fit. • 'Or riorr the New T4lieralds aftory that Illawakieriage it to throlr %Pte 'Pk optifieN is pare fit cation. The er4 VW, aaltirigton corrirpondetit is almost' "t % I ns+ s " Oegnisional. ° idea that Mr. Breckinridge would de., tlitie because Kentucky went for Lien. Curnis4 ptepositnak Combs and !Atelier atways twat eterybody they ran against, retpt Brea inridge, who always beat btees.—.szaterialia. kir`There are two classes of politicians that oppose union between the friend's of Daigle& suxi Bretkinridge in this state.— One is the Republican party- r -the other is the Verney men. lbw can the conservative en tinier., against the wialx.e at those two • fees eff petticoat It would Le a shameful Arregard of their ant ens which ati act id be well ooesuitered before it is COP tamed. But, eesionsly, the consternation which is manifested in the Republica(' camp at the bare prospect ofa combination of the op ponents of Lincoln, aught to be a powerful' argument in favor of the astatine. The fact Ithich is brought house to the mind of ever, intelligent Republican is oonneetion with this suggestion, is, that sure defeat must be the result of its necomplielisrent. In the, face of such evidence, will fienvicrltts persist , In fomenting disunion and thus mak trig cer tain their own defeat.—Erie Iltrf Ever. The ViryiAia Correnlioni.—The regular Contention of the Democracy, in a spirit of Itistional patriotism, passed a resolution di• reefing the electors, if chosen, to cost the rote of the State so as to defeat the Republican canirsciate, even if Mr. Breckinridgo cannot thus be elected- The Douglas men oo tiie ether hoard tiomiciated a separate electoral ticket It mould seem as if they tnigkt have united with the great body of the Demieraey cif the State, in the common cause ut opposition to Republic. tnisra, but when Passion le in, reason necessarily goes out of the mind, and thus a division between the op ponents of Lincoln is the 00a+equenoe. 11,w ecer, we have issatidence that a proposition ao ribistil will meet the r;ews of the people of Vir&ia, and that the :State will he err rigid triumphant/5 tor 13reckwridge.—Jute. • -tag. 27, ISEL au! of (Aruturwe. __ To the Public. Balloo to n r.oya;?! ;In .111aulir--Pro- UR undersigned, basing dispo s ed of kis .64mer oat B , to Niuusel T News More to Mr. Amara Rao AAAAAA in te aeronaut whcriately mutt an as- . . • troll 4 to thscoatinise the business; sad whilst , oension from Pittsburg, Pa., proposes, should sulicient encoura,te meat be giten, to mat , e he feels indebted to the public for the liberat liiisten the starting pointpats° eirteaded to him, he would conlially for his experiment et r nambeed all his old customers to Yr. Broad. uf attempting to onus the Atlantic to a hat- heot. who will always be prepared to accent suodate them with Illlytitinx in his line. CHARLES LINDERMAN. ?riot of a B fax years of age j 4. .ffcorder. —Pretstua Finley, a i. 4.1 ten 3eans of ugeoral tried Littit wi ck ut Ciirlyee, 2iliseouri, upon a titr.rget.t li.linß hie uncle I.y benting out his brain:, with a eltt'u while Le slept. The jury after nn nioentle t.f twenty-four Want ren dered at tent tat 4, l "not guilty." parks a specimen of the naphlity with mhien grain is landed at Chicago, it is stated that the lark Great It est took on bourn hut I,‘ cek 3'2,010 bushels <tom at Sttnite's elevator warehouse in two Isars and n half, including stoppages ; and ot this 2:2.,00.1 bu.Aicla went ou Ward tkroogh five apauts in fifty minutes. Arne Prcsidentikl election comes of on tl.e Gtb of N,,resaber. iffy, c. cs labl l\T cst 1 a eral. A CARD TU YOUNG LADIES AND GEN TI.E.II/•,S —The subscriber will feud (free of diary.) to all who desire it, tue Recipe and di rection, for mAkiug a simple that will, in from too to eight Opt, remove Pimples. Wotches, Tun, Freckles. Jallutruess, Kati all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving tile astir--its Nature lutcsided it dbould be—oft, clew, smooth cud twuielyill. Those de siring the Recipe. with full instructions, dircc tiuus, and iichice, will please con OD ue stidreld returu postage.) JAS. T. .11.111.- ,, IIALL, Practiesl Chemist, No 32 City Buildings, Sew Ylllsk. Ang. 20, IdIA. Jig ASI-TILE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exist iulfitt's Life Pills and Pharnix Bitters, is every day demon strated by Weir astonishing efficacy in the cases whisk they are announced to cure. 111 the complaints of the stomach and bowel., weal-1 nets of the digestive urgnas and of the syrdcin generally. bilious and Bier affections, night fevers, bead aches. piles, costiveness, consump tion, rheumatssm, w urvy, impurityut the blo,d, or blotched and sallow complexioas, soon yield to their curative properties. 3 single trill in variably secures them the title of the be-t. medicines now beture the public. For sale by the proprietor. W. B. MUFF AT, at his office, 235 Broadway, N. V., .and by S. S. Forney, Gettysburg. • (Feb. 13. /)* RELIEF. IN TEN lIINTTES.—BR.T.N"S PrIAION IC WAFERS !—The Original .1k dicine Established in Ist37. a nd first article of the kind erer introduced under the name of - Pcutosic Wsvgas," in this or a ny other country; all other Pulmouic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be knoan 1.). the name BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER. Pultnouic Wafers Relieve Coughs, t;utdb, :jure riwu:.t., hoarseness Bryan's Pulmouic Wafers Qt.:Jere Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing Bryan's Putamale Wafers Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest Bryaa's Pit'manic Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption. Lung Disease! , Itryan's Pulmonie Wafers Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and rocs'lt, Bryan's Pulmonic It'afers Beliere the above Complaints in Ten Minute? Bryan's Pula/or:lie Waters Are a Blessing to all and Constitutions Bryan's Pal:conic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers Brpta's Palmonic Wafers Are in a simple form and pleasan: to the taste Bryan's Palmonic Wafers Notonly relieve,buteffectrapid and lasting Cures Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Are warranted to giresatlifaction to every one No family should be without a box of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in the house. ~ No traveler should be without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in his pocket. No person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Twenty-Isve Cents. JOB LOSES, Sole Proprietor, nothester i N. Y June IS, 1860. lyeow .41ETTYSIMSG--BA7I7IWILT LAM sopeitilhie Plow- ---- 4 87 to 6 00 Rye ...... ....... 3 b 0 ......... -1 15 to 1 25 Red ........1 08 to 1 12 60 65 28 Clover Said .............. 5 00 to 5 25 Timothy 25 to 3 00 Flax 1 70 Barley **yea* •••••••• • 80 Fluor of ~ r,4 Astor ground, pliV_ BAI.TLICOU-47autar t.arr. • Wheat ....... ...... 11 to 1 55 Bye ..-..... ..... ........ T 2 to 80 Cor Corn ..... BS to 73 Clover 25 .0 5 so Tiatellky 3 to to 3 35 Beef patio, per head:......... » 600 to 825 Bop, per oo le 850 00 to 06 1510 e 7 61 to 22 fitssaal Per 6l 4 o aelPeram--- 02 00 • UlllollllM4timazta: Ploot i s)6# 1014900.—. ••••••••.••• 5 37 Del; - e 00 Whals 124,01 *Ars . 55 • ." 60 • I. - . 7.07 1 r.r.:- • •' - . 1 . 5 • - 47 " 4.11 iii NIS ;t3w On the 21st 41Let., et theitelatienee of the bride's Zither, by the Rev. 8. Mk 861bert, Mr. )011N JtOCKEY to Kiss )(AGARS? FANNER, both of Dickissost township, Cemberlard cos n• ty, Ps. . 7:1 =m . On the 9th inst., in Failleid, JOHN, infant sorb of John B. and Margaret Paxton, aged nearly 3 months. (n Franklin town ship. on the 21st Inst., OINIA M., danghter of Levi Pharr, aged C Tears 6 months and 3 thlys. On the 20th IMIL, REBECCA ELIZABETH, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Dickson, of Cumberland splenship, aged 6 mouths And II; (Jars. is the lrith inst., in Adams county, Miss M..kTf LILA C. SC:AWAILTI., ago! 10 ;ears 2 months and 24 days. thi the 17th inst., SUS.INNA, daughter of Adana and Christiana )filler, neanaliatu ton, aged year months and 3 days. light is from our household gone, The heart we loved is stilled, . place is vacant in our hearts, Wisieit never can be filled. A geatie heart, that throbbed but now, With teaderness and love, Hal hushed its weary throbbings here To throb is bliss above. :4* eultural iffeetin: Erin Board of Managers of the Ada . . . Coun ty Agricultural Societe are r vested to meet at tue Arbitrat on It .um, in the Court house, in fiettysltairw. Si/u r rd,:l. the let e,e S7te7nber tier:, at 10 o'cloc.-1., .1. M. Ns btivi nen' of importance will be submitted to the lloard, erery tneraber is earnestly urged to be present. The Board consists of the President, Seery tarie., Treasurer and the Managers, viz: Jtio. McGirile, D. McConuughy, If. J. Stable, tiro. Arnold; Thomas A. Marshall, Jan. Gilbert, Abraham Krise, of P., Samuel Durboraw. David IL Myers, Joseph ll'errnan, and Jame. J.Wills. JAS. J. WILLS, A. J. SZTAIII.E. JOIN GILBERT, GEO. ARNOLD. .ABRA HAW KRISE, 11firoberi of the Bu.trd. Aug. 27, 1860. tiATING purchased the News Rime of Mr. LINDItibIIS, it is ray purpose to continue t business on a more extensire scale than heretofore. Daily city pipets, sad all the pop ular amp:ince and periodicals of the day, al ways on band. JUSEriI I.IWJADIJEAD. Aug. 27, 1460. ti Orphan's Court Sale. TN pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's I Court of Adams county, wal be offered at Public Sale, on the premises, an Satr , ddy. Ms 12d day ef SepletsZer next, the Interest of SANt EL !Lissa, deceased, in the following described Real Estate viz: Na. state, undivided moiety or half part of TWO LOTS OF GROUND, situate in the borough of Berwick, Adams county, fronting on a public street, adjoin i ng lots of the Getman Reformed Church, - and running back to an alley, said lots numbered 79 and 80.— - The improvements are a Two-story Log Weatherbort rded ROUSE, onestory Shop, - (part frame, part brick,) Log Barn, with Shed, Corn Crib, kcf., and a well of water. No. 3 : The undivided half part or moiety of A TRACT OF LAND, situate part in the town ship and part in the borough of Berwick, con taining 23 Acres, more or le.ot, adjoining lands of Samuel Metzgur, Gee. Flickinger. Joseph tined; and others. The tract is d.vided into four fields. No. 3: The nndiridcd tuff part or moiety of A TRACT OF LA.ND, 'lssue in Hamilton townzhfp, adjoining lands of Fleury 14)bler, Adam. Steffan, and others, c0:31,4044 8 Acres, more or less. Mr Sale to "commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., oa said day; when attendance will be gives and terms made known by MAYEIL, Ada'r Fly the Court—U. G. WoLr, Clerk. Aug. 27, 18G0. is Public Sale. pursuancs of an Order of the Orphan's I_ Court of Adams County, the sitbscribers, Ad unnistrntors of the estate ofJoattru Censors, deceased, will offer at Public elate, on the premises, on Saturday, the .lttiA lay of Sepleutier next, the following valu.thle Itml Estate. viz: A r.i BM, situate in Freedom tow nship, Adams county. on the Emmitsburg road, about 6 miles from Gettysburg, adjoining lands of Jacob Brown, Henry Myers, and others, containing I'll') Acres, more or less, with a sufficiency of first-rata Meadow and Timberland. The farm is in excellent cultivation, and good fencing.— The improvements are a large Two story Brick Dwelling HOUSE, large Bank Bnrn, Wagon Shed. Corn ('rib, and all other necessary oaf-buildings ; three. never-failing springs of water, al , o a well with a pump to it; an Apple Urch ird of choice fruit. iparl'ersons wishing to view the property are requested to call oil the LIE named Ad ministrator, residing un the preinizes. jar Sale to •:ornmence at lu o clock t , On said day, when attendance w.ll be given and tcrius matte known by OCT.-cVIUS CREF.f:ER, JOSEPH Z Cii.K.EGER, Admen By the Coort-11. 0. Ww.r, Cerk. Aug.t 27, 11360. to Farm for Sale. Taubseriber offers for sale his FARM, I situated in Cumberland township. Adams county, Pa., about three and a half miles south of Gettysburg, on Marsh Creek, containing 145 Acres and 54 Perches of highly improved, land. The improvements consist of a good 1 Dwelling 110CSE, new Rim Wagon ',ll Shed, Corn Crib and flay Sheds There s% is a well of never-failing water at the door, and a fine young Orchard of choke fruit. About 25 Acres are covered with Timber, and about 20 Acres o ood Meadow. gieireer.ons want ing to purffsse a good property will do well to give me a call. SAMUEL A. COBEAS. Ang.27, 1860. 4t Register's Notice. ..40TICli is hereby given to ali legatees and other persons concerned that the Admio. stration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, a l Tuesday, the 25th of Septoada• alit, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 214. Tke first and final account of Barnard- Ilildebrand and Abner S. Hildebrand, Admin istratOrs of the estate of William Hildebrand, deceased. 215. The first and final account of Jacob Mundorff, Jr., Executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Mundorff, deceased, settled by Adam Hebert and Charles B. Polley, Admin istrators of the estate of Jacob Muudorff, Jr., deceased. EZE 11e. Account of Jacob Mandorff, Jr., testa mentary Triunes, under the Will of Jacob Menderff, Sr., deceased, for John Mandorff sad limy Kiddies-off, (afterwards Miry Albert) sod her children, settled. by Adam Reboil and Charles B. Polley, Administrator of Jacob Yondorff, Jr„ deceased. 117. The first account of Sass &Ws, Ad ministrator of Geo. W. Blttinter, deceased. 118. -The first and final account of David Clepsaddle, Executor of the list will mil teem omit of 1111sabotlf Clapseddle, late of lfintntirry .to wraith*, dessesad. SAOHAILIAII IfYll/111, Begisier. Ilegtdoes Mee, Clsttys..l Damlad. 17, 1860. 1 Temilwrs Wanted. • rrliaborogosaalokst ows at a jokool4tosse, ois Moo ete qf iliptoolo; mac to oopkoy Ave Tat 'Sc towookip—tko Teachers to rsoottr= e ,oruf e rru udY 8 1 " : " ,- • • liregto Otto JOQT L. 8110118, 840. - Avg. 27, 1360. t 4 --11Pto^1. Att!AVM,V6"4‘._;" l ll7iv. ;ve %7MMM' Notice. TAW)Ie Real testate • T PtilLiC BALE.—Tbe subscribers, Ex ecutors of Joss Mutsu', deceased, will o) el. at Public Bale, cm the premises, ea T ite rs-1 ' 2L I day, take 27tA dope/September mixt, the following valuable Real Estate °field decedent, viz : ..THE MANSION FARM, situate in Reading township, Adams county, Pa.. adjoining lands of Jacob Smith, Benjamin Malaun, Mich•el and Peter Ha rbol t, and others, contalningloo Acres, more or less, with a sufficiency of first-rate Woodland and Meadow. The Farm is in ex cellent cultivation, haring been several times limed; and the fencing is of the best quality, mostly of chesnut rails. It is one of the most productive Farms in the county.— ' . The improvements consist of a r agii Two-story BRICK HOUSE, new . i ign Two-story Brick Back-building. -, large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib. Carriage House, large Hog Pen. Spring Home. Smoke House and Dry Horace, and all other ne cessary out-buildings : two springs of never failing water convenient to the bLIIIIIII1c,•4, alto a well, with a pump in it, in the barn yard ; on excellent Apple Orchard. not excelled in the township, with ether fruit, such as ',cache., pears and cherries. There is it never-falling stream of sinter through the farm. Also, A TRACT OF LAND. adjoining the Mansion Farm, containing 10 Acres, more or less, about 3 acres being in timber. The itn pro‘enaents are a Two-story BRICE...HOUSE, end Potter Shop—both new. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in the •nine township. adjoining lands of Adam Prowa tieorge Cromer, George Fis.el, William Mvera, and other., cont titling it Acre', more or le-s—a),out 13 a, re , , being Woodlarid. The cleared land has been well limed—granite soil. There ~,is a good .pring on the property and running water through it. Os Fri/ray, tic 2.tdo day of s T teno, ant, will be offered, on the premises, A TRACT OF CHESNUT TIMBERLAND, situate in Hunting. ton township, Adam. county. adjoining lands of John Bream, Smith's heirs, and others, con taining 5 Acres and ...04 Perehes. Tke tract is well covered with first-rate roil timber. 'Persons wishing to view either of the three first mentioned 'properties ere requested to call at the mansion house ; and to view- the 1 chcsnot timberland Mr. John Bream mly be called upon. atar Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.., on said days, when attendance will be given and ' e mus made known by ADAN MILL R, BOLOMON MILLER, ADAM C. MILLER, Ex, Ang. 27, 1860. t..7* Public Said rkF VALCABLE REAL ESTATE 1-0 a Fri %,_y day, the 2 lat lay ebtepicalker next, by Urdee of the Orphea's Court of Adams county, the. undersigned, Admialstrators of the estate of SANCEL W, /10117114.111, late of St:alias township, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, os the premises, all that VALUABLE TRACT OF L lately occupied by said deceased, situ ate about 7 tales from Gettysburg, nail 4 from New Oxford, on the old Carlisle road, contain leg 234 Aerea, more or leas, with sufficient Tintioar and a large quantity of Meadow, ad joining lands of the Mimes Graft, Jacob Wolf, David Hoover, and others, and is well watered by Bearer Run and •Conowago creek, has been recently ail well Limed, and is Putty consider ed one 'ache most fertile /arms in the county. The improvements area Urge Brick ' MANSION ROUSE, to good repair, . with sine rooms, • Brick Beek- . - ' "I • 1 I . building, Wash House and Cistern, a large Brick Bern, sew Wagon Shed, with Corn Cribs, Carriage House, a snperior Hog Stable with numerous apartments, newly built, an Orchard of choice fruit, a Well of good Wa ter at the door sag one at the barn, both under root, with all other aecessary out-buildings.— There is also a Frame TENANT HOUSE, Double Log Barn, and other conveniences. In addition to the excellent quality of the land. this is also a molt desirable residence; the Yard Wing filled with Ornamental Trees and the House recently painted and repaired. whilst fur comfort and convenience the build ings are rarely_surpassed. iia?•l'ersuns wishing to view this property pre% ions to the day of sale will he shown the same by one of the undersigned, residing there on, who will also gire all necessary information of the same. af t alr'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made blown by WALTER T. 110}111.LN, P. & DECHERT, tiministrilers. By the Court—H. G. Wets, Clerk. Aug. 27, 1860. is Foundry & Machine Shop AT mon SALE.--C•errAtisre, ATTEND —Oa Riley, the 14% day of apt saber next, the *subscriber will offer at Public Sale, od the prcoiseot, THR LITTLESTOWN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, situated between Han over and Railroad streets, in Llttlestown. Adams county, Pat, being the only Foundry in the place. The establishment consists of a Foundry, Machine Shop, Smith Shop and Saw Mill, the building, including the whole, being 160 feet in length. The Engine is 16 bore power, af fording plenty of stem power for all practical purposes. The assortment of patterns is very full—and the Turning Lathe is an excellent one. It is a complete establishment for the manufac ture of all kinds of machinery, and is doing a pro , perons business. The gentlemen 0011 work ing it have sold some forty Threshing Machine.' slues harvest, besides a variety of other ma chine... any-Fdtber of the DWELLING HOUSES on the front or rear of the lot 'could be cold with the Foundry. as might best suit purchaser". Bee Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by AMOS LEFEVER. Aug. 27, 1860. ta• A Rare Chance! TALUABLE LIMESTONE FARM AT PCI3- LIC subscriber, intending to rehuquish farming, will offer at Public Sale. on the premises, on Wetharsday. li s 2GtA day of Septeniber next, the following desirable property. via: A LIMESTONE FARM, situate in Cono wago township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of Heirs of Jaeob Keller, deceased. and others, one mile from Hanover and the same distancisfrom McSberrystown. along the Lit tles town Railroad, containing 1.30 Acres, more or less, with due proportions of Meadow and Woo'dland. The Farm is under good fencing and good cultivation. The improve ments are a nearly new BRICK HOUSE, , with Basement and a Two-story Back- g• :1 building, a large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Spring House, and all other necessary out-buildings; a never-failing spring of water at the buildings, and a ) oung bearing Apple Orchard, with other fruit. su ch as peach es, pear., plums and cherries. Thu farm is we:l watered, having four springs upon it and a stream running through it. This is one of the most desirable properties in the county, and the attention of Capitalists is invited to it. Such a chance to purchase is rarely offered. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. tar Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by MARCCS Aug. 27, 1860. Ls* Farm for Sale. miles west of Caslitown, op the Ifillerstown road. The Farm contains 25 ACRES—SO acres clear. The land is in a good state of cultivation, having bean limed. There are all kinds of fruit—.a shrift's young Orchard of choice grafted fruit; also peaches, pears and plume of the best kinds. The buildings are • one and • half story STONE MOUS& a IN large new Bank Barn, a Cooper Shop, he. The Farm is isi good order, and cannot be beat for raising polistoes. I calculate on rais ing lee Misdeed knishols this year. A never falling *prim% of valor at the door. *frit not sold, at private mile by Saturday, as 32d day of next, it will on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. ,he ctilltre4l atpublic outcry, on the premises. . BAUM& WIBUAIiAIf, Aug. 22,118430. Cs Everibodr Take Blotto. / AT B. G. CAB& ilea oasasd, aad intends °ruling, 'Water !Mealy , Cabbages, Sweat woes, lied Meets, Appiea,-theateleape. To ialstsies, Gems*bens, *ado ia short, averytbiag le the Green Grocery Ilisa,pia euseureeliaa with his line assortment of other Good.. Gettysburg, Aug. 27, 180. tellable Real Itstste AT PUBLIC BALE.—Is pursuance ut at Of of the Orphan's Corte. of Adams county, ta subscribers, Administrators of DANIIL notes, deceased, will offer at Pu. Sale, on the premises, on iSaisirday, the 221 ' of :amber next, the following Real Estate said decedent. ♦iz THE MANSION FARM, situate in Hunting ton township, .IWIALZIA county, Pa., half a natio from Petersbirjr. (Y. 5..) adjoining lands of John Pdieger, John Sadler, Jr., John Hay, and others, containing 168 Acres and 341 Perches; about acres are woodland. covered with ex cellent cheenut cad oak timber—and about 30 acres meadow. The farm is under good culti vation, and is well watered, having neverfail ing springs in nearly all the fields. There are some five or six Lime Kilns conveniently near. The improvements are a Two-story BRICK HOUSE, with basement, 1111 !trick hank Harm WitgouShed and Corn Crib, Spring House and Gran :tries, log Shop, with other necese.iry out buildings : a neverfailing spring of water in the yard, it fine young thriving Apple Orchard, with a variety of ether fruit, such as peaches, peore, plums and cherries. Alto, it one cud a halt story BRICK TRUST HOUSE, and a Black smith. Shop—with water convenient. Also, A TRACT OF WOOHL3.!tH, situate in the same township. about 2 miles from the Ilaneion Farm, adjoining lands of Julie Sadler. Sr., Jonathan Golden, and others. containing tt Acres, more nr ie.& It is well entered with chesnat and oak timber. Osi .Wonday-, the 24tA day of Scp!rsuber ?ler!, the following will be offered. on the premises: A VALUAIILE FARM, situate partly in Hunting ton and partly in Reading townshipb, Adline county, adjoining lands of Ahrali tm others, Jesse Chronister, John Hartman, and lothere, containing 211 Acres and 96 Perchm-obout 80 acres are heat y oak timberland. and 2 re meadow, and more con be made. The farm is well watered. The improt enaents consist of a one and a half story LUG 110 USE, Double Log Barn,. a well of neeer-filling water at the door, in Apple Orchard, and other imprutk ruents. This property will be offt red entire or., in three parts, as may best suit purchaser. .' *.fiirPersons desiring to view these properties are requested to call on the last unwed of the .I.dmiaistrators, residing in Huntington twp. 'Sale to coMm:nce at 12 o'clock, NI., on said days, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Administrators. By the Court-11.G. Cierk. • Aug. 27, 1860. to r - ig A Tract of Land, A PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber, Ex ecutor of Nicest Pima; accessed. will 'er at Public Bale, on the premises, on Sasser day. she ffti day of October new, the following R e m ,'.Mate of said decedent. viz: A TRAC'T OF LAND, Woods in Letinsore township, .Adazis cbunty, adjoining hi& of Win F. Bonner, Mic:•.itel Lear, and otheirtnn taining 33 ACRES, more or less, fully one-bnlf being well-eorered with Chelaut, and White, Black and Rock Oak TIMBER. There are two good &Kings on the tract. sigrPersons wishing to view the property are requested to call on t k e undersigned, or oil John A. Spealmen, in Petersburg. The tract will be offered together or Isparta, as may best suit purchasers. SiirSsle to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 21, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms mule known by ISAAC E. WIERMAN, RA - ern/cr. Aug. 27, ace. U Valuable Beal Estate, AT PCBLIC SALE.—In pursuance to aro order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the subscribers, Administrators. of AILBRILUAIII KING, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises. on .Gamrday, the 221 Jay of Scolesobrr next, the followiug Real Estate of' said deceased, vie : A SZNIALL FARM, 'containing 34 Acres and 1G Perches. situate in Reading township. Attains county, within sight of East Berlin, on the road lending from Hampton to that place, adjoining lands of John Geiselman, Georgc-Spangler and others. The improvements are a` new Two-story Brick HOUSE. s 4 " in new Frame Baru, Wagon Shed and • CORN Cribond other outAttildings • gnod`well of water near the door, • tut 14 young Apple Orchard, and other fruit. Land adjoining could be purchased, if desired. _kiss:), A TRACT OF WOODLAND, in the same township, about 2 miles north of the above, ad joining Roses Chronistcr. and others, cot:units lug 4 Acres and 85 Perches. Persons wishing to view the properly nre re quested to call on Eli Myers, residing on the first mentioned. mar-Sale to commence st I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be ligiyen and terms mule known by \ SINGLETON EICIDATZ, ELI MIELLS, Administrators. By the Court—lL G. Rots, Clerk. Aug. 20, 1860. is Desirable Property AT PUBLIC BALE.—The subscriber, in tending to remove into town, will offer at 'utolle Sale, on the - premises, ea Sartierday. the 6tA day of October nest, THE PROPERTY he now occupies, situated on the Gettysburg borough line, 8 acres and 36 perches being within the borough and about 13 acres in Cumberland township—the tracts adjoining cacti other.— The laud is in a good state of cultivation, and the tenting good. The improve ments are n well finished one and a h tlf story Brick Dwelling 110 l.":-.E., Brick Back-bnilding, Wash liout, on eSCeIICIIt well of soft water, a ttin%ing young Apple Orchard, with a variety of peach, plum and cherry trees. The property adj oi lid David McMillan, Mrs. Shultz, John 11. McClel lan, Geo. Arnold, P. A. k S. Small, nod a pub lic lane. ter 3ale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., or .aid day, when attendance will be given and terms wade known by Ang. 70, 1960. to Carl► Ahead Again ! - Dr C. C.UIiL has again been to the city and I %id in another large stock of Gra- Lerie., Queensware and Notions, of every' de scription. Sugar 11 Ibd. for $l, • very good article ! tock of Brushes, Brooms, Baskets, I)cmi jons, 14.. is always full—As well as his assort ment of 6egars, Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, Lc. Ladies' [loop Skeleton. Skirts, 16 hoops, fur Ladies' Gauntlets, a fine article of Lisle thread, for 37 cents—Gloves and Hosiery in proportion. Ladies' Perfumery of all C.+li nt 11 . d. CARR'S, Atli. 20, 1800 Lime Factory Ts GETTYSBURG I—ATTENTION, FARM ." ERSl—The undersigned would mint re spectfully inform the public in general, and the farming community in partieular,that thryhare erected two spacious LINK, KILNS, at tin earner of Stratton street and toe Railroad, and are now burning, and will continue to burn, largo quantities of the BEST LIME, which they will dispose of at the lowest airing rotas. culture and others are invited to give them e Call, fir supplying a good article, width they arywot always to do, they cannot fall to sire sad/6w lion. MCCURDY h Aug. 20, 1860. tf hirACOB 118LTZELII ESTATE.,—Lettera of ouliniuistration ou the estate of Joe°li eltsel, /me of Mo en tylessant township, Wpm comity, deceased, haring teen granted to the undersigned, residing to Oxford township, he hereby gives notice to all: persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring chasm against the fame to present theta properly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL RELTZEL, Aissir. Ang..2o, 1860. 6te Itsicaug S Cents Reward. - RI AIjAWAY from to the lobsu o ri n beLltdign In a%Oasi boy aimed ;AA ' S WADII, ebout t- i I. MO, sad 17 yews old. All perilous eve bereby warmed not to harbor or trust Ma ae my . sososat, at I will pay. sirieber Obi* eau- ':. . the above reward will be gives bit Mate Irr.ote, bet do lbaelle. v-' •••,- ' • ''' 3 • • - - u.AAW3XL ', Aug. 13, lede. Et* JOSIAH FICKES, ISAAC E. WIERMAN, to York street Notice. . 11-Improved „ & Valuable rikMIS AT PUBLIC SALE.—The ander tigned, Attornies in fact for the Widow and Heirs of EDTAND Rusin, deceased, wiU offer at Pinidge Salo, on the premises, on Tun. Say, the 11th day of September next, at 1 o'Aocke F. M., the following described valuable Land., viz : !Co. I—THE MANSION FARM, situate in Hamilton township . , Adams county. Pa., rhOta 3 miles from New Oxford, and the same distance from East Berlin. near the puhlic road lead!ng from the former to the latter place, and adjoin-' i ng land s of David March, Michael I iller, Sam n el Wolf, Adam Sowers, and others, and containing 106 Acres and tl7 Perches, with a Log Duelling HOUSE, large Bank Barn, and other ' convenient out-builduigs thereon erected ; with , these springs of excellent water in abundance. , There is a thriving Orchard, and a large num- , ber of Cherry and Peach trees, on this farm.— , This is a desirable property, being in a good state of cultivation, and convenient to schools, , ke There are about au acres of Woodland be longing to this farm: N0.,2 LS A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, adiollillng the Mansion Farth, containing 74 At re. •nit 128 Pt rates, comprising a large body of valuable Timber-land. whictr will he cold with the aforesaid property or separately.— , There are also several never-fading springe. of excellent n - ater on this land. This property adjoins lands of Henry lobe, Jacob Wolf, Dan iel [Laker, John Mummert, and others. - No. 3 is an excellent lot of oIiESNUT TIM-! BER, which cannot be easily excelled. It is situated in Paradise townshir, York connty,l about 4 miles from the abot e-named tracts, and contains i Acres and 48 Perches, adjoining I ',mac of henry Marshall, and ehssnnt lots oft Jo-eph J. Kuhn and limes and Ilerth. kir These praperries will be offered separate- ! I. or together, as m ay best snit purchasers.— I The Farms are conveniently located, and in al F “,.1 and improving neighborhood. The terms I id sale c ill he accommodating, to suit perches cr.'. Possession will be given on the first day of April next. Further inferniation can be oh tained by applying to the subscritrsrs, who lire on tne lands JOHN HAINES, Aug. 20, 18110. is LEVI BANES. Important Public Sale P VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND PER- I.) SON AL PROPERTY.—GM ruetday, Me lath of S-pleniber, 180, at 9 o'clock, A. M., the suhscriber, Administrator with the Wilt annex ed of GOVIAD Strnita, deceased, will offer at Public &tic, on the Mansion Tract of said de ceased, lu the Borough of Gettysburg, the following parcels of Real Estate, to wit : No. I : THY. Nl:\ NSION TRACT, being a very pleasant and desirable country seat, situate in the southern limits of the Borough of Gettys burg, adjkining lands of Cnpt. John Myers, Ja cob Benalil., Hon. D. Ziegler, Henry J. Stahle, John Rupp, Harvey D. Sweeney, and otherA, containing 40 Acres, more or less, in a high state of cultivation, on which are erected s lame and commodious Two-story STUNK HOUSE, Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Smoke House, with 3 never-failing spritigs of el cellent water, ono of them in the kitchen; and a large thriving irchard of Apple and other fruit trees. The re about 8 acres.of first-rate meadow. This property offers unusual in ilucetnents for investment, from its situation am! advantages. Ne•• 2: A LOT OF GROUND, in the Borough of Gettysburg, fronting on south Baltimore street; adjoining lots of Dr. Study, sad bounded by as alley on the north, Improved with • a Two-story Rough-cast 110CSK, with Bask-bniMing, a sew frame Stable, and it a welt of excellent water. No. 3: A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Cum berland township, lying on the Ewmitsburg road, within 1 mile of Gettysburg, adjoining lands of Win. Miss, Amos Plank and others. and rontaining.B2 Acres, more or less. There is on that tract a well and a good spring of wak r, and an hrehard of fruit trees. N0.•4 : A TRACT COVERED WITH GOOD TIM SER, situate is Cumberland township, nil lands of Philip Redding, Jacob Kuhns and Wm. Curren., containing 11 Acres, more or less. No. 5: A TRACT covered with good Chesnut and Locust Timber, easy of ILCCObe, situate in liamiltonban township, adjoining lands ofJohn Baker and . Peter Sesahrooks, containing 30 Acres, more or less, which will be sold entire or in two parts, as may suit pirrehasers. ersons wishing to view the Real Estate, will be shown the same by calling On the fami ly on the liiinsion Property, or tpoa the sub scriber, in Gettysburg. Also, at the same time aid place, the follow ing Personal Property: 3 WORK HORSES, (one es first-rate brood mare,) 3 Colts, (une yearling and one suckling,) 4 first rate Mitch cows, 4 Heifers, Wheat and Oats by the bushel, Corn in the ground, Hay and Straw by the ton, 2 Wagons, 1 first rate Carriage and Harness, i'loaghs and liArrovi 2, Double Shovel Plohgh, Corn Fork, Plough-wheels, Log Chains, Crow bar, Cow and Halter Chains, Horse Gears. Rakes and Forke. 1 first-rate Windmill, Cutting Box, Threshing Hotline, 2 Saddles, ouc a new Side-saddle, 400 Chesnut Pam, hear, 110 Lo cust Posts, heavy. 200 Chestnut Shingles, 100 feet Plank. and Household and Kitchen Furni ture, as follows : 1 Bedstead an 1 Bed, Tables, Chairs, let of Carpeting, Mantle Cie., Is, listhaway Cook Stove and fixtures, Ten-plate Store and Pipe, Corner Cupboard, Desk, Case of Drawers, Churn, Sil ‘er Watch, v;itla' other articles, too numerous to mention. gt4-11* the properly be not all eold on the 18th, the eale will be continued on the following tiny. Attcnd.tnce will be given and terms aide knoll n by DANIEL K. SNVvEIt, kog. 20, 180. t. Notice. ,r iE d • I.IZABETIT WISLE:t'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Elizabeth I.ler, late of Franklin township, Adams county, deccased. having been giauted to the uu ders ign ed, residing in Cumberland township. he hereby gives notice to all persons intlebted to +Aid estate to wake immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present thew properly authenticated for settlement. IigN.LIIiIS F. IVISLEIt, ALisser. leg. 13, 1860. 6t Notice. JOIN MILLER S ESTATE.—Letters testa mentary on the estate of John Miller, late et Reading township„hi.d.tme county, deeesi d ed, having been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in the Lime township, they hereby give notice to all rrsons indebted to said estat, to wake immediate payment, and those having Llaint.l against the same to present them proper ly- authenticated for settlement. ADAM MILLER, SOLOMON MILLER, ADAM C. MILLER, Aug. 13, 18GO. Gt Execators Notice. PETEMLITTLE'S ESTATE.—Notice here by circa to all persons indebted to the (mutate of Peter Little, late of Conowago town ship, Adams county, deceased, to .make in,- oodiode payment to the undersigned Executors, melding la the same township, and those har ing deltas against the sane to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JACOB J. LITTLE, JACOB ADAMS, July 23, 1800. illt• Bur motors. G. A. & Z. A. Landoll, TO. 110 NORTH WHARVBS, PRILADEL -1.11 PHU, mar:infamous and have for sale Spermaceti, Patent Sperm, Hy- CANPL.IIB I drastic, Adamantine, Hotel, Car and Tallow Citedlee. Pare B”rai, Lard Bleached WU.le„. Sea aiLS Ele t, Strained Whale, Tanners' Carriers', Palm, Oleine, arid Red Oil; Whits,. %Nu r ead, Chemical B°Ar3 0 / 11 .10rit ethet kkosiog• Aag. 13, MO. Sae rratßAlLat, spiam sia a tesgset ges VATATE.--Lot ton wisst os the estate of 8 0 of11 10ery bits 4 : i t ai lot en twinsiblA Adams twastr; ihileommil. ist to tho ius soa r Ifor: town, Carroll 41ini os4 b 44 birilq eras le' tit* to all portes• le sat( estate to y ma k, tretoodeas preset, sad those?' %Mee ashes sir mi r x limm to pessesttbas paspois, , braes/tea , aistleimear f ' AIIIIPANOUIR, il iwir, 14, , t -lOMk.:-4r 1 %. —** _**-*. —711N11017--- et 1101: Piss, .e is _ Heals, an very *heap, pt H. G. CABBIL. • - • Assignee's Sale A Valuable Ppm . - $ A F A DMIRAIILt FA Rl [.— The snbserlher. T rrEIGIC SALE .— With ho offered at Pabti! Assignee of ISIp BA rmon and Wire, will 1 tic Sale, on the premises, ea Sdavrikty, As o Brat Pu Me Se n the preusises, ow gave- Ist de et &plegther mrt, A GOOD FARM, Mae. dart, the 15:A day of &pitman oar?, the followin in Butler township. Adams county, adjoining valuable Real Estate, vis : A SMALL. FARB ' , lands of the heirs of Wit. Gatssatrft, deceased, situated in Union township, Adams comity, , floury Lower, George Weaver,and bOunded on about two miles from Littlestown, and half ! the west by Great Conowsgo, containing WO a mile from a Railroad station, adjoining Acres, more or less, consisting of up-land and hinds of Jacob Frey, Daniel Painter, and meadow. with a doe proportion of timber...-. others, containing AT Acres, more or less. At — The buildings arc a good U Two- ~. _ The improvements are a Two-story Log '-11 story LOG HOUSF., with Ftone ... 1 ' . HOSE, with Basement; Frame B :i li [tarn, Back -buildingattacbeiLLog Barn, ; 4 ~. Carriage House, Corn Crib, Spring House, an with other out-nooses. There is - - - excellent Spring of Water, a good Apple Or- 1 an Orchard of bearing Apple trees, Peach trews, chard. is ith peaches, pears, plums. Ac. A Lime ,4t,.. The land is in a good state of enitivatiern. Kiln on the premises. The Farm is laid off In There is a quarry of excellent Sand & s ue on convenient fields, with due proportions of the premises. This farm is situated 3Ts-Cono meadow and timber-land; and nnder good wage creek, yet never h.,s any 01 the land been che , mat rail fencing and good cultivation. The 1 overflown by it. which is a great advantage property is located within one mile of Lime- this farm hes over others along , th it stream. stone Quarries and Kilns, and convenient to ' sarPersons wishing to view the property churches, school-houses, mills and stores. !will call either on Jacob Dietrick, wilding on grerTersons w ishing to view the property the premises. or on Henry ik.gftzllin Strehiut will call on the snh , crilr4P, residing within , towuship. Tile latter named will make the three-quarters of a mile of the Farm—call on ' terms known on day of sale. Saturday.; only. te*Sale to commence at I o'clock, , on .aid day, when attendance will be given and terni...ntade known by LEVI D. MAUS, Aug.' 6, J , t 14 1. to _a u;ja'r. riN Friday. Me 31,t day of .4a.yrist, 181.10, the J undersigned, Executor of the estate of DANIIL HOLLINGER, late of Paradise township, York county, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on to r premises the following Iteal Estate, viz: A Tit tCT of , LAND, containing about 23 Acres, adjoining laiith of Samuel Bollinger, John Banblitz, John plump and Samuel Al wine, on the road I..ading from Abhottstown to Ea-t Berlin. on which arc erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, .one a two story and the other a ,torn and a g 5 2, half, Grist Mill, Saw Mill, good B.irn, Orchard. tc. Ike" Sal e to commence at 12 o'clock, )L,•on esid cl,ty, when attendance will be giten and term 4 wade known by- SAMI2EL noLLINGEn, Ex'r. Ang. 6, 1861. 1s AT PRIVATE SALE.—The 'subscriber, de siring to quit firming, offers his FARM at priv Ile sale. It is situated in Mountpleasant township, Adams county, near lionaughtown, adjoining !awls of Henry Weikert, F. Kalbtleish, and others, and contains 110 Acres, more or less—with due proportions ofineedow and wood land. The farm has been twice limed over, and Is in excellent condition. The improvements ere a Two-story Stone 110 USE, a Log Bans, '• Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, and all ne cessary out-buildings. There is a good kar Apple Orchard, and other fruit, on the premises; also a never-failing spring near the house. IfiirPersona wishing to view the property will call on the subscriber, residing thereon. Aug. d, '6O. 3t• JOHN SOCKS. NrALUADLS PROPSRTY.—The subscriber V will sell at Private Sale, that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, known as the "Blake Farm," situate in Reading township, Adams county, adjoining the town of Hampton, and lying along the Conowago creek. The Farm is well Improved, the land lu a good state of IV cultivation, and has been recently limed. The access to it, location of it, and its facilities of farming, are the very best, It will be sold entire, or divided to suit pur chaser*. Persons' wishing to view saifrproper ty, can do so by calling on Jour BYERS, residing on it, and persons desirous of purchasing will call on the undersigned. THE Collectors of Taxes for 1859 and previ ens years, in the different townships of . dams county, are. hereby notified that they will be required to settle up their duplicates on or before the 20th is of Aejast last., or. which day the Coramisiioners will meet at their office to giro the necessary exonemtions, .hc. If the duplicates are not settled a p hi full by the above date, the Callectors will be dealt with accord ing to law, without regard to persons. The Collectors of the present year will here quired to pay orer to the County Treasurer all mottles that may he eollicted by the August Court. . JACOB RAFFENSPEROER, DANIEL CEISELMAN, JAMBS 11. MARSHALL, „ Commissioners of Adams county. Attest--4. M. 11 - xursa, Clerk. Aug. 6, 1860. td _ School Tax—Abatement. tAN abatement of Vire Par Carr., on the School and Building Tar, assessed for Borongit of Gettysburg, fur the year corn. emoting June 1. 1860, will be allowed to all person , " paying the same on or before the lit of September nat, either to the Collector, &Lure!. Wtrnanow, or the Treasurer, Dr. F. G. ',Anse elven. No abatement n ill he allowed atter that date. By order of the Boa rd, Aug. 6,'GO. 3t D. A. BE - MILER. See'y. Notice. PIERSON'S Eb'TATE.- - Letters tes tamentary on the estate of Plicebe Pierson, late of Huntington township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in the acme to uship, he hereby Ores notice to all persons indebted to said cattle to make imme Hate payment, as I those haring claims against the same to praseat them properly authentic:lo4l for settlement. ISAAC El. Ezenaor. Aug. 6, I.BGo. Gt Notice. e, 01IN HUSH'S ESTATg.—Letters testa mentary on the estate of John Hersh, late of Tyrone township, Adams county, Pa., decease I, haring been vitiated to the under signed, re4iding in Mountpleasant township, he hereby OA es notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having ilaims a;rainqt the game to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN H. J'ily 20. 18a0. at Esmutor. Admutiotrator c. 1. T ILE subscriber still continued purchasing all kinds of PROD CC E. at his old stand on Cuamberdmrg street, viz :--FLOUR, %VHF:AT, RYE, CORN, tl.kTB, SF:EDS, Ace., for which the Ligheat market prime will be gi yen. lON will also continue my GROCERY and VARIETY STORE, and will keep coustantly on baud Groceries, Salt, Od, Fish, Codas-ware, Gry Goods, Confe, Lions, Plaster, Guano, &c.— The public are invited to tall. as I am determit.- ad to sell as cheap as the cueape-t. SOFA AND FURNITURE WAREROORS, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gny to Frederick st.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on hand n large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em braeing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Mattresses of Hue., Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofas Tete-e-Tekts, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, llsithle Tables, Set tees, Reception and Uphoisternt Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE:FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Geleat Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boarde, Extension Tables, of every length- Persons disposed to purchase are inriteskto *laid give our stork an examination, which rot variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the I.ountry. A. HATHIOT k SON, Nos. 1.5 and 27 N. Gay street. 40+1. 6. Mt ly meeibern of 11 11 ,11: teno Moog/ Magma/ rinr booneace Compeqr " ere hereby- nett t~ii ed he* SA SWWm till 14luddatLihe oflarof Eloraeisyy_, ia Gettjeb imiihmaday, tie ail *IF trarkm. as, Intwatli t tas boars of 1 end 4 Ohio* P. IL—each reesebef being entitled *oleo reilfUriaoh pollei held by kis. • Tips rizecidive eAsusistas Atilt aura se 10 ; .11 . 1 1 ± .. 5a ulCdey. haring la headn hp doe the, e=pei required Salley the sow haw j„; • oa _or Wow& 4/1011/tr_bild AKA/ callettMs.4"l". D. it, Sal. Aug. 20, t 216- td =ll Public Sale. A Good Farm, Private Sale. W. A. DU CAN', Ja1j..23, 1360. t! . Gettysburg Collectors, Take Notice. Grain 1 Grain! Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1860 A. Diathiot Sr. Son's ipairSale W cummeneo fa 1 o'clock, P. M. JIM:GAUNT GAI.IIItAITII July 30, IBCO. is AT PUBLIC SALE.—The subscribers. Et.. ecutors of the last will /snrl testaineht of Joins Evt ia, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, 0.1 Saturday, Me day *S• nut, the following valrtable Real Eitate, viz: A. FA.11)1, situate in Curolivanarl. township. Ail tins county., Pa., adjoining !awls of Henri. Clutz, David Ilorner, lYilliain Walk er, and otherg, containing 171 Acres, more or legs, with plenty of mead ma - and timber. The improvements vomit of a !rale two-story IIIUCF lltitSE, Bank . 11.trii, Waeori Shed, Corn Crib, Smoke Ilou,c, Hog Pen, two of excellent water, one at the hou,e ano the other at the barn with a pump in each, a goad Apple _Orchard, with a variety of other fruit trees, such as peach. cherry and plum. Also, A TENANT 1101:SE, Smith Shop, Stable, well of Water. kr. Atii-The tract will he offered in two parts, one cont.ti.iiiisrlLbout 100 acres, with the prin eipal building.; the other about 71 acres, with the tenant house and blacksmith shop. The proportionq of timb'•r and meadow to each are fair. If not sold in two parts, the farm wilt be offered in one tra.•t. sex Persons wishing to view tits property will rail on either of the Executors, the first. named residing thereon, and the last-named within one and a half nines. gioy-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., net said day. when- attendance will be given and terms wade known by July 30, 1800. to Valuable Property 17OR SALE —The undersigned, Trustee to _EI sell a TRACT OP LAND, belonging to certain heirs of JACOB MUNDoars, deceased, will. 3 expose to Public Sale, on Saturflay, the SA dat,r of Septeatter, 1860, that TRACT OF' LAND. lying along Rock creek, in Hamilton township, Frank lin county, Pa.., 6 :miles south west of bm. , ber.bork and 3 miles south east of St. Thomas, adjoining lands of Wm. Armstrong, Jacob Pick ing, and others, containing 153 Acres, more or "Jo or 40 acres are itood Meadow Land. The improvements are a Two-story LOG IlOil:SE. Log Barn, and other out-buildingq. There is an ():chard attached to the farm. There-is also anent for a SAW Mut on this property. The above property is at present occupied by Mr. Peter Albert, and persons wishing to view sisid property arc requested to call upon him. , - sir SAte to commence at 10 o'clock, A. L, - on said day, when attendl,nce will be given and terms in de known by W. A. DUSUAY, July 2J, 1800. to Trustee. The Greatest Money Saving xo%i) RTICLE that can be purchased is H. G. f‘A RR'S_ celebrated HORSE AND CATTLE Ell. Fhrtners, Dairymen and Horsemen, i want ydo to take notice of this and give it your attention, and you can save money by H— and "money saved is money made," you all know. i The proprietor of this admirable compound again calls the attention of the Agricultural community to his valuable discovery in chemistry. We live in an age of progress and Improvement. Each day sheds new light upon One path in every department of the arts and itiences ; yet people stand and hesitate without deciding for themselves what is truth and what is humbug. I claim and ask at the bands of all scientific and well informed fat-met - a a fair and impartial trial of my discovery, feeling confi dent that it will be found the most useful and practical of any that has been made in the nine ' teentli century. Its value is not for a sing4e day or a year, or of an individual character, but one of great national importance. It mast undoubtedly, from well attested experiments, already hare added in the aggregate at least one million of dollars annually to the prodnee of the nation in the shape of milk, butter, fat kc. From the same amount of food every farmer, dairyman and horseman, will therefore soon find it so necessary for his interest to keep it always on hand, as to make it one of the India pensable articles of his farm house. It dues not swell up or inflate an animal into a false appearance, as most horse powders or purse mixtures do, which are componnded by Ignorant imitators or pretenders, but gives health and additional weight to the animal. It may be used fur lior+es, Cows, Hogs, sad. Sheep, to the following complaints ; }toasts. Distemper, Grease, Bur Get, roughs, Gripes, Ulcers in theism gs, Farcy, Hidebound, Heaves, Fever, loflAmmation, Worms, Fistula, Jam ndiee, ' Yellows, . . Foot lineage, Kidney disaa . se, Scours, Lang disease, Straightened hair, Stocking of Itch,_ Glanders: [the legs. _ . . . afar See directions on the packers. H. G. CARR, Gettysburg, Pa. July 23. 1860 Spring 1860. ASCOTT k SON have just received, Ludt , are now opening, at their estubllshartni _ - iu Coambersharg at., opposite the "Eagle llo— tel," ri large. 'choice and desirable stock of SPRING GOODS, which they offer to the pub lie, satisfied that goods easel be sold chapter that • they are now offering them. Our stock eons prises all the dl erect styles and qnallties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Ribtxmat Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods - Laces ast. For MEN and BOY'S' 11'8.111 ' 1k we hese* our usual variety, in stjle r sinality and pricey". Oar customers wilt always Bud our gook or Domestic Goodsfull, cheap sad complete. Wo invite all to give us a call and examine *ay . ,- stock, satisfied that an examination is all that 4, is necessary to convince all that oar's is the cheap store. No trouble to show goods.— • Thankful fur past encouragement, and would . . respectfully ask a continuance of the same. A. SCOTT k SON. N. B. Country Produce taken in exchange , - or Goods. [April 10,1860. • JOHN SCOTT The G3ttyaburg Railroad. MOHNING TRAIN now leaves Get tysburg at 7 A. connecting at Hanover Junction with the train trout Barris burg to Baltimore at 9.48 A. M., reaching Bad. timore at 12.30 noon. Passengers going nor* or east will also conetect, by the morning train, with the mail tratn.freen Bultimo re, which mum* the Junction at 1045 A. M. and arrives stair risburg at 12.26-noon. CanneistiOn. made itti York kir Cohanshis and Phitadelphia by train. Returning arrives at. Gettyebarr " 12.13 noon With passerines who leave Rothe- 0, berg at 7.40 4.• M., 00M iialthseure at 7.60 A. 31‘..4 ' The APTERNWN TRAIN leans burg at 1 P. X., coanoctinig at v Inaction at 3.03 P. X. wi*Bristl tainin which ' leaves liarrielatitg at 12.30 r.m. - mulatiiiiaitc....S. Battledore At 3.30 LA ii1 a 2 1 24 - /Wren train from Ballimpre , irmw Betimore • 3 P. M. sued arrives st gatviipbutratl If. Rotunda/ moire at wept; from iliseriiileu ~ glfiii North aid Wed, at 6.1.14 Awes tho Nosik Mt willilik• 411100“020 , • , 4 It ill • IMMNINst - Ap9l 7 *l5 i - .tie 3. .1-44Vett,i? OD week aad ektraeteristics atllailMeWor Gallery. k A Valuable Farm HENRY TYLER, JESSE SEIELLERTZ, Istreertors. ] lal SE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers