MI _ -or boakui Akrl4cod , .1 01 0 0 11.7 4101Lc ialllVlVith .1114616e: , 4 „ s44 , 44ollbitariic W ide . f 6arrOnWei.os- DV. would built or thst 144 DAIYAtIOUS In -"r i k. • k -•. , ludisa Rho uppmuoisP4 our fuusaluki a* to our •-• •"td 4l- entfi4men rs p . • lig ow P You Commisitioners 7" -s! NO—editors." • you wake newspapers:— Luanda area ; bay. great minds - - hamorona old man fell in with Tin itinerant and rather. impertinent Toting minis ter,who prnnonneeti in very - . phutve terms, that. he would never vat: neaven unleba isu wua born ugain 004 &Wad : have experienced that obangoand pow fool no anxiety." "Anti bury you boon born again ":" . ft,,Xos. I tut 1 hare." "-Well," said the old gentleman, eyo ieg Aim atistitively, " I don't think it woldil hurt yon, young mar, to bu born Dnt!e more." - A - Pungent Dialogue. —G roce r—" Mr. Eflitor, I'll thank you to eat- that I keep the Alisirt groceries in the city." PAitor—"l'll thank you to gupply m y- flintily with groceries gratis " tirocor- 1 ‘ I thought you wore glad to jg:.t something to Ell up your pa- R4itor-- 1, I thought you were glad to ip stare rooms for nothing. It's a poor cub that won't work both ways." - Mak Nrocer in A rage, threatening to the paper. . • rough Story.—Tho London (C. W.) tree Press has a rather tough story n, ,kkostsJs..lir. Gaston who runs a mill in klitek t oeighborbood. He was standing Lauseisth a trap-door wilco q. au* of wiiisa, full from an upper story directly iott Ws head, dislocating his neck ! ru Immediately raised up his hands, *Wised his head, and pulled it into trace: as a workman who " heard the bones snap into their sockets" will swear. lfir. Gastou is supposed to be as ootind as over. 1111110" I plowa, I now's, I reaps, I mow., I gets up wood for winter ; I digs, I hoes, !At Utters grows, and for what I k.towe, I'm indebted to the printer.. ,titi.oppose all knowledge Sows, right (sow the printing press, so off I goes, in these 'ere clothes, and settles up—l guess. tar a tolerably good Looking horso waii - iiold at auction in Wetting on Wel9esdtty, for the enormous mon of 7rlpaihta. When it is taken in consid eilttittn that it coott 81,75 to sell the limo, we don't think tho operation 111644 Cetrrect information not A lirap a Re pl_li.—A ditaterer was asked the way to Iftttlebnry. - With great politeness he slt'tvn say it was ahead, but in rain; t pare lie tried the more he couldn't. f I A tt.st, red in tho face, and furiolvi Willi with exertion, he burst Meth, with " Gng-g'long ! you'll g-g-got he hernro I e-c-o•ean tell you!" '111119 4 A colored sailor. who was, shot in the forehead Soar months agn, the bell entering his brain, front which it could not be extracted, was discharged from the Philadelphia Hospital a few dz3.B Since, and intinniattly ,hipped on Iptitsrif ,one of tbe packets. Jre is now at sea with the ballet yet in tils bruin. The came is certainly a remarkable one, plot/ably 'without a parallel. sittr, ,, What have you done to farther hrithan progress," asked K gententious philoaopn6r the other day of Jenkins. Jenkinii' reply was blear and decisive. : 1 1: ; y1 ecren boys and two gicia."— The philosopher departed, audlor the fitlrt time in his life thought. Arlie that bath 4 trade, Lath an ea tato, and he that bath a calling, hath Haire of linnet and honor. A ploughman on 144 legs is higher than a gentleman on bii 4444:3. S. made in a single piece 73 faaltdxr 25 yards of sausage, using the tiiiitadiVe or sausage meat of two! porkers weighing 46J pounds. This,' P 7 1 ) 041d qy, is a great extension uf tbo b43)17 9ss • -Au old farmer, whose son had died fately, was visited by A neighbor, wile began to condole with him on his WAIL "11:7 lois," slid tho fathor,—"no ate thing—it was his owi/ loss—ho was ofato." l*gtkal Fact Familiarized.—lt has been discoed that broad can be man tifF4Orod out of woo 4. Dung before thildiaisurory was no t o t is, A li woo d wad knows& to have a grain in it.- 1 14 RAIONs Benedy.—lt is said that ropsted onion bound neon the wrist, on thierlptiSe, will stop the most inveterate inti4plio, in a very few minutes. W-4(4 1 trYin• • MrPorter's Spirit of the Times has aftisoonut ofa dreadful old fellow, who "repaid ratkeJ tell 4 lie on six Ingtittlte eredis, than toll the truth for cash :" Jtfiplbe pepson who "stole a march," bas been pnt in the same ci•II with Ptoetiastinatian, tbo.thieftif Tune. illirlzosrdor,to and bo re• spotted, wo - irniit refrmtr trout dojo , wimitipletilantolo others. 11E1 airYe whoa Inaba noigfibar is ImitiiMartittotiolf, Sod makos all around MOW infserible, amirt Tftere he rook on which we !IA" than Mild to his wifookimak ite le Thisiehie bernee pienionre," as &Haan he ha Win*,lris wife - 100fors tit! iiitObbf • Jur - Minim va tor, i fite lA* is 14 1**,14% 4elll 4 l o ll *Aig 4 1 * le/ aatsir(lllaiki, letter 1111TVW Wet iiiarcii4Nl 334 NEM L. 40404 wort4P11•01 of trsborclrus wine* Ass luitd• )Sv nip. flisd, Clots. Bonus. every skins use 1/raw.* 8u .re, Wen I' It/ 411e 4 t Mir ti et price paid &tenon. tr y f ri . t i nei . tiikrri in e &eh:sage fur 414uds. Arlii re um a ran. Buy your Groceries wirei7 yon sill be tart to gat thew good and cheap. alie• billr.kertr's celebrated writing Ink for 4ale. (Nov I. 1858. Tats WAY FOR BARGAINS.—The stab. scriber respectfully informs the citizens of town and country, that be Lai opened a tirocery, Cottfcctiunary end Notion Stnre. on York street. two doure east of St, James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on band a gener.tl Assortment of grxxls in his line—such au: Syrup. from 40 ti 70 -Ants per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds ; Coffees, dif ferent kinds; Vinegar. Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch II erring, ground and nrtgroand Pep per. Alspiee, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mustard, Soda, Ginger, Starch. Rice, Teas, Candles, F.xtract Co es,Chocolate, Concentrated Lye: Rmo-ns, Wickets, Candies, all kinds : Pip, WA/nuts. Kilns Nuts, Aininndl, Ground Nuts, L tver Itai.ins, Leuitms. Oranges, Fan. cv Crackers of all kinds, .4.e.„ ke. Eulltr and Ruffs bought and sold. He iu• rites the cells of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and price. Ifs is determined to sell cheaper than the I:licapvit Gettysburg. Dec 10, '3B Jacob B. Holtzworth, OONTINUES to receive at his News Depot , vin the North-east cwroer uf Centre &pap", Litt the elviicest Peritalicalsof the day. viz: • . New York Ledger, Harper's Weekly, Cileason's Pictorial, Police Gazetto, Baltimore ItSup, New York Mercury, Frank Leslie's, I t New York Clipper, Harper's Magazine, Bal. timore Clipper. I Mr-Ladies aad others wiali ing anythingin Imy line; aryl not finding it convenient to call, I,:e4ae „ire we notice, su I I will wait on them tit tliv;r !wares with pleasure. Dec. 26. '5l. Q CITABLE for the Dry Goode hominess, tur Item. Enquire et Toe Cue tux% Offsee Nov. 'xi Vsltisige Real Estate, A T Pal VATe: SALE.--The ■ubsaribere, . 1 1 6 .•:xecutore a ABIALI•11 SNY1)11/., deco/Lad, offer at Private Sale. that on which decedent resided upwards of twenty years, situate in Tyrone township. Adams county, adjoining lands of George Meckley, Heirs of Jacob w,x. Anthony Dear dare, Samuel Deardorff, and David Hoover containing thr2. ACRES. more or less with good pr p)rti ns of Ti tuber and Meadow The improvements consist of • two-story Weatherboar.red Dwell-it! ing HOUSE. Bank Bern, Wagon . if Shed an 1 Corn Crib attached, Cooper Skip,and other out-buildings; never-failing welly of stater, one at the house, the other at the barn , and an excellent Ao pleollellAßD, with a sariety of other choice fruit.C Creek runs through the Farm, and there are also then springs on the property. The fences, m only of cheanut rails, are good, and the land is in a good state of cultivation, two-thirds of it haring been limed. Tho property will be shown by Samuel Bollinger, residing thereon. Also. A TRACT OF 310UNTAIN LAND, containio4 7 acres, more or less, situate Nionallen township, Adams county. adjoining lands of George nook le : , Jacob Gulden, and others. JOHN SXYDER, Ft:EDI:HICK HOLT7., * Scpt. 1F.5 Executors. Ilikirrhe sale notes !given for personal property of said tincanuted are now rine, and immediate payment is relnirea. The notes are in the hand, of Fillultz. T"E subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub li.c gf'nerally, that he has provided himself with an entire new an 1 splendid SKY-LIGHT AMBROTYPE ROOM, at his residence in %Vest Middle street. one S - pare west of Fahnest,h•k's Store. where he is prepared to furnish Ansbro, Potvine./ and Nutt.- gt aph Pirl to et in every style of the art. which he will warr snt to give entire satis faction, and is prepared to accommodate all with GOUD PIC ITRES, either.,eingle or in groups. lie also has a number of specimens at his room in Caambershurg Street, a few doors Wont of Brinzman k Culp's Shoe Store, where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of them selves and friends, will do well to give me a call, as I have reduced my price to suitthe present bard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all also. inse:ted in Lockets, Breast Pins Finr,er Rings, kc. T subscri her being tha n ktu/ to his friend' and the public in gensralf pant patronage, wishes them t continue it, and annures them, that ris`seretofure,thershall not be di %satisfied. _ . s areitar 4 e4 fun S ) rents to ‘lO. 'tit', for uperatinc, frau RA. M. to 4P. M. Gild LAcketa, B:•ea4tphis, Ititable fur miniatures, alwars on hand. at the rerr lowers prices, iti" 4 ",'hilklren will not be taken fur less than SI p) . lifirAtnbratTpes taken (or fifty cents and upwards, and In the best style. S.OIUEL WEAVER. April 26, 165 Si. tf Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. -A Benevolent Institu tion established by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, if !Betted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemic -4, it is the ohject of this Inveitution to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food. Medicin e s. ec., Gir the sink and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased pa. rents, and to minister in every poisible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the pcblic at large. It is the duty of the Directors.' t inch times, to visit personally the nfected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members ..f the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. LL the sllvence of Epidemics, the Directors hare alit horiseit the Gonsaltiog Surgeon to Five advice a.bd malice! aid to permits suffer eng and r CHRONIC DlSEASESofsvirailent character, irking from abuse of the physical power.,, mal•lntancent, the effects of drugs, k Veriotte IMPORTS and. TRACTS on the nature and usstatentaff Chronic, Distefano, by fho inssuliing Surgeon. hare beenhliehed liar **tritons theteibution. end wit) pa he sent Fisiz of cameos lo the ealleted. G=llfor Repute or tresubent. Dr. ' .S. ZALIMUIf, Catching ikon. ifoirsrd Areoefition; No. 2 South Ninth tired, Philo& Iphte, P. Hy 'ant& et the lArectore. .r. A 4 4 1). tig4wrw et.L, Preet, apm. PktitlMlLa, See y. I Sept. SO. 1868. ly 1111'B D044-4R4'241r44tD1 t Lostrt ; 1 of .."1`:::41441;44-sityir"1.1114. ieu tutit riltid s 4e k ft r 4 ia . riirgt t po • fILLYMME.A.U. Iv., 138; New Grocery. Wll. E. BITTLE A Store Room, DESIRABLE F.llt3f, Sunbeam Gallery. vp IrealWotiLtaipellgiolhai 4 6 le bu t opened a MACH= 8110 P, is , Chasamerehrra etresA t tea ri nerar P 1 ea Ksehhisit ea baisd es' , . one as Ihkruttiaq - • I re, Ckallodder crept., 01610040 . 41 • Straw Osttars, and tiaras Pbuidra.ordiltereat kinds, —two. tour or,,sis-borte; to suit iinreimaers ; -..indund all such in can be had et Manner or taticsurarn. Also, forboam earpentsra. put up in the very bi t s; sad most sul...tantisl manner. Ciatmg Screws or lung floit^, any kiud or size less tban chorea feet in lec.lth, always atscistied ; to, as well a. taraiaj in iron. casting or woe & Alm all kinds of Rsestarro on Ma. ohinery. dressing alp M.O 3pindl. .ke., done on the shortest I hope that, all in want of anything in my line will oall at my SLl,ip before going elow whets I will werraot all my wort to give eatisfaotlon to parehasiere.. DAVID STERNER. March 29,1858. ly Dr. A. W. Dorsey, 10/111FIRLY of Carroll county. Aid.. haring permanently located in Ciettysberg, Wert his professional service. to the Massimo( the unrs,sibd surrounding country is the practice of*. venous branches of his profession.— Office sad residence, Baltimore street, nest door to The Compiler office. where he may be found At all times when nut professionally engaged.— Prof. Nathan R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. Rer. Augu.t.us Wtbater, D. D., Baltimore Id Dr. J. L. Warfield, Westminster, Md. Dr. W. A. Mathias, " Jacob Reese, Esq., John K. Longwell,E+ci , Geo. F.. t 1 ampler, Rev. Thomas BJereo Gettysburg. Oct. 25, 185:3. Urn Dissolution n FP IRTNERSH I l ) .—TherOo-pfirtnership existing between the subscribers has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. We return thanks to our friends and the public for the liberal support extended to us. Our books are placed in the hands of Geo. E. Brine:tan fur polleetion. and in his ab sence wrA be eettleil by J. Culp, at the store, and we earnestly repcst those indebted to call and make immediate payment, its we are desirous of settling ono business without de lay. CEO. E. BRINGSIAN, , JOHN CULP. Oct. 2n, IP.IQ. A Card. ►rIIE subscriber having disposed of his in terext in the Store of Bringmen k Culp, to Alexander Colleen, respectfully asks the continuance of his friends and customers to patronise bis succe.norp, where bargai nP may be had. GEO. E. 1311111iGilAN. Oct. 25. Another Change TN THE ITAT, SHOEAND HARNESS BUSINESS.—A. Coisess haying bonght out the interest of lieu. E. Bringivan, Esq., in the firm of Bringinan Sc CAE), respectful ly announces to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that the business will be continued at the old stand. sign of the Big B hit, by Cobeen A Culp, who will constantly keep on hand a large stock of Goods in the hike of 11 Hite, Shoes, crats.oapo, Trunks, Umbrellas. Carpet Bags. and Has+ ness. They gill also continue the manu facturing, of Shoes and Harness. From their long experience in all the above busi -148,41 they defter thenoeltes that they can please the public, and willsell cheap for cash. A. COBEAN, JOHN CULP. Oct. `-'5 The Great Wouder OF the Nineteenth Centory.—PROFESSOR WOOD'S II kIR RESTORATIVE.—Says the St. Louis, (Mo.) Democrat: Below we publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of this city. front a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect. when coming from a reliable source. Ifcer •Beates are tiara meet of truth, the Dr. needs encomiums, nor useless puffery from the press : MAlgr., Jan. 28. 1858 No/ 0. J. 11 - vo't & Co. :—Gentlemen:—. Having my at ention called a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative I was induced to make ap. plicttion of It upon mr• own hair, which had beoome quite gray, probably one-third white; my whiskers were of the same character.— Some three months since I procured a bottle of :E our ho.r restorative. and used it. I soon found it was proving what I hat wished. I used it about twice a week. I have since I,rocured another bottle. of which! have used some. I can now certify to the world tint the gray or white hair 1111 totally disappear ed, both on my hea I and face, and my hair has resnmed its natural color. and I believe snore soft an I glossy thin it has been before for twenty-tire years. I lilt nnw silty years old : my good wr:e at the age of fifty-two, has used it with the same effect. The above notice deem du?, to you for your valuable discovety. lam asaureil that whoever will rightly %se, as per directions, will n o t have occasion to contradict my state ments. 1 am a citizen of this oily and a resident here for the last fifteen years, and un kn ,wn to nearly every one here and ad joining towns. Any use you may make of the above. with my name attached, is at your service, as I wish to preserve the beauties of nature in others as well as myself. I sin, truly, yours, A. C. RAYMOND Blistvoßx. Jan. 28. 1858 WOOD'S HAIR RE l'Oll,A TIVE. Profesvor Wood—Dear Sir: Having had the misfortune to los e the boat portion of my hair, from the effvets of the 'clime lever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was induced to mak e trial of ) our preparation, and found it to a4swer es the very thing needed. My hair iM no thick and glossy, and no words can elprem my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such • treasige. FIN - LEY JOHNSON. The undersigned. Rev. J. K. Bragg, is a minister in regular standing, and postai of the Orthodox Church at Brod. He is a gentleman of great intim* and uni• rersally beloved. WM. DYER, Brookfield, Jan. 19, 1858. Professor Wood—Dear Sir: Baring made trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has been ewe lent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my Childhood ; and has also restored My hair, which was becom ing gray, to its original color. I have used no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours truly, J. K. 11R,AGG. The Restorative is put op in bottles of 3 sizes. via: large, medium, and mall: the small bolds a pint. and retails for $1 per bottle: the mediums holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than the small, re tails for two dollars per bottle : the •large holds a quart. 40 per cent. more in propor tion, and retails for $3. O. J. Woody Co.. Proprietors. 312 Broad. way. New York. (in Lb' great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment.) and 114 Market SC., St. Louis Md. And sold by all good Drug pas atid t raney Goode' Dealers. Doe. 0, 1858. Sin - Old Damtnion COFF4E POT.—A desirable Improvement in niskigg o4sis bfwhich unsquarth lees coffee ielagwerred elfid• ,and, more hi;bly flavored beverage is nutde.• "Toe Awn 6 44.01 0 ifes itToi sdy inn h9f t4a9 wishoit parts* offtbia or **one wicaptair- 'MoSsllbod. of a jot, °fearse and ei titan. wish to Save One font* litre jitpente OW* -al mice ltd bliy ao Obi Dmitace 4:mres pot at the cheap store of FAlDistrroo K ROS'. Nov. 29. • '": lfi • cirtikedeNgirsY.-6,144eir Mops ',ids Seettelttrj, !ad uaecliop - • pillai r yr' . 1 2, 1 1 ", ittifs • bats ilhasoaia• ;1. 6 , - r burinodu l / 2 E. 0. ~ oly sip ma d ike . _?P lb , .. sau Zi nt iloo o l- Cb.. a AI iorO,T b 7, trot munition to sa t e , , 4 ,_ i nd i eilraistt:ftsira to Ow*. to Went a a b g aimi s ti a g of the liberal patrotutio haratotorit bestow i 4 *pun them. LILLIAN SMALL 4 CO. *.... • .- Litolbeir Yard; NNorta o.lorg , Wrest, near Me fi d arp o d, y 0 ItK, PA. We w tub] invite the anal/tine of liseltan ics, ih z ihs ooa , and °there. to our large and well eekoos i skse k o f LI 1 JIB F, 2, consisting or every:deseription of-1/10bite Pine Btardi and Plank, Joist. Southey and Fencing. Also, Mtissd eteeeout Shingles, Ltths, Piek e t e , Flooring oat 4 Ve4rherboardiag. $ Sidiuj. i t , We are prepare.] to CUT TO ORDER any s i ze , quantity and quality of WHITE PLYE & 0..1 If LO.IIBER, at the shortest notice. and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keen on la s od A toma rat assortment of . SASH. DOORS, Shutters, Blinds, Miaow Frames and Door Frames eliir'Jrdero (or any sizes not at hand 11 with dispatch. ilijirOur stack and assortment is equal to any others. and we are , letermined to-eoll at the lowest market prices. s er-.111 orders anl communications ad dressed ps the undersiped, at York, Pa., will ieesi‘• prompt attention. :Of ILL, BENDER b CO. York. )fay 24, 1858. iv Removal. A LEX. FRAZER, Watch it Clack Maker, has removed his shop to Charabersburg street, opposite the Lutheran Church, where he will always he happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful f,r past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit aad receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, March S. 1858. Who will Refuse VIE worth of their money and the right chang , back? NORBECK & MARTIN'S ig the place to get it, where they sell all kinds of Groceries. Confectionaries, and Fancy Articles—in a word, everrthing belonging to a first-class Urinary. SI ilainies of sevon different kinds, from 4 1 J cents up to 75 per gallon : Sugars, six different kinds, from 8 cents up to I 4 per lb.; Coffee, lice kin is ; ?ens, Chneolue, Rice, Cracker*. Tea Calceq, Bottled Pie Fruit, Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. May 24, 1818. New Arrival! HATS. CAPS, BOOTS SHOF.S.—The an loterileee has just returned from Philit delp!iia where he selected, with much care, a very large and superior stork of Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, and finders himself that he is nave prep 'red to exhibit to the citizens of Gettysburg cud vicinity, the larg est sat finest stook of Goods in his line that has ever been offered to their uotiee. Rav ing purchased our goods at the lowest cash prices, we are prepared to offer greater in ducements than ever. Come and see: We will take great pleasure in showing uur goods whether you wtsh to buy or not. Ore. 24. R. F. 3feILIIENNY. Call at Rsininger's VOR BAIIGAINS:—The 11.1bscriber has just returned from the city with another large assortment of goods for Gentlemen's %Year. consisting of Cloths. Casslasers* , Casriners, Tyreels, all kinds °treating. ke.. which he will dispose of at the lowest liviing prices. Ili* stook has been selected velith gre.st care, and caunot but please the tastes of this eotninunity. Don't forget I Call at the 3lerchant Tailor ing establishment of _JACO3 ItEININGER, • Oa. 4. 1858. Carlisle street. The Nighty Hurler! _ . lVorld Know.' and Mold Tried. H Aloway's Ointmsnt. run E free admissions of all Nations, an well se the verdict of the leading Hospitals id the Old as well as the New World, stamp this powerful remedial Agent as the greatest nealing_preparation ever made known to suf fering man. Its PLNP:7IIsTITI QUALITILS arc inure then usurst.Lors, through the external orifices of the ',kin, invirit,le to the raked eye, it reaches the seat of the internal dis ease; and in all external affection, its anti inflammatory and healing virtues surpass anything else on record, and is Nature's great ally. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM are two of the most common ti n.l virulent dis orders prevalent on this continent, to thesis the Ointment islspecially antagonistic. it. "modes operaudi" is irgt. Cu eradicate the venom and then etomplete the cure. BAD LEGS, OLD SORES AND ULCERS. —Cases of many years standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to any other remedy ur treatment, hate invariably sue coinbed to a few applications of this power ful nit ent. ElteP CONS ON TUE SKIN, arising from n bad state of the blood or chronic disease are ortulicilied, and a clear and transparent sur face re,:aine 1 by the restorative action alibis Ointment. It surpasses many of the cosme tics and other toilet appliance in its power to dispol rallies anti other disfigurements of the face. PILES AND FISTCL.I.-1-Every form and feature of there prevalent and stubborn dis orders is eradicated locally and entirely by the use of this emulient ; warm fomentation, should precede its application. Its healing qualities will be found is be thorough and invariable. Both the' Ointment and Pills should be used in the follorcing cases : Rut:lions, Rheumatism, Vero Threats, Berta', RI ovrtgroa , bores of all Mods, Chapped Raids, Salt Rheum, Bre-Mos, CM ihialsu, Sea L4l, - 1416 Joists, Fistula, SR% 0 {seems , telaer, (Jout, Owelled Glatata, Ukers, Lumbar, Sure Leta, Venereal Vents Mecurta I V ruptiMas ,Sors Breasts, W ono& of all kinds, Pile*, &ma'am. ser Cataioa I—Noce are gennine unless the words 0 Hollowly, Nem, York and Lon don," are discernible as a water-nterk io every leaf of the book of directions around each put' or boa; the same may be plainly seen by kidding the leaf to the light. A handsome re ward will be giren to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or rending the same, knowing them to be spurious. *„"Sold at the Manufactories of Professor lialloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Demers in Medicine throughout the United States and thh civilised world, in pots at 25 rents, 63 cent', and #1 each. A. D. Buehler, Getty.. burg. z , partheriii. is a onnsiderable saving by taking th e larger sizes. I N.'13..;..-Directions for the guidance of pa tients lu every disorder are affixed to "each put Vane 14, /858, eowl_ll. Chas. R. Data, 111. D. ()FMK on Baltimore street, one door Muth of die Preabytarlin Choral), an opposite David 11 oer.dnrit :Mang leitAlishounit, Ciattyrkstrg. - P*6 4. OM. : I • ,•:_ , botaniadirts; iz# y - .tea tboy: *ill bur **Ay* LIMAI•iff my' Eaaftthieb; tbelusost Wiat 4se *boa oobiaplib*. 111 arevesily."-vebbiuniadik. BUZEIVINPOOKULTS. Nei. nAgaik. 'VAIr itATILAI issWl • Vissi O el- Art litireissj , ••• paisigiabiL . • Aspeunded ' 4 , ' PsteisilliVAnnti WM. inlenst Of , the best a tr ort4oo Lirsr,*diatiest aim bei?! • itailliii kagheirii i i .. ~ Oorii t ftest,s4k ois Air ;v Delft :' it ii naively s est tit a yisal MAU , Meting tlrst on the Learn twiljenVits Maw. Wm en the shorn seleed bawds Steam of that matter, tiros acempillshinghwo puttpasm effectually, with- out ant et' 4e juninfel feelings experienced its, She operchitais of *met Cathartics. it strengthens 11141 iirtteat at the same time that it purger ft; knit when taken daily in mod mite Am* will ebrengthen and build op with unusual rapidity. The, Lrrint is otte4 of the principal rego later" of the hurour t body ; and when it perform It Ainetionsg t well, the powers of the system are f. 1111.4 developed. The stow ecA in almost entirry., ly dependent on the healthy lotion of they Liver for the proper performacectf its rune. , " tiuns; when the stom ach is at fault, the- I ,__ bowels ore at fault, antA the whole spume.' onffers inconsequence of one efipin---the Lives—baring ceas ed to do its disey.-4-• For the diseases of that organ, one Of thee proprietors has made it his study.in a pricu ace of more than 2'o years, to find some, remedy wherewith to counteract the mattyp-i derangements to whicb it is lianle. t-4 To prove that this remedy is at last found, any person'Z'trouble.l with Li %Ica COXPLAINT. IR any Ofh, its forms. has but to try a b title, antl,llcorivicttim is certain. These Chinas re-. 0 M.ive all lunrbid nr bad matter fruits the:Li system, supplying in their place a flow uf 7'4 title, invigurating the storeach,eaasingfcxxl‹ to digest well, real revs° THS aLoon, gi v- 5 0 ing tune and health ut the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease—effecting a radical cure. BILIOHIS ATTICES Are CUTCII, •ND, WHAT is HEITCIt, raErrNrre, by the oCCiIaIIuIDAI USG of clip LIVER Nilt.:011tAl101t. One dose after °sting is snffi 'lent to relieve the *tumuli and prevent the fu•>d Crum rising and souring. O.tly one il He talon before retiring, pre vertu isittatniutt. Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and turns Cus'nrara•.ss. One dose takoa after eauh weal will care Drartrsts. /lirOne dose of two tea/spoonfuls will al ways relieve SICIC. UCADACEIII O.ie dose taken for female obstruction re mores the cause of tile disease, aad makes a perfect cure. . 0 ply one thme immediately relieves Cnour. while One d..se often repented is s sure eon for VROLEII4, M AMC!, and s preventive of CLIOLtItA. one b tile is needed to throw out of the system the !Moot* Of medicine after a long sickness. skali•Mite bottle taken for JAC:quirt removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. o.te dose taken a abort time before eating gives vigor to thesp?st - te;and makes food di gest well. One &Ise often repeated cares CHIMNIC Disannect in its worst farms, while Sneers and 113wat. complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses ears attacks caused by Worms its Uesil.lren ; there is is.. surer. safer, or speedier remedy in the world. an it am, fails. iiiirA few betties oureDsorsr, by exciting tke absorbents. We take pleasure in reenmnsending th e medicine as a preventive file Versa and AGUR. enTLL FitTga. lied all First of a %ttot•! Tres. It operates with certainty, and tioni sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All tAo ate it are gteing their stmartiannu testiesoity in its favor. Der Mix water in the mouth with the In. eignratiir. and swallow both together. Tur. Li vas I rtooturoa is a scientific med ical disoorery, and is daily working cures. almost too great to believe. It aureate if by magic, erea the ?fret doze gioiszy kulfit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to ewe any kind of Ltvss complaint, from tha worst Junadire or Dyspepsia to a 00100041 IleadarAe, all of which are the result of a Dzszassn borra. PRICY ONU DOLL .I Plt BOTTLE. Drc. sANieolcu, Proprietor. 34-S %mid way. See York. A. D. BC/[IAR, Avail, Gettysbur; 17, 1454. Iy. Greatest. Improvement OF TIIE AGE:—long' Pi:Jew KEROSENE or CI).4L OIL LAPPS. unrivalled in B•iianty, Safety or Ee;novey,— E:ory person desiring toobtaio tho very best and cie,s,fr , rl portab'e light within their roach, shoul t 19%11 and esemine these lamps before purchasing elsewhere, for the reason, 14t. Taut au aerileni C3ll occur by ex plosion. 2d. That they emit Ni) Oirensive Odor while burning. 31. Tiist they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily re,iulsted to give more or loss light. 3th. Tams they burn entirely free from smoke. Gth. That the light is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than anyathor light now in common U.P. Them!, ifemps are adasiralay adapted fur the use of Students, Mach eniat i Seansstresse% ll.Llls, Churches. Soares. Retell, and are high ly recomuin 'rled for Famil♦ Use. For sale by GILLESPIE & TIIO,NIAS. June I I, 1858. R. F. Dicilhenns, (Suecemor to Paxton& ilellhenny,) WHOLESALE andltetzil Dealer in HATS. CAPS. BOOM SOO'S, AND STRAW Goons Also. %Vali Paper. Window Shades. Trunks, Carpet Bags. Untbrellas, Canes, Tobacco and Segars. at the South Fault oorner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa. Oct. 11, 1858. John W. Tipton. "lIIAWATIIIAN." GO to Tipton's—go to Tipk.on'A— tiJ to Tipton's in the corner— In the corner in the Diamond— In the Diamoud near McClellan's, If you want.your hair dressed finely— If you want your face shaved smuullitly. Bachelors who never knew it— Tip's the fellow that eau do it— DJ it in the lait fashion 7.- Do it titildkitill 3o it:iitistly, And improveour fine looks greatly, Make you loo ked young and sprightly, Make you feel more yoangand brightly, Make you f,..1 like going nightly To call upon some pretty damsel 'Who before would not look at you, At you asyou pealed bet Daily on the public street. And young men who.wear moustaches, Who want, some one to Kew patches= Patches where your breeches tear— Tip's the Ivy to mote up matches— Martha, With some lady fair. Then repair So Tiptoe's shop, Dandy.-roe. Flu!. and Fop. - Jan. 11.1858. RBQOL is the place to port:Use. • ; . all Drew. G oose, fur geptleciaq as, WS se lireryittiejr, to the Dottrt 000 de Money is is wel by sailing sc Sabl e k , s , peresshing elsewhere. Nor. 8. WORM" 'ALII3IIOM-liediaiete re* Zia: sleek , let 'Lad& *wee . isd • reek Oasis r herissieseredi bead the Ilergso ea premiss iteeltailria tsar. • 'Pb. bassi. verralaadease• ted• priest km, nag 'Aide Ile //Await titel selliitiele - be • ea' Cloth_Ctoaks, es_pee, Merailleihsaft, s 1 1 41t,, 0 I ;, s .-. A •: ' -',"....? t 4114 . Sies • e 4 4+ ..e, WONlabial'" e i oce.B .;,-- • _ MEI Tats Dias& ~• :L :~ :es& At m ; ..Cia*/* &Yin MI reader __;bitartt alliktyq ant' pariavarma itropatalg ' that such a natualy war boon iftrunioaa whit)* will soconl,Prial br indaeme serried • Ahead Mlow-eitiment romitisin win do i t 1.- arnassit on may of the a( slur Ibilsraiag noatplainti BODOPOLA AND DCIONHILOINI Cox:Kam% EINIPTIONS AND Itirmrvir Daraums, true" Prom" BIAMDINS, TIM" Bavr Rnspty SCALD Ifsaa, Thar AND iirmnimo As racrusss, )Laisrarsuan Duman. DROPSY, Nxv. as,Lata os TLC Dania mum, Dzion.mr, Dm. rams AND INDIONTION, ENTILINLAS. ROSS oN Sr. AYTHONY'S Fat. and indeed the whc,le cis s conaplairas arising Irma Isssuarrr oY VAS BIAOD. This compound will be found a great pro. muter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. .31itititudes can, by the aid of this rernecir, spare th,anselvei horn the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sorest, through which the system will attire to rid itself at corruption., if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse at when you,Auti it is ob. atructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell Tom when. Even where no particular disorder as z ogpl kali. c enjoy better health, and live cleansing the blood. Keep the bl thy, and_ all is well; but with this Pabulum of life di-ordered. there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must gu wrong, and the great machinery cf life is disordered or overthrown. Bassaparilbt has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egre4iously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not ull the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extrncts cf it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by huge bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the Pick, for they not wily contain little, it any, Sarsaf a- Alla, tau often no curatit e properties Is hatev er. Hence, bitter and pinata disappointment has followed the 113 C of the laricus extracts of Sarsaparilla whit 11 hood the u.sikut, until the name itself is justly despised, and has became synonrnious with imposition and them. Still we eall this compow.d Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply 'nth a re= dy as 01311 rescue the name from the load of obloquy arhieh rests upon it. And we think w e have ground for believing it has virtues which arc irresistible by the ordinary run of the disca•es it is intend. ad to rote. In erode: to secure their compltte eradication from the st stem, the remedy should be judiciously takes aeoording tv tincotivics on the bottle. DR. J. C. AVEU & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Pries, $1 per Bottle I SL: Mott.las for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself sneh • renown for the rare of even variety of Threw and Long Complaint. that It ii entirely unteeeswary for tot to rew•nt the evidence of its virtues, where% er it has teen em ployed. Am It bass lung been in ermataut use thmughout this ae.•tinu. we need Ent do mote tl*an agony tile people Its quality is kept up to the beat it ever has been, and that it mar be relied on to do fee their relied all it has ever Lacs fousd to do. Ayer ' s Cathartic Pills, evtiretwas. Amulin. Prop pe . IP d;gesekn s, byerwirry, real Numath, E•ys,p4a.. IhoworAr, Par, liageasagitaa. Enviababa mod r rim Asessa, Liver r.... 0 .16g. Do .0, T. T. sad Salt lams. Ireenstm, (..t. Aparaciair. as • Digmaer Pa. ..l p. AT' r ei.MEL ampitosaallisi.aw Oro is rasa lemii lige elm orb grog goinensarlu... Mir "ildrt" sae Lest artvirsat it. Oat uirrAS Sur AV. at pis-Jars tr" (sok yaw.' hie* II aisSa pe- Ur: :0 . Toe kr rill Gene senalves,eakv taear a.ri Senna enes., mei &sun' rat grevennava, as me Ina their 01~1 SP "Ref," iir eecersralrisneliwinres ei tivar Oannolies. Ina is ernor Ursa nall ma venni' the inverti4a at tom. The Ageenn biol. =awed ha , -i&L freak oar AVIEWICaS *Law.. ar in v het -AL *try 4," p=ea Irak rho fag arLenpvienn.4l t6r : Awe enenpioneta and the mama at. that .10 -4.1. i le fur their etym. Do not he put mf I.y urpiiacipied dealers oak other rirrparstieitis they make 'Mae real ill. Demand Arres. and take ten others, UP sick smut the Lest and there is for them. asid thej •hauld Lace iL Add our Remedies are for sale Ly *O-84.1d by A. D. Buehler. Gettribtir7-- T. J. ClA,nper. near C.4slitown—Paston Cu: Druz4irts. Oct. 18, 18;8. eon-1y Cattle Powder. BREINIG. FItfiNEFIF.I.I) & (Nl's cur. TLE .VCDRILVES 11.1% e been thorough ly tasted and unsurpa.sed and unsurposaable. None other as useful hero been introduced during the century. Whilst fitment are using every effort, and investing large am mute of money in the improvement of their soils, tn.) little atten tion is generally pail to the health and de velopment of farm Stock. Breinig. Fronefiedi t Co. justly claim be ieg the first, in this country, who devoted their attention to this important sul,j,•et.— Their Vitorreat.g CATTLE POWDER wits the result of several years' stu fy and experi menting—which experiments have actually shown that, by fee lin; this Powder, a Ccoor will yield froth I to 2} poun.ls butter persr.,ek ,ore than when she d..oes not get the Powder; tai other conditions alike. The same in creme isproportionably produced in the fattening of &dile or Richt& It is used with equal profit for Horses, Cattle and II ,gs. No farmer, or feeder of any kind, should be without it a day. Fur sale at the new Warehouse, corner of Stratton street and the R.tilroad. by KLINEFELTEIt, SEITZ & CO. Nor. 15, 18.58. 8m rpH subwri her bas just received from Phil -11 adelphia livery large and full assortment albite and Cap* of irrotrvariatrand of the most fashionable styles• consisting of No. 1 Mole Skin. No. g do..black Rookland.(Gentle men's Dress') Men's Napped Rockland, (black,) Sax, French, Felt, Plaid, Cable, Mu card, .Lc., le.; together with a large assort ment of Boys' eommon and dries Slouch Ilata sad Caps. Being determined to so oommodate he invites his friends and the public generally to call and eziunine• his goods, feeling confident that the quality of his goods and the prices at which they are sold cannot fail to give satisfaction. Out. Z. R. F. MettIIENNY. 1. W. Scott, (Late of :As firm of Wiukuter cf: 'gook) GENTLE3IIOI S FURNISHING STORE, . arid sanrr ktANOFACTORY. No. 814 Cusamrs ess4rl (awl! opposite • the Girard . P SLTH I A. J. W. SCOTT world raspestfelly ail t h e attention of hia former patrons and friends to denim Store, and 4s- simpreark as a warns fir Same at short iswidoe. A ;pledperlit, iptariust` Jed. COONTRT• ERADS supplied. 'withilevannrriend Comas& - Ott 4.11850. ly VllllM4lll4.amistmostpleteusarisiemi of lireas, act variety sad stylevutvor brought to clettjesbusg, jast.reesiesdat • . Pita Nell. Cr /I C I/ PAP ifi g4fielt to 01410 i, 1 44 6 11..0 l i ttEr s ilm=7 l o.4 as examqa. a.kaaikosr.grali,. rhitt.A. - • . :• • t 1.. _i Pr EPARZI) AY .7011. TAB OMB OT Hats & Caps A. iltathiot & &mi S OFA AND rtheirrtritt WA/MRoolft Noe. 25 and V N. Oay street. &Ithaca* (near Fayetta at.,) 'Standing from Gay is Frederick s« —the largest eatablishvgat qf the kind in the Union. Alway varietys on hand It lar* Ivo,ortmeat eve of NOUNS. 1101 x ,11 ANI) OFFICE ry ECUNITUB.X. ear Bureaus, Bedsteads. \Va.-I/stands, Wardrobes. Nfirregses of flask, Outten and Hair, ...Spring Bed., &Am, Tete-a-Tete+, Arm Chairs. flocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Settees, lteceiwtinn and Upholstered tikes, A,.orlecl Colors of Cottage Parisi/art, Wood Chairs,' °See Chairs. Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Ho 'tack", Ei4 Furniture. • Gilc and Walnut Frame Loottno Sideboards, Ext etp4ion Tal les, of every length. Porsolo. disposed topurchase are invited to can and give our stock an axmoneation, which for variety and quality of workman slap is not equalled by an establishment in the country. A. MAT IJYOT & SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. ly Stoves ! Stoves I EtT)C, BUEHLER t KURTZ have just received n large s upply of now and bola. tiEii Parlor, Saloon and Shop STOVES. of the Intent and wont improved styles. Also. all the tesL gtyleit of CO OK STOVES, enihrac , i the Noble Cook," ..11ny•I Cook." .•Win. Penn." ••Sea Shell." "Mornin; Star." "Phil adelphia Sunri..e." "Fredonia," (Baltimore Air•'i•tght. improved) "Jewel," sod ”Chartn" 1 —all for wore) or coal. I Clll at the Ware Room. in West Middle street. two .• Ir.; west of the new Court-house. I Sept. 27. 1 KA3. Milliwry Removed. itZ IfinVAlllt re , perifolly inform Ilse LI iil•4 of (lett celturg and its that they will find her in Chanilerahurg ..tract, at the resideneeof Mr. Samuel 'tartest. ..rwwite Mr. Tate . * tittle!. t Ladies can Ir. ace..tvinvoittted with ready aubde BONNETS; ale° a variety of Straw LeAlutro., and all kinde of 31illinery Goode of the latest etylee. Ladies will du well to call and see for thetnselres. ' April Ft. Is",S. Lumber and .Coal. THE .ltp.eriher informs the pablie that he ••• contiutte, thr lAttuther stud Coal Luwittews lat Lart.ENTl)w , .. iaing contlty, r larcer node that, ever--einbracin ,, White Pine fiGiarsh , •and P lank, Sentstlitig,''Franilttg'Stalf, PlaNteriaz Lathe., shingle. , , Palings, &c., syttls ttll kia•t. Litnehunters' and lilarksaliths' Coal. Yar 1 near the Depot.— C'Ill• of the public, and %ill stll tlle t Cu low est. JOHN MI u..F.11. 1 Apr;l 19, 1'5 4 . ls• Cheap ! Cheap ! MORE x:w uuit)i:—JAcuiti3 & 11RO. have just returned from the city, with .► YeryiAt.g./ Z4 4 s irtmant of Cloths, CAssimeres, I•estings, Winter GJe , ll, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and ftncy Shirts, Collar!, silk And cut ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, ie. Ravine bought unusually low, for the cash, they are enabled to nellcutarza TITAN itvait-in (dent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3, for in: stance, Give them acid!, at their new estalr lishment, in Chninbernbuig street,a few doors vresi of the Cuurt-house, before purchasing elsewhere, 11. This Way ! LADIES AVD GENTLEMEN.-4. C. Gcusx & BitarrtZtt have just returned from the East with a large and well selected- stuck of Goods ever oticred in this market. all of which will be sold ebeap,' such as Deepest, "Delaioe lobes. Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths, Alspacas„ Debaiscs, Gingham', square and long Shawls, Blankets and D4rnestic Goods of all prices.—. Zilen's Wear in great variety, Cassimeres, Caseinets, Jeans, blue, black•, brown. sod, green Cloths ; a large assortment of Vesting& Also, Groceries and Spices of every descrip tion, which will be aAd cheaper than the cheapest. Give as n call. All weask is to, show the goods and we will be satia6ed with,• the result. No trouble to show goods. J. C. GUINN & B/10, Oct. 11, 1858. New Goods ! 1 G EORGE ARNOLD has again . ished his stock of Goods. Ilis nt is now full, among which is a great ty of Ladies' Dress Goods. and fanc y E eti " orally. The Ladies will Omens OW-, glllllll. Alan, cheap CLOTHS, Cass tomes. Caminetts. Vesiings, Ready-made Clothing, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Coatings, We siesT;Oleles, Ac. Lc.; also, a large stock of Thenesties, Fresh Groceries, eta. RZADlfallit CLOTHING.-1T yea . smut Ow and beet • Clothing in a, •call and smash A o. We malts our 'own Clothing, hare ban scantly employed cutting out and teski up . - Our stock of Cloths, Cassimeres. Cis' a' ts, ~.C oatings, Y ' As., is imp audfull,-.. Liatiad see us . , tin if we muunA it lost in a Mersa' , ready: made, we will take your •• setwers. aadmakeyop up a wartemitied as yea rosy desire Aro introit wads. on.thashart. Mt 110600. Mr. Cid e r isedstaTl on hand el' the Clothing &apeman, bt, polite; as& always ready to wait 14 that gift Try him. Erovehiak v 604 molt tbetwim limy serer in bun. • Gettysburg, Oct. 4, Isll4. ~1 : .; . • sus 'lllolll IMinne BOUSIOT siiiirLitiG.lfitsts e inNleberibarg - AWV:: t ri d Tr ir.f muimim ,. , .4474.% K1X;1014.:4W.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers