 1 ' E 39531; Hatch 12, '6O. y gusmziciaz: $O., BL'l‘ NI: 1185!; Notice. Removal. Globe Inn, .. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers