CM ..11=z - 6, -- 3.7mike NAA; Vbibriia.lLltiiiidigi c o • .....—..:,,: .. at: . ...7._ lard fibs Then T Vi i: • ' .. The l rif"""ne-e5 ; i rk, . '-' saiif.e.. cit._ • • .r, c .•--"I 4 ' . . 1 12.. Sidles 4. 4 .. i tea 0 .........1. , ..,„.. ' ' - ' _ tier- . .IV " ; `l'.l. e ,..„„s • ~- I The sill'' • a Se ' Char - • % It . ... - Vr'''' AttiaLt .. ' BrOwnigillea.T.ittsd l a -' I 't, 7 -.L. "• . • L. - T • ing• - • .‘ l4 l ll' Itr ttl- -4 Vu Id :. tattle 441 chataakehl+7 o l/01440 retkabaucionad, as de Iktlehat *rid . Or &Silcox toe d t ui ill tlltia fa IllallalkilFrams. , Ste wan wit by firet, kV Poi Mth-r, _lit/ .c 10 41 10 found gm ty o nnuttkep L ajcil tooting slaves' to men, ester til too lal and ups roaad, insaillosalltni4 , 4ll4eAlkadait seeming the psis- ill'hey erase diepareedi by the artillery alli ouer Sestesete sae bresiiht into court on hie fled- :41,x i . -• • ... .ag a ante , . ( os4 in the V ogritelayr er Walitingtoi.— matbaili,- snit arliiter,empatineilog &jury the iOn the 24tio,- owe hundred and twenty hum, t Th ItAh e e " „ t eastremelkissobatti aldose try a dtspetali from with can San howiteens, marched against Coe- I " t : * .1.: .„ 47 _ "Ire are ahm e , ° o rtt , e '_ 108 ! Gov. Wise, received by lion;An drew Hunter, , tins* and drove the guard fres hie bower —; f n si tse i 4 ,7,: 11 ,c2i. 4_• 2. aLe,e"Krav * me,' y sse Oka au gleatbligendattoiltavans be handed over so i Theyiwasta, howeadr.serprised by an assess- '.. 25 . 35 111 ,.ti i r i. i ?" 1 " 1 ,7,,,,,„" 0 au . 4imairraitin . , the Coiled:States authorities for tnal. } ett•ila' lea e-chohOn hheritiefl- arid 1 a c , in ,,,,,,,, „ one, Toi me odium , si‘oe tow After riedittg the dispatch Mr. 'tenter inct defeated, with four a confided' and nine lolled. hived ' thebll° ' n ' ti ur ligt " -liad turned 41e. courifitrat. he had in his popse.sion 1 Catittekli lest I : wis killed. Cortinas atter. Pa ' Ir P cni r a c.p.eeiary in rbeftp black and muddy eingrsr li 1 •IW. - - "liceiliiStirrificnrsertant letters and'dosualtrardll sent s letter demanding of the cinzeis ' lugs—that it is difficult to cat mine. pers ,, iss of nimbi jtaii4ilttrglo the treasonstle des . igns ,' of Brownsville the surrender of their sheriff' taete that the. , are cafe in'ordering what that of die ptitonVrittir lotge number of prom:maul i and other parties whom he wishes to putdebo I bare net seen . We have paid the fir=t artist's citizens of the "Inrtbern and Western States, to ante the town from dectroction. their ball'priermi, artioanti rig to many thonss , .a which woukd • be made public. in tbe trial r ef 1 . There was a general panic at 19rmrrirrilliCdollers, to precfiice engravings really beituttnti. s tereloo *fire the rulted StatcSeoll'rt. the 1 • the city was Lorricaded, and trenches were' es weft a!! Ilse beet !halvahs, and that shaft be hrisumer;ldidly accepted the proposition to be, dug, and as attack was hourly expected. .17.1, spfradid °mineral' to any puller. aip-Opia- 1 handea'over to the United Stiti.eir antbortties, I was reported that after toting Brownsville: font that esin IVie retied oft: • and, he eau remanded to prisou and the jury Cortines intends to attack Brazos, I The ilklit 110 df the Kew Telt Ahserverstay s : dieolierged. 1 The Mayor of Brownsville appeals to Nei( '• Thesits eiltilairlngeerfegeneine works ot art— ' The greed jury having yesterday found a ! D"lcate for a hundred men, as the chiseled' the ilkettAnits ark vdmtraele. The portrait of true biti siphon Capt. Cuuk, he was brought i are worn out, and the Rangers hays not ar- Mr;ltverett will take precedence of ell ollairs-"i out for trial thia mooing. A jury was em- ; rived. • Tha.,Few York Chituian Adtotate .ate panneled;'-erbea the Hon °our full conlcasion ~u nter arose i Slaty felons, who had been reljealle p . Hkti. Ii '' Then are among thie finest engvevinops as kimirl and ail* Ara .eirsat a prisn in N , i . rthern Meskiee t 14 t i t o _ 44 ter seen, and THE et Russells ask *star As written by Cook. giring all the det,m,ls a the the guerilla Laind, and were daattai.attn,L t t a.,./nev eaMtlat." aNiiir lg t as, I.A +A LlintErr )411-kfte r. r ' insurrection. Mr. Harding etude the opening country. adiksh*inmit the muse will probably be gnat' i Washington, Nov. 9.—While the •Ca liffillirtll send, post paid, securely pitched In to the jury JaPtuorrill. was in sesblue, yesterday, the Presid..nt re- renew—Either Engraving and a $3 Megatinie. , ~ 1111111114 MW. Sow.. /Go—The j ury brought • ce 'Ted tlr despatch ahem Lig the 10 . n-es/orig. la oneyese, 13.,r $3, Berth Engravings, sad a $.3 atiga in a verdict to-dav against John F.. Cook of s f • ir rullitary assistance at Brownsville . sune, stun year, for Se. . ay fleri4vrau who rennt $34 at one *nisi 1114 guiihtmirikurder in the first dperee and inch-!Tile Secretary of War, within a imago h i b an , au octro of each ooroboolo, T. ing saves instirrection. The court mine- I thereafter, issued instriactious tit CePt*.l.liestasiesele see ifespor's, The Kassinibithril d lately sentenced Cook rind all the other con- Ricketts, commanding the Artillery Cu 1 d„,‘, # .,A,w ii , Amk. DA. ,, Aoloac s tag e sest o r ,.. ,l via& hied since Brown tee. cwrieteo. to be lat baton It )uge, to place his men in meet ger Ey spatial nerearesseettAlsitawlitssyear'ai bung on the pith of Deccini•cr, It Is sup- fur a march, arid at tho earn. thrutoibe Quar- 1 lotti cr ip t i„ to t h e 10,, 40a „,„ 0 ,1,,r,,,,,e m0tes t 0, ,/ posetT"the Governor will respite Brown to that ' term - aster ut New Orleans was teliellf7ol4 l t usi- - tonhodetranlOgia slibettheetweire‘et' day ibd bang all at the same time. The ( undo arrerlxesteote for tegneptrstans,,t their supply for the year direct kola tlssis re., court t attourned for the term. Itroops to Point lantiel, Le labia Isletteidik p. 60 6, graddensiots stake. , The cost et ibe • - -.Ls.» - --%-• ' are now grata bit- on their way. . . enkedmilige is .pasal-enly br the &ammo be ' 4c••• ---,-----• _ , Ascalon lea lase* setiolessie 'and tilse,tegsdar ifir'3ll - a.—Mary A.„ Brown, wife of C.lptalu Brown, wry under sentence of dealt) in Char lestown, Vs., reached Baltimore on Monday,. on her way to visit tier hu•Lawd ; but during . the—ikfternoon she received a detTatch from the North. requesting ber to return ;mined, /tidy to dillado-lphia, arid the Lift tlawhin, the evetMg train. Sch is about thirty-Voe „years of age, ;lay tell and mac:Wine. aiiirlise ?Omar thas,43.icernor Wise had tnat.lea requisitjcin on Governor Morgtri - lor i the surrender of Gerrit, Smith, is Oki&Ily contradicted by &despatch from iLickimond.-e- On the other hand, we t.tve a telegraph from Utica elating that Gerrit Swath Las I,ectrairi deranged, And bas been placed I,y his reia tion• in the I,lratic Asylneri at that plate. 17tws. N.V., N. v. 11.—Gerrit Swith hbovre cotltwut . 4 ,me is al bore4„l r, 4..eU. tit I/1, I 4.1 L r.,., GU 1 of,sLuild ',bat Li) refers in lag ruoiii g o to the 11..tri,sr's Furry mattsr, and auppo4fA hituseit ufidOr arl t. Specici.l.l\Totices, 111 - 4 1 PPPSIA —The-e 14 peril-the sin /floe** wettish de: stet ya the bapptnetak 4.4 or, afoot of test teldeata. wed tea - heb to we ,fue exLoyl,Bllltyaiseps. k. 11.41g4AC011. Pre , I. o. e• the the f , x , onatetr n t 'lterls; there 'listed soe , ae , e , sil le to %dm dtiltsteite. mare We • Ida .p :end disease, 1. ltteh relined lt folksy marks.' degree. The ',ulcer - of thrat Ritt•r. ors{{ the ahere nithes'i that nag offer ell U 0.01. 1 . 1 / 4 htt , tis , r ortfte m fibs perfect d Ige.t I II Eat funehmai dasessasits el the alnthsteh. as well as *MD.& acid 4,sentera4 berund atl cut , its at ~ 4 1,:r cal permanent tura" of some of the ',cravat end •31!kiin neon on ea turd Is seMcient eondrmatioa of --t-r both of 1 Airlift 'Uri Sa;latigi Lambert Jesse th is rut. „ - ilau w rtitonban tonship.• Ernest John McKendrizit Andrew tonor A ISTT FR rrt,p‘t A FCITOOI. TrACIIEWIN Unlit Sib blot., at ihesesidance of the bride's E iu • c i, D • • Di:TIMIS -D.o. • it tl,n Jana Pt, laje -Wren. a. father, Mr. Daniel - lieefsarer on the h s iuleiss. Fi—ckei Ifs Morrison John 14 - . To. la /r. Co , Bush n -Ia re/ere ace to the Oa-roasted .)41C/1 Joseph rit....,.. I can ear. that aft.: baring the Dg'pepsts forit r illir road, by the liall'A P. lila ' cher, Mr. JOIIJI p er Cl. W. ... , . , .1 . ~ . and dying u ilb pale ant beavin i ti s , Niguicgiti t o mho siaikaii.e . iikarkwiii kahl r .. 2, it. . Idler J A a l c f o re b d L. to ~ at', nth I am I,esa.le.l upon by a (Hurd eke, ming A . • , ttle, the 71,1a.1a5t., by the ill it J. Marsino.ll l % Iy C • r i p ) Ge - o. IL t•ert4 curt. Iby the .1100 metllL foe to try a battle*/ kin ' pr.. , . • oi.e,,,,tat oat.. art • r., woo' half a bout. 1 felt FRANKLIN STOKE nolliir HIRAM _JANA' c,,wen Rue , e er, ra.Mary greatly rtl,ve.t. ant by the t, .ie I hat Bath tart typifies , K.g.iisigpy, all of Agauttoluily. and a belt I ass ant .elr aed ant f LTD ream* eo 11 On thil Bth inst-4 by , the sante, 'Mc. JIJIIN kl. D G e ll i i rr r j j e i °4 ,l l Ike , lir'Y ' ' ' ll P o e t r e y ,,,sp i a ls c ll h a u g . g u ie , know , of sereral came aro.e I,..treeut ng *yea than wie, lahictibeve been entirely cased by t au Int alUark. %ea, HERSH - to Mir LCOV .APIA; *coati daughter GitsprVnienileet. • Reed Andrew doe ,AA.t g, roe b/e great, plea., to renotutneol It to of George Fidler, Esq., allnif Allitlias COUIRI4.. GMwtian Mr 3. Irahellii, Reid Jobe O. . any and all ahe mat be at.S.enng from tits dreadful malady. 1 .. n tr the lush inst., at the house of Mr. Jacob tr u il s b us b3D. d. s am h s m i t h y rs. s um i W A. 8A1,14N, Tal.C4lof a Detroit Main School. , „ fir Beware of r, :e sal worthlent itouoterfeltlrt The liereh, "CI& 1117 ` (56 111141514.11 . -fieLAine, Mr. , Ilortiell MEL Harbors Shill y John Doty t;,, ~,,,,s, pore. eat lieu...mat Wotan' Lea Ili wow of DANINII DINTRICL of lieidlorshergel9 M • ileac; Btnimuin Boyden Ilhazan .• I. Butt. " written attar a pen. end thl4 l l: 4 ltadl mune of 1 o d tin , vrap. SARAH A. L WOLF, Lisaterly of - 4:ennonlf" . the pr,.p.lators, .• S le Fowls & C 0.," "'A Rowe' R. A. 2 , Irreg . Thomas per 1 Wayne county, Isiskasio. lioffeato A,. &Michael Ulrich .4. S. Prepared be Beth IC ?Owls & Cott Ikeda°. an for,rOle 1 OD the Bth Lost., es. Garlials, by the Rev. J . by A D Itu •uler, t.ett ? Ow -g , Jacorutereller, Indmio. ~.. I watt, Mr. OLIVER Q. F. BROWNEWELL Haman II lei Catharine Walter John bard; Li stuter New O r ford; D E Hollineer, Abilene. , ...` Hartmnst Solomon Wearer MM. 11. town ; Within Wall, g sat Berlin; Polar thablitait I t 4) 111141 MARX -1- " 1 MINX. " , * ll "Cliaaber - Johnson John It . „, IVOier Math. Fr. luta, Woo . Lk tlatce'f, Turk ..i,.ricep; Jamea A g et i C. 1 lapel comity * .• - ' JOlntilon:br. On the *arse dap, by the woo, Mr. GEORGE yynktn . lig,g. 44,1. Y W Yru kt all r M Ai‘ "ie W l. . ._ ',Luber; i and id ai,,lealers in .Pedicines. rN. .14 to • i • ••• .- • I • S. FWEEL. of Adsltui comity, to Mao CAUL- : " - otoßrq 04 .r., -v. To comICIrPT tvit 4 -The advertteer haviat sera re- atoned toheaith In A tees wee..a, by a yery aim ~,,w,dy, I AMINE MORDENT, of Cumberland oogo_Si. sir..o-14,,mus folleMe•f‘lo e above after ,bar ing su ff ered me, e- 1 i ytarl with • severe Lurie Af- 1 Op the Mae daf t by the lupe, Mr. WIRY Eit wil l*me any theywere ailyertiped. r*". " - ' ° ' " 41 that 11 ''' i i '" o "• 11;041 " la P aiD et -la V ail * . DARBOLT to MAO GATHARLNE NICKEL, ' all .. to mate Iceman to tit felnuc ',rovers} he Maass aralalem. I ,,_ I Th all who dsuire it he aat send a copy of tba pwriptioe of A dams county. 0,0,1 (free of 014 v), with fltrettkaneallir prepariog nod kja the 10th flat., blithe wile, Mr. FRANK. l'"'"‘ the " 0' w'el' they ' 11 " 1 " a "" care for,C" 1111 • LIS 811COLIA.RT to Miss ANNA Lk:IIN, all of au optou. Aires, Bronchitis. tic The argyoilogt t lolr.rt,"er or Aso ling the preacoptins le 1,0 trdlaatit the ' Cumberland county. t ,.4 .Bathe 1,,,,k, a a or ivy I u era rur lull try bis reutedy,• ii 1 On the some day, by the same, Mr. DAVID w , it eat then u.thin.t. cal ma r Bows f Ikaatalr• Pl etwdi , -1.1. 1 41.3,6 to Miss MARMARA NAILOB., au of ertattlag the preserrpOou will view aillnilas D 4E. ADA No 6 wi_l4o*, i OomberlisiukAssinfity•,r i willuusebantb, Siren ea., ii 'T. , I Iroiiii..Potoesionoeeticat Lutbetita Cburr.Als -..,......- .. Barre t te , Mint lattotflOtoesty county, Pa., Novel - iloorLaxo•s tfiatsfaif iitfrinli. •- • '' - bet.„llA-185% liy,lllll Roy. D. treitman, Mr. AN_ 1 TnT Ylirld rqtbTSPRPBI4. DREWMeRINNEY, of-Taneytowst, Md., , todlips TRY THEM roll LIT ElteGlePlialltir. , • - ' t I .IPOT tutimukw I, kitkrtiCS DEBILITY. RALLIS A. C. SENTMAN, daughter of the ..._ TRY tWO COIL CH.N.S.II,FATUIN. officiating,akus ‘ MS , ••• T RY TnRSI TOR PI r li UTATIACRE - s . • On the Stith ult., at the Evangeliral Loth7 liffrrotrlest POR WANT or .k:TITII. TR T Tit Kfa WS NAM , ow, sussiy. . ~., • _ Si Parsonage, Littlestown, by• the Rev. S..H MIA riikli to u wit cKhl EBB. ryi Mr. GEOlitiE W. LAMREMT,, of New Illtindo'i Wi t/)t ltln PILES , Balk 10. ,s ine M4IL V M. MARMA-Mi b oth of Gov.,' YOU ray obtain them - 1 1 0FiniamilrlOtiOlietteelagnepil, einitileatirClitted Stairs, Canalu, visit ladles, or South t ro ll county . ''l Abaerica. for 7i.,5 apptt i ...,b:44. 0 , _ , ~_,_ r .,-.). the Baum day, by the same, Mr. EDWARD • ell re re I. Bus C * I ji 42°4 "' lt' FL.SSF.R, of Adonis county, to Miss SA*AR hht Pli , and i.e that los aignatara te on the wrapper of eac h I..ttole • - -t . , ISS YDELL, of Cerruti county, $4. 448,114- 41 , k i 111. Buehler, Arent, Cettylhore-and 1 In Gettysbars.. on lb* sib alt., tsy the Rev. dealers gederally th roue,. tit the county. &LIM 17. am IJ. It. Keiser, Mr. It AL IL GRUMBLNE, of 1 Waynesboro, formerly of Westminster, to Miss itmots&L IMPOS3IIIIIITIId3.--Tor a long thaw a ear- , , ~,,,„,„ taltswiewo of Cawood hare baled the "lull ash practice of , 4-6. 1 Zr it LOllialt, o f th e former place. the 0304i.41140,12441- inaul4l,la of ape regular napitcalfaaalty. 1 F among three we mutts Inotanet epilepsy crt fall• . trappoy now 1.,♦ the ale 11 not ,n, eat; re genia• of as .ealoent sleembit .1 Sailtlkodrrn, *CHM* itelai. l bill boss brought witUm thetas:a. of • curs. R e al ~,, to the veneration called the V - aelald• Ertratt liculept.c. 1111 s, invented and prepared hr Dr Seth S Raabe of 108 BAJO. acre, lid 6.4.01:hair diaeavery make per.. who 1.4 d ere" Arbil:Awe fever toeing cured hare been re-tared byglyea f I egyayment of heal., Proluneut among theee we Sergi, enumerate it- Hams...a Lkeutfoot, of flutter/Ile. Alabama. M. I. has sullered an tench *rood tpieply, SA any other person to the world, neva: know, ag what ft was to Awe aArek...l Omit having an attack, ant often falling indite'trf.Mto of irativil la He is now fully restaged and has set had to attack for more that a yew. Dr. Illenne'li Ptlla harm lbagya flyeasint case of this co-a Theee p.Ua also cure 111 tuotilicationi of Ida, fiptme, Cramps, &c., and are retry aeremeable for pertain at weak netwis Dr. , fiance ',ends line* Many pore cf the country on the re ceipt of a reauttance. Price one boa, 13, leo, /4 5 : twilit*, LA. Address Seth S llama, IA! Baltimore stunt, Rettiroc-e, hid [Oct 17. lm 30tAl. 4411 th i ce. 1' It geltilllT liNfilikrid B.Y.sceor ._sut j A mi t s '4 ctifirs...erti , Ft/W.IC VILLA. prepared from • P idle y elr J Claris. M D l'hysici•e Y.xtraordi wiry t•staelaseen Tide will banana sesikintie te aceess position,ll.l:Wwe oedemas remedy forieniale LiaiScultiss awl Obetrialkien, hoes any wain welaterer, and although a noweEfirrenatily, - theroolatain nothing_ hurtful to the 'easel ia She. To M sue Staff/HIS it la penal" arly au i Led Ft irtat. illasbont Wise, bn.g =the monthly perixt with 1111 W r iilli have inner been known to fait when die di on Id pap of fi,1[1 . 3 OLIO% are well observed. for farther pentlattara get ajainspilatfree of the scent. N. 31-11. spa 6 postage stamps enclosed to any anther lead abet wilt Insane a bolith, illasteinencoreree Plus by entire eirenalas ... r 11%11. D_•tt ilsaan, . 1 / 2 rholle agniata. Vlallailelgitila..— A:Ilo. Besseler, Avnt, Gaittzelhrg; pans 111, '59. ly _ ._ j Laaals for tale 25 abilailrorri P hiaglitibida 21 1, Eatttoae 2 28. State of stwhskj, Soft latorig. the but far Agricultural plirposaa, beluga, rood Igiceauti,x3ll • The land to a luta triter Mb gwa Mt:60111 glitiMillidisiSS fru cp kit put{ °Mir [try are - scnr NAltding sod • _•_ n. A .o l llrp ale Urge and „s, a ds be ~..r- Ttie cilia. Lela do I t jg , and ware ?Now v i. , ;"""" , itttalissuta. Ta ,tat Ms p i r4 - ' - S-1 - _,". ....—"", . . sarr, at Ph, ladalpilla. at 7,1 L. ' A __,' - • -_. t_ . - , •15,' or addroortt - 1 13ftvo . o, by . fait Bie, Atlastic toasty, Soo Jar. t• 1 '''' rigittina sasther,,aelusur. ....;,I:.t ' - ZUNltat * 'SUITS, - i . t mi ttar l bi s imo - i I. i irt aptiirm iAND 1W P nians ie , catD 4 ,: itral 4.—1. = iws V015: p : r 441 1 2 A - vi i rr.. ,: kxs znir, - stlAC.ll.lkl,3li 14 . 11 tkroaghot wiltattal : lig= 51512155 aia t siii , Ob. T. i • y ~.. - - r. - : ,4• lir a" •e 2 4 / 1 0 5r5111 1 .02 fora , egiu "l ir',.., ..... ~ .2. 1 ;:,„;.5;;,"4 ,1: 7 " • . : 4) . l ig s t="l - 41 ' .n., A....,;,..4,..4 ,- ,, - i i ; it '.#4,,:„,„ ! -.- . .•". Z - 1 : . 10 , 4 ••• ,0• • 4 IMICAPAII -. • - larr ohrOlf. mod litriotag i = am ladies. twatof Os eettioamit. star The Milistry Display, 4a.. wild soma uff so Hnr t tou-naar" . row . - Aron - W ll O4Bl/ big crowd UP4I ex psetili ligi..Senator Dvagias daagproailir ill at sabingion. 240,a;rjjadit.. - . • - k Some!! Welt Stare,ltt Oa the Bei hoe, by Old° Rev. Jacob Ziegler, , Ilsrlwiy, New York. Mr. GTO. Q. P7.;Altlt to Miss REBECCA 4. Nov. " 2008 of Book,, ""t• 0; LOWER, daughter of Mr. Geared . Lower, Mt of arendtsville ; a4rWiLtribliSrg!C notice lye reeerred„exe i Q iNArtte" l Deft"itt' " 11 • • • • Ihr4trith Ott dill be IrSPOt.f,s. tti Off 646410 1 9/Pi9Vriate ‘`remelnitri4Perl l 1 11 0 ,1 4 1 tete the cool • - printse--ft go l d . dollar t go* • tieltorcri-eate, Wind° well by tall - :;ss. • ctnse and kindly th6tlghtfulness in the onlatart i s U e ti entiEemeilti Imo alb t at his Floor, Hamlet dimity? Store, of their mayrityini4al eneweit *mop cannot -mitearer street, Gettysburg. fail- to eaditft.tissasixliont it fall.maeszote sift Nov. 14, 185 u. et GEC'. LITTLE prosperity and Widnes*. We beg leave to , tender them our sincere eongrarubtilons on their aftypiejoxy anlait r iftadAx eTpress the hope that the bark , la which they Ism . * set sail upon the stream if life, may bare a k g aad pleas ant voyage, be wafted by tbe roost gentle Winds, wad arrive safely in the harbor above. , ' On the Bth law,* the Roe-Jacob Ziegler, Mr. CHARLES L.. dtHENSOIi to Miu MARGA- Ritt•ltOSSElidlAS,butla el Basler sennahip. -Oft -mbeaoth Oust, by the saw, dtt. WY. E 4 FVHT; af Batter township, toillas MARY ANN C. LOWER. duiughtex of Mr- George .Lower, of Goatee township. Oft Ole loth , vast.. by the Rev. B. A. &both. Mr. J3tlNl3 BRADY. of-Franklin township, so .111m-I2aBELJA hilli ICUS, of Comb !Assad tp. • Oa the _2lh hut. by thstaame, Mr. JOSEPH TIMM'S& to Maas ;AARE BUtiIIYAII, On the 12th inst., of PAeomortis, at his resi dence, in Strabsti townithip, this ebsisty, Mr. rEtft mosroftr, in VS elth yes?. On the 9th inst., ht Litilettowii, Dt. L. IL sTosxsirea. Oa Tue,tday i the Stitt hut, ALICE daughter of hal. J. and Mar Eliza Mafitn, of this place, aged 11 months 4nd'B Superfine Flour Rle ..... White heat Red Wheat....... Corn, Rye 70 Oats.. 33 Bud:widest ... . .. GO ptuekwiteat3ta4,4l — 2••••" -- . 6 ! . ... 2 0 0 50 145 5 Clover Seed ,75 00. Timotlu.Sted .f••••• ... .. I 20 Flax Seed. ..... . Barley GO Plaster of Paris.. 8 50 95 Plaster ground, per liag... ...... BALTIIIII:Mt-I-Fluotr LAST. Fletir. 5 ,25 to 5 37 Nlical _ i -15 to 1 48 Rye .... ... /....... 75 to 88 _ . c0r4............ Oats ' ._...... 3tl to 411 Cloer Seed .. ......:.. ....... -.....,,...!. 500 to a" I.t. 4its;ttry t 50 To 2 75 ef•O to 13 00 floe; ppr traihf " 4. ' • ' EdotoEto - of. tort oo 'co Pt adatko Peruvian, pei(42f ' 151'00 1. • kV • o• 11, Pon 44.kaili •••• vit IS Do. from stores ...... = ••- 140 ei * 12 to 0=7,1.treL" . .1 11 75 ' ...... " 411Swis* 2;;.-ir...... • AS 041 Timothy Seed ~—... ........ sled 1911‘dr.:(4.,/ .. ... 11%0 s-: ,AClDBaiseMeptesesse= • - v• fezei :Flour, from wagons.-- -84.4.61. ', 1110/041•4415et.5..5..4.4.1. , ..2.tar...5ea..' I,c LAS Corn 1. s 4..ust ClOslessalmet.e44.6;4..e....e.t.ipatiossif 111."...14,47 i tessassi4.3=deasesbitscsi toothy Seed I it 3175 •• • ••• • •• 150 MI ~" ='•4 Died_ Tile Ma, GETTYSIItiIIei—SArcaDAY LAS? pi* I ofidem II wa.siaet. • si&-Eugravulgs seat at onakillltispilictip limn 14 . periodicals madames soil*: eltesust isastst, urliimposittitssisi assimpirriiitiessf Skeet aisle if proof is retained of havioglibbsoz :First isliOsikisislialifilaligftliiriglititsend early. 193Nagf , re r 0.11114t(10.,, ..Cl7 ' , X l l 7- . 7 4:? 1, / , 0 • 4LL persons, owussioint i Boots of the % XV firm of dllleaplis a 'Roma are earneA I urged to call suulzabAr-pajment irumetttatelyql By prompt suttlentepts cats will be sartd. Tile 130oks are, at pse Store of the undersitne,l, at the old stand. WM. GILLf: lilt. Nov. IS 1.4:4. 3t4 Wt Of I,•etteis -1 , . fIEMALV.WG ,in t th• goof, Moe, Gettysiturg. Nov. 14, 1859. on Mrs. Ellastottth .Flak k Bernard Cu rAttlii. P...:' . '-- KrAller , Perri. ‘ Colejler.,Alirshem, Kurta Sylvester Culp Molly . Psonard Inas Mary Cpnit S, Lott ME., Tin'chel A. 4 Nen' (tale 11130 Linn William Sr. Dysent.Willisto iii Lerts John 'W. C. .... . • MASAZI_ t Nam roe. Gilman**, 1 • Uct. 24, 1,et69. I N OTICEi is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Bank of Gettysburg, that an Elec tor* floe Thirteen Direetoes, to Rene one year, *ill be held 44 the Banking-hone, ea Monday, tomp2 let -day of Noeemkr next. alfirA general meeting of the Stockholders trill be held at the same tune. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Oct. 24, 1859 rkAND MEET BON WARE.--13HEADEI ittviffiLEß, Missing parehased the Wins and Sheet Iron Ware of Oeorge N. illtelefkr, hitt opened an establishnsgal is cons neetlott•4itt their tyttseelPare' Roars, under the etibrikitefieditor aftire: Buehler, - and vet nos. robtii4lielitYfllrhlslP 4eilerything hi Ulu Has i at the lowest rice,. In addition to the ordina. rt nth, 111 litge supply'sfi itittagn and bonne f inicking goods, of meg 'variety, ',rebid*. edinseited ibl tin irettiori, Pans, dc., fctf preserrling, looking and hying. Call sad see theta. t3plendid • assortmeat of stoves and heatierfetnishing goods at their Warshaw; on thererner of Carlisle and Railroad agrees. jsrir Spouting put up at shortest noticisAillma her, Coal and Lime alwaye•ea bakd tit their yard at the same place. biov. 14, 1859. BREADS k 1101DEIL114.. IVOTICR is hereby given to all 'persons 1.1 knowing thernseltes indebtedto the lati firm of NVA.IIIIEN k SONS, to call on *l' Wore 014 12tA inst., and make settlement, as after thnt time. the accounts will be placed in the hands of Esquire Annoto for collection. By attend , lug to this matter costs will be oared. JOll5 SCOTT. Awls nee. 5 00 9 50 108 to 1 20 .1 08 to 1 15 Noy. 7, 1879. 3t TILLUW.—A prime article of Talley, can N had at & REICSER'4. /Atm Mtstte 117- Iticststos. TYSON k MVO , V ti. E. cor. of the Diamond, Gettysburg. TAO WANT A GOOD AMBROTYPE ? Then go to IVesrex's .Sky-light Gallery, in Middle street, Gettysburg. AMBRO, Yeiaiva, Enairael and Photograph Pictures, of superior apple, taken at Weis- Per'. Sky-light Gallery. , CITI32S copied from pld 4„pecirgens of ail dada i 1119 inserted in Lockets, Breast anpri4eiltings; by SAMUEL 1VE,11711. k g? q4atitrofVF : STEi-- 2 ecnbracitig gall MI, Yel‘ekkalk, IiILAIVIL 0101 h, MAroeilles, 641(1 in a seerz t a.kisad . to be had cheap- Ar 441 1 .9 . 0 *,...:‘. , ,-,` -.L. , ... rTCX/NG . S• I, YSON k Situ. keep constantly on tmod a t - 1#04044,101es~le& of- *lle Vote* * . 'FWD" s , Breeot-Pilleli .4., ,trt 14* aim lite..slisa, N. E. cor. of the DOussood a r i g l. Uir - 0c4..:24. _ .. , , SiAti.7o- *Mi , lk an old an experice"cod • lypiettrestalereye glee otitis it Ma Sky-ligbt Gall&y, OtAY l 4l44ll l 4otAtildelctaito /9 F1 1111 ' 40 4" kJ. ic'Aelllelecirliliftv44 .4044 a? Azioiek...rp4 l / 4 liltUs#444kee t, 7 1 5,1 4 .40.44 A*, we - lith iii mit . poikww, . g AtrAitannibillt irldralMthei *MOM ii*/$ .zi. Ike hes, Flowersphnetae - •• •- • • .• A A. 1111101** Wig: Stoves, Last Notice. :ONr a ht,.711 Con.wav creek rune nio l ‘o. part eormikolifikt-a- The itnprpeeirttiffe filet i4O" 114101 4 1' a b flif 4 ftdry I • , wilt efetnte, - . 401541 itarttrimatlvitlitar; Cam grits adr * ft Smoke amt Rouse, with a never- fsituir epring and a fireti Ant.r near ale: ddur : tin 11..nt pi.. I 'llllll rd, with ether eitotre fruti. aucb Al .tr. poetises, narets, n Ire is Bawl repair.. lht kfivarty l•cs abort , one-fo tulle 01 . a vita frog Sart • 3411. l'ervom deviling Ar Ilitt it *Fe ,r,14,te.404,1 to, call on , Josoatb Claalsjr., xhg rusiclea sai the prem ise*. A clearlitle fo.liftp,weasfon 11 by giVcn On We first of April asst. _ itirkisait to wintnewar at 1 o'cina v P. M., as said 01a.y4 w14(41 eiticiatbilace v. - 411 be g„14144 togas made lipowL4 by . • „VET:L:4I 6111TH, Adair Ets goo Gibutir-.4i. G. 11 Syr. C/€24... 44. ;fit Imo, Town Property for Sale. lITIB itsbseribes offers at Private 544. 4 a HOUSE A_ND RALF LOT OF Elk" 1161.11,ii), WS Wiwahingtou street, near fligrit.tliettribasrg. Tii4 liouse is a ons btar7 F ame lVeaekerbearti, ma cil 1 1 1 WIALI *4f% 4 4 41 Ifainhesia Weallaul Paulo. Friiika#9l•4 an }git "prmaier.. -a' . ,: ' •,' • i J. .' , ' ._' • fr not sold by difro*n_tat,,ol4 41 ,ffeir maw wig, it will wit limb thty be otferpl. et weblic sale. et 1 o'clock, P. M Savior of 31. Gs*, Surock, for teems, kc., ~ ~ „ • . . FAIIDERICIC PILIAELD. Oct. 7, 1859 rltn •ubstiikosi llnaWilteil4erff Ott. • , Siam IRS oSin ,IKe ett 4 eli4l6 0 rribwer -Vitsl4ollCittece Alava biker. Cites•Anteeills4Wol/4 elllPra4lni al/WNW a cio, 40414 Olutwigg 444404 nn i ieeecthivariet. a11A0414 1 414 M 044 of 4fr OUTSR§r, (nip „By, keepieg a good article, two expects to twelve a liberal patronage. kla will also supply Oys ter& wilotesake to, otter eatablidlonaeta. • ilk fat st Parental, 'weave!, eol genfin- Ole (Astor Wow. (!fir listacio iJktim. Ent- InCliaa,wiplrolstles ttat4leiemiakte--oLo a nice glass of AUL , • sioriiairsoatt W Litiaime 44%kmia +i the door of Aim itilidie4-144 Walk's/0:i Saloom al the door adjoining it agt &be woo, G. F. Ecgivaorm. Gettysburg, Oct. 31 , Liso. WiOt. 11168 MeekE4" will nPe4b t4-utorrow a toew sad beautiful tuisoetraetlt of MIL KILV AND FANCY•P ODDS' =Witt of notuiets, and O 13 ays,ounet Wasp, 'as and Velvets of all colors, with reatlaara, Flowers sad Ribbons to tnatch..Laeas, anellef, mud Waabbloada, Fancy lie/.1-iirsasts, Hair balls, acid Combo. Snotio, Pettus/4u, Rad l.illy.Wbitc.— Sdtteatal inibrobieries, Ladles' And Obildonl i s Gin"' and tioitiety, Steel lisprusioa Attu, .siftea.) Naos WM44 soul, 4keivrlo. 4 r 0 11 masolllll.htonable styles, with.* va;igaigtottter Atilrtz 1.110.1•disol ithilei t Leo sAI of which waxilthabappy toskow tot who may glvitus.a.caLl. oe4. tliKrtt. Lp Dissolution of Partnership. illsiTO ICS is hereby given that the Pittner siikkAstotesen Atediiirt.Skiaplip, C. H. Re eh- / 1 er end A. B. Kurtz, was die/mired on the lo dap. of Xorieuebtt, v•aq, po ;4 as relates to L. 13 I Kurtz, by t wuth ai coesepl--the said A. 11. Kurtz har,ing assigned DTI his Interest in the i Stock, hook Accounts, k0..;t0 the said Robert Skends and C.ll. lioehkr, ho: whom the Dl:miner; vk ill het natipued under tjr 6rns of prrRADS k BUEHLER. AU debts II ue to the il rut of Shends, Ruehler k Kurth are ko humid to, apd those ii. due from th e same "to•betdisehemed *. thilinu of Sitemis k Buehler. , 1013ERT 8 KAIr; C. H. Mg Zit,. A.B. KVA 7.. t.. Nov. 7, '59. 3t , Notice. , TORN SIIITIFS KSTA,T?;.:-4cttera testa aleatory on the. Amite of dotal Smith, isti• of ittottalpieamtßeteatuahip, Adams county, detailaed, haviolk4eatt granted to the wader alaet4o4. reaittaitg ia Oxford tueruship,-hp here. by fi►rat optics to 'lt peraoaa lattebtatt to mid emote to malts immediate. payment, aact those having claims agaiaat the onzue to pro fit:lit hem properly authenticated for settle: meat. FRANCIS 11A,RSIIA.LL, , Swor. 7, /859. al* Dividend., BAWL OP CriTT76IIJIO,I . Nor, 1, 1869 . rE Directing of the Bank of itletigeburg have this day declared a llivideod of VOU 1./1 CENT., payable on or after the 7th of November inst. T. D. CARSON, cashier. Nor. 7, 1859: St Howard Association, IfiLAD Benno!eat lastittides esthblithed , by sineist thidoWisent, for the telief of the Bible and Untreated, &elided with Virulent andlipideadiViseitataistettesrodsnY fat tht Care at-Banes.' cattherlinteatdirgoess Medical "deice Weis. gratis; klis'the. 'Acting Brifgebn, to Oil who ati*,hy letter, whir a 60. scription of their eilhditiosi ftige, beettpatkes4 habits of life, esti r 2 camel of externals poverty, iletileitlqurnlthei free of ehargo. VAl,l7.4llfig "MPOriiS sin Speranitorrhms and other Diseases of the &sail Illrgisaforid on tho 1 4 12: Banat)! ecaloyeti hi the Div peasory, seat to thei hi sealed envelopes, tttsit eltoillittel!'-ohm *verbs aregoliek • a bunicaspliblir, - _ - • Add Dr. 811/111LIN 110 V GUNN, A eit4 Sqvgbott, (Howard tAisseilitioa,• No. 2 SlHrib Ming Btresly Paiiadelphis, Pa. lit: mdet of the Directors. - YANA D. I:llAirinaLls, • Quo. PAnkowsur; ?reit. Mr. 7, LOW ly: Brick Yard OR SALE OR RENT.—The subscriber offers !Or Salo or Rent bit BRICEI YARD? cot welt creek, tt t h e Borough of ilettp - sbonc.—.... The Yard hum good rum of cultsrm, and offers a rare chance to any one. &Swing RI buy , Of rent. Re would also sell his House and Tract of Land adjoining the Yard. Posolsasicaton the Ist of April next. Nov, 7, 1853. St Laat Notice. ALL persons who are httlebted to me by Note or Book acco unt . of bog standing, are hereby noti fi ed that suit will be brought upon all such claims that are Dot paid prier to the lid day of Jamie?" next Not. 7, 113/59 DresstMtlialw. 31f CtiftftV - Eltreapestftrit7 informs the LadiegionLittAbWONlAlliti intends to carry iftegnsnakkoja all W .bra Coiling. and Fitting Dresses acd Cloaks, Children'spls.istandOWntylaisg• Rio in Chantbersbars st.esettitit tan old T 4 lIIPIKES 1 14 4 1 nousijirp Meru . jyv. 7 . / 853 . 3t OSEPH ROSiNBAU 4-44A-NVFACTUI4.S4 has now rembt El art k:4lVinfleNistkPLG Pesr y r/ tV" fj 4 i, El t ucil lialrer:prc z u prreparerto set Ditieci Ajci ,• tE is a•* whtfaiTe ) rgeklialle • Store: No. 416 Arch i sth, and St A R T ;iv 0 e'v ()tilde 'l l :ll,A—ars into' i inaNrste chit • . EMU GigersMAV r 1440 • April . i 43. ker ttL ()Miner& jail 1. %,••41 . *••• • 1 'and fins fhte it telt) It I "Disthr gg *Call 716, 'itfans : 44 ° 1- )er. W. IL litipt.... _ . 4., - 4 , .44 ..vd olgittr 844tip ;4 ,i far - . 111=p04 ain,tiorp e r to say, that 1 !Mir nit* pftrimo :ins Wit ' ? theft.*** e• scoi:f111.'11/krill-illi& tvhti it in awy - firlraily With 'lit* *ffie d o1111•0 01 * :ets In every instance., 14 - i6 tierbilaly el agriprLa excellent remedy, Wad oagibt * be ig every hatni- Iy• Tie. , I. , ce,titxtus 19. W. V ray 6 10'7 . It ikageil. 4,1,,,e, It. withiojthe .w6O . P .. urelou the Ilbertil Fear • ittkg air .ins my expericpce in ftit* riSPO - IR Ole itvd Ly You. ReepcciAllf. ` "r n, ' - • I•l„;t42lfhti a •g,„ o „Z 1 r • Esintorir olr.PAnt fit' --*-- ......... isitigkry;PW I . l al 3tr. Shriner :—.Vt. - . 11117 - I°l rgert: al linl l ' imthe I the euktp,ochnin of eft , * • al* l'Oitgri F"-rtip,'" find from iffkilatftill — 7 Ingrid:cuts, and hating oittireocd i ' Priratts - Side, . A Valuable Property I feels, I can recommend It to th's 10“ PINS ralu.Lbic compound fur roughs, reliffiri •.: - • arialyr ~,t,„cia,;,. offers at ry,., t , 5., ! ,. ; iv A T PRIVATE SALK.---.The undersigned of'• I lIM'Si.: AND LOT, situate on the Long 1 - IL . ferret Private Sale, his .V.A.N.aiON FARii - g + 1 cbrouic,pulpaonstryar ‘ ctions. ritnieS4 te : aill Lune. Cit. tty3burg adjoining flu-en :utast, on tbe thambershurg Turupike, i i utiica ; Tatifto .. • 'Robinson 'a property. The Ilonae .1 tfrom tlettyshory. Adorn.* county, Po. 11 is 0 ,, I have prescribed 17.?„. Shriner's d . 71 ‘.. ' I is n. one and a half ator, frame. ,r`.. !IV beast "nrabte property. and her imAin ‘, Inany 1 rough S s l rap" in my practice li - tr set ittir , 42 w Ithifool-aherlatteetcei and oth e r ''' r ' . years 0,.cupu.,1 a, aMI ern :taut', for whidi it, and regard it as •th ettteltent mnilfcluotri s . .1 - ~. 'llii.:l4 cection - I -v outbuildings. A Well 0 , 1 nel ery gg ii_*; - I, ;'''" , ""- i is woU ip a,Lapted, I:.,Ariaig every convenien ce . Cold.: and 4 1 rtrk eutitut aff: l - R. Saiei Maven; 11.15!! 141 'log - water on the premise.. , The Peiremosoatmos about lid Acres, war, or ; MANY. Rosp,NFmn . i less, about 11 a-!t.. ~t 1 1 li jrL T.di6er- land,; FIVE Trans' r(PERInN , ST., 1_,.. -.". " . ..fg Oet• 31, 1859. irn* , well covered; the tenciwr is mostly of yilt44rll.ll Jrillip CON', 'York co ; Pa., artl,lNYirsir 1 ------- _—... , mile an/ locust stak e , . sad to good sandhog. To W. - 17. Stu iner,-1 'car SIP :--I tin Here We Are Again! label:improvements c insii:tof a Jerre . ..i . . I l ' eePi°i: 3 our "11 " 1 ' "41 ruuall 5131:7 • 11' r LAAG p3t, Fr:l.6 o c A NT ) cti E m,E,Roon ti s f Doable Tem....Story Haw Ei s - ki t kusj.:, ; , :s r ; for the la., (I ! c y (.11,,, aild II has gt ''• ' TiLIT Ill`lCft l.iftttere, 94.1asies p as i 6 large n: a 8.1, 11,a., 0,1:11 one,: -,.1"4. `"t , fiction. s ...tra • stem . UAL returned from the cities of New T w at. rmi 4 110d111,) a Lige Stone Stable, Wag. '''' - .: s s , ; !kiss one U t the must pit i mblr , l ll,edjc • t Fsts p s . A PblLuieJphli, with the 16 1 1kest hoc k 07 Fall midi Os Shied sad Corn Crib ; btocre 'remit Nouse , in out nei g h " wriKl ."' C.l4 t r s n ' 4P7 o°l' ' '2 1 ,0-: , r e ., us of ,-,„ , eke, one I !.... n . la , rge, repo( milk lait. ol'oter;ltti . ~,, i f iris (ar Clotbin* firer elrereo In Gettyslmeg.—i and Blickinaltb Shop ; two ot.. leabt ten d ozen bottles . I there • '''‘ other in the rear of the largo 1 ill retail Samshh rs noted' for, sefllmfgrod and decry i in &ant Mid Ile lihr; Onto ApptOrcharcia, Riots satiety i do not 1 r "kat - el° recolunicuil it to th 4 Wait% J ill, Ij.le atdek coy ad hand - eke eeilii t dics4 ponekes pears, planes, tis a good-inamlauhae. Yours, rupee ' ...., atiythltg 11 liarbEen able to offer. heretofore— , of slltsrec “ t o such aura ...leased on tictrafitageotsi terdra..- 7 1 .1 c ht e t" e l ' ' - J.lOl JR SPA:lotto:. tack eonsimOairtsistfil,44, ds of Over- I Persons uel w ithi ong t o "m um , w iti please ea u -PUTT** Sfatem, York re -, hey I t ly j 1 of etillretr; 23bMtliarlOiditilf°10.,VOitel'IN _ r _ k one ndersigned, rrinitraul sh'creosa 11'. it. kihriner c ---,Drar Sir,l—Yahr t . NW% Pf4iNars m , T o ll; IMO °M A I:ft P lICl ; ".° T,. i Aug.FitttOkAuopt,,imut, - syrup Is becoming very popular here. been soiling it for •aliout, iovo yeare, and a st, ai Oede Synd,,in evpritlelpg je ciesq , ci &I. sig. 1, 1859: Tig r e mai .41illi Altm-b49.4 to fell 0 -IC4I PT i e7—"---- Ha — ts and Palm r -‘ - • al more general thait any usodiaitap, • .31 ... ' O, hare ever sold. 1 6 use it in our flamily ~,• •oreley c cjf ART elm weals C9°AL ls tet' • rat) 0(){1p 4 4n .(4144,r—ttly,,wat, d6"..we x, laßlyrediftr. Cwir...leimbiast,. les Isit . huut,t OU Up' etopaspece h i ch oit sprtranly- at on itivaluaale callipg et Spiasorea. . ' RAlNll47966trit'ff7l4A t;• 11 —•••••ae r ect.• 1 .., • 111jrVap-,l,fasipal Instrumeats,Jewelry,ana offrinformw' the 1611111 , 6 that M. lees -daset S. U . ilii.utiiimr7 .... ' .. * J.IOIiSON York 4..0. II,t) 1140 4 S o ya 4l% wo c p i k . is 1104 tur c er .m hilk s p ec ify, ;starve airmest Mteeheistaastiaismeat of .1614104 To w. R. 6116 , ',... 4 , .l e ''. .• 4 , 4. , mina $3 i50ci . 441 . 41. , somouss4sumaii , c ii ,5- up ) l!r : I ti 'Olabl , r yourAhatmatti ii Ihrelll Pa bawd 44 , • Ada 24, 1420. - Mei , 118abboith • Asleep Vapi mail..l4eartir ;. 414 ' -uP There("l ° " beat, . t °U g h scAliklia w cs i am,* an unequah.litiMese drisiettil; Fliild,,t ° ~, _ As 444' a l." bf VW adeatifipaskia Awed coverviramin; I° " *.ro. " such tudv "" l : l44t4°44n4 aill&w: . lieraallirtiprismetast*** alialiacitidifor essejsbo4.44.lere seed in my fagtiLy I like sa„ tt..o (indite& ' . , t ,L3-r.: .. v . 1 .: ', a r ' - '` ' * il'su l l 1 • 11 .° 1 Y , , C • L''. l - 42 ‘1110r 4 v Price, 31} rts per bottle. or 3 bottlei foe 11. 4 ,, ladfcal‘rars' altered. wadi selialseel prieseptely' d by all Tlrugglsts and Merchants. ' led perfect) . Fur Trimmingsof variousstldtble. A, ELI, IT, limo. /Om 4 - 0111/Yltall'e heal time Boldbl. `'''" ,r t corner .6[4llktall'aid - Rao* stress. sign the Lion, Ti and liter saiitachshistrim lilltbeili 9 ' • Oct. 17, 1 ':•: : ,- ' ' al :- -......018..14 , 4 ' ~,,,,, b.-. g 1 si '''' Me gamma , :: . - t I AI . a , 1 . 11E . 1..S Grum w.iii*P whim* -'122` 1 .---4 ' mitt* 1 " c - ', . • ekt",'l=6, ;iodit, jrley, Clorer-seed_Thoggly-peed, Floilrokell the largwellow rfreliattl, ardll eacum.... - , -.1 t .c, ..e•- , ... 4” q _IN ';jilArAster, Plaiit4 6 ;111a111; - "1118.,Andli bilit skid well telecto4 stock of Limber pad l condi/salty triatad and 00 site at " hottse.' - -FRANK Seer Oftlird,tlet. 7, 4069. tr i -,- .- . 1 ,• • ' ' ,-a-L-. ..La-11 • .4•• 0 ; 14 , f• 1#4.1 '•.- '4l i --.• • i ; ~d uric. r. gees , 1 ' 6 ' 401111 K04A aliP9lo o .l . ** her* &is ii WAIF- vf " t h„ 0 " 1 ". itammie etc fiat , nrri s icy" 4141 dr- i .. W e 1 ' 1 4**linil*-1 . 4101 1 140.111 iiru'.4ir,red lioile i* a go".- 1, 1 (11. glaii*Yiwiiii Siisicer4ardr , 4 - 4iiiiiib strit4t)lo,B4ti-, 4 We varies. 1/411w st:l4 I**Aists it, wail ctio..nternym f 4 .Af tib tbe had at 13.14' Itatiroall ihput, emu mile distant, APP/' ut 141 p tents per buidiel. 1.411 re. I- *.,14,4 , 44 AP-1 bc°ll "-- Po , dlibli I pie en,. i`eachA:/tcliecni, 471.1 a g•r, at Nln . 6 ki ,i' l time Beat er ar.„,rt Allowayu CrolkuprUle ttiro: , trait In 440 MA. A Merl of ..tef 1.4 air ,fiwr, tile Farm, as well u.s a poLlic roli 4:1. Tha Karp( ~nd-a-riterrr-inttir ..- m y rt ni; - n e - i t,. I nir y, ' Pita •-4 ', taut 41.1..1.444. l'er,cta--winitiztg Li_ Ilroperty, 14 ith t *NM he made ; 1 irw the reopeela - are -requested PQ ogit onartilb c r n re" eniiiembletuiaai IneiLt Wailed Ctitillrf ',,,,. ot. 0 t . tb!, i l ItC l a 4ar , N ...• l 'I". 1 , 1 " 14.44104 , , tellid:mi g' in ' resieteaw,lieLl Leak dated tor a rineyrtrd And ',.!'°unki"./ tuft u- , L II P, *du 1 .1491Ait,;:4,..=*WE otts41 0 4 ... 1 Vegetable 61111. ...... ( premises. . ._ . / j o r-t w iti se g a h em , m g G . t i lt emA t Agoari - i licirl'ossFei2,loll Ind 41 clEar title will beglrcl p teatatirm term. h.. e; ,U bd shown eitber by ' f on I-On last. LI , ) of 'April next. i4l r. Eii este, living oa the Tiretnises, or iny,ell, 1 LETr (1 OLDEN,. ' i te_sidilet! in tow in.. bie:01:O i.; ARNOL D. I JACOB ...ILTIIOFF. Unity* burg, Pa:, Ile pi..,5, Miff. i Sept, 12, 18 . :4). tf -•- Ezzeidori-. ---..---------, e +_ -., .— , , I -- -- - 22hte (;)P TlfP A011....-Inflannztatory and Ohtani* Rheumatism can he cured by wind M. M MIIIVB - 0111.1111111,11R1S BM NAHUM IP W.& VIM idddf pasnothenit citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have to ti ied to its great tatili4. • ltstmeness has Ithennuatie One tient, be hannt hilhereseasparalleled ily 'lsar spieled introdtseed is the public. Prim ft* cents per bathe. Toe sale by an dregniStaated storekeepers. Peepared oat, by 11 1.. MILL 4 E t Whalers/Aland- Retail kDruggist, East Lelia, Adams county, Pa.. dealer indirenslohmlionli4 rarailkhrits,. Paints, Ilye-spip, bor 'fled Oil', W • 'ant Irtnetelr*. Window (Davi, Perrimery,loateot Nedicinee, "WA. D. Badalaris the .dgetstAn Gitsepplau for ,4 W. L. Miller's Oalehrasiii ithenainsie Nat tutie.P EOet. hi; 11139. i 3 Rogieter's Notice:. - OMB is hereby giver} to all leinteett i and other panting concerned' ar the Admin.; 11ration accounts hereinafter nientionlid:lti be presented at the geplistn, Court of Aolltzlii county for "coniiinuttlpo alto d610,' - at . .Vesedetp, the 21st 4j Nimvisp pitti, at If o'cto*, A. M., tit: 151. The mond steel basT w irectunt of 101 l and Daniel Mlcirley, R'pee 'niers of the liuthifir and testament of John 'Bailey, Sr., deceased. 182. Pint , and final account of IVillfaih B: thirdner, AitatiiiStrator of the estate of Amos Meals, &Celtic - 11. I The Oral and fins? account of Sebastian Stitzet Achninistestor of the estate of Daniell B. "Martz, deceased. Z41§;1141141 - 81114 Riyister Reeptes Pect4 t . 4. Ogg tf, • _ _ _ AT the Sign of the BIG ROUT, in Clambers . - bug street. We her.e jail received a Maine 'Seek of iffAZI, CAYS, WM. &WEIS. Tesokii, Carpet fess, Cal reds', Soggy tier. esee, Collars, and era determined to sell at the !tweet prices possible for cash.— Call and judge for pfurielvea Oet. 11, 1859. coßgAs t CCLI'. • Still Et Pew gore -.4- OOD PADAYSriN•MiDIEST.—I will selrroa Ur 50 to 208. demi, ha *sets to suit purrlie sera: Thispetenstellvispplied. wits weoed, 4 tr Met, fruit uses sad good Is* (lowa 4. Jaw Vesstit k r of hey elm be aides now poopenles lieirent 14 t 0 2 miles east At' Usticirsherg. POI xtaraip esti os the sulassiber. JUtiliPH Sept: 28, 1840. LIBRAHAII SCOTT, - A. &Kitt & Son, •.- - ' 1 p g IiALERB to '- Diy Goirds, Feet" Article-, Qtteensward, Groceries, kc., kc., opposite " le Hotel," Ctinarberibireg street. A Fresh Ansortmant . thQv coops' Om miff" AtItILININIGIia'S. 'z•-tfie abbltaribet has jolt rammed from City viith arteiheti and meat spleviiid ttesort• ant of Crooke for GENTLEmr..N't3 WEAR.--to wide% be mks the attention of the pnbllc. lie bee seleeted his Mock with great care ‘ aciA can itekiamilietituttifet tore every variety rt(-10 11, 11kir Wight aitaimpleet and most wuhitgetialrownovr /34541ealree,all who winh. to be well Wed with geed, genteel FALL. AM) WINTER CLOTHING, to.gire him a call. lie cannot be excelled in the town. fivery one, therefore, who desirat a barge,* ehould tali with bim at hie Siert:bent Tails ring Ceratle street, next door to t ifcCeasughy's 1141. J_tcga aumtatilt., Oet'3Y, 1859' , . , • • • end Ra&LE.—I lag HQUSIC,II4,LIfreIe. Clow- UT eraburg ifreeT XlteirseTertil Phttlitig 'UT Lott In t e 110ioner. gmle. AttIVO t . 13ettrrinirg, Sept. - 12, 185 ft. tf aide aillortment• of BOOTS AND &BOBS, con sisting Of Ken's Water-proof Booty, Fine Calf • Phoitigrop i i 0:nil-soled hooter Heavy Kip Boots, Calf Con ! grey* Gllieerd, Mays' Boots, tames and Gaiters. AlintgOlTPl ol , - §tilgt •NiletilltYPeg,' o Thankful to me friends and customers kw and sattliads of • es orthe Ereelviorl past favors 1 hope by Oolitesiias and fair dealing ory,Gittysburg. pCt. 24. Ito merit a conlihuence of their patronage. Oct. 17, 1859. 'IL F. MelblEigNar. • iO l 5. !MARLA e•. r AOLtES:r Atli.-Lettarsj New Fall and Wintertioods, a • Aig.. din" tkt .4441, 0 111 t• A. SCOTT k SON'S '.4Eiir STORE.— We I ,thy . •1 o visblp f 4 so, rs 4 Iseve „jun received our stock Of goods. d r. . .AO l4 de, a µlgo for the Fall and Winter sales, to which' same , bt . w e Lprlte the quention of buyeii—vrbielf felt! imuth irptlis,44l,ol! 'i tn . , ' / I' . : ' 1141 ;iu beauty and price cannot be surpassed—stoat ' .. - ,l" ' '. ' , ' ..., ' ," . 1 0110 wiitct Ray be found a variety of LAD 'I 41711174 '• :4 .C. all . ' rims' GOOD S , of flew and fkablonable de". WWl* . Id?"t ; • I C 1 . . sre ~.•, . ~. z.: Adger signs, SAlonnets Trimntin&s, •ke., Ire‘.:-. ...tf4 l f r Air .74.. ' - • Our stock of Domy,stic dooms le also {MI and teitcptetet - 'lPerlirtlif - A..4IMYWIVRAW' -, -... ~,i - --•- we have a varlety_of Cloths, O _ Ott"- ...“. •.“ .1 ~.. ML94203. - statir, - Xi. -- oscir.,„ibero4s -- • • - A ~ ,R tifintiiiirl'ltNo 'ARE.— übekdkd bar itiOd SU*. ;Adel' foe llr V 1 fibUteeMS - stittlete itt pzidts to irl9l ) - 4 0 44 -". 1 A11 , 410e air il all. erstaiestieu • • ••• • , a/WU Tbicoldisl *sr , - , • ~, • . leo-I WO by 'strict asses. ttiWto . -•• ... S &AIM tb' please, to ..Welf i al weft vs, s tostisuonee of the 'kaki, illf-ireir Ur of skew. Our matte - lei ) 4 421s i tok - • small prokto.' l --, . 1 ..31 • 14:4.101161/. - - -- A. 800Till 1 10311[*.i JCIIIN LVTZ ORO. ARNOLD bare Sew Goods 'IL fill , ry SCOTT Dr-Baakee. . REA SALL DISEASES.—DR. ••1111. g ceperial attron to tbellsibillits ghtv Molds, ()cassia eel ; lalliresett,- Mishear, lireneitithr ant- elleitilhatitifil Otte Nose, ileutlf, Throat and Lungs; stsiairits I jion to the treatment of ell skin dieesisessAtstese Ingo, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, -Rblutilkiw' Lists Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Daspepllito . sw ; 2 „, . . 1 , ..„..., z.. .., , }'ails; and all disewies of the Stomach, Liverand , ‘ Ai - :ri , - 4 .1, ~, ~ 4 .2 „ • .• ~.,e , Bowels; also all chronic disimses perUisint ' ' • HE tbeg ategenstoot jpfini OAK'S, KIK. „rail; Women and Children. Dr. ' 13itakills - min - ' ',2 ' • illitatell&AMlLUlVl SOWN 110 unatiE,"Xes duce one thousand certificates of his ..s b Aired I. the Eons% et OnsitugnsiDiesa.tofj F ence?! in c i n d ring ancers, Olt Sores __ ter 60 5 , rt .4dimiROLtOSS in 11,4 0 411 . 1)4)4M43410 I li t . 1 , 1 1 . 1 I '-. f! heads , we" , Mwellin g" said Court, on ass 211 t do of f orvirkier *ark Alp , .. ‘ , FlO,l of ivery -description and withselkheteleilit - rides cause beAhown to the wires"- , , I; .. . o ._ of CAI knife. Theta last nettled dfiniiiiiAlteris ~ , ______ __ _...,l4,4loa.yrugagy,...ifkati4 o ,• . be treated by eamspondenee. dunidinitPl_ iiills4 Ptothonetie l e , oll,s4 Nksitro A LE, 4t, : :- ~1 pketilfite toilet piece themselves Oudot IlitelDttAl ~ burg, Oct- , 24 1 ltiti. 4r,,,i . 2 .., f 2 , etniefitebsitifitlsospervirion. . p-• 1..-4 F DR. ISAAKEE has madly new discovery - Mr. Ito Mot, Goods--_.__ _„. :- • , Fluid thiseseirl prod eel+ pc rftet sbebrptionliffillill .0 REAP _,360,113-411,11, - TTY. GOOS.-,-Falt i , Crraturr, and restore pfrreet visiotto-tiig4trotat im a m * withe r , „have j us t rv,i tt n e di r i n • i patient the u* of the knifolcsr iseetliesrlia~ tinksilies srillisthelsorgeat, prettiestoidgilaspab4 r enews!' diseases of' the , •- -.4 arts aitisktitteaksattiextiit eTesr falscsmkto tbsiiliaajc- LYE AN I) FAR, ••• C ' 414064 We have an unusually large sial.shaail r at,ngit, n i t witMIT the - use of the - knife or needilrinfirtir' 'Nlibey plisispas, -anal very y o acipsy, ot lo t ijo , bp s congannttsion baud an eicellent.iiiisortment Dress Quads. , Gissainians,C s isamsetts,Vansings i i 9 toesuufiti Artificial Eyes, and Tympaitfilligelric to. Cell sally sucl **mins foLgottriclaps,— EarsPrums, suitable for either sex-SOAK I; w e i t aiL es aiggr gm ahalLonr GrOsAfe luilisu- ~.—inserted in five minutes. Als • _ 44 ally cheap. islo Vothle to show (;coda. f ortment of Ear Trumpets of aliadZei • FAHNESTOCK ItIgallIERS, _ description known in the woild/ • . " 6 " 4- "' , 0tt..37,1861/. 1. _ Sign Bed kront. assortment of beautiful Artifieisky., IP'''''% es ' - Wrist, Aria and Elbow attadunentlL-• 1., alkii Feet, with Ankle, Leg and Knee-Join. agifillip• . menu—natural as nature itself. These,setitbvit, can be sent by Expre.s to any - part oftitewio' sill,:s Dr. Ruske(' is ouc of the most eclat:v:o.44*W -- skilful Physicians and Surgeons now filinefra , -*• Ms fame is known personally iu 'Laney stew - principal oity In tha world. Alt lettegsathibiftwo ed es Dr. illnakee 'must contain teneentaitlispirs. pietist* and'incidente I expenses. Idtiltulllite diseases can be treated by correspwritinsti, at ... eeptthose usentlenct, tied frill require his per- Sone! supervision. Office hours Irma lifistrry to 4 P. A. - -- VICTOR ISAAREK, Latest Alranti MAE grestexelleusent in Gettysburg Aiteltifl Is essaintd by Pieking'sCLOTkllliA.4 all mei and ready made lillaosds .are all fresh, Ills !Vies are all new, st drop in and see: nd yon'll And this laterals. If you, want a Ape coat, he has every shade, •Blue, .b . l•dern told black, all Well thrumed and „midi ridtle ta s te 'Rock cif penteilimpifieii ales The finest ofe l ps i siipx,,,lipespvi add - others. art ,petterns,ars new, Orsilne d satine t and Ve I v et s not few; High 4toc * ll ob large to einuierate here._ woldlea he has all that gehtledieti eenr. ' Ireilisk eh° a stock made expressly fOr youth, Add kit mode of dealing is Wrack)! Ad truth.; And thelat of it all is the Ilia(:pi my rhyme) 14 is selling, at prices to . 4I:IT TILE HillD *brays And Clothing, in quality, tarty Wider up of materials for service Ku4NASK; • Then eve hint a emit andyou'll Gaol Latina Itaui la Charabarsburg street, ►lett att his old stone. OeUysbarg, Oct. 17, 1850. ' Call and See the Bargains! IctP. Melting:4l7'll6ring just returned from . the city of Vitikulelphis, where he has se ected eery carefully' his FALL A-ND NV /NUM . ?. G 00139- la prepares to show the prettiest and most fashionable stock of goods in his line ever brought to this place, whicirwill be sold at prices that Will deft all competition. His stock of HATS AND CAPS is full and complete, em bracing MOO, Po. 1. black Silk Hats, Yen's black Cassfmere HMS, Men's fine soft Fekklats, Men's 'Ledger Hate, Men's Russia Broad Him Hats, Men , * ffilk Velvet Caps, Ledger Maps. ?key, nett, and Pinsk trimmed Cape. A Splendid assortment of BOYS' k CIIILDRFair'-i CAPS, ftom-23 eta. to $1.23. Also, an eaten- 44. 2-„,141514(gi1ij.L.41L-aa BA k f 1 • 1 • A . - . • 704 Brtxxdws . na few doors above Fourth street, 71 1 59. Ejan.3l. siwaimitart Pollock, Bacon & 44)4 - Tyro. 20 SorTH sECOND ST., PIITE Importers and Wholeft/et/lr tail beaters in' Fancy . and Staple In this devil-L=l:a buyers will dried. • • and complete stock of plain,latell,cilk and • DRE4lsLj a iy;t3., principally Dun:l944 Cent lecke Auction ailed, iq .1 1 4 . );aw York ; had' still lac 4,01,t hero, ihtel,ortAtion. .4.iso, ara silks, of the most.cglebraled tr. high lustre. Also, in their *hp meats, am extensive and v4rie other Drew. Alaterial.s,,ersibeai approved fabrics and_ latest ip r ter Wear. , I this department .wo.offer y,tal sive assortment tote found in erhbraCes all the latest noveltir ular sty/es, of the season, in Goods; many of which Larehl the hite.htrge Auction ale r greatryriducerfpritieit. I"..ILAA MANTLES uy . ers gilJ Hi meet A very eitenant ossartnx endless ranety to ailed from, r doubt the largest and most . r' in point.of quality and style t, Country—ranging in pekes frt due gorilla; all manutuctur,ed most approved materials, for Wear, and of unequalled wiirki 4141 retail sales. gf:l-4traegera visiting Pfailadelphyt,.rt llc,leed to asami go our , A libepldeimmost to wholesale utak 4uyers.. ;.•• / C OLT No. 20 South second Swett, rear akr , ,ereg s gi 4 Oct. 24, 1849_ tae - - EMI 0 :4 1 4 4 5 51 t 10 , 4 1 41,1 e icy:' -I;:rte r i ' 2 9° sa4 FEZ - i. 4 i IMO =Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers