I 5 5! 1;111 Elig 34 16 16 17 Di W DI 25 1/81 841 if. _ ; . Cp 6 , 7 12 1 4 3 14 19 20 21 91 It & 2 5 4 5 • 11 11 " 18 19 . WV 18 ifingt,... 1 8 _ ls EE so 12:1•51 .fa , . t 16 22 29 13 SO VT 14 21 V) S • t 12 19 26 Ili O *P 601; 4, 111. 24 10 17 24 81 /3 23 30 Jfinroir, : 5 12 PI 18 20 27 """i' 2 -:.: :. . II 10 17 24 10 28 30 ciamsza, . 7 14 -21 16 23 80 II 11(k.ina, . 4 M 12 10 26 ,Dzamrs'n;` M 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 Full Length Steel SGRAVINGS OF` IVASIIINGTON AND' ErlikETT, including a View of MOUNT' in the Engraving of Washington.-- t !;-YON,i eels splendid engravings are from origins i allistibtigi by Hicks, and are engraved on steel la Aa. highest style of Art. They are each ti/r3S•int.hes, CSC.II coNT klriNG BM 8411:• al ?CET. *1 Milly'4WllE, miserable pictures hare heeu = zed upon the public as works of art—and Cial:y in cheap, black and muddy engrav kstist, it is difficult to convince persons of !Wl* that they are safe in ordering what they , hg t ss sot seen. We have paid the first artist* ihair owa prices, amounting to many th2oliand ' Italsiss, to produce engravings really beautiful, I astweß as the but portraits, and that shall be ' gpkedla oransenu to any parlor. gielr• Opin- ,that can be re li ed on : i t ilditr - 07 the New York Obserrer says : " Theppit - ravings are genuine works of art— th‘lithanessits are admirable. The portrait of Ilikt ]*'avert will take precedence of all others." -mighlilfsw Yost Christian Advocate Lays:— , o'lha are among the finest engravings welaare , writ WA. sad Ttii !cabs sea sat rutty az- plinPlijkia 'Oil ALL THZT PIIOYISE." • , ...TERMS, ALMOST GRATIS. WeArra send, post paid, securelr petked in reillesprither Engraving. Add el 13 Itagashte, IMIS/1114. Pah Engravings, and a S - . 3 Magazapet, oae year, t 6, $4. • IlifflAgents who remit $3O at one time, will to 1* extra copy of each engraving. The sitie.t , lmm Horde, The KweEwbocker , ~ Pulp's Book, The Attaatie, liksektrood. special arrangement, the entire year's , eitifieristee to the Magazines is paid over by WI" to AM* paddishers, an@ subscribers receive I *Or sepgdy fee the year direct from their re- 1 publication offices. The coot of the a - . . in , paid oul,v by the difference r he r - e -10 - west wholesale and the regular j* te fifths Magazines. -- s iillrfltivings sent et once, and sabscrip- * dealt t,o 'odicals commence with current WY, talus otherwise ordered. Money at our dial if Proof is retained of having been mailed. Viol impressions are beat,therefore send early. Addrets, 0. H. BAILEY k CO., , , -(Aran. Hal! & Son's Music Store,) • .r VA aroadway, New York. liirl. Althinhauth - la Eiiii ate the Agents in this Awe. rya,. 14, :so. lot Itl)cilamation. ,IPtitaitlin sall _ for POI .„ _. ...,_,........• Wiley flayed TN passesses otos Act olfAordltd-tbs nib day of July, 461 - , di* Polloalig State .l., soma is .herby pub ljobsd by Gotsoississedr of Atoms isautby, tradie •slidalts tbo BY KM* eIIOCSILIES from racoons, dsmriptios sad fobs of s Pssmard Property, !trades / Occupations a 4 I/806 $ •BALDyrly, Prolessiess, mods talsbloOrshs solid Acts of Aorsibly Odds (21mOsonweshb • b. W. comer of Lesiugtos snd Genes it a ! —.-- • 7 4 ' You sees 26 eta. per Pekad Ii You save 50 cts. psebarrel 3660: as M 26 El 1J 10 /i 2 11 18 tb 111 10 17 24 81 14 $1 t 8 IN 111 18 23 80 10 17 2+ M 1 II 12 19 26 10 17 tit 81 II 'a 20 27 M li 22 29 16 88 80 11 18 25 13 20 27 12 19 26 111 M 11 15 22 tif 12 11 26 Ili 13 20 27 lb 22 29 16 17 '24 31 12 19 26 13 20 27 10 17 24 18 23 30 I 11 M 18 20 27 I I AMU, - COM -1 19th r and is teal said Common lyer sad tar the e hi the Precept, in Me /abet , a Court Sairdoas vary and ri, on 'TICE at-the within the Ilhes-and *thee . dogs, I V I Z at this ad too. : 41 4M 164 Tr . " Sosoross 0. -71awasasta. WI Getty*arr.— Cumberland ..- Garmany ..... Os/ old linstingum Labiate . Liberty__ Hamilton Yenallan ..... St:abaci Fnt Cana watt) Tyrone lgonnAtoy....—. BaumanLeaman. Berwirk.. Berwick bur Freedom ..... Colon Butler ...... . 21 . 21744 • , 141126! 1620611 114011 181025 8941 00649 1 17581, 101641 116761 2118793 , 18561 1 . noel si 95411 . 125491 4 1 11362, 17922 1762 260273 8281 . $273811 1127 199187, 10336; . 1541171 1296$ 1939421 12599 4 254733, 2054 - 206415! 15699, • 73674: 41461 32455, 18301 7940: 6344 ' 222964, 10152 1 157251, 14880 4104931( 285237 Total New Builiinv, c 14,67.5.. Attest—J. 1 11_ WALIII.I, Clerk December 28 t 1850. COOl IFG 820 3 71. Cookand Parlor Stoves. ANDREW Pi)I.LEY wJuld r.)ectfully in form the public C ~% hag he noai a lot of li K mill PARLOR STOV,r,S, which he offers at prices to suit the tunes. Gettysburg, Aug. 29, 1359. Dr. Br'Lane's riELEIVIATED VERHIlair, k LIVER sir PIL,LS.—We beg leave to call the satin- lion of the Trade, end more especially the MI, Physicians of the cutintry, to two of the most popular remedies now before the public. We etifer%o M' LAN E'S CELEBRATED ANL) LIVER PILLS. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, ran but simply for r. hat their name purports. viz: ;7 3 ' The VERMIFIAIi, for expelling Worms from g the human system. It bas also been adminis tered '"- with the roost sattsfAc tory results to vs- g nous An:rnal.., subjef tto Wurnis. The LIVER ea r the cure of LdezaCoKrt.attrra, all ... I t , DFRA NGESIEN Li, SICK lIEAD-•Cat. In cues VEli AND Acre. preparatory to or after taking Quinine, they almost invaria... esei nuke a ,peeily an t permanent cure. g Artists', Painters' As specifies for the shore mentioned die- PHOTOGRAPMERS' DEPOT.—The eases, they are nu sled, and never known i f; , subsariber has cata r la stly on hand a full to fail when &animist:red in accordance with assortment of meter( the nee of Artists. the dnrrcuons. Paanters ass Photsyrra l fgeta :Also on hands large Their utiprcce tented popularity has in and beautiful assaftmaat Steresteopic buts*. diced the Proprietors,FLE tl I St.; BROTHERS, 70 1 PITTSBURG, 1'.,., to dispose of their Drug 'el °sent ' and ric". emb every variety of Lassile business. in ss hich they has e been successfully v" Foreign and American eager, Statuary, a engaged for the last 20 years, and they will Parlor and Rural Groups, 4e. The beauty and nterest of the Sterescopic Viorlnfon the par their manufacture. And being determined that.. tertaimr.ent both to •isiturs and the holm Dr. 11 . 1.Aue 3 Celtlirated Vermifuge and Liver Ii . ERGIIANTS supplied' on the s cirrla Pills shall continue to occuor the high position COUNTRY they now hold among the great remedies of the most liberal term W. A. Willolll3 day. they will continue to spare neklier time Xo. 2N. Liberty St., Balt/more l d. nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest June 2b1C,9. ly materials, and compound thew in the most' Itaimucr. Address all orders to B. T. Bynson, • ILEILCti BROTHERS, I Pittsburg, Pa. ITPIIOLSTERER, PAPER HANGER, AND II P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from VENETIAN BLIND NI A.NUT.AOTVA R, No. 52 North rkiware Street, one door-00'hr others than Fleming Bros , will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take noes but Dr. 1 Lexington, Bstrixosz. irrAmot, pr l parsd by Amin, Drift., POtsiurg, Payer ifiTmg" , l 3 . — ConTtanti! stortil PliPag Pa To those wishing to give them is trial, Ilangings of es cry description. and of the latss . will forward per mail post paid, to any part of and most approved patterns. Also, Bcfrdan tke United States, one box of Pills for twelve Fire Board Prints. /cc. three-cent postage stamps. or one vial of Ver- Venettan Blinds. —Keeps on hand, and manu factures to order, Venetian Blind+ of all colon,mifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All or- Ales and qualities, which will compare favors ders from Canada most be accompanied by twen ty cents extra. bly with any offered to the pantie. ipiirPaper Hanging done in the best etyle.— For sale by A. D. Buehler, Sigent, Gettysburg, Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or eaciumer.d... and by dealers generally throughout the county. I I March 7, 1859. ly }lay 2, 1859. ly Dl= A. Scott & Son, P SALERS in Dry Goods, Fancy Articles, Queenswarp, Groceries, es., kc., opposite - sfris Hotel," Chamlbersto et street. J. W. Scott, (Late of the Firm of Winchester 4- Seat.) GENTLEURN'S FURNISHING STORE, and SHIRT RANUFAQI.iIIY, No. 814 Ches nut Street, (nearly opp the Girard House,) Philadelphia. J. W. SCOTT would respectful ly call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and is prepared to Ell order: for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit virentitd. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINI SHIRT. and COLLARS. Oct. 11, 1859. ly Farmers' & Mechanics' CAVING'S INSTITUTION OP ADAMS COEN- T Y.— Wealth soma by env. —Depos ita year Anoint fuels in this Institution and re ceive interest at the rate of from two to four per tent. This Institution offers a safe, convenient and profitable depository to all classes of people, July 4, 1$ &). Country Produoe BOUGH" and SOLD at the S. E. corner of the Diamond, Gettysharg. Dec. 5, 1859, Z. MYERS. The Greatest Discovery PP TEE AGE.—lndammatory and Chronic Rheumatism cap be eared by usimg R. L. LUM'S CELEBRACED RHEUMATIC MIX TUBS. '3l.tny prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, Aare testified to its plist ntiliig.ltssaccass to Rheumatic affec tions, Wheal hitherto neparalleled by any walk introduced tcothe public. Price Se mats per bottle. For sale by all , drtiggista and storekeepers. Prepared only by R I MILER, Whobeetle and &nail • t. East Berlin, Adams county, Ps., dealeriti .Chlenibal; Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled this, Wasenc.es and Tineturea, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, he., le. sir A.D. Buehler is the Agent la Gesbutg for "ft L. 11,41er's CelebroSed Itbeasui Mis- We.* - • [Oct. 24;1859. ly A Yresit Assortment OF GOINIOVICKIVSD AT 111111NLYGISM —TII6 intbscriber has just retatmed too Hr 01ity will. suaothar Ind acrid sOaa4S4 easeet imet ar Goads fbr 61wruncerqinus.-4. :Mob he ! ikiki this Attendee cribs p!dolliL MI Imo iiiiesdithi ma* aria grist seap tu a= gai sarrailitabiam tiFery mkt: Ili Ilk :41.4110 hid mi 15.111110.4161 iiiiiasa `MI Iliillbas all virs trishbili 11,11.1401 --- wkli IPA. suing Pk= ANZ G, ' Ibllercliii a eill -Rs 11 % == 1 : hr 461 Slit Ilireerz it lr.f:, dubs. a glieleht OW AA gettllpAt t illi . l ll4leltili fa' vase 4 Sas *or lii XlCeitavi.eivaall. • • ... - .ma* ipipiwors: .• • V: IsieZ .41 P_ So B . " c. i • el ro.ss 'et r$ `'• 7 e C ' — tl 044- , "0 imi ' i D 2 fLE WE Ell 41H113i tki2loj 5350 22480 54 Alo 48686 843 ...... UST 2335 1 A.:1 11 1483' 78943 13575 5525. 41 44 1 801 7695 , 6(451 3575, 4480 2854, -.. QM] 732264/ 2139451 6150; 1000 i 341444 210:4 55893,10800 JOIN C. MUELLER 1 Kneller & Prick, k. ! PRODUCE Commission and For. warding Merchants, North *trod, opposite N ' FLOUR. R. Depot. BALTIMORE. 1 January 17, 18741. ly 17, NAMELLED COTTAGE FURNITURK— rj R. W. HEYWOOD, No 101 , North Charles street, ll.iltimore. having been engaged for the last 17 years in the manufacture and sale of the above deitirahle Furniture, suited to country residences, has on hand a lame variety, manufac tured exprescly for retail sales. Also, Oak and Walnut Chamber Sets. Oak and Walnut Exsension Tables, Dining Room and Fancy Chairs, sideboards, Hair and Husk Mat tresses, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, kc., tc. March 11, 1t1,9. ly REBIIIT and Re fu rii 'shed, Career of Iloordrd ad Franklin streets, a few squares west of the Northern Central Railway Depot, Bst.rt. noes. Terms $1 per day. A. LEISSNRING, Proprietor, Peals Saline Grove, Pump/runic Aug. 1,183 D. Cm Howard House, CORNER Howard and INtim lore Streets, BALTIMORE, 111 : New Proprietors. Pare reduced• to $1.30 per day. Call for the Howard House Coach at the Depots. A. SHIP!. ' } Proprietors. • J. N. BUCK, January 24.'59. ly New & Rick ETELRY, SILVER WARR "Sr...TZR PLAT ED WARE. kc.—A. E. WARNER, GoII and ilversenith. No. 10 NORTH GAY STREET, BAL TIMORE, MD., bas in st.yre a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for present.. embracing • great variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car bookies, Jcc., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Rubs, Pearl, Opal, emerald, kc., Lathlike' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets. Gold Thimbles, Cuff Piru , Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings ; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, God and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pius & Ear . . J. IMXITT v... • r... t ~-. 44.5 1 fleei J. RAFFENSPERGER, DANIC; J. 'H. 111116:11A.CL, Baltimore AclN.r'-_ First Premium Franklin House, A 1.50, A variety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castor*, Cake Baskets. Waiters, Candle4ticks, Butter and Salt Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Spatula, Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, &c., all of *bids is respectfully offered on tie lowest tehns gek.The Country Trade and Dcalcrs.gerierelly are invited to give me a call, and Etiftilift floods and Prices, being satisfied that my SILVER WARE cannot be surpassed either for fineness or quality, or the latest and most beautiful patterns. January 17, 1859. ly Hquse F=:UilOig, GOODS, No. 11 Nora Hesierd street, two doom North of the Howard House.—The undersigned, haring made large additions to his stock, is prepared to furnish Housekeeperi, Country Merchants and others, with such articles as they want, on literary best terms. listrastss : Whitewsah, Sweeping, Dusting, Pant, Heir, Tooth., Nail, Silver, Shoe, Saruband Horse Brushes. Woompr-wens Sash as Tubs, Buckets, Measures, Tar Iteekets, Chants, Mania, Rolling Pins, Butter nista, Se. Brooms, Bailllfis, Mats and- rorilap. Nasser's 5 minute Ilift Cream Freezers. Rigrrallbra, weight and chest—the motet approved kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood as Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's and other most apprwred Fruit and Vegetable Pre- Perrin Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block 'Na, Brits:Ws and Plated Ware. /abate. Forks and Spoons, Urns, Coffee and Tea Pots, Bgg Boners, Waiters, Chadttig Dias"; Lem mad Forks, Wale irons, .knee Peas, &aka and Weights, Cefee Mils, Table Cantors, Old Domin ion Collins Pots, Shard and Tonga, Nurse Laret ams, Foot Tate, Bath Tabs, Ks Cleaners, Wise Dish Covers, Table Mats, together with *variety Kenichis tweet and neoseeney ke Reasekeepers. Rohr b Davie' Potosi, Ezealsipr Werislarg Mowiskses. Pleas_ Tin sad ape, I l l s Wommod Dookos of every deeetiptlea, Maio aiOlgret4s order. GEO. A. Irma, 114, 11 - North Howard at., !Latinate, M 4 larch 14,1551. ly . . #11 1 1,g.1310,141 114 AND NONINS WON 543, 53 Holliday Atiosot, lohismee k .AIPL • to e fre P to hiraliali oiPill , Nowc Doak 111 Wl* good; orNolr Y to 4110 of tOO% wooll Aty, mr &Mk go boa tuitotials; sothilsoilos ; oho, soThe - and Ilpr oar a rtlreuta. • I? 0 P A 0 E n'l S. ..p• !, 1 co 24 ge ON C .7. 4 13 7 1 F.—: " btu Flour. Yee sa T 60 cta- per ban* . Is baying Mob. Yes Dave front 2 Sci-‘ctollars per 100 pounds in buyieg Baron. You save hose I irir 4 eta. per pound In buying Seem You save from 2 to 0 cu. per pound in buying Coffee. , - You save from 2 tart 0 eta. per gallon in buying Moleskin. In short you eats save money on most every article In the ferocery lice by bilking of HOUK k BALDWIN, S. W. corner of Lexington add green sts.,' is Baltimore. If any body doubts it let them give us El ; r c = 7: 2895! 6190 268r se 242 - 900 1 200 '40691 900 1 1100 101 300 3 100 3627 300 5891 304 800 '• 1172 400 3010 . 2218 3534 100 2780 818' 9351 960! 1645 , 2610, 011 TRILL, Asd if they are •ot satisfied ' ' that they shall buy somewhere else We warreat every ankle we sell. we pack all goods securely, and charge nothing for packing And lf the Goods are not I=s as represented, They can be retail:tea at our *sperm. Persons finding it inconvenient to visit Bakimere, Can order of us through the Mail and may rely upon having their orders Promptly and satisfactorily attended to. tir.ll , o•cnensit POR 0.• NOOK k HALDWIN, Wholiipale and Retail Grocers, S. W. Comas ottexing-ton and Green sta., Jane 27, /859. ijan.24. ly.] Baltimore B. ♦. Fillet • ' 410'i? 0. IL • my°, FOUNDED 1859. Chartered 1854. Located COR. OF it ALTIMORE I CHARLES STS., B•LTIMOILS, The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished k Popakar Commercial College in the United States, DESIGNED EXPR 4 ESSLY FOR 'itt,t;SO MEN Desiring to obtains thorough Pra/tical Business Educhtion. Every Young Wan has a Counting Desk to him- self, and is separately instructed. STUDENTS 11 ATTESDANCE THOM NEAALY EVERT The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Ntutty, and the only PRACTICAL METIIOI> OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. No Copying from Printed or Msnsfueript Forms is LEARNING BOOT-ICSIPIXa * AT 71111 BALTIMORK COAIMERCIA COLLEGE This method of - Instruction is nowhere else intro- duced in this country. 'Every Young Minn should write immediately Ase one of these and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, repressilang the'exterior and interior view of the College,' Penmanship, /cc., which will be sent by return mail, free of &large, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, opinions of the Press on our new system of Book beeping, etc. TAeCLIT : K. K. Lott, Principal—Lecturer tin the Science of Aceo nts, Dullness, Cito.outs, etc. J. Pitman, Praessor of Book-Keeping snd Commercial CakulaCans. 11. H. DATILS, Associate Prof. of Hoot-Keeping N. C. Jo UNION, Professor of Peuthaaskip. S. T. WILLI.IIIII, Esq.. Mercantile Law. Iter. E. Y. Russ, 1).D., Commercial Ethics. TICSTIVI : Hon. John P. Kennedy, lion. Joshu I Passant, Hon. Thomas Swann, Wm. H. Keighler, Esq., Jacob Trait, Kau, William Knabe,'Esq. The time usually required to complete the full course, from 8 to 12 weeks. A DIPLOMA is awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms, ke., sent my mall free of charge. Address E. K. LOSIEK, Baltimore, lid. rob. T, 1859. ly James H. Bosley, CIIONNTSSION NERCIETANT, Nor. 124 and 126 North Sired, I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis nfon a. 4 kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having an experitqlse.saf, L ten years in the Commission business, (sad wGhlag to continue that alone.) I Satter myself that I shall be able to give saris- TArTION to all who favor me with couiiignments Will also attend to filling orders for Grocertes, Guano. Sod all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, '59. ly Wm. Knabe & Co., NOS. 1,3, 5 aad 7 North Rataw Street.— SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street; between Charles and Light—BALTIMORE, Md., Manufacturers of Gold Medal Premium GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Wm. Knabe k Co. wool i respectfully invite the attention of the public, and especially those in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO. to their As sorted stock of Instruments, which for power and sweetness of tone. easy and agreeable touch, and beauty of finish, hare, by the best ofjudi,..es, been pronounced unmated by any in the coun try. As to the relative merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in cur possession. from TRALUERG, STRAKOSII, 0. SATTER and 11. VIEUXTEMPS, as also from some of the most distinguished professors and amateur. in the country; also to the following liltillEST PREMIUMS, reccii ed within the last three years. GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1853. 1836, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 1857; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia, 18.56; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1955, 1856 All instru ments of our manufacture have the full iron frame, and are guaranteed for FIVE T'EAft3. litai,,,Pailllttiler attention paid to the selection of Instruments thr distant orders, and a privilege of exchange greased at any time within Aix mos., if the instruments should not prove entirely satis factory. A liberal- disco to Clergymen, Miters and Sr_hoOls. T e el. Wholesale dealers will their advan tage to give WI a call, as by greatly increased facilities, we are enabled to fill, all orders with dispatch. siirConstantly on hand, a large assortment of MELODEONS, from the best Factories. SECOItII-HAND PIANOS at Graaf litarpins, at prices from $3O to SIN. Pianos Agebaaged, Hired and Tuned. A call is respectfully solicited. WfLLIAX 12Ir ABB a CO January 17 1859. ly Burr kill Stones WARRANTED.—B. F. WARR ik CO. of Nord ad emirs I opposite N. C. L B. St lisurrooss, Ma. Nat toren of FUNGI!! 131 lasporicet and Dealers Bolting ther and Gala Bolting., too._ tined Platte,, sad Hill Irons, ea ity. Also, Colone, Cocalico, end Jo. Stonosttail sisal. • [Fob. i,'59. ly 01PA AND FURNITCDS WARMICIONA, Nos. 22 sad 27 N. Gay street, Balthus" (writ &yeas st.,) ea - tending kola Gay to trade** st.--tba largest satablishmtat of the kind to tie Union. Always on boa& • lame assartineot et HOUSEIIObO AND OFFICE FURETTUEE, sp. bracing Bump, Bedsteads, Wlt ibeiltads, Weld_ robes, Nauman' of Agit, woos and Hair Sprig Boils, Bolas, 'llabrietee, Arlo Chairs, lugheir Chant &arras NOW TOON, Dot- Moe, Reaction sot 46#/island C=4s - MLOWOF COTTAOR ST/ Weed Elishrs, Oea: Orin, Baxter Mobs, Cribs and Cradle*, Bat itseks,.ll‘d r tirro r Mit ► sads'Walnat Froth* . lair bouts, lort f 4 d Tabils, e I4 M7 . ' 4 1. IriliON to woks* QS to hall asetilw Om* atogasillies. viish Itie witisig 110/ 1 11211rItt I, sa , -.IL IEAJDMIX — ,I . W' ' , 74145 aid Enr4wFlinoll: Avg. 2, lOC 13, more A.cl-our In bayiag wo will be content STATI IN 'rue Usron BALTIMORE, MD A. Xathiot & Son's will give special attention to the following .1, Colds, Consumption, Creep, lialleanaa,= a ns, Bronchitis and all diseases of tha Nose, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin diseases—Lum bago, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels; alto all chronic diseases pertaining to Women sad Children. Dr. Baakee can pro duce one thousand certificates of his perfect summit in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Scald Heads, Wens, Swellings and Tu mors of every description and without the use of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's personal supervision. Da. BAAKEE has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT, and restore perfect vision to the Eye without the use of the knife or needle, and he cures all disea.ses of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and he has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanuma, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Also, a large as sortment of Ear Trumpets of all sizes and every description known in the world. Also, a large assortment of beautiful Artificial Hands, with Wrist, Arm and Elbow attachments. Alsc, of Feet, with Ankle, Leg and Knee-joint attach menu—natural as nature itself. These articles can be sent by Express to any part of the world. Dr. Baakee is one of the most celebratel p stad skilful Physicians and Surgeons now living.— Rio fame is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world.. All letters address ed to Dr. Baakee must contain ten cents, to pay postage and incidental expenses. Ali Chronic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex cept those mentioned, that will require his per sonal supervision. Office hours from 9A. M., to 4 P. Y. DOCTOR BAAKSF., 704 Broadway, a few doors above Fourth itreet, Nov. [jan.3l. ly] New York City. Fine Old Brandies. ti E H subscriber. , Importers and Dealers in WINES k LIQUORS, would most respect ly call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 North Front Strati, Pkiladt!pita, where they have a large OD sort meat of Wiues and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrange ments with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rozhelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle: BRANWIES: Otard, lien . nesy, Pellevsion, Pinet, Costallion; J. J. Depuy k Co., T. Rimes, A. Se rguette, 'Martel, Matett, kc., kc., of various brands and qualities. WINES: Cliampacie, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Teneriffe, Burgundy, Hock, 31.uscat i Claret, Sherry, nod Mal.tga Wines. Holland Gin, Seheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Allah Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple. Blickberry, Clier'ry;Ghiger, ao4 Raspberry Brandies ; • LlOrdi-13, W bar Si tt e rs, lAms tort' An Bittern, kc. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on hand an ex tensive stock °One old Monuntraheln, Rye aud Bourbon WhiskeY, or voriomigcadati, stuns'of which are guaranteed to be Superior to tiny in the country, all of which are highly improved by age. 1 a From oor long experience in the business, and s thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be abl* . to 611 all orders that may be entrusted to ns. Orders from the country (which are most re spectfully soliciked) will be promptly attended to. Gres' care taken in packing and shipping. sarAll goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilc:e of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON k BRO.: No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia. Feb. 7,1859. ly Glorious News ! TONE . Y can be saved by calling on the sub -11 scr iber, who has just returned from the ewes with ouc of the largest stocks of FALL and WINTER GOODS ever brought to Gettys burg—in part as follows : French Merinoes, in and figured, Coheirs of all kinds, Cotton Delains, all prices, Orien tal Lustres, Silk Illusion+, and a large assort ment of plain and figured Silks. Alpaccas, Bombazines, kc.: French Worked Collars. Cu dersleeves, flar.dkerchien. l'huncino. Edg ings, Laces, Ingertinv: Sonnets and Kibhonr; Shawls nod Mantillas; ‘lu.lins, Linens, Sheet lugs, Hosiery, Gloves, &e. Cloths, Caseinieres, Cassinets, Vestin7.l, and everything else in the gentleman's wear line. The undersigned is thankful for past farnrs, and mu spare no effort to deserve the public's continued patronage. J. L. SCilIcK, Oct. 17. ' S. W. corner df the Diamond. Furs ! Furs !! TOSEPH ROSENBAUM, FANCY FUR . RANUFACTURER & IMPORTER, ot_ has now ready his very extensiVe Stock of Furs ; consisting of Capes, Half-Capes, Victo rines, Muffs, Cuffs, etc., in Mink Sable, Stone Marten, Fitch, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other lower priced Furs, all of which he is prepared to sell at prices to defy competition. All Fars sold in this store, are warranted to Le what they are represented. Store: No. 416 Arch street, between 4th and sth, (above Lyre 'and Landell s Dry lieods Store,) sign oT the Gulden Lion. Philaderphia. P. S.—Furs altered iuto fashionable sty les. at a moderate charge. [Oct. 17, 18511. 3m Pollock, Bacon & Co., NO. 20 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADEL PRIA, Importers and Wholesale and lie tail Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.— In this deportment buyers will End a very full and complete stack of plain, medium and fancy DRESS SILKS, principally purchased at the re cant large Auction Sales, in Philadelphia and New York; and will be sold below the cost of importation. Also, a full 'line of Black Dress Silks, of the most celebrated manufacture, and high lustre. Also, in their Appropriate depart ments, an extensive and varied assortment of other Dress Materials, embracing all the must approved fabrics and latest styles for Fall and Winter Wear. SHAWLS SiIAWLS !I—ln this department we offer by far the most exten sive assortment& to be found in the City; which embraces all the latest novelties, and most pop ular styles, of the season, in low to superfine Goods; many of which have been purchased at the late large Auction Sales. and will be sold at Mtly reduced priest. CLOAKS! RA.GLANS I ! ' a TLES Ill—Buyers will find in this depart ment a. very extensive assortment, and almost endless variety to select from, aad without any doubt the largest and most varied Stock both Is point of quality and style to be found in this Country—ranging in prices from low to super- Ins goo* all manufactured of the best and 'moat approved materials, for Fall and Winter Wear, sad of unequalled workmanship for Ant class retail sales. Strsegrers visiting Philadelphia, an so- Helisd to eWPbe oar stock. A liberal &mooing to irkolseal• cask buyers. POLLOCK, BACON * CO., No. IS South Second Street, Pkiltdelphis. Oct. 24, ISSe. 31a New Pall and Winter Geode, r A. SCOTT d SON'S NEW BTOPL—ww kate Just received ass stock of goods id~iabis Ser the Fail aad Winter sales, to whi c h we isligeller attaitlea of bagere—width g m , WWI 'sod prise cosset be ay which mg, be Amid a misty of L DitSB3.OOODB, of sew *ad fasbleiut,.ble signs, shawls, Idosso!lb. Ott, he.— Oar stock of DONSNTIC GOODS is . gm sad eesarlste. rorieurs AND EOM Wl/411,, we ban a ea eletg of ()loth., Deily /rAiteLof varies/144 eag ig, 421WORIUS8 AND Q rtrobased oar goods as I he cask, we see esabled to sett tbetriObgt boo 'opoos. . we oak is as et eaddiedeittelbei pe we ekasisigv , Sies‘ j t imi Wtol deodwav = l it lima go 4 1 14. 41 7 / sitheiplk4ilies aid MO • OWII ISSI, lITIIAL Inoorpors, Rvisi•iiiiteorge 'Sw 90 E. H. Russeq &c:rvuliryr--D. A 413 uehler: Treaestrer—Daeld M'Cretry. &manse Clormasittee--Robert McCurdy, Jacob MDR, Andrew freintselinan. Nmempunt---George Swope, U. A. Beehler,Ja cob King, A. HelaUelman, R. M'Oardy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Paknaatock, Wm. B. McClellan, Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelberger, Abdiel P.Gitt, John Wolford, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, John Horner, R. (.McCreary, S. Z. Russell, D. ll'Creary, Andrew Polley, Johu Picking, J. R. Hersh. oar This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county at Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex pen sem , witAouf msy sapssamew, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents--all buttress being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. IgarThe Executive Committee meats at the once of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. IL Sept. 27, 1858. T"Egreat excitement in Gettysburg 'tie said Is caused by Picking's CLOTHING all nest and ready made, His goods are all fresh, his styles are all new, Just drop in and see and you'll find this is true. If you want a fine coat, he has every shade, Blue, brown and black, all well trimmed and made; And h ia large stock of pants comprises all colors The finest of Cassimers, Doeskins and others. And now of his vests all the patterns are new, Of finesilks and satins, and velvets not few; His stock is too large to enumerate here. Inn word he has all that gentlemen wear. He has also a stock made expressly for youth, And his mode of dealing is fairness and truth ; And the best of it all is the thct (not my rhymes He is selling at prices to 811THI RD THE TIMES. You'll ailing find Clothing,in quality rare, Made up of alaterials for nerds* and wear; Then give him a call and you'll find him on hand, to Chambersburg street, right at his old stand. Gettysburg, Oct. 17, 1859. Notice TO FARMERS AND XIIRCHANTS.—We have now opened our large sad commodious arehoese, on the corner of Stratton and Rail-1 road streets, near the Depot of the Gett l yshurg Railroad Company, and are prepared to_reeeive produce of A kinds, viz: FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, e. Also, on hand and for , sale, Salt, Guano., Fleeter, Fish, &c. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Syrups Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Ceder-ware, kc., kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see and examine our stock before parchasiag else where, as our motto wiD be "quick Nees and smell profits." We would also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, flogs, he., to the fact that we have for sale Breittig, Fronefield k ;Co.'s Celebrated Vegellable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmera and Storekeepers. . _ ' KLINEFELTER, BOLLISGER k CO Gettysburg, wt. S; lea. Something New K GETTYSBURg.—The undersigned informs the citizens of the town and counts , that be as commenced the BAKING business, on a Ifirge scale, In York street, Gettysburg, nearly Opihosite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. IIKRAII; ioLLs, CAKES, CRACKERS, PIIETDELti, 4fcl' &c ., b.Lked" 'every day, (Sun days ezcepted,7 g:il of attest quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely slipried on* and orders to any amount, from tins and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the slicirtkgt' -notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-bonne and sevured the hest workman sWthe most ap proved meet inery, he is prepared .l kr, ' - dc.: -, ',r ‘•. •"' ' henry business. . . VALENTINE SALTEE. July 25, 1859. TUST from the city with the bast and cheap e:it assortment of SYRUPS and MoLASSES that we have yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices; SUGARS, a very taro stock. low ; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Lice, Cheese Spices, (All kinds.) Crackers and Tea Caketlinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured BASIS and SRO LDERS. Lard, Shad, Mackerel And Herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets, kc.; Baskets, Flour Selves, Brooms, Brushes, kc.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly on hand ; Fancy Goods, Confectionaries and Fruit. GRe us a call. 'lt affords us pleasure to show on r lge and inviting stock. NORRECK 41 MARTIN. Gettysburg. May 30,1930. eNECITANICSTOWN, Frederick connty,ifd.— Having been renovated and re r furniahed. proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as he guarantees fnll satisfaction in every case. ("barges moderate. lIENRY IIEaR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1859. tf THE FAMILY DIAPTOR: containing In plain language, free from medical terms, the A USES, SYMPTOMS and CURE of disease in every form, with important 11,ULEEI FOR PRE SERVING THE HEALTH, and Directions for the Sick Chamber, and the. Proper Treatment of the Sick.—This book is written Ina plain, easy and familiar style, adapted expressly to family I and individual use. It advocates no particular theory of medicine, but draws alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the OMIIen, or the Minerals of Earth, for such Remedies as have proved the most simple, safe,aud effectual& believing that wherever disease has found a foothold, there the Giver of all Good has. in 1 some form, mercifully placed a Specific. Neither does it profess to supersede the physician, but euly to avoid the necessity and expense of call- i ing him in except in dangerous cases. It is in fact a physician itself, always at hand and ready to sere you, while Its simple receipt may soon are ron many times its cost. It contains 308 pages, in a clear and open type, is illustrated by appropriate engravings,l and will be forwarded to your address, postage , paid and neatly bound, on receipts of use price 1 00. Everybody should have it. / I Agents wanted orerywhoro, who will flod,it eery popular, and with whom liberal arraoo - will be made Address, JOHN L POTTER, Publisher, )to. 61'1 Swum St., Philadsiphhi, Pa. Jaly 4, 1859. Ma GEORGE & HENRY WI WAMPR will make House Spouting odeip the same I ow„ for *Mb. or country pr/ Farmers and all otneeserisblug their house"; banes, Ac., spout. ed„ 'maid do-well to givu them a call. April 18,'63 . tf 4. kH. WAMPUM. - oval. Isubscribe inform% hie Maids and,the tkat, remor ti "s ls lugs Boot sad Gime Istab eat, to Obambemberg !street, Gettysburg where be bee stow ea bead, ood wig r 4iatinee to lump far sate, as ex bemire °tweet, of bit own manufacture. Thew • lamed. op istiabeet sad moat dyable man , twahnitag simalle, styles, and em • BOOTS b WOW Ken's, Womea's Mersa% to be , t MVPs to beyeempioyett4 fe beet," to mak* triti len 01111NOP; 4 itOlklef 41 11pagili 11011. 110011 i lON. Latest News! Here We Are Again I Globe Inn, What Everybody Wants. of town and ansatry, - taatita baa amil a Orooety, Coaditstionar7 and limit 411 York street, two dams 'east o f Jamie kib eram Chareb, where hi bas j stow ma 6nd • general assortment d o & is Ida line—such as : Syrup, from m r oo gib mi par pilau ; Sugars, all Mats. Cullf•es, at. fermis kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Tisk; Cheese, Sato ground and napalms! Pep e°l.AlPPies, Cloves, Cinnamon, Maistard, Ruda, Ginger. Starch, Rios, Teset•Clandles, Extract Coffee Chocolate, Coasentrated Lye ; Broo . llll, 11110kOti, Candiay *0 hinds Figs, Walnuts, Polo Nuts, disnoade, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lentos', Ontatas Pan. cy Cakes, Crackers of elf Itiads,lhe_ a Le. Butter and Eggs bonght and told. lie in• vitas the calls of the puha,. samard that his assortment will please, bait oallty and price. Ma is determised to fal l than the cheapest. W. Gettysburg, Dee.lo. 'sB,as 2. Drina RalAroad received i' C. GUINN it BRO. have jut received pad , are opening lit their new store trot the orth-west corner i if Centre Square, Gettysburg, a large and comp{ to assortment of Spring and Summer Goods an Grocer Eal. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call and examine our su perior styles of Dress Goods and franiy articles, embracing everything coming properly under this head at prices not heretofore nailed, and in quality surpassed by nom. GE EN'S WEAR, of every description, consistin Os, Cassimeres, Casinetts, Coatings, Vestinge, kc., which cannot be surpassed out of t7lit - 2,i0 in . quality and price. Our stock of Groceries is also complete, whit every other article generally found In a Dry Goods store can be had at the "Railroad Store" of J. C. Quinn k Bro. Believing that the pit:- lie can suit themselves better here than ela•- where, we invite them to give us a call. For the proof of our assertion, call and examine our stock, even if you don't buy. [April 4, 1859. Frazer River OUTDONE I— Come to the Store at Grego mount for Bargains I—The undersigned, would most respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the Store of John Withal, at Greenmount, Adams county, half-way on the read from Gettysburg to Emmitsbnrg, where he expects, by attention and small profits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of sew His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, Groceries, Confectionaries,Queenswere,Woodesp ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, kc., is large and varied—equal to that of any other timeless store—end he will sell at prices astonishingly low. He only asks • trial, to -prove the truth of this assertion. Country produce takes In exchange for goode I. iiMIPE/IL The undersigned also carries on Mg CAR RI4GE-ItAIUNG buinear at the state place, and offers rare idducements to purchasers. He will. warrant his work good, whilst his cheeps are among the most moderate. Repairing due eu short notice. J. ALEX: HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. ly MAT ■. DAINZR New Firm—New Goods. rr it HE undersigned have entered Into partner ship in the HARDWARE k GROCERY bus nese, at the old stand of Danner ft Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, JES., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, • continuance or the patronage of the old firm, as well. as any' quantity of new custom. They Isere jut return ed from the cities with an Immense stock of Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials, such al Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolt', Locks, Glass, kc. Toots, including Edge Toots of every description, eels, Planes, Chian* Gouges, Braces and Bitts, Augers, Squares, Clanged, Hammers, lc. Blacksmiths will led Anvils, Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Hone-shoe Nails, kc., with them, very cheap. Gaut Find-_ ings, such as Cloth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Fellow, Bows, Pole t lahafts, ke. Shoe Findings, Tampico, Brush sfo3 French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kc with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPER:I will also find a large assortment of Knives and forks, Brittannla, Albite. and Silver-'meted Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters% shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Chums, Carpeting, tr. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the claertirest. GROCERIES. s full and gen eral assortment, such as Crashed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars ; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and, Syrups. Coffee, Spieeii, chocolate, Pins, Coarse anti Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish. lc.; a full &moment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Vire-proof,.Psints, in fact, almost every article in the Beirdware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, II keeping, Blackimith,Cabineelaker's,Paintwei,Clatzier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determ in, ed to sell as low for CASH as any bases out of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGHT MOLE& Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Notioa. undersigned having • retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf- LI. be continued at the old stead, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry B. Deaner and Way bright Ziegler, under the same sad styis Danner I Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would Dopes; a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and or the public in general. ' Having retifflll from the Meressitile/bnainess, it is necessary that our old hastiness should be settled up. We, therefore; notify / ell those in debted to us either by Judgment; Mote or Book Account, to call and settle site same without delay. The books still be ;found at the old wind. J. B. DANYBR, May 35, DMA. DAVID ZIZOLER. i %CO 0 0 1 a)iitt Cheap 1 T HE and u cti nd o ers p lignetl ieure twould v i , n t f h o s nn t he h e ls on i ti ri as end e : the OARRIAG WING BUSINESS, in all itbi liat itharanchas, by - lishmeot, in Best Mid: die Street, (otteorthdritast end,) Gettysburg, Ps., where he bpi os hind a first-rate lot of wprk, . .. and is pre4red to pin up to order whatever may be ,desired in his line, viz :—Rockaway and Boit-body Carriages, Falling- t aw Top,Sockaway and Trotting Thig giee, Jersey Wagons, ke. With good workmen and good materbde, be eag pledge his work So be *flee hest quality—siitt his prices are among the lowest serßepairing done at short notice, iiiiii. at reasonable rates. Country proslishillitim le l exchange for wort. Call I Jane 15,'67. JACOB 'MIX« still at Work i g° ACHNAKING AND BLACKIMILITEMIG. -The undersigned reeputfnUr Informs • friends and the public that be caesium the Coachwaking aad Blaciumalthing business in every breath at his establiehment in Chant-' Unhurt street. jig lea on band and. will wanufactare to order all kinds of GARIUMIRE, • BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spriagirsifitest 10., of the but material, and am% by firlosrica' wiwb mien, sarnsrAnt and - Bracssasrma of all kinds done at riseonsbie rates; rouptly end to the satisfaitron of CulliellM. Count: glow= taken in,:tuteholbge for . work at market prices. glerPersone desiring ertieles orwailllis the Oueliosaking or BleAltiwiliiiiseg re spect/any invited JOIN L. 1101.10.011= burg. Jan. U, 'Mk , ' • WATIIIIIIII,III9LIIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers