rZ2 The Wier Chariot ofthe Democratic Citizen's 13 enal aide its appearance on our streets on Totality afternoon last, and °rested a deoid- I 6dleteelien- The Dowd, in full forte, occu- to seats, and discoursed a number of ; time in Itch charming style as to delight its friends and wring praises from the Opposition. I Wish kit rate instruments, fine musical tal ens", and a desire to become proficient, the Bend West soon strain rank among the beat in j i be °commonwealth. We heartily wish I the all success. The Chariot is a vehicle such as few ottt. of C ettlyebtrrg would suppose the place capable of getting op. We have never seen, here nor in' the cities, anything to surpass, if to equal, it. To deseribe minutely . the beauty and admire. ble design of the various paintings and orna rissonta would require the pen of the artist hitt/elf—(lr. Otos= SZILLVO, of Reading.) We will merely glance at it, The large back cannel contains a portrait of the "Father tf., his Country," with surrounding‘ of great , richness and in good taste • each o r the sides ' ventains in front, a strikingly fine represen ca lion of it sea-hor%e—thr head. neck and breast being hone.:-the body and tail fish—and the ' fecß Webeed ; as of the duck. Following the horse le seen ft magnificent sea-chariot, the whole giving the idea of Neptune's team, ready for a drive upon the waves, The "dash" is highly ornamental, surrounded with a plated rail, white the driver's rest is , surmounted by a pair of splendid sliver lam ps, as the best that are made. The runnings lust is in correct keeping with the body, toe*, in the moat subatantiul manner, yet ,nektiy. sod painted in faultless taste--pure white, with blue stripes and delicate red lines. 1111 the workmen concerned in getting up the vehicle may well be proud of their work, as every piece of it. is just what it ought to be— first-rate. It is supposed, by those who ought to knew, that the building of the Chariot in any uithe cities would have coot at least SRO°. I The Chariot was first taken to the Heidlers burg meeting, on Tuesday evening, and since that, to all the meetings as named on the list. ! Everywhere it is received with the highest demonstrations of admiration. Crowds fol- • low it, and spend almost hoilFs in viewing its various beauties—for in all its parts it will bear close inspection. "Our Wagon goes to demonstrate the old fact still further and further, that "some shine . may be done as well as others." BrUlgei lai re , / • The Commissioners have made an inspee lion of the injury done to the County Bridges Ly the late flood, and find it to be quite heavy. "The stone struetare across the Couowago at Cole'ssew-mill, is nearly down, and will re -flair's new Bridge immediately. The Bridge rims. Black's mill was greatly damaged, but is being repaired. The Bridges at lyers's and Stambaugh's mills, near New Chester, also suffered by the vrashiug, d..wn of wing --walls; indeed, the Bridges in all quarters have iheen injured more or less. The necessary -repairs are, however, being made as speedily :as praetidable. D•■ Rice's Great //thaw ,I, It will be seen by reference to an advertise -ment in another column that DAN 1110 E, the great wit awl humorist, will visit this place 'TO-IdOltltQW, with his superb equestrian company, and give two entertainments, one in the afternoon and one in the evening of .that day. Who has not heard of Dan lice, mine of the greatest of living humori-sts' his name is as familiar to every man, woman and child in the land as household maords.„ as -on his last tonr through the country, and his numerous admirers should, therefore, nut fail •to giiito hear the inimitable jester for the last lime and enjoy n hearty laugh. During the -pertormanze DAN' will delver his farewell :Address and give some appropriate 00maien taries on the topics of the day. Other inter .esting features of this exhibition are the per forlostrices of the educated mules and the -wonderful /bets ,Of the " Ta/king .11.mse sinr," which to be believed must be beetl!— Montiin is to be outrivalled in his feats on the tight rope by Leila llooklm, the dancing Elephant, which with time other novelties to be introduced, will make up a most wonder ful and interesting exhibition. Time perform -ere are ammitotmebest in tits country, and the whole forming a most brilliant constellation. - The Cavalcriee will enter Lowe about 111 e'- thick in - the-morning,. There will no doubt be a large turn out from the country on this occabion, and in or der to procure comfortable seats, persons should go early. parr-Three fatal cases ul Tetanus, or lock - j aw, h Ave oe4urre lin this phi d iri n.; the last few months. First we recorded the death of a son of Mr. SAX VEL Ilsaan; last week that of a son of Mr. A. B. Patna, who accidently injured his foot at the 1i:till-Ind Turn•fable ; and this week it is our mehuicholy duty to re cord another from the same diaease(locit-jaw,) that of Mr. :kin:HALL ME kLS. SOthe two weeks ago he ran a nail into his fuut--sympt , mis of Tetanus soon appeared, and on Friday he died. Ili. age was about 34 years, and he leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss. His remains were interred in Ever Green Cemetery yesterday—followed to the grate by the Independent Blues. Odd Fellows, lied Men, and the Gettysburg Beneficial As zooistions, in all of which he held member ship. It was the largest funeral ever had in this place. atir Wx. A. DcNceN, Esq., has opened a Law office in the Diamond, in the looms for merly occupied by I). Witts, E-q. See his card another column. Business entrusted to him will be attended to promptly and faithfully. as be is a gentlemaul ability, beauty and integrity. 7i! aderbe Rev...SAMCCL A. !lota ka t of Mir risharg, and late of our Setuituary, has mealy .ed and accepted a call to take charge of a Lutheran congregation in Pottsville. If we !mistake not, he will be a faithful aed accep table pastor. iirhir. Abraham Linab. near Eleidlers barg.has sold his farm to Mrs. PuUj Stephens, for .• Mai. Sallied Lobe has sold his farm, 1010 aorta, in Franklin township, to Mr. Eli Hart man, -for *stow. IllirAdvertisements of FRANK lime, G. F. BICIUNI and WM. IVIIGEIT go over WA:um*, Issas, U soda° to insert them reached us too late fbr the 'present. aarbir. JOHN &roc% eshibitsd to us, a.t New Oxford, on Saturday, a mammoth Pom ace, weighing 2 pounds, and measuring 171 inches in circumference ane way and 11 inches the other. "The largest and best meeting of all was it Bendersville last night,"—Slar. ggrA peTecia who went with the Opposi tion delegation from this to Bendarevilla m formals that the meeting numbered leas than . giro hsusdred persons! If this was pis but, what ;must the rest have been t The people of Adams de not seem to have a better opinion of Know Nothingisin and Blatt Republican ism combined, than they had of the former unadulterated. WPM. Euhnel, taking the one from the Star, op the Appropriatton Bill eomtained no provision eontinuing , the S7UO 41 41 8 7-" If Ws be true, thoq Mr,Dorboraw didfsbar 11 4 se a in reipira*l§ " , ' l ttit tes l2 . : - winch ha . proration's try to frame beaus in so other BM is. tiatii ihau revia kiting& for the _payment OF thetikiihre4-- The Sersed Ihs biintesci see t 4 regfeliled" to tosarab* &PI/ .11=41P1:11r=40..A337,1,4 „sad a %Wog to , N a i m g v. Tho r an week tryiAg # 4 1 41 .et *Pr itik t the °ems -1;4 : iammk. • — 4 ‘..-4p pit . .priy be ' that "the lar is ok 4Ailisr Ikons." A Full Vote is a taphOoratlo Look - Gat for victory 1 Upois the eve of the election we asy The Star etusgereior fieperi4Couneillotw expeet'to find ail summer of stories and of Know Nothiegisse, Ilasterthameelvee with slanderscirculated throughout the noun• the hope tbst whilst the turnout of their own ty against the gentlemen on our tiekeL party at the polls will be full, that of the I Likely the &ar and Sestittel will indulge Democrats may not be so, In certain gnat- their inclinations to the fullest extent tens their minions are already telling Demo- just previous to the election. Let Demo crats that the " election will be a small one " crate be prepared for them. Look out ! —that " it is of very little oonsequence, any- for the Roorbacks AND BkAND TUZM As how "Wand that theyDISERVS. " believe they won't go THEY themselves," &e. This is all gammon. They I REIMILBER, expect thus to humbug a few Dea"erat's into That A. K. .111eCLU RE, in 18.57, not only staying at home, whilst they slip off in the voted for, lint made a laming speech in favor evening, 3 ust in time to vote before the closing of $2OO Extra Pay ! Of the polls 1 fellow Democrats, there is {fie only effect that the o l sevt Know one sure way of beading off these sly fellows t soLtun g meetings seem to have, is to arouse Let eery onteVou go to the po ll e —go in good the Democracy. "het 'er rip !" time, so that accident of an ordinary char __ _ enter may prevent your getting there—put ix your mica, and then all will be safe. With a fair turn out, victory ripen the Democratic banner is cr.stsno—SOßE I. '"1 tifrln reply to oar charge of Darbentree dodging on the Appropriation Bill, the Senti nel says. "If he had been absent, and not Toted, there could hare been no furae in the charge, for the bill, in its then shap4, contained no euch provision as the Compiler mentions." 410.1 t contained a provision to pay the stinmhers their salary, which was fixed at $lOO, and sr Dnriporac pletlytd Itiss• Felf to rote . Ivr the repeal ty't The section (the 4th) propoeing, no reduction, of course THE $7OO PAY CON TIN Ell: If not, how wan it that Samuel Durbornw drew his SIUO fur last winter's Peseirn. Answer us that. War McClnre's speech, in the Legislature, in 1657, in favor of the Exlre Pay, plagues the Know Nothing managers mightily. They cannot deny it, for it was published, in plain white and black, in his owu paper at Chum bersburg at the time. Special Notions. NERVOUBDGiItAIbt COS T ROLLED AND CONLICIR ED.—Of all the serious VW that , letreet from W. snior• ment of human life. moat of Gem !my be {rated oritrod coodlLivo of the sorrow system The barrette of Epilepsy. or ratline &ammo. vise to moot easel Gem thin •Oar readers way remember. on runt oseaskomi before, we have .ttoded to the wonderful cam, or =mil bodkin% of / t its, made by the l'ecirtable Epileptic I.llla, veateetiand prepared by I.lr. both I Bailee, of IIL lialu• more street. Baltimore, Md. W • feel fully Nabbed that theme pitta hare core.] some of the most stubborn cues of Lpileray, a wall a. the miktcr forms of Pita, inch se re vere Cramp.. epasms, inc We now record U.S feet, that persons well foal the. ktilla squally elleaceou in curing every forty of nervous daintily , —no matter whether want footed is al* acute and •Leruclating form of Neuralgia, Tee-Duloreux, or Nervous Lletelecha, the misery of LIT.- T 1 4 0., L or to lifeauon. tw solcroags of h/leumatnsin or limit. the 13141Lanetxqy hal luctiostoin of depressed spirit.• or hysteria. their •fleets will be squally happy end certain. Persons in the country, can unto to lb. tot *star. and hare the medicine forwarded to then; by mat. The prices are, one hoz. f.a , two boxes Sat, ; twelve boxes Pr.:4 , awl sent to any part of hie o,lllltry, fro. of postage. Direct your coin. MUOICAL.OOI W tow o. iLott.oore street, wore, Aid (AepL 5 he. Tax OXIU EN AT RD 131 TTEILS —Tbo qualitimi of this medicine have placed it upon .o imp/menet:oM foundation In dretampor thermeo, end inducing boaltb it has no ptharitel Y.r Ina following Co,n,lLatt these Bitters ►n • Fp.• C.C.t rig .—Dy•pelru, or In.ligs•Voo, flout Barn. Coatiirooomi, L.now Appoun• flawiaclaw, ►od tkeftweal Lowlitiaty. In Arany sections et oar exanntry tbla preparation la et tenairely u.e t h. paya,nina in their practice, and It enema to har• re...red ~n) to wealth. who were apparently t0...pal ...pal the reach.,: the heahug art bt lajw.unt area 11.11 r tri Lute. tr.... well-known physic.= : 11ae.6e h 1 Tioga co . Pa., Aug have e,..1 the unyp.ruied liettilini is My praetwe tth decried •uccv.e ID ..leblt:ty awl wuvr.l pruat.rati.ll, kc and Cul34Jeut , y rectoml4r4.l it la uellersl Debility, sal cll.. ease• of LLy 41.e3:1‘• 0 rinut Y 1.1 1.1 D. Anbnrm 1 , t•ept 6, 1158. Gentlikroen: —I bare been In in. drug butaueas the 1.0, item years, and hare nerer .14 a medicine which bad g.rrn eurb great P...t I•fAct tun 113 ewes 0( U7eperyu 114 LIB Uzygen..ted /Altera, and in tbs.. dtarmade I Lamy* rweaua ruenu it. U. le. Yt11,11.1.K. Darlington. Vt., Nov. 12. IV&lit fientirmen •-1 a, plevwd bu .tats, that f hays tried the Oxygen-awl Hitter. for lallgratcou and DebiMy, awl foe cvd luoowlsate raiser Nom won . uttly a part of a bottle. I Lave the greateet co...lilac:ice to 'll for Driperim aud General reoua-oetal it with mach pie ...ore. Your*, &c JANINCILEW/S, M. U. VrepAred by Seth N to•la at Co , ltortoo, and for sale by A U Ituehter, tettyv , .bri, Jacob Yulwwler, 1111.11M11.11••• burg, li ~curter, New tlcorl, U E Hollinger, Abbotta tench ; I%llltam Wolf, Sant Itcrltn, rear Itobhta, away. too; W2ll H. Metcall, 1 ork zpoop ; James A Elder, tow loitaborg axal by all dealers In oral/clue& [rept. S 4w DR 11 Ail C 0.111•0 UND DIURETIC PI Lt.!, are Ingbiy recoalcoeuded be emitseat lobratelasa, as ► safe, oarlatio, apecty and perusal:mot cure fur (ir►rel. etrretares and all °titer dtaaamea ur derangeoteat oI U4ll bladder mot !'rtes Yifty cents per box --Neat to aay mattress tree oe receipt of pace. adtuvas UK. J. T. litialrTuN co., Nu. 4da ry.ruce atrert, VIA tladeiph u. Also. Prt.prteturs and Idautaseturers of Dr. lta:optoo's arattlthautmatte-Ilista , d, dedicated Lough rep, The Great Dosileratuot or Bair lattetarer. Aug. DJ, 1).9 tm ta - Persona ti.ltiog tuchAni• they baei oaee tea rapid ly 1aCr...41.131; evuutry, a Dew .Lt,esutut .here hue lir.o are guin.;—etter• the climate in mild mid dirlightful--ime av 4.1.1 We Llamsimatea ,letttlemeat an anuther °Mame. 117" Persons winkles to establish Manufactories la a ninr ant lanistisc place tiler* ba■ itievi a giassi, 10111 aiir•rtiss. isast of the Hasociioator hattialumant. The Maxima - Ls_ ----------- GETTYSTURG-SArvapAy LAST Superfine Flour Rye Flour 18 heat Rye Oats Buckwheat ...... ........... Buckwheat Meal.... Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed Barley ...... Plaster of Paris Hester groan's. per bag B ALT IMORS , -- FaLDA r LAS? . , Flour 500 to 5 50 Wheat 1 12 to 1 50 Rye 78 to 90 fora ... 84 to 86 Oats.-- ... 33 to 41 Clover Seed - 5 40 to 5 50 Timothy 8eed......- 2 25 to 3 50 Beef Cattle, per hand....... 4 50 to 8 25 Hop, per band 7 00 to 8 25 Hay •» 13 00 tol7 00 Whiskey - 27 to 28 Guano, Perarian, per ton 62 00 ILINOViia--TauRSDAT LAST Flour, from wagons— 5 00 Do. from 5t0ree.............. ...... 5 50 Wheat .. ...—.... ...... 1 10 to 1 20 Rye 75 Corn .. 73 Oats 35 Clover 5eed........-- ......... 5 00 Timothy 5eed.....---............. 1 75 Plaster 050 YORK.—FIUOAT LA.SI. Flour, from wagons ... 5 00 Do. from at0re5....—.........—... 5 75 Wheat. 1 05 to 1 20 Rye 75 Cora \ 75 Oats. ' 35 Clover Seed 5 00 Timoill,/ Se•d 1 15 P1aater......—.....—...... —. a 110 Married_ On Tuesday, 27th ult., by the Rev. E. H. Hoßheims, Mr. JACOB W. BACOHIR, of York, Pa., to Miss ELMIRA J. KLING, of Dover, York county, Pa. On the 22d alt., Jan Fairfield, by the Rev. J. R. Weiner, Mr. ANDREW MARSHALL to Miss HELLin M. KNOX, both of Fairfield. 'JD 1 e3C3.- In Danfordle, on the 23d of August last, JOHN DAVIS, Esq., of BannDebars, Md., egad about 30 Jura. At Schenectady, N. Y., on Wednesday week, BARRUCT L, daughter of Dr. 0. 11. Van Pat ten, seed 3 imam • othe 20th ivyul JAWS, daughter of and ittke, arid 2 years *ea* 4*4 21 15 14 Af9l. her residence, at Marsh sosiity, Pe., NM LIMN %:,•• , .09111.111 4 , soonthe • otssy, upo, WILLIAN of .114 0 40 1) township; In the oth Mew ide - er elmt lath et Inme,3ollllf 0811, of the seas .wry Vial 431 a thwasu On, et ale Pe* likral4 e r i ur i ssequiritiis P ridar of.ttlwasiokitzliirish, of Iferuitpieeasat town ship, aipad about 13 years. To Bridge Builders. OF.ALED PROPOSALS will be received et Othe Office of the Commissioners of Adams county, until 1 o'clock, P. M., on Satterthey, the 15U day of Ociober mit, for building • Wooden Bridge it ( - MS/. ; rpat Conowago Creek, upon the rite of the old Stone Bridge. near Cole a Saw Mill, on the Shippensburg Road. The Bridge is to be built after the style of Burr's Patent,' une span 50 feet long. "&'l'lsns and sptcifientioni tan be seen at the Cominissionene-Offics In Gettysburg. JUSLAH BENNER. JACOB RAFFENSPERGEP., DANIEL GEISELMAN, Commissioners of Adams county ttte:t—.l. Wm.rza, Clerk. Oct. 3. 1559. t‘.l 9 Teachers Wanted. TE School Directors of Mountplettsant township, will meet at Brush Ron Sehool howl', oa Setarefity, the 214 of (kkoSer tail, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to employ 9 teachers to take charge of said Schools thvr months. EGLIEEIT ECM: Seey, Oct. 8, 1969. td Wm. A. Duncan, Ii . TTORNEY AT LAW.--01fice in the Neirth• west corner'of Centre Eteinarc, Gettysburg, rt wet a 1859 tr Valuable Real Estate AT PCBLIC SALE. The subscribers, Ex .— ecutors of Attaxusm SNYIJKII, deceased, wilt offer at public sale, on NnosTday, it. 22d defy of (looter ios( , on the premises, that desirable FARII, on which decedent resided upwards of twenty years, situate in 1) rune tow nship, Ad ams county Pa., adjoining lands of George Necklet', Pster, Miller, Anthony Dcardoff. Sam uel Deardorff and David IlooNer, containing 202 ACRES, Inure or less, with good propor tions of Tirnbtr and Meadow. The improve ment+ consist of a two-story Wea Lb erboarded DWELLING lIDUSE. Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn . i 11 Crib, Cooper S'llop and other out buildings ; two nuNer-failing wells of water, nun at the house, and the other at the barn ; an ex cellent apple Orchard, with a aariety of other choice fruit. Conow.ago ('reek ruts through the Farm, and there are also two springs on the property. The fence;, noo.tly of cliesnut rails, are good, and the laud i• on a goAllate of cut tii at ion, two-thirds of it haNing ban limed.— Persons Is lilting tu ‘ view the property are re quested to call on either of the Executors, the fir,t named residing in Hamilton township, and the last named in Straban township, near New Chester. ski' Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on slid day, when at ttaigall ce will be given and terms made known lIIP JOHN SNYDER, F REDBRICK IfOLTZ, Executors. Ir not sold, the Farm will be Rented at public outcry on said day. Oct. 3, 11159. Ls EMAINING in the Post Office, Gettysburg, It Oct. 3, 1859. Ailoion Elizabeth 3 Hovey James Allison William liullinwer Miss Lizzie • Anderson Catharinellralle.rtinan Miss Maggie Aken Miss Mary Jane Bohn Mrs. Nancy Boman Clarissa Jameson Charles Bowen Mrs. Miriam King Sarah Baker W. Kilt Mr. Bradley Wm. Little Miss Mary A. Itatcheller Little A. W. Brown Mrs. Sarah Lucket Basil Itigest David ' Morris Rev. John G. D.D Becker Samuel Murturff Miss Ellen Cooper lion. James McMurdy David R. Camp Rev. Chas. Parsons Virgil Corlett Mrs. M. 1. 2 Row Geo. W. Cluck 11. Itaffensperger Daniel Diller Michael Robinson Reuben Diebl Elijah Slouch Eliza Deardorff John Snyder Philip E*sick Miss May Stultz Granville Forsyth John Snyder Hannah Finkbiner Samuel S. 7.ibser Rev. R. A. Guyer John M. 2 German Letter. Geddis Henry W. Johonas George Edward 6 00 360 1 00 to 1 15 70 70 30 60 2 00 4 GO toy 00 1 75 1 20 CO 6 50 • 05 GEORGE GEYER, P. M. b a r Persons calling for letters in the above list laip please say they were aiivertised. Valuable Tract of Land, T PUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on silay, the 12tH of Oetater mat., the property on 'which he resider, being A SMALL FARM, situate in Mount},leasant township, Adams comity. adjoining lands of Samuel Swope, Alex ander Sliorb and others, containing et; Acres, more or lees, having thereon a Two- story FDA HOUSE,IIE w ith Rack-build- 1111:: : ing, Double Log Barn, Smoke House, Bake Hour°, and other out-buildings, a spring of never-frilling water near the door, with excel lent fruit of all kinds on the premises. About 12 Acres are Woodland and lu acres Meadow. About UOO bushels of lime save been put upon the Farm. The tract will he offered entire, or (rent 40 to 64 acres, with the buildings, to suit purchaser*. Per*ous wishing to view the property are re quested to call on the sebscriber, residing thereon. ggli—Sale tgpommenee at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Oct. 3, 1859. ts Lots of New Goods. GRO. ARNOLD has just received from the city a large lot of cheap CLOTHS, Cassi coerce, Casahretts, Coatings, Sack and other Flannels, Ren*s and Women's Shawl., and Cloaks, together with a variety of LADIES' WASS 01.X/DS. Call and see them. They wW be sold cheap for the money. OstS7sburg, Oct. 3, 1859. New Fall and Winter Goods, A T A. SCOTT * SON'S NEW STORE.-'.J have just received our stock of goods' suitable for the Fall and Winter sales, to which we invite the attention of buyers—which for beauty and price cannot be surpassed—among which may be found a variety of LADIES' ' DRESS GOODS, of new and fashionable di. signs, Shawls, Bonnets, Trimmings, kc., kc.— I Our stock of DORESTIO GOODS is also full and complete. For RES'S AND BOYS' WEAR, we have a variety of Cloths, Casaimeree, Sati nets, Jeans, /se., of various styles and prices.— Also, GROCERIES AND QCERNSWARR.— Raviag purchased our goods at low prices for cash, we are 'Babied to Ben them at prices to snit the times. All we ask is an examination! of our stock before purchasing. Thankful for Past encouragement, we hops by strict atten tion tb Dimness and a desire to please, to merit, as well as receive, • continuance of the same, as well u lots of now. Our motto is, " qaiek sales and small proles.". Oct. 3, 1859. A. SCOTT k SON. C l llOlO ; srl O. ANNOLD has now De►splie Seek at ur. , PALL AND. siege nod at every variety. Ovw Omni, VMS COMO, Moikay Jackets, Vesta, - Drawers, Shirts, Glossa, ?Wary, P rs., l"k ail mi n' which will beechd as cheap as the cheapest for the Toney. °gland lye them. [Oct. 3, '59.' rOY BMW* • mit tilmsninns, raj ?smaibosel-4411 411 . E at ' r S Eigur:o4,ll&l4lVael*c:,itt A. SCOTT A MM.' List of Letters B. F. HAGARMAN Peremptory tOle OF RiAL 11111TA.TiLe—Or 11111141 . 11 or Or roma wart, I 1011110 at !Mille Vendee, at !Lade Furnace, near Killrritown. Adams county, the following described Real Estate,vix : let. The MANSION FARM, on which the Furnace was erected, containing I 20 acres, more or less. The quality of the lend is naturally excellent, but has been badly cultivated. It has a fine overshot water power with a Sae Mill House. On it are erected a two-story Stone Dwelling House. large Bars, Stables, Smoke-house, Grain-house, and other out buildings. 21. Three House. and Lote, near the Furnace, each having about 1 acre of ground belonging to them. Also one notice and Lot near-C. Fry's, containing g acres. more or 3d The McClelland Tract, which i 3 di% ided as follows : No. 1. Containing 17 acres and 50 parches ; No. 5. 16 arms and e 2 perclic.: No. 6. 19 acres and 35 perches ; No. 7 19 acres; No. R. 16 acres and 80 perches ; No. 0. 22 acres and 93 perches. • The Welty Tract which is divided as follows: No. 1. Containing 20 acres; No. 2. 20 acres ; No. 3. 25 acres ; No. 11. 11 acres, more or The Miller Tract. divided as follow-a: No. 9. Containing 34 acres and SO perches; No. 10. 32 after and 31 perches; No. 11. 27 acres and 66 perches ; No. 12. 20 acres nod 54 perches No. 13 29 acres and 40 perches; No. 14. 23 acres and 72 perches; No. 13 25 acres ; N0..16. 26 acres ; No. 17. 24 acres ; No. lg. 25 acres ; No. 19. 25 acres ; No. 20. 22 items; No. 21. 26 acres; No. 22. 25 acres ; No. 23. 25 acres : No. 24 25 ; No. 25. 25 acres : No. 20. 25 acres No. 27. 25 acres ; No. 28. 25 acres ; No. 29. 30 acres; No. 30. 30 Acres; No. 31. 3O acres t No. 32. 30 acres ; No. 33. 30 acres. The Cochran Tract, divided as tollovrs No. 1. Containing 14 acres and en perches ; No. 2. 10 acres and 110 perches ; No. 3. 19 acres and 4 perches; No. 4. 17 acres and 77 perches ; No 5. 15 acres and 50 perclie, No. 15 acres; No. 7. 11 acres and 112 perches; No. 8. 34 acres and 101 perches; No. 9. 24 acres and 54 perches; No. 10. 25 acres and 123 perches; No. 11. 26 acres 40 perches; No. 12. 30 acres and 35 perches; No. 13. 18 acres and 125 perches; No. 14. 21 acres and 45 perches; No. 15. 19 acres. Most of the above lots are well covered with young and thriving Chesnut, tit fur cutting, in terspersed with a sufficient quantity of Locust fur posts. The terms are: one-half of the purchase money on the let of April, 1560, and the balance on the Ist of April, 1861, to be secured to the satisfac tion of the undersigned. If security be siren for the payment of the purchase money imme diate possession of the lots will be given. sfarThe sale to eommence precisely at 10 o'clock, on the morning of said day. The ul e will be absolute. Every lot on which there is a bid will be struck off without regard to price. A plot of the land will be prepared and exhibit ed to those wishing to pnrcbaite. THADDEUS STEVENS Oct. 3, 1959 Notioe to Contractors. SEALED Proposals for the erection of a DWELLING IIOCSE for the President of Penn's. College, upon the College Grounds, will be received until SATCRDAIN TUB 220 Or ocrosza tsar. The plan of the building, speci fications, &c., may be seen and examined at the office of id. k W. Sicetaaa, on and after the Bth day of October. MOSES MCCLEAN, MASICEL FAIIXESTOCK, GEORGE SHEVOCK, H. L. !LAUGHER, . H. S. HUBER, Oct, 3,'59. td building Committee. ABRAHAM soon.. J. SCOTT. A. Scott & Son, DEALERS in Dry Goods, Fancy Articles Queensware, Groeeries, kc., kc., opposite ••kagle Hotel," Chemi:rain rg street. --- • Real Estate for Sale. JuN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will be offered at blic bale, on the premises, on Sititrdev, Mr 22d of October nevi, the real estate of Ilsssr Mt•li near, deceased, consisting of A TRACT OF PATE \ TKD LAND, situate In Hamilton town ship, Adams county, containing 6J Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Hoff hems, John Mommert, George Jacobs, John Klunk, end others, on which are env ted a Frame Two-story Ile abet-boarded iii i 1101.78 g and Kitchen, Frame Bern, 't Carpenter Sbop, aud ot her ampros e- ' ments, with a pump of good water -- ""' near the house, sad one in the barn-y . ird , and a thriving Orchard of all kinds of fruit. There is a sufficient proportion of Meadow and Timber land. 'The farm is in a good state of cultivation . Part of it has been limed. The property lies on the Turnpike between .tbbottstown and East Berlin, about midway, and is convenient to Churches and School-houses sir-Sale to continence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be (circa and terms made known bi HENRY MUMUIIt, SOLOMON 34 UNIIIIPItT, Adtiers of the estate of Henry Mu lumen, deed. Ely the Court—ll. (L Wotr, Clerk. Sept. 26, 1859. is Notice. AILXII COUNTY - , II • • AT an Orphan's Court, held at jl Gettysburg, for said county, taa 'OA day of Seplenber, 1859, present the Dun. Robert J. Fisher, President, and Hons. David Ziegler and Isaac E. Wierman. Ems., AB3O - Judges, on motion of M. dc \V. McClean, Evils., a Rule w as granted upon all the heirs and legal representatiVeA. and all persons in terested iti tire estate. Of NICHOLAS MU VNIIOII Es, late of Cumberl.ind township, in said county, deceased. requiring them to be and appear at an Orphan's Court, to be held at the iipurt house, in GettysLurg,in said county, on tre t Aird Jkaiday of (1 Lt) Notwinber ;mu, then and there to accept or refuser the estate of the said de cedent at the valuation thereof; and in case the heirs and legal representatives and all per sons Interested in the estate of the said decedent, neglect or refuse to take the same, then to show cause, if any they bare. why the same should not Le sold 'according to law. By the Court, Sept. 28, 1859. 11. G. WOLF, Clerk. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounts hereinafter vacationed will be presented at the Orphan's Caurt of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, on Wednesday, at 201 A of October nest, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 145. The supplemental account of Dr. T. N. Haller, Adminiatrator of the estate of Robert Mclivain, late of Hamilton township, deceased. 1443. The third and final account of George Slagle, one of the Executors of George Slagle, deceased. 147. The third and final account of Elias Slagle, one of the Executors of George Slagle, deceased. 148. The first account of Emauuel Brough and Andrew Brough, testamentary Trustees of Abraham Brough,under the will of John Brough, deceased. 149. The first account of Jeremiah Slay. baugh and Jacob Sandoe, Executors of BaAmer Go:dater, deeesaed. 150. The first and 6ael account of Win. Mc- Clean, Administrator of the estate of Esther S. Pace, deceased, ZI&CHARIA.Ii MYERS, Register. Register's Office, Gettys burg, Sept. 26, 1850. j Public Sale. 91 1. 11113 subscribers, A.dosinistraters °M ME. e es tate of DA FICICOS deceased , will sell 1 at üblic Bale, at the We ;ordinate of said tle;. ceased, in Huntington township, Adams county, about 1 nails from Petersburg, (Y. 8.,) is Mos dry, the WI day of Oaheber emet, the iblioistig valuable Personal Property, Os : NAM, Cows and Young Cattle, 1 rat Bell i Fat sod Stock Hoge, I Wm** , fig Naelliao, Plotless, Harrows, Wino l owlig Til le Cultivators, BAd out Sielgbe, Horse Onus, liakte, P. be.; 1 Carriage, 1 itnehoway Baggy, new ; i sott of Bliteltataith Tools, a largo tat or new Cabbniteas; Whaster s iamp OW tad leverseed bythebosital ; 4 4 0 SW wiSay;. with Househobt alod.JClN:anic rattan. 'wade to ectesnonee $440 ofeloeit, .4.34. on said day, whim tailvil! baltrin tyt teram node knots - " LW . P=lfif, ? ~ Sept. 24,1859. to . _ . GREAT SHOW I—Superb Equestrian Com paw! and Zoologii al Entertainments I The great Show will give Two Grand Exhibi tions, Afternoon and Evening. nt GETTYS BURG, TUESDAY, OCT. 4th Performance at half-past 2 and half-past 7, I'. N. Admission only 25 eerit4. N o h a lf_p r i e , This reduction. legs than it has hitherto been, is nib uniform in order to afford the pnblic the on y opportunity they will ever have of see ing the greatest of Living llumnri.ta ! this be ing DAN RICE'S FA REW K. 1.1. TOUR! Those who never saw hint, should sec him now, Before he makes hi , last and farewell bowl This establishment returns thanks for the generous patronage which has already been so tregnently bestowed while tinder its precious management, and is gratified to bay. that while the series qi entertainment; ere multiplied to almost an incredible number, IL new resources of Artists and Appointments sre nndo•:btedly of the best and most judicious selection—each arust being himself a Star—the whole forming A BRILLIANT CONSTELLATION I Fivery attractive timtnro known to the palm:, days of the Great Show, will still characterize its esitence. Tlq distinguished humorist, DAN RICE, will positively appear at every per formance, and to add to the etfeet of each he will lecture and give apprupruite cotumentarie.s upon the topics of the day To illustrate the graceful and rapid strides of the new school of Lady Equestrianism, MRS. DAN RICE will appear on her favorite RACIR, DANIA/. WEIMAR and the MIEK STEAD, SCARY. Another interesting feature of the ex hibtion is the remarkable TRAINED redneed from their native wildnem to tlte doeil ity characterizing domestic favorites of their species. The ROMAN 111:41111Eli3, Messrs. JOUA ilvitstiv and Groans Ifott. have just ieturned ?runt :".7'7 n.rairu %Mr crowned with Morels, and \\ ill appear in their classic and striking grouping. po , c, and tableaux. The irreslstdde SIAN KEVT will procent his farcical Interlude , . and peculiar oddities. Miss Eterst.t.s Ilsnct tr. the couch admired juvenile equestrienne and charming rocalkt. Tnomss CANDLE!, leader of the Keyinsse Band—unequal ed as Chief d'Orthestra--since the dejoin of Julian and Musard. The Animal Wonders and Zoologic tl Curios ities consist of the RHINOCEROS, "GEN. PUTNAM!" or, Cnicnrn of the Bible, which, in all times, " has b^en considered untamable"— Dr. Livingstone, the great African Explorer, endorses this opinion. But this animal will be turned loose Into the arena, and perform in-' credible feats ; proving, by its tame submission, that what could nut be done In the past, u ac complished. The Dancing Elephant, LALLA HOOKIL another intance. of animal sagacity, rendered graceful by training; she will positively WALK THE TIGHT ROPE. The GOAT 0? SYRIA, in his various feats. The various Breeds of Horses will excite special attention. The per formance wilt open with a cavalcade, entitled 4 Qoarters of the Globe. The Talking Horse EXCELSIOR, who is not dead, the various re ports to the contrary notwithstanding, will per form those wonderful acts, which, to believe must be seen. The American Mustang, Eureka, or the Wild Denizen of the ranche. Lady Mar garet, whose superior beauty and musee velopment, and Imposidg action are exlit ed by the expert Kentuckian, Charles Reed. Six Dapple Greys together in the Arena, carder the control of John 11. Murray. Rebecca aiid Ra chel, graded by the skilful youth, Mast. Fred. Barclay. VIE EDUCATED urLER, Pete and Rainey Duffy, are the only aniinaliof the kind that can perform all that is claimed for them. !thus rust Mr. Rice years of trailing, and a rigid course of discipline, to bring them to their present condition. They are the Great Comics of the age. TLIE GRAND CAVALCADE. con%Lating - of the entire retinue of the Establishment, and the Animals' GREAT DEN, drawn by twenty black Pennsylvania Hones, will enter town about 10, A. L. accompanied by the KEY STONE BRASS BAND, led by the exquisite bugler, Prof. Ca.nhain. C.ll. CASTLE, Agent. Sept. 26, 18:41 OF REAL I .4 TATE.—Iri pursuance of an order of tie Orphan's Court of Adams county, the slahstrilaer, Executor of the last will and testnowns isellitonalt CLAIM ? Esq., cleceased, wallararrac Public Side. on the premises;'on Thumb!, 244 day of Ociuber Rest, the real estate said decedent, as follows : No. 1. A LOT, AND A HALF OF (MOUND. situate la Nast Berlin, Adame county, ad joining lots of C co. Spangler, fronting on King street and bounded by an alloy, with a Two-story Frame HOUSE, Log Stab c, and other irupro% omen ts. No. 2.,§. 101 OF GROUND, in the addition to East - Berlin,, bounded by lots of Michael Stambaugh, Second street, lot of 080. Baker, Esq., and an alley. N 0.3. A LOT OF GROUND, situate in Ham ilton township. Adams county, near the second described lot, adjoin ing iota of Catharine Eraser, John Hartley and Wm. Wolf. The first described property Is in a central location and very desirable fora residence or business. There is a satiety of bearing fruit trees on the same, and a pump of good water near the kitchen door. iseir Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN H. AUL...OM:WI, Eir. lty the Court—H. U. ill'ocas City& Sept. 28, 111:19. 3C Postponed Sale. BY virtue of an Order of th e Orpban's Court of Adams county, the subscriber, Administrator of PUILIP COLL, deceased, will offer at public sale,un the premises, on Satur day, at 151 A day Iv October next, the Real Estate of said decedent. viz : A FARM, sit uate in Liberty township, Adams county 3 miles went of Etninitsburg, adjoining lands of heirs of Ren.Jatnes Meth vit, heirs of Maxwell Shields, and others, containing 164 ACRES, more or less, about 30 acres of which are cleared and in a good state °rot:titivation, and much of the balance is well covered with thriving Chesnut and Rock Onk Timber.— The improvements are a one and a half story LOG 110 USE. Log Barn, a young Orchard of choice fruit, . • Fi iv ll There are two good Springs T 1 near the dwelling. The road _ from MeDivit's Mill to Sebillasville passes through this property. The property will to offered undivided, or in five pasta, containing from 14 to 65 acres, as may suit purchasers. Persona desirous of viewing it, are requested to tail on the sub seriber, residing near Mt. Si. Mary's College. Fula to eommenise at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said thy, when attendant* will be given and terms mode known by WM. A. VOLL, Aug. 116, mu. difinfitishwiletr, Nottoe to Assessors. rpm: Assessors sleeted at the last Spring Election ari hereby walled to attend at tae Contaissitautre" Office, In the borough of Gettysbug, to *sive blank imssealessat aatflie asassserT i utract' ► oas, u follows : The Assumes et Votes, let tp., Remick bor:, Ottlani t Hamilton 11 0 41 3: 641 " , ektMo4f*Utsbes, on 4 Mutat: jog, Utast oa Wokarakv, th ittA of (Maki niat; and the Ammeter* he GeLlirsherg, Cum- INIAIII4, _Trbblami Tusk- RI, Estier, Zueilen, •rei _iirtatingloa, and Lamers, viU etkme 4 nrimist, she , 20th ef Ourhsr, lfifib. /lltr aria elite Comeathatoaera, 1. 111. NAUTILI, CU*, SOL 241 , MON td 4 - 'l4/0 nose - • * in AOD ~ tvgiump..7 ll l . ,A ma , mccalio .„ ili woootima, -Tlkirrers' . 114* 11011 • ' .NNTS:. 40, ; frox. - Air mix* mist • Ve k . -; 41 4 ,3' 92, Limbo tlee • mil • '''! .• amati . P e •-* = kSti re " siaonoad sbe , t 0111/0 o 4 o w • ; Is kips * ieli thevery lower; crab price. Dept. 1 . 1m 1= Dan Rice's Public Sale _ . _ A Velegebie Property - A T PRIVATE wastiaisignod of fetus Private SaleAtis MANSIO: FARM, aittwteontbe Mambersburg Turnpike, 1j miles !from Gettysburg, Adana county, Pa. tis a, most desirable property, and has been for 'luny i years occupied as a Tavern Stand, for which it is well adapted, baring every 'convenience. The Farm contains about 150 Acres, more or less, about 40 a....res of which are Timber-14%0,1 well covered ; the fencing is mostly of Chesnut rails and locualastake.s, and in good condition. The iniprovements consist of a large • I Double Two-Story BRICK HOUSE, ! a large new Bank Barn, (with three If IJ floors,) a Large Atone Stable, Wag on Shed and Corn Crib; Stone Tenant I ou++; and Blacksmith Shop : two well+ of water, one . in front and the other in'the rear of the large dwelling; three Apple Orcb Ards, with a ‘ariety H of other fruit, such a. 3 peaches, pears, cherries, &c. Persons wishing to pnrehli.e. will &case call on the undersigned, residing thereon. Aug. 1, 1839 Valuable Town Property AT PFBLIO SALE.—WiII be offeied public sale, ea Setinrs lay, the nth da", of ne. toner next, on the premises, that DESIRABLE PROPERTY, situate on Baltimore Street, one door mouth of the Post Office. in Gettymbnrg, with alleys on the north and east, and adjoin ing Prof. Malilenberg on The south. It consists of a HALF LOT OF GROUND, 1m ith a two story Roughcast DWELLING HOUSE, and a large to-story Brick Back- building, t w hereon ;al a well of %% skier f d in front and a (partnership) well in • the rear of the dwelling. giarthim property was for ninny yearn occu pied as a Tavern Stand, and is one of the most desirable in the town for businesa of any kind. A chance to purchase property mo contra: is rarely offered, and capitalist, will had it to their interest to attent the sale. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day. when attendauce will be given and terrns made known by JOSIAH BENNER, Aug. 29, 1859. Agent few the °tonere. Fairview Farm AuT PRIVATE SALE.—A Very netirable Properly.—This Farm k situated on the mmasburg Turnpike , adjoins the Borough of Gettysburg, and is in sight of the Railroad De- pot, containing 11l Acre; and l'u Perdu's, more or less, 12 Acres of with is covered with Timber and abent•lid Ai'res Arcof M.ad9w. The improvements aresn Tern-store .• ~:. Weatherboarded Dwelling HOUSE, , X . IIII with a One-story Back-building, a .1% tr u. good Barn, Mechanic's Shop, and, - . - other Ont-buildings—all in good order. Flow the Piazza of the House you hare a full view of the town, nod can see the Cars arriving and de parting. The land is mo , tly red soil, ),‘137 gond qyality, and susceptible of a high state of culti vation. Lime nets well on it, and can ninny.; be badat the Railroad Depot, one mile distant, at 121 cents per bushel. There is a young Ap ple and Peach Orchard, and a great variety of fruit lathe yard. A we:l of water at the door, and a never-failing Spring at the b.trn. This property, with very little expense. can be made a very desirable and most beautiful roman residence, well calculated for a vineyard and vegetable farm. - kir I will sell cheap and on the most accom modating terms. It will he shown tither by W. Slentz, living on the premise 3, or imielf, residing In town. GEORGE A IINOI:D. Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 5, isao. Town Property ATPUBLIC SALE.—WiII be °theca nt Pub lic Sale, on Thursday. the lith of Ortolorr next, on the premises, n LtYl' uP GI:OCSD, situate on York Street, in thy ISG-ough of Get tysburg. adjoining property of Hon. ti. R. Rus sell on the west, J. Cooper on the e•tit, and an alley on the north-3't feet of which b. improv ed with a new Two-story Donhie Brick 301.78111, haying two new Itriek Hack buildings, with romp lioleonte- smith- - ed, and Cellar under the whole ho u se. There is on the property an eseellent well of water, with a Nun!) in it, a number of thriving young Fruit Trees, Vines, Ake. 'Twenty-allsen feet of the Lot are vacant. OfirThe property % ill be sold whole or divid ed, as may best suit purchasers. say -Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by . Sept. 12, 1859. tf A. Valuable Farm A. T PRIVATE SALE.—The subscribers, Ex ecutors of the lass will arid testament of A T GOLDEN, dec'd., oiler at Private Sale, the following Real Estate of said decedent, viz: A valuable FARM, 9ot:timing 191 Acres, more or less, in Germany township, Adams county, Pa., within 2 miles of Littlestown, adjoining lands of Jacob Klunk.,John Bider, Edmund Long, Henry Schwartz, John Shealy, and others —about till acres being first-rate Woodland well covered, the balance in good farming con dition. About 35 acres are Meadow, and mor can easily be made. The improve- . moots are a new Two-story Stone ;:,...—• 2, lIOUSE. Log Barn. Wagon Shed, • Ix a Well of good water near the door 'ln of the dwelling. a thriving young" --:'--`• ' Apple Orchard and other fruit. The Farm has been limed over once, and part of it a second time. Beaver and Allow,). Creeks pass thru' the Farm, as well as a public road. The Farm is susceptible of division. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on either of the Executors, the first-named residing iu Mountjoy township, and, the last-stained on the premises. VW-Possession and a clear title will be given on the first day of April next. LEVI GOLDEN, . JACOB ALTIIUFF, Sept. 12, 1859. tf Ererutors. Notice. GEORGE WALTRIt, SEWS. ESTATE.— Letters testamentary on the estate of George Walter, Sen., late of Gettysburg; Adams county, deceased, baring been grant ed to the undersigned, (the brit named re siding in Hampton, and the last named in Gettysburg,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and • those tta% lug claims against the same to present them properly au-_ theatieated for settlement. HENRY A. PICKING, J. 31. WALTER, Sept. 5, 1859. Gt Ezentfort. Notice. T\ ARM FICEES'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Daniel ickes, late of Huntington township, Adams co., deceased, having been. granted the under signed, (the first named. residing in the same township, and the last named la Lurgan town ship, Franklin county, ra.,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to slid estate to make Lamellate payment, and those hating claims against the same to present them raw ly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC E. wntRiAN, JOSLLII Sept. 19, 109. . 4 3t alimanistreters Law Blank Store, N 0.23 0 Dock Street, Philedelphis..—Estab halted is 1831.—Tbe subecrsbers respect fully call the attention of the mammon Sheriffs, i Prothenotexies, Lawyers, Magistrates and others, to their large stock of Law Bboaks, forms,- witch an experiemss of nearly 30 years/stables them to moist with great accuracy ofbes andaent seas orstgle. Orders solicited. A whited lie of oar Blanks will be krwarde4l, ou free of enema. JOll3l CLAM; Ai:110N, 230 Dock street, Philadelphia. Sept. 28, 111/10. 1* JMousestail44 riittal.-1 r9l via ing HOSES AND Lor i ; 7;- bal l oitimeg 00 0 001.1 - Lote-ta the Serougbk." ' SXO'. • Gettystoirg, Sept. LS, f . it, FREDERICK HERR SIARGARET IRWIN lea~laan Proolsaistfol WIIttftEAS, in lied b tho./.4% of tilos 411,:ii end Assembly of MS Slide, *Math 1 to sot to regulAts be Golsen' Jae lion this Commonwealth," eandtisa Mt Si 2d Of Jell 1830, it is etiota•d on as* to ittilitittille Notie.s of such Election to Ell freld;tud to esysiorsito in ouch notice Wind °Beers are IQ b ll*ted 1, ISAAC liltinNEß; Wherritof of 4 Adams, do, therefore, hereby gtte this *UM% notice to the Electors of the Said enmity of Adams, that a GF.NICRAI, ELECTION will be held in said County, on the NECOND Temerity or OCTOBIR NEXT, (the lith,) in the sereral Ms. Irina composed of the following Townships, viz: I ii - the First district, composed rf the Borough of Gettysburg and the townsh:p of Comber land, at the Court-hottae, in Gettysburg. In the Second didriet, composed of the town ship of Germany, at the house now °certified by Peter Lingenfelter, in the town of Llttlestown, in the township of Germany. In the Third district, coniposed of the town. ship of Oxford, at the house of G. F. Becker, in the town of New Oxford. In the Fourth district, composed of the Wilt ships of Latimorc and Huntington, atthe house ofleb B. Hildebrand, in the township of Huntington. le In the Fifth district, composed of the tom strips of liamiltonban and Liberty, at the Pub lic dd•hnol-house in Milleretown. In the Sixth district, compoaed of thetown ship of ilamilton, at the house now occupied try Henry Hoffman. in the town of Haat Iler In the Sexenth• district, composed of the ton whip of Menallen, in the Public School house in the town of 13endersvThe. In the F.ightli district, composed of the town ship of Strahan, at the house of Jacob 1.. Grass, in Hunterstown. In the Ninth district. composed of the town bhip or Franklin, (including that pent recently trieken off from )ienalien,) at the house now occupied hp Junsph Bennett, in said township. In the Tenth district, composed of the town ship of Conow.sgo, stilts horde of John Bysirey-, in SicSherryhtuwn. In the Eleventh district, composed of the tuwnbhip of Tyrone, at theitotal• of Allem V. Cock, in Ifeidlersbarg. In the Twelfth district, composed of the fowu ship of llouut,loy, at the house of Vielopesas, in said township. -• In the Airteenth district, composed of, the tovi nt hi pofNI ou ntpleasant, tilts pahlic &hoot heu-o in maid township, bitaate at the cross roads, the one leading from Oxford to the Teo Tar true, the other from Hunterstown tollarlorer. In the Fourteenth district, cumpoiled of titer tom n.Alip of Beading, at the public School-butt,ko in 11;111)1,1 , in. In the Fifteenth district, composed of the Borough and tow•nrhip of Berwick, ut the public School-home in Abbottstown. In the Sixteenth district, composed of the to whip of Freedom, nt the house of Nicholas Moritz. in said townihip. In the Se% enteeuth district, composed of the township of Union, nt the house of Enoch Le fever, in said township. lu the Eighteenth district, composed of tale toa uship of Butter, at the public 64: 00l h u Num in Middletown, in said township. At which time and places %%ill be elected One Auditor General of the Commonwealth; (lire Surveyor General ; One Member of the state Senate, to represent the Counties of Adams, Franklin and trultott- One Member of _assembly; , Otte County Commissioner; One- County Auditor ; One Director of the Poor; Lone County Treasurer; One County Surveyor; One District Attorney. Partieul.ir attention le directed to the Act of Auembly, passed the 27th day of Fehruary, le 19, entitled " An act relative to votios. at election. in Dauphin. Vork i i t at.coitter, l'uniherland, Bradford, Centre, Grettoo, and Erie," viz: SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the &main wad ut Representatives of the CoMmunamilth of l'enns)lvania in General .Issembly asigt,,:and it is hereby enacted by the authority of _tlw same—that it shall be lawful fur the qualified voter- - ; of the counties of Adams Lencastir, Dauphin, York. Franklin, Cumberland, ford, Centre, Greene, and Erie, from antial* the passage of this act, to vote for all canal. dates for the various offices to be filled at an election on one slip or ticket :—Prosided,.'Slitit the office for which every candidate is voted for, shall be designated, as required by the existrhg laws of this Commonwealth. SECTION 2, That auy fraud committed by any person toting in the manner above prescribe!, shall be punished by the esiatiug taWr of this Commonwealth. Also—ln rind byvirtue of the 14th section of the act aforesaid, every person, excepting Jus tices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the-Oova eminent of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed uuder•tho legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of 'icor city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State iieglsta - - tare, and of the Select or Counnou Council of any City, or Commissioner orany incorporstid di-triet, is by law incapable of holding dr ex ercising at the same time, the office or appoint ment ofJudge, Inspector, or Clerk of any etee tion of this Commonwealth, and that no Judge, Inspector, or other officer of any such eleetfictif, shall be eligible to any office to be then voter for. Ai:so—That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to execn- ' Lions, and for other purposes," approved April 16th, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 14th section '. shall not be coastrued. as to peeved any militia officer or borough officer, frout serr- . ing as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special election in this Commonwealth." And in and by an Act of the General Asielli- ' bly of this State, passed the 2d day of July, . 1839, it is directed that the Inspectors and Judges 'b6 at the placeauf their districts oath* day of the General Election aforesaid, at it • o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perfortn - tho - several duties required and enjoined on them . in and by the same act. ' And be it further directed, in and by the Act of the General Assembly of this State, aforesaid, ' that one of the Judges of each of the differed districts aforesaid, who shall have the cfutrgi' ' of the certilleates of the number of votes which shall have been given fur each candid/de:fur the different offices then and there 'kited RANK -' their respective districts, shall meet the.thir4 day atter the election, which shall be oust=. DAT, Tilli, 14TII or o , Oirossa rioriosid, at the I f . Court-house, in the Borough of thigtosbot then and there to ,make a fair statibillat a certificate of the number, of rotes, wlikch s have been given at the differed dlstrieein' d' county of Adams for any persons OA the Q. aforesaid. ISAAC LIGHTNEB,BIaiM. ' ' Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, dept. 12,"11'. ~ „ .. - Valuable- Town Propertz, AT PRIVATE SALE.—I trill sell at Private Sale, the property pa -r tAmmleasbarg street, known u the "TEIPEEAECE HOC ." Terms " As •Set. 1 Ifil.4.lrsi3tii3iTilirt- A Rare Clumps 1001 l A DIUGGIST.-11r. Lit.'994lllirria, in jr conseqaenee of declining MAIO, will pose of his DRUG asks early offers. The Storera•i•g•prisw ble business, which will **lse. ft I s itie only on la the place. Littlestowii, Mt g.. 22, 1.1159, .. Strayed., . STRAYED away freiii ► scriber, is Gettplbeig,Vir 4 months old ea 4 Use of a ree _ sod white , spotted. 114 bete bees esieelog about Ilse weeks. DAVID TAMILS& Sept. 19,1959. el
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers