Ei;ii El zylKaalaiMill:2 - 4 '.. ...___ y r . ) *lO 7 4 ? ' -0 ir - V --.) ' l 7 .7 6.' ' rer~. -. ... *smolt AID PROMILIZINoIt ORT7'W,MISOO,rAs KO PAY 3 1 / 4 RCII 14. 1859 Bent' etc. sir- Country Girl," will appear in our Amt. Laid the article on the first page entitled 40 101111•14 of the Defeat of the Postal Appro .persdasa." It esposes one of the moat out- Mw pieties of political rambling on the ; paid of a leading Black Republican, erer • asiseiod at tie National Capitol. Corrie, Ciagibrill and Cyphus are to be bang in BaltinsoTe on Friday nest. -The leek county Agricultural Society will ;bold Ilbb out annual exhibition at York, coin ,Nessifil‘Dott ber 4th. The 'session of Congress just closed has .docent least one creditable act, in passing : thajoint resolution authorizing the President, sby.oad with the advice of the Senate, to con. taw Ott Commodore Charles Stewart a corn malualon as Senior Flag Offiner of the Nary on tk satire list, in recognition of his distin guished and meritorious services. • We Ma who has even been an ordinary ob• server of the debates and proceedings of the session of Congress which has recently closed, ow have failed to perceive and know, that h is the determination of the Opposition to bop alive the dames of sectional agitation and auboosity, for the sake of political copilot in the Worth, at any cost—even at the sacrifice of the Union itself. Upon this issue they bees resolved to fight the great Presidential battle of 18G0 ; and to that end every other question, however important to the public Vial, is to be subordinated. The National Dasmoorwe7 will meet them on any issue. President Buchanan hav appointed Robert Ould, Req., of Georgetown, United States Dietrist Attorney to fill the position rendered vassal by the decease of Mr. Key. Mr. Ould liras s candidate for this office at the time of the re-appointment of Mr. Key by Mr. Bu alma+ There are thirteen thousand uniformed' eshintears in Pennsylvania, equal in number Spilka-regular army of the United States.— ail there are three hundred and fifty theuessd men capable of bearing arms in the thole. - Goo. M. Dallas- is proposed as the next Democratic candidate for the Presidency by tie Stabile Register. The Agusta Constitu- Onstaist endorses the idea, and the Charles- Wm COS rier copies the article. ~, tobert Tyler, Esq., has been re-appointed Prothostotary of the Supreme Court for the Natters District of Pennsylvania; for a Mina of three years. This is a well-deserred trilseteto a most courteous and upright pub. ihr officer. _ The notorious Joe Barker has been fined RIO u Pittsburg, and in default committed, far disturbing the peace by street preaching lied using obscene language. A, prooocious.youngster, nineteen years aid, wood O'Dcnnell, is on trial in St. Louis toe being married to three Imes at the sale time. A. boy aged 15 years, and a girl 14, recent. ly eloped from Albany, N. Y. They were mils together in a select school in theta& Mildly Dutch city. The bny stole $65 from lie father, and with his juvenile dalcioes, impartial for Utica, where he was overtaken IT the "cruel parient," and both were leromght back home. Young America got a nweiblemg, and the hay yea loeked up in a mow to meditate over her folly. So ended !be romance. _ no Artesian well at Columbus, Ohio, has reeshed the depth of 1,891 feet, and gives SOSO eheerings signs of water, ♦ man in Keokuk, lowa, has an enormous ealled the Alligator Gar, which was eniegitt in the Arkansas river, a few milts above its junction with the Mississippi. It is over eight felt long, three feet in circum- Arseetamt, and weighed rising of 300 pounda l tries taken out of the water. , Over $5,000 have been subscribed at York, I Pa, to erect a new Lutheran church. The President has nominated, and the Sen • ells sonesmed the nomination of, the lion. - Bober* M. M'Lane, of Maryland, as minister to Mexico. The advance of Miran:ton on the sapittil, and the attitude assumed by the Eng iliah and French squadrons before Vera Cruz, s pow the seat of government of President ;wares, made it necessary that a minister, OA full power, should be dispatched at once ,to dot distracted country. noirriage recently took place at Cincin- AA, in which the bride was sixteen and the MOM 111 M sixty. P. 8. Yooderemith, ex-Judge, &e., will Annaba tried in Philadelphia, for defrauding /Tanis Sam's government of a large amount, es . isening spurious naturalization papers,and j sentiamed with George Ford in the laseltittafritntiro" which created a furor some sr. Amon the meet curious discoveries an ussneed l London, may be named a leather emu* so strong aad adhesive, that boots jowl aims are ,made with it, in which not a 10.100 stitch is seen of required, and the pm. Asi s 0 h omm il ek . g is so s imple that every man if not his own loot maker, at all Amain his owl boot mender. A few .days ago, a lawyer gave an insult to Ale Judge of the Coco of Common Plots, at :I,agausport, Ind., while on the bench, avhel'e mset the Judge et at one,. from his seat, pot s going into the bar, gave the chap a Anal drubbing. The Cincinnati Pres eays that the rola* Anshie hy which their paper is worked off„ is $ resreneet nooses. It nuts Hoe's light. pies doable Winder pess, throwing off three 'mod impressions an hour, and the al ' rum fir fad is only a mit and a half in Pitigers:- has been divided into live wards as set ef the Legislature. .Lnother act " swim ell doge is York acenq to rag- Mk 1abit49441 paper eoxiklara a paeor's "446 WOO pity a Tes7 rarszkeitlemvxmax !lMO' sio lox hid 21. 444'tin in 22 pos t VOW , , Pumeerea. at Weabisitoa. is sik 0017 and Wows to ammo°, _Pt .11190040 Gamma regards the Dow Militia Law ea a deeided improvement, and wants it to bey* 4 fair trial. Many minds keep tavern ; they entertain every thought that chance' to come along; like the promise of the old roadiripts, they wake welcome 01/113 and bealt. A New Idea--Church So rpers.--o.)e of the ohurehes in Columbus, 044,, is supplied with quite respectable parlors, near its entrance, where voce a month or oftener, the !tleulbPis of the congregation moot in social circle, have a good supper, and enjoy each other's smiles and conversation to the fullest extent. A tax of a dims or a quarter from each as provides for the expense, and gives • large sum annually fur the support of the church. At Columbus, in the church to which we refer, $6OO was raised in one year. The Chieago Dersocrta comae to us with a supplement containing forty-stun columns of closely-printed matter, representing delin quents of that city for the past y.-ar. Not less than thirteen thousand lute are thus advertised for non-payment of taxes. The lion. Henry S. Geyer, formerly United States Senator from Missouri, died at St. Louis on Sunday night. The man who couldn't "trust his feelings," is supposed te:sio.Lusineeit strictly on the cub principle. See fourth page. Who is to Blame P It is welt known that at. the late ses sion of Congress the annual appropria tion for the support of the Post Office department failed to pass. What effect this will have upon the workings of th - at useful and necessary branch of the Government, time must determine ; certain, however, it is, that very many persons employed in the transportation of the malls will suffer severe losses, and that portions of our country will be deprived of postal facilities. That the people may know upon whom censure should be bestowed for this failure to perform necessary legis lation, we copy the following paragraph from a dispatch by the agent of the Associated Press in Washington—a source certainly not disposed to do more than justice to the Democracy : " The misery which contractors will be subjected to by the failure on the part of the Government to meet its en gagements is incalonlabic, and the dam ages which they will be entitled to will amount to millions. All this can be charged__ to Mr. Grow's movement in e House on Friday- night, ir. seni:Ung an insulting message to the Senate, and I doubtless with a view to forcing un ex- tra session. Grow is a prominent 'Re publican' candidate for Speaker." The Washington Union, in an edito rial on the defeat of tit% bill making appropriations to conduct the mail ser vice of the government, says it piaci!' it out of the power of the Executive ta maintain the existing mail service, and then adds: The department, at most, can use the accruing receipts up to the close of the fiscal year, the 30th Juno. Nearly an moneys appropriated at the last session have been exhausted, so that the ac (ruing income •is alt that k is available, and even this income will not be avail able after the Lit of July next. Of course it is the duty of the administra tion at dace to adjust the service to the means in its hands. This will require a prompt suspension of a great many routes, and a general reduction of all others. Within *few weeks the country Wilt be able to determine the wisdom of the policy which controlled its repre sentatives in thus striking down the most important and nooesear,y branch of its public business. Keep it before the V eople I That before Mr. Buehanan's election, the .New York Tribune declared that "as sure as there is a God in heaven" if he were elected all our territories would bo nails alive States; and this infamously awd deiligeedly false and wicked decia ration was echoed in substance by the whole Fremontparty. Look at the re suit. Two years of Mr. Buchanan's administration expired on the 4th of March. During this time two rars. States have been admitted in opposition to the test (worst) efforts of the Tri bune pack. Other territories are bi ding their time anti maturing arrange ments for a like welcome from the Na tional Demooraey, who, alone, over have and ever will welcome and admit new sisters to our glorious confederacy, in spite of the combined efforts of Nig gerisni,Know Nothingism, or whatever other detestabto ism may spring up, to hang as a loathsome excrescence upon the Banner of the Union. liiPA latter from Washington to the / Salem Advocate thus chalks out the course of the Opposition fbr the next Presidential campaign— " President making has already be gun. Seward is bound to lead off the Republican forces in 1860. His Ro chester speech, planned by the indomi table, fearless, and adroit Thiirlow Weed, is the platform upon which the opposition to the Democracy are to stand in the Presidential contest that will soon take place. Banks may kick and plunge as much as he pleases.— Fossenden may lurk along the outposts of the army, waiting t'or a chance in the 4 camp. The decree has gone forth, and with Salmon P. Chase in Ohio and Si mon Cameron in Pennsylvania as lea den of tho Seward forces, all the };ankles and Fessendons, and Fre meals, and Doolittle& are to stand aside autteee the old for from New York com mence his donblings and twistings for the Prelidenoy." .21/rThe remains of Ur. Thurston, the aeronaut, rho met hie death by an unfortuna&e &scansion from Adrian, Michigan, on the iDth of September het, were accidentally found, on Sun day evening, about ton initca northwest of Toledo,ao#4oOut tan mil& from the place of theilied aacanaion. The re mains • ly identified. i iiirjameitiller lima stabbed in • fracas at Westminster, wee tnifilbre last, and has Lisps (Hod. likr•ral ar rests 1111T0 bcca amide. Minority Report of the Naval In- pu re-hearted (Ak hers; bat their 'tt effort in the new line of duty has proved a miserable vestigating Cemntittee. fuiluro. The country will demand better The conduct of the Bleak Republican press-'; evidence than is furnished in a mere Weed/m -elt and their allies in purposely misreyresent- ' caring document, to substantiate a charge of lag the facts disclosed before the N oval In- • net.-tat corruption against either the President vestigating Committee. of the National House i of the teited States or the Secretary of the of Representatives, is on a par with the uses!' Navy.—/'conryirastitaa. practice of that reckless and unprincipled party. The Comoiittoe was not rat Red with, What Investigating Committees Cost. a view of arriving the truth. That was The National liaise of Representatives on not Clio intentions of sue men who led and, Tuesday adopted a Resolution appropriating championed the movement.. Therm) motives $lO,OOO to defray tee expeemes of the Naval of the self-tketed defenders of honesty in thelnvestigating Committee. This is what the administration of public affairs, were of a po- people have to pay as the first instalment to titles{ character. 4 hey were actuated by po- i wards the expenses of the Black Republican litical considerat.ons alone. From the mass campaig n in 1860, for this is the meaning of of irrelevant g ,ip which an inquiry into the the fit Of ultra honesty with which the Oppo extendedof the Navy Department cities has been seised at the present time. would furnish. they determined to extract The people will not believe that the party matter for a political camptu Zn—ltriatterwl"ch which supported and defended 0. B. Meru soy when proven guilty of the most corrupt could Le moulded into any shape to suit the purposes of acheming. designing men. Upon practices, and returned to the Senate from thisprinciple the minority proceeded. They this State a man whose connection with the shared their questions so as to meet a par- innehago Indian treaties lout made his ticular ykditical view of the matter under con- name fatuous in all sections of the Union, are sideratton, and thus they attempt to make an in ,erects when they express repugnance at issue against the Democratic party, the Prot-. the alleged unfaithfulness of men in respon ident and others in high official positions. title public offices. All the Black hepubli- BAt the honest massos of the country will cans desire is agitation—some scheme by which they can betray the masses and render not look nt the matter from the same plitica4 the path of right dim and indistinct. This stand point as the minority members of the ' end thee hope to attain by making charges Naval Investigating Committee. They will of all finds against public men, and then demand facts, and when they are presented, weigh them dispassionately, examine them, in t raising Special Committees, from the minori the light of long established practice and pro- , ty members of which, they can obtain just eedent, and then give a verdict. A moug toe t such a statement of the evidence submitted, charges made is that of gross favoritism and ,as will suit their artisan purposes. But a eorraption in the awarding of contracts by the N few such Resolution, as that adopted on avy Department, and the allegation i 3 Tuesday. will show the people what this that both the Secretary of the Navy and the Black Republican luxury is costing the oonn- Presdent have overstepped the limits of an try, and they will apply a corrective to the honest dtecharge of their official duties in i a b us e, The Black Republicans are *Tying l oat spinet the expenses of the Government. connectionWithcertain specified cases. One of these oases is that of hienifcE k Co., of sail at the same time increasing them by such devices so. the_ National Investigating Phila. What are the facts on which this charge rests? rheee gentlernee s were bid-, Committee. Will the tax-payers count the tiers for a eibtract fur machinery. Among ege t 7—.le, the letters written in relation to their claim for consideration, was one from Wituse C. Parressoa.of our City, a high toned, bonen, upright gentleman, in wbidlt be saggeets the Importance of awarding the contract to Msa ince k Sox, if the same can be a..'ns witioati prejudice to the public terince. This le the point of the letter. and tees fact that it contains certain politimsl allusions does not_render it liable to a construction different from what the writer puts upon its fees.. This letter the President sent to tho Secretary of the Navy, with a simple endorsement calling his attention to its esittente, and yet this act of the President is made the sulooet of column after column of abuse in the Black Republi can journals. If the President had accented a letter containing suggestitins of an objec tionable character, and concealed that letter, and these conduced to influence the Secretary .of the Navy, that would have been a cause for Just complaint. But ho acted as any hon est roan would have done. Ile received the letter from Mr. Patterson, endorsed it. sent it to the Secretary of the Navy, where it would be placed on the files of the Depart ment, open for public inspection. There was ns concealment in the whole matter—no at tempt to mislead the Secretary. There is not even an allegation that too President ever spoke to the Secretary of the Navy upon the subject. The contract was awarded up on the merits of the bids, and neither the President nor Secretary Toucer is shown to have acted in a manner not entirely consistent with the duties and responsibilities of their high positions. The letter of Mr. Baasa, Collector of this Port, is also produced as evidence of a desire to influence, in an improper manner, the Sc.,- retnry of the Navy in awarding "coutracts. This letter, like that of Mr. Patterson, mist distinctly asserts the principle that the public interests are to be first regarded in the awarding of all contracts, and when that is done, then the claims of party men may be considered. What is there lit this position that is objeotionahle? Neither Mr. Baker nor Mr. Patterson urged upon the Presideut or Secretary Toucy to award the contracts to certain men because they aro Democrats, if titers/die interests will he prejudiced there by. But this is the inference the Minority places upon the letter, and they attack Mr. Beceanste and the Secretary of the Naty from that position. But the whole attempt has proved a failure, and the originator?' (if the vile, disreputable political scheme have received the acorn and contempt of all hon est men The fact is, there is nothing proved, so ; far as we have seer, showing that in any of the contracts, the interests of the Govern ment hare been sacrificed. On the contrary, the contracts were given to responsible par ties, at fair prioee, and the political opinions or the different persons engaged in them demonstrate that this consideration was sec ondary, and not paramount as is charged in the Report to which we are alluding. With reference to the management of the Brooklyn Navy lark, there appears to be some cause of complaint, which should be remedied at once. This, however, cannot be charged ppasrrticularly avtinst the, present Ad min. no, as it Is no new matter, but tole result of long-established custom. The mi nority fail to establish a single instance of mismanagement in the officers of the Navy Yard at this Port. The large number of men employed in both yards. and especially at this port, was owing to the amount of work to he completed. Each year the force at the different Navy Yards fluctuates. At one time the number of hands will be small iu eonseqeence of employment being scarce, at another all that can he worked with con venience and profit will be ordered into em ployment to finish old work or begin and push forward new. These facts are known to all, were understood by the minority of the Committee, hut they Wok a different view of the matter in order to make out the sem blance of a case on which to build a charge of official malpractice. The motives are transparent, and the attempt will fail of ' success. With all the ingenuity of the minority there is not a particle of evidence developed ' calculated to reflect unfavorably upon the purity of motive, and integrity of chitracter of the President. His conduct is free from all censure. His constrict in all the tramline- t tions were marked by that bold, fearless manner which always accompanies upright ness and devotion to principle. Cons,:loos of the rectitude of his intentions, he scorns concealment, and ',hoc's upon record all the evidence. ITN All possession, ut whatever char acter and from whomsoever received. It the . object of the President had been what is charged by the minority, the letters in (inc. tion would never have seen the light. But such was not the course pursued by Mr Bu-i (Altman, and the facts presented by the Com mittee are . an ample vindication of the Presi dent frotu partisan charges made by reckless' men to further their own political purposes, , and advance the interests of that party which is willing to stoop to anything in order to at tain power and place. But from whence come these charges, and by whom are these efforts made to injure the standing of the Chief Magistrate, and throw impediments in the progress of his Adminis tration ? Who are these sinless persons who aro casting stones at their neighbors ? They are the representatives of that party which has never been entrusted with power in City, State, or Nation, withont using that power to fleece the people, plonder the Treasury - rind disgrace the Country. The Congress of 18.57 was in the hands of this party, and they were compelled by the pressure of public opinion to expell some of their own party members tato were guilty of taking large bribes for public services on the floor of the Rouse; yet these men talk of dishonesty in awarding contracts! This party is the °atrium party I—the same shuts of politioiawbo . plundered this State tinder the Rirrtita administration —the awe who recently committed the frauds and Osculations on the treasury of the City in connestiog, with the Almshouse D. papaw* These are the men vim are chum . L ag Amami As President and affeatisr,e lidigeethon at abut 'they sail, fn. sorreptions of the Nationnitkehnlaistreition. Masers. &massy sad &rents hare ammo ed the lead in this clamor of clearheaded, Kansas Coming Right—Demo arse? Triumphant! From The Wyandott (K. T.) Arras Extra, we learn that that town has most effectually redeemed itself from "Republican" misrule, and elected a Democratic Mayor. The following is the announcement of The Argus : fryanclott Redeemed!—Demoeraey Tri umphant and Blqek " Republica Aisne ; Wiped Out ! 1 I—Let the Eagle Scream and all the Peoptellejoice Bryaisda, Democratic by Fifty Majority—Hip, hip, Harrah! :—We issue 4n extra to ant nounce, without delay, the first really substantial Democratic victory ever achieved in Kansas. The DemocracY of Wyandott have fought a good fight', and have prostrated the enemy forever. We send up a shout of victory to gladt den the hearts of our friends in the North and South, and all over thii Union. Wyandott is free from Black "Republican" tyranny, and' all clanscs of the community- will henceforth find a welcome reception and just and equal laws for their protection when they land upon our shores. Our election to. day has been, the first lick! under our citycharter. The Black " Republicans" fought with i a desperation which plainly it,dri catetptho importanec which they attach ed tk_the result. Not a vote that could be btgged, bought or coerced, but was forced into the ballot box by the bun. gry 'Abolition elitice huntbrs. But the people had tltned tße bitter cup or Black "Republican" power. Fire per cent. taxation wits yet, wasting their hard earned substance. Bigoted ordi nances still disgraced our town c.Latultt book—in short, Wyandott had tested the qualities of Black "Republicanism," and tho figures speak the result. James R. Parr woe the successful can didate, and h►a election was the °amp of groat rojoici ng, and is the eemmopoe. 'Dent, wo trust, of a political revolution in the Territory. Death of Hon. Aaron V. Brown, Post- r!,/,!iym,. .T 4 On Tuesday morning hot, at half past nine o'clock, this distinguished gentleman expired at ,Washington.--.- For some days ho snared with a aerate attact of phonmenia, sued his death was not unexpected., T. President and members of the eabitift visited him in his last hours, - and altar. an affileting farewell of4)is famitYoll9o l k IMP re. pose from his 'lnhere." On Monday night the President had a final interview with him,and was effected to tears. Daring an occasional delirium, the dying man called for the bill, evi dently alluding to the defeated appro priation bill. His death caused deep sorrow in all circles at Washington.— His remains, attended by the President and Cabinet, Heads of Departments, the Diplomatic Corps, Judges, public officers and citizens, forming a long funeral train, were placed in the Con gressional Vault on Thursday, to be removed to Tennessee. Gov. Brown was born in Virginia in 1795, bat removed early in life to Ten nessee. Ho was a devoted friend of Gen. Jackson. He served in the Le gislature—was six years in Congress— and a term Governor of Tennessee. He was a man of marked ability, kind and affable in his manners, peculiarly quid. ified for tip> intricate duties of the poei tion which he filled at the timo of hie death, and his memory will bo revered by all who knew him. -lion. JOSEPH Hoar, of Miss., the Commissioner of Patents, has been ap pointed Postmaster General. He is pronounced admirably qualified for the post. iTho Black Republicans and Dark Lanternites have again carried New Hampshire, electing their Governor and members of Congress, but by re duced majorities. The Democrats are Saining steadily, and will have the tate in a few years—ma.. Da-The only thing yet done in the Legislature •towards cutting off the "extra pay," was a motion the other day, in the !louse, by Mr. McClure, to make the compensation of members five dollars per day during the session— but it was lost, 85 ,yeas to 69 nays. Mr. DurOartir votAxlm the affirm. the. Such a measure would, we t'sar•, ImoiN4 to but little. It would result in longer sessions, and draw Jost as many dollars from the Sreasury as row. Let the pay he reduced, sad the sum Do flied for the agars seasioa—not per eaty. stir Tbe Sickles trial, at Washington, did not take place last week, bat will probably be commenced 4N Monday next. , . ifir onsw Polon, k Val 1 dip& Ailoadow,t . fonthat; io th•WI, 9I?; . a,lOO. -Ili 0 'tor . V as a boat $BOO,OOO. MINIUMI=======MIMIMMI I.Jc)ca,l .A.trairEit. M. M. C. Appregamirmas. TO Annual Conference of the Methodist E. Oiturth was held this year at Williamsport, Pa., and adjourned on Wednesday last. The Appointments for West Baltimore District are :—Henry Slicer, P. E.—Strawbridge, Benjamin B. Hamlin ; Whatoost, James 11. Brain ; Imory, John W. Hedges. Jos. France, imp.; Mount Vernon, David S. Mon roe ; Hereford, Jonathan Monroe and D. 11. Parish; Shrewsbury, Joseph C. McKeehan and J. B. Attie ; Frederick Circuit, Joseph N. Spengler ; Liberty, Elias Welty and Mar tin L. Drum ; Westminster, James Brads and James G. Moore; West Falls, George W. Dunlap; Ennaltsberg, Levin D. Herron ; Gettysburg, Henry G. Dill and Jas, R. Cad den ; York, Joseph A. Boss ; Yolk Springs, Geo. Berkstresser and George W. Heyd ; Hanover, Zdsrard Kinsey ; Wrightsville, Oliver Eget ; Hampekuni, S. W. Price and J. W. Brown. Among the other Appointments we notice: —Harford Avenue Station, Geo. W. Cooper; Dallas Street, John Bowen ; Mission to Colored people in Harford, Wm. Guynn ; Hancock, L. M. Gardner, B. C. Haelop ; Meroeniburg, Wm. Nentehilk, J. IL McCord; Hollidaysburg, J. H. C. Dash ; &wintry, Geo. Warren ; Missionary to Chins, R. 8. Manley. The next But Baltimore Conference will be held at Lewisburg. Pa. Time to be given hereafter. or she Track. As the train of can was nearing town on Wednesday afternoon kit, the front truck of e Burden Car by some gleans got off the track about thrty yards beyond Rock Creek Bridge. The Engineer. Ur. Davis, noticed the mishap Jul one the Locomotive entered the bridge, but fearing that by reversing sud denly he might throw the Passenger Car from the track, and probably down the bank, helept op a Air rate et *peed, and crossed safely, Mopping a abort distance this side.— The bolster and pedestals of the truck were broken, but it will not cost much to repair it. Five of the heavy oak cross-ties of the bridge were splintered or broken by the thumping of the wheel. upon them, but no other damage was done. The down train soon after passed over it—"all right !" The accident demonstrated two things—sound judgment in the engineer and peat strength in the bridge. The ear, it is supposed, worn over-loaded, and that the truck wheels .4 mounted" the track by the breaking of the bolster. The brakeman on the burden car, noticing that hid ear was of the track, and that the train would inevitably have to cross tho bridge, jumped from the platform, and rolled down an embankment of some 15 or 20 feet, but escaped without injury. ♦.. tier s.►MR et /airfield. Oa Monday night last, the store of Messrs. PArron & McCalmar, in Fairfield, this coun ty, was burglarionsly entered, (by boring a bole through the back door and removing the cross-bar,) and robbed of about $33 in money, five or six valuable watches, a num ber of breast-pins, finger-rings, and other articles, the whole worth several hundred dollars. SAIII7II BAYLOR. who escaped from Jail here some weeks since, was seen in the neighborhood a day or two previous, and is banes suspected of having had a haudin the theft. A portion of thegoods was tdterwards found oonceuled a short distance from the town, but no else to the robbors has yet been had. Messrs PAXTON £ kfcCasser offer a reward of $5O for the detection of the thief, or thieves, and the recovery of the goods. Neespe Dais Illeewollag. A German, named AUGUSTO, MOCILIIT, in the employ of Mr. Ginza, eame near drown ing while attempting to cross the Conowago near Sam Berlin, at the fording on the road leading to Harrisburg, on Thursday week. The stream bad greatly swollen by recent rains, and he was bot acquainted with the fording. The horse, wagon and driver float ed down the strum about 100 yards, and were an boar in the water. The man we. much eahaustmi by sold and mention, and not a little frightened. Ile Nu promised himself that he will "never arose the stream spin ea long as there is water in it I" Lesteres. D. MoOosrAcuity, Esq., will deliver the Leo tare befortthe Y. L C. A., next Friday evening. at 7 o'clock, in the Methodist E, Church. Sabject—" Language." The closing Lecture will be delivered next week, (135th inst. ' ) by Hon. E. McPaissox. As lipvairesit. The Notes of the Bank of Gettysburg are to be improved by the addition of a red ground-work, inch as is observable in the Notes of many other Banks. This will not only add to their beauty, but reader the Notes more di/Leah to counterfeit. stir Democrats, don't fail to MUM the Township and Borough elections on Friday next. No one should boasts to give at least s half day to this important work. The partment of f. eansylvania College, at Phila. delphia, took pinup in the Musical Fund Hall, in that city, on Saturday week, with a large attendance. The degree of Doctor of Medi cine was colourful upon thirtythree gradu : ate., on behalf of the faculty, by the tier. H. L. BAronza, D. D., President of the College here. The valedictory address to the gri4u ates was delivered by Prof. Guam?, M. D. The Philadelphickpapers pronounce it an do. anent and exceedingly well delivered oration, setting forth the duties, pleasures, and perils of the medical profession, and exhorting the young men who were about engaging in , this high mod responsible calling to seek the high. est style of moral professional clualilloations, and closed with warmly congratulating the newly-1104M asedieos on the honors they had obtained, with assurances of friendship and do best wishes of the spanker for their saaenes and prosperity in their new vocation. Seldom, bit alt imam* listened to a owe eloquent and eihetionate valedictory. Thomliar .ad ILlslttafai. On Meaux might or town wan liaited by a real old &Atoned thunder storat. The rain, man down is drops about' the rim of a ?Woo of °balk. "Load roared tie dreadful thunder, Tio rain dolor poured, The *a& won teas assandar, Sat Ut• people slept 'sad snored." ilaribq an sum of soap boiled in a *at it lose, led ilia es *kb *bomb gigs bil• be bot deeilaya bed4egs a$ *Sir Legistralve. On Thursdiy, the Sd inst., in the House, Mr. Durboraw read in his place "An Act to amend the road laws, i.e., of Adams and Perry bounties." In the Senate, on Monday last, on motion of Mr. Brewer, "An Act relating to Deer in the counties of Adams, Barks, Franklin and Fulton" passed. On the same day, in the noose, Mr. Law rence, from the Committee on Railroads, re ported "An Act to incorporate the Rut Ber lin Railroad Compuusy." Reasoostranoss were presented from nun• ting ton and Montgomery counties, against the passage of the Act providing for a change in the mode of collecting the State and 004111- ty taxes. The House, on Thursday, passed the Act to incorporate the East Berlin Railroad Com pany, and it was sent to the Senate fut con currence. The General Banking Law was detested in the Senate on Wednesday by a - vote of yeas 13, nays 15. t of the Medical De- DPORMAINI • A colored man, named Charley Hays, was accidentally drowned in the Conooocheaque Creek, a abort distance below the Edge Tcol Factory, on Tuesday night last. It seems he drove into the week with his horse and cart, at the noosing at Wolfatown, on his way home—but the night being very dark, and Charley very drank, be missed the road and got down to the "Turn Hole," where he and his horse were found dead nest morning.— Chamberrieury Spirit. -ease ROM Mg Ardell,.. We would invite the attention of our mer chants who are shout to visit Baltimore to the advertisement of Mr. Ono. A. Mms, on another page. Mr. Mille has enlarged his stook of wares and is now prepared to supply the trade with all kinds of goods in his line on the most accommodating terms. We would also call abentiou to the adver tisement of Mr. Jossmi Virraar, who has on hand a large stock of every deseription t of Carpeting. Oil Cloths, Matting,. ke., and with his experience and facilities is enabled to offer great inducements to ponthasers. war Our friend PlTit Erizi. of Straban township, supposing use) be youtithing of a judge of good things, brought us, the other day, a large 0 mess" of excellent Parsnips —fur which treat Peter deserves to be. and is, sincaely thanked. rare Lady's Breastpin was found ow the Cemetery ground., the othei day, which th , owner can hare by calling on Pses.a Tmoart, the Keeper. lar JAc.B Ilotrzn °silt requests na to state that those persons wishing him tosop ply them with the Daily Sun, will let him know on or before the 16th inst., as the year will then commence. 1 711 anuartla Sian. Messrs. Houck a Martin, of Smithburg, slaughtered 911 Weefacade: week, a steer which weighed 2,405 lbs. The steer was fattened by Mr. F, Ziegler, of Leitersburg. Moe understand that Mr. JACOB Y. Bususr has disposed of his celebrated Stal lion, (Richard Colhhana,);to Mr. Joan Q. Ssassasy, bear Uniontown, Md., !be $l,OOO. Mr. B. has still a few more of the same sort left. lla-Mr. C. W. Hoffman sold tone"". Arnold, Esq., 51 acres of Wood-land, in Hotraltonban township, for $lB2O. larOur friend W. W. Wittily, Esq., now in I.4ndon, bas placed us übaet renewwl obligations for oopies of The Tiwes.• To lion. (ho. W. Thaws' and Messrs. Dassos•w, Woi.s, and Jinni Picsuio, at Mar risburg, we are indebted for loom Legislative favors. l ars number of large Bales took place in this county last week. Articles onerally brought good prices. Barn. reason of Lent ootnntenceit on Wednesday last, and will close on the day before Easter. Mr. Editor:--The answer to Mary Kate W's. Enigma is •'Gtr Printer, Mr. Stable." Salem is the town in New York; Maa is the island south of Scotland; Tin is th, metal; Tea is one of the exports from China; 0 is the vowel; Letter is mostly used to carry a message; Rot is to decay; Prose is very pretty to read ; Lion is the name of a beast; and Hair is a part of the body. I here also tried my hand at A. B's. Puzzle. I think the answer is "The Compiler," but as I am an iaexperienced hand at solving pus. a1e5...1 am not certain about that bobg tho wrest answer. 1111 brava see's.. mosigwas. I am composed of 10 lottery. 3dy 10 6 3 4 is sometimes vary refreshing. 1 5 8 is a very useful saimaL 2 9 10 is a pronoun. 7 is a consonant. My whole is a glower. %mai. The Plantation, March Tth, 1859. Charade. My first is seen in every land, And told in every tale ; 'Tis not at wind or storm's command, But yet in every gale. My next is heard in th' owlet's scream, And in the whipporwill's ; 'Ti. writ in every note %would seem, But never used in bills. In every Tale my atird appeszs,— In every Talley heard; Without it Tice is in arrears, And quite another word. My fourth and last begins the end, And only ends with time ; In harmony!twill ever blend, Ito voice in every chime. Id y whole is oft the poet's theme,— Sometimes the parson's test; Without it lite would be a dream, And every swain perplex'd. Caahtown, Mazob, 1859. --X -T. for Me Compiler. Illilopolloorome !Myna. I am (imposed of 13 letters. Xy 1 4 5 is often wished for. 13 11 1 8 may be found in Inrope. 2 7 10 9 are sometimes troublesome. 18 6 11 Motions more in lore than anger. 8 6 are the same. Xy whole is neomsary 1 solving dileult probliric D. C. 8. rielltown, Ps.. March 1859. ler The Ompflie. I sat e . ousßosed of 22 letters. Ily 9 5 2 is a Inn 4 of grain. 4 15 1,2 9 is in 6 2 6 is as answer to s question. 17 22 14 las instil /9 6 6 is s prockaao. 7 15 22 14 Is a nickname for 6 boy. 11 is a preposition. 10 20 is a, vsrb. 16 21 is on what soya perr a qp,..- 16 12 4is s Ai x srbsie is a psi bead. is asiir .84a4is 1,. _z aireamr to Enigillipe ik P o it is bunt "Charles 0. Hiller.' seeress Ifillnreasas. To the Editor of The Catepilert...Dear SirvAs there are many large streams of water which heed their origin is the county of Adentst if might Le some satleftsetion, so mime of your nutaerous readers, to know from when,* some of them spring, es seek latern regatarim are often Weds' by persona so aa• certain. We *ill MAIM In the Bret photo those that have Welt origin upon the south side of the turnpike road leading foul Getz tysburg to Chambersburg. The frig it Teem as Clue of which we shall speak, whiek has its origin about one mile north of Dania Snyder's. Deer the Franklin county line,and about two and a halt miles south of Caledonia Springs—runs eastward. The mutt is AMR sax Cello which has its origin at the Cite. donis Springs and runs south-west. The next is Mutsu Comm. wbiob has its origin a place called Poplar Spring, about a mils and three quarters from Daniel Kahn's south. w est, and about three miles north-east of the Caledonia Springs, upon the north side et the Green Ridge, runs north-east, bending south. These arise on the south side of the turnpike road as above stated. Now we will notice those that arise on the north side. Firm we will notice the CoNowsoo CR/tElr. which arises about one mile north-east of Ephraim New mates, on the said turnpike. Teasing ealteratd through the Chapel valley towards Aromas. rill.. The next in place is Cotrococusseve Caszo, which arises within three ( Martin of a mile of the Ram's Rill, a promontory on the large tableland mountain. north of the Piney mountain, and not far from whets the counties of Cumberland and Franklin juin Adams, runs south, then south-west by Caledonia Furnace. The next is MOUNTAIN Cane, whiob arises on the south side of the afore. said mountain, about one and a half miles farther east, runs south, then north-east to• wards 4 Pine Grove Furnace. Those streams have their various tributaries which pour their °entente into them and which flow gradually along, increasing in size, until emptied into larger streams which empty in. to the great Ocean. But the must important part of this subject is the romantic magnifi cence and scenery which surround the beads of the streams above mentioned, particularly on the not thern side of the turnpike. towards thehead of Cenooocheaque Creek, and IGreli run. one of its brioche.. There yon can view nature in its primitive formation. and from the inequalities of hills anti mountains cover. ered with lofty pine timber, and the north west wind whistling through the same. the observer is at onmetruck with a vast wilder ness unfolded to view, (about eighty sqUare miles of uoinhabited country between Pete Grove Furnace and Graeffenburg.)where every thing - around is associated in confirmation of its first settlers, the descendents of Shen). whose habitations (or wigwams) were ones Were. &sumac Caahtown, March, 1859. ger.it, the monthly meeting of the "Inde pendent Blues," heki on the evening of the 7th inst., on motion, in leas, unanimously, Resolved, That the thanks of the Company be tendered to the "Marion Rifle." of Hanover, for the cordial reception and hospitable entertain ment extended to ns as a Company, upon the oc taste* oroor recent visit' to that town; such kindness befog the more grateful to us, inasmuch as oar visit was unheralded and unexpected. Resolved, That our short sojourn with the good people of Barmier will ever be associated in memory with pleasing recollections of their generous and whole-hearted hospitality. Resolved, That we tooter to the "Marion M lle" an invitation to visit us at en early day, with the assurance that we, in. connection with our fellow citizens, will give to them upuu such occasion a cordial reception. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be rot warded to the "Markin Rifle." star The four condemned, murderers —Gambrill, Crop, Corrie, and eyphus —who ars sentenced to be ersscated, ac Baltimore, on Friday next, hare ad dressed n joint letter to Sheriff Creamer requesting that they shall not be htinir in shrouds. There tieing no Law requi ring the sheriff to use shrouds, ho will accede to their desire, and they will bo executed in their usual dress, only wear ing the necusbary cap to draw over the face. Pee TIN OsEOM* do Eteursion.—The Hanover Spec tator says it is probable an excurhion party will be got up in that place to visit Thiltimore, on Friday next, to wit fleas the execution of the four criminals to take place on that day. ter Or. Joshua Webb, a elorgy.rnan of Selena, Michigan, has been arrested for counterfeiting on an extensive mile. More than 112,000 in spunous motley was found in his possession. for Tire Compiler GITTYSBURG—SastranaT Lan. Superfine Flour , 4 00 Roo F10at......-- .. fi 24 Wheat rratal 45 Corn, 4Q Rye 8A Oats A. ...... ..... 60 BuckwheatVl —., Buckwheat 11ea1...... 2 00 Clover Seed ....6 ET to 11 00 Timothy Seed .......1 TS to 2 00 Flax Seed 1 20 Bosley...—. ...... ..««....... Plaster of P0ri0..................•... . Pork - .....«..».«..,....« BALTIXO9/11—Fszoo.T kairt, Flour .. ...—... 0 35 to 9 37 Wheat ......... ................. ~ . 1 33 to 190 Rye ......... , SO 1,5 99 Oors ... 74 to 8.3 Oats sow 69 Glover Seed„, 0 30 to e 37 Timothy Seed. 200102.25 Belt Cottle, per hood ......... ....-. 0 50 tol I 00 gop, per bowl. ---,-..... ODO to 26 filW ...........••.. ..... ~-.., ....., T ,.. 1 ,11,1110 tole 00 indskeY ..”..„.. ? .. FL - 0 to 29 Gesso, Poartoo; per ,too 0 00 BANOVIS-11. Hoar, fros miens • Do. Mn I I 25 Whost ft• .11 -111 6 " lir 50 t 50 87. net•.l.• . -5 so COrt.. 70 r 60 -4; hover Seed Ar 50 Thabilir 8.. d 50 Piaster ...... uk IYORt-Attli &ari l . , 4 t , e , nosy, fro* 1 Ovnur:;.:44 . . ,;... o :-.:., I , t. 176 Do. fivoitterit..-.........--- -' • 626 , et• •• .. - ,......1.... 64 . . -. 120 66.2 60 all11 • "1 1 14 0 19.rts g=••.••••••••••.:....«,.......... ..... ••••% , , :'' 1/1 2 , 12 ••4.4464 . . . : 1 1 Of _,..i( .A.r; . • *• ct - 11,yi lc) !'or im ~ ' ' • see • g Ow. ••••••••• ••••••• ••••• " i z Ille:f (Ommanieste;d S #1) 014 i .l 6. \\s .sos 0 1. .0 ):‘ :p" .441. The Markets i;:i 70 6 60 'I 50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers