EMMII ~. ~,.....7 _, _. _, ii iabw - - • ..5 t ...,,ir - Baba /Atli A t t. XSTATiI ~ . ,1631 640% MA ei4f/ fir Sset dere, tsits. Al Graded, oppatit• the Gems& H0,r.,.... , r.,.... ,Ohsterliosti, &ratio* Upset, In At* diphd id addett. six Tsevin LOU, `ihissOti-losi deSdhltilf $. rowteets, contains , -- hist...A‘ere• add 37 Perches. Or tlettgesiosskicissinir and South of the above, containing 4 Arm and Jl6 l'errbes. Oss 0111t-Lot South of mid adjoining W. Zieg kn. iddiediigig 6 *eras add s 2 Perches. abe 11 1 1 10416* - Sursils of and adjoining Rey. J. ateirsidelddlining 7 Acres and 8 Perches. Am *ww, South of and adjoining (Ley. J. slit:s t. containing 4 Acres and 101 Perchec OM Lot, North of and adjoining lion. D. Siegler. coatainiag 4 ACIV4 sod lot Percbv.. OM thit,Los, West of and Adjoining W. Ziegler, containing 6 Acres and 75 Paretic+. -Ono Oat-Lot, &oath of sod adjoining George Utak matainfal 4 Acts and 112 Perches. Owe Oat-Lot, (meadow.) on MellillAn's Lane, conssioisse 4 Acres and 47 Perches. One Oat-Let, on AlcliiiLsn's Lane, Adjoising Geo. (*Jeri, eontAisiag 5 Acrce and 'o Per. Ode Utt-Lest, ou lltdine airset, Adjoining S. fahaassoels, containing about 120 Veri. Ileit. this Towa-Loi, No. 51, on ltallro.td, in rear of Yonat's Hotel. One Sri& House and Half Lot, on rhamlore. bows dlineef,„ occupied by Airs ltitterline. Sae -Witt Sera gad 'plop Lots, corner of - Wasisiaggisa and Railroad streets—the best. .seabed is town for Drpot aud .4ereauttle leisabsess. 'Tamar :—One-bmlf C.'s'', on delivery of Deed, My within :0 dap, and pos.ession given.— %psi residue rpf the purchitne, 11 . 1THOCT IS • 704er. IP eliaal annual payments in one and 111'Y pun fro= arst of A.pr.), leGv, secured by Bend and Morigege on the property, or satis factory personal security. The properties will Astaisomm by Messrs. SAMUEL WITHILOW O• JOHN ktwiSlS, L3AAC R. 6111TH. Aim 40, 38crt. t 4 IS Register's Notice. figMICE Is hereby ghee to all legatees and other persons concerned that the A.dula. aeration =counts hereinafter inentioned will betilreisedfd at Ole Orphan's C3ust ut Adams Pasitt4ll7 (OF confirmation and allowance, oa Imai99. Oa 2?d of afa.f Iqt, at 10 o'clock, A. L, Vi;; lin. First and final aetount of John Slyder, Nuentor of the last will and testament ofJame, Laster, deceased. Is# : Tqe second account of James Feeatr, rimiota r of the will of Jacob Fiwser, late of Germany township, deceased. IV. Second account of David Roarbaugh, ?water of f . fesiry Schriyer, deceased. pao, Prhe s eeped and final account of Tobias Pryor, Executor of the last will and testament of Henry B. Shroeder, deceased. 117. First and final accooot of Addison W. Niers, 114.6c4, for of Margaret Boyer, deceased. tn. The first and boat account of Peter Retith, Administrator of the estate of Rachel Botith, (widow of Anthony Smith deceased) :ate gg Monutpleuant township, deceased. 139. The first account of Jacob liarerstock, Administrator Aif Peter Haverstock. deceased. 1110, First account of Jacob Harman, one of the Rtecutors of Samuel Studebaker, deceased. , 191. 'The 6r.,1 accent:it of Ulsmense Stude- I baker, one of the Executors of Samuel Stude baker, deceased. 102. The second and final account of Jacob Ilyers, sae of the Executors of George Dear dorg deceased. 103. The second account of Janes McElree sad John L, ardler, Executor' of the last will and 14s4useut of Joshua Snyder, deceased, as .plod by James llcElvee, Executor. 104. The tint account of Henry Spangler, Adadaistrat,or of the estate of fisaa ljaveratock, 441**Nod, 195. The aceonnt of Sebastian Stitzcl, Ad seislstatoe of cleorge d-C;11.141e4, 196. ?he first and Bail secolunt of Genus Wilson sad Joseph Graff, Administrators of the slats offrinces Wilson, deceased. 197. The lint account of Joel H. Danner, XIFOCIIIQf or Peter Ferree, deceased. ZACHAttIAff 11"kaLS, Register. Ustistites Offlcr, listsys, 1 burg, April 23, 1360. f Register's Notice. - A ti orcx Is I,sreby given to all legatees and other persona concerned that the Admin en aaconnts hereinnter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan', Court of Adams mat, to continuation and allowance, on roach ;As 19a, of Alay next, at lo o'clock, A. ~ vie; 199. The first and final account of Jonathan C. Forrest, Esq., Tuistee for the sale of the real lOWA of George (.71ns, late of Grills/1u town. Nap, dolisaand, 199. Vas first Fad final account of Win, A, Cal Adolnistrator of the estate of Philip Colt, late of Ilantiltonhan township, deceased, 200. 'nke first and final account of Robert Sltlll l o o ll l l2orriring Executor of Robert :gem -1110•11, 18r,, late of Ilamiltanban township, dec'd. 201, Tba account of John Tudor, acting Executor of the Will of John Tudor, er., de emed. 202. Second and final account of John 11. Antabangh, Seq., Executor of the last will and testament of George Clark, Eeq., deceased. SACHARI AR MYERS, Register. Register's Mice, Getty,- l berg, Aprtl so, rude. f 'OO, Summer Arrangement. '6O. EsE Black Frock Coats, cheap at PICKING'S. ItAn and Brown Cassimere Frock Coats, very cheap, a; PICKING'S. LACK Coats, of all colors, remarkably cheap, at PICKING'S. cAnKKILLES, l'rdtk and Sack Coats, no toriously cheap, at PICKING'S. CK Coats, Linen, Sacks and Frock.., un reasonably cheap, at PIC/UM/li. 0. 1 Mach Caasituere Pants, astonishingly cheap, at PICKING'S. AKIN ebilililleTe Pants, pleasingly cheap, PICKING'S. IAt.KKTT, Duck and Linen Pants, nncom -omealy cheap, at PICKING'S. ItYITUN Pants, all colon, unusually cheap, as PICKING'S. OTS' Coats, Vest,s and Pants, cettalaly very cheap, at PICKING'S, 'IATIII.aad Silk Vests, good and yositit ely itcheap at PICKING S. AILIKILIKB and Nanlutnet Vests unpre. eedeatedly cheat:oost PICKING'S, i rSPSNDEBS, Shirts, Colla, Socks , Stocks, ei o rs ekkival4 ll ., horIal" cheap, a; PICKING'S. 11/00141 and Jewelry of all kinds, confound . - erf cheap, at PICKINWS. 'GLIM, files, nets', 4c., most "dogged" - *rap, at PICKING'S. lIVOLVNBEI, Pistols, Ulm', 4r., ' all had" cheap, at PICKING'S. 4 01134 T way othet things, Amon which an fly Nsts,iti singly cheap, at Plaint,. illt Closse,Legginge and Cape, which talus ...ricomAl else in town down for cheap. rasays ._ PICKING'S. ODT will please call at PICKING'S, a atatW of course. [April 30,'00, Dissolution. . T Partnership heretofore existing between niJailob Besieges and (Aeries P. Winter, in -tug Pardemmi,.. lierauitile, Coat end Lumber hasissee, is this day. b 7 mantas' consent, dis miss& Al easounts will be settled by 1, Batieress, Mike old stead. saftb it, jNO. Now Finn. ran Liarailisti sad JAMS P1C11313 -Into osisatisto Partaambip Is tba sbova old -Nawlh (tho Iniels 111001101114# sod osspoOloPy aoliskt a amnia*. faliatAi Ohs primaip liiihsno bestows& sow 114 oldlns. nor 0O **Rim* pay go blebiskosoak pass lot /WM QUAD', Shiloh #l4_//4411111 kno oesoloatly os Smut WM /1514. Oak LW, FiasTSJI., 114.0 sOliWo Imo. rifts. /MOB 11102218, /AM ?MM. AO ikg 6 / 4 ,Arliform .ooel =IM:E==!==ZM I. 'PhD - Naitrowt, ittf ile A ra i ni at soar lesives rT ooms f 4. 111,4 eionneethig • er .1 With the testa freer Mania• t 4 tilltsfeit aj 0.48 A. M, eaneldng Bal• Aiperge at 12.34/noon. Passeniptin going north or east will also connect, br the sontling train, With the mail train/rem Baltinstim vrbleti passes the Juaction at 10.2% A. M. and *lrises at Her rifburg at 12.25 meas. Connectione made at Yolk for Columbia and Philadelphia by this train. Returning arrives at Gettysburg at 12.15 noon with passengers silo leave Harris burg nt 7.4 V A. M., and Baltimore at 7 Gu A. 11. The AFTERNtS)N TPAIN leaves Gettys ' burg at I P. M., connecting jtt Hasso%er Junetion at 3.03 P. X. with Mail train which leaks llarri,burg at 12.30 P.M. and arrives at Baltimore at 5.50 P. M. and with the Egpresii train Croak lialtintora leaves Baltimore at 1 , 3 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.25 I'. M. Returning arrives at Gettysburg with pas sengers from Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the 4414 snit West at 5.15 P. 31. Passengers for the North or South on the sorthers Central will make connections through each war by both Morning and Afternoon train : U. 511/1101, President. Aprti 23, IMO. S'he Old County BCILDING, known by every man in the county, and no doubt many a one wished there nesce had been such a place. as many were broken up by permitting. or rather ohlig leAl j have their name+ entered utx4 the coun ty dockeis. But look at the etiantre. - it la a pleaeure now to call there and buy goods of SAM I N at Poch eetonishinglv reduced prices— lower thin e v er before offered in the county. I Garment,' mad, up for men and boys, as us ual, in the vary but manner. and according to ally style desired. The work being done in their own establishment, they are always en abled to warrant it.. Remember, their place of business is the large and commodious room ad joining Cobean it Culp'son Cbamberabarg street. Sept. 19, 1859 RFADING FOR EVERYBODY, AND ALL KINDS OF READING.—The undersigned most respectfully ahnouncts to the reading public that he has opened a new Periodical Store end News Depot In the room recently oc cupied for that purpose by Messrs. Aughin baugh t son, in Carlisle street, a few doors above the Witshingl.ou nonse, where he is pre pared' to meet the wants and silt the tastes of the literary world, The city Dailies will he received and deliveres) promptly. All the leading Magazines, Periodi cals, Literary Journals, Pictorials, Ballads, Music, and in fact any and everything in the News and Periodical line will be found at the new establishment of JOSEPH BROADDE.kn. SlirSubseriptioni to papers, magazines. Jtc,, received at alt times. Give us a tall. J. B. April 2, 186$. 3m Wall Paper I Wall Paper ! ! have Just received from the city of IT . New York a large assortment of Wan Paper of the newest patterns and designi.— Glazed, Marble and Oak, relret and plain bor• der, decoration, fin board rents and window shades. wall Park from 8 cenu per piece and upwards, R, F. McII.IIZNY. )(Arch 36, 1860, , Shawls 1 Shawls • AT BCIIIO K'B, !troche, (long end einem) Printed Cashmere Shawls, Stella, Thibet, and De Lain. do April 16, 18G0. (`CORNER AHEAD I—J. C. GIIIN:i k BRO. have just received from the sasterm cities, a rge and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are offering to the public at prices which cannot fail to satisfy all—among which is a splendid usortment of De Laines, Poil de Chevers, Barbadoes, Berage, Lawns and Calicoes, of every grade, style and price. Also, a splendid assortment of Gentle men's Wear of every description, Cloths and Cassimeres, black and fancy ; a splendid stock of Vesting, Velvet, Satin and Marseilles—and in fact any and everything in the Dry Goods line. • Would you bt, good Goods, pretty Goods, cheap Goods, and secure great bargains?— Theo tall at the cheap corner store of _ J. BTAESS, C. Y. WIATSM. lir h.. Just recetred from the cities a large lot of new Ready-made CLOTIIINCI, for men and boys' wear: with Hats. Hoots and Shoes, Truuka. Valises, Carpet Bags, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Violins, Megan*, Tobacio. kc., kc., kc. Call soon, is,ud don't miss the great bargains now had at the old County Bail;ling, corner of the Diamond and York street, Gettysbi rg.— TAm's tAr spot Thankful to his old enstomers for their pa tronage, be hopes by his change of location not only to retain their custom, but secure a large number of new buyers. An entire summer suit—coat, pants and rest— fur 5431.40N. April 16, 18j0. Just in Season ! GIVE US A CALL!—The undersigned have just received from the cities an immense Cock of CLOVIS. CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, VHSTilitiS In i 4 varieties, ke., suitable for the season. which they offer to the public at unpre cedentedly low rates. They ask a call, To convince all ''— of the truth of his assertion. No trouble to ■hqw goods and give prices. A large lot et READY-MADE O f OTRINQ 4/9 ullingsheaper than ever. J.kCORS k BRO., Merchant Tailors New Periodical Store. 'The North West J. C. GUINN & BRO April 16, 18041 Spring 1860. ACSCOTT A SON hake just received, end • are now opening, at their establishment, ualubersburg it., opposite the ii Eagle Ho tel," a large, choice and desigtsble stock of SPRING GOODS, which they offer to the pub- He, satisfied that goods can't be sold elbeeixr than they are now offering them. Our stock com prises all the different styles and qualities of 14AOIXS' DRISS GOODS, Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods, Lanes, kc., kc. For MEN and BOYS' WEAR we hays our usual variety, In style, quality and price. Our eustamers will always find our stock of Douiestic Goode full, cheap and complete. We invite sR to give us a call and examine our stook, satisfied that an examination is all that is necessary to convince all that our's is the cheap store. No trouble to show goods.— Thankful for past encouragement, and would respectfully ask a continuance of the same. A. SCOTT I SOX. N. B. Country Produce taken in./exchange for Goods. [April 18,1860. Removals. rilffilundendiraed, Wag the authorised person to soaks removals into liver Green Ceme tery, hopes that each as contemplate the removal of the remains of der-posed relatives or friends, will avail thentsalves of this season of theyear to have It done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and ao start spared to please. PE fgli TRURN, Nara 12,'60. Keeper of the Crane tory. Removal. fiC r :tseribet has removed his Plough and astithse Shop from the Foettdry building Se strolli,nbooito Tote's Blacksmith shop, book of the Lou.s ROW, Wine he is bet ter rowed Shia ever to attood to customers. Plonks always on band sad gook to order at tin shortest *Woe, sat Motithiee, limper., he., Malted. Also he will attend to elesalag *ad toptiringt Mocks. DAVID WARgEN. May la. 3. IV. Bootto . (L a k i f f Oa An of irlooloier i loon.) rimtitirs FOIXIMIING *TWA NA Ur SUM ILIJCPACTOSY, No. 114 Liao. Licosa . 41•VarrW7=14 1 17 4 l ow= t om er ani l attastioa ofbiellemor 'dm. sad Miaow Store, sad is MAW to WI sir snuffs at Mort si- 2i. palms .0011XTBY TitADS sapplird &ageism& . 17,' "if _ IPooltoott sad silli ALlNvire OalltOil otooffPoot ottCPIVAII; to vollOisevelitnikkorers. ' 1.,' .. 4. gt. MQW 0 SOL 0= BMLl.lt33lore) .A.cVv"ts.,. a P. Bayley, . IMPORT= AND DIALER IN • CHINA, GLASS AND QUERIBWARIS. wcsaas►x Wats st.d Srpss W•sikat factory prices. No, 0 liessrat &rat ti ness ashimon SUIPet. B►►raroas, MD. Ftb. /;, WO. 31a Baltimore F.LL AND 111tA.S.1 WORKS..II3 Holliday street, Baltimore, 3ld. REG INTE4 FISH. the Proprietors, are prepared to furl:Mitt BELLS of all description', from iu to lo,uOu posuals, whit.ll are warranted equal in quality of tone, prolongation of sound and durability, to any made in the United States. thir Beils are wade of the ktel, tooterioli, warranted to give entire satisfaction; also, against breakage. Farm Bell+, -eauginz from 10 to 100 pounds, always 03 hand at northern prices. Fur l'grtificates with full particulars, sasid for hue of oar 12irenjazt+. 29, 1n59. 1y New & Rich JEWELRY, SILVER. W ARE, WISER PLAT RD WARE, Ac.—A .WA lIN P.lt Cold and bilrersroitb, No. X,arn GAY STREET, SAL. TMORE, .111).. has in 'tore a beautiful aemort, went of styles and patterns of IUCII JEWELRY, suitable for preterite, enibracing A great ‘ariet, of Plain Gold and Sett Prow bes , Mosaics. Car bunk les, lc., Estr-Emp. ernealeas, Finger Rings cat auk Diamond, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, le., Ladies' Gold Chain.. I"e,t & Guard CbAins, )Miniature Lockets. Gold Calf Pint: Signet, Cllnged and Plain Gold Rings tied, and Pen.,, t-deere Buttons and Studs. and Jet l',ro,,es, Jet Bracektt, Pins l Ear Rings, Lc. A L '3 U t A variety of Silver Mounted t Pate,' Castors, Cale 11.i,kete, Waiters. ('ankle-ticks. Butter and Salt Stands. Pearl handle De.ert Ku s e•. Spoons, F../rle, Ladles, Faiwy Articles, Ac , nll of is resyectfully offered on the loa est terms. ablo—The Countr) Trndeand Dealers general ly are invited to Bite me a eail. and examine Goods and Prices, being satisfied that my SIL %Mt IVAIIK cannot he surpass o d either for fineness or i,i4aJity . , OF the latsit and most beau tiful patterue, [Feb. 27. 18GO. ly Carpetti, Ir. CLOTHS wad Vattings, wholesale and retail. Constant') on hand an assortment o Carpets at low prices, tonsisting of Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets, of every styiti•nd price. Oil Cloths from 1 to 6 yards wide. Also, Bugs. Nlat•, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa 11.ittings. Rag I %di - pet.; of our owe mule, by the piece or yard, at low tireett. JOSEPH VICT(IItY, 125 Lexington it.,one door 1{ est of Howard, April 2, littitl : 114 Baltimore, Md. The World's GREAT EXIIIIIITION PRIZE. MEDAL! AWARDED TO MEYER, for his two Pianos, London, October 15, 1851.—e. MEYER respectfully informs his friends and the public CezlerAlif that he has constantly on hand PIANOS, equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London, in 1851, All orders promptly attended to, and great caretaker; in the selection and packing the same. Ile has received daring the hat Fitteen years more Medals than •ny other maker from the Franklin justitute—also, First Premium he Boston, New York and Baltimore, Wererooins N 0.722 Arch street, below Eighth, south ride, Philede'phi*, (April In, 'tin. 3ru Esenwein's rrAn AND WOOD NAI'TIIA PReTOR A L, la the best Medicine In the erotic( for the ('ure of Coughs and Colds, Croup. Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty In Breathing, Palpitation or the Doan, Dlptherie, and for the relief of potleuts In the advanced /taps or Consumption. together with All Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which pre dispose to Consumption. n is pendi44 ado,,,d to thr radon' evre rritratisa, Being prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist, and one of 'rent experience In the can of the various diseases to which th• hu man frame is liable. It Is offered to the •Rltcted with the greatest confidence, Try It and be convinced that It Is Invaluable la . the cure of Bronchial affections. Price 50 cents jar, bottle. si'Prepared only by DR. A. ESENWEIN k CO., Druggists and Chemists, N. W. cot. Ninth k Poplar Sts., gurbSold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Ilediclnes throughout the State. April 2, 1860. lv Removal. ALEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Wstch maker, has removed his oho, to the room on the West side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq., as a Law Office, where he will always he happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thanktul for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please. to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 165 P The Greatest Discovery 9LV THE AGE.—lnflammatory aid Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using 11. L. li LEws. CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by soy specific introduced to the public. Prue 50 cents per bottle. Yor sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by II L. MILLER, Wholsesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot. tied Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Ate., ke. sir A.D. 13uehler is the Agent in Gettysburg for '• 11. L. Miller's Celebratedjtheumatic Mix ture." [Oct. 24, 1959. ly Cannon & Adair's 111\TRW MARBLE WORKS, corner of Bald more and East Middle streets, directly op- posite the new Court !louse, Oettysburg.— Hering recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work In the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in our line, to favor us with • call and examine specimens of our work. Wa are prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONE'S, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertaining to our business, at the lowest pos sible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work shall be put up in a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to be sees in the cities, where every implovetnekt which experianch has snersted is availed .f, and especially do we goorsatee that our Ceme tery and Grave Yard work shall be so caret fly set as not to be 04004 by frost, but shall main tain for years that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, and so necessary to *outlined gracefulness and symmetry. llov. 28, 1859. if . New Goods 1 Ltit p tEAP GOODS!! • weaksoxi 000DSII —hit Moir* a Isere amortsitat of soli desifolge DRY 000D$ of every va lsoli, shay, at salsoiskiagly low sad which we oleos to as }ollie.% Bs parehadad oar stook I. Now York, Pkiladel and liallisore, sod haring 11.4 the bassi of Ow *arta of time olds., sall Wog selsolod wish year oars, Ire sit OW to Shoo wishing to is ow UN that thy Clialial Mt: plumed hso So "Why itall pmts. 0s Iwo ~WA SU litifil WON 404 Whom q goods bolt for LOW MIR GooDosso, to tibia smilatito War attoottos. 04 sod Jar :Wm Rehm 1 1 = x3z olorwboro. 1 April e, 3210. 51p of tßo li Vat. PSC INg ri 3 104 24 stootiit orgi arruilts i t aglow, Tleittop, eittitioy, U. 733 • The . Ladwi o Whir& C0.,. f . IWoksgrorlinr , l --- AND PATIONAJEGto4P .. c 131 BALEINOSIt ST., BALTtNORE, 31D., anofsetnrste eflespetwwill'ighweliteitl an paru a t h e wor m s et otis r to s t e a , /Nos, Clowns, Liao soli i. SEWING XACHINES, Pm,. (), J. Wood's Hale Wastefully., um far rase it ies and Masufacturing Establishments- d ol m en or the Pimpliest, saanimpue in Ha j Let Manufacturers, Planters, Farmers, Mouse- A few testinsonishi only can be here given; Ma keepers, or any of persons in searcirof as circular for more, and it will be impossible fin instrument to execute any kind of Sewing DOW yon to doubt. done by machinery. make sure they secure the 47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20.'58. hest. by examining ours before purchasing. Census's: Your note. of the 13th inst., Ma-Samples of Work sent by tnail.„ has been reatired, saying that you bad heard WuAT CuNST/TUTIER A GOOD atlet•O HAMM, 7 that I had been benefited by the use of Wood's 1. ft should be well made, simple in its con- I Hair Restorative , sad requesting my certificate struction, and easily kept in crier. of the fact if I had no objection to give it. 2. it should make a TIGHT LOCK-STITCH, alike 1 I award it to you cheerfully. because I think on both sides of the material. • it due. My age is about 60 years; the entor of 3. It should sew any and all materials that Imy hair a uburn , and inclined to curl. Some can be sewed. five or six years since it began to turn grey, 4. It should be able to ass Cotton, Thread, . sa d t h e scalp on the crown o f my head to lose or Silk, directiv from the spool. sensibility and dandruff to form upon IL— L. It 'tumid Le able to sew from coarse to floe, 1 its Neat of these disagreeabilitien increased with and from thick to thin, with raplditf, sad with- ti me , and &bout roar months liana • fourth was out changing the tension. added to thew, say hair failing off the top of my 6. It should be able to make the tO110101! greater or less, on both the cinder and upper bead and threatening to make me bald. threads- and with uniformity, letbla unpleasant predicament, I was induced • to try Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to ar 7. It should hate a straight needle; carved rest the felling off of my hair, for I had really ones arc liable to break no expectation that gray hair could ever be 8. The needle shoullitare perpendiculai restored to its original color except from dyes. motion. This is absolutel y necessary for heal y I was, however, greatly surprised to find after work. the use of two bottles only, that not only was ii. It should be capable of taking In the largest pieces Of wort.;he falling off arrested, but the color was re stored to the gray to. It should he able to bind with a hinder, hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to•form on my head, hem with a hemmer ; should "stitch, fell, run sad gather. I very much to the gratification of my wife, at I whose solicitation I was induced to try it. 11. It should he always ready to work. For this, among the many obligations I, owe 12. It should be capable of using the same . to her sex, I strongly recommend all husbands size of thread on both sides of the work, and 1 who value the admiration of their wives to of using different colored thread or silk, above' profit by my or boluer, to corr:ssyond with any 1.00 colors of i exempts, and use it It growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, cloth to be united, I BEN. A. LAVENDER. 13. It should be able to make a long or short stitch. To 0. J. Wood k Co., 444 Broadway, New York, My family are absent from the city, and I am 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, no longer at No. 11 Carrot Place. and comManee seeing tightlyat ;he first stitch. Sisimaston, Ala., July 20, 1852, 15. It should run easily and male but little s. Ts To 0 .az r . 0. J. WooD: Dear Sir :—Ypur noise. f' Hair Restorative” has done my hair so much it. It should hare a wheel feed; vote others goo d sin c e I commenced the use of it, that I are in constant contact with the work. • ish to make known to the public of its effects ion the hair, which are great. A man or woman . 17. It should put be liable to get out of order. la. It should not be liable to break the I may be nearly deprived of hair ; apd lay a gown thread, nor skip stitches. to vour .• Hair Restorative," the hair will return IQ It should not be necessary to use a screw- more tieaetiful than ever; at least this is my driier or wreueli to set the needle. experieuce. Bennie it all I Yours truly, 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera- WM. H. KEN EDY. tor's dress. ff. S.- 1 1 1 tou can publish the above if you like. 21. It should not form a ridge on the under side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, By publishing in our Southern papers you will !get more patronage south. I see several of as is the case with ALL coals-STITCII msehiuea. ' , your certificates in the Mobile Mercury, a stron 22. It should not be " more trouble than it , g :Southern paper. W. H. K. a worth.'' WOOD'S HAM serroasvlTF, 23. Finale. all o?thesc adiantages are ' I,- -hid,. : .. . - P oe " I --Pao,. O. J. Wool): Dear Sir:—Having had 1 our Sewing 4sebiD. the misfortune to lose the best portion of my LA D, WEBSTER Co. hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in Dec. 5, 185.9. ly New Orleans in 1851, I was induced to make _ trial of yllur preparation, and found It to an- Wines, Brandies, ewer as the very thing needed. My hair is now - 1111 . MS, BLACK TEAS, ke. P. TIERNAN & thick and glossy, and no words can express my SOS, offer for sale the following articles. obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such of their own importations particularly for fami- a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. ly use: The Restorative Is put, up in bottles of three Stoner Wises—Pemartine's finest pale, gold sixes, cis ; large, medium, and mall ; the small and brown Sherrie 4, in wood and iq glass. !holds 3 a pint, and retails for one dollar per Pour• Wlssa--.-Suu , letrl-tn's competition red I bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per and white Port, in wood and iq glass. cent. more in proportion than the small, retails MAIZIRA Wise—John Howard March's fine I fur two dollars per bottle; the large holds a Madeira, in wood and in glass; alsq, Crape , quart, 40 per ceult more in proportion, and re- Juice. tails for $3. IToer WivEs—Jahannesherger, Ste'nberger 0. J. IVOOD k CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad- Msrcobrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-frau-mikh, Bron way. New York, and 114 Markel Street, St. ncherg. of 1848. I Louis. Mo. CHAMPAGNII WPlll4—Moet and Chandon's 6n- And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy sat. in quarts and plats,Guilds Dealers, Narch 1860, .firn • 11 - • -out—Otard and Ilennosay a tins old pal- ' - ' -= TI of ILASoisi and dark Brandies. Itcws--Old and fine Jamaica, Antigua, Gren ada, and front the I ands, Imported direct from London, liottals Otv—.The best quality-41efrinn 'brand--and np tnizturs of aromatic poison iit it. 200 half chesta„of the finest Soccuoxu Tat. D 'Moors, Aug. 2: 1 ,1059. ly , A. Nattiot . & eon's S ". AND PrRNITTRE WA IIiCROON, Nov. 25 and 97,N. Goy street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st„) extending from Gay to Frc.lertuk st.—the largest eatahliabment of the kind in the rnlon. Always on han,l n large assortment oi 1101'14E11(I1.1) ANI) OFFICE Ft'IINITURF., em bracing Bureaus. Bedsteads, Wiishst-tnds. %Vara robes, Mattresses of husk. Cotton and Hair, Spring 11E411, Sofas, Icte-c-Tetes. Arm rh.iirs, Rocking Chairs. Etagere., NLlrblalde., Set tees. It/N.()64)n nu.t Uplwittcred Chair., tiGiCrED COLORS OF rorr E FURNITURE, Wood Chairs. Office Ch.iirs. Barber (*lllira. Cribs and Cradles lint !licks, Hall Yurnituro, (lilt and %Valuta Pliatne Looking Uinsse s, : 4 itle board., Extetsalon Tablea, of e"cry length. Persons disposal to purchase are (to! to call and who our stock en clout:in:alma, whit 11 for enrlety and quality of worktnattsntp Is not equalled by any establishment in the t Onntry. A. )1.1.T1110T k SON', Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1859. ly COMMISSION MERCHANT, 21", a, 114 and 136 North &reel, BALTIMMIK, MD. I am prepared to receive...m(l sell on Comm 'ion all kinds of COUSTRY PRODUCK. Having An experience of ten years In the Commiision business, (and wishing to continue that alone,) I Hatter myself that I shall be able to give Fuels- FACTION to ell who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 6, 'GO Baltimore Safe Manufactory. MILLER'S IMPROVED SALAMANDER SA FES.—Thousands of dollars iu proper ty of all kinds, saved annually in these safes that never failed to preserve their contents.— Factory, Dorance street, l'rovidence, Rhode Island, and 159 North street, Baltimore. Sale rooms, No. Id. South Charles street. For sizes r and prices send for a circular. All Safes war ranted to give satisfaction. L. 11. MILLER, No. la South Charles street, Oct. 17, 1859. De. 27. ly] Baltimore, Md. /145:1 • . d 1). rITSDED 1852. Chertemi 1854. Located COIL. OF BALTIMORE k CHARLES STS., stetsons, Mn.—The Largest, )lost Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Tninionsin Paaerrioat HUBINSTIS EDUCATION in Oa shortest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Cirri lar, containing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Srsciis as or PENMANSHIP, nod a Large E ngraving (the finest of the kind ever made in Ibis conetry) representing the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, tc., will be sent to Every Young )Lan on application, Faits or Cuaaoa. Write immediately and you will receive the psekage by return mail. Address, E. K. LOSIER, Baltinsote,Nd. Feb. 0, int:O. ly AND PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.-.The subscriber has einstantly on hand a fall assortsaust of nsateriaU far as IMO of Anises, Paagersesill oto s. Also on hood a large and beautifial assortment of Surreopie Imam- VI Oat end Time. entbraelag every variety of Foreign and American Lufss &ottsgry, Perior sOf Raul &s p+, je.. The basely and interest bf the iltseeneopic Views upon the par. for table A graisb H its“ , eluding roam of se. torteloiased beta to visitors sad tae has 001311711 X lisacaAwra supplied on as most libeled tense. . IMIOING A No. 2 N. Lifter W q 81 A. ., Baltimore, Yd. hoes 27, MSC ly James H. Bosley, Artists', Painters' Private Bale. THE subacriber offers at Prieate Sale, fak his HOUSE AND LOT, on High strcot, ndjoluing Solomon Power.. The House is a. tivu.stary Brick, nearly new, with Back-building, and a well of water. Terms easy. DAN'L. F. PITTENTUB,Y, July 11, 1939, tf Arch Street Carpet , ITTARE1101.181:,-9PRING STOCK:ay CAR. V PhTINGS I—We arc now opening '6ur Spring Stock of Cnrpetings, which hare been bought extremely low fur Cash, and will he sold correspondingly cheap. We have all the newest and richest st)les of Velvet. 11-ussels, Three• Ply, Ingrnln and Veneti.ins—with an ex tenoive a-sortment of low priced Carpeting's; Oil Cloth., Druzgete, Mats. :,ou pieces of 3-4. 4-4, 5.4, 8-4, white, red, check, fancy and variegated Canton Mat vv, at very low prices. n c buy exclusively for Cash, we are en al,lud to offer oar goods much below the Usual prices. r e r Country Merchants and others who are about purchasing are requested to make an ex amination, as the♦ cannot fail Being pleased with goods and prices. oi,DnEs k itICKNER. 832 Arch St., (2 doors below Ninth, South Side,) 11.t0.1 12, '6O. 3m Philadelphia, To Consumptives 2, AND NERVOUS SUFFERERS.—The snb scriber, for several yenrs a resident of Asia, discovered while there, • simple vegetable remedy--o sure gore for Consumption, Aiithina, fisomehitiis, Coughs, Colds; and Nerrous For the benefit of Consumptives and ..Vrrrovs Snferers, he is willing to mate the same public. To those who desire it, he will send the Pre scription, with full directions (free of charge:) also a sample of the medicine, which they will fiud a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy cab obtain it by returu wail, by addressing J. E. CUTHBERT, Botanic Physician, No. 439 Broadway, New York. April 9, 18G0. 3m • Marble Yard Removed. THE subscriber baring removed his place of business to East York street, a short dis tance below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such as Morin -merits, Headstones, kc., ge., of every variety of style and finish, with and without bases and so kets, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit the times.. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided advantage to examine his stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Ni"M. B. MEALS. Gettysbirg, March 21, 1859, Farmers' and Mechanics' SAVINLIS INSTITUTION OF ADAMS COUN TY moires money on deposit daily from 9 o'clock A. M„ until 3 o'clock P. ti., and on Saturday from 9 o'clock A. M., until d o'clock P. IL Interest on deposits from 2to b per cent. SpeciaLdeposits paid agreeably to notice, and transient deposits paid on demand with in terest. Interest on special deposits, when made for ten tnonths and upwards,4 per ceitt.;Cor 3 months and upwards, 3 per cent.; oa transient deposits for 30 days sod upwards, l per cent. ; and on regular weekly deposits 5 per cent. The popularity of this Institution with all classes of the sostmasity, both in town and egentry, sad its consequent success, may be ascribed in part to the following reasons: It arena ooarealent, responsible and profit able depository .m to Farmers and Mechanics, to Executors, Ad • let:store, Assignees, Collee tors, Agnes and all public - Officers, to Attorneys- Treaties, Societies and Associations ; incorpora ted or otherwise, to married or single Ladles, to Stedeets, Merchants, Clerks, and business men generally; to Misers and all who hare lands, mesh or little, to deposit with a return of Interest. Depositors receive Books Is whieb is eaten 4 Asir which books urn as vouchers. They may dosig oats is ease , or sickness. death or abeam, who shall retake *sic deposits without Ilse lopowrostlos offseestors it Admin. istestors. plettribost, Bosch 8E 1160. Mate Inn, lllt,Tre4 away, Md.— - IF IC =as resorstsd mad es-tassislisd, popsiSisr smuts ilos pleb& fiat WI is somlisdkoss bsgssississs asSiiihellos mg sass, Clisig ani ssmisesis. T higsistsr. Tdb. 14, 1115*. tf Lualberand•Coido DA 411914111101.11Mastast, ' Ar atillsak Ina& vs ire b Oen mall 116 4 0AalL 4111_,ANAlsijameM e cask saniami „i iimpauant. A Nee sad Piodice, to wit : I misnefaant• to order .inds of nom, WHEAT. RYE, CORN, OATS, • BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, k r , o f s ee d s , ka., for which the highest market price the best material, 'lnd made by superior work will be given. I men. lier RIP 1111111• aid 'Stanislaw'', of ga-To accommodate those who may prefer all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly it, I win also re-csive on COMMISSION and, and to the satisfaction of customers. forward Produce of all kinds, hav;t.g made ar- Costarvav Paoortm taken la exchange for langsments for that, purpose with a responsible work at market prices. house in the city- igar ;Persons desiring articles or work In the I a l so continue mg Grocery lend Variety Coachmaking or Blacketnithing lime, ate re- Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES of all t spectinlly tussled to call on kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Tess, Rice, JOHN L. IJOLTZWORTH, Oils, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, lc. Having Gettysburg. Jan. 24, '69. just received a gary large supply, purchased on remarksijAy favorable terms, I am prepared to furnish Country Dealers very cheaply, and will sell at all times, WHOLESALE AND RET,4IL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT, Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1853. Stoves, TIN ANT) SHEET IRON WATtE.—STIEADS - FICE,III / Ert, haying purchased the stock of Tin awl Sheet Itpn Ware of George E. Buehler, pave opened an estab/ishment in con utetiou with their Stove Ware 'Room, under the superintendence of G. I•:. Buehler, and are now prepared to furnish ererytbing in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry. ware, they have a large supply of kitchen mad hotr.e furnishing goods, of ebery variety, including enamelled and tiu Kettles. Pans, kc., for presenimg, cooking and frying. Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the gornpr of Carlisle and Railroad streets. s e rspoullog put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always on hand at their yard at the same place. Nov. 14, 1859. SHEADS k BUEHLER. --- oettysburg Foi!mdry. Mini subscriber, hiving purchased the 1 Foundry of Mes4rs. Zorbaugh, Stoat k Co., (tuernerly Warrens' Foundry,) has commenced business, and is now prepared to offer to the public a larger assortment of Machinery' than hes heretofore been offered, such as TIIItESH -I\G MACHINES, Clover Hullers, Fodder, Cut ters, Corn Sheller., and Morgan's late improved Horse Rake. Also, STOVES, such as Cook Stoves, three different kinds i and five different sizes of Ten,plate Stoves. Likewise Mill and Saw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in Iron or Wood. REPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery and Castings will be done to order on short notice. Patterns made to order; Plough Cast. inga ready made ; PLOrGIIS, such as Seyler, Witherow, I'locher, Woodcock, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FENCING, fur Cemeteries, Porches or Yards. Also, Mortising Machines, one of the best noa in use. This machine works with a lever by hand ; any little boy can manage it. Call and examine our stock ; no doubt but wimt we can please, Persons ought to see it their advantage to buy machinery of any kind at home, where it is manufactured, so that they Can very easily get any part replaced or repaired. IL% VII) STERN EH, Gettysburg, Feb. 13, 1860. Something New 1a -N GETTYSBURG.—The undevelined informs the citizens of the town and county, that he s commenced the BAKING business, on a large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to desefve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CItACKEI,W, PRETZELS, he., kc., baked every day, (Sun days excepted,) all of the beet quality, and sold at tho lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in al,l its branches is largely carried on. and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. paving erected a large and commodious hake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved mactine7, he is prepared to do a 'wavy business. VALENTINE SAUTE. July 25, 1859. Use Shriner's BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP. AS A FAMILY REMEDY'IT HAS NO EQUALS TitsmosY or CLICIGTXVI. parrh's is to certify. that on the re commendation of a regular and skilful physi cian we have need the "Balsamic ('ough Syrup " prepared by W. E. Shriner, in our fatui ty. and find it t i answer well the purposes for which it is prepared. S. SVITILIN, Panor of Lutheran Church. Taneytown. Md. Rend the fulluwing Letter from Rev. H. P. Jordan : T . NIONTOWN, Md. Mr. W. F. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I have given your " Balsamic Cough Syrup" a fair trial, and ant happy woo) , that I have never tried any thing that relieved me so soon. I have also given it in my flintily with the same good ef fect•; in every instance. It is certainly a must excellent remedy, and ought to be in every fami ly. The exceeding low price at which it is sold places it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty I have taken in thus giv ing my experience in the use uf the Syrup unso licited by you. Respectfully yours, 11. P. JOIDAN. TUTIXONT or PHYSICIANS LIBERTY, Fredes,4 co., Yr. Shriner:—At your request, i have ex amine I the composition of your I!' Balsamic Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the ingredients, and having w•itne+sed its goad ef fects, I can recommend It to the pliblic as a valuable compound for Coughs. Colds, and all chronic pulmonaryaffectioui. Tnos.Stit,ll.D. TANITTOWN, I have prescribed W. E. Shriner's "Balsamii Cough Syrup" in my practlce for several years, and regard it as an ezc•ellent medicine In Coughs, Coldt, and all Bronchial e "Deanna. SAII'L Swops, )LD. ►ITR TZARS' LITLRIINCIL 317/111/OX, York co., l'a., July 18, 1850 To W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir have been keeping your "Balsalnle Cough Syrup" for sale for the last five years, and it has given almost universal satisfaction. It is one of the most popular Medicines In use In our neighborhood. Our sales, therefore, have been large, especially last winter, having sold et retail at least ten dozen bottles. I therefore do not hesitate to recommend it to the public as a good medicine. Yours, respectfully, Jaeoi STANGLIII. Porrsa's firrixo, York co., May 1?, 1859, W. S. Shriner,-Dear Sir:—Your Cough Syrup is becoming very popular bare. I have been selling it for about two years, and it gives more general satisfaction than any medicine I hare ever sold. We use it is out family, and would not be without it on any aeoount. Tor children, it certainly is an invaluable medi cine. S. G. anDinutirlD. Jactaoi, York co., Nay 10, 1i59 To W. E. Shriner :—I censideryour Balsamic Cough Syrup one of the best Cough remedies of the day. There is no medicine I have ever sold gave such universal satisfaction, and none that I hare used in my family I like so well. Yours, truly, C. F. Itsstass. Pricer 311 eta. per bottle, or 3 betties' for $l. Sold by all 'Druggists and Merchants. Oct. 17, 1859. 10m Notice to PfirraerB. 100goin B E U D 81 : 1 : ( = WAlri c; price Irk' ha for Wheat, Rya, Cora, Oats, Barley, Clervorletted, Timothy-seed, Flour, &re., at the large yellow Warehouse, 'wait sad ofNew Oxford.. lier•Ciaaaa, Plaster, Balt, Ise., mot a imp sad well selected stook of Leather sad Coal eosetaittly ea head sad for sale at my Ware ham. RANK. HIRSH. Js, 01 4 0 44:4 1 t. 1, /1. 19 . tr • tar We 11 , ozooltoot Torosja elooile •is Nowt Osford, Adair lot way yews s Rillierenlareissat ir lionvideft, orplb- rood 17 and lOW 91010,111Kiot. of 41401‘01411101 11100•06 *lt 1114 PA* Ann% out f 7404. 4111,1010 • • • Simi* Goons- Joihie,lNo. ,----__ Notice T O FARMERS , AND MERCHANTS.—We have now opened our large and ous 1 erehouse, on the corner of Stratton as il road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, vie: FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, kc. Also, on hand and for sale, Salt, Guano., Plaster, Fish, Am. A large 'stock of Groceries just received, coexisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, like, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, kc., kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see sad examine our stock before purchasing else where, as our motto will be "quick sales and small profit.," We would also call tha attention of all Inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, Hogs, 4c., to the feet that we have far sale Bretnig, Frotiefseld k Co.'s Calehrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTIIR, BOLLINGER k CO. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1858, AT the Sign of the BIG BOOT, In Chambers. burg street. We have just received a ge stock of BATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks. Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Buggy liar. ness. Collars, Whips, kc., and are determined to sell at the lowest prices possible for cub,— Call and judge for yourselves. Oct. 17, 1850. . COBEAN k CULP. 11111111 r I. DANSXR New Firm—New Good TlEandersigned have entered into partner ship in the HARDWARE & GROCERY business, at the old stand of Danner A Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and ' firm of DANNER At ZIEGLER, JRS., and ask, and will - endeavor to deserve, a continuance of ' the patronage of the old firm, as well as soy I quantity of new custom. They have just Morn. ed from the cities with an immense stook of Goods--consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Clan, Ac. Tools, including Edge Tools at every description, Saws, Planes, fannels, Gouges, Braces an Bats, Augers, Squares, Guages Hammers, Ac. Blacksmiths will fin d Anvils. Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Hone-shu Nails, &c., with them, very cheap. Coach Find lags, such as ('loth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Felloes, Bows, Poles, Shafts, Ac. Shoa l Findings, Tampico, Brash and French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, Ac., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment also Varnish, Knobs, Ac. HOUSEKEEPERS. will also find a large assortment of Knives and Yorks, Brittannis, A lbata and Silver-plated Ta.. tile and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sail Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles,, Pans, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, ike. Akio, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds; Cut., Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will eel u cheap &Abe cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gee.. era) assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified sod Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and. Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coats* anJ Dairy Salt: Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Tuapentine, Fish, A c.; a full assortmeat of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paind‘i in Net, almost every article in the Ilardware, CCM* Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, laskessaith,Cabinet Maker's. Painter's, G lazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low fur CASH as any house out of the city. HENRY R. DINNER, 'W AV BRIGHT ZIEGLER, Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Tundersd*pti having 'retired from the I Mercantile buainess, the earns will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons,. Henry 11, (Ounce and Way. bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner k Ziegler,Jrs., whom "[swill recommend to, and for whom we wcsuld bre4sessk a liberal share of patronage from old cstatoaami, and ul the public in general. Having retired from the Mereastihe business it is necessary that our old Wariness should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all, those In debted to ns either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the moo without delay. The books alit be found at, the old stand. J. U. DANNEU, May 25,1858. DAVID Zia/UR. MUTUALFIRE INSURANCE compAxy.— lucorporated March 18, 1851. President—George Swope. Vice Presuknt—S. R. Russell. Serretary—ll. A. Buehler. Trrairrer—David M'Creary. Executive Commi ttee—Robert McCerdy, Jacob King, Andrew Ileintzelman. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Ruehler,Ja.. cob King, A. Belutzelman R. M'Curdy, Thos.. A. Marshall, Fahnestock, Wm. B. MOillellan.. Wm. B. Wilson, N. Eichelberger, Abdiel F. G John Wolrord, H. A. Picking, Abeltirrigbt,. John Horner, R. GAlcCreary. S. R. Kassel!, B. Wereaiy, Andrew Polley, John Pietism J. R.. Hersh. This Company is limited he its opera, Moos to the county of Adams. It leas been in, successful operation for more than six years, and In that period has paid all Ism* and ex.. penses,witherrt eery axe...sent, baring also Alan* surplus capital in the *treasury. The Com. pony employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are ananally elect. ed by the Stockholders. -Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. la`The Executive Committee meets at th, office of the Company on the last Wednesday In every month, at 2, P. N. Sept. 27, 1858. Howard Association. ERILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the ef of the Sick and Distressed, &Skied with Vindent and Epidemic Disease:, and anliniallY for the Cure of Dime/wee of the Sexual Orgiebs.— Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age; aaripation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, "Medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermaterrhes, dad "Aber Diseases of the -Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES 'employed in the Die- Wiwi, Mint to the afflicted in sealed mierelopee, free of thane. Two or three Stamp fbr poet. age will be acceptable, Address Dr. J. SULLEN NOUGHTOKARMag • Sargeon, Howard AMociatkui, No. it South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pittlrlet the Directors. EZRA D. NI i Geo. tantrum), Sidi. Nev. ?, 1869. 17 ri sown Y a k a. Ur UM* • fiat sod potiipilit woo tow, for 000 love oodod4y noodooo. /loath mod all others irloklanitildf-bodlodh AL, sr: o W, walla do indrio i Idiom April 11,13., - -!; At a; WSUre- More New Goods RAT/111011T LllOl4ll. Notice. Adams County COM=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers