MITTYSBURG--BATULDAY LAB?. Superfine 00 to 8 25 3 50 White Wheat...... ..... 20 to 1 30 Red Wheat-- ..... ...... 11 to 1 18 55 Rye...... Buckwheat —. Clorer Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed Barley ............ Plater of Paris ...... ..... Piaster grounti, per beg BALTIIIORE--FawAr LAST Flour Whent Rye .... corn 0ata...... Closer Seed ......... Timothy Seed Beet Cattle, per hand Pugs, per ..... ..... Whiskey Guano, Peruvian, per ton rrAsoirEll--TI/CBEIDAY LAIT Flour, from wagons Do. from stores Wheat......... Ilye ' • Corn Oats Clover Seed...—. Timothy Seed ' Plaster • Rush to Schick's! TF.W 660 !—I. 1,. SrIIICK, S. W. corner . 1 . 1 of the Dvanor.d. Gettpburg. regpectfully calls the attent or, of Fur baser! to hiit new and splendid 'to( k of FALL AND WINTERGOODS! His stock is so large and so v.cll arranged to suit town and country trade, that It is impos sible to even make nient;.th of his most desira ble good 3. All he ask. is for persons to call and examine his complete stock. they will go away well pleased iktol .o.m return fur more. He lots a full stoc k of DRE'S GOODS. of every description: Plain and figured Ilerinoes and Cashmere• , . all a 00l PI Lids, IN wool Dchtines, rottoa Plaid-, plain and •figured. Vatenciaa, Freak') Reefs, Aral) an Stripes, Velours,Livel las, Gruevellas and Mous de Lains. all priers. A large stock of Tr.veling Dress Goods, plata and figured Silks, Flounces. A full and com plete stock of Prints constantly on hand.— CLOTHS, Cassitneres, Du,s). r Cloths, Satinets", Tweeds, Jeans; French, English and American Shawls, Plaid and Knitted Shawls for Chit.; dren—all styles and prices. House-furnishing Goods of every description. A lull and com plete stock of Notions, Perfumery, Jewelry, Hosidity, Gloves, Gents' and Ladies Gauntlets, Wool Capes and- Hoods, of the ver,y latest styles. Thread and Cotton Edgings, Lacer, .k.c., kc., kc., kc. kc. ALL COME! No trouble to show Goods. Oct. 29, 18Go. Town Property FOR SALR.—The subscribers offer for sale their property on the North side of East F OR street, in the Borougli of GettyAtirg, bounded by an alley on the West and in the rear, and adjoining lot of Yrs. Susan Sznyers on the East, containing one third of an acre, wore c or less, having a Two-story Vather- a boarded Dwelling DOUSE, a Oile-st,ry livientherboarded Dweiling Douse, Bake- ll oven, end a Well of W..ter. The property is convenient to the Railroad. ifirlf not sold by Satur•Lry, the lst day of December next, it will then be offered at Public Sale, on the premises. Persons wishing to purchase will make ap plication to M. k W. McCtcss, E.qs. Sale to commence at 1 tit lock, P. IL, on said day, when attendance will be giren and terms of sale made knOWn by - GEORGE W. CROSISF.. ANSA MARY L. I:ILO:USE. Ott. 29. 1900. is 0 Yes! 0 Yes! MITE undersigned offers his services to tl e public as an Auctioneer and Sale Crier, and solicits a bare of patronage from Lis friends.. Ch irges•sioderitte. Recidence in High street, nenr tits Jail. ISAAC LIGHTNER. Gettysburg, Oct. 29, Ida,. Notice—Pay Up ! THE under,igried, being about to remove to Hagerstown, Is "tie.irous of having his b , lis settled up with as Little deity as possible. For that purpose he gives this public notice that all account, not szttled on or before the first day of December next will be placed in the hands of an uMker for follect.on. O. R. DORAN, Y. D. Oct. 29,:ttaco. td Taxes—Pay Up ! TEM unsettled State, 'County . and Military Taxes and Quit Rents of the Borough of Gett3 - sburg fur 1837, have been transferred to me by H. G. Carr for cullSction. All these beek-standinz. taxes must be paid at or before the November Court—otherwise suits will be brought fur the same. The Duphcates are in the hands of Empire Corso, to whom payments must be made. ANDREW PULLET. Oct. 29. 1860. 3t • Three Dasirable Farms 17011 SALE.—t)ne a•ijoininr. and the who. X two nre 4 1nt1.4 of the Bqron_h of Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD. Uct S 9, 18CO. tf Bargains ! SELLING OFF AT COST !—A large stock of Goods at the Store of J. C. GCINN k BRO. A larze portion of the tvoods are just fresh from the C;ty. Also—the Hooks of said Firm are at my &Alice for settlement—all per sona indebted please call without delay. K. G. iIeCREAItY, Attorneye&c. Oct. 29, 1860. 6t Assignee's Notice. trißE undfrsigned,lriving been appointed AN aigtme, under a deed of trust for the benefit creditors. of Jacoa F. REtsiNGlili, of the Bo rough. of Gettysburg. Adams county, notice is hereby siren to all person; knowing themst lee a Indebted to said Aszignor. to make immediate payment to the undersigned, residing in ita'd borough. and those bating claims against the same to present them, properly authenticated for settlement WM. A. Dr - SCAN, Assignee Selling Off! garb The Assignee will dispose of Mr. Rein inger's STOCK OF GOODS by retail, AT RE DUCED PRICES and on accommodating terms. Oct. 22, 18G0. Gt. Ladies, TF you call at Fahnestocks, fon will find the handsomest DRESS GOODS in-town, De laines, Cashmeres, Figured Merinoes, Coburg, French Merinoes. all Wool, as low as 75 cents a yard. / Call soon. Oct. 22. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. NrLINERS and others will find a good as ortment of Rib Loris, Flowers, Plumes, /inches, &c., at the cheap store of A. SCOTT k SON. A L SCOTT k SON, are selling Cloths, Cas- Sirneres Casineus, Jeans, and all kinds of oonievtic G oods cheap. Call and see ! AFIEST-ILkTK' article of Buck Gloves, Berlin Lined, kc., for Men and Boys.— Also, Ladies' Doc Skin, Lisle Thread and Kid Finish Gauntlets, Kid Gloves, ac., at A. SCOTT& SON'S. PZRSONS will find a good assortment of Knives and Forks, Brunswick and Alhata hle and Tea Spoons, kc., cheap at the new store of A. SCOTT k SON. CILO 4 THS, Cashmeres, Vestings, Cassinetts, Kentucky Jeans, had Oyer-coatiwery =cheap*: FAECCEST OWLS, Aceordeons,Violins, Flutes, Fifes, egke., toge th er with all kinds of Notions, Gentlemen's tarnishing Goods of every de aeription,•to be had at Plenum's. serTbepopalar majority against Fremont is igeor York City in 1856 was upwards of 44kil loo ldNew York Herald says k wilt b e alas year . atoloat Liacela. and imam se the Mixable assn. roi A LOT OF GROUND. situate on West York street, Gerysburg, A dnms county, adjoining property of Dm id Ileron•ugio), Esq., on tilt: east, and on the w est the property of George E. Bringman, on the north by a public alley-- on witirh is erected a Two-story BPACK HOUSE, with an atty., a Two-stor ;:s Brick Back-building, a good Frame ' Stable, wan Frarne SLed ati ho d, Wood She.: and Stno . .e House, a (intern . Cs liar under the ' front bu,kling., the pril.icge of a prime alley to the k building . Taken in cue( u tion as the property of Wti tit W PACTL,N, SAMUEL WOLF, Sherd. 1 Sheriff' , (office, Gen( t. ... 5 25 to 5 50 I 75 to 200 1 20 64 8 SO 1 00 5 62 to 5 75 :o 1 ...—.... "0 to 83 ...... G 9 to 75 ...... 27 to 3r, 6 00 to 625 3 00 to 3 50 5 00 to 7 50 ...—... 8 00 to 8 50 00 tol6 GO 22 to 23 62 00 6 50 6 00 120 to 130 ....-... . .-....- 60 ;1 ....-.. 6 25 ...... 2 0) 6 25 1113 Sheriff's Sale. . leaspnryttance of. a writ 'of Fie," Faros. Issued out of the Court cf Common o f Adams county, Pa., and t 3 ma directed, will be exposed to Public SAle, at the court-house, in (etty.burg, on SozordaS, at OM day o( November next, at 1 u . i. lock, I'. M., the following describe.' Real Estate, viz . lk2l — Ter per rent. of the pet-ellit:e 'nor ey upon all &item b: the Sheriff must be pa:•1 veer im mediately ofter the property ie struck dou n. and on failure to comply therewith, the property will ape, be put up for sale. i Valuable Real Estate AT PUBLIC pursuance of an Order of the orplisn's Court of Adams county, will he offered at.Pnblic Sale, on the premises, ',n gatm , d , y, the .474 day of NorYmeher trtzl, at In o'clock, A. M., the Real Estatl of JACOB Mcsooarr, late of Franklin township, Adams county, deceased, consisting of the fol lowing desci ibed Tracts of• Land, All situate in said township, to wit : NO. 1: THE MANSION TRACT, contain ing about 141 A reit of land, adjoining Jaceb I , eardorff, A ukirew Hartman, Barnhardt Dear dorff, Hesokiatt Latellase, At others, on which are *rectos:l a Two-story ' - lit STONE 1111 USE, with - a one and a half story building with base ment attached. There Is a neverfatileg cell ut water near the door, Bunk Barn, part stone and part frame, with Sheds, Corn Crib, fie.. attach ed. Ako a Log Teuant House and Stable. , LARGE THREE-STORY BRICK GRIST MILL,. with three pair of burrs And one pair of choppers--All in complete running order. A SAW ICU, with water p wer sufficient at all times Two-story Frame Weatherboard : ed HOUSE near the Mill, Frame Statile, ke.— , This property offers rare inducements to bid , dere. The Mill is ou Marsh- Creek. a half mile from the I hamberstagg and Gettysburg Turn pike, 5, miles from Gettysburg, 2 mile" trout Plurumasburg, and about the same distance from Cashtower. r..e land is tsgood state of cultivation, hating been all limed. There is a sufficiency of excellent meadow, and a large i body of good NO. 2 : A TRACT OF LAND, codt-tining about 15 Acres ai.d . lB Perches, adjoining lands !of Adam Robert, .Jecob Deardorff, Mary M. liroagli, and others, divided into three fields, `and under good fencing, and having been limed Is in a gaud condition fur forming. NO. 3: A TRACT OF TIMBER-LAND, situ tte immediately above Hilltown, containing 10 Acres and 133 Perches. more or less. ad joining lands of Solomon Hartman, Peter Jhull, and others. mar Penionk wishing to view the property will call upon either of -the dmin istrutJrs, (the ftrNt numed liviug near the KUL) by whom attendance v. ill be given end t. rims made known. A DA CHARLES B. PtiLLEV, A flaw mistra:ors. By - the ronrt--11 G. Wolf, Clerk. Marlf not .old on said d:iv, the Property will Le 0'.7:( red fur Rent at public outcry. Oct. 29 ,•1 .5_6(1. to Collectors, Take Notice. (r . f CIE Collectors of Tuxes for 1859 and pre vious ye-as, ittithe differen townst.ips of dams county, are hereby not cd that they will he required to settle up thei duplicates on or before the 19a Sty of „Vornattee • / WV, on which day the Commissioners will meet at their .0111( 1 e to trice the necessary clonemtions ' Ac. The Collor toes oldie present year will be re quiml to pry over to the County Tro.t.urer all monies that tu.Ly t e collected hy the S'‘ , %eniher Court. JACOB RAFFNNSPIOIIIIIIt, DANIEL I WASSLMAN, • JAS. H. MARSIIAI.I., COM un.osianers of Adatus county. Atte4—.l. 141. WAt.rsit, Clerk. - mt. 22, Is , _o. td J. A. Gardner, PINETER - SHUR ;, (1". S.) is reeolvine r. hire , •nd rtried assortmrnt of FALL ANli TIM t.;0011S, of the newest and desirable style.. tur Ladies' and Gentlemen's agsortment of Dress Goo Rats. caps, B nnet.. li, ttta and Shoes, Millinery Cood,, F.ney Art:ties, Carpets. a-id Stoves. is unusu ally large and well worthy of attention. Thankful for the greatly increased patronage with which I have been favored, I respectfully solicit an examination of my New Goods, which have been•seicLted with great care. and will be sold cheap. Or-L.22, 3t. Notice. XTOTICE is hereby Oren that an application lr h.s been made to the Court of Common Pleas, in and fur the County of Adams, to grant a Charter of Incorporation to an Associaticn of persons ander tie same. style and title of -THE ADAMS COUTY AGRICCLITRAL SOCIE TY." (Elendille.) and that if no solfi, lent rea.on be show n to the contrary, the a id court xt the next term, to wit: oft the 34 JI-nday of Noeent'xr, I &Go, will decree and declare the ptr4. na so associated shall become and b" a corpor , tios or body politic :o the ar ticles and cnnditons in an instrument of writ ing set turth and duly Sled in the office of the Prothonotary of the Bait Court. ti le. the court, JACOB BUSLIBY, Proth'y 04. t. 22 1.860. 30, Notice. pus firm and Mud account of Joel B. Dill. ner. E q., Assignee of Henry S. Minnigh and Ephraim H. 1111=10. doing business as partners under the firm of H. S. k E. H. Kin has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and wit, be coufirmed by the said Court on the 19th day of November wit, unless cause he shown to the contrary. JACQS 131.:SHEY. f'roth'y. Oct. 22, .180. 4t,'N" Notice. TIN: first and final account of John Herr, Committee ot Jacob Lutz, (a lunatic) has Lees filed in the Court ot Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confrincd by the said Court, on the 19th day of November °era., unless cause he shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, l'roth'v. Oct. 22, 18G0. 4t.* Notice. MBE first and final account of Joel B. Danner, I Esq., Assignee of Henry S. Minnigh, has been filed in the Court of Common fleas of Ad ams county, and will'be confirmed by the said Court, on the 19th day of November next, unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, P-oth'y. Oct. 22, 1860. 4t* Notice. PETER JOHNS'S ESTATE —Letters of administration on the estate of Peter Johns', late of Cumberland township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Gettysburg, he here by gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to Shake immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. ZACHARIAII MYERS, Adia'r. Oct. 15, 1860. 61 Notice. JACOB LUTZ'S ESTATE.--Letters of ad ministration on the estate of /acob Lutz. late of Conowago township, Adams county, deceased, baring been granted to the under signed, residing in Union townh , p, he here by gives notice to all persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring 'claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JACOB HOSTETTER, dater. Oct. 22, 1860. 61* DO not forget to. mil at A. SCOTT k if you woos to hay cheap Dress Goods : reek as Cashmeres, De Laines, Printed Me riaota,,Potoergs, i5e.,421 of new Lad fashionable dodgem. - - 4 Prof. L. Miller's 1 Register's Notice. W liedlNV/GORATOR.—An KiTective,ftafe °TICE Is hereby go en to all legatees and Economical Compound. ill other persons concerned that the Adtain. KAM RESTORING GRAY HAIR to Re origi.l titration accounts hcrt loaner mentioned will na/ color without dyeing, and preventing the be presented at the Cjurt of Common Pleas of Heir from turning gray. Adams county for confirmation and sllow. FO lt PREVENTING BALDNESS, and curing ance, .111ondtty, Ms ID:A of AreisLer Ilea, at 10 it, when there is the least pant, le of vitality or o'clock, A. M., viz: recuperatite enemy remain:ll;z. 221. The fires end final account of Dr. Jacob Volt RESWVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, P. smith. Executor of the last will and testa and all t utancuue aff4ctions of the z•cieip. went of C•rollnibM .Mat tit:. deceased. FUII BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. imparting to it an uneki,;.ellcd glows ntsklng it soft and s.lky in its texture and causing it to t url reautly. The great relebrity and the increasing de mand for this tuiegit.illed preplrahon, tow ince the proprietor that one trial 14 only nece to il•tioly a ilifi.crming pu!d, of 1:4 •upt nor 4uaiiiies „tcc our utin r reparation at pre.. , it in nee. 'lt elean4es the Lead and alp from (1:111,1i-tiff and other cutant,u, ~.u-e; ; the hair to grow luxuriantly, and g. , ies it a soft, g:o•sv and tle.x.ble uppeitran , e. and also where the hair is loo•eiiing and thinning, it ail} give strength and vigor to the rinds, and restore the groatii to those p trts 11:( have become Laid, (11113.111 g it to ) itld a fresh cut (Ting of hair. r There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen 'in New York who ha; hid their hair restored tic the use of this Invigorator. when all other preparations had failed. 1.. M. has in his pot eescon h tters irnumerable testify ing to the whole facts, from persons of the highest re spectability. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of I:fe; and In cases a here the hair has already I changed its color, the n..e of the Invigorator 11 with certiiuty restore it to its original hue. , Kiting it a dark, glossy appearance. As a per font, for the toilet Rio, a Hair Restorative it is parti ularlyrecomin-nded. h iving an agreeable frsgranie; and the great fat ilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with tine Invigorator can be dressed In any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the • ladies as a standard toilet article whOeh none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY 9 WEN:TY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to be bat at, all respectable drug gists amt perfuruers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Pa rents and Guardians to the u e of his itt%igor ator, in cases where the children's h tic i - .lclinci to be weak. The use of It lays the foundation for • good head of hair, as it removes any im purities that may bare become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of its hair. CAUTION.—None genuine wahont the simile of Loris MILLER being on the outer wr.tpper,; also, L. MILLER'S II AIR INVIGO RATOR, N. Y., blown iu the glass. 'Alaolesnle Depot, 86 Dey St., and sold by all the priori! al Merchants and Druggists through out the wort I. Liberal discount to purchaser; bytbe quantity. 115.6 desire to present to the Amerii an public my New Ann luesoreu Iservorsicsors LIQUID 'MAIM DYE whithafter years of scieu tific experimenting I bate brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without in jury to the Hair or Skin—warran.ed the hest article of the kind in exisigice. ILICE. ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot. 56 larry Street, Ntw York. Oct. 29, 1800. ly DOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS', 37 110 North mt., Lower Side, shave Ms.r krt., Puttsorteuts. invite the attention of Teachers, Booksellers and Country Merchant., to tbeir %ery I iige St•sek of School 80.,k5, puls ti-litd in this And other cities, together with Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Paper and Stationery generally. S. B. k Co. are publish en of many Popular Works, P among which are the following: TIIE SERIES -0Y NORMAL ARITHMETIC'S Br Edward Brooks, A. M., Profs , sor of Math ematics in Penwell - Imin State Surma! School. Winterer helps titer Atudent to a TROWOUIiIi UN- HritaTANDlliG of his study, CNA.YIIITKI, by Isis eat her, acts as is powerful stimul.'nt upon him, while it releases the Teacher from the la bor of m,iking espTanations which, would be tit nereasary with a more perfect Text Book. The series &twee named has been published bat a short time, And yet within a few months. without nstiertising or puffing, the demand :traumas to almost one hundred thousand 'co pies. Som' of their adtantages may be briefly stated. r s fi flows 1. 1 hey contain more new matter than, any similar series. 2. They eitiNt a number of new arithmeti eel solutions to problems tbat bare heretofore been e.otifined to ..I.l;ebrot. 3. The matter is arranged more phlosoplii c*lly than in others, and is therefore better adapted for instruction. 4. No sul jet Ls ur phrases, signs or figure•, arc introdu, ed iu ksi.otts previous to those in which they are fully explained, and the pupil is thus led along w ithout the necessity of froqtzt ut and trouLli some explonations on the part of the teacher. Very few e:etnentary narks hare this .J. A. GAItDNER 5. New modes of Teaching are suggested throughout the series . , and under the name of "Social Arithmetic, curious and interesting problems are introduced, which &ay be used with advantage in wakening up the attention, and sharpening the faculties of the school. 6. The key Is not only what its title imports. bat it is also a complete treatise on the art of teaching Mental Arithmetic; being filled nith Lints useful to the Teaeheq. The ever; day practical value of Mentil Ar ithmetic to every one who receives or pAys money, if unly for tls necess trio. or lit e , is now anivrisally lON itted. It therefore be comes iniperAti‘e upon teachers to practice the best method of teaching it. The books are beautifully printed on thick white paper, and neatly and tastefully bound. Their prices are as follows: Normal Primary Arithmetic, 15 cents. Normal Mental Arithmetic, 05 Key to Mental Arithmetic, ... 25 • " A very liberal deduction to Teachers, and those who buy in gnantities. Single copies sent to Teachers by Mail, on receipt of one third of the above prices to pre-pay postage. SANDER'S SERIES OF READERS, Consisting of Primer, 12} cents; Speller, 15 cents; First Reader, 15 cents ; Second, 3u ct tits: Third, 40 cents; Fuurb, 66 cent.; Frtlh , 75 cnnts; High School, 88 cents : Young Ladies. '8 cents; and Sander's New Spenkes,; ele gantly prlnte.i. beaLtifully Illustrated, substan tiall) bound, and sold at lower prices than any other Series of Reath rs WillTE S. COPY ROOKS, 1:y T. Kirk %' bite, President of Pennsylvania Commercial College. The writing is beautiful. yet simple, practical and e isily taught, the sys tem being founded on natural habits and principles. The sale hus become very large and is increasing. They afford a liberal profit to dealers. This seriea of Si Superb Maps is now adopt ed in almost eery school of note in the Union. where Geography is taught, and ba3 no equaL PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY has been intro duced upon the Hemisphere Maps, all its de tails hating been so arranged as to present a must gorgeous appearance, while they do not interfere with each other or the subjects usual ly shown upon Maps, and are easily taught and understood by Teacher and Pupil. Price $25 for full set of six Maps, or $lO for set of Hem isphere Maps alone. Oct. 21, 1660. Gm Gettysburg BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, S. E Cor ner of Centre Square.—The public are re spectfnlly requested to bear in mind that 'tibia Stare may be found a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of the best material. The subscriber, having just returned from Philadelphia, where he selected with care and upon the best terms, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Ms stock is now full and com plete and he latter* Minelf that be can please the most fastidious. Call and ermine my stock. Custom made Boots and Shoes always on hand. B. F. IIcILHENY. Oct. 22, 1660 M.ARKET STUST WHAM', PRILAD'A., Dealers in Fish, Cheese aad Provisions, have constantly. oa hand an assortment of Dried and Pickled Fish, he., vis : Backerel, Shad, Sahnon, Blue 'Flab, Herrin*, Codfish, Beef, Port, Lard, Shoulders, BALM, Bides; Meese, Beans, Mee, Be. [Oct. e l 'BO. 3m Sower, Barnes & Co., FELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS J. Palmer & Co., 222. The sere unt`Zt liariah Myers, Ad ministrator of all ;mit singular the goods and chattel!, rights aryl credit.. a hich were of Re becca Smyser, late of the county of St. Joseph, in the state of lull ma, !et •d. 223. The first and finer account of Peter K. Executor of the l.ta will and tesutment of An :re ir Smith, .1.. ca•c , l, 224 The first aml hurl accorintof George Scope, Ex., utor of the 1.1.0 will and testament of Hcnrr Ssc,pe. e..•... 1 225. The first aid tint: account of George Sraotre. Executor of the will and testament of Litt:e. I Jr of ilextyaburg, 22C. The account of If-. E. F. Short', Joseph 1.. Shorb and Mi.-Sherry, Esys., Executors ,f the List will and titstnimut of Dr. Joseph A. Short), deceased. 227. The account of Wm. McClean, Adminis trator of the estate of lit becca Krailit. decd. 328. The first and final account if Moses Mc- Clean. Esq Executor of the last will and tes tament of Mati'da Scanlon, dec'd. 229. The first ant final act-mint of Joseph Fleck. Administrator of the estate of Mary Sto ner, deceased. 230. The first and final account of Philip Sweney, Executor of the lit will and testa ment of Ilugh Sweney,dec d. ZACHARIAII MYERS, Register. Register's Office, Gettya burg, Oct. 22, 1840. Change of Time. GETTYSBURG R.ULRI►.ID.—On and after Wedne.olay, Oct. 24, 11160, the Morning Train will leave Gettysburg at 7.30 A. M., with passengers for all the connections. North South, on the Northern Central Itailaray, and return about 1 o'clock, P. M. The afternoon Train will leave Gettygliarg at 2.45. P. N.; but passengers by Oil: , Train ran go no tattier than Minot er the same evcninz. Returning will reach Gettysburg about 5 P. M., with paFsen gees Cross liarristairg, Philadelphi t, kc. By this arrangement per.ons front the country, near the line of the Railroad, haring business to transact in Gettysburg, can take the noon Train up and have nearly two hours in Gettys burg, and return in the Afttrnoon Train. R. Met; URD Y., President. Oct. 22, 1860 $lOO,OOO. AFE INVESTVENTI—Any person having 0 money to invest, whether to the amount of tue obore or not, will call it the Cheap Cloth ing :gore or FRANKLIN B. PICKING. in Chain beesbnez street, where will be found the larg est cheApe:t and lieq selected assortment of EitCOAT,S, ever brought into the County— nimmg which are Beaver Cloths, Sent Skins, Cloths, Cassimeres. Satinetts,&c., dc.—ln short every style at nny pr cc. Dili: S,COo [TIN of Adams conniy, who nt to the polls on F.lection day, as, well xs thn.e oho reinaino.l at hOme, will please hear in mind that F. It. Pirkin¢hns just receiv ed a .plendid a=4ortaient or Dress C Jots, Csiasi mere Ilusiui FS Co t. in endless icty, Soli netts, Lc.. kc., at rites to suit all classes soil conditions. ADAM'S COUNTY, SS.—Yon are hereby politeb reque-te , l to call at Picking's and e .twine the finest and largest stock o: PANTS, of every description, et er tiroug'it to this mar ket. Black Doe Skin, i•ancy Cassinieres of every shade c.aeeiv.ible, together with Sati- Do , ,ble and TVlista, Cords, Jeans, ke. 61)1NEY'S LAND" 'tie Enid, is a pretty plate, ha: nothing to rompare with the allesii.l oi..,irtno lit of Vr.riT.-, jot re,:eired at of .11 Li.ids of material—el ery color, style and pri, c. OLD B&)RKAS is lien. I Prepare to meet him by culling at Picking's, who can furnish you cheaply with Under Shirts of every kind, Drawers, Snunks, Clones, Comforts, Gen tlemen... Shun In, and in fat t any article intend ed tn. frighten the old fellow off. ,Fiscsr Thanl.ll.l for the liberal strire of patron age heretofore extended to me, I hope, by op right dealing, a nd by oficritig great bargains, to usertt s contihuunce of the same. 0(1,21, Int:s. F. li. PICKING. A Now Feature XhN the business of the Eztelrior Sky-fight Gal /eye. During our last visit to the cities of 'ilttde!phia arid Paltimore,wesclected a splen did assortment of STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, eompriainz Engliqii, Freneb,Venitian, Egyptian, ituliarrand American Scenery,Statuary Groups, Ac. our prices for ri , lures w ill range from 12 to 40 r: nts apiece., We el,c) haves fine lot of STEIKEttsCOPiC BOXES, which we offer at reduced prices. The public.. generally are in vited to call and see oar large revoiring Bee,• containing bo pictures, add we insure to all lovers of the Fine Arts a pleasant visit. We are also prepared to make Stereoseepic Picture, tither Portraits or Views, at resiscna ble rates. TYSON A BRO., April 16, Ifi6o New .Goods! New Goods! FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS would respect fully inform the public that they have re turned from the Cates with the largest, cheap est and prettiest st ck at GUOD.S ever opened in the County, consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods. Cloths. Ca:‘,4imeres, Cassineu. liestiNrs, Domestics, ac., all of a hich will be offered so low,, as to defy competition. sigir Oire us a call. No trouble to show Goods at the s'ins of the RED FROST. Oct. 22, 186411. 1860 Fall and Winter Goods. THE Pubt.,ribt.r. having just returned from the Eastern Cities with a large and splen did assortment of HATS and CAI'S, would re spectfully call the attention of purchasers to the same. His, stock of Hats is full and com plete, consisting in part of Men's tashionab!e and handsome No. 1 bilk Hats. Dress Hats, Soft Hats, high, low and medium depth of crown, Cloth and Glazed Caps, Plush and Plush trimmed Caps, for men and boys, Fancy Hats and Cape for Children, together with a good as sortment of Wool Huts, sh ut which w ill be sold at very low pries' fur cash. Also, a 6ne as sortment of I,ildies' and Misses' Black and Brown Vernon Hats, Felt Hats, tc. Oct. 22, 1860. Second Arrival FALL.—Larger &ark than Raw 1 JACOBS it BRO. have just received their second purchase of Fall and Winter Goods, which they offer cheaper than e%er, having bought ai the most fprorable rates. They ask the public to call in and see their large assort tuer.t, c,,nvinced that every taste con be grati fied. Their CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FEST INGS, Cassicets, Cords, Jesus, kc., cannot be excelled for variety, and then the low prices at which they ire offered are really astonishing. Goods made up at the shortest notice, in the latest styles, and at as reasonable rates as can be expected. Their establishment is In Chase. bersbarg street, a few doors below Buehler' " ,Drug Store. [Oct. 15, 1860.—` - IAONSSTIGS, Ticking., Cbecks, rtassels, kc., cheap at Irahnestocke. Vie lave also a MINEILL'i branded with c yam -name, to which we invite especial atteation, at it excels by far, any ever offertstat this gamete for Vie prise. F yon want any article usually kept in a H j class Boot and Shoe Sion, call as 311clialsitis. Desirable Home, A T PUBLIC 8.11.5.—The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the prertisss ow Monday. ti„, 19tA day of Noronsher !eV, the very DESIRABLE PROPERTY he now•occu pies, situate on the Chambersburg turnpike. in the borough of Gettysburg, adjoining the The ological Seminary grounds. The lot contains 3t acres, with a two-story Double Roughcast House, Stable with barn floor, Shop, good young On.hard, well of water, Sc., thereon. Sale to commence at 1 o clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by " Quick Sales & Small Profits." HAVING pun ha, d n I.),Ne and varied AS gortmen t ot FALL. AND WINTER GOGDS. Ise ore prepared to offer bargains to all who may favor us with a call. We will not attempt to 'rise, ns our stock ccmprises For eign and Dome-tic Dr) Goods, Fancy Articles, Trimmings, kr.. k..., togs-her with a large at sortment of Groceries and Queensware, to which we would respectfully ask an examina tion before purchasing, as we are determined to sell as che. , p as the cheapest. Thankful for the liberal en, ouragement heretofore extended to as we would respectfully a: k a continuance of the same. . A. SCOTT k SON. Odt. 15. 1860. TSover, and although every one can't have his wishes entirely satisfied, it becomes us to submit. The next important question for all men, and, particularly the people of Adams county, is Where to buy the best and cheapest fall and winter Clothing. We unhesitatingly say, at SA Mae, die/pot—N. E. corner of the Diamond, in the old County Building. Gettysburg, Oct. 15,180. TO THE LADTES.—HU!ZT S "BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich and elegant color fur the cheeks or I:ps. IT WILL NoT WASH OR RUB OFF, and a hen once applied, remains durable fur )c its. The tint is,so rich and na tnral, th it the closest scrutiny rats to detect its use. (*tin ba removed by lemon juice and will not injure the skin. This is a new preparation, used by the t r lehrated Court Beauties of Lon don and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with directiont for me, for $1 00 HUNT'S /. COURT TOILET POWDER," im parts a darzling whiteness to the completion, and its unlike anything eL.e nat.(' for this pur pose. Mailed free for 50 Cergs. I1VNI"S " BRIT/Sll 8ALM...," removes tan, freckles, sunburn sued all eropfilres of the skin. Mailed free for 50 Conic HUNT'S " IMPERIAL POMADE," for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps it hum falling off, and ts warranted TO MACK VII HAIR CURL. Mailed free for $1 00. BUNT'S "PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gnarls, purifies the breath effectual ly, russakVlM Tar Ti LTA AND PRBVkXTS TOOTH- Aut. Mailed free for $1 'OO. HUNTS "BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," double extract of orange blossoms and co logne. Mailed free for $1 00. This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of F. .gland. on her marriage. Masers. Hunt k Co. presented the Ponces with an elegant case of Perfnmern (in w, ich all of the above articles were included) in handsome cut glue. with gold ,toppers, valued at ;it 300, particulars of which appe tred in the public prints. All the above articles Pent Free, by express, for $5 00. Cash can either ace onipany the order, or be paid to the express agent on de livery of go ads. HUNT k , Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, and 77 SansJtu St., I".t. For Sale all Drnggi3ta aad Perfumers. Ts THE ART WORLD! PHOTOGRAPHY I [PO I ORCF.AIN.--Settred by letters pitent in the Uuited State?, England, 'France end He:gium. TIJ AMERICAN PHOTtIaRPHIC PORCE LAIN COMPANY, No. 'NI Broadway, New fork, haring seenred their novel and invenioua invention by American and European patents, are fully prepared to esaseute all orders for MINIATURE LIKENESSES of Persons on China, presenting all the attrac tive advantageous features of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy and finish of a water-cih,r drawing, and a hi:berto unattain ed fluidity of durability, by *ring rendered as imperislinlile as ti e natural properties of the artiel a emits which they tran:terred. As the patented process of the Comp.iny en ables the reprivinct:on of Pliotrigrapb • not n ly on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularity—por traits can be reproduced with taultie a a..nura (l. and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain w..res of any de , cription ant dimension u.e4l arti, les of luxury or of household utility, sash as • t7RNS, VASESt BREAKFAST CUPS, Toilet Artieleg, kr.. thereby secunng faithful p.,rtraits and farnishinz a unique And milli site style ofora.tnieutstion of articles in domes tic use. In order is furnish facilities for the gratifi cation of thT popplar sete, and to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desir ous of hitringfortraits on Porcelain, the Com pany have intport4 from Europe a collection of superior porcelain goods, manntactured to their own order, which they sell at cost Trice.. As the American Ccmpany nre owners of the patent right, and consequently the 6nly persons authorised to use the process, they have .4u:r ind:tad, in order to afford people of every section of the Union as opportunity to possess PORTRAITS ON CHINA, to make the following proposition to residents in the Country, who are unable to visit pvr.on ally the Atelier and other Oa Ileriet in New York : Persona sending a photograph, ambrotype, or dagueireotype to the dike of the Comp Any in New York, stet enpanied by FIVE DOLLARS, will re eive In return by express, free of other ehargr-, a richly ornamented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, with the portrait transferred thervon. By transmitting a daguerreotype and TEN DOLLARS, Photographers, Gettysburg, Ps. they will secure in like manner, a handsome I rench Vase or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. By sending n pair of daguerreotypes and FIFTEEN DOLLARS, they will receive in return a Pair of rich Sevres Vases, with the portraits executed equal to min iature paintino; ant in like manner, portraits can be reprodu , ed on porcelain wares or Vases of every quality ranging in price from Twenty to Ono Hundred Do!Niro the pair. N. LS —Be part: ular in wnting, the address, town county and State dist:nctly. . 1860 IL. F. .11e11.11ENY etlit TYSON k itgO'Et pinery of poi. t i : L igraphy mid coalmine Limit epecunens Of be Art, Gettysburg, Pa. iiiiiniEl S.kNICEL K. FOILS Oct. 15, The Election Handsome Women. Illar•The Trade Supplied. loci. 'b). 17 A Novelty All letters to be addressed to_ .L'unager, Aokruan l'hotograpbte Partelain C 0.," 781 BROADWAY, New York. Oct. '22, 18.;0. 3ci A Rare Chanc3 YOR CA PITALIST. - . 4 .—Desirtilds Ilotel Proper ty for Aotr.—T HE ) SBURG, will be offered at Public Sale, on the premiers, on 7lisessfay, the 20th day ge .Noreno ber next, at t o'clock, P. IL This la the largest and moat desirable Proper ty in the place-, being a I true and exten sive THREE-STORY FRONT k RACK- iii" BUILDING. with a Iliieement and Attic. ll all finished from attic to basement in the best manner, having been lately renewed and en larged, so ns to accommodate a !arge number of persons in tl e has lsomest and most com fortable manner. There is an abundance of water, hydrant. two wells, and a cistern.— There is an Ice-house, Wasli-homie, Smoke house, Wood-shed, and all other necessary Oat-buildings. The-e is sv!ile!ent :-Itabling fir 100 horses. The Douse is tarnished as ith Gast in all the principal ails? tments. This hotel has been skiing a most extensive bnsiness having its reputation highly establish ed, and is known far and near as a most com fortable plower of sojourn, anti ita possession is worthy of public attention. The terms will be made known on the - day of sale by HARVEY 0 SWEENEY, GEORGE THROVE. ALEXANDER COBEAN, Committee of Stoi kholders. serni, place is the tenninaticas of the Railroad, by which there k a direct ioturonni cation twice a day with all the Ea tern Cities and the Great West. !'lf not sold on said day, it a ill be Rented Oct. 15, 1860. is A Good Homo. AfamOSSGARLAND FOR Sil.R.—A FARS!. containing about 2£43 Acres, situated in iltonban township, Adams county, adjoin ing the property well known as the "Orr Farm;" about one-half of this farm is of same quality as Orr's land. The meadows are large and good /Oil. can he made to produce very large crops of flay, a product for which there is now a constant good market; about 90 acres are in timber, ranch of it of the hest kinds. including Locust and Walnut. It is supposed the most valuable Poplar timber in the county is oa ibis property and within i of a mile of a good Saw-mill. A yount Apple Orchard, contain ing 200 trees of choice selettrd fruit. planted 2 or 3 years ago. A young Peach Orchard of 100 trees of best kind , selected. Tl.ese Or chards, when in full hcnriug, will add greatly. to the value of the property, as the . quality of Adams county fruit is known and held in great esteem in the citfes. Numerous Rpriogs oa the farm, one ef which is a large 3-11pber Spring, that m ,y become of great value ps aeon as the Gettysburg and Waynesboro', or Gettysburg and Chamberiburg Railroads are tit.islied, or the property IS within one mile of these Rail roads; and by these roads a constant -upply of Franklin county lime may he had t..i ,. cheaply. so as to Improveltre laud ," - 5 . lit to any degree of fertity desired . 5.,) There is a HOUSENnd gird sub- A,- , :;-.;,:,.: stantial Barn on the farm. , Also, A. TRACT OF MOLINT. 3 .IN LAND, in am° township, adjoining lands of T. Steeens, and others, containing about 1S Acre!. )"'The property will be shown to any per son wishing to purchase and the price us de known on application to Isaac Robinson. F. 21., Fairfield; Robert 0. McCreary, George W. Mc- Clellan, E54.0.,-pl4Cci. James D. Patton , Get lyshurg. /Lida/ S. Miff. Sept 17, Farth for Sale. suhseriher wit ••tl his FARM, sitnAted 11l FL township. Ad.sons county, 3 miles we-t of l'all.toun, on time Millerrtown road. The F.t•m voltaic:4, 75 ACRES-50 acres clear. The Lind is in :I 1 and tante of cult:ca tion, having hee•: Timbre are all kind.. of fruit—a thriving yo o hng orchard of choke graard fruit; AIN° peaches pears arid pinnts of the beit kinds. The buildings e re a one and a half story STONE HOUSE, a Efir' large new Bank Barn, a Caoper Shop, &c. The form is in good order, and cannot be heat for raising potatoes. I calculate on rais ing fire hundred bushels this year. A never failing spring of water al the door. SAMUEL. 131NGAMAN. Oct. 1, leso. • ' Dr. Mott's CIIALYBFATE PESTORATIVE PILLS OF IRON: An ap-tient and Stomachic preparation of IRON put ified of Oxygen ant Carbon by coos bu.tion is ii.%drogett. Sanctioned by the high est Medical Authorties, both in Eurnne and the United Satt2s, and prescribed in their prac tice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no.preparation of 'ron be compared with it. Imputtici of the blool, depre.sion of r.tni en,rg . r. p.,"( sad o , liersi4e sickly tom plelions iodinate its Lecessity in almost every conceivable case. InnosiJus in all mal tdies in which it hits been tried. it has proved absolutely etirative in each of the following complaints, : In Debility, Nerroun Affedions, Einaeia lion, Dyspepsia, Coiati 'labia, Diarrhea, Do nde, y, ipient Coomtoption, Sernfuleno , Taberrubleis, Salt Rhea's, Moneeleetruation. Whites. Chtnrosis. Veer Coniplaints, Chronic Ihebiaehes, Ilkeumaliarn, Intermittent Rotes, l'implea on the Fare. d - e. In Cares of r . Drattrre, whether the result of r.ente disease, or of the continued fromof nervons and muscular energy from chronic complaints. oue trial of this res torative has proved successful to an extent which no dveription nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their ownikeighborlioods, hive snddenly re-appear ed in theta y world as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instant es of this kind nre attested of fe male Sufferers, emaciated victims of appiirent marasmuL eanguineons exhaustion, critical changes, and that c.nupiicrition of Der% one and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In NintrOCO Arrecrioss of all kinds. and for reasons familiar to ail:thud men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike Vie oil oxides. it. is vigor ously tonic, without firitir and over heating; and geetly. regularly aperient, even in the most obstitiste cases of cost.% cues- with out ever being a gastric purAatiie. or intli:ting a disagreeable seihsittion. It is this latter fr. - I...crt v. among others, which makes it so remarkably effeetual and peen neat a remedy for PCes, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific aLtion, by dis persing the local tend ncy it forms them. Jn DYIPIrSIA, innurnerdble as ars it• causes. a single box of these Chilyhente Piiis has often sufficed for the most hali.tual c.tses, incluoing the attendant Costiveaess. is unchecked DIARIIIIO: t, even when advanced to Dvsasvrar, confirmed. eniaciat,rig, and apt patently m.ilirnant, the Wet ts have been equal ly decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, lo :s of flesh and strenctb, debilitaung cough, and remr tent hectic. which generally indicate lac:l'lElT COIsCIIPTIO3, th:s remedy has alla)ed the alarm of triencs and physicians, in several very gratify ing and in teresting instances. In ScaorcLoca Tcsascrtosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the must cautiously balanced prepanitions of iodine, without any of their well known lia bilities. The attention of females cannot be too eon fidenCy invited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly effecting, them. In RHIUMATISM. both chronic and Wisterias tory—in the latter, howeter, more decidedly— it has been invariably well reported, both as idieriating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In lITIMMITTLX7 Persist' it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one 01 high renown and usefulness. No remedy hits ever been discovered In the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and hilly restorative effects,—a flood appetite, complete digestion, rapid ac quisition of strength, with an unusual disposi you for active and cheertni exercise, inintedi. stet) , follow its use.• Pat up la zeal ,flat metal boxes tiontalmbig 50 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be seat free to any addreti os receipt pf the price. .M 1 letters, orders, re., shootot'e toldressed to . R.B. R. I:OCKE k CO., Giuseral_Agents, Oct. ILI, Ito. 17 30 OasiariScl 4 . Y. BLAVISTIMA sal rariftiliirsteirprt at A. tiCOTT k SUN'S cheap stare. Ayer's Cathartic ARF: ,you sick, feeble, . mid complaluing7—. !re you out of order, with your system derrusged,sod yoqr feelings nticoutforta• hie? These symproms are often the prelude to serious 111ne a. :Some fit of sick- ness is creeping upon yon, and should be averted' by a timely use of the r: est remt+l)•. Take Aser's Pills, and cleanse out the disor- drred humors—purify the blood, and let the iluids move on unuhatrneted in helati toin. They itimn, late the funetionA of the Logy into N i gor ti netit i ty, purify the epteiti fiArt the obstructions which mak , . disease. A cold mettles somewhere in the body, and obstructs its natural ftua tit ns. Thee, if not relieved, react upon then.+tite,and the snrrounding or gans, producing grueral aggrw.ntion, suffering, and d:sease. It hilt in this condition, tiopres4- ed by the derangements. tike Ayer s P.l3s, an& see how directly they re , tore the natural artless of the srtem, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. NVltzt I, fewe and so appatent in this trivial and co:amon carapl.tint, is Ms. true in many of the devp-seated and dangerous dietetnyers. Th'e saute imrtrative effect expels them. Caused by similar olistructious sal de aangements of the natural hineiions of Also body, they are rapidly, and ninny of them sure ly, cured by the 311M0 means. N o n e w h o l now the virtues of these Pills, trill neglect to etnplo, them when suffering from the disorders thoy cure. • Minimum:as thus lendiag phrsiciasinferneate of the principal cities, and - ftuin °that' sell known public per4ont. From a Forwarding 11Irrehant of St Lona, /O. 4, IWW. Dr. Ayer: lour Pills are the paragon of ail that is great in medicine. They have Shred' my , little danghter of uleerou pores upon her hands and feet that had 'roved iticur.lble for years. Iler mother has been long grievously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her Plan and in her hair. After our child wits eared._ she also tried your Pills, and they hare cured her. AAA Motioning& AS A FA M 11.1" PIIYSIC. Fr om Dr. B. W. esa-treight. New Orlevek Yontlis arc the pfinve of purges. :Their, excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mill, but sery certain and • effectual in the action on the hostels. 'which makes them laralueble to us in the dt.itylross meet of disease. 1.1F4D/CHli, SICK 112ADAC1IE, ram, Krom A Cli. frees Dr. IF.droutt Boyd, Dishtowel'. Der Bro. Ayer: 1 csonot *Boxer you wh at complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat w ith intact's tive medicine. I place great deptailence on att efiectual cathartic in my contest with - disease, and believing a. I do that your Pills afford us the bent we have, I of course value them highly. Pittsburi, PM, May 1, ICI Dr. J. C. fifer.-Sir: / have been repeated ly cured of the worst, headache tiny body ma have by a dose or tireeif your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with rest respect, Rn. W. PRZIL:. CPI( of Stunner Clarion. BILIOUS DIPOUDERS—LI Pi AIPLAINTB. !tots Dr. Tiockkorr Betl, or New York City. Not only are your Pill.. minified to their purpose as an uspericnt. but I find their bbneficial effects upon the Li) cr very marked indeed. They bare in my practice proved Moro effectual for the cure of bilious complaints than any one remedy I ran mention I sincerely rt.- !mite that we have at lenet a pnrgati‘e_vibich is worth the confidence oLthe pro,ession and the pro de. Depte r , ntent of the Interior, Washington. D. C., 7th Feb 18'ai. Sir: I have u•ed .our Pills Li my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, awl cannot hesitate to tar they are the beat cathartic we employ. Their regulating action on the liver is quick and decided. consequently es they are an admirable remedy tor derangements of that organ. Indeed, I hate seldom Tomad • case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL ' M. D., Physician of the Marine Hospital." ) DYSENTERY, DIARBIREA, lIELAX,WORMS. wrest Dr. J. 0. einem of (.Mesta.. Your Pills have had a lung trial in ay prac tice, and I hold them in eeteeta ea ciae-el the beit aperients 1 have ever found. The altera tive effect upon' the liver makes them an excel lent remedy, when gitin in small doses for bilious dysentery anti Their sumer: coating makes then, very acceptable and con venient for the use wonum and children. DYSPEPSIA. IMPURITY OF TILE BLOOD. Pon Rev. J. V. Dion, l'a.tor of Sanaa Church, Devise. Dr. Ayer: I have .tied your Pills with ex traordinary succe- , c. in my family and among those I am called to in distress. To regu late the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very hest remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. Ilium Warsaw, Wyoming co , Y.. Oct. 24,'55. Dear Sir: lam using your Cathartic Pill. in my practice, and find them au excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the - fountains of the blood. JOlre O. listens:lr, M. D. CONSTIPATION, CO:-TIVENESS. SUPPRES sioN, BREI T NI IF'l, tt'T, N EURALGIA, DROPSY, PARALYSIS. FMK. ETC. , De, J r Vaughn, Moutrest, reeeds. Too much cannat be said ot your Fide for the cure of costivene=s. If others of our fra ternity have found them as efficacious' , as I have, they should join me in proclaiming it for . the benefirol-the mu:titudes who suffer from that complaint, which. although bud enough Tn. itserLis the progenitor of others that are worse.. believe costiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that argot' and cure the disesse. From tire E. fitaart, rlayceiin mod Midwife. Doane. I find one or two ~ tge dusts of your Pills, taken at the proper, are excellent promo tive, of the natural ~ e...retton when wholly or partially supprrassd, and also ter) effectual to cleanse the stiunaei, and exlirl worms. They are so much the hes . t sic we that I re (-min:end no ,ther • my pattiente. From the Air Dr. 13., w kee, of the Method:et Epic Clemada. • Pulaski GA., Jan. ti, , Honor - 1 Sir: I should be ungrateful far the relief your skill ha- brought me it 1 did ant report me C'l4V toy ou. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruLiattag neOhrigie pain., which ndtd in chrome rlieumatts.n.--- Notwithstanding; I had the best of phyaicians., - - t .e disease grew w, rse And worse. until by the advice of our excelikut ;gent in Baltimore, Dr. MAckenzie, I tried your Their effeell were slow. but sure. by persevering in the use of then, I am now entirely well. :sen.,te Chamber, Rouge. La.. 5 Dre.'ss. [Jr. Ayer:. 1 L tee b , ,en eutirely cured, by yout Pills, of Rheumatic. Gout—a painful dis ease that had afflicted raejor years. Vixens? St.toutt. ..most of the pool 171 market contain Mer cury, ..w,hich. althoughit vuluable remedy In ektilul hands, is daugefous in a public pill, front the dreadful eons. ..peaces that frequent. ly folldw 111 incautious use. These contain no tutredry or soUrtance whatever. Price, ti erEts per Box. or a Boxes for $l. Prepared by Cr. J. C. ITER k CO., Lowell, Jan. imr.johl by S. D Li,ttys4urig P. Bowitz. Arendtavilk ' Paxton A McCreary, Fairfield: P. 5. livers, NevNv I:Lester; M. Staster, Sew Oxford; F.. fliteshere, York Springs . ; and dealers generally. n' Sept. 3, 1860. 1 eo New F 1 and -Winter ILOTII,NC,, for .llen and Boys, with every Vi ertielc of wearing apparel in that line, to gether with Boots, Shoe 3, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Double 11 tire! Guns and Pistols, Revolvers, and a splendid nritcle of the' ii . proved and celebrated f'elt's Revolver, with sa the necessary fiztures to it. Buffalo Robes.pad- Over Shoes, India Over Coats and Leg lags, Hosiery, &c., Guitars, Fiddles, Matt and Fifes, Jewelry and IVatelses, together Wltilt 4 , nosy other °sent articles, all of which 41L, sold VERY CHkrAY. Yon ask where 1 "Wbe'l . at BAIISON'B, where every one can bey . ip*, and cheap goods. rAste the vet. The 1,:.; County Building, N. 13, Corner of** Diamond 14ettysburg, tkt. 15, 1880. . • Great Curiosi ty. . • --. ";. -- ... wa lt z 151 T E have one of the 4 1 iso l osigi Ty awl most vsl WAAL .?'• known world; for 04a we. where. tell pat tknkies eing . _-/. 0 ..1,-I,J - SHAW k CLATtEdlidii er4164.14,- Oct. 15, 1860. 3t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers