pa, Is pablithod stay - 11oaday 4 1/ 45 4 141 14 bY• &au" M Pi 75 pat masa' Sr Pad . is Allawsson—sl Coo per Slam If not Pahl Etratataas. gn subscription 'mil, Woo at a. *oft at thi Pub t*Esotatil sit antairsgss ore paid. Abrattititansits laapied at tb• usual Mee. 4•ll..rulatuto dons with unmans asa dis patch. Omen in South Baltimore street, directly opposite WimiOen' Tinning Estahlhihment— veinveuts" cm the sign. ' Sands, Nathan & OD's. al MANTIC COSIBIIIA.TI UN ctcua, easpriafr Mast talented hricorme Wet 'magnificent &tad of aid the mess weaderfal feg Elephants' in the fouling the most splendi 166, 0414/ a i".lttraction es' endiby.enny teszelliss Con iimetio& Prominent sasomgaie .dented attractions of thi ltsitibittost are the truly .fal !'rained Elephants P 1 .AND CC►itTßl, lately pi trom the ociebrated Fteirta, Paris, by Htensso Eaq., and imported ewprei this Exhilsitioo, by at! visite t Co. These wonderful mama. Is their intelligence, &Kill tractability, all other Trained An imals that have ever been eshib- Red, sad accomplish Feats never before attempted by any ialivid mob of the brute creation. They Peace, Ascend Inclined Planes, &hind .on their Heads, Play upon !Musicallnstruments. and perform .R world of extraordinary tents at tthe word of command, in a man ner which must be seen to be 'realized. Besides these remarkable isni wails, two other COLOSSAL EL .EPHANTS are attached to the Exhibition, and a Stud of Twelve 'Shetland Trick Ponies. Among the celebrated Banestri lin Performers, Gymnasia, and Athletes, will be fogad Eaton Stone, Charley Sherword, Mine. Virginia, Deazor Brothers, .J. J. Nathan's, Philo Natitaas, Master Charley, 1111 e. Jos. Hulett end W. Ashton, -Jesse Sandt,Tony Pastor the down George Sandi, Ben Huntington, ;Sam Lathrop, the Gentleman clown, and • numerous Troupe of - Vaulters, Tumblers, Acrob•tm. %Gymnasts, Equilibriste, J ugglers, Comic Singers, 4c., Lc. In addition to these multifarious attractions. the Exhibition seal be accompanied by the re nowned SELLII CALLIOPE-the most wonder ful and magnificent musical instrument ever -constructed. This gorgeous melodic monster - will prkede the Cavalcade on its entrance into 'Town., drawn by A TEAT OF METHANTS, and perform a series of the most popular operatic .airs, end will also play dosing etery e.rhibit,on, -when all will have an oppoctituit) of examining ita wonderful mechanism. Otto Horse's New l'ork Cornet Band, com posed of picked solo performers, will perform all *be nethest and most fashionable selections of - unusic during the Exhibition, when the Calliope is not used. Will perform in CrETTYSBCAG ' Thursday. ' :Sept. Bth • PETER/3EI(AM, Wednesgay, Sept. Itb; HANOVER, Friday, Sept. 9th. MiiirAdmission 2b cents. Aug. 29, 1859. Dr. Ili'Laales a.lic ELEBRATED VERICLFCGE it -LITER Z. PILLS.—We beg leave to call the a.tten- r -1i of the Trade, sad snore especially the lio. Physicians of the country, to of the most L'' 1 popularrensedies now before the public. We rat .referto DR_ CHAS. lI'LAN.E'S CELEBRATE D e n 1,.... - YEELYIPL - GE ASD LIVER PILLS. We do snot recommend them as universal Cure-alls, to but simply for what their name purports, cis: The VEILVIFTGE, for expelling Worms from tz the human system. It has also been adminis- a ltered with the most satisfactory results to vs- ig (ions Animals subject to Worms. The LIVER I=3 PILLS, for the cure of Livia Corstais es. all -,..7, Britons DZIRAZGRMIXTS, SICY EXAD-A.CHE, AL!. go In uses of Pavan Ain AGICt. preparatory to aig or altew taking Quinine, they almost invaria- 4 bly make a speedy and perinea ent care. ea As specific., for the above mentioned din- 1741 I eases, they are unrivaled, and never known to fail when administered is accordance with I = l the directiolu. r Their uaprecedented popularity has in-; dtteadtheProprietors,PLßYLNGßßOTHEßS, se PITTSBURG, PA., to dispose of their Drag "le business, is which they have been saccesstnity r.,. unfired for the last 20 years, and they will pc mow give guar imeibrited time and attention to thedr.inamisiseenre. And being determined that !Dr. iflasio's Celebrated Veratifuge and Liver Fills shall continue to occupy the high position they sow hold amoag the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest ettaterials, and compound them in the most thorough 111141101":\ Address all orders to FLIOLCIG BROTHERS, . . Pittsburg, Pa. P. B.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will - do well to write their orders distinctly, std take emu bet Dr. IPLems's,„ propared by .Fleasimp Bros., Pirtsborp, Pa. To these wishing to give them a trial, we will !lamed per mail poet pall, to any part 0 the Baited States, one box of Pills for twelve throwers& postage stamps, or one vial of Irer imtfuee for fourteen three-cent stamps. Ali or den .frwri Canada mast be accompaaied by twos * emote extra. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg, and by dealers ipmerally throughout the county. Bay 2, 1862. ly 1 -Goods for the Session! salseeriber has jest rttorned front the witli • lens 'apply of NNW GOODB, ho airs to sell cpmtper the over. Giro ltba • es*, sad lodge At. lib as seelsel All kinds of est en="Totha, Vatibdts, Goods, tied a l G arge assert watt of aILADT-144A11 °LATHIN far awa slid bola. - 34clus mauthons, wilds le-rd deem from Olefin &we% tliottysltass, Aptll 4, - Tialisr, Look - .., 1,; ' ..._.... bag ii greiletbri t • ' ' .. . ' 4 6141_0011€1101111 s :. . Oh** 4 1111P 001 1 1 011/ 1 . 1 010. ._ . Stimtlerliall toillii 47 'l.ll stbrr 111111..--- , , . ... . . . . .... .--1-..,1-., • • . . . . . . , - • .., t-, - , .. .. ..-: . • • ‘ t h ',.r. • ;•.> . . : 1-. . . . I ... . . ..,. .., . .. . .. . . le . 44 . . I I , yj , . Br H. J. BTAITLE 4r YEAR. Edward B. Biu?ttler, A S7OB.NBY AT LAW, will faithfully sad 21 promptly attend to all business entrusted to bun. He speaks the ,German Language.— Office at the same place, is South Baltimore street, near Forney'. drug store, sad nearly opposite Deaner A Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 2c D. McCanaughy, IL rt'ORNEY AT LAW, (office one door vest of Alembic?' drug and book store,Chaso hersburg street,) ArronwAr AND 80 /"/" 1 Foe Parisi.* 1-10 Fiascos'. Bounty Land War raate, Flack-pay suspended Claims, and all ether claims against the Governs:Lent at Wub ingtea, D. Q.; also American Claims to England. Land Warrants located and sold,or bougbt,and highest prices given. Agents engaged La lo catiag •warrants In lowa, Illinois and other western States. mar Apply to him personally •ftr goy letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, '53. J. C. Neely, ATTOPA - EY AT LAW, will attend to collec tions and all other business intrusted to are with promptness. °face nearly opposite Fahnestock's Store, Baltimore street. Gettysburg, April 11, 1859. tf ) Wm. B. McClellan, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Oftlea on the lout. side of the public square, 2 doors west o the Sentinel offlcp. Gettysburg, August 22, '53. ,Dr. A. W. Dorsey, FORMERLY of Carroll county, Md., haring permanently located in Gettysburg, o ff ers professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the practice of the various brancbel of his profession. Office and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office, where he may be found at all times when not professionally engaged. Rift2IIICES. Prof. tistban R. Smith, Baltimore, sd. Rec. Augustus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Yd Dr. J, L. Warfield, Westminster, Rd. Dr. W. A. Lktbias, Jacob Reese, Esq., John K. Lontwell,Esq., « I/ Geo. E. Wampler, Esq., Rev. Thomas Bowen, Getlyabere.. Oct. 35, 1858. Gm J. Lawrence BM, IL D. ' AS his o ffi ce one door west of the Etna church in Chambersbarg street, and opposite, Plekisg's store, where those wishing to have any Dental Operation perforated are respeetfolly invited to Itsrrittsces: Drs. Horner, Rev. C. P. Erttitth, D. [Lee. tf. L. Baugher, D. a, Rev. Prof. Jacobs, Prof. Y. L. Stover. • Qettvsbarg, aril 11, New Livery y4ST.4, TIL BST_ Coast. as I puk p4M. Tare leas opeaeii slew 1.1 very establisliaseat, at Cite stables on Washington street, occupied in part by the Eagle Hotel," and as made each arrange ments as will enable kin to accommodate the public at times, •n reasonable terms, with Horses, Buggies, Hacks, kc. His stock is good. funeral occasions, kc., he will be able to supp:r a want which has been much needed. Isir Terms CASH. [slay 24,'58. Hare We Are Again I eIIUST from the city with the best and cheap ebt assortment of SYRCPS and MOLASSES t at we hare yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices; SUGARS, a very large stock, lei'; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Bice, Cheese, Spices, (all kinds.) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured HAMS mid SHOULLkEIt-i Lard, Shad, Mackerel and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tabs, Buckets., *c.: Baskets, Flour Selves, Brooms, Brushes, /cc.; al/ kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; E.stra and Superfine FLOCR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly on band ; Fancy Goods, Confectionaries and Fruit. (lire us a call. It affords us pleasure to show earl ge and inviting stock. NORBECK, I MA.RTIN. Gettysburg. May 30, 10.5.3. Groceries, WHOLBSALS AND RETAIL.--Volasses and Sugar by the barrel, Coffee by the tack, and all kinds of Groceries, either by the quantity or in small amounts, at prices that de yf competition. Call stonce at April s. FAIi?iESTOCK BROS'. Lime t Limo! T IE undersigned have made arrange m ents, by which they will be ready to supply LIME in any qnsotities, at thekwass prices, as soon as the gailroest is completed. They are ready to receive orders, SIIEADS, BUEHLER KURTZ. Nov. 22, 1858. 50,000 Peach Trees, SST quality, $9O 00 per 1,000. 10,000 JD Allen's Hardy Raspberry, $4O 00 per itir Cataloguer gra t WILLIAM PARRY, Cianassatacnt, New Jersey. leg. 1, 1959, Its New Grocery. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—The sub scriber respeetfully informs the citizens of town sad country, that he has opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors east of St, James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assortment of goods in his line—such as: syrup, from 40 to 70 .361:11:11 per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds ; Cofeec, dif ferent kinds el/ingo, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch Herring, ground - and unground c sc Al i spice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mt:BmA, Ginsr 4L S e tareb. Rice, Teas, Candles, Ex Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; Brooms, liaoksto, Candles, all kinds : Figs, Waleuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, (}round. -Nuts. Layer Salvias, Lemons. OrszEre, Pao! LerOskas. Crackers of all kinds. to., i t . and Riff boleti and sold. H e b. rites the oak of ti d Ait oa s, oonvisood that a m id msortment WM both in quality and pries. Ile is to sell cheaper than the elmapast: 'WI. Z. BITTLX. Gettysbus Des.lo, 111011dhlg. rilliOltak MINOS WANPLIR will soaks lictoo Spout*.ul 'Map as Jams low, for cult or eotratary.proilooo. tariporovaa all Worts *Jokier/ that Mims, biro, spool. oil, woaLd do wall to giro ass a ea. April lit 't3. it it.wAutruca. New - Goods: P. itILRIS*IM"hssw j ts o va t oraeßofiarasf,l sn- *a 0a t b e o b o o asistot'stylisslhitisee or isßitit Sr* , retrbss+ " a r miiewo l lim a _ j ab "WV , Bali sit 14 Pad 4 110101 0 1101 . Ilk 1141 iv alt o‘,„ 1111ww . 0 stsasseaaid 41~ 041604 " Ars Raw - E l / 1 10esils sa4lll4osea._ AWN*/ sak. =4" "OIL Ova las- I 401=1 astallsona aka imam 1 "I - Itir W# awio wierwiii hi-aer No; i " CLlst"ga tirmealliasi - EXPO NZ= ilital - flemorratir, ,ears and tamilg Nenrnai. •GETTYSIATRG, PA.: MONDAY, SEPT: 5, 1859. New Spring Goods. ETL. CHICK, dealer In Bilks, Domestic • Goods, ClothsCassimeres, Embroideries, hums, Jewelry, Notions, etc., has returned from the itustern markets with one of the largest as sortments of DRY GOODS ever broagbr to this place, consisting of all the newest designs and fabrics of the present spring importations.— LADIES' DRESS GOODS, plain end figured black Silks, very heavy and tine lustre, cheap; plain and colored figured Silks, • very fine as sortment, at all prices . Bare es, Grenadines, Poil de Cheat. Satin de Cbene, Poplins, Lerida., Paris Organdies, Jaconet Lawns, French Chints, plain and colored Brilliants, Gingham, Spring /tousling, English Calicoes, and many other novelties. MOURNING GOODS in great varie ty, Shawls and Scarfs, beautiful stock; Ribbons dud Parasols, new styles, very handsome; Em broldtriee and WHITE GOODS, very handsome; largest and cheapest stock we hays ever received. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, complete stock, Gloves. Hosiery, )lits and Gauntlets, of all kinds; Domestic Good, at Factory prices. JEWELRY, new stock f u r ,Spring roles, consisting of the most eguisite style! e , ,er offered in this market. We would say tat:air custo,ners and the pub lic generally, that we have opened one of the most elegant and largest assortments of goods ever brought to this market, allot' which have been selected with great care and upon the most advantageous terms. We are determined 'Ol to be undersold by any. Our motto—" Fair sating and small profits." J. L. SCHICK, S. W. Corner of Centre Square April 4, 1859. New Tobacconist. :PETER A. KRESS would Inform the public that he has leased the Store-room on the uth-east corner of the Diamond, (lately occu pied by H. S. Minnigh & Son,) and s now car rying on therein the business of making SE GABS, of which he has a large and fine clock, of all brands, on hand, with the different &lads of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, and SNrFP. He is selling at low profits, and hopes to receive a large share of the public's patron age. He asks a trial, feeling assured that be will be able to plea:.e. Gettysburg, Aug. 1, 1339. 3m Up with the Times! JBS tACO k BRO. have just received from the city a very large assortment of Cloths, assinseres, Vesting', Summer Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, etc.— Having bought unusually low, for the cash, they are enabled to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER— /112 excellent full cloth suit, made up, for 4513, for instance. Give them a call, at their new establishment, in Chambersburg street, a few doors west of the Diamond, before purchas ing elsewhere. [June 13, 1859. Fresh Fruits, GROCER/ES, NOT kc.— kltillTS.—Fruits of every description, AO follows; Layer Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, kc. GROCERIES.—Agood assortment of Sugars: Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Coffee, N. 0. Molasses, Syrups of the best quality, Rice, Soda, Starch, Tess, Cinnamon, (ground and unground,) Cloves, Mustard, kc. PKRFCMSRY.—Perfumery of every descrip tion, which will be sold low for Cash. LEMON SYRCP.—A large lot just retched. Any one desirinz a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. TOBACCO.—AII the various kinds of Tobac- CO, Cigars aad Snuff, for sale by Wm. Boyer A VINEGAR.—we have a rood quality, as all will say who have tried IL FLOUR* FliED.—We have made arraage meats to have constantly on hand Flour and Feed, which we wilt insure to he of superior quality, and at such prices as cannot (nil to please. WY. BUYER A SON July 11, 1859. - _ Farmers, Take Notice. aALL persons residing in York, Cumberland, Franklin, or Adams county, Pennsylvania; ord, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Howard, or Montgomery county, Maryland, are hereby caatioaed not to pnrcissis of A. Smith, in Han over, York county, Pencsylvanis, or any of his Agesta, the Slide Drill manufactured by said A. Smith k Co., which is an infringement on Hunts Slide Drill, the Patent of which I am sole owner for the above counties. Any person in any of the above n i ttined counties purchasing (aA this notice,) thl above rimmed Drill, man ufactured by said A. Smith k Co., will be dealt with according to law. And said A. Smith k Co., art also hereby cautioned not to manufacture or sell the above named Drill in the above named counties, or be will be likewise dealt w ith. JXO. WANBAUGH. York.,/une 27,1859. 3m Cheap Clothing. nt:OIIGE ARNOLD, at his Clothing Eta [Jr porium, has now got his stock of Spring and Summer Clothing—full and welt assorted, all of our own make, and warranted well made. We hate just received from the city, a largo stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Drillings, Jean', Italian Cloth, Paramette Cloth, Tweeds, Sommer Cant acres, Lianas, Vesting', Lc., all of which will be sold at !Prices to salt the times. We have hands constantly cutting and making up, and if we cannot please you in a garment ready m tile, we can take your measure and make you ap • garment upon short notice. As usual Mr. Culp is always on the spot with shears and measure in hand, git your service. Please call, as we will not be undersold by any other establishment in town. [April 11, 1859. New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.--SNY DER k BENNER have jest received at their New Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David lioCreary's Saddlery es tablishment, khe largest and most complete assortment of Groneriev brought to Get tysburg fora long time, consisting of Coffee, (four kinds,) Sugar, (tour kinds.) Molasses. Symp. Sh ad , Mackerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Oats, Batter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short eve oesityry thing aseilly kept in a irstrelsise r__ . Marne highest market pries ptid toren ea try prodneeor taken in escheats for Goods. 80. Give as • oat Bu your Geoeoriee where you will be sure to get them goal awl slump. agriloror's eslobraksi writi gn. 1108.rak Salo. [Roy. L sore New Chxids, 4,..„ f COMO A C1:71•Pl./L—All tbe uivistytee of RATS sad 13}10121--Troaksi Chirped %skills*, Win ParaityWhd" 11"414 Ilifiass, Ply-osee, liarieea, Se.-, Ai. fir moil, OA.lbeeigs of 1141 Amt. -A,;...."......, ...., Wad, iottattloOthe "thatrenot latql CUR *r, lahresred o lsTr,Ciso gisib. se, asosillmosseed si aide=soiiss4iros Ads by , , &suss, Casns. , cip NM 01111ipLailk ali I Osidaitakis, ailoplid la Ate to eaky Movo-416, tole at lholder St Zones bore %es Nom' is Ote=sl=s= leal i filis sus* rt. ' lists naM=El urgent Le mown', ♦ND WILL PS/MAIL." When maser wanes, and autaam's eta Has hashed the voice of Whip-poor.wiß, Then, when at eve all else is still, We heat the lonely Ray-did. In mute repose all day it sleeps, Or on a twig its vigils keeps But at dim twilight out it leaps, With the salute of "Katy-did." Upon a leaf 'tis sometimes seen, Grasshopper-like and very green, Looking quite too small and mean To sound the note of "Katy-did." 'Tis said the insect ddes not sing, But, with r menktratie of its wing, A little harp, orluitar string, Vibrates the tune of " Katy-did." But why this music? dost thou all Thy matt., to hold in festive hall A banquet orit carnival ? What dust thou mean by "Katy-did?" Perhaps there is some 'worthy Kate, Whose deed thou wouldn't commemorate; Then tell us what achievement gram Thai heroine, Miss Katy-did? The mystery We shall ne'er explore, For still we hear the Dame thing o'er Just " Katy-did," and nothi.l.Lr more; tell-tale is our Ksay-di, We wilt not urge thy answering, So keep thy secret, verdant thing, And make the ambient welkin ring With monotone of "Katy-did." Thy note is harsh / 01nd yet despite Its harshness, thrills us with delight, And cheers the lonely hours of night ; We like thee well, Miss Katy-did. It is a happy Life you lead ; Nature's hand supplies your need; You neither toil nor spin, yet feed On food prepared for Katy-did. Life's fleeting day to us is Lent ; Would that its hours might all be sprat As cheerful and as innocent As those °thimble Katy-didl The Petersburg Intelligencer says the fol lowing receipt, now for the first time made public, may be relied upon as a specific for the bog cholera. It has been fully tried and tested on the hogs of a gentleman of Amherst, Va. The remedy was given in all t 1443 varied stages of the disease. and uniformly cured in every case. It will not be impossible, after all the fruitless efforts hitherto made to find out a remedy for Asiatic cholera, that this one accidentally suggested by ajoun& lady to her father in Amherst, Va., and which was suecessful in curing the hogs, may be equally so in curing man of that terrib le diseue-- cholera : " Recipe—Seat up an ounce or more of aa saketida, and add say to an ounce a pint of whiskey or other kind of spirits, and give to the hog two table spoonsful ; it produces so immediate relief, and speedy and permanent cure. The effect which this drench had on the hogs spoken of was to cause them to vom it the most disgusting and loathsome mass of matter conceivable from the stomach, when an immediate reaction took place and the hogs were soon entirely well." How to Save One's Self from Drown ing. Any human being, who will have the pres ence of mind to clasp the hands behind the back, and turn the face towards the sky, may float with ease, and in perfect safety, in tole rably still water—ace, and sleep there, no matter bow lung. nut knowing how to swim, you would escape drowning. when you tlnd yourself in deep water, you have only to consider yourself an empty Ditcher—let your month and nose. not the top of you heavy bead. be the highest part of you, and you are oafs. But thrust up one of your bony hands, sad down you go, turning up the handle tip. over the pitcher. Having had the happiness to prevent one or two from drowning by this simple instruction, we publish it for the bene fit of all who either love aquatic sporta vt dread them. girA graduate of a certain college gave /Ma ther the he, and a challenge followed. The mathematical tutor of the college heard of the dispute, and sent for the youth, who told him he must fight. "Why r' inquired the mathe matician, " lle gave me the lie." " Very well---let him prove it. If he proves it, you did lie ; and if he does not prove it, he lies.-- Why should you shoot one another 1 Let hint prove it." Ilex Ned was arguini in favor ofgi ring wo• men the elective franchise. "Why shouldn't women vote u well as men--are they not as capable of forminc correct opinions on politi• cal subjects? Many a woman knows mot* than their hurband." " That may Le," said Jim, "but do you suppose I'd have your politicians oome elec. tiaueering with ray wife ?" Ned knocked an der. ow Dean Swift was once asked to preach a short charity sermon. He complied with the request. The sermon is, perhaps the shortest one on record. Text : "He that bath pity on the poor. lendeth now the Lord." Sermon: " If you like the security, down with the dust." An tineroally haze collection was taken up immediately after. if/PA learned lord, speaking of the salary attached to a rumored appointment to a new judgeship, said it was all moonshine. Lord Lyndhurst, in his dry saran* way, remark ", "May be an, but I have a strati notion' that, moonshine though it be, you would like to see the first quarter at it." isfrWelward alfannociter expran Ms I eta person in UN following stile of the clandec-1 °Geld isks,', mid M. lb. Dab end of nothing sod whittle it dews so a point; 414 eind *ban of AL horse ; sad rain bet 1 6•1111“4 wish mak Si his, AO* am tip sad Lifffd radis. l .-44 Y dam. * •'kir* , Cost Distestp—Tbs Giossimis ist (nesit) Tsbesepbaye Wm se Imola case al *AM= is NNW is dis bawls of Or. Eniteiet. A borisboes Averse of gm s r of . Rose ilteowltoa, bss sow dis tbs ask * t aws g elbeisd t with.* sin bad )kack eltiondi -it sew limos* et the ibis *et the haw watelsoll. of !Nisi 'se laid we veil nab Smil a" est iIIIAM some aid bs- PO proved flibiL Tlis essii ami s vitt pro bly bins mat. 111 swpwisrom 1 Arsiiimp..T:o4 ei labistear LW WO - hot hst la With. ow ort , MS . .Wm a ON* imisimr Milt rapiiirese at XL flipaistritikiicolit ' masa drink 44 =I !~i I= , oet'a Cloor-laer. T lILATTROZIP. rt ion leitiunsT Mlocellaxiec)- Valuable Recipe. = cc= URI r il .lr 4 T!!! ' ! l ,l Among the worthies who gored during the ors of the Assericast Revolution, perhaps there was none poesessiim more on of eharstaer than ileneral Putnam, who was ew mark and fearless, bloat in his manner* -- the daring soldier without the polish of the reatlensen, be might well be called the Marino of the North, though be disliked disguise, probably from the fibot of his lisping, which was very apt to overthrow any trickery he injght hare in view. At the times strong-hold called Horsesseck, emote miles above New York, was in posses sion of the British. Putnam, with a few sturdy patriot& was lurking in its vicinity, ,bent on driving them from the place. Tired of lying is ambush. the men became impatient, and importuned the General with questions as to when they were going to have a bout with the foe. One morning be made a speech something to the following effect,owhielt con vinced them that something was in the wind : " Fellers--You have been idle too lone and so have I. I'm going down to Bush's, it norseneck, in an hour, with an ox team and a load of corn. If I come back, I'll let you know all the particulars ; if I should not, let 'em have it, by the hokey Ile shortly afterwards mounted the ox -cart, dressed as one Of the commonest order of Yankee farmers, and was soon at Bush's tavern, which was in the possession of the British troops. No sooner did the officers espy him than they began to question him respecting his whereabouts, and finding him, as they thought, a complete simpleton, they began to quis him, and threatened to seise his corn and fodder. How much do you uk far your whole eoussru ?" they inquired. "Fur mares'e sake. gentlemen," replied the asock clod hopper, witi, the most deplorable look of entreaty, * 4 only let me off, and you shall have my hull team and load fur not Ling And if that won't dew, I'll give you my word I'll return tomorrow, and pay you heartily for your kindness and condescension." " Well." said they, "we'll take yea at your word. Leave the team and provender with us, and we won't require any hail for your appearance." Putnam gave up the team, and sauntered about for an hour or two, gaining all the in formation that, h• wished. Ife then retorned to his men, and told them of the disposition of the foe and his plan of attack. The morning came, and with it sallied out the gallant hand. The British were handled with rough hands, and when they surrender ed to Gen. Putnam, the clod-hopper, he sar castically replied —" Gentlemen, I hare only kept my word. I told you I would call and pay you for your kindness and condescension." The Doctor Outwitted. When Dr. Dodge, an eclectic physician, was lecturing through the State on the laws of health, particularly on the evils of tea and coffee, he happened to meet, one morning, at the breakfast table, a witty eon of Erin, of the better class. Conversation turned on the doc tor's favorite subject ; he addressed our Irish friend, as follows : " Perhaps you think that I would be unable to convince you of the deleterious effects of tea sod coffee ?" I don't know," said Erin, "but I'd like to be there when you do it !" " Well," said the doctor, "if I oonrinoe you that they are injurious to your health, will you abstain from their use?" "Sure and I will, rir." " Ilow often do you use codee and tea?" asked the doctor. 0 Morning and night, sir." "Well," said the doctor, "do you ever ex perience a slight dizziness of the brain on going to bed?" " I do ; indeed I do," replied grin. "And a sharp pain tbrcngb the temples, in and about the eyes in the morning!" "'froth I do, sir." " Well," mid the doetnr, with an air of eon lidence and assurance in his manner, "that is the tea and coffee." •• Is it. indeed? Faith and I always tho't it Isms the whiskey I drank." The company mitred with laughter, and the doctor very quietly retired. He "wilted," and acknowledged fainaaell "sold." "The latest "fashion" announced from Europe is that of &seeing very plain when gni/4 , to ehareh. Some of the ladies of the "first circles" go up to worship in plain cal ico. It is thus sought to encourage the atten dance of the very poor, who have hitherto withheld their presence for lack of Sunday clothes. er h e London Chronicle say. "We can state, on the authority of a private letter from India, that the Maharajah of Cashmere is forwarding as a present to Her Majesty a most oustly shawl tent, which will contain, morever, a bedstead of solid gold. Tbe val ue of this regal offering is said to exceed £150,000." do Evidence of Hard Titaut.—One night last week the oorner4tone of the Lutheran Church, on Beaver creek, in this oounty, was removed, and the ooin deposited therein at the time of the ereetion of the building, amount ing to ninety *eats, stolen. This is about the meanest theft that we have ever been called upon to record, abd gives indubitable evidence of bard times or great rascality sotnewhez e.— /Aga-stoma ( ltd) Herald. Wit "Tbe Asteriesa rowdy is a terrible nuisance. Hear how the poor Dutch land lord described his sufferings at the bands of one of these amiable Wags : " Ter rowdy vowed in an axed me to sail him sum peer.— I tells 'ha he bad mere as would ao rim soot. He call me roe old Teta liar, aad berm to proke templets. My rife she call for de math 'base. Ton, de rotah 1 01114 got dere, de rowdy be kick Haas Sore le pehint his psak, kissed my taught,: retry before bee face, pecks all tar tempters este ter old stone pitcher, and spilt my rife and todder peer pezrelstowa later ter ease' Ranarkebis Cass of Itoosumitainnt.—Tibe Sodom Aureol e of die %kb dart.. has its fol. lowing: Uttar& eitsrassa a boy six pare old, named Wino , toil fess one of tie Nov York Cestral Wilgus at South %eke% iota the water. and was sap pelted to lave drowned. After ire boy bad rApawader the swim et the water *boat estaatse, a Yr. Ash (we bate net his Obrietles' seise) seeeeeded is bringing blot le the, ahem apparently Hlslsst. Newer fegg leas galled as view the bedy t wbieb be Aid ia Ike • 'pi Cartair,"sed atasidere. et ea lag , shal leitos No& d m . ii k eittdts sat imam tithe Arbaaats Area la blassalf to " ttfli ketrippias At popularity h is paper, gives ais ism, wale* t:: ea the dr es a mega of lie mien' fat beii et the lay, eillaisitesitambeate et 10 bee Vie baser le vaga .. w7see l ow a mis o g a s i w arp low isa w m a sa noti YE palm toad 1111 rrettlittrifol et seek* his tars ifitiosmitedoeCtrtir•o4 kit I nelitrtil toads it HI limn Om. vitir 4.01010, ZOO rallilkitimi holy wear* ley mile 101111 Jame Gerdea beam made . Seed pisekeeit. Ptiii :" O sortoCitit alret Thom wilirakt_ibis bompuir as Ali Mg •MR lila ill - 10001i Ma 111101. RV 'what a Wel atiMer was o rm s weii-4614 dm, stone 1•101110, 1114116 roe MO, 11•10010 Ole 01•Siest* •S°l.4r it. isru Iriehmaa arse Noosed of stearin a hsadkerehief fro. afellow bipolar, Sat the owner, oa Wing it,spologiatd to Pat, sad said it oast a mistake. "derab, my jut'," retorted Pat, "it vas a twoeided =Wake— yos took se foe a Oak sad I took you for a siatiesaa." ifir"Dssior." said isedsrisli dramatist, in Dr. 1624 the asigotatail Or' skims, "dm% yes Oda' het I writs Worm& hr morrow arts= 1* "Na, I don't," mid Dr. 'list I *Mk yea Inas bob meek for yam moststiome - - ,- TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR Tha Way Varney Went Over. Bowe people are at a loco to know how Perney got over to the Opposition. We bad warning that he intended to go, and we kept an eye on hint to see bow he would manage it. We know exactly how it was howl. A colored daacing Neuter, in learning bin pupils hoer to "out the pigeon wing," gave them these directions : "fait adwance de left foot; den adwance de right foot ; den gib one general oonwalshun." Forney adopted the darkey's dancing dim tions when he made up his mind to desert the Democracy. First he advanced the left foot towards the Opposition ; then he advanced the right foot ; and then "one general con vulsion" carried him clear over.—Cheriabers burg Spirit. Manachwelt,. —On the 20th of January. 1830—a day which his eloquence has mule historic forever—Daniel Webster, in the course of hie immortal reply to Mr. Mayne, said : "Mr. President. I shall eater upon no encomium upon Massachusetts. She needs none. There she ia—behold her and judge for yourselves." But this was of Massachu setts as she was thirty years ago. What she has become the following incident, laughable though it be, mournfully illustrates German Voter—l wish to deposit nfrvote, sir. Inspector—flow long have you been in the State ? Germar—Almost seven ♦ears. Inspector—Yon ma's 'lie. Negro—Bello, Saxe, is you gwyne for to rote to-clay ? Sam—T doesn't know, chile, I'se only been here free chrrs. NegTo—Liat doesn't make a diff-s-bitterence beah, jest go right up and vote, sir. A foreign-born white man cannot vote un til ha has been seven years in the State;. while a negro, imported though he may hare been iv tho Echo, in her private venture of the last summer, enjoys the almost unrestrict ed right of suffrage. Ah, whet irony in those words of Webster if applied t:o Massachusetts now—" There she is—behold her sod judge for yourselves."—Logas Gazette. A Belutiful Pignre. Rev. Mr. Barnes,i his sermon on ' , Life at Three Score," illustrates the magnitude of eternal things as he approaches the end of life, compared with those which ordinarily occupy the attention of mankind, by the fol lowing beautiful figure : "The earth, as it moves in its orbit from year to year, maintains its distance of ninety ve millions of miles from the sun ; and the sun. except when seen thre s hasy atmos phere, at its ruing or its setting, seems at all times to be of the same magnitude--to human view, an object always small, compared with our own world. But suppose the earth should leave its orbit, au l d make its way in a direct line towards tie sun. How soon would the sun seem to enarge its dimensions How vast and bright would it become i now soon would it fill the whole field of vision, and all on earth dwindle to nothing ! So human life now appears to me. ja early years, eternity appeared distant sag/ball in importance,— But at the period of life which I have now reached, it seems to me as if the earth had left the orbit of its annual movements, and RIM making a rapid and direct flight to the sun. The objects of eternity, towards which lam moving. rapidly enlarge themselvee.— They have become overpoweringly bright and grand. They fill the whole field of vision, and the earth, with all which is the common object of human ambitioa and pursuit, is van ishing away!" die Awful Retrilosaioa.-4 Max Played Alise.—Some time last spring a company of Pike's Peckers left Orsyville. Illinois, for the Kansas RI 14 regions. While traveling through the Indian country on their wsy out, one of the company, a young man of desperate char acter. from the vicinity of Grayville, named Haynes, declared his determination to shoot the first Indian he met ; and, unhappily, du ring the day they overtook on the prairie a defenceless squaw, when he, in mere wicked wantonness, leveled his gan and shot her dead. His companions were horror-stricken at the blood-thirsty deed, but felt that they bad no power to punish him. The tribe to which the squaw belonged was not far distant when the deed was perpetrated. They discovered her lifeless body, and saw at once the meaner of her death. They pursued the party of Illi nois Pike's Peakers, and in a few hours over took them at►d demanded to know who bad committed the murder. The company of live or six Pike's Peakers found themselves sur rounded by nearly two hundred enraged In dians, who threatened to immolate the whole party if they did not point out sod give op the murderer. To save their own lives they gave up Haynes to their vengeance. He was taken by the Indians to a distance, while his oomNinione tuned oa their route to see what would be his fate. After awhile the Indians returned, with their vietitn literally flayed alive. They had skid• ned him from head to toot. The wreteshad being wu atitl alive when brought hack to his companions. Relived in agony Lung awash to tell how be had been tortured, but wae soon released by death from unspeakable sufer inp.—ik. Lostir begs. . Gen. Cars'Araturdisatios Letter is Europe. —ln relation to the effect in Europe of Qen. Cam' last lettere:lout nataralisatioit, we quote from the European Timm: The German powers, however dishtsteful It may be to them, will give way and they will respeot the rigida of the Germanic Ame ricana who return from the ". Fez West" with a handsome amount of dollars with which to pass the evening of their drys in their native country. is ie s remarkable fact that there is no great power is the world with so small an army and aavy as the United States, and yet which stakes itself more feared and rye. per:Mod abroad. . a‘i Tbe Ohio Dessetenitlifierill are Uirin goe va llar et at tht, UPON Jad Donec Gbelion.„ tel sli gn w sli VlL alas of So lt = judwrp o o ft kite kneambent. Judge await, w r he rw =ifio btritmbdiest for them, havilut itaiskiMtkit hfa decisions Its *a mistitatiou and lOW aid therefore was oupereeded by the Iftuitittatiug- °meet tisk and Judge Oboist:in nolinatod" in hi% stead. The Democratic tapers publish WE desks and bills of sale, showing toss Judge Ghohou wbik in Mississippi was a slaTetto6 der, and that he sold bis slaws before leaving the State. The following are specimma Kirov abt. Near Dv 'mon Pm:on. That We, William T. Oboison and Elfin' Obotoon, for and in consideration of Seven iinndrrd Dollars to us in cash paid, the reoeiptof which is acknowledged, have bargained and sold and do hereby bargain and sell unto Sarah Daggett, wik of Stephen Doggett. ONE NE _ ORO BOY, Leman NED, A SLAVE FOR LIFE, egad about 22 Tears, To 141/11 AID to Sou) assourrs raoniaTT. And we vas- SAN? TR* MLR LID SOUILDNIMI of said novo boy. NO. 49. Wren under our 111104/11 and seal thio 16411 day of Doeozubor, 1844. W. Y. Onotsow s " (seal. &ruts Guoutort, taut., Know ALL Max at TIM= we, William Y. Gboleon and Elvis Ghelson; for and in consideration of Seven Hundred dollars to us in cash paid, the receipt of which is acknowledged, Moe bargained and sold and do hereby bargain aid ad/ unto Stephen Dag. gett, ONE NEGRO BOY NAMED DAVY, A SLAVE FOR LIFE, aged 19 years; to kasve and to hold km ivt ABSOLUTE PROPERTY. .4nd to hereby WARRANT THE TITLE AND SOUNDNESS OF SAID NEGRO ROY. Given under our handa and teals tkis loth day of December, 1844. W. Y. Guor.sotc, (Seal.l ELM/. GHOLSOX, [Seal.] These bills of sale are certified to by the Clerk of the Probate Connrt of Pontotoc *min ty, Mississippi. In additional to the above, mays the Clete. land National Democrat, we bare the affidavit ofilenry Duke, taken before the clerk Of the U. States District Court of Misaissippi, that he is now the owner of another slave sold by Ghol eon to George W. Payne, and by the said Payne sold to Duke; and another Admit, signed by five gentlemen of standing in Pon totoc, taken before tbe earns Clerk, establish ing the fact of Gholaon being the owner or slaves in Misaiasippi, and of Pia sale of them. This is the way, says the Ohio Stamman, that Judge Gbolson otanwnille.d his patrinio nial slaves. lie parted company with these two boys for the sum of $1,400 to bias to cask paid and he left them in 3liaiisaippl, slimes for life, while he made his way to Cincinnati with the money in his pockets. That is what the Hamilton county delegates to the Repub lican State Convention call setting his negroes I free, and by which story they cmpletely cap tured old Giddings, and he gave his orders that Swan must be defeated, Spalding 441 aside and Gholaon nominated. The evidences of returning harmony in thr ranks of the Democratic party, which greet us from all sections of our good old Common wealth, encourage us to look with increasing confidence fur a Democratic victory in Octo ber next. The efforts of the Qbairman of the bogus "States Rights'ilt Committee, and the few desperate and unprincipled men who, with him, hate arrayed themselves in open antagonism to the organisation and regular candidates of the Democracy, are without seri ous influence in any quarter; and everywhere. we see manifested among Democrats, a deter mination to make a united and stioceasful rally in support of the ticket, and than save the State from the power and contarnimatiour of Know Nothing Republicanism. A Putney or a Hickman may rave against the National Administration, and attempt to lase the dead Lecomptou issue u a means of advatteing their disorganising purposes, but such men labor in vain; their characters and objects are now fully understood by the people; and their power for mischief at once departed, on the development of their treason to the party under whose wing they bad acquiredti;i l tZ and influence. The Westmoreland can, which wee anti-Lecomptoa in days gone by, in a recent article in which it speaks out fur a cordial union In support of the Demo cratic counts and &ate Ticket. well nays: "Reconciliation and union are now the watch ;words that are reverberating over the coun try, carrying terror and dismay into the camp of the enemy. Old feuds are being forgotten —and animosities buried so deep that the sound of the archangel's trumpet will scarce ly resuscitate them. The people have found that those divisions of opinions which termer ly agjtated the party. took their rise In lasses that no longer exist—and may now be eensid. ered defunct—consequently every man who is entitled to the name of Democrat can now unite on the great and living issue of the day, without violating any prtneipleotinetion. or right." Such appears to be the feeling generally prevalent throughcut the party, and its intim ence will tell more and inure powerfully for' the State ticket, as the election approaobes.—• Assay/canine. sirs letter from Kansas in the New York Times, speaking of the gold mines, says:—. Bdward Ropes, a boy who left Lawrence hut spring with a hand -cart, has just been heasik from in the mountains. He has one of the• best claims, and has been offered $22,000 foa it. He is a son of a widow lady living in. Boston, who has written a book on oar early history. Hoirible Death of a Boy.--A on of Mr.. David Nelson, of ...Spencer, N. Y., aged 9. years, mi Ws 6th inst., whilst driving avow. in ',Witch sport took lipid ((her tail. By some means, his handrbeeame fast In' the Ling hair, when the animal took fright and ran, dragging the child after her over:fano% through brush, and into the creek, when the, agonised father succeeded in extrinating his boy, The lad, mangled and bruised &ach ingly. was brought home senselear, and *ore *shied till the 14th inst., when he en bed. Hsre is Oresisy's personal - description of Brigham Young : •• He spoke readily, not Wiwi with granunatical seourseY,but with t tt, basustitte or mores. He was very plainly dressed in thin &mese elothing, and with so air of ssuatltnony or fanaticism. In apt seances he is a portly. frank, good natured,. rather tbiek set man of Iftrtive, seeming to. and imp in no partseulsz hurry to get to hasten.* Offir•By the result of the late election in Kentaoky, the Deatoarategain a United Oka, Senator. They have *soared a majorley. - . joint ballot, thilegislature and will the eneoseeor of Kr. Crittenden, expires the 4th of. March 2862. . • SOK( Yon love GO= they wili.-ioes - If yak speak kindly to them e t ill!!~ speak , kindly to you. Lore is rapid with govt. and' hatred with hatred. Would yew hears weer ''- sadopesk swear aid plow wetly yourself - StrA Om* viatitioilein :Awl whit* AIN tone do wadi being Yet WOW, repliati- - - • •-.1 will Wag kw vial gold *moot pot. ohm a bout iiiwykotsod, sad lifts with. owl a stain—o 6 is all that doscoadod so Its trffs 1.17..P1ea. m.? . - • .. . JS'Th. Now tWirliwist bal lornersilecas Orillimi. wiLiGk staii•shos complogo AMA ft- Akerws -of tin* _ 411001444diate.,OrtAir , .16stallgtga. . _ elnalihiiiiii -, T - ,—,,,, , t - .4,_ gale :‘; ' ' .--",:•';', *-',..- lik laid l!F,_ ~06411411 •• ' 7 ' .• :: ' ' ' lll WOW ' • 4 ' ' ..' - 4. 411 44'' , ' imhirioble swat Democratic Harmony. CD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers