TH gal 't elf - VC,/ • , i f_ A - • • • "riVi • -4-4 / 7 1-4 / 1 /641 -6/Cf a. I. if Aspue, Lingva PLOYIitETO2. GETTIMICRG, PA i XOSTI4Y MORNING, SEPT. 12. 197,9 Cm:antic itait For A rtdtinr General, XICRARDSON L. wItiGHT, of ieilaitaelphia Fur Scimprr Grimm!, PHIS ROWE, of Frauklin covmy Prarratir Coa Zithrt. Sate Sa l.:tor J. W, DOEULAiI, 4 f Franklin county A Julia y, IAIEIII.. of Franklin. AYES J . ARSHALL. of liamiltonban hirerkor rftl,e JOSEPH J. KUHN, of Leading Arab:at, A 403 LEFEVER, of 1.74i0rl Ctainty Trecieyrrr, V AYeiRIGHT ZIEG LER ; kir Celt, sti tin; District A ticrrney, J. C. NEELY, of Gett)iburg Surviymr, ofOlDi G. BRIN . KEOIO/1", cf :itrltts.n news. etc. 'Be sore to read the pulitical articles on the dirst page. It is stated that. thethe city messenger of New Bedford is it colored man, regularly elected by the citizens, and kivis llnydep, the once .noted fugitive, bolds an office in the State house in Boston, to a hich lie was re*ilarl,} .elected over a white competitor, with a salary of eight hundred dollars a year. The Pittsburg Journal says "the Demo .cratie tack fa IBGO will be knee deep in ,dirt." Typurna/ man evidently thinks the Democracy e going to ride over his party rough•shod ! Cu!. Kinney, the great Central America colonist and filibuster, having returned to 'Texas, has jest been elected to the Lagl/4- Aare of that State, from Muecte county. A movement is op foot in Tem:twee, look ing to the erection of an equestrian statue of Gen. Jackson in the western portion of the state: A gentleman of Memphis offers togive $l,OOO toward it, The St. Igtois Erect ng News states that the St. Louis court,hopse, when fkisbed, will bare cost the county one awl a voirter mil lion of dollars, The N. 1. Express, an American taper, does not think there is any danger of the Democratic Convention at Charleston break ing up. It;ljtays, very sensibly Demo cratic Conventions seldom or never burst up. on negrcee, Satabo, a reality in Republi canism, is only a myth in Democracy, La Mountain, who ascended in a balloon from Saratoga, on the Ist inst., landed safely, after traveling nearly 100 miles in I/ hours. A young lawyer in Chicago was recently sent to the penitentiary in that city fur ten days for the crime of stealing ten cents, Wm. L. Morgan, of Pottsville, Warren county, Indiana, says that aced from the butt end of an ter of corn will ripen its product all at them.' time, and some three weeks ear, Tier tliMea-. from the little end of the same ear. lie recommends farmers always to break their seed corn ears in two in the middle, and use the butt end only fur aced, A Yankee schoolmaster, rounedComstock. turned a drove of cattle into the cornfield of* -farmer, in Dubuque, lowa, and dnriag- the convulsion which this act created in the final ly, ran away with the farmer's daughter and married her. • The Ueda Blade tells the story of a chap en their road, who apprehended a collision of the cars, pat his life preserver on, blew it np, and leaning his back against the aide of the car, resigned himself to his fate. The beet way to strengthen good resolu tions is to act them out yourself. If you re. salvos,* repair an old fence, it strengthens the resolution and the the feuce too, to commence at once. Porter's Spiril of lite Times says that the purses put up in the trots between Flora Temple and Princess are all a sham_ A young man from Coklgue, Europe, resin-' , ing in this city, has, it is stated, recently had two magular presentiments—that a brother and wither had each died on certain days.— Intelligence received from there corroborates the presentiments, his relatives having died at the thee supposed.—Neseark Adv. 1 On Friday two young ladies, Miss Worth- ingtou and Miss Nall, started from the Ohio side of the river to attend a camp-meeting at Castleman's Run; when near Wellnburg they hailed a man to take them across the river to I the ru g eth. aide. Mr. Chamber/an, the gen tlemen whom they requested to take them Ole?, started with a skiff. The young ladies ettepped in, and when near the centre of the river the skiff. being a worn out affair, filled with Wier and sunk, consigning the three to -a watery grave.—Wheeling Times. A Weer front Cassel in the Journal de `_Frankfort - swallows the sodden death of M. Habitobt, a Protestant minister of that town, hose the bite of a fly. The wound was in tided near the corner of his eye. A tumor forined, which was followed by erysipelas, and speedily caused death. It is presumed that the By had been feeding on some dead carcass in a state of decomposition, and bad imbibed a poisonous virus, which had enter -ed the wound.. The eighth volume of Bancroft's History of :the United States will be published in a few 'weeks. Itincludes the period from the battle (XENIA& Hill to the signing of the Declara tion of Independence. The first volume was published twenty-five years ego. A Yankee in Brook.kyn has invented a ma •chise which changes moray. it is used by Railroad canductOrs who receive and give ethane for fare without once handling the *hemp. In the superior Court, sitAirtg, in New San dhog, Ct., on Wednoaka,jury rendered 411 Barad for ffie -a slander snit, imp hi Mr. George linkman, of audton, Itte.44y last t= flout teel, T and althoug h Vilephoutoomiwere ca ll ed is, the ` le and the lad diet the , s parr says lb at many of the groat is that Sao grow al: feet high. they mous beisoceaussoaly welt cultivated. - • Got gib , ' 1"*BD 91VIII Dodgy lane.. DODGE th•Swo hesTriest fires. Box ea!—.The Star Nikon , • I they usenet escape tho very shot which the We promised the Star mingiitent. )ylrernl :Vat fell aimed at Cw4.aLU WIR.L. The RE • srocks since, that iu due time we wilt* g:r ia COIL ienow,upon thetet,nml they ntusl"come l , them such FACTS. from the Iheeltr-Jacivst,,, 1.4 , to die nu*, fodder or nu liptider !" faTheift a. they, or Mr. DratioaAhr, went' halt.' little I have stirred up .1 Loreto—let them " reap tlo I stomach fur. On 3lumi.ty they receire4 the first igetalment, and the disastrous effect 0:1 the 14.11 of Msrch, SAMUEL DURBOP.- it has had upon their ner. - ouv !poems Aw DODOEIKIIE VOTE en tbe A ppropsi readers little, if any. to ire neeo,sary. They at" " 'ltill, all , wing the members A S.ILA RY tiv:st and squirm like snails with salt upon OF SEVEN fIUNIMED DOLLARS::: On' their backs; and the effort+ they make to rid the llth of April, t+.A.AII'EL DLRLOILAW thei r & em it. ezn a n i alo o f two odium VOTED FOR the Contereiice leport on that Bill, STILL ALLOWING VIE SEVEN ; he has justly lueurre..l, hy violating, his pledges host winter. would lye amusing if HUNDRED DOLLAR sA LARY : ! Tnetie two poi lit 4 we amide., uniting the oth they were riot insulting th the intelligence uf the community.ers, in our 1.1.5 t, and certniiily they are the In our Jest Monday's article, girls: oil heaviest against Mr. Durl,eravr. The Slur, however, does not !enieh them--does clot al- I Mr. Durboritw's votes on the •i• Extra Pay '' question, we made snceifie ! Inde to them in the most remote partimilar.: sores, loin?, even the does. vow. how are 11 by th;s sjhniti%-ant silence? They eon:. cx,iLiio them away, And they rime not t'mese cßselosuros met? By a resort to the j common practice of the" cornered " vilifier— u.tify then,. The Journal PROVES them to by dem anciation 1.1 everybody else as "I N I.I he true, ansl in a manner so plain and simple that } - 1.3 trickery or subterfuge can weaken liars." They 1) y to go one step further, but there is hattiv and billpiey to La seep in their force or wipe them out.. We ask the %eters of the empty to consider let us take up the Star': article in reg,ular order, as we doAire only that TUE recru shall he known—THE WHOLE TRUI'II. The ground is taken that 4r. Durhora•s re.leem.s.l i his $5OO pledge, by vutinz in favor of a I toil de In caofiler !lay " vie— ! tiou ! Irompimb v oak and ridiculous tactics may heaven fot ever deliver us! 1S hp does not know that the mo,t int eterate enemies of bills often vote to fix certain t!Ays fur their consideration, in order that those measures may rats DE La.FEATED ! .tnd it is not mi -1 fair to presume that Mr. purlx , r;tv noted in !the affirmative with this view, because, when ! the questioen came up 41CTION; we find him invariahly opposing low pay, r —we find him poporyq the vote on !' final pas t sage,"—and we find him VOTING FOR the Conference report, which CONTINUED THE SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLAR SALARY !!! Notwithstanding the assertion in the Slav's article that we "boldly falsified" Mr. Dar borate's votes, his keepers are forced to the humiliating acknowledgment that he did NOT vote fur the Ilantersly amendment, fix ing the pay of embers at $1,50 per day and espenses going and reterning, Aye, they , dory eel deuy it : but what do they do? They endeavor to lighten the burden by declaring that the movement was " absurd!" Whether "absurd" or not, FORTY-NINE gentlemen voted for it, to forty-one against it—.Vr, Dur ham", being among Me latter! His election was advocated last fall on the ground that he I was the 's low pay " candidate, and it made / him many votes. Baton the very first oppor- ; presented him to advocate "low pay," be turns his beck, and votes ag tinst it! The Star is forced to acknowledge another , of the votes so charge hint with-...that in favor of the Illeelere amendment, making the pay $5 PER DAY and mileage; but they also en,; deuvor to dodge this shot by the assertion ; that " the session continued just 100 days," and that future sessions "will be more likely I to he under than above 100 days." The last session continued one hur.dred and feu days. and had the pay been a per dim instead of a safari per session, it would bare lasted a hundded and thirty er forty days. Mtelurel has always been favorable to the highest eel arias, and this was only another of his tricks to get as nmeh money as possible from the l'ublic Treasury. If Mr. Durbdraw was so Llind as not to see it, be was not fit to occu py the place he did; but we era inclined to the belief that be was thoroughly posted as to McClure's design, and " voted knowingly."' After the cote on the $5 a day propositon .--whicb, by the way, was lost, 36 yeas 459 nays, }fr, Darboraw being among the YEAS —a number of the members gave the reasons for their rotes, and among them the follow ing : Mr. namersly desired to explain his rote. The proposition WAR - calculated to increase the pay of members, and therefore he had Toted against it. • Mr. Neall thought that the amendment to the amendment was making the salary ap• proximate nearer to $lOOO. Re had therefore voted fur it. Mr. Stevens Raid, my reason for voting against this amendment, is because I think it will have a tendency to increase our salaries by protracted sessions.instead ofditninishing them.. lam in favor of a fixed salary of $5OO and mileage. Mr. Kinney grave the following reasons for his vote on the above question : My reason fur voting against the amendment of the gen tleman from Franklin, (Mr. McClure,) to fix the pay of members at *5 per day, are. that the per diem system is an exploded system in Pennsylvania, and would tend to prolong the sessions : and, On the whole, increase the ex penses of the government. Mr. -Fleming gave his reasons for voting no" on the amendment of the gentleman from Franklin, because he sincerely believed it would result in increasing the compensation of members to more than $5OO, tho sum which he thought sufficient compensation.— It being evident that every day over one hun dred would result in sonic sgtX) per day ex penses, and hold out inducements fur prolon ged sessions. Mr. Pinkerton said he was opposed to the amendment offered by the gentleman from Franklin, (Mr. McClure.) He believed if the amendment carried, that the expenses of the government would be increased rather than diminished. The expenses each day, apart from the pay of members, are not less than , 3500 per diem, in this Ilona aad Senate ; and he felt satisfied if this amendment prevailed, , that hereafter, instead of thi(seetteris lasting, as they should, but about eighty days, they would be prolonged to atstlesstn oat hun dred and twenty-five days. ''This, at 500 per diem, would amount for pay of members, in House and Senate, to $63,1'..5; to which add forty-five days extra fur officers' pay, light, le., at $3OO per day, making in the allele $103,625 ; whilst the present session of about i ninety days, at $7OO per day fur members, will cost Colt $93,100: saving to the Common wealth $12,525. For these reasons he should vote against the amendment, and hoped that it would not prernii. Mr. Boyer, (Schuylkill,) said he voted against the amendment of the gentleman from ' Franklin, t'r similar reasons as those given by his oolleagoe, (Mr. Pinkerton.) and believ ing fully that should the amendment carry, it would greatly increase the expenses of this , Commonwealth. _ Mr. Bertolet said-4 Trate against the in- 1 , crease of pay of the trembers of this H twee, 1 on the ground, that 1 think Are hundred dol lars is sufficient for any menrber who cornea I here, for the short time that hie services are requited. A mechanic or laborer, who labors a whole year, eearcely earns more than one- I half what otimiliers ot the Legislature receive. Others a/so gave their reasons, bat these j will sullit*--cipecialkwill they sauce when it 1 is borne in mind that Mr. Durlooraw went VI the Legislature as the special atbsonsta of , •• low pay :^ 1.11%1ug proceeded thus Au, the Star"dim! Stir - The Reform meeting in Baltimore on misses the tailtioetla They hart been cal. Thursday last. Ai perfect enema. Ten OM* ;Aiding ultaug on story thin end - Shaky 1113°111mnd peopie were present, We speeches ‘O 4 l tho A we if gangs gaming wane and were dead*, sod resolutions 60 NOM lints eon worse, hors come to a sadden stop. 'they I dilates against those of that:Mos, wessiadept- DARE NOT venture a step further. and ed by acclamation. d 7 y [ a the course of Mr. Durburaw un this question. Dues it nut KRA as though he rap throughout the session really desirous that the $7OO pay should Le . confinued, in rder that he might ra apart au 47cetioneering fund of $2OO, In axle his re-election sure!—to offer to the vo ters of the county about FOUR CENTS A fl Fl.l Dfor their rote), If there are those who d*bt our statement of Mr. Dtirburuw's votes, they can have their doubts removed by calling at oar office, where a copy of the Auroal of the 1! se,—the regular ratoordof thed-ling*Pfthosession—eau be seen. Wed° not deaireo misrepresent Mr. Durboraw. ll , :ren if such a coarse ever did any good, it would not be required in this case, whore rule Tat:Tit is heavy enough to bring down upon the violator of solemn, written pledgee', the s'indignant rebuke" of honest and intelligent Potent. At Their Old Tricks ! The Opposition lenders in this county are at one of their old tricks. Confident of the weakness of their unseen, ticket and the enpopuleeity of their cause, their only hope lien in the efforts they are making and expect to make before the eketion, designed to im pose tirm and deceive Democrats, With this view, we understand they are reporting in the lower and of the county that certain Democrats in the upper end are not support ing the Democratic ticket, whilst in the up per end the seine thing is reported of certain Democrats in the lower caul. The whole scheme bears falsehood on its face, and has becoMo too stale to deceive any one. We only mention it to show how desperate the Know Nothing managers have become in their desire for office, either fur themselves or their favorites. So far as the Democratic ticket is concern ed, we are enabled to say that the Democrats of the county are proud of it, as they should be, and W I LL, as they CAN, elect it by a ma jority of hundreds. We never knew a ticket to be more favorably received by the Demo cratic party,—fair men in the Oppositit n can not but speak well of it,—and nobing is re quired but an earnest, active effort, to make it triumphantly successful. Desperately Bold ! Mr. Dcasoasw, we understanieas the olfrontery to solicit votes at the h of For eigners and Catholics I This is the very quintessence of boldness. It is marvellous that he can have the "cheek" to make the ap proach, when the oath he took in the Mount joy Know Nothing Council to' PROSCRIBE AND OPPRESS THEM is considered. His friends praise him up as an intelligent man, of good judgment. If this hese, it is fairly presumable that ho took the impious oblige. tions of dark lanternism with Isis eyes open— that he joined that proscriptive Order know ing fully what he was about, and with his mind made up to take the consequences.— How bad the grace, then, with which he can approach those whom he boort to rut DOWN ! how ineffably cool! Surely he deserves noth ing but acorn at their bands, no matter bow clever be may now seem—non that he knows that "Saw-ism" alone cannot get him into office. ce . Vivian 1 The approach of the general election. and the earnest efforts of the Opposition So secure the success of a portion of their ticket, ad monishes us of the necessity for active and untiring efforts upon the part of the Demoe racy. Let every Democrat go to work with a determination to do something. Stir up the lukewarm, and impress upon them the im portance of this contest—and upon the day of the election see that all the Democratic voters are out. It is only by vigilance that we may safely rest assured of our triumph, and We only need this to render it certain and easy. Dar Last Monday's Sentinel throws out the idea that many of its party friends " re mained at home" at last fall's election, and that a " full turn-out is all that is necessary to secure success." The Star beats the Sen tinel in disgusting blackguardism, but itt cool, straight-faced falsification, we are not sure that the Sentinel is far behind it. It is a no torious fact—almost every man, woman and child in the county knows it—that the great falling off in the vote n♦ that election was in the Democratic districts ; and that whilst not two hundred of the Opposition in the county stayed away from the polls on that day, Le tween five and sit hundred Democrats, under the supposition that there would be enough without them, failed to vote. They will not be caught napping this time, however, and will take much pleasure iu demonstrating to the Sentinel that " a full turn out is" a Duo- CRAM Victory, by a majority of hundreds. Hark that! serWilat does the Stir mean by harping so loudly upon Mr. Durboraw's " honesty ?" Itv4" managers " expect thereby to white him out of the difficulty which his vio lated pledge has breuett him into, all we have to say is that forty dummied certifiesses of honesty would nut help hip:v.—would not wipe out anyone of the /east important of his kg islatire woke. And as to Mr. Durboraw's character—if be leaves it mach hanger in the hands of the unprincipled clique who control the Sloe and Know Nothing affairs in the oounty generally, he will soon find it as far gout as his.popularity. 0 1 ; k,4 serA Ch aste° to Make ONE 117NDOD DOLLAREI!-4 Theis:arms; of the lkttase t Representri tires -proses that Samuel Durboraw voted against a propo4ition t maku the d 4 iily pay of 31embvrs ;1,50, with expenses guiug to arid re;uroing from Harrishiirg, The s•tme Journal proses that Samuel Dun. boraw voted for e prt.rinition to istake the pay of Niewberilss per day and mileage. The /14144 Journal proves that Samuel Durboraw dudycd the rote on the Snell pas sage of the Appropriation Bill, which allowed tile salary of Members to continue at S7IA) per session. The same Journal proves that Stunuel Durboraw voted ,Ao. the Conference Report, which continued the $7OO salary to NlemLers. Those facts were etatetlin our last, and we to-state them now f the purpose of ogeriug (J HUNDRED DOLLARS to the iiiar managers, or others, ;rEo will price theta to !so untrue—the Journal of the House. of course, being taken for the testimony. What say you, Memoir!. Superipr Councillors— guilty, pr not guilty ? An Impudent Demand I The Star managers act upon the principle that " a lie well stuck to is as good as the trus.h." Unable to utter a solitary word against the qunlifications, and the unspotted, high-toned character of FREDRIUCK And confi lent that they cannot successfully defend sir. hcanossit their extremity they pertinaciously harp upon the misetnb'e " intimation" that. the I:Tomei-alio enntlitlato for Assembly did not rote for Messrs, Cos Itt.E% Wl4 and JACOE KIXIM at the last Outobot election. . • Who la it, let ns ask, that bring up this apology for an objection /—tbat thus ut:empt to catechise a life-long Democrat, a man of principle and honor; in regard to the eorrect nesi of his political course? Yes. woo/ Why. those reckless and heartless abusers of Democrats and Dentooracy, the pullers of all dark lantern wires and the tnstingers of a darkly t .rn concerns, inchading the and Retail ell Um it, some to such u palm that a Democrat of the standing of Capt. D'ehl has to box down at the feet of there tricksters— who would nut believe him in anything be cause would not suit !heir purposes—and abjectly say to them, " Hera nun I, and here Is my certificate that I voted tho Democratic ticket !" It would be humiliating. Ile would not so unman himself..-so beggar his porition a. s Democrat of the glorious little county of Adorn.. If the call came from Pomocrota—nnd they alone would have tl.e'right to make it—tho case would be different. They, however, un derstand the purpose of the Star and in this matter, and aro nut gudgeons enough to bite at is bait ~hieh so illy conceals the hook. They are satisfied with Capt. Dicill's political, as well as Ida personal record.-.- They know that in him the fluor qualities'are " That nature might stscel np, And say to all the a °rid, THIS lAA )1•X They know, too, that the "intimation" against his Democracy by Durboraw's mouth organs has been flatly and repeatedly contra dicted,--dinclictl by the voluntary certificate of honest, truthful FRANC WILL, a brotbeeof CIIARLIC3 Witt. himself, against whoseveraci ty no man dare utter a breath of suspicion: Besides this, the very fact of his aspiratiuns for the nomination fur the Legislature in 1858, and the strong probabilities in his favor fur '59, are conclusive arguments to them of the falsity of the infamous allegation that he voted fur Durburuw. Su much for the present. Sir Th e infamous course 4.r the Star and the Sentinel towards Capt. Daum is having the effect of arousing Democrats who berew. fore kit no nu,re than an ordinary interest in his success to enter the haraess Wall ♦ WILL fur him. So much made! riir•The editor' of the Compiler eeenplea halt column of his paper in showing how op posed be is to Negro Barrage, Negro Equali ty. and Negro Everything rinerally. It will require mure than words to oonvinue the peo ple of Adams ooenty that he is so viulentiv battik to the "Niggers." There is too much resemblance between them. He had better get up an affidavit on the subjef.—.Ter. lier-The Star occasionally *ekes preten tious to decency, and the individuals who do up its pciliticaleditarials would.bare the com munity look upon them as high-tuned and honorable gentlemen. One paragraph like the above, however, show. the real material which the writer of it is composed of, and at the sense time reflects the true character of the thing who admits it into his columns. And yet individuals of this stamp claim to be the leaden of the Opposition in this county, make itv nominations and shape its course! It is related of an ancient philosopher, that he had ascertained that the moment a person was born, some intelligent being had died, and the spirit of the dead entered the living. It is therefore reasonable to infer that the moment the writer of the Star's paragraph was born. some low, filthyond thieving meal departed. York Cow - O.—The Democratic Convention of York county nominated the following tick et on Tuesday last. Assembly, George W. Welsh, John Manifold ; District Attorney, W. CChapman ; Treasurer, George W. Stair ; Commissioner, Adam County Survey or, Benj. Leese; Director, Jas. Ross ; Auditor, Joseph W. Landis; Delegates to the State Convention, Dr. John AM, Senatorial: Jere miah Carl., Zacha.riah K. Ilciudel, ltepreaen tative. A Hertel Burnt at Hoboien—Four Lean Lost.—_ , Vesc fork, Sept. 9.—The Ilarmetkie Hotel, at Hoboken, was burned to-day. Mr. liaege, one of the proprietors, and his three daughters, perished in the flames, Mrs. Baese was also seriously injured by leaping from a 'window. The eldest daughter also leaped from a window and was caught in the arms of Mr. Barring, who had ascended a ladder wheelies her to escape. iirkteaara• JA NES Borten and JNO. SIIKADIS bays been appointed Police fur toe Ilorottgla, at $2O a month each. iiirSands, Nathan' & Co's. Circus ow fell houses at Petersburg on Wednesday, in this , place on Thursday, and at Hanover on Friday. The performances were good, and gave general satisfaction. Sir Mrs. Fastects Teresa rent us on Bat.. ordsy last, a basket anklet delicious grapes, for which she has our thanks. They ware net hard to take. larJ Bo o 22 g 820. invite the ettratlott of the public to a largo .to of fall and winter pods. Which they hare just received. . Waynesboro' Reciont - ogiimbio-do extenslou of derClegysbers kolllll place. " L,ocal .A.l°falrs_ Wroth of J. K. atithroun, E,mb, Died, on Friday night last, of typhoid Gym, at the residence of 'hi; father, in Strahan viirtiship, J. K. Meit.naNsy, , County gut , erintendent of Cciattnort Sehn,l., and re cently admitted to the Practice ~1 Law, aged about 29 year.. He was a very pro,nising young tom, said hfs early death im deeply re grattod. The remains were interred at ilonter.t own yesterday morning, attended to the grave by • Tory letgeouacouraoof yes .L 1.4 fri ends, including the members of the bench and Lar, the officers of the Courts, and the Tem perance Temple of this place. Trig Opted JlLori*eigi. An Thursday morning last, as our nest doer neighbor. Dr. A. W. DORSKY, ens driv ing up tine Chambersburg Turnpike, to visit a patient, when immediately across the Wit longhby run bridge, one of tho shaft irons broke, and - the shaft dropped on that side. This instantly frightened his animal, and she endeavored to get away; after running a very short distance, at Mr.. Leeper's she jumped from the side road to the turnpike, when the Doctor was pitched from the buggy, and the mare made a dash fur the paling fence en . closing the garden, and undertook tokleap it, The vehicle still being attached, she was un able to accomplish the feat, and hung upon . the fence, in which position one of the palings penetrated her abdomen. This, with other injuries, rendered the killing of her on the spot a work of•mercy. It affords u■ pleasure to state that the Doctor escaped without se ; Ilona hurts from this frightful casualty, but we regret the loss of his valuable mare. Comiterversa•SUl E*tref.e., Prof, M. L..Sroevan has kindly furnished us with the following Programme of the Coo meneeinent esercises of the Institutions pt this place: The Baccalaureate Discourse on Sabbath (yesterday) marring, in the College Church, by Dr. Baucitta. The Address before the tiniinttry Alumni on to-morrow (Tuesday) evening, by Rev. A. C. WEDEKI9D, of Leban on. On Wednesday morning the Junior Ex h:bition. Wednesday afternoon the Atid!-,e'ss before the Pheenaimantian Society, by Prof. Current, of Phila.; - and the Discourse before the Lineman Association by Dr. Srn.t.c,•of Philp, Wednesday night the Address be fore the Colldge Alumni, by Rev. W. M. BALM, of Winchester, Vs. Thursday morn ing the exercises of the Commencement take place. A new feature will tide year be added to the attractions of the Commencement season. A movement is on foot to "getup=' a "C.,mmence ment Promenade," on Thursday evening next, in the "Blun's ;Hall." The name is descrip tive of the nature of the entertainment. It will afford an Opportunity fur a social re-un ion of our citizens and many strangers who will be in town. An efficient Committee have the matter in' charge. The arrangements have boon so far completed, as to leave no doubt that it Will be ♦n entire succeed dud p handsome and delightful affair. Each gentleman must procure a ticket, which will admit himself and courrany.— Married gentlemen, who have been invited with their wives, must also procure tickets. 'One ticket will admit a gentleman and as many ladies as may accompany him. The tickets must be exhibited at the entrance.— Tickets can be procured at the Book Store of Mr. A. D. Beretta, in Cbambersburg street. This promises to be one of the most brilliant entertainments that has ever come .off in Gettysburg. The services of the celebrated Blues' Band. of Baltimore, have been secured fur the occasion. Alumni Ilimper. The Alumni of the two institutions, (the Thatlogical Seminary and the College) will bare a dinner tut Thursday afternoon peat, in the " Blue's Hall," in the building of Messrs. SIMMS BIIIIHUR & Kean. The occasion will be one of great interest, and will be par ticipated in by a large number of graduates who will be present during the exercises of Commencement. A Crowd Expedrotai. It is presumed that the Commencement ex ercises during the present week will attract to cur place an unusually large numbee strangers—more than the hotels will be able to accommodate. The hospitality ofour citizens may consequently be tested to some extent, and the call will no doube lee generously re sponded to should occasion demand. Ihe Committee having the matter in charge there fore request such as may find it _con venient to accommodate one or more visitqrs, to leave their names at the Book Store of Mr. A. D. Butelits, so that all comers may IA comfortably quartered should the extensive arrangements at the hotels not be sulicient. / 11 . 1 "1 UrPaired. The United Presbyterian (Associated Re furnand) Congregation of this place are hav ing their Church Building repaired. Work men have already commenced on the interior of the building, and in a few month■ will have it thoroughly remoddled. The Congre gation will worship in the Presbyterian Church until the work% completed. Electioa. On Monday last, the following gentlemen were elected managers of the `• Adams Coun ty Mutual Fire Insurance Company," for the ensuing year. The managers will meet for organisation, he., to-day, at the office of the Company, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Geo. Swope, D. A.,Boehler, B. McCurdy. Jacob King, A. Ileiptzelman, D. McCreary, T. A. Mariball, Dl. Eichelberger, S. It. Jno. H. Ilersh, And. Polly, S. Felines took W. B. Wilson, U. A. Picking, W. B. McClellan, Jno. Wolford, R. G. Mcc'reary, JJIO. Horner, Jno. Picking, Abel T. Wright, A. F. Gitt.. The Losbewail' 'yaw". The Wm Paxasrtvesil Snroo of the Lutherav b Church will hold its next session in Hanover. It will bouttnenoe on the MI ins.. ICarlWhig I Carved's' 3 We would invite the Attention of the heads of &smile' and dealers in Carpeting, U., to - advertisement of Jos. Victory. which ipe pears in to-6"y'. paper. Mr. Victory has recently enlarged and improved his Ware rooms, 1.4.5 Latiageoi at., sad having supplied himself with a large variety of patteres of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, £c., feels prepared to offer great inducements*, the tesda. (fall and see him. iMr. Wit. &rant, of liattover, was es Saturday Jut chosen Coadacter on the Geo Umbers Railroad. la place of Csis. ruiviresigead. , • Xo Woodilitsithig At NM abater yesterday was wry largely winded. I , Promotes mar, Demooratio Senatorial Conferenoe. The Sanatatial Conferees from the coon tiro of Adams, Franklin and Fultuo,aoporing the 18th Senatorial District, met nt ti.e " Eagle lintel," Charnber.burg. on Friday, tht. 2nd inst. The following gentlemen appeared and wok their meats in the Conference, to wit : ADAMS—lspne Rohin.on, E•q., Joseph Lil le: and Hon. Mo , C4 M , `Cit`4ll. FR kSkI.IN-4. M. Sharp, Esq., Dr. Wm. 11. Boyle and Pharez Duffield. FrI.TON—S. M. Woodcock, Esq., Jacob Mc- Donnell nod J. B. Sanvom. lion. Moses McClean was ehoilh President, and J, B. Sansom Secri.tary. The following nomination s for Senator were then made:-..J. W. Douglas, of Franklin : J. Myers, of Adnini, and Jas. J. Kirkof The Conferees then proceeded to balloting, which. after the third ballot, resulted iu the unanimous choice of J. Douglas, Esq., of Franklin. On motion, the President appointed 3fessra. Sharp, Woodcock and Lilly, a committee to wait upon Mr. Douglas and inform him of his nomination. Haring performed this duty, the committee introduced the cominee to the con ference, who returned thanks in u suitable manner for the honor conferred. On motion, J. B. Sarismn was unanimously appointed the Senatorial Delegate to the next Democratic State Convention. - . Mr, Sharp offered the annexed resolution, which was unanitnougly adopted : Resolved That the Lonference pledge their respective Counties to u4e all fair and honor menus to elect J. W. Dunglag, E%. , the candidate this day nutninateil, fur tsenator from this Die uiet. McClure's Sham Bat/le. The redoubtable champion „a Legislative corruption is still fighting hia great sham bat tle by attempting to make people believe that he was exceedingly anxious to try his dis, grateful libel suit. Ilia guilt or innocence he •to consider a/very small matter, or e sen s imagines thatthe people do, and if be eau succeed in humbugging them into the be lief that he was ready for trial it is as far as ha deems prudent to go. Why not publish his bogus leteers and show ; the suspicions against hi are unfbunded,t Is there any. thing top7event that trial from taking place or are the letters not vrentl," to *lace the lousier' Ile reminds one ot the plucky little chap who buttoned up his ,jacket and squared off—Lot seeing fight in. his antagonist's eye suddenly recollected that be must hurry home and get his mamma to blow his nose; The bold Colonel wants time until after the elec• tion to blow his nose, and his self-putting trumpet with the same blast, What delight ful music he discourses on both instrumento': Could'nt lie dispense with the lianils.-.-(,`Aant beraburg N ow pu.bligatiorm. lirThe enternrising publisher Centras G. EVANA, No. 439 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, has just added to his extensive liar, the following hew Books: The Life or OM. David Crockett. yzcz, ; fur I can di n ed any fosit SUM, sal ST free froi u , ono 11. thirty yea. "Trine, / by Jh m aelj:—Compriiiing hi. early awq aui ( q fur Use lad tut. life, Hunting Adventures, Paring Deeds in ty year. lay l ' — ‘ 47 n.. ,,,j s Z t Border and Indian Warfare, services under I 4lllB lusiw- ode mo to •end you tho Yount, &e h A e N nI N . P be AT I. LIS N O w. N t , b. General Jackson in the Creek war,Eleetioneer ing Speedier, Career in Congress, Triumphal Ask for floollind's Germa n Ditto.... Titia• nothin g si Ltd I :lr ti pi . gos T hereur II 11. Jackso n on th e an t i. m. Tour in the Northern State., and Struggles , „„ and ,"'s,, in the Texan War of Independence, together otoTikerpers ev h e 4 ;"to b w it r i rind ri are t rlagw"" l i e n b rn. t a i t4 with an Account of his tilonous Beath at the states, et Tau. Not ladies, and South America, at 75 re r n o U r Pe art r ir b tt e 4 . A D. Buehler, Agent, tiettY o lolll-444 Alamo, In one limo. volume. Ilaudsom ly l'ouna. Pi ice $1,:10. dealers generally throughout the county. (Sept. a. We copy tiln runming from the NERVOUS DOR ASV. CONTROLLED AND comfeert. Oda 4 Vortli Amc, 4 . 1.11118 ED.—Of all tlis various Ills that detract not, :be en joy. Colonel Crockett was a character, His meat et tones; air.. woo a them may be traced La di!. ordered cutalitl no( Uri no:vomit system The hammier autobiogrephy biro been long out of pritit ; his reputation for er.ectitricity has been pre- L l :.,, le r i o:p r resr . „,""" wi r rinn t o sensed upon in the publication of all sorts of (store, we hr.. snood tar do sent/roe rerss o w sash outrageous and obscene nonsense, in coarse rented ..MI 0 . 1 res. u..d.. n.d 1 1 , t. ; r Epileptic Pills, 10. elmanmit, and other vehicles fur low humor. ' more otreet. P liTtitunne. e fool 41 rull'y o ws r l l ll 4 lo l l l4 tts This volume is a republication of the genuine these lib, Mors roared wow st the must st,ahltor n cases art work, with necessar r,nh sor etas , web as ere y addition s ; and will h e rare 1 t 74:„ p „`",`,.. i p , 1 7„, 11 1,7 11 '; new to the present generation of readers, It peoeire atit ant , thusei Pills e q ually eiticationa In euriii g is RR marked and characteristic as the sub-1 ject wit! ; his portrait faithfully drawn. anal ii- Inted - erficioesi7;. „r Iste sfr e l io rt r e tZ e t. " .s t i l ie u4 none tips less so gist it, is witho u t effort, and CITA or la ligestlet4 the itaffersa g e Itlieumathim or perfectly naive and sincere. We well re-I itr est. teetztsves, t ta w ite . cituttl oi n wf gemmed spira..., member the amiable original in lain northern Pin , OPA in we COO iltrY Clan "Wll7 l .l 4 ,o ll ifialtl P V l Ltn 2 ; 4 ,l"llii rL ii‘:t"; to I.IIOM by nail. The proses ar e . tour, and recall many of the incidents to tho_ .aTtkOultioroacd4 which his book alludes. We never have "aryr,Zi,re1i. 1. :. 11 1 ; 4 4..1 5; e . 0177,,,.1"4."1.":134.,!r .coal maul LO looked upon his like since; nod rejoice in this , sonsiestsaatcarthsit......-., l,afl u.curicre strut, republication as an act of justiee; to retrieve "Nu* , M.ttie 4 .4. A. las en honest man frt)111 vulgar misrepresonht- Tut OXYUKNA - lID titr7E349.-.Tbe tion, medicine bare plotted it spun an Imperisirslate isualatioa. A copy of the Book and a handti4ne prim to itebtriquis abirssii, im.itscing %smith It bag NO eat will he sent by mail, post-paid, upon re- p e tiellel. ceipt of $l,OO for the book. and 21-cents for' Per tee following' Cum / dilate them; %tiers silti Pre.• postage, cilia, oh ,—Dyspepals, or lut q uisthia, lived thorn. mut. ty, Coathreams, lows of Appetite, Umelache, cud Utaserel A new Clarsi6ed Catalogue of Baoke and , h „ biuty . Gifts, with inducements to Agents, will Is many anthems Of OUT Onnntry Ude preparation le ex• sent free, sin application. Address. G. G.: i t r i 7.7. 1 .... 1 ;YP % .",,e h r ir„tiptic •Io Pr'w ne ".. m a c ud it a "" . ppensatly he. lEvatts, Publisher, 430 Chestnut street, l'hila- row the reach Di "hrstase.s dolphin, Pa. , timiemet ereefee t:thehefr77•ll?ntett.ljetcfetr ll.wa.d,,l.g : ol.„A h h ". "id ttnr.nated hitters In toy / roiliest ores decided surmise in &baits mud ponerlpnie l istioo, Sof , anal confidently retionmari it la ugueral Ueltility. and dito eases of the W e stin, or g ans V. 11 WHIP K, ii . U. Suborn. N Y., *apt O. 11511 tieetl.wua;-1* have beau in t h e Snag lawless. the lark Mien yeasty, awl Imre sorter wait a uredielne who n lis4 glares such g reat sittisfactom in of I)yworpaii* as to. Oxygenated Ditters, and la this dines. . I slants Namur. metal IL U. U. Yult 1..). It. Darlington, Vt.. Nor. 1:1. Gentlemen t—t am pleased t.. st.itir. that 1 More trls 1 the Oxygenated Milani for I n li g rathan tool Debility, •itil mend imintainit• relief from g only a b eet of a toittle• than the Erststeuld nod! team 111 Ito. I cure fur liraparpisia and General lAthility, and reco...ioirl It with gileatiumos. Yount, to . J A lltd 1.11; kV to, 11. U. Yeepared VOA& ik Yowl* & Cu Eston. anti for male bas A, U. Buehler, tiettyslair g ; Jaculi . lu a lsrul tLummss. berg; 11. Staater.Nrw Ovford, D. E dui lin g er; Abbott*. town; Wolf, East I.lerlits: Pettsr Eitlalot4. llesop• too; Wan. Metcalf, I uric epriugi; Jamas A Cli.ler, Km. nutiburg; and by• all cage rs in wirdiclues. 4er Tine Per Coot. n Blomla, or tie Perils .f Wait !Arias; Wareing to Found Afcts.—By Cnsahra tDETT. author of '• Second Mort htfte, " "Elliott FAmily," Arkin Desmond." "Ice ver too Late." etc., etc. Oue volume, 12m0., cloth. Price ii.LOO. This book deserves to be singled out end noted as above the many novels which are published, But iu structure and style his entitled to the name of art. It is a Tale of Domestic Life, rehearsing the interwoven his tories of a round oI ivory day characters, and its aim is to 6hOlir the fOlike of the too many, so called. passions and pleasures of fashiona- , ble•lifa, touching in no pert upon ground that properly belongs to the vast domain of ro mance. The Bachelor Millionaire Uncle George, is a character reminding us of the Brothers Chesryble. and although be teaches the " sweet uses of Adversity" with severe dis cipline. it brings .wt the true beauty of altar acter, and shows how few there are who min go through the trials of every-day life, and in the end prove their constancy. 4 Copies of either of the above hooks with'a handsome Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOO, , will be sent to any person in the United States upon receipt of zfl,iro, and 21 cents to pay postage, by addres ,, ing the Publisher. A new and Classified Catalogue of Books in every department of Literature, together aid' a list of Gifts, and every information I relative to the establishment of agencies in the Gift Book business will be mailed free to any one by GEORGE G. Eva vs. Publisher, and i Onginstor of the Gift Book Business, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Charley Diekeest Works/. The well-known firm of T. B. Peterson ix. Brothers, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, have just, commenced publishing a remarka bly cheap edition of these unapproaohable works of fiction. It is called "l'elersos's Ciseep Edilion for the Million of the entire writings of Charles bicitem, Boz," and will be issued complete in Twenty-eight weekly volumes. One volume will Le published reg ularly on each and every Saturday, until the whole number of volumes—twenty-eight—is completed. The low prices fixed by the pub lishers for them are only 25 cents a volume, or the whole twenty-eight volumes fur five dollars, A complete set will be forwarded free of _postage, by Mail, to any part of the United Stater, to any one, by the publishers, on receiving a remittance of five dollars fur the„twenty-eight volumes; or a remittance of throe dollars will pay for the first fourteen volumes; or a remittance of one dollar will pa y for the first four volumes. The volumes will be neatly printed, and each 'volume will contain 160 large octavo pages, printed on line white pt per, and neatly bound with pa per cover. The revised uniform Edinburgh edition, from which this is reprinted, o6m prises twenty-eight 'dames, the cost of whibh mostly-,fife dollars; and this edition will contain every word of the Edinburih edition- We commend the determination of this enter..., Prising Philadelphia firm, to furnish the com plate and entire works of Charles Dickens at a juice so reasonable, that all persons whit ey,' may possess a fall - set; and direct the especial attention of our readers to the fact, sod would advise them ill to make a remit takes of Piro Dollars at moo, per first instl4 t o th e ou ta l bms, fur the entire set, etto.iirtit seed &en: maples to say one, f'reesfyeln. ajle, on receipt of that rums sa c of (Ae Carlisle /rot Works Estate.+-• On Thursday week, the Carlisin IronlVurka Estate was sold at public out-cry. on the preen.. ises, by the assignees of Pyres F. F.og • f 355.000. Purchasers, Win. M. BCOlath, Cary/ W. Ala. of Carlisle, Win. D. Il was, of Adau2:4 county, and Willirun Young, of York county. This is one of the best prop ortiea in Penney!. vanis • containing 0,000 acres of land, betwee n 400 and 500 acres of which are under cultiva• tion. The purchasers certainly secured a bar gain. GETTYSBURG Superfine Flour Rye Flour Wheat Corn, Rye. Oats . ...... uct..1.% t: eat ...... . .•.. ..... . uckwii,,tt Veal. .•.. ..... Clover Seed ............ Timotby, , Seed ............ Flax Set d Barley' ........... Pla3ter of Paris I 'aster ground, per bag BALTIMORS—FRnsy LAST, Flour 5 oo to 5 12 Wheat ' 1 05 to 1 47 Rye 70 to 75 Corn ' ... 78 to 82 Oats ........ ..... ... •31 to 37 Clover Seed ... 5 25 to 5 IS Timothy Seed. 2 00 to 2 25 Reef Cattle, per hand 6 00 fo B 50 Hogs, per b0nd....,.... 7 00 to 8 51 Hay .. 14 . 401 \ t0 , 18 00 W hickey' 27 2+3 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 82 00 FIANOVRR—Tuottst none, from wagons 5 22 Do. from stores 5 03 What 1 05 to 1 is nye Gore 7570 Oats 35 Clover Seed 4 73 Timothy Seed 1 75 . Plaster -...-- 800 mum Floor, fr,pm Do. from stores r , Whogit Rye.. Corn Oats. Mower Seed ... Timothy Seed Plaster of. 0 , •• oblel,2e me .6; Special I\Totioes. AM OLD LADY MF.MOII4I TO COIMAMATIVII TOUT II BY MOOPLANL'e latbi UITTEMP —1•1411. dell In.. June b. IK.Ii -.lie C. M Jartruun. Dear-PM 1 a.n very old. mod for years have been very mural Ie tinter, one or guy gramfiglato prrrnlpsi me with Nor e dotee bottle* or your bitters. CDI Iteliti,j m e to try them. 1 Mil so, and 1 non finst eie If I w.te thirty year. From the Gazette DR. 11 NPTON'S COM POC DDI ET IC PI LI", art highly recolumekeleel by aminent l'hyoloddia, eta • safe, gartawa, ageerly Mad idrortnent cure fur ti ravel. dbmoturoul and all other di.,rx or der.4ll4etneet td tbit bladder sal kidney+. t•rtce Iflfty caute per but --luta to any Airs free on receipt of Puce, A va4 I) IL J. I% li•Jarraa as Cu., h.. 406 egnicr• atreet. l'handelphl t. Alan, Propnetors and Manufacturer.* of Ilanapton's Anti- tibru matia )llitare, ediaitt.-1 Coaegli afratip, The Ural, Drableratutu ur a•Jr/4.ture7, ling. tM, lrgrU. :tat Yarm Lauda fur sale °Wee from PLll.4•lokib if rood a• the State of Nei Jar...). boll &wow the WS tor Agricultural purposes, banal a toad Loam moll, with clay bottom Tbn Wad is a large tract, diebtaid Into aaaaf farms, sod twodreda from all part. of the country are sow settling and bu,idlog. The trope produced at• tarp and can be seam groarsuK The climate is and secure from frn.t.a. Terms friru atl4 to tr„W per rem, psys.W. withal four year* by matalioaot.e, To elan the pt,sca-- Learn Via' street N hart, a 6 Ptillaklelphia, at 7,i A, le., by Railroad for ltammouton, or address a. J Byrnes, by letter, Llammoniuu Yost Wilke, Atlantic county, hew ahoy. tee full afrertiaezeot lu another Mama. TUE HA HHONTON newspaper devote , " to Literature and Arr'culture, alw setting forth full sc• counts of the new settlement of Hammonton, f• Nov Jer. say, can be salectibedfur at only 85 cents per annum, Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Ed. itor of the farmer, tiamrnooton 0„ Atlantic 0001 d/, New Jereey. Those wisusse cheap hand, of the best gnalo ty, to one of the healthiest dad must delightful cHoesto to the Union, and where crop are corer cut down by frosts, the tereible ab.urge of Ilia genii, see eivertlrecneut of Hammonton Lands. ID — Persons wishing to change tbeir business to a r►pfd. 1r tocrenstol country, a new settlement where bun triode are guing—wbore the climate to wild end delight:al—wee &ed, of the Hammonton Settlement to anotiter Whist:to. TILE GREAT ENGLISH REAIRDY!--3111, JAII/A CLARILIre eilLsalsytDiftllttii LLs, prepared fro* a prescription by J Clarke, 11. D. rnynclee ear yto the tjueso This wen koowe toedkin• is no lin• position, but a sure and safe remedy (or /main Difikoltiee and Übstractioos from any came whetever, sod although • powerful remedy, they contain nothieg hurtful to the eoattitation. To ki AMU so Lames it is pocelhtrly suitolip It rill, lea short time, bring oaths smoothly period with laiit he* Pillsl hare eeeee been known to fall where the direct** . op 111 pap of pamphlet ere irm I ob.orTird. for farther partfmlers get. e p a mphlet free of the ages*, N. cal 6 postage stamps carload to Nay asibur -1344 agent, will Wore a bottle, cootalaing over 40 pills by rehire of nail. T. W. Dyott &Han. WloloB3l* Aires* Pbaul•lP l4ll, A scud:dor, Agent, tiottplsorg. Vane /3,19. ly AN ANCIENT 3/ oNSTEII.,—The people orlloathHigogly byr ...... t 0 ix/.m.4 (roma sari bed the elteielso elt as anima, sh/e6 Mut have bees of the kangaroo specie* or moos/roes also. Its Wad i p ara apt h i m, b on , ems town ; the main length of the eslsual, tan isNsdnl , at Neat tweet, live bet. The bead sae seal/ sad its welt this ; it. teeth &boat two feet low, asd r.staajed se to lens the words, • Bey your clot/tug iiisSuh, opposite the Bask, Gettylburg." • and rPanora viabiog I. saltabthis Ilfavaraellarloo Is a saw ari ring Ace viten Waiver is gaga, my meat of Ma lisasavades liottlovosat. ZIDDLIR & WITH, COWS or AND WINN,. PIIIII.I3PELPIITA • Jdoituficuuropi of Mato Loud. Z 1 "V , irkraidie.: &a. Witslash. *akin la D wuuß NtatyAL— URI sod °root* )4orototo obo• 1 0. Parabtir m, • solid AND sod at socoptobto orlon tor tw=o to =llto tospott - oar soots. tear irlatt• : 11 1 2 01broishoo, as bolt by itorr o 6 Wbolootio Jobbiog Down tiniogtostt • •111 • ut•dmost aslieflorkes. imp« ow IM imakorap.4l Soot ' , pat media dim.. • i /kob• T. Mo. ly i The Ma.r)rmens.. ii=l:2 .. -... 9 100 to 1 15 , ...... 70 70 R 30 60 200 0 00 ...... 1 75 ..... ••• 1 20 ............. 70 ........7 oo . ............ 95 INIZI ....... 5 75 1 05 to 1 13 70 74 50 5 00 1.75 6 51) I=l A 00 3 5* aOO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers