1141111111111111111.4,111111111 1z„ u t_,."„., lionscr'grerilly eer rtePondaqt Ai' New YEA* Tinos tekspyp . thttprnat on Tuesday, ea fellow*: tdey las made a great. assisatiou ' ere. Some foolish at lilted to his coat tail a paper g the inscription, 'for Wm. H. Seward,' and for severst boars be un cooseloosly carried the irrepressible badge with him." alp °total TO crricala sok THE GREAT FINGLISEI REMEDY !--SIR 'JAMES CLARKE'S Cst.saa.tviiD FeitAtz PILL*, _Preprired from a prescription by Sir J. Clarke, V, Physician Ilistraordlnary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and (obstructions, from any cause whatever: wad although a powerful remedy, they contain ig4ilig hurtful to the constitution. To tae- Nino Lanus it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on Id page of pamphlet are well observed. For farther particulars get a pamphlet of the agent, N. 8.--.sl and 6 postage stamps enclosed to say asitkorized ageut, will insure a bottle, con taising over 50 pills by return of mail. T. W. Dyott t Sou, Wholesale Agents, Milo idelphia. A. D. Buenler, Agent, Gettysburg. June 13,':.9. ly PS.LPITATIOS OF THE HEART --There are taany persons afflicted t► - ith the above dis ease, olio lilionld glye tlic following their at tenthnt.: ‘• This is to certify, that I have been troubled with the palpitation of the heart fur several )ears, and at times so severe that I could nut lay down aad sleep at night, and after applying several remedies tad found no relief, I procured of the agent, P. 1. Hoffman, one bottle of Hoof land's Uertaau Hitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia, and I found so much relief from one, I continued to use it, and now I am perfectly relieved of the disease. and I du recommend it to all who ma) be afflicted with the same disease, a.s I am satisfied it is a valua hie medicine." Given under my hand, this the lfth day of October, 1436. VALENTINE BA CMSTARK. Waco, Ellisto❑ co., Ky? These Bitters arc sold - by druggists and store 'keepers its every town and village in the united States, Canadas, West Indies, and South Atueri ,fca, cents per bottle. [.lay 14. lm. ser•THE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally adulated to exist in Moffat's Life Pills and Phcenix Bitters, is every day demon strated by their astonishing efficacy iu the cases which they are announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowels, weak ness of the digestive organs and of the system generally, bilious and liver affections, roglut Coen, head aches, piles, costiveness, eons:imp siva, rheumatism, scurvy, impurity of the blo‘ ,or blotched and. sallow complexions, soon yield to their curative properties. A single tr 1.12 in irariably secures them the title of the best tanii it,' medicines now before the public. For 'Lite by the proprietor, 'W. It—MOFFAT, at his office, .235 Broadway, N. 1., and by S. S. Forney, Agent, Gettysburg. [Feb. 1)' A CIRD TO THE SCFFEIIING.—The Rev. 'WILLI/as Cosi:move, while laboring as a mis sionary to Japan, was cored of Consumption, 'when all other means had failed, by a recipe ob tained from a learned physic.an residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe bas cured great numbers who were suffering from Con sumption, ElroncLitis, Sore Throat. and Colds, and the dehility and nervous depression caused iby these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will rend this recipe, which I have brought borne with me, to all who rated it, free of charge. Address REV. 101. COSGRO,IE, 230 Baltic street, Brookl)n, - )i. Y March 5, '6O. 3w MRXXICI GETTY&ICIIG—Sarcauar tasr f3uperfioe Flour, I1)e Flour IVhite Wheat 2i.cd Wheat Corn I:ye.. Data nuekvbeat Ida,ekwheat Meal Clovr Seed Timothy Seed.... Vox Seed ...... parley PlAder. of Paris I loiter ground, per bag 'SILT LAST, • 6 00 to 8 25 Flour Wheati 35 to 1 60 'Aye '..e. 93 to 9S Corn ....... —..— ..... .... 71 to 75 Data ... 40 to 48 Clover Seed 450 .6 1 15 Timuthy Seed 3 25 to 3 50 Beet Cattle, per h0nd..... ...... 8 00 1410 50 Hoge, per hand... 7 00 to 8 00 11 ay ........ .... —... 15 00 tol9 00 Whiskey- Guano, Perurian,•perion.. HANOVER—Tot:ram:us . war. Flour, from wag0n5..........5 25 Do. from stores 5 75 Wheat 1 25 to 1 30 Rye 81 Corn Oats Clover Seed.... Timothy Seed.. Planter YORK—FRLD•T LLST. Floor, from wag055........ 1 ...... ... 5 35 Do. from stores ......... ..7........ 6 00 lilies' ....... 1 25 to 1 35 Rye ..• •• ••• ...... MI ....... ••••••". • • SI Cora ....—.. Oats 40 Olovar Seed 4 25 Timothy Seed... ...... ............. ..... 2 25 Prater .... ..... ... ... 6 50 Norbeck & Martin oVAXE just received from the city the largest stank of GROCERIES they have ever °red to Os public—Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, 'teas, BM" Cheese, Fish, Salt, Spices, kc., ice., embresinipell varieties, at all prices, the lowest the market:will afford. Aloe Brooms, Brushes, and Notioep ; 'far, Oils, Candles, itc., in short, everythinipto be found in a first class Grocery and Variety Store. The - Hoer and geed business is continued, Irak i Wady increase. The highest market pries, paid and the smallest profits asked. The public are invited to give us a call and see for themselves. NORBECK k MARTIN, 0 Corner of Baltimore and High streets. ltay 21,1860. Groceries, Notions, Btc. rpuE undersigned has opened a Grocery and Notion Store, in Baltimore street, nearly apposite the Court House, Gettysburg, where the pnblic will constantly find, selling cheap is ape okpajpest, SUGARS, Syrups, Molasses, Cof tom, Tau t Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, Xackeral, Chocolate, Brooms and Brushes; 7r,s Batter and Bus, Groand Cofee, Essence of Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, Salt; Tohostus, Begets, Banff; Confections, all kinds ri kios k Oranges Lemons., Raisins, Bread, Creams, Cakes o different kinds; Shoe and Stole FORA ; Fang Goods, Muslim, Gingham's, Cotton Bassi Wilddbig. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, anspeaders, Pins, Needles; - Clothes Pins, Bat tons, with Notions of all kinds. A share of the Wales paeonearrhs vesspeetfnify eoLicited. I itg.a. C. ligiqn:ol. ' Miff- 1.15,1140: ENE '7olNtat "Hoover, 1' - Of, mak.ll , a p in " te a an d siisr— d afr ons shaggy as vtdair set. tatas VAT ithritla •sa ar paper Betio AuteAkertpar: - SLUM gait ;0 0 0 1, • I 74:f ti, dq~i~q,~s, ' 7:2 • 525 3 75 1 25 to 1 30 1 20 65 80 37 56 2 00 3 73 to 4 00 1 50 to 1 75 1 20 60 6 25 1 00 21 to 22 63 40 ...... . 63 .....-.--. 58 ...„. ...-.. 4 25 .---........ 2 00 6 25 1 0. 14 IN* .11741,wegAinite illa MI mike mp inlerettatr The Pernily IMotor: rIONT AINTSCI Sile Rimedlee, ob j Woad, for the Ctrs of 17Iaesse in all forum. By Prof. Rem S. Talmo*, M. D. IT Taus You HO It to attend span the sick, and how to cook for them; how to prepare Drinks, Poultices, ie., • and how to guard against In fection' from Contagions Dis eaalS. h TELLS You Of the 'various diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough, Measles, /le. I? Tsta.aYon The symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infantum, Colic. Diarrtura, Worms, Sralled Head, Ring worm, Chicken-pox, ke., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. IT Tau.. You The symptoms of Fever and Ague, and Bilious, Teilow, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fevers. and gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. Jr Txta.s Yon The symptoms of Influrnss, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy,Gout,fibeunsatism,Luns. bago, grysip.l.l%, he., and gives you the best remedies for their Cure. IT TILLS You The symptoms of Cholera Mor bus, Malignant Cholera, Small pox, Dysentery, Cramp. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies fur their cure. Ir Tux,. You Thesymptomi of Pleurisy•Mumpc, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, l'aralysib, the various Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the hest remedies fur their cure. IrTztisYor The symptoms of Epilevy .711.1E1- dice, Piles, Rupture. litseases oC the Heart. Ilecuorrline, Ve nereal Diseoses. and 11,1ro • phobia,aad gives the best reme dies for their cure. Fr Tints Yor The best and simplest treatment for Wounds. Broken Bones and Dislocations, sprains, Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, ricers, Whitlows. Boils, Scurvy, Burns and Scrofula. IT TELLS Tou Of the various diseases of Women, of Child-birth. and or Menstru ation; Whites, Barrenness, • ac., and gives the best and simplest rerne.lies for their cure. The work is written in phin Linguacce, free from medical terms, so As to be easily under stood, while its simple re,:pcs may soon sat e you many times the cost of Iligo book. It is printed in a clear and open type': is illustrated with appropriate eugr.o.llf , , and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound and postage p.tid, on receipt of $l.OO. perimoo A YEAIt chll tie made by enter priing men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such arc very liberal. Fur single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, w.th other information, apply to or ad dress. JOIIN E. POTTER. Publisher, No. 4'17 Sansorn St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 2/, 18C0. Gm 50,000 COPIES ALREADY SOLD Everybody's Lawyer AND COUNSELLOR IN BPSINfSS, by , FONIC. CIIO9IIY, of the l'hilodelphga liar. It lens 'You How to draw up Partnership Pa- I pees and gives gencril forms for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of, Sole, Leases and Petitions. It Tells You how to draw up Bonds bnd Mort gages, Atfidasits, Powers of At tonicy, Notes and Bills of Ex- ! change, Receipts and Releases. It Tells You The Laos fur the Cullt)ctin of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi tation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells You How to mike an Assignment properly. with forms for Composi-1 tion with Crediturg, tta , l the la solvent Laws of every St.ite. It Tells Yon The legal relations existing be tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and balillord end Tenant. It Tells roll What constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Proper ty, Dit orre and Alimony. It Tells You The LAW for Mechanics' Liens in every State,and the Naturalization Laws of this country. and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions and bow to obtain one, and the Pre- Emption Laws to Public Lauds. It Tells Yon The Law fur Patents, with mode ofproc.'dure in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. It Tells You How to mike ylbur Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells Yon The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. Itfells You How to keep out of Law, by show ing how to do your business le gaily, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litiga tion, by its timely consultation. Single copies will•be sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Fanner, Every Mechanic, Every Mnsi of Business, and Everybody in Every/State, on receipt of $l,OO, or in law style of binding at $1,25. I ar - 1,000 A YEAR can be made by enter prising men evprywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, , No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, 1860. The Ladies' Store REMOVED.—MISS HARRIET McCREARY has just received and opened'at her new rooms a large and beautiful assortment of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS, to which the attention of the Ladies of Gettysburg and vicinity is invited. Bunnets and Bonnet Teta ming' always on hand. Alpo, Ladies' Fashion able Dress Goods with Trimmings to match. iferßonnetibleached and pressed according to Bishop's Celebrated Method, which is sow used by all the principal Bonnet Manufacturers in the United States, and considered the best and least injurious to the straw than any ever discovered. MiHineri who study their o.vn in terests and that of their customers will do well to try it. lirStore removed - to Chambersburg strict, between Mr. Arnold's and the Star office. • May 14, 1860. ltn Ice! Ice!! best goklity of 10E can now be bad of th• undersigned, whirl' be will deliver every morning. Ordva cam be left at his resi dence or that of his Dither, 11 Xork street. DAVID TROXEL, JR. flay 14, 1880. 3t Law, Partnership. *k. a:vtui t . - Joy/ w. arrrerana. ' H a BITTIINGEB,ATTORKEYS AT LAW, YORK, PA., having associated themselves together for the prune* of Law, will attest promptly to all bushiest eatrasted t o theft care, le York, Adams end mijoialag eoepties, Calks La the Casette Lonnie/kg, Bil4t *Met street, *Kate Yetsellts 1144•1. ' Say 14, 1614. SS - - . •.- Boots and Shoes. N exiedithoir inipoittn eni Of Roeurind Shoes, con-diptlika's fine Preneb Calf Dente, LIN,i Inn's FrlnchN;no Ga i ters, 4 41 Shoes, lien a Bev+. 13.ya' oecinelVeUrs, at - • ..'., r e* -- - R. P. MeILENNIPS. New Goods. . stoat sits= his jest reeelted frO L Sl'l ' t tie sock tßeireap eirstier ChAbsilfires#4, Prs, -:" i r etr‘t Oak4l,' tt4, • • OilicOse, Giagiiim;eadpetkos thlntsiikerdwel 7. 44t 1 iukti pavebra. April /8,180, it ' ° • • - • Allallater) nolll/911 A1ID:1110111E2.1103 11160.—i Is e r aaalefacteriog 100 of these asashinsit year, which I offer is dui 'walk m . All t of there wishing to purchase nuttiiines, is to give 410 a trial. I am satisfied to let my mackiaes reecanniesd thessaelyea. I keels they are all right. I UM en sdirertisement la " The York Pesneylreatlan " of last week, that almost astonished site. I think J. H. Shiresnan must be hard op in making sales, or is very much excited and afraid of the Ball machine. The old saying is, " a kicked dog will holler," and so I think it is with Mr. Shiremam. -I.le states that the machine made in Doter, Pa., wee worth nothing. I '•own the cora." The machine which I made last year, and sold on trial, came back. We have them lying around the shop. tint not in the fence corners, as our friend states. I hope he will not get esiiitd and Ws.. represent. Bat he says he has the machine I made last rear. tad that it is the Ball mschine. It is not—kr. Shit/man is aware it is not; and it is hoped he will not hereafter state that which is not so. I frankly deny making that machine last year—l do not ask any person to take my word for it, but refer them to Mr. Ball, pf Can ton. Ohio, to settle that question. And as to J. B. Bhiratsan having one of the Ball machines in his shop, I presume it is so, hut remember, be got it some four years since." Farmers, beware—the machine Las been improfed since that time; at least it is very common to insprcric machinery of this sort every year—and for aught we know, oar friend may 110.11 t: altered the machine to'auit his purpose iu explaining it to persons We heretofore thought him honest; hat the misrepresentation in his adver tisement bee changed our opinion. Again, Mr. iThirenssn's agent tepid us in the presence of •thers. that tlie made machines to cut behind the drtvieg wheels. last 'ear, and they could not snake them work. sow, we notice by his advertisement amt he den,es it bt saying they ens make them to cut behind as wi II :is in front of the drivirw n heels. Wbr does he not do it, and take the welch, of one-h”lt of the machine off of the nechi—we belies, in saying all the horse-tleQh I%e ran. Now, farmers,•whlch will snit you best— weigh/ on th. akorpa' necks or pone? If the latter you can get them at nary shop. lam making the E. BALL REAPER AND MOWEIL this year, MI last year I dial not make it, and Mr. Shire mast was certainly aware of that fact; but if he claims he was not, Ise hope he will post him self before sLth ,rtising any more about the Dover Reaper and Mower." Those \Till) brought back our &chines last year are etting others from us tins year. For the coax enience of men uoug my machine, I will have casting-knaves, boles, &c.. at the places L.ra anentautical, for any thing breaking by a , client. Sc : d Leah Do•tc, Deakin' ; Wm. King. Mechanicsburg; William Morrison. Car lisle; Presscl eicely, Churchtoan, Comber land county. der alma conCilue making Trigesiwco sti r CIIINISS. COBS ft...STIRS. COI% S /2.IAItA, DIX GRINDIR.I. C. ii.EUBEN 11) 71 :11E1\5, May 21. 1360. *5. Dover, York co., Pa. Public Srae nF ALCABLE MOUNTAIN' LAND.—The subscriber, Attornef in fact for the widow and all the children and legal repre4entatives, Of PILTta WEIKELIT, deceased, s% ill offer at Pub lic Sale, on Saturday, the 161 h day of JUIle next, at 10 o'clock, A. M on the treroi.eq, the following described Tr icts of Moutflain Lind, to wit : 111 -kCIIKB. inure or lee•, situate In !lama tonhan township, Adams e.mnty, on the Cold Spring road. ne.r Moritz's. This tract is co‘ered with good Cht,tout and t)ak, is suscep tible cf cultivation and I.LII make a good tarns. MAUI suld eut•re or in lots to qua purchasers. Also—Another Tr-ict.neur the :Cut". contain ing ht/ Acres, more or leis, of Patented Land, with a public road running through it. This Tract is covered with brat-rate thriving Chest nut and Oak Timber, and oilers rare induce ment, to persons wishing. to boy timber land. It has been diN iled into four lot+, to wit: No. I contains 13 nc rri 7 perches; No 2. 18 acres 70 perch es ; N o . 3, '2.0 .ICre.l: No. 4. t'.l acres.— This isaLt. will be sold entire, or ip lots, as bore seated, as may best suit. The lots on both Tracts are laid out so as to Lave the ad vantage of access to the public roads. geirTersons wishing to view the above tracts will be shown the same by calling on Mr. John Moritz, residing near by. or information eau be obtained by ceding on Ike subscriber, residing in Gettysburg. JACOB lIKNNKIt, Attorney in Fart for the Widow and Heirs df Peter \Veikert, deceased. ![ay i 4, 1860. to Valuable Chesnut TIMBER-LANDFOB SALP:.-1 wil4 sell on Saturday, tke 2d day (f June ;sect, in lots of 'ruin 5 to /0 Acres, NO Acres of that excellent Tract of Chesnut Timber-land, known as the Buchanan Tract, adjoining the farm of John Barman, miles north of Whitestown, Adams county, on the road leading from Bendersville to llount Holly. There is on some of the lots excellent White Pine rafter and building tim ber. A great portion is level and an excellent quality of farm laud. Immediate possession will be given. par Sale to commence - at 10 o'clock, A. )f., on the premises. Terms made knowtron day of sale. • DANIEL D. GITr. .14 3 „F 14, MO.! Lightning Rods. mIIE undersigned respectfully inform the pnblio" that they continue to put up Lightning Rods on the most approved pian.— Tu those wanting their buildings protected we will guarantee them a perfect lightning con ductor in all its parts. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Refer to Prof. M. JACOBS, Get) sburg, and Dr. NfAtt..nrs, York Springs. PHILIP IRERSOM, •• IIENRY WELT.Y, SII Gettysburg, May 14, 1860. 3t* Election. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders in the Gettysburg Water Company, that an Election for Five Managers of said Company will be held at the house of Geo. W. McClellan, in Gettysburg, cut Saturday. tits 2,1 day of June mat, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. If. By order of the Board, S. R. RUSSELL, See'y. May 7. 1860. to Removal. 'TEW SALOO:4.--GRO. F. ECEENRODE has j' removed his Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon in Jacobs Iti Bro's. Build ing, on the North side of Chambersburg street, where he will at all times be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. Ey keeping a good article, he expects to receive liberal share of public patronage. TMTLE SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE, PIG'S FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, hc., in their season. , A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can always be has.— Come and try me. G. F. ECKENRODE. April 1, 186.0. Clothing ! Clothing ! JACOB REISINGER hat just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING ,ND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle men's wear ever offered in Gettysburg. fie has every variety, style and price of goods. While gentlemen can always And Cloths to suit their tastes they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tailoring Bstabllshment of JACOB REISINGER, May 7, 1880. Carlisle street. New Spring Goods. L. SCRIM has.iust reeeired and offers for sale the most desirable assortment of DRY DS ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting in part of Spring Silks,- Plain !meek do., • Foulards, Spring de Laiies, Oskuteal Lustres. Also, lksmbaidaes, Alpsecas, Da Segos, Ging ham, Weak ShipletePs Plaids, preireilli lipase, ?issue Sareges, kc. April 16, 1860. • tfiXDAIRaffiGY. 813018.-11 • %dam of the *lies ilk - to a rpry Ms assortroept7ll l : ll e timaraosts sad Slippers; elm Misses' tad ley Slow solf. Gaiters, of tray at • April 23. 3. F. nation SLAMS * WWI* So., in pales' vs riskftlit • : J. V. GUAM 880'$4 W/Tf the County of Alm s . 04 " 10 4 iiSd Assailed*, the soilMA, AP' pc:bar of ilensatilo likoso,iolmecoreamoo with tho wows! Soo of Awestigh fort )a rt Iseo-61, *Moods, Waco and Mere s' 5 . 4 " 40 0 4 04p9r+etiri• Cleo. Theae.OSe. Palinestock Brothers, IV :243 00 Danner k Ziegler, Sr., 13 10 00 J. L. Schick, 0 13 ' 10 00 John Scott, 13 10 00 A. Scott k Son, 14 700 Guyon I Brother, 14 T 00 George Arnold, 14 7 00 Marcell' Samson, 14 7 00 F. B. Picking, 14 T 00 .insiobs k Brother, 14 7 00 • J. Reit:Anger, 14 7 00 A. D. Enehlrr, 14 7 00 S. S. Forney, Agent, 14 7 01 It. F. ilellbeny, 14 11 ke Cobenn k. Culp, 14 7 00 Win. Gillespie, 14 7 00 Norbeck k Martin, 14' 7 00 Geo. Little, 14 700 Boyer k Bon, 14 7 00 Mrs. Norbeck, 14 7 00 Miss McCrearyr, - 14 700 Philip Winters,l4 7 00 John Groell, iii 14 700 W. E. 'little, 14 1 00 S. H. Minnigh, 14 T 00 H. li Bowe k Brother, 14 T 00 Andrew Polley . , 14 •7 00 S. li.. Tipton, 14 7 00 Joseph Broadhead, \ 14 7 00 Charles Linderman, 14 1 00 Perry J. Tate, 14 7 00 Miss Mary Laughlin, 14 7 011 H. G. Carr, 14 7 04 Sheads St Buehler, 11 25 00 John Ho►e, . 9 25 00 Klinefelter k Co., • 9 25 00 V alentine Sauppe, 14 7 00 Daniel Little, 14 7 09 Mrs. Meals; 14 7 00 Mrs. Susan McElroy, 14 7 00 Louis Strause, 14 7 00 A. liArper, John Weigle, (mill,) Francis Brcarn, pyroow noreskip Peter Yeatti, Jacob S. Bollinger ' - Seraban TomesAip. . _ Philip }Lulu, P. A. Myers, Jacob King, Hugh King, King* McCurdy, DunielGouldeu, Lp3erty forrwlidp. G. A. Grayson, Samuel Marti. Latifitors Henry B. Smith, Jacob A. Diller, Adam Lerew, Iletwaiat Timmegiik Charles Elden, David Divinney. le 7 00 Burkholder I Wilson, 14 7 00 ha T. Wright, /4 7 00 Geo. 17,!..utigh, 14 700 Jacob Piuer,l 4 7 00 R. 11. 1 E. iloopea, /4 7 CO 11. Petirose, /4 7 00 Franklin Towissitip. Plank 1 Spangler, 14 Y 00 Israel Shank, James Mickley, • 'l4 Jacob Ful yrelleic 14 Peter Mick ley, or rt., 14 Martin L. Miller, 14 Joins Chamberlain, 14 Mrs. Ann Raman, ' 14 W. W. Wittnore, 14 Jacob Nark, • 14 Peter Boblltz, 14 Thissn'etten lintess2o. Jaeob A. Gardner, . 12 Fs. ilea/their, 2 James Megary, . . 1 14 John Gerd:Ler, 14 Amos Oriest, 14 John W. Ilehie% • 14 Meitegrieißest Feareithip. J. t Fi, Miller, 14 . 700 Peter O'Neil, 14 7 00 Jacob Gossresta, 14 7 00 _ . _ &usenet Buslth, 14 ' 700 Joseph Sbeely, 14 7 00 o.rfarel Teimsatii. Was. D. k A. S. llioes, „ 13 10 00 Bastress I Peters, 10 . 20 00 F. Hersh, 10 ~20 00 14 7 04 ) Aaron Ileagy, A. Staab, 1 • 14 700 J. Wert, ' 19 10 09 W. Sumter, . , 14 700 B. Weigle, • 1 . 14 700 John Ginter, 14 7 00 John L. Smith, 14 T 00 Refitting Formalap. Spangler & Brother, 13 I. It. Shipley, 14 Jacob Wolf, . .14 Newly roarstalip. 14 John Yost, John Hebert, Henry Bottler, . - John Sheely, Bodkr limenakijo. Noah Miller, Edward Staley, E. k. N. Camp, John Hoover, John Bushey. Beily k Sneeriuger, John Fowler, . , Hasaltial TornAip Spangler k Brother, Win. Wulf, henry L. Miller, Win. Brritcber, Hildebrand dr, Stoutll i 14 7 00 Frederick Heidler, Geo. Ilundortr, 14 7 00 Henry Kline, 14 7 00 Miss Caroline Krantar, • 14 7on Elijah Spangler, .14, I GO Akira Tigard}. D. R. Hollinger, Wm. Davis, Lewis Bimth►ll, Joseph Hafer, David C. Martin, Peter Long, Abraham Sell, Abraham Shealy, Samuel Crawford, 14 740 Harailtoabas Towruhip. Sullivan 4 Rinehart, 13 10 00 Paxton& McCreary, 13 10 00 Joha.,C. Slimier, 14 I he Omeasy Tessnage. Study 3 Stonesifer, 13 10 00 J. A. Shorb, 13 10 00 , G. W. Rowe, 13 10 00 John Miller, 14 1 00 Myer Nusbaum, . . 14 1 IQ Henry Dysert, 14 100 L. Brant, 14 1 00 Myers I Skorb,' 10 20 00 Swope, Lwodis k Kashug, ll 12 60 ilwope k Landis, 14 100 John Dnttens, 13 11 60 ntsru.saa's lams'. William S. Jenkins, It 16 00 Notice is hereby given to an person! 'sitarist ed in the above relent of classification, that I will hold an Appeal, at the Commissioaene Office, in Oettrysburg, on lisawk4l, 11th di of Jima sat, between the bears ail A. W. and N., when add where all persons that stay consider themselves aggrieved by said clami.- cation may attend. J. Y. VIIA.LTRIty Appraiser of lifercanti/e Taus far Adana eo. ilsy li, 11103. as lOU TIMM ilf3TATZ.—Lettnee of ad atialetnitins web, inset. Ohio Peeler, of lisussioy krelisbip, Adams coast'', du' I=Wins bees polled is the undereita4 dbig 4. SU mama towsaltip, she lielvoi eyes notice to a iiinene 'indebted to said estate to make inneadiet• pnyeeet l ked chose espiisst the esp. tio preset theta ireeteseleasei alistlemeat, • • M P 7 INX 111101111 ;LA =4l - `le sederdiroed has prow; stdatialstratetz, sad Om butane wirb Ireesseted mitt hist. 'fie die bits residence agineeneetd. ."it LOP ailkirlit. - 711 '121 J- • • *!-- ; 1 - • A" r t --- s :::-: r - -Ippohantsl; . ma NORTE , IWikt.ll/74. Intibbbi & Sons ProPrintotsi Atpie•soseo. le List - ot Kerehents Citetterkind lirriuskip Conowego Torisehip titian Torisokip. APPEAL Notioe. *5,000 Reward! BUCKEYE REAPER .AND MOWER.—Brit in toe Irothr. , —Now is the time to order bine* and not be disappointed, like tk,ere were a good many last season. I have made some important improvements as to cutting Vats, strength and durability of the Machine, kt. Farmers wishing to got Machines, are re spectfully invited to call at my shop, or with my agents, and see the new arrangements 3 and farther,' will state that there is a Machine made at Dover, York county, Pa., which is called "Ball's Ohio Mower," having 2 driving wheels, and looking much like my machine !and it was reported in some places last year that they were some of my Machines. They proved a perfect Millure, were lying about in the ftnce co-ners, and men were obliged to get other Machines to eat their crops, I wish to inform the farmers that they were none of my mac hines. There is considerable difference in the two Machines.— Persons coming to my shop may tee the differ aloe, as I have both Buck F:ye and Ball's here. My Machine cuts in front of driving wheel and Bars behind. But, as some men think it pre ferable in cutting grain behind, I hereby state that I can make mine to cut betlind as well as front, hut nose are made that way unless so ordered. I also have different kinds of second-handed Machines on hand, such a Y'S, HuSsrs and McCORMICK'S. Price of second-banded Machines from $.!5 to $75. For the convenience of men using my Ma chine, I will have casting-knit es, boxes, he., at the Mitchum ShA P ps here mentioned, for any thingbrealong by accident, ,te : Dand Sterner, Gettysburg; W. W. Dingee h Co., 'Cork ; F. Gardner, Carlisle tame! Pits, Hanover; David Shoot; Waynesboro'; Charn bcrsbnrz. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 t 00 boari also continue mating GRAIN DRILLS and uther MACHINERY. REPAIRING DONE; and the beet kind ot Spring Teeth, Rakes, sc., are kept for sale. J. 11. ' East Berlin, Ada," county, Pa. May 7, 1860. 2m 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 Notice. frWiLT,I , AM RENDER'S I.:3TlTE.—Letters of antnini.tration on the Ostateof William Bender, late of Ilenallen township, .A.d.ims co., &ed., baling been granted to the undersigned, 'residing in Boiler township, he hereby gives no rice to all persons indebted to> said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same tb presSnt them proper ly sutheuticated for settlement SAM I:EL E Adger. May 14, 18CO. 8t 1 00 7 -00 7 Ot> 7 00 7 00 14 700 i t, .1 - Aeon WEIDNTER'S EST 'TEL—Letters of el administration do bonit aon the estate of Jaen?) Weidner, Lac of ntleir 'township, Adstns county, deceased, lidsittg been granted tO the undersigned, residing ie. the semi titiiten ',hip, itt hereby gives notice ti all persona In debted to att,l ii'+4C to make 'lltuntellate pay ment, and thuse Li50.‘142,• C 1.11111; plgainst the same to present them properly authentic:lod fur set tlement. 1.4 A 111: EL. 1.)(6T Sit, Ada i r. May 14, 1860. Gt 1 NDREW BIIOUGH'S ESTilTE.—Letters of adtn'uistration on the tistate of Andrew Brough, lute of Reading township, Adams connty, deceased, h tying 'peen granted to the undersigned. (the first n tne.bres:ding in Lift more township and the last named in Butler township,) they hereby give notice to all per sons indebLVd to said estate tottnake immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated fur settlement. JOHN HENRY JEIIESUAII DIEHL, 12 50 13 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 I 00 April 30, 1800. Gt AialotiatroSpra. sitif The notes and papers l ef Najd dece.tsed have been left iu the hands of the first named Adtninistrittor. Notice.; t' o kcott sustLy•S EST.VTE.—Letters tes taruentary on the estate o 1 J Sheely, Lite of 14.inklin township, Atlatus county, de ceued, Imeing been gr tnted:t,,, the undersign ed, iresiding in the same t..) , 3 tiship. they hereby give notice to all persons im.o4ted to sold estate to tnake itutnedi.ite p..ytueut, and those having claims against the same to present thew proper ly dutheaticAted fur settlement. AARON SHEELY, MeILVAINE, April 30, 18r,O. 6t E.‘ecaturs. 10 00 7 00 1 00 7 Oa 7 Do 700 7 wi A.BRAIIAII KING'S ESTATE.—Letters of admini.,tnttton on the estate of Abraham kiag, Sr., late of Reading township, A.d.tmi county, deceased. hat Mg been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, they hereby gi‘e notice to all persons indebted to aria estate to make itnutediste payment, and those timing claims against the amne t,) present them pooperly authenticated fur settlement. ' SINGLETON EICHULTZ, ELI ILIEILS, May T, 1860. 6t A latinistrolors. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 M 7 00 7 00 1 00 14 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 JACOB BAKER'S EST_ 'l3.—Letters of ad tj ministration on the estate of Jacob Raker; lale of Liberty township, Adams county, de ceased, haring been granted to the under , sigaed, residing In Freedom township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to raid estate to make immediate payment, and those having thims against the same to present them property authenticated for settlement. 14 700 May 7, 1860. Gt 14 7 00 14 1 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 Ou 14 TOO ir.DIES A. THOMPSON'S ESTATE.—Letters t) of udnttnibtraliou on the estate of James A. Thcaripson,htteoffiamiltonb.en township,Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same township. he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims ag ,insrthe game to present them prufferly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC ItULSIN6US, Adm'r. • Aril SO, 18 ;O. et• 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 700 Notice. SOLOMON STALEI"S ESTATE.—Letters of admioistrittioa on the estate of Solomon Staley, late of Germany township, Adams co., deseased, having beta granted to the under signed, residing in Mountpleaaant township, he hereby.gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent. them properly authenticated for settle ment. ALFILEA) ii. STALEY, April 30, 1860. 6t Administrator. YaVE LAWYER'S ESTATE.—Letters testa mentary oa the estate of Eve Lawyer, e of Freedom township, Adams county, deceased, hitting been granted to the under 'signed, residing mt• Carroll county, be hereby giros notice to ail personi indebted to aid estate to make immediate paymeat, and those baring claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to SAMUEL A. LAWYER, &aver, or to Joni Lswrsa, his Attorney, residing in Franklin township. . (April 30, 1860. et )iottoe. CIIAMMIL W. 1101/IPAA.WfI lUSTATILL . Letters of adiaitdaninden ea the *state of Samuel Hem., leo of &rebut kowsudrip, A denia l eetiaty, daanuQ,..ficietng• been granted to the addscdgeed, (tie 'ere& imbed roadies ii the fame tawaship and tlt• last mused , in Maa r betitbtm *fuddle- eettoe7.) the, busby els settee td all . pereosaladebeed to soh,- estree WI rialto Inikaliate period, and thaw lieetai chit again* the anew* wrest dead ptterport. 17 stithealitaned Ihr eettleiseat./ WAL7II/t W. 110131[14, . PITh H. alitilfiltdit, Apr: 90, , INC Sty • , itinninistrators. .. ~„ ----- , rtARPBTS.--Ancdher addition to ow stock of 4ROCKHIEB WO bees re- la stock* eptetiagejset.receitwifi win sad which will be a)1 low, 1.1.1 re insitathe l litteatieworis ~ 144 1 4 - • .i. socrrru sosA. ~. . :',.,;/..tii.fiCdttgah. Ott Ettrt . • .... WM Notice. Notice. 1 Notice. Notice. JOHN BAKER; Adm' r Notice. Notice. 2 ,'4ll' qv. e • , MU TIONILTOIP ADAMS' COUNTY : ra/leer-chisteas:—At the earnest solicits bon of ansuerens friends, I offer nkyseif me enadidste for lie oftkie of SIIEI3IFF, at the out election, subject to the decision or the Dewo. crags County Convention. Should I be so fertsmitte as to be no:it:Dictated arid elected, I shall endeavor to dirirftsige the ditties of tie office faithfully and huirsztlafly. JACOB TUOXEI. Gettysburg, March 2G, lEtio. tc Sherif<y. MO THE TOTEM OF ADAMS COUNTY:— Yellow-titiseng:—..t the earnest smlicitte; uou of nuiperous friends, I offer ntyself, o u u candidate /or the office of SHERIFF, at the next election, subject to the decision of the 'Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so tot-tamale u to tie nominated nod elected, shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office faithluliy and iwpartially., . MICHAEL B. iiILLEII Mosatpleasant trh, April 18, 18E10. tc Sheriffalty. THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY t , -- At the urgent solicitation of tunny or my: friends and fellow - -Democrats, I em induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office of till FF—subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Courtly Convention. If nominated I promise the party that no energetic effurtg be lost to secure my election; and it elected. I promise the voters of the county to discharge the duties of the office itnpartialiy, learle•ody and conscientiunsly. SAMUEL WOLF. Abbotiatown, March 26, 180. tc Sheriffalty. TO THE VOTERS OF ADAMS ( s OI . .NTY: Fellon-citizens:--Through the encourage ment of 50t110 of my friends. I offer myself oil a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Conven tion. If nominated and elected, I shall en deavor to discharge my duties faithfully and satisfactorily. I'ETER ORENDUIIFF. ifountjoy tp May 14, 1860. Sheriffalty. Irpo TIIE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUN'TY Fellow-cluzen.,:—At the e.trne3t solicita tion of numerous friend:, I offer nip.elf as a candidate for the otliee of SIIE UPF, et the itect election, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Shwthl I be en fortunate as to be nominated and elected, I 'ball endeavor to discharge the duties of the often faithfully end impartially. GEtiltGE BUSHMAN Cumberland tp., March 19. ir;u. tc Register and Recorder. rfIIKOCGII the solicitations or numerous friends, I have been induced to offer may a f agsin as a candidate for It.F.OTSTER AND Iit:CORDER, Subj ect to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with promptness and fidelity. WILLIAM DVEIIDBEIL frenderiville, April 2, MO. tc 1 pletely and easily thrown over übstructione Register and Recorder. while in motion by the driver without the use 21_A T th e solicitation crf numerous friends I, of levers and complicated machinery. 4 tery offer my self as a candidate fur the ottirte decided and important feature in its improve. of REGISTER AND RECORDER. subject to the' ment con=ists in its perfect arrangement fur seja • derision of the Democratic Count , . Con i - eution. , rainy and cleaning Vie track in mowing. If nominated and .electe , l, 1 pledge myself to ' It lel the most simple , must substantLal, most discharge the duties of the ollice with prompt-1 durable, and in every way the most complete ness and fidelity.(and reliable Reaper and Mower is the world, ANDREW W. FLEMMING. nud as socii is warranted. Gettysburg, April 23, 1861). tc I The Two-Horse Machine (with easy draft for - 'hi° horses,) cuts it swathtiii feet wide and the Clerk of rho Courts. Four-horse Machine a foot wider. Fortirticu- AT the earnest iielicitatlen of numerous , lays address SANIVE I. BRAY T, friends, I o ff er ml self us a candidate furl New Cailford, Franklin county, pi s ., CLe.ltiii OF THE COL'ItTS at the next election, I Agent for Franklin, Adams and *Cetubetland subject to the decision of the Democr air County. counties, Couvention. Should Ibe nominated and elect- ! ittir 'The various parts of the Machine for d, I pledge my best efforts to a faithful dis- „Repairing will be kept on hand at conreaient charge of the duties of the post. i points, [May 14, 18E1., ' :It JulIN EICIIOLTZ Butler tp., April 2, 1860. tc Clerk of the Courts. AT the solicitation Of numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the office of utJ UK OF THE COCltTS—xohjeLt to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated end eteeteu, I pledge my best efforts to ilisAarge the duties of the ()Mee satisfactorily. HENRY U. CARR. :ett)sburg, April 9, 1860. tc Clark of the Courts. AT the urgent solicitation of numerous friends I offr Hs A e.indictte for re-election to the ottioe of CLERK OF THE COURTS, subject to the di eivion of the Demo cEatic County Concelaun. Should I be notul- tutted and elected, I nl•dge myself to perform the duties of said otlic4 with hdelity. HENRY G. WOLF. April 9, 1860. tc ". • Cit Dr. Baakee TRF:ATS ALL =DISEASES.—DR. BAAKEE will give special attention to the folloiiiing diseases: Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Crimp, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the No , e, Mouth, Throat and Lungs: Atten tiou to the treatment of all Skin diseases—Lum bago, Lumbar Abscesses Scrofula. Rittman- Neuralgia, Paraly, sis, - Epilepsy, Dyspepsia. Piles, and all diseases oalie Stomach, Liver and Bowels; also all chroninh.ca4es pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Briakee can pro duce one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula Scald Heads, Wens, Seedlings and Tu mors of every description and without the use of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by corresAndence, therefore the patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's persona: supervision. DR. 13•AKEE has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT, and restore perfect vision to the Eye without the use of the knife or needle, and he cures all diseases of the EVE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and he has constantly on hand au excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drams, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Also, a large as sortment of Ear Trumpets of all sixes sad every description known in the world. Also, a large assortment of beautiful Artificial Hands, with Wrist, Arm and ElbBw attachments. Also, of feet, with Ankle, Leg and Knee.joint attach ments—naturals/I nature itself. These articles can be sent by Express to any part of the,world. tr. Basket Is one of the most celebrated and skillful Physicians and Surgeons nowilieing, His fame is-known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters address ed to Dr. Baskee must contain ten cults, to pay postage end incidental expenses. All. Chronic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex cept those mentioned, that will require his per sonal supervision. Lidice hours from 6A. IL, to 4 P. Y. DOCTOR .8.1.A.K.RE 1 637 Broadway,a few doors below Bleaker street, May l ly New York City. New News Depot. /PRE subscriber has just opened a NEWS DEPOT on Baltimore street, nearly oppo site Pahnestocks' store, where will constantly be found any and everytkiag in the reading Hue of a 'Wetly moral ammeter. AU the Waling Magazines ' Periodicals, Literary pa. pers Weekly and Daily, together with li sic, Belida, Coaled/Otis, Cigars, Tobacco, Cakes, and all sorts of nodose, in;eediess Would yea know the sail Thee send in your names, all ye who thirst tot knowledge, and your wants "alb* supplied by • OBAIILES LLNDERILkS. ' . 4l,ettystitor„ Apr**, 11140.. • El .. 0 4 mit . I . Beira *mum, 1 -.- ' •?. ..% . sy I, law. f PCSobbeilair a Ohs - Bala of Geap‘o, ro thirdlirdetlimmeaodiviattld of POT rat ILVI jlo9libilocctaktaltee bkoodabi Ms lait. • , -7.D.tthUlllol4, Llosolio•- • Miur I t issa s* r"gf•L'ilit - 5i15144. , -4:110/1GZ POTERO Cll., ProPfleedri **lint /lisVs4 Niumes. rtes Bendergrille t AtllmlureottitYr Pit. We would ritspectlitityistil theeditteis the public to our litoistoek of Proitem*Onns. mental Trees, sneh is Apple; Ptmeb,•Ootatlisrd, and Dwarf Peat, Merry, AprteoVantl , Plint Trees rapevines i Illucl(herty, atteselierry mid Currant stalks; Ornwasental and gvergreetm, *Melt ore offer for nest 411 sales: -We lute appointed Joint Htimitonstams, Fag.. ear travel fpg agent fur this crany, who is authorised to make sales and t tke orders. VAI It MOUNT NPltfitriUltB having la een ett• t.g.lilished for more than 10 years, the Praprto. tars Hatter thernselvesthat Weir trees art of*. beat selected kinds. having fruited many of them, and knowing what they are. Merest- If increased and tnereasteue spirit of planting, ItA-Weit as the degree of patronage extended •10 0 , 4, warrant ns In greatly isicreasing owr nur aerie., so thatwe err prepswed to offer for &to autumn of 18G0 and succeeding years, * much more extensive stook than ever offered before --cultivating from 36 to 40 acres, containing aeveritl hundred thcrilsaald trees at eariels stages of growth, all of which are grows ow soil and cinder treatment best calcutaitedoto make a healthy and natural growth. UNOItGE PETERS * CO. sir The undersigned having accepted Ai above Agency for the into of Fruit 'Trees to this county, takes this method of toforminatitd pithlic,that those wishing to pnrchnse treessrill please take the subject into consideration be fore I call personally upon them, us 1 expect to canvass n portion of the comity. All letters upon the subject, addressed to me at Benders ville, nr left nt any of the Hotels in Gettysburg, will he attended to. Catalogues ran be found nt all the printing. offices. Persons wishing to select from catalogues can there 800 teem. will he in Gettysburg during Court weeks, so that persons mm 'siting to purchase fruit ens Pee me. The cultivation of good fruit of ail Mods has been tutirely too much neglected in this county. The demand for good fruit is very much un the increase. • JOHN BURSHOLDEIL t April 9,18 GO. Gm Bi'Corraiek's Reaper and Mower. TTIG uy EM ['ROVED FOR !greeted from the first on correct prioci pies, it has always been eminently snecessful, and µlth its present improvements fully meet ing all the requirements of the age, it stow Afies all co;npetrtinn. F'nrmers who may -desire it are at liberty to ork one of these Machines through the hsterrii adh any other, Alio ta:gr ANL) PAY r 0.2 Toe Os. • 'the Machine is now perfectly bertneeg, 'not lent ing n pound of weight on the horses' necks; its exe , milen in reaping. and mooing, in lint(' wet and dry, is perfect; it cuts the widest striatA, and as hue made with the lighiest draft Otiny Machine now in use. It is so constructed that the labor of raking of is very much lighpned, castor a heel, on as entire new principle, eiti the grain side, wholly relieves time horses from the pressure of the machine from strain in taming, arid is so arranged that the mating bar Meow- More Light. XTOI7 may talk about your Gas as you please, but there is one thingcestain, 11. G. CA RR has on band as fine an assorfftient of CI . JA RS as ever was offered in this markets-- auch as Yarrah, Principees, fiabanas, and Re gslins. Any person or persons leaving doubts as to the truth of the above statement, can have their doubts removed by giving them a trial. lic has just received from the cities of Phila delphia aud Baltimore, as fine an assortment of lit as is usually kept in this or any other place. lie also has as fine an assort ment of Fancy Neck-ties, Shirt Colliers, Gentle men s Jewelry,and Perfumery, as any' other es tablishment can of which he will sell low fur Cash or Country Produce. - Conte one, come all, and give him a call.— Don't forget the place—York street, next door to Sauppe's bakery. [April aq, 1300. _•• _ A New Feature • N the business of the Ezerlsior Sky-light l Gallery. During our late visit to the cities of rhilsdelphia and Baltimore, we selected. splendid assortment of STEREOSCOPIC PIC TUBES, comprising English, French, Venitian, Egyptian, Italian and American Scenery, Sta tuary Groups, &c. Our prices for yfclures will range from 12 to 40 cents apiece. 'We also have a fine lot of STEREOSCOPIC' BOXI3-5, which we offer at reduced prices. The publicirsineral ly are invited to call and see our [Argo revolving Box, containing 50 pictures, and we ifllliare to all lovers of the Fine Arts a pleasant elsilt. \We are itl:o prepared to make Sterathscopic Pictures, either Portraits or Views, at tossup able rates. TYSON k BRo.; April IG, 1860 Men's Wear. T L. SCHICK would invite the attention of J buyers to his large stock of ;, Fine Black Cloths, Fine Colored do., Fine Black Cassinterts, Fancy do., Sid* Stripesdo., V estinge, flravats,'Erosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, April Id, 1860. Gas! Gas ! Gas! TllE subscriber has laid in' terge,stock of . Gas Chandeliers. lirickets, Buktfts, .tc., to which he inviestlie attention of doiteHizens 'of Gettysbarg. His prices are as lows they ' arc in the cities. Call in and see for yoltselres. Ware Hoorn in York street, opposite-lb* Bank. May 7, ltitiu. WM. HALM N. ' 1860. Fresh Spring G00d5.71860. iTr ATS AM) CAPS.-11. P. Ii64,IIEST would respectfully invite the attention of i the citizens of Gettysburg and'ritinlky to his ' large and complete "stock of flats .4bid Cap, which he has just opened, enibracfpg i nearly every variety of style no* in the intikket, con ' slating in part of Men's No. 1 Silk ibt lien's broad-rim Russia Hats, ilea's Felt ,iyltd Soft Hats, Men's Seamless Caps, Bore. said Wool Huta. Also, a large and towel& stock ' of STRAW GOODS, comprisi ,Moolo Straw, Leghorn and Panama ILa Zeta's' Rats,' nits, Moonless ansrilialillite' It , all 1 of the latestuod most finatiMegisklestrleki ; Thos3 wishing to save money iiiii bettikso. sill do I well by ceiling on him betoeirpatebosisyg else where, as he is selllaoste.rjelaw for cult. April )3, 1860. R. F. McILIIETY. ; Notice. MBE Soloaillt`ettSsurrz. Warm, As-` slipsee of 'nimbi* Wanda*, had "ben bled In the Overt Of Omani. theeeed. Ado*. eon n ty, and will be sloallninserlorine said Mort, on, We Verde" of Nay erocindissi easestso slsowa {were controey.- JACON'OIIIII/Y,,Rontley. • April 30, 1114114. • • . Au InvezdAnit-.., PTHAT is not a humbug; rant lierii‘ett it the Ware Motu of SEFIRAWPOWSWiII—a eentWashint Machine, abo!it.the utility of which 'there can he ,noniiejahe. undoubt edly the best Washita, /WNW Mikan aver iota 1t Veal!. lie _ _ Photographers, GettysburipiPs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers