r I- ....,, • - llforriton'a Patent .1 'Fraser River . Foreign Attaelirnent. . RTAB/Stu "FIENCL--Twe ONLY PORTA BLS 1 iThrrDONZ I—COMIT to the" Store at Green- , resew' TII Tai 11 4T WILL INSIST TeYONIIe-a. I mount for Bargains l--The ondersigned 1../ . ...--... _ Sed M - Inne 9, T.—The undersigned has ' would Most resp rft, ectfully inform the public that S AMUEL FATIA TUCK, N 0.13, August T., E 18 5 9 . Foreign iparobouted the Right for Adams county of he boo purchased the Store of Jobn Wcikert, at GiIARLE4 W. HOFFMAN. J Attachment. llEuriseaSePatentPortable Fence, a simple frame tirecumlunt, Adams etannty, half-way on the : A u.'" c o t " Y '" . -110 connect the panned, of fence. hy which the road from Gettysburg to Eminitsburg, where he .- 1 The C immonwellth of Pennsyl- i ; . A • I C ~a rania to the Sheriff of said county— , IWOL of poets is dispensed with, and at about owe- elpects, I , y attentiou and small pr.ofits, to re • third the meal coot. This frame Is held together fain all the old custom and secure lots of new t . • - '/- : i greeting: IT mama of a simple bolt connecting th.• pan-, His stock of PRY GOODS, of orrery description, ! '%. ' : We command can, that you at- 'able, and keeping them in an upright po•ititio ; “roceries, Confecliontsfies,Queemsware, Wooden-tech Charles W. • Hoffman, late of ilea, by driving two pins into the ground. they wore, Crockery-ware, hardware, Sc., is lar , e ' • your county. by all and singular his the ends of the sills, th e fence is made perm t- : and 'issted---evial to that of any other first cla"-s goods and chattels, land; and tenement.. in meat, as well au portable. it require, bit tittle shore--and he will 5 : 11- at Pr , etts astonishingly whose hinds or possession sorver the same may skill in Its construction, and takes but 11.11 f the low. Ile only asks a trial, to pro', e the truth of be, so that he he and appe•tr before our COLT/ tf . time; required to make a common board fence ; ' this assertion. , Common Pleas, to be hoiden at Gel.t., eburg, in , thrfnuaes are made without a angle TICIOTtite,I Country produce taken in e-..rhange fir goods. and for said county, on the Vain (Lt . ). of .1 5t I tturpannels are nailed up with strips on each J. ALEX. !LAI:PER. next, (1.35:0 then to sins aer :4 tate! Fahne- wide, and can be act up In a few moments. 11l 1 P WOE, of a plea in debt not ,'e c...l;iiir;'-......0 an.; swill be readily seen that one hundred pannels ' The underr‘igneil also carries on the CAP.- also that you euinhion all i.er,u.ts in %thy..., hands lit this fence are worth two liundr,l panne'.. of MAGE-MAKING business at the same place, and or possession the end g.,034 or chatide, lands, daniinnar, fence, is it is "=" 1 :' uld r,•adily moved offers rare inducements to pnr•hasers. lie NA ill and tenementt, or any of m, soar I 0 tun, il , i, from place to place, thus enabling the fanner to , warrant his work good. whilst his charge , ' are co that they .1 , 11 et ery of then,, ii.• ~. , ,I appear dispense with half the fence required when sto- (IMO: g the most moderate. Repairing done on before oar a ail Court at the dst . s. roul 111 m e afore tionary is used—and from the fact that niii.lle short ilaiile. J. Al.i.X. 11A RPEit. ! ILIC11:1U1:10.1. to ail SNkl r 1 1 .1 Atoll be objected fences can be entirely dispenselattli by merely', Ftb. 14, 1859. ly i against them or him, en I ahl , ie the judgmeat of using portable fence for posture kits alone. ( the Court there:rt, and hate you then and there ' by this process one-third of the grass is saved Call This Way! , this sera. IS iItIC•P the lion. llobert. J. Fisher, that is generally overrun in p i-tdr:ll,r, by mere- PreAident Judge of said Court, at Gettysburg, j r f eneir' , the quannt. required. In-,.1 ++s in„ the 29th day of April. A. lb l a: 9 . at least fl it Stn.:, of land to the hun.lred that ot JAh;Ol3 131..111EV, Prothonotary. necessarily taken up a ith fen, e a :I.'ll -tation tt fence is used for irt.ole f_lo.lm,r, ad the loud li. - ing farmed alternately. it gore; no ch incL 1 ,, r briers and other rulAriget!, it u-ii ill ,row up along fences. This teti...., c In be u-, .1 to great advantage oa log or wet land. %here it 0. u.tli tuft to set post'. merely requ.rtitz lum:er pin+ than for dry ground. The a 11.1.'1Z.1g.• .11.,u, 0: moving the fence ; when •treato- ut "iiiJ \I , tli it NTT likely to float it oft. and the (..,n.'en,e.itLe it affords, in fencing pasture. and o'ller lot-. for stock, enclosing grain stacks, kc , kc . all high ly recommend its prat ticai UP! Iti the farmer. The first premium wis awarded to this fence, at the Penusylvanis late Fair h. 1.1 at Phila delphia, 1857. Farm /I.gtte Nt ill be diz postal of on moderate terms on applieatom to ~ • . JHNNTIIAN PI I'rESTURF, iteidlershurg, Adazus 11.1., Pa. April 25, 13:4). .:12,4 Elastic Cement Ar: 00FING.—The guliecrihera are prrpqred to COntract and put on at 114 c shorLet non, e, % . . Child & Cu.',4 I'ATEsT FIL AN I) 11 A TER PROOF I:LA: 4 TV C:.:.11.:NT il,)(11ING. It IA perfectly Fire and otqr proof, and in point of durabilit; is e.:01.11. if not buperior, to any Metall,: Itootioz. It tau he put tft o‘er tin. tar, iron, or routs, c‘er hat steep they may he. In point of res'iAing the elemcnt4 of fire and water; nothinz fins yet been d'n.cosered equal to the Elastic Cement. Those who 111%e ii , ed it. nice testified that it le the eery perfection ed Rooting, and that there is no further room for impro%ement. No one will now think of putting un shingles, when thin Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four sbingle roofs. This Rooting is israrranted as represtited. • ' The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decoy for wood expo•ed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also the best paint for iron, eifeetuolly preventiLg Fast s and v. litres et applied perfectly excludes alampnetis. -7 Tllc ptitigeribers hare thi4 Cement for sale itt quantities to ',nit,. For fu iuform.‘tion, I'. J. & C. M. T.kTl:, inl) to Eagle Ilut4 Getty .burg, l'ik. April 25, 1859, ti Railroad Store. JC. GUINN A: 11110. Lr.t e just received and . tire: ommitur at their new store un the North-west corner of Centre tiquare,Gettysburg. a large and complete ft.o.torttuent of Spring and tit:miner Goods and Groceries. The I.ltEe: par ticularly arc invited to call and ex twine our Cu penal. rtyles of Dress <;notl.: and Fancy article., embracing everythinz routing iwoperly under this head sat pricts not l‘trotuture equalled. and la quality eurp tst,ed by none. GEN r EN .S WEIR, of et - cm description. eot.i.,4tinz ot Cloths, Cassitneres, Coat:egg, e,tieers, ar., which cannot Inc surp.i.sed out of the t.ty quality and price. • Our stock of Groceries is also conrd..tc, white every other article generally found iu a Dry Galatia store can be had at the store' of J. C. Quinn & Bro. Ilebe%iur th tt the pul,- dic suit thetn , clve- 13( ttt r lktre than else irhere? we invite them ••to tvve 113 a call. For the proof of our assertion, call and IL'atisino our btock t even if you don't buy. (April 4, 18!.9. Spring Goods! AnnivAL!—FAIINESTOCK have just received a large and choice as sortment of Spring Goods. to which they incite the attention of buyers. toot stock comprises many new and heatitiful styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, suet, as are rarely seen, sod we are coo fident that those examining them will acknow ledge that they have seldom been offered better koods or as pretty styles. • We have also increased our stock of staple goods, such as Men's and Boy.' Wear. Calicoe's, Idusling, Uclu,u Chintz, quantity. style and price. unsurpa-sed. We need not enumer ate. but can 'Assure our custo•ners an d f r i en d s that we are prepared to furnish them u ith such goodsas they may want cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in the county. Call early knd select from our large and varied assortment. FAIINESTUCK .13110T11EllS, April 4, 18597 Red Front. Marble Yard Removed. MITE subscriber having removed his place of business to East York street, a short dis tahee'behrw ISt. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furnish all - kinds of work - in Lis line, such' as .Mcnu •iments, Headstones. kc , Sc , of ever) variet.c of style and finish, with and ' ithout bases and ecwkets, to suit purchasers. and at prices to snit the times. Persons desiring anti thin,7, in his line will find it a derided advantage to examine his Stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. . , 10M. B. MEALS dettysbur g , March 11, 185'J. Wall Paper. HOWELL & lU' Manufacturers and Importers of PA HANGINGS, No. 17 *Soaut Fourth arra, (below Market, and cyposite Merchant street) Pnitaostenla, keep on hand a large and beautiful assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, BORAIRS,IIF.BOARD PAT- ThRNS, ke., which they are selling nt very low prices.' Country Mer,:bautz supplied at the low est rates. 1100193 p.lpered' at ,spurt notice by careful workmen. • The citizens of Adams comity are invited to examine their splendid assortment of Paper be fore purihasing elsewhere, and judge fur them selves. "110 isir-Elegant new styles just received April 4, 1859. Cm New Livery 7ASTABLISRXEST.— CussLcs U has opened A new very eltablishment, at the stables on Washington street, occupied in part by the Esgle Hotel," and has made seith arrange ments as will enable bins to acconstnodate the public at all times, on reasonable terms, with Horses, Buggies, [lacks, ,tc. His stock is good. On fuleral occasions, &c., be will be able to Supply a want which has been touch needed. • bar Terms CASEL []lay 24; '5B. —• • - Stove,s! Stoves ! SREADS, BUEHLER -& KCRTZ, in their new three-story braiding, corner of Carlisl - street and the Railroad, have just received large supply of new and beautiful Parlor, Saloon and hep STOVES, of the latest and most im proved styles. Also, all the latest styles of COOK STOVES, embracing the -Noble Cook," "Royal Cook," " Penn," "Sea Shell," "Ikorning Star," "Philadelphia Sntirtse," "Fre donia," (Baltimore Air-Tight, improved) -Jewel," and "Charm”—all fur wood or coal. March 14, 1859. Groceries, Wil.OIMI: ALE AND RETAlL.—lioltsses sad Sege' by the barrel, Coffee by the tack, sad an ikinds of Groceries, either by the ?wiener , or ht insual amounts, at prices that de y coespetitien. Oall at °emcee April 4. 1 • F • 'MOCK BROS'. wfil mate Ling and put dp chi mew low, try prodoco. Pansomosotall that liduilwr byes, $., spout so give tjwoo oall. • - •If O. II H. IFAMPLEtt. 110110111 liomm • •' Elll2l TIIE subscriber would inform the public thftt lie cuntinnes his MACHINE ;MOP, in ehump rs hi/ rg street, Getty .burg, muss the l'utindry. where be has viirious kindE of ALL , htneE on hand. au" It es Thrc+bing N1:14 hinc;. Corn Sheller.", rornfo I.ler CutterQ. Cloverseed Hullers, Straw Cotter+, nod Horse Pon etc of different kiudl,—two, fur or sin-horse. to suit rureloisLr.":—indeed nil Such 113 trn Le Lid at !limo% cr or Littiestoa n. .\ kit Nt,rtiiing Md chiu,+. fur hou-e arint,ter." pat up in the vcry het rind tno,t aub,t total tut inner. Cutting S.reies or long Bolt+, any k.t.l or le4E than eleven fort in length. ulwoys utten led to. nE well as TUrlilEg in iron. casting or wood. AI-o all kinds of it h.P.klitING ou 31.1clituerv,dre•4ing-up Spindles, ke.. dune on the sh , n-test notice. The un , ler.i , rnel nunoftetutet )loan Psvii.,..r II UNE 1{ tKE..rh,, h he offers at the lowe-t I, in t profit. Ile i 4 likewise agent for the REAI'LIt k Mill\ ER rn.inucattureti b. Joseph Shireia.in. at Ea,t I hope that all in want of am thing in my line shopwill cull at in, before going eke% he . re:-.. I will a arrant all Jo/ awl: to give sAtisfaction purclia+er.4. DAVID STERNER. Ord H, 189. Iv*, Howard A 3 'pciation, yIILADEI,I'III.k.—A Benevolent Institution e:t.ll.li.shed by Special Eadowmetit for the Relict of tli, Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this Institution to a tablish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physis I .ns, Clothing, Food, ifedicines, kc , for the sick and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased parents, and to minister is every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at furze. It is the duty of the Directors, at such times, to visit per boually the infected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subject to be call ed upon to attend its hospitals. free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid to persons suffering un der CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent charac ter. arising frourabuae of the pht steal powers, moistreatutent, the elreeta of drug -4, ke. Various REVOItTS and TRACTS on the na ture :and treatment of Chronic Diseases. by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published for gratuiton4 distribution, and will be scut FRIE of Cll ADA:I': to the afflicted:. A ddres Tor reports or treatment, Dr. cEortG R. CALIIOI.*N, Cons Surxeou, I and As sociation, No. 2 South Siuttk .Street, l'a. • 13y order of the Directors, EZRA. D: It EIRTWELL, Preit. - so. FAIRCIIILD, Sept. 2 , ), IssB. ly Notice TO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS.-11'e have now opened our large and com nodious Warehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Ita,l ro.td i,treets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Ittilroad Company, and are prepared to re.-eii e pti, lute of all kinds; F1.017R, 111IrlAT. COILS, OATS, &e. Also, on hand and for sale, Salt. Guanos, Plaster, Fish, eke. A large stock of Groceries just rcceived,•consisting of Sitgat , R, COrreC4, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas. Spices of all kinds, Ced ir-ware, Ate., &c., which we do nidt hesitate to say, we will sell as tow ns can he bought elsewhere, a holesale uniL ret til. M rcli nts by calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as our motto hill be "quick sales and sm ill profits: , We would also call the ntjention of all inter c.ted in the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, 111);3, &e., to the fact that we have for sale Breinig, Fronefiold & Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold faom MO to 2000 puunds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLAN EFELTER, SEITZ & Ge:tyshurg, Nor. 15, 1853. I= New Firm—New Goods. TILE undersigned have entereelato partner ship in the HARDWARE' A; GROCERY' business, at the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of DANNER & ZIEGLER, JR.S., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old finial, as well as airy quantity of new custom. They have just return ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods—consisting, in part of Building Materials, such us Nails. Screws., Ilinge..s, Bolts, Locks, Glass. &c. Tools, including Edge Tools ores ery description, Saws, Planes, Cancel+, Gouges, Brace+ and Bitts. Augers, Squares, Cu tge+, Hammers, &c. Blackstuiths find Atolls, Vices, Rasps. Files. Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails, &e., w ith them. very cheap. Coach Find ings. such as Cloth. Canvas-. Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss. oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Holih+, Spokes, Fe:l.)es, Bows, Poles, sh ifts. Sc. Shit., Findings. Tampico. Bru•li and French Morocco, Linings. Bindings. Pegs. Latts, Bout Trees, Lc., with a general assort acct of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, he. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large aaortment of Knives and Forks. 13rittannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta hie and Tea Spoons. Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs. Sad Irons. Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting. Lc. Als ), a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON' of all Si7C3 and kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, whit h they will !..rll as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment. such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate. Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed. Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, Le.: a full assortment of Lead and Zinc. dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Illaelomith,Cahinet Malser's.Painter's.tilailer's, and Grocery line, all of a hich they are determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24. DISK. Removal. ALEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch maker, has removed his shop to the room ou tue West side of the Public Square., lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq , as a Law °Mee, where he will always he happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to husines.,, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, Ig5P J. W. Scott, ( rate of as Fires of WiJae‘ester Scott,) G ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and SHIRT NI AN UFAUTORY, So. 814 Cusascr Stant; (nearly opposite the Girard Honst,) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. SCOTT 'wild respectfully all the at tention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and Is prepared to 811 orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect lit guarantied. COL - 14TRY TILA.DX supplied with Fuss Sailors Ind CM,Lass. • [Oct. 4, 1839. ly Lime t Lime I rpRE uadersivted have made arrangements, by 'which thty be ready to supply LIKE* say quantities. atAhaloyest mese, as sees as the Railroad is oompleted. They ore reedy to receive orders. BREADS, BUEHLER KURTZ. Nov. 22, 1858. • 8. Fahnestock & Sons. 1 No. 14, Aug. T., 187,9 rs, Fureigu Attoatueut. Charles W. Huffman. ADAXI corm, Al. r . ,„_ The C,nuoionwealth of Pennsyl .lllll Y caul t to the Sher:ll of said wittily— tt •••.. , reeting : C .1 • a „.., ••• W e OM o l lrol you. that cou attach " ".4 . " At Itlt'ts Chirles W. lloirman, tale of your 07 r st , county, by all and bingulnr his gouda and I 11M('21., I 111 d, nod tenctneuts, in whose baud; or po—ei , ion FM car the same may be, so th t lie be an I ai , pe.kr before our Court of Com mon 1'1,..)5, to be holden nt ticttysitrg, in and f ,r . kid , ,t.int,, on the 15th day of August next, ( IS - 0,) then to itn•mer Samuel Frhuestock, James F. Fahnestoct, and Henry J. Fahnestock, late partners doing business under the name, *le and firm of S. Faline.to4; k Sons, of a plea in debt on note under seal not exceeding lii2s, and :dot that you summon all persons in UliiiSe Ihtioli or p ilNeilioll the said goods and chattlet. 1311 , 14 and tenements, or any of them, In k y be attached, so that they and every of them, be and apps tr before our said Court, on the day and playe aforementioned, to answer what shall be objected again •I them or him, and abide the jnkrment of the Court thereon, and have you then and there this w rit. Witness the Hon. Hobert J. Fidler, !'resident Jndge of our said Court, at liAtysbur,r, this 29th dry of April, A. D., 1.459. JACOB BUSIIET, Prothonotary. Fahnemork Brothels, I so. /5, Ault. T., re. Foreign Attachment. Marie' W. Holfinan. Arians COUNTY. OM The Commonwenlth of Pennsyl . . 'ania to the Sheritf of said county -. greeting : 1" . We command von, that you attach i ,'• Charles W. ilottman, bite of Adams county. by nll and singular his goods and chattels, holds nhd tenements, in whose hands or possession soever the Caine may he, CO th tt he be and appear before our Court of Com own Pleas. to be holden at Getty .burg. in and for said county, on the 1.501 (Lis of August next, (1459.) then to answer James F. Fahnestoek, Henry J. Fahlestoelt and Edward U. Fahne stock, partners, doing business under the name, style and firm of Fait nestoek Brothers, of a plea in debt on note under seal, not eteeeding $9OO, and also that yon summon all persons in whose hands or possession the said goods and chattels. lands and tenements. or any of them, may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before our said Court, at the day and place aforementioned, to answer what shall he crojected agtinst them or him, and abide the Sudgment of the Court thereon, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the lion. Robert J. Fisher, President Judge of said Court, at Gettysburg, the 29th day of April, A. D., 1859. JACOB BUSHEY, Peo:Arowiary. David )111.11eroff, No. T ., 1859. es. " Foreign Attachment. Charles W. Hoffman. ADAYS COCN'TY, PO. The Commonwealth of Pennsyl • vania to the Sherif:rot said county— '', \ greeting: We command you. that yon attach - Charles W. iloSman„ late of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in whose hands or possession soever the same may he, so that he ba and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Gettysburg, in and for plaid county, on the rith day of August nevi, (18;0) then to answer,David 1114dlecoir, of a idea in assumpsit, and also that you PIM.. mon all persons, in whose hands or possession the said goods and chattels, lands and tene ments, or any of them be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before our said Court, at the day and place aforementioned, to answer what shall be objected against them or him, and abide the judgment of the Court there on. and have you then and there this writ.— Witness the lion. Robert J. Fisher, President Judge of said Court, at Gettysburg, the 20th day of April, A. D., 1859. JACOB BUSHEY, Pro:Alma:Ty. WAVUSUGHT ZIEOLICK fly virtue of the shove Writs, 1 hare attached the following described Real Estate of Charles W,llofilultl3, the defendant therein, Tis : No 1.. A LOT OP GROUND, situated In the borough of Gettysburg, on the north side of rhambersburg street, and fronting thereon 29 feet. with a double Brick Dwelling House, Smith Situp au,l other improvements. No. 2, A LOT 0}? GIIorSD, fronting:on said Chamber burg street, adjoining lot of Abraham Scutt, w ith a two-story 'trick Dwelling House and other improvements thereon. So. 3, A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining NO. 2 ort the eat fronting, on said Chambersburg str'ct 2t) feet. with a Stable thereon. o. 4. A LOT OF GROUNI), adjoining N 0.3 on the east and No. 1 on the west, frontinl . on nail street 21 feet, n ith n large Coachenaker Shop and other imprvement. thereon. So. 5. A LUT OF GROUND, lying we.t of the Fowl:11-y. on the corner of the Railroad and Franklin , ireca in .nid borough, with at Steam Griot and Saw Mill thereon. No G. A LOT OF 6101I'SD, adjoining No. 5 on the west, containing. 3 scree. more or !c.v. No. 7. THREE LOTS OF GitOt'SD, each fronting 30 feet on the north side of said (Marg_ bershurg street, adjoining lots of IL Jerome Walter on the east. So. 8. A LOT OF onorsD, on said rhitm hershnrg street, adjoining • public alley on the north, with a Stone Basement for • House thereon erected. ?be said Lots. from No. 2 to No. 8 inclusive, beiug unoccupied. • ISAAC LIGIITNER, Sherif. Sheriff's Offi , s, Gettysburg, J.l.ty Itl, 1859. Gt. IIE subscriber has just returned from the I e city, with a large supply of NEW GOODS, which he offers to sell cheaper than ever. Gite him a call, and jildire for 'yourselves. Ills as sortment embraces Cloths,Cassimeres, Vesting'', all kinds of Summer Goods. an d a large assort ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, for men and boys. JACOB REISINGER, CArlible 't., 4 d )ors from Centre Square (t•tt,.+bnrg, April 4, 1559. illipeAllNE AGENCY, C. 33 Market Street, 1_ Philadelphia, where farmers may see and judge for themnelres, between SIX or THE BEST COMBINED MACIIINF.S NOW IN ESE! and purchase the Machine of their choice. EMLEN tr. PASSIOELE, 633 Market. St., Philadelphia. April 4, 1859. 3m Call and See r E celebrated New Jersey REAPER k MOWER, at the new Ware-room of SHEARS BUEHLER k KURTZ. March 14, 1859. TRAW GOODS—comprising ovary possible variety of Men's and Boy's Hats, Flats aad S lioods—all of which will be sold very •Ateap ►t R. F. mews '/sirs. • c §ITAWLS.--Stella Neallies,Ptra ted Cashmere and Delaise Shawls, shay, it the sewlLONatore A. BOOTT , Opposit' the 4agle liotel. CISDAR WASE.-4. large assortmest as re dajced prices at FAIINKSTOCKS% Goods for the Season! Mowing and Reaping New Grocery Store. vr .sv FIRM AND .1"IEW 000113.-SNY. - 1 - 1 DER Jr RENNER hare just received at their New Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es. tablishment, the largest and most complete foisortment of ilrocerie4 brought to Get• tyeburc for n long time, coroiintiug of Coffer, (four kinds,} Sugar, (four kinds.) Molasses, Strop, Shad, Mackerel. Fresh Flour. Corn, Oats, boner. Eggs, Ricon, Salt, iu short every thing usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. te.7-The highest market price paid Intones try produce or taken in exchange for Goods, tio a call. buy your Grociaries where.you will be sure to get tl'eu good and cheap. vearll3yer's celebrated writing Ink fur sale. [Nov 1. 185 S. Now Grocery. TIM WAY FOR B AR G AINS.—The sub scriber respectfully informs the citisens or town and country, that ho has opened a Orocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street. two den's east of St. James' Lutheran Church. where he has now on hand a general assortment of goods in his line—such as: Syrup, from 40 to 70 tents per galln; Sti,nrs, all kinds; Coffees, d;f forma kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheri,c, Scotch II srring, ground and tinground per, Al-pine, Clurei, China:lln, Mnatard, Soda, Ginger. Starch, Rice, Tea... Candles, Eittact elloeukte. Concentra:4.d Lye; Brown., Buckets, Candic4, all kinds: Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds. Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. Orang4es, Fan cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, ..t.c , Sc. Boiler and Edgs bought and :Auld. Ile in: vites the calls of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and price. ll' is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. WM. E. BITTLE. Gettvelferg, Dec.lo, '5B. Removal. THE subscriber has removed his Plough and Machine Slwp from the Foundry building to Railroad street, ottp.isite Tale's Blacksmith shop, hack of, the Eagle Hotel, where he is hotter prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice. anti Michines, Reapers, &c., repaired. Also h e will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks, DAVID WA RIMS. Globe Inn, F.(' lAN ICSTOWS, Frederick connts,3,l4l. I It. ing been renovated and re-furni.bed; the proprietor a,sures the public that a call id only needed, as he gitarautees full satisfaction iu every ease. Charge,' moderate. 11EN It 17 LIE llit, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1859. tf The Farmars' & Mechanics' ' i 0 13 . 1X1:5INSTI IN of .kd.titis county rem:ix es moilm depo.it (Lilly, from A. M. tint,l I'. 31.. and on Se toriley from II u chick, A. )L, until tt o'• 1. , k. I'. 31 -- line: est un deposits from 2 t .• per (mil. NIOCCItt deposits p.,jj uprt cal , lr it nonce. nod 'MLA •Iell( deposits ill lid tin demand with interest. lytcrest on special deposits, n Len made ft)g /,11 months and upwards. 4 I.e: cent.: for:1 yoniltini nod upwards, 11 per cent. on trttindent dk-poi,i;s fur 30 drys and opt% arils, 2 pet' cent., itml uq regular weekly deposits by r cent. The popiihr:ty of this lnetitution all class; of the mounivinity, hoth in ton n country, and its consequent success. may be as. et it}ed in Lars to the following; reasons: It alters. a courtniio 14,,rt-spim.4ible and praita.4 Me' depository to fainters and rucchaaics, to es. e:utors, nilniinistrutors, nseignces, collectors, agents And all public o'dicers, to uttomeysi trustees, societies and associations, incorporaud or otherwise, to marled or single ladies, IQ students, rancluints, clerks, and business unit generally, to minors and all who Irate funds,' much ur little, to deposit with a return of interest: Depositors receive books in n hich nre entered their deposits, which book., serve as vouchers. They may designate in case of sickness/death oe absence, who shall receive their deposits, with. , out the intervention of executor. or ridutinietru.- tors. Ltletty.burg, Feb. 28, 183 u. -- - - 11 --- j II w pritig Goods. T L. CIIICE, dealer tit Silks, Domestic tj Goods, Cloths, Gassimeres, Embroideries, Linens, Jewelry, Natious. etc., has returned from the Earsteru markets with one of the largest as sortments of DRY GOoDS ever brought to thin place, consisting of all the newest designs aml, (Aries o; the pre4eut spring i nportations.— LADIES' DRESS GOODS, plain and figured black Silks, very heavy and floe lustre, cheap: plain and colored figured Silks, a very fine lu so: t vent, at all prices ; Bareges, Grenadlnea,; Poll de Chene, Satin de Cheue, Po lips, Laralas, Pi, is 0.-gandies, Jaconet Lawns, French Chintz,. plain and colored Brilliants, Gingham 4, Spring Maustins, Englii.h Calicoes, and many other novelties. MOURN - ISG GOODS in great var:e-; ty, Sh twls and :ca is,beautiful stock; Ribbons ant Parasols, new styles, very handsome; Em broideries and WHITE GOODS; very handsotn largest ,ad cheapest stock we have aver received., MKS'S ASD BOYS' WEAR, complete stock, Gloves, Iloeiery, Mite and Gauntlets, of all kinds; Domestic Goode ' at Factory prices. JEWELIt Y, new stock for Spring sales, consisting of the' m ost equisite sty'ler ever offered in this market. We would sa to onr customers and the pub lk generally, t twe have opened s one of the m ist Ovule a I largest assortments of goods ever brought to this market, all of which have been selected with great care and upon the most advantageous terms. We are determined not to be undersold by any. Our motto--'t Fair dealing and small profits." J. L. SCITICK, S. W. Corner of Ceutre Square April 4, 135'9. Wholesale and Retail icaKIPOR STORE.—The undersigned respect fully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg an the public generally, Um* they hat e opened a ne v LIQUOR. ST12111; on Railroad street, sont'i B.de, and midway lic to een the Passenger and Freight Depot, and have made arrangements to keep constantly on hand a full supph of all kinds of Liquors. Fore:git and Domestic, soh as Bran dies, Wine(. Holland and Domestic Gins, Old Ilse and Rectified 11'hiske3, Champagne, (finger Brandy,(Dhc Ty Brantly,l'ordials, Kimmel, Auice, and 11 in of et erg grade. The alvne Liquors will be furniThed at the most reasonable rates and warranted good. By strict attention to business and an effort to please, we hope to merit the patronage of the public. be - All orders promptly attended to. _ Feb. 21, '59. COVER & KTIIN. The Cars are Here! ALL THINGS ARE READY I—The undo.- signed has the plc:mire of announcing to has old country friends—farmers and merchants —as well as the citizens of Gettysburg, and "the rest of mankind," that his new and com modious Warehouse is now open, and that he is receiving GRAIN k Pita of all kinks, fur which he is pay ing the highest market prices ; and while the politic can dispose of their pro duce to the best advantage, they Call he supplied in return with Groceries, of every description, conaletingorSalt, Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Tese. flies, &c., also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, Cedar ware, and a thousand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheapest is our motto. If the people consult, their own interests. and act wisely, they will not forget the andel-Signed. Hoping the familiar faces of all may old customers will meet ate again, and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor to please them. JOHN 114411. Gettysburg, Nov. 22, 185 e. New Goods. pey.otiGE ARNOLD has just received sad h now opening the largest and most impend fu 4sortmeat of LADIES DRUB GOODS that has been offered to the public at any time so, a lot of beautiful Fancy Bounds, lionneB Trimmings, Shawls ' hosiery, Gloves, 4c., Akc.--, A large stock of Gentlemen's Dross Goods. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Ac., all of which have been bought low for cash and will be sold cheap. AU persons are invited to call--tbe ladies' attention is particularly invited to my stock of Dress Goods, which for beauty of style 'cannot be beat. [April 4, 1859. Isea leave to inform the citizens of Gettysig BUG an vichtlty that I have made arritnso with t first-elass workman to hum's!. OM Witt Soots and Shoes of home msAursetnns. April 18. R. F. IicII.IIEXY. 3 E 3 aitirrtore..A.a - cr'tes- Charles Dunlap, 1101,E8ALE anti Retell UROCEIL k TEA DEALER, Corner of llowara and Lexington Streets, 111.1,711101111, MD. HAI on hand A general assortment of Groelotles, Tens, Hiner, Liquors, eigurs, &c. Feb. 7, 0351)._ ly .Susquehanna House, OPPOSITE ClatYri Si4hoß, BALTIMORE, VD fare reduced to $1,25 per day. JOHN •A. SLADE, Proprietor January 17. Ono 1=1:1 Harding & Carroll, (1 HISSION MERCHANTS, ki Fire Proof Warehouse and R. Ti. Depot, No. 120 /Verde Howard Screw, IIALTIIIOIIE,'MD. Feb. 14, '59. ly JOU.% Cl. EXELLIII. Y . •. FRICK. Hueller & Frick, pk PRODUCE Commission and t' For warding Merchants, North street, opposite N. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE. JAnuary 17, 1851). ly James H. Bosley, COMMISSIoN IIEtteGANT, Nos. 124 and 12t1 North Street, BALTIMORE:, %1!). I nm prepared to receive and sell on Commis :ill kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having flp.•rwilk.e of ten years in the COMMISSiaII (and wishing to continue that alone.) I 11.Lttcr Hi) self that! shall be able to give ssroi rscrovs to all who favor me with consignments 1% also attend to filling orders fur Groceries guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. l'eb. 14, '59. 17 DANIEL I. WHITE. JOHN A. SWOPS. White & Swope, WHOLESALE Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, k STRAW GOODS; also, In ILNhionable Moleskin, Silk, Felt gold Fur HATS, N. W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard streets, Balti more, Md. [Nov. 29, 1 esa. Howard Houle, 0011NER Howard and Baltimore Streets, BALTIMORE, !II V Sew Proprietors. Fare reduced to $1.50 per day. Call lei the Ilosretrd House Coach at the Depots. P . . S B D I u P c EI K , }Proprietors. January 24.'59. ly . Peter Zell & Son, fIOMMINSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in CORN, Cora Meal, Guanoes, OATS, Rye Chop, Bone Dip.t., MILL FEED, Hay, Straw, Phos. Lime, FLOUR, Field Seeds, & •Ground Plaster Nos. 147 & 149 NWITII HOWARD Smarr, Jun. 17, '99. ly* BALTIMORE, MD. Light, Light! AVI 1 1. 1 . T i li .i .7 s A T IJ L ; A A m t v l S E NaCulip"er.FOßt nil.lo N)trifFr.Ss in the Also dealers inTOAL OIL s e nd LA every description. roastantly on hand COAL OIL of the Very' be.t .ionlity, which we will sell at the lowest market price. All orders promptly filled. A3MIDO\ & (7:1,, No. 1 8. Liberty at., ((near Baltimore, Jan. 17. Cm Baltimore, Md. Burr Mill Stonea W s r. T ll. A .t it ic it TE .k Et., (T4 B . . cor F.. ~. ~.._, vr ie V ...„ of ..rth and anire Streets, ..,: C''44'5 ! : " . ...% opposite N. C. It. it. Stalliloo, ::7.k 14 1 , f 1 / 44.. '', \. , .:11,rt YOUR, Mo. Mannfae- a ,'t hirers of FRE:it'll BURRS, . v . Importers and 1./eaters in Burr "..: /..--,, Illoeka, Bolting Cloths, Lea- */ ' ''', ,—-- V ,•.' 11\tio ther and Garm Belting's, ('al -1 eined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Colone, Cuealico, and E.:optics Mill Stones of all sites. [Feb. 7, .. - ,9. ly • . Dr. Baakee TREATS ALL DISEASF:S.--DR. }MAKER will give special attention to the following di-enses : Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, Influents, Asthma, Bronchitis and all dLea.ses of the Nose, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin disc:vet—Lum bago, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula., Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Dowels; &law all chronic diseases pertaiuing to Women and Children. Dr. Beakee can pro duce one thousand certificates. of his perfect success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Scald Heads, Wens, Swellings and Tu mors of every description and Without the use of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place tbemsel‘ es under the Doc tor's personal supervision. DR. ISAAKEE has made a new discovery of a 'Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CArasscv, and restore perfect vision to the Eye without the use of the knife or needle, sad he cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and ha has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, snitnble for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Dr. Ilaakee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physicians and Surgeons now living.— ills fame is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters directed to Dr. Bankee, (enclosing ten cents,) askingany ,liie4tions pertaining to any disease, shall he promptly answered, and all Chronic diseases can he treated by corresponderce, except those mentioned, that will require his personal super % ision. Office hours from 9A. N., to 4P. N. DOCTOR BAAKEE, No. 74 Lexington St., between Charles & Lib..rty, April 1 Dan. 31. 134 Baltimore. Md. ~ "1 01 •10,P.C.0%,. i4o c)2O FNDED 1852. Chartered 1854. Located CUR. OF BALTIMORE & CHARLES STS., BALTIMORI, MD. The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College In the United States. DESIGN ED EXPRESSLY FOR VOUNO MEN Deeiring to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education Every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self. Audis separately instructed. STUDISTS /X ATTINDA.XCX ?PDX NII►RLY Evans' STAYS IN ?HI UNION The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Study. and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. So Copying from Printed or Manuscript Forms in LEMMING Boos-xserittu ♦r rue lIALTIXORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE This method of instruction is nowhere else intro duced in this country. Every Young Max should write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing the exterior and interior view of the College, Penmanship, he., which will be sent by return mail, free of deur , ' 'with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, opinions of the Press on our new system of llook- Keeping, etc. FACULTY S. B. Loma, Principal—Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. J. M. Pnittars, Professor of Book-Beeping And Commercial Oalcalations. B. H. DAVIS", Associate Prof. of 47400k-Keaping N. 0: Jousawr, Professor of Penmanship. - S. T. Wiaitswa 'Esq., Mercantile Law. Bev. E. Y. Finis, - D.D.,'Commereial Ethics. Taman ; Hon. John P. Kennedy, Bon. Joshua Vansant, Hop. Thomas Swann, , Win. H. Keighler, Seq., Jacob Trust, Seq., Kuabe, Esq. The time usually required to complete the full °nuns, from 8 to 12 weeks. A Dirtous L awards/ 4 40 all Graduatu. Large. Circulars and Cabtalognee stating terms, kc., sent my mail jive of akar. Address IL K. LOBIF.It, Baltimore, lid. Feb. 7, 1859. ly. Adams COtaitY. 101 - 17Tmid, FIRE, ISSURA NOE COMPANY.— AL Incorporated March 18, 1851. PreSiestl--disorgeSw up c. Vice PrYsident—N, R. Russell Beerslary—D• A. lluPlilcr. Tredturer—Darid ll'ereary. Execteire anonotte,—ltoliert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Hewtzelmttn. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Baehler,Ja rob King, A. fieilitzelman, R. ►('Curdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. F.thneltock, IVin. Li. McClellan, w i n. B. Wilson, M. Eichelberger, Abdiel F.Gitt, John WoHord, ii. A. Picking, J Aughinbaugh, John Horner, It. G. McCreary.S. itus4ell, ll Wereary, Audrew Pulley, John Picking, J. Et. Hersh. ICDIV'D ►. caanot.a. D ar This Company is limited in its opera- Mons to the county of Adams. It has Leen in successful operation for more than sic years, and In that period has paid all losses and ex penses, without any a ss•sscisof, has lug also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all 'business being done by the Managers, who are nnnually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring en Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. Kiri. be Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, Y. M. Sept. 27, 1858. TeFIE undersigned would inform his friends and the pnblic generally,that he continues t CARRIAGE-MAKIN() BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his establishment, in East !did dle Street, (near the cast end,) Gettysburg, Pm., where he has on hand a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order whatever may be desired in his lini, viz :—Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Falling- Top,Uockaway and Trotting bug gies, Jersey Wagons, .&c. With good workmen and good materials, he cm pledge his work to be of the best quality—and his prices are among the lowest. Mar Sepairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call! June 15,'67. JACOB TIIOXEL. COACTIMAKING BLACKSMITIIING. —The nnderiigned respectfully informs bid friends and the pnblic Ova he continues the Coachmaking and lilacknnithing business in every branch at his establishment in Ehrtm bersburg street. lie hai on hand and mill manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons. &e., of the best material, and made by superior woik men. stir RsrainiNa and lit.acitsuirutno of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. Cousrar Paoucce taken in exchange for work at nutrket prices. bay-Persons desiring articles or work in the Coachmaking or Blanksrnithing Hue, ure re soecttully invited to cull on JOHN L. 11ULTZW011TH. Gettysburg, Jan. 21, GROCERIE:.7;, NOTIONS,•Le._ Ficuas.—Fruits of every description, as follows: Layer Raisins, Figs, ()ranges, Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, dtc. GROCBRIES.—A good assortment of Sugars: Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Cotlee, N. 0. Molasses, Syrups of the best quality, Rice, Soda, Ft trch. Tens. Cinnamon ; (ground and ungronnd.) Cloves, lfustard, kc. PETlFFMERY.—Perfuniery of every descrip tion, which will he sold low for Cash. LFMON SIT:CP.—A large lot just . reeeived. Any one desirinz a cheap,pleasant and healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. TtiltACCO.-4.\11 the various kinds of Tobac co, Cigars and Snuff s for sale by Wax. Bo; er 4t: Son. N'IEGAR.—We haves good quality, as all will nay who have tried it. FLOUR k FEED.—We have made arrange= nacos to have constantly on hand Flour and Feed, which we will insure to be.of superior quality, and at such prices as cannot bil.to ),least. WM. DO ERR t EON. April 2G, 18L8. Fine. Old Brandies. HE subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES k LIQUORS, would must respect fu y call the attention of purcluisers to their respect ful .Old E 4tubliabment, No. 5 Nerth Prowl &rat, ,P,iilalelphia, where they have a largo assort ment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest ) brands and qualities. Having made arrange ' meets with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their t customers, upon the most liberal terms, the 4, following following brands of Cognac and Rochelle: I BRANDIES: Otard, , f Ilennesy, Pellevsion, IPinet, Castillion; J. J. Dem k Co., T. Minces, i , A. Sergnette, *tile', Matett,&c., &c., of various r, brands and qualities. MINES: Ch.triniagne, II ttleira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, TeneritTe, Burgundy, Hock, Muscat, Claret, Sherry, and Malaga Wines. j I Holland Gin, Scheid tra Selmrpps, Jamaica 1 Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap. i.ple, Blackberry, Cherry,tlinger, and Raspberry Brandies; Corclisis, Wine Bitters, Amster„dam Bitters, kc. Also, Arents and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on hand an es i'tensive stock offine old Monongahela, Rye and i Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly improved bf age. From our long experience in the businz , ss, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes 01 the community, we (Litter ourselves to Lc able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the-country (which are most re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. flliar'.lll goods sent from our establishment arc guaranteed to give Satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. .. _ GEORGE AltNt)l.,D,..at his 'Clothing Ern mint; has now fot his stuck of 'Spring and Summer ansi well astiortid. all of our own make, and warranted well made. We have just receive , l from the city, a large stock of Cloths, Cassimerrs, Drillings. Jeans, Italian Cloth, Parametta Cloth, Tweecls. Summer Cassi meres, Linens, Ve,stings, Sc., all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times. We have hands constantly cutting and making up, audit* we cannot please you in a garment ready made, we can take your measure and make you up a garment upon short notice. As usual Mr. Culp is always on the spot with shears and measure in hand, at your service. Please call, as we will not be undersold by any other establishment in town. [April 11, 18.5!). Great Reduction IN TTIR PRICE OF ME I. M. SINGER, k CO.'S SEWING MACIIINES.-11. lit:rust pro prietor of the State of Pemrsyirania, the counties of Philadelphia, Erie end Allegheny elcePted- The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of York, Adams, Cumberland and Lan caster counties, that be will sell S u gar's Sewing Marhines at rrdserd priers. Persons desirous o uprchasing a good ISewing Machine should by all means purchase one of Singer's, for they are the only machines that will do the'work that is required of a Sewing Machine. Call and examine and see for yourselves before purchasing else where. For beauty they cannot be Bypassed, and for durability cannot be beat—there bei ng now in use over 15,000 of Singer's Machines, which recommends them to be far superior to any other in use, 44.11 I ask is an examination of the Machine, and if yea have any notion of one you will be• certain to bay. Machines of every variety of Singer's on hand. Every family should have one of the Family Machines, for they are certainty a handsome and useful piece of (urniture. They are not liable to get out of re pair, and will last ybu a life time. Machine Silk, Weedke, Thread, Bobbins, Oil, he., &e.; at alt times on hand. All orders at tended to with dispatch. V. F. IMISINGEB, Agent, • 42 Market street, York, Pa. • Jan. 3, 1859, em SUOVns, FORKS k HOES . —k. lone lot just rewired at the new and fileSP der. at EtOorr k Sort. FILM° MATERIALS.--Maiats,Oileolke„ always oa baad and wiU be Webb e d... rates at IPAHNE orricens Good and Cheap ! Still at Work ! Fresh Fruits, E. P. MIDDLETON & 1:1110., No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia Fell. 7,1859. ly Cheap Clothing. &Tothla, or King's Evil; is a oonetitutlemal disease, a corroplon of the Weed, by which this fluid becomes -vitiated, +mak. and poor. .Iteing in tho circulation, hi =the wholo body, and may b unt uo on any part of it. No organ is freer h um it s attacks, nor is there oat which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial diocese, low living, dis. ordered or unhealthy floc!, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depreaPing victs, and, above all, by the venereal Infection. What. ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" I deed, it seems to bo the rod of Him who says, " will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition Nal* the' blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, it termed tuberclos • in the glands, swellings;,* art 4 ;g1 the surface . eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the e nenioa of life, so that scrofulous conatitu ! tioas not only matter from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far leo power to with stand the attacks of other diseases conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive disetuses of the liver, kidneys, brain. and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons arc invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system it e must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medial skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the mast active remedial. that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of the =from its destntetive consequences. it should be employed for the curt of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such an liaurnen and Sans litsgeses, Sr. ANTIIONY'S Iran, Roes, or EiLYSIYELAS. PnrLtu , Portetns, Ilumuss, Marx. and Botz.s, Tonows. Terrell and Batt Rurrst, SCALD II gin, ltixowown. RIIIIILLTIBI6 STPIittITIC and Mimi:must DIN IMES. DIIOPdT, DIMPErSIA, Druturr, and, Indeed, ALL CONISLAINTS AIMING YUMA VITIA• ran ow. Lamest IlLaon. The popular belief in " impwrityof els• blood" u founded in truth, for scrofula is a degenei talon of the blood. Tho particular purpose and virtue of this Siusara rills is to purify and regenerate this vital thud, without which sound health is impaille us contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR AU. THE ;IMPOSES OF A FAMILI FIRS* ars so composed that disease within the ratio a their action lan rarely witlxstand or evade theta Their penetrating properties search, and cleanses, and invigorate every portion of the human vegan. ism, correcting its diseased action, and metering its healthy shanties. As a eousequefice of the., properties, the invalid who is bowed down wan pain or physical debility is asuniished to gad hp, health or energy restored ty a remedy at owe so simple and lesion - . Not only do they more the everrdsy erimplaints of every lady, but also many Wieldable ai,d dangerous diseases. She agent below e.stend iv pleased to tarnish, gratis my American Ala.anao, containing certificates of their clues and dire,:tito,v for their mat ha the fMlowing romplainti: Vosidro mu, Heartburn, //radaeLearisixy,l, Oil diao,iere , l .Stomuch, .Nmes*a, /1444 Was, .1 . 600 sa uod .Ibo t•ial Inaction of Me Bevels, Eatutency, Lou of Arto• Ne t Jamaica, awl, other kinthtil comphoma, ariatng from a how atata of the Lod; to oLatimmuli. olio (minium. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FUR Tna IXAPIU CC' or Coaglir, Colds, Influenza, ficarseerss. Croup, Ilroichitis. Incipient Consainv. fiats, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. 80 wide is the field of its usefulness end an nu rflerous are the eases of its tures, Wm *hones every section of country abounds in persona pub. lids known, who have teen restored from alamoh and even deeper:de rheenres of fly/ limes by its use. When once tried, is superiors user every other medicine of its bind is tco appersnt So escaper obscrerthin, and where its virtues are knows, p u blic n o longer Le , irate ',hat antidote uramploy for the 6111re:wingg end dsueerous alleetions of the polmon.‘ry orgron. that are incident to our dinutte. While many inferior retordirs thrust vpon the eruntounity have failed and been discarded, this kna gaired friends by every trial, omfetted beutlits on the afflicted they can tieTCF Allget. and pro duced cures Ivo uutucrous and Wet muntkable to De forgotten. FREPARED RT Dg. J. C. AT 8c Co. LO-WELL, MASS. ,tl".9olii by A.l). Buehler; Gettysburg.— T.. 1. Cooper, near Cas'tom. ti—Pastuit & Co, Fairfiebl—and all Druggists. Oct. 18,18.8. euwly Sunbeam Gallery. TIE Flth:WiliOr Viould respectfully announce to the eit.7.ms of Gettysburr and the pub lic generall, that he has !mot idedVdmself unit an entire ntw and eplcn.lid SKI-UNIT AM BIiOTYPE ItOUM, at his residence in West Mid dle street. one Square it est of Fahnestuck's Store. 'Si Ilerc he is prep ire.' to farnish Andiro, Mcdtitm, Foam , I and Photograph Pictures in every stile of the art, NI hit It It^ N ill warrant to give entire satisfaminn. ami is prepared to fir commodme all is it h geael pi, tures, either sirmls or in groups. lie also hots a number of speci mens ut his room in Chatat,ers burg street, a h tv doors \Vest of Cobean & ('ulp's Shoe Store, where he still continues as li.rmerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of themselves and friends, will do well to give me a call, as I hat e reduced my prices to r.uit the present hard times, l'icteres copied from old specimens. (Wall kinds; also, inserted in Locket°, Breast Pius. Finger Rings, &c. The sub, riber being thankful to his friends and the public in . general for past patronage, wishes them to continue it, and assures them that its heretofore. they shall not be dissatisfied litirChar;ets front'so cents toslo. Hants (o operating from 8 .t. M. to 4P. M. (laid Locket., Itreastpins, suitable for miniatures, tthrays ett hand, at the very lowest prices. &f — Children will not be taken for less than 51 00. rar-Anibrotypcs taken for fifty cents and up wards, and in the best style. SAiltrET , WEAVES. • April 26, 1858. tf Tohn W. Tipton. -I.llAwATuiLw. , aqo to Tipton's--go,to Tipton's— Go to Tipton's in the corner— the corner in the Diamond-- In the Diamond near McClellan's lf you want your hair dressed finely If you want your face shaved smoothly, Bachelors who never knew it— Tip's the fellow that can do it— Do it in the latest fashion— Do It quick and do it neatly, And improve' your fine looks greatly, ' Make you look so yeang and sprightly, - Make you feel more young epd brightly, Make you feel like going nightly . To call upon some pretty damsel Who before would not look at you, • At you as you passed her daily, - . V V Daily on the publie„street.- And young men who wear use ' _ Who want some one to sew pettc,..tf o.d, Patches where your tireechee tear-- - •vtratirr.: Tip's the boy to stake up nude' :4I ...- Matches with some lady•fair. Then repair to Tipton's shop, Dandy, Fogy, Flirt and Fop Jan. 41;1858. -xr - . n.up „Walli v 4rtiber 4ospeetfilbs JOU. tile It, attention of thaPiatilie tobi bttn,, ll 4ock- 1 ,, of all Paper, aa4 saaotitless his mem " ; and customers, Oat. ha has made tursagetawata to pain on Mind a full and coniplaftvlise of maples from 8 tents up to 50 cents qat plitloos failimito be suited with .Ilia Page sweat °Oland; can select from Lis : aamjelltbk. !Lad be famished with, win r at saj F!Ci ill 'Loy, qgintity ou two or thiee_dap t uat Via::{, '59. 3 eliall 1*..1„ ....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers