aping 'wry attire fee Fremont,' &Cunt whirls I lei leers "Uiet of 1116 Frequent crisis there are two sthet open before u, and nnly tvsn.— ; I.l7l,rieretntwnePh"danWhen via the "iris of oil. and is mod chiefly for Ite work, the hem remedy it to break it ia pieces. and let rirbt and justies g o free-1 amebdien is Caro remedy." Haar enotb.r nournon and Black Republican etemper, the Ray. Dr. Kirk, of Boodqm TAe doctrine that s nerve is not n man, 4611416•doctriae that the nor-n i• n man, - Ur" /MOW elm. to the dv , rf/i etragg'e. end the amine w4l heave with every eoncaleire streate of the eontevt. YothinT will viol 0•01011-0 , 0tir, tern swept with the deln2e' AV M IVIL A T Take amulpsr gem from the *pooch of ex; Weave:mint G ,rerror Ford, of the Black Republican priuter of the Moose of Represen tativre: " I leen the 'Minn, hot the time has efone fete* re taw( d-iLtre see Luce fees Lent better titan the raion.' We now come to.Toslint Giddin7,s, who. tins letter to lion. R L)ph numb, dated May 4. 1859, we+ in favor of overthroWnx the oo+ernment in ease the Supreme Court of Ohio would not take out of ..he custody of the Vatted State* a bend of Black Republicans who had forcibly taken porno fugitive places oat of the po ion of ti e marshal end his dupntiee. Hear him " I bare great ~.rlti.ioTle*C. i^ o.ojitdreil eon,- thht •1.-111.1 they pr.-re /caner:oat to the rise inn , th . r.,-r will Alton to that hi.zhe•t or riati.ly do! Anorem of all p doleal power. The reoplo, eg thin G .‘..rseitsent to bare be , orer dr ive of Coe the liberties and the kapp!nese of itn citizens, will alter or abo!irh and oncariiin it+ powe-4 in such form as to them shall seem m o st likely to effect their wifely and happinisr." This duty, so e•derrudy enjoined upon u• by the f,ion , lers of our Gorernrient, in that immortal charter of .imerie.in liberty to afhicb., fu almost a ceututy . , we have been noktratonte.T tn look far instruetion and diree thin in regard to our ri-hts, trill not be nealec ,, tett" " Acts' speak louder than word.," may , the old proverb. Let tis pee, then. how their "sets" tally with their w - ords. On the Ist .of February, IRSf, Senator halo presented •tere% petitions from Issue Jeffries end other (Aileen. of Pennsylvania, and .1. T. Woodward and other'', praying that " some plan might be devised for the ifilsantion of the Aineriraw TA ioa." lifr. Webster, iif Nisc,achnfoewe, was unsparing in his denuncintiun of the petifiona. and suggested that there should kaye been a preamble to them, in these words : " 'Gentlemen, mem here of Congress, whereas all the commencement of the session yoe and Mob of you took your solemn oaths. in the presenee of God. and on the Iloly Evangelists, dug you wonld support the Constitution of ths U t ot e d ir s ta z eit ..- no w, therefore, we pray you so take immediate steps to break up the Union. and overthrow the Constitution as SUM OS you can." • Yett it received tni>rw votes, and only three, b.hng flie voles of every Black Republican Senator then in the &rime, to wit : John P. Lisle of New Munrxhire, William 11. Seward of New York. and Salmon P. Chase of Ohio. Bee Senate Journal, Ist session 31st Cungrees, poste M 9Ora 25th of February the same petition *aofrerrd ie the llousn of Representatives by Jeshnst R. Oiddings,where it received civil( *Me. balteX WM abolition vote in that body.' to twit: Charles Allen of YiLis.nehusetts, Charles Durkee of Wiseonsin, now one of the Black Repnblionn United States Senators from that State. Joslina R. Giddinee o f Ohio, Rafas K. Cleodenew of Maine, George W. Julian of Indinan, now the Black Republican candidate for Ceogress in the fifth congyee atonal district of that State. Preetorr King of New Yerk. now a Black Republican United States Senator from that Sate, a delegate to the Chicago- convention that nominated Lin coln, and dhairmon of the Republican Nation- 1 al Executive Committee, and J. M. Itoot of Ohio ; every one of whom is a supporter of Lineuln and Ilamlin. Who, after this, will be so fool-hardy as to deny that the Republican party is the disunion party of this ennntry ? It is to this end they have for Tears been schooling and inciting the public mind of the North. It is to this end they have been fomenting strifes, stirring no disoord, erecting en - irrepressible conflict," between the people of both sections. It is to this end they have been inflaming the south tern fleeple with their villainous abase and +ritztperation, so that their crimination might lead to recrimination, and bitterness and ha tred he exeleanged fer fraternal regard and affection. It is to this end they have been exciting the negroes of the South to inipr reciion and rebellion, so as to keep the anutbern people in a state of irritation and alarm. It is to this end they sent John Brown to Ilarper'e Ferry, to murder defence less men and w,linen. It is to this end they got up their " sympathy" meethings, and sought to deify this cold-blooded murderer and traitor. The man must be blind indeed. who does not see, in all these movement.., the bloody and brutal programme of disunion, civil war, and servile inserrection. Oh, let as turn from this' dirk picture, and drink the words of patriotism and warning that issue from Mount Vernon's sacred tomb. Mete is the duty enjoined upon every lover of his meaty by the matchless Washington : "To properly estimate the immense value of your natiorrai Union, to your collective and individual happiness, you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it, accustoming yourselves to think and to speak of it as the palladmin of your political safety . and prosperity ; watching for its pres et-tenon •tiitn zealous anxieti ; drocuuntenan eing whate%er may gIIgAE qt even a suspicion that it can, in any event, be abandoned ; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our ilountry from the rest, ur to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the sari , Otis parte." CONT LESION II will be perceived that we have made no quotatiuzie from that still more ultra and ex-I trestle portion of the Rvitubham party led by Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Ali ' by Poster, Gerrit Smith, Redpath LI, Cu., Wiln bare the merit of being more out-spoken, bold, and violent, in their Assaults upon the Consti., tutiun and the Union ; for the reason that, though voting with that party, yet same of! the Republican leaders in some of the States, mob as ILdiana, Pennsylvania and New Jer sey, where Black Republicanism is of slow growth, affect tit deny their authority to speak , tut the Republican party. So, in these pa-' pen we bare confined ourselves strictly to quotations from the representalire men--the admitted leaders—the endorsed and ererytchcre atknototedged founders., creators, and nurvs, advocates and chief supporters of the Republi- aao party-.—tbe men who made this. party, ar i bmie talents sustain, whose counsels direct, 1 lam seta control it. Nu man can gainsay their authority to speak for it, for they them- aebres onnautute tl,o party. We have wade ; Jose gad honest quotations erorn their spot.- ' rhea awl letters. And novi look upou the re-' out& What does it all mean ? Yee dissolu tion of 014 American Union, thelemancipation of this kenitherti ararca, aqd the redaction of Die /tietthikalt States and Southern men into tAe rstdia puirition of colonies and carrots, This the • bloody goal" at which Black liepubli =dem strives. Alai %hat is the lesson this brutal programme ought to inatit into the beeneotouweerrative wen of the North? We nweesieleathgly answer, Union for the sake cf fJedes. ' N 1110% bad men combine, good men ought and Isbell toe bloody banner of I,wa- t4iillis unfurled to the breeze, and when o j..,,j . kebrozi, grown audacious and defiant, no - 4 er skulks is secret, bat with emu/clew lisuliaitna its principles and oli' its to :,- t is high tune for the friends ul law ..... - at the Vora' to rally around the . . ... don, wad to raise aloft the flag of tbe - - _,__i. • - ; ',while yet we have a Constitution a 7 ;--- r ead •la -' and before there Mick --: 4 . ' lr. 2 , • seceeed in hump= .1 . .. 7 1. ,1r r f it ivf terror lite the carnage ti. Ed, Domingo. and before the Republic of Hort b America. rent into frawmeata. ham bedtime a thing of the pant, a fact only in the pnz history. There ielmt one organ in 'this shitty that has the power to resist and roll hookahs ware of fanaticism. Tara organirttion Is the national Democratic par ty. Firmly planted in the helve of the Ameri can people, *seen I , d from the parer and bet ter days of this Repotilie, coateraporary with Viaohingron. and JeTerrion, and Jackson, it stood. forth tn-itly. as it hka ever stood, the 'champion of the Comitituti-in an I the !Joint.,. It ha" encoontered and overthr,wn the Black flepr,llll,in. diu iiin frirty upon one hattlefie!il. Let the e..n•ervatice mien of o.e COuntry now rally to is •tniolard. and it mill ad'ain meet, mertlin , w, and %anguish thi• dangerous enemy to the Republic, arod give peace end oe.-urity to the Uni.m. THE COMPILER. b. J 2TAIII R, LDlTtia UU I•RUPIU:T.,a GETTICIIIWRG. PAt MOND V 11' ((T. 2:', ;PC() GRAND DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING AT NEW OXFORD! MITE Democracy of Oxford, Ifountpleasant, Conowngo, the fterwiLim, Hamilton, Read ing, Straban, and other district.. will hold a Grand Mass Meeting' at New Oxford, THIS (510 \ DAV) EVENING, (let. 2u, to which the people of the county are invited. Au immenm gathering, and four or fire Speeches, may be expected. She Citizens' Band of Gettysburg will be present. Let the friends of the Union, the Constitution, and the old, time-tried Demo- cratic party, rally in their strength to New Ox ford on Monday evening next and put to shame the sectional " Wide Awake" Black Republi c/mil I TURN OUT I SkairAn extra train of cars will be run for the occasion from Gettysburg to New Oxford and back, starting at 8 o'clock. Fare only 40 cents fot the round trip. [Oct 29, 1860. UNION NOW AND FOREVER .. FREEMEN OF ADAMS, YOUR cOU_VTRy CALLS! Damoeratie Meetings. THE Democracy , the friends of the Union and the Constitution, and the enemit s of numl Lion and sectionalism, will hold Beat a gs, (lows : t Al W OXFORD, this (Monday) Eme , ing. At LITTLESTOWN, on Thursday Even ing„V,r. 1. At MO UNT VERN ON SCHOOL-HO USE, ,1 non! township, on Friday Evening, Nur. 2. At lIEIDLIIRSBunG, on Saturday Even ing. Non. 3. At OEO. A. CORTI - EWA Franklin township. nn Monday E , vting, Noo. 5. At C. WILL'S HOTEL, Getty*lnerg, on Monday Evening, Nor. 5. The CITIZENS' BAND of Gettyshnrit and several Speeches at each meeting. Additional mqiiitgs may be called. DEMOCRATS OF AMINES, RUSH TO THE RESCUE OF THE IMPERILED UNION I MAKI , : ONE MORE EY FORE TO SAVE YOUR COUNTRY AND MAINTAIN THE CONSTITUTItiN UNIMPAIR ED! By order, JACOB BRINKERHOFF, Oct. 29, 1860. Chairman Dem. Co. Com. The Ticket. We give the Reading Electoral Ticket— on& FLAG from the commence.nent of the Presidential contest—on our first page, in a oorretted, arid prominent, form. This is the only Demneratie ticket in the told, and will receive the votes of all Democrats through- But the Commonwealth. BEWARE OF SPURIOCS TICKETS! It is not improbable that the two Opposition •didates elected in this county on the 9th inst., succeeded through the in.trumentality of mixed tickets. Democrats must see to it in the future, that a similar game be not again successful. EXAMINE EVERY NAME The Bay of Election. The time ft.r holding the Presidential Elea. tion in every State, except South Carolina, is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. This yenr it comet on Tuesday, the Gth day of November. The Skies Brighten! The political sky looks much brighter now than it did ten days ago, and if the reaction, which has commenced. goes on for the week whick remains of the Presidential campaign, the Democracy of Pennsylvania will have no reason to 14 ashamed of their vote after the ballots are counted off. Then let us urge our fellow-Democrats all over the county to roll up their cleaves and gn to work without de lay. Work, woaa, WORK, should now be the order of the day. The Duty of Democrats. The adverse resuirot the election on the 9th may dampen the ardor of Democrats and lead them to think that further efforts are useless, and .that the November election may be left to take care of itself. But this should not be the case. Democrats should by no means lesson their energy or activity as re gards the November election. On the con trary, greater efforts should be made, and there should be a determination to du all that can be done at die November electiJn.— Many, we are persuaded, have allowed them selves to be misled, and 'we are sure before the next election comes, they •will return to the fold from which they have strayed.— Penney lrania cannot embrace Lincoln ;Repub licanism. Democrats, is is your duty, then, to rally fur the November election as it nothing had occurred to make you doubt as to 1512CC0811 then. Organize thoroughly in your districts, and from this day let every Democrat work as if success in November were oertain. Ex* ert every energy, and let every effort be made to do our whole duty in November. Up, Dem ocrats, and to work. Preserve your party organisation and rally fur the needing Else oral ticket. ..11iff•The Lincoloite leaders hero must be getting seared. They have issued a call for any number of meetings during the pretext week, in orkr to get their followers fully worked inurithe Abolition crusade. They know that their creed is not popular with the people, and hence this desperate effort to force it down their throats in the person of Abe Lincoln. jorSeveral articles in typo deforroct— among them a list of tivo autothons of do lesedatan. Rally itr aiii !X' Reading Ricci / facet! eketoral titsitet being withdrawn. bet otio Democratic ticket remains its the bold, for die support of the Dvaicryrats of Pennsylrania. This is the Resole° Ei.ec- Toga'. Ttciir, regulrrly formed at Reeding, by the regular Democratic State Convention, , in Mart h last. before the Charlest,n and Bal timore Conventions. In their Presidential preferenoes the Elceturs are liri led, some be ing for IN ugloo and come Int. Bre.kinridge— alroo.t (loftily. If elected, howe‘er, we are perfectly willing to cuttfi lc in their honor, that they will cast their rotes so as most surely to defeat the Sectional RepuLlicans and benefit the c..untry. Democrats of Adams minty! you bore your selves nobly in the late contest. Your '7lun try again calls upon you for your patriotic services. A sectional puny, with Linesdn as its standard bearsr. is seeking, posses...lp of the Government atPthe imminent peril of our Union. The S2o'l is determinedb , \ defend, to the la*, herSncitutiunal rights, and the Republicans are just as intent on clashing them. We are therefore tbristened in the event of the success of Lincoln, with bloodshed silt.] :ill thh horror"' of civil war. AWAKE! STAND TO YOUR ARMS. Rally for the Reading Electoral Ticket, irrespective tif your differences. Poll every Democratic, eousurva tive vote kr this ticket, give it more than the majority you gave }Verse. and SI Water may he the result, you will haye d .ne per duty and washed yuur hands of every responsibili ty. Un ion. The union of the D mucrats of this State upon the Reading Electoral Ti, ket has had a moat depressing effect upon the Opposition. Bifnre this sensible action wits takan. the Opposition cal. uloted that Abe Line in, al though unpopelAr because an Aborf onist, would.without effort, sweep evervtallibefore him, tl.rough division in the iilwitscratic ranks. Now, however, their tune is changed. There is commotibn in the wigwam. The game is not as sure no they espected.• And well may they be alarmed. The "sober second thought" is already at work among the people, and forting them to the inquiry, "May not dreadful consequences ensue upon the election of an Abolitionist 1" " May not thin glorious fabric of government be rent in twain by the success of a clop of men who have lung since threatened violence to it unless negro slavery be abolished " May dot general ruin follow?" " May not even servile, bloody war come of it?" These inquiries are coming home to the hearts and consciences of the people, and if hue importonce be given to them, the vote of Pennsylvania will never be cut for the can didate of the Abolition Aliitio Awake Repub licans, Al* Lincoln.- " Let us prove that the county is not Demo cratic by giving Lincoln and Llattalak a hand some msjority."—Star. tfidrSueb ip the appeal mails by the Star managers to their Abolition followers throul.,h •ut the county. Democrats, let this urge pia to more determine.' action than ever. You now have the cue to ti a desponu.e effort: , which the Opposi.ion leaders am making. ACT troN IT! UP AND AT 'I HEM 1 • In the days of the Know Nothing councils, yon met and eroded these ad.roentes of nn on- holy crusade aponst the rights of n large and reworable portion of oar bitizens. They are now, in addition, striving to deprive of their constitutiotn, ! rights nearly one-half of the solereign States of this Union I -Let us meet %hem again, with our forces fully • rallied— with every man at his pot—and Victory will onzei more perch upon the banner of the GOOD OLD cuss F.llow Democrats, rush to the Polls 1 and whilst you will assist in swelling the to-be increased Democratic vote of the Common wealth, you will teach the unprincipled man ewers of the Opposition that their Abolition ptinciples cut acquire no deeper root !Too' the soil of Adams than did their proscriptive and tyrarydcal creed of Know NAltingism. lirnry J. Myers, Eq. It affords us great pleasure to announce the election of our young friend, Henry .1. Myers, to the Le,gislature. from Adams county.— With a popular opponent, ePpecially.selected as the man fur t'.e occasion, he was triumph antly elected by 95 msjority. Whey it is re membered that fur the last two years, Adams county has been represented at llarrislutrg by a Republican member. and that a rnrtion of the Dentocratie ticket was defeated this fear. we are assured of the great and deserved popularity of the member elect. We predict fur him a career of fidelity and usefulness, such as will ensure him a triumphtnt re-elec tton, or even higher honors.—Fork Gazelle. To Work, Democrats. Get to-work without deiny, and work tut you never did before fur a great and glorious triumph in November. The success of the Abolitionista in Oetaber is their weakness, thrl, will rely upon it to ensure the Providential victory.- We urge upon every Democrat to turn out and do his duty. Get out your neighbors, and, whether defeated of victorious, you will be rewarded wift the thanks of thousands of enxious waiting hearts whn are now watching and praying that Penn sylvania may yet stem the tide of Abolition fanaticism. • flerlt is the duty of every c',neorrative man, who values the Union and the peace of theseStates,and who reveres the Constitution that binds them together, to exert himself to aid in the recovery of Pennsylvania from the corrupt and corrupting rule ~f Black Repub licanism. The men of influence in every corner of the Commonwealth should be up and doing. Let them cart off supine sloth and listlessness and spend the next week in ac tive eff,rt. Mr The New York Herald states that "Wide Awakes" first started in Hartford. Connecticut. The most suitable place in the world. the Tory spot where the blue-light Federaiiste caucused to divide the Union. and by their signals aided the British in 1812. Just the place to hatch another plot to Deo tionalise the government, and diTide the U nion. In half a century both plots will Le re garded in the same light. Soca Carolina Mosiag.—The Govereor of South Carolina has issued a proolastation e.allig an extra mansion of ihd Legielature of that' State, for the purpose of electing Presi dential Electors, sad, "if advisable, to take action for the safety and protection of the State." 11ankyising Day.—The Oevereor of Penn sylvania, like ill the other Governor* so far, bus tisunell the Oth of Noventhoe d 434 • a llMaude Extinction r 7 " Thane small potato newspapers and poli ticians who ofiarge Abraham Lincoln with being in fator of nerm equality, eharge what is notoriow.ly untrue."—Nentisel. air Assaf:ix LurcoLs has left no mom for dnobt about his understanding of the inten tions of the party thnt support him. He gays frankly that " TfIF. AIM OF TILE RE PUBLICAN PARTY IS TO PUT SLAVERY IN PROGRESS OF ULTIMATE EXTINC TION." If this is not Abolitionism. we we would like t. , know what is. Ltu'ot.m and his party being therefore in rtrur of the Abolition of Slavery, and being, moreorer, as the more bold nmong them tell UP, determined to earn• out their programme in spite of all obstacles, it become,. us to in quire into the effect of the policy they pro pose for the gorernment of the country.— Their ending idea ie the "ExTixcrios OF SLAVEILY,' the 41/m4u:a liberation of every •lave in the South, the setting freo of four millions of negruen who are now held am slaves. Does any one suppo . se that they. nermes, if set free. would remain in the South and work for their late masters for wages? Some of them might, but the Wiwi of them would not. Suddenly freed from all restraint and placed in a condition of freedom which they could not art•reeintr. they wuuhl flock to the North, errononu,ly heheine, that here they could lire without labor arid a' Inin a degree of coneirieration and comfort which they could never know in their old home. In the rneirit:. stampede of Southern ne- Irv , es that would follow the extinction of slavery, Pennalronia would be overrun.— She vtould get off well if .she escap4 with fewer thrm fine. hundred thousami of them.— Lying right on the elite of the slave line. they would ewnrm over her h.lli and through her volley/. m , t leaving an- acre of her soil .i.itrodden by them. • As citizens of Pennpylvania and white working men of thit worth. we object to hav ing our places usurped by liberated slaves.— Therefurs we opposc the election of Luccour, whose programme embraces the Abolition of Slavery.and the spread of free negroes over the Northern States. We call upon our me ch.inice and workingmen, as they value their own welfare and wi•h to maintain their dig nity as tree white laborere, end pr Oct them selves from the degrading nod injurious com petition of free negro labor, to come Vit and vote against the Abolition party, of which ANN/Mt)" LINCOLN is now the chosen repre sentative. A Toned Wide Awakes! Here in Pennsylvania the Abolition orators and enters try to sneer at the alarm felt in the South. They say " there is nn danger— it is all b ,ntbast ; elect Ltacouy and the South will haye to admit." No danger! Why, the Re I tiblican•, by their ne . s, give the lie to ore declarations. What means this drilling of Wide Awake companiek I What necessity is there for teaching men the man• mil, and making them acquainted with nalili t:try tactics in time of profound pence? JOIN Berms's desperadoes in Kansas—the men whO stole negroes in Missouri, and murdered menor omen nii(l children—were called "Wide An lakes." They had art object in view, not only in Kansas bi;v. in Virginia. They Re complished their object aa far as they wield, and finally their leader and a portion of his bend expiated their crimes upon the gallows. T ie LlNcoz. Wide Awake* have also an ob ject in view ; that ol t iedt, FIAINER tells us, is to "humble the Son'h and foot out slavery." Already the Wide Awake' have commenced I , arm themselves. .A few evenings since, some two hundred Wide Awakes paratled in the city of Washinr,ton, and, according to FOCCIT's Washington correspndent, "Occa sional," each man carried a sis-barrel revol ver! What tort For the pozpnae of letting gotthern men see that Litscot.x,and his par . 1. ty araOcter‘sined 1.3 curry out their sectional .ctrialies'at all havards, and at any'sacrifice. Iles it come to this ? Are we to submit to a military despotism • A Fraudulent Victory CUItTIN'S MAJORITY IMPORTED! The mat stupendous and audacious frauds were perpetrated by the ll'ack Republican wire-workers at the recent Elate election.— In almost every election-district in the State where there wan aelepublicar, majority in the Election-board, numbers of fraudulent votes were polled. In some such districts in our own county, the TEN PAY LIST was swelled to the number of fifty and sixty! In Phila delphia, we are informed by a gentleman who resides in that city, and who at the late elec tion acted as a watcher at one of the precincts, there were at least 10,001) fradulent votes polled for the Republican candidates. This was done by importing votes from New Jer sey and Na w England and having their names put upon the Ten Day List. In Bradford, Toga and Erie counties, thousands of votes were cast for Curtin, by persons shipped over from New York. In Allegheny and Lancas ter counties the some game was played, The vote of these places shows it. Take up the Census reports and in most of them you can't find within a thousand or two as many voters as there are votes rolled, and this, too, in the face of the fact that a considerable number of voters never torn out to till election. On the Gth of November next, these imported vote, will be needed in New Jersey and New York, and the fraudulent majority of Curtin in Pennsylvania can he reduced to nothing if every Democrat rallies to hie post.—Bedford Gazette. Mar The Star admits that the Wide AWake Jolification here on Friday evening .-week was a " fizzle." It says there were but " about 80 Wide Awakes in the procession." Our count was72—so the Star for once ooMes pretty near the truth. It will be recollected that an 4' immense demonstration" of Wide Awakes was promised, and we know that the word went out to the country the day after the nonsensical performance that from 400 to GOO Wide Awakes had been in the line! Let every Mechanic and Workingman read the article on oar first page , entitled "Mechanics and Workingtnen," and consider well its 'truths. To vote for Lincoln is to vote for BLACK OVER WRITE LABOR— to redoes the wages of white men, by bring- ing black in competition with them. BRAD AND REFLECT 1 A National Epitapk.—Many years ago El wood rather predicted the epitaph which in futare ages would be inscribed upon oar pol itical tablet would read as follows : "Here floe a 'maple. - who. in etri , &g I. eie liberty to the negro, loss their awn - free alos.Vl ' Letter to The Compiler. Pisnamsruu, Cret. 24. 1800. ilia. &Irma :—Presuming that a letter from thilcity may not be altogether unacceptable to some of your reatlers, I have concluded "to! drop yes a line." The only subject at present claiming attention here is politics. It is the all absorbing theme and those who are either? unable or unwilling to appreciate and dimouss it must depend on little to interest and amuse ' them. Tho Democracy of the city are preparing to cdbduct the remaining part of do campaign with much greater earnestness than was be fore exhibited. The result of tfie recent elec tion has taught them a lesson, the good re sults of which will not be lost. Unless the "signs of the times " prove altogether de ceptive, our majority here will be largely in creased; and this opinion, I assure you. is based upon authority derived from reliable sources. By thn expenditure of large sums of mousy and a resort to other means, the Opposition succeeded in getting a much larger vote here than was anticipated, but their plans are now fully understood and will be frustrated in November. The recent withdrawal of the Douglas Electoral ticket i. regarded as extrlmcly pro pitious and as ind;cating a determination en the part of the Democracy to j, in hands against the common enemy. The course pursued by Jno. W. Forney and his venal hireling's, in supporting Curtin, is regarded by b‘ith wings of the party as a virtual ao knowledgment of their having gone into the camp of the enemy, and many of those whom they wished to lead with them, openly de nounce the traitor., and will labor earnestly for the success of the Rending Electoral ticket. Our State is far from being lost. If the Democracy throughout the different counties go to work and determine t 3 increase their majorities, all may yet be well. A change of 17,000 votes will give 111 the State. What part will Adams contribute in creating that change? By the way, had all the counties in the State done as nobly as Adams in the late contest, the result would have been far dif ferent. The Democracy there deserve auoh credit, and while I deeply regret the defeat of two excellent candidates. I cannot but espress joy at the success, of the rest of the ticket. A little more effort and the whole ticket would have been elected. When, however, we recall the desperate efforts, made to defeat Messrs. Picking a nd Mclntire, and the dishonorable means resorted to, to scoom plish that end, any other result was 'scarcely to be anticipated. While great credit is due to the Democracy for their efforts in accom plishing the election of en large a portion of the ticket, great credit is likewise due to the Star and .Sentinel in obtaining that result.— Their persistent "dams and bitter personal attacks did much toward• strengthening our ticket,and at the same time forcibly illustrated the power of reflex action. I have written more than I designed and must close. Truly yours. Falco. Democrats, Bally Againlt the Enemy. A cordial rally of the whole Democrntie pnr ty may. by zealous and well-directed efforts, enable us to turn back the foul and turbid tide of Black Republicnnism. It is, at all events, worth a trial. One battle does not. as it did in Pagan times, decide the fate of a nation. One defeat did not conquer Wssn proves, and induce him to renounce the Rev olutionary stroggle. lie persisted after sae cessire disaiters and for i•even years, until success crowned his efforts. We owe it to oar country, as patriots, to oppose this for midable enemy. The more formidahthi it is, the more dangerons it is, and the more im portant does it beer, to oppose it. If we cannot crush it at once, and in the next elec tion, we may at leapt cut it down and dimin ish its numb•rt. To retire before it would be cowardly. Then up and at the enemy like men and patriots. Let its plant our flag and battik fearlessly for the Constitution, the Union and the Democratic party. Let us to work and remember thnt the "darkest hour is just before the dawn of day." The Wide. Awake Gun Cap- tared ! Although the Wide-Awakes have won the grand battle, they came off "second test," in some of the minor skirmishes. Kr exam ple, they wire ta dly beaten in 13erks, and one of the results of that defeat was the leas of their cansrt —the handsome little brass piece that has harked so loud and saucy at all the Wide-Awake meetings, parades and jolificittions in general, that hare distorted the peace and quietness of our city for the last month or two. The owner, of the can non, with more seal than knowledge, offered it as a wager against $2O that the Opposition candidate for Prothonotary would be elected. They were promptly taken up by Mr. Win. Rhoads, jr., a Democrat whose true pluck won't 15e stumped ; and we need not add that Mr. Rhoads won the gun ! The Wide Awakes were, for once, caught napping. They sue rendered with as much discretion as they could master, and the prise now edams a conspic uous shelf in the "Old Jail" store. It has been thoroughly cleansed from the soot of Black Republican powder, and will be re served for the better use of celebrating fu ture Democratic triumphs. When the Wide Awakes inquire "who shot the dog?" would it be considered impertinent to ask them in return, "who lost the gun ?"—Reachng Ga zette. Marne Star is forced to admit that Ham lin, who is the Abolition candida te for Vice homestead President, did vote against the Bill, but endeavors to "let him down" by declaring that he " was then a loeoloco." This is a most humiliating acknowledgment, and only takes Ilarnlia " out of the frying pan to put him into the fire." The Slar man agers mast keep a cheer batch over the col umns of that paper. Democratic Success in Davphin.—ln the midst of the general dieester, the Democracy of Dauphin have achieved a local triumph of which they may be proud. They have elect ed Mr. Lewis Beck, a firm Democrat, to the Legislature, over John Wallower, Jr., and helped to elect Jacob D. Boas. Esq., Indepen dent, Sherif, over Jacob D. Harman, the Re publican candidate. This is a signal and deserved rebuke to the leaders and managers of the Scpubllcan party in that county. ' The greatest fool and eratiked-brained po. litioal jack.uw in Adams county, can be found by referring b the solemn of the Gettysburg &sr, of week before last, over the signattire of taros J. Vandessloot. A Cuorsos,. I===f==j MaiCII:::UW 2MCIL2TIT3III3PLIO. EAttlififST CALL.—Our Ilnancral affairs have been, to some extant, neglected, for the past ere or six weeks, and, as a consecineace, obligations bare accumulated on our hands— among them a heavy paper bill. These debts we must sow meet, and, to do so, a call upon our delimit:tent patrons is imperative. Will not I those who owe, give us • lift" without delay? —especially those whose accounts have beet running for some years. If each indebted would : pay but a part, we should soon feel ourself comfortably "out of the woods." We cannotaf ford to keep up, week after week, and year after year, paper, type, ink and labor, without an oc casional "paying up" on the part of our patrons. We, therefore, indulge the hope that all indebt ed for subscription, advertising and jobbing will see the propriety of immediately furnishing ns with "material aid," and act accordingly. To such as pay promptly, we renew our thanks—earnest, heart-felt thank.—and com mend their example to all others for imitation. PROPERTY SALES.—Mr. Geoann Bran max, on Monday last, purchased the farm of Mr. ISAAC T. &Hamra, in Cumberland town ship, for $O,OOO-170 acres. Mr. JOHN Rzxxe.►RT has purchased the proper ty of Mr. GrOSOI BUSEINAX on the York turn pike, for $2,000, cash—about 29 acres. kir. Bassnota has bought the farm of . Mr. Jon Sosxs, in Mountpleasant township, for $:)100, cash-118 lures. Mr. Punal. Dosoncn has purchased a new brick house (not quite finished) and lot of ground. of Mr. Joni HIRSIEST, in New Oxford, for $1,475, cash. bar Mr. Ham &remelt, of Franklin town ship, placed on our table, one day last week, a mammoth Turnip, measuring lu inches in cir cumference &Ad weighing fort pounds, strong! This is the "whopper" of the season. Can anybody beat itt• ofirß. W. Ruse, Esq., formerly of this county, has been appointed Postmaster at Ind dlebnrg, Carroll county, Md., in the place of John Crouse, resigned. ISee advertisement of Prof. L. MiLurs's Bair Invigorator, and Liquid Bair Dye, in another column. A Dcmagogue in a Tight John Covode, a representative in Congre.s from the State of Pennsylvania. who attained some notoriety by his unjust and persistent attacks upon the ndministration,.got into a very tight place week before last while making a epeerh at Kittanning. During his speech, his friend. Dr. Burleigh, suggested : That he, Covode, bad been charged with writing letters to Republicans prior to the primary eleotion. soliciting their ts:d in *curing his nomination. In answer to this Covode so lemnly raised his tight hand, and said : SO HELP ME GOD, I merer rrote iv, or asLed any person, or gave any money to any one, in Armstrong . county, to se cure my nomination." He bad ecarcely utter ed this impious oath, when A. J. Elliott, Esq. deputy sheriff of Armstrong, who was standing in the crowd. rose and pronounced the assertion of Covode false, stating that he (Covode) had written to him (Elliott) to aid in securing his nomination. Mr. Elliott sub sequently produced the letter itself. in Co vode's own hand-writing. and made affidavit that the letter was sent hy Covode to him about the first of May, covering a pees to go: is the Chicago Convention. Mr. Elliutriji man of high standing in Armstrong, and''sev eral pr. minent citizens of that extunty testify that his statements are worthy of itrplicit confidence. Caddie Price Murdered aad The Clarksville Jeffersonian says that there has been a report in that place for several days. which seems to obtain a general credence, that th. Rev. Mr. Mochell, a Catholie orient, who has beenatationed in that vicinity for the past yeah, was brutally murdered in Stuart eonnty. Tennessee, one day last week and robbed. It is farther stated that the murderer'', of whom there were three, said his male, which led to the discovery t,f the murder and the arrest of one or more of the wretches who perpetrated the crime. S. ..rwiephs, October 22.—Cnlifornia Antes of the 10th instant, and Oregon of the 7th in stant, have been received by theponv exPrcam. On the Stb inst., news reaehed San Fran cisco by telegraph that the Oregon Senatorial election tuck place at Salem on tha•2l inst. in due lezal form. J. Nesmith, a Dou;,los Democrat, was elected for the lung term, and E. D. Baker, Republican, fur the short term, five years, ►7 a union of the Republicans end Douglasites, against the Democrats. Raker is a non-intervention Republican, with views similar to Eli Thayer. Mr. B. received 20 and Mr. Nesmith 27 votes. Frister's Wild Cherry Balsas'. —This Bal samic compound has become a home fixture. Let all who suffer, and have in vain attempted to cure their coughs, colds, bronchial or pnl mory complaints, make use of tills unequalled remedy. air'There's a vile counterfeit of this Bal sam, therefore be sore and buy only that pre pared by S. W. Fowt & Co.. Boston, which hes the written Pignature of L BUTTS oil the outside wrapper. On the 23d inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. ISRAEL BRICKER', of Butler township, to Miss POLLY SCIii.O3:SER., of Franklin twp. On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's hither, by Friends' ceremony, JAMES RAKESTRAW, of Stark county, Ohio, to MARIA L. HARRIS, of Butler township, this county. At Johnstown, Pa., on Thursday morning, the IBth inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Sky. C. 1.. Keedy, Rev. H. W. KUHNS, Missionary at Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, to Miss LOTTIE J. HAY, daughter of Dr. Michael Hay. On Thursday morning, 25th inst., in Gettys burg, by the Rev. J. R. Keiser, Mr. WILLIAM A. COMMEN to Miss EMMA FLOUR, both of Fouataindale, Adams county. On the 24th inst., in Climberland township, ALICE ANN, daughter of Albert Moose, aged 2 years 8 months and 20 days. On the 25th inst., in Franklin township, MARY ANN SHEELY, aged 9 years 10 11101111111 and 23 days. On the 25th inst., in Straban township, In fant son of Daniel and Rebecca Lady. On the 9th ult., near Calesburg, lows., Mr. ELI THOMAS, formerly of Adams county, aged about 75 years. In Emmitsburg, Id., on Saturday night week, of brain fever, GEORGE N.,only son of Joseph and Mary M. Morita, aged 9 years 7 mouths and 11 days. On the 12th inst., in HElltows,Mrs. BITTEN GER, consort of John .Bittinger, in the 49th year of her age. Communicated. On Monday, the Inst., of &Sher* HAS,- RY A. EIITOLIA, only child of Lewis and Caroline Bushman—only grand-son of Mr. Jo seph,Little and only grand-child of Mr. George Bushman—aged 2 years and 9 months. Our little idol is taken away, Who always seemed so kappy and PYi He will always wan. the golden crown,. And how will wish to come or relate% , To this pees Earring work/ Apia. tot Tat OONITLEI. Place. .1131330. r-~-.,.~ 14e Proved fie Neio Fork.—ln &letter writ ten by the eloquent Chas. O'Connor, E 4 q., of New York, on the 8:6 lost., to a crien,l in Tennessee. the following paragraphoeours: • • * " feel morally certain of de feating the Black Repuhlieana in this State. That accomplished, the failure of their candi dates is inevitable. We have laid acids all personal predilections, anti I might say all party ties except those which bind us to the Constitution and secure our hfeitility to sec tionalism : we have taken engniz anee of the truth that if New York can be saved the whole country will he .1 afe and have written upon our banner ' 4 ,Unian fur the sake of the Union.' All the emilery give rn.rt of our State are now united in the support of a sin le ele e -toral ticket." _ _ Nair Som a of the English papers are fairly gloating over the prospects of the election of Lineoln. A sectional President they think will work the much desired destruction of the United States Government. The London Chronicle very oracularly says :—" Elect coin, and the first blow to the separation of 110 United &aka is effected." Indicted for Poieoninj Thicoer .. ~ mad in Mercer county, Ohio, who put stryelmiva.' in his watermelons, and thus killed five per sons who were depredating on his vines, has been indicted for manslaughter. 1811:0043141.1. "Nszstioons. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—Sts JAMES CLARKE's CELEBRATED FEMALE ?aid,— Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.— This invaluable medicine is unfailing In the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and ?I moves all obstruc tions, and a speedy cure may Le relied on. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a ghost t;me, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar. bears the Coy ernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTIOE.—ThePe Pills should not he taken by females during the tir,t three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure 40 bring on Ilia carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Sidg Agent for tltft,,C uited States and Canada, TUB NOSES, (Lute I. C. Baldwin k C 0..) Rochester, N. Y. D.—sl 00 audit postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure.' bottle, contaiging 50 Pills, by return mail. uMiel t , 'GO. 1) eow lei We would advise our reitders who may be art a cted to the city by the Cattle Shhw, Institute Exhil.ition, of business, not to neglect paying a visit to the txtentive Furniture Es tablishment of A. MATIIIOT A SON. They will hod in their Fall Stork the grandcot as sortment of Household Furniture ever . mann factored in any establishment in the country, .7onsistiog of Rosewood, Mahogany and 1% abut Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Furniture, together with a splendid assortment of plain, well made articles, bulling tl.e moot extrava gant or economical tastes. As the Messrs. ila.hiot are aiways plenstd to exhibit their stock, an invitation to call, if merely for the gratification oft uriosity, is extended to all. FURNITI RE Xi-AM.:BOOMS Nos. and 21 North Glay ' St., Oct. 15. 5t Near t'ayettv, • TO CON: 4 I.7:IIPT IV ES —The Advertiser, hav ing been reAored to health inn few weeks by 'a serysimpl. rein( dy, after having Elleered:.everal rears with severe lung affection. and that dread 'disease, Consumption—is anxious 0) mike known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all abo desire it, he a ill send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will-and a sure Cure for Conimmp titn, .A.Alimn, Bronchitis, kc. The only obje.l of the advertiser iu sending the prescription is to.benefit the afflicted, and spread Informntion which he conceives to be Invaluable, and he h r .p es every sufferer will try his remedy, as It • will cost them vothing, prove a bles sing. Parties wishing the prescrittion will please address REV. ED W A id.) A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kin: cnunty,. Oct. 22, l 860. ly New York. THE OXYGENATED BlTTERS.—Dyspep sin, Indigestion, limit Burn, Water Rryish, Sour Stomach, Jaundice, Flatulency, General DI F ility , &c., find a ready relit and speedy cure in this great remedy. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS Are believed by many who have been cured of the above complaints to be the only medicine which the mate is medial affords fur their in fallible care. It is not nn alcoholic preiparsk tion, which, while giving a momentary stisin-N reduces the system in the same ratio; but one distMct and different from any medical preparation ever compounded, and which will, in most cases, extract the disease by the roots and restore the patient to pristine health. ift, proof of which, testimony of the very higlielt and unexceptionable character is presented. RELIABLE TEIiTiMONY. We call the attention of the reader to the fol lowing .letter from President Smith, of Wes leyan University : Mini - me-rows, Conn., Feb. 2r, 1869. Messrs. SeTH W. Foams k Co., Gentlemen :—1 first made use of the Oxyge nated Bitters tome seven or eight years since. Haring suffered for twenty years from a form of Dyspepsia. which wag attended with a nervous headache, on an average of not less than one day in a week, I u,-.Ls induced by the unpre tending recomnv•ndatiem of lir. Green ' , to try oue bottle and if no benefit was received to dis continue the lice." The use of one battle warranted a further trial., to the Esti at of some three or four, with a careful oliserlanee of the accoutranying di rections. The result was an almost entire re lief from the usual dyspeptic symptoms and their depressing, painful consequences. I be lieve the.se Bitters produced an entire change in the .habits of my system and upon the active energies of the digeztive organs. I now deem , myself as exempt from Dyspepsia as moat per sons. These Bitters have also been of service to other members of my family. Very respect fully yours, AUGUSTUS W. SMITH. afOrPrepared by SETH W. FOWLE k CO., Boston, and for sale by A. D. BuehlCr, Gettys burg ; E. Iliteshew, York Springs; Wm. Wolf, East Berlin; Solomon Chronicler, liariptost; Jacob Fulweiler, Mummasburg; D. E.Hollingter, Abbottatown; M. Staatcr, New Oxford; John Miller, Littlestown; and by dealers everywhere. Oct. 15, 1860. 4w Iar•THE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exist itt Moffat's Life Pills and Pbconix Bitters, it every day demon strated by their astonishinetilicacy in the cases which they nre announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowbis, Weak nes., of the digestive organs and of the system generally, bilious and liver affections, fevers, bead aches, piles, costiveness, caraway. Lien, rheumatism, scurvy, Impurity of the b° or blotched and sallow complexions, Von l yll to their curative properties. A single trial In variably secures them the title of the best fatal ly medicines now before the public. Pot age by the proprietor, W. B. MOFFAT, at his office, 235 Broadway, N. Y., and by_ B. B. Varney Agent, Gettysburg. [Yob, 13. 1 ym, A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND GRIN TLIMEN.—The subscriber will and (Jfw* gam) to all who desire it, the Recipe and di rections for making a simple Voidatok Saki, that will, in from two to eight daps, resole Pimples,Blotches, Tan, freckles , fiallovrama, and all mplicit* and roughness of the A elkia leaving the same -- as Nature Intended it should be—soft, deer, sabecisi ami Iheasittig, Thai de siring the Recipe, with fall lastrictions , diem tknis, sad advice, will pleseseall an or address (with return postageJ • MB. T. WARSEIALIi riieugst e talk No. 32 City B p andiGgl, Tact 31, it". ass • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers