Bread yLittk.put Yeast or Milk. Mr : Jame liPorroatio—l mewl you the 0411hiriar#nietiofts for making excel- Jent, 1 t., 'wee& bread, without ycnat, PAIL w,1114, saleratas, or awla- 7 with lowLitlag. le fact, save water and dour : Ta)co - baiting water ; let it stand until thertextpenture is reduced below the scalding point ; then stir in flour es you can well beat it with a spoon. Set it in warm water kept at proper tem perature, to promote fermentation, which will usually be completed in from three to four hours. It' it should be fame thin after standing a m bile, stir in n te:i-spocinful or two of flour, heat- Inc it occasionally until it t•oinnietiPes tf Sae. When light, put it ‘+itli the &oar, raising up with water and knead -4,ltoronglily ; then make into loaves, mid put on tins to rise, keeping warm, and bake as usual. After several years' pxperienee in making bread according o the above directions, I prefer this rnetho to any other with ‘.4 Hell lam acquainted. So says Elsie Emery, 1n the Country Gentleman. ."They Say" Punishable by Law • A woman in Mass:whose! LA, Whil was recently itued for slander, was defigided on the ground that she only repeated without malice what was cirrently re. ported. The Supreme Court justly de emjp) that it was no defence, but that n ts4l.boarcr who repeated a false and e4landerous story, no matter how wide ly it had been circulated, did ho at his peril. The origin of a slander cannot always be traced, and its power of mis chief comes from its repetition. Singular Will.—An inhabitant of Montgaillard, who died in 1522, left the following test:mein: "It is my will that any of my relations who shall pre sume to shed tears at my funeral shall e klisinherited ; he, on the other hand, who hupghs the most heartily, shall be Pole- heir. 1 or ler that neither the phurch nor my housoshall be hung with black cloth, hut that. on the day of my burial the house and church shall be decorated with flowers and green boughs. Instead of the tolling of bells, I will have drums, fiddles and fifes.--_,- All the musicians of Montgaillard and its environs shall attend the funeral.— Fifty of thgp shall open the procession with hunting tunes, waltzes and min uets." This singular will created the more surprise, as the deceased hi it al ways been denoloPinal.ed by his family the Nisanthrope, on account of his gloomy and reserved character. The End of the IVorld to be this Year. —Abe Newark Journal says : Messrs. Abraham Flavelland . l. Decker, Second Adventists, of this city, have issued a circular called "The Time Memsengers," containing twenty-eight colmuns of *r epro-its and figures to demonstrate litat the second coming of Christ, will l.e daring the Passover of the present year. Mr. Flavell was an ardent Mille rite during the excitement of 1843, Fhen the " big tent" was erected in the /*inherit part of the city. and notwith standing various disappointments in his calculations since concerning the second coming of the Messiah, he ap pears still to cling to his peculiar belief jth remarkable tenacity. Ilia under stood that in 1843, when the end of the world was " sure to take place," Mr. F. sacrificed some valuable real estate and prosperous balFing.busiaess. • He Didn't Read the Papers.-1n the trial of the Doyen brothers recently in Michigan for murder, much difficulty vitas cfper:enced in obtaining a jury h•Co fFom prejudice. At last, after a i«rge number bad been rejected, a man from the back part of the country was called, who in response to the questions propounded, said that ho did not take jar mad a paper, and had never heard pr the murder. lihis 'eras too strong a case, and Mr. Terry one of the counsel fur prosecution said : We object to your sitting on the jury in this case; a In v an that don't take a paper, and never bpard of this brutal murder, don't know enough le be a juryman ! We don't want you !" Nappy, if not When wo,heard of Albert Pike's (suppn+cd) . decease," says tl?e Montgomery Mad, " we could hut regret that ON Ned or some other pxpert .was not near, to try 4rn him what prored so successful in the case ofthe Arkansas Gentleman,' in ltis pwn song: They laid him not and sprees' him out and lied him for the tomb, Aemi then, on account of their sorrow fur his decease. opened . the higorsst kind of a ~►tno of Faro, right there in his own zoom ; • pat when lie heard the rattling of thp chocks, he tare the linen from his face. .41w1 bounded up and sung out., 'Hold on, frrindle; don't turn, I'll go twenty on the king and copper on the nee,' Like a fine Arkansas gentleman, close to the Choctaw line."' !A Stupendous Project—We soo it !dated that the carious Railroad Com panies, whose roads terminate in Phila delphia, are malting, an effort to get an act. through the present session of our latnre, incorporating a mammoth company, with a capital of some two or t gigs - millions of dollars, for the purpose pf nutting all the roads running into iligy7 by means of a subterranean passage under the stream The project is-certainly a grand one, and will doubt less be carried through, as the gentle p who are nt . oring in the matterore of energy in railroad affairs. The Fa44ope.---From a description of the Afettit, Paris fashions, We clip the following : a fie harp f t nen Romp beautiful oven jug tostutops, one of which was of blue !errs Teiret; the ilcirt is without arty very full ; thpiewneeked hi Papoatt; almost to the waigt; Itj lowed ent nod farms hraeos, Nrikrch qrR faitPne4 go Ole 141 ( 1 1 441er8 the front piece iscomposed of n body of plaited muslin, with sleeves of the Rattle, bordered with terry velvet, sirid they are covered with yolonlinons white tulle i -11341 waist The above, to P>ldll 1 11011 WI 01100 4 1*4 be viusiiiered • ai 4r. pek 4 , , - • ly .Wtised in the tr. • • - . • ii aq.. 11 f.; *bite the . , . . ~... 11 4ogrbeli 'Dein* • .iiiti Itet'ut . ..4120 open 0411146., ~ 4 4 4 , .! 1 , g 14 ii ta,Rer 4e4 b L Z Inn. A k' . , • .. .. of it...sie iknaity a test .. , .. ' IPA PPM!. 81 44 WE 14 €9llsotutiOa• ALL TIIINUS ARK READY I--The un darsigne t has the pleasisre of alumina , ing to hint oW country frieenitr r fisorters and merchants—as well as the citTiensof Gettys burg. and "the rest of ntankind.':;that hie ne , Y and coromoltuas Warehouse is now (pen, and that he is receiving GLLAIN L PRODITCE of all kinds, for which ho is pay ing the hi,.thest market pricer; and while the public can of their produce to e‘e hest advatitne,r, they can be //applied in re turn with tlrocoriex. of every tle.cription, 'existing of Coffee. Sogar, .1101axxe./, Guano, Planter, 0,14, C..darware, and athousand other thing+ not here mentioned. Wholeinle, Retail and ch •:tn :Is the cheapest k our motto. If the people consult their own interexta, and act they will not f mget the undersigned. !loping the familiar faeex of all my old Clip t,,merm w,ll moot me oz Lin, and with them many new toms, 1 shall endeavor t pie:L.4! (twin. JOHN lIOKE. lietayihurg, Nov. 22. 1S i 6. Valuable Farm V OR SALK—The .tzliQcriber. Aamignee of lfr.Nay. S. Nilo, viLli n d Wirt, for the benefit of ere litorq, ,ktfers at Private Salo THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY, in 'egiggiherl.togi township, Adams county, abs,nt 1,1 miles Kent Or liettynburg, 11.n4 q .ett s of the Cliair,•berstnirst turnpike. Jarnet Esq., ll,•irs of in i. deceaAed, Samuel Hartzell, Fre leriek I lerr, Abraham Spang ker, and containing 1,5 ACRES, wore or • The improvements : c are s Two-sti.ry Double Stone , 1111 - 1 110 SE, with 't'wo-story Back building, having a la./gement Kttchnn shore ground. a Stone Bank Baru, Carriage House, Stone Spring (loose with a neverfailing Spring. Pump of neverfailing water near the kitchen door, and three (h. churls, 2 of which are new, the latter con taining about 1000 Peach trees, 100 Apple, with' a variety of other fruit trees on thq premises. There is running water in almost all the fields. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and fencing. About 15 acres ars in Timber and there is a full propotion of Meadow. se-Person+ desiring to view the property c-tn I k e shown the tame by calling on the family reAlding thereon. or on the subscriber. J. 11. DANNER, Assignee. !c .r. 13. 1848. Valuable Real Estate, T Pal l'ATe; SULK.—The subseribers. 4 1.F.tecut.irs of A Bala %V SN rock deceased, offer at. Private Sale, that 1)ES1 RA BL FAIIII, on which decadent resided upwards of twenty years, situate in Tyrone township. Adams county, adjoining lands of George Meckley, Heirs of Jacob Wolf, Anthony Dear dorff, Samuel Deardorff, and David Hoover containing 2tr2 ACMES, more or less with good prop - irtions of Timber and Meadow The improvements consist of a two-story Weatherboarded Dwell- 11 n ing fIOOSE. Bank Barn, Wagon •if II Shed and Corn Crib attached, —,..,- o,,o f fer Shop, and other out-bui Lbw's ; never-failing wells of water, one at the house, the other at the barn : and an excellent Ap ple MID, with a variety &dialler choice fruit. Comirago Creek run% through the Farm, and there are also two siorings on the pr.sperty. The knees, mostly of eliesnut rails, are g md, and the land is in a good state of cultivation, two-thirds of it having been lime.l. The property will bo shown by Samuel inter, residing thereon. Also. fTItACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, containing 7 acres, more or loss, situate in 3Leiuttien township, Adams county, adjoining lands of George Meekley, ifaxtb Gulden, and others. sIOTIN SNYDER, F4EQERICK HOLTZ, Sept. (. 15.5 4 . grantors. Bear The sale notes given LW personal pi property of said deceased are now duo. and immediate payment is required. The notes arc in the hands of F. Holtz. Fall and Winter Geode, FlB:iB.—J. L. SCHICK would avail •L: himself of this medium of announcing to the community and public in general, that he has received from the cities the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, that it has ever been your pleasure to ex amine in this place, all of which has been selected with time. the utmost care, and with particular reference to the taswes and wants of the p.y)ple of this locality. and which for beauty of style and the ipness, he challenges omtnotition. In the LADIES' DEPART MENT. he has all: styles, qualities, shades, and colon of Good+. suitalrfe for the season. Ile invites the Ladies to call and take a look through his selections at their earliest con venience. ,FOR TUE GENTLEMEN, he has a choice stock of Cloths. o.tssimeres, Vest ings. Ac : , &c., all good and cheap. notitt pass by Schick's-43e will always be found ready to show Goods and sell cheap— among the very cheapest. tieltyshurg, Nay. 8, 1858. Fahnestooks'. Adv,artisements. El ROC Elt lE.V—Sugar, Coffee, ' Rice and every description of Groceries, On be had at the lowest market rates, wholesale or re tail. at Fahnestocks'. ILTEAT CUTTERS--All aim at rednced pri,:es at Fahnestocks'. .11:JR.S.—The ladies can fled the cheapest and beat assortment of Victorines and Cuffs, in every variety, at Falfnestocke. SZALT.—.Gronad Alum, Fine and Dairy Salt, ). "-I to be had at the lowest rates, wholesale and retail, at Fahnestocks'. LADIES' Cloth (Honks, or Mantillas, to be 1 4 had very cheap at Fatmestocks% PLANKETS, Coverlets, Horse Blankets, " every variety, and cheaper than the cheapest, at FAIINESTOCKS'. Tin-ware, OF every description, now on hand and for sale by Geo. E. Buehler, in Chambers burg street. RTOVE PIPE of all sizes, constantly on hand or made to order, at Buehler's, in Chanthersburg street. ZAM) CANS of all sizes now read 7 and for Z side at Buehler's Tin-ware Establishment. USER Milk Buckets fur sale at GEO. E BUELIGER'S, is Chambersburg Stoves ! Stoves ! QH RADS, BUEHLER & KURTZ have just ret4ived a large supply of new and beau tiful Parlor, Saloon and Shop STOVES. of the latest and most, improved styles. Also , all the latest styles of COOK STO VES, embrac ing the " Noble Cook," "Royal Cook," "Wm. Penn," "Sea Shell." "Mornin s , Star," "Phil adelphia Sunri-te./"•gredonta," (Raltimore Air-Tight, improved) “4ewel," arid "Charm" = l lll ft* wpaci gr Call at the %are Room, in West Middle street, two &lora west of the new Court-house Sept. What ! Again P YE .S, 'I'S EVEN SO. that Franklin B. Picking has just received another large cargo of IVINTE It CLOTIIINQ, which is now being opened at his'Ckahing Emporium, in Chant bersburg street,oppoiate the English Lutheran Chureh. It is the most complete assortment uf Winter Clothing, of every va riety. ever opeaed in 444nis county, and what is better, baring been fettunats in tusking his purchases, he is enabled to offer bargains truly surprising. His stock of Coats, Pants, Vests.hhirts 3 Collars, rtrowers, Socks, Gloves, Ilankerchtets, Coioorts and a thousan I other things, are worth calling to see. Without further porticulltrizing t we say unt*lgloente to 4 sett. E. 11, W. P r rApi 000 SIGARS, itf rathit!s briar., i direct from the Importers and for safe cheep, wholesale-sad Apk't forget to-cell at the cheap kali Of • J*n. ti, qmorrecF Ty* ZUME rp n E worth of • their xunsor - alsd the right cisage back NORBECK b 31.1RTIN'S is the place to get It, whore, they felt all kinds of Graceries, Confeetionarieq, and Fancy Articles-1n • word, everrthicg belonging to a first-class Grocery. Biasses of seven differct.; kinds, from c , •nts ua t , .) 71 rer gallon ; Sugars, six different kin le, from 8 cents up to 14 per lb.: Coffee, hi e kini4 ; Teas, Chocolate. Klee, Cracked), 'felt Cake., Waded Pie Fruit, Cheese. Fish. Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. May 121, 11=1 New Firm--New Goods. rpm: nrolAritigned have entered intn part -1- nership in the lid /1911"..111/..: Gr.'(). CERy husiness. at the old s tand of Danner & Ziegler, in It dtiinure street, tinder the name, sty le and firm of Donner tf• Ziegler, Irs., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as is eil as any quantity of new custom. They have just returned from the cities with an immense stock of Goods—consisting in part of Building Miterialr, such Its nails, screws, hinges, ),olts, locks, glass, &,!. 71 , 0/g, including edgo tools of every de scription, saws. planes, chisels, gouges, bra ces and Kitts, augers, Aquares, guages, ham- Merl., &a. BtaeicvatitkA will find anvils, vices, rasps. filen, horse shoe". horse-shoe nails, La., with them, very cheap. Coach Andings, such as • cloth, canvass. damask. fringes. cotton. moss, oil cloth, spring', axles, hubs, spokes, fella's, bows, poles, shafts, .te. Slue Findings, Tampico, brush and french morocco, linings, bindings, pegs. lasts, boot trees, itc., with a general assortment of shoe maker's tools. Cabbset Maker's Thous. a general assort ment—also varnish, knobs, Ate. fatiseLerpers will also find a large assort ment ofknites and forks, brittannia, albata and silver-plated table and tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad irons, enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, churns, carpeting, Ike. Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; cast, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Groceries, a full and general assortment, such as crushed. pulverised, clarified and brown sugars; Now Orleans, West India and sugar house molasses and syrups, coffee, spices, chocolate, fine. coarse and dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm• OIL; Turpentine, Fish, kc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding. S ice Finding, Housekeeping. Black smith, Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are de termined to sell as low for cssu as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DINNER. WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Gettysburg Railroad. R UNNING OP TRAINS.—First Train will leave Gettysburg daily (Sundays excep ted) with passengers fur York. Columbia, Philadelphia, flirrisborg. the North and West. at 7 o'clock. A. hl.—returning with passengers from Bakiln we at. 12.30. P. M. Second Train will leave Gettysburg with passengers fur Baltimore at 15 minutes before l. o'clock, P. M.—returning about G 30 w ith passengers from York. Columbia. Philadel phia. Ilarrisburg, the North and West. R. McCURDY, Pres't Dec. 20, 1858 Great Reduction TN THE PRICE OF' THE J. M. SINGER & 4- CO.'S SEWING MACHINES.—B. RAN• DAIL. proprietor of the State of Pennsylvania. the counties of Philadelphia, Erie and Alle gheny excepted. The undersigned would respectfully inrorm the citizens of York, Adams. Cumberland and Lancaster counties, that be will sell Singer's Sewing Madames at reduced prices. Persons desirous of purchasing a good Sewing Machine should by all means purchase mne of Singer's. for they are the only machines that will do the work that is rtiluired of a Sewing Ma chine. Call and examine and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. For beauty they cannot be surpassed, and for durability can not be beat—there being now in use over 15.- QOO of Singer's Machines, which recommends theta to be far superior to any other in use.— All I ask is an examination of the Machine. and if you have any notion of one you will be certain to buy. Machines of every variety of Singer's on hand. Every family should have one of the Family Machines. for they are cer• tainly a hand.onie and useful pieoe of furni ture. They are not liabls to get out of repair, and will last you a life time. Machine silk, Needles, Thread, Bobbins, ic., at all dimes on band. All orders attended to with dispatch. N. P. REISINGER, Agent. 42 Market street, York, Pa. ,ran. 3. 1859. r!1 •MMIWINThiMrI TRAINS oror the Hanover Br. Railroad now run as follows : - First Train leaves Hanover at 0 ♦. w.with passengers for York, Harrisburg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Train leaves Hanover at 1 r. is with passengers [or Baltimore and lateral, ditto points. DANIEL TRONE, Tisket Agent. Hanover, June 28, 1858. Notice to Farmers & Merchants. have row opened onr large and corn " modious Warehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Railroad streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad CJuipany, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, vie: Flour, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Lc.— Also, on hand and for sale, Salt, Guano., Plaster, Fish, ite. A large stock of Groce ries just received, consisting of Sugars, Cof fees, Syrups, liolaaseir, Gila, Rice, Tens, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, ko., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see and examine oar stock bef)re purchasing elsewbssre, as our motto will be "quick sales and small profits." We would also call the attention of all in terested in the thrifty and healthful condi tion of th.!ir Cattle. horses, ll o g s , &c., t o the fact that we have for sale Breiniy, Fron , lfebl& Co.'s Celebrate,' Vegetable Cat tle Powder, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER, SEITZ & CO. Gettysburg. Nov. 15, 1858. New Arrival! HATS. CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES.—The " subscriber has just returned from Phila delphia where he selected, with much care, a very large and superior stock of Boots, Shoes, lista and Caps, sod Setters himself that ha is now prepared to exhibit to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, the larg est and finest stock of Goods in his line that has ever been offered to their notico. Hav ing purchased our goods at the lowest cash prices, we are prepared to offer greater in ducements than ever. Come and see. We will take great pleasure in showing our goods whether you wish to - buy or not. Oct. 2&. A. P. hicILHENNY. Ohm . R. Doran, XD. QvrICE on Baltimorestreet,ene door south of the Presbyterian Church, and opposite David MeCreary's saddling establishment, Gettysbnig. Met 4,1858. em Lime I Lime 1 ►iIHB undersigned homemade arrangements, 1 be' which they will be reedy to st= LI3L in July quantities. at the lowest en loon wale Railroad is eompteted. They ,reready tillwllseine orders. • 81115ADIS. 111711,T4. Noy. V• 7 iB3g• T nE subscriber iisprepered to coutract and & S p ut on at the thortest notice, W. is . „ child 0,. p a wd Fire mid Water Proof rautiC I n Ced g. t is p l eT i vtly Fire and Water proof, and in point of durability is equal, if not ..uperior, to any Metalie Rooting. It can be put on ov er tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however flat or steep they !nay be. In p tint of resisting too elements of fire and water, nothing has yet been discovered equal to the Elastic Cement, Those who h sve used, it, hare testified that it is the sort perfection of Roofing, and that there is no further room for improvement.— . .tic) one will now think of putting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less mmer and will outwear four shingle roofs, This !Loting is warranted as represented. The Elastic.. Cement is the cheapest and best protect:At from deouy for ts..od e xp ose d to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also the best paint f.r iruu, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per. feetly excludes dampness. =3 The mutrieriber has this Cement fm sale, in quantities W suit. For further information, apply L.) GEORGE A. COLE, Frederick City, Ild. s arSpecimenri of the Rooting may he seen at the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg. April, 3 18,94,. SC. HOWARD would rePpeeffully inform . the Ladies of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that they will find her in Chambersburg street, at the reside:ll4*ot Mr. Samuel Herbst, opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be accommodated with ready made BONNETS; also a variety of Straw Leghorn. and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies will do well to call and see for themselves April 5. 1858. A T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned . 1 - 1 - offers at Private S. le, all his Real Estate as follows : No. I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet on Chambersburg street, with Brick Dwollins, Stable, and other improve ments. No. 2.—Lot adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, ike. No. 3.—Lot adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvements.. No. 4.—Lot adjoining — No. 3. fronting 29 feet, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith Shop, &c. No. s.—Lot west of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist No. 6.—Lot adjoining No. 5, containing about 3 Acres. No. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet ,in Chambersburg street. No. o.—Tract of Land in Hamiltonban township, lying on Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. No. 10.—Coach Establishment in Shep herdstown, Va., with good will, Ste. The lo cation is an admirable one for business, and imprnrements in good order. IViirTitles good and terms to suit purcha sers. Enquire of D. A. llositt.ta, Esq., Get tysburg, or the undersigned residing in Shep herdstown, Va. 0. W. 110IIMAN. Mareli 15, 185 A, lonm F:RLY of Carroll county, add., having permanently located in GettyKburg, offers his professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the practice of the venous britnches of his profession.-- Office and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office. where he may be found at all times when not professionally engaged. RIPERZNCKII. Prof. Nathan R. Smith, Baltimote, Md. Rev. Augustus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Md Dr. J. L. Warfield, Westminster, Md. Dr. W. A. Mathias, " Jacob Reese , n • Fe er John K. Longwell,Esq., a Geo. E. Wampler, Esq., " 14 Rev. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. Oct. 25, 1858. Gm ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Practices in the Courts of York and Adams counties. Particular attention given to the settlement of Estates, collection of Claims, &c. Office in Centre Square, (Barnite Building,) Hanover, Pa. Oct. 25. Gm FIVE DOLLARS REWARD! Lost ! Lost 1 Two small MILL BOOKS were lost in - L Gettysburg on Thursday a-week, fir the return of which to the undersived a reward of FIVE DOLLARS will be paid. FRANCIS BREAM. Nov. 10, '5B. NOTICE. --The undersigned have associa ted with them in the Lumber Maine's, E. C. BINDER. They would therefore give no tice that the business hereafter will be eon ducted under the firm of SPELL, BENDER It Co., and they hope, by strict attention to business and an earnest desire to please, to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. KILLIAN SMALL it CO. Lumber Yard, ON North George Street. near the Railroad, YORK, PA. We w3tild invite the attention of Mechan ics, Builders, and others, to our large and well selected stock of LU.VBER, oonsisting of every description of White Pine Boards and Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Worked Flooring and IVeatherboarding, Siding, &a. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDER any size, quantity and quality of WHITE PINE dc OAK LUMBER, at the shortest notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keep on hand a gene ntl assortment of SASII, DOORS, &miters, Bliiedir, Window 1 runic. and Door bar-Orders for any sizes not on hand filled with dispatch. Our stock and assortment is equal to any others, and we are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. mp•.1II orders and communications ad dressed to the undersigned, at York,Pa., will receive prompt attention. SMALL, BENDER & CO. York, May 24, 1858. ly Removal. A LEX. FRAZER, Watch & Clock Maker, 13 - has removed his shop to Chambersbarg street, opposite the Lutheran Church, where he will always be 'happy to attend to the eallsof customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strictattention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, March 8, 1858. • P. C.: 1; O. 1,/ (t µ . R }. ;,c,i t . s i ,* •, • , • . • V. ! 5, 1 ' • • REZCII4IIItOT, that /MICK'S is the pite la4 - lies, Pgre rmtle age. ch stliohildresois wil, all Area l as everything in the Demuth" Geode Bac-- Money I. saved by eallhig at flehieles Wenn premising elneerbere... lioTt 8. Millinery Removed. Valuable Real Estate Dr. A. W. Dorsey, Alfred E. Lewis, Co-Partnership Frames 110 It R E INTO. 080/15CIPISLD I CO'S C AT TLEMEDIOnitB have been thwengh ty tested sod pronounced unsurpaaspd and tutsorpagssalgle. None other as useful have been introduced during the century. Whilst farmers are using every effort, and investing large amounts of money in the improvedient of their sulk, too little atter'• tion i, generally pail to the health and de velopment of farm Stock. Breinig, Fronelleld & Co. justly claim be ing the first, is this country, who devoted their attention to this important subject,—. Their VEORTADLZ CATTLE POWDER was the result of several years' study and experi menting—which experiments have actually shown' that, by feeding this Powder, a Cow will yield from I to 21 pounds butler per week more than when she does not get the Powder; all other conditions alike. The same in crease isproportionably produced in the fattening of cattle or wine. It is used with equal profit for [forges, Cattle and logs. No (arguer, or feeder of any kind, should be without it a day. Fur sale at the new Warehouse, corner of Stratton street and the Railroad. by KLINEFELTER, SEIT2, & CO. Nov. 15,1858. 6m New Goods ! GEORGE ARNOLD has again replemished his stock of Goods. His assortment is now full, among which is a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods, and fancy goods gen erally. The Ladies wilt please call for Bar- Cans. Also, cheap CLOTHS, Ctssimeres, ssinetts, Vestings, Ready-made Clothing, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Coatings, Ho siery, Gloves, &a. &c.; also, a large stock of Domestics, Fresh Groceries, etc. READY-MADE CLOTHING.--If you want the cheapest and best Ready-made Clothing in town, call and see Gso. Assoun. We make our own Clothing, have hands con stantly employed cutting out and making up. Our stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinette, Coatings, Vestings. &e., is large and lull.— Call and Ifs us, and if we cannot fit you in a garment ready made, wo will take your measure, and make you up a gannent just as yen may desire to have it made, on the short est notice. Mr. Culp is alwriys on hand at the Clothing Emporium, bright, polite. and always ready to wait upon friends that eall. Try him, prove him, and see if there be ayn error in him. Gettysburg. Oct. 4.1859. A. Mathiot & Son's S OFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS, Nos. 25 apd 27 N. Gay Street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st..) extending from Gay to Frederick st.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large assortment of every variety , of HOUSE HOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing— Bureaus, Bedsteads. Washstands, Wardrobes. Distresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Arm Chairs. Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Settees, Reception and Upholstered @hairs, Assorted Colors of Cottage Furniture, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Sideboards, Extension Tables. of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to Call and give our stook an examination, which fur variety and quality of workman ship is not equalled by any establishment in the °wintry. A. MATIIIOT do SON, Nns. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1855. ly Now is the Time! _ Ira subscriber would inform thepublic that 4 - he has opened a MACHINE SITUP, in chembersbury street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he will have various kinds of Machines on hand at any time hereafter, such as 1' Areshirig Attekiate, Coro &viler:, Cori:fodder Cotters, C7overseed Holler:, &raw Culler*, and Horse Powers of different kinds, —two, four or siz-horse, to suit purchasers ; - ! --indeed all such as can be had at Hanover or Littlestawn. Also, ,1114rtiliny Machines, fur house carpenters, put up in the very beet and most substantial manner. Cullsity s,..verai or long Bolts, any kind or size less than eleven feet in length, alwaye attended to, as well as rarniny in iron, casting or Wood. Also all kinds of RIPAIIIING on Ma. aliinery, dressing-up Mill Spindled, .14., done on the shortest notice. I hope that all in want of anything in my line will call at my Shop before going else where I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to pnrobasers. DAVID STERNER March 29, 1858. ly --- - -- - Old Dominion COFFEE POT.—A desirable improvement in making coffee, by which one-fourth less coffee is required and a Ptronger and more highly flavored beverags is made. You clan boil coffee in it fer any length of time without one particle of the strength or ermine escaping. Those fond of a rod cap of coffee and at the same time wishing to save one fourth the expense should cell at once and buy an Old Dominion Coffee P,it at the cheap store of FAHNZSTOCK BROS'. Nov. New Grocery. ►p HIS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—Tho sub -1- scriber respectfully informs the citizens of town and country, that ho has opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors east of St. James' Lutheran Church, where ho has now on hand a general assortment of goods in his lino—such as: Syrup, from 40.t0 70 'eau per gallon; Sugars, all kinds; Coffees, dif ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch 11. - Tring, ground and unground Pep per, Allipice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mustard, Soda, Ginger, Starch, Rice, Teas, Candles, Extract Coffee, Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; Broo-ns, Buckets, Candies, all kinds : Pigs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, Fan cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, &c., Butter and Eggs bought and sold. Re in vites the calls of the public, convinced that hie assortment will please, both in quality and price. Ho is determined to bell cheaper than the cheapest. W3I. E. BITTLE Gettysburg. Deo.lo, '5B. New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.--SNY DER& BE?iNE It have just received at their Now Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es tablishment, the largest and most complete assortment of Groceriel brought to Get tysburg for a long time, coneisting of Coffee, four kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molass es. Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Gate, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt., in short every thing usually kept in a first-class Grocer Store. he highest market price paid forcoun try produce or taken in exchange fJr Goode. SarGive us a call. Bay your Groceries where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. iltiellover's celebrated writing Ink for sale. [Nov. I, 1858, A Store Room, QUITABLV for the Dry Goode business, 1 0 for Real. Noquire at Tux Commit' Office. Nor. 29. • n ATTU POWDllL—Breinig. From&ld N- 1 4 Co'. Oatsle Midlerlsere grit rate ar ticle for Horses, thistle „and Hog. c_--eito be bad at 'Blllll,lltk BENNIR'S. VFATS.—.The moot sourpiete asiortosent of WSW, of wary- va riety and stile.. am `rootelott,taberefivii readied at TICKING'S, rluyion 31. rh tt tiaey omit Nu Offensive Odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Gth. That the light is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than any othor light now in common nee. These Lamps are admirably adapted for the use ofStudents, Meehanies, Scamstrespeu, Ilan'. Churches, Stores. hotels, and are high ly recommended for Family Use. For sale by GILLESPIE THOMAS. Jrinti 14. 185 g. Notice. THE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will here after be clontinued at the old stand, in Balti more street, by their sane, Henry B. Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the name sad style of Danner and Ziegler, Jrs., whom ire will recommend to, and for whom we weuld bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, sad of the public in general. Having retired from the Mercantile busi ness, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We. therefore, notify all those indebted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J: B. DANNER. DAVID ZIEGLER. May 24. 1559. To the Ladies. GEORGE ARNOLD has again replenished his stock of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods; he has now on hand the largest and prettiest stock of Drees; Goods in town. The styles are very handsome and prices low, among which is a beautiful selection of Ladies Cloth Cloaks, Capes, Mantillas. and Shawls, (a beautiful article,) in great variety, Children's Dress Goods, very handsome. In a word we have from a ne ed le to an anchor, topping off with a little of the crinoline.— Call and see us. Oct 4,•18.58. Removal. THE subscriber has removed his Plough and Machine §hop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, where he is better prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, Reapers, /cc., repaired. Also he will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks. May 10.. DAVID WARREN. Lumber and Coal. THE subscriber informs the public that he A ' continues the Lumber and Coal business at larrutsrowN. Adams county, on a larger sc*le than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles, Palings, &c., with all kinds of Stove, Limeburnere and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Pepot.— He invites the calls of the public, and will sell as low as the very lowest. JOIIN MILLER. April 19, 1 1 R58. ly Aula,baugh's New Store, Othe corner of Hanover street and the Public Square, in NEW OXFORD, Adams county, is the place to secure the most desirable BARGAINS in CIARD WARE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Oils, Paints, Saddlery articles, Gueensware, Glassware, Earthenware, Hits, Caps. Boots and Shoes, Beady-made Clothing, with an endless variety of other articles. his stock of forged and rolled IRON, STEEL and NAILS, is very large, and of fers rare inducements to purchasers. Jones's Patent COAL OIL LAMPS, with the Gaul Oil, (Kerosene,) kept on hand and for sale at the lowest rates. Also a line lot of BUFFALO ROBES, of different sizes. He also has a quantity of LUMBER still on hand, which be is disposing of at very low rates. JACOB AULABAUGH. New Oxford. Nov. 15, 1858. ly• The Great Ambassador of ilealth to all Mankind. _ ---- Holloway's EMI. l--- A BOON TO TILE SICK I—The want of a -- sterling medicinal to meet the ills and necessities of the suffering portidn of human ity, and ono entirely free from mineral and other deleterious particles, was severely - felt till this all powerful medicine was ushered into the world; Rot wsr 's INVALOABLI PILLS have become the, HOITSZIIOLD ainistvr of all nations. Their attribute is to PRSVENT as well as to cuts; they attack the RADIX Or toot. of the complaint. and thus bl removing the hidden clause of disease reinvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system. assisting nature in her task of VITAL and ruscTionsar 11.70R71 ATION. DYSPEPSIA.—The great scourge of this coutitiest yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills, and the digestive organs are restored 'to their proper tone; no matter in what hideous shape this hydra of disease ex hibits itself, this searching and unerring remedy disperses itfrom the patient's system. GENERAL DEBILITY AND WEAK NESS.—From whatever cause, lowness of spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver, and other disorganizations of the system' vanish under the eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic and detergent remedy. BILIQUS DISORDERS.—The proper (luau tum and right condition of the bile is of mo mentous importance to the health of the hu man frame, this anti-bilious medicine expels the bidden seeds of the complaint, and ren• dent all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital functions of the body. SICKLY FEMALES—ShouId lose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whatever way be their complaint, it can he taken with safety in all periodical and other disorganization,. Its effect is all but miraculous. 17NREFUTED PROOF.—The testimony of Nations is unanimously borne to tho health giving virtues of his noble remedy, and cer tificates in every living language bear wit• ness to the undeniableness of their intrinsic worth. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases : Asthma,Drorty, 1 award We &kneel Bowel Couiplaints. Debility, Liver complaint., Coughs, /ever and Ague, LOWD•SI of 141 rite, Colds, leosaleComplalots, Piles, Cheat 01•111•11111, Heedarbes, Stogie and °rare!, Costiveness, I edigestles, Becondaryflymptoms, Isthmus, Venereal AireetLone. Inlanunatlon, Worsts or all klutz Egrattaien . I —None are genuine unless the words " Holloway, New Fork and Lon don," are discernible as a teater-rnark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the WI to the light. A handsome re ward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sold at the Manufactories of Professor liolMiersy, 80 Maiden inane, New Yoe, and by all respectable Druggists and palm in Medleinir throughout the United States and the civilised world, in boxes at 25 (wets, 68 cents, and $1 each. A. D. Btrincza, Agent Gettysburg. There is eunsiderahlesseing by taking l the larger miser.; N. 8.--Direetious for the guidance of pa, tient' In every disorder are sexed to peak ixa, [Jane T, 1868. : lencla; Troyglill WRITING FLUID,-,-jblikade tirsted Ink—proses tq bikg i be b a g is luit-Agxam by 1uiP 1 4.4 B ' MAR are enabled to sellcasarta ?WAX oval --so ex ce l. lent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3, for in stance. Give thoftn scan, at their new estab lishment, in Chambersbargatreet,a few doors west of the Court-house, before purchasing elsewhere. Oct. 11. This Way_ T .11)TES AND GENTLEIUEN.--J. C. OcrufN & Damns". have just returned frtist the East with a large and well *elected stock at Goods ever offered in Ibis market, all of Whic46l will be sold cheap, such as Delaines, Delai Robes, Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths, Maple's, Debaises, Ginghams, square and long Shawls, Blankets and Domestic Goods of all prices.— Men's Wear in great variety, Cassitoeres, Cassinets, Jeans, blue, black, brown, and green Cloths ; a large assortment of Vesting!. Also, Groceries and Spices' of every descrip• Lion, which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Give us a call. AU we ask is to' show the goods and we will be satisfied with the result. No trouble to show goods. - J. C. GUINN BRO. Oct. 11, 1858 Howard Association pHILADELPHIA.-A Benevolentlnstitu tion established Ilby Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, af flicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this Invitation to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing. Food, Medicines, &c.. for the M.7.1c and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased-pa rents, and to minister in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the such times, to visit personally the nfected districts, and to provide and executer means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subject to bo called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. In the absence of Epidetnies. the Directors have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid to persons suffer ing under CHRONIC DIS EASES of a virulent character, arising from abuse ottbe physical powers, mal.treatment, the effects of drugs, Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the nature and treatment of Chronic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted. Address, for Reports ort treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel phis, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. lIEARTW ELL, Pres% G eo. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. Sept. 20.1858. ly I yer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote far the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to CUM It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strunious complaints, and that ono which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this: large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper. iment on many of the worst cases to be Lund of the following complaints:— Sea:mu. AND Ideamartiona Cartstanne, Eaurrioxs AND Extrirriva Dntasas , Ustresii„ PIRPLEI t BLOTCHES, Tenon, SALT BRETX. SCALD READ, SYPHILIS AND firrerrano Ar- YECTIOXS, lIERCTRIAL DISEAJIE, DROPSY, NEC.. AALOIL ea Tic Docioulizox. Damurr, Dm remit, AND INDIO PETION, EBYSIPSILAS Rosa Sr. ..A.NTIIONY' S and indeed th e ' whole class of complaints arising from Istrearn or THE BLOOD. This compound will be found a great Pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul tumors wlilch fester in tho blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped iu the bud. - Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves front the endurance of Foul eruptions and ulcerous sere% through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse cat the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, or sores; cleanse it when you tlnd e rtr a ot strutted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy. better health, and live longer, for cleansing the, blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is wall; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be DO lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserve" much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because th:i sd = alone has not all the virtue that is for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extreeta of it, 0 contain hut little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have beatutds led by large bottles, pretending to give a glint, of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. ,it of these have been frauds upon the tick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painf u l disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and chest. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests, ~ upon it. And we think we have ground for. believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend-, ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy shoultli be judiciously taken according to directions on, the bottle. PBEPARTD BY DR. J. C. AYE[ & CO. LOWELT,, MARS. - =I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cue of every variety of Throat and Lang Complaint. that it is entirely unnecessary fur tut to reeennt the 'evidence of its virtues, wherever It has been em ployed. As it has long bees is constant rota throughout this section, we need not do more thlto• assure the people its quality is kept up to the beg it ever has been, and that. it may be relied on t do fur their relief all it has eta been loundto Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Fos TIOI MIS or Costirenoui, Jaundiat, Dyrperrie, 1= 64. 420 1 .: Dysentery, Foul Stonack, Erysipelas. Pan, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Me Dlngasaa, Liver Cc/milking, Drepey, TOW. Torsiors dolt Rheum, Worms, Good, N0w11"..4 n. Dinner a ri rettittm an r - e°° 4 Peted ' Pwr;PithjtheadiMilielibll4 "' tire can take them pleasantly. and they, I.le. best aperient in the world fix all the or rrierso wow per Ilex; 5' Iwo fat Valk . A Oren numbers of Clergymen. liitelft it men, and eminent personage; IMO names to certify the unpanillele remedies, but our spare here wet Let insertion of them. The e.s. belenreanieMbrt -ids raids our Assnocui *Louisan imithithilsem. r• are given ; with also full deschiptiotta of the complaints. and the tionteocllk- OA Om* *if rt; lowed for their cure. Do het ler put off by vaprliekiell &ekes tielk other Aspired:nos they make mare Demand Am* ana iabe se others. 14 silk want that bstEsSl ewe is kr Awe% aact Wo° ol sß have ft.. _ are for sole Ely 71170`Sold ty A.. D; Iterithrp. ..7. Cooper, near Ceihtorni— Ifairliebr—ead all " '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers