Important Decision . of the U. B. Su preme Court. Ae important decision was dolivored its itllifinpronie Court on Monday, by 05AC Justice Taney, in the case of tho United klotes vs. Sherman 11. Booth, I the &prune Court vs. Error to Su- Prose Wort of Wisconsin. The main points of the case are, in brief, as fol. loivs t The case involved the right of State carts to release on habeas corpus par- Ufa in custody under process of the , United States for offences against the laws of the United States. This was dohs by the court below in the instance of. sit *direst under j udgment by the hairier Court of the United States for violation of the fugitive slave law.— The whole conduct of the court belo w was bold to be totally illegal and virtu ally revolutionary; that the marshal had a right, and it was his duty, to resist by force any such interference on Itrrt of the State powers; and that . gitive slave act was clearly COO stftatsonal. This is, of course, a mere outline of the opinion, which is under stood to have been unanimous. It moat put an end for the future to all contests between the United States and States as to the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law; and all attempts t hereafter by State courts to interfere officers of the United States in carrying it out will be regarded as revo lotionary, and treated as such. sittrxr. Sickles, who killed Key, was formerly a newsboy in e w York. 4 ,ispeclal Notices_ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.—Lt &woe u If the phartnatiorea ware larealiaally to be aarrowad down to two specifics, Oat t,eseilere PRY and Olatatawt. W. buss coavened with in. who have witarood the effect of the Pills is emu Cl epilepsy, ordinary entavolswee, spasms, bilious sobs, paliatatioa of the beam dyspetnia, etc , sad they all tell the same story of their efficacy Lod infallibility, &a, too, of the Ointoleat. The general opinion seeaato I» that tt suer (AIL; to ulcerous and eruptive care. It is as latipatabls fact that thaw, beet acquainted with this pre parations bars the moat Impt ott ociarldaswe Is the... Acperiecie• teaches as that delicacy prevents moo, Gooks from applying for the amens to alleviate sultoring end mere MM. That otbection is obviated in the am* of •• flfr James Clerks's Female Pills, proposed after the pme mirispeboa et Sir James Clarts, Phydeiast to the Queen of Xegbusit, mad von kaows to be Um oaly sere ull nib sew* for teem% ask obstructions frone,pAy mem." Tbey con be sent in a bottle momaining PAU, post free, by eeclosing Si and 0 pottage straw to any agent. See advertisement. TAR °USD BALL TO LORD NAP! lIL—T his splendid War, which es.otria Waddington, au Thumbs, eight, ono adiselded maser. All tbis maggeater of the land were premise, end all enjoyed theamelrea eaceedlngly. Lady Magilow wee dressed le the Must brommeng style, •bile "my 101111" ladled o►sry Web a KeLloman and a gentleman I. Ow now belt, which be proenred expressly br the breare aaseeloss, from the 'rows 840/14 Ci0(11‘0,1 Hall of Reckhla dr. Wilson, Nos. WO and WA Vaal/ant street obese Barth, r/siladelphia. lob. TS. lin ZLZULBII & 8111711, Cali= or !IMO Aso Oasts drams, PH(I./.olltaltf& Illandrelarws eV White Leal, Zia; Patty, Yareialwa, dte Whalermle dealer' in Drug., Winleff Maw, he.— ,L;lty and CoaatrY Meratuala who desire W yard's*" from a astern Week and at atareptablepeicat are napactfally re gulated to ienpeat ear goods. Our Whits Lead, Zise, NIA", and Tarnishes, are soLl by more than ow thosiated Whateral• Jobbleg Blouses Own/boat the Cal.., sal give dadvereal eattelketion. one ecomptaiat has ever tamed 5it.4311 Send year orders direct. Neb. 5, ly OftgAT !SMASH REMEDY !-511t JAMES eL•IIICZ'S C•teitairtli rail MI PILLS, prepared from a jawed/41os by Sir J. Clarke, V. D. Physician Extraor dinary to the Qeeen. Tian wall kiwis& 4141(citie La no lin poerldon, Set • sere sal safe remedy for remote Dialeulties eel °Wrentham, from any name whatever; arid al thotish poverthl remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the deisat.bstlon. To tithltitdJ L.maa It 14 pee ell laity malted. (► TIU. la a abort time, bring on the uninthly period with regalarly. Three have sever loots tall when the diteattiows ow le pews or pamphlet are fan observed. Nor rather gartlealsrs get a pear/Met free at the Resat. $. L-41 bad 6 postage stomps esalmed to way 'Char. lasi meet, will Wears a bottle, eoatalaiesg orer 50 milk, by man trail T. W. Dien & Is., Wholesale ageete, Pb.lidalpttla A. D. &tattler, Agent, GeV, 'bars.. Kay 17, 2561. 1r 67•4•• agrootlionso ot of De Saafard's L rff ma !somas mos, to leothfor eolitiza. Married_ On the 6th inst.. by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, JOUli LOWER to lira. E. DUZ7 I I.IEf, both of Arendtsville. On the Bth rout., by the same, Er. HENRY CRUX to Miu CARULE WALTER, both of Franklin township. Oa the Bth inst., by the same, Mr. HENRY FELTY, of Adams county, to Hrs. SARAH GROVE, of Hanover, formerly of York county. On Thursday week, the by &T. Er. Lilly, Mr. MICHAEL SPANGLER. of East Berlin, Adams county, to Hiss TILLIE MYERS, of York. On the Bth inst., by the Rev. J. R. Keiser, itr. GEORGE W. H.I.RBACGII to Miss AT HALLNDA WRITE, both of Ilarbaugh's Valley, Md. At the residence of the bride's pArents, on the ad inst., by the Rev. L. J. Beil. Mr. BALTZER SHIELY, of Mountpleasant, to IIias4...?LNNA.II WAGNER, of Butler township. Disci_ Oa the 7th inst., ADAM MICII.kF.L, son of Yr. Daniel Kann, of Middletown, aged .1 years and 13 days. On the 24th ult., in Mercershurg. JAMES LOWE, Esq., formerly a member of the House of ilepreeentatires, aged tit years 1 month and 8 Ag reer Basle-Creek, Michigan, on the 23d ult., ,of consumption, Mrs. ISABEL COOPER, wife of Mr. John W. Cooper, and formerly of Gettysburg. In Littlestown, on the 13th ult., MARY JANE, pub daughter of Morgan and Lucinda Swope, Aired 1 year and 3 months. On the 7th inst., LOUISA E daughter of John jawd after Miller, of Littlestown, aged 1 year and A dAys• Now I an: an angel, And with the angels stand ; A crown upon my forehead; A harp within my hand ; And there before my Savior— * pioriona and bright, I will join in the heavenly music, And pisise him day and night. Year 13andersrille, on the 13th of February, of blaatusatary croup, HENRY CALVLN, son of AMON sad Margaretta Pisel, aged 4 years 3 months and 26 days. ja the silence of night, in that dark solemn hour, Came the spirit of death with his all conitring poser, placedliis cold hand on my lor'd Henry's Mead, Woo De the wings of an angel to Ilearei sped. Test be, my bright boy, with his heart so gay, As he'd merrily laugh and around me pled! - Mast resign all his joy to redouble his store, Par he has gene where death can reach him no Now with harp in his hand in the heavenly hall He serest the great King who is Taiditiisr tbmi s i seraphs end angels his rob* may be I ill iblibAear land where he rasps his re - Mut Thrwerhea I look on his corpse, es befogs see It lay, %mknow that sweet !bee mast sommonlder avay . Millbiletlitise hope that exiMs in my breart : *Wen well meet never stoic then to fart. .• Sa IbLlt os t) JOHN PRANC . Ti Iia " Iin I,ONG, W E : g o . k ..,,,, * ism ard rias l i Ar i sad 6 mouths, _, 01/11.01? 3' iresTaik t.g. 1 81001111 Ida Wo inT ra tb ic , . - A . 4.6. grls , a nd ample., 4. r .f . ' a r .t . „/„, ? 4, er iikatias. lir • . .4;014 Irkft., Unit i ' ' 's r .. . • , , EMI DR. RIMAIIII ALLOW 01 , 11111111011111311 M—Sal isre's Pirtersai of fah J uly :-41aadhuito the tree of respomfbility attaching to the Lifer ile Maim et lk widely yin:elated joenal, we Amid deem It litUe then s crimp to resommeml any seeded aseepeced the real virtue of which we cook' not oneedmilleesly This balsamic , ootspoond has tomosse a hems ertare ; sal all peesoom oho maw, and hag'. in rate setsegeserS ewe their Georni, Oak* Broach Is I or Peamosee7 ComplNata, make itse of this onequalisd needy. The fo Rorie, Oortlllests from • tistisurnielikel equally , from tan Homy Mood, formerly &titer of the Ceirre rational Joanssil, Canard, N , .or. resestly Asserieso Coevals* Pie coot, Sphs, and me Chaplain is the Navy: Mean. Seth W. told' & Co .—Crratioassu .—Two ywo sip, • suddes and violoot apoornoy Lamp coated mos to my beg ferversigal ormolu, mei whom 1 resswerml. moo so mash ofpr ar by dillkulty is breathing. that I w oilier Eastri• to sloop or root apoa a bad by arch! Tlas oratorio' woo ostreatis, end joking from the lesticary of tb• nnordtmi wad, 2 sinpuoseed the drowses incurable Bo porsosstell to try • boti.l• af Wlaw's B•I•rm of WI id Chorry, without couthiatouo la Its *Mosey, I found the dilltralty alrowl initnely moored Wars oar bottle was aged op bympathy with ray fellow safferors iodarwr to oaks tbis publis mahatma, mat rwoomaised the ankle to others similarly afflicted. With roapoct, yam truly urNiir WOOD Nobs ;pumices unless espied 1. BrYTS ou the wr►pper. Prepared by Seth W Voris t Cd , bestos, sod for sale by A. D Huskier, Gettysburg; Jacob Trilerinter, Mambas burg, Id etastar. New Oxford, 1) Z. Hollinger. Abbotts toeu , William Wolf, L►et Berlin, Peter Boblits, Items tat , W m 13 Metcalf, York Springs, bid by ill dealers is triediclan (deb 21 4. sheriff's Sale.. pursuance of a writ of Fie., Facia, I i3suing out of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county. Pa.. and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sa!e, at the Court-house, in Gettysburg, on Sa:urday, the foti day of April nest. at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following de scribed Real Estate, viz : ‘A TRACT OF LAND, containing 23 Acres, more or less, situate in Butler township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lamp of-Samuel Diehl, Noah Miller, John Mcllheny, and others, on which are erected a new two-story Frame Weatherboard 1101:8E,a new one story Praise Weatherboarded Back-build ing attached', with oat-house and fruit trees.— Seised and taken in executibn an the property of Euzaarrn A. A Gauzes A ISAAC LIGIITNER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Mar. 14, '59 sferTen per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over im mediately after the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put up for sale. Notice. TtHE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphaa's Court of Adams county, to make distribution of the balance remaining in the hands of JOILPH 'Tana'', Administrator d. b. a. r. t. a. of the estate of PICTII Barns; deceased, late of Huntington township, Adams county, to and. amongst the parties interested, will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office, in Gettysburg, tra Tuesday, the l'lth day of April next, at 10 o'clock In the forenodn of said day. at which time and place all persons interested may attend. E. B. BI:EHLER, Auditor. March 14, 1859. 3t Gettysburg FEMALE SEMINAR Y.—The Summer Session of this Institution will commence on the armed Monday of .4pri/, (April 11th.) For par ticulars enquire at the residence of Bev. D. El-B rea, Baltimore street, Gettysburg. March 14, 1859. 3t FL J. TAYLOR. U. R. PHRIZOILTIC Win. J. Taylor & Co., COMMLiSION METW/1.-L`iTS and wholesale dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, So. 138 South Wharves, between Chestnut and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. SW—Sole Agents for Henry's Celebrated Vinegar. . [March 14, 1859. 3m Lumber. ANY variety of LUMBER can be had at the. Coal and Lumber Yard of BREADS, BUEHLER & KURTZ. March 14, 1859. Call and See THE celebraaed :Sew Jersey,. REAPER & MOWER, at the new Ware-room of SIJk;. DS, BUEHLER k EVRTZ. March 14, 1850. The Only Article TTNRIVALLED IN MARKET, MTIII DI- U MENSE HOME & EUROPEAN DEMAND. reason why, is that by NaturCs own pro cess it restores the natural color permanently af ter the hair becomes gray ; supplies the natural fluids, and thus makes it grow on bald heads, re moves all dandruff,.itehing, and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus cures all nervous headache, and may be retied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair; it will stop and keep it from falling off; makes it soft, glossy, Alma* and toessolul, and if used by the young two or three times a weak, it will never fall or become gray; then, readers, read the fol lowing and judge for yourselves; Ntw Yoax, Jan. ft, 1858. Mxisas. 0. J. Wool) k Co.: Gentlemen:— Having heard a good deal about Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and my hair being quite gray, I made up isf mind to lay aside the prejudices which I, in common with a great many persons, ha 4 against 411 manner of patent medicines, and a short time ago I commenced using your article, 'to test it kw Veal/. The reitattliu been poverty =lisfaetery that I am vety glad I did so, sad in jostke you, as well as for the encouragement of who may be as grey as I was, but who haying my prejn dice without my reasons for setting it aside, are unwilling to give your Restorative a trial till they have farther proof, and the best proof being menhir. demonstration. I write you this letter, which you may show to any such, and also di rect them to me for further proof, who am in and out of the N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment every day. My hair Is now Its natural color and much im ' proved in appearance every way, being glossier and thicker and much more healthy looking. I am. yours respectfully, HENRY JENKINS. Cor. Columbia and Carroll its., Brooklyn. Livrsospos, Ala., Feb. 14, 1858. Pao?. Wood : Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restora tive has done moats good in this part of the country. My hair has been slightly diminishing for several years, caused, I suppose, from a slight burn when I VAS quite au infant. I have been using your Bair Restorative for six weeks and I find that I have a fine head of hair now growing, after having used all other remedies known, to no effect. I think it the most valuable remedy now extant, and advise all who are afflicted that way to use your remedy. Yon can publish this if you thitikproper. Yours, kc., S. W. MIDDLETON. PHILADILPHIA. Sept. 9, 1857. ?tor. WOOD : Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restora tive is proving itself beneficial to me. The front, and mo the hack part of my head almost lost its covering—was in fact bald. I have used but 2 half pint bottles of your Restorative, and now the top of in, head Is well studded with a promising crop of young hair, and this front is also receiving its benefit. I have tried other preparations without any benefit whatever. I think from my own personal recommendation, I can induce many others to try it. Yours, re spectfully, D. R. THOMAS, M. 11, The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz large, medium, and small ; the small holds a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion thaa the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; thb large holds a quart, 40 per cant. more in proportion, and re tails for $3 *bottle- 0. J. Wood Jt. Co., Proprietors. 312 Broadway, New York, (in Oka great N. Y. Wire Railing Es. tablialmnent,) and 114 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. ,4nd sold by all good Druggjats and. Fancy Goods Dealers. March 13,1959, 3m " Hard Times N 0 Y OR E ."—.Any person (Lady or Gentle man,) in the United States, possessing a small capital afro= $3 to $7, can agar into an wry and respectable business, by which From $5 to $lO pet day tan be realised. For particulars, address, (with stamp,) W. R. ACTON XOO., 41 North Sixth St., Philadelphia. larch 7, 1839. 3m - Notice. via be as adjourned miating of the 1 11:1 4:11, N (Batista& AssgAiition," at , Kari. is Oath& Basa l ea Then4aa *yak. iss aesk (the 1740 at Y o'*eir. A tall Masa. Mina iemo44 : '35 , 3L Bad R, Brt. Poor-Rouss. Accounts. aOEL B. DAUER, Esq., Treasurer, in ac count with the Directors of the Poor and of House of Employment of the County of Adams, being from the 4th day of January, A. 1). 1858, to the 3d day of January, A. D. 1859: 1958. DR January. To order on Treasurer, N 0.42, $6OO 00 May 25. " 199, 2500 00 Sept. 21. " I 4 252, 1500 00 ii ii Dec. 356, 1500 00 Cash from N. k O. Codorf, 45 50 Fine from Edward Delap, 2 00 Balance dt.e Treasurer, 594 05 Cowan), N. II , Nardi 2 By lecat da e Treaartrer at last settlement, $125 17 111 CaeA paid OW as follow.*: Out door paupers' support, 699 25 Merchandise and groceries, 1762 30 Pork, stock hogs, sad beef, 741 72 Beef cattle, sheep, sal horses, 904 91 Flour, grain and grinding, 628 45 Mechanics' work, 233 38 Publishing accounts and blanks, 37 00 :Stone coal, plaster, lime, guano k lumber, 292 61 Drugs and medicines, 54 84 Retnoring paupers, 23 21 Wood chopping, making rails, post, fence and Phil' wf es. ' 161 15 Urders to Steward, sundry expenses, 150 00 Male hirelings, 136 33 Female do., Funeral expenses, Sawing and boards, DR. IBalance in hands of Steward &LIAM set- • tlenseut, $3 54 Amount of Directors' order, No. 7, 50 00 it 44 54, 50 00 o a " 167, 50 00 ! Cash found on person of pauper, 40 Cash for wood of Dr. H. S. Huber, 1 25 ;Interest due Eliza White from A. Polley, 997 I Horse sold John Scott, 00 00 Cow and lamb! Win. Howard, 47 00 1 A. Brien, balance on note, 5 00 Timothy seed, Dr. Haugher, 1 25 Collected from C. White and R. Smith, 48 21 No. 464 Vine street Physician's aidAry, Counsel fees, Directors' *sue. eerviose, Steward's salary, Treasurer's do. Clerk's do. We, the uadersigaed, Auditors to settle and adjnst the Public Accounts, do hereby certify that we have examined the items which compose the account, and that they are correct, being from the 4th day of January, A. D. 1858, to the 3d day of Jannery, A. D., 1859—both days in clusive. CHRISTIAN CA SHY AN, ISAAC HERNTER, 1 Auditor s . JOHN BIIINIESRHOFP, TACOB CULP, Esq., in account with the Di fl rectors of the Poor and Howie of Employ ment of the County of Adams., being from the Bth day of January, A. D. 1858, to the 3d day of January, A. D., 1853 : Found on person of J. Culp, " J. Furst, Sundry persons for tallow, EMI Gen ernl expen PPP, *l2O 11 Hirelings, hsn•eating, butchering, kc., 49 28 Removing paupers, MEM Vegetables and fruit; 28 09 Two barrels of Hour, 10 50 iligging graves and permit in Cemetery, 5 00 Sheep and beef, 41 55 Cow and calf,34 00 • Fire barrels of herring, 45 50 Os ts, 7 50 Balance in hands of Steward, 27 We, the subscribers, Auditors to settle and ad just the Public Accounts, do certify that we have examined the itesps which compose the above Account, and do report that the same is correct— the same embracing the account of Jacob Culp, Steward, from the 6th day of January, A. D. 1838, to the 3d day ofJanuary, A. D. 185 S---both days inclusive. CHRISTIAN CASIMAN, ISAAC HERETER, Auditors JOHN BRLNKERHOFF, March 7, 1859. 4t List of Paupers REMAINING in the Alms House of Adams county on the Ist day of January, 1859: Males, Females, Children, Colored, Total, _ . . . 107 Tnuasieat poppets, 1535 PRODUCE OF FARM FOR 1858. Wheat, bashels, 881 Osta, 44 MI Rye, " Eon of Core, " Clover'Seed, " Timothy 6 , " Ouioar, Beets, Potatoes, u Turnips, " 30 Loads of Cara Adder, 16 Toss of flay, 65 ' Beads of 'Cabbage, 1900 Pounds of Port, 3474 Pounds of Best, 8578 JACOB CULP, &sward March 7, 1859. 4t Stoves! Stoves! SHEADS, BrRIILER k KURTZ, in their new three-story building, earner of Carlisle street and the Railroad, have just ruesived a large supply of sew sad beautifisl Parlor, Saloon aad Shop STOVES, of the latest aad moot ins premed styles. Also, aU the latest styles of COOK STOVES, embracing the "Noble Cook," " Royal Cook," " Wm. Penn,' " Sea Shell," "Rosin " Philadelphia Sunrise," " Fre donia," ( timore Air-Tight. Improved) " Jewel," sad d "—all for wood or coal. March 14, 181111. Great Reduction IN THE PRICE OF TILE I. M. SINGER k CO.'S SEWING MACHINES.-11. liannatt, pro prietor of the State of Pennsylvania, the counties of Philadelphia, Erie and Allegheny excepted. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizipas of York, Adams, Cumberland and Lan caster counties, that be will sell Sanger's Smog Madams in reduesti prior. Persons desirous of purchasing a good Sewing Machine should by all means purchase one of Singer's, for they are the ouly machines that will do the work that is required of a Sewing Machine. Call and examine and see for yourselves before purchasing else where. For beauty they cannot be surpassed, and for durability cannot be beat—there being now in use over 15,000 of Singer's Machines, which recommends them to be far superior to any other in use. All I aAk is an examination of ea Machine, and if you bare any notion of one you will be certain to buy. Machines of every variety of Singer's on hand. Every family should have one of the Family Machines, for they are certainly a handsome and useful piece of furniture. They are not liable to get out of re pair, and will last you a life time. Machine Silk, Needles, Thiliad, Bobbins, Oil, kc., kc., at all times on hand. All orders at tended to with dispatch. W. F. REIRDMER, Agent, 42 Market street, York, Pa. Jan. 3, 1869. 13st Dr. A. W. Dorsey, ki ORMERLY of Carroll county, Md., having penaaseatly Waited in Gettriburg, offers professional serrices to the citizens of the town and surrounding country ha the practice of the Tariou branches of his profession. Office and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office, where he may be found at all times when not professionally engaged. SCIPB/1113fess. Prof. Nathan R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. Rev. Augustus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Md. Dr. J. L. Wartsld, Westminster, Dr. W. A. Mathias, 11 AI Jacob Raw, John IL L00g1,11,41., s.l. Wangler, 't ett $4 is,. Thomas Noinoit, ysisseg. w Oot. fi,iWS. Oat tICt.M,II2II in="4l:r9 ,ll Zl I"NWto 4310101 P. Alit, Abbey fk'Ner, o. $O3 Korth Third Street, (three doors Ifiae,) Philadelphia. THE OLD ARDWAIIS STAXl)—(eetablisted 14 yam.) Every description of Balding, Nechanicsl, ramm ing and Household HARDWARE, b now In store, and will be offered it the lowest taerieet prices, to Cash and prompt Six Months Boyers. Neils at Manufacturers' priers for cash. Orders from new customers will receive strict and accurate attention, and all goods sent from this house will be as represented. giareountry Merchants en their nest visit to our city to make their Spring purchased are cordially invited to call and examine our stock and prices before purchasing, $6741 55 March 14, 1659 DRT GOODS 110USE.—EY RE k LANDRLL, Fourth k Arch Streets, Philadehin, are now opening a full assortment of NEW GOODS FOR SPRING OF 1859. Spring Silks of New Styles. Fashionable Double Skirt Robes. Shawls of the New Spring Styles. De, Lines and Fancy Dress Goods. Bummer Poplins and Valenciaa. ?ravelling Dress Goods fall variety. Blankets, Sheeting k Housekeeping Goods. N.B. Storekeepers are retpectfully requested to examine our stock of Black Silks and Shawls, before purchasing. P. 8. New Goods received daily, and good bargains from the Auctions of New York and thia ma C i la. iprer Terms Nett Cash aad prices low. 111, 18.59. 3m 207 00 65 15 18 98 100 00 1000 t 0 00 - cr' - UE3_ UN GO EH House Furnishing GOODS, No. 11 North Howard street, two doors North of the Howard House.—Tho undersigned, having made large additions to his stock, is prepared to furnish Housekeepers, Country Yerehants and others, with such articles as they want, on the very best terms. Havasu Whitewub, Sweeping, Dustin, Palat e Hair, Tooth, Nail, Siher, Shoe, Scrub aad Horse Brushes. S6Y4I 65 WOODIX-WARE : Such as Tube( Buckets, Meainres, Tar Buckeii, Churns, bleats, Rolling Pins, Butter Prints, ne. Brooms, Baskets, Metz and Cordage. Mauer's 8 minute Ice Cream Freezers. Refrigerators, ugright and chest—the most approved kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood or Metal. Tin and Whit, Safes. Arthur's and other most aroved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware. Albata Forks and Spoons, Urns, Coffee and Tee Pots, Egg Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Knives and Forks, Waffle Irons, Sauce Pans, Scales add Weights, Coffee Mills. Table Castors, Old Domin ion Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, Nurse Lamps, Toilet Sets, Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knife Cleaners, Wire Dish Covers, Table Mats, together with a variety of articles useful and necessary to Housekeepers. Rohr It !Veils' Patent Excelsior Washing Machines. Plain Tin anti Sheet Iron Ware and Brushes of every description, manu factured to order. CEO. A. MILLS,• , No. 11 North Howard st._, Baltimore, lid. March 14, 1859. ly 10 00 1 90 5 57 9 72 IL CLOTHS and Mattlogs, wholesale and retail. Constantly on hand an assortment o Carpets at low prices, consisting of Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets, of every style and price. Oil Clothe from 1 ton yards wide. Also, Rugs, Mats. Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting,s. Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or yard,at lowratts. JOSEPH VICTORY, 145 Lexington at., one door west of Howard, M 3 GEE EIE 3Lirch 11, 1859 J. A. Buthrattlf. wITFI MASSIE, BELL A GOODLOE, whole sale dealers In Boots, shoes, Bats, Caps, No. 324 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. !larch 11, 1858. $35.3 81 Charles Dunlap, WHOLESALE and Retail GROCER , 1 / 4 TEA DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lexington Streets, SALT/111414.1, m► flu on band a general assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wine 3, Liquors, Cigars, kc. Feb. 7, 1859. ly Hodges Brothers, .23 HANOVER STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. ( White from Front Warehouse.) Importers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, IMPIROIDERIRS, WHITE GOODS, Handkerchiefs, SRA W LS, CRAPES, 10 100 51 7 ..itry mt., as our stock is not only large, but obtained upon conditions which will defy competition. We contract with thS Manndietaries foe all the American articles we sell, and send • buyer to Berope regularly twice • .year, to select oar Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to afar greet advantages in prices, es well ea to get up stock at all times replete with the newest and most desirable goods. liersheato In good credit are invitedlo examine our stock when they next visit Baltimore, and they will promote their own interest by doing so. Orden by mall carefully executed when inc eompsnied by satisfactory references. Feb. 14, '59. 4m IN. TEE COT RT ADAMS COUNT Mary E. Rider, by No. 4, August Term, her next frieud,John 1858. The original and Edward Plank, es. alias Subpoenas, issued in John Rider. the above ease, having been returned n. e. i. and due proof having been made that the defendant could not be found within the county of Adams,. now to wit : Jan uary 17, 1839, upon motion (OM. k W. McClean, Attorneys for the plaintiff, the Sheriff of Adams county is directed to cause notice to be publish ed in -The Compiler," a newspaper published ia said county, for four weeks succevively prior to the third Monday of April next, A. D. 1859, being the first day of mixt term, requiring the said de fendant to appear on the said third Monday of April, to answer the complaint of the Libellant. By the Court, Attest—JACOß BUSHEY, Protley. To the defendant. John Rider, above named : In pursuance of the shove order, you are hereby notified to be and appear at a Court of Common Pleas, to be holden for Adams county. at Gettys burg, on the third Monday of April next, A. D. 16511, to answer the complaint of the said plaintiff. ISAAC LIGLITNER, sh4rl And now, to wit : January 17, 1859, on motion, the Court appoint John R. On, Esq., of Chana bersburg, Commissioner to take the depositions 0011ritnesses in Chambersberg, Franklin county, Ps., and Zechariah Myers, Esq., Commissioner to take the denotations of witnesses in Adams county, Pa.; Locke of the time and place of taking said depositions to be given to the defendant by publication is " The Consprier" fOr foot weed nor W tha time of taking the said depositions From the Record. By the Court, Attest—JACOß BL'EIHEIr i ProtA'y. The undersigned will attend to the duties of the above appoiAtmeat, at the office of Row* h Ow, in Cheasberstowqr„ PA, os the 11th day of April, 1159, at 10 o'clock, A. IL, where the above respondent may attend.' JOHN R. ORB, ogesewemialer., The andeviigned srIII attend $e the duties of the stone spittetent, at the Masao, M. k W. NeOisitai in Gemysburs, Pa., ea the 111* dor ot 41401,11019,*10 o' v e r . b ...i i r thookole "1"6.11- SA S fratit 10471/1-39* JOIUI • . X sr,' Nett Cash Carpets, ' Baltimore, Md LACES, Lnd a numerous variety! of other articlev, and Wholesale Dealers in •111111C.4.11 FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS. Our warehouse, which We wilt expressly for mu. own 'e. contains six Boors, each x 160 feet, and the large ,oak and extensive assort tent which we keep, require entire occupancy. Nobodse any of the Northern= , ibbisiglbods to the le combined sdroatagos to vorce. OF COMMON PLEAS OF 13alt1acriore• B. T. Hynson, UPEOLEITERSR, PAPER HANGER, AND VENETIAN BLLND MANUFACTURER, No. 62 North Howard Street, one door above Lexington, Batrusoax. Purer Havegs.--Constantly In more, Paper Hangings of every description, and of the latest and most approved patterns. Also, Borden, Fire Board Prints, de. Venetian Blissis.—Keeps on hand, and menu factares to order Venetian Blinds of all colors, lie. and qualities, which will compare favora bly with any offered to the public. isirPaper Hanging dune in the best style.— Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or exchanged. Mirth 7,1869. ly L. 1. 11/IDINg . , EDWD F. CAIIIOLL. Harding & Carroll, rfoXIIISSION MERCHANTS, ‘_/ Fire Proof Warehouse awl L Depot, No. 126 North Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Feb. 14, '69. ly James H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nos. 124 and 136 NortA Streit, BALTIMORE, MD. I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis. lion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having an experience of ten years in . the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give !ATM. rscnos to all who favor me with consignments. Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilisers. Feb. 14, '59 ly Burr Mill Stones NI rARRANTED —B. F. STARR k ar. of North and Centre CO., itrcete, opposite N. C. IL IL St.wou, BALTIYURC, MD. M toren; of FRENCH ISUILKS, Importers and Dealers in Burr , Blocks, Bolting Cloths, Lea- ther and Gum Beltings, Cal cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Colone, Cucalico, and Esophes 3611 Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 7, '59. ly T] To Merchants & Farmers. [T CHEAP AND CHOICE GROCERIES, At HOOK k BALDWIN'S, B. W. corner Lexington 4 Green Streds, BALTIMORE, HD. We would respectfully invite the attention of buyers to our large and well selected stock of prime family Groceries, comprising every article uscially kept in a first-class °rotary, which we offer at prices as low as (if not lower than) any 'house in the city. We name in part: Prime New Crop Orleans &gat. Do. do. Molasses. Porto RICO and low grade do.--very cheap. Rio, Lagnayra, Porto Rico, Cape Java, llaricabo, and other CAtees. Excellent Imperial, Young Elyson, and Gun powder Teas, at 50 cents pei pound. Choice Oolong do. at 50 cents. Mir Imperial Tea at 7i Ms. per pond -sa This Tea we warrand. equal, if not superior, to_any Tee sold at other places for $1 per lb. FLOUR, FISH, BACON, BALT, AC. at prices to suit the times ♦LDO, Flue old BRANDY, Old Rye WHISKEY, Old Bourbon WHISKEY POET, lnitla t i.l MALAGA WINES. Rectified Whiskey and Domestic Brandy AT CITY PILICICII. lerAll Goods delivered to Boats and RA& roads free e j ( dasyayr and Iro caAaol POl PACIaosS Satisfaction guarantied in all cases or the goods returned at our expense. A liberal dis count allowed to country merchants. BOOK k BALDWIN, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Southwest cor. Green & Lexington eta., Jan. 24, '69. tf Baltimore, Md. ',A' • 40 0. tir !Al.t• VIOUNDED 1852. Chartered 1854. Located COIL OF BALTIMORE & CHARLES STS., MALTIDOIR, MD The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished & Popular Commercial College In the United States, DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR YOUNG MEN Desiring to obtain a thorough Practical Burin - Education Every Young lan has a Counting . Desk to him self, sad is separately instructed. Stumm Et ATTETILINCI PEON NIAILY STITT BTALTI El TEX UX/011. The most Oosuprehousive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTION An bore tetrodasel. So Copyiathom Printed or Masoocript Fame is LAIA4I/11110 BOOL.EIZTING AT Tll BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. This method of insttnetion is nowhere else Intro- dueed in this country. Zyst7 Toga( Yea should write immediately fbr one nf those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing the exterior and Interior view of the College, Penmanship, lc., which will be seat by return mail. free of cAarye, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, opinions of the Press on oar new system of Book- Keeping, etc. FACCLTT : K. Lome, Principal—Lecturer on thcienoe of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. J. K. Pwitura, Professor of BOok-Keephse sad Commercial Calculations. H. H. DAMS, Associate Prof. of Book-gasphig. N. C. Jonnisox, ProleMew of Penmanship. 8. T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mercantile Low. Rev. R, Y. Rana, D. D., Commercial Ethics. Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Joshua Vansant, Hon. Thomas Ss ann, Wu,. H. Ketchler, Esq., Jacob Trust, Esq., William Ersabe, Esq. The time usually required to complete the full course, from 8 to 12 weeks. A DIPLOMA if awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms, kc., sent my mail fres oreAarge. Address B. K. LOSIBR, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 7, 1959. ly Dr. Baakee TREATS - ALL DLSZASES FRO OF CHARGE.—Dr. itaakiee will also give special attention to the following cues:— Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Croup. Influnint, Asthma, Bronchitis and other dismal of the Throat and Lungs. He will devote particular attention to the treatment of all skin diseases —Lumbago, Scrofula, Rheumatism, (scats and chronic,) Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dys pepsia, 'Piles, and all derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, and also to all chronic female diseases. special attention will be given to the treat .- • ment of the v• EYEand EAR, • withont tit e nee of the Knife or Nee- - die, and he has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Byes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages—lnserted in five minutes. Dr. Beaks, bu made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the Cavities., and restore perfect vision to the Eye without the ase of the knife. Dr. Slakes eau produce One tbeetand certificates of his perfect conceal in curing Cancers, old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Swellings or Tumors of every description and without the use of the knife.— Special arrangemeuts most be made with Dr. Beaks* for the treatment of the last named diseases, as they will require his constant ad vise and attention. Dr. Beaks" is one of the most skillful aad celebrated Surgeons and physicians now living. His fame La known permaally la nearly every principal city in the world. lettiesedtreeted to Dr. Beaks*, (en • closing tea esata,) from any distance, correct ly Ise , tike *Mere el the disease, shall be promptly answered, and patioreSs taw .d by correelreadabae f O GRAftßai• - CO" kiwi boa • A. 7L, Ile►P. 11. / 46 :1 41 Milikh ' - eat - jtikir . • • I .'"1116 . 1111.1%. "" 1 114404P0n, Mia,ltinacDre't.9. DAXIZL w mtg. White titc Swo_pe, WHOLESALE Dealers in &JUTS, SHOES, CAPS, J. MAW GOODS; also, in fashionable Moleskin, Silk, Felt and Fur HATS, N. W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard streets, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 2), 1858. George M. Bokee, IMPORTER and DIILTI IN CHINA. GLASS, k QUM:NSW-ABE, No. 41 North Howard St., between Lexiog um and Fayette Streets, Baltimore, !dd. Blirtitonowara always on baud at factory prioea. [Dee. 20, 1858. iy J. S. McClellan, Deakr in Hats, Caps and Children's Fancy Goods, MO. 343 West Baltimore Street, near the Eutaw House, Baltimore, keeps on hand all Roods of the best make and latest style to be found in a first class retail Hat store. A call from persons visiting the City is solicited. Dec. 20, IBLB. Gm" Howard House, CORNER Howard and Baltimore Street.. BALTIMORE. 311. % iew Proprietors. Pare reduced to $1.60 per day. Call for the Howard House Coach at the Depots. J A . . N B . H B I U P C, E k , Proprietors. Ussery 24, '59. Is Susquehanna House, CIPPOSITE Co/yea &oho% nAurixon, an redneod to $l,ll per oisiiT JOHN A. SLWE, Proprietor January 17. G:n Light, Light ! WHOLESALE AGENCY FOR JONES'S PATENT LAMPS, superior to all others in the market. Also dealers in COAL OIL and LAMPS of every description. Constantly on hand COAL OIL of the very beet quality, which we will sell at the lowest market price. AU orders promptly filled. A51,1111/0Y L CO., No. 1 S. Liberty st.,(neer Batthwere,) /an. 17. 6m Baltimore, Md. Peter Zell & Eton, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in CORN, Corn Meal, Guanoes, OATS, Rye Chop, Roue Dud, MILL PIED, Hay, Straw, Phos. Lima, FLOI - R, Field Seeds, k Gronsid Plaster Noa. 147 & 149 NoaTu HOWARD STRICRT, Jan. 17, '59. ly' . BALTIMORE, MD. JOHN C. IXELLICIII. a. L. WM. Kneiler & Prick, ELorR & PRODUCE Commission and For warding Merchants, North street, opposite N. .R. Depot, BALTIMORE. . January 17, 1859. Iy C. W. Slagle & Co., C& PRODUCE lIER CHANTS, Nos. 118 and 133 Northla *west, Bakimore.—Being established in the Commission business for a number of years, they solicit consignments, and pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN of all Muds, Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and County Pro duce generally. 'We remit proceeds promptly. Tracks from the Northern Cer.tral Railroad run into our Warehouses. Refer to R. B. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg. pima 21., ly Gi63 - 2 ! Gifts WITHOUT MONEY. Gifts and Books can be obtained at U. E. HOYT k CO.'S Great Southern GIFT BOOK STORE, BALTIMORE, Ed. Send to them fur a Catalogue. Greater in ducements than ever before offered to Agents Persons sending to H. E. Hoyt k. Co. are sure of a Gift worth not less than fifty rents, and in many instances worth ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS I Our list of Prize* embraces a great va riety of Gold and Silver Watches, Lockete,Chains.„ Ladies' Broaches, Bracelets, Parlor Time Piece., Sewing Machines, Silk Dresses, Pictures, itc. lc. In a new Catalogue of Books may he found Histories Biographies, Travels, Adventures, Sto ries An e ddotes , Tales, Narratives, Flatmates, Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religious, Biblical, Theological, Classical, Philosophical, Geograph ical, Botanic's' and Agricultural Works. . Dictionaries,Lexicons, Albums, Annuals and Presentation ooks. Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, in every style of binding. Together with all the newest Works of the day, all of which are hisndsomely bound and GUARA.NTEED PER FECT in EVERY respect. Purchasers living at a distance will, by stating title of books wanted, be treated with-the same liberality as if at our Store themselves. TAKE NOTICE.—AII orders will be answered it two days from the time they are received. We can guarantee the best actual per ventage (including books and presents,) ever yet offered by any Book selling firm or agency in the Uni ted States, and are confident that all who give us a trial will be sure to buy again. Persons wishing to act as Agents for Its, will have (on application) Catalogues and a spendid Show Card, establishing our Agency, forwarded free of expense. An orders should be addressed to LC E. HOYT 1 (Xl., No. 41 Baltimore street, Dalliance, Ed. Jan. 17. int Wm. Knabe it CO., .OS. 1,3, 5 and 7 North 'Eutaw Street,— SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore 'Street, woes Charles and Light--BALTIMORM, Md., Manufacturers of Gold Medal Premium GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Wm. Kusbe k 00. would respectfully invite the attention of the public , and especially those in want of* FIRST CLAi`i PIANO, to their as sorted stock of instruments, which. fur power sad sweetness of tone, easy and agreeable colic I), sad beauty of finish, have, by the ',rt. ofjudges, bees pronounced unrivaled by any in the coun try. As to the relative merits of our Piano+, we would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in our possession, from THALBEIIG. STRAKOSII, G. SATTER and H. VIRCATEMPS, as aliso trout some of the most distinguished profe++ors and amateurs in the country; al+o to the fullon ing HIGHEST PREMIUMS. received within the last three years: GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1055. 'KA, 1.57. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan In+tittite, Washinfpton. 1857; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia, 1856; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechlnics Institute, Richmond, 18:6. 1856 All instru ments of our manufacture have the full iron frame, and are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. DML.Particulair attention paid to the !tele( Lion of instruments for di.tant orders, and a privilege of exchange granted at any time uithin six mos., if the instruments should not prove entirely satis factory. -hi liberal discount to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to their advan tage to give na a call. as by greatly increased facilities, we are enabled to 611 all orders with dispatch. jpap-Constantly on hand, a large assortment of MELODEONS, from the best Factories. SECOND-HAND PIANoS at Ureat Bargains, at prices from VO to $l5O. Pianos Exchanged, Hired and Tuned. A call is respect - folly solicited. WILLIAM K.N.tBE k CO January 17, 1869. ly New & Rich EIEWELRY, SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT ED WARE, ke.—A. E. WARNER, Gold and Ilversmith, No. 10 Nolan Gar STIMPT, BAL TIEURE, MD., has in store a besintithl assort ment of styles and patterns of RICE JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing aOast tariety of Plain Gold and bett Broaches, aildi, Car !Ankles, kn., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, "timer Rings pet with Diamond, Raby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, ke., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Tbimblts, Cuff %as; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold tangs ; Pencas mid Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, Gold. and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pinsk gar Rings, ie. ALSO, A variety of Silver Mounted A Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, 'Candlesticks, flatter and Salt Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Knives, lipoolSs, Forks, Ladles, Yaney Articles, ha, all of "tick is reeVeetfolly tared as the lowest Serval ie,:rbe Otiikatry Trade and Dealers gesnivally ass Invited Isere me a call, a n d-Ys— ns and Prises, being-ustAdlni that lar MY= MANI smasoi be sapaseisiiMrise Swam or an law, aloft Imo tilt poitOrsts. ;owl IT, um. Ir. Fraser Elver (117T1)OX8 t—Com to the Stort of goosor. ‘t. j mount for Bargains I—The undersigned w aeld most respectfully Inform the puhihrthaa he hes purchased the Store of John Want, at • t; rcentnount, Adams eonntf, halfrway as the road from Gettysbutig to Intsattabiarc whose he expects, by attention and mall prolate, to re tain all the old customs and smart lota of new. II is stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, ; niceties, Confectionaries, Queentreare, Wootlee were, Croekery-ware, Hardware, in,, In.large and varied—equal to thot of any otbetrAftt elau tore—aud be w/H see at prints; airtuniskietsk 10e. Ile only asks a trial, SO prove the Vault of this aasertion. • JOHN •. swors Country produce taken in exchange tot gook. J. ALEX. HALUTA. The undersigned also carries on the CAS: RI AGE-MAKING at the same Plan, sad Wrung rare indu to tieserbesers. Us warrant his !cork good, whilst his duties ars among the most moderate. Repairing alone all 4 . short notice. J. ALK.T. HARPI/2. Feb. 14, 1850. ly . Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR STORE.—Tbe underlie; itt lik fully announce to the citizens of and the public generally, that they "tt a new LIQUOR :STORK on Railroad street, in* • Bide, and midway •between the Paaseurie Freight Depot, and have mails arrangement" te keep constantly on hand a fun supply of Obis& of Liquors, Foreign and Domestic, such as RM. dies, Wines, Holland and Domestic (lies, Old • Rye and Itectifled Whiskey, Champagne. Mere . Bandy, Cherry Brandy, Cordials, Luke, and Wines of every grade. The above Liquors will be furnished et the most reasonable rates and warranted pet Ity strict attention to business and en sent to *sae, we hope to meri4 the patronage of the paleac. - b a r All orders promptly attended to. Feb. 21, COVEY k lianOt The Farmers' & Mechanics' S►VINCIS INSTITUTION of Adonis count y receives money on deposit. daily , frion 9 A. M. until 3 o'clock, P. M.. and on battorday from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 6 o'clock, PAM.— - Interefit on deposits from 2to 5 per cent.. Special deposits paid agrerabl) to notice, and trausitut deposits paid on demand with interest. Interest on special deposits. n lieu nude fbr ti mouth.; and upwards, 4 per cent.; for 3 months and npward4, 3 per cent.: on transient deposits for 30 days and upwards, 2 per cent., and on rtsgular weekly deposits 5 per cent. The popularity of this Institution with ell classes of the community, both In town sad country. and its consequent sucvsa, may be as cribed in part to the following reasons: It offers a convenient, responsible and profita ble depository to farmers and mechanics, to ex ecutors, administrators, assignees, collectors, agents and all public officers, to attorneys, trustees, societies and associations, Ineorporatod or otherwise, to married or single ladies, to students, merchants, clerks, and business men generally, to minors and all who have funds, much or little, to deposit with a return of interest. Depositors receive books in which are entered their deposits, which books serve as vouchers. They may designate in case of sickness, death or absence, who shall receive their deposits, with out the intervention of executors or administra tors. [Gettysburg, Feb. 24.185. t. ItESTAURANT.—Tbe tindersignedhas opened• s first-claps Restaurant, on the uwer flour of liceonsughy's Hall buildint, In Carlisle street, Gettysburg, and solicits a 'bare of the public's patronage. Tbe rooms have Just been fitted up in the Mint approved stylz, and will compare favorably with many of the best In the cities. His Oysters, Ale, de., wlll always be found of superior• quality, sad his charges moderate. The proprietor is thankful for the be run of custom hale already receiving, and is resolved to make "TTs Gan" even more popular, If possible. Feb. 14, 1859. A. B. PRIOR. SSELLING OFF !— The undersikned, having 411;- polled of his Store at New Oxford, and In tending to remove West, will sell off the goods in his Hampton Store actually at cost 1 lie is desirous of closing out the stock as speedily es possible. The assortment is very large, and not to be surpassed In quality. It embraces Dry Goods, of all kinds, such as Cloths, Casements, Vesting! ; Satins, Silks, DeLaines, Cashmeres, Al paces', Merinoes, Domestics, he. ; Hardware and Groceries, cineensware, Woodenwarc, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches and Jewelry, Perfumery, Cutlery, Stationery. Notiorif"and Fancy Goods, in almost end!ela variety; in dhort, every article that is to be found is a first class Dry Goods, Grocery and Hardware Stara.— Country Merchaais are Invited to call asst] m anilas these Goods. A rare chance will be of fered to purchasers. The actual City cost prices will only be asked. my-Come One I Costa All! JACOB AULIBAUGH. Feb. 31,'59. 2m* WJIT!OUT SURGICAL OPER4TIOIq3 OR LOSS OF BLOOD.—Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, Ulcers, kr., cured in a short time, without the knife, by Dr. IgacNienot, (Colleague of the late Dr. Lounaberry. No. 50, North Fllll Street, below A rch,Philatra. The remarkable success which has attended the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, ho., by Dr. IfecNichol, fora number of years past, has at tracted the attention, and to many instances has secured the hearty approval of malty mi. neat Physicians in Philndelphis, who sr, a* longer willing to risk the dangers and liiister tatnties of cutting. CLIWZA .C. 1.1/ 111. CCM I—if properly treated and promptly. A great majority or the eases of Cancer, can be effectually cured. The au. merons patients, from every settles of the country, w ho buve been cured under this Method of treatment is u guarantee of its superiority over eery other known system. Those who may be afflicted with these die eaßes.and desire further information Of AMC*, will please address Dr. klacNiebol, whets they will receive prompt attention end a Cep) of Pamphlet., on the treatment of Canon—free of charge. White Swelling, Rip plume, Serpi*lolo4o Malignant I.7lcer-r, Diseases of the Mouth med Tsroat, Cicerations of the Bones, rearic SIMI id Dead, and all diseases of the Skin, smaegurisats ly cured, and proper remedies sent—istrifpllit packed—by Express ft' any part of the coilsitry. In e%ery case a plain description nil the li. ease is required. Address Dr. litteNiciid: WE& 50 North Lth Street, Philadelphia, Nis% tbr and 31.tuuMctorer of Dr. Louasberry & Co's Celebrnted Imperial Deptirative. the 11111atiand most relinble Family Medicine of the Niostel9 . lll ecntnry, for the ccre of all diseases orialisistipf in impurities of the blood. Jan. 10,1839. 3m *otice. A • ToiN EYLER'S ESTATE.—Letteri pl aleatory on the estate of John Eykr,Jahtief Cumberland township, Adams county. deeertelbd, haring been granted to the undersigned, raiding in the same township, they hereby Ova 1,0114 to all persons indebted to said estate to mlio Ml mediate payment, and those haringet= the same to present them pommy a for settlement. IiENKY ElLPikt - JESSE3IIRSLKTZ. - Feb, 14,'59. 6& T'urnske Election. lIIRE Stockholders in the Yotk Ind Gettysbotg Turnpike Road Cotspany, are hereby seti that as election for Presidest,llllasseere sod other officers, to condset thil albite .offfite cop pray, will be held at the public hour. of /boy s 's. Horrnu, in Abbottatown, on iretionidah 23d day of Mara inst., bettieee the Soleil iifil 2 o'clock, X. Ind 2 o'clock, P. 31. JOSEPH SMYSII:I4 March Y, 1889. td Wall Paper. have Jost received from Ai e*, 1 4, .assortment of WALL PAPER own/ "- DO Mr BLINDS, of theiatett dyke, aire ' be sold at the lowest ester poiteibic. -.:•:'n - ii We hive shoo the best and awaited Mi. of aal Window Blind Armen that ass liwtilit t. We hays still oat hand tiollood lima, I pent of Mau, &ea, iforainv, MK - 7 1 articles La oar line of business, J* - • "The Gem." At Coot ! Cancer Cured, =BM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers