Sri t. Vili kt e, ,iliaske mod IP weiretwww. WITTYJR4TRO, P.I XcFn Jean. 24, 1869. Lu;..m4A lerlper. J. B. Kruisbach, School Strier intenskot Lancaster county, (n Ai" duata at' the Polley and Seminary at thin plane.) died at Lancaster week before Last, igirtforii hare been issued from 'the War De. poirnseint ointi:ar to these srhic' i were sent to ailieaa. vending Canter trc üblea, namely if . ; use tbefoar or ire ex uirianics of troops El! that. As row row/low to enforce the ;lees daring the resent disturbances in that ' rritor,y : The class snitch between Paul Murphy pn4) l rofeemor Anderson, at Paris, has re swim' in the triumph if the American, as' fellows Morphy s 7 ; Anderson, 2 ; drawn, 2. ft is reported that France hal officially in- Ragland of her support if the latter opts measures to counteract ?resident Be• ic . lianante policy. The Philadelphia Evening Argus bas been all'angol into a morning paper. The Argus Zs, as able. spirited, and sound Democratic journal. We wish it great success. ' Alien example of the feeling hat exists aeeareee the Black Republicans and Whigs of Maessehusetta, we may tactician that an "old line Whig," whn had served in the ca. I picky of door-keeper to the Legislature of! !that State for ty years, has been put out .of Aloe, sad a " Republican " appointed in ' !isis steed. Old Whigs won't silbscrihe to 'llewardism and must stand aside, say the Republicans." • The Opposition have troubles enough ,in ;their own path, withey speculating as to the /siadrancee which lieTa that of the Democre yy. The different isms into which the great Northern Opposition party is broken will etch clamor for a "representative man," in :1800, a candidate to champion thy t ir own p•- enliar views. They may unite in their hatred be the Democracy, but they will separate When called upon to pame a candidate fur the :Presidency. Two brothers in Maine by the name of Rieh, have been lately married to two sisters by the name of Wings, and have removed to Illinois. Thus " riches have taken to Petri selves wings." Hannah, a free woman of color, who had teen manumitted by Mr. pavid Jamison ? of Shelby county, Tennessee, returned from Ohio, where she was freed, and desired her former master (Mr. Jamison) to take her back into his household as a slay,. 610 expressed her wish in open court, and wits closely ex amined by Judge Caruthers as to her motives for returning to bondage. She spoke clearly and sensibly, saying that she preferred being . a slave, sad remain in Tennessee, rather than be free in Ohio ; that she wanted a hied master to take care of her and provide 'fur her wants. Tier wish was gratified. ' "A corremesdisnt of the Cambridge, (Md.) Democrat suggests - Vice-President 1:.! replan ridge as the Ftemoeratic candidate for Pre si. Arnb 04 ex-Gov. Seymour, of Sew Fork, for ri president. A young, handsome, and hitherto respecta ble, married lady, of Buffalo, was recently arrested for public intoxication, and cent tip fee thirty days. Mr- Philip Jees,ey, aged 120 years, died is Iff ew . , grim *mall county, Vt., on the Ist of Denessber. A short time before his death he was able to attend to his own household againa, and one day while in his one Lund- TRW,. , rear he cat and 'split one handrail Ws: Übe Havana dates state that the negros Wen eameerhat unruly, and many of them had been erreseed and imprisoned. Two tbcittkertil live hundred knives had been sold po w ditriag t few day!. Roberal liAblee, just chosen President of Merle*, it only twenty-eight years of age. Tbeloill to repeal the ten per cent. Interest law 9hiso.snd establish a seven per cent. rawbse been rejected. The IFerrisburg Patriot and Union truly says if onr Legislature would enact a Law for the express purpose of preventing the manu facture of drugged liquors, with such pronie fotite and penalties as to stop the business ef : filepoxily, it mould be the greatest reform ever instituted in the State. The most valuable span of horses in the United States is !sai4 to be owned by Com modore Vanderbilt, of New York. They ere matched horses. They cost him $7, 1 100, and be has been offered 09,000 fqr them. Any mark or sign, made by pen or pencil, conveying information ‘ or any memorandum. made upon printed platter, either inside or on the envelope. spilled. the Fhole package to letter postage. BreW khead. The electione, s ca tx? the ! Spcakership of the House at, ifarria- Ipurg, is said to be a victory of the Straight-Out Know Nothing pver the V4aek Republican wing of the Opposi ijon. Simon Cameron led the Straight 4rS4, had is "pitched into" by a num ber of the MeCtras organs without me y. It is now dear that the Oppo sNoit in this State--as well as through out the union—will have quite enough to go to settle their own trpnbles, with -9;4 meddling in the affairs o the Pe tne9ripr. The llght promises to be in teregflag te the outsiders when it does take. As both factions are bad, weare milt* which whips. R * F I R 00,30 t, that Corrie's trial, io llaktaaap oonotr l would be conclud ed oft Saturday 4st- The OW of the Funks, foe aturdps, Phan*r*lrg, was to take place wring tho latter part of last week. aslop so, _tocaut, of Cligunbershurg, Pa., WWl* tf 7abcar a large tin at. the lieeteepki* of Mr. S. Fnnic, in - --f itint.l4 . iatatirtigi , ? coo Twirler, NI! 1 serhiags 4 7 vr: pc pittabarg, iota 110•11 k 40 . 14141 ,MV1 4 311 kirr: Wog beiiii atissaviiio Fa! 4. 4Rypflkor ad ilia his lib ac Oilaff•M qi. table of Nebraska- . . . . "..V . 4 MIII • The Legislature was largely ocoapied with private bills last week. Judge Bell has introileeed in the Sen ate a WI to amend theexilting laws m isting to evidence. It removes the die prtility of a witness,Vy reason of bav- ' ing bean convieted'of felony; provides that no person shall be excluded from testify ing in any judicial proceedings reason of nny interest ho may ha y° in the event of the suit; that a party , to the roeoeil may he examined p if under cross examination, at the in stance of the . adFerpe party, and other important alterations in the 9xisting rises of ecidenee. In the House, on Monday, 4r. Wa Iker presented 3 petition from the• commis. F.ionertt, auditors and °there of li3omerset county, praying that the number of road and bridge viewers in said coin ERSI tie reduced to three persons, one of whom hhall bo a practical surveyor. Both Houses mot in joint convention qn Monday, % ancl proceeded to the elec tion of State Treasurer. Eli K. Slifer, IkbOW Nothirg Republican, received 63 votes, and 11. S. Magraw 29 votes. Mr. Shier v: us declared elected. Oil Monday last, Mr. Durberaw pre sented to tho House petition in favo: of the passage of a bill to authorize certi fied copies of records of insurance Qom panios be Idnotted as evidence. On tho same day, ho also read in place a bill in accordance with the prayer of the petitioner. In the House, on Ttimulay, the speci al committee appointed on tbo Tariff resolutions previously offered, made re port—thus z Resolved, That our Senators in Con gross be instructed, and our Represen tatives requested, to lahqr for the pass age (qt }4ll prevent session) qf ;nob an act as will not only tend tq incfease the reryntle by the imponitiqn of duties, but uffued ample encouragement to all the interests of the country, injured by the productions of the cif4p labor of other nations; but more especially to urge an inerease of duties on eoat and iron, in which a portion of our own people are 400_plyil4perestod. solieel, That the views of the Pres ident expressed in his late annual mes sage in tpferkripp to the advantage of definite or specific duties over ad valor en) dot*, as more nniform, lees reliable to frnads, qnd allfording this most cer tain and uniform amemnt of revenue, meet our hearty 4pprobation. After some discussion the resolutions were adopted—yeas 92, neys 2—thoso voting in tho negative statipg that they were opposed to interfering with na tional questions in tho 4ouse. Tho Senate passed the resolutions unanimously on Wednesday. PRONE WAIHINGTON. Many of the Opposition members of Congress are desirous of staring off the Tariff question this winter, so that they nui,t make another -electioneering lobby out of it at the next election. '' A dispatch from 11 ashington states that, the Democratic members from this Mato recently held a meeting to con sider the seliJect. of revision of the Tariff. Senator Biglerpresidod. They endorsed the President's views, and appointed a committee, composed of four persons, namely, Messrs. Jones, Dcwart and Montgomery—to nt-tend to the business and call the dele gation together.when necessary. This action on the part of the Pennsylvania Democratic delegation, will no doubt have a great influence and will go far to procure thp iiemiyed object, The Naval Committee of the Senate has reported a bill providing for the construction of ten screw slooptof-war of light draught, with heaviest aline ment, and capable of greater speed.— me need of this much desired accession to our naval force must be coucedod on all han'ts. Proposed New Ter4tgties. An unusnat number of applications are pending before Congress for the forma tion of new Territories out of portions of that vast domain etrotching from the borders of civilization to the Pacific Ocean. At least six of these applica tions are prominent. It is proposed to form a Territory out of the western half of what was originally the Territo ry of Minnesota, which, upon the for mation of the State, was left without i a government. "Aarzoxs" has elec ted a delegate to Congress, who is en deavoring to have it recognized as a Ter ritory. It is a ootnbinetion of the son.; dicer. part of New Mexico with the Mesilla Valley, and has acquired great j importance of late from the discoveries of gold on the Gila ricer. NYVADA" is ' the western part of Utah. " Lsa.otrz" is the western part of Nebraska. "Sc . PETtIOR," or Ontonagon, is a proposed new Territory to be formed out, of the upper pehinsula of Michigan. That State is disposed to get rid of It if pas ! sihle. Its geographical position more nearly allies it with the State of Wis consin. " COLONA " is another appli cant for a Tonitorial government, and embraces the recently discovered re ' gions of Pike's Peak. I Most of these propositions, says the ' Harrisburg Patriot & Union, are of !course -mere sug,goations, without any Parlientar merit or immediate and pres sing necessity requiring that tbcy should be acted upon. One or two of them may be favorably received at flit, *Pion. But •it is evident that the queation of dividing the public domain into Territpries wlriqh are but the gerts of fifuirgs fltfltes, may before long 4ocenie Om of Pl* ipl ..rtance• M , L . : ..,....1 U ,. a I I.oeiti ittfAik's• THE WAILS. yrsm tho oblging Postaatater at thiit Mt. Ptoaot Girt', the follotriag isforits tios is nerd to tbo antral and 4sportto• Of the Mail., 14 derirod: Mail for Baltimore lesres daily at 7 A►. M.. and arrives at 12 P. M. Malls for Philadelphia. York. l iotio7Or New Oxford lest e daily at 7 A. hi., ;ad ar- Tire at 7 P. M. Ckupberoburg leaven , 4144 •t 4 A. K., sad arrives at GI P. M. Littlestowo tears+ daily at 5 r►. M. and arrives at 8 P. M. Eutuaitaborg loaves daily at 11 P. M., sod arrives at 8 P. M. Harrisburg lessen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M., arrives Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 5/ P. M. Hagerstown leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M., arrives /timidity, Wed nesday and Friday at 6 P. M. Ibinterstown leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M., arrives same day at 3 P. M. Monalien 'rare* Tpetday and Saturday at 7 A. M.. arrival; same day, at 3 P. M. LVFORMATION WANTED ;ours Dasittiorrr, inane, escaped from the Sesta Asylum at Harrisburg on the 22d of December last, since which time nothing has been heard of him by his distressed fami ly, residing in BuOer township, Adams ouun• ty. We describe him as about eve feet eight inches in height, heavy boned, with black hair and black eyes, the end of one thumb of, (from felon,) a large mark on the neck, (from so alcer,) a large sear high gp on the font beed,(frum,a bruise,) front teeth in upper jaw decayed. and is about 45 years of age. lied on when he left the-Asylum, as is supposed, a grey mixed satinet short coat, cod suited heavy *Amu drilled pantaloons. FIIITT DOLLARS will be given by the family for information of his whereabouts if alive, or the iliscovery of his body if dead. Informa tion to be communicated to the Editor of The Cfompikr, Upttysburg. Pa. SAD PASS OF BURNING An interesting child, Grown C., son of 4 . .tatl and MAIICIALIT STRICLUOCSRII, of this place, wits po shockingly burned, on Monday afternoon last, by its clothing accidentally taking ire, as to cause death iy a few hours. The child was three years and throe months of age. and had been left under the care of an elder sister whilst the mother went ont on a shopping errand to a neighboring store.— The sister was amusing her little brother by making paper dolls, but leaving him for a moment to go to the *gate to look for her mother's return, the little boy, it is sup posed, went so near the stove as to cause the papers to take fire, end by the time the sis ter returned his clothing was in a blase.— Her screams soon attracted several of the neighbors, who succeeded in putting out the dames with a vessel of water. A most heart rending scene was presented to the mother, who in a few moments returned. Medical aid was summoned, but without avail. The child was cheerful to the last, reaching out his little hands to his mother; saying, " Look there—look there! Do you see them 1" as though he saw angels hoveriry above him, beckoning and ready to bear him to that vast throng of littleones around the Throne. Ile died about 1 o'clock next morning. ten hours after the burning. " As the bird to its sheltering nest. When the storm on the hills is abroad. So his spirit bath down from this world of un- To repose on the bosom of God." [rest, LECTURE. • The next Lecture Wore the Y. M. C. A., will be delivered next Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, in St. James' Church, by Prof. M. L. Svcr.vxa—subjeci "The Cultivation of a Taste fur Reading." R. O. Mute, F. 41., delivered the Lecture op Friday evening last. in Christ Church—on Female Excellence." REG ULAR. The running on our Railroad is now grstify !ugly regular, the trains making all the con nections at the Junction. The Postmaster General last week ordered a direaph mall from Baltimore to Gettysburg, sites which the delay previously caused at liaaoTer by the changing of the mail has been avoided. The arrange ment is an admirable one, sad insures the making of the trip between this and Baltimore in four hours. The business of the Road is still on the increase. If ARKETLNG We are requestel to state, for the informa tion of market-men, that a special car is Wad ed at gle Company's Warehouse here, with marketing fur Baltimore, every Tamday. The car is taken through as speedily as possible. A NEW MILIT4FIY COMPANY The citizens of MoSherrystown, in this omanty l have organized a military company, to be called the El.tott Riflemen. A very handsome uniform has been adopted and a sufacient nornberof mernbere enrolled to give assurance of success. We doubt not that the Scott Riflemen will prove an ornament and honor to their town and State. aiirDuring the pant week we were favored with a goodly number of new names to our list, and some " material aid " from delin quent subscribers. 'Fur this, and the many warm wishes for the increased prosperity of the old time-tried Cusritsa, we are very heartily thankful. We bare still to complain, however, that many who should have, and were expected to nay up host week, failed to do so. Delays are dangsrous.e s ir Au advertisement of Messrs. Iloott £ Batnwm, Baltimore, will be found in a sub sequent column*, end we call the attention of oar merchant readers to it. With a large stock—embracing everything in thgir lion—and accommodating terms, they are of course doing a lards busicess, but are pre pared to da any amount more. them a call, and we will warrant goods and prices will be found highly satisfactory. iiirlfesars. was, &watt., Wo . t.r. Do a- Bator, WI. S. Picama and loom nciixa, at Ilarriattitrir, have oar tt,a4a for publjo documents. To Win. firetccuire l Canal Ilien inissioner, we are indebted for e copy of chi Cnnal Poiniwisaioners' Report. ler*. Mow adIIOLSII4 of Huntington tosraship t the past moos, realised 40 gallon* of as exeelleot snick of Mqtateas from a quarter of as sore of litlgar Cana. It mei pay if property cultivated and tplaaafsefiritd. awn* Sae" g° l 4t. fasuagir Sta tion stLittleetowa ars as wly pippletea : , JAAVAWY Ccottelr. A swag enemies+, w* ions by l b . Co. week. Premium Amigo hien as 4 A anaristais Zunis* sad W Immix en tip DeD4 COlpl.o* fttX/LS. Soipool_Dititrist a Hastiastos vs. Jacob A. Gentur.—Appeel by Pedant from the Pr port of the Aediters of Efontington township. The Poard of Auditors had disallowed certain Orders issued by the Board of School Direct tors, and paid by Mr. Gardner. u Treasurer, amounting to siB2 11, from which deciaioe defendant appealed. Under the inatroitiona of the Court the Jury rendered a verdict for de fendant—it being the duty of the Treasurer to pull properly authenticated Olden issued by the School Board. The Auditors erred in ilaullowing them. Bernard Devine va. Sarno.' Ferguson—Ap peal from Judgment:of Juittioe of the Pewee. Dft. plead the statute of limitation in bar of Pitt's. claim. Puff. fail;ng to bring his claim within the 'tato te. Judgment for Defendant under the instructions of the Court. Stmon S. Bishop vs. Li 4lestown Railroad Company—Appeal from award of Viewers. the ection being for damages by the Utiles- Owe Railroad pacing over lands of PM— 'Verdict for PM for 5236 50. Titus S. Eckert was divorced from Cather ine Eckert, on application of the former--the respondent. Catherine Eckert, to pay the costs. QCAltrlit SCISIONS. Construmwealth vs. Geo. Fleming, John Martin, John Dixon. Juaepb Lingersliar, Charles Martin, Petri Miller. Geo.Creas. fq diettnent kir Riot at New Osford on night of Dee. 28,1853. Verdict—. Guilty. Court sei. Wooed Josepi► Linpfelter to 1 year imprison ment in County Jail ; (Mo. Fleming, John Martin. Geo. Owens. and Ch tries Martin. 11 inotubs imprisonment ; Peter Miller and John Dixon. G months imprisonment. All As do kndants to giye yelp* to keep the peace for three months after the expiration of imprison • tent. Commonwealth vs John Mock lay. Assault with intent to Riiviuh. Jury called. but the hoseentris, C. Matilda Sfeeltle,y, failing to ap pear. a verdict of Sot Guilty was rendered. Commonwealth ys. Henry riimer. Furni ing liquor tio Sunday. • Verdict, Guilty. Mo tion for a new trial. Cannmor.wealth •s. Henry Bitner. Wilful ly furnishing liquor to liaisons of known in temperate habits. Verdict, Guilty. Motion fora new trial. Commonwealth •a. Henry Camper. Assault and Battery upon Mary Brown. Verdict Guilty—and sentenced to three months in the County Jail, to pay a fins of ten dollars and the costs, and give security in a bond of $lOO to keep the pesos for one year. Commonwealth vs. Mary Situltse. Perjury. on the information of Margaret Grade). Bill ignored by Grand Jury, (Ind Proses ttrix or dered to pay the costs. Cocoruonweitlth v.. George Mihm. Malici ous IJisvhief, otl information of George Folk, (Union township.) Verdict: Not Guilty—. County to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Alfred Palm and Mar garet Devitt. (both colored.) Laseency of property of Mrs. Shultz. Verdict, Guilty as to Palm--Not Guilty*. to Devid. Palm sen tenced to solitary confinement at hard labor in the Eastern Penitentiary for one year and three months. and pay the costs. et= MOTI wealth vs. Abraham Trostle.— Assault upon Emanuel Ziegler. of J. Verdict. Guilty, end 'Defendant to pay a fine of five dollars and the eggs. . Commonwealth n. Emanuel Ziegler, of J. Surety of the Pram. on each of Abraham Trot tle. Court dismissed the case. gbd Prosoou tor. Abraham Trostle, to pay the coats. ' Commonwealth vs. Abraham Trade. Sure ty of the Peace, on oath of F.taanuel Ziegler, of oil The Court disnus,sed the awe, and or dered the Defendant. Abraham Trostle, to pay the oasts. Wm. K. Gallagher was appfiinted Tip Stave, in place of Hugh M. Craig. deceased. ' Court adjourned on Saturday morning, A HORSE TURNED DRIVER. On 'last Wednesday, a farmer drove his horse and wagon into the rear of McClellan's Hotel—unhitched and tied the animal to the wagon to feed. The horse, as though not satisfied with this, stepped up into the wagon box, and took his dinner there !—signifying that he had acted horse long enough, and now desired his master to occupy the shafts in return. But. a crowd of wondering and amused person* collecting to witness this al togetheinovel "exhibition," his horaeship be came somewhat astonished, and deliberately stepped out of the wagon, taking his usual place. beside the wheel. The top of the wa gon-bed was nearly as high u the horse, and it is marvellous that he got up and down without injury to himself or -the wagon. There is a different* of opinion as to the horse's "motive: fessUking position on the wagon, some supposing that he was frightened into the act by the whistle of the locomotive, and other' that it wes a natural desire to "put way" the provender he discovered there. FATALITY AMONGST CHILDREN We regret to record the fact that during the past and present weeks a tirulent form of measles has prevailed in our town and neighborhood. In numerous instances medi cal treatment the most ezperienced and skil ful has been unavailing to break the power of the malady, and prevent a fatal termina tion of the attack. We her of many deaths of this disease—three in one family. In oth er respects our town is remarkably healthy. —Hanover Spedqlor. ep4STfiI.VG NSW Onr lady readers are supposed to be u ready to read the ' , local" or "home" column of our !ppm as any other part, thsrefJr• we notice here a new institution for their benefit which has been lately brought into rove in New York city. It is a mysteriously sxim- Lined corset and bustle and skirt-eupporrer, all in one piece, the invention of an ingeni ous Frenchmen in this eounts7, for which a patent was granted last week. * It is a corset with a barque prolongation, which is flaring and stiff with whalebing fbr a bustle. This arrangement is handier to manage, more own fortable to wear, and looks, better outside than any other; it makes the bustle became a portion of the figure. and gives the passi bility of kdjeplay cortisone* of Agars, lab* wearer has any. Detachable shoaklarafglope complgte the garment. property Litoly ovrapd bj Jew" PAfTaff Baq.. located bOlfiSfi t. Sisere- Own sad Chasibasbarinaidik los bowsilie 47 Ow saws of OVIZAZ I Nino 'War ' 1111 1 JUIN Hot M Bet e sad Omit. litrwmia.lllt , ?maw, for S22MI 4 . 4TAACT FROM REPORT or Tith PRESIDENT AND DIWICTORS of the Litdostqwe Railroad Company 40 . *it tockholdess, preneutied to them *inky, the 10th dal of GlAssuary, 1659, showing the entire cost of its construction from the time of its oonsmoncement to the present period, with an egh:bit of the cost of work iug it during the past si.T months, and its earninvi during that pesiod. Exp sof location, $219 30 Load damages, 6,380 67 Grading and masonry, 11.111 414 Ties, 6,159 43 Iran Sails, 30,110 GT Freight on RAU', ke., 1,425 55 Salaries ana Directors' pay, 980 17 Chairs and,Spikas, 2,642 23 Track-laying, 2,950 00 Extra R oad crouings, cattle guards, cul t Tens. Loading iron and ties, 4 15 41 0 0 srurk, lumber, kc., collecting E stock, Court costs, al pease. ofjories,judges of election, and ex ._ pOlll2Ol, g Press and furniture for M, office, trogs and east- • logs, stationery, en gineer, 886 50 Bridge superstructure, 464 36 Torn table, ; 1,6311 55 Station house, 1,464 TO Fairies beim*, ; 171 52 Ticket agent, 150 00 Freight agent, 140 87 Total expenditure*, .$67.961 19 ♦ fall and liberal allowstace for bills unsettled and lead damages yet • to be disposed of will sake the entirecost of the road, including everything. something less Outs 475,000 00 4wount rec'd from stock, $42,000 Prom bond•, 20,000 Amount of stock due eel unpaid, 9,50C— 571,:406 00 Leaving the whole amoont of float ing debt if the whole atnount of stock is paid. $3,494 Q 0 In the stock remaining unpaid is included he • tween $2,000 and $3,004 of notes not yet due. Oq the Ist of July lest Trains commenced passing over the road for the conveyance of freight and passengers—it has oonsequently ' been in operation six months. During theme , Mx months there :has been a total prostra tion of business of every description, not confined to a single neighborhoo but felt deeply in, every community. The grain crops of the put season almost an en tire failure - this failure bringing with It in t( the country among those who are the main props and supports al Railroads a scarcity of money almost unpveceder.ted. Improve ments in building, in'enrichinz the soil, in deed of every kind, have accrued a sudden check. The iron lousiness, on which the earnings of this road um) in a great measure expected to depend, has suffered perhaps more than any other.: The continued rains Of the past two months, with occasional free:- ing and thawing of the ground, have left the country roads to the turn in such a misera ble condition as to render it almost impossi ble for (i►rmers and others to bring their pro duce to markpt i and take with them in return lime,• coal. lumber, op other articles of this description, carried over the rand. This. therefore, readily accounts for the falling off in the earnings of the road dualisg the months of NovembeP and Deessenher. Thus whilst everything seems In hive emathined to create difficulties in the way of the earnings of this road during its short e;istenee, the result is such during this period, as to inspire its friends with hope, that as business revives and prosperity once more smiles upon the land, it will share in tho general prosperity and meet the expectations of its most san guine friends, NONVINCI Or TUF 11010. Mi. No Pasvisagers. Moonset. ►night. Mall, July, 878 223 46 33u 44 August, 793 201 59 397 68 September, 7791 202 56 312 46 October, 766 199 00 327 27 November, 454 110 29 323 71 200 00 December, 4231 101 07 189 63 Total, 4093 1037 97 1881 17 200 09 The total earnings of the road are $3419 SS!/SS OP WOIIIICING tas *O4O. gal:lover R. R. Co.. for fitrohihing ssatlrapo'trer. kc, ' I 1292 40 Procodsg water, . 60 04 Saperiotendest of repairs and repair men, 734 38 Vs. of cars, 208 88 812,1195 90 Balance over cost of working road, $823 24 Deduct frees earniaga of road sit months interest on whole amount of bonds, $22,000, .EGG 00 Leaving a balasee over nod above the expense of worltlog the road, $163 24 Littlestoarn will foryeans to come continue tc be a very, important point kw the sale of lumber awl Goal, audit lathe (Tinian of men of experience and good judgment that the transportation of coal. lumber, and iron ore. over the road will- alone Nana mare thin suScient to pay the expenses of working the road and the interest on the debt ; so that with aliberal indulgence on the part of its creditors, an economical and judicious man. egement on the part •f the directory, and a reasonable interest and encoura.lement from the Stockholders and the community general ly, the Littlestown Railroad will yet prove that benefit and advantage to the neighbor. hood which induced the undertaking of it. By order of the board, tIeSFIERRY, Prat. OUR NEIGHBORS The new Methodist E. Church in Hunters town was dedicated yesterday week. The at tendance, of all denominations, was large.— The edifice is of good size, and es%4ltable to the congregation. Several other 'new build ings were put up in that place last season, in good style—and it is to be hoped that this spirit of enterprise may continue to manifest itself. There wit* talk of a switch from that place to the Gettysburg Railroad—distance about miles—but whether in real earnest, we are not prepared to say. In Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) handsome improve ments are also noticeable. The (iron-front) store building of Mr. Jecos A. 0•1DX1111 is nearly completed ; Mr. SPIBIAIX HITRINI3III Is dope, and sow occupied by him ; Mr. ARNOLD fli.nonia's new house is one of the best In the county, with highly ornamental and attractive grounds. The sew School House is flatbed, and the schools have been removed into it.— Mr. Mous has had built a line addition to the York Springs b 0114141, airTh• planet Vetoes can now in distinct ly discerned is the day time, when not ob soured by *eds. It- passes the meridian about 10} o'eloek, at as elevation of a few degrees higher than the sun at midday. 11rTho Wrlflitorlar, York IVA ClotrYokin /4 41, 11. COW., lino , dighred a dividend *IV If loc ika Pah Jeer, Persbie eg find after 'ha litit inst. EEO DIVIOTORY. NATIONAL, STATE, AND COUNTY, Pentldent—ehmee Ruchanan, Pennsylvania., Tice President—John C. Breckenridge, iCy. Secretary of State—Lewis Case, Michigan. Secretary of Treasury—Unwell Cobb, Go, Seeretary of War—John B. Floyd. Va. Secretary of Navy...lsaac Toucey, Conn. Secretary of Interior—Jacob Thompson. Miss, Postmaster General—Aaron V. Brown, Ala. Chief Justice of the United States—Roger -B, Taney, Md. Secretary of State—Wm. M. IleiAter, Berks. Attorney Qoneral—John C. Knox. 'flogs. filarroyor General--John Rowa, Franklin. Auditor General-s4aoub Fry, Jr., llontg'y. !Superintendent of Common Schoola--gonry 636 2 C. Wmink, Union. Stets linoleum—lL S. Magraw. Lancaster. Judges of the Supreine Court—Chief Justice, Wm. U. Lowrie ; John M. Read. Wm, &raw, James Thompson,G.W.Woodwarti. 11.11 24 COUNTY OFFICIO.* Prodding Judge—Ma. It. J. Fisher. steeoeWe Jedre.:-Ifon. David Ziegler, Ilon Isaac g. Wierman. District Attorney—Wm. B. McClellan. Prothonotary—Jsoub Bushey, Register and Recorder—Zechariah Myers.... Clerk of the Courte--11. Q. Wulf. Sterif--Isamo Lightner. Tnetsarer--J. B. Darner. Commissionere—Josiah Benner. Jacob Ref fensperger, Daniel Geis°!man. Clerk, J. M. Walter, Attorney. F.. IL Buehler, Directors of the Pour—Frederick Wulf, An. drew White, Abraham Spangler.. Steward. Jacob Culp. Clerk, D. C. Brinkerlnd!. Treasurer, J. B. Danner. Attorney. Wm. McClean. Physician, Dr. IL S. fluter. Coroner—Dr. E. W. alumina. County Superintendent of Common "h00k... J. R. 1101114.)ml. BOROrall OFFICERS. Burge --Robert G. Harper. Town Connuil—Win. B. Alcal4, Henry Co fort, John Rupp, Samuel Reding, Andre Schick. Justices--fieorge Arnold, fis.o. E. Brintman. Constables—John Barrett, Sol. R. Taylor. Poliee'Olticcre—des. ItonzereJ. It: Sheads. Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporation —R. G. McCreary. School Directors—R. G. M.eCreary, J. L. Hill. David McCreary. John Wisebrenner. E. O. rahnestock, (lei. E. Buehler. Pennltylvania aillege—Dr. 11. L. Baugh er, Pre',Went. Faculty—Michat I Jacobs, M. L. Stoever, F. A. Muhlenburg, 'rubor, C. F. Schaeffer. Preiklent of Board of Trus tees, M. McClean; Setretary, D. A. Buehler ; TresPurer, A. D. Buehler ; Steward, Jacub Craumar. Theological Seminary—Faculty, Dr. S. S. Sehmucker. Dr. C. P. Krauth. Dr. C. F. Schaeffer. President of Board of Directors, J. G. Morris ; Secretary. X. C. Wedekind ; Trmtsurer, Wunderlich ; Steward. John 31t-Clesay. Female Aesilemy—Principals, Rec. D. Eyster and Mrs. R. Eyster. • Puhlie Schoul—Principal. M. S. Cont arse; Assistants, R. A. Lyttle, Miss M.plellan. Ilfihs Warren, Miss 3h-Curdc, Miss *utp son, Mrs. Group. Bank of Gettysburg—President, George Swope: Ca4hier, T. D. Carson; Teller. J. H. McClellan. Board meets every Tuesday. Formers' and Mechanics' ,Saving Institn tion—Presidev„, George Throne; Cashier, George Arnold, Receives money on depoeit, paving 5 per cent. per annuitr:3 per cent. on weekly deposit% ; 4 per cent. on 10 months and upwards.&c. Board meets every Wednes day. Open from 9 o'clock, A. 31., to 3 o'clock, P. M. Gettysburg Railroad Company—President, R. McCurdy; Secretary, D:Wills; Treasurer, J. 11. McCle:lan ; Director'', Abraham Krise, of P., G. W. McClellan, Joseph Bailey. Dr. J. W. Hendrix. David Wills. David M. My ers, John Gilbert. Frederick Diehl, Josiah Benner, George Throne, A. Fuller Crane and John Mueselman. Passenger train twits a day, Sundeys excepted. Leaves at 7A. M., with passeng'ers fur York, Harrisburg, Le., returning at 12 o'clock, with passengers from Baltimore. Leaves at IP. M.. with passengers for Baltimore, returning at T P. M., with passengers from York, Har risburg, Philadelphia, .k.e. Littketown Railroad—President, Wm. MeSherry ; Director*. Jacob Sterner, Amos Lefever, Joseph L. Shorb, Joseph Barker, David Schwartz, Ephraim Swope. Eimund F. Short", Joseph Rider. Frederick Bittinger, Daniel Mehring, Joseph Fink, Sr., and John Mitring, (Rock creek.) Adams County Mutual Fire Insurance Company—President, George Swope ; Vice President, S. R. Russell ; Secretary, D. A. Buehler ; Treasurer, D. McCreary; Execu tive Committee. R. SloCurdy, A. Ileintzel man, Jiteoh King. Executive Committee meets last Wednesday in every month. Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany of Littlestown—President, George Will; Secretary, Wm. MeSherry ; Directory, Geo. Will, Samuel J. Sherb, Wm. flange, Jacob Sterner, Samuel P. Young. Daniel Mehring, Wm. M oSherry. Capital $200,000 ;operations confined to a limit of six miles. Mummasbarg Fire Pniteetion Society— President, Wm. D. Gobreeht ; Tiee Presi dent, Jacob Fulweiler ; Secretary, James Russell; Treasurer, °pore Throne; Direc tors, John Throne, Jacob' Hartman, Henry Witmor. of Straban, Tobias Buyer, George Lady, Peter Shull, Abraham Rile, Peter Ketteman. Ever Green Cemetery, Gettysburg—Presi dent, D. 114Cons.ugby;Reeretary,11.J. Stable; Treasurer, J. B. Danner; Managers, S. 8. Bchmnekey, George Shryuck, M. Jacobs, J. B. Danner, C. P. ISrsuth, 11. J. Stahl*, D. McCreary. Gettysburg Water Co.—President, G. W. McClellan ; Secretary and Treasurer. 8. R. Russell; Managers, Q. W. McClellan, B. N. Beehler, B. R. Russell, James A. Thompson and J. L. 111% Getty* Lodge 1. O. 0., F. No. 124—Meets every Tuesday evening. Union &aneurysm& 1. 0. 0. F.. No. 126-• Meets let and id Monday evenings of mob month. Ink lipriqp Lodge; L 0.0. T., N 0.20-- Mese* f Tbeivikly eves*. ileitydeovg Seeelleial Smiely-1111001 Sul IT ; 8. (KOVER.NIiKST STATE GOVERNMENT. William F. Packer, L,yooming, EDUCATION A L INSTITUTIONS CORPORATIONS /:Dcs .4 4 AS•0 1 Saterdeit Temperance ReneSaila 13csiety , c4Ieett third Saturday evening In amoidk. Bealltotal Attaestelied Fridsy of each asonth. re 1/32. Aststint of money ots ittet.lllllll4 7n. j Beattie paid out daring the Let rear SL°7 91. President, Geo. U. Binder Vise Pvisi- I dent, Geo. Shed'ur; tiewee ike y, ' n ud e S. Undebrand ; T ma'am, deo. Baker ; Cams i t toe of bum, Mietntel Mollherry. Julia Spangler, Geo. Butt. Young Meet's Christian Ammelaskal, (dat. tysburg) =seta the second Tituradey of each month. Cayugas Tribe. No. 31. 1. O. of IL 31.- Meets every Friday everrio7. °alike Tribe, L 0. of R. M., No. 40--.. /bets at Miller's building, Rest Uri's. every Thursday evening, The facts given In this Directory are ob. Mined from various sources, and siy be re, lied upon as being nearly, it not quite. sot root, in every particular, A, number of the itevne are taken from a Directory recently published in the Siar. Par rho Coo94lsit Anothar Disclosure.--1. Pm*. It is surprising what strange things will leak out from time to time concerning the doings of the Know Nothings, during the dark ages" and still darker night., when they met in seeret conclave, in uninhabited houses and dusty garrets, for the purpose of devising ant laying plans for tho avesthrow of Democracy. The following is among_ the latest and truest, and is retitled by a gentle, man who narrowly escaped being led into that secret, oath-bound combination, With much persuasion and many Bowing arguments, a certain notlirious Know Moth, ing prevailed anon an unsuspecting and too credulous neighbor of his to accompany Lin; to one of their nightly meeting.. The two accordingly set out one dirk, cloudy night, for the place of rendezvous. aryl, taking an "over.lasl route " through fields and wood, they came very near breekiag their necks second times by running against trees and stunyls„ and fulling into ditches. At length, r making their way throu3h all sort, 14 obstacles fur the distance of about two m/I/ , ,. they came to a deserted kg cahirt, which the sada seeurer " pointed out to his well nigh exhausted companion as the terminus of their ' journey. On entering the dingy lodge our informant recognized the faces of quite a number of his ileiKhhors and acquaintances, who veto squatte.l around on hu& seats as the nature of the place aff •rded. and who regarded hint —the new member that lista to fbe--witl; looks •if initgled surprise and pleire. The apartment was , dimly lit up with a single piece of ...male, and to prevent . any of its precious light from eseaplog. by which strangers might be guided thither, all the windows and crevices wore closed up with St•tr and Banner newspapers---prubably the beat use to which they cuuld have been ap-. plied. Our infurtnint, who by the war, is very worthy and respectable man, does nut think proper, for conscience's sake, to dia.. elope everything he there saw and heard ; suffice it ti say that the proceeding* of this meeting were of such a oharactbr that be w.oild not. for a moment, have supposed any hut the most abandoned wretches would have sanctioned them. After the regular and more important duties of the meeting were attended to, the assem b ly was edified by the { delivery i f several very allusive speeches, or rather harangues. against Catholics, Foreign ers, Democracy, Slavery, and the d—lknJws what ell, in which legic. English grammar, and truth, were used up shamefully. After the meeting bad adjourned, and the two were again jogging along together on their way home, our friend asked the Know Nothing to explain to him why their meni-, hers were not allowed, on any conditions, to vote for any hut those of their men etrilfw, and why they were so zealous in trying to abolish slavery. " Why, sir," replied the Know Nothing, " the realism why we are reqnired to support each other at the polls is simply this : If we can once get the ruling power Into nor hands, we can easily maintain it, Sys we can taco, if necessary, make laws allowing negroee the right to vote—these will be sure to be of our party. Thus you see that, when, once we have secured the power, we van easily maintain it. For the same reason wa desire the total abolition cf slavery.' "Ah !" replied our friend, who by this. time wan by no means favorably impressed with Know Nothingisni, "your motive. then, in holding your secret meetings, in binding yourselves to support each other under all circumstances, and in crying down slavery. is to advance your own mean, selfish in terests, and not, as you pretend, to sore the country. relieve suffering humaaity, and all that sort thing If these are the principles upon which Know Nothingism is basedi, shall never want to have anything to do with it." It is but just to say that the geAtleman above referred In, who so narrowly escaped having the wool of the "wadies" drawn over his eyes, is still a sound Democrat % and means to remain one. SIGMA. Caslmown, Pa., Jan. 18, 18.i9. NEW ORDER. IMILIWATILL TIIITLZ Or 1101 1 1014 Amonarzaioccii -NO. 8. A Temple of Honnr was instituted in *hie place last evening, Jan. 20, by G. D. W: ?„ A. L Goss. After the instituting amino nios, the following officers having be duly elected were installed, and the Templaisdar, ed organized by the D. G. W. T. W. C. T.--A. L. .Guss ; W. V. T.—E. W. Stable; W. R —Wm. B. Meals; W. A. K.—, J. S. Pierce; W. P. R —J. T. MerlhennyvW, T.—S. Powers ; W. U.—J. Kerr Mclllaanny. W. A. U.—E. IL Minnielk W. Stallsmith ; W. W. Flemming; W —4. L. Shick. R. A. Lyn]e was sp P. W. C. T. for %la ALGEBRAICAL PROBLEM. What number is that - whose square, iu, creased by seven times itself, divided by si, and diminished by double itself. predeces 10! January 19, 1839. LARGE, HOGS: Oer friend Wit. B. Getman; ag usatue ton township, recently slegistared two mow moth porters—one weighing Thai tinesett 502 and the other 575 pounds'. t'llonwrimt them! a*The official aWority kr HAIN. Dem., over vlatoss, Bop., fin_pois, gra" in She ASA Pilitliegt Unbifilt la 4,04111, 1321 ME
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