The TriunliPbs of Genius. Dr. Beatim.—There are many heroes all •round us, upon whose brows the laurel wreathe of fame and of honor are twined ; but susidat atm all - the hero of medical skill etas& preeminent. While the military hero throws Around his path a train of countless genes, the man of science sheds peace and happiants upon all who come within his in fluence. Bach *hero is the celebrated Dr. Baakee, ! of Baltimore, and wherever the English lan guage is spoken his name and his praises , alike are heard. He gives special attention toughs, colds, consumption, croup, influ ents, asthma. bronchitis and all - diseases of the mouth, throat and lunes. In cases par taking of the nature of the diseases above numerated he is unrivalled ; while thousands allestedfacts trumpet forth his skill to the world. "All skin diseases, and all others, se a as lumbago, lumber abscesses, scrofula, rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, epilopsv, dyspepsia. piles and all derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. Also, all chronic diseases pertaining to women and children and in him a ready conqueror. The Doctor has on hand some thousands of kertificatee of his perfect success in curing cancers, old sores or ulcers, fistula. scald head, wens, swellings and tumors of eb cry .riescription, and without the use of the knife. His triumphs in these last named diseases have been such as to almost cause a douht of the truth of the azsert4lll, hut thn evidence* Are so numerous the. the mind cannot but give them credence. Were it absolutely neeessary we could till this paper with bowl _fide cnrc3 nj permanent cures, where the most unsightly masses of cancerous tumors have been eradi cated by the magical skill of the I) ,ctor. The Doctor has, also, in his search fc.r in. formation, made a new discovery of a euid that will produce perfect atc,urpticn of the " Cataract," and restore permanent vision to the eve, and all to be accomplished without the , use of the knife or needle. All diseases of the Eye and Ear, howsoeser et mplicated, can be by him effectually cured NNithout the application of any dreg led instruments of torture, and he likewise keeps on hand ton perior assortment of Tympanums or Ear Drums, Imitable for either sex, which can tni inserted in five minutes. With such a world-wide reputation—pos sessing so many adtanta:Ci as a physician and surgeon, and sharing the conndence of ull, is it a wonder that the Doctor has reach ed tha loftiest pinnacle of human greatness? There it not a city of any importance within the world but what his name has sounded within it in tones of praise, and those whom he has relieved user up to him the simple but pure adoration of a thankful heart. 'ilia Doctor is indeed a hero—one, too, that will not soon be forgotten. We would therefore advise those who sunr to delay no longer ; fur Pr. Baakee stands as a sentinel before the door of the tower of hope. and bids all to freely enter, Seek him—advise with him— end when you enjoy the full fruition of his skill and science, you will bless the power that ushered into existence the world•renown ed conqueror of disease. The Battle of Magenta. According to the French reports, more troops participated in the batttlo )f Magenta or rather the series of engagements designa t oil by that name, than in any other batt:e of the present century. At Marengo Napoleon Lad hut 32,000 men, while the Austrians had 40,000. At Austerlitz Napoleon had 70,000 men, and the Austrians and Russians 90,009. At Jena Napoleon had 80,000 men, and the Priissinns 110,000. At Eylau Naisilcon hail fi5,000 men, and the Russians fiti,ISX:I. At Aspen Napoleon had 80,000 men, and the Austrians 90,000. At Wagram Napoleon ha' 130,000 men, and the Austrians 100,000. At Waterloo Napoleon had 75,100 men, and the Allies, under Wellington and Blucher, 110... olio. While at Macenta the frees are esti mated at 1110,10,) to 1 . 30.000 French and ::ar dinialls, and 110,0 , 10 to 180,000 Austriens.- 13ut though the numbers engaged in the bat tle were almost unprecedenteilly large, it was evidently one of the least decisive of the great battles of the world's history. There was hard fighting on both sides, and the French, having gained theirpoint,crossed the Ticino, and driving their adversaries from their ba nter positions, are fairly entitled to the palm of victory. Yet there was- no rout 01 the Austrians. Prisoners were captured by both armies. The French took three Austrian cannon and two standards, and the Austrians took one cannon from- -the French. While Louis Napoleon reports that 12,000 Austri ans were placed horse tie combat, there are umors rt Paris that the Fietich loss was front 9.0011.t0 12,15k1 men. It the Austrians been Lucky beate`n, or had retreated in dis,rder, a much larger number 44 their can ) on would liaNe Leen captured, and there old have Leen a much greater disparity in the loss of the respective artniei. Altlion,;11 the Allies have so far I een alphant, _every inch of ground has been svarmly conte,ted, every vietury has been dearly pordiased, and in no instance hare they been able to prevent an orderly retreat their ad% ersarice, ur to humble them sub. ely in the dust, after the manner in la - hich the Great Napoleon generally conclu ded his famous battles.—b ees . The Penalty of Crime..—Doctor King, who wan recently executed at Kingstcro, Canada. for the murder of his wife, was, it seems, man of education arid refinement. Ile moved in what is called " good Souiety," and, from nll that we cam lenrn, was the centre of a numerous circle, of relatit es and friend-, who thought much and made much of him. With his wife he is said to Bate lived happil2, enough, until, in an evil moment, a certaiu young la ly, named Vandervoort, cro-sed his • .th. To thin person he became passionately n witched, and—the story is short—in artier to marry her he poisoned his wife, was tried for murder, c,onvleted, and then sent to the gibbet, to pay the penalty with his life. The Iron Intereste.—The Pittsburg Post says it is gratifying to hear that the iron manufacturing establishments all over the State are getting into full operation, with an encouraging prospect of increasing business A nd prodta near at hand. In Allegheny county new branches of the business are be ing prosecuted with much success. The re covery from the prostration of 1850, caused by unwise expansion of credit in banking, railroad, real estate and other speculative operations, has been speedy and complete,— In Blair, Lehigh, and other regions of the State, the furnaces are g.iing into operation vrith every prospect of success and profit. Mrs. Sickles.—The Utica Herald reports that Mrs. Daniel E. Sickles had taken rooms for the season at the Clifford Strings Hotel, and-that she will resist any application of her husband fir a divorce, and will furnish proof of infidelity on his part which will prevent any decree in his favor. A Mine of Antimony.—The St. Clairsville (Ill.) Gazette says, that a vein of antimony, two feet thick and almost solid, has been dis covered within two miles of Sr.. Clairsville.— Antimony is one of the ingredients of type metal—rworth about forty cents a pound— and it bas been supposed that it was only to be found in Gertrutoy. Aa 4414/naabie farmer =de his Isst will and testament in words few but signitleant: ie I have nothing, I owe nothing, d I give the residue to the poor !" mark sack rsoe is to come off at Richmond on Monday. The runners are to be sewed up t o bag, having only their heads out, and in this way they are to run. torTo prevent ash from smelling in the ~ ..erg—oat their noses o. wirA strap is sometimes a goo 4 thi ng to *trim razors and dull boys. pirAi what age an ladies most happy ? uremia of Tartar, it is said, mired with meal, will certainly care hog cholera. Speculators and the Prost. Bather Singular. The late frost_produeed all the non eon,. The way the body of the railroad condor. oternation in Western Ponnvivastia. (rem tor, drowned le Shrewshery (Vt.) pond, some the general scarcity of groin, and speenlatcres days ago, was found, was thus Same anticipated immense profits. The Waynee- quicksilver was pot in a hist of brown bread, burg Messenger gives the following, as indi- I and the latter placed in the water ; imme eating the temper of the people of Greene diateiy it started off like a live animal, county: " John Patterson bad purchased on I against a string current of wind and waves, speculation, a quantity of wheat, and had on and went as fast as some men who followed band at Rush's Mill, to the edge of Washing-' I it could rows boat, till it cane to where the ton county, about eighty barrels of flour.— body was found, which was sixty feet under When the blight came, there was but little ' water, and there atnppel. old wheat or flour in that region . , and Patter son asked $l5 per barrel fur his. On hut Friday some fifty persons and twenty teams, went in procession, in open day to the mill, took Patterson's flour, left pay for it at the rate of 2 , 6 per barrel, hauled it off, and divid ed it among those considered most needy.— Some of the most respectable citizens of that portion of the county were concerned, and public sentiment there justifies the act, upon the ground that the flour was actually neces sary to prevent famine, and that it was about to be removed. They were willing, and did pay a fair price fur it, and took the only means left to prevent it Laing removed to Wheeling, where Patterson had gune to sell it. A. quantity of wheat, lying at another point, and belonging to the same man, was similarly disposed of the same. day." 1-e Max° J ets_ GETTYSBUILG—Sartinoay Lamm Superfine Flour It) e Flour heat Corn, Pee Oats Buckwheat Itu,kwlleat Meal Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed Barley ............ Plaster of Paris I-laater ground, per bags BALTlllolls—hatui czar. 8 87 to 7 00 1 50 to 1 80 85 to 93 73 to BO 38 to 59 5 25 to .3 75 2 00 to 2 25 7 50 toll. 00 8 00 to 9 op 12 00 tole 00 •27 to 28 82 00 Floor.— IA Lent .. Rye Corn.... Oats a Clover Seed Tituuthy Seed , Beef Cattle, per hand, Hogs, per hand ...... Hay Whiskey ... Guano, Peruvian, per ton. .. ... II A NOV E Rr-TH VIJIDAY LW Floor, from wagons 6 75 Do, front stores 7 00 Wheat 1 48 to 1 GO Rye 87 Corn 72 Oats 60 Clover 5eed...,,. 4 75 Timothy Seed Muter YORK—Flimsy LAST. L Floor, from wagons....— ... 4 25 Do. from stores ......... ....—..... 7 25 Wheat 3, 1 45 to 1 55 Rye ... 85 Corn ....... —...... ...... 75 Oats 50 Clover Seed 4 50 Timothy 5eed...—....---«...—...... 2 00 Plaster —...—....«..—. 0 50 Special Notices_ HT Amon the may not retina which waters has @applied to relieve the allietteas of itamanity then la so more favorite woe for a cartels dam of dirroora than the • ratmlieloal gar " of the Wslit Cherry Troy ; bet bow avow valuable It is, rte power to heel, to soothe, to re lieve, and to mire, Is ooharroot toe (obi by aelontila sod judicious combination with other lisgrolienta r in theatielves of equal worth. ibis happy rolositwe mists is that 4. Combination and • faro Indeed " of loodielno koooro ui DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM Or WILD CHERRY, whore valus la caring Coasts, Cold', am,- etutia, W.lnoping Cough, Croup. A•tbma, Pulmonary •f -fectioas, gad isapilut eutoemptioa I. laeatimalAs. UJM raSitiliJNY Buernk, April 18,3832 s No. 48 Utpion at Idr. It'll W. Tosila—Dear Sir:—Yoor invaluable medi cine, I *an ,rely say. has literally saatrhed me flout tho pas*. Les* July I was attacked by a Ai/dam' Cold, which reliulted in • very severe Cough, with violent Pains In the Sid. and Cheat. 1 became so much reduced, that say frond* frankly told me that I mast die. At this crisis I herd of t 4 IMar's Lialeam of Wild Cherry, and immedlatOly mkt for a bottle. 2tmeneet produced era. indeed wonder. nil Illy physician. owe of the moot respectable in Beaton, *ho had previon•l y toid toe that a cur. was baptism. came le, and I Informed him what I had taken. He examined the Italram , and advised am to continue the use of at, slam which UM* I bAre COOLi•tIO4 to improve daily; and the same plirsician who had given me up, told ma, • few days slue, that I might pat lire many yams. Respectfully, NI ABS ROHR. wig can cheerfully testlfy to the truth of the above 'totem:Drat, 31ra. Lowe Lariakg hero an ion.ate of oar family. IC 1 1.1.1 8K,41% NTT, LAKTtIA Iia.NNETT Bemire of vile and worth lea counterfeit, ! The nely Genuine. Pore, and liedieirral Daiwa lane the eases of .•t. BUTTS " written with a pen, and the printed tonne of the proprietors, "S. W. IOWLIt k C 0.," con the outer wrapper. Prepared by Seth W Peel* & Co , Bestes, and ler sale bipA. U. Loorbler, thittroborg ; Jacob Tairailor. burg ; Stealer. Na. Order.; D. Y. Hollinger, Abbeite- Wen ; WilUam Wolf, Oast Botha; Pow, Bob Ilarrip. too; Win. B. Illotcolf, York Pprioirr; Jostoto A Skirts sin. Oaitabiarig ; sod by All dealers io f . . 1 QM LS. 4y TAX GREAT ENGLISII REMEDY !—Sll JAMU CLARKE'd Cimulaa,reo FRII ILI fr . / LLs. prepared from • prows/option by J Clarke, M. D Physatian Extraordi nary to the Quern This well known .roodicioe is no ito poeitlon, but a sure and safe remedy for Percale DrSlcalliee and Olotrvietions, from any cause whatever, and although A powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the coastitration. To M axl t, Lion ILS it Is peculiarly !suited It will, in a short thrum, bnag on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills bare never been ktrorn to fall .here the ilirectiocsa i,o Sl pax, of pirniallet are well olomerTe4. For further particulars get a 'pamphlet free of the sent, B and o ii,vtage 1a..11,1/1 encliwiesi to •ny avvUivor ia...l agent, will isoo.i re a bulge, containing over :4 pals by return of rutil T dr Sun, Wie.enale Agentot, A. D. thloll ler, Agent, Li ettplArg (June 13,'09. if AN ANC IF.NT MONSTER—The people ofAouth Jersay h‘re ref entle from • marl bed the skeleton of an animal, which mart have been of the ktneamo species, of niumtrous i.e, ltr hind legs must hare ken seven feet lone, the entire knot of the am,nal, tail included, at least is enty tire feet The head was small and Its neck thin , Its teeth about two feet klg, and so arranged no to tuna the ward.", ‘• thy your clothing of EalSe‘Ja, oilaiwite the Bank, tiettysburg." IIIODERN INVENTIONS —We know of no laventlon of noderra fin tal that deserves or is destined to occupy ■ higher niche in the tempi* of fame, thin the discovery or intro two of the Vegetable Epileptic Pills for enrirrr Epilepsy, or Palling Pita; Spasms Cramps, sat all the various modifi cations of Nervous Disease. Dr Beth 8. fiance, of itsB Baltimore street, i3eltiowire, kid the loreator, i■ certain ly entitled to the beet wishes of all the benevolent portion of mankind, who experience a pleasure by the alleviation of hains• suffering a hen Dr lianas first prepared U. 41.0 he intended them solely for Fits, Cramps and Spasms, but subsequent experience satisfactorily proved to him, that in aid ,tion to their remarkable sanative pro perties io this cisae of diseases, they exerted a perfect control over the eaters nervous system. Re was then In -duced to try them lo cosies of Neuralgia, Tic-Dokesex, Nervous Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, locipieut Paralysis, Uysteria. Muscular Debility, and a boat of colour diseases, spnriging from a lack of morrow' •nsrgy, is all of which his anticipations were crowned with the most Ima go ate imecess Persons at a distance, by writing and .end log a recnittanee to Dr. ileac*. can bare the inedieine for warded by mail to their poet °firm 'darer, he paying the postage. The prices are for a single box, 113, two boxes, $.5. or 824 per ,thsen. We have given Lila address abuse. June 6. Da IMPORTANT. YOU FEEL DEBILITATED. YOU ARE NERVOUS. YOU ARE WOWED ABOUT TRIFLES, YOU CANNOT WOLK WITH ENERGY. YOU DO NOT FEEL LIKE DOING ANYTHLNO. YOU HAVE NO APPETITE. YOU CANNOT SLEEP AT MORT. YOU FEEL WEAK. YOU FEELDULY. roe linotand's German Bitters; they will eon yell with oat Masi llittart are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackass, 4111 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa , sad are sold at 7$ coats per bottle, by druwata sod storekeepers is irrari tetra arid Wilsey la the tialeed States. Clamades and South MMUS. f*a that tile mismatch, or U. Y. Jelduee oe the wrapper of mob bottle. for lab hy A. D. Buehler Asset, Gettpilh deetersgesersUi throughoet thi mangy. Oahe= PJ14141. t SMITH, Om= or Swore AID ttssu itraltalth Pen testosta, Itartalbotarars of WWI. Geld, Sim, Patty, Yermisbes, kr. Whalerle dealers la Drama, Wiedeir Ole" Am— City sad Coutr7 elersitaats site &etre to parttime hots a 11140011DIMIL sad at /DONApilibis rums are respeettally re eassted to tempest oar goods. Oar Whits Lead, : 4 41" i t j yanor g o u s, are sold by Nor t e 4 i ll oleo . t Mlerad and salmis! saustaatios. LErties oleo emplahat N. ever rasettedas Sod year oaten direst. Ihtit. I, ly OQYPOIt?, PDX THE BALDPUBADIL—A Peale louse edi rrite r = "AU the great beaten are bald—all the ilia affairs, all Uhe atesegets at tbe Uses. aU Wa Akers of the inch all *a stilia= s a= M. ell the eeermietlere 'MAL all the The tears sal et Perla an bald i the irritate an ea laid. liessailig the figs or power, Air every gose: 1180 awl to these ‘1615, Udaks et Hal 3 41.14ithtorteria." thle *mato ell tha heed thlapiees ere distairsiehal by •Pwieg_ meal at the lan, elesikiag alba of MOU JUiI Mime, An. NS awl Ml Obeetaat eat,.', above Itiatb, Philadelphia. On the 19th inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler. Mr. JOHN A. SLAYRAUGH to .Miss ELLEN FOAL, both of Menalleu toe ti lop. On the 21st inst.. in Frederick, by the Rev. Mr. Cornelius. Mr. THOMAS W. MORGAN. Jr . to MilkA M. LIZZIE HOSKINS. only daughter of Capt. Geo. Hoskins, all of that city. At Springfield. Illinois. on the lilth 'net by the Rev. Janie Leeton, Mr AMBROSE J SELL, formerly of this place, to Miss SUSAN E., daugh ter of Wm. Hickman, Eeq all of Springfield. On the lith inst., in Menallen township, AN GELINE. wife of Mr. Thomas L. Taylor. and eldest daughter of Mr. John Milne, aged 35 years and to days. On the 14th, infant daughter of Angeline and Thomas L. Taylor. On the 21st itn4 , ANN E., daughter of Mold and Susan Roarbaugh, of Germany township, ip tier 13ti year. On !mt. DAVID ALLEN, son of Josiah and Edith Benner, of Strabau township, aged 6 months and 2' days. "Thus fades the lo‘ely blooming flower, Smiling solace of an hour; Soon our transient comforts fly, Pleasures only bloom to dir." C 50 3 25 1 20 to 1 40 On the 20th inst., EVE ANN, daughter of Mr. B. F. Thomas. of Butler township, aged 1 year 10 months and 7 days. Dear Eve lon bus gone to tier home on high, ?o that beautiful country above the br4ebtstyi Where free from all surrow,aocure from all pain, Forever with Jesus and God she shall reign. Farewell then, dear Eve Ann, 1111 God from the skies Shall bid thee lu glory triumphant to rims, To that heavenly hume wharf thy spirit 'ball dwell While eternity lasts! Fare thee well, fare thee ' well! T"euhseriber offorr at Private Sale, one and a half LOTS OF GIiOUND, on York street, Gettysburg, adjoining lot of Mrs. Culp on the east. and an alley nn the pi t n west, improved with a two-story Weath ertioarded House, a one-story Weatherboarded )louse, a good well of water, &c. Bar All necessary information can be had by calling on Nicstot.sit Comsat, Sr., in Gettysburg. ' June 31, 1859. 3t 1 50 6 50 AN pprentice to the Moulding bradmh wanted by the undersigned, at the Get tysburg Foundry." Cloud terms will be allowed one coming. well recommended. Early applica don desired. ZURBAUULI, SLUAT k CO. June YT, 1859. 3t MRS *embers of "Gettys Lodge," No. 124, are hereby uotibed that the Degree Meet. lugs of said Lodge will hereafter be regularly held on the FINN TUESDAY EVENING of each month, until otherwise ordered. JAMES Met:REALLY, ilec'y. June 27, 1859. it Farmers, Take Notice. aALL persons residing in York, Cumberland, Franklin, or Adams county, Pennsylvania; ord, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Howard, or Montgomery county. Maryland, are hereby cautioned not to purchase of A. Smith, in Ilan over, York county, Pennsylvania, or any of his Agents, the Slide Drill manufactured by said A. Smith k Co., which is an infringement on Hunt's Slide Drill, the Patent of which I am sole owner for the above counties. Any person in any of the above named counties purchasing (after this notice,) the above named Drill, man. nfactured by said A. Smith 4 Co., will be dealt with according to law. And said A, Smith k Co., are also hereby cautioned not to otaitufacture or sell the above named Drill in the above named counties, or he will be likewise dealt with. JNO. WANBAI:0II. York, June 27, 1839.. 3m lialltighby'e CELEBRATICD GU SPRING GRAIN DRILL, ' raanufarturell and fot sale in the counties of Cumberland, Adams, York and Perry, by F. GARDNER k CO., Carlisle, agents for the above counties. Orders for these Drills will be received at the Agricultural Warehouse of Messrs. Sheads, Buehler & Kurtz, Gettysburg, or they may be purchased of our Tnivelling Agents, Orders addrel.sed to us, at Carlisle, will receive prompt attention. Farmers are invited to ex amine the Willoughby Drill, which took the First Premium at the various State Fairs last fall. Several of them may now be seen at the above Agricultural Warehouse. Price $7O casb, or 375 on six months' time. *Er The above Drills are MAO 801,d in Adams county by ROBERT S. PAXTON, (agent for Daniel St rock, vc be manufactures them,) at Oct. tysburir. ' , airfield and other places lu the county. May 16, 1859. 3m ALETTER from the 'lola. EDWARD Ernierr to the Pubhihers: A. CH7CTLYNEN :—The box containing the view of MOUNT VERNON arrived yesterday. I am greatly obliged to) ou for-this pleasingapeelmen of printing in color*, which. beAhle3 it/ interest as a repre*entAt ion of the spot whicb, more than any other, endears itself to the heart of the c...untr). is worthy of attention as a successful attempt to place 1; orks of art of this kind within the reach of the great mass of the community. 1 remain, gentlemen, x ith many thanks, i.e., Very respectfully yours, EDWARD EVERETT. The subscribers have just issued a picture of mousT VF.RNON, printed in FIFTEEN OIL. COLORS, by a new and improved process, by which pictures that have coat from $3 to can he purchased for FIFTY CENTS. The size of our engraving is 18 by 20 inches; on super calendered heavy plate paper. Price 50 cts., postage paid to any part of the rnited States. J. 11. BYRAM I CO., 112 South Third Street Philadelphia. War Agents wanted in every county-through out the Union. [June 27, 1858. Nanc - g • w YORK TYPE FOUNDRY has now on hand an immense stock of Roman Type, NW Type, Copperplate Script, German Type, Music Type, Ornaments, Chess and Checker Type, Borders, Brass and Metal Roles, Leads, Brass and Electro Circles and Ellipses, Labor- Saying Ilnles.Corner Quads, Metal Fn rnitn re. etc. The types are all cast by steam power from the hard metal peculiar to this foundry. The unequaled rapidity in the process of casting en ables me to sell these more durable types at the lowest prices of ordinary types, eitherfor cash or credit. _ Presses, Wood Type. Tnk, Cases, Sticks, etc., furnished at the manufacturers' lowest prices. A specimen pamphlet of Fonts of Letters only, and prices, mailed to printing offices, on the re ception oiseven cents, to pre-pay the postage. Printers of Newspapers who choose to pub lish. this advertinement, including this note, three times before the let day of August, 1859, and forward meone of the papers, will be allow ed their bills, at the time of making a purchase from ma of Bre times the amount of my manufac tures. Address, GEORGE BRUCE, '73 Chambers St., New York. June 2?, 1869. 3t LofBE Commissioned Ofiteetwoorithin the bon nds the id Brigade, 4th nisi/ion. of the ean's Militia, are hereby notified that the Kleatkon for Major Getters' of the 4th Di vision will be held in Gettysburg, at the Nagle Hotel, is Monday, tAs 4tA d of July, between the hours of SA. aad '4 P. M., of said day, WM. F. WALTBR, Brig. Greet. June 20, BM. td ("MAR WAllit.-LA large assortment at re dared prices at IMENILSTOCES'. Married_ r,lecl_ Private Sale. GEORGE W. CRONISE Apprentice Wanted. I. 0. of O. F. Mount Vernon. Doe Toe, Bth June, 1859 Bruce's Military Election. 33altiro.c•re .A.d.Nr`ts3. ALND PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.—Tbe sub.. fiber has con-t.tatly on hand a full u.sortnicnt of materials for the UF , !. of Artists, Pamters and Pitotogrophers. A 1,., i„)a Laid a large and lieautitul aniortment of Ste,-,copte hem meats and Views, enibrat lug every variety of Foreign and American Landscapes, Sta tuary, Parlor and Iliiral Groups, d - e. The beauty and interest of the Stereseopic Views upon the par lor table furnish a never ending source of en tertainment both to visitom and the home circle. COUNTRY MERCHANTS supplied on Use paost liberal terms. W. A. WISONG, No. 2 N. Liberty St., Baltimore, 311 Juoe 27, 1859. ly Money Saved By BUYING GRUCtijIIES from 1100 K 4. 'LILL Iris, $. W. corner of Lexington and Green streets, BALTIMORE, MD. You we 25 cts, per pound You we 50 cts, per bsrrel Coakams. You save 50 eta. per barrel in buying Flab. You sore from 2 to 3 dollars per 100 pounds in buying Bacon. You save from 1 to 4 etc per pound in buying Sugars. You save from 3 to 6 eta. per pound in buying Coffos. You sari fro4l 2 10 14 cis, pm. gallon in buying Molasses, In short you can save money In the Grocery /Ins by buying of HOOK k BALDWIN, 8, W. corner of Lexington and Green ate., If •ny body doubts it let them give us 0X 2 TlllBl., And if tbe7 are not satisfied we will be content that they shall buy somewhere else We warrant every article we Ben. We pack all goods securely, awl charge nothing for packing AAklif the Goode are nut as represented, They can be returned Perron finding it inconvenient to visit Baltimore, Can order of us through the Mail euil may rely upon having their orders Promptly and satisfactorily attended to. ifo`NO CHARON MR InIATAGIL'iIii. HOOK k BALDWIN, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, S. W. corner of Lexington and Green Its., Jan. 77, 1859. Uan.24. ly..j Baltimore. FIRE AND BPROLAR PROOF SAFES, Bank Locks, Vault Doors, &c., manufac tured in Baltimore,-.Persona in want of these articles will find it much to their advantage to purchase from the manufacturer, where they can find a large stock, and have any they desire built to order at a low price. Miller's Safes and Bank Securities have long been manufactured in New England, where they are considered indispensable to those who want perfect protection from fire and thieves. For prices, sizes, *c., send fur a circ Parties ordering safes are requested to return them gamy espouse if not perfectly satisfactory. L. H. MILLER, 159 North st., opposite Cali ert :Station. June 27, 18.55. iy ltultimurc , Nd. $3O Dollar Sewing Machines! 11. TO MORE SITTING rp 11 STITCH, STITCHING!--Mis days' wurk done in one day, by Hubbard's Double Thread ?molly Sewing Machine, having a tension Su perior to anY in use. Sewing done by them will not rip. Every family in the land ought - to have one at the reduced price of Thirty Dollars, with 311 handsome. Stand. The work they do will pay for one in a single month. Instruction sent with each Machisse. Send in your ordersa, Address E, NICHOLLS, Corner of Pratt and Howard, Baltimore, Md., where Machines and samples of Sewing can be seen. [June 13,1859. ly 4T COBKAN k CULP'S.—AII the new styles of HATS and BEIOE-4—Trunks, Carpet , Umbrellas, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Saddles, Bridles, Ply-nets, Bum Barnes% kb., cheep for sash, at the situ Of the Big BuW. June 97, 1859. MITE best quality of ICE can now be bed of the undersigned, which he will deliver every morning. Orders can he left at the resi dence of his father, in York street. DAVID TROXEL, JR. June 20, 1839. 3t Up with the Times! TACOBS k BRO. have ju+t received from the city a very large assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Summer Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Sti , penders, etc.— Having bought unusually low fur the ca,h,tlie, are enabled to sell CHEAPER THAN EVEII— excellent full cloth suit, made up, fur $l3, for instance. Give them a call, at their new establishment, in Chambershurg street, a few doors west of the Diamond, before purchas ing elsewhere. [June 13, 1859. ILLIAM D. GOBBECIIT'S ESTATE.— Letters of administration on the estate ofl to of. I). Gobrecht, Esq., late of Franklin town ship, Adams county, deceased, hating been granted the undersigned, both residing in Co donis township, York county, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement, to BENJAMIN LEESE, GEO. T. BARE, At/minis:Mors. or to their Attorneys, M. & W, MeeLiAn, Get tysburg. [June 20, 1839. 6t c ] ItIIEDIATELY, Merchants, Ilotel-keepers, and private families, to know that COVER A UIIN are selling at their Wholesale and Re tail Liquor Store on Railroad Street, a superior article of Liquors of all kinds for less money than Will ever offered to the people of Adams county. Call and examine our stock. Fine Liquors for Medicinal purposes. May 2, 1859. Lumber. A NY variety of LUMBER as be had at the Coal sod Lumber Yard of EIHEADB, BUEHLER I KURTZ: March 14, 1850. Dissolution of Partnership. partnerslip heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of na rrs Taws., in the Floor and Grocery busi ness, is dissolved by mutual osiment this day. , -- /al .persons• indebted to said firm will please come and settle, The books will be left at the old stood. WILLIAM GILLEBPIII, HENItY THOldAiik Gettysburg, /nue 6, 1859. at subscriberrospectfully lathes the rit- T et ilE teation tbe Ladles to his fall sod soil- p a assortrasat of LOMB' $MO=l sod Mil- TRW, or almostray style sad color. Call sod maths' yosuirelr—no trouble to show giods —at H. F. licILII1EIr& Artists', Painters' la buying Tea In buying Flour on moo. every Article •t oar expanse L. H. Miller's More New Goode, Ice! Ice! Ice I Notice. Wanted . , Here We Are Again - ! irUST boss the city with the best sad cheeps egt assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES at we have yet •ffeSed, calculated to please : all persons in quality and prices; SUGAILS, a' very large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco tat*, nice, Cheese, Spiess, (all kinds,) Crackers' and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar.tared ' 11.013 and SHOULDERS, Lard, Shad, Mackerel and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets,' kc.; Baskets, Flour Seines, Broom., Brushes, kc.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye;' Extra and Superfine FLOUR. all kinds of Feed; ! Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly on band ; Fusmoy Goods, liontectionaries and Fruit. (lire us a call. ly affords ns pleasure to show , our large and inviting stock. NURBECK ix MARTIN. Gettysburg. May 30, 18:4. MANTILL.kS, .k r . .—Another new arrival purchased at Auction at reduced prices, and which will be sold at rates that defy compe tition. Our stock of Caps and Usutillas is the large , t Oft" cr. kef,t in the eonety. asid for styles, and cheapacso, it only requires an examination to induce those wiwhing the article to purchase. A large and general assortment of all kinds of Ladies' Dress Hoods always on hand, to w hich we are constantly making additions. FIHNESTOCK BROTHERS, June 13. Sign of the fled Front. New Store! TEW FIRMA NEW GOODS !—A.. SCOTT 111 A SUN take pleasure in announcing to the public that they have just opened a new and complete Dry Goods and Grocery Store on the curlier of Chamberaburg 111.)11 WaEllangtOn streets, in the Borough of Gettysburg, opposite the '• Eagle Hotel." where they are now and will be prepared at all times to offer bargains to suit the purse and please the people. By conducting our business on the CASIT SYSTEM, with the motto " Quick Sales and Small Profits," and by pursuing a strictly hon orable course, we hope to receive the encourage ment, not only of the citizens of Gettysburg and Adams county, but the rest of mankind. We bate just returned from the cities with a hand some assortment of SPRING k SUMNER GOODS, embracing all manner of Ladies' Dress Goods, of the most beautiful styles, Fancy Ar ticles, Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Clotho, Cassimeres, Vestings, kc. Also, a large assortment of QUEEN/WARR. Our stock of GROCERIES i 1 also large and complete. We will not take time to particular ize, bat invite all to Call and see—no trouble to show goods. A. SCOTT it SON. Nay 18, 1859. Baltimore Foreign Attachment AIISTIE JENKINS and Al•• 1 No. 28,.Aag. FRED /ENEMA, doing i T., 1858. 1 unseen under the name emit/no Foreign At. of. Edward Jenkins k Sone, es. tachment. Charles W. Hoffman. AD41.111 COMITY, as. The Commonwealth of Penney'. 4140 TAAL% to the Sheriff uf said etinnty— d greeting : We command you that you attach Charles W. Hoffman, late of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in whose bands or possession soever the same may he, so that he be and appear before our court. of Common Pleas to be holden at Get tysburg. in and for said county, on the 1.5113 day of August next, 1859, there to answer Austin . Jenkins and Alfred Jenkins, doing business un der the name and firm of Edward Jenkins k Sons of a plea in debt not exceeding $1300; and also that you 111112111011 all persons in whose hands or possession the said goods and chat tels, lands and tenements, or any of them, may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before oar said Court at the day and place aforementioned, to auss - er what shall be objected against them or him, and abide the judgment of the Court thereon, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Ron. Hobert J. Fisher, President Judge of said Court, at Gettysburg, this first day of J tine. A. D. 1859. JACOB DUSIIEY, Protley. By Thine of the above Writ, I hare attach ed the following described Real Estate of Charles W.Hotfman, the defendant therein,vix: No. 1. A Lot of Ground, situated in the borough of Gettysburg, on the north side of Chambersburg street, and frontiag thereon 22 feet, with a double Brick 1/welling House, Smith Shop and other boprovensents. - No, 3. A Lot of Ground, fronting on said Chau/hen/hum street, adjoining lot of Abraham Scott, with a two-story Brick Dwelling House and other improvements thereon. No. 3. A Lot of Ground, adjoining No. 2on the east, fronting on said Cbambersburg street 39 feet, with a Stable thereon. No, 4. A Lot of Grogad, adjoining No. 3on the east and No. I on thi west, fronting on said street 25 feet, with a large tlosehmaker Shop and other improvements thereon. No. 5. A Lot of Ground. lying west of,the Foundry, on the earner of the Railroad and Franklin street, in said borough, with a Steam Grist and Saw Mill thereon. No. 6. A Lot of Grouud, adjoining No. 5 ou the west, containing 9 acres, more or less. • No. 7. Three Lots of ("rutted, each fronting 90 feet on the north side of said Chamberaborg street, adjoining luta of H. Jerome Walter on the east. No. 8. At Lot of Ground, on said Chambers burg street, adjoining a public alley on the north, with a Stone Basement fur a House thereon erected. • The said Lou, from No. 3 to No. 8 inclusive, being unoccupied. ISAAC LIGHTNER, !Owl,. Sherirs Office, Gettysburg. 1 June 6, 1859. at Notice. PETER efIOSTA'S ESTATE.—Letters tes tamentary on the estate of Peter Croeta, late of Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased, haring heel' grunted to the undertigued, resid ing in the same pl.ixe, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the save to preseut them proper ly autlieutoAted for settlement. JOEL B. DANNER, Executor. May 30, 1P59. 6t MO TAN-PATERS—Notice is hereby given that the County Commissioners will make an abatement office per emit. upon all State ■nd County taxes ansessed for the year 1859 that shall be paid to Collectors on or before Friday, the Ist of July. Collectors will be required to call on tax-pacers on or before the above date, and mike such abatement to all persons paying on or before said day, and pay the same to the County Treasurer, otherwise no abatement will be made. By order of the Commissioners, J. M. WALTER, Clerk. May 2, 1R59. td pus undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry 13. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner Ziegler,Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general, Having retired from the Mercantile business, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore , notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay, The books sill be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNER, May-25, 1858. DAVID ZLEGLER. M!r i M: II IFIIWIWT , TII k)AS8ING1111. Trains on the Hsnover Branch Railroad now run as follows ; irst Train leaves Hanover at 8.14. A. M., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Harris bUrg, Colombia and Philadelphia. Second Trait leaves Hanoverat P, W., with Passengers for Baltimore and intermediate points. Ruts Train on every Tuesday and Saturday leaves Hamer*, at 4.116 P. IL, with for Yotk, Harrisburg, 4c., reneruing= imagers from Baltimore. D. B. ?ROHR, Ticket Agent. Hanover, Nay SO, 1149. Bonnets AND 00008.—A large and feeldeamble ofßoanets, riming oat at laud pries*. A Awls ordeal of Roardurs, Flowers, • Ribbons sad Mode of Millinery Trimmings which will be sad cheap. .Cell wt once et TAICIRSTOCKS' Mum State. Lace Caps, Notice Notice. New Boot & Shoe BSTAILISITMOTT, in the N. W1:4 10 corner of the Diamond, Gettys g, Pa.—The place to buy in or der to fare swag/ !—The "mbar-Tibor would most respectfully inform the citizens of Gettysburg and surroundipg country, that he has opened a large Boat Sad ~13b‘k Establishment, in the northwest corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, in the rooms recently occupied by D. WiUs, Esq as a Law Office, where he has sow on hand, and will continue to keep for sale, an extensive va riety of work, of his ewe manuficturc. The work is made up in the hest and most durable manner, including all the newest styles, and einbeaces BOOTS k SHtUES, Men's, Wonien's and Children's GAITERS. in short, every a rtii le usually to he found in a first establl,li meat of the kind. He lies now and will continue to have emidoyed a number of workmen, hard to beat," to make up customer work. That he NI ill 1101 CHEAP, is easily pros en. Give him a call, examine his Boots, Sloes and Gaiters. and get his prices. With unexceptionable curl and low rates, he hopes for and expects a fair shalt of the public's pittruLlage. are informed that he al ways keeps on hand " UPPERS." for Shoes and Gaiters, ready for bottoming, u hick he disposes of on pleasing terms, JOHN I.I.tLLIVLOt. April 4,1849. ly The Sickles' Trial 1:OR THE SHOOTING OF KEY", and the Ex ecution of Four Murderers in Baltimore. created 6ke greatest ex.citetnent. The pa pers are tilled with details of these shocking af fairs. The people t:.:1: zimut it on the streets and in their houses, and look upon the,e trae dies as being unparalleled in hi.t, ry. So it with PICK ING'Si'LI ing just Open ed the largest and most cotnplete, 1.1 , Ns di as the cheapest and be:t. it-sortment of READY-M ALE CLOTHING, of every description and -tale, , rer offered in this place. the people talk :shoot it on the highwupi and in their houses. urging each other to go at once to Pic king',4 and purchase a new suit of clothes. But joking aside, we as sure the public in alt Lawlor that our stock cannot be surpassed—consisting in part of Black ('loth Coats, Cassimere Frock and S ick Coats, Tweed and Linen Coats. nod to ew..ry kind that the market. can produce. \ e..ta of every description. Punts to suit ail cla-ses and conditions. Shirts, Collar 4, Stockings, Gloves, Suspenders, kc., ike. Also, Carpel Lags, Flits brellas, Trunks. Accordc.ons, balms, iii sheet everything usually found in his line. Thaokful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same. Call and examine our stock—no troublt to show goods. Remember the place, in Chain bersburg street, opposite the Lutheran church. April 18, 1859. • F. B. PICKING. To the Farmers. N .r ANNY'S COMBINED BEATING k MOW ING MACHINE wolf WOoD'S IM I'IIOVE- E .—The undersigned, Agent for the sale of Manny's Combined Reaping nod Mowing Ma chine with Wood's Improvement, for Adams county, offers them to the public, knowing them to he the best combined machine in nse. It has been successfully introduced into different parts Of our State, and I have thus far sold ziri-nme in Adams county, all rendering sati.faction.,- The machine received a silver medal nt the State Fair—also, the first Premium at York, Cumber 'and, Centre, Huntingdon, and other county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Farmers need ing a Reaping ]Lachine, will pkbuse call upon the undersigned, before purchasing, us he al ways takes great pleasure in showing the Ma chines and warrants them to do good work.— Early orders are solicited, as the number re ceived from the manufacturer will be iu propor tion to the demand. SANCTI. HERBST, Agesi, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, Getty4burg, April 11,-1859. 3m Dr: M'Lane's CELEBRATED VERUIFt GE k LIVER PILLS.—We beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the 'A" Physicians of the country. to two of the most r popalarremediea now before the public. We 14 refer to DR. OVA S.III.AN CELP.IIIt.ITE I) 7.71 VEILIIIFLIGE AND LIVEN PILLS. We do not recommend them as universal hut simply for what their name piirport , z, N i 7.: The VW:M/11;1:11E, for expelling Worms train = the human system. It has .also hero itilinitti3- tered with the most satisfactory re: alt., to t v riousAnimals subject to Worms. The LIVER cr . : PILLS, for the Curt of Lorre CouruircrA. ail :; 2 1 DKRANGKIIIVITS, SICK iiXAD-ACIIE, In eases of FISK& AND .tuts, preparatory to or after taking Quinine, they almost invaria bly make a speedy and permanent enre. e. As specifics fur the above mentioned dis easesrthey are unrivaled. and never known to Gail when administered iu accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popnlarity has in- ;,1 dared the Proprietore,FLEMlNG II itt a BURS. Pz PITTSBURG, P.A., to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been successfully g; engaged fur the last 20 years, and they a ill ?,0 now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. N'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great retuediel of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Ite•t and Purest materials, and coutpcned them in the most thorough manner. Addres. all order, to FLEMING BIRITHEM, • l'itt-blirg. It P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will du well to write their orders distinctly, and ta kr none bait Dr. .W Lase's, prepared by Pllhr4urg, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail post paid. to I.liy part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve three-eent poAage stamps. or one vial of Ver mifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All or deni from Canada must be aceompauted by twen ty cults extra. . For sale by A. D. Buehler. Agent, Gettrhurg, and by dealers generally throughout ;he county. May 2, 185.9. ly Proclamation. WHEREAS the llou. Rouser J. FISHER, President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas iu the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery-, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and DAVID ZliaiLKIL and ISAAC B. WIER.- MAN, Sags. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Dyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 20th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty-nine, and to me directed, fur holding a Court of Common Picas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on ifondoe, r.e 1511 i day of August next—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, 'Examinations. and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. ISAAC LIG HTNER, SAeriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,t June 20, 1839. to f County Treasurer. K, B are requested to announce JACOB BEIBADB, of Gettysburg, u a candidate for linty Treasurer ' subject to the decision of the next Desnocrstic County' Conyeatiqn. June 6, 1869. to Still They Come! aracitbsojest received another heavy stock S of GOODS, whisk for quality and cheapness cannot be surpassed in the county. Itaingites everybody to call and see `for thebbdvea.— " Small profits and quick sales," is" kb motto. Gettysburg, May 30, 1859.! Notice > LusACM mamma REITATIL—L444“I9999- iesw sallealtabe atiladsob Weifich, late ei tormildp, Adiumpleowtr. door*, Aar* wesigimusetothswilisomuluois iu some =le beetti r (7l -**l the Paw to Prelel!to theft pope* anti', 4..,'6 00 . for settlement. IMTER WEIR , Key 23, '59. 60 Rceetotor. BA,It4 F Yrit3Z'E3 AClV't~_ A. Mathiot & Son's SOFA AND ? RNI7OIIIII W11.0110611P1, Nos.' 2.1 and 17 11. Gay street, Baltimore, (near kayette iL,) extending *am Gfty to Prodariek rt.—the largest establishment of the 'kin% in the Union. Always On band a large assortment of OFPICE PIItNITIISIII, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Afattresses of husk, s7utton and link, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, ATM Chairs, Rucking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Bat ; tee. 4. teception and Upholstered Chairs, ASI SURTEII COLt IRS OF COTTAGE FtliSlTt'llE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, and Cradles, Hat Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are Invited to call and give our stock an examination, which' for variety and quality of workmrnship is nut equalled by any establishment in the COG Eltl3. A. lIATHIOT & WE& Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay matt. !tug. 2, Ins House Furnishing GOODS, No. 11 North /toward street,. two doors North of the Howard Honse.--The undersigned, hexing made large additions to his stock, is prepartd to furnish Ilousekasiters., Country Merchants andithers, with such crtieles as they want, on the vary brat terms. lint:suss : IVhitewask, Sweeping, Dusting, P.tint, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shaer, Shoe, scrub and Horse Brublies. WOODEN-WA ILE : Such as Tubs, Buckets, liCnStlreS, Tur Bucket;, Churns, Mauls, Rolling Pini, Butter Prints, Ace. Brooms, Baskets, Mats and Cordage. Masser's 5 minute Ice Cream Freezers. Ilefrigeraturs, ugright and chest—the mo-t appro‘ c l kind;. Water Coolers, in Wool/ ur Meal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's atlA other most appro‘ ed Fruit aril Vegetable Pre ser in Cans, plain Tin-n—tr , , .Lip.dined, Block Tin. liiit.tiinitt and Plated ;la Forks ,1 1; ,1 ;41,untri, Urns. COLYee 10..1it Boiler , . Waiter , . Chaffing Dishes. Eattrs anl Fork:, Waffle Irons, Sauce Pans, • Scales Intl Weight+, Coffee Mill:, Table Castors, Old Domin ion Coffee Puts, Ship, el and Tongs, Nurse Lamps, Toilet Set: Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knife Cleanerg, Wire Dish - Covers, Table Mats, together ith a t a riety of articles useful and nevessarpn Housekeepers. Ruhr & Davis' Patent lixeelsior 'Washing Machines. Plain Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and Brushes of et ery deseriptlon, mat At.. Sac third to order. GEO. A. MILLEI, No. 11 North Howard st., Baltimore, lid. March 11, 1859. ly New & Riob JEwnny, SILVER WARP BILYZR PLAT ED WARE, k.c.—A. E. WARNER, Gall alba :-ilvtr , mith, No. 10 NORTH GAT STIMTT, BAL. TIMGRE, MI)., has in store a beautiful assort ment of ityles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for pre:ents, embracing, n great variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car bunkles. ke., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond. Ruby, Pearl, opal, Emerald, he., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest k. Guard Chains, Miniature Locketa, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rim; Pencils and Pen+, :geese Buttons and Stubs, Cold -and Jet Crosses, J‘t Bracelets, Pins Jt Ear Rings, Alm ALS 0 , A yariety of silver Mounted ,k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Stan& Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Span* Fork 4, Ladles, Fancy Artit les, all of which is respectfully offered on the lowest terms I se,_The Country Trade and Dealers generally are iu%itcd to give tne a c.d.', and examine Goads and Prices, being satisfied that my SILVER WARE' cannot be surpassed either for fineness or qu tlity, or the latest and most beautiful patterns. January 17, 1859. ly J. B. McClellan, DEAT.ER in FIATS, CAPS and CHILDREN'S FANCY GOODS. No. 343 West Baltimore Jti ert, near the Eutaw I fome. Baltimore, keeps on hand all goods of the best make and latest Ftyle to be found' in a first OILS Te Li aid store. A yell from persons visiting thsl/: solicited. I)ec. 20, 18504. CiM* George M. Bokee, TAPOTITEItnud Dealer in CHINA, GLASS, k Qr . E..NSWAIIE. No. 41 North Howard St., I,etx%e( n Lexington and Fayette Streets, Haiti )l,l. [Dec. 30,•1858. ly B. T. Hynson, UPIIOLSTEItEII, PAPER HANGER, AND VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. .;2 North Howard street, one door above Lexinpion, BALTIMUSLIC. Pip.r 7hgagiag..—Con3tantly In store, Ptyar Ifa ogings of el ery description, end of the la:r3 and tuu.t approved patterns. Also, Borders Fire Board Prints, kc. Venetian Illuids.—Keep3 on hand, oad IRASIIO facture , to order, Venetian Blinds of tal alum, sizes and qualities, which will compare favor's bly with any olTered to the public. BE2y-Pktper Hanging done in the best style.-- Old Minds repainted and trimmed, or exchange. Mar. h 7. 1439. First Premium 17NAIIELI.FiD COTTAGE FURNITURE.— r/ R. W. HEYWOOD, No. 10i North Charles idreet. Baltimore, hat ing been engaged for the I.tgt 17 years in the manufacture and sale of the alio% e desirable Furniture, suited to country residen , e,, has on La id a large variety, manufac tured expres.dy for r2tail eale4. Oak and Walnut Chamber Sets, Oak and Walnut Extension Tables, Dining fog in and Fancy Chairs, Sideboards, Hair and Husk "Mat tre,,eA, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, kc., kc. March 31, 18'9. ly Wm. Knabe & Co., Nos. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Entavg Street,— S.ILI•:SRUU)i No. 207 Baltimore Street, between Charles and Light—BALTMORM, Md., Manufacturers of Gold Medal Premium GRAND ANI) SQCABE PIAN O FORTES, Wm. Kuahe k Co. would respectfully invite the attention of the public, and those in want of a FlitST PI t ` (I..ttrtbcir as surti d sto. k of in , tr.o:tl.t. far power and qW(4.I.IIeSS 911.0•1‘.. tie touch, and beauty of fini-11. ha%,•, id judge•, hot•a pronounced uhrivaled he 1 , ny in t:,e coun try. As to the relative merits of our i',.incis t we would refer to the Certificates of I•;xcellence in our possession, from THAi l l3l , lol., STRAKOSII, G. SArl'Ell and H. VIEUXTEMPS, as also froui some of the most distinguished professors and amateurs in the country; also to the following HIGHEST PREMIUMS, received within the last three years: GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1835, 1836, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington ' 1857; also, MEDAL at the Fitinklin Institute, l'hilathd phia, 1836; FIRST FISMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1855, 1856 All instru ments of our manufacture have the fall iron frame; and are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. gs_Particular attention paid to the selection of Inatruniente for distant orders, and ft privilege of exchange granted at any time within six mos, if the instruments should not prove entirely Ratio factory. A liberal discount to -Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to their *dean. tago to give us a call, as by greatly increased facilities, we-are enabled to fill all orders with dispatch. sey—Constantly on hand, a large assortment of M/ILODEONS, from the best Faetories. • SECOND-HAND PIANOS at Great Bargains, at prices from $3O to $l5O. Pianos Ilse!lmaged, Hired and Tuned. A call is respectfully solicited. ' "WILLIAM MOE A CO. January 17, 1859. ly New Lumber Yard. T HE undersigned -hare opened t Laster Yard, at their Warehouse, corner of . Stra tus' street and the Railroad, Gettysburg, where they now hare Lumber on head and will eon stonily keep a large assortment, to widekthey ask the &Motion of bares. Their pdoes are as low as the lowest, and no.. its spared to ao. eommodate. KLLNEVELTER, REITZ, I CQ,.: `Also, COAL k LINE at the lowest Oskar. Ruth 21, 1859. 8m , Lumber 41c DAL itA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers