r , . public Sale 1 Tib - lie Sale. -I tir. f. • , is we a 'l= gift. di:l4M . .. .vrtdel e t OF A VALCABLE YAM —The rebtertber, i 4y r / I ' 44 Y. the Stst deP e Airier. tea, the i lbise brat 116 the AWN far toubflllstiell, . Intending_ to quit taming, will sell at undersigned, Executor of the estate et, With ems tar, &sad_ The re-- ...••• Crorigni 1111 , 5 • I Public Sale, on the pi-erases, on Frailly, de TA . DA.11151, Hottaxota, late of Pandits township, 1 Col. Parker is well known in this city as a flay o f Septutsber weer, the following valuable York county, deceased, will sell at Public sale. staunch Delmoerat, and a strong friend and ' Road Estate. via: A FARM, situate in Ilamil- on the premises. the following Seal Estate, 'it : i advocate sof the election of Judge Douglas, 1 ton township, Adams conicity, ll miles from ' A TRACT OF LAND, containing about 23 t I it will be seen that he, like tens of thou- / New Oxford and : relies from Iletupton, aujoin. , Acres, adjoining lands of Samuel Hollinger, .da of other good Democrats, is willing tit I lug lands of Adam Wolf, &meet Hoff heins, and ' John Baublits, Joha Slump and Samuel Al- ' be governed by the wise counsels of the State' bounded partly by Conowage creek, containing Ofrwine. on the road leading from Abbottstown Executive Committee. 1 I4z Acres, more or less, in a state of high cul- ' to End Berlin, on which are erected ' " LIWIATOWN, July 28, 186 1 3, \, Ovation. The improvements area . 1 TWO DWELLING HOUSES, one a Two-story Brick Dwelling 1:10CSR, 1g i two story and the other a story and a ! e ;.; '" Editeref the Pm** :—My name has been , half. Grist ]fill, Saw Mill, good Bern, :; ' fished in your paper as a delegate from , large Bank Barn, 3 Corn Cribs, . if i 1 Wages Shed, a nevertailing well _ b el ie i i n n ihriis county 6u to rot tbe i Ce t irm roren u ti r o es ti e l n a t t e e 1 1 3 , 10 as:c u p: I ;Orchard, kc. of water at the door, and an Apple Orchard, ' leg-Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., on without ituthority, and iramediamly with_ 1 containing choke fruit. There are due pro- said da., when atteudance will be given and drawn at my recjuest. It should not, therelere , portions of meadow and timber land. terms made known by are appeared tin the list of delegates. , *dr Pvmeas wishing to view the property , SAMUEL HOLLINGER, Eir are req -tested to call on the subscriber, re../ding Aug 0,1860. is 4 As a member of the State greeutive Com- : anitliee, I supported, and continue to support, Lheret "'„ said is, :ale to commence at 1 o'clock, P 11., en i the resolution which was adopted at Philadel- • phis on the 2cl inst. By publishing the 'beret terms ma :',, e . wi k i e n n ow a n tt b e i n d ance will 4egiven nand 'statement, you will oblige, t " Yours, die., J. W. PARKER." fiflpeocitasJ. Ncrticooms. RELIEF I 5 TF.N lIINCTES.—TIRYAN'S ATTAS !—The Original Medicine Established in 1837. and fist article of the kind ever introduced under the nArne of Put..wo‘ic V. FILRIA,' • in this or any other country; all , other Palmonie Wafer, are Lounterfeits. The genuine can be known 1.12. the name BRIAN toeing stamped on e.cch WAFER BrNitu's Wafer' Relieveldg, Sore Throat, Hoarseness Brrun's Yulceunic Wafers Relieve Asthina, BroncilitiS Breathing,. Bryan's Pulmonie Wafer; r • elieve Spitting, of Bloat. railll4 in the Chest.. Bryan's Puhnonic Waren Relieve incipient ConFumption, Lung Di.esses Bryat'd Puflrnenie Miters Believe irtititties of the [Tula and Tocsils et - yan's Palnymic Wafers Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes Bras Pu!mottic Wafers ♦re a BLesArrak to all Chas s e, An d con„titutionj Breen's Pu!motile Wafers Ate aia,pted for Vocalist+ H rid Pliblie—Speakeri. Bryan'd Pnhnonic Wurers Arvin a simple form and pleitsan: to the taste firran's Pa!atonic Wafers of only relieve.bot effeet rapid and liatingCures Jir an s Pulroottic Wafers Are warranted to Fire sattsfartion to every one No lawily should he without a ho: of Bryau'i, Po Wafers in the houPe. No traveler should be without supply of Bryan's Pulitionic in hi, pocket. No person will ever object to give for I.lryon's Puluionic Wafers Twenty-five Ceuts. JO MOSE: 4 . Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y June lA, 1660 'THE MIMI(' BLESSING which is sow.' universally acini;:ted to CII.Ft in )liarited Life rills and I'hu•niz Bttttrs, ie every day demon strette,l by their a+tonis Mug efficacy iu the cases which they are announced to cure. All the et.niplaints of the stomach and bowels, weak tiei..s of the digestive organs and of.the system ,generally, bjLuus and liver nffection4, night fever-, ht'ad aches, pile+, costiveness, consump tion. rheumatism, :cur y, impurity of the blood. or blotched and sallow complelious, soon yield to their curative properties. A stogie trial in ariably ,ecure: ;hem the title of the best fami ly medicines nor, before the public. For s.ile by the proprietor. W. IS MOFFAT, at his oftve, llrmicla ay, N. V., and by S. S. Furuee, Agent, Gettphurg. [Feb. 11 1,.* INMEI - 4 - a - , • , • al (1 Shrewsbury Camp Meeting. - 11 01":\ I) Tllll' TICKETS \\ HI be ds,ned by rt, the lietty , ..burg R i•lroadrfanptny at Get tt Gran.te ;oalden'• out °lntr.!, to New I:reedont Station. near the Shrea - Nburg Camp (;round., oo Frally, 14 , 17th of _luput inst., and uurina this continuance of the Camp; good fur return until the mectlng breakt, up. Nunday. the I:Jin iOCt. , a train of cars lacetills Gem t.sburg at G. 30, A. Al-. tot Sew 1 reeduln, reachwi.; there about 9 o'clock, A. M.• and return.ag in the evening, arrive at Getry.itarg about 6.30, P. Amp!e accom inodotion, nis be to tde on this bpecial train for nil IN 113 de.,ire to go to this celebrated Camp Meeting, The train will reach Oxf9rd about 7 A. )t. Fare for roand trip from Getty•tbnrg, t?..1 40 Granite and Goulden's Ststioi,s, 125 " UzGard, 1 0:, Be order of the Board, IL SIcCURDV, Aug. 13, IAGO. Henry Hughes, ADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, GETTT sync, PA., having ju=t returned from a visit the Great Eastern. is now supplied with a 1 arge assortment of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Valises, .tc. Give me a call. Aug. 13, 114(A. _ aA. E. A. Landell., NTO. 110 N TII WHARVF:S, PHIJADEL .II PHU, manufacture and have for sale 1 Spermaceti, Patent Sperm. Hy- CANDLES i t drastic, Adamantine. Hatel, Car .1 and Taitow Candles. }Pure Sperm. Lard Bleached Whale, Sea OILS Elephant. Strained Whale. Tanners', Curriers'. Patin, Oleiue. and Red Oils. SOAPS 1 . White, Yellow, Brow,p, Chemicil j Olive Fancy, and other Soaps. Aug. 13, 1860. 3m • Notice. EII.IZABETII WISLEWS ESTATE.—tertrrs of administration un the estate of Eliz ibeth ler, late of Franklin township. Adam: county, deceased. having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Cumberland townihip. be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said c.tate to make immediate payment. a nt those haring, claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. DV:JANUS F. WISLER, Aflas . r. Aug. 13, 1S u. of Notice. TOWS MILLER'S ESTATE.—Letters testa mentary on the estate of John Miller, late of Reading township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in - the same township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present tfiem proper ly authenticated fur settlement. ADAM MILLER, SOLOMON MILLER, ADAM C. MILLER, Aug. 13, 1860. 6t ; Eaculors. 3 Cents Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber, residing in Cumberland township, on the ith bonni boy named JAMES WADE, about 5 feet high, and 17 years old. All persons are hereby watned not to harbor or trust him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his con tracting. The above reward will be given for hit return to me, but no thanks. Aug. 13,..1860. 2t* Notice. TIETER trrn.rs ESTATE . —Notiee IS here -RI" by given to all persons Indebted to the estate of Peter Little, bite of Conowago town . ship. Adams county, deeensed, to make im mediate payment to the undersigned Executors, rizidiag in the same to wnlitip, and those &st ing claims against the same itS., Pe as " them properly ontlaentlottedlor nettlement. JACOB J. LITTLE,. JACOB ADAMS, /sty 13,1E40. eta Rzsentors, Notice. itroAiLBARA,SPANGUIVIS ESTATIC.—Let tap sit ration es the estate of :ftemew,lste of Noustaoy township, esivity, di ,*. sad, having besiirrsat. . 4 1 00 4, Eptersfiptl, rsibillitt neat Tway. ~ • ..coatr. RC, he hereby gives nos. l lis • hiOdotsd tO 141 *tat LS ci - • ipsystept, awl those kink" Itrprosatthsis pill*: b. . . - , 1' SZSSOLIPI, 4tirer, wtit itei47. 4 JIMMIL-! Aug 4, 1860. U Statement OF ME BANE OF GETTYSBURG. ASSETS. Aug. 9, '6O. LtI&I3IICII4I34ISCOULIbI ... $301,865 00 .... Specie 23,172 76 Due hr other Bunks 64.081 69 Notes of other Bunks, 4,630 00 Stuck+ ... 966 00 Judgments 8,311 28 Bonds 5,018 00 Real Estate ....., 6,400 00 $ 14,458 73 Total Circulation Deposita Due to other Banks Total $320.856 31 =Pi= CAPITAL $1.45,1.50 00. The above statement is correct, to the best of my knowlegde and belief. T. 1). CARSON, CuAa.. 'Affirmed and subscribed before sae. the Sill day of August, 1860. Geo. Aasoto, J. Assignee's Sale VIF A DESIRABLE FA RlL—The subscriber. Assignee of.hcot B A snos and Was, will ottcr at Public Sale, on the pretnises. oa Sala:- d d . / . the 15th day of September Rest, the following valuable Real Estate. sir : A SMALL FARE, shunted in Union township, Adams county, about two miles from bittlestown, and half a mile from a Railroad station, adjoining lands of Jacob Frey, Daniel Palmer, and others, containing 87 Acres. more or less. The improvements are a Two-story Log 1101:1SP with Basement; Frame Barn, Carriage House, Corn Crib, Spring House, an excellent Spring of Water. a good Apple Or chard, with peaches, pears, plums. sec. A Lime Kiln on the premises. The Farm Is laid of in convenient fields, with due proportions of meadow and timber-land, and under good chesnut rail fencing and good cultivation. The property is located within one mile of Lime stone Qaarries and Kilns, Riad convenient to churches, school-houses, mills and stores. geif-Persons wishing to view the property will can on the subscriber, residing within three-quarter+ of a mile of the Farm—mill ou Saturdays only. Hanle to commence at I o'clock, P. M., 6a said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by LEVI D. DAUS, Aug 6, 1860. to :resigner_ AT PRIVATE SALE.—Tbe subscriber, de siring to quit farming. offers his FARM at private sale. It is situated in Yountplessaut township, Adinis county, near Banaughtosra, adjoin mg lands of Henry Weikert, F. Kalbffeish, and others, and contains 12,6 Acres, more or less—with due proportions ofmeado w a nd wood lAnd. The farm has been twice limed over, and is in expellent conuition. The improvemeau are a Two-story Stone HOUSE, a Log Darn, Wagon Stied and Corn Crib, and all no- cessary out-buildings . There is a good it Apple Orchard, and-ather fruit, on the premises; also it nerer-Etiling spring near the house. akr•Persons wishing to view the property will cal! on the subscriber, residing theregn. Aug. 6, '6O. 3t* JOHN SOCK& YO[.* are hereby notified that 1 trill visit the followin!: places 'for the purpose of ex amining teacher+. on the days mentioned : • Strab.in tp., at Ilunteratiown, Aug. 11, 12 11.. Oxford tp., at New Oxford. Aug. 25, 1 P.Y. Berrrick bor. and tp., at Abbottatowit, Aug. 27, 1 P. M. Hamilton tp.. at Berlin. Ang. 28,10 A. M Conovrago tp., at lleSberrystow-n, Aug. 29. 11 1 . M. Itenditis tp. and Hampton, (lad.) at Hanaptou, Aug. 30, 10 A. IL liountpleasunt tp.. at Brush Ran hool House, Aug. 31, 10 A. M. Tyrone tp., at Heidlersburg. Sept. 5,10 A. M. Huntington end Latimore tps., at Petersburg, Sept. G, Union ami_tiermany tps., at Littlestown, Sept. 7, 10 A. M. Ilona (joy tp.. at Two Taverns, Sept. 8, 10 A. M. Cumberland tp., at Sbrii•rr's Tavern, Sept. 10, 10 A. M. Freedom tp., at Moritz's, Sept. 11, 10 A. X. Liberty tp., at School House No. 1, Sept. 12, 10 A. M. a Ilamiltonban tp., Fairfield, Sept.l3, 10 A. M. Boller tp., at Middletown, Sept. 15, 10 A. M. Menallen tp., Ilenctereville, Sept. le, lt.) A. M. lio pnrate examinations will he given unksq at the special instaace of the respective Direc tors, expressed in writing. by at le tt.t a majori ty oftlie Board. Teachers must apply for examination before the Directors of the township in which they de sire to teach. Any teacher filing to °lit ut a School in the town-hip wherein his or her ex-„, amination iLs Lad, must submit to a re-ex nation before Cie Di: ector+ to whom application ' is next made, should said Directors so desire. No certificate will be_gtanted to any appli cant failing to produce patisfActory vouchers of ilia or her good moral standtng. JNO. C. ELLIS, Co. Svit. New Oxford, Aug. G, 1860. td Collectors, Take Notice. rrlllE Collectors of TRICS for 1859 and pre ri ons }hers. in the different town Ships of Adams county, are hereby notified that they will be required to settle up their duplic ttes on or before the 20th day of Avast inn., on which day the Commissioners will meet at their office to give the necessary exonerations, kc. If the duplietite4are.not settled up in full by the above date. the Collectors will be dealt with accord ing to law, without regard to perionz. The Collectors of the present year will be re quired to pay over to the Cuuuty Treasurer all monies that may be collected by the August Court. JACOB RAFFEN:IPERGEI?., DANIEL GEI: 4 ELNIAN, JAIIKS H. MARSHALL. Commissioners of Adams county. Attest-4. 31. W►t.tct, Clerk. Aug. 6, 1860. td Ham) Quawrsas, 4th Division. P. V. York July 23, 1860. lITS Volunteers of the 2d Brigade of the 4th Divlidos P. V. sill meet in the Borough of tyebtirg, Set; erday. tic 18tA deg of Auguitt met., at 10 o'clock, A. M., for Inspection and Review. By order of GEORGE RAY, Mnj. Gen. 4th Div. P. V. Matrix Qetsx, As. Adit. Aug. 0, 1860. SAN I.7SL FOULK School Tax—Abatement Notice. - yOIIN MOH'S IWT.ATE.—Letters tests- AN abatement of Firs Pu Cur., on the •rentary on the estate of John Hersh, Sehool and Building Tax, assessed fur late of Tyrone township, !Wants connlY, Pa-. the Borough of Gettysburg, for the year Coto- I deceased, basic/ been granted to the under menciag Jame 1, 1800, will be allowed to all I signed, residing in Mountplessant township, he persons paying thesame on or before the Id 0 ./, hereby girt. notice to all persons Indebted to &plusher iseu, either to the Collector, Batton ) said estate to make immediate payment, and liVrrannow, or the Treestrer, Dr. E. G. Fazes.; those having claims against the UMW to pro spects. No abatement will be &Bowed after i sent theta properly authenticated for settle that date. By order of the Board, meet. JOHN R. 11E11311, Aug. 8, '6O. 3t b. A. BUEHLER. Seer. July 30,1880. in . Ercercor. Notice. 1 Notice. me BIBRBPIEBSCOriI ISTATE..--Letterates- I MBE first sad laid astonst di ammo, E taint/ry an tie estate otPhsebe Plereen, I 1 Goonnlttee of Maas Gas, (a limas) has of liantioptaa totroship, Adams satiety, : be e n pl e d is the ° i nn of G.maoa pleas of I h e lm i heet a bemiall bees irreg!ged team Ties4ar- 1 Maras smutty, sad will be toilirtned by the iillpeoil, residing thossasetoesalliiip,initisaeby said Coors, ele dis lost dap V MOW ran, %idea gives aerial to' all We. indebted to said 4rase be stoma to the coanary. estate to -*aka Woodbine irefeeeht. 4111 those ] JACOB BBSUBY, Presley. bavirryebtaintesgalust thesauri to primal tbeat . Joly 23, IRO. td• • - properly aetbeatliated *result/mat. 1 --- ' ISAAC E. WIEBNAN, Basserar, l (ICY COXES , Goo- Nair Pins, Gnu Sleeve Aug. 6, leo. ot • , . ,V - Bolder*, all ten cheap, at N. G. C Altirti, ' .GEORGE SLIDER LIABILITIES A Good Farm, To Teachers & Director& Order No. L T PrBLIC SALE.—WiII be offered at Pub lic Sale, on the premises, cas Setarday, tie Lai y el3ep4easbernext. A GOOD FARM, situate in Butler testaship. Adams county, adjoining lands of the heirs of Wm. Gaminarra, deceased, Henry Lower, George Weaver.and bounded on the west by Great Conowsgo, containing 100 Acres. more or less. consa-ting of up-land and meadow, with • due proportion of timber.— The buildings area good aTwo story LOU 1101::,K, with Stone Back-building uttaclied,Lo4 I I with other out-nonce, There is an Orchard of belring tipple trees. Peach trees. ke. The land is in a guu,l st.tte of culuirettiou There is a quarry , if etrellent Sand Stone on the premises. This farm is eittiated on r ono lisp) creek, yet sever has ans of the land been overflown by it, which is a great advantage this farm has.oyer ntlierii along that stream. l er P ers oas wishing. to view the property will call either on Jacob Dietriek, residing on the premises, or on Henry Wertz, in Struban township. The latter named a ill make the terms known on disc of sale. -.5184,045 00 ... 3C,693 04 ... 6,112 27 kir sale to commence It I o'clock, P. M. • MARGARET GALBRAITH July 30, 186'0. ta AT pruLte SALE.—WiII he offered at Public Sale, on Sethirday. flu , 184 day of Aryost Poen, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, A FARM, sitnAted in Cumberland townaftip, Adams county. on the ;told leAding from the Prach Orchur i to the White Church, 3 miles scrith• east of Get) shnrg, containing 170 Acres, more or les4, of which about 140 Acres are cleurel—t ery nearly all limed within the last year or two. The improvements ere a large Two-story and a half BRICK .. , HOUSE. also. a story and it half Brick Li 4 V }louse near tne same; a large Stone ' Bank (tarn; a well of wow at the house, and one at the been, and twu never-fall'ng springs 1 of water; aSmuke-house, flog-pen,Corn-bon4e, . 1 / 4 :.. all new and in good order ; also, • large lOrehard, of chuice Apples, Peaches, Cherries. Plows, Sec., of wkich about 100 are young thrir. ing Apple-trees. The whole Farm is under good Chestnut fence. glisitTerms made known on day of mile by ISAAC T. SCIIILIFEIL July 30, 1861. is IRAVE 3 yen' de3inaile FALI:IIS for gale one adjoining the Borongh of jj Gettysburg and two are four miles off- Building. all No. 1. Terms easy. Aug. t, lel4o. 3t GEU. ARNOLD. WHEREAS the lion. ROSIER? J. Funs*, President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas in the Counties con/wing, the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and Ds's') Emote& and Issse E. Wise 'JAN:, buts.. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices oalthe Cotirts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the Comity of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 16th day of April, in the yeer of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fitly-aine, and to inc directed, for holding e Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Session of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery an Court of Oyer and Terminer, at ilettyshurg. on Soodoy, tAe 20tH day of August Mo.—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said 'County of Ada•ss, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their •'ices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adonis, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just IS.t AC LIGHTNER., SAerif. • Sheriff's Office, Getty ',burg, Aug. 6, 1860. tc - =_- i k 11( OVEP,STRUNG GR\Xh ArTION PIANO FoitTES, "lehrated tir buperinr qu tlity of lONE and eh-;•ni.e au I heauty of tini-.11. These l'tauus have nlway, take,! the Futsr when plate! in roispetition pith oth.d . m %ker... I 7ialicnie all ounpettrion. A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer ettlet always on hand. Ahio Second-hand Pi Lilo. and PRINCE . .-; I \ll'ILOVIII) MELOD EONS (loin $4l to :33:id. stir-Leery 11140-um:int Warranted GE O. L. W.A.I.KER'S Piano and Melodeon Depot, s S. E. Cur. 7th .t Arch Sts., tug. G, 1860. Gm THE snhcriber still continues pnrchnsing all kinds of PROIM'CR, •t his old st.ind on Coainbersburg street, viz:—FLOC It, W 3 EAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, SEEDS, kc., for which the highest market prices N 111 'be given. Ckir I will also continue my GROCERY and VAItIETY sroltE, andrwill keep constantly on hand Groceries, Salt, Oil, Fish, Cedar-ware. Gry Goods, Confections, Yla<ter, Guano, The public arc invited to call, as I au► determir.. ed to sell .s cheap as the cheapest. Gettysburg, Aug. G, 181.30 Notice. leas is hereby given that an application has been made to the Court of Common leas in and for the county of Adams, to grant a charter of Incorporation to an Association of persons, under the name, style and title., of - Mount Casa! Cemetery ..4*.orintion," Littles sown, and that if no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary, the said Court. at the next term, to wit. die taint Monday of August I next, (1860,) will decree end declare that the persons so associated shall become and be a corporation or body politic, according to the articles and conditions in an instrument of writing set forth and duly filed in said Court.. By the Court, JACOB BUSHEY, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Oettys- k burg, July 30, 18GO. 3t f A Valuable Farm Desirable Farm Farms for Sale. Proclamation. Haines Bros.' Grain! Grain! JOHN SCOTT ` 'POMO ihkiel. I IPMt isbooriber, Easentor of Jeri Sawa, deceased, will sell at Public Rule, at the late residence of said decessed,'S qoarter of A mile west e Heidlersburg o In Adastis county, oss Tuesday, tie list day of Avast wart. the fol lowing Personal Property, wig: LIME AND COLT, a good young Work Horse, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Wagon, 2 Buggies, Plough and Harrow. Corn Pork, Shoeel Plough, Hay Car riage, Horse Geara, set of Harness, Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box, Forks, Rakes., Single and Double-treed, and other farming utensils. Hay and Straw by the Ton, and Corn in the Ground. bair Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Tables, Chairs, Cupboards, Beds and Betiste.ads. Carpeting, Clock, Cook Stove and Pipe, Queensware, Copper and Iron Kettles, Tubs. Barrels, and many other articles. Sir Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. 11., on said day, when attendance will he given and terms made known by JOHN R. HERSH, July 30, 1860. U I.7xeculor. -At the same time and place, will be of fered, A TRACT OF LAND, late the property of John Hersh, deceased, within a quarter of a mile of Heidlerebarg, Adams county, adjoin ing lands of George E. Starry, John Delap, Vriah Wagner. Augustus Dietrick, and others, containing Jul Acres, with a two story Roughcast HOUSK, Frame Barn, Corn Hai , ('rib and Wagon Shed, a tirat-rate Or chard. and a Well of Water, thereon. Persons to view it will please call on the remises. JOHN ft. HERSH, Agent for the Widow, Lydia lierah July 30, 18G0. - A Valuable Farm AT PUBLIC SALE.—The subscribers, Es ti ecutori of the !tat and testament of Jona ETLICIL, deceased, will offer at Public :isle. on the premises, on Saturday, the 8:4 day of September flex!, the following rolottble Real Estate, viz: A FARM, situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa . adjoining lands of Henry Clutz, Darid Horner, William Walk er, and others. containing 171 Acre., more or less, with plenty of Tueadow and timber. The improvements consist of a large two-story BRICK HOUSE, Bank ,* Barn, Wagon Shed. Corn Crib. . 1 1 . Smoke Haase, Hog Pen, two of excellent water, one at the huaie an,' the other at the barn. with a pump in etch,* good Apple Orckar.i. with a variety of other fruit tree.. such as peach, cherry sad pleat. A TENANT HOUSE, Smith Shop, Stable, weal Jf water, ke. skir The tract will be offered in two pang, one containing about 100 acrev, with the prin cipal buildings; the other about 71 acres, with the testacgt house and blacksmith shop. The proportions of timber and meadow to each are fair. If not sold in two parte, the farm will ha offered in one tract. girTersoas wisking to view the property will call on either of the Executors. the first named residing thereon, and the last-named within one and a half miles. illiirSale to commence at t o'clock, P. Y., on said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by lIEN:RT EYLER. JESSE SHERERTZ, July SO, 1800. to Breeders. Very Desirable Real,Estate, ITHE. TOWN OF EMMITSBURO, MD. AT PRIVATE SALE —A fine chance for MD., subscriber, intending to remove from Emmitaburg, otters that very Desirable property on the Sentli-west corner of the Pub lic Square, at private sale, consisting of a LOT OF OL'OUND, fronting 30 feet on Main atteet, with a depth of 150 feet along the Frederick road, with alO feet alley on the south. The improvements era a Two-story ZWICK HOUSE, nearly new, with a Basement, Kitchen, lce-house, mud one of the fined wells of wider in the town, with a good pump. The front building is 30 by 40 feet, the kitchen 14 by 17 feet. The lower story is divided into a fine Hall, large Store Room, and Refreshment Sa loon: The second story is divided into 4 con venient Sleeping Rooms, with a good wide pas sage; all the rooms arc fine and airy, being of a very good height. It is second to no other house in the place for any kind of public being in the heart of town. where nearly all the buoittess is done. Any person wishing to engage in any piblie business, and particu larly a confectioner, the subscriber having fol lowed that business with success for wore than 12 rears, would do well to avail them selves of this opportunity. The bAsement could be rented out for a Restaurant. at from $4O to 650 per annum. Persona wishing to see the property. eau call on the subscriber ; or for any other information inquire by mail, which will Le cheerfully given. by addressing. FRANCIS X. DECKELLMAYER, July 30, 18GO. 3t Emmitaberg,.Vd Valuable Property F Oll SALS.—The undersigned. Trnstee to sell a 'TRACT OF LANO, belonging to certain heirs of JACOB McNoottr,decensed, will expose to Public Sale, on Satacday, the Bth day 81 1 4ntaber, 1860. that TRACT OF LAND, lying along Rock creek, in Ilam•lton township, Frank lin county, Pa., G atile r s south wrst of Cham bersburg. and 3 'tiles south east of St. Thong adjoining lands allr Win. Armstrong, Jacob Pick ing, and otheri. coltaining 1 3 .Acres. more or less; 30 or 40 acres are good Meadow Lola The im,irorements Are a Two-story LOG HOCSK, Lug IS irn, and other out-buildings. There is au o.chArd attached to the farm. There is abo a .selt for a SAVP Mttr. on this property. The above property is at present occupied by '4r. Peter Artert. and persons wishing to view said property are requested to call upon him. itirt.htte to commence at Itt o•closic, A. M., on said day when attendan-e will be ).;,‘ en and terms made known by W. A. NCAN, July '23, 1860. to Private Sale. VALrARLE PROPEIITY.—The subscriber will cell nt Private Sale, that VA LI: ABLE TRACT OF LAN U. known as the Blake Farm." situnte in Reading torwn , hip, Adams county. adjoining ;he town of llainwou, and lying along the Cunowngo creek. The Farm is w, improved, the land in n good state of :V cultivation. and hits becu reveuily The tv..eesc to it, location of it, and 11, facilities of 1 . /tuning. are the very best. It will be cold entire, or divided to snit pur chasers. Persons wishing to view said proper ty, can do so Ily calling on Jolts Ilress, residing on it, and persons desirous of purclaiiing will call on the undettgned W. A. DUNCAN. July 23, 1860. tf Gettysburg House and Lot • AT PtIBLIC SALE.—The solAseribers. Ex ecutors of the last will and testament of ril !Arms, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, os SaterWav, the 221 dug of September ttrit, the Real Estate of said de ceased, consisting of A HOUSE AND LOT, situated in Brushtown. Conowago township, Adams county, adjoining John R:fe. Da vid Smyser. and others. The lIUCSE Effi i 4 a one and a half story Log:and the lot contains nearly 3 .Acres. There is an ex cellent well of water and a first rate Apple Or chard on the premises. barPursons wishing to View the property are requested to call os either of the Executors. ler Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. N., on said day, when attendance will be given and tense made known by JACOB J. LIITLE, JACOB ADAMS, July 23,1860. 3t 4 Eceertere. • To Teachers. THE Board of School Directors of Siraban District will meet at the house of JACOII 2138, is linntaratowe.ess Saturday, the IltA of Acpcat atm, at. 12} o'clock, fur the purpose of appointing Teachers to take charge of the Schools in said district. The County &boot Superintendent will be present to examine lip plictubts. By onto of the Board JOHN WERTZ, Sx'y. July 30, /860. td _ I. W. Scott, G(Late of Mt lira et Wino:Anger * Scott) V_r_r j .inatirs /VANISHING 'gamma: . EIJEIRT EANITYACTORY, No. $l4 net Street, (acerb -opposite the Olnird Houk) PleLledebiltie. J. W. SCOTT would respectbsi -17 ea* the etteatien et his former Petrone tail Weeds to his new Store, Sad ie Pivered Int SP onion ter IRTS ebert make'. A pethxt fit guereatirdi; OOONTRY, TRAOR's4pplie4 , with Fm Same lead Comment, OeSt 17 r I!'f. ty- . . AlLdiniilistratche Sale OF YALUABLI REALMATZ QF prraft NOYFORT, DECD.--4* pursuance of ea Order of the Orphan% Court or Adams county, the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of Puma Mos roue, deceased, trill expose to Public Sale, on the precedes, me the 12th day .j Stricesher see, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the VALHAA SLR FARM of said deceased, situated in Strao ban township, Adams county, 3 miles from Gettysburg, on the York Turnpike. adjoining lands of John Tate, Sr., !sane Miller, John Rine hart and others, containing 175 Acres, basing thereon erected • good Two-story HOUSE, part Log and Weather- ; boarded and part Brick, calcnlated for two families, Wash Monte, Brick Hank Barn, Carriage House, an. other out buildings, with two net er-failing wells of water with pumps—one at the helm and the other at the barn. There is a good proportion of Meadow and Timber Land, and a 6ne Apple Orchard, and a large variety of ether choice fruit trees on the premises which seldine fail to bear. The Gettysburg Railroad passes through the farm. The land is in a good state of cultivation, (part of which has been recently limed,) under good fencing, and is one of the mo,t valuable properties in the county. 'Also, at the same time and place, will be sold A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND—one half of 15 Acres—on the Cold Spring road, ad- Joining lands of Jolla Moritz, Henry Brinker hoff, and others. This tract is well covered with thriving Che.snat timber. se:if - Attendance will be gisen and terms made known by JACOB MONFORT, JACOB OASAT, July 16, 1660. td eldwunutraters. A Small Farm T PCRUC SALK—The subscriber, Execn tor of the last will and testament of ayes Btscl, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premise., on Trelday, the VA Iffy of September next, the following Real .E state of said deceased, viz : A FARM, situate in rumberland township, Adams con nty, adjoining Waifs of Henry Lott, Jame: filer Je4,e Sherertz and GeorgeArriold, containing o 7 Acres, more or less, t improved with a one aid a half -` •tor, Dwelling HUGS, a Frame Barn. nearly uew, Wafrou Shed and. Corn Crib attached, and other ontbuilLugs; two springs of water near the buildings.— There is a young thriving Apple Orchard, with Peach and Plum trees. on the premises. A fair proportion is excellent Timber. Sale to commence of 1 o'clock, P. M.. on said d.ty, when attendeace will be given and terms guide known by kIEPERICIE DIEHL, &tailor July IG, 1860. Li OF A VALUABLE FAR![. —The subscribers, Executors of the last will and testament of Groans WALt ea, Sr., detailed. will offer at Publie Sale, on the prestige', ea raneaday, tie sth dm, of September next, the following valuable Real Estate; viz : A FARM, situate in Straban township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Win. Wible, Solo mon Welty, and others, containing 160 Acres, more or less, improved with a4wo-story Dwelling (louse, Bank Bern. Corn Crib Eifl and 'Wagon Shed. Carriage House, a ell Of water at the door and a spring near by. en Apple Orchard, and other frnit. There are due proportions,lfjmitadow and woodland. Persons wishing to view the property are re quested to call on Cilia of the Executors. war Sale to amoeba at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by • HENRI' A. PICKING, I. )1. WALTER. July 10, 1840. is ExecuterL rIF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The sub ky scriber, Executor of the last will and tes ta/sent of Parra Moarrz, deceased, will °freest Public Sate, on the premises, era Theaday, the 214 d Aura( Neil, the following highly valua ble Real Estate of said deceased, viz: •• F A RM. sit nate in Reading township, Adams county, adjoining lands of John A. Dicks. Jacob Hanes, Levi Chronister. and town lots of Dr. C. Allah, of Hanyton. and others, containing 134 Acres and 53 Perches, neat measure, shout 40 acres of whirls are first rate Timber-land, with a proper proportion of Meadow. The improvements are a large Iwo - ▪ I story Frame and Log Weather boarded Dwelling HOUSE, base Barn, with pine shingle roof on, Cor▪ n Lrah, Spring House. with a nevcrfailing spring ad joining it, and excellent springs of water near the dour of the dwelling; a choice Apple Or chard, with a variety of other fruit, such as Peaches, Cherries,Plums. Le. The tract has b een partly well limed. and is in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing. The land is well watered. The neighborhood is a pleasant one, with Churches, School.hou.es, Stores, ?,palls, • and Mechanic Shops c•nvenient. This tract can be conveniently divided into several tr tvts and will be offered separately and togethzr. The part No. t, with the build ings, will cont un 130 Acres, inure or less, and the re,ititte will be offered to suit parch/Acts. The opportunity . to purchase property so desir able is rarely offered And the attention of those wisiiirig to inre.t is called to it. l'entuttc desiring to rier the property are requested to ctll on the Executor, residing thereon. A dietr title and possession will be giten on the first of April next. yotzr-itle to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and teems made known by JOHN MORITZ, July 2.1, MO. to Register's Notice. TOTICB is hereby riven to uli legatees and other persons concerned that the.Ldrala. i•tri.tion accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's C3urt of Adams county fur confirmation and allowance, on Jbsplay, tde 20;.A of .14,141 act:, at 10 o'clock, A. 11, viz: :03. The first ftecnant of John Klinepeter and Frederick Klinepreter, Administrators of Frederit k K.liaepeter, deceased. fru -tee 204 The first a(count of Isaiah W. Orr. Ad ministrator of the estate of William Orr, dee'd. 205. The first and filial account of Isaac E. Pierson, A lininistrator of the estate of Martha Pierson. of Huntington township. deceased. !ud. The account ufS mutt W.est and Sam uel Wo!f, AdminiAtruturi of the e..t.latd of Jacob Wolf, decenteed. 2u7. The account of Samuel Overholtzer, Executor of Lucy A. Overholtzer, late of Read ing township, deceased. 208. The account of Peter Weirich, Executor of the last will and test:uncut of Jacob Weirich, late of Gerruany township, deceased. 209. The first and final account of ,Nfaj. Jobe Unt-elman, Adininittrator of the estate of Charlotte R. Johnston. deceased. 210. The second and final account of Freder ick O. Hoffman, .tdminktrator of the estate of Martin Carbaugh, Sr., late of Franklin town ship, deceased. 211. The second account of Michael A. Slagle, one of the surviving Executors of the last will and testa:nest of Michael Slagle, deceased, set tled by Col. David M. Myers, Administrator of the estate of the said Michael A. Slagle, dec'd. 212. The third and final account of William D. Rimes and Alexander 8. "limes, Executors of the last will and testament of Geo. Hiunfs, dec'd. 213. The first and final account of John Pick tag, Administrator of the estate of George likhwartz, late of Hamilton township, deceased. 214. The first and final account of Philip Sweeney, acting Exicutor of the hut will sad testament of Hugh Sweeney. ZACHARIAS MT ERS, Register. Register's Ofiles, Gettys-1 burg, JOll 33, Igo% YiOlt A SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVEST llENT.—lf.tassi'sPalurripcogn pu n t er , patented by D. Wass's. This is as Weed torsi implement which on account of Its dun batty, simplicity sod simapaess, will be geasral ly adopted by fanners. With it one lass eaS do the work or three. Before & pe.teat was procured it was thoroaglity tested by a winaiser of Fruiters sad in every imam* gave surfeit seitiefsstioa. State, Galati as* T.wubip RION fer sae. 1110orprialoirom oho trill's Issattsome prell#ll „bp'' pillKikeser or Oosolloo soi sa toargf._ porooloitt to mowM D. Worm - M. tOalpolioa lio*two" at Gettysburg,ma y ism s& receive sir.apats. ft Olrety COOsiti- *4ll Bea*. , poly lb, Moot • • Public Sale Public Sale Exartiter A Chance Valuable Parma, PITWLICt 15111111,selhe andassigned, At torney In &Mee lite Widow and Heirs of tt.t.tan d ern, domased,, will sell at Pub lic Ventue, on the Rremises, on gatunday, the 18th ' day ef Argral text, tt 9. o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing described Valuable Lands. tit Na 1 THE MANSION FARM, situate on the Conowago creek,in Butler township. Adams i county, Pa., adjoining lands of John IV. Dell, Jesse Houck. Margaret Galbraith, and others, containing 125 ACRES, more or less, with a Two-story Log Dwell ing House, Bank Barn, Granary, Carriage ilouse, Spring House,with excellent and abundant water, and other coo cement Out-buildings, thereon erected. There is a thriving Orchard of young bearing Apple and Peach Trees on this farm. The land is in a good state of cultivation, embraces a large body of exceileut Meadow, and is a very desira ble property. No. 2 : THAT VALUABLE FARM, adjoin ing the mansion farms, lying on the opposite side of Conowago creek, and on the public road leading from Gettysburg to Carlisle, containing 150 ACRES. more or Less., comprising a large body of valuable Bottom land and shout 35 acres of good Timber. The build ings are a good Two-story Brick 4 .‘ 1111 , Dwelling /MUSE. a hog Barn, j with sheds attached, a Wagon Shed, , Corn Crib, and other convenient Out-buildings. There is an unfailing well of excellent w Ater under the roof of the porch of the dwelling house. This tract is also an a good state of cultivation, and there is a goad Orchard at fruit trees on the premises. No. 3: A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining No. 1, lying on the public road leading to Bender's Ch urch, and adjoining lands of Michael Dietrick, George Wearer and others, containing Itee acres, more or less, about .11 acres of which are good Timber—the balance cleared and under good cultivation. Ifesir-These farms are conveniently located.in a good and improving neighboriseasol, being about one-half mile from Bender's l'hurch,aud the same distance from Table Rock fast-ollice. at which point there are Merchant, Grist and Saw Mills, Smith Shop. kc. Term.; of sale N% be accommodating, to suit pnrchasers. Per , sons wishing to see the property may call on the subscriber, or on John or Henry Galbraith, who live on the Lands. air Alla, on Monday, the 27th clay .1 , 151U51 IlLeXi, on the premises, A TRACT OF TINIRER LAND, in Monal/en township, Adams county. on the public road front Bendersville to Ship pensburg, near Want.'s Sr.haut House, adjoin ing lands of Jacob R. Meals. John Wink, 'co. Black, and others, containing 2U ACRKS, more or lees. This land is covered with chesuut tim ber, and if cleared would be valuable for farm ing purposes. It will be sold in lots to stilt purchasers, if desired. This sale will commence at 1 o'clock, P. N. Due attendance will be given and terms made known on the d”s of aide, by MICHAEL June 25, 1800. is Attorney - in feet, kr. A Valuable Farm, a''rß SALE.—The undersigned will sell at Public Vendne, on the premises. on Saw , the 251 h day of August serf, that VA LISAFILE TRACT OF LAND, situate in Strahan townbliiii, Adams county, on the puldic road leading from the State road to Bender's Cliurcit, adjoining lands of Michael Dietriek, George Wearer, David Shriver, and others, containing 284 ACRES, more or less, with a Two story Dwelling HOUSE, part stone . -,,-.=,!-: HT and part log o a Log Barn with _' 4 ; Sheds, Wagon Shed and other, _ Out-buildings erected thereon ; -two Wells ut good Water; also running water part of the piste. About 60 Acres of this Tract is in Tim ber, and a large piopertion of good Meadow. This Tract can be conveniently divided into wand tracts, and will be offered separately and together. The part No. 1, with the build. ings,willcontain 155 leresonore or lees, and the reaidne will be offered in lots to suit purchasers. This property is situated iu a goad neigh borhood, about 6 miles from the Rsilroad, with a good public road leading to it. The terms of sale will be accommodating, and the attention of buyers is solicited, as a rare chance i offered LJ buy good land at a cheap rate. A cle.tr and indisputable title will be given. Sir Persons wishing to view the property will call either on John B. Galbraith, residing on the adjoining farm, or on Simnel Diehl, in the imniedinte neighborhood. Air Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, onikid day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by SAIRrEL DIEHL, MICHAEL DIETILICK, Attorney its fact for the Heirs of Win. Galbraith, dec'd. Inns 25, 1840. is Fruit and Ornamental fiC t EES.—The subscribers having within the three but years much ecrged their stock a BM and PLANTS, will Geer for sale dur ing the Fall of 1860, and Spring of 1861, au un usually large and thrifty lot of Apple s PCA4,I, Dwarf and Standard Pear, 4 -1, 1 4„," Plum, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine and Quince; also Grape Vines, (of lending varieties,) Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries and Strawberries, •f the most popular kinds ; also choice miscellaneous Froth, such aFt Span ish Chesnut., English Walnut. .kc together with a large variety nfOrninnental and Ever greens, (all of the choice.o. kiiid+,) Shrubbery, 1 iota, Climbers, Roses, dr.c. N. B.—We would hereby caution the public against imposters fraudulentl• pretending tube our, Agents, with the design ut speculating on the reputation of the c Nurseries. in selling inferior trees, which are bought of unreliable Nurserymen at low rates. All, iersons known to be thus engaged expo ,- 4 thetuielves to the penalty of the law, and will he dealt with roe cordingly. Wehave, since Jsein Burkholder, Esq.; has failed in idling, nppointed 11. S. PAXTON, of Getty-burg. and several ushers to canvass this and other .idjuining Counties. to take orders fur next fall thliteri. We will be responsible for all tree= and plants sold by such Agent=, and only tho,e tt hu h.tre an ac knowledged , erbficate from us. .IJI trees and plants sold by our „Agents sill be delivered in proper season and in goor order. h;EUEGE PETnit..`3 St CO., FAIUMOCNT NetIPERIES, Bendersville, Adams county, Pa. July [apr.9. Cm] The Greatest Money Saving UA RTICLE that can be purchased is R. G. Caas celebrated 1101:6r. AND CATTLE Furmers, Dai&men nud Horsemen, I want you to take notice of this anti give it your attention, and you can save money by it-- and " money saved is money made," you all know. The proprietor of this admirable. convound again calls the attention of the Agricultural community to his valuable discovery in chemistry. We live in an age of progress and improvement. Each day sheds new light upuu our path in every department of the arts and sciences; ytt people stand and hesitate without deciding for therusalves what is truth and what humbug. I claim and ask at the hands of all scientific sad well informed farmers a fair and impartial trial of my discovery. feelin , " b confi dent that it a ill be found the must useful and practical of any that has been made in the nine teenth century. Its value- is not for a single flay or a year, or (Aiwa individual character, but one of great national importance. It most undoubtedly, frpta well attested experiments, already have added in the aggregate at least one million of dollars annually to the prodace of the nation in the shape of milk, butter, fat he. From the same somata of food every farmer. dairyman and borsemsn, will therefore soon fled it so necessary for his interest to keep it always da hand, as to make it We of the indis.. passable articles of his farm house. It does not swell up or imitate so animal into a false appearance, as most horse powders or horse mixtures do, which are oompounded by moat Imitators or pretenders, but gives health and additional weight to the animal. It may be used for Bones, Cows, Hogs, sad Sheep, In the following etemplaints Honeys Distemper, Grease, Sarfict, Coaghs, (WWI Mow la the ;ants, Fancy, Hidebound. 'nestles, Fever Indlassemtioa t . Worts,, Fistaki, Jaundice, Yellows, Foot disease,Xkisiey disease, Scours, Lash diseas, Straightened hair, Btoehing of Itch; Glanders. [the legs. BlirSii•dlanations Cia the. packages. - • H. G. CAftlt, Gettysburg, Pa. Jul 3301160. _ GOOD work and ptuder.►to 'prices lib dal ,eberasteristies of be ExetWor (WOW. TYdux Mt. Washington College, Roe YOUNG LAMM. Aratak EW ir — Oravairiled wit Tommow. , cr. GEO. LIS ticitET, A. IL PtlllOtra4. nercuaciretAL rinsotorea acimumetursttros. • JNO. A. PETWEIS, A. B. Yana Pant Thur. LATIN, DATREXATICII AND ■RLLIf Lirrissui. [To De filled &spiv lb yier.l NATURAL SGINTI.4. . Paor. ORGAN, PLATO AND roost memo. Paov. NICROLAB TILLMAN, PIANO AND GVITAI. , NALIi'LLE MATTAT, FRENCH LANGUAGE PICKERCSO, Esq., • DRAWING & Ott. PAINTING. MIAS M. ELMABSTII PETTIBONE, AANIRTANf TRACIINI Or NAT AAAAA ICIL MIB.I M. VIRGININ WHITLOCKE, sitrtiall BRANCO'S. The Principal takes this method, is advent% of the _annual Catalogue and Circular, of in. flouncing that the fifth year of this Institution will begin on the First Wednesday -Of Sermabir next. Cie desires to assure the friends midtke trone of.the College that the sarne earnest ae. votion to then ork of Female Education which has marked its history thns far, will continue to characterise the operations of the Settool; sad that no pains or expense will be spared to in Ike it sil that could b• desired both as a Litt.r.trr Institution and as a Christian home fur tho,e entrusted to its care. The o.lleye Eth.fice and Grounds.—The location of the College, on the Sorthera Central 'tall road, six miles from lialtimore,bas been select ed ns one of the most desirable in the State.— The grounds include twenty-one acres of excel lent land. and are oramented with a 'beautiful woodland of several acres, in the midst of which, on an elevated and highly desirable site, is lo cated the College edifice, four stories in height. The building is constructed of brick, octagonal in form, 2uo feet In circumference, encircled by wide and beautiful verandahs—has ample ac commodations fur one hundred boarders, and pre:eats a very sti iking and imposing appear ance. The location is highly salubrious and picturesque, and Luintuanda a delightful view of the surrounding country. The internal arraaActuent3 are complete, and are allthat could be desired. There are thirty ta o rooms in all, eight of which are very spaci ous. In the tank loft are two re,erroirs, with a capacity of 3.0ti0 ; and Crum these, tho Kitchen, Latindry,..Bath-rounts, and the Cham bers, Dormitories and Stair.dandings, .ore abundasit/y snpplied with pure water. Aflllhe apartments are provided with 'registers for ventilation. and the admission of warm sir, in the winter -eason, from large brick furnaces.— The (la* arrangements arc also complete. The building throughout, is ;"ornialted is a very neat and attractive style, and the Principal iit sails fled dust parents and guardians will be highly pleased with the entire arrangements of Oro. College. • (Eject and Character or the School.—Mount Washington College affords to its pupils, ample , me-ins nod appliances, for thorough physi cal and intellectual training, with all the advantage; and surroundings of a Christian family. Prori-ion is made far physical education In the daily practice of catistkenic mturcises, !the value ot which has been seen, in the improved health and fuller muscular development or the pupils of the College. The verandahs and ex tensive grounds, laid out in beautiful wins, furnish both the invitation and opportunity for healthful recreation in the open air. As regards intellectual culture, it is believed that the course of study and methods ot in struction, adopted at Mount Washington, are, to say the least, equal to those of the best schools in the country. The studies lu'which its pupils are engaged, with the free oral teach ing- that accompany cad' recitation. and the frequent delivery of formal lectures on scien tific or literary subjects, with choice readings from the Classic poets and prose writers efAks English language, combine most favorably, to produce the best form of true womanly culti vation. In this connection, it is deemed proper to• mention, as one of the great advantages of the I,l.titution, and as materially affecting its character and contributing greatly to the suc cessful accomplishment of its oblects, fact il es eselusircly a Boardiv School, and j ii i iat no pupils sirs admitted, laa such as are, in Jul members of as College ramify. A course has been established for resident graduates, who may desire to prosecute their studieileeyond the regular curriculum. Be sides the study of the test books ;optioned, they will prosecute a systematic course of read ing, and will hate the advantage of special leeture4. The College is furnished with complete ■p-- paratus for illustratiou in the departments of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy: and the public may rest assured that whatever cony he necessary, from time to time, to keep pace with the progress of the age, will be brought tato the service of the College. Christian iaatrueticm.—The religious teachings of the College contemplate a thorough and harmonious acquaintaaoe with the fundanaentet facts and truths of Christianity, as taught clearly in the Scriptures, and which rise obese all mere sectarianism, to t!iat—higlier unity u( the Divine Life, in which "there is neitheriew nor Greek, for all are one in Christ Jesus." The entire character of the religious training of the College iq eminently Chriqtian n ithout being sectarian—and while no pains Hill he spared to impart a practical knonledge of the Clirktian Religion, parents.and guardians may rest a+sured, that no attempt will be made to interfere with the particular deuumiustioasa relation , ' ofthc pupils. TERMS For the entire ENGLISII COURSE, ineLediag. Latin anti Greek, Board, Furnished Room, Fuel, Light and Washing, for Scholastic • Year, $2OO 00 IXTRA cu.uiturs Instruction on the Pianoew Guitar, including the Rase of the instrument, *sls 00 per Quartet t lostructioa onhe Organ, 20 00 J" Vocal Itusic,(sepurateles'us,)ls 00 " (in classes) 5 00 " Modern Languagss, each 8 00 sd Oil Paintin4, (exzlusive of materials,) Dr 'win:, and Painting in • Water Colors, each G 00 " Ornatn:enttl Needlework, G 00 " Stationery for &Awl Ratusause, 1 50 " Diploma fee 95 00. kw-Where it would be preferre l, a rpeelal nrrangeineut calf be made in advance, that wilt secure to the pupil the privilege of the entire course including all the extra branches. . The bills for each half seuion are to lot paid in advance, and a deposit mutt be made tlefesiv,er the expt.nie of books and materials for Painting, Drawing and Needle Work, etc., where It is desired that these should be furnished by the Institution. _ _ New Pupils are charged only from the date et—_ the'r entrance into the beiNpl, but the eng.igeo ment, is, in all cases, for a rear, unless a Cs- Linct arrangement is made for a shorter Oise. No abatement will be ovule in the case of old - pupils who stay away atter the opening oftbe• session, or of such as may be absent from the r College during the year, unless such absent* Le caused by serious sickness. Pupils rho contain at the Ooliege Merin:4o Va..ation will be charged ter Bearding and Wishing, $4.25 per week. Fur admission, additional paetienines key address, RSV. GEO. txwis STALEti t , • Mount Washington, liattienore co., Md. - Ileter to Rev. T. P. Bucher, Gettysburg.. " Dr. Gerhart , Lancaster. Joshua )(otter, Esq., Eunniteborg. Lewis Motter, Esq., le George 'lmre, Esq., Wapiesboro: . July 30, 1860. 4t New Livery f . "DST LIILLSHMENT:-.--The **writer ,--•! • haling purchase/ the L1V7,41' 4. St. KLD! of Cites. 11. 'ATI; dew Chatalreeehart street,-s, tell'ittooie• 6e4', • • Zees eel, he respeelielly• • , • ribilef that it is his latitothin •• • -• • baskieseat the wee placitAtid w -be` • •," lsectemiliedate all witht-;- •_ • •le te.rete. • Items, fl owlet, • • *e.;alwayilu eleilheess; Ltsa'ssel . 17 K•;•••• • -..:•t•-• . 11.1 4 •Alee,* latea will tam ea** iitollkeleillgiskte • • Nair Its bateo6664 4.6401606100 booms fad:Raittc•wilkeo% ,-: • int111=1116•11* -t6O. • • 104 • covarlio --- 4 -1;; 1 •• ' 1; 17••-• Jut i -24; no. ISM M-4 ,, -, 10 00 " f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers