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I" ."; 4"*1:- ` 4 •• ' ''`'' •'." 44 ', 4 " J 441gAk-1111wW1 Oa .. ' -.; 1, , t: 4 '" ' lipied at die iiimmi•tetss 4 , - • " 'f- Re•‘' - - -- •••••, 4 •-e Atpri t 4,....,„ 44 , 44 , .., .t...., , .. -. 4 ,... 4 „. ‘• •• . : ••; : ,if)* . 4a. ,_ ..,,-.. ,-,4.; 4 - -es - • - , - - • * Dun . „. 7 ..„ i .. - • --,....,. ~,,', . ) ,17-ire t , FiT .c. - :--'- ‘ "i' ~ , . - aoldogeo 214 4 % * -"... • ' '; • 14 74t 44 ' 4-* 44*:* 4 4 't 45 ".E1....:,....iiiidi0 ♦ 1r .....n. , • Ili; . 4 k - ''' . . . . ~-4 . 41, . ..., 4 4 41 4 1,16 41104 1 11.01111P4 * " 1 ",:e. %,,,., ...., -/ —,- .., • . . . a tie ertd" ', - 7 "-. , . 0 alie l =efilo •. ' ',. ' iii. 'illitith Olt:. i.' 4 **.er-,- • ; ...c , - , - • - -•-- 1.44011, - eipe:won going to -suid - Piiiroftfrosig 4 .1 1 1../0. 10 /214.0 1 11 stook 46 0 0 4 * , . ,r_ w _.,.. t ..as 1 01 1140511 . 0 0 1 W - 111"111 Epp_ , ,_ - .. - • - •41sumIsse is 11lie 110. Wa..A. Duncan, A.rrow= AT LAW . —.OSce tu the gents. west osrior oftleatre Square, Gettysburg, a (Oct. 3, JUL tf A. J. Cover, AVINIIMIT Al LIR, am promptly attial to Coneetiset aid all °Ow badness en listed Se Md. _olllloe interims Fabsestotke lasi Ammar* taigler's Btota, Baltimore tenet, llogyslearg„Ps. (Sept. 6, Is6f. 24mard B. Buehler, A TTOILTAT AT LAW, will faithfully sad ptseiptirattentt-to all business entrusted to kuss. He speaks the German lineage.— Odlea tlt eke tame plate, in South Baltimore stessa„ saw Poraep's drag store, aad early 01=taItasiser k Ziegler's store. pbarg, Yarch 20.. D. KoConaugul, AITORNET AT LAW, (Ake ens door west sellseitleeit trersattook stere,Chess- OW * street,) ATTOSIIIT Aso Some ton roa !own Aso Tsmacres. Bounty Land War ning* Oast-!y suspended Claims, and all °saw 'lslam agalsat the Government at Wash l site*, D. 13.; ass Americas Claims in England. Last Ifseasats Wasted sad sold, or honest, and highest prises gives. Agents gamed is lo calise mermutea Is lowa, Illinois and other welters States. imi'Apply to him personally or b, Wee. amlitysitrg, Nev. 3 I, It. J. C. Neely, ALTIORXICY AT LAW, will attend to eollee- Vohs and all other business intrusted to AL midi promptness_ Office nearly opposite Faiumestoek's Store, Baltimore street_ Oettysburs, April 11, liC.s. tt Wm. B. McClellan, A vTORNEY AT LAW.--011ee ea the 'oath 111,. side of the public square, 1 doors rest of tut, Seettoel elks. Gettysburg, August 22, '53. Dr. A. W. Dorsey, rpkEMMY of Carroll county, Md., haring pormasentiy located la Getty'loam o ff ers us ralhaelosal services to the citizens of the town sad marouading essontry is the practice of tketwarhzaz branches of his profession. office dad reeideizoe, Baltimore street, next door to The compiler Ogee, where he luny he tonal at ail times when Mt professionally engaged. • 222222 aces. Prof Narita& R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. Rev. A.ngastas Webster . , D. D., Baltimore Md 13t. J. L. hfarletii, Weitmiastar, Md. Dr. W. A. Mathias, " JaaiA Rem, Esq., Jobt Loagweil,E3q., " Geo. IL Wautpler, " Iter. thermos Iloweit, Gettysburg. . .Nhat. 25, ISSN. Gm Z. Lawrence Hill, M. D. u • AS his ogee one 1 .„ 7 - Z-4- ........20 -epr doer west oldie =wan enarch in Chansbersbarg street, end opposite Picking's Ken, where these wishing to bare say Dental Operstlee performed ere respectfully invited to Jtervisscr.s: Drs. Horner, Itev. C. P. D. Ler. U. L. 13:tugher, 1). 1)., Rev. Prot I. Jacobi, Prof. IL L. Sttever. 41+01;W:wog, April 11, New Livery STABLISPI MEN T. CIIAILES Tars has opened • new 247 : f .tv wry estabSiaiss est, st thahissab I es oat lissbiastot street, occupied la part by the " ga=ls Illietel," and has made arch arrange meets as 'alienable him to accommodate the pebeie wt oil times, on reasonable terms, with Horses, llaniss, Hacks, kc. His stock is good. UN fit Mild occasions, kc., he will be able to supply a treat which has been much needed. jolPtronsa CASH. [May 24, ':O3. laere We Are Again ! JrilT front the eity with the hest and cheap tit assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES taat vs base yet offered, calculated to please all persoas is quality sad prices: SUGARS, a very large stock, low; COFFEES, TF.A S. Choco late, Blew, Cheese. Spices. (all kinds.) Crackers and Tea Cakes, tisegar, Pickles. Sugar-cured 111.11Soad SILOCLDERS, Lard, Shad. Mackerel and nerrings, Salt, Cedar-ware.Tuhs, Buckets, ke.; Baskets, Flour Selves, Brooms. Brushes, Ate.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye: Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Better and Eggs constantly on hand ; Faacy Goods. Confectionaries and Fruit. &Ira us a Call. It affords us pleasure to show us r Ig, and Isoritiag stock._ NOttlifiCK h MARTIN. 30, 1659. =ND Grooeries, WHOLESALE AND RETAlL—Sfelasses and Sugar hr the barrel, Coffee by the seek, and all kinds of Grooeries, either by the quantity or is small asoonats, at prices that de yf competition. Call at mace at April 4. FARN&STOCK BROS'. New. Grocery. WRY FOR BARGAINS.—The sub- Nether raapsetfully informs the eitisans of lowa ani noney. that he has opansd a Gessity, Oeuhetionary sad Notion Store, on Yost ar.* m doers east of St. James' Latham Church. where he has now oa hand a ipsweral asiortatent of goods in his lino—welt as: Syrup, from 40 to 70 vats Ce" lisi t li aL a l li r ' "I , tt i t a lt s irtra "- teats& Merl n& groan& and angroand No par, alqpiss, owls. CianamAn Nada, fir. Starek. Rioe. Teal. estates, Nallswet-ants. Chse.alate. Oomateauni '4Ol &ass, Illaaketa, Caudle', all kW*: ) 10 4 hha Nets, Almonds, °fogad Nat alia Lemons : Oraaget, TIMM ay of all kinds. *C., ak.. ,otter t, basgArt sad sold. He in vites the radio ateoarinaed that his asciadatent mil both in tastily azdiedaa. EA le to 6.11 Mayer than tan okinprot. • . S. VIM& Golirkars NO./.41t '6l l . ififft 00041111, AUT. 11144R11300 boo juotinoint Irmo ills CI • tae asssetanst el Rasa, if the newask_shristif whirl 11“ very btad onoo—logodeAr his IMk Rat.. • • Vs td/ Wads and pieta, Awn fl .$2 bd. Alen, At *mat assortment of Goim, Ladies' . lan Kim lad Plots sad lama Ohms smadaWkans ewe “s!itZhreolt Opt as a GDR intim, an sata Om% •Poilp tha n "la = rall"r ipe Va Ow, both SI ' 111111611 plea. . IgT H. 7. STATILE 42 1 . T. YEAR. Dr. N'lans'i CELEBRATED VATIIITTOSI t LIYU PILLS.—We beg leave to dal else altos- T— ties of the Trade, and more moiselally the 1111 „, Physicists' of the country, to two of themost popular remedies now before the public. We 14e refer to DE. CHAS. ICLAIY CHLEBRATEE) 2 TERXIFCGE AND LIVER PILLS. We de e , eot recommend them as universal Cure-alls, Du but simply for what their name purports, via: 174 The VERNIFUGE, for expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been adminis- as tered with the most satisfactory results to vs to - rims. Animalssubjeot to Worms. The LWEit. wa PILLS, for the cure of INLA Livia Conitsinve,„„nU Brctore DWOICIIIITS, Filet frilDniefre. te• we In cases of Fevre ran Aura, preparatory to ig or after taking Quinine, they almost invaris bly make a speedy and permanent cure. en As specifics fur the above mentioned dis quit% they are nnrivaled. and never known :-.le to fail when administered in accordance with w the directions. Their snprocedented popularity has it domed the Propri etors,FLEM G BROTHERS, we PITTSBCHG, PA., to dispose of their Drug ^ , s business, in which tally have been suceessfully eagared for the last 20 years, and they will pa now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. 11'Laste's Celebrated Vert:an:re and Liver Pills shall ematleue to occupy the high position they now bold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense In procuring the Best and Purest material', and go:llpound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEYLNG BROTHERS, Pittsburg, Pa. P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering front others than Viewing Bros., will do well to write their wawa dlatinetly, owl take war bat Dr. NLarw's, prepured by PIP/INV Bros., Paribsers. Pa. To those' wischisig to git e them a trial, ne wlll forward per trail post paid, to any part of the Visited States, one box of Pills for twelve three- at postage stamp& or one vial of Ver mifuge for fourteen three-cent sto.aaps. All or ders from Canada must be accompanied by tweu ty cents extra. For sale by A. D. Duchler, Agent, Gettysburg, sad by dealers generally througboa o t the county. May 2,185 v. ly The Cars are Here ! ALL THLNGiS ARK RILADV t—The under signed has the pleasure of announcing to ld country friends—farmers and merchants —as well as the citizens of-Gettysburg, and " the rest of mankind," that his sew and coin modious ‘t'arelionse Is now open, and that he is receiving GRAIN .it PRODUCE of all kinks, for which he is paying the highest market prices ; and %sidle the ?midi( can di-pose of their pro duce to the hest advantage, they can be supplied iu return with Groceries. of every description, consisting of &Alt, Coffee, :4 ii gar, Molasses, Teas, Rice. .kc., Le.. also, Guano, Plaster, 011 s, Cedar ware, and a thousand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cherip-est Is our motto. If the people consult their torn in tercets, and act wisely, they will sot forget the undersigned. !loping the familiar faces of all my old customers will meet me again, sod with them many new ones, I shall endeavor to please them. JUAN HOKE Uettysbarg, Nov. 22, 1838. Farmers, Take Notice. A"persons residing la York, Cumberland, Franklin, or Adams county. Pennsylvania; Ilarford. Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Howard. or Montgomery county, Maryland, are hereby cautioned not to purchase of A. Smith, In Han over, York county, Petstisylvanie. or, Any of h 0 Agents. the Slide DriU maanfactured by said A. Smith k. Co., which is as infringement on Hunts Slide Drill, the Patent of which 1 am sole owner fur the above counties. Any person in any of the above named counties purchasing (after this nutice,) the above noosed Drill, man ufactured by said A. Smith 1 Co., will be dealt with according to law. And saLid A. Smith ik Co.. are also hereby cautioned - not to manufacture or sell the above named Drill In the above named counties, or be will be likewise limit with. JNO. WAND York, Jene 27,1839. 3m New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NSW GOODS.--SNY DER & BENNICR have just received at their New Stare, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David MeCreary's Saddlery es tabashusent, eke largest and most complete assortment of Groserie• brought to Oet testier; fora INV Siete, an/misting of Cofee, (four kinds,) Seger, (tour kinds.) Molasses, Syrup. Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Oats. Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short every thing usually kept is a irsteclasa Grocery Store. iffirTh e highest market price paid foremen try produce or taken is exchange fur Goods. SiarGive OR a call. Buy your Groceries where you will be sure to get them good sad cheap. Igarliover's celebrated writing Ink for sale. [Nov 1, 1838. The Cheap book Store, TN Philadelphia, is at Ns. 224 North &wad street, (between Sees and Via. etreets,)— Atileille eenu T s *NAT= OP A Curreav Aeol—ead Stilletettienes bestows on the pria eiple of the usstelis " sc. Catatantly ee irM, and said to Country Northam; Bookselkes, liters Keepers, Public and Private schooto, CleLlwirea, Aeoltemies, Teachers, &e., at Wbetiseks, sad to everybody a 4 Beton: AU kids of Ekiloei "mks, Latest &Mimi', Pods Cap, Leer asi Nets Papers, Slaws aad Slat* Peaslila, , Carlota, Red, Mink and Vitae lake, ,Leuer fuld Nate &velars*, ia peat variety, Copy Books, Cypiteriag aid 'Compeeitiee Books, Bleak Aetantat sad Itemersadina _Boob, *ay sites, didirsat lislitha sad. 'Moss primp, Bead NM sad Pas Midges, Woods/ Papin sad Bearsat Afamscs, Laid plitidikag flu* &WM Zoiseds, sad • ••NrYtbkid • 1 ••—b•- adios Yank, Bekaa 1164 redied abbot BY** Basks, Paw IWO". = i tia • 1 • 1 11 0 Steak et swami. wit, if Maca dam sad seits4 do ARAB . ' %. II sirAn wh e nut Ifidt Owe Psi -1.411111.1111110 Attli LlMMillihis** • ISt .4 011 1 0 ArballaaPellL. pirtastunme a 15044111010 'dos °'..gIOW is . Postponed Sale. ipprir dries of an Order of the Orphan's _LP Court of Adams county, the subscriber, Administrator of Pgi tar GAL, deceased. will offer at public sale,on the premises, os ..‘kttur. dilly, tie 15th day o) October weal. the Real &tate of said decedent. viz : A FARM, sit uate is Liberty township, Adams county 3 Silts west of Etnmiuibprg, adjoining lands of heirs of llonJames MeDivit. heirs of Maxwell Shields, and others, containing IG4 ACRES, more or less, about 30 acres of which are Bleared and in a good state of cultivation, and much of the balance w well covered with thriving Citeenot and R.ock Oak limber.— The improvements are a one end a half Story LOG HULSE. Log Burn, &young Orchard of choice fruit, &re.— There are two good Springs near the dwelling. The road from McDivies Mill to Sabillassille passes through this property. The property will he offered undivided, or in Ave parts, containing from 14 to 65 acres, as may reit purchasers. Persons desirous of viewing it are requested to call on the sub scriber, residing neer 31t. St. Mary's College. Sale to conpriencie at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by WM. A. CULL, Ang. Jury List. ocronss SPECIAL TERM. Ciiion--Dat id F. Hair, Jacob Lohr. Tyroue--George Guise. llamilton--Levi Guise, Jno. C. Ellie. Huntington—Emanuel Smith, Philip Myers. Latimone—John C. Hceeht, George Chronister. Measliest—Jacob B. Meals, John Burkholder, John McKnight. Gett,,b2trg—John Gilbert, Charles X. Martin. Sir:than—George Ehrehart. listuiltonban—l'hristian Byers, Joseph Hershey. Monistany—Abner Mills, Levi Golden. Oslord--Deniel lleltzell, Franklin Hersh. Rending—Henry Rummell. John Stough, Esq. Liberty—Gregory P. Topper, fßane Hamer. lionntpleasant —N 'cholas lieltzel.Egbert Eckert. Butler—Jacob Peter, John W. Hull. Cumberlaud—Jacob .Su miler, Cornelius Haugh- erty. Fraollio—lmrftel Mickley, Daniel Kuhn, Jobe 8/tank, Barilitbas Deurtlorff. Berwick tp.—Jeretniali [leader Sept. 2t, 1859. Farm for Sale. MIR subscriber will sell his FARM', RittlAted in Franklin township, Adams county, 2 miles west of Cashtown, on the Miller.towa road. The Farm contains 75 ACIIF-S-54) acres clear. The land 14 in a good state of c ulti ration, hat ing been limed. There are all kinds of fruit—a thriving young Orchard of choke grafted fruit; also peaches, pears and plums of the best. kind. The buildings are a one and a half story SION F. 1101":. a Lirge new Hank Barn, a Cooper ke. The Farts is in good order, and ClUt- ' l4 t l Dot be 'beat for rabiTag potatore. I calculate on raising eight hundred bushels this year. A never-tailing spring of water at the door. SAMUEL BINGAMAS. Aug. t 2, 1859. tf Excels. Sky-Light Gallery, TOItTII-EAST Corner of the Diamond, (in r LIII the upper story of the Old County Build ing, recently purchased by Cul. Samson,) Get tysburg, Pa.—The undersigned, having fitted up the above named Gallery, with the intention of locating a lire Class establishment, are now prepared to furnish the hest Atubrotyge and Photographic Likenesses in the latest Byres, by new and improved processes. Having had several years' experience in Philadelphia, they feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to all aho may favor them with their patronage. They have constructed one of the best Sky lights in the country, which. with the best Instramente and materials, cannot tail to pro duce, at all times, superior work. Aintiro type., Spliereotypes, Ifelaistokifies, and Patent Leather pictures, on the most reasonable terms, in eases or frames, of the latest patterns and best quality. Pnoeosasens.—This style of picture has become tie orite in ieties, On account of its life-like appearance an dperfect durability ; being put up in neat gilded frames of various sizes, are more acceptable as family portrait. than the smelter pictures. They have not been generally introduced until recentl!, in consequence of the difficulty of their piodae tion, and the necessity of long and tedious sit tings, which have been overcome by F. J. Evan.' new Immo:iced process, the entire right fur the use of Which we hold for Adams coun ty. The till)e rf sitting Mu now been reduced from minutes to • few seconds, and greater beauty and perfection given to the likeness. They possess this important advantage over the other pictures, viz: from one sitting any number of Photographs CAA be supplied with out any farther trouble to the sitter, and all as perfect as the first Impression. These pictures are furnished Plain, finished in ladle Ink, Wa ter or Oil Colors. Life Size Photographs, finished is Oil , supe rior to oil paintings. EJILASGSD Pncrroonsrits.—Parsens basing smell daguerreotypes of deceased friends, esn have them enlarged by this process, and finish ed igiperior to the origiaal, and thereby ren dered sore life-like and durable. Pieta/en set la Lockets, Rings, ise., kc. AM pictures warranted to give satisfaction, er ra-sakesi. °pea from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 11, P. M. TYSON • BROTHER, Aug. IIN IMO. l'ketogroplars Special Announcement Clt THE QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING ROUSE 1-100,000 CstaLosses, new, ea sed rind--mow ready for distribution. Bipseter isdecesueuts to the public—A sty sad sere plea kw obtain's( GOLD sad SILVER WATCHES, astl other ramble Prisms. Pali ?brassier* give, Is CMsieves, which will be " Ile te e . seaq*se e/taleleiew Vain*ls Gas, were- kiss i4en, is $lOl, a I 4SI4IRTERLI topestioneer. sloo,oee OW ism bees aserlhatei to nty petroes phi the pad six 011014-01$0, 0 00 $0 be tribeted Awing the sezteibt pooh& dii- The iinieceemortS slim& Aliests Ise more Ilberul Hos these AS mit ear hoses la the lig ElettlE s tlireAV /1110 T elseen- i.„ ex. 11 0 1 b 41 ? iiik ow Air IPAlTlMP=Adisliiit team* Ta, Al r lll • 2 16154 . sr*Ae.:4lo . 1 r 41 " 11111MborsAa =I rsuru 18 arrourr, AND WIT T. TTAVATT.. " GETTYSBURG, PA.: FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 1859. -11"'" THD csomp>im,3olA._ WirThis number of the Compiler is issued on Friday, a few days precious to the regular period, in ordb? that it may reach moat of its readers before the election. DIXOCB.ATEI OP ADAAS ! TO THE POLLS ! TO DIE POLLS ! ler ON T MUIR/a NEXT; Oct. 11th, you will once more be summoned to the poet of duty—again be called up on to exercise your rights ae Freemen nt the BALLOT BOX I Let none bo induced to stay at home I The mongrel Opposition ore marshal ling in their strength, SECRETLY as well RA openly. Let ue meet them with our full foreo. We have bat to do that, and they asp vAivoutsurp--ROUTED —" horse, foot and dragoons l" Bear in mind, that " A FULL TOTE IS A DEMOCRATIC VICTORY!' Whether it RAINS or SHINES, fel low Democrats, go to the election ! Giro one day to yoar count i ty, and you will not. have CAUL' to regret it ! TUILN OUT! TURN OUT! CO EARLY! lifirDemocrats, go to the election EARLY, so that no accident may pre vent your getting there at all. No on* can tell what an hour may bring forth; and nothing was ever yet lost by being promptly at the post of duty, and stand ing by it as long as duty required. It is always safest to be in good time.— CO EARLY SEE TO IT! ifirw ill our morn active party friends in the various districts see to it that not a solitary Democratic vote is left back on TtleAday next. liet out your horses and vehicles, ar.d let them ho used all day for the conveyance of the old and infirm, or such as cannot well other wise get to We_ olectiot. Groat good may thus be done. ONE VOTE! Le no Democrat who refuses to go to th polls, console himself with the thought, that his vote wilt have no ef fect, in the result ! That would be a ruinous principle if carried oat, as ONE VOTE has often decided the most important election. Every Democrat should turn out as if the malt of the election depended on his individual exertions. SPURIOUS TICKETS. Let every Democrat keep a sharp Look Out for SPU [MOUS TICKETS! There is no doubt that the eounty Will be flooded with them I It, is an old trick of the enemy! Don't let them deceive you with such devices ! Before you deposit° your vote, see that every natne on your ticket corresponds with those under the head of our paper. Look Out for Handbills, ON ELECTION DAY !—The Oppo sition will stoop to any-thing to Carry a part of their ticket, and we caution the Demoerrey against, their tricks, lot them come in whatever shape they may. Lying Handbills on drxtion day. MUST BE GUARDED AGAINST stir DEMOCRATS OF ADAMS, leave no effort untried to induce those who favor the election of our candi dates to vote ; to use your utmost ef forts to bring out those of our Met& who are kept away by indifference; and to encourage the doobtfel,strength en the timid, and render additional ski to the strong ; so shall we find, after the labor of the day is done, that. oar cause has come forth triuntphant. illiirA year ago, the Know Nothing papers were "down upon" Coal. WILL, for taking thes2oo—now they have not one word to say on the whit Mg t Because McCLURE TOOK IT, aad they fear the prod' is Wearing againSt him to leave them any man to con tradiot it. 1111 P we would esetlon eat Democrat ic friends tinvughoet the etionty, pin* TRADING VOTIA as is is one nt timsociseasse of tie Oppositions to de ist a portion et - owe tidos, VOTA Tin 'mous THROW, surd wades bat tie ticket. •7 - .4- Nprzapurivianuurratr VIA t 'Wife LP tlnt 0. DEMOCRATS, AROUSE t Let r.o Democrat in Adams county imagine that because there art appar ently no National or State issues of vi tal interest involved in the present con test, it is therefore an unimportant one. It is not merely a question of the elec tion or defeat of candidates. for the Leg islature and County officers that is be .fah as. Zuri, Jothat point. at view only, It Is Incumbent on every faithful member of the party to come up to the polls manfully and record his vote.— Oar candidates have been maligned and misrepresented. Let us vindicate, let as endorse them —let us uphold them with all our might,. Individually they deserve it at our hands. Lot us not be craven towards them. • But the moral effect of the coming election, for good or for evil, will be great. Not far off—looming up large, and, it may be if we heed not, ominous ly in the near future, is the grand strug gle for the Governor of this Common wealth, and for representatives in.Cou gress, and for tho next President of the United States. Let PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK Now ! Lot ADAMS COUNTY SPEAK NOW ! Remember, Democrats, that a portion of our ticket was defeatedlust fall—re deem the disgrace of the inertness by increased energy—by a GREAT AND GLORIOUS TRIUMPH—NON! To accomplish this, every township must be . organized—the active must in cite the indolent—tho enthusiastic the lukewarm—every Democratic vote roust be polled. Wo have no ides of defeat is any event. But we want not only ordinary success, but a TRIUMPH that shall be full of brilliant promise for the future 'fPll l 444 A A LIE NAILED The Scathed is weekly Makiapt lames and lower into the depths of FALSE ' HOOD and VILIFIcATION. The editor's present deep-dyed Know Noth ing advisers and assistants are of the kind of men who laugh at tho idea of ' editorial decency, and ilFnee the utter disregard of truth and ffirness exhibit ed in its columns. We give a specimen. In last Monday's paper it. is asserted ':on the best authority," that " Mr. Douglas, the Democratic candidate for Senator,is an *re, radical Free Trader, and is opposed to the interests of the laboring classes, arid does not at all die ? gaise the fact." This is a most barefaced faisehood,— so shameless that, if the Sentinel were not one of the most unscrupulous pa pers ihibliched in Pennsylvania, it would never have appeared in its col mune. But see how easily the follow ing, taken from the Chamborsbarg Valley Spirit, "puts this slander down :" A Lie Neikd to the Comater.—.A man may repeat, a thing which he knows to be false, anal be finally believes it to be true. We fest such a mental hallucination has overtaken the little joker ut the Iranseript. And we blue our apprehensions spits the fact that he anblueltiagiy coverts that Mr. Douglas is the tenet nulicel free trader in Franklin County. That such as impression exists among the editors of that paper would be a harmless fut. But the disease dues not stop there.— It breathes contagion, and the competitor of Mr. Douglas, Col. McClure, takes up the bur den of the song. and retail. the slander night ly throughout the county. Fearful that the Malaria stay spread to some of the worthy members of the opposition, we feel euutpelled to allow the falsity of the assertion. Before doing so, we wish to make a general state ment, and we wish the 'squire to put itdown for future referesea It is as hams : the Demooratee party sever have Wan in lawn of she high protective mail adveitatedig Oppusiiuur,the sad, as the other hand, they earrershate been is fever otabselate be e trade Bet they have always favored sad still favor it tariff which will protect the iron, mat mot 'Weaved interests of Peossylvaais, as well as raise a loftiest revenant Jar the porpoise tat government. Now. la regard to Yr. Dangles. we *cold may fait *either the writer of that estiste nor any Gas else mer heard hint adrenals the doe trine of fres treas. A mas's aces are dm im des or his opinions. They are the esly erherias to go by. Lea us see bow Mr. IP. mamas ea the reser& Hs won a &kisses to she last Dentestalls State Coseention. that Conventiclt he meld foe she Sallowiag resolssio' as, "ii* That die Dosaaniay at Pour aybsaia Save slims ad aid Sid mi mes as lasidaMid 01•11 - assist af ire. WA ma, aad . balms it Aim Awe. wisidas * irool ou *tiff dor SINSINNISSI rams% ASV dm die snasssassaigag Om SS aaisiss aavidr-sill bib issiakdass oar Oka 0.4,141.1404 aspriesamafitealrielsilisrassissot.lll4' this as .iiiiistaal. 100411.104* 111 M MO MO is ilia aseessaillias IS thisst Piga. it * Sway usisial debt iiirspidaagessa to sis ,al, 40 '9 amiPiewit ifs See w ea1......i ...... i Ne .... '111114,46111.1%,__ __.: _ r' Fcl 13121 =II ME ea , 4 TWO DOLLARS A-TPAR Adopted Citizens, RICADI THAT "AMENDMENT."—The infautoos proscriptive proposition recently adopted by the Black Republicans of Massachusetts. and thus incorporated into their constitution. is as follows : "NO PERSON OF FOREION BIRTH SHALL BE ALLOWED TO VOTE, NOR SHALL BE ELIGIBLE TO OFFICE, UN LESS HE SHALL HAVE RESIDED WITH IN THE JURISDICTION OF THE STATE WA. TWO IMAM SUBUI4ORNT TO WS NATURALIZATION. and shall be otherwise qualified according to the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth." Thus far have the Know Nothings and Black Republicans of Massachusetts already gone in PROSCRIBING citizens of Foreign birth. What more fICT6TO measures the Op position in that benighted State may here after adopt in carrying out the principles of Know Nothingism it is not in mortal ken to foretell! But "the end is not yet." Last winter, in the Legislature of Pennsyl vania, the attempt was trade to carry oat one of the main articles in the creed of Know Nothingism, by getting up a bill to prevent naturalized citizens from voting during the sis months after their natant! ization I The intensified "Americans" were not willing to allow the constitution and the laws to take their usual coarse, and let a man vote as mean as be may be entitled to it—but they must put him of six months. Why six months? They say to prevent fraud. But such was not the case. They expe , :ted first to get the term lengthened for that period—after a while to a year—then five years, and so on, until even ' tually they realized their idea of a twenty-one years' probation I ?hat was really the secret of the movement. It Tell through, however, thanks to the votes of ALL, the Democratic members of the Reese, with a few of the more liberal among the Op position. When the bill came up for Anal action, Mr. Gritman, a Democrat, moved to postpone the fi4rther consideration of it, and on this test question the vote was as folluwa: Yeas—Mpsars. Bertnlet, Boyer, (Clearfield,) Boyer, (Schuylkill,) Brodhead, Burley, Cur ter, Distuant, Dodds, EVAMI, Felllllo, Fleming, Foster, Galley, Goeppe, Grahatn, tiritman, 11111, llottensune, J.,ckson, Ketchum, Laird, Lawrence, (W.othington.) Moltalfey, MeDowel, Miller, Kill. Oaks, Pogue, Quigley, Rohrer, Itose, Stnead, Smith, (114trks,) Steph ens, Stewart, Thompson, Thorn, Walker, Warder., Wigton, Wilcox, Williams , ( Bed ford,) Williams,(Bucks.). Wiliam, *brew, 1f n ; inorbiffer---48. Nays—Masan. Abbott, Acker, Balliet, Barnsley, Bryson, Campbell, Church, DUlt- WHAM!, Eckman, Eilmaker, Gratz, Green, Harding, Keneagy, Kinney, Mann, Matthews, IceLl2llE, Neal, Patterson, Pierce, Proud foot, Ramsdell, Shafer, Sliepptrd, Styer, Wal born, Witazan, Wiley, Williston and Law rence, (Danphan,) Speaker-31. It will be seen that two of the members who voted against the postponement, are again before the people, Mr. Nlt:e . m.:ll2, for the Senate / and Mr. DusLWRAM, fur the House.— 'Choy havo thus already favored a proposition to keep naturalized citizens out of their rotes fur SIX MONTHS after naturalization.— This is their first step in that direction, but should the opportunity again be given them, they would doubtless favor sa extension of the period. There is elle sure way of "heading off" these Know Nothings ih their designs upon the rights of naturalized citizens—that is, by electing them to stay at *ow: COCHRAN'S Emu PAY t liforleolas E. COC II RAN, the Opposition candidate for Auditor General, wit.* repre sented York county in the Senate of Permsyl vsnia. Daring the session of 18.38, when ho was a member, the Legislature adjourned without peening an important bill, and the Governor of the Commonwealth re-assembled that hotly on the day following its adjourn ment. -Meeting at the appointed time ender the call of the Executive, the Legislature ad journed from the 17th of April until the 12th of May, taking a recess, and returning to their homes, for a period of twenty-live days.— W hen the body again met, they remained in extra tbessicn until the 12th of June ; and dur ing that sessien the members voted to them selves pay, not only Ipt the extra session, but also fur (Ad recess of lwatly-ifse days whilst they were at tome alleuding to Asir was busi ness. Although Mr. Outshine rated against the resolution giving pay for the recess, yet, "notwithstanding his heroic remonstrant*, when the bill was passed. be quietly received the full salary, and POCKET/30 ran issui.r."— The following letter from the Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department, ivritten and pub lished when be was a candidate 6ir raisiso don in 1840, folly establishes this Wit which is mot "known to every one : 1 ' Treasury thing of Nansyleania, September 210,18410- Joba W. Torney, Duca &a,—Yoars of** 19th last., saquir bit whether Thomas X. Coot:wan *ow pay as a member of the Senates front year dis trict, for the period interstatiag beintssa Oct uvular sad cans seatires, is received. /* reply, I sun say Ma- DW 1 be drew far en sans swiss, saw basaiissid old sat ,4_1„4;..i.. 401101 * l 4 PIM Mil seem hoNme emu he biers. Tag* eit=, 4011 K ..01110:044.: his sik aid mist Wit weirs's, Mt mai *mass % sone bow sedi 4141,wh.. ha , so IS Alto e tM m l inni % o oo l *444- '1101 , 0110101101.11-100110 Elbows - pewortha i15e , *0454." #ar, Irma bit vas NI item twelpri WrAis - ourivr` =V ia< jut a/MIONZ I M TO TT 14.4W0. itart*.w. ' T. 411 • X V t 4• Hirrtsbul mg. en t fat TOW OAS were 49, the nays 41—on the sonond, yeas 89, nays 52. if the kitar omnagers wilt prove frosn the Journal of the Howse, th a t we have mierepresetsted Mr. D arboraw's votes is tolspirtbalar we will place ONE ITUNDRI AWL LA RS at their disposal. - On the sumo day ,Moo ( 241,) SAM UEL DURBORAW F 011111- FOR a proposition to nudes the biltUN pa}r of Members $6,00, with silage and eta tioncryAtrittoett ms to lava of ses sion! We will place ONR a U.NDRED DOLLARS more at the disposal of the Star maungers if Only will, born tho Journal, prove that wo bavo mis-stated Mr. Durburaw's vote on this point. On the 4th of Mardi, Mr. DURBO RAW DODGED the vote en ties Anal passage of the Appro priation which CONTINUED THE SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLAR SALARY TO M EMBERS ! The Star managers can have ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS more by proving, horn the Journal, that we have misrepresented Mr. Due boraw in this respect. • On ibe 11th of Api , Mr. DUR/10- 11AW 1' 0 TRITFOR e Report of the Conference Com rnitteem h ich also UON TINU ED THE SEVEN H. UNDRED DOLLAR SALARY Item - too', we offer the Star managers ONE HUN DRED DOLLAR:3, if they will prove, from the Journal, that we have mis represented the vote or Mr. Darboraw. The ,Star and Sentinel say (they earl not prov) that Mr. Durl.roraw tedoemed his pledges. Wo assort that he DID NOt ! Now let them, from the Journal. make good their- word, and pocket our Four Hundred Dollars in the bar gain. Will they undertake the proof ! NO. 2. Reducing the Debt. - Cot. mecLuils is trying to make esp. ital out of a roductiou of the State dobt. I Now, the Colonel pays his State taxes I like other people, and that is all he nen tributes to the reduction of the State dobt. He pays his share, and no mere, and ho is entitled to precisely the same credit that every other citizen of the Commonwealth is entitled to. It is Sol he who is paying the State debt. it is the people who pay the taxes—nli the taxpayers, and not any ono of them.— Valley Spirit. That Alexauder K. McClure, the•Op• position candidate for the State Senate, made a naming speech, in 1857, is fat of the. Extra pay of Two _Hundred Dollars —that ho VOTED FOR IT, and TOOL THE MONEY I Question before the House of Representa tives, March 11th, 1859 : Mall the bill to prevent the intermarriage of whites and blasts be indefinitely postponed f YEA, SAWA td DUILBORAW. Dr. Bailee begs to thank his medical bre there for their petulant kindness and the readiness with which they have tome forward to support and emelt him as a physieinn and surgeon. He also thanks and feels grate. ful to the public press for their Battering no tices and reports of his skillful surgical opens- Lions. lie knows that editors are, of course, not responsible for what appear in their pa pers in the shape of advertisement, es 'Peel al notices, but their editorial opinions aarty with them weight and influence with the ems manity, and thereG3re it is that Dr. Beale° feels proud of them which, from tinoisin time, have been written in regard to his theory and skillful practice. Having resided is the eity of Baluasore, Maryland, nearly ow yeartuad a-half, also having visited Washington id% D. C. and Wheeling. Va., on mend neer skins during this period of time, helm pew cribed for over twenty thousand patients, by correspondence and at his office; and late.- ding but to remain for some three weeks lon ger in the city of Baltimore, and taking this opportunity to my that all those who may re quire his skill and attention should avail thcnsiselres of the period thus allowed, end either by correspondence or by calling et Ma o'bee, 74 Lexington street, receive hie swap tien and advice. When be team the city of Baltimore it is his intention to remove to the city of New York, where he will locate permanently. Due notice 'will be given as the time of his departure from this city ; also full particulars of his consultation rooms is the oily of New York, so that patients wish ing to find him will be enabled to do so with out delay. Baaatz will be permanently hies ted in the'eity of New Turk on the Ina of November. 1859. Therefore alt lettere ad dressed to-him meat be mailed to tillt elles (roe the skews data. !Farsihr firoirs NAM* mad Dithasife Nola:: toe knows to need ammiwoi,... tioa air 'heads ; bee stilt there ore sheer mode wire hove -aim nod beef T. B. Pewees sod boolkonir.er_ an. kowtow*, 4kesereeisewl diet it- *ha hid be their dolt if the worth do woceeroe is or , orybody's hawk. M eppertosity is sow a -1 fined by thaw le ail prooes *to deriie to pmeors those works, wideb rosy jeerer Weems Nada, sad so ass Amid (di to tots wino rho/we/tit. The Weverly-Nveek ore hew be. mg pehlliidied at the raze et coo hash week. end lie Whohileriatrob; eahlioas eta is hold froset passim by oweilliwg trs eihmetao the kalhihm, The reams Woe of An* sf fa the ilerweeth eleshise. Tho Ira tere setabors Ihehinfek- ilreebe witire Me& 2weithars Ihripegh the ehh= Thies *orb waik sasham 'ow , Amy week. The tea* pod did aid illhd iamb le edidwievike No4ok, lag sag eoverstr e =rB heft two :vim birj o ttoor. • - free* - WI REMEMBER. Look upon this Picture! Card of !Thanks. iliiM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers