.. . - ..: ' .150rieteidy.• rf1 z i,,,..T,,.,„„tyt,.., CZ OPTRE moCas OF DAVID I ilt !Si Ur. J. L IYOILMULX. LL. D 4 saw sad revised edition, with the we thoee Wog oecroctiaas. One volumes, Moo., cloth, 47$ loos. Price $1 25. Pairllehed by OSORO! G. ITINS, ND. 429 Chestnut St., philad4lphui• ; iatt au Deed's Baur. A literal Inaslstioa in German' of the PRISCIi OF THE HOUSE OP DAVID. 4 roL_ 125n0., cloth, 475 pages. like t 00 Verlag rex I/BURGS EVANS, N 0.439 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. TUX PILLAR OF FIRE! • or, ISRAEL IN BONDAGE PT VIII itsv. J I)a;AJAX, LL. U. 0269 . 01.,12in0., cloth, 8 , 4 pages. Price $1 25 Published by 011011 GE U. EVAN S, No. 4.39 Chestnut St., Philisdelphiu. MOWS 01 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Colliathin the Military and Financial Cor respondence of Distinguished Officers; General oMore of Washington, Lee and Greene, Names of the Officers and Privates, with the Dates of their Commissions and Enlistnnentd, with a list of DisAingaished Prisoners of War; the time of theirOvto_ra, Exchange , etc.; to which Is add led the lialf-pay Acts of the Continental Con- Er; the Revolutionary Pension Laws; and a d the Officers of the Continental Army, who soqdrid the rightto .II !I -pay, Commutation, /Auld Warrivats, etc.. etc. HT w. T. R. merrier., Coal=Nor and Ageat fur lievulutionaryClsiras. 094 rldarae, 1%L0a., cloth, 5:.4 pages. ?rice $135. T. 8. ARTHUR'S P 4 PC BnOKS. True Riches. Angel Mud the Demon. Um, Somas. !Three Eras in Woman's Golden Grains. ' Life. The Martyr Wife. i Ten Nights in a Bar- Sparlag to spend. ; Room Taos of Real Life. 'Angel of th e Hooseh old Ttts old Mau's Bride. ,The Hand but nut the The Way to Prosper. Heart. The Withered Lieurt. !Liman Histories and Tells of Married Life. ! Life Pii.tures. Stops towards !leaven. I The Trials of a House- What can Woman do I keeper. Tales of Domestic Life Leaves from the Book Good Time Corning. ; of Human Life. the union of thrilling dramatic Inci dents, with moral lessons of the highest im portance, these works of T. S. Arthur et.und forth pre-eminent amongst modem authors." "They hare been introduced Into the Dis trict, Sobbatii School, and various other Li braries throughout the country." Ina of the above Books contain nearly SOO mom, anti ere , illustrated with finely executed iiiiisotint engravings, and hanisornely bound In one 12mo. volume. Price $1 00 each. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. TRAIALATED FROM FEE FRINGE MIMOIRS OF ROBERT LitiLIDIN, Prserickfarur, Magician, sorcerer, Vilnard r ecromancer, Conjarer, Ambassador, &cutworm Professor of Sleight of Hand, etc., etc. Written by himself. Edited by Da. R. SHILLTUI MACinni, With n Oopions Index, carefully arranged.— Bound In one vol. 12m0., cloth, 446 pages..,— Price $1 00. NATIONAL LIBRARY. Aatbat, Artist, LIVES OF HEROES, HUNTERS & PATRIOTS. Life of 001. Crockett. Life of General tiamuel LIM of Lewis Wetzel. Houston. Life of Colonel Daniel Lives of Southern He- Boone. roes and Patriots. Lim of General, Lee E'nblic and Pnvate Life and &miner. of Daniel Webster. Saab of the above bouks are illustrated with n engravings, and bound in one volume, Mao., doth. Price $1 00. LIVIB OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND NATIONS, Including the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane liirty L ßestrice Cenci, Joan of Arc, Anne kloleyn, Charlotte Corday, Semiramis, Zenobus, Boadiese, ate, ate. Nditeal by }tsar LI embellish ed with 6aely engraved Portraits on Steel. One /2m0., cloth, 330 pages. Price $1 25. LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE, By the ROT. Hraa STOWILL BROWI, lit the Myrtle Stiveet Baptist Chapel, Liverpool, /laz iest& First Series. With a Biographisal Intro auction by Dr. B. SHKLTON MACKS.-411a. Pub tithed under a special arrangement with the aiithor. •One volume, 12.m0., cloth. 414 pages. Price $1 00. upon remittance of the price of the Book and It ante additional for postage, COO C 3 of either of the above books accompanied with a hand some present, worth from 50 cents to 1 Ut) dol lars,will. be mailed to any person in tile United States. • MD 1P01• CLAISIYIIID CJT/LOGCU 01 110 d IS, Containing the most comple list of books in •very department of Literttare ever pubh.bed, and which will be sent gratis to any person sanding their address. To inure promptness and honorable dealing, mod all your orders for books to GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, and Originator of the Gift Book Business, No. 439 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. /ad you will be satisfied that it is the best place la tpe country to purchase Books. ...1111rSPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENTS.• .G. G. EVANS, having purchased the stereo- M it= o c . ;pyri v g l h d te : !t p c iii o ir f tohfe 'F:iir'reiln'ceetcof Weisdet maltheattaation of agoluta to tlecse truly valusale Works. The " Prince of the House of David," one of the aunt popular and best selling boots ever published. Over 180,000 copies have been sold, and tt bids fair to outrivAl the "Pilgrim's Progress," or any other similar work. The "Pillar 01 Fire," by the same author, is now meeting with a rapid sale; over 90,000 copies have bees sold since its publication, sad as a companion to the "Prince of the House of David," every reader of that book should roamse a copy. ° The Records of the Revolutionary War," is a 11001 e of great interest and gives a vast amount of laformation relative to the Soldiers of the itesolution, and is an invaluable book of refer. saes for the descendents of its heroes and all who are interested in Pension Claims, Land Warrants, etc., etc. The poet Liberal Inducements are offered to bad upon addressing the publisher tion will be given. SEND FUR JWATALOGL - K. Address, GEORGE G. EVANS. Publisher, 419 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, Jptil 2, 1860. 6! Cares Poetry. - rinels no evil ia this world tith men cannot relieve; every honest mind and heart ~illidrotr this believe: bath ordained a perfect ears Torel'ey lit on earth, Ihitleaires tt onto men to End ' Alto mcret and its worth. Thiga.n. G. Carr's (Recovered one lindoli will afford relief, &at cars dyspepsia and iirdireition, Almost beyond belief. . Thovirtaos of his Bitten an Sow kitows mato x 1 , Shod they who wish to be relieved tseftrkEr. Q. Carr ,_4o.o.TeraL if Ciossomptiomkos, • • - 41 E, t oliew load ock spoistity from .. le las io his storm the risdaslsao— s7Mdsmuus Umiak to coots &pis - • -i , -Viess Um Altai shook, • ApArbstagoittioy saw Om*** • - , :,gibilommegmossi omit qmsgt, - ittrstgoromigs, spook Ptelifids¢lloo.o l Prealk..: __y ,Ahoups sad throat disosorsi..l, Itit . ll 4 llfoot millittiorboOkili. itkamaii - • Oesdhowarib • - • 3•ll.awarai.e,..auses • aestospops. ..^ • 4 SACKS, It Mat t. 13altii:n_C - )Tset A. llathiot & Son's SOFA AND PURE ITURE WAHRROOMS, Nos. 26 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (neat Fayette stIO extending from Gay to Fredeenk et.—the largest establishment' of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large amorunent of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE. em bracing Barna*, Bedsteads. Washstands, Ward robes, Mattreeses of Rink, Daum' and 11,,r, Spring Reds, Sofas, Tete-e:Tetes. Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables. ti,st tees, Reception sad Upholstered Chairs. A'S SORTED GOLOII-4 OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chain, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, 11411 Farniturs, Gilt and Walnut Femme Looking (Hasse', Side boards, Extension Tablas, °revery length. Persons dispeted to purchase are invited. to call mod gin our stock as examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is set equalled by any establishment in the country. A. MITI-HUI" A SUN, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay 'tract. Aug. 2, 1859. ity COMMISSION' M ERCH A NT, Noe. 124 mid 126 North Street, I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all 'kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. !laving an experience of ten years in the Commission business, land wishing. to continue that alone,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give RATIIS 'Arno% to all who f4ror me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders tor Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fert..iihers. Feb. ei, bO. ly Baltimore Safe Manufactory. f ILLER S IMPROVED SALAMANDER SAFES.—Thousands of dollars in proper ty of all kinds, savel annually in these safes that ne%er failed to preserve their contents Factory. Durance street, Providence, Rhode Island, and I North .trect, Baltimore. Sale rooms, No. Id. South Charles street. For sizes and prices send for a circular. All Safes war ranted to giN e satisfaction. L. IL MILLER. No. 16 South Charles street, OcL 17, 1859. [je.27. ly] Baltimore, Md. FOUNDED 1552. Chartered 1854. Located 1 COIL OF 13ALTII1ORE di CHARLES STS., Lki.,Tl3loilli, MD.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished & Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Hen desiring to obtain a TDOROrOtt Placticst. Bnausss EDCCATIOS in Cie shortest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circu lar, containing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Smetstsx or P xxxxx &HIP, and a Large E ngraving (the finest of the kind ever made in this country) representing the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, ke., will be sent to Every Young Man on application, Film or CHARGIi. Write immediately and you will receive the package by return mail. Address, E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore,Md. Feb. 6, 1660. ly Carpets, OIL CLOTHS and Mattings, wholesale and retail. Constantly on hand an assortment of Carpets at low prices, consisting of Velvet, Brussels. Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets, of every style and price. Oil Cloths from 1 to 6 yards wide. Also, Rugs, Mats, stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Ilettings. Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or yard, at low rates. JOSEPH VICTORY, 125 Lexington st., one door west of Hi card, April 2, 1860. 3m Baltimore, Md. Artists', Painters' AND PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.—The subscriber has constantly on harlot a full assortment of materials for the use of Attots, l'aisulerraml Photographers. Also on hand a large and beautiful assortment of Sicrueopic Imam maga avid stews, embracing every variety of Foreign and American Lcuulicapes, Slaivary, Parlor and Rural Groups, 4c. The beauty and interest of the Sterescopic Views upon the par lor table furnish it never ending source of en tertainment both to visitors and the home circle. COUNTRY MERCHANTS supplied on the most liberal terms. W. A. WLSONG, No. 2 N. Liberty St., Baltimore, lid June 27, 1859. ly Ladd, Webster & Co„ iD BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD., 191 Manufacturers of Improved Tight-stitch SEWING MAUHINES, for Fam:lies and Manufacturing Establishments. Let Manufacturers, Planters, Farmers, House keepers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sowing now done by unachiNery, make sure they secure the best, by examining ours before purchasing. StrSamples of Work sent by mail. WHAT CONEITITCTES A GOOD 13ZWIIG WACTIMIII? 1. It should be well trade, simple in its con struction, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a TIGHT LOCE./STITCE, *like on both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any and all materials that can be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be able to sew• from coarse to fine, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. 6. It snauld be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads. and with uniformity. 7. It should have a straight needle ; ear Ted ones are liable to break. 8. The needle should have perpendicular motion. This u absolutely neeesaszy for heavy work. 9. It should be capable of taking in the largest pieces of work. 10. It should be able to bind with a binder, hem with a hemmer ; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should be always ready to work. 12. It should be' capable of using the same site of thread on both sides of the work, and of using different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to be united. L. It should ba able to musks a long or short stitch. 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, and commence sewing tightlyas the firststactt. 15. It should ran easily and make but little noise. 16. It should have a wheel feed; none others are in constant contact with the work. 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. 18. It should aot, be liable to break the thread, for skip stitches. Ilk It should not be necessary to ass a screw driver or wrench to set the needle. 30. It should not be liable to oil the opera tor's dress. 21. It should not forma ridge on the under side, nor ravel - oat, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the etas with au. caam-irrivem machines. 22. Ultimald not be " more. tronbLe than it s worth." sk ilriaaK all of these advantages are pos sessed by our Sawing Machine. LADD, WIOSTE)I I CO. Dar- 5, 1859. 17 e t Wines, Brandies, lields, - ELACIE TEAS, to: P. TTILIMAN k EON, offer for vale the following articles, ar own importation, wile:thirty for fang assaar Wrste--.Pesartine's finest pal*, gold end brown Sherries, in woad and in ems. POlt? Wrins—Sandeama's competition red and white Port, in wood aid to glass. Mkestas Wyss—John Howard March's file Madeira, in 'wood sad in eau; alas, Grape Juice. Linea Ross---lelisaaesberger, Stei nberyrer Wattlabrneser, Oebisee, Lieb-freapetikh, Bent imbert, 11148. Wreas---Nost sad Meadow's dm eigiia_visitiaiid Bokassa—Ouird aad iimunews YNald pale isit daft amain. :liissailk lino Jaw:sift, Latir s = a.L. she a aaAsjargibi. w.r, _ . n 0134111 Aar—Tbs. best -qsatinamt arsot—imui iso mi*ters et dripoiseqi hilt. I SOS halletestt et di Eitiirt Ifolobilres. lliAtimors, Aug. 2f,1101:' It 1 - • ; A_ LEI James H. Bosley, BALTIMORE, MD Farmers? and..llltiatanicie LWBTITUTIOX Ud ADA/Ilkl VC117111% Tr receives aoae r os deposit daily froln II o'clock A. IL. until a o'clock P. W., and on *Mardi., tram t o'clock A. IL, until 6 o'clock P. M. Inured* on depoidta from Ico 6 par cent.. ; Spacial deposits paid *gradual/ to notice, and tcAnstent dirixisita paid on demand with in.. Interest on special deposits, when nude f.)r ten months and upwards,) per cent-;lord months and upwards, 3 per cent.; on transient deposits for 30 days and upwards, 2 per cent. ; and on regular weekly deposits 5 per cent.. The popularity of this Institution with all classes' of the community, both in town and country, and its consequent success, may be ascribed in part to the following reheoos: It offers a convenient, respon4ibie and profit able depository to Farmers and Mechanics, to Executors, Administrators, Assignees, ' tors, Agents and all public Officers, to Attorneys, Trustees, Societies and Associations ; incorpora ted or otherwise, to married or sin,ile Ladies, I to Students, NlerLhents, Clerks, and business men generally; to Minors and all who hare funds,much or lisnie, to deposit with a return of. Interest. Depositors receive Books in which is entered their deposits, wind' books seri e ft/ vouchers. They zuly designste in case of sickness, death or absence, who sh.II receive their deposits withontthe intervention ofErecuturs or Admin istrators. [Gettysburg, March 26, 1860. To Consumptives 4 ND NERVOUS SUFFERERS —The sub -1-1 scriber, for sever.ll ye irs a resident of Asia. thaeovercii while there. a sipiple vegetable reined% --a sure Cure for Conittmy'v)n, Asthma, limnehitu, emight, eckid:. and Nerucva D•iii/sty. For the benefit of Consumptives anti _Vero-our Su...direr:. be is willing to make the same public. To those who desire it. be will send the Pre scription, with full direction: rf charge ;) also a samp.:e of the medicine, which they will rind a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy can obtain It by return m.til, by addressin g J. E. CUTHBERT, Ilotinic Phy.ician, No. 429 Broadway, New York. April 9, 1860. 3m Arch Street Carpet WAREHOUSR—SPRING STOCK or CAR PETINGS I—We are now opening our Spring Stock of Carpeting., which have been bought eitremely low for Cash, and will be sold correspondingly cheap. We bare all the newest and richest styles of Velvet, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain and Vcnetisuw—with as ex tensive assortment of low priced Carpeting,; Oil Cloths, Drnggets, Eats, ke., ac. Also, 500 pieces of 3-4, 4-4, 6.4, 6-4, white, red, check, fancy and variegated Canton Est tix.gs, at very low prices. As we buy exclusively for Cash, we are en abled to offer our goods mesh below the usual prices. siarTountry YerchanUl and others wlio are about purchasing are requested to oldie an ex amination, as they cannot fail being pleased with goods and prices. OLDDEN k RICKNER, 833 Arch St., (2 doors below Ninth, South Side,) illarch 12, '6O. 3m Philadelphia. The Greatest Discovery 39F THE AGE.—lnflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using 11. L. ,LER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominept citliens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by H L. MILLER, Wholsesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer In Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Pgipts, Dye-staffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and — Tinctures, Window Glass; Perfumery, Patent Medicines, ire., &c. afirA.D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettysburg for " 11. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mix ture." [Oct. 24, 1859. ly Watches, Jewelry, AND SII.VERWAILE.--Wo would respect fully inform our friends, patrons and the pub ic generally, that we have now in Store and offer WnoLattaLa AVD Reran., at the lowest CASH Paten, a large and very choiee 'Lock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, of every variety and style. Every description of pIAMOND Wortte and other JawarAtv, mode to order at. short notice. Ste"..lllgoods warrant ed to be as represented. N. 11.—Particular attention given to the Re pairing of Watches and Jewelry of every de scription. STAUFFER k HARLNY, No. 622 Market St., South Side, Philadelphia. Feb. 13, 1860. 3m Renioval. t ALEXANDER FRAAR, Clock and Watch maker, has removed his shop to the room on A LEXANDER West side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Seq., as a Law Office, where he will alwayb be happy to attend to the calla of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by etnet attention to business, and a desire to please, to•merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 195 P Cannon & Adair's NEW MARBLE WORKS, corner of Balti more and East Middle streets,direetty op posite the new Court House, Gettytbarg.-••• nal ing recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishirfg to procure anything in our line, to firor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to furnish MtiNt'MENTS, TOM r, s AND ITEAM- , TONES, MARBLE MANTLES. SLABS for Cabinet-makers. and all other work appertaining to our business, at the lotve•tt pos sible prices. We do not hestLate to guarintee that our work shall be put up in a manner .üb stanual and tasteful equal to the be.>t to he seen in the cities, where eiery improvement which experience has suggested is availed of, and especially do we g2.arantce that our tlerne tery and Grace Yard w.irk shill he so carefully set as not to be affected by frost, but shall main tain fur years that erectness of position giN en at the completion of a joh, and so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. Nor. 28, 1859. tf Globe Inn, ECRA N ICSTOWS, Frederick connty,lld. I_ Haring been renovated and re-furnished, the proprietor assures the public that • call is only needed, as he guarantees full satisfaction in every .:ase. Charges moderate. HENRY HERR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1859. tf John W. Tipton. qi) to . Tipton's—go to Tipton's-- Go to Tipton's in the corner— the corner in the Diamond— In the Diamond near 'McClellan's, If you want yogir hair are.ssed finely— If you want your face shaved smoothly. Bachelors who never knew it—' Tip's the fellow that can do it— Do it In the latest fashion—' De it quick and do ft neatly, And improve your fine lookrgreatly, Make you look so young and sprightly, Make you feel more young and brightly, " lake you feel like going nightly To call epon some pretty damsel Who before would not look at you, At you as you passed her daily, Daily en the public street. And young men who woes moustaches, Who want some one to sew patches— Pitzhes where your breeches tear— Ttp's the boy to make up matches— Matches with some ley fair. Than repair to Tiptofes shop, Dandy, Fogy, Flirt 'and Top. lan. 11,1858. Limber and Coal, y !WE /OM PLA t ads constant -14 ty oa load, wide* n amodiag al, malt preitts fibr CABO. All Coal.**, watt **cub ea delimety. BESAD* * aIITBBLiB Jac 23, rssaired and sow tirtilv.• la*and varied asooptiosat o( %UMW to tririovito tbo maisati•di ° Bo flares: OTT =0 •• • is essey,lessisly, at 1110MOK'S. eessistiragaf , Naas ilusliss, Oboelor, Tisigap, BM Wdiet he. : #olll l 9thing'irefir OtTTTEHICI4.---Thitei4idereigtol DAMS the eltlsens Of the town end county, that he xv commenced ;the BAKIESO basimass,. ors a large Kale, in York street, Dettrsherg, nearly opposite Woittleis Hotel, where he will try to arson'', and hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS. CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS. ke, ke., baked every day, (Sun days excepted.) all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking In all its branches is largely carried on, asd orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Haring erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved mactinery, he is prepared to do a beavr business. VALENTINE' SAUPEE July 23, 1859 New Grooery. Tins WAY FOR BARGAINS —The sub scriber respectfully informs the citizens of lowa and country, that he has opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store. on York street, two doors eart of St. James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assort ment of goods in his line—such as : Syrup front 40 to 70e,onts per gallon; Sugars. all kinds Coffees, different kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch Herring, gzotind and unground Femur, ALTice. Cloves, innamon, Iluatard, Soda, Ginger, Star, h, Rice, Tens. Candles, Ex tract Coffee, Chocolate, Concentrated Lye ; Brooms, Buckets, Candies, all kinds ; Walnuts. Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer RAisins, Lemons, Oranges, Fancy Cakes, Crsckers of all kinds, Ac , &c 1:1:1TER and Foos bought and sold. He invites the calls or the public. convinced that his iissoitment will please, both in quality and price. He is de termined to sell cheaper thnti the cheapest. Gettysburg, Dee. 10, '59. Ma pos s NITROGEIMED • SUPSR-FTIOSPRATE OF LIME! 001groarD or DRIED BLOOD, BONES, SULPHURIC ACID. PERUVIAN GUANO, fins • SULPHATE AMMONIA. 100 Pounds of the NITROGENIZED PHOSPHATE Will equal in effect and lasting potter 1115 Pounds Peruvian Guano—will produce GREATER WEIGHT OF WHEAT, And other Grain, per Bushel. iparlT PREVENTS RUST!-sis I solicit Farmers to give it a fair trial, being confident of its worth. It has been extensively used in the New England and Southern States Ibr ter years past, and its increasing sal* PROVES ITS SUPERIORITY I It is packed - 1n Strong Bags of 160 Pounds each. PRICE $4 PER BAG, OR $6O PER TON. Orders Accompanied by Remittances will meet with Prompt Attention. Testimonials sae Samples gives Free of Charge, on application to the Sole Agent, R. W. I'. ALLEN, No. 14 Soeth Delaw.ac Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. mg -AGENTS WANTED...Wig Feb. 20, 1860. 3m Kerosene and Coal Ofl. LAMPS 1 --Bead quarters and Mannfac tory, No. 114 South Second Street, below Chesnut, and No. 1 Carter Street, Philadelphia. M. B MOTT'S Eseelefor Kerosene and Coal Oil Burner. lizmut. ik Josue' Spring Bower, and all other good Burncra for Coal ,Oil, to gether with the largest and handsomest variety of LAMPS, of description. CHANDE LIERS, from two to filly burners—Glasses, Wicks. Shades, and all articles pertaining tn. the business,logether with the best KEROSKNK OIL in the country—Wholesale and Retail—at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. viirMerchants and others will same money, by °Lanai/ling our Sto4k and Prices. M. 13. DYOTTS LAMP and GAS FEXITUE STORE and FAC TORY, No. 114 South Second and No. 1 Car ter Street, below Chesnut, Philadelphia. Feb. 2C, 11160. Stu Notice to Farmers. 100.000 BI'SIiKLS GRAIN WANT hietbsitt market price will be paid fur Wheat, Rya, Corn, tbste, Barley, Clover-seed, Timothy-seed, Floctri kc., at the large yellow Warehouse, west clad ofNcw Oxford. • SerGaaao, Plaster, Salt, &c., and a large and well selected mock of Lumber and Coal constantly on band and for sale at my Ware house. FRANK. HERSH. New Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859. tf A Fresh Assortment ng GOODS RKCEIVED AT REININGIM'S. ‘J —The subscriber has just returned from the City with another and most sple tdid usurt nseut of Goods for GCNTLENIEN'S WEAR,--to which he call* the attention of the public. He has selected his stock w ith great care, and can sell and manufacture every Variety of Clothing in the cheapest and most substanti.il manner He desires all who wish to he well fitted with good, genteel FALL AND WINTER. CLOTHING, to give him a call. De cannot be excelled in the town. Every one, therefore, who desires a bargain, should call with him at his Merchant Tailoring Es'ablishrnent in C.trlisle street, next door to licCunAughy's Ilan JACuti REISINGER Oct. 31, 1859 For Sale On lunvr.—ThAt. ex,ellent Tavern Stand, In New Oxford, Adams pin::: county, Pa , for many years known as Miley' Tavern, at pre4ent in the occepaney of G. F. Recker. The 110WO is large and very convenient, with good and large Stabling, a large Garden and Lot of Gronnd. with every cons enience nece,sary for a tavern, adjoining the Public SquAre, near the Gettysburg Rail road. Apply to JOHN BECKER. South George Stre , q, York, Pa. Jan in', lE-30. Hanover B. Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS.—The Pas sover Trains run as follows: FIRST TIitALN will leave Hanover at 8 A. N., with Passengern for Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Columbia and Philadelphia. SECOND TRAIN will leave Hanover at 3 P. M., with Pas,engera for Baltimore and inter mediate points. EXTRA TRAIN on every Tuesday and Satur day will Leave Uanover at 5 P. NI., with Pas *eager. for York, Harrisburg, ac., returning with Passengers from Baltimore. Through tickets are now inned to Philadel phia, Columbus, Ilarrieburg,Williamsport, Read ing, Baltimore, York, Wrightsville, and all other principal war points on the line of the Northern Central Tial!way. D. E. TRONE, Ticket Agent. Hummer, March 3, 1860. Marble Yard Removed. subscriber having removed his place of bushman to East York street, a abort dis tance below St. James' Church, would Announce to the public Mat be is mill prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such u Hens nmenta, Headstones, lc., lc., of evezy variety of styls and Omsk, with and without. bases and so. kits, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit the Uwe. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided advantage to examine his mock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. yrx.B. MEALS. Gettysburg March 21, 1859. Removal& rundersinneit. being the lin thorked penes t i o : make Femoral* into Byer Green Cane tory, hopes that *aches contemplate the onn oval of the remains of deceased relatives or friends, will avail themselves of this moos of the year to have it done. Iteatarah 'wade with promptneaa low, and no effort spa rm% to *ape. PST . TH9IIIB *arch 12,'80. /0•0„, • 4it 8(1b8 438808,180". Bamoiral. IMeasallaeribor removed Vaal* sat &bop thus Om rag.dry I. sins4,ooeito Taat's 11)04 1 2 shop, bads of sha Ma& Sold, whasobals tss onspand dims swam wand taldaftadara: .19asaiways asthma ass 4, ausispasols* the 4amtusit, Ragas, mai liaddasa s ilahipaga, to. sapgral, hiss ha will 116 sal Chlosha° - DANIZS.IV , : • The OneorgePorOott : .t. Xtr, INErLane's i WORTHY OF tiITIVICRHALIDONFIEIIifirCIi ellil/411RATID VREHIFIIti IS k ,LIVER E , Asp PATRONAGE—For Statesmen, ikj PILLS.—We beg leave to call the mitten- r , judges, Clergymen, Latt' and Gentlemen, in tion of the Trade, and more especially the MI all parts of the world testify to the efficacy of . Physicians of the country, to two of the most F,':' ! Pro!. 0. J. Wood's Half Iteatoratire, and gee-lpopular remedies now before the public. We Ull tlansen of the Press are unanimous in its praise. ' refer to DE.CHAS. NULANE'S CELEBRATED 2 A few testimonials only cag be here given; see VERXIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS. We do i circular for more, and It will be impossible fur not recommend them eskuniversal Cure-alls, ea ' you to doubt. 1 but simply for what theirname purports, viz: g", 47 Wall Street, New York, Dee. 20, '5B. i The VEIOIIFUGE, for expelling Worms from ...to Os LLLLL 111 : Your note of the If, tit inst.,' the human system. IS has also been adminis- W i has been received, saying that you had heard tered with the most satisfactory results to vs- ,16 1 ' that I had been benefited by the use of Wood's ' rions Animals subject to Worms. The LIVER imi Hair Restorative, and requesting my certificate ' PILLS, for the cure of Liras EOIIPLAINTS, all's... ` of the fact if I had no objection to give it. Bittous DIIIIIIIIIISTS, SICI iiilo-1011, &c. ii i I award it to you cheerfully , because I think ', In cases of Pre ax di lim e Anus, preparatory to it due. My age is about 50 years; the color of !or after taking Quinine, they almost inverts- my hair auburn, and inclined to curl. Some bly make a speedy and permanent cure. e-s five or six years since it began to turn gray, ; As specifics fur tee above mentioned die and the scalp on the crown of my head to lose , eases, they ere unrivaled, and never known :as its sensibility and dandruff to form upon it.— to fail when w4itilriater su4 Os iss.cordatice with to Each of these disagreeabilities increased with , the direction*, v.-. time, end about four months since a fourth was , The, r ~ i.l . .....i.dtirtr.d potruierity has in- 7.1 added to them, my hair falling off the top of my , doted the Pr4k. - 4 , L,,,,kt.F.MINfi IiftUTIIEILN, a bead and threatening to make me bald. ( viT toy/ 04, i , ,t, , 1.4 Oleh , ,isal of their Drug "le In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced biJilliolu t a >4 t11.4.1.14hi tltlfrot been line(Olaftilly r-.. to try Wood's Bair Restorative, mainly to ars ti , A.B ,, i r”. +i,. irat iii y care, and they will r y e *eat reat the felling off of my hair, for I had really ooss Eit li 1.4 A.:. 44. 1 111 1 4.'1 Lirnu osll4 attention to no expectation that gray hair could ever ha !lir ii iuerroresiora And being dyggruiiiied that restored to its original color except from dyer. lir It 1.41 ii. e I , iehiaii.4 ireiliohire and Liver I w.is, however, great* surprised to find niter Vitt., .h..!! . ~i.oos to tAt nip) , the high position the use of two bottles only, that not only wee 1.140 y now 10,1 , 1 gittoilif I /ir g,o*( te4.4.ljee (tithe the falling off arrested, but the color was rc- , day, ili , y will , , Mtliitt. to spare heithrr litn4 stored to the gray hairs andesensibility to the our 01.4e..et..n pool iirtrig the Bast sad Purest scalp, and dandruff ceased to Agin on my head, ,' material., owl , ouipiiiiiiil them lit thin must very much to the gratification of my wife, at thorough &newer, Address all orders to whose solicitation I was induced to try it. YLLIIING BROTHERS, For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, 1 6 trou‘zly recommend all hushatids who value the admiration of their wires to profit by my example, and use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, PEN. A. LAVENDER. To O.J. Wood it CO., 444 Broadway, Now York, My family are absent from the city, and L am no longer at No. 11 Corral Place. Siarnaston, Ma., July 20, 1859. To PROF. 0. .1. Woos): Deur bir :—Your "flair Restorative " has done my hair so much good since I commenced the use of It, that 1 WM. E. BITTLE wish to make known to the public of its aereots cm the hair, which are great. ♦ man or w may be nearly deprived of hair; sad by• to your " Hair Itcstomtile," the halrwillreteru more beautiful than ever; at least this is my experience. Believe it all I Yost* truly, WM. H. LENZDY. P. H.—You can publish the skive If you like. fly publishing in our Southern popers yen will get 'more patronage south. 1 Os several of your certificates in the Mobils Mowsry, • strong t3outhern paper. i • W. H. L WOOD'S CAM asavonslirs. • Pitor. 0. 1. Woun: Dear Sir i.—Having bad the misfortune to lose the best portion of my hair, from %be effects of the yellow fever, in ?few Orleans in 1851, I was blared to snake a trial of your preparation, and found it to an swer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words as express my• obligations to you in giving to tbeallicted such a treasure. FINLEY: JOHNSON. The Restorative is pot up in Softies of three sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds a pint, r nil retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per tent. more in proportion than the email, retails fbr two dollars per bottle; thelarge holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re- tails for $3 0. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietcks, 444 Broad w.ty. New York, and 114 Starlet Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goofs Dealers. [March 12,1860. 3ns BALSAMIC COUCH SYRUP. AS A FAMILY REMEDY! IT HAS NO EQUAL I TifITIMONY OF CLIROI I 3IICY. sarThi is to certify, theft on the re commendation of a regular and skilful physi cian we hare used the "Balsamic Cough Syrup " prepare* by W. E. Shriner, In our agd find it t answer well tie; purposes for *Web it is prepared. . SZITU•It, Paitor of Lutheran Church, Taneytown, Md. Revd the following Letter from Rev. H. P. Jordan : rslawrowx, Md. Mr. IC. $. Shriner,—Dear Sir live given your " Salsa:ale Cough Syrup" F. fair trial, and am happy to say that I have never tried any think that relieved me so soon. I have also given it in my family with the jame good ef fects in every instance. It is certainly $ most excellent remedy, and ought to be in every fami ly. The exceeding low price at which it Is sold places it within the reach of all.; Pardon the liberty I have taken in thus giv ing toy experience le the use of the Syrup unso licited by you. Respectfully yoktrs 11. P. Jonas. TUTIXONT Or FIFTSICIANII. Mr. Shriner :—At, your request, I have ex amine I the compo iition of your "Balsamic Cough Syrup," and from my kniowledge of the iagr:dieuts, and having witnessed its good ef fect+, I can recommend it to the public as a valuable compound for Coughs, Colds, and all chronic pulmonary affections. MOB. SIN, M.D. TAIIITTOWX, Md. I have prescribed W. E. Bbriner's "Balsamic Cough Syrup" in my practice for several years, and regard it AR an exrellent medicine InConghs, Colds; and all Bronchial affections. Saat't SWOPII, M. D. PITS 'PLASS' ICIPPRIZIICIL To W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I have been keeping s our '• Balsamic Cough Syrup" for sale for the last fire years, and It has given almost universal satiqfuction. It is one of the most popular Medicines in use in our neighborhood. Our sales, therefore, have been large, especially last winter, having sold at retail at lea* ten dozen bottles. I therefore do not hesitate\to recommend it to the public as a good mi,dicine. Yours, respectfully, W. E. tibriner,—Dear Sir:—Tour Cough Syrup is becoming very popular here. I ha\ been selling it for about two years, and it gives more general satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. We use it in our family, and would not be without it on any account. For children, it certainly is an invaluable medi cine. S. G. HILDILBRAND. To W. E. Shriner consider your Balsamic Cough Syrup one of the best Cough remedies of the day. There is no medicine I have ever sold gave such universal satisfaction, and none that I base used in my family I like so well. Yours, truly, C. F•. Itistasci. Price, 3'i4 cts. per bottle, or 3 bottles for $l. Sold by all Druggists and Merchants. Oct 17, 18:4. lOm rruiE subscriber offers at Private Sale, his HOUSE AND LOT, oa High Ern;" street, adjoining Solomon Powers. The House is a two-etory Brick, nearly new, with a Back-building, and a will of wager. Terms easy. DAN'L. F. PITTENTURF, July 11, 1859. tf (Leto of du Arse of Wine.Luter 4. Scott.) riENTLEMRN'S FURNISHING snug, sad SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 Ches nut Street, (nearly opposite the Girard Honse,) Philadelphia. I. W. SCOTTeould respectful. ly call the attention of his fo rm er patrons and friends to his new Store, and is prepared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short wake. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FLU SUIITs and Course. , Oct. 17, 1859. ly Xorl7Ylllllt and COAL, of all kinds, constantly cm haw*, which we will sell at smallprollts task. All Coal, kc. mast ke cash an de livery. XLINEFILLTHII:, BOLLUfGERk CO. Jan : A, 184.0:. IF you do not bslievelt,try tholes sodomisee yourselves, that 'MONS' 1 0 101171018 ere tie best sad cheapest to had is she coustry.— Gall er y N. E. dor. of the Dimmed, Gettysburg. plias x, ONE of the accou fp.litzsic.- I.J Guitarsj.coortiecuu, tag; Piddles, aad an the necusaty Ulna. th.losg winter nielins sit hoar may De " hiltranher I wilily,- alum you can bay iiiimuite s t s 1 ! . cl i f s 44 • ____ ,114.11M713.^ Turimmarjlo TlMPllatod '-ir :limp* be.,• =o , wt4Nortik east corsair of di* VIM?* Moms, un std at . A. Viiert Use Shriner% LISIStTY, Fr*deiick co., Wd JsrrxnAos. York co., Pa., July 18, 1859 JAIOII S:PANGLIR PORTEIeII SIDIVG. York co., _May 17. 1859 JACKSON, York co., May 18, 1859 Private Sale. J. W. Scott, Lime, Plaster, Pillsbury, Pa, P, M.—i)ertlerx tinel *there then Fleniii4 Woo., will dv will t, write their orilerxillolincily, knit tar pun. bat 'pri,affd hy k'a„l,,,g hit.hary, rd. To thm,a wobbles,” lei Rho tlu u, 14 t7lnl, we will forward prr Wilt p 1 4 .1,1, to ail port of the United diet.., iffis t•ox twOre tlires.ceut portage pitatape, 4,r 4 , 1741 /pl 4 qJ Vre. asifuse fur 'witll644i Oita e 4, tci ~, &Pro from rt 4111, 1 ,14 411441, I,e NV ,Jll4inilhill 41 1,1 114 4- ty caste extra, Yoreele by A. I). sad by diaataregraerally thrsoogitvat tie May 2, 1 af..V. ly Howard Asaoctation, FULA DELI'II I Isiusiei..**l j0 a .b,1 4 01., 4 relab!labc4 by e f p. 0 9 4 4 kt,..treeptt e cof lief of the Mirk end Iliatrerc44,oBolA4 •1 0 Virulent end gpidAritig• 14-***44+ for the Curia' lfrtuusurs Rot ti., ;At Medina/ adtpica Kira vat., 1411Teellt, to all why apply ecrlptten of their c issibtuni, side, 4. • habits of .) and is • e 4 . gt . tkim ,,, poverty, Medicine forateited fr.t. • barn IrALUABLE REPOILIci on ti;Arni....t , rrri.v.r.a and other Disessee of the StitlAi Uriglnr. ern the NEW REMEDIES en:l7A; ed in :to: D.i.- pessary, aunt to the afflicted in seaird ens elopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for post-- age will be acceptable. Addreu Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No, 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hy order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL, Geo. FAIRCUILD, Sec'y. .Pru't. Nov. 7, 1859. ly Gettysburg Foundiy. THE subscriber, having purOhased the Foundry of MeAsrs. Zorbangh, Float & Co., (formerly Warrens' Foundry,) has Commenced business, and is now prepared to Mier to the public a larger assortment of Machinery than has heretofore been offered, such as THRESH ING MACHINES, Clover Hullers, Fodders Cut ters, Corn shelliw, and Morgan's late improved Horse Rake. .7,1 1 k0, STOVES, such as Cook Stoves, three different kinds; and five different sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise Mill and Sew-mill Castings, and allkinds of Turning in Iron or Wood. parRETAIRINO of all kinds on' Machinery and Castiigs will be done to order on short notice. Patterns made to order; Plough Cast.. Inge ready made ; PURGHS, such as Seyler, Witherow, Pincher, Woodeotk, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FENCING, fur Cemeteries, Porches or Yards. ' Also, Mortising Machines, one df the best now in use. This machine works with • lever by hand; any little boy can tannage it. -Call and examine our stock; no doubt bat what we can please. Persons ought to see it their advantage to buy machinery of any kind at home, where It is manufactured, so that they can vet yeasily get any part replnced or repaired. DAVID STERNER. Gettysburg, Feb.l3, 1960. Grain and Produce House, OCILAMRERSIWRG STREET.—The un dersigned having purchased the large building in the rear of his store 'on Chambers hamburg street, known as "Caustilt brewery," has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, and is now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain and Produce, to wit : FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, Seeds, kc., for which the highest market price will be given. BerTo accommodate those who may prefer it, I will also receive on COMMISSION and forward Produce of all kinds, having made ar rangements for that purpose with a PE epousible house in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES of all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, Oils, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, &c. Baying just received a verr•large supply, purchased on remarkably favorable terms. I am prepared to furnish Country Dealers very. cheaply, and will sell at all times, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits.'' JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1859. Stoves, r - FITN AND SHEET IRON WARE.—SHEADS k BUEHLER, having purchased the stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of George E. Buehler, have opened an establishment In con nection with their Stove Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, and are now Lyepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware, they have a large supply of kitchen and house furnishing goods, of every variety, including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, Altc., for preservimg, cooking and frying. Call and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. I e—Spouting put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always on hand at their yard at the same place. Nov. 14, 1852. SIIEADS & BUEHLER. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. t r r oo 6 MUSICAL FRIEND," a Rare Com panion for the Winter Months. Every Pianist, Should procure this Every Singer, weekly Publication of Every Teacher, Vocal and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music, costing but 115 Every Amateur, CENTS number,and Pronounced by the entire Press of the Country, to be " THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK OP THE KIND IN THE WORLD." Twelve full sized Pages of Vocal sad Piano Porte Music for 15 Cents. Yearly, $5 ; Halfoyearly, $3 00 ; Quarterly, $1 75. Sabscribe to "Our Musical Friend," of order it frail% the nearestlfewsdealer, and you will have Music enough for your entire family and at en insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Mario . et, Acr,ordeon, etc., etc., subscribe to the SOLO ELODIST, containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Centre Woollier; Yearly, $2 50; Half-yearly $1 25. All the Beck Nurnberg at 10 cents, and Bound Volumes, containing 17 Numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly en hand. AGENFS WANTED far thus publications. • .C. B. SEYMOUR CO., .107 Nassau St, New York. . , Feb. 6, 1860. 341 • , Spollting• • .(11:011411 strum wAmrLiii oak,. NJ - House Epoetiag and put eptet easeloir,. lot OSSA or coostrt produce. Taneersoud Alt — l4 - 114triout. call. • . ad, wadotd4d.wain. Ova, APia4lo4•_ - - - iwata sad r " , Pl2Nakfisiatiogigkv I= EXIST 11. Darla IL traingistssFutisiUl. New n en, —Trey tba s ,, shends ' d have entered into plit"tPor ipln the HARDWARE & GROCERY business, at the old stand of Danner & tisgist, lin Baltimore street, under tbsl2%Call, style sad firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, JES., and ask, sad will endeavor to deserve, a continuants of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have just return ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods-consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass, kc. Tools, including Edge Tools °finery I description, Saws, Planes, Outsets, Gouges, I Braces and Bitta, Angers, Squares, Gages, Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, I Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoo Nails, kc., with them, very cheap. Coach Find lags, such as Cloth, Canvass, Demise/47rings., I Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spoke Felloes, Bows, Poles, Shafts, le. Shoe Tampico, Brush and French Noroeco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trois, Ate., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's Wools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEZPILMB will also find a large assortment of Knives sad Forks, Brittannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters. Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled sad Braes Kettles, Pans,Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, tic. Also, a gener al assortment of forged sad rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds; Cast, Shear , and Blister Steel, which they will sell as else; Ai the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full sad gen eral assortment, such as Crushed. Puiveruied, Clarified and Brown Sugars; Sew Odessa, West India and sugar House Mobilises sad Si rope, coffee, Spices, Chocolate, ries, COWIN and Dairy Salt; Linseed. Fist and Sperm OIL: pentine, Fish, kc.; a fnll assort:meat 411(Lrad and /ADC, dry and in oil; also 11. - e-psaof Taissr, lit fit( 1., almost trery article in ths Bardisanc, Condi Finding, Shoe Finding. Mysseliceepiag,. k.mitti,l'abinet Maker's, Painter - k.Glandoes, IVA Ore , ety line, all of which they are decmmiss 4tn till law fur('lNHasanyJhouse Ma a the Li!), HENRY B. DANNER. • WAY BRIGHT ZLEASLEIL Getty sberg, May 24, 1 klbe• /TIM ust4o.ootis4Ol /04404)14 retired from the fl.orcwi.ohrt. 4. , stolk6astNE 4 .. / A ma w ill b efix d. y0,.4 4 4 114 4 :1.1 V.O tA4, 1,7 i a HilltilllOre tiurvo nva.tr *L4:OO - .4 E 114 , toset sad Way -44.5. now* *44 style of 1 , 764. ;Lir 444 *rd., sttotogswind P L ts 4 P t r , so A4005..i.,,, t 0. 34,544. tilt 44.4,5u10r5, and of yb-14.... /1/ 10 itel 31!3 y t-to-cit tcuw 'taw leettantile business 41. L . tvea r tiut 1,12.7 , A 4 Laciness should be t. ti,ezef , •Jre, notify all those in to tither by Judgment, Note or Book AtAoutit. to call and settle the same without , Itlay. The books sill be found at the old stud. . J. B. DANNER, Hay 25,1858. DAVID ZIEGLER. MiTEAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— ncorporated March 18, 1851. President—George Swope. Vise President—S. R. Russell. Seeretary—D. A. Buehler. Treasisrer—David M'Creary. Executive Connipe—Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Heintzelman. ihniagere—George Swope, D. A. Bnahlsr,Ja cob King, A. Heintielman, B. M'Cnrdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock, Wm. B. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Bichelberger, Abdiel P.Gitt, John Woltord, H. A. Picking; AbelT. Wright, John Horner, H. G. McCreary, S. R. Hassell, D. M'Creary, Andrew Polley, John Picking, J. B Hersh. Mr This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adamp. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, without any assemnent, havini also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents--all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further Information. ,-The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Jdompany on the last Wednesday in every moat, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 18.:,8. Here We Are Again I TirST from the city with the best and cheap est assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES that we have yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices; SUGARS, a very large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Rice. Cheese, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured HAMS and SHOULDERS, Lard, Shag, Mackerel and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets, kc.; Baskets, Flour Seiven, Brooms, Brushes, he.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly on hand ; Fancy Goods, Confectionaries and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords us pleasure to show our large and inviting stock. NORBECK k MARTIN. Gettysburg. May 30, 1839. n OACHMAKING AND BLACKSMITIfING. ki —The undersigned respectfutly informs his friends and the public that be continues the Coacbmaking and Blacksmithing business in every branch at his establishment in Chum bershurg street. lie has on band and will manufacture to order all kinds of CANIVGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. Spring Wagons, kc., of the best material, and made by superior work men. fge-RIPAIIIIIG and Bt.aeasurratie of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of cuptomera. COUNTILY PRODCCI taken in exchange for work at market prices. jpie-Persons desiring articles °reset* in the Coachmaking or Blacksmithing line, ass re spectfully int Ited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTB. Gettysburg, /in. 24, '59. Notice TO FARMERS AND MERCIIANTh.—We have now opened our large and commodious arehonse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, kc. Also, on•hand and for sale, Salt, Gnanos, Plaster, Fish, de. A Urge stock of Groceries just received, consistios of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, kc., kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well y calling t• see and examine our stock before purchasing else. where, u oar motto will be "quick sales and small profits." , We would also call the attention of 111 later. toted in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cottle Horses 800, Re., to the bet that we have for sale Hares, Fronefield I Co.'s Celebrated Vegetablek.CATTLß POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum'to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINBFELYER, BOLLINGER 1 CO. Gettysburg) Sept. 5, 1858. • • • ore New Goode ythe Sigv of the BIG SOOT, Cho2lrors. • berg shat. Ws have putt ressfq sr s, g e stook of 11.013, CAPS,. BOOM I. Trunks, Carpet Bap, Umbrellas; ri t Z ikhi • WWII, Collars, Whips, ht., and are .4 to sell at the lowest prises prallrls.ibrimit, Csll sad judge for yoarseirse . ,„ • Oct. 17, 1859. COBTAII* ,k111g,,?, AND *O m ox wonid iniitA the - We* to vialigiir arse variety Jitoonets, PWlldiabetesi—Llismv.rgellars, Handkercblek #O4 4 ,4 1 6 : .0104=UrifV• 0 one c& &WA thirellimistaiiktikelOoks N at tit* *ilika - and cotton 15M1 Notice, Adams County OTVICERB Still at Work ! White Qooi ,""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers