Mali : -- 4 Alatishibitr Sale jam 1,11 4, REAL MATS °, PIT E I)IICD.—In persuasee of an Order of the Oeptiso's Court of Adams county, ths esdersigned, Administrators of the estate of Parma MOSPOII, deceased, will espose to Pit/Akar& on the waggles, as tAe 121 k day of =E tr yst, at 1 o'clock, P. IL, the VALLT A- , tryst, of said deceased, 'Heated in Stra ban township, Adams county', 3 mites from Ge l2 7 2 buli on ilte York Turnpike, adjoining land! of Joh. Tate, Br., Isaac Miller, John ltine hart sad others, contrasting 178 Acres, haring thereeg erected a good Tao-story , HOPI, part Log and Weather- ;,• flu biolissdad and part Brick, calculated for two Names, Wash Horse. Orb* B Barn, Carriage Horse, and .other oat-bstiliMs, with two never-failiog wells or, water with pumps.—tine nt the house AAA the ,other at the barn. There is a good proportion pf Meadow sad Timber Land, and a fine Apple Orchard, sad a large vrriety of other choice; fruit trees on the premises which seldom tAil to bear. The Gettysburg lbsilroad ?Asses , through the farm. The lane is in s good state pf cultivation, (part of which has been recently' fluied,) under good fencing, and is one of the most valuable properties in the county. iparilso, at the same time and pkee, will soIdATBACTOPMOUSTAIN LAND—one 1f of 15 Acres—on the Cold Spring road, ad joining lauds of John Moritz, Henry Brinker 'hot, and others. This tract is well entered with thriving Chwanut timber. oar Attebdaace will be given and terms , piste known by JACOB MONFORT, JACOB dournatrators. July 18, 1860. 14 House and Lot AT PUBLIC SALE.—This subscriben. Ex moor. a th e last wilt and testumeot of AT Lints, deceased, will offer at Public Male, oo the premises, ex Saturday, t/. 32d day Selettasber next, the Estate of said de ceased, coasiatiag of A 1101:*ilE AND LOT, situated in Brustmown, Contiwago township, Adams county, adj,)ining Joh n Roe, Da- Aid smyser, and others. The HOUSE oft:, Is a one and a hall story Lug, ant the lot emstalas Dearly 3 Acres. There is an ex cellent well of water and a first rate Apple Or chard on the premises, SirPersoas wishirg to view the property wye requested to call on kit hor of the lixecutina. opiarsiat to cimmenca 91 1 o'cluck, P. M., ou Paid daY, wben attand4ar.e will be ghee kind army ilasda kgtow4 by 114(.3013 J. LITTLE, JACOB ADAMS, But -stuns, Jgly =3,1880. 3t* Dissolution. riAli Partnership heretofore existing between . 1 . Jacob Bastress and Charles F. Winter, in the Produce, Mercantile, Coal and Lumber bosioess, is this day, by mutual consent, die stolved. All acc3uete will be settled by J. bast(ess, at the old stand, J. BASTRESS, March 31, 1960, C. Y. IoIiTYTE3. New Firm. JACOB BASTRESS and JACOB PETERS hare entered ibto Partnership in the above business, at the old stand, (the large brick Warehouse,) and respectfully solicit a continu ance of the patronage hitherto bestowed upon the old hno. They will, at All psy the highest cash prices for PLO it. qRA IN, SEEDS, Ate., Ac. , aa d hare constantly on hand LUM PER, COAL, SALT, PLASTER, CiRUCERIES, Arc., at the loWeet ra:co, JACOB B.kS,TREBS, JACOB PETELS. Nair Oxford, April 9, 18641. 6m* New Periodical Store. TO WADING FOR EVED I YHODY, AND ALL JR, KINDS OF HEADING.—The undersigned most respectfully atinounces to the reading Morethat be has opened a new Feriaheal httore and News Depot in the room recently oc cupied for that purpose by Messrs. Aoghin baugh k Son, in Carlisle street, a few - doors above the Washington House, w here he is pre- Fared -to meet the wants slud suit She tastes of the literary work!. The cit./ Dailies will be received and delivered promptly, All the leading Magazines, Periodi cals, Literary Journals, Pictorials, I.3allada, Xusic, and is fact any and eter)tbing in the Dews and Periodical line will be found at the new establishment of JOSEPH BROADM3AD. Iliiii"Subscriptions to papers, magazines. kc., received at all times. Give us a call. J. B. April 2,18 GO. 3m Just Ll 2 Season! ril_IVE US A CALL I—The undersigned have Ur just received from the cities an immense stock of CLOVIS, CASSIMERES, C A SSINETS, YESTINOS in all varieties, ke., suitable for the season, villa; they offer to the public at linPre cm:looted', low rates. They asks call, Ta convince all " of tha tenth of his assertion. No trouble to Dhow goods and give prices. A largo lot of BEADY-11.1.DE CLOTHING also soiling cheaper than ever. Garments made op for men and hoye, as us ual, in the rery best manner, and according to sLny Styli desired. The work being done in their own establishment, they are always en abled to warrant it. Remember, their place of bailsman is the large and commodious room ad joining Cubean 4 Cgip's on Charnbersburg atreet. . JACOBS 4 BRO., Sept. F 9, 1852, Merchant Ililors. A Chanco FORA SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVEST RENT.—WASMIN'S P►FEITcOrn patented by D. WAssmr. This is an agricul tural baplement which ou account of its dare bility, Simplicity and cheapness, will be general ly adopted by Farmers, With it one man can do the VOrk. of three. Bofors a patent was procured it was thoroughly tested hy a number of Farmers and In every iostonce gave perfect satisfaction. State, County and Township Rights for sale. Enterprising men can realite handsome profits by purchasing States or Counties and canvassing. Apply personally to D. Warren and George E. bringl .an. Com munications addressed to GEORGIC E. BRINGIIkK, sit Gettysburg, Pa., containing postage stamp, arill receive attention. jer.tgents wanted in every County and State. [July 0, 18G0. tt Notice, a s OfiN 111.10111411 lISTATB,,Letters tos.l 4 6 1 b the estate of 3the ;ticker, of Pe ' .leirnsbip, Ordanu county, de basing Use granted to the eaderege. pd, 1$ tint woe township, be IterebT girls loath IS nl,l porsono indebted to said astate fa lislth flisses4ite painmitt, and those hayloft Th e onbm,* nAVING PROO/8.80 811101114 ARLO/- Rite? AS TO EITEL THI DOUBTS OP Statesman, Je &Mors, Phy sicians of the ol4est.sc6uoliPlll well as saw, give it their unqualified mattlou, and ref OM mead it fur all eases of eruptions, and diseases of the scalp and brain ; hut all who have used it, unite, iu testifying that it will preserve the hair from being gray, and born tailing to any age, as well as restore. Read the following: ti.ta Gsovs, S. C., June 140, 1859. Paor. U. J. Wools—Dear Sir:—Your Hair Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity in this community. I h.tve had occasion to lay preju dice aside, and gite your Hair Restorstite a perfeat teat . During the year 1854, I was so unfortunate as to be thrown from my sulky against • rock near the roadside, from wlsials my head received a most terrible Llow ; causing a great deal of irritation, which communicated to the brain and external eurface of tha head, from the ef fecU of tihich my hair was finally destroyed oter the entire surface of the bead. From the time I first disco - Pre. its dropping, bows% er, up to the time of its total disapperance. I em ployed everything I could think of, being a professional man myself, and, as I thought, un deratanding. tho ;wore of the disease, but was finally defeated in every preacription advanced. These and no other circumstances induced me to resort to your a orthy H.iir Restorstite, which I have every reason to believe, produced a tery happy result; two months alter.the first aptineation, I had as beautitul a head of young hair as I ever saw, for wl sub I certainly owe ,) on my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sig„ 1 shall recommend your remedy to 41 inquirers; moreover, I shall use my intinencly, which I flatter myself to say, Is not a little. You can publish this if you'think proper, Yours, ‘ery respectfully, Y. J .WIiIGHT , ht. D Office of the Jettrsoctian, Ph;lippi, Va., 'llecewber 12th, 1858, f Dean Si. :—I feel it my duty as well as my pleasure, to state to you the following circum stance, which you can Ude 414 you think proper. A ireeideluan of this place, lawyer,) has been bald eter since his early you'll, so much zu, that he was cduspelltd to wear a aig. He was induced to use a bottle of your " Hair Restore. tire," which he liked iery much; and after using some two or three bottles his hair grew out quite luxuriantly, and he now has ti hand some head of hair. The gentleman', name is Bradford, and as he is very well known in our &divining counties, many persons can testi fy to the truth of this statement; I gise it to )04 at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative iu this and the adjoining counties if you have the keinter agents. Yours, tc , TfiII2PSON Da. Woon—Dear Sir :—Permit me to express the obligations I am under for the entire re storation of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival in the United States it was rapidly becoming gray but upon the ap plication of your " Hair Restorative" it soon recovered its original hue. I consider yqur Restorative ae • very wonderful invention, quite ettleacious as well as agreeable. The Restorative is pat up in bottles of three sites, via: large, medium. and small ; the small holds in pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per feat. more in proportion than the email, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tail 3 (},r Itk. 0. J. WOOD k CO., Froprieters, 444 Broad way, New York, and 114 Market Street, Bt. Louis, And sold •by all good Draggiate aad Poser Goods Nolan. [Joao 18,1860. 3m New Livery FTiSTABLISH.VENT.—The subseriberri4 hating purchased .the LIVERY 131. M. of CUAI. M. TAY., deceased, on Cbatubersharg street, a few doors west of the Eagle Hotel, he respectfully arra ounces to the public that it is his istenti4n to egatinue the business at the same place, and will be prepared to accommn I Ita ell with anything in his line, on reasonable terms. orses, Ituitgies, Coaches, If.tcl4,lc. i alwas ic readiness. LILTS 41C a call rear Also, in connection with ray Livery, T will carry on Ors Illscksraithing business it all its brancliev at the shop on as corner of ilittst,. ington and It.iilroad stracL, where those wish ing anything is line ma alwsys he ao- coarsosiftted. Jitltle, tees. Removal. TIIE subscriber has remoied his Plough agd Machine shop front tits F 01144117 building to Railroad street, opnosits Tate's Itlaciksinith shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, where he is bet- Ler prepared than srer $o attend tg costnien.. Ploughs always on hand and male tr. order at she shortest notice, and Machines, Reaperi.,„Le.. repaired. Also hs will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks. DAVID WAIIREN. )lay 10. X 3rchants' *Hot el, 46 NORTH FOURTH STREET, - PHILADELPHIA 0. lirltibbin & Pon, Proprietors. April 2,18 GO, ly* Removals. lliEnndersigned,being the authorized person to make removals Into Ever Green Ceme te iy, hopes that such as contemplate the removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends, will at ail themselves of this season of theyear to have it done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and no etrort spared to please. rt:TER TllottN, March 11, '6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. '6O. Summer Arrangement, 'EQ. INK Black Frock Coats, cheap at _PICKING'S. RAE and Isrown Cass;asere Frock Coats, very CLINT. at PICKING'S. ACK Coats, of all colors, remarkably cheap, at PICKING'S. , ATI.SFALLES, Frock and Sack Coats, no toriously cheap, at PICKING'S. UCK Coats, Linen, Sacks and Frocks;nn reasonably cheap, at PICKING'S. 0. 1 Black Cassimere Pants, astonishingly cheap, at PICKING'S. VANCY Cassimera Pants, pteaaingly cheap, r at PICKING'S. SATINETT, Dock and Linen Pants, uneora manly cheap, at PICKING'S. OTTON Pants, all colors, unusually cheap, at PICKING'S. OTS' Coats, Vests and Pants, ceztainly very cheap, at PICKING'S. SATIN and Silk Vests, good and positively cheap at PICKING'S. IurABSEILES and Naakanet Vests, iinpre cedentedly cheap, at PICKING'S. 7... `i USPENPERS, Sttirts, Collars, Socks, Stocks, Gloves, ,kc., "orful" cheap, at PICKING'& LOCKS and Jewelry of all kinds, confound ed cheap, at PICKING'S. lULINS, Fifes, Flutes, kc., most " dogged" cheap, at PICKLNG'S. EVOLVERS, Pistols, Knives, Sc., "all- Bred " cheap, at PICKING'S. GREAT rainy ether things, among which are Fly Sets, drl Tingly cheap, at Picking's. 11111 Coats, loggings and Caps, which takes k_T everything else In town down for cheap- Ai" at PICKING'S. ETERI3ODY will plea** call at PICKING'S, as 4. matter of coarse. [April 30, 'OM The North West agigsOßM% dARADI--J. C. GUNS & BRO. bars pot repaired from the eastern cities, Navel) selected stock of SPRING AND SUM & GOODS, which they are offerns the poblie at prices which aettael• ratl to •11--among whic4 is a sideadld assortment of De Laises, Poil de Chasers, Barbados.. Berns. Lawns and Calicoes, of *Tory grads, style and Klee- Also, a spiendld manumit of Goalie. spear Wear of every dateription, Cloths and Camimams, black and Shay; a ylsadjd slack of Yestings, Velvet, Satin and Kltrseillso--and is bet ray sad *morphia; Is the ))14- Geode lia 01. 1r9. 14 roe bay coed Goods, peal Goods, cheap Goods, .ad secure greet bargatasT—. 'bee cap at** cheap wpm Moro Of J. O. GM= * BED. Apra ts , qt.o, ' z & 1.71 : r"TI I , • . oslarod Pbqsastsom fro m null' • I.disi dal ]"het liar ems sail , t. ; • miftegrall iatonas . ... reall=rottysbefassd the patine ge *rally, th at he luta opened s sew Tinnily, se tablisiment. Chatobersberg street, directly opposite Christ Mirth. Ile vll2 ninanasstare, and keep coast/licitly on hand, every vistlety of TiN-WARE, PRESSED and J4PAN-WARE, and will always be ready to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOUTIN4iIIaso done in the Lest manner. Prices moderate, and no effort spared to render fall satisfaction. A share of the public's patronage is solicited. AVE just received from. the city the largest steck of GROCERIES they have seer 0 rtd to the public—Sugars, Syrups, Coffees ? lef Teas, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Solt, Spices, kc., kc., embracieg sal Varieties, at all prices, the luwest the market will afford. Also Broums, Brushes, and Nettons •," Tar, Oils, Candles, kc., iii short, 9 very tbieg to be fuuud at s first class Grocery and Variety Store, The [dour and Feed business is cotitaased with a steady increame. The higher mart prices paid and the smallest profits aalLed. The public are invited to give us a Lall saki see fur thewselves. bit/1i660C k MARTIN, Corner of lia/tinture and Iligh strut:U. May :I, 186 U. BUILDING, krichen by every man In the county, and no doubt many a one wished there never had been sui b a place. as many were broken up by permitting, or rather oblig ed to have their names entered upon the coun ty dockets. But look at the change. it is a pleasure now to call there and buy goods of SAUSO.Nat such astonishing!, reduced prices— lower than ever before offered in the county. He het just retuned from the uucj a large lot c i t new Ready-made CLOTillNil, fur men sud boys' wear, with Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Dap, Clocks, Watelits, Jtwtlr), Violins, Se e :an, Tot icco, Lc., ke , Call soon, and don't mt•s the great ben/alas mow Lad at the old County Builuing, corner of the Diamond and York street, Gettylibi rg.— Thol's ae spoil Thankful to hie old customers for their pa tronage, he hopes by his change oflocation not to retain their custom, but secure a large siptuber of new buyers. Au entire sumuier puma so d vest— for $1,151 x . SAASu.S. April la, 18(14). The Union Hotel, T . ocATILD Saudtbsiest, WasAin't*, es., Hotel has been thoroughly r ip paired and refitted, and the subscriber feels confident that any who may give him a call will be telly sa tisfied, as it shall be his shin W cater W this 10- terests of hi. Lustomeys. JOSEPH ILTI3LST, rropelotoy. June 18,1800. 3m FINOCGII FOR A FORTITNii.—A London paper states:—There is now in an Alma house at Bristol an eld man wko states, that for sixty years he spent sixpeice • d.iy in drink, but was - never intoxicated. flow much would this sixpence a-day put by every year at Ere per cent compound interest amount to In sixty years! enquire,: a thouyhtful neighbor. Putting down the first year's meting (445 six pences) equal to $l3 51, he added the interest, and this went on, year by Tegt t until he fli4u4 that in the 60th year, the sitpitime a day reiteli ed the startling sum of $14,336 34. Judge cf the old man's surprise, when told that by saving his sispence • day, and depositing i 1 ip a Savings Institution he now, at tl,e end of Coyeara,have been worth that nobl- sum $1 4 ,- 336 217 , which would have bought Lima a tine farm, er town mansion, and surrounded him with comforts arid luxuries, and left a hand some estate to his children after him. He had, and hundreds now to our midst have, but to de posit rupee:A a d.iy it. the E . /ALCMS' •Nn 1111- (MAIMS' INo•Tin TRIX or ALAN/ COLII - TY, to accoatplish this result. Gett)sburg, July . 23, I.SCO. TiiALiiE rt4l Groceries, Notiond, Acc. MIA ntidersigned has opened a Crocery and Notion :More, in Baltimore street, nearly opposite the Ccurt Howie, Gettyithurg. where the public will con , tantly find, ehe: p as the cheapest, Sl' AR, Syrups, Molartee, Cof fees, Test, Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocolate. Brooms c.d Trushse ; Fresh Callas and 14:4, Ground Coffee. Essence of Coffee, Scotch Herring. Candle 3. Soups, Salt; Tobacco, Seger!, Snuff: Ccofections, all kinds cf Nuts, Oranges, I.,:e:ons, Raisins, Bread, Crackers, Cakes of dilcrent kind.: Shoe and Store Polish; Face' Crowds, Muslina,Ginzharns, Cotton Bats, Wadding. Hoak ry, Handkerchiefs Suspenders. Pins, Needles, Clothes Pins, lint with Notions of all kinds. A share of:the pal)l:e'a patronage it respectfully solicited. *ay 21, 18GO. Gm 15/MI:Ela HiiILBST rpm AND STIERT IRON WARIL—SITEADS A BUEHLER, hating purchased the stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of fleorge B. Loebler, hate opened an estahliAment in con nection with their Store Ware Room, under the superint.endenee of O. R. Buehler, and arc now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware, they here e large auppl,r of kitchen and sou se furnishing goods, of ei ery variety, including enamelled and tin ICeerles, Pans, lc., for prt-ervirng, cooking and frying. Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. tSrlipouting put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always al hand at their yard at the tarns plate, Nov. 14, 1850. SCRAM: & BrETILER. Globe Inn, IirECTANICSTOIVN, Frederick county,lld. I Having been renovated and re-furnished, the proprietor asrres the public that • call is only needed, as he guarantees full saCafaction in every cue. Charges moderate. HENRY lIIsRR , Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1850. if Mgr. subscriber offers at Private Sale, lis If OL'SII A); D LOT, on lligh fill street, adjoining Solomon Powers. The Tiouse is a two-story Brick, nearly nen, with a rack-buildiAig, and a well of water. Terms u`T• IVil d , F, PITTNSTURT July 11, 1659, if ieilLT the Sign of the BICI BOOT, in Chain berstarg etreet. We bare just repeived ios stock of HATS, C.,‘PS, 1300T6, SHOES, Trunks, Carpet Bags, 'Umbrellas, Bny Har ness, Collars, Whips, tc., and are determined to sell the lowest prices potable for cash, Oall and judge for yourselves. July 13, 1380. CORBAN k 013 LP, LL. SCRICS would I:tyke the Ikttattgott buyers to kis large stock of Meek Cloths, Fine Colored do., " Mu BIALA Cassinteros, Pitney do., Side Stripe do., Vesta." Omuta, Hosiery Gloves, Sturpeoders, llandkeredtiefs t eo., April 18, 1860. marble Yard Removed. rpm subscriber hasiss teraored his plans ot X business to Is Tort street; a short Janes below tit. James' Ohareb, would antitto: to the public that h. is still poperad all kinds at wort la Ada Itws, siith its a ior7- musts, Readstonee, it., he., of 4517 Misty of style sad fai,h, with sad withittit bases .ad mot has, to salt purehasersouull at priors to salt the thsen Parents *tablet sulking tit liAs lire will Anda (Welded Ms amain* him stank sod prier. Won pushasing 4111141,re. WK. 11 K 141,11. Gedrebint, Xest4 $1,1865, boa • o sat ^ itAry •ma sad saaviaos *AS 114130318' PlOl7 B / 1 8 are ••=1 a st iab had is sbs eaustsl-- • 71. I. ear. of the DiamaOado R 10r ti,24,41, Aar te. 4ultvb EMIR A. P. BACGLIER. Gettysburg, June 18, 1860. ly Norbeek & Martin The Old County Sixpence a pay, LYDIA C. M2iIBECIE Stoves, Private Bale. sore New Goode Xen':. Wear. 4 :0' 4 Count* ArAt ?MSi EAAfOSOOIIF ANT.... li n pe r orpornited 'March 13, 1331, 01111011.11111 fresitlear--George Swope. A EewerPreen& wr—S. EL Russell. ry—D. A. Buehler: —David M'Creary. roe Ckneneittes—Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Beintzelmen. Afetsswere--tieorge Swope, D. Ayl Bne blow, Ja cob King, A. Heintselman, R. leCardy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Pshnestock, Wm. B. McClellan. Wm. B, Wilson, M. Eichelberger, Abdiel F.Gitt, John Wolford, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, Jobs Horner, R. 0. McCreary, S. R. Russell, D. 11'Creary, Andrew Pulley, John Piling, J. B. -.Hersh. Company is limited_in Its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, tribtoufilmy assearneest, having also a large surplus capital In the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed try the Stockholders. Any person desiring an insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further ialormation. gar The itlecutive Committee meets at Ilk* office of the Company on the Last Wetinusciay In every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. New Firm—New Good/1.- 9111 E undersigned have entered Into partnere ship in the 11ARDWAitE & GROS:ERN business, at the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, iu Baltimore street, under the name, styleand firm of I)ANNER ar. ZIEGLER, JILS., and ask, and will endeat or to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of Should firm, as well as say quantity of new custom. They have just return ed fromalae cities 'With an immense stock of Goods—reonsisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass, Ice. Tools, including Edge Tools of every description, Saws,. Planes, Chi.sels, Gouges, Braces and !Sias, Augers, Squares ' Guages Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths vs ill find Anvils, Vines Rasp, Files, Hor.,e Shoes, horse-shoe with them, very cheap. Coakh Find ings, such as Cloth, Cauvals, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, A.tles, Hobbs, Spokes, Venues, Bows, Poles, shafts, &c. Shoe Findings, Tampico, Brush and French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kc., With a ger:,:raa assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Toole, a grin ral assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, &c. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a largo a,sur.metit of Knives and Forks; iirtttannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Std Iron, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans; Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, *c. Also, a general assortiu•nt of forged and rolled !BON of all sires and kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheep as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment. such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West Luke and Sugar House Molasses and Byrips,lllllbtfee, Spines, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm Olt; Tnrpsntine, Fish, ic.; afull as.ortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paiute; In fact, almost every article in this' Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Blacksmith,Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell ai 19w fur CABII as any house out of Op city.. ligNll.l R. DANNER, WAYB R 1 Gll T MA.; LER. Gettysburg, Nay 24, 18.58. Notice. T" undersigned having retlredarrom the Mernasitile business, the tame will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, In Baltimore street, by tr i alr sons, Henry B. Danner and Way briett Ziegler, under the name and style of I,Munar Ziegler, jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whore we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage frown 914 ctisiumers, sad of the public in general. Having retired from the gerpttntile business It is necessiii7 that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in. debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to rail and Acute the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNfiB. May 25,1858. DAVID ZIECILEI4. Howard Association, PeIiRILADELPIIIA.—A Benevolent Institntion - established by special F:ndowinent, for the ef of the Sick owl Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidomi c Diseases. and espectally tor the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Or- ' ans.— Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all %lin apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (*ire, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty qtediciste furni-diel free of charge. VALVABLE It:TORTS on Sperniatorrhata, anti other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES enip!oyed in the Dis pensary, sent to the aftta ted in sealed envelope., free of charge. Two or three bumps for post, age will be acceptable. Addrtss Dr. J. SKILLIiN LIOVGIITON,Acting Surgeon, Howerd Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order et the Directors. EZRA D. 11E.A.Rnit;LI 4 F.eatteutcn, See,. ?reel. Nor. 7, MO. ly Spouting. G&MGR k HENRY WAMPUM, will make House Spoutiug and put up the *Arne low, for rush dr country produce. Farmers and all others fishing their honbes, barns, kc., spout ed, would do well to give them a cull. April 15, tf G. t 11. WAMI'LER. !kill at Work 1 CiOACHMAKING AND BLACKSMITHING. —The undersigned respectfully inform■ his friends and the public that be continues the Coachmakiug and Blaiksmithlng business in trery branch at his establishment in Chem. bereburg street. He has on hand and will manufactnre to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., of the best material, and made by superior work men. Sets-11.srainiNo and BLACK.IIITHISO of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfartion of customers. COCNTZT PROEM:CR taken in exchange fee work at market prices. skii—Pcrsons desiring articles or work lath. Conchmaking or Blacksmithing line, are re spectfully incited to call on JOll l l4 L. HOLTZWORTH Gettysburg, Jan. 24, 'ED. Notice TO FARMERS AND 11 , IRRCIIANTS.—We have now opened our large and commodious *rehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail road Streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORM, OATS, 4:c. Also, on hand and fay sale, Salt, Guesses, Plaster, Fish, kc. A larva stock of Groceries just received, consisting of . l Supt., Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Tess, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, ke., kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail, Iferchants will do well by calling to see and egantine our stock before purchasing else-I when, as our mortis will ba "quick sales and 'mall profits; We wnaid also tall the atteation ef all inter ested. in the thrifty and healthful eonditina of their Cattle, Horses, Bogs, &c., to the fact that we have fo- ' sale Breinig, Prenefleld k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we hare geld Loin igo42 to 2000 pounds, per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. I KLIZiEFELTER BOLLLEGER Si CO, .sbnyg, Rept f, 1828: UM While 0400 1111BROIDERINI.-4. CRICK would tithe the bunts to ormediso his misty fellow style Bipbuttes, Cambria, Jacoosts, thuobrico, Pomo, Whirs, HatoUsethiaili, to,Wil 111, Ink CALL AT A. SCOTT MOMS sad sae the farm Sna-19eatase liats.Tprrnm, Als ton TIIMT J C 448 sad AILS, erbileb are the mat tenable asal coaireeleet eeifels pro. serving Traits stall YfeetiCblie ft an klad. l / 2 'Mob (ma be prom by awl relleAde OW away. • DWI 1,4 /VAIL at TYSON it )12011 pain ad Pb. kisad sraatiart thais sprKlatara or Tao Art, - Pa. 0 00000, anor/ *Tyakif_ L • Aie ip=al winos, ec. -nor *4 in& oitte.ranitly-Dootat: rIIOIITAIIIINCI Binspio Remedies,easilk nai ti seined, for We Oars of I/Ismael* all by Prof. Hagar 8. TATLOS, IL D. IT Test Yoe How to attend upon the sick, how to cook for them; how prepare Drinks, Poultices, sod bow to guard egoists Section from Contagious NW& IT Tama You Of the various amuse of Area, and gives the beat and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough, Measles, to IT Tease Yoe The symptoms of Croup, Cholera tefautum, Diarrhma, Worms, Scatted Head, Ring worm, Chiekan-pox, kc., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. IT Tsts.l You The symptoms of Fever and Ague, sad Bilious, Yellow, Typhus. Scarlet an other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. IT YILUI You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy,Gout,Rberumatism,Lum bago, Erysipelas, &0., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. Ir Tztts You The symptoms of Cholera Mor bus, Malignant Cholera, Small pox, Dysentery,Cramp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies for their cure. IT Tette You The symptoms ofPleurisy,Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the best remedies for their cure. IT TEA., Too The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun dice, Piles, Rapture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Ve nereal Diseases, and Hydro phobia, and gives the best reme dies for their cure. It Taw.; You The best and simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, Sprains,- Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Sc urry, Bums and Scrofula. IT TILII4 You Of the parlous diseases of Women, of Child-birth, and of Menstru ation; Whites, Bsrrenaess, dc., and gives the best and - "r simplest remedies fur their cure. The work ti written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with approprinza engravings, and will he for warded to your address, neatly bound and post Age paid, on receipt of $l.OO. seer i.uoo A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, ail our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of theßook, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Bansorn St., Philadelphia, Pa. lioy 21, 186 J. 6m ND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS by Vaasa CROSS; of lac PAdasfaipitia .11.. r. t Tells Yen now to draw up Partnership Pa pers and gives general forms fo Agreements of all kinds, Bills o Sale. Leases and Petitions. It Tells Tou now to draw up Bonds and Mort gages, Affidavits, Powers of At torney, Notes and Bills of Ex change, Receipts and Releases. It Tells You The Lawe for the Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi tation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every Slate. It Tails Toy How to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Compo,i - 'ion with Creditors, and the In solvent Laws of every State. It Tolls Toff The legal relxtions existing be tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Proper ty, Divorce nod Alimony. It Tells Ton The Law for Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and bow to comply with the same. It Culls Tall The jaw Concerning Pensions sod how to obtain one, and the Pre &option Laws to Public Lands. It Tells You The Law for Patents, with mode Of proc.idure in obtaining one, with Intisrfereoces, Assignments and Table of Fee.. It Tells You Ijow to make your Will, and how . to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements therard in ever State. It Tell• Tou The meaning bf Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by show . ing how to do your hysinc.44 le gaily, thus saving it vest amount of property, and vexatious litiga tion, by its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody in Every State, ' on receipt of V,OO, or in law style of binding at $1...n. itir-1,001 A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above; work, its our indocententa to all such are very I liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to , agents, with other inhumation.. apply to or ad dress, /01IN E. POTTER, Priblisher, No. 617 Sansont fit„ Philadelphia, Pa. Bay 21, 1840. - Clothing I Clothing ! JACOII REININGER has just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle men's wear ever offered in Gettysburg, He has every variety, style and price of goods. While gentlemen can always and Cloths to salt their tastes they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment pat up to order upon the shortie% notice, in the 11104 t substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tail( ring Establishment of JACOB ILETNINGER, May ?, 1880. Carlisle street. XTZW SALOON..—GEO. F. ECILILNRODE has 11 removed his Oyster estabiishment to the splendid new Salons in Jacobs At Bros. Build ing, on the North side of Chambersbarg street, where be will at all times be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. By keeping a good article, be aspects to receive a liberal share of public patronage. TURTLR SOUP, OHICKNI. EUF TONGUE, RIG'S Y BET, TRIPE, BOILED ond.FElliD $(408, 10$ CREAM, BIRDS, kn., In their fawn. A aloe glen of ALE or LAGER pita always bs had.—: Come and try ma. 0, F. 1$01011114)D14, April 2, 11(0. New Bprin Goods. atL. 801110 g lbasjust remised sad open for over Ws Omuta* desirable assaiiisoutuf DRY D 8 over breaths to Glif*Vaborit, ia part ooaaisg BprNatailltra, Mask do., • Foulards, . Swiss de Woos °visits& laustris,. Also, lootbasloolle Do Bra= tams, Wino, Brilllau s Crape do Issaass, Those All I MO, An Atuatioxio xi.... AT A eas * Avv=4 l ;l - b° 14 do Date Beau of t Veal*. Iliatis4o, labe4 MU* et wbid:tbera aaa be se inisesart ' istamliabt. ilier Asa** Wake Ilkeibbie Oat bee ever been forroaell. It AAA iamb Ai 150.1 r,.... Teirtiebi,*AA heliklit* , fellaosibb UMW Vilirbiallig is.o9, 2 0441.0 11. Koou CoPIES ALREADY SOLD Everybody's Lawyer Removal. II A New Feature N the business of the Excelsior ffley-light I Gallery. During our late visit to the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, we selected a splendid assortment of STEREOSCOPIP PIC TURES, comprising English, French, Wnitian, Egyptian, Italian and American Scenery, Sta tuary Groups. he. Our prices for pictures will range frotu 12 to 40 cents apiece. We also have a fine lot of STEREOSCOPIC BOXES, which we offer at refaced prices. The public general ly are invited to call and see our large revolving Box, containing 50 pictures, and we insure to all lovers of the Fine Arts a pleasant visit. Wo are also prepared to make Stereoscopic Pictures, either Portraits or Views, at reason able rates. TYSON Jr, BRO., April 16, 1960 Cannon & Adair's NEW MARBLE WORKS, corner of Bal,tl- more and East Middle streets, directly op posite the new Court House, Gettysburg.— Having recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to prooure anything in our line, to favor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertaining to our business, at the lowest pos sible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work shall be pnt up in a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to be seen in the cities, where every improvement which experience has suggested is availed of, and especially do we guarantee that our Ceme tery and Grave Yard work shall be so carefully act as not to he affected by frost, but shall maio taiu for years that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, and so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. Nuv. 28, 1850. U Gettysburg Foundry. TE subscriber, having purchased th Foundry of Messrs. Zorbaugh, Stoat & Co., (formerly Warrens' Foundry,) has commenced business, and is now prepared to oiler to the public a larger assortment of Machinery than has heretofore been offered, such as THRESH ING MACHINES, Clover Hullers, Fudders Cut ters, Corn Shelters, and Morgan's late improved Horse Rake. Also, STOVES, such es Cook Stoves, three different kinds; and five different sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise Mill end Saw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Tinning in Won or Wood. Agar REPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery and Castings will ba done to order on short notice. Patterns made to order ; Plough Cast. ings ready made ; PLOFGHS, such as Saylor, Witherov, Plocher, Woodcock, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FF—NCLNG, for Cemeteries, Parches or Yards. Also, Mortising Machines, ens or the best now in use. This machine works with a laver by band; any little boy can manage it. Call and examine oar stock; ao doisbt but what we can please. Persons ought to see it their advantage to buy machinery of any kind at home, where it is manufactured, so that they eon very easily get any part replaced or repaired. DAVID BIEL\ SR. Clettylburg, Feb.l3, 1860. Dr. Esenwein'a AR AND WOOD NAPTILA .1 PECTORAL, Lille best Medicine is the world for the Cure.( Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Diptheria, and for the relief of patieuts in the advanced singes of Consumption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which pre dispose to Consumption, If if peculiarly adapted to At radual pin of AstAws, Being prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist, and one of great experience in the care of the various diseases to which the hu la/ill frame is liable. It is offered to the 'Meted with the grm►bst confidence. Try it and be convinced that it Di invaluable in the cure of Bronchial alTectiona. Prise 54/ emu per &tile. • isar Prepared only by DU. A. ASENWEIN k CO., Druggists and Chemists, cor. Ninth k Poplar Ste., PIIILIDI'LPHIA. baratlld by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Iledicinee throughout the Ith.ite. April 1,18 GO. ly Notice to Farmers. _lOO.OOO B u l t ;,311 1. 1.:L h : G h i heat market price will be paid for Whet, Rye. Corn, Oats, Barley, Clover-seed, Timothy-seed, Flour, kv., at the largo yellow Warehouse, west cud of New Oxford. Iletr.Guano, Plaster:, Salt, kc., and i large and well selected stock of Lumber and Coal constantly on hand and for sale at my Wan house. FRANK. lIERSIL New Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859.- tf Something New IN GBITYSBUSG.The undersigned informs the citizens of the town and county, that he has commenced the B,AFINO business, on a large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he sill try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES. CRACKERS, PRETZELS, kc.,kc., baked every day, (Sue (lays excepted,) ll of the beat quality, and sold at gie lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and secqred the best workman and the most sp rit-cored machinery ; be is prepared to do a heavy business, VAI4ENT/Ng BAITPEE Jiil7 p i 18Ni, ALItCANDICR FRAZER, Clock and Watch.. maker, has sectored his shoL i to the room on the West side of tbp PlOlie oara, lately occupied hy TArid A. Busbies, P.sq,, as • Law Canoe, Where he will always be happy to attend to the mills o f oastonuirs, Thankful for past favors, kit hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desist to please, to merit ei.Rd math, thO patronage of the public.. Gettysburg, 4p14 If, ;15P New Goods cgHEAP GOODS!: 44zrpsoms (100D8111 —Just received, a: large assortment of p and desirable DAY 000D8 or every va riety, at astonishingly low prices, and which we over to the public.' Having parckssed qpr stock in Now Toth, Philadelphia and Beldame, and having had the benefit Of the market of three cities, sad being selected with great core, We sn safely gas:sotse to those wishiog to patellas', Dawdling in oar line that, they eautoot tg bepleased bot as to uirkp awl pets", Vs l o bs. fleshed Sheh q latest stylesaa4p9itlens of goods both for Wise and °mileages, to which/we Invite their attention. Call and az anise borm i lt u shwi c rims. Blr. KITHIERB, WI 111 M. , flip oftl 11•11 inni• NO Nein MIPS. ptipabeeetber hem jut olossig s 111W8 k e s i Itelitetore *let, itnertY clip" posy vim. ere essetsetty then egg _itad everything is the. liali; O P s @Welly wed . elterarner ! Al n ; N M vida,leetll ,...h,,, Ml . 7i i t i s a ' _Pertr a. rilte ba 1174hettese76•0 1 7 —'- abbSONI Oa" el/ mak et astIVIN6 isolaisli vildlit?—, oath you brew the- soft- MS* mg * sortsimisv sgt marble liiielt-ttir • meg roil WOW Imo : alarbint' e,l ''' . . 1/114 , 4 : " Pr r 33a1t13:3a4)i• James H. Bosley, - 4 COMMISSION MIIIICHANT, . Noe. 194 Mod 128 North Wed BALTIXORB, , lam prepared - to receive and sell on Oomeels itpa all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Harts, in — experience of ten years in the Continissiati business,land wishing to continue that Marisa I flatter myself that I shall be able to give 'ATI/4 lIPACTION to all who favor me with omrslgrunents Will also attend to filling orders for Ofocerles Guano, and all kinds of ken:l:hers. , Feb. 6, '4O. ty Pancr Goods! FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, AND TOYB, Wholesale and Retail, as Cheap as any place in Baltimore. Photographers, Gettysburg, Pa. 151 FIUXILIX STREIT, BALTIMORE. kir Orders promptly attended to. George X. Bokee, IMPORTER and Dealer in CHINA, GLASS . 1 / 4 QENSWARE, No. 41 North Howard Street, between Lexing ton and Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE. STONEWARE always on band, at Factory prices. June 18, 1880. 1 Ladd, Webster & Co., 131. BALTIMORE ST., ruurimoaz, Manufacturers of Improved Tight-stitch SEWING MACHINES, _ for Families and Manufacturing Establishments. Let Manufacturer", Planters, Farmers, Howe keepers, or any other persons In starch ot an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, make sure they secure the best, by examining ours bofore purchasing. sa`Samples of Work sent by malt, WHAT CONSTITUTES • GOOD SEWING EISEMAN? • 1. It should be well made, simple in its con. stroction, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a rtitirr Locit-airton,artko on both shires of the material. 3. It should sew auy and an materials the.' eau be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. b. It should be able to sew from coarse to tine, and from thick to thin. with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. 6. It should be able to make the tension greater or less, ou both the widest and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It should have a straight needle ; carved mortars liable to break. 8. The needle should hare parpoodicalar motion. This is ahaolately aoceasary for hoary work. 9. It should be espable of taking in tiso lupin pieces of work. 10. 1 It shoulabe able to bind with *binder, hem with ► hemmer; should stitch, fell, ma and gather. 11. It should be always ready to work. 12. It should be capable of using the same size of thread on both sides of the work, lira of using different colored thread or silk,abott. or bolos, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to be united. I. It should be able to make a long or gaol stitch. 14. lt should be able to fides off the ileum, sad eomaftenee sewing dghtlyat the first stitch. )5.. It should ran esaily wad make but little noise. 16. It should lave 4 wheel fbed; bone Oboes are incessant% contact with the work. 17. It %lion hl riot 'baliabLehoget eat °Sprier. 18. It should not -be liablei to lush the *mei, nor skip stitches. 19. It should nut be Necessary to isse sr. driter or wrench to set the needle. 20. It should net be liable to oil the oilers tor's dresa. . 2'l. It should not (brut se ridge out the mace side, nor ravel oat, nor be 'Wasteful of thread, as is the ease with AL& CO Machines, ". It ebould not b. "t trouble thou LI Is worth." 23. Finale, an of these advantages Me pos. messed q oar Sewing Illotitioss LADD, 11(1018111:lt is co. FOUNDED Isaz. Chartered 1854. Located COIL OF BALTIIIOIIE ,LCIIARLE3STS.,, Bat rufous, Mo.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished It Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed le xp re ssly for Young lien &siring to obtain a Tnuaocou MIAOW/IL I:rsisrss Earcartos in the shortest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and ll.ntutifallv Ornamented Meat lar, containiag upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with SPECIMIC\ OW PENMANSHIP, Had a LArgern• graving (the finest niche kind ever made in this country) representing the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, *c., will be sent to Every Venn; MHO on application, Faze or CHARGE Write immediately and you will receive the package by return email Address, E. K. LOIMER„ Saltictiose,Nitt. Feb. 6, 1860. ly EMS, BLACK TEAS, Ike.. P. TIEfLNAN k SON, offer for sale tie following orticles, of err own importation, particularly fez fami ly use: &MILT Wars—Pemartine's finest pale, gold and brown Sherries, in wood sad in glom Pour Wisrs--Sandeman's competition sed and white Port, in wood and in glass. MADURA WINN—John Howard March's Lae Madeira, in wood and in glass ; also, Urape Juice. Hocz Wtsts—lthannesberger, Steinberger Itarcobrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-frau-milch, Bran neberg, of 1840. caves,oxa Wisea—Moot and Gliandnee *ire est, is quarto mild pints. Baaanme—Cotard and Hennessy s ensokl44% and dark Brandies. Hone—Old and fine Jamaica, Antigua, Gres." ads, and-from the' ands,lmparted direct front London. Hottaxto Gix—The best quality—Mersa% brand—and no mixture of aromatic poison in 11, 200 half chests of the finest SOUQIImin Tub. Baltimore, Aug. 29,1859. ly Burr BM Stows wARRANTBD—p F. STARR k CO of 'ord and Centre 1 opposite N, 0. R. IL Si HASTIDOSI, MD. Neal taxers of FRNNCR Importers and Dealt l;prr Blocks, Bolting Leather and Gum Belt Calcined Plaster, and Quality. Also, Colonk Mill Stones of aU sizes. New & Rich Iit*CLEM, SILVER WARE, SILVER& Prade,, -. WARE, *0....,A. E. if AMIE thatsiliti ermith, No. 10 NOITS GAY anut,', &Lb; TWO" , 11D " 1168 12 swra isf a li b i=llll= man of "'tyke and Weenie n ot a ble ibr peewee, osibendas a . • Imlay a puha (old and Sett Brentsea, . . fi lo . baubles, ,Igaz-Risis • • , . ~,,a w i t h Diamond, Baby, P Opy, /00 Ladies' Gold • . _Slusims, Voaillikeint :" 6 ` . • Nialasora iseesekesZ sat Tbboteif,- t , ; g l i v at, Chased sPbdit limpff 1 sad red, Bison Buttons suitilte4.; a Js Owns, litiamesletedllairilrlita • , lig: LL e 01 "" A misty of Sam illonaed MPhil= li e Saaketa,faline, , - I; °611= i1 " 11 414 4, - , . = a' : a 11 414 ' 11111414 - - - :412WeinksiliM ' 44 . 1 a0 - 4 1 1168—. : TeeZ 4 •74 . 1 6 ,..i 6 .1 -iiiiiftedl to VT.104, ,r , , '46 I,mai Prises, siWirW um* . i i' , , A 4hav mai* ' oiiiiissa . .,,, , 4 411• o a raik itailli MIA O w . ..:, .:„, I , TRIJIZINGS, Dee. 5, 1859. ly t do o ! i t :.. •-•" Wines, Brandies,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers