=a:N:iiALLI GAS WORKS.—The work of putting down the gas pipes through oar streets is progress ing Analy. The same may be said of the 'Mnas of the bwildiags--located north of the Railroad. The energy manifested by Mr. /datum, as I his excellent 'aperintend^ut, WZLIe•, is a full guarantee that they will re deem their promise to light np the town by the 4th of July next. A large force of workmen ate employed In pipe-liiing and gu-Siting, and not an hour of good w eather i 3 lost. This enterprising spirit is certainly to be commended. DIVIDENDS.—The Bank of Gettysburg has declared a dividend of four per cent. fur the last six months. The Hanover Having Fund Hie per cent. for the same time. • ser-The election for President and Directors of the 11.anover Branch Railroad Company will be held on Monday, the 14111 of May inst., be twoen 9 sad 4 o'clock. BirProposAls for the building of a Lutheran Church at New Oxfords in this county. wW be received by the committee until Tuesday, the 22d of May inst. Michael Levenstine, J. W. Pieta and Jacob Stock are the building com mittee. ilte`We direct attention to Mr. Shireman's " Buckeye Reaper and 31ov. cr." h is claimed that the Machin . . has much merit. Those who have tried it speak well of it. See adrertisement. 'We are requested to state that the com missions of the Justices of the Peace, elected i❑ March last, are at the Recorder's office. CALEDONIA COLD SPRINGS.—This fa vorably known Summer resort has been leased by Yr. M. BIALLA, of Baltimore. who is active in making preparations for the accommodation of guests during the hot mouths of Stammer. VGA ilti GEOGRAPHICAL am composed of 23 letters. My 10 9 17 10 is one of the United States. 5 17 7 12 is • county in Rhode Island. 16 8 11 19 15 is a town in Missouri. 7 8 15 13 is a county in North Carolina. 16 17 1 2 is a codoty in Alabama. 1 8 7 22 21 9 9 is a county in Virginia -2 3 14 7 18 15 14 17 is a river in Asia. 1 7 10 3 4 is a river in lowa. 3 9 18 20 14 is a river in Missouri. My whole is an Indian tradition. s. c. s. OW-Answer to Enigma in last week's paper :7 — " The Compiler." w. a. 7. The Presidency and the House of Co' a gress.—As there is some probability that the choice of the next President of the United States may devolve upon the present House of Vepreeentatives, we subjoin a statement of its political east by States. It will be borne ip mind that in choosing a President, each State casts ono vote. The 'present House is divided politically as follows: Dentoeratic.—A La lynin n, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missou ri, Oregon, South Caroline, Texas, Republican.--Connecticut, Indiana, lowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, _Minneasata, New Hampshire, New Jer sa y New York, Ohm, Pennsylvania', .I.:licXle Island, Vermont, Wisconsin-15. Equally Divided.—Ken tucky, Mary land and North Carolina-3. American—Tennessoc-1. It requires 17 votes to effect a choice, tind as neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have a sufficient number, the four hut named States will, of course, hold " The balancerof power."- -Should the Ilotwe fail to elect a Presi dent before the 4th of March, that duty v.-ill then in effect. devolve upon the Senate, Nk Melt has the selection of a Vice-President, e ho, under the provi sions of the constit ut ion, becomes Presi dent of the United States. The Senate is composed of a majority of Demo crats.— Balt. -Sun. Great Fire in Cuba--Loss Ralf a iltliton.—The N. Y. Journal of Com merce publishes the following extract of a private letter from Havana : "On the 19th inst. the largest fire ever known in the Island occurred in the valley of Trinidad. It commenced at the sugar estate called "Guaimaro," and extended alor .' * the valley a dis tance of six leagues 118 miles) to anoth er sugar ,estate called " Loma del Puerta," sweeping all the standing cane before it. The scene, Jul described by the inhabitants of the town of Ti in idajg, is said to have .been awfully gratin. The burnt cane-leaves were atreirn all over the town, which was so itluminated by the conflagration that -I>in could be picked up in the street af ter dusk. The loss is estimated at up wards pf half a million of dollars, and will reduce the production of the staple article of the Island this year over MOO liogalicads." Arrangements for the Reception of the Japanese Embvssy.—New York, Afs. 1. —The municipal authorities of 'stew York knee appropAated 5+30,000 and engaged Leland's first floor of the Me tropolitan Hotel for the Japanese em bassy, which they will occupy on their Arrival hero. They intend to give them the most brilliant reception and enter tainment that distinguished guests have hitherto received hero. The Evil Brought Some.—The De troit papers announce another amalga mation case. A beautiful young white Uirl, 17 years of age, a daughter of Mr. iram L.Stout, of the town of Sharon, eloped with a negro boy who was in the service of her father, and it is thought has gone with him to Cana da. The father of the girl is a noted abattonist, and is now, with the other members of the family, greatly distress ed at the practical test of the doctrines he has taught. Wagiogtoic .May I.—The five new Territories, which the House commit tee on territories pro rose to organize, contain respectively the following num ber of inla.bitante: Citi . ppowa, from eight to to thousand; Nevada, about the tame camber; Dakota, eight thous and; Pike's Pea ls, Aileen to twenty tbouaand • Arizona, six to eight thous . anti. Ea ch of these bills contain the Mowin g prOnillo : Progided that, tier - wrthelees, slavery has *illegal existence Inlaid Territory, and nothing herein atusteibed shall be construed to author ise' aapreveat its existence therein.— nada ISNIMMUVI will come up fur con ibitirt next week. r- Z s Steve ilue.—Nro. You . 14t. ' Two fugitive 'levee were ar= Up eeterduy, sad after exam - bre Cotookbaiooor Botts, . - 7, ,* ' 30 ...ae. WO tat* to their . 10141 %.90-MbiTtic - Sai r istakd• Tiber rele lan 441iir Ivey suropi No 4lis i - tabia t i l i, w i lopi t - - - - ttie-,_, ; . Circulate the Deemasuts ! The subscription pries of,The Om7sr I. now, as it has long been, 11,75 per aanua, ff ?aid mismem — otherriae, $2. We will also furnish it fbr the camptlgn—from this time until after the 'residential election—at scrim rr-rlrs CENTS, pay - tacit rn adrawr. Persons getting up clubs will always find us ready and willing to make proper remuneration for their time and tremble. CUICULATt TIIZ Doccutsrs ! MiI.J&-FILR.I3BEC). On the 28th ult., by the Rey. T P. Bucher, Ur. HENRY REMMERS to Miss CHRISTIANA THESHER, both of Franklin town,hip. On the 3d inst. , by the Rey. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. WM. H. DEATRICK. of West Manheim township, York county. (formerly of Adams,) Miss CATHARINE SELL, of Union township, Adams county. At Locilst Hill, on the 2d inst., by the Rey. Thomas Creigb. D. D . of Mercersburg, Re% J. R. WARNER. of this place, to Miss JENNIE, daughter a the late Wm. Craig. On the 2dth ult., at the fesidence of the bride's fatly's., by the Rev. Isaac C. Weidler, Mr. ANDREW F. BLACK to Miss HARRIET L. PAXTON, all of Adams county. April 10th,1860, in the Second street German Reformed Church, in Hagerstown. by Rev. Dr. E. Heiner, Rev. F. R. ANSPACH, D. D.. Editor of the "Lutheran Observer," to Mrs. SUSAN M. GALE, of West River, Sone Arundel coun ty, Md., and daughter of Augustus Mathiot, Esq., of Baltimore. Oa the 19th of April. in Taneytown, by the Rev. O'Neil Mr. JOHN H. ORENDUREF to Mies • EMMA JANE KING, both atlas county. )0•1 11 1 This morning. of cancer of the breast, Mrs. C.iTHARINE. wife of Jesse D. Newman, Esq., of Mountjoy township, aged 56 years and 25 days. [lianorer and Chambersburg papers please copy.] On Friday week, Mrs. ELIZABETH J. SHOWALTER. wife of Mr. David Showalter, of Pranhiin township, and daughter of Henry and Elizah.th Haldeman, aged 24 years 7 rannthe and 26 days. On the 23d ult., in Adams connty,CIIARLES, son of David and Robecca Worts, aged 11 years 6 mouths and 18 days. On - 3uth ult., in Hamiltonban township, WILIdAM ERNEST, infant son of Daniel and Martha E. Plank, aged 8 months and 2d days. On the. 25th ult., in Conowago township, Adams county, SARAH. daughter of Henry and Be'mina Eris/Inas ) aged 3 years 6 months and 2 days. On the 22d ult., is Adams county, VALARIA ELLEN, infant daughter of Mr. Peter Sell, aged 1 year 3 months aad 33 days. On the 28th of April, In Strabaa township, Miss HANNAH JANE, only daughter of Philip and Margaret Donohue, aged lb years, within two months. She suffered for several months, and at times most intensely, with • dropsical af fection. bat having given her heart to her Sa vior, she bore her sufferings with christian pa tience, and murmured not at the will of her God; and never uttered a single expression of impatience. Her mind was always calm and serene and ermined desirous to improve her af fliction by pe.ptuing still more for its tenni nation. She was not afraid to meet the monster, Death, for she was ready fur his comiug, and gently fell asleep In Jesus, in answer to His summons. She was greatly beloved by all who knew her; and those who knew her best, esteemed her most. She was possessed of a kind and noble heart, gent& and dignified in her intercourse with all, An readily won for herself the confidence of those with whom she became acquainted. She was an amiable and affectionate daughter. Her quiet and gentle influence as a child, made the home of her pa rents a desired spot: and while her parents have sustained a great lots, and are deeply af flicted, may they not forget that their loss is her eternal gain. Therefore mourn nut, tender mother, weep not gentle father, and sigh not luring brother, that there is a vacant seat in your midst, for Hannah /vie is safe In another and a better world. And while you miss that familiar face, and that cherub form, always coming like a beam of sunshine, gladdening the hearts of those* around her, and while your hearts may pain and throb with anguish, look forward to that better land, where the sunder ed links of affection shall be re-united, and the gloom and fear of earthly sorrow shah navet enter. God is now her glorious Tight; Faith is now all lost in sight:. She beholds His glorious face, Who has saved her by Ibis graq i . Like her Savior, she shall be Shiver in his majesty ; She has entered into rest . ; And tow Is mingling with the blest. Filledaad satisfied with joy, Naught con burden, fade, or cloy; Death:yes ne:„ar her blips dissever, For she shall reign with Christ forever On the 20th inst., Mr. SAMUEL %%HOFFMAN, of Straban township, Adams county, aged 53 years 6 mouths and 8 days. "In the midst of life we ire is death." How truthfully verified is this impressive sentence, contained in the Holy Scriptures. It is a theme for resection, for devout meditation, seeing that in the decease of friends there is an exemplification of the un certainty of life. But a few days have elapsed since he. who is the sublect of this notice, was in the fi.6l enjoyment of health, bidding fair to yet wisely years of nsefulness. shedding that lustre in the family circle which had adorned his character with the praise and admiration of his extensive acquaintance. In him acre found those attributes so characteristic of his nature. A loving and devoted husband, a fond and in dulgent lather, a friend to the needy and suffer ing, as many can testify, cheerfully and with pleasure administering to the wants of the af- Ilicted—s christian walking in the light of righteousness, evidencing by his life that he possessed those virtues which adorn the lie of the Christian. T. TXX.IO GETTYSBURG-SATCRDAT LArr Superfine Flour 6 00 to 6 25 Rye Flour •• 3 75• White Wheat 1 40 to 1 50 Red Whe4t 1 35 to 1 40 Corn .. a.. . 2 .................... .'. .................' ...7. .. ....... . . . . 80 3 75 to 4 0 6 0 8 It Uata ye Buckwheat ...-. .... .....-.... 56 Buckwheat Meal. ... ....... ...... ..... . 2 00 Clorr Seed Timothy 5eed.......... 1 50 W 1 75 Flax Seed ...... ...-.., 1 20 Barley 60 Plaser of Paris .......... 6 2 Hasler ground, per 1 00 BALTIMORE--huoax Lary Flour -....- 6 37 to 8 50 Wheat 1 48 :a 1 80 Rye . ........ .—...- . 85 to • 92 Corn -....-...... 75 to 78 Oats ... 42 to 48 Clover 5eed....«... - 4 50 .o 5 00 Timothy Seed 3 2b to 3 50 Beef Cattle, per baud 8 00 xolo 50 Hogs, per hand --.. ..... -.« 7 50 to 8 00 Hay.-----............--..-....:.15 00 tol9 00 Guano, Peruvian, per t0a......... 42 00 HANOVER--Tatresnar talc Flour, from wagons/ie. -....-.... 6 00 Do. from stores.---.----. 6 25 Wheat .. ....... -.... ......... 1 40114 Rye _ ....... -....-.-.. 85 Corn ... dS Oita ...... ...-- ....... -....--. 640 Cloves Seed--- ..... .-... ...-... 4 25 Timothy Seed.---- 2 00 Plater...... »....... —....----- 8 25 _ YOBK—riumum wn. Flour, frost uragoas..--...—... 41 00 Ds. from 1140116................... 6 60 11111411114 •••nase••••401.1•• Owe •••••• ••• • •••• 1 40 I 4 1 60 ityo..". •••••• ••••4•••• ••••••••• ••••••••••• so IL Charna «•......•,......•...7...•••......7....--- 416 Oats •••••••••••••,•••• ••••••••••.;••••••••••• 40 014rer 164441 L......:......... *woo elkab•' • 4SS try 50u41...................4.... 3 is r......... viato.amil a... •••••••••• Mt . 6 lie .ate tea,A a so= roam otnumer_ -Ar ,P4IIZIMMISPOLI,. April 2, IMO. 1111110".1,14,16.1". WONDERTITL, BUT ?6138.—A few days sines, Mr. ilia U. Roadie, of Huntsville, Ala bama, called on sts sad gave us permission to publish fur the benefit of suffering humanity, thesstonishiag curs which has been effected in the case of hie wife by the use of Pr. Hance's Vegetable Ept/eptie Pills. He inThrrned us, that at the time his wife commenced using the medicine, her e,y stem w.is so entirely prostrated, by the number of spasms she had undergone., as to reduce her weight to 100 lbs. Since she has been taking the pills, .he has entirely got over the spasms I.nd has gained in weight and bodily health. She now weighs at least 200 lbs., and declares she is in better enjoyment of health than ever before in her life. kir Beadle also related the case of Mr. fierri.on Lightfoot of the rime town , who has been entirely cured of the worst form of Epilepsy by these same pills. kir Lightfoot's ease was so bed that he never passed a week without having en attack, often falling down in the Street. He has not had an attaLk for more than it yeAr. Mt Beadle thinks that if the pills ever tail in curing a case, it is fur the want of a proper perseverance on the part of the person in taking them, as he feels assured from observation in the case of his wife, that if they are taken fur a sufficient length of time, they will cure any case. Sent to any part of the country by mail, on the re ceipt of a remittance. •Address Serfs S. II ANCIL, 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, !dd. Price, one box, $3; two, $5; twelve, $24. ap.l6. lm Ipa"The great strengthening and tonic medi cine Is 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.— It gives you an appetite, it makes you feel well, it cures the Dlspepsia, and disesses arising from a disordered Stomach. For sale by drug gists everywhere, at 75 cents per I.ottle. April Iti. Im_ THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY !--SIR JANES CLARKE'S CICLICIIIIATED FINALS Pats, front a prescription by Sir J. Clarke, rr Physician Eitraordinery to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure aad safe remedy for Female Dificulties sad Obstructions, !rem any cause whatever, and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Yam- LADIIIR it is peculiarly suited. It will, it dlhort time, bring on the smoothly period with regularity. These Pills have ***** bees knows to foil where the directions on 141 page of pamphlet are well observed. Foe farther particulars get a pamphlet of the agent. N. 11-31 and 6 postage stamp. enclosed to any aathorind agent, will insure-* bottle, con taining over 40 pills by return artisan. T. W. Drat *Son, Wholesale Agents, Phila delphia:. A. D. Buehler, Agent, Deity sburg. June 13,'39. ly ihrTIIE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exist in lloffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, is every day demon strated by their astonishing efficacy in the vases which they are announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowels, weak ness of the digestive organs and of die system generally, bilious and Seer a ff ections, night [even, he ad atlas, piles, costiveness, consump tion, rheumatism, scurvy, impurity of the blood, or blotched and ;allow complexions, soon yield to their curative properties. A single trial in variably secures them the title of the best fami ly medieiues now before the public. For sale by the proprietor, W. B.IIOFFAT, at his offire, 235. Broadway, N. Y., and by Store Keepers and Druggists generally. [Feb. 13. ly* Communicated. A CARD TO THE SCFYRRINC.—TIie Rev. COSGIOVII, while laboring as a mis sionary to Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe ob tained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cared great somber' who were suffering from Con sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I will rend this recipe, widob I have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address REV. WM. COSGROVE, 230 Baltic street, !Stook!) n, N. Y March 5, '6O. 3m Dividend. MOIL or CrTTTIIIVIO, Mny 1, 1860. f rßDirectors of the Wink of Gettysburg ave this day declared a dividend of FOUR CENT , payable on and after Monday, the 7th hut. . T. O. CARSON, (Woes. May 7, 1860. -St NT OTTGE Is hereby given to the Stockholders 11 in the Gettysburg Water Company, that an Mectioa for Fire Managers of said Company will be held at the house of Geo. W. McClellan, in Gettysburg, on Saturday, Au 24 day of Jane wit, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. IL By order of the Board, S. R. RUSSELL, Say. Muy 7, 1860. to Gas! Gas ! Gas! rplift intbscriber has laid in a large.stock of Gas Chandeliers. Brackets, Beraers, kr., to which be invites the attention of the citizens of Gettysburg. His prices are as low as they are in the cities. Call in and see for yourselves. Ware Room in York street, opposite the Bank. May 7, 1860. W.ll. HELMS. Z. 14 Communicated AinBR.A.FIAM KING'S KSTATE.—Letters of administrattoa on the estate of Abraham g, Sr., late of Reading township, Adams county, deceased. having beam granted to the undersigned, residing in the woe township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted tai said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the sante to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SINGLETON KICHOLTZ, ELI MIEI(S, May 7,1860. 6t .4 denisistreters. Notice. TACOB BAICHR'S ESTATE.—Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Jacob Baker, late of Liberty township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in Freedom township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BAKER, Ach.e . r. May 7, 1860. a THAT is not a humbug, may be seen at the . Ware Room of :311EADS & BURIILER-4 atent Washing Machine, about the utility of which there can be no mistake. It is tindotibt edly the beet Washbg Machine that halt ever been invented. It must speak for itself.— Tewnship rights for sale on reasonable terms. Mathieu also for sale. Call and see IL May 7, 1860. JTACOS ITEININGER. has just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING IND SCIMEII. GOODS for Geatle mea's wear ever offered in Gettysbutg. Be has every rariet style y and price of goods. While gentlemen oil always find Cloths to snit their taste, they can at the same time have their measures takea and a garment put up to order upon the shortest gotite, In the moat substan tial manner, and faattiottabas style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tailoring Establishment of JACOB RELNINGER, May 7, 1160. Carlisle sweet. AWAGE lot of Crockery and Queonowaro for sale by NORBECIL & KARIM. Ylisubscriber has jest opened a NEWS irlitPOT oa Baltimore street, nearly oppo- Fahasstache store, where will constantly he feud any and ere;ytklng in the reading 114 of a strictly worst character. All the leading 31st/isles Is ba Cerls, Literary pa- CiZeekly and , together with Music, COtilletioss, L Tobacco, Oakes, and all sorts of actions, in endless variety.— Would you know the news Then send la year asass, all ye who thirst for knowledge, and year wawa will=a imax 4 14 . OfityMiters. Aprilg JUL • BC::Mk tablas. 'florets lad allch:11, Avow sa al 1. scar Ilirtotioes. Election. Notice. An Invention Clothing ! Clothing ! New News Depot. - *WOO "inward! 2. - Ducroirs MAMBA AI 1101111—Bod 13 as iis Weridf-41ew is tie tiles to coder Machines tad sot be disappointed, like there were a good many last season.. I bore wade some important improvements as to cutting grain, strength aad durability of the Machias, tc. Farmers wishing to get Sitachines, are Hl spectfoliy invited to call at my shop, or with my agents, and see the sew arrangements ; sad further, I will state that there is a Machine wide at Dover, York county, Pa., which is called u Ohio Mower," having 1 driving wheels, and looking much like my machine; and it a as reported in some places last year that the) were aunts of my They proved a perfect failure, were lying about in the (*Zee Corneal, and men were obliged to get other Machines to cut their crops. I wish to inform the farmers that they were none of my machines. There is considerable difference in the two Machines.— Persons costing to my shop may see the differ ence, as I have both Buck Eye and Ball's here. )1y Machine cuts in front of driving wheel and Ball's behind. But, as some men think ii pre ferable in cutting grain behind, I hereby state that I can make mine to cut behind as well as front, but nose are made that way unless so ordered. I alto have different kinds of second-hsa•led Machines on hand, such as MANN I 'B, HUSSY'S and. McCORMICK:B. Price of second-handed Machines from s2tto $75. For the convenience of men using my Ma chine, I will have castiug-lnii Sc, buses, 4.c.. at the Machine Shopa here mentioned, fur any thing breaking by accident, kc.: Dar id Sterner, Gettyaburg; W. W. Dingee k Co., York; F. Gardner, Carlisle ; Samuel Fitz, Hanover ; David Shoot; Waynesboro', Chum hamburg. • a wl also coutiaue neakiag GRAIN DI/ILLS and other MACHINERY. REPAIRING DOME; and the best kind of Spring Teeth, Rakes, kc., are kept for tale. J. H. SIIILLEMAN, Flat Berlin, Adana comity, Pa. May 7, 1860. ist Statement OF TILE BANK OF GETTYSBURG. ASSETS. May 1,139. Ulans and discounts $329,051 53 Specis 39,055 85 Due by other Banks ..... 89,948 33 Notes of other 8ack5,..... .................... 2,449 21 Stocks 966 OS Judgments . —...— 13,394 98 80nd5......... 5,018 00 Real Estate 9,409 09 Total—.—.—.—....—. ... "488,284 01 LIABILITIES Circulation Deposits Due to other Banks.. , Total $28t1,3711 23 • CAPITAL, ....... $145,17117 ' The above statement Is correct, to the beet of my knowlevie and belief. T. D. CARSON, Ceatier. Affirmed and subscribed before me, the sth day of May, 184 Q. Uso. Auoin, J. I'. Notice. rilil first account of SAXIJIL W . , As slime, of TUOVIAS WALLIN, bas been tiled in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams eoun ty, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the sad city of ire, next, unlmukcause be shown to thehemitrary. JACOtt BI SHE l'rota4. April 30, 1800. 401 Notice. Tiff: second account of Dr. Joni Atm. Com mittee or the person and swats of (isogon immix*, (a lunatic,) has been lied in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court on the rid day qf Nay wit, unless cause be shows to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Agra's , . April 23, 1860. 41 Notice. IE first account of JOIN F. FaLrr, Esq. au 1 JACO/11 .Mosroar, Assignees of I)ivi losrour, has been filed an ,the Court of Com mon Pleas of Adams County, and will be con firmed 'ay the said Court on ;he 31d day of May next, nnless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Froth' y. Aprll 23, 1860. 4t* Notion. THE first and final account of i ons F. Fern, Esq., Assigns* of Noses 8 AAAAA C 421, has been sled in the Court of Common Maas of Adams county, and trill be continued bY the said Court on theta day of If ay sex.. unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB UCSUEY, Pretli'i. April 23, 1360. 4t* Notice. Tonux account of DATID MCSSILX.III, AlPignef Oren&ISTIAN MRS'S, has been file 4 is the Court of Common Pleas of Adams comity, 'and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the 22d day of Kay nee, unless cense be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Pretit'y. April 23, 111 1 / 4 . at* The Old County EIIILDING, known by every man in the county, and no doubt many a one wished never had been such a place, as many were broken up by permitting, or rather oblig ed to have their names entered upon the coun ty dockets. But look at. the change. It Is a pleasure now to call there and buy goods of AMSO at such astonishingly reduced prices— lower than ever before offered in the county. He has just received from the cities • large lot of new Ready-made CLOTIMG, for men sad boys' wear; with Ham, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Violins, Segars, Tobacco, Lk:.... dc., kc. Call soon, and don't miss the grest bargains now had at the old County Building, corner of the Diamond and York street, Gettysbt rg.— That's tie gisot! Thankful to his old customers for their pa tronage, he hopes by his change of location nut only to retain their custom, but secure a large number of new buyers. As entire summer suit—coat, pasta and rest— for $1,261 11. SAMSON. April 16, 1840. New Spring Goode. L. SCHICK barium received and ors for tale the most desirable asaortasent of DRY GOODS ever brought la Gettysburg, coasistisig in part of Spring Silks, Plain Black do., Foftlarde, Bring de Leis's, Oriental Lustre*. Also, Bombazines, Alpaeeas, De lieges, thug hams, Lawns, Brilliants., Shepherd's Plaids, Crape di Espange, Tissue Barer*, Az.. April 16, 1060. Spring 1880. ASCOTT k SON have just,. receired, sad ,„ are now opening, at their establishment, in Onambersburg at., opposite the "Eagle Ho tel," a large, choke and desirable stock of SPRING GOODS, which they offer to **pub lic, satisfied that goods ass': be ssfl chseptrthait they are now offering them. Oar stock com prises all the different Myth mid qualities of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Ritilmiss, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods, Laces, he., he. For MEll and BOYS' WEAR we have our lanai variety, in style, quality mad price. Oar customers will always Sad our stook of Domestic Goods fell, cheap sad complete. We invite all to give as a call and ezesalas oar utoek, initialed that an examiaation is all that Is necessary to convince all that ones is the cheap *tare. No troabla to show goods.— Thankful for past encouragement, and woald respectfully ask s cortissascs of the pits. A. SCOTT k SON. N. B. Nasky Prodaise takea la eschisage kir Goods. [April 11, IN*, Notice. TogsET L TAT—Letters of 64. tainistraties oa the estate of Job* e w e r , of litionifeL ea towaship, Adams comfy, do seamed, ikavieg pasta(' to the sndersigaz girssiding tit tits Moe township, she hereby ves notice to ail persons indebted to wad Witte to sake lassodinse wawa, sad those baths/ claims against the same to prossotthm rept* satheatisatellfir eettlesteat. IS EM fUSIR, 4111 Vs. Sarno tisi4 lute bees eoestitebtit 4,8* air tbe hiarsuis, tblimmiseu Ltt:MU stay. be tmesete. with bler. sear the tato resides.' of eseeeeef. April 3, Iseo. 8t !AWLS ItUVER OT REAL KBTATE, Ow lisemisy, ter :at A do of Jfay eat, A Parcel of Ground, oposite UR Garman Rs famed Church, on titration attest, in front equal to needy six Town Lots. Oes Oat-Lot, adjoining 8. Fahnestock, contain- ing 8 Acres and 37 Perches. One Out-Lot, adjoining and South of the abort, containing 4 Acres and 114 Perches. One Out-Lot South of and adjoining W. Zieg ler, containing 8 Acres and e 2 Perches. One Out-Lot, North of and adjoining Rec. J. Ziegler. containing 7 Acres and 8 Perches. One Out-Lot, South of and adjoining key. J. containing 4 Acres and 101 Perches. One trut:Lot, North of had adjoining. lion- D. Ziegler, containing . 4 Acres and 101 Perches. One lidt-Lot, Werbof and adjoining W. Ziegler, containing 5 Acres and 75 Perches. One Out-Lot, Solidi of and adjoining George Little, containing 4 Ac, and 112 Perches. One Ont-Lot, Onendow.) on McMillan's Lane, nagasining 4 Acres and 47 Perches. One Ont-Lot. on 31cMillaris Lome, adjoining Geo. Codori, containing 5 Acres and 20 l'er. One Ont-Lot, on !fiddle signet, adjoining S. Fah neAtock, containing about 120 Perches. One Town-Lot, No. 51, on Railroad, in rear of Yount's Hotel. One Brick House and Half Lot, on Chambers burg street, occupied by kint-Ditterfine. One Brick Bare and Three Lots, corner of Washington and Railroad streets—the best location in towu for Depot and Mercantile business: Trews :—One-hell Cash, on delivery or Deed, say within 20 days, and possession given.— The residua of the purchase, WITHOUT IN TF.REST, in equal annual payments in one and two years from first of Apr I, Min, aec.ored by Bond and .Mertgage on the property, or satis factory personal security. The properties will be showa by l sra. SAMUEL WITIIISLOW or lons Swaim. ISAAC H. SMITH. April 3). 1860. td PTOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persona concerned that the Admis• stration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Cann of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, vs rowday, the 22d of Nog rata, at 10 o'clock, A. M., via: its. Fleet and Anal account of John Slyder, Executer of the last will and testament ofJmnes Lei kr, deceased. 184. The woad account of James Feeler, Executor of the will ul Jacob Fetser, late of Germany township, deceased. 183. &mood account of Daniel floarbaugh, Executor of Usury Scheyer, deceased. - .... -$239,554 04 43,13 R 66 ..... 6,689 SI 186. Ths secoadand final account of Tobias Royer. Executor of the tut will and testament a Hoary 11. Slsraeder, deceased. 187. First and final accouat of Addison V. Myers, Executor of Margaret Boyer,decaased. 169. The first and final account of Peter Smith, Administrator of the estate of _Rachel Smith, (widow of Aothony Smith deceased) :ate of Monstpleasant township, deceased. 169. The first scooting of Jacob Harerstock, Administrator of Peter llaverstock, deceased. 190. First seccruat of Jacob Harman, one of the Executors of Samuel Studebaker, deceased. 191. The Ent account of On/tense Stude baker, one of th• Executors of Samuel Stude baker, deceased. 192. The second and final account of Jacob A. Myers, one of the Executors of George DOW.- tiortf, deceased. 193. Ths second account of James 11cElsee sod John L. Sadler, Executors af the last will and testament of Joshua Snyder, deceased, as settled by James McElree, Executor. 194. The first account of lleary Spangler, Administrator of the estate of Isaac llaverstock, deceased. 195. The account of Sebastian Stitzel, Ad ministrator of George Saylor, deceased. 196. The first And final account of George Wilson and Jo sh Graff, Adsoinlsirators of the estate of Frances Wilson. deceased. /97. The hest account of Joel 11. Dann3r, Executor of Peter Ferree, decessed. ZACIIARI All MYERS, Rtgrater Register's Office, Clettys- 1 Lurg, April 23, I/360. i NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, on TNnmagy, ate 29th of Noy lust, at lo o'clock, A. M., viz : 19i. The first and final recount of Jonathan C. longest, Esq., Trnsteelor the sale of the real estate of thongs Cubs, late et Germany tows ship, tiecease4.. PM. The drat and ling accosts% of Wm. A. Coll. Administrator of the estate of Philip Coll, lam of liamiltonban lownshiA deceased. 200. The tint sad ISnal account of Robert Slemmoas, suralibig Vascular of Robert Slem mons, Sr., late of Samiltonban township,dec'd. 201. The account of John Tudor, acting Ssecutor of the Will of John Tudor, Sr., de ceased. 20. Retool and deal account of Job• U. Aulebaagh, Esq., Executor of th• last will sad testament of George Clark, Esq., deceased. ZACHARIIII MYERS, liegister. Register's Orate, Getty'. berg, April 30,1840. 1 Notice. AMITI.W. HOFFMAN'S ISTATH.—Letters of administatiou on the estate of Samuel Hoffman, late of Straban '..ownship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residing in the same township and the last named in Chain ber.ti erg, Franklin county,) they herety give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, cud tbo4e haring claims against the mune to present than proper l) authenticated for settlement. WALTER W. HOFFMAN, PETER S. DECHERT, April 30, 18E4. Gt.* Administrators. y FILES A. THORPSON'S EST ATE.—Letters ej of adininistrtt ion 00 the estate of James A. humpsonlat eof Hamiltuuban to uship,Adame cuuety, deceased, having been granted to the sub.,criber, residing in the saute tosreshlie, he hereby gibes notice to all persons indebted to amid estate to make immediate payment. and those hating claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC ROBINSON, Adst'r. April 30, 1800. GO SOLONON STALEY'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Solomon Staley, late of Germany township, Adams to., deceased, haring been granted to the under signed, residing in Mountpleasant township, La hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, Lad those having claims against the same to pre. sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. ALFRED H. STALEY, April 30, 1060. Ot Adatimetregor. EYE LAWYER'S ESTATE.—Letter testa mentary, on 'the estate of Eve LLWTST, late of Franklin township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the . under signed, residing is Carroll county, h e hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hating claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to SAMUEL A. LAWYLK, £xmvtor, or to Jour Lawysa, his Attorney, residing in Franklin township. (April 30, 1880. 6t GROWE ARNOLD has just received front the setuy a lugs stock of cheap CLOTHS, CASSINZRES Burnam Cloths, Tweeds, Drill ings, JOWLS, Linens, Velvet lards, Lc.— Mao, Mules, Calico.., Gingham*, and Cotton Drillings, of every variety. Can endues them. April 16, 11160. lit ostnasiva assortnent of Boots aiLa Shan, inadatist el Boa's do* Franck Calf Boon, ass bony Inots, Men's French Gaiters, Oxford Tin sad Shoes, Msn's Brooms, Boys' Boots, Shoes sad Gaiters, at Apra 23. IL F. b / , , 2 4. 1281 AND MISSES' SNOBS s ok oboes of the ladies is so & vary Ass antiosaat of ists, OWN sad Slippers ; tau Mime Aral Sion Sol UnMan, eiNtaty at . Jodi IL F. 111rUdlaia Plibil6 Bale Register's Notice. Register's Notice. Notice. Notice. Notioe. New Goods. Boot* And Shoo& Sheritralty. TO THE VOTERS OP ADAMS COONTY:— Pellaw-tilizess:—At the earnest solicita tion of numerous friends, I offer aquif as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, atthe nest election, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elected., I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the ;Alice taithfully and impartially. JACOB TROXEL Gettysburg. Mardi 26, 1e.60. tc SheriffalV. TO Trig VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY:— Fellow-citizens:—At the earnest solicits,- titan of numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate fur the office of SHICRIFF, at the next election, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elected, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. MICHAEL B. MILLER Mount!)learsot tP., April 16, 1860. tc Sheriffaity. 0 THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY:— At the urgent solicitation of ninny of my riends and fellow-Democrats, I am induced to offer myself as a. candidate fur the office of SllERlFF—xobject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. If nominated I promise the party that no energetic efforts shall be lost to secure my election; and if elected, I promise the voters of the county to diachnrge the tea or the office impartially, fearing:4)- 4'nd conseientiously. SAMUEL WOLF. Abbottatown, March 28, 1860. tc Sheriffalty. ITO THE VOTERS OF AAA CIS COUNTY.:— Fellow-eitixens :—At the tamest salicita tpaa of numerous friends, I offer myself ns a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, at the next election, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elected, I &ball endeavor to discharge the duties of the faithfully and impartially. GEORGI III'SIIMAN Cumberland tp., March It), is 6Y. to Register and Recorder. THROUGH the solicitations of numerous friends, I have Leen induced to off my se again se a candidate for REGISTER AND RECORDER, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties ofthe office with promptness and fidelity. W ILl.lttll OVERDEER. Itenderrrifie, April 2, 1860. to Register and Recorder. T the solicitation of numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the office o OYSTER AND RECORDER, aubjectte the decision of the Democratic County Conventlon. If nominated and elected, I pledge myeaFfito discharge the duties of the office with prompt- MISS and fidelity. ANDREW W. FLEYMING. Gettysburg, April 23, 1860. to Clerk of the Courts. AT the solicitation of timorous friends I offer 'myself as a candidate for the office of LURK OF TUE COURTS—subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge my best efforts to discharge the duties of the office satisfactorily. 'HENRY G. CARR. Gettysburg, April 9, 1160. to Cleric. of the Cowls. AiT the urgent solicitation of numerous !leads I offer myself as a candidate for re-e taloa to the office of CLERK OF THE COURTS, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be nomi nated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of said office with fidelity. HENRY O. WOLF. April 9, 184. to - Clerk of the Courts. j „ x en the (smut solicitation of numerous friends, I offer myself as a ceadidme for V ItK OF Till COURTS at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democritic County Convention. Should Ibe Dominated and elect ed, I pledge my best ellbrts to a faithful dis charge of the duties of the post. JOHN EICIIOLTZ. Beller tp., April I, 1860. to Notice. ALARGARET FICKESTI ESTATIL— Lo testamentary on the estate of Margaret , late of Mnatingtos township, Adams county, deceased, baring, been granted to the undersigned, residing in Itiobury, Franklin co., he hereby irkes steam to oil parrons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and thou having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settiem:nt. JOSIAH FICKES, Ez'r. stir Any information desired in regards* the estate will be communicated by Hon. I. E.' More Light Wisauss. [April 9, 1660. CC "Vor may talk about your Gas lights Ail as ,you ,please, but there is one thineamain, Notide. h. ti. CAVA has on baud as fine an holkitiknent of CLiAitS as ever was offered in this musket—, inch as Yarrab, Principees, Habana., hid Re gattas. Any person or persons haring denibts as to the truth lathe above statement, can hiss their doubts removed by giving them k trial. He has just received from the cities"f illratla delphia and Baltimore, as fine an assortment of HOSIERY as is usually kept in this of any other place. lie also has as fine en assort ment of saucy Neck-ties, Shirt Collars, Gentle men's Jewelry, and Perfumery, as any otheres tablishment can show--all of which hi will sell low far Cash or Country Produce. Come one, come all, and give him 44111. Don't forget the place—York street, sett duos to Sauppe's bakery. [April 30;1506. Notice to Stookholdem— JACOB lIANKEY'S ILSTATE.—Letters tcs tamentary on the estate of Jacob liankry, , late of Cumberland township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, (the first named residing in lioyerstown, Berks county, and the last named in Cumber land township, Adams county,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them property authenticated kw settlement. P. D. W. HANKET, A. HANKET, April 2, 1660. 61 Notice. "DETER MORITZ'S RSTATR,— Let ure text*. .1" mentary on the estate of Peter Moritz, We of Reuling towaship, Adams comity, deceased, haring been granted to the atedersigoed, raid ing in the same township, be hereby gives no tice to ell persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, end those haring claims against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for tettlentent. JOHN MORITZ, ger. April 8, 1840. et Nq e. ELIZABETH PENTZ'S ESTATE.—Letters tostaatatary on the estate of Elisabeth Pent:, late of Reading township, Adams eouaty, deceased, baring been granted the undersigned, residing in the pamc township, he hereby gimes notice to all persons ladetted to said 'stuns to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them proper ly authenticated fur settlement. DAVIS) t'ENTZ, Rer. April 9, 1969. 43t Notice. ANDB.EW BlloErUli'd ESTATL.--Lottseirof administration on the estate el Andrew broach, late of loading township, Adam I Settee to Tax-payers. enmity, deceased, having bees granted to the IVOTICIjI is hereby given that the ab ar Oti ty undersigned, (the first armed residin, la tad - ' ii Cenuidesiosters will make oh i se township and the last awned ta Stalir s. wO4 egg CialtiT. upon all Btat, atilt my jr4l 4 township,) they hereby sire notice to all per.: tales assessed for tie year 111641;autt h alf bo sons indebted to odd estate to make inusedisite ' paid ioVnilectors 0 * 01 ' before . 1 lhie 2d payment, and those having deism assign the day of /sty. Collectors will on to cad same to present them properliptithenticated 'ea Las - paters es or before the 'shore' te, and LI ventemeat. JUAN Man 111911123, I make soon abateation to 01l ,perecone kring on JItIaYIALI MUM, ! or before said day, and pay the taste to the '",, April 30, leen. at Adatisistrators. I County Treatinir, uthereise no abatecient will Nair The notes and papers of said diseased' be made. ply orderofthetfomnsissionlin, have been Left in the hands of the Arm named ! I. X. WALYSit,.4.aerk. Administrator. 1 April 23 1 1180. td • . +..... Notioe. TACOS WISELY'S EST.LTlL—Letters tes ty tamentszy on the estate of /slob Wooly, late of Franklin.townabip, Adams cosily, de., eilasod, baring boon granted to the undersign ed, residing is tb. same township, thew barony ( iv* notion to &Spinosa indebted to said estate to asks inintodisio paymost, sod those baring claims against the sum to preip•ut tibia proper- If for settlemest. AASOS WISELY, • J 4418 EcILYALES, April SO, 1040. 41 Agramitora Lola fair 81110. I CbilllA (101041 r; - - 4 ?Twit pubscriber mats LiOTS OF w o ws Lasw o 6, 44 " ..:1 9 p up Up • j . GROUND, as Eitnaiss treat. al. 'he aka- ~ li o komw - - AlliTaiNo, rook tie 'ode. They am adollasisk 494atad. lam Aaakkariaty 0 (40 aad wadi Illtit all' 1111116111, to . I_ l asr, Cem4uigialosii,...qq,",,iipirajwar Par besisen. DA% ID SIIIIILMIL I we* make. Vow a, a 4 - Al Goßrilmago Aril IA I s 6- A ' you, we cm take roa m; PA '' 1 LA osmium' paid to 0060Iri t tr ill"hi g a l l . rli , T.4,NAPitt . ' at the Sulks itor Skpliglt , S (talk I ji, TiiitK I • I Fruit and Orliallents! riIaRES FOIL SALE.--41ECliWIC P4TERB k I CO., Proprietors of "11111101ount ries," Bendersville, AdsmilMfility, Pa. 7 , We would respectfully all the ettentlet of the public to our largeittork of Fruit ern! Oros mental Tree, such as Apple, Peach, Standard and Dwarf Year, Cherry, Apricot and Plum Trees; Urapecines ; Blackberry, Gooseborry arid Currant stalks; Ornamental and R•rergreens, which we o ff er far_ next fall Fidel. We hare appointed JonaISCiL Esq.. our travel ing agent fur this county, whit le anti:flared to make sales and take orders. FAIR. MOUNT NURBERIKS having been es tabliabeti for more than 20 yearn, the Proprie tors natter themselves that their trees are of the beat selected kinds., having fruited many of them, and knowing what they are. The gre:tt ly increased and increasing spirit of planting, as wail as the degree of patronage extended to warrant us in greatly increasing our nur series, so that we are prepared to over for the autumn of 1860 and succeeding years, a much more extensive stuck than ever offered before --cultivating draw 35 to to acres, containing several hundred thousand trees at various stages of growth, all of which are grown on soil and under treatment best calculated to make a healthy sad natural growth. .PETEMS k CO. sarrbe undersigned having accepted the above Agency for the sale of Fruit Trees it this county, takes this method of intbrtning the public, that those wishing to purchase trees wiS please take the subject into consideration be fore I call personally upon them, AS I expect to canvass a portion of tLe county. All letters upon the subject, addressed to me at Sanders ville' or left at any of the Hotels in Gettysburg, will be attended to. Catalogues can belantrti at all.theprinting caeca_ Persons ^wishing to select from catalogues can dictate* theta will be in Gettysburg during 'Court weeks, so that persons wishing to purohase fruit can see Inc. The cultivation of good fruit of alt kinds has been entirely too much neglected in this county. The demand for good fruit is Italy much on this increase. JOIIN BURRIIOLDEIt. Gm April 9, HU. Dissolution. TITS Partnership heretofore existing between Jacob Ba.stress and Charles F. Winter, in the Produce, Mercantile, Coal and Lumber business, is this day, by mutual consent, dis solved. All accounts will be settled, by J. Bautzen, at the old stand. J. BAirrittSS; C. F. WINTER.- Wirth 31, 1860 New Firm. JACOB B.cBTREBB and JACOB PATIOS have entered into Partnership in the ahnre hasisess, at the old' stand, (the large. brick. Warehouse.) and respectfully solicit a -caution ance.of ahe Jiatronage hitherto bestowal upon the old firm. They s ill, at all times, pfir the highest cash pikes kw/LOUR, GitAill i SlE kc., kc., and have constantly on hand LUN- B&R, COAL, BALT, PLASTKR, GliOCEll.lliB, ix.; at the lowest rates. JACOB BASTRESS, JACOB PETERS., New Oxford, April 9, 1860. Gm* '6O. Summer Arrangement. '6O. LIE Black Frock Coats, cheap at ' PICKING'S. RAB and Brown Cassimere Frock Coats, very cheap, at PICKING'S. 01ACK Coats, of all colors, reasarknbly . cheop, atPICKING'S. IurARSEILLES, Frock and Sack Costs, no 111_ torionaly cheap, at PICKING'S. lICCK Coats, Linen, Sacks and Frocks, as reasonably cheap, at PICKING'S. NO. I Black Cassimere Pants, asteabehingly cheap, at t PICKING'S. CIANGY Cassimere Pants, pleasiegly sbtop, r at PICKING'S. LII . ATINETT, Duck and Linen Pants, anctim -- monly cheap, at PICKING'S. COTTON Pants, all colors, unusually Cheap, at PICKINGIL ON'ii . goats, Vests and Pants, eenainkystry cheap, at PICKING'S. ATIN and Silk Vests, good and paaillskly cheap n t PICKING'S. f ARSETLES and Nankanet Vests;. nipre 1. cedentedly cheap, at PICKLNOgik ,T. 1 tiSPEN D F.B.S, Shirts, Collars, SockaStooks, Gloves, Ike., "offal" cheap, at PICKING'S. LOCKS and Jewelry of all kinds, conikmad ed cheap, at P/CKINIAL /OWNS, Fifes, Flutes,Ac., most "dogged" cheap, -at • PICKING'S. T) EVOINETtS, Pistols, Kaiser, /X.- 2 'lol- it fired " cheap, at PiCKLAPIL .A GREAT many other things, amongwitith are Fly Nets, drivingly cheap, at Picking's. I ACM Coats, Legging* and Caps, whlcklakes 1... j everything else in town down for cheap ness, at PICKING'S. FVERYBODY will please call et PIeXING'S, a., a matter of course. [April 30, 'II. NOTICE ie hereby given to asibehribeti 'Mike Casutal Stock attic GNTTYSIIITILO OAS IC that, by a ILesolution of the Ward of liireettirw payment of the first instable:wawa each share of stock (one-fifth of each spate,) subscribed, psvable on the Ist of So sea, is hereby required tt be made to Joel B. Danner, the Treasurer of said Company, at his office in his house, in the Borough of Ciettysburg,ance ably to the terms of subscription. By the Act of Atsembly relating to Gas C4nu panics, if notice for the payment of subseriptYou t of stock be mot complied with, the company can recover one per cent. per month interestoilins amount due and wupaid. M . . JACOBS, Awl licCaxAxamr, Sees. . April 10, 1840. • David XeDanaell, 2 . i:DIP MAKER, will attend to alf irvrk P *awaited to I .prontsty sari AWL; . sidtsca, soar Koolgoeo went, in Butler lowaskip, Adams county, l's. April 3u, WO.* P'T .V 7 W rrrr, Y. HELM, of Philadelphia, 4ho con tractor for do *section of, latolGettys berg Goa Worts; has token the nibillittely us cupiod by Got. Vasostio, nearly ' Ito the Bank, tor kis *See, and is „prolikssiddlit oat at once aby building wlth Gas Itiztuielfo Lis will to • hew days Use sbovoacietto stylaitoo exhi bition at his roost, and twines salaam to theta, ao those desires* of ittrodaoliet the Gas will be wired the treadle aardcitpoollfrof pro curios thee freer the issignatbsia' g es low as tholes* ho proettrodsugorisarg . else. Arid 16,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers