R. a.1110,110.,.11!&!ser Prorkommrt gETTFSBURG, PA *TON awning, PTV in. mat Tic STATE TICKET. MCI or CART, WILLIAM 4 rt. 1111211, of Philadelphia. o4v,,t.onaittaaiowita, ITE6lll . rr q.osT, of rajetia twenty. ps4qc /F 4 rip coCATY T/OrEr.- coxartss, WI LSO REILLY, of Chambersburg assitssir, pHARLita WILL, of U.tford tprosbip. 4411110CIATI IS/tie WI VI, of Ifootioitop too: nsbir . coriftspcilfil, DANFL CIERIBLYA?f, of Union township. mirror or Tor. rood, 4BILAIL9I IirANGLMR, or Cuwbvtand twp k • stnpros, JACOB !Mtn:, or l Ger!4aßT townsilip cl ) Sclinh W. jtuA, or Menalien township AMIP•Ttig NmEnifes! Xffilariticitrrsi* o! &d • - OSCX . MO R E E CSTO 771. E liit TV, E-FIEL D ,'" people of Adams county are insiten t to Ilidetings of the Democracy, to be iield at the following times and places, Iris: GRT7TSBGTC, on Monday evening next, In' PAIR F 141.1). on Tuesday evening, Sept. ' Stk. Iw ABBOITSTOIFY, on Wednesday after noon, Sept. 29th. Iw LEIISIII U WIV, on Wednesday evening, 29th. LI7TLENTOIP X, on Thuroday evening, Sept. 30th. IMIDLERSBURd, on Friday erening, Oet.lot. HON. WILSON RECLLY, the Detnottratic candidate fur Congress in Shia District, is espected to address all these sad speeches will be made by other advocate. at tb. 0 good old clause." COME ALL! Do not fail to hear the able and eloquent ehampion of Democracy, Mr. Reilly. :10 order of the Democratic Co. Com., 11. I. STAIILE, Chairman. Sept. Z), 1858. Democrats 1 Rally !Ra ! fur the GOOD OLD CArSe."--.. For _Equal Rights and Equal Laws ! ADKMOCTIATIC MEETING will take place IL at Caledonia Springs, on Friday, the t 4114 of Odeber Next. at 12 o ek. M.; and in the Bvenitagof that day, at G o'clock. the Democra cy will bold a meeting at the house of David Goodyear. (Graeffenherg Springs.) Hoes. Wilson Reilly. James Sill, George W. Brewer. and J. W. Donee., Esq.. of Franklin county, and Jesse D. 'Newman, Esq. and H. J. Byt_tkle. of Adams. are expe;ted to evidraws *0 Meetings. OTTCUMIC %V IT 4CSI 7 . ! Sept. 27,18 NI. ^re "Ircrea Assessed ? .gTery Toter should at once sec to it, that he has been regularly assessed. This must be done at least TEN PATS BEFORE THE ELECTION, laud the election takes place two weeks from to-morrow. By attending o this Metter much trouble and annoy ance alight, be saved—by neglecting it, many ?Otos might be lost, and the safe ;y of the ticket might be endarigertxl. Those who see this, are requested to •Femind their neighbors of the import ance of seeing to this matter without SWAY- il-REMEMBER, IT MUST 13E IX/NETEN DAYS BEFORE THE DAY OF ELECTION'. Friday next 4 the last day. UlEiDertlasSis. 110/3. WILSON REILLY, the Dem ocratic nominee for Congress in this dis trict, will speak, during the present Week, in this place, Fairfield, Abbotts town, Irishtown, Littlestown and Heid lersburg, and on the Bth et October at Gs!adonis Springs and at David Good- Lee:'s, (Graffenberg Springs.) It is Oat the poople will turn out in large numkers to hear him. lie is an eloquent and impressive speaker, and is said in this eglivass even to excel his former efforts. paying in Uddition rut EIGHT on his side, he cannot fail to raAp a deep impression An tile minds of his hearers. To the workor }0 the imz:ooc OLD CAT.:SE " ho will endear tuirn seltptill more. TURN OUT IN TQIJR PirriENGT4 fliireithitt.xs WILL voted against "ox tra pay" last, winter, and if eleetgas (lrbith we 4o not doubt) ho will do so *pia. As to' the Tonnage Tax, ho pledged himself a year ago to vote *plot. its repoal, and thst pledge ho considers As Wading now as then.— The vreigion did not pis° during the last sessimel if it had, he would have voted *Visa rtileni, Mill tut n 4 all the time. sllllrOar intelligence trim all parts of this Coagreadousd district is cheering. Hos. Wttmox ni e ty- win be elected 09 , llkisi,lf coakt Inner, quijor4,Y 1 Ogle he woe Ora yaws aga r ;. BE fiN TO(J'Alt - We do not wish to iallipt Doormen's of Adams, a take* opt or 03thoistitticel, es Democrats, should do' on , the seeped Inipsdiv of next October. You KNOW TOME DCIT, AND WE FEEL CONFI DENT THAT YOU WILL DO IT FAITHFULLY. You havo before you a tickot notninated by your own chosen delegates to a Conn!) , Convention.-1 Every man upon it is qualified for the duties be" will bo retfilited to perform, ! if elected.; It would be folly to multi-! ply words to - prove that you CAN carry it trluiiiphattlir tlirongtr- the -bollot-i boxes, ir TOD. . Ic is yost, Dxstoccers, in determine, whether pou will give to tho opposition the triumph of dofoaang any portion of year ticket. Wo have no doubt that our opponents will secretly assail our candidates, and attempt by various misrepresentations! W weaken your faith in the men your delegates have placed in nomination.— LOOK OUr FOR ALL KINDS OP NISEI:PRE-! avlTArioss. Remember that nothing! will be left undone by the opposition to defeat the Democratic ticket in this county, of: a portion of it, and that their hopes are all based upon the supposi tion that you will be inactive, luke warm, anil indifferent. They know that A YULA, DEMOCRATIC VOTE IS A CER TAIN DEMCKIRATIC VlCTORY—impress this fnet upon their minds by beiug wide I awake, by ceaseless energy, by umlimin ished vigilance, and by going to the polls and voting the whole Democratic ticket, without scratching from it a i single name. DO THIS A\ I) THE t VICTORY WILL BE CERTAIN ! "If to make known the official acts of a public Representative, when he comes before the people to render a stewardship of the trust committed to him, be 'mean,' so be it."—&/itimel. Itirlt is eery" mean " to misrepresent the " official acts of a public Represent ative," and falsify the public records. The editor of the Sentinel knows as err thinly as be lives that CUAIILEti WILL voted, (on a call of the yeas and nays, when every vote must show in " black and white,") AGAINST the "extra pay " to members of the Legislature, and yet in his paper ho would have the public believe that ho voted for it. But we will PROVE the Sentinel's " meanness" and falsification on this question from its own colinn ns. -- rn its issue of August 30th it is admitted that Mr. WILL voted " for striking oat .' the additional 8200, and In the issue of the 13th instant, it is coolly dechred "That the Compiler misstates the facts when ft says that 'Mr. Will voted against the additional pay to members r " Do not these two directly opposite positions of tho Sentinel, taken with so brief an interval, exhibit the coolest kind of " meanness 7" .4!LinLartheoz- "17ziOs.isa.el Cut!" Tho &ntinel, after cndor.ing the act a year ago, now declares Major Mussxn- MAX'S acceptance of "extra pay," as a member of the Legislature, a "WRONG." This Is not only unkind towards the Major, Lut placer the edi tor of that paper in no very enviable position for consistency. There is, however, "more of the same sort." Mr. Musselman, whilst in the house, voted for the repeal of the Tonnage Tax on the Central Railroad. The Sentinel and tho Star jastified tho vote a year back, but now, when Mr. Duanoa.tw endeavors to create an impression that ho would vote against the repeal, ///.5 position is pronounced "ORT1101)0X," by - these papers. What think you of such treatment in the "house of your own friends," Major Mussel:min ? Your accepts - nee of "ex tra pay" is now Lead to have been " wrong" by the Sentinel ; and your vote for the repeal . of the Tonnal,re Tax is now looked upon as having been wanting in " ortAodary" by the editors of the Star and the Sentinel, and by Mr. DulittOtLAW! • liiirLET IT I3E REMEMBERED, that FIFTY-ONE members of the op. positton in Congress voted fur the tariff of 1857, which- they now say is so ruin pas to the interests of Pennsylvania, proi that had they all voted against it, the iniieitowt measure would have been defeate4. • =I iT BE REMEMBERED, that .10.11.); IL. 'gm), the leader of the opposition in the present contest, bigateit a letter congrutahtting Goorgo X. Dallas upon his rote in favor of the tariff of 1846, and that he pronounced It 4 4 A LAW FOR THE EQU.11.14 BEN. EFITOF TILE %MOLE PEOPLE." Xagisrs&T-:•An c!uetion of members of OW Uri" . Llgislature takes phum itvlialimillYo ll the lest liondity in next month: 'Thd Legislature to be elected ifll OS pu the first Monday in Jan-, MOW body, it is eigieeted - , *ill, eomieationtio the formation of a ?Mallon. /a no 4wesii amid gisettiors k et r consimed,' Ileiral*sed vi# lo4 6l 4l m_ )09 1 4 11 altor ti a meet. 0, 1 1 1 .40 1 0 1 1001M.V1 le ether OW/WIN 901 met, irtieß .losiostedmin 4siwg /a elliw: 4 l 4 tr taw& %ID 4k1.4 1 .4041 - 40.awiss . pm Ott alimwitAWatil 1140 1149 .0 0 0W004 1 0 1 , 1 Prinhe '44010010,1014,h.' " Da es m3fzLrA es sus." Irks - orl, 4 4lmits,tion men4 l llo Milne up its the Irons% at list• rim, Lid wilterg Orin the colloid- i seem determined to humbug 'raters in motion of the A km WI Mr. ' rd tothe T In t -' ' The editem of : rep, a or_ • NW moved to st l =4 a section or ! tho Star and the Sentinel show -a ner that bill a clause allowing $206 addi- yetis an xiety on the subject, and " t rem tional pay, and on seald of therms and Me in their shoes" at the bare mention nays, the result was, 41 for striking ,of THE FACT that FIFTY-ONE a4m. out and 44 fur retaining the p rovision. bers of their own party in Congress Hero is the vote., as taken from the . voted fur the repeal of the admirable 'louse Journal, a Copy of Which Can be 4)OMOCratiC Tariff of 1840. and In favor sip 0 tilisPilke by a ny one who /1/ "Y 'of the " rolnons" act of 1857. so desire: ' These journals cannot be brought to IX FAVOR 419 'STRIKING GUT—Messrs.' admit that the bill of 1857 was Ira 1:1104 %hraml, Brstdt, Dodds, Gnaw, Gilliland, Glata, Oritman, Daniel, Hay, Hayes, Hodgson, by a Black Republican Committee of Jenkins, Kincaid; Loret, McDonald, Negly, , „ War and M eans—tens reported by a nit- Nansmaker, Gwen, Powell, Pownal., t - el Price, Ramsdell, ((oath, Roland. Ruse, Ropp,-+ Black Republican chairman, Lawn D. sharp, Shields, Stephens, Stewart, Tosser, i CAMPBELL, the leader In the House— Voegt ly. Warden, Westbrook, Wharton, WILL, . Whop., Wolf, Woodring, and Longaker, Speak- and was carried by the votes of fifty er-41. one members of the Black Republican AGAINST STRIKING Orr—Messrs. Atkin, nieces, Bower, Bruce, Calhoun, Costner, Chas*, Know Nothing party; but they dare Christy,erairfoni, J. 11. Donneily, Jac Donnelly, , not deny any one of these points! There Dunlap, Ebur, Evans, Faster, llimrod, Hippie, Hoots, Imbrie, Irwin, -Teetotal', KirkpairiA, is too much " black and white" to Leona,Lawrence, Loyd , WI-lain, McClure, PROVE them all, as these editors very Mangle, N'ichols, Ramsey, Rhodes, Scott, Shaw, . Smith t Berks), smith tl'ltillbria), Smith (Nl*- , Well know; and hence they resort to oming) , Warner, Weaver , Weiler, Wells, Wii" ' special pleading and falsehood to bolster cot, Williams, Williston and Ye.irsly-44. See House Journal, pages 551 and 552. , np a bad case. The following, from the Pennsyl ra nian, is in place just here : The basis of the Democratic platform on the st.bjeet of a Tariff during the campaign of 1844, was a letter written by Jalnes K. Polk, the candidate of the Democracy for Presidei.t, to the lute distinguished Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Eas tern District of this State, lion. John K. Kane, in which Mr. Polk ent.nciated the following doctrines upon the sub ject of' a Tariff. We call especial atten tion, to the extract, as it is both curious and instructive when paralleled with the rectutt declaration of the People's Convention of this State upon the same subject. Mr. Polk said : " I am in favor of a tariff for revenue, such an one as will yield a sufficient amount to the T 1 eaanry to defray the expense'( of the Govern ment economically administered. In adjusting the det.iils of* revenue tariff I hale heretofore sanctioned such moderate discriminating du ties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and ut the sumo time off,,rd reasonable incidental protection to our hume Industry."—June I'J, tt4&. When tins position was taker by the Democratic party, it was detioinced by the Opposition in all section 4 of the country, as free trade of the caliket and must injurious character, and those %vim supported it, us deadly eneinis to the prosperity of the country , usiliarere they honest in the position th n taken against the Polk-Kano lett r? Let subsegaent facts MIA wen The People's Convention which recently a sembled at Harrisburg, announced the tpllowing Its the principles of that party en the subject of a tariff: i 1 Resolved, That the revenue necesPary f or a judicious and economical administration of the Government should be raised by the imposition of duties upon foreign hep.irta, unit in laying them, such discriminating protection should be gives as Um secure toe rights of tree labor awl Al/Orients industry. Is this pot an abandonment of the whole theory of protection for the sake of protection, and the NU recognition of the doctrines laid down 'by - .1:1•Ile8 Thew. VCrlll. rhocilgo Whenever the Star rianagers find themselves "badly- caught " in their at tempts to injure Democratic candidates by misrepresentation and falsehood, and are closely pressed with questions call ing upon them for the truth, they invar iably evade all direct issues, and point their pop guns towards the writer of the Compiler. We always regard this as an auspicious sign—as an evidence on their part that the Democratic tick et is a first rate one, against a hich even they cannot say anything more having a plausible face. And so at this time. The managers are beginning to discov er that their downright lies in regard to CHARLES WILL are being found out— that the "shot" fired into their rotten old ship on Mr. Musselman's "extra pay business," are getting to bo uncom fortably "hot," and that something must ho done to ward them off. They resort to the usual remedy, of course— abuse of the Compiler. The Democratic candidates may feel themselves compli mented by this "back down" of the Star managers. Ire certainly do. But, still, we should like to know— rind the public would doubtless like to know—because the question is so easily answered—whether Major 3111:8SELMAN, us a inumbor,of the Legislature, did not take $2OO extra pay—and whether the Star and Sentinel found fault with him fur so doing ? Come up to the rack, gentlemen ! You kiwi. the facts--out with thorn Or are you apprehensive that if you tell TIM TRUTtt in this matter, you would not hereafter " by believed on oath r" 7:3om.cmzura.ta, When you arc approached by Know Nothing Black Republican (or " Peoples' ") candidates, mid your votes solicited, fe;u•lessly say to them— to all of them : " Sirs, you are the candidates of a party whose presses, leaders, and " rank and file," hare heaped the coarsest epithets upon our cause—who denounct4 us as pro-slarerg advocates—as being opposed to the indu.strial interests of the c.untry, —who proscribed an honest man beta use he happened to be born on a foreign soil, and proclaimed that a man's religion was a barrier to official preferment, and refus ed to extend to hitu the equal pririleges f an American citizen if he dared to worship God according to the dictates of his OW It conscience—your "People's party" is nothing more, nor less, titan a conglomera tion of .124Tublicans, Know Nuthinys, and Abolitionists, banded together to secure the spoi! . .l of otlice,—and for all these cour tesies, fair sirs, we'll lend you 'VOTES —when we are waling to become the patient objects of your open and continued assaults. and your silly, flattered dupes, to suit, by turns, your humors or your purposes .' Mir Th e Star says &twat. Dannoa ♦W is "pledged" to vote against "extra pay." Re is very careful, however, not to pledge himself not to take it ! The Star further says Mr. Durboraw is "pledged" to vote against a repeal of the Tonnage Tax. This is not true. Mr. Durixpraw says, in 'his letter to Jacob ltesscr, that ho would vote against the repeal unless Le "rout.! be Rat. iefied that a repeal would bring more ?no. ney into the Treasury of the State." This is a large loop-hole--quito large enough to admit Mr. Durboraw into the kindly embraces of the Central Railroad Cu in pany. That mammoth corporation is possessed of winning ways. I= *sr The editor of this paper never charged Major Mamma/LAN with vot ing for the extra pay" to members. We could not find mote of his on tho subject between the lids of the House Joarnal--and whatoVer his votes did not prove, he was not charged with by via. We did not seek to misrepresent or pervert has public record, as the Star and Sentinel are that *fain) Democratic nominee, Mr. Wm. liti:Maspelman's votes on tile isle of the Mein Lino, the repeal of the Tonnage Tea, and in hvor the Saukty *Wait *taut, 'owe qutteanoueg.,: That tboaarOtesasoord ed at tb. tine AO*Nttimpa - Barents of Abe flan lihur IP* Wilmot doubt, aataitlastattJi 'iterifify Amid to botottrottiennoo.oll :- tboiftfet. 'of We Tommie"Aix bow. 4:, • • - • • -• ' 411/011140414- - iiiPAir Out Wait #s is au iptosisztxliuoi • 7.74 ismow • 7 4 i .;.;4 , ,,„ .14 • *4417 7 404 _Cp K. Polk in the letter from . hich we have presented the extract' Most as suredly it is. The resolution of the People's Convention is a fair copy of the Kane letter, with only such altern tiOns as afro applita! le to the contest in this State, And yet alter thus desert ing their old- ground. on the question of protevtion,and placing in nomination a lifeslong, ultra free-trade maa, John M. Wad, the People's party hay the ef frontery to call upon the citizens of the Old Keystone State for their suf. fragos, and to base that call on their consistent support or the protective idea it reference to a Wilt The elk is, the wholuciamor which the People's party has gotten up on this question in dishohest and deceptive. The Opposi tion has always treated this great mat ter as a 'acre electioneering scheme, and the conduct of the Black Republi cans in the Congress of 1857, when they reduced the tariff of 1856, under tin pressure of Eastern gold , is a forci ble commentary upon their tarlt' pro tection. Will the people look to the forts t)retenled The Duty on Iron.—Fifty-onp Repub licans in the House of Representatives which elected Banks Speaker, 'being a majority of Republicans in the House, voted in 1g57 to roduco the duty on iron from thirty to twenty-four per cent The same party which reduced the duty is now making great professions of its devotion to the iron interest, and its de sire to see it protected in the iron "dis tricts" of Pennsylvania and Ohio What would they give if they could blot oat the above facts from their record. —Reading Gazette. Railroad Accident—Bridge Fired by nn Incendiary--Train Precipitated into the Ittrer.—Kr. Lot; ts. Sept. 18.—A train on the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad met with a serious accident on the 13th inst., at the Platte river bridge, ten miles east of St. Yosepits, by tvhich two I:thumps were drownod. George Thom p son, the engineer, and two firemen, were badly hurt, and two or three passongers injured. The bridge is sup posed to have been fired by au incendi ary, and was so much burned beneath that tt hen the locomotive reached it the ntiro structure fell, precipitating the whole train ion tiro The Prrsidext at Wheatland.—Presi dent; Buchanan arrived at Wheatland, of Thursday afternoon—haring taken a private conveyance at .Culnmbla, in preference to coming down from that place in the cars. On Feclity he re: , mained at home , and was irisitetC , l4l many of bis yid Saturday be spout pretty much city, ceiling to 800 his soqueintanees and attending to business, sol d tor flbri% day be attended the Pr ism Chareb, ettiuge Amt. no ovearsto bo health, ind sausitajry cheorret and buoyant in spirits., Wo have never seen him look keger.. lio leaves for a?or'io-ino r. orioino r9w , e,Tomeaster of the 210. INIPThe Xnpar *llll4tirii publican email, qmWill.*: ribodY WM! 1)40 11 P . Daileplabed .IW.llliMaiiutuit " Two, uponjboir del* fitrononor. thing of the ! sertew Is the " IMpOrt4nt COrrefipe 0. donciii7 that the Know - Nothing-papers of }lair place avert med between Ja- cob Reeser, of East n, and Satunel Durboraw, Erq., of Mountjoy. These two worthies, it scents, have taken the affairs of the State into hand, and wo may look for an overflowing treasury next year, if Mr. Darboraw be permit- , , ted to go to Harrisburg, and " become satisfied that a repeal of the Tonnage tax would bring more money into the treasury of the State." How the repeal of the Tonnage tax could bring more money into the State Treasury Mr. Durboraw says not, and it is to be hoped Jacob Reamer will " hit him • again ts on the subject, and get him to explain himself fully, as his answer is I ambiguous and indirect. He answers straight out on the extra pay question, j bat then there is not the least' doubt that Major Musselman would have signed a similar letter, in ease ono of the kind had been prepared fur and suited the occasion. Some years ago there was a man in your town, occupy , ing a more public and important posi ' non than Mr. Durboraw, who declared I ho would take the Presidency at the low rate of $5OOO per annum, instead of . 825,000, and mala , money besides Mr. Durboraw allows himself a loop hole on the subject of the repeal of the Tonnage law , by which he can -creap ' out, in ease ho should become satisfied to do so, and ho knows, and every body knows, that any ''in luence" that ho might "use" to have " the old compensa tion of $5OO restored" would amount to so little that it could do no harm. So he is safe again on that promise. I am toldihe managers and wire-pal lers of your place are a , good deal puz• zled about the name of their party . • The Know Nothings wanted to use the term American, 1% bile the Republicans objected, because it implied a distinction b e tween native and adopted citizens.— Thew had tried that experiment and the result was riot very succesiful : so they finally agreed to cast off all old names, and ber:in in the new, with the admirable title of " People's County Ticket." Don't it look " g rand, gloomy and sublime" at the head of the Star land Bann(r, and Adams Si Wind! Next year they will have to eliatv , e their name 14, ain, but ( what one they will at:opt I cannot imagine. Know Notbingism has played the mischief uitli the calculations and tenets of the Star anti Sentinel in this counts - . The Sentinel has not so mueli to answer for in the matter as the Star, but it laments duke/wilts not less, be , cause it has shared the loss of the as cendency equ a lly with the Star. They ate now both busy in trying to regain their former po,.itioo, by resort ing to every stratagem they can invent and b y abusing every Denna•rat _Plat happens to cross their path, from James Bitchanan down. Such preseriptiee journals as these. caused the distnemberMent of the old Whig party, and gave this county" over to the Democrats." So long as they continue true to their natural instincts, we have nothing to fear. We have the majority in the county, and if we want to rally the people :n , l iutluce them to tutu out on the day of election to the man, all we have to do is to Lrice them an occasional nuMber ur two of the Star and Sentinel, tilled with tleeir usual quantity of abuse anu misrepresenta tion, and my word for it, the people will respond to the call like they hare dune ever sines) the revolution of 1851. rot Me Compiler. .31R Emma Bo good enough to al tow me a small spttee in your columns. I am a plain farmer, with very liule in clination to participate aetively ill poli tics. But. it' classed at all, 1 would be put down amoug what you would style the "Opposition." Notwithstanding Otis, however, the deep concern I feel for the proper filling of the oftiea of As sociate Judge, constrains me to say that I feel bound, by my luty as at citi zen, to vote for the nominee of your party, J udge4sAAc E. WIMINIAN. His qualifications so admirably tit him for the post—being possessed of sound dis crhnmation, a deep sense of right, nn active business turn, and of irreproach ably good character and correct habits —that there can be no risk in electing him. He is the very kind of man al ways needed on the bunch, as he has already proven himself to be. Voters should think .of this matter, and cast their ballots under a duo sense of what they owe to the administration of the law. If abused, law buoomos the veri est fere°. Jlr. DAvis has been throng!) this district electioneering, but with very doubtful succesa. nLTo MR. SIMMS :—I am vory fond of reading newspapers, and read all I get hold of. I lair° just read a Chambers burg paper of the'Opposition culled tho Repository, in whieli there is a long pioco about Mr. McPherson, making. a hundred times greater man of him than 1 ever knew him to bo considered bore, and in the same paporotho party op posed to him- are called " Nigger 1)e. mocracy," and other ugly names no less offensive. It' occurred to me that Mr. Merherson,when an cditor,wrote equal ly without truth'of the Demoerats, but yet now wants some of them to vote for him to put him In the high scat of Con gress. Thom) things don't look oxaot ly fair, arid -although poor and a me chanic, rwlll tint show tio little self-re 'poet as to vote for a man who has al ways so badly abused my party, and has not scorned to oaru shoat- saying oven "how are you ?". to a common mail, yeti/ Ae roasted to be a candidate for Congress. lie must think thu votes of poor porpio airo vilx-pckesp.• • 01. D COVNTRY. ME lierebte ikok—A Maa Re.rrg oa a Suitt 100 Reveintiensa .3!us 44 + UnT ibl° N. accident 11. : 111 sinoe apki i- ,014 , O Renri.tibtateU s ite lliiiik " I , wriseada o r w that. PrUA All:14119o$411 " d o jams , itibatortileit gt4ll _1,74; Malt f • *ale 'Alaalapped seam aa lvolitinct I**lveire , 441104alicla afty. 3Cazi4iiimal.ll iwibi:lUml.t4:o Maadr‘AlLt• The Adams county organs of Mr. McPherson, not - consent with insulting the peoplo by forcing upon them a can didate who can scarcely be said to have a residence in the District, ave singled out, as the special object of their con tumely, Mr. Joseph Pa mroy, who was tho opposition candidate two years ago. The Adams Sf:ntinel says : 010■01,.. " Hon. Wilson Reilly has been re-nominated fur Congress by the Lecompton Democrats of this district. Ue will not walk cot erthe course as smoothly as be did two years ago. Ile has a tete to oppose him sow, who will meet him where he tLen blew his trompliet undisturbed." It appears that, in tho estimation of Mr. McPherson and his most inti mate friends, Joseph Punmy, an old and esteemed citizen of this District, is not a "min:" We supposo Mr. Mc- Pherson has made a man of himself by skyting about the State—running from one place to another—now acting as' newspaper correspondent at Hai risburg and again editing newspapers " hero, there and everywhere.' That's - the' way " Young America " gets up her men theso days. Sho puts a "smart" youngster at College—mwsts mole in him than will ever be got out of him— listens to a " spread eagle" address from him when ho gets his sheepskiu— pa ts a cigar in his mouth and a tuft of hair on his upper lip, and sends him nkytiny around with a lordly opinion of himself and a sovereign contempt for plain substantial people.—Cliambersburg Spirit. The Republican of this place and that nice young man, Mr. McPherson, who is so exceedingly anxions to represent the people of this District in the next Congress, can't quite agree upon some Mr.MePherson puts down the expenditures of the General Govern ment for 1i31.3,:tt 61U:3,5:16,727 75, whilst oar neighbor, who koows a thing or two, says that the expenditures amount to 1. 4 .0,000,000 in round figures! Now, here is wily a t difference of $23,850,- 727 75 between these valacions tilers. We suspect that the difference between these worthies is only in de gree, Mr. McPherson being the greater liar of the two ! When these gentle men commenced the , T stern of rnt,ifieß- Lion, limy should have consulted togeth er, made the expenditures a sum and then swore it through, on the principle or the chap who swore that the horse was fifteen feet high. Go it, wollies. Tom Pepper is no cc/Mr.—Ft& toil Democrat. Wiser I=2.l.aixt aixa,trit. Before the Democratic county con cention assembled in Berk.; county, J. Lawrence Getz, Esq.. the able ed tor of the Beading Gazette, violently opposed thu remoiniaatiuti of the Hon J. Glan cy Jones, fi r (.ongress. After the nomination of that.. genreinail was Li lecied, )1r Getz-laid aside his opposi tion ; and he is now manfully battling fur the success of the tionintee. This is nothing more than we expected of Mr. Getz, knowing as we to the sterling Democracy of the man. IL) has no sympathy with disorgaui=ttion, and the manner ill which 110 to marshal the Democratic inrces of "Old Berks" into line, is tOmmt,ntlablo in the highest degree. When a ii•linitia Lion is (nice hmilo, all good and trite Democrats will sustain it, no matter how touch they May have been in tit_ action of a o„nivention. It is this spirit of loyalty and devotion to principle, that makes the Democratic party invin cible.— York Ga:ctte. 'The Repo.ittory tt• Transcript, of Chumbersiirg, is working very hard to manufacture u (freat ;Ham of Mr. `lts I. I IIONOII Notwithstamilug the seam ty of materinl, that paper, by dint of nn extrit quantity cf s,eketnng eulogy and unmerited praise, works itself up into that belief. It will be hard for q u it pa per to convince the honest masses of this district, that a dionlytied Omit, with un overwlitil.ming amount of vat i‘y Itko Mr. McPherson, can at all compare with a self-made ratan—a man or the people-- like Mr. %AU/. Mr. Ittilly has been born and 'bred in the midst of the people of Franklin county, and has workts.: his od•ii way to eminence in hits profession without the aid of money or influential friends. A teorkuly ni.ii himself, he is a true representative of the people and deserves the support of alt who "earn their bread by the sweat of their browa./'—Fdton Democrat. Perilous Position of two roung Boys. Volunteer Aeronteuts.- , --We learn by a passenrr over tau Ohio and Mississip pia Railroad, who arrived yesterday morning: that cn Friday afternoon there was n balloon ascension from the Illinois State Fairground,- Centralia. The aeronaut estop/tied at four o'clock P. M., anti at .is c'elock descended about ten miles southeast of Centralia, and fas tening his balloon to a fence went into a house near by for, refreshments. While lie was °ming, two boys, one 8 and t,ife other 4 years Old, clambered into the ear ofthe bal:oon and unfastened the ropp. The balloon ascended rapidly and when oar informant left nothing had been heard from the young adven turers.—Cin. For /be C.mpV.r We were disposed to doubt the above story, but the Louisville Journal, of Tuesday, says: Mr. Mullen, of the John Gault, who arrived last night from Cairo and passed through Centralia, confirms it, and brings the welcome intelligence of the safety of the children: The oldest was *gin- IS appear' that 'the affair caused the most tremendous excitement, and hundreds Urinal out and followed tho balloon until it was out of sight.. It is supposed that it went up two miles.-- On Sunday morning a farmer, who re sided some nineteen miles from Centra lia, discovered the balloon fa a tree, where it had caught, and the children in it. lie immediately chimed up on it, and found the little boy asleep, the girl having taken off her apron and wrapped it around him •to keep hint -srarin..— Neither of -thein-etanned alarniech 4 1, if they toad been they had get onarit,ned *erepertratitly - temposed: ' Ito brought the children and - the balloon dOWn and conveyed them tome. The Pere of )it oonizig rsorr. Pkipt. 21.—The Willem which oorricti off iii.:Pligniton MOW Ito* ft - haw Nom 4110011kiliedo Aft Almo .041,Y4 -BeWsto ,*eirt Conadir-west. irlutraton. WAS 416 16, ar# o o 4410 • 41"4+ His boliy ci9,00041.t4 be fit the.' dear the luxe* 1444 4 Muck 111,A44106 iktrOlVecriblir, /911 .AL Zal.c. Out ! & eolto affiitia. Lmz B Destrayed. The large Bank Bars, almost now, or Mr. EPHRAIM latzsaitirXotzetpleasant township, was diseavered fire at about 12 o'cktalt CM gist last, and In a short time it 'My consumed, with the intasan'e;`grops of grain and hay, and his farnsflAidmple.- monts. Several horses mare then out before the fire reached the 444 below. It is generally supposed ..I,,bat,ll;vrae the, work of some dastardly Inneatilamnot cven a lantern haring been used *boat the barn Tor several nights... The entire loss will probably reach 112000, upon which there is an insurance in the Adams - County Company of about. 814 00. Bailioad Celebration.. The celebration of the oomplatitgiot, the Gettysburg Railroad as far as Genlden's Station, on Tbursdaylltstiat.., trotted quito a crowd of persons to tlmt point, mainly from tbo sanoand ing country. The dinner gotten up by Mr. .Micitart. B. Mita.= wogi.tai) top-- the long table, erected in the• grove, fairly groaning beneath its. =Light of good thing.. All partaking: appoared to enjoy it with a keen relish, anclithero by paid no slight wmplituont toitha la- • dies at whose hands it was puepacut. Track-laying is now pregnsingfiest of the rock cut at Iditfrar"soueill than is nothing in the way torwent. She rapid completion of the stock botbiis pine*. Miles at Property. The Farm of the late Hear" RNA. Inge r, ficed., in Balk? togianshke, as sold us the 1 lilt inst., by Burkhart. Wert,. Administrator, at $43 pernotv _lli cline! Bare purchaser. Two- Isom t_ lots beks.-iging to the same estate were abbe saki—Leonard .LCuil pact:Us ing, the ore , at $l4 puracrei and Wiliiam sad floury Long tlan other, at $l5 06 per nem. The Tavern property in. lEratnytoth (belonging to John linop'sestnto;) Was recently .old at pahlio sale BisrOtttl2 75 —Solomon Cltronistor purehoner.—. Building lots in that ploor ueo uow bringing about MO. Tl.e Farm of Jacob Wolf, (It•seased, jn Tyrone towns hip, has- hem said by tti Adoiinistraotre, Mixisra. 111141 &motel Wolf—prim 1r37 75 per :tem. Peter Miller purchaser. Two Gettysburg town luta belottging to the , estate aria mes Majors, devettAed, were sold ott Satarday Irallik—Way tiright Ziegler part:ha:lag Os ) ow o f tire ueres at toll per aerv, and U. J. St,tlile the other, of four avim, at 'la per acre. The Very Thing. One of the hest csiutrived conven iences fur the heating of two or more rooms or stories of a buihling, that we have yet ;net with, is that furnished by the 4 .. 1 1101 1 6'41 1 g brut of Suxttxt,-Bub:n u:a & Keitrx. It is a beautiful and highly ornamental Stove, adapted for ream, Setting Room, dke., and so constructed us to have surplus heat earritst, by meting of does, to adjoining rooms, ur to the *mind or third storm", a:ul thus With one dre heat at pleasure any rowu 0:1 either door. means of neat registers, the heat is introduced into or shot old' from any room at pleas ure. We, have seen ono in operation at the residence of Mr. ROBERT &t' "in this pfhco, one of the memSers 4 this Firm, which works admirably, In point of oonvenienee, beauty, and ei:ono my, they meet a demand long The shove firm put up the Stove, and arrange the flues ready for use.—Sfar. derliessns. I'AXTON ir, .11.'11.nvricY have distolved partnership—the furiner retiring, and t h e latter continuing to conduct the husinose in hie own nan34. skir 1 a communication of "F." w ill Appear next 'reek. Orowded to-d ay, . srezr. The at,traots much atton- Lion. Fact and rimy. "TRH WORLD IN A RUT 11111LL:° The contest for Congress in the Sixth District of Maine is so close, that the resislt can only be determined by the official count. The Picayune says that the sugar cane prospects of Louisiana are remarkably one.— The new crop is expected to come in about the middle of the mouth. The Ifamous slare, Dred Scott, died in St. Louis on Friday week. The workmen hare !commenced demol ishing the brick wall round' the tomb of Frank lin, In Philadelphia, preparatory to raising in its place en iron railing through which the . tomb may be seen. \ew York, Sept. 20.—Tbe temporary buildings erected by the health coming/loners outside the quarantine grounds, for the 14C4111. modation of the sick islanders from the Infect- ed district, wan burnt last night. Washington,Sept.2o.—The Chubbliroth ers, bankers and brokers, suspended payment to-day. Their- liabilities _are not yet aster-. tainea. A ukase has been promulgated prohib iting the teaching of the Latin Language In all the colleges of the Basilan empire. The hoer" hitherto devoted to that study w,i4l). be devoted to other:pursuits. 4 Two of the prize crew had twarity-fire the Africans of the Echo hex, died since their. arrival at Charleston. :It la reported that the yellow fever has broken oat among the crew. A little girl In Louisville had Ipsr nowt bitten MY by a horse:one day last week, whria passieg under his head in the stable. .A frightful accident occurred at the State fair rousts In Sandusky on the 15tk 'lnst. An excited horse, on esktbaa o •l -- Contest for the prism,- Wok* latroolliolattis... barriers of the arena, and dashed ittemewerligr., 'people, injuring Ave peerage, 'people , fr. 1.011114114. they died soon after the accident. „ ......The New York 'Tribune says Astor paid his Ma bill to** rem** day last, the amount being ilitteOfkatisolllo l ol. al property and $BO, OO 011 ism 4.110154.--- ?Oink $85,090. "iirsllo.:4lli "Who's seen the Wry every where yr* r 1w be ens hundred 1018 t distan .—.t, and& mild* , b ""•91 - . Aataes of% ..ca , 411;ilibl sib ~~ ~. - . ~.~>` } .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers