101 . 116- 11 0 //it NOUN I'l glig • sami e tlllll4tl lam oliesk Aa4, ••••••dal a& eselise it* *preen web se baba. 11101 . 411 IL" MI WM Whin Siltbsega ea US. nammelas Galli/11ml at 13-34 see., milk ir Ikadissi. Barris bite sod lb. Milk aid Ir.'s'. Lori Getty*. bug sa=t-, weevil*, et liesever Jaselais era Ilkda irsisAo Salaams LIT, te. web( eae tf whi peremeeseelhe ema, esi Strda awl IrssL 811.4111_11. puips4. =deetilaelb ae=rtio SOrtilftS ihdlievy bath lambic sad aftersooa. lITCRAT, Pr*siJaaL Aw...sitar Elastic Cement (I,—Tbe subscribers are prepared to emilmmetual put ou sit tim - sboruout motes, . I=7ll Co..' PAM? FIRE AND WA IL/I=C CRYIET ROOFING. Itispud tire mud WWI, proof, and le pellppli is aqui, if sot superior, to iffq sows lipelleg. It me be pat ea over Ua, Ilur, Wm, is Weide roots, bowers: AIM or steep M I AS of resisting the irleteeats of are and wain Rsidelas by yet been discovered equal to Oki 4111 Wis °swat. Item Irlo• bore teed it, nave testified that It WOOD eery sorthetios of Roofing, and that there M hothor room for improvement. No one Win WM think of patting us shingles, when this otriong era be lad for much less mosey and will elltweer font shingle roofs. This goofing is werrettoet as repres.mted. TIN newile Naiad is the cheapest uld beet proteerhe from deur for wood exposslWto the mother of dampness of the ground. It is also dee Istelt a rit for Iron, e ff ectually preventing mud; wherever applied perfectly totaled's 411 =11bere base this Cement for sale, In esimilltisi Wish. For further information, ap- FV-W P. J. t C. M. TATI, 'Cagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. 21, 1159. sf Notice ;TO AND MERCHANTS.—We 11111Mn1 BOW eposed oar large and commodious , ea the corner of Stratton and Rail road streets, sear the Depot of the Gettysburg Bs*owl Onalpanv. and are prepared to recei)e Mlat all kiads, FLOr It, WHEAT, GIN, OATS, kr. Also, on hand and fur or& Gasaos, Plaster, Fish, kn. A large eaellkat Groceries just receired, consisting of Cases, Syrups, llolaues, Oils, Race, teas, pices of all kinds. Ced.tr-ware, kc., kc , wiiob we do not hesitate to say, we will sell u low as eau be bought elsewhere, wholesale and rota& dlarchants will do well by calling to see sad ma gas our stock before purchasing else where, as our motto will be "quick saes and staall prolits." VG would also call the attention of all inter im* la the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses. Hogs, kc., to the fact that we kayo Ale sale Breinig, Fronefield k Co.'s Chilleibrabrd Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of width ire hare sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds pet awn to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER, BOLLINGER et CO. Gettylberg, ept. 5, 1858. RemovaL subscriber informs his‘o4 ll, Meade sod the public that be. iimpared his large Boot cad AMd lbtabtliksiest, to the sontheast corner ateipatte Squirts Gettysburg, where he has now embleelload will continue to keep for sale en ex -11188119 VBriety of work. of Ina own manufacture. 1111101rDirk is Nude up in the lest and Inz , st cra usionst, including all the newest stvlei, and 8181Measse BOOTS k SHOES, Men's, \i'omen's alkilires't GAITERS, in short, every article UM* to tie Naiad in a first cla9c establ is h - awe Wee Wad. He has now and wilt continue to kllffhisesployed a number of workmen. "hard 80111181." to make ep customer work. That he will CRAP, is easily proven. Give him a sailli ag asatize 11.s wi Bo th o u ts, ne S xc h e oe7 and i Gaiters, and ork aad CV Mate, he * hopes for and e P sp i eets s e fair w share l im ihe r t e s o LLic . patroasips. era are informed that be al - es band ,4 UPPERS, ' for Shoes and Seedy' km bottoming, which he disposes del plissing terms. JUILN BALL WEG. egit. IS t 1869. ly Something New• r•iIITTYS . BCRG.—The undersigned informs lie aitisehs of the town and conaty, that be Illeissen mil the BAKING business, on a Wt. Wags, la York street, Gettysburg, nearly mamba Wattles's Row, where he will try to dam" and hopes to rsoelve, a liberal patron aiWßßEA.D, ROLLS, CAKE, CRACKERS, P , 0 ELS, Ake. kn., baked every day. (Sus ilstfillseepted,) all of the best quality, and sold ACllllleloveat. hying profit 4. Cracker-baking In APIS breetedsea is largely carried on, and orders WSW aleouat, from this and adjoining coun ilea, supplied at the shortest notice. Haring anseledahlege and oonnnod ions bake-louse and .1011.1 the best work*as and the moat ap masehineq, he is prepared to do a C r erbutsbresa. My 25, lan. VALINTINE SALTEIL Globe Inn. FEMANICSTO WN, Frederick county , Md.— Swim been renovated and rrtornisked, pinneriellier 11401111111 the public that a call Is oft marled, as he guarantees full satisfaction is •Tp7 CU moderate. T EN IS HE KR, Proprietor. NO. 14 6 19111. tt 'se • Adams County MIMI FIRS MiI:MANCH CO ILPAMT. Incorporated Lamb 11, 1851. o.TPltt't 11. - , , ... 1. ° .' ih7r.i.o liseviiwy—D. A. Baehler. Irliamorar—David 'tenuity. IMairstem Claisaaaar--itobert McCarty, Jacob Mob Autrey Iliaatselasaa. Siationo-44orge Swop*, D. A. Booklet, Jo aiSs Lag, A. Heintz,lama, B. M'Curdy4 Thos. A: litardall, 8. Fahnestoek, Wa. B. 114:Cloth's, Wohlt.Wlieost, U. Richelberger, Abditi P. Gilt, Jobe • liford, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, Jaw garaor, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell, D. WOMM/Is Andrew Pulley, Joba Picking, J. B. Menk. AMPITbia Compay is limited In its °wa ft's.* las antaty of Adams. It has bees in amesollaNi operation for sore thaa six years, sail is Sipa parka bas paid all looses and es peonssomilAssis any asausuneal, having also a large sarolies sapital in the Treasury. Tht Com paq employs so Agents—all busiaesT being doeseby the Ilaasgers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person dairies at Balaremoo can apply to any of the above poi liaastrers for farther information. rTho Steentivs Committee mama at the Ortbs Company oe the last Wednesday Is wow Walk s 2, P. L V, IiSS. ' Mint Jihrsrybody Wants. UMW DOCTOR: esstalals; ls plata hoe Ikon amodical toms, the uI tatOCTIIII of disease la Auk with KIM MI IN 13 • Tit, sad Diss Ma ociate for Ile r , mbar, and the how Iseataaat of Oa This booth is vriaes las plsia, navy sat sty* sdkvos GRP/ 124 0 w Ami/7 log laratidsal ma. It advocates so pavaralas at iltegalae. bet draws alike best the lip 70.4 am Maas etch* fisollea, eta) et lisztla, for ORAtil Itastadias as WO Wei 40 44 mamma asciest. ,Metter amuse Ina bead OM Giver at an Goad boa ia 11 0 6 0 11 . 6411 1Peeits. Ratko poolsoi io weessilO She pbMogoo, bat air% aooki Oloomoi, oft ago& of call iii-ushmseprja dalasesse area It is la joistishia lhadf, alino at Nand sad imiriioo.ll Peg 11 1 10 *lOO roosipiooy osimielOoroo tow dim 111 east . jo wattlas 1111 jpsips,, hi a char sal etas OROS altadested li - eamteepeltatt oogrovisso, mriodabo aselowitol toper athlete, 1044 fogiefwa d 14.". iLwum ea.o4 lOn IS• waiwirst lad I. 1411 - 11/41 - 11; NNW armee - • kre V? kW* /44; 141114111111 111, W it • fa *moss inivs es• eau. tivip tit loal amolvoll Own to dike so lee oi s tart 43•1101111111MOMINMS, yostodio, he, olailiolorlho mow yilitlblbiw olio Se So milk so oopro olty arm *lf, Wig all, omovino of tb MIA at tees ommoolos. No trouble to garb sad_ sivo_prSoso. • largo lot et -1114.D1104,0171131141aiee mak( cheesser rhea ever. Gamest. made sp to .ea wed bey, me se sal, la the very beet .maser, sad easemsdkag- to Cook and Parlor Stoves. say style deeiret. TM work Masi Mee ht &Mir attaiglifinsi i = l " an° 14 r a es " low ?MUT weld respectfull Is- mo w te wansm it. their puce of 43.. seal ibs, 111.. lo t.( ,_ Mei/sees is tbe largo aad eoesatodicras roost ad- Wog erne Tiv i r&a, walca b e 00011 jtoialag Cobeaa k Culp, oa Ckasebersbarg at prices to eali tjle street. JACOBS k BROr, ktettyabarg, Mg. 25, IOW ' Sept. 15, MIL Merchant Tailors. Farmers' & Mechanic's' New Livery CI A TINOS UDYFITIMIGN 01 ADAMS COUN TT.— freekk mere 1 / 2 ....f.--Deposite roar mates ramie is this levitation sad re ceive iatamitt at the ease of from tato to Sear pay twat. This Lastitatloa Wen a sa/a, eosreaieat mad proBtabie depository to all classes of people. Jaly 4, labt. Gnarl and Produce House, tQN CIIAMBBRBBC'BG BTREBT.—The un dersigned haring purchased the larip lding in the re., of his store on Chambers bursburg street, known u " Camp's Brewery," Ms converted it into a Produce Warehouse, sad is now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain sad Produce, to wit : FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATH, Seeds, kc.. fur which the highest market price will be given. lino accomyuodate those who may prefer it, I will also receivs on CUMELSSION and forward Produce of all kinds, has itg made ar rangements fur that purpose with 3 responsible boas. in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES of all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Su irsr, Volaases, Teas, Rice, Oils, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, kc. Having just received a very lathe vipply, purchased on remarkably favorable IgrdE, I um prepared to furnish Country Dealers very cheaply, aad will sell at all times, WHOLESALE ANb RETAIL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I ans ctotermined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. on the principle of "Quick 6.tlas and Small Profits," JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1859. The Cheap. Book Stare, Tll Philadelphia, is at No. 224 North Second street, (between Race and Vine strisits,)—. sTALILLANIO MUMMY a QC•STIII Or a CIZTVIIT Akio !—and still continues business on the pato ciple of the "ssisaLt sezpirace," it. Constantly on hand, and sold to Country liercluats, Booksellers, Stan Keepers, Public and Private Schools, Colleges, Academies, Teachers, kc., at Wholesale, and to everybody at Retail: All kinds of School Books, latest editions, Fools Cap, Letter and Note Papers, Slates and Slate Pencils, Caroline, Red, Sleek sad Bias Inks, Letter and Note Envelopes, in great variety, Copy Books, Cyphering and Composition Books, Blank nearest sad iffeneetendese Books, many sines, different ipnelittes and sedate prices, Steel Peas sad Pea Holden, Wrapping Papers sad Basset Boards, Almanacs, Diaries, Lead Pesti s, WrWag Sand, School Rewards, sad everything' else—he side' Family, School and Pocket Bibles, Hym■ Books, Prayer Books, together with a large Stock of Books la *very department of Litera ture, and saited to 111V/7 taste. serAu at the very lowest Nett Cash Prt ees.• LtARY, Glen k CO., PVILLSIZILI ass Booznatz.nas, No. 224 North Second street, Philadelphia. (Particular attention paid to all orders by mil. dog. 22, 1851, Ma Special Announoement XROB TEM QUAII39 CITY PUBLISHING HOUSB 1-100,000 Catalogues, new, en d and revised—now ready foe distribution. Superior inducements to the pull:ie.—A new and sure phut for obtaining GOLD and SILVER WATCH BS, and other valuable Prises. Tall particulars gives in Catalogues, which will be sent free to ail upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 eta. to $lOO, GUABANTBED to each pa:chaser. $lOO,OOO in Gifts have been distributed to my patrons within the past six months—sl64,ooo to boar tributed during the next six months. The inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other hamlet/a the business. Haring been in the Publishing and Bootee - ing _business for the last eight years, my ex perience enables me to conduct the Gift Enter prize with the greatest satisfaction to an. mar AGENTS WANTED in every town• and county. For full particulars address DUANE RCrLISON, Quaker City Publisillng House, 33 South Third Street, &pt. 18, 1859. 4m Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Wiasneli CELEBRATED TERNIFETIE 1 LITER 1 2 PILLS—We beg leave to call the atten- Sion of the Trade, and more especially the ill Physicians of the country, to two of the most popular remedies now before the public. We ml refer to DR. CHAS. WI. AN CEL EBRATED 3 VERNIFUGH AND LIVER PILLS. We do e ., not recommend them as universal Cure-all 4, pe but simply for what their name purports, viz g a " The VLKILIFL'OE, for espelling Worms from ... 00 the human system. It has also been admiais tared with the most satisfactory malts to vs- rions Animals subject to Worms. The LIVER sm PILLS, for the cure of Lives COMPLAINTS, all era BMOCS DERANGSKIINTS, t•ICI LIZAD-ACHZ,ko. pp In eases of Isvls AND Acce, preparatory to or after taking Quinine, they almost in vans-"Ni bly make a speedy and permanent cure. len As specilics for the above mentioned die eases, they are unrivaled, Lad never known i to fail when administered in accordance with =I the directions.' Their unprecedented popularity has in- dueed the Proprietors, I? LEMING BROTHERS, ow PITTSBURG, PA., to dispose of their Drug ...." 1 0 b &sines', in which they have been successfully engaged for the last 10 years, and they will p. now give their undivided time sad attention to their maanfactare. And being determined that Dr. Y'Lane's Celebrated Vermifugs sad Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuriag the Best and Parent materials, and celspoand them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROTHERS, Pittsburg, Pa. P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from °than than Flentia,g Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and Weems 4ist Dr. A r s, prepared by rum*, Brer a burr, pa. To those wishing to give Show a trial, we will forward per mail post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve Wee-omit postage stamps; or one riff of Yer miter foe fourteen three-Dent stamps. All or dos tram Canada must be accompanied by twee. ir seats exit*. For rale by A. D. Seedier, Agent, Gettysburg, and by dealers penally tbrongiout the toasty. ltv 3, 1343. If Watches Jewelry, A ID SWIM 111FAILL—Ife woo 4 ros p eet „. bk.• hay leans *nr Maw* purses sad tin pumas ly that In ban.** spume' ear New, Wstok, Imam Sam *ad Plaid Inn ksabfigusimt, at No. Cl 2 Matitet saass, vases vs ebr Witulds sad latail e ss NW lowest Comb Prices, s lam and•rely *Doke sleek of *very diseertptios of goods nasally kept Is s Gros-eissi Wst46 sad Jewelry Saws. we hope by untiring , aorta to accommodate owl phase mai ow 16 Maim all oar Romer pa- Pm; but omit moll Moserics lamp meamssiam to Slas send. - ivory isotriptta elthortosi Week sad othar Jorrikey sorts to WM& to Aid hoOrto es=twarreoto4 to to is . to. attestiork 'ma to As ragotaiag at Wallobse art Joirege "my WPM it Jtlta, Na. NS Mirk* amt. loth arlo, kaorliphir. jr. I.—w• torotimo oar 014 Ow, No. 10 North &ow& oltoot, Ihr a Abet Niro ostr. Av. r, FM • Ss : . FASTABLIIIIHNIXT.— Cutts, . IL "rata has epeaed • sew -, wr ... I . t very establishment, st the stables tollieoll ea Washington street, occupied is part by the " Eagle Hotel," and has made such smug*. mints as will saabl• his to accommodate the public at all tines, on reasonable terms, with Horses, Buggies, Hacks, itc. His stock is good. Oa firseral octasioaS, ke., he will be able to supply • want which has bees much seeded. Mgr Terms CASH. play 24, 'U. Here We Are Again 1 itUST from the city with the best and cheap est assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES t twe hare yet offered, calculated to please all persons in.quality and prices ; SUGARS. a eery large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Rice, Cheese, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cared HAMS and SHOULDERS, Lard, Shad, Mackerel and H-rrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets, kc.; Baskets, Flour Sties*, Brooms, Brushes, kc.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly on hand ; Fancy Goods, Confectionaries and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords us pleasure to show on r lge and inciting stock. NORBECK k YARTLN. sburg. May 30, 1859. Getty Presser River •• rkrTDONN I—Cotato to the Store et Orem ki mount for Bargains l—The seders's-sad would most respectfully inform the public diet le has purchased the Store of John Weikert, at Greenwald, Adams county, half-way on the road from Gettysburg to lizanduburg, where he expects, by attention and small profits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of new Ris stock of DRY GOODS, of every deocripties, Groceries, Cowhictionaries, Queearware, Wooden ewe, Crockery-ware, Hardware," ke., is large mad varied—equal to that of say other Bret class store—sad be will sell at prices astoalsklagly Ha only asks a trial, to prove the truth os thls asiertioa. Couatey produce takar to exeloage for goods. J. AUX. HARP B. The uudershreed also carries on the CAR RIAGI-hill Mill business at the rune Ono., and offers rare inducements to purchasers. He will warrant lds work good, whilst his charges are among the most moderide. Repairing done o■ short mottos. J. AL= HARPER. Feb. 14, 1100. ly The Om are Here! gL LI, THINGS ARE READY I—The ceder \4 has the pleasure of sanouacing to old amatry biends--fkreers sad merchants —es well as the siemens of Gettysburg, and "the rest of mankind," that his new and com modious Werebeese is now open, sad that he is niceiviag GRAIN t PRODUCE of all kink+, for whick.he is paying the highest market prices ; and while the public can dispose of their pro duce to the beet 6dr/utters, they cm be supplied return with Groceries, of every description, **astatine( Salt, Oollbe, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, he., he:, also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, Cider ware, and a thousand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheapest is our motto. If the people consult their owe interests, and act wisely, they will not forget the undersigned. Hoping the familiar Giese of all my old customers will meet me again, and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor to please them. JOHN HOICK. Gettysburg, Nov. 22, 1858. r‘T i b Mi rr7r . , j. C. GU INN k BRO. here just received sad 4 , are opening et tt e r sew store oa the Borth -west comer of Cesare Elquare t Gettysto arg, a large and complete smortmeat of Spring and Bummer Goods sad Groceries. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call sad examine oar su perior styles of Dress Goods sad Vsacy articles, sabred/kg everything coning properly ander this head at prices not heretofore equalled, and in quality surpassed by none. GILNITLEMEWS WEAR, of every description, emulating of Cloths, assimeres, Costaetts, Coatings, Veatings, kc., which cannot be surpassed out of the city in quality sad price. Gar stock of Grammies Is also complete, while every other article generally rotted la a Dry Goods store eaa be had at the "Railroad Store" of J. C. Qslaa & Bro. Believing that the pals lk eta salt themselves better hers thaw else. when, we &trite thee to give as s eall. For the proof of oar assertion, call and examine oar stock, eves if you don't bay. [April 4, 1555. New Grocery. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—The sab scriber respectfully informs the citizens of town and country. that he bu opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors east rof St. Janus' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assortment of goods in his line—such is: Syrup, from 40 to 70 lents per gallon Suzars, all kinds ; Coffees, dif ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt., Fish, Cheese. S4)citch ground and unwound Pep per, Alepice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mustard, Soda, Ginger, Starch, Rice, Teas, Candles, Extract Coffee, Cbooolate , Concentrated Lye: Brooms, Buckets, Candies, all kinds : Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Letisons. Oranges, Fan cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, Ac., Lo, Butter and Eggs bought and sold. He in. rites the calls of the public, oonvinced that his amoriment will please, both in quality and pries. Ho is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. WM. Z. BITTLX. Gettysburg, Dee.lo, Fine Old Brandies. ryas estiscrihars, Importers and Dealers in WINES I LIQUORS, woald most respect fatly all the attention of purchasers to their Old Rstablislimest, N. 5 North &reef, PUerkiples, where they have • large assort ment of Wises sad Liquors of the choicest brandS‘and qualities. Haring made arraage meats with some of the first houses hi-Caplet and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the followiwg brands of Cognac and Rochelle: BILLNDI2B: .120wilit, Hammy, Pellet-21os, Pipet, Omnilliou • J. 7. Dtpuy h Co., T. Hien, A. &siestas, Hasett, of rations brands sad qualities. Oluteipairea, Madsen, Lisboa, Ohl Oporto, Tenerife, hatgliady, Hoek, Mascot, Motet, Sherry, and Malaga Wises. Beßoad Gia, &beldam Beheepps, Jemmies Spirits, Butch sad Irish Whiskey, ?snob, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Bleier, and -Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wise Bitters, Ansurdeis Bitters, Lc. Aloe, 4We sad Sole !Proprietors of the Old Whist Whiskey. Outlast on hand as 'e lusive stock oflies old bloaeagabels, Are sad Bourbon Whiasy, Ovaries& ;pules, somas of which are gursatort to be imperiar to say is the somata, ail et vkidi ars highly laspreved by ago. From oar lour expertisee is the buslasse, sad a thorough kaoriedge of (be tastes of the euesseity, We tatter paralyse to be able to Ail all orders that say be retreated to u. Orders tram tam coast,/ arsysost re spectfully rolleirml) ell s promptly otroodml to. Groot eon likes la poetise sod shipplog. agran goods mat from see amoUishotoot ore toed Is girt vtii Cl* 9 Mks esagramt. 111111MUM1 IRO Itseth Ihsetill., • 111/k. IF, UMW tt ILDWO RAISILILIIO-4Wa4 004 1. B shmile bpai owl oil bellindrim4 aim miss et TAMIIMMORM New Groeser liters.. now LID %U 00011116.--alir t UM t boo jaeg rogologidoi Ode Soo egrese. • fro don above 1 111 =1 111 &Mary or .ours, oho larva ow* geogigge aggerogose ,grageriol brogOig 04. traburgigr a log Os%amigo= Cabe. (four Uslig.) Sags , • (hoer Moisorgra. Syrup. Mod, Misekarel ?rook , Ogou Osge, Sutter, liegp, 140011. Eat, is short every thin oggaily baps is a tree•sisie Cir=talkur• MONA moist pries paid fOtO*6ll - saga is easbosee Gook. og a .sll. Bei year CITIMPOries wi ser . you will be sure to go Oleo pod sae cheep. sir Hove?' celebrated arriticr INIK for we. [Nor 1. 18$8. OW Thla Way t ELlsubscriber would inform the public that continues his MAOLIDIZ SHOP, la Isenberg street, Gettysbnrg, near the Foundry, where ha has various kinds of Ma chines on bead, such as Threahiag Machines, Corn Shelters, Cornfodder Cutters, Cloverseed /fullers, Straw Cutters, and Hone Powers of different klada,—two, four or alx-horse, to suit purchasers;—indeed all each as can be had at Hanover or Littlostowa. Also, Mortising Mar chines, for house carpenters, put up is the vary best and moat substantial smarter. Crating Screws or long Bolts, lay kind or size less than eleven feet in length, always attended to, as well as Turning in iron. casting or wood. Also all kinds of REPAIRING on Machinery, dressing-up Mill Spindles, ke., done on the shortest notice. The undersigned manufactures Moaos.s's P HORSE RAKI, which he offers at the lowest living profit. He is likewise agent for the REAPER • MOWER manufactured by Joseph Shireman, at East Berlin. I hope that all in want of anytLing in my line will call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers. DAVID STERNER. April 11, 1859. ly• Good and Cheap ! T•UX undersigned would lido's' his friends and the public generally, that he coeliac's& CABRIALOZ-ILLICIXO 81381111[89, io all its branches, at his establishment, in But Mid dle Street, (near the east end,) Geuysburg, Pa., whore be has on head a lirst-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order whatever may be desired in his line, viz :—Bockaway and Boat-body Carriages, irlailat-4AI Top, Rockaway and Trotting Beg gist, Jersey Waves, Ate. With good workmen and good materials, he eau pledge his work to be of the beet guilty—aid his prices are among the lowest. 'Repairing doss st abort moth., and at reasonable rates. Ooastry prodooo takes is *schwa's , * for work. Calif Juno 15,'67 Still at Work i COACHMAKING AND BLACIESMITHING. —The undereigned respectliffly Infbrias his friends and the public that he coiniones the Coschtnaking and Blacksmithing busing:li in every branch at his establishment In Chum bersberg street. He has on hand and trill manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagoms, hr., of the best material, and made by superior work mate. air Rarmaure and BLACK/11171MM of all kinds dons at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COVSTRY PROM:ICI takes IA exchaava.for work at 'Dirket prices. itirPenoaa desiring articles or work Is** Coacbtoaktag or Blackenliking Has, as mo. spectfully luvited to call os JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII Gettysburg. Jan. 24, '69. I :111=1113 • New Firm—New Goods. rpHE undersigned have *stored into partner ship in the HARDWARE k GROCERY business, at the old stand of Deaner t Ziegler, In Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, JES., sad ask, and will endeavor to damn's, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have just retest ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods—consisting in part ofßaildiag Materials, such as Nails, Screws ni ce Bolts, Locks, Glass, le. Tools, Including Tools °revery description, Saws, Planes, C heels, Gouges, Braces and Slits, Angers, Squares, Gauges, Hammers, kc,. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vices, Rasps, File,', Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Sails, ke., with them, very cheap. Coach Find ings, such as Cloth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Azies, Hawks, Spokes, Felicia', Bows, Poles, blahs, lc. lihoe Eluding*, Tampico, Brash and,French Morocco, Lialags, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, It., with a gen — dal assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, he. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittannia, Alkali& and Silver-plated Tr hie and Tea Spools Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel sad Toags, S ad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pass, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, kc. Also, a general assortment of forgedend rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; CAA, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERISS, a full and gem eral assortment, aaeh as Crushed, Palverised, Clarified and Brown Snort; New Orleans, West India sad Sugar House Moliumes and Syrups, Colhe, Spices, Chocolate, Rine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turps:4lns, Fish, he.; • fall assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry sad I. oil; also Fire-proof Paints; In fact, almost every article In the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Blackansith,Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low fbr CASH as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANSF.R, . _ WAY B RIGEIT ZIEG LER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Notice. r:undersigned basin retired from the ereantile bruise's, the same will hereaf ter be eontlaaed at the old eland, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry B. Daaner sad Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner t Ziegler, Jn., whom we will recommend te, Lad for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Raving retired from the Mercantile business, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those In debted to u either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to eall and settle the same without delay. The books till be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNER, May 25,185&. DAVID ZIEGLER. Removal. ALEXANDER ANDER TRAZZR Clock and Watch maker, has removed his shop to the room e West side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Bag., si a Lew Office, where be will-always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, be hopes, by strict attention to business, and • desire to plasm, to merit sad receive tb patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 1110 Luinber & Coal, 1R sale by NA B TR/N3B kWENTEN, New Oxlbrd. OGICEIRS, WILL FEED, ke„ be, Tor sale WU/eagle and Reda by ' ILANTEXSEI I WEITIIII, New Oxford. Nirrs. Wiest Dank pekoes paid for Grebe. Noy 10, SU. OW Lime I Lbw I osiarsipedl have mail arasaii, ___ol Masi shay will be ready ta aeseti LIIIZ is say asastisies, al Mrs lowest Y eons as I'. Railroad is soasplalad. liboy art ramira rawai i rassiv• *edam. MILIMEILIS 6 KURTZ. Nov. 22, 1868. Groceries, WiI=SALA AND ead Besse by the barrel, Ceiba kW seek, and 611 Grateties, **Uwe by the weestity es to tweal MOON OO M * St prim time de- yf u et 4, FAHNINITCat SUMP. Q 111A1116111, Ilhaaris.—.. r tS r i r ighor ef fa sobs, *he A. 'Ora IN NM Norm L fions. 111 1= of Oho moosof Osumi of One. OM lIkWI I kW la tYOaaMUr,ISSIPOOV AO Se linsinial, end Amens if Oho OwlOm Oro' imod ?.mbar, end and 4111111envalp, Ihr thatrisl all_sapiesi and aim oiadsso in the odd dkildet, sad Isms Sim= nod /we I. IN.- Iri M :DJ= :0(= 'lyeatlaer, end Gaseral MI Delivery, kw the M of all mania! sad ether olhaders in the Candy of Adams—hare Weed their precept, I Yemen dales 0101 20th day of duract, is the i . ear lard one Gissessad _eight hundred mr_ and tom dbestad, for laWag a Court rim, sad General Quarter fiessioas of die Pesos, sad Galore Jail Dellres7 and Court of Oyer sad Teraisar, at Gettyaburg, ork ireaship, the 21st dor if Nowtaber sea—NOTICE BUIET OMEN to ail the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner sad Constables within the said Coasty of Adams, that they be then and there la their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, lairidsitioas, Risatiattioas, sad other Reinashruness, to do these *bags which to their cares sad is that behalf smarts& to be done, sad also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are er then didl be Is Gm Jail of the maid Catnap' of Adams, on to be the. and there to prosecute against thew es shall be jut. ISAAC LIGETNIR, Thal( Sheriff's Nice, Getsysbarg, Oct. 31, len. to TIIVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND r 4 LOR IN BUSINESS, containing plain and simple instructions to Everybody for transact ing their business according to law, with legal forms for drawing the various necessary papers connected therewith, together with the laws or all the States, for Collection of Debts, Property Exempt from Execution, Mechanics' Liens, Ex ecution of Deeds and Mortgages, Rights ofMar pied Women, Dower, Crary, Wills, he. By Faux= Cam", laq.,of the Philadelphia 8ar.... 384 pages, 12mo. An entirely new work on the subject, adapt ed to the wants of every citizen of the United States. Single copies sent by mall to any ad dress, on receipt of price, $l,OO, or in law style of binding at $1,26. • 1,000 Agents wanted to canvass for it, with whom liberal arrangements will be made. Ap ply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 817 Sans= Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 17, 1859. , 2m f. W. Scott, (Lau it, tio Ara of Ifindiester 4 Scott.) ENTLEMETS FURNISHING STORE, and Ur SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 Ches nut Street, (nearly opposilte the Girard Hone,) Philadelphia. .1. W. 8001 F would respectahl ca/1 the attention of his former patrons and ly &leads to his new Store, aad Is prepared to 11l orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect At guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with Visa Swan and COLLARS. Oct. 17, 1859. 17 JACOB TROXEL '59. Dry Goods for Autumn. '59. IrOLL STOCK OF BILK GOODS, Fall Stock of STAPLE 00005, Full stock of FANCY GOODS, Ficohlobable PALL SHAWLS, Ct.crru, Cummins' Aso Taarrtioa, B Qtrzos, Talus Lomas, ao., BYRE i LANDILL, Fourth * Arch streets, Philadelphia. N. B.—Black Silks Wholoads, at low rates. Bargains daily fro Maw York Auctions Sept. 12, 181111. Sts New Agricultural Settlement MO ALL WANTING YANKS, a ram oppor tanity in a delightful and healthy climate, 25 miles southeeet of Philadelphia, on the Cam des and AtLittle. New Jersey.—An old estate, co listing of rat thousands of acres of productive soil, has been divided into Farms of various sires to milt the purchaser.— A population of bone fifteen hundred, from various parts of the middle States and New Rag- Irked, have settled there the past year, improved their places, and raised excellent mope. The price of the land is at the low sum of from *lb to $2O per sere; the soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat, Clover, Cora, Peaches, Grapes andiregetables. IT IS CON SIDERED THE BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE UNION. The plats is perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer.— Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now growing and can be sees. By examining the place It self, a correct judgment can be formed of the productiveness oT the land. The terms are leads easy to secure the rapid improvement of the land, which I, only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that within the past year, some three hundred bosses have been erected, two mills, one steam, fair stores, some forty viayards and peach orchards planted, and a large number of other Improvements, washing it a desirable and active place of business. Till MARKET, as the reader may perceive from its location, is the BEST IN THE UNION. Produce bringing doable the price than In location, away from the city, and more than double the price than the West. It Is koown that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables In this latitude comae from New Jersey, and are annually exported to the extete. of millions. In locating here, the settler has assay Write taps. He is within a few hoary' ride of the great cities of New England and Middle States, he is near his old friends sad associations, he le in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and civilisation is ►t hand. He can bay every article he wards at the "cheapest price, and sell his produce for the highest, (in the West this is reversed. he has schools fee his children, divine service, sad will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers are utterly ankuown. The result of the change upon those from the north, has generally bees to restore them to an excellent state of health. VATIIIIOIIII' supaula In the way of building and improving, lumber can be obtained at the mills at the rats of $lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every article can be procured in the place, geed carpenters are at hand, and there is no place in the Union where buildings sail improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at once be .track with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken u before.— The reason Is, it was never thrown In the mar ket ; and palest' these statements were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land befbre purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land tater ealtivation, sad such is the extent of the settlement that they will so doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor hood ; they will witness the Improvements and can judge the character of the population. II they come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or two sad be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held at re fusal. There are two daily trains to Phil= and to all settlers who lowers, the Chirgoteer gives a Jlio Aor anuthe, mai Asif-prwas Naive Jar tivar years. TAB TOWN OP 19LlithIONTON.—In cameo tiou with the agricultural esetleateat, a new sad thriving toys has naturally arises, which pro bents inducements foray kind of beeineme,par ticalexiy Nam sad Neaaahalaries. The Shoe bamboos' Gadd br oseiad as is this place sad Market $o pod ad s, a'so °oats: business, and staaalhatatiss at astioaltaral laplassats Sr ICIUMWICS lbe assign ma articles. The bispressasat bas bass as rapid ss to lama a eassatai mad parnmassa lamas, busisess. Tows leas at a goad Ass, ors do sot sell mail Os, as It vball alba taetapatemsat plass, sea be bad as frogs BM sad upwards. Tha Allsmineas Jleasmr, a assilt/y *haw sad atrioutsral Asia, soselsfwd la fathom- Sias atlisnassato, an as abtalastl at SO ova plit MOM ries ballipstabisreastat deals gbins, slam it al issaabassas alas maser is ii tL fs, Undo is tha bad: lases Vise Mast see s9s nrris4ahr.„.x. thm•i• - ami Ir issV a. = rah. missals as Mal. bad slopattli Mr. Bpsal, spbs4si„ am Map bare desidid at to parOst be. sill slaw 800 erne the bad kbilssallsils, lbw et aquas. Lat ta, sad applftellifttlilibs 11461 6 1m11111 dis k arms, ilamissass P. 0., Atlantis «... Wiles , se IL L pea & m a FM Mask MalkilAilarbibssiss. ties . .1141111141:1= I T - Mr • paslllVinsi imp; _ *skit*, Mink goo ;I s itilogiaail gab ai So 001,104 ,1111pipmseco9,,. $l,OOO Agents Wanted. P Now 6 Ma BILIN3 WAX, SEMI PLAT it=ll/1, I. WAUIR, Quid aad Na. 10 Nem Gee erasure, IRAL.. 11110fte, MD., has le more a hosed's' asseet• mad er styles sal patters, of BICH JEWILRY, seeable be peomm, embreciag ruatGold aad Sett Broaches, Oar- he., B set with Diamond, Ruby, F rlit he., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest h Mask Ylalatur• Loeketa, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Mae; Most, Chased sad Plain Gold Itinp ; Proeclis and Pena, Sieve Buttons sad Stubs, Gold as Jet Crosses, Jet arm:Wets, Plas I Bar Map, k, 'A L 8 0 A variety of Silver Mounted lk Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Batter sad Snit Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Fan , Articles, he., all of which is respectlnily offered on the lowest terms ! ge„.The Country Trade and Dealers geoerally ire Ter - it'd to give me a call, and examine Goods an d mess, bekag satisfied that my SILVILEL WARS canoot be surpassed either for dueness or qoality, or the latest and most beantiltil patterns. Jaweary 17, 1859. ly JOAN C. KNILLIII. 1. A.. MGT. Kneller & Prick, rg,UR & PRODUCE Commasion and For anting Merchante, Nord arrest, opposite N. , B. Depot, BALTIMORIL January 17, 1859. 1y DASUIL a. WHITI. JOIII A. MOPS. White & Swope, WHOLESALE Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, k STRAW GOODS ; also, in fashionable Moleskin, Silk, Felt and Fur HATS, N. W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard streeU, Balti more, Md. (Nov. 29,1858. Artists', Painters' AND PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.—The subscriber has constantly on hand a fall assortment of materials for the use of Artist*, hiaSersemiPittorteprispiters. Also on hand a large and beautiful assortment of Shim:cope /aura swats And Fie% embracing every variety of Foreign and American Lesaiscapat, Statuary, Parise old Rural Grove, I te. The beauty and Interest of the Sterescopic Views upon the par lor table' tarnish a never ending source of en tertainment both to visitors and the home circle. OOTINTRY uncaaarrs supplied on the most liberal terms. W. A. WISONG, No. 2 N. Liberty Bt., Baltimore, Md. Jam 27, 1859. ly Geatie Bokee, ligNM and L Dealer in CHINA, GLASS, & rANSWARE, No. 41 North Howard St., smell Lexington and Payette Streets, Belli sere, Md. [Dee. 20, 1850. ly Holum Furnis hing GOODB, No. 11 North Howard Wiwi, two doors worth of the Howard House.—The undersigned, having made large additions to his stock, is prepared to Danish Housekeepers, Country Iferchaittewnd others, with such articles aa they want, os the vary best torsos. Bacausa : Whitewash, Sweeping, Dusting, Paint, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Silver, Shoe, Scrub and Horie ttrcuthes. Wooun-wsas : Such u Tub; Buckets, Measures, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Rolling Pins, Butter Prints, ke. Brooms, Baskets, Mats and Cage. Masser's 6 minute Ice Cream Freezers- Sdtigerators, nvight and chest—the most approved kinds. Water Coolers, is Wood or Metal. Tin. and Wire Safes. .Arthur's and other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pro. serving Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block Tin, Britannia and Plated Wan. Albata Forks and Spoons , Urns,Coffee and Tea Pots, leg Boilers, Walters , afling Dishes, Knives and Forks, Walla Irons, Sane Pans, Scales and Weights, Coffee Mills, Table Castors, Old Doug*. ton Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, Nurse Limps, .Toilet Sets, Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knits Ovum, Wire Dish Coversjable Mats, together with a variety of articles modal and emeseary in Howsekespars. Rehr k Davis' Palest Exesisier Worlds( Haddam Plain Tin and Sheet Iron Ware aid Brushes of every description, maim. WM:rod to seder. ONO. A. MILLS, No. 11 North Howard st., Baitheors, Karel 14,1861. ly .A. Nathicrt & Son's Lr OPA AND ruuNrrtrus WAREROONS, Nos. 0 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to ?redbrick st,—.the largest establishment of the kind in the Dation. Always on hand a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, NV:tresses of Husk, Cotton aad Hair, Spring Beds, Sobs, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees, Reamtion and tpliolatered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITIIRE, Wood Chairs, OMce Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Rat Racks, Hall Punahere, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Bids boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equaled by ay establishment in the country. MATHIOT & SON, Noe. 23 and 27 N. Gay street- Aag. 2, 1859. ly Wm. Knabe & Co., nl, 3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw Street,— SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street, Charles and Light—BALTIMORE, EL, Manufacturers of Gold Medal Prestos GRADM AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Ws. Luber& Co. would respectfully Invite the attention of the public, and especially those in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to their re sorted stock of instrument*, which, for power and sweetness atone, easy and agreeable touch, mid beau,ty of ` finish, have, by the best of Judges, been pronounced unrivaled by any in the colas try. As to the relative merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of liscelience la our possession, from THALRERG, STRAEO/311, G. SATTER and H. VIEUXTEMPS, as also from some of the most distinguished professore sad amateurs in the country ; also to the following HIGHEST PREMIUMS, received within the lase three years GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1855, 1856, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Washingtoa, 1857; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, PhiLedel. phis, 1856; FIRST PEEMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1855, 1656 All lustre. meats of our manufacture have the full iron frame, and are guaranteed for FIVE TSARS. 11§6,ParticuLar attention paid to the selectkia of Instruments for distant orders, and a privilege of exchaage granted at any time within iii mat, if the instruments should not prove entirely matte factory. A liberal disoount to Clergyman, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to Cheer advan tage to give us a call, as by greatly Increased firailitles, we are enabled to fill all orders with Murata'. mrConstantly on band, a large sasortateet of KKLODRONS, frog Use best Factories. SECOND-HAND PIANOS at Great Bargain., at picas from 1130 to $l5O. Piaaos Rio lmaged, Hired and Tutted- • A call 4 riepeetAV E =cited. LNABJ k 00. /sanity IT, 1959. ly r ". M7 ''!" !!tl i TM WeII♦ANNUM OOTTAOII inralllTUBße -1 4 IL W. BIYWOOD, No. 10} North Charles street, Dalthoors, booing bees aimed dor the lost 17 yeses la the aisasheters sad Ws of ths oboe" dateable Tsrshlors, salted to country resideoess, boa as Mid a large varietr, maalho. tared expreesty far Marl soles. Abo, Oak end Waist Oletstber Bete, Oak mad Wshiat Sikeston Tables, Dlahtußeate sad now Gain, Bideboarde, Hat end Nast Ilat. kenos, Pestlier Move sad Waal% an" ha, • Xereh 21, 1/141. aT. Bynum; • 91,7 ) = 11 nUND • lto. logib Bogart SUM, ow bar oboto la item PePor 1110=p of anti dooottip sad ottio boar sail mist sppervod yollows. Lee, 14ra* Pere bard Prints, M. • rsiniks /1141/is on Lad. sod hotaros to order, Yowls' nada of an ode* ism sat itioltdos t odd& will tompoto ittioup• r id* with soy tits jrliadiPerraillialftern. ropoiollodtosil fiNolhimak , Nosh I', 180. ly - 111412. Chseiseed • f IFX)I 7I L MID OW BALTIMODJI CIIIIJIRMIIIIIII.9 Bearraosa, Ns. The leigest, Kest liageatlly PeraisaimllllPardar Cesmoseisi Caller la the Rated DISIGNID ..PL`f TOR YOITIK IIIII I I tg Dearing to °hada • Shoros.Paseliadiereaeso Idimatiost. Ivory Tong lima bee a Ooh Desk is fits- self, sad is espareasty ernaares s Arrawoasca nos *wax Weasir STATII rs vas Ones. The most Ossaprehenstee sad Them* Ovine of Beady, sad tha PRACTICAL METHOD OW Zurorics Are hero fetrodooed. AG Copying from Printed or Isausatet Pisa la Lamtetzu Boox-risseves AT 111111111 BALTIMORE COMM/IRO/AL 004aila This method of instruction Is oowiteraeho kaNF diced in this country. livery Young Man thoeld write for one of those large and beautiful Circulars, representing the exterior and infield? view of the College, Penmanship, he., whir-8.1141 be sent by return mail, ,frw of Awes, with Cats. logue containing lied[ studenui, terms of Utitios, opinions of the Pre our new system ot Book& Keeping, etc. PACTLTY : Z. K. Lomas, Principal—Lecturer on the &lane of Accounts, Businesd, Cagtoms, etc. J. H. Platt:re, Profess* GT Book-Keeping s and Commercial Calculations. H. H. DATUM, Assodate Prof. of Book-Keeplag. N. C. Joussos, Professor of Peentiroshtp. ' 8. T. WiLtiAms, Esq., Mercantile Lew. - Rev. E. Y. gnu, D. D., Commercial ethics. SICIKTZIS : Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Joshes Vanes; Hon. Thomas Swann, Wm. H. Kagbier i Jacob Trust, Esq., William neat*, L. The time usually required to complete the ha course, from I to 12 weeks. A DIPLOMA is awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars and Catalogues stating immer, he., sent my mail free or charge. Address R. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 7, 11159. /y Something New O A N GI I ! N Z ' l E B R E P R R A I 2 a k CON Ira fig I—Gifts to snit Everybody I . 14 Gi ft s of Great Valise I 0 V GUIs of a Better Qamllltyl And More of rhos 1 a The most liberal, punctual and reliable g" GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE in existeseo.a The beet evidence of this Is the fact of hi e 1 being the only one that stands endorsed by te, the Press of the City 1141 which It Is located. id HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTHERN AND ~.r WESTERN ORDERS I Ilstmusona, Mo. ;. Write for a Catalogue. It embraces a Sthousand varieties of pnblications In every department of Literature, together with the to. ,_ l:2 LARGEST LIST of useful, ornamental and K valuable Gifts ever published. 2154 differ- a eat varieties l—none of which are of less 'a ca. table than 50 ets., and from that to4loo 00. q 4 ea READ I READ I I-4180,000 distributed C 2. tc among our Patrons during the past year."' t-. ,-. OVERS3SO,OOO LN GIFTS to be distributed ' „„, y, during the present year! consisting of Gold r A and Silver Watches, Chains, Charms, Lock- teta, Silk Dress Patterns, nine CrapeShawla,3, Rich Lace Collars, Sewing Machines, Mani -67 cal Instruments, and in fact . Sossintsa To '”" srrr Evnovsoov I AGENTS WANTED C EVERYWHERE. Catalogues giving tall i: particulars sailed ire. to any oddrem--- a L. Don't forget, direct eft orders to 1E 11. E. HOYT & COI, No. 41 Baltinsore44., _. Bald o more, i&i. IifirTNIFICT SATISFACTION OCAZANTISSI I 0 w. Sept. 38, 1839. 3m , OU[ and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, Gentian, and Americus Calf Was. French, Garman, and American Calf Skins. Franck, German, and A ptieican Calf Skins. Morocco, Kid sad Patent Laster. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Bindings, Linings,beatings, 4e. Bindings,. Linings, Lastings,44.! Bindings, Linings, Lasting, kc. We invite Country Merchants and Xansfac. tarns to examine oar stook of Leather, Shoe. Endings, ?rimming, he., which wit °fir at Wholesale or Retail for cash or good paper a& the lowest prices. AU orders nithfully imitated: . MANNARI), ELY it 1081, No. 46 South Calvert at., Baltimore, X& Sept. 19, 1859. $4 Money Saved fIY BUTUIG GROCKRIBEI from e. BOON t BALDWIN, W. corner of Leziigtoa and Gres Weds, BALTIM44II2 I MD. t -• You sere 25 eta. per pound You save 60 _rte. per barrel I. *Wet. is belLbg new. Too sale Weep. per boned bleylog Ash. Too save from 2 to 3 dollies pee 100 pelted. boyisknaeos. Toe save from 1 to 4 eta. per pouA blyin Began. Yoe sive &on to II ets. per pe 1a alK4al Cabs. Yes save bon to 111 stoop sWyk.' ipilloo ie llloiosete. Is Awl rya eaa save noisy ea sail meg nth& la the Grocery Mae by BALDWIN, B. W. maw Leziegtea aad Gress AL, Hazy body doubts it lot them give all Olii fIIAL, All if *el ere aot setisied we will be materna We warrant every article vs ma. we pack all goods securely, and charge aothla /Or peados. Ifthe Goode are not Y raprassate4, They can be returned ' ot. of exposili. Purim float( It inoonrealest *WA* Ba&hew*, Oa* order of us through the lied and may ugly upon itivisor Moir otdsH Promptly and ratiotictorlly Wooded to. Marllo OW4I 101 DLIVIA4I I . 8008 & BALDlar i Wholesale and Beta Groeen, B. W. corner of Lexington Auld Groan Oa., Jute 3?, 1959. [jam. 14. ly.] Balthus& CrigNlß Bayard ud Baltimore etre.* BALl'iltl. ter Prsprietore. rat* rediend S IM per day. Oall Am the Bayard Hoigas p eac h a$ ag. Depots. A. amps, J. N. BUCK, irrePeislng. January 14,19. ly Bur Xlll lbw* wmuurna).-1. F. STARA 4 te (kr. wfi asi Owns • , opposlie L L 4 114.14m 1 mZ u k. ass, bapiittirsaid Damian . • Blake, &Wag Clotbs,las. • emir sad 9iusll•l4 QM dant Plamw, sad NM Irmo, ofirsimmina Pp • Abe, Wane, Oonnliee, ant Illsplamille lionms eta ism. rya. tors. Zanies H. Bailior, 1 inurr,_ e nr1 . 13814 1 7 61. 136 Mill DALTIMIL, lID. I ani rxral senteini 24040inimin•, den ell 001111111 arms ...psis. d ins ppm Is 411, Onasa . =WI M u t spaillion Ott - mit la ebis i ts i e * MOW% MI an will 111114 100. 4nes • ;•• - . , jOu .1,44/ Leather! Leather! au they doll boy impuriniber, it Howard House,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers