3B&I idancLorts.A.c=o7't= - 1- I 3238.3.14.33aareA.c1:47'tia. B. T. Hynson,/10/39Y Saved J , TTPITOLSTERER, PAPER RANGER, AND ' B Y BUYING GROCERIES front - u VENETIAN BLIND MXNUFACTCRER, • HOOK 4. BAI.AB IV f :V, No. 52 North klotterd Street, one door shore s. W. corner of tezlngton sad Green stseets, Lexington, 14w:quoits. I.- B.kLTIVOILE, BD. Piper liovais.--Consta ittl 1. in store, Parer' You sere 25 cu. per pound Ilitmerties of every description. and of the lett* ainfl we, approved pitlerlLli, Also, Ilonlos Fire BoArd Prints, tc. rawritus Bisokis.—lieeps on hand. end ratan fader* to order, Yeristisn Blinds of all colors, sizes and qualities, which will compare farore- Illy with say offered to the gerPaper Hanging dolls in the best style.— Old Wails repainted acid rrivatued,ur exehaage I. March 1, 18:,9. lr DIXIIL IrRITE, White & Swope, WHOLESALE Des!ere In BOOTS, srfog.s, CAPS, k STRAW GOODS ; also, in fashionable Moleskin, Silk. Felt and Par HATS, N. W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard street!, Balti more, old (Nor. 29, 1858. House Furnishing e 4 GODS, No. 11 21 - ortk Howard street, two Iljr doors North of the Howard House.—The undersigned, having made large additions to his Rock, is prepared to furnish Housekeepers, Country Merchants and others, witheuch articles al they want, on the very best terms. Ark Hammes: Whitewa.h, Sweeping, Dusting, Pallet, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Silver, Shoe, &nab and Horse Brushes. Wool:its-uses : Such as Tubs, Buckets, Meesures, Tar Buckets, Churns. Mauls. Rolling Pins. Batter Print*, ke. Broom+, Basket*, Mats and Cordage. 3.la* , er's r minute Ire Cream Freezns. Refrigerators n; right and ch.-..st--the I Peaseus finding it most approved kinds. Water Coolers. in Wood teconvenietit to visit Baltimore, or Metal. Tin and Wire Safe*. Arthur's an Can order of us through the Mail il k other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre- and may rely upon serving Cans, plain Tin-ware, .lap.oned, Block having their orders Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware. Albata Forks Promptly and satisfactorily attended to. ^ad Spoons, Ceti,. Coffee and Tes Pots, Egg Hsu 05(4101 role nitairsos.libig Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing D Lille+, Kniv es and HOOK k BALLIWIT; Forks, Wattle Irons, Planet. Pau*, Scales and Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Weights, Coffee Mille. Table Castors, Old Doman, S. W. corner of Lexington and Green eta., Idu Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, None Lamps, ,114 q• 27, isAo. [jaali• 41 Ilahligore l'oßet Sets, loot Tubs, Bath Tubs. Knife - Cleaners, 1% - i PQ Dial/ Covers, Table Mats, together with a variety of articles useful arid tusccarary to Monsekeepers. ItAF k Davis' Patent F,ccelsior Washing Machines. Plain Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and Brushes of eterry description, niane factored to order, GEO. A. MILLS, No. 11 North Howard at., Baltimore, Md • March 14, 1859. ly George M. Bokee, JeIIPORTBR 4 n(l Dealer in CHINA. GLASS, k QUIPINSWAKB, So. 41 North Howard 8t., , tweau Lexingtoa and Poyetto Streets, Balti more, lid. (Doe, 30, 1858, ly 41 1 0 New & Blob V _ 4 - EWELRY, SILVER WARS smvirs PLA?. BD WARE, kc.--. 1. E. WARNER, Gli and ilveremith, No. 10 Noartt GAy SrsErr BAL TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and pattern. of RICH JEWELRY, suitable fur presents. embracing a great variety of Plain Gold anti Sett Broaches, Mosaics. Car. hankies, &e., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond. Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Ewer Id, Ac.. Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Chalks, Miniature Lockets. Gold Thimbles, cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pinsk Ear Rings, In. ALSO, A variety of Silver Mounted * Plated Castors, Cakc fladets, Wale Candlesticks, Batter and gilt Stands , Pearl ndle Desert Knives, Spoons, Parka, Ladles, Fancy Articles, *c., all of which is respectfully offered on the lowest terms 11%.The Country Trade and Deniers generally sire invited to give me a call, and examine Goods and Prices, being satisfied that my SILVER WARE cannot be surpassed either for fineness or quality, or the latest and most beautiful patterns. January 17, !851. ly A. Ilfathiot & Son's 0..01FA AND FURNITURE WAREROOME, Nos. ' 4 23 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick at.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Alves on hand a larva assortment of HOUSF.HOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, e.. tracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and flair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Teter, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees, R.ereption and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, 'Wood Chairs, Office Chairs. Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles. list Racks. Hall Furniture, Gift and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length, Persons disposed to purchase ars Invited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. A. NIATiIIOT & SON, Nos. :5 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1859. ly JOBS C. ESSILLI4. Irnellor & Frick, FLOUR IS PRODUCE Commission and For. warding Merchants, Nerd strea, opposite N. M R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly Artists', Painters' ilk NO PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.—Tbo 1 - 1.. subscriber has constantly on h a nd a full assortment of materials for the use of ..frrfsts, P•skiterraudnuotorapArra. Also on hand a large and liesutifol assortment of Sterrsropic =oval an d vi e w s , embracing every variety of Foreign and America* I..a+ n ia•ope.. Statuary, Parlor awl Rural Group, ,tr. The beauty and interest of the Sterescopic Views upon the par lor table furnish a never ending source of en tertainment both to TiSi4r)ra and the home circle. CUI'NTRY MELICILINTS supplied on the znoet liberal terots.• W. A. WISONG, No. 2 N. Liberty St., B.tltinture, .Id. June 27,1859. ly Wm. Knabe & Co., NOS.. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw Street,— SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street,l between Charles ant Li t--BALTIMORE, Md., :Manufacturers of OO1& mm GRAND AND SQUARE PI A.l Wm. Enabe 3 Co. westirgestpectfullv invite the attention of the publib, anal especiaity those in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to their as- sorted stock of instruments, which, for power and sweetness of tone. easy and agreeable touch,l and beauty of finish, have, by the beet of judges, been prononnce4 unrivalei by any in the coun try. As to the rilative merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in our poesession, from THALBERG, STRAKULI, G. SATTER and H. - VIEUXTEMPS. as also from sane of the most distinguished professors and Aramaean in the country; also to the following HIGHEST PREMIUMS, received within the last throe years; GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1855, 1856, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 1857; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute. Philadel phia, 1856 ; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1835, 1856 All instru ments of our mannfactare have the fall iron frame, wad are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. aßk..Partieultsr attention paid to the selection of Instruments for distant orders, and a privilege of exchange granted at say time within six mos., If the lasttinaents should not prove entirely satis factory.. A liberal discount to Cleramea, Teachers sad Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to their advan to give us a call, as by greatly Increased Sew we are enabled to fill all orders with xEsPatch• gar Constantly es hand, a large assortment of ancsOtONS, from the beat Factori7 l a s . r , SEOOND-HAND PIANOS at Great isui at prices from $3O to $l5O. Piaaw Exchanged, aired and Tuned. A eall Is respeetiblly solicited. WILLIAM KNABE & CO. January IV, 1859. ly First Premium "InINAMELLED COTTAGE FIIILVITUBS.— ri I.IV. HEYWOOD, No. 10} North Charlie strost, Baltimore, hoeing bees engaged for Om last, SI gears la the maaslaotare and sale of tams/arse desirable Petaluma, suited to eauatry n edhssea, has of hood a large variety, umundko assidadwasty for retail sales. AIM', Oak tad Walnut Chamber Sets, Oak sad WabatEstaastea Tables, Dialog ROSIN aid Obaks, Sideboards, Hair sad Hash NM - - ?Mews sad Setraers, 144. in baying Tot. Yoe tan 60 eta. per lon* In buying Floor, Yos save SO eta. per banal in Toying Fish You safe from 2 W 3 dollsra per 10u pounds in buyiuz B.►con You sat• front I to 4 ets. per pounJ in buying Sug,urs You urn t,,2 to 6 ctS. per pound in baying Qat*. You tiara from 2 to to eta. per gallon In buying Molasses In short you ean Bars money JOIIS ♦. IS worz on most every article In the Grocery line by busying of HUOK t 1141DWIS, 8. W. earner of Lexington and Green ets., Balt , If any body doubts it let them give us oxn xxi•t., And if they are notsstixdod we will be couter4 that they shall buy somewhere else We warragt every article we mil, We peek all goods securely, arid charge nothing-for packing And if tl►e OCICAS are not They eaq be returaed a i 3. 4' ‘‘. l .l4o ll ! F ir -• r;*CNDED 1851. Chartered Mt. Locsteil r CUR. OF BALTIMORE * CLIARLE.i STS., BALTIXOSI it, - MD. The Larxest, Nest gleguntli Furnished A Popular Cornineecial Connie in the United States, DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FUR YOUNG MEN tkeiring to dbtain a tborongti Practicalllnsinese every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self, and Is separately instructed. Snuarrs Ix ATTIID4IIIOII riot Niauttor &MIT STATI IN TUB U.lOl. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. No Copying from Printed or Manuscript Forms in LIAIIIIING flOoc-cazeura AT rue BALTIMORE. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE This method of Mitruction is nowhere else intro ditced in this country. Every Young Ilan should write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Orruirnental Circulars, representing the exterior and interior view of the College, Penmanship, kc., which will be sent by return mall, free qf elsarge, with Cata logue containing list of etadents, Wino of tuition, opinions of the Press on our new system ofliuok- Keeping, etc. K. K. Lonna, Principal—Lecturer on the &lance of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. I. Y. Pa 'Limbs, Proftsmr of Book-Keeping and Commercial Calculations. B. 11. Danes, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping N. C. Jonxsos, Professor of Penmanship. S. T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mercantile Law. Bar. E. Y. Raise, D. 1)., Commercial Ethics. sat:wren ; Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Jos Vansant, lion. Thomas Swann, Wm. IL Keighler, Req., Jaeob Trust, Neil., William Knabe, Esti, The time usually required to complete the full course. from 8 to 12 week'. A DIPLOVA is awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms, sent my mail free of charge, Address K. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Yd. Feb. 7, 1859. ly :7Nok , YiseEEATS ALL DISEASES.—DR. BAAKEE will give special attention to the following ases : Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the Nose, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin diseases—Lum bago, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Baakee can pro ince one thousand certificates of his perfect success in caring Cancers, Old Sores or ricers, fistula, Scald Heads, Went, Swellings and Tu mors of every description and without , the use of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patleats must place themselves wader the Doc tor's (tersonal supervision. I. A. 'RACK DR. 131Aiila has made a new discovery of • Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT, and restore perfect vision to the Eye without the nse of the knife or needle, and he cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and he constantly on hand an excellent emolument of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanu na, or E tr Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Dr. Lta.tkee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physicians and surgeons now living.— Bis Tame is known personally in nearly every principal city / in the world. AU letters directed to Dr. Liaaket. (enclosing ten cents.) asking any questioas pertaining to say disease, shall be promptly answered, and all Chronic diswes e au be treated by correspondence, except those mentioned. that will require his personal super vision. Office hours from 9A. at., to 4P. X. DOCTOR BAAKEE, No. 74 Lexington St.. between Charles t Liberty, April 11, [jou. 31. 171 Baltimore, lid. WARRANTED.—B. F. STARR At CO., Cor. of North and Cesitev Streets, ' ~,s ~. opposite N. C. R. R. Station, ,„..... ,-.-- - 7-: BALTIMORE. MD. MallUfAC- 4 .......Z7-, 0, ..... turers of FREscri BURRS, -----4 t ' Innportersand Dealersin Burr o 1110 , ..1t5, Bolting Cloths, Lea- , ther and Gum Beltings, Cal- cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Coloae, Cocalice, and Rsophes Mill Stones of all sites. [Feb. 7, '59. ly FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, Bank Locks, Vault Doors, kc., manufac tured is Baltimore.—Persons in want of these articles will find it much to their advantage to purchase from the manufacturer, where they can find a large stock, and hare any they desire built to order at a low price. Miller's Sabi and Bank Securities h.ave long been usannfactured in New England, where they are considered indispensable to those who waat perfect protection flow fir* and thieves. For prices, sista, kc., send for a circular.— Parties ordering safes are requested to return theta at sty expense if not perfectly satisfactory. L. R. MILLER, 159 North st., opposite Calvert Station, Ina. 27, 1859. ly Baltimore, Md. COXYL3I3ION MERCHANT, Nal. 134 and 126 Nora &red, B A LTIMO RE, MD. I as prepared to receive and sell on Offlamia sin all kis& of COUNTRY PRODUCR. Haring an experience of ten year. in tits Carandasioa business, (sad iddring to endwise On slew,) I Amber myself Oat I shall be able to give lorle rAesta, M aU erbri favor ate win coasitionats -WIM alma attend to Mak cokes for Oratories Gann, sad all lid. fitirartilisers. 4Plik. 14, ly 11l represented, ♦t our expels', F.ducstion. r*cri,TT ; Dr. Baakee Burr Mill Stones L. H. Miller's James H. Bosley, SCOTT globe Inn, 1 Adams County . • %ow Blare 1 1 4‘ 1 E i r i s " , l i n N, ! ( be en " i : " „ renovated r v a r t e d e d e rj andck e r e : n ru ty rn . igb pfd.— ed. I )/ u i T n l:A rp L o li r l a ll/LIN u S g U re R h .A i N s CE IO t S ,O I X PANY.—. lieW FIRM mad : 10 8O pintn N u:k or : doodpickseaviredlGoD:anci-froAyunscatoi Store on the proprietor &nuns the public that a call is OrrICIIIII. e potato thin they here just opened a new only ended. as he guarantees faU satisfaction in ) Pr mildew —George Swope. Illikery case. Charge, moderate. ' VIIOI Prendellt-.-S. R. Runell. the corner of Chtutsbersburg and Washington BENNY IiKIIR, Proprietor. &weary—D. A. Buehler. streets, In thie.,Beroogis of Gettysburg. opposite Feb. 14. 1859. tf Tresoneree—David li Creary. the "Eagle Rotel," where they are now and W -- ---1-------- ---- - , Easearo.e Coasesatee —Robert McCurdy, Jacob , will be prepared at all times to o ff er bargains to i atches, Jewelry, , King. Andrew Ileinttelman. . suit the purse and please the peopl e . ANO SILVER WARE -- We would respeet- , sidnogers---Ocorge Swope, D. A. Buehler,Ja- ißy conducting our business on the CASH fully inform our friends. patrons and the cob King, A. licintzelman, R. M'Curtie, Thos. SYSTEM, with this motto "Quick Sales and' public generally that we have just opened our A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock. Wm. B. MLClellan, ' Small Profits," and by pursuing a strictly hen- r New Watch, j e we i rs , sil ver and meted Ware Win. B. Wilson, AL B, am/heifer, dhdlel F.Gitt,orable course, wehope to reseil, e the encourage- , Establishment, at No. 0;22 Market street, where I John Wolford , 11. A. Plehing,J. A ughinbaugh, i ment, not only of the citizens of Gettysbur g and we otTer Wholesale an d R eta il, at the lowest John Horner, R. G. McCreary,.S. R. Russell, D. Adams county, but the rest of mankind. We Ca.h PriLe-, a I,ir iz e and 1 er y ch o ic e lit.ck of, M'Creary, Andrew Polley, John Picking, J. R. bare just returned from the cities with a hand et ery description ,if goods usu.llll I some assortment of SPRING k SUMMER I kept in a , fir.t-class Watch and Jeweirs Store. Mir This Company is limited in its opera- GOODS, embracing all manner of Ladies' Dre e s' Hersh. We hope by untirilig elfo-ts to accommodate , lions to the county of Adams. It has been in . Goods, of the most beautiful sit, les, Fancy Ar andi please not oat) to retain all our ( "ruler Pa- ' successful operation for more than six years, tides, Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Cloths, f Irons, but merit and secure a large accession toi and in that period has paid all losses and ex- , Cassinteres, Vesting', kc. the nine . I peasesoritienss any aSitirMellll, having also • large Also, a large assortment of QUEENSWARE. Every description of Diamond Work and other 1 surplus capital in the Treasury. The Corn- Our stock of GROCERIES is also large and Jewelry made to order at short autice. pithy employs no Agents -. all business being ' complete. We will not take time to pa r ti cu l ar ., All goo.ls warranted to be as represented. done by the Managers, who are annually elect-ice, but incite all to call and see—no trouble to Partienler attention KIT he repairing of ,ed by th e Stockholders. Any person desiring I show goods. A. SCOTT k SON • , Watches and Jewelry of er el edreacript ion. an 'manner' can apply to any of the shovel May 16, 1859. STIVFVER k lIARLEY, named Managers for further information. is, 822 iferlei sired, SoviA Sde, luladelpikia. siiir-T h e Executive Committee meets at the N. H.—,We will continue our Old Store, No. , office or the Company on the last Wednesday 118 North Second street, fur a short time only. : i n every month, at 2, P. M . Aug. 1, 165:). 3ut i Sept. 27, ltisB ----- 13aitimore, Fine Old Brandies, MBE sulisceibers, Importers and Dealers In WINES k LIQUQII.B, would most respect tufty call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 NortA Prow Strew, Phitadetputt, where they have a large assort, meat of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrange ments with tome of the Gm boas.. in Cognac and Ito:belle, enables than: to furnish to their easterners, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Clognat and Rochelle : BRANDIES: Otard, Ilennesy, Polleyslon, Pinar, Castillioa; J. J. Depay k Co., T. Dimes, 4. Serviette, Martel, MAteU, kc., kc., of various brands aqd qualities. tYbamgrnots, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Tenerife, Burgundy Hoek, Muscat, Claret, Sherry, and Malaga W ines. Holland Gin, &beldam Schnapps, JAMAICA Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiakey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Rrandles; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, ec. Also, Age. ta and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constaiatly on hand an ex tensive stork office old Monongahela, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly improved by age. From our longszperieuee in the business, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourseires to be able to all all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which are most re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. afar All goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON k RRO., No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia. Feb. 7, 1859. ly New Agricultural Settlement. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, a rare oppor tunity In a delightful and healthy climate, 25 miles southeast of Philadelphia, on the Cam den and Atlantic Railroad, New Jersey.—An old estate, consisting of several thonsands of acres of productive soil, has been divided into Farms of various sizes to suit the purchaser.— A population of some fifteen hundred, from various parts of the middle States and New Eng land, have settled there the past year, improved their places, and raised excellent crops. The price of the land is at the low sum of from $l5 to $2O per acre; the soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat, Clover, Corn, Peaches, Grapes and Vegetables. IT TS CON SIDERED THE BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE IT'NION. The place is perfectly secure from frosta—the destructive enemy of the farmer.— Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now growing and can he seen. By examining the place it self, a correct judgment can be formed of the productiveness of the land, The terms are made easy to secure the rapid improvement of the land, which is only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that within the past year, some three hundred houses hive been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vinyards and peach orchards planted, and a large number of other improvements, making it a desirable and active place of business. THE MARKET, as the reader may perceive from its location, is the BEST IN TILE UNION. Produce bringing double the price than in locations away from the city, and more t!ctu double the price than the West, It is known that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and arc annually exported to the extent of millions. la locating here, the settler has many advan tages. He is within a few hours' ride of the great cities of New England and Middle /Hates, he is near his old friends and associations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and civilisation is at band. He can buy every article he wants at the cheapest price;and sell his produce for the highest, (in the West this is reversed.) he has schools for his children, divine service, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers are utterly unknown. The result of the change upon those from the north, has generally beets to restore them to an excellent state of health. In the way of building and improving, lumber can he obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to $l5 per ibousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened In the place s every article can be procured in the place, go od carpenters are at head, and there is no place in the Union where buildings sad Improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself wby the property has not been taken up before.— The reason is, it was never thrown in the mar ket; and unless these statements were correct, so one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land ander enltivation, and such is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt. meet persons from their own neighbor hood; they will witness the improvements and can judge the character of the population. If they come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re fusal. There are two chile trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers who improve, the Ratiroad Company sires a free ticket far six oufraths, and a hatc-pru-e ticket for three years. THE TOWN OF I.I.B3f3IONTON.—In connec tion with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, which pre sents inducements for any kind of business,par ticularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton business, and manufactories of agricultural implements or founderies for casting small articles. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of basin,-sit. Town lots of a good site, we do not sell small ones, PS it would affect the improument of the place, can be had at from 15100 and upwards. The llonuwoitomt Fanner, a monthly literary and agricultural sheet, contlicting full informa tion of llttnimonton, can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warrantee ,feeds given, clear of all incumberanee when money is paid. Route to the lend: leave Vine street wharf,' Philadelphia, for Hammonton by Railroad, at 7i A. M., or 41 P. M. Fare 90 cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding coo-, veniences on hand. Parties bad better stop with' Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will show them over the laud in his carriage, free of expense. Let ters and applications can be addressed to Lan dis & Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic coon ty, New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 201 South Filth street, Philadelphia. Maps and informa tion cheerfully fernithed. July 4, 1E159. am 0 TRAVELERS--A One assort/ eat of T TRUNKS of every descriptioa, Carpet Becks, kc., for sale at Picking's, in Chambers burg street. CMBEIL—A large assortment of Dry giver White Piae Lumber, of ercry quality, can at the yard of 811 E ADS, 21112811111 k KURTZ. 17* NSF the flee 1--Another arrival of these j L damp sad lambaste 17-hata at MOILINGI9. Notice TO FARMERS AND MRRCRANTS —We have now opened our !Age and commodious firehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail- , road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Raliroed Company, and an prepared to receive produce of all kinds, 1 0 LOCR, Wllll.l T, RYE, CORN, OATS, Ac. Also, on hand and for sale, Salt, Gamma, Plaster, Fish, Ac. A large stock of Groceries Just received, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-warqjc., Ac., which we_do not hesitate to say, we 1,11 sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as ous molt° will be quick 'aim and small profits." We would also call the attention of t all Inter ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Ac., to the fact that we have for sale Breinig, Fronelield A Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we bare gold from 1500 to 1000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. EL/ERFELTER, BOLLINGER d CO. Gettysburg, ept. 5, 1858. Pannone & Mechanics' SAVINGS INSTITUTION OF ADAMS COUN TY.— Wesith cross by sing.—Depooite your surplus funds in this Institution sod re ceive interest at the rate of from two to four per cent. This institution offers • safe, convenient and profitable depository to all classes of people. July 4, 1859. Elastic Cement A * 00FING.—The subscribers are prepared to contract and put on at the shortest notice, t . . Child k Co.'s PATENT FIRE ANT/ WA TER PROOF ELASTIC CEMENT ROOFING. It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in• point of durability is equal, if not superior, any lietalic Roofing. It can be put on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however flat or steep they may be. In point of resisting the elements of fire and water, nothing has yet been discovered equal to the Mastic Cement. Those who have need it. nave testified that it s the very perfection of Roofing, and that there is no further room for improvement. lio Dee n ill now think of patting on shingles, when this Cement can be bad for much less money and will outwear fouP shingle roofs. This Roofing is warranted as represented. The Elastic Cement Is the cheapest and best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is alto the hest paint for iron. effectually preventing rust ; and wherever applied perfectly excludes dampness. • The subscribers have this Cement for sale in quantities to suit. Far further information, ap ply to P. J. & C. M. TATE, F.agle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. April 25. 1859. tf Removal. VIE suhscriber has removed. his Plough I and Maehine Shop from the Fooodry hui I:1 inf.., to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle where he is better prepared than ever te , at tend to customers. Plough. always unhand and made to order at the shortest notioe, and Machines. Re &e., repaired. Also he rill nlten.: to cleaning. and repairing Clocks. May DAVID WARREN. The Latest News latest news, in which all are interested Tls the arrival/ of /I very large and superior stuck of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS k SHOE'S, at the cheap and fashionable store of R. F. Melt, tt the N. E. Corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg. His stock of Hats is very cacti si‘e, comprising all the various shies of Silk Hats, Gent's black and colored Soft Dress Hatt, Yen's Russia Hats, (broad-rim,) and all kinds of Men's and Boy's Slouch Hats and Caps, of the most fashionable styles—all of which arc unsurpassed for beauty of style and elegance of knish- BOOTS AND 8110E8.-11e has also re ceived a very large assortment of Boots and Shoes, consisting of Men's French Calf Boots, Men's French Calf Congress Gaiters, Patent Leather Gaiters and Pomps, Oxford Ties and all kinds of Men's and Boy's Dress and Cosine Shoes, Ladies and Children's Shoes andGalters of every style. The public la very respectfully invited to call and easterly, these goods before purchasing elsewhere, as it wiLl certainly be to their advantage. B. F. McILUMNY. April 18, 1859. Chanite of Hottre /AN THE GETTYSBURG RAILROAD l— kj Smesser Arrisactnicat.—On and after Thurs day, April 21st, the MORNING TILAIN will leave Gettysburg tt 6.30 o'clock A. M., connecting at Hanover Junction with Express train to Balti more at 9.32, and Mail train front Baltimore at 9.32, returning to Gettysburg at 12.30 noon, with passengers from Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, and live North and West. The AFTERNOON TRAIN will leave Gettys burg at 1 o'clock, P. M., connecting at Hanover Junction with Mail train to Baltimore at 3.37, re turning to Gettysburg about 6.30 P. M., with passengers from York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and the North and West. f4r - By the above arrangement rstssengers can go either North or South on the Northern Central Railway both morning and afternoon. It M'CCRDV, President. April 25,18159. A Word to theWiiit - nON'T FAIL to call and see SAMSON'S New Goods--a large and splendid assortment of MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING and Furnish ing Gtiods—an extensive lot of all kinds or HATS, BOOTS, SHOES and CIAITERS—an un rivalled assortment of TRUNKS and CARPET SACKS, some very handsome and new style...— Also, a large and splendid variety of Setts, Breast Pins and Ear Rings ; WATCIIF.S, MUSI- C INs'rhUggNTS, ltc., itc. A very hand some and new style RAILROAD TRAVELLLNG RAG,. In short, everything in his tine. After all said and done, SAMSON'S IS fig SPOT to huy your goods at the right prices. .A word to the wise is sufficient. Those who wish to buy to sell again trill do well by callinz, as I can and will sell them goods cheaper than they can buy them In the city. April 18, 1859. Marble Yard Removed. THE subscriber baring removed his place of business to East York street, s abort die watt below St. James' Charch, would *snowed to the public that he is still prepared go famish all kinds of work in his line, such es Sena_ Intents, Headstones, te., to., of every misty of style and Amish, with sad without hoses sad. *Gaeta, to suit purchasers, and et Woes to suit the times. Persons desiring eitythbag in his line will Ind decided advsategs to exami ne his stock sad prices before purchasing elsewhere. WX.NJULIEL Gettysburg, Knuth 21, 1859. Private Bale. wag subscriber offers et Private Bob s his 1/01181 AND LOT, as street, ailjaialag Bolesson Powers. Rouse is a taro-story lista, *early sew, with a Beek-bulldlag, sad a wall .ise water. Terms way. iiil7 11 0 1351. 1351. V. I°. spring Ck)oda I FESII ARRIVALt...I44/INESTOCK BRO.'S have just received a large and choice as sortment of Spring Goods, to which they invite the attention of buyers. Onr stock comprises many new and beautiful styles of Ladies', Oren Goods, such as are rarely seen, and we al., con fident that those esatrAing them will acknow ledge that they have seldom been offered better goods or as pretty styles. We have also increased our stock of staple goods, such as Men's and Boys' Wear. Calicoes, Muslin', Detains, Chintz, /0., in quantity, style and price, unsurpassed. We need not enumer ate, but can assure our Customers and friends that we are prepared to furnish them with such g oods as they may want cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere In the county. Call early and select from our large and varied assortment. FAIISESTOCK BROTHERS, April 4, 1859. Red Front. Ffimsr River VTDONZ I—Come to the Store at Green mount for Bargains I—The undersigned would most respectfully inflow . the public that he has purchased the Store of John 'Welker's, at Greenmount, Adams county, half-way on the Ned from Gettysburg to Rnamitsburg, where he expects, by attention and small profits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of new His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, Groceries, Confectionaries, Queensw are, Wooden. ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, kc., is large and varied—equal to that of any other Besides' store—aad he will sell at prices astonishingly low. He only asks a trial, to prove the truth of this assertion. Country produce taken to exchange fOr Roods J. ALEX. HARPlift. ?be undersigned also names on the OAR RIA.GE-ILARDIG business , at the same place, and offers rare Inducements to purchasers. He will warrant his work good, whilst his charges are among the most moderate. Repairing done on short notice. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. ly Railroad Store. ejC. GUINN I BRO. hare juat received and a are opening at their new store on the ortli-west corner of Centre Square, (Gettysburg, a large and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods and Groceries. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call and examine our su perior styles of Dress Goods and Fancy articles, embracing everything coming properly under this head at prices not heretofore equalled. and in quality surpassed by none. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, of every description, consisting oteloths, Cassimeres, Ossinetts, Coatings, Vestings, ke., which cannot be surpassed out of the city in quality and price. • Our stock of Groceries is also complete, while every other article generally found in a Dry Goods store can be bad at the "Railroad Store" of J. 0. Quinn k Bro. Believing that the pub lic can suit themselves better here tban else where, we invite them to give us a call. For the proof of our assertion, call and examine our Mock, even if you don't buy. [April 4, 1859. Humphrey's Specific IFEOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES I.—FEVER PILLB—For Fever, Conges tion, and lallammatlon of all kind& :1). 2.—WORM PILLS—For Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic, and Wetting the Bed. No. 3.—BABY'S PILLS—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wake!lanais, and Nervousness of Adults. No. 4.—HT.kRRHEA PILLS—For Iharrhea, Cholera Infantom,and Summer Complaint. No. S.—DYSENTERY PILLS—For Colic, Griping, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. 6.—CHOLBIL4. PILLS—For Cholera, Cholera ltorbus, Foliating. No. 'I.—COUGH PILLS—For Coughs, Colds, Hosrseness, Influenza, and Sore Throat. No. B.—TOOTHACHII .PILLB—For T.%Ath ache, Paceaehe, and Neuralgia. No. 9.--HEADACHE PILLS—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness ,of the Head. No. 10.—DYSPEPSIA PILLS--For Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation, and Liver Complalnk No. 11.—FOR FEMALE IRREGULARITIES —Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12.—FEMALE PILLS—For Leucorrbces, Ptothse Menses and Bearing Down. No. 13.--CROCP PILLS--For Croup, Roams Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14.---SALT RHEUM PILLS—For Erysip. etas, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face. No. Ib.—RHEUMATIC PILLS—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness In the Chest, Back, Loins, or Limbs. A.—For Perer and Ague, Cbill Fever, Dumb Ague, and mismanaged Agues. P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External. . . O.—For fare, Mjeak, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids ; Failing, Weak, or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. in all ACUTE DISEASES, such as revers, Inflammations, Diarrheas, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such eruptive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas--the ad vantage of giving the proper remedies prompt ly is obvious, and in all such cases the specifics act like a charm. The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in all came. the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease shorten ed and rendered less dangerous. Even should a physician afterwards have to be called, he will take the case at decided advantage from the previous treatment. COUGHS AND COLDS, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lunge, bronchitis, and consumption, may all be at once wed by the Fever and Cough Pills. In all CHRONIC DISEASES, such as Dys pepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Piles, Female Debility and Irregu larities, old Headache, Sore oe Weak Eyes, Ca tarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the rase has specifics whose proper application will affords cure in almost every instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles, or Catarrh, Headache, or Fe male Xeakness, has more than paid for the case ten times over. PRIerR Tall set, 10 lone vials is Morocco Case and Book ...$5 Olt /all set, 201arre vials In Plain Case k Book, 4 00 Case of 15 anialured boxes and Book 400 Case of any numbered boxes and Book. 100 Slagle numbered boxes, with directions.- 25 Sines lettered boxes, with directions- -- 50 Large pLatation or physician's ease, and 4 0w... . ....-15 00 OCZ 1111111110/10 IT NAIL. Look seer I. ibst; auks up a ease of what, Mad you abooss, mad lactose the amount in a correct note or stamps, by mail, to our address, at No. 442 Broadway, New York, and the seii eine will by duly returned by mail or express, time of charge. Address, I. lIUMPIittIATB it CO., No. 661 Broadway, New York. Sold in Gettysburg by A. D. Dcraaisa; and by 41 druggists. July 4, 1559. Drs ALAAGII lot of fall-brand sew 11 211Witl jou aw4l will IND add low fog at IiORBSIGY 11114177)1 1 8. Use $4, 1455. 47, Ribboasollowas, sad Bichsel* Orli* sow ow" more of • A. WOW 411 lox. Call This Way HE subscriber would Inform the bile that ~ he continues his MACHINE SHOP, in rnbersburg street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he has various kinds of Ma- chines on hand, such as Threshing Machines, • Corn 21, ellers, Cornfodder Cutters, Cloverseed Hullers, Straw Cutters, and Horse Powers of I different kluds,..two, four or sis-hone, to suit j purchasers;—lndoed all such as can be had at ; Hanover or Littlestown. Also, Mortising Ma- chines, for house carpenters, put up in the very hest and most substantial manner. Cutting Screws or long Bolts, any kind or size less than eleven feet in length, alw.iys attended to, as well as Turning in iron, casting or wood. Also all kinds of REPAIRING on Machinery, dressing -up Mill Spindles, Arc., done on the shortest notice. The undersigned manufactures MORGAN'S P HORSE RAKE, which he offers at the lowest living profit. lie is likewise agent for the REAPER k MOWER manufactured by Joseph Shireman, at East Berlin. • i I hope that all in want of anything in my line will call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I will warrant all my work to give astiafaction to purchasers. DAVID STERNER. April 11, 1859. ly* Good and Cheap! leIIIR' undersigned would inform his friends and the public generally, that be continues CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its breaches, at his establishment, in East Mid dle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on hand a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared tdEkt up to order whatever may be desired in his line, viz :—Rockaway end Boat-body Carriages, Falling- .. , Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug- *o.lese * ''. glee,Jersey Wagons , kc. With **Awrellv goo workmen and good materials, be can pledge his work to be of the best quality—and his prices are among the lowest. ,`Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country-produce taken in exchange for work. Call! June 16,'67. JACOB TROXEL. Still At Work I caOACHMAKING AND BLACESMITHTNO. —The undeesigned respectfully informs h Mends and the public that be continues the Coachmsking and Bincksmithing business in every branch at his establishment in Chem bersburg street. He has on hand and wilt manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, £c, of flag best material, sad made by superior work men, gar IlarAlatao sad BLACLIMITHING Of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of rusto'nen. COVITIIT PIODUCS taken in exchange for work at market prices, IforPersons desiring articles or work in the Coacbmaking or Blacksmithing line,. are re spectl ully invited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59. RIMY I. DAXUft New Firm--Now Goods. THE. undersigned have entered into partner ship in the HABDW ARE k GROCERY business, at the old stand of Danner& Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of DANNER k ZIEGLER, MS., and ask,' and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They havejust return ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails. Screws. Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glab, le. Tools, Including Edge Tools of eve, y description, Saws, Planes, Chinas, Gouginr Braces and Bitis, Angers, Soares, Ganges, Hammers, ke. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails, le., with them, very cheap. Coach Find ings, such as Cloth, Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes., Felloes, Bows, Poles, s hafts, ke. Shoe , Findings, Tampico, Brush and French Morocco, I Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kc., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment -••• also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittatinia, Alhata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, ke. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and_ Brown Sugars; Niw Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and yruw, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, Ike.; a fall assortment of Lead and Zinc. dry and in oil ;.also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article In the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Blacksmith,Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANI4ER, liiirAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettylbniir, Mar 24, 1958. Lumber & Coal, FIR sale by BASTRLSB a WINTER, New Oxford. OptOCERIES, MILL FEED, kc., kc., For sale Wholesale and Retail by BASTRE. 4 WINTER, New Oxford. Siir The highest Cash prices paid for Grain May 30, 1859. Gm* Howard As3ooiation, PHILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent InstitutionestAblished by Special Endowment for the Wier of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this Institution to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food, Medicines, fee., for the sick and destitute, to take charge of the orphan's or deceased parents, and to minister in every possible way to the reliefof the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It Is the duty of the Directors, at such times, to visit per sonally the Infected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usually; enrol their names on its hooks, subject to be call ed upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give j advice and medical aid to persons suffering un-; der CHRONIC DISEASES of a irulent charac ter, arising from abuse of the physical powers, mal-treatment, the effects of drugs, AT. Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the na ture and treatment of Chronic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted. , Address, for reports or tres.tieent, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As sociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philad'a, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. 11EAUTIVELL, ireal. Geo. FAIRCHILD, Sec'''. Sept. 20, 'Less. ly Removal. on A LEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch maker, has removed his shop to the room e West side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq., as a Law Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Tkankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 105 P Notice. MUM undersigned tiering retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry B. Danner and Way bright ',Anise., under the name and style of Danner it Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will Decemmend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, sad of the public in general. Raying retired front the Mercantile business, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. B. DA.NNSM, lay 25,1858. DAVID ZIEGIAR. rce,OOKING STOVES—laciadiag Noble Cook, Royal Cook, Wm. Peso, Philadelphia Sas- Baltimore Air Tight, Sea Shell, Christy. plum Cal althea, and Hamm of emirs kind. INA mere' Boilers, Charcoal Farwell, M., 40., gm. has at the Store Ware Soon ef Sawa, Bouts% h Loll. tici si or Ethel 2,14, I " disarm, a earrupaas'at oat blood. by which this Auld becomes 'Wad e wash. and poor. Bahl is the circulation, it the whole and awry burst oat' rrem e on say part body i of t. No organ is *ea boos its attacks, nor is there one winch it nary not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by inercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure We, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and. above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, if seems to be the rod of Him who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." epu vv lts lon dr ofim ec a t ruliv er so:du r eeromtern by al di asrazw pos mat i ter tion ,t froi nmab ". is tubercles; in the glands, swe l lings;sa d 1311 the enrisee, eruptions or Dorm This Intl Cot* ruption, which genders in the blood, demos, the energies of life, so that scrnfukras conetitts• Ilona not only suffer from scrofulous coos plaints, but they have far less power to with. stand, the attacks of other diseases ; come. quently, rut numbers perish by disorder* which, although not scrofulous in theit Waal% are still rendered fatal by this taint in tb• system. Most of the consumption which de. =nines the human family has WI origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidn e y s , br a i n , and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous: their persons arc invaded by this lurking in. feetion, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicos) we supply in Compound Extract of sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is corn. blued front the most active remedial' that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the m ts . tin from its destructive consequences. it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other &film. bees which arise from it, such as Bayern* end Sint Disuses, Sr. Arrnotcy'l X / rae, Ross, or ltaystratas. Pturt.ss, Parrwtm, BLOTCH" BLAIN!. and Bons, Tereus, Term and SALT Ruste, Scam - Haan, Itzwowone, Batztrwaresx, SYPHILITIC end Mracusrav uses, DIIIICIPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, au, COUPLALICIIII ARMING MU VIM. 42D oa IIIPIIIIII Moon. The popular belief in " impurity qf Out blood " is fuunded in truth, by scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sersapa. villa is to purify end erate this vitalduid, without which sound health is imposaible is contaminated constitutions. VAT sauraT lIIGI LES Ayer's Ca thartio pins FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAKILY PVC% ers so composed that diesam within therauge ot their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties starch, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a conseqmace of them properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to And hie health or energy restored by a remedy at sum ao simple and inviting. riot only do they cure the every-day twainlaista of every body, bat also many fonsidabit and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions fker their use in the following complaints: restive- Isem, .ileerthrers, ileadadis arising from disordered blellunch, Ninolea. Indigeotion, raj?, in nod Morbid /median of the Bowels, Ftaeukoey, Lou of App.. Ku, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, again from a low state of the body or ulnunction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR TOO SAPID Ctrlti OP Conks, Colds, Influenza, Ilonrsenres, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Conesunps Lion, and For the relief of Consimptivo Patients in advanced singes of tho disease. $o wide is the field of its usefulness and so nw• seems ere the eases of its cures, that almost *very section of canary &hounds in permute pub lielv known, who hare been restored flwrn alson.irg and even desperate disown of the limes hr its us. When once tried. its superiority over every Other medicine of its kind is too apprised to escape observation, and where its virtues archmosra, public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous atrwidwo( the peisnorry organs that are ntc44ent to OUT climate. Wbile many interim remedies thrust upon the ememounity hare failed and hewn discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, cunferred Lercfits on the afflicted they can now forget, aud pro duced cures too numerous and Zoo rentsricable to be forgotten. rittrAlLP BY lirSold by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburz—. T. J. Cooper, near Coslitown—Pastou L Co. Fairfield—end all Druggists. . Oct. 18,1858. eowly ,TITE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citisens of Gettysburg and the pub. he generally, that he has provided himself with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGHT AM BROTYPE ROOM. at his residence in West Mid dle street, one Square *est of Fahnestock's j Store, where has prepared tq tarnish Amhro, j Alelaino, Enam7T and Photograph Pictures in every style of the art; which he will warrant to give entire satisfaction, and is prepared to ac commodate all with good pictures. either single or in groups. He also has a number of sped ' wens at his room in Chanibersburg street, a few doors West of Cobcan ,k Culp's Shoe Store, where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of themselves and friends, will do well to give ms s call, as I have reduced my prices to snit the present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds; also inserted be Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ac. The subscriber being thankful to his friends and the public in general for past patronage, wishes them to continue it. and assures theta that as heretofore, they shall not be dissatisfied Bar Charges from 50 cents toslo. Hours for operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on hand, at the very lowest pniees, jrg'Children will Dottie taken for less than $l. 00. ser Ain b rotypes taken for fifty cents and up wards, and in the best style. SAMUEL WEAVER. April 16, 1858 HZ subscriber has just returned from• the T city, with a large supply of NSW GOODS, which be °Vera' to sell cheaper than ever. this him a call, and judge for yourselves. His as. sortment embraces Cloths, Oassitneres, Yes tingg, all kinds of Summer Goods, and a large assort. meat of RgADY-31.ADE CLOTILING, for in and boys. JACOB ELEIININGRR,_ Carlisle st., 4 doors from Centre Squaie Gettysburg, April 4, 1859. 4,-HOMISTE AD for $100; also, Homesteads for $lOOO and over, situated on, and near pahannock River, above and below FRED.. RRICKSBURG, IN VIRGINIA. A new Town, called RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently been laid out, in CULPEPER COUNTY, in the midst of the GOLD REGION OF VIBIIINIA, cur- rounded by Mines and Mining Companies ; and Farms and Town Lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now be had for a "Mere Song," aim. ply to induce settlement In this desirable be semi $254,900 worth of land is to divided = purchasers or given away as an inducement to come on and make Improvements, and tie land, Is of the most Improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are WHOP* Good fanning land, in tracts of Any 6'4 to Ida , purchasers, can also be bad at from - Wu :152G per acre, payable in tag quarter yearly insttills merits. UNQVUTIOJIMILI Innal WILL Ur P A4 CAW Si etTllll. sir.A.GINTS AM WANTED everywhirf la sell time lands ; liberal inducements wilt le given. E. BARDEN., Land Agent, • July 18, 1859. $lO. Port Royal, Ts. AYER'S DR. J. C. ATER & CO. LOWELL, SASS. Saabeam Gallery. Goods for the Season 1 A Homeictead for $10; raurr J'ASS, A PI . atA,h4V. mi Ili
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers