;a -411 firth Walt ' - - +"4111 The Old County New News4Depot. -, Atesdies-4. C. !Obis * BRO. lIILDING known by in th 1 subscriber hes 'nit opened si NEWS Mal 114 trelletrid Wen the miters cities., county, a ' nclnodoubt m a ny e a one wishe d ' 1 rILPOT.stis-Baltimot% *tryst, nesrly'oppo i'' - e ' "iikeetaid stock of SPRING AND 1 ere never had been such a place, as many one Pahnestocks' store, *here will constantly s s I ' I sad, urivich they are offering to ' were broken up by permitting, or rather oblig- be found any and everything in the reading the pitblin at sieve IMO cannot tail to satisfy ed to have their names entered upon the coup-' line, of a strictly moral character. 'All the ill—eunoag which le a splendid assortment of ty dockets. But loolt at the change. It is a leading klagasines, Periodicals, Literary pi- De LAS,hple, Poll da C 4 Ttits,Barbadoes, Berage. 1 pleasure now tq call there and bur good ' s of pens, Weekly land Daily, together with Music, Lawns and'alidoes, of every grade, Ririe and SAIDION at such astonishingly reduced prices-- Ballads, Confections, Cigars, Tobacco, Cakes, price. ALM,I, splendid assortment of Gentle- lower than ever before offered in the county. . grid all sorts of notions, in endless variety.— men's Weir Of every description, Cloths and lie has just received from the cities a large Would you know the news? Then send in Casaisseisiwi• Mack and Lacy ; a splendid stock lot of new Ready-made CLOTHING, for men your numbs, all ye who thirst for knowledge, el Vestings, lrielVet, Satin and Marseilles—and and bsiys' wear, with Hats, Boots and Shoes, and your wants will be supplied by In fact any staid everythin/ in the Dry goods Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Clocks, Watches, COARLYS LINDRRMAN. - • ' Jewelry, Violins, Segir., Tobacco. .tc.. kc , ke. Gettysburg, April 9, 1 - 860. ' Ilrotild you buy good Goods pretty Goods, Call soon, and don't mist the great bargains - cheap' Goods, and secure great bargains?— now hat at the old County Building, corner of Then call at the cheap corner store of . the Diamond sr' York street, Gettyrbr rg.— J. C. GUINN a BRO. ' That's the irot: ' Thankful to his old customers for their pa tronage he hopes by his change of location not itpring 1860. only to retain their cIISI,OX, bat **tare a Legge 4IsCOTT k SUN hare just . receired, and number of new buyers. • are Dew opening , at their elquhlisheheot An entire summeisnit--taat, pants and vest— s trobersburg at., opposite the •• Eagle Hu- for 51.131, M. SAMSON. tel." a raw, choice and desirable stock' of April Ir,, 1860. SPRING GOODS, which' they offer to the pub lic, satisfied that goods can't be sold thraper than they are how offering them. Our stuck com prises all the different st, les and qualities of ILILDiki.S' D1tE.1,4 GOODS, Shr.r 1!, Ribbons,' Glotes,:flosiery, 'White 0c,.1.4, Lace., Sc.. he 0 ril 16, 1860 For MEN and Bol'S 11 E kit we have our usual variety, in style, quility and price. pur custocurs Hill alwayi find ,ur stock of Domestic Cioods full, cheap:Lad complete. We invite all to Ole 143 ti call a:. , 1 ex.i.ruiDe our stock, satisfied that an examination IA all that is necessary to convince all that our's :s the cheap store. No trouble to scow goods.— Tiankful for past encouragement, • and would tespeetfully ask a continuance of the same. .1. SCO fT a SON. N. B. Country Produce Laken in exchange or Goods. [April IC, 1`360. Gas! Gas ! Gas! METE subscriber Las laidina large stook of Gas Chandeliers. Brackets, Burners, Itc., tarwhicli he inviteg the attention of the citizens of Getty'sburk. Ire , price., ere as low 24.1 they are In the cities. CU', :i, and sec for you nsel res. Ware Room in Yotic strece, uppu,ite the Bank. May 7, MR/. ‘V M. lIKLME. Notice to Stockholders. 110 - 11 ICE is heiebygti cu to subscrthers . to the 1111 Capital Stock ut tie tiE )(sit-31'1W GAS etildPAN I that pa) meta of the 2 , linstaltnent tic each share of stock (ode:fifth of each share.) Subscribed, parable on the 1.4 of July ,nu!.. is hereby required to be made to Joel It. Danner, the Treasurer of ..aid Comp wy , nt his office 111 his house, iia'the Burouzli of Gett).,burg. agree ably to the tertus'of sub..criptio,t. B,y the" Act ocitosetribl:. relating to GISS Com panitrs,if notice - 1w the paytitent c_;3l:liscriptions of stock be not complied VI it'', the company can recover one per cent. per suouth interest on the amount due and unpaid P. McCm:Arum - , Ser'y July 2, 1880. --- - -- Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! E bare just received from the city of New York a large assortment of Wall I' per of the newest patterns and deAgng.— Glazed, Marble and Oak, velvet and plain bor der, decoration, firs board prints and window Shades. 'Wall Paper ffom 8 cents per piece and ppwardi. Harsh 26, 1860 1 60. Summer Arrangement. '6O. INK Blaok Frock Coats, cheap at PICKING'S. LIB aid Brown Cassimere Frock Coats, very cheap, at PICKING'S. , 'I ACK Coats, of all colors, remarkably cheap, ISII at PICKING'S. • I vir ARS F. I I. L E S , Frock and Sack Coats, no torionsly cheap, at PICKING'S. I UCIS Coats, Linen, Sacks and Frocks, un- 1 reasonably cheap, at 'PICKING'S: j 0. 1 Black Cassitnere Pants, astonishingly cheap, at PICKING'S. 1 ANCY Cassimere Pants, pleasingly cheap, at PICKING'S. 1 OATLNETT, Duck and Linen Pants, uncom- monly cheap, at ;PICKING'S. 1 .. 9 ) OTTO'S Pants, all colors, unusually cheap, at PICKING'S. OYS' Coats, VeC r s all Pants, eettainl r to ll _ i cheap, at PICKINivSWI 4 - IATIS and Silk Vests, good and positively' cheap at PICKING S. ; ARSEILES and Nankanet Vests, unpre- ‘. I cedentedlv cheap, at PICKING'S. 1 "t .SPENDEB.A, Shirts, Collars, Socks. Stocks, Glovesokc., -omul" cheap, at P ICKING'S. LOCKS and Jewelry of all kinds, confound ed cheap, at PICKING'S. j rIOLINS, Fifes, Flutes, ie., most •• dogged" cheap, at PICKING'S. I REVOLVERS, Pistols, Knives, Ice., " att fired" cheap, at PICKING S. 41. - GREAT many other thin;r4, among which are Fly Nets, dr,vingly cheap, at Picking's. C.M Coati, Leggings - and,Caps, which takes . every - thing else in town down'fiir cheap : , at PICKING'S. VERTRODY will please call at PICKING'S, as a matter of course [April 30,'80. , Dissolution. rpHE Partnership heretofore existing between Jacob Bast:ress and Charles F. Winter, in the Produce, Mercantile, Coal and Lumber ),tssinesa t is this day, by mutual consent, dis solved. 'All acc3unts will be settled by J pastress, at the old stand March 31, 1800 New Firm. TACOB BASTRESS and JACOB PETERS 0 have entered into-Partnership in the above business, at the old stand, (the large brick firatlhouse,) and respectfully solicit a continu ance of the patronage hitherto bestowed upon the old firm. They will, at all times, piy the Ullest cash prices for I OUR, GRA IN, SEEDS, c., k<;., and hare c.,n,tantly on hand LUM BER, COAL, SALT, PLASTER, GROCERIES, c : , at the lowest rates. JACOB BASTRESS, JACOB PETERS. New Oxfclrd, April 3, 1860. Gtn• New Periodical Store. FOR EVERYB6DY. AND ALL It, KINDS OF READING.-- : The.undersigned most re.spectfally annquncts to the reading public that he Las opened a new Periodical 114icre and News Depot in the room recently oc cupied for that purpose by Messrs. Anghin pangh k Son, in Carrole street, a flitw doors Opp the washingtou House, where he is'pre rayed to meet the wants and suit the tastes of the literary world. 'me city Dailies will be received and delivered arontptly. All the leading Maga rines, Periodi- Als Litprari Joirral., Pictorials Ballads, ;Unme t iutd in fact any and everything in the New* an 4 periodical line will be found at the pew establtsbracut JOSEBIT BROADIIEAD. 414,Stpiscriptiqas to papers, magazines. de., ailed at all times. Give us a call. .1. B. _aril 2, IeGO. 3ot • - - -- • dust in Season ! Wvs A C4l,f, !—_The undersigned hare rist received triim the cities an immense *Loa ortaArruS, cASSIMERP.3; Ass! s xTB, ) - MTI!!C i S in all varieties, kc., saitabte for the season, which they offer to the public at unpre cedentedly low Cates. "They ask a call. To convince all" qf the truth pf his assertion. No trouble tq sturt#' itioils and sir* .prices. A large lot, qt ItADT 7 '4ADE I CLOTHING Jaw analug cheaper thago, ever. apictr men aid boys as us -14141"*". f 4 ff7 be4laktulert l'ecor;1114 to = 4l tl;h : ta l en hil t 7 7.; "n.,1,4,7, 1 2! t i w pw Rentenll4r,ti ag tete plisce a t tri lo . ‘ r PiOrs qa (349N!_kr•abilryi street, eolo, ,StOPCI I9 , 181110: o Missebbsian& /11 t Taitora. tsorr l xac, TIL-.Letten tes -1 Klaiti"egk— u.v; , • ...., ' theVillightln_lticker, .- . -.4.,.-r;!--: ?*.iAtrr , • , t AI" ,-- - , 1 0 4 1`.Nrrlf : allidstli g s ' ~ .. 4 4.beret* ilivii , ‘ bled to maid east* g a t a i %Ike himihithia fkilheik * ant those ',visit ithohilkl~ l . / 0 .4 *! Pree uithi " torsetdeeent. • L , Jut la, Is 4). lA*" Eiseluor. 4 .. The Union Hotel, .1 - () GATED at 1-1 Waskix,lox Co., NJ 11314 flotel has been thoroughly repaired and refitted. and the subscriber feels' ennfldent that auk who may give him a will be fully sa tidried,lll{ it shall be his atilt to cater to the in tere;ti of his i:u4tomer'4. FOR A FQRTUSE.—A London Fj psp:r Statei:—There is now in'an A!uas huuse at Bristol an old man w'.o states, (hit for sixty years he spent sixpence a day in drink, but was never intoxicated, 40w much would this sdipmce n-day put by every year at five per cent. Compound interest amount to in sixty years° enquired a thoughtful neighbor Putting down the first year's saying (3(.1', six pences)equal to $l3 54, he added the interest. and this went on, year by yi:rar, until he found lb it in the both year the stxpt uce is d.ty reach ed the statt:ing sum of $14,33i; 23. Judge of the ..11 nostu•s surprise, when told that siring his st peg , ' s la;„ and depositing it in a Snr lug; Institution he might nu a", at the end of 60years,hure been aiarth that n,,ble guru $14.- 336 '2B, which would h /ve bought him a fine farm, or town mansion, and sarrortuded him with comforts and luxuries, and left a hand some est.ite to his cbildreu after him. He had, and hundreds nos, in our midst hare, hut to de posit sixpence a day iii the Faitsixab' aNfo Ikavissis BriTITLTION Jr ..1.1.a.43 COLI TT. to accomplish this result. Gettysburg, July 23, 1800. MIN ..14Li IRON WARE.—SHEADS .t BUEHLER, hefty.; purchased the stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware cif George E. Buehler, have Opened an establishment io con nection with their Stove Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, and are now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware, they have a large supply of kitchen and hohse tarnishing goods, of el ery 'Variety; including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, Ake., fur preserriing, cooking and frying. Call and c e them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and ■treeta, M. J.:COES, Prcs't R. F. MuILHENI Spouting put up 3t shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always on hand at their yard at the same place. Noy. 14, 11339. ht BUEHLER. I ETE undersigned respectfnlly informs the et.i;ens of Gettysburg and the publie gen e ly, that.he' has opened • new Tinning es tablishment. in Chamhersburg street. directly oppostte Christ Church. He will manufacture, and keep constantly on band, every variety of TIN-WARE, PRESSED and JAPAN-WARE, and will always be ready to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and IPOCTINO alio done in the best runner. Prices moderate, and no effort spared to render full satisfaction. A share of the pul,l* patronage is solicited. A. P. RAEGIIER. Gettysburg, inue 18, 1866: ly . • Groceries, Notions &c. THE undersigned bas opened a Grocery and 1 . Notion Store, in Baltimore street, clearly opposite the Court House, Gettysburg, *here the public will constantly find, selling cheap as the cheapest, SUGARS, Syrups, Molasses, Cof fees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms and Brushes; Fresh Butter and Eggs, Ground Coffee, Essence of Coffee. Scotch Herring, Candles. Soaps, Salt ; Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, - Confections, all kinds of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Bread, Crackers, Czikes of different kinds; Shoe and Stove Polish; Fancy Goods, MI r iallin,GinghaMll, Cotton Bat., Wadding. Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Pins, Needles, Clothes Pins, But tons, otions of all kinds. A share of the public's patronage IS respectfully solicited. LYULt C. NORBEcK. May 21, 1860. Bm WIL HELME, of Philadelphia, the con tractor for the erection of the Gettys burg Gas Works, base taken the room lately oc copied by Col. Samson, nearly opposite the Bank, for his (Ake, and is prepared to fit out at once any building with bas Fixtures. He will in a few days have the various styles on exhi bition at his room, and invites attention to them, as those desirous of introducing the Gas will be saved the trouble and expense of pro curing them from the city—his prices being as low as they can be procured auy where else. April 1860. J. BASTRF.SS, C. F. WINTER. E just received from the city the largest stock of GROCERIES they have ever unetcd to the public—Sugars, Syrups, Cif fees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Fish, S.,lf, Spices, kc., &c., embracing all varieties, at all prices, the lowest the market will afford. Also Brooms, Brushes, and Notions ; Tar, Oils, Candles, kc.. in short, everything to he found in a first class Grocery and Variety Store. The Flour and Feed business is continued with' a steady increase. The highest market Prices paid and the smallest profits asked. The public are invited to give us a call and see for themselves. NORBECK k MARTIN, Globe Inn s - yECIIANICSTOWN, Frederick comity. Md.— Haring been renovated and re-furnished, the proprietoreassures the public that a call if only neededZa,s he g.aamnLets full satisfactidi in every cabe. Charges moderate. HENRYIItItR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1859. tf THE subscriber offers at Private Sale, .. his HOUSE AND LOS, on High RR , street, adjoining Solomon Powers. The Hisnie re a two-story Brick - , nearly new, with a Bat:it...building, and a well of water. Terns easy. PITTENTURI July 11 , 1 tt' - - gore NOW Goods T the Sign of the . BIG BOQT, Cham 1-1. bersburg @Greet. We here jest received a large stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks, Carpet Bags, tcubrellaa, Buggy Har ness, Collars, Whips, tc., and are determined to sell st the loweit pricpa poasil4le for cash. = Call and judge for ydnrselves. July 23, 1860. COBEAN & CULP." jL. SCHICK Timid *flit the atlentlon or • hOyers to Lis large stock' of . . kip* Black Clothe, Fine Colored do., flee Block Gasaheseres, • . • !ober do. •• • *At Wirt 4 1 k, Tionliw, itvarcs s Bert, gamommors, - Urs"3 llo „ , l!Pligii . . at ? A4 4 ed Oills9. ' • IFpoidoaotbetiereit, try deem eserriaee yeaveidires, TYBO2l4‘ nom= we tubs.' awl alteriptet le bad imi doe imatakeyir:3 *Atli N. of UN Mame* illattiskeim LA IN variety o f limey aairpilifa Oral IL Gilds( Frames always ea kaiak at the fixrelthif grilery: TVSO?I k •BRCi. JOSEPH FULEY, Proprietor June 19, 18b4). Sin Sixpenca a Day, Stoves, Tinning ! Tinning ! Gas Fixtures. Norbeck & Martin Corner of Baltimore and High streets May 21, 1860. Private Sale. Men's Wear. Marble Yard 83mqved.. MIIE subscriber having /ensured his place of bamsesi to East York street, a short 16- Luce below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such as Munn -anent/I, Headstones, kc . ke , of every vAriety of style ant finish, with slid without bases and so , kets, to suit purchaier,,aud al prices to suit the times. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided advantage to examine his stuck and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Gettyskurg, Nlart.h 21, 18'9 Removals. TfrEnndersianed. being; the authorized person to make removals tato Ever Green l'erne tery, hopes that such as colitemplate the rentiets/ of the remAins of deceased relatives or friend., will avail theinsdves of this se *son of the year to have it done. itemr . o ads made with promptness —terms low., and nu effort sp.tred to plo.isc. l'E Keeper of the Cemetery. March 12, 'CO Th3moyal. rrg subscriber has remori , ! 1.,s Plough and Machine Shop from the Foundry building to Rini-iota str*et, oppo.ite Tate s Blacksmith shop, hick of theriagie !lute!, where he : is bsl,- ter pred.ire l than es , r to attend to customers. Plough t always ou hand and 111‘ le to order at the ahortest notice, and Machtue 4, Reaper', ite., r •pnire I. Alsil be will atteit , l to ele.ining and rep iir i .ig Clocks. MilpitMEN. Ma) lc Merchants' Hotel, 4f / NO itT II FU . C itT 11 4 , : i i . 1 4 11: 4 1. 4 :T ; p I 4 C. M'Kibbin & lifon, Proprietors April 2, 1461). 1y• The Greatest Discove rr rF THE 4GE.—lntlatuniatory and Ctirotii Rhenmatiim can he cared' by using H. 1... MILLER'S CHLERRA,TED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its Etssit utility. its success in Rheudiatic tiOns, has been hitherto unpir.illeletettY any specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by II L. MILLER, Wholsesale and Retail Druggist, Enst Berlin, Adiugs conntg, Pa., dealer in Drug's, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, etc., &c. ginjr•A. DI Buehler is the Agent in Gettysburg for "11. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mix ture." [Oct. 24, 1859. ly 1880. Fresh Spring Goods. 13S0 ITATS. AND D?. "'T r -7'2r: would respeetfnlly invite the attention of the - citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to his large and complete stock of Hats and Cap;, which he hLs just op ied, embrs.itig nearly every variety of style now in the market, con sisting in part of Men's No. I Silk lists, Men's bmid-rim Russia Bats, Men's Felt and Soft Hata, Men's Seamless Caps, lloy's Soft and Wool Mts. Also, a large and superior stock of STRAW GOODS, comprising Men's Straw, Leghorn and Pename Hats, Misses' and Infants' Flats, Bloomers and Shaker Hoods, all of the latest a ndmost fashionabl styles. Thoss wishing to save money and buy cheap will do well by calling on him before purchasing else where, as he is selling very low for cash. Apni 23. 1884. R. F. Baltimore IiELL AND BRASS WORKS, 51 ITollide street, Baltimore, Md. REOESCER 1 1 nit, the ProprietOrs, are prepared, to futui-h BELLS of all descriptions, fromlo to 10.001 pound:, witich are warranted equal in quality of tone, prolongation of eolind and durability, to any made in the United States. Our Bells are made •f the best materials, warranted to give entire satisfaction also, Against breakage. farm Bells. ranging from 10 to 100 pounds, always on hand at northern prices. Farr Certificates with full particulars, send for one of obi- Circulars. Aug. 29, 1859. ly The Only Preparation HAVING PROOFS SO STRONG AND DI RECT AS TO EXPEL. THE DOUBTS OF ALL—For Statesman, Judges, Editors, Phy sicians of the oldest schools fig well as new, give it their unqualified sanction, and recom mend it for all cases of eruptions, and disestsiwi of the scalp and brain ; but all who have uted it, unite, in testifying that it will preserve the hair from being gray, and from falling to any age, as well as restore. Read the following: OAK Gnors, S. C., June 24th, 1e59. Peor. 0. J. WOOD--Dear Sir:—Your Hair Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity in this comm inity. I have hid occasion to hy preju dice aside, and give your Hair Itestorattvc a perfect test : During the year 1874, I was so unfortunate as to he thrown from my sulky against x rock near the roadside, from which my head received a most terrible blow ; causing a great cleell of irritation, which communicated to the brain and external surface of the he id, from the ef fects cc •'iiich my hair was tintill+ destro) ed over tte entire surface of the head. Front the time I first discovered its dropping, however, up to the time of its total disapperance, I em ployed everything I could think of, being a professional man myself, and, as I thought, un derstanging the nature of the disease. but was finally defeated to ei cry pre-cription advanced. These and no other circumstances induced me to resort to your worthy kisir Restorative, which I have every reasoa to believe. produced a tery happy result; t.vo urint hs alter the first •ppliention, l had as beautiful • head of young h.tir as I ever saw, for which I certsilly owe you my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sir. I shall recommend your remedy to all inquirers; moreover, I shall use my influence, which I Clatter myself to Say, is not • little. You can publish this if yuu think pruNr. Yours, very respectfully. J.WitIGIIT, M. D Office of the Jeffer.ohian, Philippi, Va., December 12th, 187. R. NAIL Stn:—l feel it my duty its well as my pleasure, to state to you Or fcßowing circum stance, which you can use IV you think proper. A ge.ntleinan of this place, (a lawyer,) has been bald ever since his early youth; so much so, that he vu compelled to wear a wig. Ile was induced to use a bottle of your " Hair Restora tive," which he liked very touch; and after using scitne two'br three bottles his hair grew out quite luxuriantly, and be now has k hand some head of hair. The gentleman's name is Bradford, and as he is 'very well known in our adjoming counties, many persons can testi fy to the troth of this stateilient; I give it to you at the ragtiett csf Mr. Bradford. You can cell a great deal of your Bair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties if you have the proper agents. Yours, kc., THOMPSON .91URGIINOR. n i k. Woo—Pear Sir :—Permit me to express the obligations I am under fBr ;he oatik re storation of my hair to its origtul ro:or : about %helium .of my arriv•l in the United Stales it Tule:o4ly becoming gray, but upon the in : E -1/efilua of your " Noir R;storatire" it soon reeoVered it original hue. I consider your 918 1" 411 / 1 1 NI * *CM wonderinl invention, gairi . itilicacious as Well u agreeable. - . M. THALBERG. valve Is put up in bottles of three .; lirge, esedlitA, uld =tall ; theemall astd Mods - Tor one dollar pee! ~_ 0444" bolds at least twenty per *NIL .1. 11 1 1 _41110400 14 1 011 0 11 0t0. the small, retails fu two +Mien per lootitb; the large holds • 61 04/41#0 1 0. WWI IR 001Pri!Ogr and re- Whit *ir - 0 -, i W3 r 4Y ) it 00.. Proprietors, 444 shwa irsh New York, and 114 - Market Street, Et. Louis, Mo. Aa . 4 bald by all gq6dPinnies and Fancy 011 eds Beaky,. Clifqe re, I sm): 34! TX tie business of the Ezcelstor 1 . Gallery. During'our late visit to the Cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, we selected a splendid assortment. of STEREOSCOPIC PIC TCRES. cocupriaing English, French, Venitian, Egyptian, Italian and .A.merican * Scenery, Sta tuary Groups, Are. Our price , ' for picture. will f t c tri I'2to 40 cents apiece We also have a fine lot of STErei:oscopte DOXES, which we offer at reduced prices. The pnblic general ly are invited to call and tee our large revolving Box, containing SO pictures, and we insure to all tubers of the Fine Arts a pleasant visit. We are also prepnred to make Stereoscopic Pictures, either Portraits or Views, at reason , able rates. TYSON it tell. B. IIEALS April 14, 1860 Cannon & Adair's ATMS' MARBLE WORK?, corner of Bslti more and past )diddle streets, directly op posite the new Court House, Gettysburg.— Having recently arri‘ed from Phil tdelphia, and feeling rally cott o petent to e;tentr. all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in our line, to favor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. W, arc prepared to tarnish MONUML:NTS, TOMBS ANU lIF.AILhTONES, MARBLE MANTLES, .LABS fur Cabinet-m.6n rA, and all other work appertaining to out Lu.iness, at the lua est pos sible prix e. We du Out be. , ltate to guarantee that our work shall be put up in a manner sub atauttal and tasteful equal to the best to be seen to the cities, where every improvement which experience has suggested is availed of, an 4 especially do we g zaranter that our Ceme tery and Grave Yard work shall tie so carefully set ad not to be affected by Trost, but bhalf maiu tain for years that erectnes9 of position given at the completion of a job, ai i d so necessary to continued gracefulness and si,linnuetry. Nov. ;8, 1859 . tf ALEXANDER FRAZER, Dock qnd Watch maker', has removed hit shop to the room on the West side of the I'uWle Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq., as a Law (Race, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hope!, by strict attention to busines4, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public: Crettysblirg, April IL, 125 P Dr. Esenwein'a rp AR ANII - 4130D NAI3IIA .1-. PECTOR.Ih, is the beet Medicine in the world for the Cure-of and far the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Consnmption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Omit, and which pre dispose to Cominmpuon. It it peculiarly adapted to die re beat cure ar Aiduna, Bring prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist. and one of great experience in the cure of 'he various dbieuses to which the hu man frame is liable. It if ofie..ed to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try "it and he convinced that it is invaluable in the cure or Brouchial affections. Price .50 ore is per / 6i/ ator Prepared only by k CO.; Druggists and Chemists, S.W. cor. Ninth Si Poplar Sta., PIIILADIMeatA. SsarSJld by every respectable Drum:let and De.tler in Medicinei throughout the eitaite. April 2, 1860. ly O 0 •/ 0•0 0 0 B K V ) 8" i " ;i t in i •A N t IA rit ANT .j mice will be paid for Wheat, Nye. Corn, thtt•, Barley, Cdiver-seed, Timothy-seed, Flour, te., at the large yellow Wurehouse t west cud t,f New Oxford. isa-Guanl, Plneter. Salt. kr.. and a large and well 'Elated sto..k of Lumber and Coal constantly on baud and for sale at my WAre bou.e. FRISK. LIEILSII. New Oxford, Oct. 7, 18.7.1. tf TN GETTYSIi(*RG.—The nndersigned Informs the cilisens of the town and cannty, that he has commenced the BAKING bii.iness, on a large scale, in York street, tiettyslitmr, noarl)? oppoite . Wattles's Hotel, where tie will try to deserve, and hopes to receive. a liberal patron age. lIPZEAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACK rAt.S, PRETZELS, kc., kr., hakel every day. (Sun.: days excepted,) all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-bakinr in all branches :s Lai gely carried on. an l orders to any amount, from this and adj pining coun ties, gllppli•Ni at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodion• bake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved trity•tinery, he is prepared to do a heavy business. • VAT-ENTINE July 21, 183'1. rp:lE pith+, Tiber, hiving purchased th 1 Foundry of \( piers. Zorhatigh, Stoat & Co.. (formerly Warrens' Foundry,) has commew•ed business, ant is now prepared to offer to the public a larger assortinent of Nfachinery than h heretofore been offered, such as THRESH ING MACHINES, Clover Hullers. Fodders Cn•. ters. Corn slitllers, rind kirgan's late improved Horse hike. .‘l4 O , STUN ES. such as Cook Stores, three ditMent kinds; and lice ditterent sizes of Ten-pl.tte Stoves. Likewise Mill and Saw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in Iron or Wood. /s& - REPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery and Castimrs will be done to order on short notice. Patterns m tde to order! Plough C.tst ings ready male ; PLOUGHS, such as S.yler. Witherow, Plocher, Woodcock, and man• , others not mentioned here; and eight (lief:rent kinds of IRON FENCING, for Cemeteries, Porches or Yards. Also, Mortising Machines, one of the beet now in This machine works with a lever by hand; any little boy can manage it. Cell and examine our stock ; no doubt but what we can please. Persons ought to see it their advantage to boy machinery of any kind at home, where it is manufactured. so that they can very easily getany part replaced or repaired. DAVID tiTraiNCR. Gettysburg. Feb. 13, 1860. New Goods I - CIIEM' GOODS!! lIANDSOVE GOODS!!! —Just received, • large assortment of cheap and desirable DRY GuODS of every Yu. riety, at astonishingly low prices,and which we offer to the pnblic. Haring purchased our stock in New York, Philadelphia and 11 .11timore, tind having had the benefit of the market of three cities, and being selected with great care, we can stately guarantee to those wishingno purchase and thing in our line that they cannot fail to be pleased'hoth as to qu•slity an 4 price. We have received the latest styles and patterns of goods both for Ladies and Gentlemen, to which we incite their attention. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. FAIIIiESTOCE BROTHERS, April 9, 1860. Sign OF the Red rroat. T lIR AND PLASTER,—efeII binds conatan t ly on hand, which we are telling at #57111 RrOts for CASH. All Coal, te.ust be rash on doliriry. SHEADS,I; 10111111,1111‘ Jaa. 23,1880. tr r received and now opening, a larige and ra4144 aset:rtinent of QUIQCXBWMf, to +rleh we invite the attention Obeyers. April 16. 'A. SCOT? & 80N. CIARPETS.--Avvetiver eviditioa to on doe ki stock of carpetinis Jost received, tq Which we invite the attcatioe of honmokfpepers. • • ' • EmisaTrack A New Feature Photographert, GettystAirg, l's Removal. Coughs and Collis, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Bundling, Pslpitntion of the Heart, Diptheris, Notice to Farmers. Something New G3ttysburg Fo.undry. Lumber and Coal, — .11111 , 1? •ICINFMODY:wAirra: • 234altiza.c); The Family Doctor : ONT.iINIBG Simple Remedies, easily oh talaed, for the Care of Disease in all forms By Prot:Ham S. Tsirt,on, M. D. iv Timis You How to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them; how to prepare Drinks, Poultices, ie., and how to guerd against In fection from Contagious Dis eases. Iv TELL, You Of the 'Various diseases of chil dren, and gives the best and simplest mode of treatment during Teething , Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough, ,-Measles, tc IT TWA Yoc The symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infant= ' Colic, Diarrhea, ; ' Worms , Stalled Head, Ring- i worm, Chicken-pox. kc., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. Ir Tu.s.a UV The sympluins of Fever and Agns, and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus. Scarlet and other Fevers, and ; N aives you the but and simplest remedies for their cure. Ir TZLLS You The symptoms of Influenza, Con ' sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy,Gont.Rheumatisin,Lutn• bago, Erysipelas, &c., and gives you the best remedies fur their cure. IT TELLS You The symptoms of Cliolera Mor bus, Malignant Cholera, Small pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies for their cure. Ii Ttxxs You Tisesytoptoms of Pleurisv,Mumps, Neuralgia., Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Diseases of the Throat, • NTeeth, Ear and Eye, ar,ol the best remedies for their cure. Ir TeLLs Yoc The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaun dice, Piles, Rupture, Diseasf i s of the Heart, Ifemorrirtge, Ve nereal Diseases, and Hydro photils,and gives the best reme dies fbr their cure. IT Tgx.t.s You The best and simplest treatment fttr Wounds,4tolken flouts and ' Hislotations, Sprains, Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swelliugs, Ulcers, Whitlotys, Burn§ and Scrofula. If Tau.' You Of the various diseases of Women, of Child-birth, and of Menstru ation; 'Whites, Barrenness, &c., tc., and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure. The work is written in plain binguyge, ries from medrcinerms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type ; Is illustTated 11 ith appropriate engravingv, and will be for warded to yolr address, neatly bound and postage paid, on receipt of $l.OO. pari v ooo A YEAft on be made by enter prising urn cvarhorn, ix, Selling the abqva nrk, as our in4u eg cements to all such aro very jib • Fur single copies of die Book, or for terms to agents, with other intotigatlost, apply to or ad dress, J011:11 S. POTTIII, Publisher, So. 617 Sworn St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, 1861. tim • 59,000 OOPIRS ALRNADY SOLD E ✓erybody's Lswyer AND COPMELLORs LN BLIMINES.S by Fa s Nit CROSBY, of the PAilaJdphia 13. It 1 ells You Ilow to draw up Partnership Pa per. and gives general forms fo Agreement! of all kinds, Ellll.l o Sale, Leases and Petitions. It Tells Yon How IA drew up Bonds and Mort gages, Affidavits, Posers of At torney, Spites and Bills of Ex change. PACeipbt,nrid Releases. It Tells Yon The Laws 'for are Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi. talon, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells You How to make an Assignment properly. with forms-for Composi lb lion with frontons, and the Its solvent Laws of every State. it Tells You The legal 'relations existing be tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord aid Tellant. It Tells Ton Whit constitutes Libel and Sinn der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Hight in Proper ty. Divorce and Alimony. It Tills Yen The Law ticir Mechanics,' Ljens in every State' and the Naturalization Laves of this country, and how to comply with the same. ft Tells You The Law Cencenaing Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre- Fmption to Public Litniht. ft Tells You the Law for Patents, with mode of procadve in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments and Table QC Fees. It -its You fair to entice your Wilt, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells Yon The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both ttie Genecal and State Governments. It Tell. Toll How to keep out of Law, 4,- show ing how to do your bu,iness le . gall , thus saving a vast a - nount Of property, anti vexatious litiga tion, by its timely coti-tiltation. S , ngle copies will tat seat by mail, posta•ge paid, to Flery Farmer, Every Mechanic, Kvery Mau of Business, and Everybody in Et err State, on receipt of $l,OO, or in law style of binding ac.S, 1,25. Stir ,004) A YE4R can be male by enter pro.iag men everywhere, in selling the shove work, as our inducements to all such arc very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information. apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, rutin-her,. No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, lan°. Clothing ! Clothing ! T ACOB REISINGER has just reliirne.l from J the cities pith the prettiest anti cheal.eqt lot of SPRING AND BONER GOODS for Gentle men's wear iyer offerediu Gettysburg. Ile hr s eery variety, style awl price'of g00d..4. White gentlemen can always find Cloiha to suit their t.tataa they can at the same tune har% their tne.tsureg taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice. in the most substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure h irgain3 an alive money go Ix, the Merchants Tail( ring Establishment of JACOB REISINGER, May 7. IHGO. Carlisle street. Removal. IIVEW SALOON.—GEO. F. ECKENROTIE has 'remove ci his Oyster establishment to the Yp le ndid new Saloon in Jacobs A tiro's. Build ing, on the North side of Chamberiborg street, where he will at all times be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. Ify keeping a good article, he expects to receive a liberal share of ptiblic' Ratronage, TURTLE FOrP, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGCE, PIG'S EET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE Clif...VNI, BIRDS, kc., in their season. A nice glasit'd ALE or LAGER an always be had.-- Come and try me, G. F. ECKENRODE. April 2, 18G0. New Spring Goods. JL. SCHICK has just received ancf °Ohre foe • sale the most desirable assortment of DRY t; °LIDS ever brought toYiettysburg, emulating in part of Spring Silks, Plain Mack do., Foulards; Spring de tallies, , Oriental Lustros. Also; Bombazines, Alpaceas, De Segni, Gin' 'r iming, Lawns, abeplierts Plablap Crape& [trysails, ?burns Bareges, Ate. April 16, 1860. An Imientlon rAT to not a hasle t may be Sete at the : Ware 11001111 of 8 DS k 8171171.LEft:—• atoat Washfaglesekl about the utility of AM& there eau be aolaistake. It Ls uedoubt edly the best Wash's/ Mattlas that bas ever bees Jarmo& It mut speak for Wain:— Towaship eights For wile oa reatostAble terhisl Illitehlasis aloe for sale. 'Call sad see it. Key 7, 1860. Fancy Goods! FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, ' fir:Jonas, AND TOTS, Wholesale sad &dill, as Cheap as any place in Baltimore. 151 FRANKLIN STUNT, BALTIMORE. sarThin Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in enccessful operation for more than 14X Miss and in th at . period has paid all losses and el -1 penses.,lstrhouf arty we:sinew, having also a large George. M. Bokeq, earplug capital in the Treasury. The Cem, p palsy employs no Agents—all business being CHINA.,,,, W \ E • Cit.,.A.SS & QUIENS --" done by the Managers , who are annually elect- IMPORTER and nellerilf .A l 4 " - . ": 4 . ' en by the Stockholders. erson desiring. tun and Fayette Streets, . , No. 41 North ifolara Street, B ir T r i e n n o L u e E xi . ng-4 an Insurance can apply to n es of the *bale STONEWARE always on hand, at Facto r }'named Managers for further information. 0 pricer. June IS, 13 — .The Exevitive Committee meets at the of the Company on the last Wednesday •:, month, at 2, P. M. 27, 1858. J Orders prompt!, attended to. June ld, 184.;0. ly Ladd, Webster & Co. ;) BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMOrti • ; )1 Manufacturers of linprovedTig r ht- , stitch SEWING MACIII.NES, for FaMales and Manufacturing Establishments. ' I. Manufacturers. Planters, Farmers, llouse- ; keepers, tor any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, make sure they secure the best, by examining ours before purchasing. ligirSamples of Work sent by mail. WHAT COXSTITCTICS A 000 H SEWING XACHTWZ? 1. It should he well made, simple in its con 4trtiction, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a TIGHT Locic-srrreis, alike' on both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any an .d all mateciols that can be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be able to sew from coarse to fine, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. 0. It should be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, end with uniformity. 7. It should have a straight needle; cursed onei are liable to break. B. The needle should have perpendiculat motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 9. It should be ropatile of taking in the. largest pieces of work. 10. It should be able tg bind with a binder, hem with a beminer ; should stitch, fell, run, and gather. IL It shquid bg &lieu* tgoda , to Fork, glioubt be capable of using the same slit. of thread on both sides of toe work, and of using different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth $a be united. 13. It should be able make a long orahort stitch. 14. It should be able to fasten off pte seam, and commends mowing tightlyat the first stitch. 13. It should run easily and make' but little noise. 18. It should have a wheel feed; none others are In constant contact with the work. 17. It should not be liable to get out - of order. 14. It should not be liable to break the thread, nor skip stitches.- 19. It should not be necessary to use a screw driver or wrench to set the needle, 20. It should nut be IL►ble to oil the opera tor's drem. 21. It should - not form a ridge on the under Rid:. nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the ease with ♦LL custs-wrircu machines. 22. It should not be •' more trouble than it is worth." 23. Fin ile, all of these advantages are poa seised by our Sewing Machine. LADD, % . VEI3STEII & CO. Dec. 5, 1859. ly Ak . o . - OI.NDED 1852. Chartered IAI4. Located a H A co. OF BALTIMORE & C RLES S rs., r SA LTIMOIE, MD.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a THOROUGH PRACTICAL MI:RISERS' EDUCATION in tile' shurtest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Ciren lar,e intaining upwards of SIX .4./CARE FEET, with SPECIRCK OF PENIIANe•HIC, and A LargeEsi graving (the finest of the kind ever made in this country) representing the Interior View of the College. with Ontalogue stating terms. kc., will be sent to Every Young Man ou application, Face or Cuaana. Write immediately and you will receive the package by return mail. Address, E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 6, 1660. ly Wines, Brandies, RI - MS. BLACK TEAS, &c. P. TIERNAN k PDX, offer for sale the following articles. of their own importation, particularly for fami ly n-e : SitEellT WlVER—Peillartilles finest Nile. gold awl brown Sherrie+, In wood and in alasi. l'oaT Wxxits--SAndeman's competition red and white Port. In wood and in glass. Manama Wise—John Iloward March's fine Madeira, In wood and in glass; also. Grape Juice. -11 wit WNl3—.7othinan^sherger, Ste'nberg.er Marcobrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-fsau-milch, Bron neherg, of 184 q. CHAMPAnNi WENES—]foot and Cbaridorl's est, in quarts and pints. Its asulas---thard and Hennessy fine old pale and dark Brandies. Rums—Old and fine Snmaica, Antigua. Gren. ada, and from the I ands, imported direct from London. HOLLAND Gts—The best finality—Tiernan brAntl—and no mixture of aro/neje poison in it. ;4Q half chests of the finest Sotrcnoso TLC Baltimore, Aug. 29, 1859. ly Burr Mill Stones WARRANTED—B. F. STARR k CO., C. et - rtit and Centre Sire,: opposite N. C. R. R. Stiti of BALTIII , IIIE, - Mo. Mitten( turers of FRENCH BURR: Importers and Dealers i Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth: Lesther arid Girn 'Melting: Cslcited 1 1 larter.an't) Mill ....,..s, .. - Quality. Also, Colons, COcalico. and Esophes Mill Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 27, 'SO. ly New & Rich OR - EWELRY, SILVER WARE, S!LVER. PLAT ED WARE, *c.—A. E. WARNE it Gold and eersmith, No. 10 NORTH GAY .3 , SAL TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautifkil assort ment of styles and patterns of RICA JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing a great variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car bluAles, di., Ear-Riags, Bracelets,Finger Rings set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, jai, Emerald, Am., Ladies' Gold Chains, Yest'l ward Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Teens, Sleeve Buttons and Stud,,, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins k Ear Rings, ke. - A L S - 0 , r A variety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Etsakets, Waiters. Caudlestlcks;Batter iod Salt Stands, Pearl Randle Desert Ks ites,Spoo no, Forks, Lndles, Fancy Articles, ke., all °Hetrick is respectfuUy offered on the lowest terms. ifir rhe Country Trade and Dealers general ly iovitm( to t i r me a call, aid examine Goods sad Prices, eg sail/fled that my SR.- ti Ills WAltli cannot be eurpaued either for fineness sr qusJity, or the latest and most beau tiful patterns. CFA. tY, 1860. ly James H. Bosley, VOINISSIOS ItIIitCHANT, • N. 124 ad 126 Nora &rot, B.A.ISIXOS , I an poepeared - to TRY DU. SariF neOv• -C4‘11.1 sloe all ithieloorWON ruu E exposeser or uta roes la Cowialodos booboos, toad lobbies to umlaute!' 64 40,6 4 ,,1 1 iblibremyetif shoal shall be abla to siwo am; ravens to all who allot twe With ateiglipmtota. KW Woo *Mad to Mos *Ora if e , w oof*, Ouse°, sad all kloilleof lertlll24ll. ' .* Feb. 6, '60.4 ly :El • County ' , 1 1„`- 311:FTUAL FIIII6INSCRAIir -- lacorporated March 18, 1851. ' 0111C111SX. President—George Swope. rice Pre/id/al—S. A. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. 7'reavatr—David M'Creary. &Twelve Vosuailtra—Robert McCurdy, /see% King, Andrew Heintselenan. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Buehler, Ja. cob King, A. Heintzelman R. M'Curdy, Thos, A. Marshall, S. Fahnestoeli, Win. B. McClellan. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelberger, Abdiul 1.C1141, John Woliord, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, John Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell. D. M'Creary, Andrew Polley, Johu Picking, J. R. Hersh. GEGRGE k HENRY WAJIPLER will make House Spouting and put up the same low, fur cash or country produce. Farmers and all other, xishing their houses, barns, kc., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. April 13, '53. tf G. kH. WAMPLER. nOACFIMAKISG AND BLACKSMITHING, kj —The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public that he continues the Cosichmalcisig and Blacksmitlaing business in every br;nch at his establishment in Chem bersburg street. He bas on band find will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, HGGIGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., of the best material, And made by superior work-. men. birREP.I IR !NG and BLACKARITRUIG of all kinds done at reasonable fates, pr6lup4 and tosthe satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY PRODUCR taken in e4Cb!ipge fp• work at market prices. skir Persons desiring utiales or work In tba Coachmaking or Biarksmithing lipo t al:p is, sportfully imited tp call on New Firm—New Gopds. rpHE undersigned have entered into partnere ship in the HARDWARE k GROCERY business, at the old stand of Dinner Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, stile and firm of I)AN NEB k ZIEGLER, JRS., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well 'its any quaßtitrof sew custom. Theyhavejsist Winer: ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods—consisting in part of Betiding Materials, such as Nails, Screws, hinges , Bolts, Locks, Glass. kc. Tools, including Edge Tools ofevery description, Saws, Planes, Mussels, Gouge; Braces and Butts, Augers, Squares, Gouges Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vices, Rasps, Files, Norte Shoes, 'Horse-shoe • &c., with them, very cheap. Coach Find.... ings, such as Cloth, Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, MOss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Asks, Hobbs, Spokes, Felloes, Bows, Poles, shafts, kc. Shoo Fir:dings, Tampico, Brush and French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Dulls, Boot Trees, kr., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general nesortment— also Vardrsh, Knobs, ke. HOUSF.KEEPEIat will also find a large assortment of Knives and • Brittannia, Albsta and Silver-plated Ts hie and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and grass Kettles, Pans, Tulles, Churns, Carpeting, kc. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; C ist. Shear, and BliSter Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES. a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans. West India and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, 'Coffee. Spices. Chocolate. Fine, Meuse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL ; Turpentine, Fish, te..; a fall assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article ire the. Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, IllacksMith.Cabinet Maker's,Painter's,l Hazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CA.SiI as any house out or the city MITE,. undersigned haring retired from the Mercantile business,. the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, In Baltimore street, by their sons, Henn• B. Danner and Way briii;l4 Ziegler, under tiro name and style of Daffier k Ziegler, Jrs.. whom wewill recommend to, and for whom we would besptak a liberal share of patronage from old custars, and of the public in genentl. Havifig retired from the Mercantile business it is necessary that our old busine“ %Inlaid be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books a ill be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNER. TO FARMEIti AND MEHMIANTS.—We have now opened o,ur large and commodious arehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company. and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: moult, WHEAT, RYEXORN, OATS, .k. Also. on hand and for sale. Salt, Guano:. Plaster, Fish, kr. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of . Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, -Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, ke.. kc., which we do not hasicke to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants still do a ell by calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as our. motto will be "quick sales and small profits." 11 would also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, Hogs, kc., to the fact that we have for sale Breinig, Fronefield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER., BOLLINGER k CO. •sburg, Sept. 5, 1858. Howard Association, PII IL ADELPH I Benevolent established by special Endowment, for the Belief of the Sick and Distressed, afHicted with. Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. 7-: Medical advice given gratis, by the Actingi Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a dt.- - scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, itc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty Medicine furnished free of charge VAI:rABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhosay , and other Diseases of the Sexual Ors/atm, sad on the NEW REMEDIES employed In the Dis pensary, sent to the afflicted in sealedenvelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for post age will be acceptable. Address Dr. J. SKILLEN 00I1G/ITON, Surgeon, Howard Associstion, No. 3 go Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Es. By Order the Directors. EZRA D. LIEARTWELL, (lad. FAIRCHILD, Sae,. Prof/7' 5 ' 7, 1/1154/. 17 • . White Goode - AXD /31131tOIDERIES.—. 1 % L: Itel!WV would invite the ladles to mortise hie w i re variety of new esyle Ltrilllantsoctr il P Jai:oasts, Plaid Ciunbries, Linens,' iintikerekiefs, ke., ke. [Apri,l ifiltiO. ' kLL 4T A. SCOTT I; SOWS use isior .71 Pouts fiso-Ssame, littas MOLT CANS uuti ..,` mum AIWA* and constitisitt. Itit • - Norris; Fruits and Viestablet Or • " • whisk eau hi imam 1111#, 4" 6 - - AF,JLEYSON :1i r. 1 *_,_ 10 " 16111 *_. stis4 y‘"u:V w XQrsbutif Pa. ;••• e •• .11116 • •:.;# , ; mitt 4 Spouting. Still at Work ! JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '5O. HENRY It. DANNER, WANRRIGIIT ZIEGLER Gettysburg, May !4 1858. Notice. 1.).1%"11) ZIEGLER. Mar 23,1853 Notice ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers