Client - - I Leforattrehasing eltiewhere, toe reason ,, „ tto.k's Store vr here he is prev otti,•rei „,mig .r.NI to .1* I.t. r t .lat )0 arcalrft/ can' 04urst. try er• i f urn i-,, , ,, A ~7„,,, . ..tir t a i ,,,,, Efiaowi and r,„!,, • pled,:oi hici , eir tiiittwiAlittiA , i ~,,, t., make his Ileuscs, pleasant and agree -21 . piction. grapii P,,.:turer i sh every idyl° pr the urt,. 21 That they emit No Offensive 01 , r Arhieli he will want to-giver:lo're Rata- able hottle to el i'rlin tun t i es likog their 1 while I.nriling. ittCtik,,i, a!, I 7.., ;prepared!' to tieeetwatiolnto . fill ' inetena. ' The I,4tash is l.trge It 'iterttlinlent, ch ee eklu t h„Ri a l t ic.,, 4.1 t., lt.i ev a e u ,l,,Lard.' 3d. That they are .eery Moil,' trimmed. with (loop P CTCRF.'g, either single or - i n ' and will a/wart NS providifri.Vll9l- Ilttasati ve My 247 11355. 1 411. Thai the are cattily regulated- to glie L group+. He also h a t a number of epJcimenq DA:nestle; and a faithful and honest Ostler. _......,...;.,(4....-1,...-t. _• - ..,..., .at hif r,,ti - ......._i (Y.tamberstotr i z Street, a few The Bar and Table are supplied with the XIQ-PaOrtorship • t - - sth. Thac"titey brird."'entirely free. frot:i 1 (4,lers cr te-dis.fifeCsdlyietilierwretesseN-Astatt,titst•,lteU4l,,a t tkril l and his beds will 4 01.44k . •ir ,1 strinke. ' - 1 - '- + . ' where lie -still 0011 .11111 eS as I , rmerly to t a ke be tumid to be In the bed P7,ll(flifiralltrattrll - 4- X.R. 4T k e U n 1 ci tid ;c ia t i e 1k 1 ", 1,40 , 6 34 " 6 , 1 :7 1 :,,,t,, e ..., p, t Gib. That the light i+ /It least :.;;;I per cent picture'. '-- In 0% r tythitig pertaining to a I rill rote, ttpuse E. .. 4 - 7 , h fi y ir mi kt thers i oregive u ,,...,eheaper than any other light now in common A ll ltruiffeelre+4l en+-reet likeness c r them -' the sol , seilter is determined not te he sun . ' ti losit t eesta hereafter will he pin- use -44*4,4„, ! solves and friends, will .1 i well to gis eme ft biassed b' any one. Jait give him n trial—. ti46 .- sitinike!,, itte:Arr ,a_ s mAo .. D,,,,„" Li These bv. e eAmtrably adapted for i.e4l, m i n,,,eo re faced irtfyrictrt h u atilt tbe yon.nill 'it tray+ find Ida Dare about. Stat litt ' . t.)0., aifigs4s:y I)ure, la skid s i tuation t o 1 the nip of vitt', .11ealinn ie.,, prettent`bltrd times: - ~, 4 , 1 ; i x idaer a' fine Ytird atteollOd,lnd sukt4hig , . ttsiftuttaa and an warOtlit trosire "M+latise. t o l l ll.tlf+Xliffrintell;ldtete+l4ineeherensiosresisigh.p. -414cdstreem 1,11 rieetmentrof all 'iletlicien rot :_t er 30 rte F. s ‘rso ". rttpr . _ a oontiituatdm of liberal patronage rir i'e , x4PmeiiM ref Famiiv Use. • : kinds; al+o, tr ,,,,,,T63 - i i rris t . A sieti p ftio ~„„,,, , . , D.4,xly listarc()JlMEß. hereto Posit :bestowed upon them. '' i For sale' try CriLLEt.S.Plitt,TilliAl-18. t Vinger.itings,de Hanover, 311 TB. MS. tr . . . 4 .., • , ,,i,-. , i , Jane 14, 18.55. _____ __ ___ _ _ ! The s uhs cri ber ii ‘ing trigrilfiirteltiefriettlis , - '— -" ---- ' ---- " -- '" ----------- -7- ---- .• ' S 'l •'''''''' FILLI&N , 0 //ILL & CO. ~.... •::: , ' and the public 1n general fove past pat ronli;tr.. Fresh l!riikts, ataxy P . owie tt . ~, _ wsvamour strut's Lumber Yard, New Ft rui-i-Ifew Goods. i wish's:T.4,lmm ti continue tt, and as +tiros them. • 0_1:01"EttI t•c, !iito (n, s, &,.._. ) thateslierotorura,theyihillf uotl"lissatd,fic I. ' ks F, oat. _Fruits of ever j description, as 43).Y /forth azuege titstet.'near the Railro , l4, YORK, PA. 1 T lIE a7tle . rsigned have entere d ireto part- 1 charCll l irges' from 54 tents et ; l'ii. li ,ors I , r,4loWs—T A ayer Raisi de, Figs. rwrsh 1p In the .11.111 D fr.i EL, i„,f," 6 1 li 0• , fur o-,-at-itti lig from ',s A. M. to .1 Y. A l . Ovid! Onepttrt. lariteint. Dates, Palm ' lYa would invite the attention of Ilichan a.uti °there. t,..) our large end ! CE It 1 - business, Itt`the•ohl siegal-of Donner . L•cke___ta. B•compiri.. mitt,,ie for miniatures, . Nnts t Mt Waits; bard Oil piper 1 les, Builders, ,Y, Ziegler, in B tltimere street, under the !ale-vs on linn I, at the very priees. I thell4lustemls. Pea Katt!, 411 e. welt eeleetod stock of L V.lf BRR, empisting or ....- - ',liillrel" trill be taken for leas a, ,,, eri(s. A good assortment of Sugar rii‘ - - - etele and fi,-In of DJaner 4 Z;;;Ilcr, : story description of White Pine Studs and ! , l'ally-'• 41 , e. , jra., and auk, and will entkoor to d5.t...-‘O, ; Oran $, l l'O. ft iisr; Brown, Powdered and Plank, Ads!, Scantling and Pen.thig. Pin.e anl Ciiesn'at S'itn,;ln.. Ltths, "Pickets, i a colltimumco of too p it.r , /(184 4 1 a Ll,e u.h.) , t, .L hal: -sa fir fifty rent-i end : Crushed, C,,,tfre,,N. 0. il 'lassos, .. ", rked no ~,i,.4.7 and 11 -,,,,, t h er ./,,,,„.,/;„ 1, i i firm, 2 , 4 1%6 . 1 :14 any quantity of new ell itom. up ‘.i...1, : , and iii cit. b.....L ,o-c le, I Syrup' of the hest rilialiti, Rice, They have J 1 1 ,4 returned from the riti e, with., S.k \it;F.l., W 1.:.1. V FAL ! S ',la, B:arch. Teas, citamtrion, aidirtc. &c. We are prepare I to Cl, - . r To an iiiimenve stuck or U.' sls—tatrisistiiiic in April ..."ti, 1.5.5?, tr , (gr, mud and engross nd, )olores, Oltilltil any size. qnantite and ( 1 .1,1!;tr of part .4 . , . _. ... _______ , lustard, tit,:. IIVIIITE 'PINE & 0.4 Ii L L'..11 II ER, /Mild; ,t Afnler;dls, such to nails, qcrew., Fine Old Brandies. i perfumery. Perfumery -.revery deie - ription, at the ahhetest notioe,- and hue it de l ivers 1 hinges, Is .Its, jocks, glass, ttit,:. rpli l: quie.eriliers. Importer.. and I t‘alcrq in' which will be sold low for Cash. to any- ' point steestssiltle. Ly It.tilr,.a.l. 11,"-e rovis, including edge to ,j, o r e",..,,. de- i _s_ Ih - /A - Ls a. 41Q ,, •,,,,his . n Mild too: t re- I Levtion Sjrup. A /argelot just roceired.—Any "also manufacture and keop uu hand a gene- seription, pmts. pllnes, chisels, g pogo+. bra- ~)3,-ifollic all t!)... wt , ...ti , n t.r purelmserq to! u c heap ,, acsirinct a heap, pleasant ei. •ral assorfasept of ces anti b:tts, angn:s, square., guage., hum-: ti I; 01 f r..ttioi.hiticiit, .v., 5 Is - ot•ti, Ft,,,,/ i and healthy . drink trill do well ' * ' sH. 11 0 0 1 - : 4, mars, la. .,..-.E. J'ltiit :c!../,:u, where they lint ca ha-'e by p.irchastng this Syrup, . . ~ a lt sc re, R sag f e ;"lP4,,,loac F,-anies and Dv° , t Blacksmit,is will find anvils, vir(s.. ra.pq.. asiiortiamit .A . \V ii , e 4 .u, 1 I,i , jiwrs of tic r,i.orro. All the vari uu al t i tu i s . of-ruble , , ~^,,, _ I',,tnve. i files, hor s e shoes, horse-9110e nails, 4,...., a 11.4 ch,,l. c‘t. 10 -alp!. an I cifiriFt . !faring, made co, eig.tes and Saul!, fur sale girarders for any h . :he:, 11 t on hand filled , them, very cheit7. i neranfenlents with stone of the first Fugues." in i by Wu'. Buyer lc Sol. Kid, illis s4'• 1 c ,,,, 1ee ii,,, -4,/m:„, sashLs ei, , ,„th, ruo - a .,-.., c„,, gua ,, and It ,e'wlie, ell,t‘det.tliens to foroioi riarvar. W u hare a good quality. as all liet .' 411/jr)ar stuck and aqsirtment is equal to damask, fringe , . Butt.,', Allots, oil ,I all, to tho.r Ca-t ilior-., iii. , ,i , the 111,d 111'4341dt will say who hare tried it. any athete. an d w•e t oo determined to sell tit; spring 4, flitch, hubs, spokes, relloet, isow., tr.rill•t, the f dlo‘‘ iiig braids of C,Pgl4lto 4411,1 I rulii&F...ed.Wl beea made arrangements the lawsuit market prices. ) poles, shaftp, k... : Ito( belle • I to, hive constantly on hand -nil , unicatbins ail- S toe k'in.l . , n 1 fret? BILI ND! i',.. - ; : o',•n7, If " • b I w r lll orderm and comm 4remilmt to tlto qodetrNigoud, ut 1",...rk, u ill receitii prompt attention, t Sit kW., lIENDER A. CO. York, May "2-1, I v For Rant. / y' 1E undersigno 1 t,' , ',••••4 I . r rent tiro tren known 'LILAC stloP.ol3 Lies, etingisting, of n LIJUSE. • . • Stable. and three and a half neiwk-ot Land, trout the I.t et '147 - . Aptilaext. Ic.r terins apply tt dat.liiiistly or .A. S. Myer-. Lie priniaes, kt lEti nr t the .ute scriber, in Gett3.l4lr. Z. )11 :1:S. . Particular Attention! Tng Railroa.l will tti h mt doubt Le fini,ll- Pd to Crettysburg by the lira of o..tu',er lisit.oixt it is coat Laitly elpeLte I that. the board of Direetlrs will give a free "bl,\v- , ait" o* that great day. .Ife.tatime Pi , ki . ng %cont.l inust, rot pectf ally lets, th,, ,, e 500 ni,riNclio purahased their‘Ovuroont4 ft-um t,ilu laJt and those 499 ICJ already )a-iuregl their Summer Clothing. nod the iiohlic gea erttlly, that lie li.ts ju,t retatrileil flaai city with anutlior beaut:fal ,:.t.ilQ.nt ~f )OATS. co I+:l,.tin4 k c:;;! , , Cashrnaret, 1tn11.1.1 e1, , t11, ^k4, L;neu. frock, sack and ra,4l.ths. P.INTS of every p3slitile des..ription, and at pricy that can nottail, to plc.t.e the nio.t ceunoni . :.%ti pair phsser. VE`.4. IS that will compete in make 'And style with ti.e he,t cw,tu.n tv - a.k.— 'rlumaklul fur the va_t e.,e,air.t, - , , ,craent, f h.):.e by a desire to p e.t a strict attention Co business. anal by givil.g yea rill good and leap clothin ,, , te uic,-; t :u continuaneeof your patronage. Remelt - o)er the place, Charnberi. }lore; street, opposite the Engbs3 Lutheran Chu r.. 1,1. F. B. PiCiiiNti. - Gettysburg, July 19, 1858. Autioneer ND VEND(} cruErt —The subscriber # 4 ";e.espeetkolly inforlns the PuLlio. 7hat he the lousiness of Crying Vendues, & , & r., on the very lowest terms.— t experiotwe and a determination to Litt Doti for the interests of his cuit.aners, lie flatters him•elf that ho will Le able to render full satisfaction to those who may se.' pruptc to qutpla.i hiui. Ilia residence is in iptitryg township, Adams .eunnty, ode mile below Scombaugh's Mill, on lryg Conowago .iirollkotathe farm of the Widow trial at a sale. GEO. F. MILLER. " -- . 4 lll.lo 6 Letters ta be a4dre4se d to Oxford I'. 0., didatotscou•ty, Pa. :. Ads k16 t 5.8. am - XerL's Wear: SerlICK vZkikld invite Vie attention of • lever* po his large stock of Tusetirsek 09ths • Bat tlAorod ' •••• Finn Black Cassimeresi, Fikuc.7 Cimitneres, Side Striped do., Testings. Cravats, hosiery, Films'. Sitlpendsrs, handkerchiefs, Le:, le. ' ' Cheap ! Cheap ! MORWNRIV GOODS I—JA.CURS it BRO. fxleste jag*, ?attic/tea from the city, with a very largussurtanent uf Cloths, Cass; tnercas, . -Y4104111., Summer liondA, and ol.erything Oblitrtbe names wear line. They also offer .tiatd fancy S hirts , a 5' dlars, silk and cut itemdkercalefe, Suapeuelers, Ike. Ihving, itithtgattitialty low, fur the cash, they are '' iiiibieticisollcagAres TuAN Lyme—an excel iedtiall-eietli suit, trade up, fur ;$1.3, fur in - iitailiaa:- filisethem a ,all, at their new evtal,- tstonent. in OtuiMberabittg atree4iTeW door! .'- - siker the apart-bowie, before purchasing, ~ibmaefitiim .• [May 10. ~. it.:•0*:1 difposed of uty &tore to the, ittessra. riciAtltt ravtoo mend tl,e new fitui iii - dieliottiowee of 'LW, to,t4e, att,4.l jib'pe wiltirOdoise s.ittrge elLarjuif 4 041 9 1 . J 0 li\ 14051. • 44114163. Mit Marble-Establi tO shixi . ept v os3 iiiectT l 4 y. ifuroiliis friends and "tite. vitykipo •Abattio hasopened a new 4.414.144 Ys* i , rrstreown, Atta uts crotaig;r4 4 4loferik kiwis. of work liiVe .40\1;31 P. 4 Tic4tb -..with iiest;ess,tive Imes to sok s tlte *i t , •ossed to A. Violas outoi4,7l'4ort • e Ac o tais'.. 31 - :Tr` us : ol ..•04t fur *.l'e tow ett IZINtrS. ' A Card. 4 . . 0- . 4 7.1 „ , =1 VaLt . . ipsurl4 Kari -VW N fliii El! - -, Tat-1010.i, iral I tt !It'll — tn trueva, lifting., I,ln , illigs, per,s. lasts, linot I'‘,/•!,7.'l , !e','.'ion ; .1. 3. It pit .c. C..,T. filmes,' trees, ft.... with a , ;etteritl a-rs..tztalient of Owe- A. 8 •rptett• . Martel. M area, .f....... .1...,.., of vt. t .- i rnal:er's tool',. rirnss brands a 1 , 1 q Ed.:A', C rbisvt . 1 sk•er's Tools, a roacral n,+,ert- IV r "t - f." 4: t'", ~.r' : '. ', 3/ /. 7 .• 'rrt, 1,,i,.b0ti, melt—also Tarnish, knobs, &r I) 0 ~,to , r•p i , •• • •7; ,11 'r t an iq, 11...ri., .1144 - April I, is. - ,R. .//,,,„,, 7 , ,:e,,,,, will alit, !jail a larre rv- e. ort.- eat. if '; 1,1.1, S rer, 7. ,1,44 . 1 ! 'l , r Ir . ____ r.v. , . ____ __ _ ..._ MeDL uf i.rtil.c=i aria I ,rkff,bridlefinnia, all,ata an,l , 11. 'II trrl Gn, S.•',ci :A 1, :-:, : n , p,,, Jaurtlea! Good and Cheap ! sitter-plated talie and ten ep,l,,tri, I'A ipile• ''' ,''''':-. S'''''''• I"l''' 1 I " . ' ''' \V l' . ''keY , 1.43 ' . '". [PILE undersigned would inform his friend+ sticks, waiter+, 411 ivel arid tongs; sad !roil+, A 7 ,1 ~ It!, !', , ,!•r r v . (1,,err , ,, this r, afid , 1 Sai d the „ h u e generally. that he erm . enala , •}le I and bets; kettles, ti ills, tWos, 11.441 , i,erry li:audiei ; Cur iiiii , , \Vine 'Jitters, *roues the CA111:1.1,OE -.N1.1K INO BUS!- ' chnrils, earleitimx, &-.-. , Anist! , lain ii- ' t , r•, ,r. •. I ! NESS, in alLite Itranclioi, at his establisl,- I Al-o ii, General as4ortinent.of forgod rind Al- ,• 1 •,"- :Ind S. ' 1 " Pr 3 Pri , s l6 " of the ment, in Kist Mid Ile Street, (near the ea- t rtlle,l 11l )N of all SI 'eS an 1 .kin.l, - ett+t. I)!.l'tftear. W tiskov. C .e l ,,utilt i y on hand end.) Gettysbur4, Ps., wiwt c lie iiiti on ban 1 shear and blister steel, water they wili se:l ! "a ex:c .^fic `: ' .- ' t .I'''' "I I I'''' ) 11 :- . .`hvIll• ! n lin.t.-rota lutio& work., and is Prepareal Li put l as c l testi as the elteaFeTh Lie ''.., i ll .t. , f' '' \''''''''%''..' • urv' 11. " 1 "g 711 . 1 " 4 .• tip to order Nvliatever may lie desired in his 6,•!lerries, a full 11.11 , 1 gnaera,/ a .,,,,, r u il .t n t. s ,„,. ~r *chic', „ r g .,,,,,,„ ter .d t .„ he ipu;.eri..r line. sit :-11.0eitaway.and /Ital+Boiky : 91.1Z11 as crush's 1, pulier..ei, t la-flied a. dca any- in the c wilt' y , oil of t:,/seat zia.e lii t -li- . ( ~v riaves; poiiim,LT,,,,, Rod ; lifer% a Fll4ini; NeW Orleans. lirre4f. indi L a LI h, 11111) 0,1. I 1,:, a;c. ft J ri ' • Sr" V atc a y if. It A iny -uigies, Lsti , tr 1.0111 , 2' and arriins, cobs.', Froni ,ur 1 ,ng es,t-rienee in the Cosiness, .trl2 t ~ lifters, elf, , ,late, fine, c nir-o .11,1 dairy , •:11; and a thoniti •,'t kitoale Ige of the t; ) ,.4:es of ! 'linseed. ti-+h arid sperm OIL; TtICI,2-11;11C, t:o3 e aii.itita +le. a e :Litter ours e lves to be ' Witleghod 'workmen end grwid materials, he /fish, & t.: a fold a•sortnient. of Lead nod Zinc, 41.,1 , - t,, :ill al! o r,l,:rs that may b e e n t rus t e d , cam pledge his work to be of the best quality ' dry and in oil; also fire-proof r a i n t.. ; i 'l r ,,,,,, to „...., —and hoc price* ere (stenos( the lowest. ' till,/ !.t every arts :le in the llardware, Coach ! Or fors from the conntry f whieh are mast reg h •ftepalritilt darns at short- notice, and at l'in !inc.. Sane Finlin..ll sti.ekee l ,ill , ,:, lil a el t . ri1 1 ... •trnily r.eli,:ite 1) will be promptly tie- ; reasionlble^rates. Couutry produce taken in ,inith. cabinet Maker's. Painter's, tilaitie..., te:ole I t.i. -- ' . I culttes: for work. Cull . ‘ . . an 1 Grocery line, all of wltle'l tecy ..r 1 .1e- t+ ,- -3-;_/rerit care taken in packing and ship-1 JACOB TROXE L. terinilicsi to sell as low fur esstr /15 ill),, li"J`k 11:1,x. :-. ..' 1 June 15; 11t77., • .- - - out of the city. r....nri411 roils scat front nor estabristliment • . are ,TatintPrd to g 7 x e natisfactinn, With the • Now , 1s the Time 1 grit liege of latint returt,e.i. • i ;,,b4ieriber A-onm inform the piiiilie that E. P. MI ot)LETos . 3; 8r,0., -a- he hits opened a MACIIINE iollol l , iii No. 5 North Prow St., Philadelphia. Cs ta'•• At b sr/ street, Oettysharg, near the Mardi 2`2, 1;58. din . Folio I -y, w tine he will have cartons kinds or Mae...line, tin hand at any time hereafter, such Ai „T'Aretiitty .111e.ltiats, CPPrn Shelters, C srislisftter Critters; Meer:Jeer, Ifittfrrs, Sint te Caller*, and Itsrse l'esseers of different kinds, —two, f .ter or alp-horse, to suit purchasers ; —in lee I all such as can lie hail iit llanoier or L . ttlstown. Also, ,11.rt , 1111 , 1 .I.fplefoliet, fur 11 o. 1!•;;, carpenters, pot up in the te.-y best an 1 m ist sit bstruitial manner. Cutting Seretirs or B dig, any kiii.l or size less than clot en feet in lea 4 tii, al ra;, s attended to, iCi WV!I a• Ml'lliltj in ironi ea.ting or snood. .Also all kinds of Ret'atlClNJ on Ma+ chinerr. , Ire++ing-.,p .M.ll itittidle, &c., dune on the •!, notice. I h i!ei that all iii want of anything in my lino will c ill at toy ..i sip before gpPi»g else where 1 .sill warrivit ail my work to giie satislaki . A .to purchasers. *).!VII) STERNER. lit NRY B. DANNEIL WAY lEG LEAt. Gottysiyir,g, M.ty 24, IV ;S. Notice. HY: onolersig-.ned listing retired fret the T Mercantile busineas, the same will hrre nfter be contisues.l at the uld ataud. in 1 - ; I ci 'more street, Ly their -sus, Henry 13. P. Lner and Wayl,ri4ht under the name and at le of Danner and Zieglor, whore tro will recommend to, and for whom wc would bespeak a literal share ”f' pritr.m.k.te from t uld cu•tomers, nod of the poldle in general. ' llavintf retired from 'the 31.1roatitile Imsi ness, it is necessary that oar uld businc.c: sbould be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to tis either by .I'i:ob.:mew, Note or Itsuk Account, to call and settle the same vrithout de ay. Tno books will be found at the obl btat.d. May 24, 1'45'1. D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (otre one dent west. of Buelllet's drug aLd book C:ttnbersburg, street,) Arroys/Er AND SO LICITOR PIR PATTNTS AN D PEN SIONA. BoUllty Land Warrant.% Back-psy sanemled Clai in., otboragainst. the Government sst mr.o hi rt r g to , C ; also American Claims in Ent:torn!. Land Warrants locateal and Gold, or bought, and bight'st prices given.— .Agents engaged in locatinq warrants in Iqwa. Illinois and other western State*. Kr Apply to lath personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, }ss3. Edward B. Buehler, -A TTOILIVEY AT LAW, Itill faithfully and ' 43 ' prt.nnialy attend to all tr4ines entrusted to bite'. Ile speaki the ()truism lanxunga.— milktat the same place, in South BAltirnore .. near Forney'o drag more, and saeJrly Oppost eDanner 1- Zie!..,ler's awe°. - ' tlettpibur,g, March ',t). • - - Wm. B. McClellan, A TTORNEY. AT LAW.—Off we nn the . 41 -south side of the public square, '2 deft* wort of the Sentinel uThce. Gettysburg, August 22, 15153. 3: Lawrence Hill, X. D. 1114 411 yr % 11 d.tor west of the Lutheran church in 'Chambers burg street, and vpnsite Picking's stare, where atom) wishinz to have any Den- ItilOptt9ttiuti i perfrme , i are respeetfully invi tea to call. — lltreassel•f Dr. 1). (turner, C. P;*Kroth, D. D., L Baulzher, D. 1L,...4ev, Prof. M. Jzieolts,' Prof. M. L. Skiver. . taettysharg, April 11,r53. Fire 'netTwice. ..77FAILPers, Gdnotty Mittual'itre Ingot:lnce - - 11 ,-C.ol4,lioW—r-C.tpital bi 9,T)Bs—uffec cm In auranssazta saig i ,j k ast,of, the State, against 'lOOOO-.#lo ; KuTatili Ida.p*t's operations to 44*.xesourrvt : affords aintils hideuinitx i 1144 prsoloptly.Aidji . tiucit4 tpties.. l Aristisse•eabituTpr At enlkin the Board .. ) ,Ipsoiegors•ky ln.""Wsu7Nrcerii.. l f. • • ; - , 0 M. 11 1 . 0 0. 'AL o rait'' .vri m,tsi n sLis eis . f.ftsbu . I 41... APiallk aleil.R - 1 . C 42„ Steper s axe Earti, A* . qcit . p , " , LottifiVdpir." *J! , 7orzet! ‘.. 1 -thr. 4 , !iiiii, th• 'Ala ; I! A ll . ...u. J. B. DAN:CEP.. DAVID ZIEGLER icaes tat: Removal. vr.ll - trors:. sE 11' GOot):_;!—JAcOBS — I S Blttl. tiave retn.tve.l. tbuir Men:la:tat T.til trim; 1:•t:t; the splendid new threo-ttory hs.l-0. on the n , ,rth suloof42itiitti -I,ershurL:street.ll•inhiinz wnert) they' wat eunutaue un,or, thaq ever. Toth sto..k 11..0.4, ett+Riine-cs. C hh4 Largt:l; nnot they aro prepared to sell tts /cnc ar the I,ln aill competition. GI% e tlicm a, call, :in I e1.11:1 no to.ewrtsuelit !A fore purelvx•iug e:4evriicre. No trouble to allow gm),is. tna k up On ithlrt notke and in 010 very tp - At and .n tAiteful uLtuner.— With their I,llg pra..tie.Ll experierwe in the lite.itiess, an a I.l,••ire t., ltl.m e , tltev Itupt• Le able to g . .ve it, nil C3,eai. ' C %Lt.! Gettymbuty. Ittreh '17‘,1 ifi . qhfy Healer : an I IVvrld Trie f. Halo way's Oint moat. THE free admi+,innc dl ~utirns,aA geld as the tcrdict of the the WI i t s well tt the New World, stamp Oita p )welful rc:ric lini Agent as the greatest hailing preparation eier made knoWn to suf fering. man. Its rENETRAT K Ql' I !TIE , are snore than xatt VIE! L.,t S. through the external orifices of the ski! , ins isible to the Like I eye, it reache4 tile se it of the internal ,I.+- ease; and in all ,Fxtc:ll.o affeetioni its story and ile.i[it.g virtues. stir' as., anything else int reesod, and is Nature's great ally. kaIiSIVELA.S AND SALT Ell Ei.•:\l are two u the I,t, xirrdclic dis ,,raers precalerit on this c‘oionent, to these the Ointment is e.puially antagonistic, Its "auctut open/L.ldt " is first to eradicate the venom a n d then c mplcte. the cure. BAD LEUS, OLD ...011ES AND l; LCEES —Cass of 'tutu tears atlinliltg that hate pertinaeiously refused to yield to any °Cie: remedy or treatment, hats invariab;y sta. , combed to a few- applizatiuns tit this puwer• ful unguent. EPA: P r los S TILE SKIN, arising from a bad state of the blood ur chronic dise,i.eate eradicated, and a clear and transparcat sur face regaiued by the re.storatire at:6on el this Ointment. It surprise. matt, of the cosme tics-anti other toilet appltattees in ite power to dispel rashes acid tither illsti 6 u.euielits of the face. PILES AND PIS r cry form ile , l feature of the,.e rre% ale.ll 'Li-- orders is eradicate.] locally I.n 1 ciitieei, tho use of this eintgiesucl.warku ,is. should Fronde HS appli . uation. It-1 ...Ail:l,A qualities will bo found t tbol-vogit a.f invariable. • Both the nthitnif and Pills should be ueed ice' • the fOlidattiiig CW/C4 :•• 1 B. 4 1•••• inartunatiam, SOr• 111 Mart Burns, litbre,riu, Sures of all 1,1114, i ebArPedif*Ddii, 1 1 ,It Mown, iti.". 1 . 1 . 1 Cir.! biting,' *04.14,. halt Jonts, total*, kiiin LNierireo, 'Patter, tioot Hrilte.l !I Ludo, Liars. ' . • Liolbl4lll. &le Lags \ euvrw,al Fore, Meer/dal trirrthlesflorot. • 11.0tio.i. oi .1 i . , Plea, Bore 1.11 WWI • !Pa — Caution !—Nune Wre g`enhitte tin! the wurde "WV. 'Vv.` ,Fee Ye -.4 oval J. i dou," are ciiseershilds as 4 ttv 4 oll. l lcrt Tit eAqii left t z he hpoit of direetiout strounel ei kp a .1)? x,.; t4e "awe 4t vraginly 'item by 'Aiddittcike leato tfik figitt A haudsoule re. *Jura Irtki r 4e . gFreitio an y auk rettderinr, mud' ialqmigian 45 ..miy 144 lo tlittAlereeyou plirly ritpel&iitteerriftett* eines ,rvtittiPtts do Ufa; Writ: tbViete bciff4.4l,„ to II Z - 71.tdeSrattaitiaatirtifili.nfi icis #1114104%..L00k41.5w...Verit, artioirorital Driggies t &ii4.j *piers in Medicine throttjjkopt tt a Vaal. StatePttfut 'else/At. +Ws:Wein/li, G3' PidAyrscip.„...l4 . nipetAilt . ,, get tys.' . , 41 IT ii; I f f NM ME %1 (NI E. nr.\ rtY TUX t .. Grooory and Pl 4 ovision Store.. 1 l'orl,l Kt o icii CITLLESPIE 1110M.1.S rcs.)eetfully in -1.--4 form thepewple uf Gett‘ +burg and the public. generally, that th..y lace just return ed frou the city with rt gener-r I a+mortsient 4,f t,ItOCEItIES,t RuVIS ON S an.i Et; F:r.l - wh luta idiot urc prepared ta -4ell us 1,,w a+ the lorte-d. FLOCIt aud FEEPalways on an ,r..,,11 at small profit+. ti.ore, ot; York street, one dour east of \Vat- Co, ;Lir:. t.;etty+l,ltrg. Aug. 3 , 1537. T LEAVE rented the Foundry fi,r the cash'. ing y. tr, n.Ol ant prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made nt lr V. I W:li keep eirustantly on band the ilitYerent kinds of PLVI GUS, Points. Sh.tres, Cutter.i, Pots, Kettle 4, Puna, 'Washing !sieliiiier, Sc:.; Stores and Machinery ; Por ches, Veranilith'hatiii Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; Lot liein_ without capital, and money being nece,ii , ary to carry on the busineii., I will be compelled to eel' fur eash, but on all country work 5 per cent. will lie deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if - delivered at the time of purchweing. lime us a call, E. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1, 1:437. 111;.E.IILY.11. have, at their Stove War, .110961, )11(.1.11e street, T and at their Coat anti Lumber Yard, on 0 Wwthihgton nod Itailr.uut etreetA, four V varier/ea of C. ,tht-i S'nees, emhraeirtx 11 the Noble (' Cook, William S ou.l S i &nal. Theee Sk)re 4 are IA" manufacture, have Leo Anal have Teen thor. les •• i. 'l',,t& prowiuneed eupe aiwr ia the ciamtry, fo/- Cua/ or ;r t ./. 7 grdi be ifclicered anjw4cre in c i ( 7, ireal. k;ett I,lv 3, • TI I' F. tilpflrsl4 c,l intontling to- relitt_quish -I this Lli:ll l ,.r !Ai Aiie4S, 00 O(N** * Hard. Ar .1 e , : t.,,..;., 0 i N...r Oxford.) nu ...Wrens ill kiinli i,f Ll' NI .'. 'at 'at' rectucut "rice,. C4ll and jti , l, 4 ,. I , r yourselvek. 'rho stibcfc ern -2141,1 I.r.tze is. lil a*.4.)rtment, japnk. Jois - • ' % ♦, if* INalin a ~ _..,• -'''. 7..- . ...;‘ - 1 NAliql , 1.... i '-' .. ' s•' , „:„. 1 TIM subsertber Worms the pablie that be watinues ate and Coal boahteiia_ analtastowttrieiekias Oaatitysopa s 4 suite: than leev-se ....144tet :MmHg au' .4 r Piasseriew 611 - 4414ne ' •' 141. daidAW • _Yt .4t .!44- 01 -.. 144 - ° . A 411 " in" a ~ ~~~: MU At' Of ife. itift SterM Lie? if Sale, Flour rtml Feed, M o will iIIOUTO (0 be o f ruperiur yualitj. and at. ucil z to p/CaSe. W.ll. BOYER Sr. SON. ..Nimreli O. ly To the Country, Good News. Lumber accost. r DiWileriinitCt!Ka r) tut 4 . C. C ° I NTr i lies. li. . Yoi : I re.—Beau (mild . u. the (V.: Inn businessr is tte.snor ut'yearA, they viontoit cunsigOutents, ant PG's partmular at tention tn the rule of GRAIN ta ull kinds, Fluir, Cluser Scud, Viiky Rua C , ,antr2. - Produris. seierrielly. ~ , e remit prueeed4 Pibilithip. : theeker foie the hierth ern thmi trill tudrula run ink) our 'Ware/Louses. Henn. to K. B. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg. June 21, I.V.S. 1Y . Now Store. 11411 1 !ADY-M.11)E Cl.Gri/lSn, and M. de to Order,—The ondersignm,,haB the L leasure of annonnelz . to the 'l l e that he C• el itttrithriTl i d m ot n )rs en f t r ' n ' En n %burl:Mowed; whttre he Is prepared to fit nut "NV 11110011 t sad bast 'style. fie juss from the city s sebiet ed etolit d r 'lltlithe'esabracieg everything in [melodies 's (reser; *bid' were bought at such priors as will *sable hits to offer zreater bargains than have ever been offered in Get e tysbar... • H• *ill constantly keep on lend a stock of Ready-made Chding, and if not being able to lit, a suit will bo made t; order on the *honest notioe, which cannot fail to fit Having dotertninetito,keep n tthln4 hut ;4004 Goode, and to sell cheaper than the cheapest, he espeets to reeeive a liberal shore of public patronage. JACOB REISINGER. Jane 41 , ISSB, New Goods, t T this' new firm of J'AXTON & 3L - AL ILENY, 44 the Corner of Cen lee ierflidird. The subse,eihers would respectfully inform t he' citiz eus of Gettysburg and the public gen erally, that they hove jnot received, and are now opening, a very_ ehuiee selection of flats arrd Caps,consisting of Odkfurd's ia Sortng Style, Mileskin Dress lints, unsur passed for neatness of shape and elegance of finish Felt, rtir and Wool flats, of all colors and styles, together with a tsimplete wo,ort ntent of Men's and Boys.', wh eb they warrant Li be of the Lest material and of the most fashimuthlu styles, all of which mil lie utfere 1 at very low prices. Also, Straw goods of ereelsessriety and style. bar Those goods were carefully selected end bought fur cash, tchicli will enable them to sell at very luw prices. P.tx . ros S MclLurcl M ty 10.18-8 The Liver Invigorator, pitEP.IIIED by Dr. S A NFORD,compoiule I entirely front GU V 1...), is one of the best Purgative and Liver Ili licine* •nutv hofore the public, that acts US it Unlini/ie, easier. mil ler, and more etrotiial than any other inedicine known. It is not Clihridie, but it beer, acting first on the Lire!' to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom ach and Isowels to carry utf that matter, thus accomplishing two effectually., tt nit any of the painful fueling: experienced in' the operations of um st C'Lq/itis tics. It strengthens the system at the sawe time that it p tr,.ves it; aria when taken daily in in..d crate dues, will strengthen and Luiltl tip with unusual rapidity. The Livia is one.; of the prin..ipal rezn 'attire of tiut Guinan.. hotly a nd when it pirforms it function--; well. the p,,wers of the system are folk del eloped. 'l') e ach is almost entire- lv cleocille:.t on the healthy action of Lira - for the proper perforntaceof its tune-z, Lions; when the stout aCh is a; fault, the- 1 bowels I. re at fault, and the while systen;',. miffers i noon , e(pictim es of ono orga n —tlir ✓ LlVER—having ceas el to do its duty,— For the of that organ, one of ill proprietor.. Las made it his study,in a prat-,., tiro ,if more than 41) years, to find solms: reins' I t c 'tinter:let the man Jera.tgcwci. is to which it i. lianle. To prove that this is at I.t. t found, any pursut.7: troublel with Li Coemtivr. in any' oi" its I",,rmq, ha+ but to try IL 1)..!t 110, .10 ~n•fl:Ctt .11 i 4 vermin. These Gtlia s - ni.l‘e all morbid or ba , l matter from the;r. '4 . 1 -Atom, supplyii4r in their place a flow uf . 74 Inle,invigoratin4 the atoratteli,causingfoollAkii well. PURI. Prutc THE 01.01.0. gib -771iig tutu awl LeAlth co the whole ruaelliners. removing the cause of the digeaie—etfeetint; a ra , lival cure. 1311.1,W. , k 0).. ., arc vtled„. AND, Ica IT IS nETTYIt. ?ILIA by the eee,tsional use of the Lt% Eli /N 1 ilt.s . e after eating IA sufft,iont to r,•linve the stomach anti prey cut the fu front rising and ;touring. ' °Ai nno (1 Ise taken befire retiring, pre vents NIGHTY IRK. Only one dose taken at night, loo.ens the bowels send", "Ant 4..'0bT1 VEN r”. o.le dose taken after each rtic•tl will cure Drsitrlt.t. Ila" One (loge of two teaspoonfuls trill ai ry:lp relieve Srcx fiesascats Ono doge taken for fertaale ftb.t-tirtion re tnores the cause of the disease, and rules a perfect cure. Only one (lose immediately relieves while One doss often repeatol is a snrs curs for A Mossn, and a preventiro of CnotAtta. Attir-o.lly one blttle ie needed to throw nut of the system the effects of me licine after a long mieknems. Dar° bottle talon f)r J.41.-Nnicr: real )re9 all sallow :loss or unnatural oolur from the skin. • o,ie dose taken a short' thrie before eating gives rigor to the appet:te, and make. foJd di ivst well. Oae dose often repeated cures CIIROVIC DIAIIRMIA in its worst furnv., N\ bile SLM nEII and Bower complaints yield alni-st to the first dose. One or two doses cure nttacks mooed Worms is Children ; there is no surer. safer, or Ppzedier remedy in the world. as it acre, fails. few hotline. actroDaoPSY, by ex,:itin;; the absorbents. We titko pleasure is rboommendinr, this medicine as a presently° for Fame And -Inca. Cam. FEY/A, end all Fares. of a Typt. It °palates with eertaiuty, omit thou sands are williug b testify to ito wonderful virtues. Altswio use it are gacia9 their unanimous testimony is lee favor. air Mi x water in. the mouth with the La ittoriter, 161141 swallow both together. 'Pas LTV= INVICORATOIL to a scientific rood lea' disco:rely, and is daily working cures, almort Sets snit to believe. It masses if by magi°, eras Ms grid don sgah.g,beacjit, stud seldom more than one bottle is requirol to core any kind of lairsaoomplaint, from _the sprat "smelled or Dyspepsia to a ootomoe headache, alt of ittlieb aro the result of a Dia/tads° LITER.' .• - P2llOll CM DOLLAR PRA BOTTILI. DR. SAN Flaw. • esott*Ar, 345 Broad way, Num York., li . sistu.sll, Agent Gettysburg • Msy IT, 1 . 858: ly. ' VI as II If 171 Vitiliktll4• l3 lll A. , .1 ' 1 '• ;"- . . . X ;MeV LL 1040 r ,_ • • r A ca s i t r, • ,Atiiiwors Co.'s Impr ov e d d . TIM, ST IS TUE it °kW)! • CIE 11351,-- g , . pa, .sgf___. . Sbili Wien& ke.. or other business entrusted to the under- NI F. Y ER. respectfully infortal O• and the public etneettily ititisti. - Ite has signed between Gettyslaulg. 11114 i Hanover, is loch will be promptly and caraully attend- constantly oto, linnil 1',14 : N0 ed t 0.4. I t m Al igAr, t , for w!zklt he roc:aired tlie Pima Itedir iti ;I_7 - The undersigned has also effected ar- : London, in 151. . ..„. rengements by which he will tie able to supply All orders promptly attended tai.Ritigr,ent Coaches. Stages. &c., for Funerals and other i care taken in the heleetiun mtd I , ntekba; tke• occasions, at moderate charges. same.l .. _ - stcnotAs WEAVER. I lie has received during the blab - Mein, , Gettysburg, April 13.1857. -- j years mare Medals than any abet tanker ?ram the Franklin Institute.-,.a150,: 'First The Grand Show! Premiums in 1.1-stqn, New 'lurk . WA Balti more. AT GETTY'S/n:BG. l'A.' Warerooms No. 725 Are Street, below ..11. Samson, Manager & Proprietor. 1 Elitist', month side, Philadelphia. 1 rcpt. 6, IS'5B. 3:n Doors open at G o'clock, A. M.—Performance to commence immediately after. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Adults, Children, (under 12years of age,) Huff Price G RAM) 'CONTI'Int EYT'ARY BENEFIT TO THE MELLO! The subecribei, thankful for past. favors, rc-spirstfully intimate the inhaliitantif of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the fact that be has just received from the Now York Auctions a SCLENDID STOCK OF COOPSI which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rat es for cAsn. In return for the liber al r.atronage bestowed upon him, he will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, un which oc casion will he presented _ _ _ TWO _VAGNIFICENT PIECES! nn Tredneßibry, Oefuher and crery day until further n , ,tiee, will be presentr.l the very popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrholleti east :--ntaltion ahle Clotliinfp from tho finest to the lowest prioeri Gentlemen's Furnishing Goo in great Tnriety.. &Juts, Shoes, Hate, .te., to suit all tastes. An Totermis4on of 7'en to alhoe those instii.g large purchases time for Lunch. he., &e. The whole to conclude with M. Sarnsou's suc cessful Play, entitled PARIETIES! tho beauty of which will onus rest excite ment nu onz the L.Ldies and Ort.ntleuicn. 0ct.:1'6,185T. tf Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE ' %LE.— the tindersi7ned offers at Private S tie, all his lea! Estate as follows: No. I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, frontinL• 39 feet on e'ln.ober , bni street, with ,thee impro‘e went 4, No. 2.—Lot :uljoioinettiho%e nn the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &c. No. 3.-1„t adinining No. 2, fronting. 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvements. N. 4.—Lut adjoining No. 3. fronting 29 feet, with lti iek Ltcelliug, Smith S &e. No. s.—Lit -.vest of the Foundry, with Steam San- and tirlst No. L.-I, it adjoining No. 5, containing about 3 Artelf. No. 7.—Throe Lots fronting each 30 feet on Cluuubersbutx street. • No. U.—Tract of Lnol in framTitonban 'to 1% , •1:!! , „ lying on 31:tr.h erect:, e•ottaiiiing SI .1 re,,, part neared and part in first-rate timber. No. 13.—Conch Establishment in Shep herdstown, Va., with good will, &.c. The I, - cation i 4 all admirable atm fur business, and improvement.; in good order. - te - Titles qu ,d and terms suit pirrehn bera. Emp.nre of I). A. Get tysburg, or the uitlersig:le,l residing in Slut p• her.l.t..wn, Va. C. W. HOFFMAN. March 15, 1858. Ready-made Clothing. GEO. ARNOLD hal now on hand the largegt 'noel; ut 11.-ady-in.tdc Clothing iu town, compribiag every rarie:y and size, all of hiv own ut.inutacture, which will be warranted well made, II tying hawk cutista3ily employ• ed cutting out and making up. If we cannot fit you with a girment ready made, we Kill sell yen the goods, take. your measure. aml make yea up a garment au the shortest no tire. Piew.e call at the Clothing Emporium, where you will find Mr. Culp always on hand, bright and aci.ouin»dating. Our stock i large, well selected, and will be sold cheap Gettysburg. March 20, 15.,8. New Firm. GROCERIES AND WAY GOODS.—J. C. GVINN & Damaa hale taken the store of John Hoke, on the North West corner of tab Diamond, where they will continue the Dry ()owls and Grocery business on an en larged scale. They will constantly keep on hand a large and varied assortment of ei cry thing in weir line. They hale just laid in a large. and splendid stock of S'pi iuw unrr Sion leer G uo d s , an d are n o w opening them for the inspection of the pul,Ec. We cordially invite the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to give us a call, and examine for themselves, as we feel satisfied they will want no other recommendation to induce them to boy. We are determined to keep nothing but good Goods and to sell cheaper than the cheapest for the cash. Give us a eel, no trouble to show goods. April 5, Iftato. Stauffer & Harley. CIICAP WATCHES & JEWELRY, whole sale and retai 11. at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry of Nu. - 90 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gum Lever Watches, full jeAled, IS eart4 cases, $:B 00; Gold Lopiues. tO carat, $24 00"; Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le piues,jewels, $9 00; superior Quartiers,S7 00; 0..11 Spectacles. $7 - 00; fine Silver do. $1 50; Gold Bragelets, $3 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils. $1 09; Silver Tea Spoons, set, $6 00; Gold' P k tas, wish pencil and silver holder, sl'oo. a t i z t itrz Rin , vl,3Ticentirto sBo;Wateh . e cents; patent 18i; Lunet 61 .92 :. ) c itr6portion. All goods warranted to be what they ere "sold fur., "STA I;FF.KIi. & 11. ARLEY. 'Oa hawk somo i sold and' silver Levers and Lepinea. still tower ppinihalibovelirices. 1.337 Elheads & Breeder !Tate conatal4lLekliand, at their yard U ou 'WasbingterPeeT Railroad streets, iziwur_of River aid Illeuntefik White Pine, Matlock; A - 4 21140, Ash; lui•-41ellirda," Plank, I/ • &rod; *hieing' and Stilidditnit: They • ready ` to Bildt dram at ihe short est, nolieqtor aey anyeat,-tor titillelug per. ptikkei,"*Vprices *thief t *RI emporia' above Who veal favor them with a eall. They have Arse 'en laad a los etWorked Pioaring, Win dow Resit: ',Peen; for fencing, Plastering egad Shisen Laths: Ic. 12lettyrs, may 3, 1858. -I- • • lls iilielablaltriblkibilialedttiiiliotod to - ti l f t • .ii ;: i t''..iel l l ! M rH teArg•3f l t t tr" ;4.0 09441 1 / 4 ,. itr z ogi eit i rO i tt .'?;rr,;-1 • "i ; -, k. . - la l gO l art C in ' Ob . 'Omi* . _ , .;, =lit FREE J. C. GUINN & BRO Bargains all the Tinle! YEW GOODS received ever y week at .L\ SAMSON'S Alg. 9, 1853. Mar tl3 Way AFOR Tfl is NEW FIRM:—No. 1, awl 3 ;old rl'agon Saddles, Trotti•o7, and Carriage Ilar oe,s, Br 311+1a, Ilair, hail e.,mmon (.; DriA ing; Ilrialeq. Mat II liters, Iforsk. Co% al a anii Fly N l`ts moty tloseril lion ; Whips, &e., jto.t re •r.i%e.l at.,i frr ;:le astooishingly lwx. at l',lllN;;M.\ N CULP'S, sigu of tLo "BIG 110) r," cr , burg street. 3lay 10, I's t. A. MEthiot & Son's Sor.l .IND ruilmnitE kJ NoB. `.!l' N. C ty ,tree t, Baltimore, (near F. , yetto g!. ) from Gay Fre.kei,k e.t:oll'tklinient „r the kiwi in tin! I Hi Inind a l arD s ,rtnont f vvctara , •n • ufllt)!'Si:- ital.!) AND oFrik2r, FUItNITIiRE, en. - I ,rat.licig -I.lureau., 8010r.r 1, , Marre4ses t Cotton-and Hair, Spring 11.-.1 , 4, 6 Tete•a , c,..,,ir., Et,, , wrop, 31arido Se•teert, lteetaptitot avd Uphoktered Maim, Al rorkil Cut r of Cuda .. , , e fitraiture, Oifice Chaim Barber Ceihs ern! et nalen, Nat Ltaeks, Mill Furniture, Gilt and NV Llnnt Frame Looking Gla.v.ex, Ni,h•tourds, Extension of et ery length. Per9ollP liklt/Seti to purelia.e are invitea to call and gite our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workman ship is not evalind br 311 v estaldieluncot the country. A. M.IIiITOT Sc SON. Nos. t.Zi :-7 N. Gay AtreQt. Aug. 2, 165:4. 1 v New Livery Establish n3l:. CLISRLES M. TATE has opened it I,CNV Livery eitni,lishinent, at the t table+ on Witabington street, occupied in port by the, "Eagle Hotel." and has made _such arrawre meists as will enable him to fleet:min:Mote tle halilic at all time-, on reasonable termsoxith orses,Bngaie hack', ac. Ills stock is good. Ou funeral occasions, &e., he will lie able to supply a want which has been much needed. itiorTerms CA.SII. May 24, ------------ --- Elastic Cement - Rooting. Tim subscriber is prepared to contract and L put on at the shortest notice, W.X. - elsilir olr Cu's. Fire a,uL Water IN'eo. s t,sllastie Cement Roofing. It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in paint of durability is equal, if let superior, to any tletalic ltuufing. 11 can be put on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle ?Oafs, boa ever flat or steep they may be. In pint of re--isting the elements of fire and water, within; has yet bcion discovered eilibta to the Elastic Cement. Those who have used it, haretestifled that it is the very perfection of Ithatlng. and that there is no further room for improvement No one will now think of putting en shingles, when this Cement can be bad fur much less , money said will outwear fear shingle roots. This - Roofing is warranted as reprebeni ed. The Elastic Cement is tlieefiespest and best protection from decay fur wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also the best taint -foe iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever arplicd per fectly excludes dampness : The subscriber has this Cement far sale, ilatel quantities to suit. Fur further information, nobly to Froderidt - 4.,0113, if
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