r ___l, r . . - _ i the said 'wormy.' When tie bowies, lest her deemed for revenimperum thismetrom el eo it is entitle/nod will grow eat of that ielthitle- 7 ithaeseible. I Messamelidthat a tattle _ 9 illtesagc• 1 mentiooed, shall have beenteinendered soli* i gh e jo si t hut s ea). ingsesenieee tor the pees. tion. While it must be admitted that Mewl- mire& byte, cesseeesneeetth t to the renter s re- tee A_ -e, . company, as directed by iew, tbe Sims wit 1 ilinry try insuitchookUt the depreciatiou of edge 14 f l 4 4611 enti.li GP the &reaffirming, as it the Remelts sod Archive", fur ehe weak „Irm o to all the other emplemsenliet of UM. we me " tifilikir - the Seal: nitel Mem- I still lsold, as abeolute owner, three and a lutlf I her meek 'property, by her liberality etteadeil , n iti ot but le:lliad:7l,p fumed by lin dace the dissoutiuuance of his „Le. eer - -- - ". " r • "" i ices ig ilue of f ße l e ' nnsit il i t r ai a ; : l 7, : of I t r ;e ill et . n to s pa of n d y o , I p l e ars ettble i t n he th e e . year °ll 18 e 7 b 2 at and in to t° e th f elitiel co tt a Y tt eitt e eti olen e ta d ri e ly . ente he r r er into, I have tir l a y g la riculture d l ' as t ere s ar C e ° 1110.1 4 U n l . 1 ilda f a riLe ee, r e eft r all the advauteges of an education which tee Legisleture p , of the erits e a u r t i ed sin ta g y tro v tu klim lor t :l e • •A • - th ix succeeding years es mentioned in th ' I tombines In itself, as well thes knuwiedge of the and ciao' legislation, that it is not fleece/eery a c: e n e si e denetion entirely adequate. . el . , • e-ala complying with that ac e t s of Asaemble, with i ' uterest, at the rate o e l • u T n he a - e * * fl 1 ~.ipt ast e _oest.tutiou of Pennsyl- ' five per mecum, per annum ; Wakes it the duty of tin Gov- I report of tie Superintendent of payable semi. Commor. Schools, with the tsbles amid dom. 1 annually, on the thirty first days of January . meats seeompanying it, will exhibit the con- 1 1 practicel art of agriculture, al Erientifte Ile' again to repeat them. I desire. eowever. Local' eu h ire h ments in itl . l those branches of teenage % the attention of the Cenerel Amaembly to the w i‘.. ale . especially applicable to its profits ' *Om ' time to time, '* , gira to g i ve to the i and Jai,' of each year. Intereettel, ea the dition of the vast engiue of social imprave• Commonwealth is in th I Asseinbly inform ition of' the I. , . a ear y completion of ment to which it relates. The number of pu• la ' OW Commonwealth, I am moat i Po tins ice rtant thorou great pleasure to be abl i ghfare, it affords me pits, ist ill the put4e schossia ot the State, is eto nferm the Genec- , 634.651-of schools. I letee-and of teachers, feet that we haat. on our statute boini " ..4, gene lireleetpursurt. A schoolj where agriculture is ' ral laws providing for the incorporation re rail: p wally tlearit, is a new fii I• 1 tu which mu rued, turnpike, Midge, plank Reid, gns, water, ' attentioa has Leen called; and one which, b*e: insurance and other similar cumpaniee, nnd I cause Of Ai great importauee. well deeers es our that all corporate powers granted by the Legis *OM ms this becasion, again to congr, atu- al Amembi , 34 ID the progress of the work, for 14,071. The schools have been in operation, , attention It embramod the rind le that while i let-Maleirepresantatiyes of che people upon ; th e put ___ yes i' r, has bees highly satisfactory. on an average ever the whole State, five voutheire taught hal its of P d P tr; thew aaieret *cure, to such companies, dhould biunderthese the I t fannable condition ot the finan- , The Esateru dtvieion of the road, exteu ' ding , months s.ad nine days. The average salary i ' im p r essed with the Proud c l o n e s u el s era " tion; l ei • ' State. • __receipts at the State rreasuary, land, to Whether's, orh *lit from Sunbury, in the county of Northumber- ,of mete teecters, id $24 30, and of female i the labor of their cie ii hands contributes to their it. the county of Clinton, a teachers $l7 79, and the cost of instruction, I acquisaion of knowledge. And thus, too, edu- , f n en t e h r e al pr la n w vi s s , io so ns t o h f at ei t . he il r a e r m a stz o b e e i a u ti l 0 111 1, 7111 i n t .d y teat the time of the Genersil .kesembly mar not , tie occupied in pesong bills of great, leneth, P rom ageogrees, fur the Ewell year ending eistance of eighty-one nOes, Is finished ; pas per pup.l, fifty-three cents per month. rhe (aeon is brought within the reach of many a when a simple rerrence to tee (titan's of the oil tbe Soth of November, 1859, were $3,- senger and freight truins paining over it daily. average lax for .taitiou. rie ,Is about file and bright genius. wliu would otherwise strimele eff4oollsßelst, to which add balance in - The WS:cetera division, extending from the city a half mills, and ter building purposes, about , and lanenoth fir the want of the means of tit. - general bons would answer every pitepese, The practice of st ndine to the }:tecutive a treasprz, December 1,1858, 8892,027 76. 'of Erie, to the borough of Warren In Warren three awl one sixth mills. on the dollar In. quints.; it iler selscosS, ri ohm its 'limited 1 e ,,,,„ h e f , •li • e j . I Li . trouper a distan of sixty six rniies, iv, aleo, eluding the . city of Philadelphie l the . en ' tire , , ' means, !is,' lir. nin SucaNsisful i urittion during ' - '"-- num r o te s lame tete y prece ing sad it will be n that the whole stain I ' ' h et. I . • comp etel, wtt regu ex passenger and freight cost of tuition, kc., wad $2.0 17,be 192 ; . 'T. , the fina' adienrnment of the Legislature, is the . tne p tat ear , Wit Mg tluoer it, ceerge one bun- hi hi rt . , . • • I teettonable and ought, as far as availabie for the year. was 8 4 ,7 18 , 377 00. trains now running over it dadv. Making one timeline, espen see $331,4 , 3 S 5; and the whole dred bops while u hile the) are curefully in- g r - • . practicable, to be disconti need. Its necessary The et arm, for all purposes , durine ' huedred ema furty aeven miies of railway, e5t ,, , ,,,, e e f t h e „ stem, i„ t h e s tate, f„ t h e strncted in aligifh use branches of science a hich . n She. period, were $3,879,054 81.- ai r* along the line of the route, that base been al year, $.1,379,073 77. , psrtoin to a high order of educatton, are daily consequence is. either to compel the i:zecutive to approve hills which he has nut fully exam engaged iu all the pea tical operations of the ready brought into practeel o ieration -one Thou h tbe school Year endin on the first fitting them to returu to rural life, „ i d ined. to slim them after the final ntijournment, . Laill'Allitha *Tellable balance in the Treas- . , , . , . J . g . g butteries and seven ;noes ot wh.ch, eveluseet Monday of June lest, was one of eau lliteregg e giterifit dilly of December, 1859, of f t . u7n - feve threughout the Stete en amount and ° el i f he disapprove them, to return them to of sidings, were finieted durin • the a. t ' 1 • ft • tth ii , s yea , r. ieuty in tnotiey n . airs, ye e syste su m al eci d e l f r, !! . : kind ot knuiviLdite which must ultimately pro.' the next General Assembly, wins his (Alice sBlll9-11323 :09. Included iu the erpende lOn the intermediate rrtion Of the Hue, ue tests au encouragirg acto ay in all its depart d lice A Moat beitqfiti , sl halts . I , , . tione. Thus imposing upon a succeeding i Ice u oin this ewe, itw.efit tOT the &mil year, aro the following ' tween the borough of Warren and Whetharn menet, -, . rate of taxation, both f ur cher:4llcl branen ot imitates - . The e practical Legislature the final dispositiom of hills, with , MOW ,eis: egh,le the ' station, a dister.ce of one huedred aud forte tuition and buitilfinge would appear, from the" te e , ~ I woreings of the school, for the past year, have the origin and reetiage of which it line no r m . g redeem - d, T51D. 3 02 -V I °Mtg.!. ninety five and a half miles are graded. official report, to 'hare somewhat decreased.- tni t h , . . T • II tth • I IC le nodes c ono lied. 4 vr; 00 11, • , I . pre s et.. t e trtiStees, aoo bare it in charge, ennneetinn. o 1 entre e C 4,1 A rosu ing sm. , 34 , _eying uut iorty-four and a half miles let to l'iut, it is by a contrast of the present condi- A Itll the Iliglie‘l hope , Of its complete success. from this practice. it - is only necessary to in sere Maas me, ___ 'be graded, to piece 'he who l e of the unfinish- Ilk' OU. pubth ak-bt artfully paid, ti .11 of' the syateui, %Jut that of 1854, when The gre it interisst wind' 1., I. i est %%here felt form you, that, of the large number of bills 1142.21r2 eg led portion of the road su a poseion to receive the aocieees now "pentane, so beim& •ally, hroughout the Commonwealth, in the further presented fur Fey approval. within a day or . ths you, the suns of -.....-........„. tae superstructure. If ne. untoward event acre (reated, that results are most plamly seen. extension and progreas of the inscaution, coui- two of the adjournment of the lust Leiisla- Tbe-furided tied unfunded debt of che Ithalt delay its v.geroies prosecetion, ariotner t'i ithin the. period, the %hole number of 1. 1 11- mends it to our t are and proteetion. I , ture, I um constrained, i, y a sense of duty, to Cotinmoewealth, on the Ist day o f D ecent , year will not pass beture the entire line uf the pile hiss been increased nearly one seventh- The St ste Librarian eel report to Toll the bar, .1858, we- as follows :- road wia be finishetl tied in use ; ales affect' ot teachers, one thirteenth-and the salary of completion or the descriptive and classilled return, with mv objections. twenty-three to the present Legislature, for re-consideration. . YONDILD DI:DT. ing a direct and coatinu net COUlleetniitittldn, teachers. the heat Ilidez of Imprurement, on e . rdi Ilogite of the books In the Stele Lib- lot , 'persist. elms, tie:Ala° 00 Ihy railroad, from the Lity of Philadelphia to suet for males. sod one Meet}, tor females - antlintelzed le the too of I tith of April. I S:A -1% • 1 It is apparent front the exhibit 4 the finan• , COW condition of the ()metal Government, re.' aarreepariet t oor /Arum tt.. ti...ienreinr of rr n ieuer and the 5 4% t $ 3 . 4. - 1 - 1 '''-:' L 7 ' ilie harbor ot Erie. :..s.s..eu oe These results, V. ilia the others which the official work. fro ii the details it enitirnees, of much Le- Menine s on. 4I De. 100.000 us liv the teerty isecond section cf the act ap- report will exhibit, unetringly polio to thee f Imr. but vo filch nil! grently facilitate the Use of - centle made public. that the wants of the I 6... 'er'.'r "/ l' , ..h.ylotht , , referent, 1> tn tAsforramno Federal Treasury will demand a revision of I (comma wits To Cs." 10011 r•cironl -- proved the rith day of April, 1816, entitled duty, se weill as necessity, of the utmost care the Librnry. It will be seen, from his reeort ' the existing tariff laws of the United States, ' "An Act to incorporate the Perius3liltilia rail- and attention, on the part of all public agents', he ri •iii of the Is:leers dates far back in . , that t o 1., aureate:M. l• . November 24,1649. with a view to an itscreass of the revenue tie- tens .ad eneeno...l re teneyinlntu . the hi,tory of the Pro% [mist govertintent, , aiel road company." it ie provided, "that all ton to this primary social institutoei-prenary in rillaPeetfollv and ti ono tlin Informs. that it receil ed the fostering care of the ( um- • . i time esetauset ft a letter to see l'nealentof the United love. of whatsoever Lind or description, ex- importance, no less than in the career of each rivehle from imports. When this revision, Mai 51ai greatly to lie dee'rea, i N a p o . o r w ho, alp. „ eck ,,,,,, II ~ ce _ re.. I Ruined It to eept the ordinary bageage of passengers, keel- citizen. To strengthen, to retain pike, and to monweelth during the period of the Revolution. " hall take Plnees ~, is inter- rell In th• moat. nee that yin, will feithfsilly rom. 0 rate that a proper regard for the induatrial / . . . . t ed ur recetred at e liarrisburee er Pumburg, or properly direct, this fountain-head of social It is gratifs ing. thet, notwithstanding the al aste 'thin Slate in preoerving ue, me.s, of; ul oer=naliautto borders. aseeeme may compel us to at any intermediate poiee and carried or con- it,fluenee, LI, it seems to me, the great duty to which it bets been 'Oat lu past veers, ow- esti of the country will prompt the Congress the to the wa of properlattention - 2 -ulider the 1,1 the United State s . lo Place her revenue, purees tweadara oft or Jtinetoti .0 Into your*: If iia yon veyed on or over said railroad, more than of the law maker, in his bighest and niost re- - ilh • • e ' • • • 1 'on well a basis, se to afford to our may ne annincent that 4 eat ie done with n i dionsaysct to careful super on of the pristent ibrartan, it , Sera up( r f velar Stop. But thoi etmterrpecta ors twenty miles, between the leth d.ty ial March sponaible capacity, ail the framer of the future h ' hh hilt li t • I 1 g eat tninine end manufacturing intermits the a tre e leti r ' ' ,el„,„ tee , r , e l as, since e as at t e c urge o it, near y r dr gii.irding tont. territory and the let day of ''eeeember, id each ander- lof the Stine. doubled Re number of volumes, and now con- largest incidents! terotection. Tu substitute from harnisalog elaugneone to our in-ace and tabus., liy ery year, shalt be subject ti a toil or duty, fur - The attention of the General Assembly t..o us ie all 22,000 volumes-the largest State ' specific for ad valorem duties. on a certaiii al " l a tdiamer 4 " . l k !ot t., o , o 4 , rs u lihiesl o •: , ll a ,. .to tq l. w . lees &epee the Use uf tho Conimuoweal.h, at the rate of , was called, gotnewhat at length, to the ex- Library in the Union, with the single exception ' class of articles which frum their nature are ) With the highest nava; I am, sir. yonre truly. five mins, perribite, for each tab of two thong- • • neeur A. 14 lair. l and d d ' 1 11 b h d f 'd , poun s ; an it sle el e uty o sat _e e tithing condition and further, requirements °lethal of the State of New York. The culler:- ' 1 of eqnal or qesrly equal value,-or to change 1 feovmsconernare isle! ErertaziT, eruatha.ar of rot eye tion of law books, and especially law reports, the foreign to a home calnation,-with a I i the a n l no "ah 27/Taal I company, betweeu the 20th end 30th days of i " t r g . se ,__ hm , l systel", " " lia ‘l3- 's considered by those competent to judge, , moderate increase al the rated aow innoesed, i ' J elle - and between the let and 10th days of "" °L umn I, 1 e, year. It is not, therefore, ' , among the best in the country. The Library.' would, I ain satisfied. infuse new lite and , illfillioln Vs , N or. Inber 15, lq:dil. Ils fall &rangy, 7 lase Bt. tlao.i.S, Pressond p/Uor I' st December, in path strid'esery year, aftesr thirty IteCeSettry to repeat the suggestions atm from its intrinsic value and importance, tine I vigor into all the verities departments of in-; e 1 ta:- Mama 10.4,4144.4 i (coin 'airtime. quart... , .tm,,ott miles or Thore of said railroad shell heye beett I coriclusions then presented. They are it, historic rehations, deserves. end I trust 11 1 dustry. awl. at tbe mute times witiliclut j i b - m w tb h a l an i Tt il qu tlu nd t isart a , e l. " Wr nL ine'rt' ru f f rati " l ' . ' a j . da k .l :iha " )rv i e " iti j a, u completeol, and in use, to cause to be msde i al, eain, however, commended to your rayons- will receive, the coetiutiod liberality of the posing burdens upon the pimple, afford to the i :we Turk and other Plates. to rescue John Brown aim hid i . I out, and filed with the _kr:dater (i eneral, atria • tile consideration ; the events and experi- isgisbiture. 1 el et Ciotti...Lieu %a. The internee General Government a retenue amply sue- ,' weec t st s e m_ . _ . ..V ie... , „ • , esescato enough to ise ri limn.. it convfnero me and correct etatemeno exhibiting the amount .-, • • In my interned address, as well as in my ' t i ent f or a ll i ts witnt ,, t I . mace oi Lae intervening period, haying In- l ast saw * • . that as& attempt rill te. male to re., ne the prisoner", and of said tonnage, so leaded or received, and the message, I expressed the opinion ; Th e . s, • ttl T ntory is• Remission 0 ter er of llf Oust thile. then to eels. calf, so of tha Olate Ms loenderf t h e ' creased the conviction of their propriety, 1 teat 011/ present betaking system was exteetuely ' , distance so carried aud convesed, during i Kamm as one of the sovereign Singel or t h° ' irl i s virt"i nc i i n t 7:„l."y r '1 7.1- u t " ei ° l:l ' e al b tt. ' , 'l 7i ' r ' ,!! ' ul w.l; Total outmoded debt, oese: 7o ; respective period& intervening betweee the! This is "Peeloll/ the cue, in regard to the defective, and that, unless it were teidically I Union. under et constitution legelly enacted, i ward Will eolbrom Mr aw n' s. I tube been obliged to tallow I said 10th day of March aud the 20th day uf Plan devired by the act of 20th of Nay, changed, I sbouhl consider it •n imperativ • • e d tulle and &hie ratified by the ei rec ti On•Usensatal MM., who are Dow omit r arms, awl. a se- Making the public dcht on the first day " July and beiween the ;aid 20th day of Jly 'lB5 d • 7, Jar l•he tie tiaming of teachers fur u3 ` n al 4 ' ) dt t • th Id the Executive approval from ii , ,• , :• : iii 1 1 r o t celotrY. than Call Mt me atawle available torsi of thm l vol Oi a large majurny oi tee peopm 0 . , toe gwe tofu:Fry tato effmct Ilso ...ohmic. o f our lows on the of Deceenber la-t, 838,Q8,961 07. l and ' the ldt dos - of. December, in eath au u dth hopes f S fll e colenneu se o the tate. A u all bil s crentlng new banks. Without again ; e , „ ~ h inneee ve d le tury, will remorse mum tue etationa , I Wand 16th proxisa. Places ill Maryland an 1 Plion- Since the close of the tiseil year, the I every year; which said etaternent shall be tsu I of eon at t teachers, is admitted P p eu gis ink ia deed! the reaso . el whic _ . Inv action on this question, or repealing see As - eh I Le.ialatnre a folds:let which has hitherto ia zar la hare beam °Wolohan ea depots end rendezvous by i tlerapossaloaa, amoLostrami,d tiy guards dr other. ise, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund have f‘erittea be the oith cr affirmation of the re. ',, p 1? ' ti__ a 1 is b - ' In esidtrable , degree, attracted tho anon- to Invade this htate. and ao aio. Lohii In CoultnUol worse 1I a ,to cm tue great nem o t e system, suggestiane and recommendatiens heretotere 'no co redeemed, of the fi‘e per cent. loans, the ceiviteg or forwarding rigeut °regents, or other ! __, ~..„ g ,„ , _,., t, 0.. . e 01 provided for.- made to the Legislature, It is proper to remark, ftuu of the Sating, and which, er , ' ;emote. ofontrattafroin Iles aud napalm on our boob re. fr " ln the --• i I rise masa throe feet. in order that yogi Y tub" Fuca of 8160.000, lens ing the retlol debt of proper officer or otticers, of said company, ; I , l° `":' "l a .` „7"'". '''' . at this time, thst my eouvictions have bate i ture and extent uf the discussions in Con- . ' sPp slope to preserve poets between the States. 1 protimt dust ~., hiving knowledge of the. premises; and , t uerringe indications, in every quarter, ; i n, I m a la ful, and that I disclaim all threats the Commonwealth, at tl is time, fnitdeu . _... . A-. . d if ie confirmed be time anti redectiun-that my opin- grew. has been productive Of mud( critmi Y P rPol° lieeee i uot only estab/ish this fact, but point to the t ' - • • • • h e weee t h. „,4„„, . wiz= I °ay. with ell the might of libeaulng. tt at if athyth.r nt the 'time ot wino 9.11 tetnent, ot on and unfunded, e t ilS,-17` , , i .)6 I 07. 111 we , e t ono remain anehanged, and that I cannot ap- , teen and reeruntuation t- --- - - ---- investauassella ibis Stati or vet' title...esteem any quaraw, or before the said 30th day of July, an d , general adoptioq of the eroposed means, at p rov „f so y Increase of banking . coporetions eections of our (summon country. Pripolar i i tee pomp the lusanera %mow they may go late any deduct from this elan fhe amount of the 1 1 the 10th day of 1) comber, i n e itc h an d l uo distant day. The efforts of the teach- under existing Laws. If corporate pen iteges, Rerereiguty hiring finilly prevailed, io ate i tar 104 1 ...tn.: 4 1,:eitte a wtt.n v:r elan usau u resula them, bonds received by the State from the sale oP to tri retire every year, the said comßany shall pay ' t o , ors, thetuselvee, fur professional improve- tee baueing purposes, are needed, to seem's- I hill, fat. ea feir aduptiun of Pee tuiehuuen- otw e ,„„i e„,,,,,,,,,,„e i , of her public works, and now held by her, l h . ~ , . I ment, encouraged awl eustained ny all w h o modiste the !melte:ideograms (deny portion of the lel le 1 , ....... ...II to. the Territory. eee(ordine to the %gas duo reeteacl i and coushteratein. Tours holy. se follow,: • i t e State treasurer, tue amount ot said State. justice• reoltinta, that such institution I wiehes of the people. thie vexed and danger-, tlitNltY A. WI4II. o' :duly es-imate the valve snd influence of • ' toll Dr duty, so accruing tor' the use of the ' TELTURAPUIO ItEPLTOF GOVERNOR rsextet TO Dodd/ of Penno Dania •ollrind rnm;bny, $1.25 1 6X1G1 00 I should be emnpeUed to protein the commu I a t f ous questien. in thin. Territerv. may nuer be Doane efaunim-r •i t Er' , " rmirod coloPonit 3 , 36 M010 co 1 , Cotnwouwealth, during the respective in- , the teacher ' s °flee, not only foretell this, re„ivieg its eirentetion, by requiring that MU- • 4 ,1 $l4) ed lts satisfeettotily Mid perpetually , euveuxue W/SE. • 1:thols of 1iy,..1.,;...aa5u...maptu0, Sal.ooo tal i but die strotee public' sentiment in favor I see 're hall be • Y a for the rom t re- " er 1 Drava di PalligtLV•ill, -------- I tervening perioas before mentioned. " - I .. . . ei,e . . p e este .se gi e , P I , . c settled. I l ut institutions tur the purpoae 14 question, demptson of its notes. the guMenney of whi h I Bootailser Csisefor, Harriet...aro, Dee. L lese. T ,tal, / L 61 1 . 1 ") ( " 4 And, iu a supplement to the act just refer. Copies of the corrospondenee between the ?b i n , 1. thir Greens/iv of rirpfnio, Rielnikand, re.: we have ,527.307.1 1 61 ilt;ttlie remaining; e d , r to, erassed on the same day, it is fur-i marina the probability of this emelt. In nu • .e . . •t of them:potation could inoniir. All ex- governor of Virginia aret the Governor of 1 Pia :-Tows WSW' of the 25th, havlog been massaat to debt of the C,riiiiionwdsVl l P, the n einei P tti i th 'd d" 1 ' h •ci every quarter, indications of this kind are perienee in this State, and elsesi t here, has de- Penneylvanin. on the subjest of the recent nerrieseabarg i Vlirglele. waa not ree e teed Quid ihl e Taio r ta . er provi c , t rat in case t e sat com• menstrated, that the present system affords lit- jeh me Of sti the diriparaootre to w you refer, Dot A and interest to be provided fur, from !he -more or less strong in propor- I h e d 1 outrage at Harper's.. Ferry, ar4113 beim-- ; Mai& Bgo tar st a I can learn, wu a eitte,of Penally iranis ; tie or no i h Id protect on AO nuts- o ere, eon tle i hall tn t • r•I to I ll P erceived t ri ny s ,a a y tine, di pay tle to . , . trnnemitte,l to theeLegielature. The letter ; Dos roe their rendezvous, (which rod say Wel •nohatruct. ordinary sources of res mine- tem to the force or local circumstances.- person tl integrity of the officers contrulling the i or charge on tonnage, which may accrue, 1 addretreed fry the Glummer of Virginia to the ,al by purls or othersiu.) in tios eta., but In Mary- I t will be ob.erve , l. that from the Ist i In the Second Normal distriet, ceitnposed meuagemeut of the several hanks. For a full' . 14 relation tO them. Penti.y:•anta MY , or become due to the Cjommo i h nice t , un• I e fluverner of Penileybranew was nrisseet to • ' and ' Vir e " ' day of December, le5S, t I RI ‘I -.0 L.IC --sti eay or . d h Les- e- •d h 'UI ler t e proviumms o sat act, t e name the counties of Lancaster York sod r espuettion of my views on this question, I re- ~, s eetfull call th attention of the Geueral As- l ' arr is enbe • darn bier duly. Isetinie hes Do right to mitucfpata that re( illemtata, sod hence VAS tot , ahe will not do wo in the future The lufutmation you Der:weber, 1 • , - .)9, a period of thirteen ! s h a ll b e an d rema i n e i . net on tue property , ' . I I ebanon, au institution, up to the full re- P Y s 1 •ed ' deelleat day uf December, one sewnly tow) last snanal utrazage. recces . until base reeeirisi in regard to e conspiracr to rescue Jobb . q, with nieloolthally, be touul, in the. sequel, utter- LUOiltile, ,102..et.ised meeting nll the ordinary ' pure:emote of the law of 1857, has been TI fI 4 il" Ith ' • d y before Ate efecution of John Brown- suttee) , witiesat ruandotion so tar a. Prnosylrenia of the said company, and shall h • al C pre- te report: o tie . u 'tor (Artier*, e hta.c 1 6 Aettaxi.a.-1. upon the Treasury, there has been I established and officially recognized, and is ; Tremurer, elle Surveyor General, the Adjutant and, thereelete.l% was impossible to reply eotscanaed. Nor will a a perunt any lortion of var cedence over all other liens ' or • b incum ran- Itury, along our border.. or elsewhere to lb made a actually . paid, on the principal of the pub- c now le aucciessful otierat ion, as a State Nor- itienerni. aitol the Attorney General, will be it, • ey . mat lo dine to result the Ceivernor of " p . t. ,, ~,,,,h , ",,,,....i , a r,r.,.. f,,, 1..1,,,, de.p.r. 4,., h 'I '' " B h ees t croon unto Ewe.. e y t e act „Os lie debt.sl, l / 1 0,282 (W. mai school. For its detail& the Legiela- I laid before i . rom and will show, In detail, the VirQiiiiv a lbefore the eve:Wien. The answer Dom other States, who Mar *eel. tm :make ear upon oar j the 9 7th of March, te4S, the tax on ton- southern neighbors Wben :hot ematngem o shell hal,pen 'When it 1. remembered, that &trim., full referred to the annual , operatic's/ of their respective departments for was consequently Kent try tekezrepb, which 0). c...iittiti..o an 3 e.,,f.. , „„te July of . re0n,),,,n,.5 , '-' I nage of five mills per ton, per mile, from tore is sss e ed y the past year. eu:11 egoomil•her 44 brevity' end 611670737 itiin *hall b. performed , nun, o oder all circumstance*, the will this per • od the Liss - edged e , , s he the ' St a te tax i the 10th ef March to the Ist of December, report of the Superintendent of COD:IMOD 1 Deepl I d•h th t e tt th th b y mpresse wit e e at e c 21100ter• tab* care ho ace that her bosun al telly ...reheated. • upon real aud personal estate, from three , was commute d to aLa _. . ni turee mills I Sehoohi ; but, I should do injustice to the , present mode of receiving, keep! Pee . . eidie W a- . The recent seizure of the pu1.14 property 1 situ 7 PALKEn. Ca tem and a half mills, has been in roll I intelligent enterprisefhich moulded, and , ing tt e public revenue, is attire) . ansafed a - thes4Mitest Suites su e limper's litrry. and i as -31 w -------- w - . -- - - -- ----------es I ton, per wile, during the whole ear. 9 force, Ord thht welling for the last year . Subsequently, by the act of the 7th of. the enlar g ed P hiianthr oP h Y which Produ- 'inadequate to the complete protection or the , the teea,,i„n of the State - of Virginia, by . a! ...SiDiecial "I'T . C; , tlipe- Las in-LO receis ed t rem the. ', ' -e„eney Ivan la )Ia 1 8- l b d l y, ~),), um er an cue , were ma e d I ced, this noble institution, es well as to my , interests of the Containawealth inyonred. lauin I I reenectfullv, thou h earnesti . tarok, t ista-; small Land ef deeperiehese, with rum inteetion, --- -e --- e - - i BENRVOLENCS: -We do n t il. ilk a fe-sno Con evinClt ' railroad couipoey, Gia :1,-4:03.1UL of tax on owu frelints, were rto forbear congrateela- ; t t„ • * I e l t to excite the slate pneulation sea insurrection, ..,,,,,,„,,,,, it trait i fch trader ilia. Mainz tni•ved at exempt from the ionnagi tax. action . on this highly important subject.- h ve d wn ttor tion to the &angers which ei. &at a ra a t . _• __. situ fist •ilflarin: of 111. IA r , . mad furthermore, lb X tolltl3g.id, 1114:illg the rt.ceipts, from those Ling you epee the result. It is the first 1 The receipts andensbunements of the ?realm- emelt* do all in their is, aer t . al.esiate tiy ese•y puuible In pursuance of th • • fth 1 e provisions o el . beset our fiederal relntiome. It te a goatee of two eourees of reveeue, less be four hurl- ' frnit of a law which seems to be as much ry are each, annually, from three to four toil- In th a vie• of tbe cu., we do , several acts referred to, the kennsylvania; ' (satisfaction tn know that the nuthorities of 1 . an n ta % 'T e a t: th mt . fi t c ,: n3 , une ant beoe•olent fail do an action tired thee-and dollars. than they nere for •1 ( - 1 h ~ .1 • th i in accordance with the cautious, yet gen- ; Irons of dollars. At times there iii on band a ... . . rai roa company as put into e 'lrma- I % irginia possessed the means and the deter- aware In ereurdence with their phil tottaropie views, than the preceding y car, it is a source of cote ' • ' erou character of our n . an i. tis i t i s e d . : balance exceeding one million of dollars. The ' . . mutation to punish-effeirdere nith promptness 1,, n fly eallfog the •ttention uf their efllettel Insane mid ne ury of the Cotumonweuith the following' s • r -r " . State Treeaurer gives security to the Common- 1 . eaintanove to the fact, that Ii• horn S Ileitis, of ics gratulation that, widi r such circumstances, .• , , mirebly adapted to effect tbe great end in d justice •-tlint the miliFtry force of tue itheerio street, Ilaltinoire, lid . Imo dist-tarred a preps , sums, 11.1 . 1 wealth in the sum of only eightysethousand nn . , • a reeult se fas orable has been produced by , sor the ascs , y s eadisa N ,,,. 30, tut 1 . 1 . 431 ej I view. ; dollars. lie deposits the wieuey of the State , United States wom a power iurtnediately avail- ratios, (m.o. Is put up 11l the forio of a pall, that has a . eplociflo action for [grin,: Epilepsy, or failing fits, spume, the ord wary operation of the Treasury. Do il a no • LEA /E. so i All that seems requisite to give full, effect , when and where lie pleases, and it le paid out , able to aii in putting dewn tne outbreaK anormu, and all forms of nary... disealell Among thou, lb 4 . " 7K33 aa ss s sa ' and general success to the plah, is, li this upon his own check exclusively. Cis accounts ee nins t th e P" I,Ile c ' ele°:-th " the °lave wire hats, been perusal:natty cured. we might meattou a Fur itetr'y tw ) Nri-d r 3 pact, the State hag I Do ado do lei& 112.5017 741 1 • iented with their ctnitii- melodic of th. fames , of Ja lien U Beanie, limiter Ills, teeu entirely f-eefrem)lie ownership or marl , .n e dn q v , isga ug . gari 54 juncture, to guard it from mutilation, or null- are inn were teen settled dbv the Auditor General, our' a I"'P ulat • . . Alabama; lir. 11 P ISlonl i re, Cabin Point. Sorry wants, nzernet.t uicaeals sed railroads, rind the grat- , lit,.. se do lege *Lola 51 1 cal change. It the intettigent aud liberal minds , month, and tits ie, apparently, the coney rite- tide, and unwillieg to neite with disorderly Va.. awl llr W, 7 !Aron. gretiado. 1105.i...ppl lit • Might do umeratoug a marnber of others, untii we bad On. al° IK ' W 1 " ' 33 73 that are now weiglang the project, and contem- guard provided by law to prevent the Illegal , white men in mete of It - CA.. 00 and murder ;- se o. se Irving result, thus fir, is, that her pub'ic debt e,, 6 , j , . .1... lees tc..ees - to i . tietly /lied op Cita culdnlO of our paper , but wit think a• ' 41/..11.111g ita otztessioe tet other part, of the State, . upe of the public funds while under the control :fel that the great Intleste. uf the people liven is now lees than it LAS Iscee ' , Mee the year l Vii Jlr 1858 th 'I eel easer I Lave said Nati ient to wita n ike. err perion tlllt the subject ne° ti - " ° nu re mrri • - ' al ;Wit assured that this is the settled policy, their of the State Temperer. Thnt the Treasury of no at iniintlie, wliateser, a ith unr attack up-: loaner eoutleration is u d !Ifni i aportauea to Beier 1811, ',tin: i, decn,..si,,z at the rate of nearly • refused tO pay this tax, and consequently there ff t. one. lisontsr . af you are a well Man or woman, ant har• 'll be concentrated their activite in- 'si r tutione til anv of the ,e or wi • . ,• te ommouwealth las hitherto escaped from on the rig'tte and insti . oue ruillion of dollars p,e . annum. It is now is uow due irom mid con th 'Featly, on at ae- creased and finsl euccess be hastened. Where- diseetrone defeleatioir, is owing to the iutegrity State's, :mil liner a deep *lel abiding devotion • no lewd of a ronowly, porliopo yua boon Reim. parade else morally certain, that notbiog hut the grossest, ~ count, exclusive of interest, the sum 0f5350, ' -, • as. reamed or important changes, trill destroy of theofficen. and not to the efnciency or the to oup greet no,l, gitutiow Urdu'''. Tu en. Its Le not poetry bleated aa yttu-aa‘f, if a. tut oat this homiest and Donn it tt, tam or lur It will einit yau but little, diut mismatiaeement of the Il o ienc:ll iiit• resoi ot , 403 00 . this groising confidence, crush the hopeful ef- laws ; and while our main reliance, iii the fu- Pene , llvenians, it 10 gratifying, g o b e li eve pio)rabli bc it t : i o rp ll o inak• or y , T, t i d a:t . ru ir sita i ti r to „. l L i a ll „, c u u log y Pon.* the State. Carl piece:lt its sure aed Tee /y ex forts now being in .de and postpone for years, turr, must be on the honesty ot the officer,' to that the citizens of this Commonwealth bare !, ' ;‘,,in e. ,,,,,e„,, e " a . ' I. "P "' tillgOiStlMelit. \VII e -huuld nu: Pennsylvania if not totnlls destroy, iill hope of success In this. whom the departnient is entrusted, it is. Beier- not, in nr.y manner. participated in this un-; Ur Hance peel. late pills tly mail, free ot postage, to all press oues.el uetil she is entirely free Crum part. of tba world, on the ree . eipt of a rriiettiticc it,. essentiel department of public instruction.- theleee, the plain duty of the government, he las fel eruccesling and to know that %Alien debt? Site is no Jaeger engaged et the cen , pocoe are : one be; '•ii3 , tar0...5, twelve, 521. bli e bar• The tr le cieir-e will he 10 cherish the law, and prop r letri•letive enactments, to prevent, an ' s f - .1 . 1 • ' , foe n • le gui pi , ' perpetretors were arreetett, goose his Manse man addrees abor• pus. 15 lso Iftniiiinn of great works of automat improve- bring it into ec tor sloper ttion, by holding out fir as po•leible, the illegal, improper or truudil- a !thin our juriediitinn, they were promptly --- -----e -meat. nor is she the proprietor of radrouds or the cerminte a ,Stste ali so each institution es- lent nue nf the feuds or the State by a (stablest • A PIIYSICIIVB TLSTIIIONT. canals. Relieved of these, governmental ac tabilshed loader it as soou se a eertein number, or disileneet public agent. I respectfulls re- • surreeele-ed tu the justice oldie ulfeteled nad t If &Loan rizza il treer co , Ito , Nay 21, 1555 tien iiit greatly simplified, and is now happily to be fixed le lee, shall have been Itgally re- coeimend, that pruvotion be melte br I LIN that •. • 'Mitred State. Dr. C. 11 Jeckann- Sir' About tro leers ago I limited to subjects of a parely gosernmental t eenieed. and ore an full operation. The ineney no mon, y -hall be depoeited in any bank, or Ihe several States of thie I:dion are little- bil aonsestly• chills. wh en completely penetrated my tried. sondem that far usontlis I doopair•J or race••ry.- allaraCter. Haying ceaseelleto be interested of the`State, apprepraited in this manner, will , ei..ewlieri lo the btatte Treasurer, w ithout first pendent seyereigiities, except so far as they Jo. a natural loonseclo•ub• of the dengeroise sungestiou of teed certain enumerated powers to , beset te la. teersee escee (of internal orgew) I wee in ordinary basil/es& pursuits, 101 her plain effect more benefit, in proportion to the outlay, requiring arCuritv to be Oren to the roinoloii- iu ' Ve g ra duty to devote tier beat energies to relieving than in any other of the operations of the sys- we ilth fur the pitimpt re-payment of the sillns the reeler& Govern/neer. lis cases nut pro• bow effected sots seismic le lanileatina of the liver, stom ach. and aphaeo, assaminuteen with palletation of the heart, her people from the burdee of an * onerous tem. The instructiou of the child, is a &toy% i deposited ;--that all checks, issued I I .o tat Stole Tided for in the Federal Comm i tnt.un, tre eel- and a lose troin uf distreiming netrudo syuiptOnia. 1 tried debt. When this great resets., shall Mese been but the inetrnction of the teacher, is economy Treasnrer, shell be countersigned by th e A tt e,- : ern] States, in their ramie's. to each other, ali the motel nuudiaa in •sou At len* I was iodate-I t i br Joy b other to us. i• Ur 11-blend a Gemmel Bitten," 110000Ipliqt1041 the ueeeseary expenditures of RS a ell as duty. Jt will probabl) he ads ramble tor iecierel. Lefore they are used , and the dal., ought tit be govereed hy the prinelpfeewiltei a, Le eon they bed al inut ma rvn him of Dyspepsia TLey en ecouomical administration of the paver:it to nieke such appropriatlons, payable only is hen lv ac, aunts or the moneys receit cd, deposited regulate the esitelact of eirilized tiatiussis.- aff•irdeil Loa ,uomell•to relief, till In nos week after I b.- pent, cau be readily met without the imps'. tee schools are leemlly recognized and iu full and thelinrsed, shell he kept/a the office of the Theee principles forted, iii nil nation., "every, rus asiug them, I lieu able le pursue coy ordisury asses. 6011 of a State tax 011 real cc personal estate- operation This course will hale the double Auditor Ceneral aG well as iu the Treasury 1)e- evil practice tending kJ excite disturbance in lam dementio of becoming your sweat here, for lam effect of guarding against loss by the State. I pertment 7 not that weekly stntelleenu 01 the another State:" and are h.unded un the um ilaat that 1 can ull a lug* a moult of the genathe - the remaining sources of revenue iseitig more : • precis, lam ?Willi; up a aDe store at this piece. me that' stifficient fur all legitimate porposes.-- and ui stimulating, into early existence, a suf- Isalonce; in the Treesury, and the places and maxim, tlint "different nations ought, in time alsoiln toneider my stuck ot outfield,' I alphas sritbstat ficient uutniser of institutions to supply the ex- 1 nrnounts of deposits, shall be kept in ii book to of peace, to du one another all the good they your invaluable preparatatau ValP ttett end, so anxiouitly looked to, is se tstmg want in es ery quarter of the State. , lie prorided fbr that parpose in each depart- call, without prejiadieing their real interest's. l °Romig w. ISTRATABV, M. D. CU7I4, Ole wisdom, as Well m sound policy, Tile period forsthe third electlon of County , inent. , This maxim, recognized by a I d e eibtei t ie- ' ne v e b er. N a orv "t :ors t a latl i i b tain i d f . " u ".,`,1 . 1'.,'",'"" . .Z. dieting& that our resources should be othefully Superintendents is rapidly approaching, and The rommilitners appointed in purstience tenements, &applies with peculiar force to the °adored Kaoline' Tla y, f h I w n 11 . or art Li. per ono eatlis MI me hathanded-that none of our present souices the public mind will naturally be turned to the ef the reeolutiOns of the It-oh-of April, leoe. to se ver a l s utte e s / t hi s u nt.m. h , tui ,i c „ ,„ ge th er. wall. For ad* by nrogra AAA storekeepers la. every of pevemeteationid be'eut off, or diminished- results of the office. My own observation, as eeviee the Penal Code of Oils common" eelthi as they are, by a tittered compact fee mutual :4,7= gest e r:see " nee, ". 1 :71' 4. ..".`1,:' e ratp.`" 4 :4;. w .`", 1 1.1i t.bos_alit depertmeng of government should v) ell as informatioa from yerious and reliable; bare presented to me their tinal report, which ; eupport and protection • , *nut therefore any I you ' get Iloottu&I's titanium Bitten. 14 ' eon - salt it proper ecoeotny-that all extra's. sources. leads to the opinion, that this, office, 'is here% ith transmoted to the General A/views' '-' • - • • • • •' •-' fur side lay AO. But/Wer t Agent, Gittrebargeatad gut and unneceiseary appropriations should when filled be the proper person, and ita duties ply. Its importance to our whole comtuunity, , .i. ; attempt in one State, to Incite ineurreetion in dealers suturally thrsugtiont the moiety. Idee. 11. lot be avoideeleeend that every new scheme for dischated in full cornplianoe with the design ' aed the great labor devoted to its preparation, , h e , e , ensnarer ' u • , le un &Lice against all the States,' .4. e. • ~. - --ee - - --- - `einbarrasilleg tbe Treasury *Load meet with and spirit of the law creating it, bar been of', commend it to your early and earnest attention. ~,,- --"e • all are houod tf awe eonstetuwoo te I TUE CIREIT ENULLIII EXIIELIT'-aill JAMES ut duwn such dtstarhance ; and the act of, Cr' IRKII' I3O,I - 444 •v0u issstis P 111 44 prepared from a .xmacited condent tindery. lgreat advantrige •to the schools. Indeed, no fr Tee meaner in which the duties of the cots- r by Sir J Clarke. IL O. Physicals Netracoda- ElleGtll - 446 6 /, EA are the results cxf the past candid person can deny the fact, apparent to I mission have been performed cannot fail, in my , isms the Presideat of the Uuit- "' nen*" C . ° l_,„ rett auth° .. * . ,„. . , , _„„„,,. , 1 Oar/ So the quire . Title well tissue aasultedos ha so ino two Yeacal It least Mot ' be forgotten, thee we even slight obseryation, that more improve-, opinion, to receive your approbation. MI MAW 21:1 can uut toe amnia of We leffral pedGeosa,lbat • sure ani4 safe rowdy for /fisarociaisakitsge kora helves c.wsztenced the paymeut of the meat has been effected in the workings and re- I • I - 1 I commend to your fostering caee the State I • d i Slate* roe the parpolit It is a higlf offence euS (7344 r 3e33 ' 34, 'nu* tar eau° whatever, and althaiogit a al rousedy, they contain soothing inutile' se iste, commonwealth, fur teases. Tin Atalurtco bustles It it peculiarly' soft.s, principal et hrieibl; fad that to Preeili t % a , suite of the system, since the creation of the Lunat • Alio lure, at Ilarrisbure- the Weenereel a ,,P inst * P l*" 44 me -1=61111116114.' ef the male finance% aid 1 office Of County Superintendent, than in any I p e . i .„ " iT ik ar i , u osp i n d to r t h e ie • ottsosleepeswelea i tthilli kV iftrileditition, to I lt will. Ig• *hitt Ulla, tom; ea tharsoathly What with mane, at Pitts e ' pedal stirring entnhlett let y fissure - continuance of its redaction, !previous period of eren double duration. It is' b ur __ g ) tlie As) tuna for tali Blind, at Philedel- 1 e elu o inu al iSimill t o , _ llb _ r iti , 7bwa• le hewewirree beaftworn filial .b 445. the from Y vis utifnifeetly the first duty , true, that when exercised by incompetent offl- e i Vise -the Asylum for the Deaf Mid Dumb, at . "'y '. i , ''''" 71 , A e n Sq u ' i•lsl e as la 412 . 046 . 0 "S 4 MP nr PssoPidol us wwil abaerrod. aa -of tboutpiesoi , hp tbe Conatitulloe in charge eers, or crippled by insufficient cbmpensation, hlladelpbia-thePesinsylvaniaTrainingSchool 1 iwille* ,__ a llte ci _ el l eesi .„,: i . iki ti nt : . fkat r s s ._ l° r°'l"ll°` l'utle'lagsg*" "rall."`“ I's" ' l's N. 1.411 nail 6 swoop damp sos - orthe Publin Tremiary. end to wliont belongs I Hutt., If any, advents& has seemed. But this ' for idiotic and feeble miuded children, at Media I a• ""•' • "‘ • ''''''••, 'e ve !' awl." f ,„7 - 1,,_” , w ,,„ _, '' ‘'"V"', hied Mesa will memo a 303474 a r.""si alleillKelylir rigikt of raising, econtunising and kis no argument against the office itself; and it Is e -the House of Refuge, at Philndelphia--and Proper, in num ors woo„. - ueuecai , were await. Wholiode a oppeopnoting the public catenate I earnest- ito be hoped that the directors of counties gin e w estern u of Refuge, at Pittsburg.-- 1 Assembly to whether sildifienal leg-1 l ' IP ' D7 ' 43 a 54a . A. D. gassier, Asset, Gettysburg. ly ocoameod<this whole subject to the easeful heretofore deprived of the benefits of this amin e ese excellent, charitable and reformatory I Weldon mar 1114 he "4 ' 40 isigeordsbel istaitioo' sof the legislatare-entimly satisfied, i, eY, Will, at the next election, " in g ' lnd" the I tate institallens have done, and are doing, all Pe t auP° P i tuathilled °flea ° P latt h I i 1 teachings of experience at home, and t e ight , shwas it is the most site of all the. interests react inceleulable good, in the relief °fingering • oar peace sod simorig. ' = is evi an 'of success from other parts, correct th I d eiamdthed to the chem. of the General As• humanity, aud In thi s reclaination and reform of 1 itill rithermining oar *Mies towards I realize the fell benefits of this prole 'sion of the I - awe** wyll receive that eoguideratiou which / the erring young. They have strong claims up- , oar sister &etas, efeervitedw is 1 tier. • ,On the - euntiuued bawdy of the Cemasouwealth. l eat an i x twee are tatemd by the iteriapatienett so eminently demomis, The increasing ewe and soundness of oar fi- 1 I The arm uisi reporti of these noble charities ylllll6Ol ' ef the souspses .4 II Au ilit *MIMI! _ I commanica- . oefieittl condition, will, Melo rape period, ,be laid before you and will eznibit, in detail,' the thiiiitosollos wo have besaiwoosht tsil„.lktihs - Creaertl Assecos g _Nal ova, up to, !justify meaddition to the common se Doi sp- I ; their operptions du ' ring the put year. lies° in 1111 141 1 114 Mid preserved artddllyentleht that. poood, '- had beg; dtlee OfiQr tie ad, en - I propriation. The general policy of a State i I refrain from recommending, as proper oh- ! &goo. onirdlet be' 'el byt pnn Mani -44004 4.pt bw the ode oldie &ate cones,", ?as been that elfeh district shall raise Within . jects kr the beauty of the State, a number of 1 tioodMir s fii, norms the- . woke, olamb April 21.,, 18.53. gibes thelllijoara- itself the main sulnutes o f i ta own seb " ls ; hut % 1 benevolent and charitable associatimedl e m enu r 1 Of titeleterat &est reemptiser, sad .- lielkt t Wialf , aoPOletePes 111 14 1 10) 0101 1' tlyi a n annual il unatien. alaseb abible anad g s " them humane and benetiosas in their operations etes- /a eroy soas yrs 10.11the oldeemahosimbeeejtmest. to am, firths compli• elf, In proportion to population, has also been . ; cause they art entirely loan' in their ammeter, as. milMatim ei=f • ' a part of that policy. The object of this State and loweTer meritorious their daises may be, • t t I eatertaim so *ohs et greet seems te be two - fold: Fi eet---it e ;_ a a a illtid unqinestioeably are, ttpelPthe respective' m e a ns of securing seffeloraY I d 'b e P ecneeem.a g e leommunitiss for wntpartiesler ase they ar " P eril " , ''''' and reports etch. severeldistricts, _so that the f oun d e d an d mo d I happily In my oplakoo the; ;• - - mime , einteet of Common &boots snail have the b ore no c l a i m , ispo l et `• 7,'T- mit i, jey o f d o g mas Ito requisite infitorwuttloa toe the dee discharge of w hi c h oss t iiii ressi , sre i es 4 w ig s e .i est. „psi to ' the will • P It. f uLetiellet And toce ad-4I al fe tkru) in the interests and rights of Kier sultioner ef the l'i °loft Iv w 1 some degree, the Iterdeaorlottal taxation, to the / c ooteeeewea i t h . _. . gems, te_be relief of We - poorer had mere sparsely pooped p as T u : editor of tbeColoniatiteeoids turd Pena- t° le " ' - districts. Animus* of the wool appropria- „„ • Jo s hi sss t ies ~„...,.ed a cosines index - doe weejd teatime both limes objects, mid, . 't'; t h e v i o l, we a r. ; . 6 %1X - l iiti b e - i s m .b e r eee whenever thellbriaces et' thigoveewasent wilt t h e uirietattifo,ot ow sularder of - eemkoi. Petit It, estemereds Wolf ere thol li m s bi ° °cut- Viis mthlleadoreifige* IS • i sbleratioref e the•Legisiletere. ce aaeldhetims ts •'' ' tlais -Pe iiii '0 4 4 She imill*ete beill WWI I * , ' eilasy, ea welt . ' '. ftllbe Bate, plitosoir etti4did US' the . soto ri V l te i st et thersinaers' 4 the Otte* of 199, are . ; ifigta.ijihaokoty it; itt l'iSstar ' fivipees sot/ it s46Pl oiMm to r iplajUn e =a. Marl:Nett appreeie onof the aftrftitetwhich ' Melon welch readers . thdi oa Tea bulb& Alibi UNFUNDED DEIST alms ocitemodusz, mem* - Do. •• , do. mici,amed, Domestic molders, Tioo Itaf sada' ,kbt, Making the entire debt of the Common wealth, at the -period named, $39,488,243 , 67. The funded and unfunded debt of the, State, at the close of the ht 4 &c al year, i December 1,185 D, stood as follow, : 1 0 per real- Wear, >F !'3O On a a.. r,tte.',1:...5 r I 44 do. so. '3lO IA) 4 du. luuow uo Total l'uncleJ .14t. VDIM DREIT Edict lioas In eircilutp.o • inUrnnt c rt,li,ates LILL. 141//1"1, Dninesik ernalwrs, 341.:L55 67 11.'5.3.5) et ::t157 12 / Wt.: SO 111 1.1,,513,.44.1 sr $101.213 DO $ 1..41 s or 2 4.4 1402 :A) On the 2lst of February, 1859, an - account yra s settled, by the Auditor General, against ' the company, for the tax o-. 1 tonna,ze, from the 2lst day of July, to the'3oth day of Novetnher, 1858, inclnyive, amounting to the sum of $B7, 37.5 22. From this settlement, the company, on the 19th day ut April, took an appeal to the court cf commoty plaits of Dauphin county ; end, in the , tpecificatiuns of objections whtLb were filed, it Wati averred that the tax was unconstitutional, and an opinion to that etfcct, signed hY• eminent counsel, was Sled in the office of the Auditor General, at the time the appeal was entered. Je August last, the cause was tried, and after a full investigatior, and argue:el l :, the constutilmality of the law ;I:p -ipping the tax was affirmed by the court, and a verdict and judgment rendered in favor of the Commonwealth, for the amouLt claimed, with interest,. The case has diuou been re moved, by a writ of error, to the Supreme Cunrt of the State, and will, probably, be beard and determined, by that tribunal, in the eourse of the present winter. On the 23th daj of'August last, another ac count was settled against the company, for the tax on tonnage, from the 30th day of Nevem , ber, 1858, to the 20th day of :July s 1853, amounting to the sum of $159,368 58, from which an appeal has, also been taken bo the railroad company. and whieh will probably be tried durir.g the present mouth. r. - As this question largely affects the revenues Clf the Commonwealth. and as the principle in•l -volved is one o) the first importance, I have damped it a duty to lay before the General Assembly. sgtgeortist. iu ,detail, the history of this tai, and the present condition of the legal oontroverey growing out of its impimitioo and enforcement. - nt will be observed, that the power of the State to grant chartered rights, end ocuptwate privileges, to a railro a d company, upon the condition that it-shall pay to the Commonwealth a portion of its eandegs, in the shape zof a fixed tax upon the freesit carried'twer the read, is guestioneei by the I tompany, s.s4 that, too, after the grant has ' =bop. elect, lid *bile the corporsuon is ,in fulY elliloymeoßot all the beoefits oonfiwrad "Spa itZisy its chaster. Thequeetign, it is troe x i ua lanai one , sad it 4 decision, therefore, pets', with the -judicial._ department of _the govern-1 meat; but, 1 have,not the iligitteit tkatbt, that thadecieiothiritee had, triH Wifely vindicate the right of themeet talifipotte the tax, sod to compel co o of its own creation to obey the taw from which they derive thwir exieteemm When it is remembered, fret Abe w i g was oelir ti y: imposed, is ordier MI _ dimmi llft —elh- is till A SO*lll' ,4 - 44116151 1 111' #11: 11 X a so seauseir * a ( b` todwilh ilm**;. znate cilisi mitlystei fowls ',00 6,1 " 4 4 1 / 4 0b$ 1 4 111161. " - __._ _._, soredly loss away. Penns)lvsals, in tlir g od!'" rm ess--.!e t her sow, set 4 is *h future, be ever ready to dis• 4- eltirte hie(*tidalerste duties with unflinch ing integrity. Theowill, her proud position, entitle her, boldl7 end effectually, to rebate, and assist in oresiling, treason. whether it shall raise its erect in other States, in the ruins of a fanatical and irrenressiLle conflict, between the Nerth end the South; or assume the equally reprebensiLle form of nullification, RecelFlOn, and a dii•••riltition of the Unit:m.- 11er central eeti;;raphimil.posititiaii stretching from the bay of Delaware to the lakes—with her three millions of e?oservatire population— entitles her to say, with emphasis, to the plotters of treason, or either hand, that nei• ther shall be permitted to suceeeti—thnt it is not in the power of either to disturb the per. petuity of the Union. cemented and eaneti• ed, as it to, by the blood or our pittriatic la thers—that, at every sacrifice, and at every hazard, the constitutional rights nrthepa)ple and the Statesshail be maintained—that equal and exact jo4tice shall be done to the ij )orth and to the South—and that these States alien be forever United. W ft, as a people. have great reason to ac knua iiiidge the Providence of God, who rules over the nations of the earth.. Under Ina guardianship, hitherto so signally enjoyed, we feel an unabated confidence in the perma neney of out' tree government. and look En.- ward, with ehreerful hope, to a future glorious destiny. In the blessing.; that hate crowned our own Commonwealth the past year—in the sIICCCAS that has accompanied all our indus trial. pursuits—in the steady advance of our educational institutions—in the quiet awl peaLe of our doniestio homes—in all that can advance a nation's prosperity and happiness —we recognize the hand of the Great Giver of all Good. - NVALIAM. F. PACKER. SIMILAR & 111111 WWI& ire MOTH ua arms illarrefartar•ry of Wino Loiri, Xi b. KbsMs.fo 41.41•tisolat Drags. ' city sorkthroirtry 7rorrrikiirica wits 1 riihotirgoili a.d *4 miceptibble yr isrpoell .Sr Orr taralwbow, ao* sold Ipy net Joliid *gawks • • tw niodifilw,COAFtel yew admit roak. 03 N RW "I more poafite iiir /1 *ring, feeling full _ tile finest sqle llr invtie theptteeller, perieui% anything:tit *flintie r -- cull and estivate rpecuneps of 311t)N' .se are pnrparea to ail - disk._ )NU.II , - TOWN AND ..1113A,pill't)NES,„ ItA k tißL 14,A s' Mit LA US for rahloot-ruakerolindrnall appertaining° tipttraitinest, at tie ldweitt pot siffle pikes: We deka hesitate to suarentee that our work shall be pirt opts measure leas. stantiarand hist'eful equal to dig beet to . b• srcii in the , cities, whirs trfertiesproseumesk which experience has eel/Rested Is 4.1111M4 and especially der we paraatee that our ammo. tery and G rave Vard work shall bite° wanly set as not to be affected by frort, bat iluillasease. twin fur rears that creetaessof gajaitioaviren at the completion - of a job, and flilloceeearrie enntine4-ft eracefulness and symtuetry.,. N0v.7.8, It+s9, tf THE subscriber having renpred his Nam 4( blutinoto to East York *Telt, f short 41.7 LIIICe below St. James' Churca, would to the pnblic that ho is still prepared to favithalt nil kinds of work in Lis line , each as !loss. luients, Headstones, kc. kc., of ovary vattelp of st)lo and finish, with and without times adis. so. kvt,, to cult purchasers, and at prices tzar the times. Persons desiring anything ig will find it a derided advantage to examine stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere.' WM. 11. MEALS. Gettysburg, mA 21, 1859. Call This Way! TUE subscriber would inform tho public that ho continues his MACHINE 8110 P, in hambersburg street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he lois ',Arlon.; kinds of Its. chilies on hand. such as Threshing Stsseitijesse i , Corn Shelters, Cornforlder Cutters, Cinema* Hullers, Straw Cutters, and Horse Powers of different kind+.—tu o• four or six -horse, to sail piirchasers;—indeed all such tie can be had at Hanover or Little , toa H. Also, Mortising Ma chine., for house carpenters, put up in the Tory best and most substantial manner. Valkinig Screws or long Bolts. any kind or size less than ele‘eu feet in tength, ulwa;•s attended to, as well as Turning in iron, casting or wood. Also ail ki n ds o f iIIirAIIIING on Ilachinery,dressiniesp Mill Spindles. kr.. doue on tho shortest unLiein„ The undersigned manufactures SiOedthOir PATeNT HORSE !Ufa, which he offers at tba Lowest living profit. lie is likewise agent for the iti.:APER it MOWER manufactured by Joseph Shireman, at East Berlin. I hope that all in want of anything In my Hoe will cell at my Shop before going elsewhere. It will warrant all my wut k to give tattisfeetiols purelLicem April 11, /859. Iy* GVE CS A CALL, !—The undcrsigned,ltime just received from the cities our butustall•• stock of CLOTHS, CASSINIEIt CASSINCTSI, VI:STINGS in all varieties, Sc. , suitable forth. su Lion. which they oiler to the public at num. cedentedly luw rates. • •• They ask a call, To convince all" of the truth of this assertion. !to tremble to. show goods and give pries. A large lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING also selling cheaper tlian ever. llarmenti :wide up for men and boys, as Ni ue], in the very best manner, and according to any style desired. The irork being done In , their o i rrn eitablighment, they are alltaya ert- Hbled to warrant it. Remember, their pirmtia: business is the large and commodious room - Joining Cobean d: Culp's, crielfhambers g street. JACOBS- t it 8R0.,' , Sept.l9, 1d59. Merchant Tape . New Oyster Saloorit. , \ ••.'". IN kilibocriber has opened new Oyster and 1 . Eating 6 aloon4, on the south side- of r r ; l' ambersbarg street, near the Diamond, (ttr,o doors below kleo. Arnold's Storm) where - i s. nil! receive+WEßY IMY, (Sunday excepts and sene in the .Inrions styles, the best gus of FRE:3II OYSTERS, from Baltimore.' keeping a good article, ha expects to reests's a; liber.L patronage. Ile nil! also supply Oys ters wholesale to other establishment'. llio Bill of Fare will, however, mile counts'• ed to Oysters alone. Other articles intim Si* log liue can always be had in unison—alto • nice glass of ALE. 1 pal-Entrance to Ladies' Saloon at the aea t tes , ..10‘.,r of the building—to Gentlemen's Woos Si the door adjoining it on the west. . O. F. ECKENROLT; ', Gett.Fsburg, Oct. 31,11559. ..., 1 Ladies' and Misses' Shoos. LZDIES' fine black and fancy colort laZsting Gaiters, fete black Court Lasting Gaiters, fine black Foxed Cassgaiss• Eng. Lasting Gaiters, flue Morocco is 4 Bouts, Ituttoned Boots, Ate. 3lisaci 4114:4414. dren's Shoes and Gaiters of every'i'aii4jia,',, Ladles arc very respecenlly Invited - Wad/JIM examine these goods for themselves. trouble tt. show goods at IL. F. McILAIKST*. , - House and Lot t , -,--; 1 rOR SALE.--I will sells smilinwalll. .1 1 ing HOUSE AND LOT, on Chaos: . hersburg street. Also, several lluildi , Lou in the Borough. UEO. AIR,% Siettysburg, Sept. 12, 1859. ti - ' ... More New Goods ' - e A us s T the Sign of the 1310 1100 T, Su Chi burg stet . We hove just re urge stock of HATS, CAPS, 13001'S, . Trunks, Carpet 'fins, riubrellsto,..Uuggr ness, Collars, Whips, .lc., and are de to sell at the lowest price.; pouible for aut.—, Call and judge for yourselves. Oct. IT, IVA ,C 0 KELLY A' GTOK". riIIEAP GOODS—PRETTY GOODE.—Taih• neetock Brothers hu,ye just teturued front the cities with tluis 4 Lsrge4, preuicsand cheapest assortinent of Goods, ever Offerlllreo 01411 iilolll% We hare an unusually large. andigtheajt Milk" ihlaities, and every variety et 41111111V1 Drees Goods. Ointment. Cassioutts, trimptio* ke. ,Coll early and examine for Wa will satisfy you that our Coodsar* ally cheap. No trouble to show:G t oda." FALINESTOCK Oct. 17, 1859. Sigu Ladies' Dress A"' IT.llllllg at 20, Delanes Cloths a► at - the it. Shawls, • see theta, widow! So ao/s2C. <woe SO pit,- Marble Yard Removed. DAVID STERNMR. Just in Season! New Goods— ./ es is week. IC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers